mystara-digest Saturday, 21 September 1996 Volume 01 : Number 228 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Daniel Boese Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 20:58:23 -0400 (EST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] "Countries of the Known World in the Spelljammer Universe" > >Recently a group of psionicists have discussed > >using psionic means to cross into the world and explore. It is > >unknown of they have proceeded. > > According to Mystara's *canon* there are no psionics there. Of course, no one > prevents you from introducing psionics, that's your choice. However, there is a precedent for at least having a psionic wild talent on the Savage Coast, in place of a more 'normal' Legacy, Bruce. :) - -- Daniel Boese ------------------------------ From: Mail Delivery Subsystem Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 17:33:59 -0700 Subject: [Mystara] Returned mail: Service unavailable This is a MIME-encapsulated message - --RAA20747.843266039/ The original message was received at Fri, 20 Sep 1996 17:33:57 -0700 from [] ----- The following addresses had delivery problems ----- (unrecoverable error) (expanded from: ) ----- Transcript of session follows ----- ... while talking to >>> DATA <<< 554 Transaction failed. 554 Service unavailable ----- Original message follows ----- - --RAA20747.843266039/ Content-Type: message/rfc822 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (8.6.13/8.6.13) with SMTP id RAA20746 for ; Fri, 20 Sep 1996 17:33:57 -0700 From: X-AFWD: 43499329 Received: from MHS by with MHS id $T202077 ; Fri, 20 Sep 1996 17:26:50 -0800 Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 17:25:50 -0800 Message-ID: Subject: [Mystara] Returned mail: Service unavailable To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="tcpsmtp3025642ab8500ab35641ab" * Note * This message contains an attachement that has been encoded using * Note * the MIME standard. If you see this portion of the message, the * Note * mail client you are using does not understand MIME. - --tcpsmtp3025642ab8500ab35641ab Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Received: from [] by with smtp id $T202073 ; Fri, 20 Sep 1996 17:24:14 -0800 Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id RAA01761 for mystara-l-outgoing; Fri, 20 Sep 1996 17:02:40 -0500 Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) with ESMTP id QAA01580 for ; Fri, 20 Sep 1996 16:48:15 -0500 Received: from ( []) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id QAA00801 for ; Fri, 20 Sep 1996 16:23:38 -0500 (CDT) Received: from localhost (localhost) by (8.6.13/8.6.13) with internal id OAA19879; Fri, 20 Sep 1996 14:24:57 -0700 Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 14:24:57 -0700 From: Mail Delivery Subsystem Subject: [Mystara] Returned mail: Service unavailable Message-Id: <> To: Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To: ----- The following addresses had delivery problems ----- (unrecoverable error) (expanded from: ) ----- Transcript of session follows ----- ... while talking to >>> DATA <<< 554 Transaction failed. 554 Service unavailable ----- Original message follows ----- - --tcpsmtp3025642ab8500ab35641ab Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="FILE.EXT" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="FILE.EXT" UmV0dXJuLVBhdGg6IG15c3RhcmEtbEBpby5jb20NClJlY2VpdmVkOiBmcm9tIGJicy5hbm5leC5j b20gKGJicy5hbm5leC5jb20gWzIwNC43NC42Ny4xXSkgYnkgbWFpbC5hbm5leC5jb20gKDguNi4x My84LjYuMTMpIHdpdGggU01UUCBpZCBPQUExOTg3OCBmb3IgPG1hZ251c0BtYWlsLmFubmV4LmNv bT47IEZyaSwgMjAgU2VwIDE5OTYgMTQ6MjQ6NTYgLTA3MDANCkZyb206IG15c3RhcmEtbEBpby5j b20NClgtQUZXRDogNDM0OTkzMjkNClJlY2VpdmVkOiBmcm9tIE1IUyBieSBiYnMuYW5uZXguY29t IHdpdGggTUhTDQogICAgaWQgJFQyMDE1NDggOyBGcmksIDIwIFNlcCAxOTk2IDE0OjE4OjAyIC0w ODAwDQpEYXRlOiBGcmksIDIwIFNlcCAxOTk2IDE0OjE3OjQwIC0wODAwIA0KTWVzc2FnZS1JRDog PFRDUFNNVFAuMTYuOS4yMC4xNC4xNy40MC4yNjQ4NTUxODUxLjMwMjQ4ODJAYmJzLmFubmV4LmNv bT4NClN1YmplY3Q6IFJlOiBbTXlzdGFyYV0gUmU6DQpUbzogbWFnbnVzQG1haWwuYW5uZXguY29t DQoNClJlY2VpdmVkOiBmcm9tIGxpc3RzLmlvLmNvbSBbMTk5LjE3MC44OC4xNV0gYnkgYmJzLmFu bmV4LmNvbSB3aXRoIHNtdHANCglpZCAkVDIwMTU0NiA7IEZyaSwgMjAgU2VwIDE5OTYgMTQ6MTY6 MjQgLTA4MDANClJlY2VpdmVkOiAoZnJvbSByb290QGxvY2FsaG9zdCkgYnkgbGlzdHMuaW8uY29t ICg4LjYuMTIvOC42LjEyKSBpZCBOQUEyOTYzNyBmb3IgbXlzdGFyYS1sLW91dGdvaW5nOyBGcmks IDIwIFNlcCAxOTk2IDEzOjQ4OjE2IC0wNTAwDQpSZWNlaXZlZDogZnJvbSBkZWxpdmVyYXRvci5p by5jb20gKGRlbGl2ZXJhdG9yLmlvLmNvbSBbMTk5LjE3MC44OC4xN10pIGJ5IGxpc3RzLmlvLmNv bSAoOC42LjEyLzguNi4xMikgd2l0aCBFU01UUCBpZCBOQUEyOTU3NCBmb3IgPG15c3RhcmEtbEBs aXN0cy5pby5jb20+OyBGcmksIDIwIFNlcCAxOTk2IDEzOjQzOjMxIC0wNTAwDQpSZWNlaXZlZDog ZnJvbSBvcmlvbi5vYWMudWNpLmVkdSAobWxldnlAb3Jpb24ub2FjLnVjaS5lZHUgWzEyOC4yMDAu ODAuMjBdKSBieSBkZWxpdmVyYXRvci5pby5jb20gKDguNy41LzguNy4zKSB3aXRoIEVTTVRQIGlk IE5BQTEyNTYwIGZvciA8bXlzdGFyYS1sQGlvLmNvbT47IEZyaSwgMjAgU2VwIDE5OTYgMTM6Mjk6 MzcgLTA1MDAgKENEVCkNClJlY2VpdmVkOiBmcm9tIGxvY2FsaG9zdCAobWxldnlAbG9jYWxob3N0 KSBieSBvcmlvbi5vYWMudWNpLmVkdSAoOC43LjEvOC43LjEpIHdpdGggU01UUCBpZCBMQUEyMjcz NCBmb3IgPG15c3RhcmEtbEBpby5jb20+OyBGcmksIDIwIFNlcCAxOTk2IDExOjI5OjM1IC0wNzAw IChQRFQpDQpEYXRlOiBGcmksIDIwIFNlcCAxOTk2IDExOjI5OjM1IC0wNzAwIChQRFQpDQpGcm9t OiBNYXR0aGV3IExldnkgPG1sZXZ5QG9yaW9uLm9hYy51Y2kuZWR1Pg0KVG86IG15c3RhcmEtbEBp by5jb20NClN1YmplY3Q6IFJlOiBbTXlzdGFyYV0gUmU6DQpJbi1SZXBseS1UbzogPFBpbmUuTE5Y LjMuOTQuOTYwOTE5MDIwNTA3LjI5MzcyQS0xMDAwMDBAZm1hMy5pZi51c3AuYnI+DQpNZXNzYWdl LUlEOiA8UGluZS5TVU4uMy45My45NjA5MjAxMTI4MTYuMTk2NTFGLTEwMDAwMEBvcmlvbi5vYWMu dWNpLmVkdT4NClNlbmRlcjogb3duZXItbXlzdGFyYS1sQGlvLmNvbQ0KUHJlY2VkZW5jZTogYnVs aw0KUmVwbHktVG86IG15c3RhcmEtbEBpby5jb20NCg0KDQoNCk9uIFRodSwgMTkgU2VwIDE5OTYs IEFuZHJlIENhdmFsY2FudGkgUm9jaGEgTWFydGlucyB7UyB3cm90ZToNCg0KPiANCj4gDQo+IE9u IFdlZCwgMTggU2VwIDE5OTYsIE1hdHRoZXcgTGV2eSB3cm90ZToNCj4gDQo+ID4gPiBIb3cgaGFz IHRoZSBsYXJnZSBpc2xhbmQgb2YgT2NoYWxlYSBiZWVuIGluY29ycG9yYXRlZCBpbnRvIHlvdXIg Kk1vcmllbnQqDQo+ID4gPiBzZXR0aW5nPyBBcmUgT2NoYWxlYW5zIGFuIG9mZnNob290IGZyb20g c2VhLWZhcmluZyBTa290aGFyIHBlb3BsZT8NCj4gPiA+IA0KPiA+IEkgZG9uJ3QgdGhpbmsgYW55 b25lIGhhZCBzdWdnZXN0ZWQgdGhhdCB5ZXQsIGJ1dCBteSB2b3RlIGlzIGFsbCBmb3IgaXQuDQo+ ID4gT2NoYWxlYSBpcyBkZXNjcmliZWQgaW4gY2Fub24gc291cmNlcyBhcyBoYXZpbmcgYmVlbiBj b2xvbml6ZWQgYnkNCj4gPiBBbHBoYXRpYW5zLCBidXQgdGhhdCBkb2Vzbid0IG1ha2Ugc2Vuc2Ug Z2l2ZW4gdGhlIGN1bHR1cmFsIGRpc3Bhcml0eTsgaXQNCj4gPiBzZWVtcyBtb3JlIGxpa2VseSB0 aGF0IE0tQ2hpbmEgd2FzIG9uY2UgbW9yZSBwb3dlcmZ1bCB0aGFuIGl0IGlzIGN1cnJlbnRseQ0K PiA+IGFuZCBzZW50IGNvbG9uaXN0cyB3ZXN0OyBwZXJoYXBzIG1hbnkgb2YgdGhlc2UgY291bGQg aGF2ZSBhbHJlYWR5IGJlZW4NCj4gPiBsaXZpbmcgaW4gQWxwaGF0aWEgYW5kIEJlbGxpc3Nhcmlh IHdoZW4gdGhlIEFscGhhdGlhbnMgYXJyaXZlZCwgYW5kIGJlZW4NCj4gPiBhYnNvcmJlZCBpbnRv IHRoZWlyIGN1bHR1cmUgZ3JhZHVhbGx5LiAgT2NoYWxlYSB3b3VsZCBiZSB0aGUgb25seQ0KPiA+ IChyZWxhdGl2ZWx5KSB1bnRvdWNoZWQgYXJlYSBsZWZ0LiAgVGhpcyBwcm9iYWJseSB3b3VsZCBo YXZlIGhhZCB0byBoYXZlDQo+ID4gaGFwcGVuZWQgYWZ0ZXIgdGhlIGZhbGwgb2YgTml0aGlhLg0K PiANCj4gT3Igbm90LiBNYXliZSB0aGVyZSB3YXMgYSBzbWFsbCBjb3VudHJ5IHJ1bGVkIGJ5IHRo ZSBzYW1lIHBlb3BsZSBmcm9tDQo+IE1DaGluYSBuZWFyIEVzdGVyaG9sZCBQZW5pbnN1bGEuIEl0 IGNvdWxkIGhhdmUgYmVlbiBhIHNtYWxsIGtpbmdkb20sIGFib3V0DQo+IHRvIGJlIGRlc3Ryb3ll ZCwgdGhhdCBwcm9taXNzZWQgYWNjZXNzIHRvIGFsbCB0aGVpciBtYWdpY2FsIGtub3dsZWRnZSBh cw0KPiB3ZWxsIGFzIGxveWFsdHkgdG8gQWxwaGF0aWEgaWYgdGhleSB3b3VsZCByZWxvY2F0ZSB0 aGVtIHRvIGEgc2FmZXIgcGxhY2UNCj4gd2hlcmUgdGhleSBjb3VsZCBsaXZlIGluIHBlYWNlLiBU aGUgd2F5IEkgc2VlIGl0LCBNQ2hpbmEgY2FuIGhhdmUgZXhpc3RlZA0KPiBhcyBhbiBhZHZhbmNl ZCBjaXZpbGl6YXRpb24gZXZlbiBmb3IgdGhlIGxhc3QgdHdvIHRob3VzYW5kIHllYXJzLCBidXQg aXQNCj4gbmV2ZXIgZ290IGludGVyZXN0ZWQgaW4gZXhwYW5kaW5nIGl0cyBkb21haW5zIHRvIG90 aGVyIGJhcmFiYXJpYW4gYW5kDQo+IHVuaW50ZXJlc3RpbmcgbGFuZHMuDQo+IA0KPiBBbmRyZSBN YXJ0aW5zDQo+IA0KPiANCj4gDQoNCnNvdW5kcyBnb29kLiAgTWF5YmUgdGhlIGltcGVuZGluZyBk ZXN0cnVjdGlvbiBvZiBPbGQgT2NoYWxlYSB3YXMgaW4gc29tZQ0Kd2F5IGEgcmVzdWx0IG9mIHRo ZSBhcnJpdmFsIG9mIHRoZSBBbHBoYXRpYW5zIChsZXQncyBmYWNlIGl0LCB0aGV5bXVzdA0KaGF2 ZSBtYWRlIHF1aXRlIGEgc3RpcikuDQoNCm1AMg0KDQoNCg0KDQoNCg== - --tcpsmtp3025642ab8500ab35641ab Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit - --tcpsmtp3025642ab8500ab35641ab-- - --RAA20747.843266039/ ------------------------------ From: Matthew Levy Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 19:25:07 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] "Countries of the Known World in the Spelljammer Universe" On Thu, 19 Sep 1996 wrote: > In a message dated 96-09-19 01:29:41 EDT, Daniel Boese wrote: > > >Recently a group of psionicists have discussed > >using psionic means to cross into the world and explore. It is > >unknown of they have proceeded. > > According to Mystara's *canon* there are no psionics there. Of course, no one > prevents you from introducing psionics, that's your choice. > > Bruce Heard > > I am hesitant to question your word on anything Mystaran, Mr. Heard, but doesn't Red Steel introduce the possibility of psionics in Mystara? Also someone on the list mentioned a while back (before you joined us) that one of the PWA series (I forget which one) suggests that there are psionic characters in Yavdlom as well ... actually we had a discussion about the possibility of special psionics rules for Mystara, as well as the possible relationship of the special powers of the Kopru to psionics and to Mind Flayers; I think I made the boast that I was going to work something out and post it but have so far failed to live up to that. I would love to hear any other thoughts you might have on the subject ...? m@2 ------------------------------ From: Daniel Boese Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 22:41:46 -0400 (EST) Subject: [Mystara] Mystara & Gothic Earth? I recently purchased the Ravenloft: Masque of the Red Death box, and find it rather interesting. It's set in a close mirror to our own Earth, "Gothic Earth" in the 1890's, only more X-Files-ish. :) Now, I got a rather interesting idea... The Averoigne (and Klantyre) that the d'Ambreville's come from has been suggested to be placed in the HR4: A Mighty Fortress setting, which is a close mirror to our own earth, set about 1550-1650. It's also been suggested that all the HR books are set in the past of Gothic Earth. Now.. the d'Ambrevilles came over to Mystara in 728 AC (say, 1604 AD in Gothic Earth). It's now 1014-728=286 years later, or 1890 AD on the other side of the gateway.. do I have to explain further? :) All I'm going to say further is that in my campaign, the Henri d'Ambreville is going to return from his escape through the Averoigne gate with some rather... interesting companions, technology, and magic. ;) I'm mostly tossing this out to give all the rest of you an idea to play around with. Who knows, in the year 1120 AC, there might be a sudden upwelling in the use of that gate, and some rather bizarre happenings in modern-day France.. :) - -- Daniel Boese O(OFS)OJPTEEBB(KGC)CA Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Daniel Boese Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 23:05:46 -0400 (EST) Subject: [Mystara] Immortal Power Points -> Rads? I was reading through the Glantri boxed set, Gazetteer, and the Wrath boxed set (so I was bored :) ) and had a few thoughts. Here's my take on what happened at the end of the Wrath war: Fall, 1009 AC: Mystara has about 68 rads drained. Rad uses the Doomsday device, which drains about 1000-2000 rads. To make it simple, say 1500. Magic ceases for one week. Winter, 1009 AC: Rad, who has about 4000 power points, is absorbed into the Nucleus of the Spheres. Somehow, these power points are converted into rads, lowering them to about 470 drained - which only causes 1 day, instead of 1 week, per year to be without magic. Now... if pumping power points into the Nucleus (using whatever method the DM devises - Immortal campaign, anybody? :) ) recharges rads (say, about a 4PP=1rad ratio or so), this will make life more interesting for the Immortals once this is discovered (most probably by Rad and/or Rafiel, possibly by Benekendar). Some will start trying to pump it empty, to get rid of the Day of Dread.. while others will try to drain it to increase their own PP, remove magic from Mystara, or both (can you just imagine Thanatos plotting to steal an extra 1250 PP, caus a huge radioactive explosion in Glantri, and remove all magic from Mystara? Hm.. then again, that sounds more like Alphaks' style.). So... anybody care for a shot at Wrath of the Immortals II: The Fate of Magic? :) :) :) (Bruce! Can you get TSR interested in this? After all, if they're willing to re-do the Dragonlance setting, why not have them re-introduce Mystara? Please? Pretty Please? :) ) From ???@??? Sun Sep 22 10:55:11 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id AAA05192; Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:18:36 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id IAA08121 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Sat, 21 Sep 1996 08:48:56 -0500 Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 08:48:56 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #228 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: f60009543fd8c84b664ee536b7272a64 - -- Daniel Boese O(OFS)OJPTEEBB(KGC)CA Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Daniel Boese Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 23:15:11 -0400 (EST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Returned mail: Service unavailable Ahh! It's starting to bounce the bounced messages! :( LeRoy (who I've mislaid the address to, so am unable to post this privately), before this cascades into something ridiculous, would you kindly remove this address from the mailing list? > The original message was received at Fri, 20 Sep 1996 16:43:41 -0700 > from [] > > ----- The following addresses had delivery problems ----- > (unrecoverable error) > (expanded from: ) > > ----- Transcript of session follows ----- > ... while talking to > >>> DATA > <<< 554 Transaction failed. > 554 Service unavailable > > ----- Original message follows ----- > Obligatory Mystara Comment: Has anybody besides me noticed that the cover painter for many of the Gazetteers had a B module, and Karameikan castle named after him? (I must admit, I do like Caldwell's work. :) ) - -- Daniel Boese ------------------------------ From: Estlor Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 00:20:19 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Coat of Arms Official (well, as official as TSR books are nowadays) word: In the Karameikos Boxed set, the hourglasses (3 of them) are cut by the edge of the shield. On the back of the Glantri book, they are all whole. In the Mystara Monstrous Compendium Appendix, it states, and I quote: "Sphinx: The Monstrous Manual includes several subspecies of sphinx. Mystarans know only the two genders corresponding to the androsphinx and gynosphinx of other worlds. However, Mystarans call both varieties sphinxes (one is simply male, the other female)." Therefore (sounds like an English paper), the androsphinx was a OD&D monster, it just didn't have different stats. Oh, and the Principalities don't have their symbols shown, the ruling families do (including the city of Glantri and the Great School). Estlor ------------------------------ From: Estlor Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 00:39:42 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Black Eagle Barony and Bards > > On Wed, 18 Sep 1996, Robert Kaelin wrote: > > > > > p.s. Bargle lives! > > And he had his filthy little claws in some of the politics that led to Broderick taking Esterhold...something like an advisor to Nicodemus (Herve would know). And I love 2nd Edition Bards. They are my favorite class (especially when you use the demi-bards rule...elven bards..heheheheheh). ------------------------------ From: Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 01:33:32 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Shadow Lord of Denagoth? One possibility is that adventurers did indeed defeat/destroy the Shadow Lord several decades ago -- but now he is back! Why not? The Master of Hule managed that after X5. ------------------------------ From: Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 01:33:46 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Adri Varma Plateau In a message dated 96-09-20 20:56:28 EDT, David Leland writes: << Survival Kits? Could you elaborate please? >> There were two Mystara products called the "Player's Survival Kit" and the "DM's Survival Kit" containing information that would have gone into the "Known World" boxed set before TSR changed their minds and made it the "Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure" boxed set. Anyway, one of the handouts consists of a map of Glantri. Over the region where the Adri Varma Plateau is located are written the words "Claimed by Hule". ------------------------------ From: Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 01:33:45 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Mystara's Giants Okay, how's this for an account of the origins of the giant races: The oldest giant race was the garls (remember them?). They were the more brutal descendants of the Brute-men. Whereas one line of descent from the Brute-men evolved into modern men, the line that led to the garls grew ever larger, stronger, and stupider. The garls eventually died out, but not before evolving into the athachs and other horrors. Hill giants are the largest of the goblinoid races -- they are simply the largest living descendants of the beastmen. Storm giants are the descendants of titans who for various reasons gave up or lost their semi-Immortal status. Most of the other giants are descendants of the elemental drakes who stayed so long on the Prime Material plane that they lost their special powers. As compensation, they gradually grew larger until they reached their present size. The rarer races of giants and giant-kin probably resulted from crosses among the different giant races or from mutations of smaller races. ------------------------------ From: Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 04:16:57 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Returned mail: Service unavailable Oh, Master of the List..? WHY do I keep getting the following E-Mail..? (So far I've received it 34 times TODAY!): In a message dated 96-09-20 22:08:13 EDT, you write: << Subj: [Mystara] Returned mail: Service unavailable Date: 96-09-20 22:08:13 EDT From: (Mail Delivery Subsystem) Sender: Reply-to: To: This is a MIME-encapsulated message --QAA20637.843263806/ The original message was received at Fri, 20 Sep 1996 16:56:46 -0700 from [] ----- The following addresses had delivery problems ----- (unrecoverable error) (expanded from: ) ----- Transcript of session follows ----- ... while talking to >>> DATA <<< 554 Transaction failed. 554 Service unavailable ----- Original message follows ----- --QAA20637.843263806/ Content-Type: message/rfc822 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (8.6.13/8.6.13) with SMTP id QAA20636 for ; Fri, 20 Sep 1996 16:56:46 -0700 From: X-AFWD: 43499329 Received: from MHS by with MHS id $T201996 ; Fri, 20 Sep 1996 16:49:42 -0800 Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 16:49:26 -0800 Message-ID: Subject: Re: [Mystara] "Countries of the Known World in the To: Received: from [] by with smtp id $T201993 ; Fri, 20 Sep 1996 16:48:54 -0800 Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id RAA01836 for mystara-l-outgoing; Fri, 20 Sep 1996 17:16:03 -0500 Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) with ESMTP id RAA01803 for ; Fri, 20 Sep 1996 17:10:34 -0500 Received: from ( []) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id NAA00632 for ; Thu, 19 Sep 1996 13:08:58 -0500 (CDT) From: Received: by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id OAA22664 for; Thu, 19 Sep 1996 14:08:23 -0400 Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 14:08:23 -0400 Message-ID: <> To: Subject: Re: [Mystara] "Countries of the Known World in the Spelljammer Universe" Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To: In a message dated 96-09-19 01:29:41 EDT, Daniel Boese write: > Another group that dislikes Glantri are priests. Simply put, >the law states that religion is illegal, punishable by torture >by exposure to black pudding, followed by imprisonment. Priests >are put to death by fire. Spacefarers are not excepted. >Despite this, there are priests in the underground, stealthily >trying to bring Glantri down. Also, worship of Rad, an Immortal >of Magic, is often ignored when discovered by officials, >especially when money exchanges hands. Actually, there are no *priests* of Rad. If you read GAZ3 carefully, the Shepherds of Rad are all wizards. It is a "phony" worship that is totally legal in Glantri. Bruce Heard --QAA20637.843263806/ ----------------------- Headers -------------------------------- From Fri Sep 20 22:07:46 1996 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) with ESMTP id WAA09063; Fri, 20 Sep 1996 22:07:44 -0400 Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id TAA03386 for mystara-l-outgoing; Fri, 20 Sep 1996 19:46:10 -0500 Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) with ESMTP id TAA03352 for ; Fri, 20 Sep 1996 19:44:43 -0500 Received: from ( []) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id SAA13969 for ; Fri, 20 Sep 1996 18:55:26 -0500 (CDT) Received: from localhost (localhost) by (8.6.13/8.6.13) with internal id QAA20637; Fri, 20 Sep 1996 16:56:46 -0700 Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 16:56:46 -0700 From: Mail Delivery Subsystem Subject: [Mystara] Returned mail: Service unavailable Message-Id: <> To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="QAA20637.843263806/" Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To: >> My automatic mail-retrieval program also has downloaded an apparently attached file to these E-mails, about eight or nine downloads to date. What gives? Donna aka - ---------------------------- "Come, come, *hero*--nothing inspirational to say? No pithy soliloquy about how Good will *always* find a way to triumph over--URRRRRRGH!!!"--Defacto the Tyrant, an evil sorceror whose ill-timed taunting was interrupted by the well-aimed throwing dagger of Woodreau the female elven ranger ------------------------------ From: (Matthew Kammann) Date: 21 Sep 1996 02:44:40 GMT Subject: [Mystara] Assassin in Mystara Could someone give me a little info on the assasin role on Mystara? This would be Tres helpful to me in creating a new charecter. I am more than a little new to this setting but i have been into Ad&d for about a year. ------------------------------ From: Deathwatch Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 14:33:20 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] What should I do.... Okay, I want to ask all of you some info. I own the Karameikos Boxes set (AD&D) and Night of the Vampire adventure. I own the Mystara Monstrous Compendium and the Poor Wizards Almanac III too. Now I want to buy something new. I was thinking of the Glantry boxed set, but I've heard of the other boxed sets. (Those OD&D ones, I think I still can get them) What should I buy? Bas ------------------------------ From: Deathwatch Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 14:32:55 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Re: STUFF >I think it all depends on the situation in the rest of the world ... in a >post-WotI game, unless Thyatis is REALLY weak it should be able to easily >dominate large areas of the world, much like the British. Of course, it >may have too many problems with its land neighbors, allowing someone like >Ierendi to be the top dog while it deals with its enemies and is thereby >weakened (analogous to the French in the age of colonialism). It seems >likely that naval power will become more important than land power on >Mystara, especially with the combination of magic and smokepowder with new >naval technology ... cannon-armed warships commanded by pirate wizards >should be the most important military unit, with the possible exception of >skyships. I think Renardy and Bellayne are too small and backwards >comparatively to really do much in the way of conquest. When thinking >about these kinds of things, Mystaran DM's should give a lot of thought to >how the WHOLE thing fits together ... balance of power and similar >concepts are important. For one thing, what is the relationship of Flying >Serraine to world power struggles? It is a mobile and incredibly wealthy >city with super high tech defences ... it could be involved in financing >the war effort of various countries, kind of like a flying Switzerland. >Also, with the development of large airfleets by Alphatia, Thyatis, and >especially the Heldannic Knights, it seems like even Myoshima might become >involved in a massive system of alliances. In a pre-WoTI game, it seems >like Alphatia would be the clearest analogy for Britain, with Thyatis and >Heldann challenging its naval hegemony with powerful land forces (like >Napoleonic France or early 20th century Germany). Those flying ships...where can I get info on them? I don't have any stats or something of them.... ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #228 ***************************** From ???@??? Sun Sep 22 10:55:19 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id IAA15248; Sun, 22 Sep 1996 08:45:27 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id RAA10693 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Sat, 21 Sep 1996 17:16:38 -0500 Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 17:16:38 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #229 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 62491c0c0e3b65a5cd3b05c0e475ccb5 mystara-digest Saturday, 21 September 1996 Volume 01 : Number 229 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Deathwatch Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 14:33:15 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Re: STUFF At 01:36 18-09-96 +0000, you wrote: >>> You should really check out the Savage >>> Coast stuff online from TSR. It's not perfect, but it is pretty detailed >>> and it's free, and it has everything in both bosed sets and more. >> >>Speaking of which, what sort of software is needed to download, decode, >>and print that information? I'm kind of techno-illiterate and was unable >>to figure out what to do with the file in order to read it after I found >>it on Leroy's web page with Netscape. Can someone give me quickie advice >>on how to proceed? > >You need some sort of program to "unzip" it. Your computer may or may not >have this. I believe it's available as shareware, but I don't know how to >get it. > >>Speaking of which, who are the natives of the Adri Varma? IMC a group of >>Flaemish rebels have built bases in the area, led by a Wizard named >>Macabellus; but I hadn't really given much thought to an indigenous >>human/oid population. Perhaps the locals are similar to the Mystics of >>Lhamsa (i.e. M-Tibetan?) > >See my next post about the Adri Varma. > >>Remember also that most of the Master's "man"power militarily has come >>from allied humanoids rather than human soldiers. Since humanoids tend to >>be warlike and nomadic anyway, they can devote their entire population to >>military campaigns, as opposed to the human population of Hule or Sind, >>who tend to be farmers without military experience. Think of it in game >>terms: A normal human has d4 hp, a Thaco of 22/25 depending which rules >>you use for nonproficiency, and no weapons or armor unless you buy them >>for him, and you still have to pay him on top of that. A normal >>hobgoblin, on the other hand, has d8+1 hp, a Thaco of 19, his own weapons >>and armor, and is usually cheaper than a human soldier! The multitudes of >>Yazi tribes on the southern border of Hule make a great source of military >>resources for the Master; once he conquers the Broken Lands, he has access >>to a possible alliance with Thar, Kol, or whoever ... add to that the Orcs >>and Trolls of Grukk, the Kobolds of the Cruth, and the goblinoids of the >>Ethengar plateau, who have no qualms about making war on their neighbors, >>and you have a snowballingly massive humanoid army posed to sweep north >>into Glantri or south along the coast from Athenos to Tel Akbir. >> >>If he allies with Denagoth, even the sum total of the KW's strength may >>not be able to stop him. > >I agree completely. By around 1200 AC, the Master will have made alliances >with most significant humanoid tribes of Brun. IMC, he will then ally with >Barimoor, the Alphatian mage who's been hiding undergound in Ylaruam >building a huge empire for several centuries (as described in GAZ2). These >two master villains will involve all of the outer world in a massive war >that will probably be more earth-shaking than WotI. (A couple months ago >there was a discussion on this list about the balnce between "good" and >"evil" among the spheres. It seemed to agree that eventually all the >energy, thought, and time would abandon "goodness" and side with entropy to >balance the power. It seems that the world war coming in 1200 could be a >sort of end to the problems in the sphere of energy begun in WotI, and could >culminate with Energy abandoning matter and siding with entropy. Along >comewhat similar lines -- who is Barimoor's sponsor?) Anyway, It will take >a major concerted effort by all the various heroes of the world to beat back >this nearly invincible army of evil. >Patrick I've read this book, Sword of Shannara (I'm not sure if that is the right one), and in that there was a huge army of all kinds of humanoid, who were going to destroy all humans, dwarves and elves. Those didn't realise the threat untill it was to late. A few heroes brought the news to the leaders, and united them. (The stories goes about someone who has to retrieve a sword to slay the enemy leader, or something). I guess something like that will happen, and a lot of losses will occur at the defending side (The KW) in the beginning. Then, I guess that Most KW armies, who probably have the adavntage of skilled tacticians and elite units of soldiers to help them, will try to defend at all cost. Then they will ally themselves, maybe the Shadow Elves in Aengmor will help them. If they start to help, it could be very interesting. ------------------------------ From: ( TIMOTHY M DI BONA) Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 10:15:58, -0500 Subject: [Mystara] Undead PCs okay, i got the new box set with all the rules to play undead, yesterday. I'll be reading through it today, and will be putting up a post on it probably by tonight. I've skimmed through some pages, and it looks incredible. It's very detailed and i has a great system for what I've seen. Well, time to go hit the books! :) __________________________________________ - -Tim ------------------------------ From: Fabrizio Paoli Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 17:18:25 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Coat of Arms At 00.20 21/09/96 -0400, Estlor wrote: >In the Mystara Monstrous Compendium Appendix, it states, and I quote: >"Sphinx: The Monstrous Manual includes several subspecies of sphinx. >Mystarans know only the two genders corresponding to the androsphinx and >gynosphinx of other worlds. However, Mystarans call both varieties >sphinxes (one is simply male, the other female)." Therefore (sounds >like an English paper), the androsphinx was a OD&D monster, it just >didn't have different stats. Ok, ok... I didn't realized that andro- and gyno- sphinx are only male and female sphinx. I thought they were different monsters. I'm a D&D DM, I don't have the MMCA, but I heard about Androsphinx while playing Dragon Dice, so I thought it was a different monsters till you (and my Ad&D DM) told me the truth. > >Oh, and the Principalities don't have their symbols shown, the ruling >families do (including the city of Glantri and the Great School). > Could you describe them ? ************** Fabrizio Paoli DM in City Of The Stars aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr Home Page: ------------------------------ From: Fabrizio Paoli Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 17:24:17 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Adri Varma Plateau At 11.37 20/09/96 -0700, you wrote: >> >> Two other ideas: >> 1) Remnants of Lupins nomads travelling from Glantri (Nouvelle Averoigne) to >> the Savage Coast > >I like that! Does Red Steel actually say that the Lupins there are from >N. Averoigne? It makes a lot of sense anyway; I don't particularly fancy >the MMCA entry which says they are an offshoot race of werewolves, it >doesn't sound consistent. I don't remember what Red Steel says, but I do remember of having seen something like that somewhere... maybe the Princess Ark Series or maybe PC4 ? Bruce Heard, can you help us ? ************** Fabrizio Paoli DM in City Of The Stars aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr Home Page: ------------------------------ From: Robert Kaelin Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 11:24:58 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] What should I do.... >Okay, > >I want to ask all of you some info. >I own the Karameikos Boxes set (AD&D) and Night of the Vampire adventure. >I own the Mystara Monstrous Compendium and the Poor Wizards Almanac III too. > >Now I want to buy something new. I was thinking of the Glantry boxed set, >but I've heard of the other boxed sets. (Those OD&D ones, I think I still >can get them) Quick...GET UNDER COVER...INCOMING FIRE!!!! . Sorry, you'll understand after a few more answers. :-) Personally, I think the AD&D Glantri Boxed is great... I'm out on that limb with very few other people proceed at your own risk. :-) The OD&D Gazeteers are what you should look for for the most complete view of Mystara. I lost track of how many they came out with but they're very good for the money. (They're not boxed sets, they're more like big modules.) I find a lot of good, old OD&D stuff at the SagesGuild, a web based Role-Playing store at (And no, I'm not affiliated with them.) :-) Another good thing might be WotI (Wrath of the Immortals). It's a boxed set that details the immortal rules (which are interesting if not useful), and a large adventure/timeline which gives a timeline of the years 1000AC - 1010 AC (and a lot happened in those years.) It also gives short descriptions of most of the Immortals who take interest in Mystara, so it's good if you want to involve them or their faiths in some way. Hope it helps. - -Bob - ---------------------------------------------------------- Bob Kaelin Natural Intelligence, Inc. E-mail: 725 Concord Ave. Phone: (617) 876-7680 x1253 Cambridge, Ma. 02138 WWW: USA - ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: Patrick Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 15:58:13 +0000 Subject: Re: [Mystara] What should I do.... >Okay, > >I want to ask all of you some info. >I own the Karameikos Boxes set (AD&D) and Night of the Vampire adventure. >I own the Mystara Monstrous Compendium and the Poor Wizards Almanac III too. > >Now I want to buy something new. I was thinking of the Glantry boxed set, >but I've heard of the other boxed sets. (Those OD&D ones, I think I still >can get them) >What should I buy? > >Bas It really depends primarily on what you want. >Those flying ships...where can I get info on them? I don't have any stats or >something of them.... The OD&D Champions of Mystara boxed set gives the rules for creating flying ships and provides statistics for 9 very different airships of Mystara, including the Heldannic warbirds and the Alphatian Flying Boats. It also includes a 96 page compilation of stories from the "Heroes of the Princess Ark" series from Dragon Magazine. The stories describe the exploits of Prince Haldemar of Haaken (a major player in the events of PWA III) and his Alphatian airship, The Princess Ark. It describes their adventures as they follow the coast of Brun from Sind west through the Yavdlom Divinarchy, Slagovich, and the Savage Coast. The third book in this set gives campaign setting details for Sind, Yavdlom, Ulimwengu, and the Great Waste, including the underground realm of Graakhalia, populated by a unique civilization of elves and gnolls living side by side in caverns beneath the desert. The maps in here detail the area between Sind and Hule. The rest of the area described in the stories (West of Hule) is detailed in the Savage Coast supplement. I suggest that you read the descriptions in your PWA and decide whether you're intersted in this area. You should also consider downloading the Gazetteer about the Shadow Elves and the Savage Coast book from MPGN. They were both made by TSR and they are free. The Glantri Boxed set is actually pretty good IMO, but I can't compare it to the Gazetteer, which I've heard is better. If you're interested in getting new options for magic-users, this is the best source, but it really ignores the other classes. I suggest that you think hard about what you really want. e.g.- do you want player character werewolves or mermen [the OD&D PC series]? Do you want an earth-shaking quest for your current characters [Wrath of the Immortals]? Do you want a cool new setting [any Gazetteer, Dawn of the Emperors, Hollow World set, Glantri Boxed set, Champions of Mystara]? Mystara has just about anything you could want, you just need to decide what you want :~) Patrick ------------------------------ From: Dave Brohman Date: Sat, 21 Sep 96 15:26:13 EDT Subject: [Mystara] + Princess Ark + Can anyone (you listening Bruce?) give me a complete list of all the Dragons in which the Princess Ark saga was published. One of my local gaming stores has a TON of back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave Brohman E-Mail : Carleton University Featuring Alexi Sayle as the Balowski Family. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: Robert Kaelin Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 16:03:05 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Immortal Power Points -> Rads? > Now... if pumping power points into the Nucleus (using whatever method >the DM devises - Immortal campaign, anybody? :) ) recharges rads (say, >about a 4PP=1rad ratio or so), this will make life more interesting for >the Immortals once this is discovered (most probably by Rad and/or Rafiel, >possibly by Benekendar). Some will start trying to pump it empty, to get >rid of the Day of Dread.. while others will try to drain it to increase >their own PP, remove magic from Mystara, or both (can you just imagine >Thanatos plotting to steal an extra 1250 PP, caus a huge radioactive >explosion in Glantri, and remove all magic from Mystara? Hm.. then again, >that sounds more like Alphaks' style.). I put out something like this a little while ago, but didn't get much feedback. Of course, Rad (when/if he returns in your campaign) will discover that the Nucleus has been somehow recharged, and try to figure out how. However, 2 things stand in his way. 1) An Old One is the one who did the "recharging" as well as creating the Nucleus in the first place. Immortals, even Heirarchs, have as much trouble controlling/using and even understanding the nucleus as mortals do From ???@??? Sun Sep 22 10:55:19 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id IAA15248; Sun, 22 Sep 1996 08:45:27 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id RAA10693 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Sat, 21 Sep 1996 17:16:38 -0500 Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 17:16:38 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #229 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 62491c0c0e3b65a5cd3b05c0e475ccb5 an artifact. It's not really a question of just "Pumping power points" into it, it's an Old One level artifact, not a PP bank and trust. :-) 2) No Immortal (except maybe the very bluntest of them, like Alphaks) would try to remove the Sphere of Energy on Mystara. (Which is basically what destroying the nucleus would do. ) First off, this would lead to a massive war, much like the one you describe... Second off, if the balance of spheres is destroyed Mystara will no longer be capable of creating new Immortals. (That's the reason Immortals, even those of Entropy, have agreed not to directly interfere in's the only world capable of producing new Immortals in great quantities.) Third, since this would essentially wipe out the grand design set in place by the Old Ones I can't imagine they'd sit still for it for long....They have all eternity to start over with a new MultiVerse anyway. Now that I've lectured against it, let me try to support it. In my campaign Rad has figured out a way to "recharge" the nucleus. (Well actually he hasn't yet in my timeline, I'm in 1012, he will around 1050 after he get's back some small meassure of his Immortal self, but you get the point.) He theorizes that the energy set off by the Altar of Diminishment can be adapted to be placed into the nucleus. (For those of you without WotI the Altar is a massive artifact created by the 5 ruling Hierarchs for when they have to punish an Immortal, it drains the victim of 1 Immortal level via a slow and painful process and can only be used with the consent of all 5 ruling Hierarchs.) I plan on relating Rad's discover of this with the beginning of my campaigns look towards Immortality. Since this will require the 5 reigning Hierarchs to modify the artifct and then all agree to use it to fuel the nucleus it will take a massive job of convincing them. And since most of my players are MU's (it's a Glantri campaign) and most of them venerate Rad their quests for Immortality will involve in one way or another favors Rad does for the other spheres (while still helping out Energy, of course), "convincing" other Immortals to support the plan by endangering their followings on Mystara, directly lobbying Immortals for their support, working to remove or discredit Immortals who dislike the plan in favor of the Immortals who would replace them who might favor it or whatever. (I still have a long time til I get there so I haven't hammered out all the details.) In any case recharging the nucleus should be no small task. But nothing is impossible. Let's just not destroy the world just yet. :-) - -Bob ------------------------------ From: "David 'Azure' Leland" Date: Sat, 21 Sep 96 13:39:33 PDT Subject: Re: [Mystara] What should I do.... At 02:33 PM 9/21/96 +0200, you wrote: >Okay, > >I want to ask all of you some info. >I own the Karameikos Boxes set (AD&D) and Night of the Vampire adventure. >I own the Mystara Monstrous Compendium and the Poor Wizards Almanac III too. > >Now I want to buy something new. I was thinking of the Glantry boxed set, >but I've heard of the other boxed sets. (Those OD&D ones, I think I still >can get them) >What should I buy? My three most recommended OD&D boxed sets would be Wrath of the Immortals Hollow World Champions of Mystara it wouldn't be a bad idea to grab Dawn of the Emporers, either. Last piaster I could borrow, /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ ~| David "Azure" Leland ~|~ Email: |~ ~| UCSD Cognitive Science ~|~ Phone/Fax: (619) 642-6709 |~ ~| Oberlin class of 1996 ~|~ Web: |~ ~| Amateur conguero; Q(O+H)Q(G+W)AEEEBGKUS Mystaran; P75 on Ethernet |~ \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ ------------------------------ From: Matthew Levy Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 13:29:33 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Mystara & Gothic Earth? On Fri, 20 Sep 1996, Daniel Boese wrote: > I recently purchased the Ravenloft: Masque of the Red Death box, and find > it rather interesting. It's set in a close mirror to our own Earth, > "Gothic Earth" in the 1890's, only more X-Files-ish. :) > Now, I got a rather interesting idea... The Averoigne (and Klantyre) that > the d'Ambreville's come from has been suggested to be placed in the HR4: A > Mighty Fortress setting, which is a close mirror to our own earth, set > about 1550-1650. It's also been suggested that all the HR books are set in > the past of Gothic Earth. > Now.. the d'Ambrevilles came over to Mystara in 728 AC (say, 1604 AD in > Gothic Earth). It's now 1014-728=286 years later, or 1890 AD on the other > side of the gateway.. do I have to explain further? :) > All I'm going to say further is that in my campaign, the Henri > d'Ambreville is going to return from his escape through the Averoigne gate > with some rather... interesting companions, technology, and magic. ;) > > I'm mostly tossing this out to give all the rest of you an idea to play > around with. Who knows, in the year 1120 AC, there might be a sudden > upwelling in the use of that gate, and some rather bizarre happenings in > modern-day France.. :) > > -- > Daniel Boese > O(OFS)OJPTEEBB(KGC)CA Mystaran > > Quite an interesting idea ... I've always treated the mists outside Chateau d'Ambreville in the original X2 version as evidence that the chateau had been transported to the Demiplane of Dread. Crossovers should be relatively rare, though ... think about how hard it is to get *out* of Ravenloft. m@2 ------------------------------ From: "David 'Azure' Leland" Date: Sat, 21 Sep 96 13:41:10 PDT Subject: Re: [Mystara] Re: STUFF At 02:32 PM 9/21/96 +0200, you wrote: >Those flying ships...where can I get info on them? I don't have any stats or >something of them.... Champions of Mystara boxed set. /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ ~| David "Azure" Leland ~|~ Email: |~ ~| UCSD Cognitive Science ~|~ Phone/Fax: (619) 642-6709 |~ ~| Oberlin class of 1996 ~|~ Web: |~ ~| Amateur conguero; Q(O+H)Q(G+W)AEEEBGKUS Mystaran; P75 on Ethernet |~ \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ ------------------------------ From: Pascal Legrand Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 22:32:02 +-200 Subject: RE: [Mystara] Coat of Arms Bonjour, About coat of arms I remember an article from a Dragon magazine (maybe one year ago) dealing with the magic powers of heraldry and coat of arms. As an example IIRC this article said a coat of arms with a bear would give strength to the bearer of the banner shield and the owner of the title... Does any of you expanded this rule to the Known World countries coat of armes ? Au revoir Pascal begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(B85`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$-@ 0` M`@````(``@`!!) &``P!```!````# ````,``# #````"P`/#@`````"`?\/ M`0```#\`````````@2L?I+ZC$!F=;@#=`0]4`@````!M>7-T87)A+6Q :6\N M8V]M`%--5% `;7ES=&%R82UL0&EO+F-O;0``'@`", $````%````4TU44 `` M```>``,P`0```!$```!M>7-T87)A+6Q :6\N8V]M``````,`%0P!`````P#^ M#P8````>``$P`0```!,````G;7ES=&%R82UL0&EO+F-O;2<```(!"S !```` M%@```%--5% Z35E35$%202U,0$E/+D-/30````,``#D`````"P! .@$````" M`?8/`0````0````````#T"P!"( '`!@```!)4$TN36EC[`1X`< `!````&P```%)%.B!;37ES=&%R85T@0V]A M="!O9B!!55ZQ-^$_P1T(<01$535 `` M```>`!X,`0````0```!&05@`'@`?# $````-````*S,S(#0X-#@U,3(S```` M``,`!A"^ACWE`P`'$#\!```>``@0`0```&4```!"3TY*3U52+$%"3U540T]! M5$]&05)-4TE214U%34)%4D%.05)424-,14923TU!1%)!1T].34%'05I)3D4H M34%90D5/3D5914%204=/*41%04Q)3D=7251(5$A%34%'24-03U=%``````(! M"1 !````Z $``.0!``#\`@``3%I&=:SA%.7_``H!#P(5`J@%ZP*#`% "\@D" M`&-H"L!S970R-P8`!L,"@S(#Q0(`<')"<1'B2,C4U%^P'%L$-H@M@;F !M $ MD!_ `Z *P'1@:6-L92 #4A_ (%!$64*P2(1*2 G#; '0 N 9R #\'1H'B DX"%@(F$A,"!P;SYW!) $(!^A M)2 B`&QDU')Y(,%D'TLN%+ $(&$#D65X86T+4"%@2;A)4D,E`00`(/=S"W!_ M)P`AT!];),,AT""0"L%WJPA@)I @)7!V*>%T%Z#[&J DXF\E`RNR(*$?H2US MUP!P(L %P',I0&4L,2;B7R42)< NPBXE(2!T(5 N\S$0'CI$;P>1`' FP!^A M?GD(8"A1"K F\ F *21R)RP@,*$M5$MN+_$@5_<%L"PQ!:!U`C (@00@'UD] M!Y$_'<\>T3+@%Z!V;\QI[`4 `"#! ))-_^Z>[`1X` 4/0`!````!0```%)%.B `````\>8` ` end ------------------------------ From: Pascal Legrand Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 22:43:24 +-200 Subject: RE: [Mystara] Mystara & Gothic Earth? I recently purchased the Ravenloft: Masque of the Red Death box, and find it rather interesting. It's set in a close mirror to our own Earth, "Gothic Earth" in the 1890's, only more X-Files-ish. :) Now, I got a rather interesting idea... The Averoigne (and Klantyre) that the d'Ambreville's come from has been suggested to be placed in the HR4: A Mighty Fortress setting, which is a close mirror to our own earth, set about 1550-1650. Sorry to disagree with the Mighty Fortress book (I've never read it) but Averoigne is a pure middle age setting not a Renaissance one... It's also been suggested that all the HR books are set in the past of Gothic Earth. Now.. the d'Ambrevilles came over to Mystara in 728 AC (say, 1604 AD in Gothic Earth). It's now 1014-728=286 years later, or 1890 AD on the other side of the gateway.. do I have to explain further? :) All I'm going to say further is that in my campaign, the Henri d'Ambreville is going to return from his escape through the Averoigne gate with some rather... interesting companions, technology, and magic. ;) I'm mostly tossing this out to give all the rest of you an idea to play around with. Who knows, in the year 1120 AC, there might be a sudden upwelling in the use of that gate, and some rather bizarre happenings in modern-day France.. :) Yeah ! I've always thought I wasn't from this age. Now my memory is getting back, I belong to the d'Ambreville family. AH AH AH AH ! More seriously I think that the original Ravenloft setting is closer to Mystara than the MOTRD one. How will you handle firerarms in Karameikos for example ? And what if someone from the MOTRD setting wants to build a telegraph line... Au revoir Pascal d'Ambreville begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(B$5`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$-@ 0` M`@````(``@`!!) &``P!```!````# ````,``# %````"P`/#@`````"`?\/ M`0```#\`````````@2L?I+ZC$!F=;@#=`0]4`@````!M>7-T87)A+6Q :6\N M8V]M`%--5% `;7ES=&%R82UL0&EO+F-O;0``'@`", $````%````4TU44 `` M```>``,P`0```!$```!M>7-T87)A+6Q :6\N8V]M``````,`%0P!`````P#^ M#P8````>``$P`0```!,````G;7ES=&%R82UL0&EO+F-O;2<```(!"S !```` M%@```%--5% Z35E35$%202U,0$E/+D-/30````,``#D`````"P! .@$````" M`?8/`0````0````````%U"P!"( '`!@```!)4$TN36EC7-T87)A72!->7-T87)A("8@1V]T:&EC($5A`!\, M`0````T````K,S,@-#@T.#4Q,C,``````P`&$(!]D>8#``<0104``!X`"! ! 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Remember also that the > real world west African slave trade was originally based on prisoners of > war, allowing those who profitted on both ends to justify it to themselves > as "spoils of victory". This is the situation IMC in Yavdlom right now, > where various Yavi factions are more than willing to sell their countrymen > into slavery as part of a larger struggle for power. The Ierendi and > Thyatins are of course making a killing off the whole business ... > sometimes quite literally ... > m@2 > Just wondering, in real world, has the church in various periods condem the practice of slavery? From the time of the Roman to the end of slavery in America. Yes many religious christian leaders condemned slavery as a blasphemous behaviour. They said that only God had the right of life and death... But many of them didn't think of the negroes slaves as human so... You have to remember too that the first slavers were the muslims from the north of Africa, they were the first to sell slaves to the european traders which soon saw the profit to do with this kind of trade. Au revoir Pascal. - -- Problem 7-11 of Fogler's Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering Consider the following 2 reactions: | John Yu (1) healthy person ---> ill | (2) ill ---> death | UVA Material Science Dept. Although reaction given in equation 2 is normally consider completely irreversible, reverse reaction has been reported to occur. begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(B@5`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$-@ 0` M`@````(``@`!!) &``P!```!````# ````,``# #````"P`/#@`````"`?\/ M`0```#\`````````@2L?I+ZC$!F=;@#=`0]4`@````!M>7-T87)A+6Q :6\N M8V]M`%--5% `;7ES=&%R82UL0&EO+F-O;0``'@`", $````%````4TU44 `` M```>``,P`0```!$```!M>7-T87)A+6Q :6\N8V]M``````,`%0P!`````P#^ M#P8````>``$P`0```!,````G;7ES=&%R82UL0&EO+F-O;2<```(!"S !```` M%@```%--5% Z35E35$%202U,0$E/+D-/30````,``#D`````"P! .@$````" M`?8/`0````0````````#T"P!"( '`!@```!)4$TN36EC!P$%@ ,` M#@```,P'"0`5`!<`!@`'``8`&P$!(( #``X```#,!PD`%0`7````#0`&`!L! M`0F `0`A````.#@Q,T5"-35&0S$S1# Q,3@W,3 T-#0U-3,U-# P,# `N@8! M`Y &`/0'```2````"P`C```````#`"8```````L`*0```````P`V``````! 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On Sat, 21 Sep 1996 16:03:05 -0400 Robert Kaelin writes: >> Now... if pumping power points into the Nucleus (using whatever >method >>the DM devises - Immortal campaign, anybody? :) ) recharges rads >(say, >>about a 4PP=1rad ratio or so), this will make life more interesting >for >>the Immortals once this is discovered (most probably by Rad and/or >Rafiel, >>possibly by Benekendar). Some will start trying to pump it empty, to >get >>rid of the Day of Dread.. while others will try to drain it to >increase >>their own PP, remove magic from Mystara, or both (can you just >imagine >>Thanatos plotting to steal an extra 1250 PP, caus a huge radioactive >>explosion in Glantri, and remove all magic from Mystara? Hm.. then >again, >>that sounds more like Alphaks' style.). > >I put out something like this a little while ago, but didn't get much >feedback. Of course, Rad (when/if he returns in your campaign) will >discover that the Nucleus has been somehow recharged, and try to >figure out >how. However, 2 things stand in his way. > >1) An Old One is the one who did the "recharging" as well as creating >the >Nucleus in the first place. Immortals, even Heirarchs, have as much >trouble controlling/using and even understanding the nucleus as >mortals do >an artifact. It's not really a question of just "Pumping power >points" >into it, it's an Old One level artifact, not a PP bank and trust. :-) > >2) No Immortal (except maybe the very bluntest of them, like Alphaks) >would >try to remove the Sphere of Energy on Mystara. (Which is basically >what >destroying the nucleus would do. ) First off, this would lead to a >massive >war, much like the one you describe... Second off, if the balance of >spheres is destroyed Mystara will no longer be capable of creating new >Immortals. (That's the reason Immortals, even those of Entropy, have >agreed not to directly interfere in's the only world >capable of >producing new Immortals in great quantities.) Third, since this >would >essentially wipe out the grand design set in place by the Old Ones I >can't >imagine they'd sit still for it for long....They have all eternity to >start >over with a new MultiVerse anyway. > >Now that I've lectured against it, let me try to support it. In my >campaign Rad has figured out a way to "recharge" the nucleus. (Well >actually he hasn't yet in my timeline, I'm in 1012, he will around >1050 >after he get's back some small meassure of his Immortal self, but you >get >the point.) He theorizes that the energy set off by the Altar of >Diminishment can be adapted to be placed into the nucleus. (For those >of >you without WotI the Altar is a massive artifact created by the 5 >ruling >Hierarchs for when they have to punish an Immortal, it drains the >victim of >1 Immortal level via a slow and painful process and can only be used >with >the consent of all 5 ruling Hierarchs.) > >I plan on relating Rad's discover of this with the beginning of my >campaigns look towards Immortality. Since this will require the 5 >reigning >Hierarchs to modify the artifct and then all agree to use it to fuel >the >nucleus it will take a massive job of convincing them. And since most >of >my players are MU's (it's a Glantri campaign) and most of them >venerate >Rad their quests for Immortality will involve in one way or another >favors >Rad does for the other spheres (while still helping out Energy, of >course), >"convincing" other Immortals to support the plan by endangering their >followings on Mystara, directly lobbying Immortals for their support, >working to remove or discredit Immortals who dislike the plan in favor >of >the Immortals who would replace them who might favor it or whatever. >(I >still have a long time til I get there so I haven't hammered out all >the >details.) > >In any case recharging the nucleus should be no small task. But >nothing is >impossible. Let's just not destroy the world just yet. :-) > >-Bob > > > In WotI, the Nucleus was changed to drain from the Sphere of Entropy not the Sphere of Energy. If you go by this, the Nucleus can no longer drain magic; however, the damage done is done. Robert ------------------------------ From: Daniel Boese Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 18:07:26 -0400 (EST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Mystara & Gothic Earth? > Quite an interesting idea ... I've always treated the mists outside > Chateau d'Ambreville in the original X2 version as evidence that the > chateau had been transported to the Demiplane of Dread. Crossovers should > be relatively rare, though ... think about how hard it is to get *out* of > Ravenloft. That may be so; however, in X2 it was only the Chateau, not all of New Averoigne, that was transported. And also note that even in the mists, the gate to Old Averoigne still worked just fine. :) (I should also note that Gothic Earth uses the Ravenloft rules, but doesn't use the Ravenloft setting.) This isn't to say I'm disagreeing with you about crossovers being rare - I believe that since 896 AC, when the Chateau went into the mists, the gate's been used twice.. the PCs who retrieved the Chateau in 979 AC, and Henri's escape ~1012 AC. - -- Daniel Boese ------------------------------ From: Daniel Boese Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 18:18:41 -0400 (EST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Immortal Power Points -> Rads? > > Now... if pumping power points into the Nucleus (using whatever method > >the DM devises - Immortal campaign, anybody? :) ) recharges rads (say, > >about a 4PP=1rad ratio or so), this will make life more interesting for > >the Immortals once this is discovered > 1) An Old One is the one who did the "recharging" as well as creating the > Nucleus in the first place. Immortals, even Heirarchs, have as much > trouble controlling/using and even understanding the nucleus as mortals do > an artifact. It's not really a question of just "Pumping power points" > into it, it's an Old One level artifact, not a PP bank and trust. :-) Quite true. I never said it would be that easy... I was thinking it would be along the lines of an Immortal-level quest to research just how it would be done. Like I suggested, anybody care for an Immortal-level campaign? :) > 2) No Immortal (except maybe the very bluntest of them, like Alphaks) would > try to remove the Sphere of Energy on Mystara. (Which is basically what > destroying the nucleus would do. ) First off, this would lead to a massive > war, much like the one you describe... Which would make Thanatos and various other Entropic Immortals (and various other War-loving ones) fairly happy. > Second off, if the balance of > spheres is destroyed Mystara will no longer be capable of creating new > Immortals. (That's the reason Immortals, even those of Entropy, have > agreed not to directly interfere in's the only world capable of > producing new Immortals in great quantities.) Don't forget, the effect of the Nucleus doesn't extend past Mystara's skyshield, and there are /lots/ of other worlds in the Prime Plane. We just happen to know mostly about Mystara and the Immortals it's generated. :) > Third, since this would > essentially wipe out the grand design set in place by the Old Ones I can't > imagine they'd sit still for it for long....They have all eternity to start > over with a new MultiVerse anyway. Again, the loss of Mystara's magic doesn't necessarily mean the loss of magic in the rest of the Prime. Also, the Nucleus is already slowly draining magic from Mystara... if some Immortal "drained" it, it would just be speeding up the process slightly. ;) > Now that I've lectured against it, let me try to support it. In my > campaign Rad has figured out a way to "recharge" the nucleus. > He theorizes that the energy set off by the Altar of > Diminishment can be adapted to be placed into the nucleus. Wonderful idea! I always did wonder where those PP that it drained went.. Also, it's not necessarily the 5 Reigning Heirarchs that are needed to create/manage such an artifact; any 5 Heirarchs from the 5 Spheres can create an artifact with identical powers. Immortal-level politicking, anybody? > In any case recharging the nucleus should be no small task. But nothing is > impossible. Let's just not destroy the world just yet. :-) Of course not.. wait a few years, and let the PCs try to save it. That's what Mystara is all about.. :) - -- Daniel Boese ------------------------------ From: Daniel Boese Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 19:00:57 -0400 (EST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Immortal Power Points -> Rads? On Sat, 21 Sep 1996, Robert C Hammer wrote: > In WotI, the Nucleus was changed to drain from the Sphere of Entropy not > the Sphere of Energy. If you go by this, the Nucleus can no longer > drain magic; however, the damage done is done. Entirely true. However, in one of TSR's few :) Mystara continuity errors, the Glantri boxed set (set in 1012 AC, definately after WotI), it quite clearly states that the Nucleus is still draining magic from Mystara.. now, whether it's draining magic from the Sphere of Energy or Sphere of Entropy is unstated... but the effects are the same as before WotI. I'm sure somebody can come up with a convoluted solution to this. (Bruce? :) ) - -- Daniel Boese O(OFS)OJPTEEBB(KGC)CA Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Daniel Boese Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 18:50:37 -0400 (EST) Subject: RE: [Mystara] Mystara & Gothic Earth? > > Now, I got a rather interesting idea... The Averoigne (and Klantyre) > > that the d'Ambreville's come from has been suggested to be placed in > > the HR4: A Mighty Fortress setting, which is a close mirror to our own > > earth, set about 1550-1650. > Sorry to disagree with the Mighty Fortress book (I've never read > it) but Averoigne is a pure middle age setting not a Renaissance one... Hm.. I got the HR4 from the "Mystara and chronomancy" file. All my data on Averoigne itself is second-hand, as I've yet to find a copy of X2.. > More seriously I think that the original Ravenloft setting is closer to > Mystara than the MOTRD one. How do you mean this? > How will you handle firerarms in Karameikos for example ? Simple.. depending on whether the firearm is a Cannon, Savage Coast gun, gun imported from the near-earth Outer Plane from the module IM3, Spelljammer or imported from Gothic Earth, I'd use the rules from Dragon #199, the Red Steel box, IM3, the Spelljammer box or the MotRD box. :) I'm somewhat surprised firearms aren't more common, actually... > And what if someone from the MOTRD setting wants to build a telegraph > line... Well, considering that in the near future, the only people likely to be coming from Gothic Earth will be one of Henri d'Ambreville's henchmen... why not? Henri would /love/ having a non-magically-dispellable long-distance method of communication. :) - -- Daniel Boese O(OFS)OJPTEEBB(KGC)CA Mystaran ------------------------------ From: (JL) Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 22:00:06 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Immortal Power Points -> Rads? >2) No Immortal (except maybe the very bluntest of them, like Alphaks) would >try to remove the Sphere of Energy on Mystara. (Which is basically what From ???@??? Mon Sep 23 15:35:00 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id DAA12312; Mon, 23 Sep 1996 03:07:49 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id LAA15426 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Sun, 22 Sep 1996 11:51:57 -0500 Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 11:51:57 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #230 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: b8f8d4d7de7942c6efdb38fa2ee4e31b >destroying the nucleus would do. ) Actually it states at the end of WotI that the Nucleus of the Spheres is now bound to the Sphere of Entropy, no longer that of Energy. - -Oarim ------------------------------ From: (JL) Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 22:07:22 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Immortal Power Points -> Rads? >In WotI, the Nucleus was changed to drain from the Sphere of Entropy not >the Sphere of Energy. If you go by this, the Nucleus can no longer >drain magic; however, the damage done is done. Any ideas out there on what the effects of using Rad now would be? Obviously it would not drain magic from Mystara any longer (BTW, WHERE did all that magic GO? Keeping in mind the first law of thermodynamics: energy can not be created or destroyed, only changed in form). Or would it's use now benefit Entropic Immortals and lead to the slow oblivion of the Multiverse? Or reverse that, and it's use now slowly drains energy from Entropy, leading to the decay of decay (w/o adverse affects on the balance of the Mulitverse)? - -Oarim ------------------------------ From: Shin Chyang Yu Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 23:10:04 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Immortal Power Points -> Rads? Daniel Boese pontificated: > > On Sat, 21 Sep 1996, Robert C Hammer wrote: > > In WotI, the Nucleus was changed to drain from the Sphere of Entropy not > > the Sphere of Energy. If you go by this, the Nucleus can no longer > > drain magic; however, the damage done is done. > > Entirely true. However, in one of TSR's few :) Mystara continuity errors, > the Glantri boxed set (set in 1012 AC, definately after WotI), it quite > clearly states that the Nucleus is still draining magic from Mystara.. > now, whether it's draining magic from the Sphere of Energy or Sphere of > Entropy is unstated... but the effects are the same as before WotI. I'm > sure somebody can come up with a convoluted solution to this. (Bruce? :) ) > IMO, whether the immortals like it or not, all 5 spheres all so closely related that if one sphere weakens, all spheres suffer. Magic is also something that requires power from all 5 spheres for it to work. For example magic is powered by Energy, which is formed by the Thought of the magic user. Since magic user draw random magical energy around him to to produce a desired effect he is creating order in a local sense thus require sphere of matter. But any effects created will increase the total Entropy. I have no idea what to do about Time though. Also, any spell that have potential to cause chaos and damage will also require the sphere of Entropy. So no matter which sphere the Nucleus is draining from, it will affect the magic of Mystara. - -- Problem 7-11 of Fogler's Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering Consider the following 2 reactions: | John Yu (1) healthy person ---> ill | (2) ill ---> death | UVA Material Science Dept. Although reaction given in equation 2 is normally consider completely irreversible, reverse reaction has been reported to occur. ------------------------------ From: Daniel Boese Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:19:21 -0400 (EST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Immortal Power Points -> Rads? > Any ideas out there on what the effects of using Rad now would be? > Obviously it would not drain magic from Mystara any longer (BTW, WHERE did > all that magic GO? Keeping in mind the first law of thermodynamics: energy > can not be created or destroyed, only changed in form). It quite clearly states on Glantri: Kingdom of Magic that the energy the Nucleus is drawing is being transformed into the Radiance. > Or would it's use now benefit Entropic Immortals and lead to the slow > oblivion of the Multiverse? > Or reverse that, and it's use now slowly drains energy from Entropy, leading > to the decay of decay (w/o adverse affects on the balance of the Mulitverse)? And again, according to G:KoM, magic is still slowly withering away. I might have previously misinterpreted some of what I've read about the Nucleus.. The Nucleus is, indeed, now drawing on the Sphere of Entropy. I just went through WotI and G:KoM, and pulled the appropriate lines: >From Wrath of the Immortals (book 2), quotes set at 1009 AC: "The Nucleus will still draw its power from an outside source, but now that source will be the negative energy on which Entropy feeds." "...alters it [the Nucleus] permanently to draw negative energy, the source of Entropy's power." "Now that the Nucleus of the Spheres is drawing its power from the Sphere of Entropy..." >From Glantri: Kingdom of Magic (the Grimoire), set 1013 AC: "At the end of the Wrath of the Immortals, these figures successfully lessened the danger of the magic drain. Their efforts did not solve the depletion problem entirely, however, for the Radiance is related to all magic in Mystara on levels that even the Immortals do not totally understand." "Every year that people use the Radiance, magic drains away from Mystara; the more wizards use it, the more magic ebbs from the land." "Clearly, using the Radiance eventually will drain the world of all magic, although not for at least 1,000 years. And there is additional hope: At the end of the war with Alphatia, the Immortals altered the Nucleus of the Spheres, somehow "replenishing" it enough to prevent the week of nonfunctioning magic from recurring. Perhaps such a near-miracle could happen again. Some Immortals secretly hope that one of the mortal wizards studying the Radiance and the Nucleus will rise to Immortal status through study and conquer the problem of magic drain once and for all." So... the Nucleus is drawing 'negative Entropic energy', instead of 'Energy energy'. :) However, this doesn't seem to have changed the fact that magic is still being drained from Mystara (by my guesstimates, the Day of Dread will become the Week of Dread around 1024 AC). - -- Daniel Boese ------------------------------ From: Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 02:03:45 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] + Princess Ark + In a message dated 96-09-21 16:49:50 EDT, (Dave Brohman) writes: << Can anyone (you listening Bruce?) give me a complete list of all the Dragons in which the Princess Ark saga was published. One of my local gaming stores has a TON of back issues. >> The safest thing to do is pick up every issue from 153 through 200. That will give you the entire "Princess Ark" and "Known World Grimoire" series. ------------------------------ From: Estlor Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 02:16:34 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Coat of Arms > Could you describe them ? Here goes: d'Ambreville: Red shield with a yellow triangle in the center. Triangle has a black hourglass at the top. De Belcadis v Sedorias: Shield split into four fields in the following order (top left: green field, yellow bull head; top right: yellow field, green tree; bottom left: yellow field, green tree; bottom right: green field, yellow bull head). Du Marias: Red shield with a white circle in the center. Circle has the head of a grey werewolf facing to the left with its tounge hanging out. Erewan: Blue shield with and arrow diagonally across it (head in upper right corner) and a yellow star above and below it in the top left and bottom right corners. Gorevitch-Woleslany: White shield with three rows of three drops of blood each. Haaskins: Yellow shield with a black border. Shield had what looks kinda like a hockey puck (3-D top view) with a buckleish yellow square and two "straps" (for lack of a better word) arching to the left and right (also in yellow) on both the top and bottom. Krondahar: Shield divided into four fields (top left: blue field, white skull with horns; top right: white field with what looks like a castle porticullis in black; bottom left: white field with what looks like a castle porticullis in black; bottom right: blue field with a white skull with horns.) Hillsbury: Top 1/3 of shield is black with white cross-like objetcs (about 3 whole ones, four with the top cut off by the shield edge, and four with the bottom cut off by the edge of the black). Bottom 2/3 is yellow with three hills on it. Kol: Black shield with a white horned helmet on it. McGregor: Red shield with a yellow lion facing left. Von Drachenfels: Shield turned app 45 degrees to the left. Shield is half blue (left side) and half white (right side) [shield is split longways down the middle]. Left half has 1/2 of a dragon in white and a white star in the upper left corner. Right half has the other 1/2 of the dragon in blue. Dragon is facing left. Virayana: Green shield with a yellow border (border is not a straight line. It archs in like the edge of a child's drawing of a cloud). Tiger is yellow facing left is on the center of the shield. Vlaardoen: Top half of shield is red with what appears to be three white flasks on it. Bottom half is yellow. The dividing line is not straight, but looks like flames. Great School of Magic Crest: Shield divided into four fields. (top left: white field with an hourglass. Top part is blue while bottom is black; top right: blue field with white quills; bottom left: blue field with white quills; bottom right: white field with an hourglass. Top part is blue while bottom is black.) City of Glantri: Purplish blue shield with a flaming pot in the center (pot is in perspective as if we were above and is in yellow. Flame is orange with a white center). Hope this helps. Estlor ------------------------------ From: Pascal Legrand Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 16:19:52 +-200 Subject: RE: [Mystara] Mystara & Gothic Earth? > Sorry to disagree with the Mighty Fortress book (I've never read > it) but Averoigne is a pure middle age setting not a Renaissance one... Hm.. I got the HR4 from the "Mystara and chronomancy" file. All my data on Averoigne itself is second-hand, as I've yet to find a copy of X2.. In fact my Averoigne (on which I'm still working for this list) sticks to the original from Clark Ashton Smith and it is rather medieval. Maybe I have missed some changes in the Mystara one... > More seriously I think that the original Ravenloft setting is closer to > Mystara than the MOTRD one. How do you mean this? I think the original RL setting is closer to Mystara than the MOTRD one because there is a large difference of tech level and a different mood. In gothic earth a lot of villain just seem psycopaths or sociopaths, of course there are some ghosts and other haunting horrors but they are quite rare. That's not the case in Mystara where psychological disorders are rare, at last IMC. And there is magic nearly everywhere in Mystara as in Ravenloft, not in Gothic Earth. But this is a matter of personal taste... > How will you handle firerarms in Karameikos for example ? Simple.. depending on whether the firearm is a Cannon, Savage Coast gun, gun imported from the near-earth Outer Plane from the module IM3, Spelljammer or imported from Gothic Earth, I'd use the rules from Dragon #199, the Red Steel box, IM3, the Spelljammer box or the MotRD box. :) I'm somewhat surprised firearms aren't more common, actually... I think we could argue for years about firearms, I prefer to make them rare and unreliable in Mystara except in the Savage Coast where it is good to see swashbuckling and pirates adventures. IMC firearms are rather uncommon and black powder is more rare, they are not treated like normal weapons and nobody would count on them in a decisive fight. I made them a social gadget (for some nobles duels) and an attribute of power (the chief is the one with the gun...) but not an item as powerful as a magical item. > And what if someone from the MOTRD setting wants to build a telegraph > line... Well, considering that in the near future, the only people likely to be coming from Gothic Earth will be one of Henri d'Ambreville's henchmen... why not? Henri would /love/ having a non-magically-dispellable long-distance method of communication. :) I think this would be a major change in Mystara, coming with electricty and so on...And I prefer to keep such a technology far from my Mystara. Au revoir Pascal begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(AL/`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$-@ 0` M`@````(``@`!!) &`' #```"````% ````,``# %````"P`/#@`````"`?\/ M`0```#\`````````@2L?I+ZC$!F=;@#=`0]4`@````!M>7-T87)A+6Q :6\N M8V]M`%--5% `;7ES=&%R82UL0&EO+F-O;0``'@`", $````%````4TU44 `` M```>``,P`0```!$```!M>7-T87)A+6Q :6\N8V]M`````!X`&@`!````% `` M`%)%4$]25"Y)4$TN3D]412Y.1%(`0 `R`(#4@@Z1J+L!`P`$# `````#``4, M_____P,`%0P````0`P#^#P8````>``$0`0```%0```!!=6-U;B!F;W5R;FES M``$P`0```!,````G;7ES=&%R M82UL0&EO+F-O;2<```(!"S !````%@```%--5% Z35E35$%202U,0$E/+D-/ M30````,``#D``````@$2.@$````_`````````($K'Z2^HQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (` M````;7ES=&%R82UL0&EO+F-O;0!33510`&UY7-T87)A+6Q :6\N8V]M)P```@$4.@$````6````4TU4 M4#I-65-405)!+4Q 24\N0T]-````"P! .@$````"`?8/`0````0````````% M#@````,``# &````"P`/#@$````"`?\/`0```#\`````````@2L?I+ZC$!F= M;@#=`0]4`@````!M>7-T87)A+6Q :6\N8V]M`%--5% `;7ES=&%R82UL0&EO M+F-O;0``'@`", $````%````4TU44 `````>``,P`0```!$```!M>7-T87)A M+6Q :6\N8V]M`````!X`&@`!````" ```$E032Y.3U1%`P`5# $````#`/X/ M!@```!X``3 !````$P```"=M>7-T87)A+6Q :6\N8V]M)P```@$+, $````6 M````4TU44#I-65-405)!+4Q 24\N0T]-`````P``.0`````"`10Z`0```! ` M``#M01;BD!30$8<01$535 ``"P! .@$````"`?8/`0````0````````&C+$! 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Mon Sep 23 15:35:06 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id MAA26868; Mon, 23 Sep 1996 12:34:46 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id UAA18714 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Sun, 22 Sep 1996 20:47:43 -0500 Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 20:47:43 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #231 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 6dfda41752979764d5be6fdda494cd0f mystara-digest Sunday, 22 September 1996 Volume 01 : Number 231 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pascal Legrand Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 16:19:41 +-200 Subject: RE: [Mystara] "Countries of the Known World in the Spelljammer Universe" Bonjour, The article was originally two parts, with an intro. In the intro, I pointed out that, IMHO, the Ierendi Gazetteer was an atrocious bit of pap, and that I had altered it for my own version of Mystara. In my campaigns, Ierendi is quite different from canon. The SJ article only has a rumour that the country is ruled by Entropic worshippers. This is not entirely true. I would be very pleased if you could expand on this. I think too the Ierendi Gaz was a big mess, just a waste of time, paper and energy (and a waste of my money...). Maybe this topic was already discussed (I think it was one of the first purposes of this list) but I'd like to know if many DM alterd this setting and how. Thanks Au revoir Pascal >but my copy ends with "Alphatia: Because of it's special > situation in spelljamming on Mystara, Alphatia has it's own chapter." Unfortunately, that section was never written. I thought I had removed the comment before posting. Someday I will finish the article, when I am back in a "Mystara Mode". > Two questions; does anybody have the Alphatian chapter? Would anybody > like a copy of the 473-line/20K file? For the record, the file can be found through the MML homepage, at... Later... Leroy Van Camp III - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You know, not kneeing you in the groin is a constant struggle." - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MST3K begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(A /`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$-@ 0` M`@````(``@`!!) &`' #```"````% ````,``# %````"P`/#@`````"`?\/ M`0```#\`````````@2L?I+ZC$!F=;@#=`0]4`@````!M>7-T87)A+6Q :6\N M8V]M`%--5% `;7ES=&%R82UL0&EO+F-O;0``'@`", $````%````4TU44 `` M```>``,P`0```!$```!M>7-T87)A+6Q :6\N8V]M`````!X`&@`!````% `` M`%)%4$]25"Y)4$TN3D]412Y.1%(`0 `R`$#@<@R1J+L!`P`$# `````#``4, M_____P,`%0P````0`P#^#P8````>``$0`0```%0```!!=6-U;B!F;W5R;FES M``$P`0```!,````G;7ES=&%R M82UL0&EO+F-O;2<```(!"S !````%@```%--5% Z35E35$%202U,0$E/+D-/ M30````,``#D``````@$2.@$````_`````````($K'Z2^HQ 9G6X`W0$/5 (` M````;7ES=&%R82UL0&EO+F-O;0!33510`&UY7-T87)A+6Q :6\N8V]M)P```@$4.@$````6````4TU4 M4#I-65-405)!+4Q 24\N0T]-````"P! .@$````"`?8/`0````0````````% M#@````,``# &````"P`/#@$````"`?\/`0```#\`````````@2L?I+ZC$!F= M;@#=`0]4`@````!M>7-T87)A+6Q :6\N8V]M`%--5% `;7ES=&%R82UL0&EO M+F-O;0``'@`", $````%````4TU44 `````>``,P`0```!$```!M>7-T87)A M+6Q :6\N8V]M`````!X`&@`!````" ```$E032Y.3U1%`P`5# $````#`/X/ M!@```!X``3 !````$P```"=M>7-T87)A+6Q :6\N8V]M)P```@$+, $````6 M````4TU44#I-65-405)!+4Q 24\N0T]-`````P``.0`````"`10Z`0```! ` M``#H01;BD!30$8<01$535 ``"P! .@$````"`?8/`0````0````````&0;$! 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"0' Z+R]W?;#*+BK0+F?Q+WX%L#]07&XO+B 3 MP'LR+F9 ;?E\+R!,8U%A@'P.1_HB(ZL<@X*%3 20;R0`5@.1_D,P427 A- A MQX*%+E$$D.XM?M(O@77 0'WT@L0B(<)V`' X.3% ,A!J4-52("X)@'4*A2V) M?XJ/WXN?C*^-%"')6I!9/V%/HO\DL#J23Z )X%&B/U)>`28"_PG )T$QPG2R M`( !D#+1$\#Y-@!G9R,`89>-'Y1?E6\?EG^-O(,H@RD%X%0S2W^!/YJ_'K\? MR!O8'CX6P0`!G\ ``P`0$ `````#`!$0`````$ `!S" \!1]C:B[`4 `"#" M\!1]C:B[`0(!%#H!````$ ```.A!%N*0%- 1AQ!$15-4```>`#T``0````4` ,``!213H@`````/L^ ` end ------------------------------ From: Fabrizio Paoli Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 19:50:48 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Immortal Power Points -> Rads? At 00.19 22/09/96 -0400, you wrote: > So... the Nucleus is drawing 'negative Entropic energy', instead of >'Energy energy'. :) However, this doesn't seem to have changed the fact >that magic is still being drained from Mystara (by my guesstimates, the >Day of Dread will become the Week of Dread around 1024 AC). Will there be a "Weekend of Dread" in the middle ? :-) ************** Fabrizio Paoli DM in City Of The Stars aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr Home Page: ------------------------------ From: Daniel Boese Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 13:27:13 -0400 (EST) Subject: RE: [Mystara] Mystara & Gothic Earth? On Sun, 22 Sep 1996, Pascal Legrand wrote: > In fact my Averoigne (on which I'm still working for this list) > sticks to the original from Clark Ashton Smith and it is rather > medieval. Maybe I have missed some changes in the Mystara one... Unfortunately, the Smith books are even rarer here than, say, X2 modules.. I've found two of the four(?) works that mention Averoigne. I'd /love/ to read your notes on it, once you finish them.. > I think the original RL setting is closer to Mystara than the MOTRD one > because there is a large difference of tech level and a different mood. In > gothic earth a lot of villain just seem psycopaths or sociopaths, of course > there are some ghosts and other haunting horrors but they are quite rare. > That's not the case in Mystara where psychological disorders are rare, at > last IMC. > And there is magic nearly everywhere in Mystara as in Ravenloft, not in > Gothic Earth. But this is a matter of personal taste... Ah... I see what you mean. However - wouldn't MotRD be a more interesting world for the PCs to visit than "Hm.. these elves have black skins and like spiders, and those ones are all huddled on a place called "Eer-goth". :) Who knows.. maybe the Red Death might take an interest in the PCs, and where they're from... and definately in Henri d'Ambreville. :) > I think we could argue for years about firearms, And probably will. > I prefer to make them > rare and unreliable in Mystara except in the Savage Coast where it is good > to see swashbuckling and pirates adventures. I completely agree - with two exceptions. The cannon from Dragon #199 work well (IMO) in Mystara (as long as all the difficulties and problems of such are remembered and used), and IMC there's going to be at least one pistol from the Savage Coast carried along on the 'Around the World' ship from Karameikos, as an oddity and personal weapon of one of the crew. (Mind you, it's going to run low on smokepowder rather quickly.. :) ) > > Well, considering that in the near future, the only people likely to > > be coming from Gothic Earth will be one of Henri d'Ambreville's > > henchmen... why not? Henri would /love/ having a > > non-magically-dispellable long-distance method of communication. :) > I think this would be a major change in Mystara, coming with electricty > and so on...And I prefer to keep such a technology far from my Mystara. I never said that the telegraph would /stay/ in Mystara.. or the firearms, or any of the other Gothic Earth tech. (Besides, in Glantri, the magical forms of such are usually superior.. but often easily-dispellable and -detectable). The PCs need /something/ to blow up, after all.. :) (Besides, if all this is in Glantri, I doubt any gnomes will be around to copy it, so there's little risk of it spreading. :) ) - -- Daniel Boese ------------------------------ From: Gabriele Ferri Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 19:44:10 +-200 Subject: [Mystara] Re: Emerond Well, I'm just come back home from a really nice session, where my PCs = explored Emerond looking for infos for a future invasion... This is what I developed -well, I invented all it during the session, = but it worked really fine- Emerond is a kingdom ruled by creature who looks like elves, but are = slightly taller, green-skinned and silver-haired. The strange thing is = that those creatures are actually plants... They have no blood, no = internal organs, they don't eat. They just drink water (in taverns it's = served with some salt or aromatic substances) and they "sleep" all the = night. When they're sleeping, they are completely unconscious and they = cannot wake up until day. Only very few nobles have bodyguard belonging = to others races, that doesn't sleep at night and watch their masters. Their cities are living: all is made of wood which makes leaves and = flowers and even fruits in spring and summertime. Emeronders use giants = insects as vehicles: giant bugs as horses (but they can even climb = verticals walls), hornets and butterflies for faster movement, worms for = digging holes underground... I haven't developed more since my players aren't interested, but I send = it because I think that many ideas are fun and useful. Gabriele Ferri - ------------------------------ From: Fabrizio Paoli Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 19:32:06 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Emerond At 15.55 20/09/96 +-200, you wrote: >In my campaign, Emerond is treatening Karameikos (where the PCs are soldiers) with an >army of giant insects. Karameikan Army (and the PCs) repelled the first attack, and >wants to counter-attack; so I'm looking for more infos about the Kingdom of Emerond. >I've checked PWA II, can anyone a brief summary of the Princess Ark episode # 13 in >DRAGON(R) Magazine Issue #166? Il Regno di Emerond consiste in una serie di citt=E0 stato sotto un unico monarca. Queste citta sono piuttosto autonome, ma in caso di guerra accettano il comando dell'antica dinastia reale, che altrimenti =E8 vista soltanto come una posizione onorifica. Gli Emerondians sono essenzialmente contadini con grande conoscenza dell'agricoltura e della flora, ma totalmente ignoranti di marineria e navigazione. L'economia =E8 debole se confrontata con le altre nazioni del= KW ed il loro concetto di propriet=E0 privata =E8 piuttosto vago. Gli= Emerondian vivono una vita umile, ma confortevole. Sono un popolo pacifico e rispettoso delle tradizioni e delle leggi. Hanno un'antica cultura alle spalle e un ricco passato letterario ed artistico. La filosofia degli Emerondians =E8 di tipo druidico, ma figure insettoidi fanno parte del loro pantheon di Immortali. Poich=E9 in passato hanno subito diverse invasioni (Thyatis compresa) gli Emerondians mantengono un piccolo, ma ben allenato, esercito. Sono maestri nel nascondersi nella foresta e hanno una notevole esperienza ingegneristica, che permette loro di fortificare pesantemente le citt=E0. Gli Emerondian producono una fibra vegetale simile all'acciaio dal colore marrone (pi=F9 o meno scuro) con cui costruiscono armature e lame caratterizzate dalle linee molto curve e da mortali spine. Un armatura di Emerond d=E0 AC 5, mente le lame sono equivalenti alle spade del KW. A= parit=E0 di prestazioni l'ingombro =E8 pero la met=E0 di quello degli oggetti in= metallo (il costo, se mai fossero venduto, sarebbe cinque volte tanto). Gli Emerondian utilizzano un particolare tipo di combattimento che fa ampio uso delle spine sulle loro armi ed armatura. Durante un round di combattimento pu=F2 succedere una delle seguenti cose (a seconda del tiro= per colpire dell'Emerondian): - - con 1-5 un nemico a caso =E8 colpito da una spina subendo 1-4 hp - - con 16-20 un nemico a scelta deve fare uno Strenght Check o essere= disarmato Gli Emerondian non sono nativi di Mystara, ma vengono da un gruppo di asteroidi chiamati Pyrithean Archipelago. I Pyritheans erano una razza di selvaggi pirati spaziali. Un giorno una nave spaziale si spetasci=F2 sul KW= e From ???@??? Mon Sep 23 15:35:06 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id MAA26868; Mon, 23 Sep 1996 12:34:46 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id UAA18714 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Sun, 22 Sep 1996 20:47:43 -0500 Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 20:47:43 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #231 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 6dfda41752979764d5be6fdda494cd0f naque il pacifico regno di Emerond. Solo gli arcipreti ed i grandi druidi ricordano la vera storia, inoltre questi conoscono un'antica magia per creare Pyrithean war mounts: enormi insetti volanti trasformati mitiche bestie corazzate armate con spine e artigli. Queste bestie sono addestrate a rispondere ai pensieri dei loro cavalieri. Per quanto riguarda il gioco questi mostri vanno trattati come Hook Horrors, ma con movimento in volo di 180'(60'). Per la tua gioia ti d=F2 anche le statistiche dell'Hook Horror (dal Creature Catalog) AC:2 Hit Dice: 5 (L) Move: 90' (30') Attacks: 2 claws/ 1 bite Damage: 1d8/1d8/3d6 No. Appearing: 2d6 (0) Save As: Fighter 5 Morale: 8 Treasure Type: K Intelligence: 4 Alignment: Chaotic XP Value: 175 E adesso una domanda: sai mica se dalle tue parti ci sono negozi che vendono Dragon Dice ? E se ci sono, quanto costa un pacchetto di DD ? Ciao =20 =20 =20 ************** Fabrizio Paoli =20 DM in City Of The Stars=20 aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr Home Page: =09 ------------------------------ From: Deathwatch Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 20:30:52 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] "Countries of the Known World in the Spelljammer Universe" At 19:14 19-09-96 -0500, you wrote: >-- [ From: Shelby Michlin * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] -- > > >> Two questions; does anybody have the Alphatian chapter? Would anybody >like a >> copy of the 473-line/20K file? > > >I don't have it, but I definitely want them both! >Shelby > I don't have them. Send them plz. ------------------------------ From: David Keyser Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 13:28:13 -0700 Subject: [Mystara] Mystara & Gothic Earth Pascal Legrand said ... > Hm.. I got the HR4 from the "Mystara and chronomancy" file. All my data >on Averoigne itself is second-hand, as I've yet to find a copy of X2.. > In fact my Averoigne (on which I'm still working for this list) sticks to >the original from Clark Ashton Smith and it is rather medieval. Maybe I >have missed some changes in the Mystara one... X2 sticks closely to the original stories, the time setting potrayed in that module is approximately the Dark Ages, maybe 600-700 AD, rather than the Renaissance period. The HR4 reference would be wrong then, or in Laterre's future. I believe the HR detailing Charlemagne's paladins would be closer to the mark. Although, the PCs trip to Averoigne in X2 could be a trip to the past just as easily as it could be a trip to the present, so you can make the current timeline of Laterre(the name for Averoigne's earth) anything you want. Dave Keyser ------------------------------ From: Matthew Levy Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 15:41:47 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Re: STUFF On Sat, 21 Sep 1996, Deathwatch wrote: > >I think it all depends on the situation in the rest of the world ... in a > >post-WotI game, unless Thyatis is REALLY weak it should be able to easily > >dominate large areas of the world, much like the British. Of course, it > >may have too many problems with its land neighbors, allowing someone like > >Ierendi to be the top dog while it deals with its enemies and is thereby > >weakened (analogous to the French in the age of colonialism). It seems > >likely that naval power will become more important than land power on > >Mystara, especially with the combination of magic and smokepowder with new > >naval technology ... cannon-armed warships commanded by pirate wizards > >should be the most important military unit, with the possible exception of > >skyships. I think Renardy and Bellayne are too small and backwards > >comparatively to really do much in the way of conquest. When thinking > >about these kinds of things, Mystaran DM's should give a lot of thought to > >how the WHOLE thing fits together ... balance of power and similar > >concepts are important. For one thing, what is the relationship of Flying > >Serraine to world power struggles? It is a mobile and incredibly wealthy > >city with super high tech defences ... it could be involved in financing > >the war effort of various countries, kind of like a flying Switzerland. > >Also, with the development of large airfleets by Alphatia, Thyatis, and > >especially the Heldannic Knights, it seems like even Myoshima might become > >involved in a massive system of alliances. In a pre-WoTI game, it seems > >like Alphatia would be the clearest analogy for Britain, with Thyatis and > >Heldann challenging its naval hegemony with powerful land forces (like > >Napoleonic France or early 20th century Germany). > > Those flying ships...where can I get info on them? I don't have any stats or > something of them.... > > > The Champions of Mystara boxed set would be the best information source ... ------------------------------ From: Jason Zavoda Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 18:38:41 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Mystara] Fluff I seem to remember that the vote on fluff (fan fiction) on the list was a go ahead. (I think I voted against it). Well as it turns out I started writing some myself and want to know what the current consensus is on sending it out on the list. Here is the first installment, opinions would be appreciated. Thanks Jason Zavoda (From the Module B10 Nights Dark Terror,) By Jim Bambra, Graeme Morris, & Phil Gallagher Telek listened to the river as it fought against the boat. It had rained heavily the day before and the voice of the river was loud and deep. Traces of the storm and the anger of the river rushed beside the boat or lay broken on the slopes of the embankment. The broken bodies of many trees lay across the tops of the riverbank now that the stormwaters had receded. Telek silently honored these fallen brethren, so much like the trees around the banks of the Foestop River in his native Alfhelm. Rolling fields flanked the river but ahead the edges of the Dymrak Forest stood out on the Eastern horizon. The boles and torn branches had been carried far, further than the town of Kelvin where Telek and his five companions had boarded Captain Kalanos' riverboat, but still the destination for the small band lay miles further upstream. Thirty or so miles East of Kelvin, the Volaga river branched off and the smaller stream, the Syereb, flowed South and East through the Dymrak Forest. On the East bank of the Syereb River sat a small steading, a ranch where wild horses were corraled and tamed. The Ranchers needed guards for a small herd of horses they had gathered, Telek and his companions needed funds to equip themselves for an expedition to an abandoned keep in eastern Karameikos, easy money, or so they were told, Telek was young for an Elf but knew that money never came easily. * * * Dirk Wooten pretended to sleep, his back against a barrel roped to the side of the boat. He kept a sheet of stained canvas wrapped around his shoulders. It was a cool morning even for the first week of Spring, for that Dirk was thankful, the padding under his chainmail shirt kept him warm and the canvas kept the riverspray from soaking his armor. A Heavy coating of oil protected his armor and weapons from the damp, Dirk took no chances with the tools of his trade. At the moment Dirk had five royals keeping themselves company in his backpack and a heavy golden torq around his neck that he had been given by a Traladaran merchant he saved from thieves one night on patrol in Specularum. His companions, Telek the Elf,Red a Cleric of Traladara, Cat a petite female Magician, Mouse a Halfling from the Five Shires, and now Vlad, were scattered about the small craft. Dirk had formed the small adventuring group three months before when his enlistment with the Specularum city guards had ended. Telek had arrived in the city the year before, a young Elf struck with the Wanderlust. Dirk shared Teleks desire to see the world, though he would like to do more than just see it, owning a small part of it would also suit him just fine. Red, named after his flaming mane and beard, had tended bar at a tavern on Dirks patrol route. Dirk had known him for several weeks before he found out that the Bartender/bouncer, Red being a huge bear of a man with a fiery temper to match his hair, was also a cleric of the Traladara Church. Red believed in grappling with religion, though his approach was too forceful for the more refined Traladarans. Many young Traladrans in Specularum followed his advice and sought his counsel, but a restless urge to see the boundries of his homeland overcame him and he brought up the idea of joining Dirks group for a time. Dirk jumped at the chance of having the formidable cleric at his side. * * * The Riverboat surged forward as the Rowers ceasely swept their oars in and out of the water. Dirk watched the dark cloaked pair of Cat and Mouse sitting opposite from him on a wooden barrel. They were a notorius pair, young and inexperienced seemingly but the rumours around Specularum spoke of midnite thefts and daring catburglary. Neither had ever been caught or even charged but leaving Specularum, at least for a time had seemed prudent and they accepted dirks offer. A steady rasping sound drew Dirks attention from the pair. Sitting with crossed legs a few feet from him sat Vlad. Dirk had known Vlad the longest but had only met him again recently. Vlad had enlisted a season before Dirk in the city guards. They had been assigned to the same company though not in the same squad. He had seen him frequently, drinking and usually brawling in the Tavern where Red tended bar. Many a time Red had thrown the offduty guardsman out into the street or pinned him to the ground or a wall when Vlads beserker temper flared. But still Vlad was a well liked Guardsman and his bad traits were outweighed by his good. Vlad had disappeared at the end of his enlistment, leaving to work with his father and uncle on the ranch that had hired the small group of adventurers. Dirk watched him sharpen the edge of his blade, a long heavy cavalry sabre, and was glad to have him along. ------------------------------ From: ( TIMOTHY M DI BONA) Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 19:13:17, -0500 Subject: [Mystara] Re: Emerond <<<< I haven't developed more since my players aren't interested, but I send = it because I think that many ideas are fun and useful.>>>> I love it. Good ideas. I'll probably be able to use most of them myself. Thanks a lot _______________________________________________ - -Tim ------------------------------ From: Joe Duncan Date: Sun, 22 Sep 96 20:11:29 EDT Subject: Re: [Mystara] Davania At 05:44 PM 9/16/96 -0300, you wrote: > > >On Sat, 14 Sep 1996, Geoff Gander wrote: > >> If you want to situate a South American (MBrazil) style culture on >> Davania, may I suggest the Addakian Sound as an ideal cultural centre. If >> you look on the Hollow World colour map of Mystara, it is a rich arm of >> tropical ocean bounded on each side by a fertile strip of coastline, which >> is in turn sandwiched by the Izondian desert in the west and the Aryptian >> Basin in the east. Since it would be effectively cut off from the KW by >> the extremely high Addakian Mountains, and the Meghales Amosses Desert - >> otherwise the northern Aryptian Basin (as described in PWA2), an >> enterprising seafaring culture would be ideal here. > >Sounds good. What about this? Adakkian Sound is a new feature in davanian >geography. 200 years ago, Davania started to split (as South America and >Africa should do). Untill then Izondian Wall and Adakkian Mounts were the >same mountain range and a huge desert (desert of Izonda plus the Aryptian >Basin) wsa all that there existed in the northern half of Davania and one Actually, the Adakkian sound is an old feature. I'ts mentioned in CoM that it's where the two groups of "returnist" elves fleeing from Grunland/Vulcania finally ran into each other before settling into the known world and the sylvan realm. I'm not sure on dates, but it's got to be at least 1000 or more years since then.... - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Just Glad To Be Here Happy To Be Alive" Joe Duncan, Computer Science, Carleton University - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: Leroy Van Camp III Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 17:27:39 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [Mystara] Mystara, Spelljammer, and Psykers... On Thu, 19 Sep 1996 wrote: > In a message dated 96-09-19 01:29:41 EDT, Daniel Boese wrote: > > >Recently a group of psionicists have discussed > >using psionic means to cross into the world and explore. It is > >unknown of they have proceeded. > > According to Mystara's *canon* there are no psionics there. Of course, no one > prevents you from introducing psionics, that's your choice. Of course, but it should be obvious that this is certainly not canon, since it is an article on how Mystara fits into the Spelljammer universe. The psionicists it refers to are not native, but rather spacefarers that have journeyed to Mystaraspace. For the most part, though, I follow the canon when it comes to psionicists and Mystara natives. Despite the fact I play Mystara through AD&D, and rather like the CBoPsionicists, adding psykers to the mix doesn't seem quite right to me. Leroy Van Camp III - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You know, not kneeing you in the groin is a constant struggle." - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MST3K ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #231 ***************************** mystara-digest Monday, 23 September 1996 Volume 01 : Number 232 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Leroy Van Camp III Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 17:55:19 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Fluff On Sun, 22 Sep 1996, Jason Zavoda wrote: > I seem to remember that the vote on fluff (fan fiction) on the > list was a go ahead. (I think I voted against it). Well as it turns out > I started writing some myself and want to know what the current consensus > is on sending it out on the list. Yup, sending moderately-sized fluff to the list is fine. The current FAQ, found at does not reflect this yet, but it will eventually. Leroy Van Camp III - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What do I know what do I know? (I), never look back never look back (no). Stick it in me stick it in me (I), what do I see what do I see? (now)" - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (A Higher Form of) Killing ------------------------------ From: Leroy Van Camp III Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 17:52:38 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [Mystara] Re: your mail On Tue, 17 Sep 1996, Herve MUSSEAU wrote: > version 2.0 by Herv=E9 Musseau >=20 > I play in Mystara >=20 > O =3D I play with other worlds and rules, Mystara is only one of those > I use the rules of >=20 > S =3D AD&D 2nd ed. > My Mystara is >=20 > W =3D like the official one but with no world-shaking WotI stuff > I play in the time frame: >=20 > G =3D 1000 AC (Gazetteer time) > Mystara and other AD&D worlds >=20 > B =3D S+P > I play RPGs for >=20 > E =3D well, that makes 15 years now > I play Mystara for >=20 > F =3D five years > I discovered Mystara with >=20 > B =3D basic set, a small town that happened to be in Karameikos > G =3D gazetteers > I am a > > B =3D both =09 =09=09 Leroy Van Camp III =09 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You know, not kneeing you in the groin is a constant struggle." - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =09=09=09=09 MST3K ------------------------------ From: "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 18:12:36 -0700 (MST) Subject: [Mystara] That Sphinx! (was [Mystara] Coat of Arms) Matthew Levy wrote about the origin of sphinxes on Mystara, mentioning the immortal- Grammaton- who is noted as their creator in Creature Crucible #2- Top Ballista. Given what is mentioned about him, being fond of puzzles, etc.- I would imagine that Grammaton is another name for Razud (is that his name? The immortal who likes puzzles, et al.) ------------------------------ From: "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 18:20:50 -0700 (MST) Subject: [Mystara] Clyde Caldwell in D&D On Fri, 20 Sep 1996, Daniel Boese wrote: > Obligatory Mystara Comment: Has anybody besides me noticed that the cover > painter for many of the Gazetteers had a B module, and Karameikan castle > named after him? (I must admit, I do like Caldwell's work. :) ) You know, that never occurred to me until you mentioned it. I love CC's stuff myself (I have a poster of the cover from Spellfire- Incredible!) I wonder if any other artists or TSR employees pop up in Mystara anywhere? ------------------------------ From: "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 18:31:32 -0700 (MST) Subject: RE: [Mystara] Mystara & Gothic Earth? On Sat, 21 Sep 1996, Pascal Legrand wrote: > Sorry to disagree with the Mighty Fortress book (I've never read it) but > Averoigne is a pure middle age setting not a Renaissance one... I would have to agree with this statement for a couple of reasons: 1) According to X2- Castle Amber, the d'Ambrevilles lived in Averoigne around 1000-1200 AD or so. 2) The Averoigne stories by Clark Ashton Smith generally take place within this same era of time. This is close to inquisition time. It's a "Dark" (my world history teacher in HS hated that term) or Middle ages setting, not a Renaissance era setting. Naturally, with a few modifications, this could all be altered. Another interesting note- It was suggested that the d'Ambrevilles had dealings with evil sorts of creatures (my bet would be on Cthulianic creatures, but the stories also suggest that there were Satanists during these times). Do they still deal with these creatures, or are they more or less good now? It could put quite an interesting spin on Glantri campaigns, methinks. ------------------------------ From: "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 18:51:13 -0700 (MST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Immortal Power Points -> Rads? On Sat, 21 Sep 1996, Robert Kaelin wrote: > 2) No Immortal (except maybe the very bluntest of them, like Alphaks) would > try to remove the Sphere of Energy on Mystara. (Which is basically what > destroying the nucleus would do. ) First off, this would lead to a massive > war, much like the one you describe... Second off, if the balance of > spheres is destroyed Mystara will no longer be capable of creating new > Immortals. (That's the reason Immortals, even those of Entropy, have > agreed not to directly interfere in's the only world capable of > producing new Immortals in great quantities.) Third, since this would > essentially wipe out the grand design set in place by the Old Ones I can't > imagine they'd sit still for it for long....They have all eternity to start > over with a new MultiVerse anyway. As Daniel pointed out, the war would likely make many Entropics happy. Also, note that Thanatos' goal is not the destruction of some life, but the destruction of _all_ life. I don't really think he'd give a lich's butt whether or not any new immortals could be generated or not. If he could find a way to remove the nucleus, I don't think he'd let himself be stopped because the other immortals thought it was a bad idea. (That Thanatos- he's just not a team player, is he?) ------------------------------ From: "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 18:47:26 -0700 (MST) Subject: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World I just got HWA4- the Milenian Empire this weekend, and looking through it got me started thinking about a few things. Primarily, I was thinking that- Hey! Wouldn't the Week of No Magic be a great time for new cultural elements to be introduced into the Hollow World cultures? Especially by those troublemakers, namely Thanatos, that hate the Hollow World. Sure, it caught everyone by surprise, but some of those immortals would be rather quick on the draw I bet... Which brings up the other interesting point- Wouldn't the burrowers be freed during that week, to raise hell and run amok? Granted, they would be fairly weakened by the lack of magic, but given that they are variously described as being Immortal level in power, I don't know that that would hinder them as such. So, they've a week's free reign to do some major damage, right? Also, on a side note- anyone notice a resemblance between the Burrowers and the Great Old Ones of the Cthulhu mythos? Particularly the Cthonians, but also Cthulhu himself (trapped under the sea in R'lyeh, dead until the stars are right, or he can compel someone to free him). I mean, for one thing, they are being punished by those of greater power- the Immortals/Elder Gods- and they can only manipulate people through their agents walking the earth... I don't know; maybe this was obvious to everyone, and I'm only just now noticing... ------------------------------ From: Jason Zavoda Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 23:20:52 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Mystara] Fluff second installment (From the Module B10 Nights Dark Terror,) By Jim Bambra, Graeme Morris, & Phil Gallagher The Sun was on the wane, though still high in the sky, noonday had passed. Telek sat again near the prow of the riverboat, the river speaking only in a murmur. Ahead the forest stopped at the edge of the south embankment,a few spots on the even edge gaping like broken teeth where the previous nights stormwaters had pulled away trees, root and all. His attention turned now toward the forest ahead, only a moments warning did he have when the river spoke with a changed pitch. Then he was flying overboard his hands making a grab for the raised sides of the riverboat. There was a grating noise that sawed across the riverboats prow, then a lurch as the boat was stopped in the water. Captain Kalanos had been approaching Telek at the time to speak with the Elf. He was thrown forward and off the raised deck and into the rowers benchs. Dirk who had fallen asleep was thrown foreward and awoke with a start jumping to his feet on the reeling deck and trying to draw his sword. the boat swung to the right turned sideways in the current, the rudder unmanned, the starboard side of the boat rising high, dirk flew through the air and crashed into the barrels secured to the port rail. He landed on his back his longsword clutched whiteknuckled in his hand. Vlad had fared better, he had become familiar with river travel in the time with his father and uncle guarding shipments up and down the Volaga and the Syereb. He was flattened on his stomach , his sabre secured across his back, both hands flat against the porous wood of the deck. Cat and Mouse were the only two standing, their heads hardly higher than the barrels that they were braced against, their hands linked with each others and the rope holding the barrels to the rail. They stood by the starboard rail and as the boat rose their feet left the deck. Red had been at the stern of the boat, an open keg filled with three winter cider had been breached for the noonday meal. He had filled the water ladle with the potent brew and was raising enough to stun an ox to his lips when the boat lurched to a stop. Luckily he had closed his eyes in anticipation of ambrosial nectar, his ladle smacked him smartly across the bridge of his nose, its contents splashed across his face and soaked his beard. If more luck had been with him he would have fallen. Instead he staggerd, and being a tall man the port rail only ran to the back of his thighs. As the starboard rose he somersaulted through air and into the river. The port stern oarsman saw him circle through the air like a carnvival acrobat and land on his back in the water. There was a tremendous splash, and he disappeared from sight like a hundred weight sack of gravel, bellowing out as he sailed through the air. "OOOOOO SSSHHHHIII...." KA-BLASH!!! * * * Telek caught edge of the boat as he went over he twisted in the air like a cat and his feet slammed against the outer edge. His left hand came up and he pulled himself into the boat like a gymnast over a vaulting horse. The ship sank down even as his feet touched the deck. The boat did a slow turn and leveled off in the current. The prow was slowly turning into the current, back toward Kelvin. On the raised deck he could see only Vlad still gripping the deck and Cat and Mouse, the Pair as Telek thought of them, holding onto the starboard rail and its secured barrels. The port oar bank was a mess, the Captain and the crewman at the rudder had come crashing into their benches along with a good deal of unsecured baggage. The Captain had landed directly on top of an oarsman, knocking the wind out of the Captain but seriously injurying the oarsman. he lay in a heap . The most foreward port oarsman appeared to be dead. The second oar had been pulled from the hands of the crewman behind him and caught him across the back of the head. He had been thrown foreward and was near to Telek, his skull crushed and his neck broken. The starboard oarsman were rising from their benches and climbing to the raised deck. Telek started foreward himself when he saw a crewman stumble as he stood on the deck then fall foreward. Telek was trained with a bow from his youth and had the speed and sight of his kind. He saw the arrows arch across the deck. One landed near his feet, a stray shot but one struck the gunwale near his shoulder. "DOWN!" he yelled and threw himself to the deck. Another crewman did an impromptu ballet as he was struck over his left hip, spun around and was struck again high in his left chest. He did not drop. Being the only visible target two more arrows sought him out but passed by him as he pirouted across the deck. Then he stood still, one hand on the arrow shaft sticking from his chest, the other reaching around his back. One of the archers ashore was better or luckier than the others a third arrow arched out from the shore, Telek watching crouched alongside the gunwale followed its path with his eyes as it flew toward the paralyzed crewman. He was too far away and could do nothing but stare as it sailed across the water over the rail and into, thin air. The shaft passed over the boat and into the water. Vlad crawling across the deck had reached out and pulled the crewmans ankles out from under him. He landed with a thud. A pool of blood began to form under him. Telek saw that Vlad was checking the stricken crewman, first to see if he lived then to see if he could staunch the wound. Telek turned his attention toward where his own bow lay secured in a carrying case tied to the port deck rail. He crawled carefully to it and did not see a group of men on the shore pass by the bowmen and throw themselves into the river. ------------------------------ From: StarHawk Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 00:50:26 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Androsphinx (Was: [Mystara] Coat of Arms On Fri, 20 Sep 1996, Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One wrote: > On 20 Sep 1996, Andrew McKinstry wrote: > > > I think it was the Asyrians, I saw the statues you were talking about in the > > British Museum last year, and they look like Androsphinxes (Do Androsphinxes > > have wings? Because the statues I saw had wings) > > I think you and Kevin Augenstein are both right- those statues came from > a site in Assyria that was discovered by whatsisface- famous early > archaeogist. Discovered ruins of Mycenae and some in Assyria, where he > dug up these bull guys. Can't think of his name.... > > Anyway, known mythologically as a Lamasu, these statues guarded the throne > room of King Sargon the II of Assyria. These are the same things referred > to as Shedu in the AD&D compendiums. > > These TSR guys actually get stuff from real life, sometimes. Odd, that. ;) > > Lammasu are lions with wings (according to TSR anyway) and listed under Lammasu. Shedu are pegasi with human heads and listed under Shedu. Alphatias symbol is the later (notice the hooves). Though mythologically they may be much similar, TSR often borrows from real myth, but not necessarily without adding their own twist first. ------------------------------ From: (Shawn) Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 16:00:57 +1000 Subject: [Mystara] Blackmoor Hello All There's been some people posting about Blackmoor recently which reminded me that I forgot to mention that I have some Blackmoor information on my homepage. Sorry about this shameless plug, though. Shawn Stanley ------------------------------ From: Shin Chyang Yu Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 01:43:48 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Other nations of Skothar Matthew Levy pontificated: > > As I said to someone else, the Malay would make an excellent model for > the Minaeans. Anybody know anything about the naval history of medieval > southeast asia? I do remember reading that the Chinese Emperor sent a > man named Ma Sanbao with a fleet of ships as far as Zanzibar in East > Africa in 1435 but then abandoned the mission as too expensive ... Sanbao > was apparently the source for the legend of Sinbad the Sailor. This was > only a little while before Vasco da Gama ... what if Thyatins/Alphatians Are you a history major? That is not a very well know fact. I don't remember much about him, but assuming we are talking about the same person, his name is Chaun Ho, an eunuch servent of the emperor. I think Sanbao is his title. He lead expediation 7 times. Officially I think he was to show nations of southwest Asia how powerful China was. There was never attempt of colonization, in fact they actually give out gifts to nations they landed on. However, the real reason for the expediation was believed to find the real emperor, as the emperor at that time got his position through usurpation. The expediation was to find the rightful emperor and kill him. They never found him. Another great expediation happened earlier, in Ching dynasty. Shou Fu was send by the emperor to go search for immortality drug. The expediation went out with 500 virgin boys and 500 virgin girls. That expediation never came back. Some believe they landed at Japen and settled there. Basiclly, as I mentioned before, Chinese has a great fear of the sea, and don't want to go out there unless have to. So those expedation are send out only when it can brought gain to the emperor. And if the emperor want to send you somewhere, you either go or spend rest of your life in a dungeon if the emperor is in a good mood. I think this should apply to MChina too, as if MChina have a great naval power either in the past or present, it will be difficult to explain why they haven't come into contact with KW earlier. However, large expediation has send out from time to time, so MChinese settler can be found where ever we like to put them. - -- Problem 7-11 of Fogler's Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering Consider the following 2 reactions: | John Yu (1) healthy person ---> ill | (2) ill ---> death | UVA Material Science Dept. Although reaction given in equation 2 is normally consider completely irreversible, reverse reaction has been reported to occur. ------------------------------ From: (Andrew McKinstry) Date: 23 Sep 1996 14:20:58 GMT Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World Speaking of the burrowers, I was wondering exactly what these were and if someone would be willing to post information about them to this mailing list. They sound really cool, but I would like to know what they are...... Andrew McKinstry ------------------------------ From: "Jorge Villalobos" Date: 23 Sep 1996 15:01:22 -0000 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Mystara, Spelljammer, and Psykers... >From Mon Sep 23 02:12:36 1996 >Return-Path: >Delivered-To: >Received: (qmail-queue invoked from smtpd); 23 Sep 1996 02:12:36 -0000 >Received: from ( > by with SMTP; 23 Sep 1996 02:12:36 -0000 >Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id TAA18286 for mystara-l-outgoing; Sun, 22 Sep 1996 19:45:53 -0500 >Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) with ESMTP id TAA18270 for ; Sun, 22 Sep 1996 19:36:49 -0500 >Received: from ( []) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) with ESMTP id TAA09227 for ; Sun, 22 Sep 1996 19:27:44 -0500 (CDT) >Received: from ( []) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) with ESMTP id RAA26102 for ; Sun, 22 Sep 1996 17:27:40 -0700 (PDT) >Received: from localhost (van891@localhost) by (8.7.3/8.7.3) with SMTP id RAA17247 for ; Sun, 22 Sep 1996 17:27:39 -0700 (PDT) >Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 17:27:39 -0700 (PDT) >From: Leroy Van Camp III >X-Sender: >To: >Subject: [Mystara] Mystara, Spelljammer, and Psykers... >In-Reply-To: <> >Message-ID: >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII >Sender: >Precedence: bulk >Reply-To: >On Thu, 19 Sep 1996 wrote: >> In a message dated 96-09-19 01:29:41 EDT, Daniel Boese wrote: >> >> >Recently a group of psionicists have discussed >> >using psionic means to cross into the world and explore. It is >> >unknown of they have proceeded. >> >> According to Mystara's *canon* there are no psionics there. Of course, no one >> prevents you from introducing psionics, that's your choice. > > Of course, but it should be obvious that this is certainly not canon, >since it is an article on how Mystara fits into the Spelljammer universe. >The psionicists it refers to are not native, but rather spacefarers that >have journeyed to Mystaraspace. > For the most part, though, I follow the canon when it comes to >psionicists and Mystara natives. Despite the fact I play Mystara through >AD&D, and rather like the CBoPsionicists, adding psykers to the mix >doesn't seem quite right to me. > > > Leroy Van Camp III > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "You know, not kneeing you in the groin is a constant struggle." >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- > MST3K > > > > Why not? You can put a small group that developed the abilities a couple of centuries ago, or came from other places, and are starting a school. Mystara is full of "outerspace" dudes like the d'Abreville family. And Red Steel isn't a very normal (AD&D) site. - ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ==(W{==========- | | || (.--.) | | | \_,|**|,__ Jorge Villalobos Duran | | `\ ' `--' ), Universidad de los Andes | | `\_. .__/\ \ | | | . |""""| | | /==0==-\<>/ | | | / \ | Tel (571) 2585382 | | ( ) ( ) | | | ; | ; | | | ; | ; | - ----------------------------------------------------------------- ___ _____ .'/,-Y" "~-. l.Y ^. /\ _\_ i ___/" "\ DOUGH!!!! | /" "\ o ! l ] o !__./ \ _ _ \.___./ "~\ X \/ \ ___./ ( \ ___. _..--~~" ~`-. ` Z,-- / \ \__. ( / ______) \ l /-----~~" / Y \ / | "x______.^ | \ To the tune of ``Jingle Bells'': Azathoth Azathoth Azathoth, the King Center of the Universe, Insanity he brings, Hey! - --------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at - --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 17:48:49 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Black Eagle Barony and Bards Estlor wrote: > > > > > On Wed, 18 Sep 1996, Robert Kaelin wrote: > > > > > > > > p.s. Bargle lives! > > > > > And he had his filthy little claws in some of the politics that led to > Broderick taking Esterhold...something like an advisor to Nicodemus > (Herve would know). Yes, he is (was) an advisor to Nicodemus in Verdan (Esterhold). But I didn't made that up, I found a reference to this in JA or PWA3. As for his role in the fall of Verdan to Broderick... see my timeline on my homepage. - -- Herve Musseau Email: or (if you really need) Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #232 ***************************** From ???@??? Sat Sep 28 10:24:54 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id LAA09532; Tue, 24 Sep 1996 11:31:50 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id TAA28339 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Mon, 23 Sep 1996 19:52:42 -0500 Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 19:52:42 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #233 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 0aebe4c4e32f9fe4aec6ea3b545c36ea Status: RO mystara-digest Monday, 23 September 1996 Volume 01 : Number 233 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Daniel Boese Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 12:03:48 -0400 (EST) Subject: RE: [Mystara] Mystara & Gothic Earth? > Another interesting note- It was suggested that the d'Ambrevilles had > dealings with evil sorts of creatures (my bet would be on Cthulianic > creatures, but the stories also suggest that there were Satanists during > these times). Do they still deal with these creatures, or are they more > or less good now? It could put quite an interesting spin on Glantri > campaigns, methinks. I think that, with a few notable exceptions, the d'Ambrevilles who moved to Glantri have severed any ties with the Cthullu-type beings. Then again, if they happened to leave a cousin or two behind on Laterre, who knows what they've been up to.. :) - -- Daniel Boese ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 17:52:40 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Clyde Caldwell in D&D Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One wrote: > > On Fri, 20 Sep 1996, Daniel Boese wrote: > > > Obligatory Mystara Comment: Has anybody besides me noticed that the cover > > painter for many of the Gazetteers had a B module, and Karameikan castle > > named after him? (I must admit, I do like Caldwell's work. :) ) > > You know, that never occurred to me until you mentioned it. I love CC's > stuff myself (I have a poster of the cover from Spellfire- Incredible!) I > wonder if any other artists or TSR employees pop up in Mystara anywhere? If you read Rogues to Riches (novel published as a First Quest book), you probably noted the gnome named Jebb Gruff... and there are probably other such references (I'm sure Zebulon also stands for someone at TSR). In fact the whole book is rife with such jokes (ever tried to read the magic spells reverse?) - -- Herve Musseau Email: or (if you really need) Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 18:03:47 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Coat of Arms Matthew Levy wrote: > Whereabouts? The land of Nimmur on the Orc's Head Peninsula is quite > Babylonian-like ... maybe the Enduks, Ee'ar and Manscorpions know > something about the history of Sphinxes, Shedu or whatever. > Also, IIRC the source material for Serraine (PC?) says Sphinxes were > created by the Immortal Grammaton. Now, I don't know if there are other > sources for this Immortal in Mystara, and I hope I'm not going to offend > anyone, but Grammaton makes me think of the Tetragrammaton, which is what > the Name of God is called in Jewish mysticism (Tetra meaning four, for the > four letters YHVH). Grammaton is described as an immortal who loves > puzzles and word games (which is why sphinxes are how they are), which > also fits the Jewish tradition of Qabbala. Could it be that there are > Jews on Mystara? We already have quasi-Catholics and quasi-Muslims so I > see no reason why anybody should be upset by the existence of a people who > worship M-Yahweh. In real history the Hebrews did emerge from Babylonia > originally and were associated with it in later periods (by getting > captured and enslaved!) so perhaps M-Israel is near Nimmur. Then again > they were also associated with Egypt, so maybe Nithia is a better choice. > m@2 > IMHO the SE are the Jews of Mystara. Think about the holocaust (Rain of Fire), the fleeing, the worship of a false God (atzanteotl), the 14 verses of Rafiel, the promised land etc. The Kingdom of Aengmor (ex-Alfheim) is equivalent to Israel/Palestine. BTW, that's why I would prefer there be no further war between the SE and the AE for the control of the land, I prefer the option of a peace process... - -- Herve Musseau Email: or (if you really need) Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 18:23:47 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Immortal Power Points -> Rads? Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One wrote: > > On Sat, 21 Sep 1996, Robert Kaelin wrote: > > > 2) No Immortal (except maybe the very bluntest of them, like Alphaks) would > > try to remove the Sphere of Energy on Mystara. (Which is basically what > > destroying the nucleus would do. ) First off, this would lead to a massive > > war, much like the one you describe... Second off, if the balance of > > spheres is destroyed Mystara will no longer be capable of creating new > > Immortals. (That's the reason Immortals, even those of Entropy, have > > agreed not to directly interfere in's the only world capable of > > producing new Immortals in great quantities.) Third, since this would > > essentially wipe out the grand design set in place by the Old Ones I can't > > imagine they'd sit still for it for long....They have all eternity to start > > over with a new MultiVerse anyway. > > As Daniel pointed out, the war would likely make many Entropics happy. > Also, note that Thanatos' goal is not the destruction of some life, but > the destruction of _all_ life. I don't really think he'd give a lich's > butt whether or not any new immortals could be generated or not. If he > could find a way to remove the nucleus, I don't think he'd let himself be > stopped because the other immortals thought it was a bad idea. > > (That Thanatos- he's just not a team player, is he?) Maybe the Entropics would like such a war, but since the Nucleus now draws its power from the sphere of Entropy, pumping all energy out of the artifact to stop all magic on Mystara would also permanently destroy all influence from the Sphere of Entropy from that place. Not a very enjoyable perspective for Thanatos or any other Entropic, is it? - -- Herve Musseau Email: or (if you really need) Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 18:54:33 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One wrote: > > I just got HWA4- the Milenian Empire this weekend, and looking through it > got me started thinking about a few things. > > Primarily, I was thinking that- Hey! Wouldn't the Week of No Magic be a > great time for new cultural elements to be introduced into the Hollow > World cultures? Especially by those troublemakers, namely Thanatos, that > hate the Hollow World. > > Sure, it caught everyone by surprise, but some of those immortals would > be rather quick on the draw I bet... > > Which brings up the other interesting point- > > Wouldn't the burrowers be freed during that week, to raise hell and run amok? > Granted, they would be fairly weakened by the lack of magic, but given > that they are variously described as being Immortal level in power, I > don't know that that would hinder them as such. > > So, they've a week's free reign to do some major damage, right? Hmm the week without magic isn't actually a week without magic. I mean, Immortal magic didn't stop to work. So there is no reason why the Spell of Preservation would stop from working that week (although you might argue that it is said I don't remember where that the internal sun stopped providing light IIRC, but I think it is just a mistake). > Also, on a side note- anyone notice a resemblance between the Burrowers > and the Great Old Ones of the Cthulhu mythos? Particularly the Cthonians, > but also Cthulhu himself (trapped under the sea in R'lyeh, dead until the > stars are right, or he can compel someone to free him). I mean, for one > thing, they are being punished by those of greater power- the > Immortals/Elder Gods- and they can only manipulate people through their > agents walking the earth... > > I don't know; maybe this was obvious to everyone, and I'm only just now > noticing... - -- Herve Musseau Email: or (if you really need) Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Geoff Gander Date: Mon, 23 Sep 96 15:29:32 EDT Subject: Re: [Mystara] Re: Blackmoor > > Who says? I think many scholars from Glantri and Alphatia (and nations > > yet to be created by our imaginations) would have gone on "archaeological > > expeditions" - mere fronts for their real purpose (power). In my > > campaign, groups of Alphatian and Glantrian mages are competing for > > control over Blackmoor relics, all the while keeping secret the fact that > > they have found out where it was (ie: northern Skothar). I also have a > > rogue Blackmoorian mage running around under many aliases - harassing the > > PCs (who are trying to uncover the Blackmoor mystery itself, because in my > > world it's a legend) and being a perfect DM tool. Don't ask why he's > > still around, I just chalk it up to ancient Blackmoorian technologies, > > which the PCs will never get. Besides, he's a perfect villain. > > I would place Mohacs in the Plains of Rust, in the middle of the > > Thonian marches (I made this up - basically a vast desert composed of rust > > from all those Blackmoorian machines, good for an apocalyptic scenario, > > where half-barbarians fight over remnants of past glory (some of this I > > borrowed from this group). > > > Neat! Kind of a Mystaran Mad Max setting. What about humanoids with > semi-functional blaster cannons, halftracks, hovercrafts, whatever ... > perhaps each item that still works could be a kind of magic item ... also > wouldn't such an area attract thousands of rust monsters, perhaps Xorn, > etc ...? > What else do you have worked out on Thonia? Are you willing to share with > the rest of us hungry M-vultures? You just read my mind! Actually, IMC there are hordes of bandit groups fighting over remaining stockpiles of ammunition, energy packs, handblasters, medkits, and, of course, semi-functional vehicles. Since the Plains of Rust would be slightly north of the Jennite Sword (and thus cold!) many of these items are prone to malfunctioning (read: explosions are a regular occurance - man the bomb shelters!), and therefore no groups have gone south into the rest of Skothar. We can argue that the Immortals have only recently noticed this fragment of Blackmoorian culture, and have created a zone similar to that of the Blacklore elves (ie: technonlogy ceases to work once you leave a specific area), or the technology is real, it works anywhere in the world, but the bandits are too busy fighting over the scarce resources they do have to bother worrying about overwhelming the continent - which they might have a fair chance of doing. As for rust monsters, they would be in seventh heaven there - another reason for the bandits to be paranoid and belligerent. BTW - what are Xorns? As for Thonia, I've decided that Mohacs still exists, a mere shadow of its former self, hopelessly fighting off the barbarians they so callously dismissed 4000 years ago... A cool opportunity for PCs to be heroes, and to engage in empire building (though I'd be cautious here). I haven't much thought about it beyond that, I'm still busy with the Davania Map/Addakian Sound region (almost done). What do you think? Geoff - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Geoff Gander Political Science IV Carleton University General wanderer by principle, adventurer by profession Email address: - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: Shin Chyang Yu Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 15:39:24 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Clyde Caldwell in D&D Herve MUSSEAU pontificated: > > If you read Rogues to Riches (novel published as a First Quest book), > you probably noted the gnome named Jebb Gruff... and there are probably > other such references (I'm sure Zebulon also stands for someone at TSR). > In fact the whole book is rife with such jokes (ever tried to read the > magic spells reverse?) > Zebulon is a star system in the Star Frontier game, and might be named after David "Zeb" Cook who wrote CM4 Earthshaker among other things. Alot of AD&D artifacts are named after real persons. I noticed a few are Gagyx scrambled up a little, but don't know enough of other people to know which other artifacts are also name after people. Speaking of names, I remember reading a old Dragon that mentioned that the name of one of the town in KW meant goat dropping, does anyone know which town is that? - -- Problem 7-11 of Fogler's Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering Consider the following 2 reactions: | John Yu (1) healthy person ---> ill | (2) ill ---> death | UVA Material Science Dept. Although reaction given in equation 2 is normally consider completely irreversible, reverse reaction has been reported to occur. ------------------------------ From: Matthew Levy From ???@??? Sat Sep 28 10:24:54 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id LAA09532; Tue, 24 Sep 1996 11:31:50 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id TAA28339 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Mon, 23 Sep 1996 19:52:42 -0500 Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 19:52:42 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #233 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 0aebe4c4e32f9fe4aec6ea3b545c36ea Status: RO Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 12:58:50 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Re: Emerond On Sun, 22 Sep 1996, Gabriele Ferri wrote: > Well, I'm just come back home from a really nice session, where my PCs explored Emerond looking for infos for a future invasion... > > This is what I developed -well, I invented all it during the session, but it worked really fine- > > Emerond is a kingdom ruled by creature who looks like elves, but are slightly taller, green-skinned and silver-haired. The strange thing is that those creatures are actually plants... They have no blood, no internal organs, they don't eat. They just drink water (in taverns it's served with some salt or aromatic substances) and they "sleep" all the night. When they're sleeping, they are completely unconscious and they cannot wake up until day. Only very few nobles have bodyguard belonging to others races, that doesn't sleep at night and watch their masters. > Their cities are living: all is made of wood which makes leaves and flowers and even fruits in spring and summertime. Emeronders use giants insects as vehicles: giant bugs as horses (but they can even climb verticals walls), hornets and butterflies for faster movement, worms for digging holes underground... > > I haven't developed more since my players aren't interested, but I send it because I think that many ideas are fun and useful. > > Gabriele Ferri - > Neat stuff! Is it possible that Emerondians are related in anyway to Vegepygmies? I'm definitely going to include this in my campaign ... I don't think there are any other major sentient plant races on Mystara, are there? I guess Treants, but other than that? m@2 ------------------------------ From: Matthew Levy Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 13:27:06 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Coat of Arms On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, Herve MUSSEAU wrote: > Matthew Levy wrote: > > Whereabouts? The land of Nimmur on the Orc's Head Peninsula is quite > > Babylonian-like ... maybe the Enduks, Ee'ar and Manscorpions know > > something about the history of Sphinxes, Shedu or whatever. > > Also, IIRC the source material for Serraine (PC?) says Sphinxes were > > created by the Immortal Grammaton. Now, I don't know if there are other > > sources for this Immortal in Mystara, and I hope I'm not going to offend > > anyone, but Grammaton makes me think of the Tetragrammaton, which is what > > the Name of God is called in Jewish mysticism (Tetra meaning four, for the > > four letters YHVH). Grammaton is described as an immortal who loves > > puzzles and word games (which is why sphinxes are how they are), which > > also fits the Jewish tradition of Qabbala. Could it be that there are > > Jews on Mystara? We already have quasi-Catholics and quasi-Muslims so I > > see no reason why anybody should be upset by the existence of a people who > > worship M-Yahweh. In real history the Hebrews did emerge from Babylonia > > originally and were associated with it in later periods (by getting > > captured and enslaved!) so perhaps M-Israel is near Nimmur. Then again > > they were also associated with Egypt, so maybe Nithia is a better choice. > > m@2 > > > > IMHO the SE are the Jews of Mystara. > Think about the holocaust (Rain of Fire), the fleeing, the worship of a > false God (atzanteotl), the 14 verses of Rafiel, the promised land etc. > The Kingdom of Aengmor (ex-Alfheim) is equivalent to Israel/Palestine. > BTW, that's why I would prefer there be no further war between the SE > and the AE for the control of the land, I prefer the option of a peace > process... > > -- > Herve Musseau > Email: or (if you really need) > Homepage: > I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran > Wow!!!! Usually I am pretty good at catching the analogies/parallels hidden in Mystara, but I never thought of that one. You make a good case for it, too ... plus which there is the migration of the Elvish nation as a whole after Blackmoor, imitating Abram's trek from Ur or the Exodus from Egypt ... the Alfheim elves as Palestinians is a nice touch too ... Then again, maybe the holocaust on Mystara is yet to come ... I don't want to make anybody uncomfortable, but it is conceivable that the AE and the humans of Darokin could become so anti-shadow elf as to attempt genocide ... of course there's also Hosadus lurking around ... m@2 ------------------------------ From: Matthew Levy Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 13:06:04 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Emerond Fabrizio, I hate to trouble you after you just finished typing out all this business about Emerond ... but I don't have Princess Ark #13 either, and I am fascinated by all this stuff about Emerond, I know so little about it ... do you think you could translate what you've said below into English? I could figure out a few bits but they only increased my curiosity ... sorry and thanks, m@2 On Sun, 22 Sep 1996, Fabrizio Paoli wrote: > At 15.55 20/09/96 +-200, you wrote: >=20 > >In my campaign, Emerond is treatening Karameikos (where the PCs are > soldiers) with an >army of giant insects. Karameikan Army (and the PCs) > repelled the first attack, and >wants to counter-attack; so I'm looking f= or > more infos about the Kingdom of Emerond. >I've checked PWA II, can anyone= a > brief summary of the Princess Ark episode # 13 in >DRAGON(R) Magazine Iss= ue > #166? >=20 > Il Regno di Emerond consiste in una serie di citt=E0 stato sotto un unico > monarca. Queste citta sono piuttosto autonome, ma in caso di guerra > accettano il comando dell'antica dinastia reale, che altrimenti =E8 vista > soltanto come una posizione onorifica. > Gli Emerondians sono essenzialmente contadini con grande conoscenza > dell'agricoltura e della flora, ma totalmente ignoranti di marineria e > navigazione. L'economia =E8 debole se confrontata con le altre nazioni de= l KW > ed il loro concetto di propriet=E0 privata =E8 piuttosto vago. Gli Emeron= dian > vivono una vita umile, ma confortevole. > Sono un popolo pacifico e rispettoso delle tradizioni e delle leggi. Hann= o > un'antica cultura alle spalle e un ricco passato letterario ed artistico.= La > filosofia degli Emerondians =E8 di tipo druidico, ma figure insettoidi fa= nno > parte del loro pantheon di Immortali. > Poich=E9 in passato hanno subito diverse invasioni (Thyatis compresa) gli > Emerondians mantengono un piccolo, ma ben allenato, esercito. Sono maestr= i > nel nascondersi nella foresta e hanno una notevole esperienza > ingegneristica, che permette loro di fortificare pesantemente le citt=E0. > Gli Emerondian producono una fibra vegetale simile all'acciaio dal colore > marrone (pi=F9 o meno scuro) con cui costruiscono armature e lame > caratterizzate dalle linee molto curve e da mortali spine. Un armatura di > Emerond d=E0 AC 5, mente le lame sono equivalenti alle spade del KW. A pa= rit=E0 > di prestazioni l'ingombro =E8 pero la met=E0 di quello degli oggetti in m= etallo > (il costo, se mai fossero venduto, sarebbe cinque volte tanto). > Gli Emerondian utilizzano un particolare tipo di combattimento che fa amp= io > uso delle spine sulle loro armi ed armatura. Durante un round di > combattimento pu=F2 succedere una delle seguenti cose (a seconda del tiro= per > colpire dell'Emerondian): > - con 1-5 un nemico a caso =E8 colpito da una spina subendo 1-4 hp > - con 16-20 un nemico a scelta deve fare uno Strenght Check o essere disa= rmato > Gli Emerondian non sono nativi di Mystara, ma vengono da un gruppo di > asteroidi chiamati Pyrithean Archipelago. I Pyritheans erano una razza di > selvaggi pirati spaziali. Un giorno una nave spaziale si spetasci=F2 sul = KW e > naque il pacifico regno di Emerond. > Solo gli arcipreti ed i grandi druidi ricordano la vera storia, inoltre > questi conoscono un'antica magia per creare Pyrithean war mounts: enormi > insetti volanti trasformati mitiche bestie corazzate armate con spine e > artigli. Queste bestie sono addestrate a rispondere ai pensieri dei loro > cavalieri. Per quanto riguarda il gioco questi mostri vanno trattati come > Hook Horrors, ma con movimento in volo di 180'(60'). > Per la tua gioia ti d=F2 anche le statistiche dell'Hook Horror (dal Creat= ure > Catalog) >=20 > AC:2 > Hit Dice: 5 (L) > Move: 90' (30') > Attacks: 2 claws/ 1 bite > Damage: 1d8/1d8/3d6 > No. Appearing: 2d6 (0) > Save As: Fighter 5 > Morale: 8 > Treasure Type: K > Intelligence: 4 > Alignment: Chaotic > XP Value: 175 >=20 > E adesso una domanda: sai mica se dalle tue parti ci sono negozi che vend= ono > Dragon Dice ? E se ci sono, quanto costa un pacchetto di DD ? > Ciao >=20 >=20 >=20 > =20 > =20 > =20 >=20 > ************** > Fabrizio =20 > DM in City Of The Stars=20 > aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton > aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr > Home Page: > =09=09=09 =09=09 >=20 >=20 ------------------------------ From: Shelby Michlin Date: Mon, 23 Sep 96 17:56:34 -0500 Subject: [Mystara] The Burrowers/Cthonians - -- [ From: Shelby Michlin * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] -- > From: Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One \ Internet: ( > To: Post to Mystara-L \ Internet: ( > Also, on a side note- anyone notice a resemblance between the Burrowers and > the Great Old Ones of the Cthulhu mythos? Particularly the Cthonians, but also > Cthulhu himself (trapped under the sea in R'lyeh, dead until the stars are > right, or he can compel someone to free him). I mean, for one thing, they are > being punished by those of greater power- the Immortals/Elder Gods- and they > can only manipulate people through their agents walking the earth... Noticed, loved it, haven't done anything with it yet but surely will someday ! Shelby ------------------------------ From: "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 14:40:04 -0700 (MST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, Herve MUSSEAU wrote: > Hmm the week without magic isn't actually a week without magic. I mean, > Immortal magic didn't stop to work. So there is no reason why the Spell > of Preservation would stop from working that week (although you might > argue that it is said I don't remember where that the internal sun > stopped providing light IIRC, but I think it is just a mistake). IIRC, during the Week of No Magic, all magic, mortal or immortal, on Mystara fails. Magical creatures sicken and many die (which I suppose, could apply to the Burrowers as well). I do recall something about the Hollow World sun going out for that week as well. It was my understanding that it is the Day of Dread where the loss of magic isn't as complete and total as it was on the Week of No Magic. YMMV, of course. I thought it an interesting idea that this might be a good time to introduce new elements into otherwise static Hollow World cultures, and give the Burrowers a bit of free reign- maybe even have one or two high-tail it to the surface world, where they would be unaffected by the Spell of Preservation? (Hmm... that brings up an interesting point- did anyone ever discover what the Behemoth from the Alphatian Sea really was? Could it be a Burrower?) ------------------------------ From: Shelby Michlin Date: Mon, 23 Sep 96 17:56:40 -0500 Subject: [Mystara] Mystara, Laterre and the Cthulhu Mythos - -- [ From: Shelby Michlin * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] -- > From: Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One \ Internet: ( > To: Post to Mystara-L \ Internet: ( > Another interesting note- It was suggested that the d'Ambrevilles had dealings > with evil sorts of creatures (my bet would be on Cthulianic creatures, but the > stories also suggest that there were Satanists during these times). Do they > still deal with these creatures, or are they more or less good now? It could > put quite an interesting spin on Glantri campaigns, methinks. Oh yes, I used the Cthulhu Mythos in my Laterre setting. Averoigne's state church venerates the Maker, otherwise known as the Maker of Ways; Yog- sothoth! Most clerics have no spells, only the *truly* depraved know what they're worshipping (and they have some spells, oh yes they do). The Inquisition and the Holy Knights are thus all supporters of the Mythos, whether they realize it or not. Now *this* is what I call really "Dark Ages. " The "pagans" who live on the fringes, in the forests, worship the Father, who is in actuality Shub-niggurath. The D'Ambervilles were labelled Black Magicians, but all mages are hunted down here (the opposite of Glantri, where the clerics are hunted down.) The mages could actually learn how to bar Yog-sothoth's influence, you know. Thus, some D'Ambervilles may not care about the Mythos at all, some may be token supporters of the state religion (in this time-period and place), and some may be twisted, insane cultists! Of course, other mages may be "good," self-centered "evil," or "evil" supporters of the Church. BTW, I don't recall the rationale for it, but my timeline for Laterre during X2 shows the year 820. Finally, I haven't determined the extent of Mythos worship back on Mystara.. ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #233 ***************************** From ???@??? Sat Sep 28 10:24:59 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id VAA02366; Tue, 24 Sep 1996 21:06:43 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id FAA02495 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Tue, 24 Sep 1996 05:36:32 -0500 Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 05:36:32 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #234 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 4236bfa5e4cd0a99875cc8a4b54ac3c5 Status: RO mystara-digest Tuesday, 24 September 1996 Volume 01 : Number 234 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 15:16:32 -0700 (MST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Clyde Caldwell in D&D On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, Shin Chyang Yu wrote: > Zebulon is a star system in the Star Frontier game, and might be > named after David "Zeb" Cook who wrote CM4 Earthshaker among other > things. Alot of AD&D artifacts are named after real persons. I > noticed a few are Gagyx scrambled up a little, but don't know > enough of other people to know which other artifacts are also > name after people. Speaking of names, I remember reading a old > Dragon that mentioned that the name of one of the town in KW meant > goat dropping, does anyone know which town is that? I remember reading that the Egg of Coot, of Blackmoor fame, is supposedly Dave Arneson's dig at E. Gary Gygax. Not sure of the exact details, but it supposedly had something to do with a falling out the two of them had... recall that these two were among those originators of D&D- EGG as the "creator" of the game, and DA as the creator of Blackmoor, the first D&D game setting. (Hmm, you know, I bet that's why that series of modules is labeled the DA# series. Funny the things that suddenly occur to you...) ------------------------------ From: "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 15:23:48 -0700 (MST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Re: Emerond On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, Matthew Levy wrote: > I'm definitely going to include this in my campaign ... I don't think > there are any other major sentient plant races on Mystara, are there? I > guess Treants, but other than that? Let's see- Treants (which you mentioned), Gakaraks (which, I'd argue, are older versions of Treants, and less tolerant of mankind). Other than that, I can't really recall any major plant races. There are the Dusanu (sentient fungi/mold creatures), but I think that pretty much covers it. I remember reading about how the plant world is actually seemingly much more competitive and hostile than the animal world- it would be an interesting take on traditional D&D games to play around with this angle, I think. Have Treants and Gakaraks become increasingly hostile to the other sentient races on Mystara (I can't imagine they'd be too amiable towards the Shadowelves after what they did to the Canolbarth forest...). Dusanu could attempt to spread their fungus infested tyranny against the underworld races- a good place for them would be in that area of Graakhalia that is infested with yellow mold (Champions of Mystara, PWA's). They could ally with elves, Emerondians, other forest races, or else they could just recruit more of their own kind- Killer Trees, maybe those life-leeching Saguaros Bruce Heard mentioned ;). Anyone up for creating a Kingdom of Plants? ------------------------------ From: Patrick Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 00:32:43 +0000 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World >Hmm the week without magic isn't actually a week without magic. I mean, >Immortal magic didn't stop to work. So there is no reason why the Spell >of Preservation would stop from working that week (although you might >argue that it is said I don't remember where that the internal sun >stopped providing light IIRC, but I think it is just a mistake). According to WotI, ALL magic, even immortal magic, stops functioning during the week without magic. This is where it says that the sun of the hollow world went dark, and it also states that immortals on Mystara in mortal form were caught there without any magic until the end of the week unless they resorted to the extreme measure of killing their mortal forms. I assumed that this was part of the reason for the weakening of the Spell of Preservation in the PWAs. However, with no immortal magic working, it would probably be very difficult for immortals to further their plots. ------------------------------ From: Shelby Michlin Date: Mon, 23 Sep 96 22:07:04 -0500 Subject: [Mystara] Kingdom of Plants - -- [ From: Shelby Michlin * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] -- > > I don't think > > there are any other major sentient plant races on Mystara, are there? I > > guess Treants, but other than that? As an aside, I feel compelled to mention that elves in Runequest are also plants, with sap etc. And they can certainly be hostile! Go figure, Shelby ------------------------------ From: Shelby Michlin Date: Mon, 23 Sep 96 22:07:14 -0500 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Clyde Caldwell in D&D - -- [ From: Shelby Michlin * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] -- > From: Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One \ Internet: ( > I remember reading that the Egg of Coot, of Blackmoor fame, is supposedly Dave > Arneson's dig at E. Gary Gygax. Not sure of the exact details, but it > supposedly had something to do with a falling out the two of them had... > recall that these two were among those originators of D&D- EGG as the > "creator" of the game, and DA as the creator of Blackmoor, the first D&D game > setting. This is correct, excepting that is said to be "debatable" as to how much each contributed to the "creation" of the game. In fact, that is the primary source of the "falling out." Shelby ------------------------------ From: ( TIMOTHY M DI BONA) Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 23:19:38, -0500 Subject: [Mystara] Re: Emerond > I haven't developed more since my players aren't interested, but I send it because I think that many ideas are fun and useful. > some more thoughts on this race: First off what is the race called? I've only heard it referred to as "green-skinned humans with silvery hair" Also, these could very likely become followers of Ixion, being dependant on the sun, would make them quite loyal to him. They'd probably only really need water intake, and maybe be covered all over with microscopic suckers that allow any part of their body to intake water(not just the mouth). So, if one was exhausted, a lake could be an ideal resting point. Maybe they should breathe water as well. However, fire damage to them would probably pose a great problem (+1 dam. on each die of fire dam). hmm. Don't know, just some things off the top of my head. ------------------------------ From: Andre Cavalcanti Rocha Martins {S Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 01:57:16 -0300 (EST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Ochalea On Thu, 19 Sep 1996 wrote: > Indeed. Alphatians could have deported *several* smaller realms to Ochalea. > The latter eventually formed a nation of its own, under Alphatian tutelage. > It could be that colonists from MChina also got there earlier, and that would > explain why Alphatia picked this island as some sort of ghetto for its other > Skothar "rabble". Ochalea, as a result, must have had a turbulent history > from the moment Alphatians turned the island into a dumping ground. Many of > these people probably didn't get along all that well initially, while rival > nobilities would have attempted to reach hegemony over the island's peoples. > Local snobbism may now be to prove one's direct descendence from the first > Skothar colonizers (not the western Skothar expatriates, of course), in > particular the ones who arrived aboard the illustrious *Spring-Lotus*, a junk > (Skothar ship) filled with pious colonists that shipwrecked on the shores of > Ochalea... :) That would make a very interesting background for Ochalea. I have always felt Ochalea didn't fit well, but now I can see how it evolved. Alphatian settlers needed space for their cities and farms when they first came. Alphatia was dominated by the same race that lives now in Mchina then and as Alphatian troops started conquering the land, these people decided to flee to some other place. Some have headed to Ochalea in the Spring-Lotus, others have gone to Skothar, where they founded a new country. They believed those conquerors, coming from another world, had been sent to destroy them, so they decided to hide themselves so that the alphatians could not locate them and destroy their civilization. That was the begining of their isolacionist politics, although nobody remember it any longer. Many have stayed in Alphatia, and they were gradually killed or enslaved. Tzu, a local baron, commander of the resistance troops, was able to stop alphatian advancement with guerilla tactics and negotiate a treaty. If the alphatians would give them a place where they could live peacefully, they would not oppose the wizards any longer and would send annual tributes to the Empire. Tzu knew he was fighting a desperate war he had no chance to win, so that seemed the best option. That happened a hundred years after the Spring Lotus arrived at Ochalea. The local rulers received their relatives well (the alphatian fleet surrounding their capital was just for everyone protection) and accepted the alphatian conditions, signing a treaty a few hours after the alphatians have saved the palace from a hurricane that have appeared out of nowhere. What do you think? Andre Martins ------------------------------ From: Andre Cavalcanti Rocha Martins {S Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 02:38:31 -0300 (EST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Adri Varma Plateau On Fri, 20 Sep 1996, Patrick wrote: > This makes sense. I was simply basing the barbarians' organization off the > the history of Hule given in PWAII, where it says that the barbarians north > of Hule nearly overran the nation in 600 AC and Hule's been unable to > "civilize" or conquer them. Perhaps there's just a whole lot of them up > there. It does refer to them as "hordes." Could these barabarians be > related to the Ethengar? North-central Brun could be very similar to > Siberia, with hordes of uncivilized barbarians resisting the attempts to > conquer them. The problem with conquest of Thyatis, and especially the > colonies, is that it's very far away from Hule. As of AC 1013, virtually > every nation in the Known World and the Savage Coast are in particularly > weak states. The fact that the Master didn't take advantage of Darokin's > weakness in 1010 and 1011 seems to indicate that Hule's still too weak to > take on Darokin, much less Thyatis. Also, the Master has no desire to > become overly dependent on the City-States, so Slagovich, Hojah, and Zagora > might also be likely targets. If the Master had the power to conquer the > world during the PWAs, he would. The fact that he doesn't attack any > countries indicates that he plans to bide his time and slowly weaken his > neighbors. SPOILER WARNING - Dragonmage of Mystara discussed Wasn't the Overlord's fortress (from the Dragonmage) located in the Adri Varma Plateau? That could mean those northern barbarians are not alone anymore. Many creatures from the Overlord's army were not found so the dragons weren't able to send them all to their original worlds. Btw, this also means there is one place in Brun where any creature from any other world could be found roaming, giving dms a lot of freedom on their encounters there. This could also be the reason why glantrian mages have created the saguaros, they had to stop all those strange creatures from trying to invade Glantri. The saguaros have fared better than the glantrians had supposed and now only creatures with no warmth in their bodies to be drained can walk safely in the Plateau. Most tribes were driven away from Glantri (that's why the mages have never considered destroying the plants, they know how, they just don't want to), except for a tribe that learned how to use the saguaros defensively. Their shamans have discovered how to control the saguaros so that they will not harm the people, and their villages are surrounded by living saguaros. Hule has sent more than one army to conquer the Plateau and the northern barbarians, with ten humanoids for every tribesmen, but the shamans instructed their people to just moved away and let the saguaros do their jobs. When the hulean army was almost destroyed, they would come back and kill the remaining humanoids. After three disatrous campaigns, the Hule learned the Plateu was not an easy picking and since there is no big profits to gain there, the atentions of the Master were driven to other regions. Needless to say, the saguaro is a holly plant for them, and only the holiest women can cut parts of the plant or move them from one place to another in special rituals. The shaman who has discovered the secret of the saguaros is now an Immortal in the Sphere of Time, known as Saguaro, and venerated in the Plateau. Does anyone want to make her statistics? Andre Martins ------------------------------ From: Tim Breen Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 23:00:11 -0700 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Clyde Caldwell in D&D > (I'm sure Zebulon also stands for someone at TSR). Probably Dave "Zeb" Cook. - -- Tim " The Red Queen shook her head. "You may call it 'nonsense' if you like," she said, "but _I've_ heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!" " - Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 10:52:22 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World Patrick wrote: > > >Hmm the week without magic isn't actually a week without magic. I mean, > >Immortal magic didn't stop to work. So there is no reason why the Spell > >of Preservation would stop from working that week (although you might > >argue that it is said I don't remember where that the internal sun > >stopped providing light IIRC, but I think it is just a mistake). > > According to WotI, ALL magic, even immortal magic, stops functioning during > the week without magic. This is where it says that the sun of the hollow > world went dark, and it also states that immortals on Mystara in mortal form > were caught there without any magic until the end of the week unless they > resorted to the extreme measure of killing their mortal forms. I assumed > that this was part of the reason for the weakening of the Spell of > Preservation in the PWAs. However, with no immortal magic working, it would > probably be very difficult for immortals to further their plots. But then, how could Serraine or Floating Ar not crash to the ground? How could the Alphatians be saved and transported to the HW? As I understood it, Immortals in mortal form were trapped in this form and unable to return to their immortal manifestation form as well as casting spells (being temporary mortals), but Immortals that were not on Mystara in mortal form could well intervene. - -- Herve Musseau Email: or (if you really need) Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 11:21:10 +0200 Subject: [none] Events for the New Alphatian Confederated Empire and the Alatians (except Aegos) for the years AC 1013 and 1014. Nuwmont 2, 1013: Assault on Blackrock Location: Skyfyr, Blackrock. Description: The combined forces of Seashield and Bellissaria, under the direction of Commander in Chief Broderick, invade Blackrock on the Esterhold Peninsula. Numerous troops disembark from submersible galleys in Skyfyr's harbor, while ships disgorge more troops at the outer limits of the city and in other strategic places all around the kingdom. At the same time, the rebels, warned of the incoming assault by Favian Vern, again leave their underground hideouts and participate in the attack with arms supplied by Commander Broderick. What This Means: With the full military and magical support of all member kingdoms of the New Alphatian Confederated Empire, Commander Broderick should swiftly put an end to King Xanthus's oppressive rule in the city of Skyfyr. Nuwmont 7, 1013: Pegataurs Recognized Location: Floating Ar. Description: King Qissling finally accepts to recognize the pegataurs_winged centaurs_ as full citizens of Floating Ar. What This Means: After many strikes that have prevented most transportation between the floating isles or with the other nations_skyships and magic do not suffice_the government has been forced to accede to the pegataurs' request. The life of most pegataurs will not change much, however, since most of them will continue to serve as transports for hire. Those few that are wizards are now nobles, and some adventurous fighters enlist in the so far nearly-nonexistent army of the isles. Nuwmont 10, 1013: Combat in Blackrock Location: Skyfyr, Blackrock. Description: Fighting continues in the streets of Skyfyr. Despite the ongoing onslaught of the more numerous troops of the NACE, King Xanthus's loyal troops stand firm_they were prepared for the invasion. Though it is not completely repaired, Xanthus's flying man-o-war participates in the defense of the city and the palace. Part of the city is no more under his control, however, as is most of the country outside of Skyfyr. Nuwmont 14, 1013: Xanthus Asks for Help Location: Faraway, Verdan. Description: King Xanthus's top advisor, Bargle, meets King Nicodemus of Verdan. He asks him to commit troops to the defense of Blackrock, for, he says, if Blackrock falls, so will Verdan. King Nicodemus answers he has no troops to spare, since he himself has problems with rebellious Jennites. Moreover, Broderick's troops block all routes between the two countries: Verdan navy is no match for the Alphatian ships and submersibles, and the inland roads are under Broderick's control. Nuwmont 23, 1013: Skyship Produced in Aeria Location: Aeria, Alatian Islands. Description: The first skyship is launched in the skies of Aeria. It is a military skyship; Headmaster Aiklin declares that, since his country is independent from both Thyatis and Alphatia, it will build its own skynavy, central to its future army. What This Means: The skyship prototypes constructed by the magical college for the Thyatians these last years had been systematically sabotaged by Alphatian loyalists. Now that Aeria has been granted independence, they have stopped their sabotages, and thanks to the research done under Thyatian's control, the first Aerian skyship can go on her maiden flight today. Master Aiklin knows this is a risky move, since Thyatis still has troops stationed on nearby Aegos, but he hopes the Thyatians won't break the Isle of Dawn Treaty, all the more since it could cause tension with the newly-formed NACE. Nuwmont 25, 1013: Xanthus's Troops Retreat to Palace Location: Skyfyr, Blackrock. Description: The remaining troops loyal to King Xantus, hardpressed by Broderick's, retreat to the royal palace in Skyfyr, the last place they control. The rest of the city is now under Broderick's military control. Vatermont 1, 1013: Hard-Ball Season Canceled Location: Ionace. Description: The Council of the NACE announces there will be no Hard-Ball season this year because few teams have had time to train, and the Super-Hard-Ball stadium is not ready on Ionace. All member states of the NACE are invited to form teams for the next year. Vatermont 2, 1013: Floating Ar Joins the NACE Location: Floating Ar. Description: King Qissling of Floating Ar reportedly agrees to join the New Alphatian Confederated Empire. What This Means: Floating Ar becomes the 8th country of the Confederacy. Vatermont 9, 1013: Floating Ar Asks for Permission to Move Location: Ionace. Description: King Qissling of Floating Ar asks to the Council the permission to move the floating islands some 350 miles northeastward, right above the unclaimed Yannivey Islands, and use them to grow crops in the forthcoming years. The Council agrees. What This Means: Since the disappearance of Alphatia, Floating Ar has been almost totally dependent on not-so-nearby states to get supplies_especially food. Realizing the situation could not last forever_and fearing food shortage if a problem would happen_, they opted for that solution. The Yanniveys are a lawless land, sparsely inhabited by monsters and brigands. Vatermont 8, 1013: Blackrock Falls Location: Skyfyr, Blackrock. Description: The last of King Xanthus's troops in Skyfyr surrender to Commander Broderick. Xanthus himself escapes to sanctuary in Verdan, where King Nicodemus prepares his own troops for the expected invasion by the New Alphatian forces. Commander Broderick designates Favian Vern as governor of the country for all non-military aspects, until the Alphatian Council elects a new king. Vatermont 19, 1013: A New King for Blackrock Location: Skyfyr, Blackrock. Description: The Alphatian Council names Favian Vern King of Blackrock. As his first official act, King Favian declares all Jennite natives of Esterhold free_no longer are they to be slaves or denied Alphatian citizenship. There is much rejoicing in the streets of Skyfyr. Chaos soon follows as the various strata of Blackrock society adjust to the new order_but King Favian and his appointed government prove themselves equal to each new challenge. What This Means: King Favian receives financial, as well as military and political, support from the Council. Flaurmont 22, 1013: Alpha Joins the NACE Location: Alpha, Norwold. Description: King Ericall declares Alpha is the 10th member of the Confederacy. What This Means: Ericall thinks this is the best defense against the Heldannic progression. He asks for troops in exchange. Thaumont 4, 1013: Floating Ar Flies North Location: Floating Ar. Description: Floating Ar begins its long trip north to the Yannivey Islands. What This Means: This involves much magic, especially aerial magic. Wizards from all over the NACE participate, since it is a great occasion to improve their knowledge of aerial magic and the way mortal magic interacts with immortal magic (i.e. the Isles themselves). The magical college of Aeria also throws in its knowledge. The trip will not be without a problem, however, since many powerful wizards of Ar continue their dangerous experiments while their estates are being moved. From ???@??? Sat Sep 28 10:24:59 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id VAA02366; Tue, 24 Sep 1996 21:06:43 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id FAA02495 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Tue, 24 Sep 1996 05:36:32 -0500 Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 05:36:32 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #234 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 4236bfa5e4cd0a99875cc8a4b54ac3c5 Status: RO Yarthmont 10, 1013: Thothia Joins the NACE Location: Edairo, Thothia. Description: Pharaoh Ramenhotep XXIV of Thothia signs a treaty granting him a seat on the New Alphatian Council and adding Thothia to the New Alphatian Confederated Empire. The Pharaoh also declares that East Portage, Ekto and Trikelios are now independent from Thothia, but they also join the Confederacy. What This Means: The Confederacy has four new members, and gains a firm presence on the Isle of Dawn. The three small kingdoms are granted financial aid by the Council to help in the rebuilding after the war. Yarthmont 27, 1013: Alpha Gets Extra Troops Location: Alpha. Description: After joining the NACE, King Ericall asked for more troops to help him stand ground against further Heldannic incursions. Commander Broderick dispatches some available units in Alpha. What This Means: Ericall does not intent to use these troops offensively_he already finds it difficult just defending the few territories that remain loyal to him. He hopes the Heldannic Knights will see this as a sign that the NACE will back him if they should invade. Klarmont 19, 1013: Parliament Completed Location: Ionace. Description: The new Parliament building, that will from now on hold the Alphatian Council's meetings, is completed. It is located near the city of old Denwarf-Hurgon, and most of the Representations and Embassies are still temporary assigned to buildings in the dwarven city. What This Means: This location has been chosen because many of the buildings of Denwarf-Hurgon remained fully functional despite the sinking of Alphatia and the numerous earthquakes. Upper Denwarf-Hurgon has been freed of monsters, and its buildings may be used by the Council as it sees fit. The construction of the Parliament made heavy use of magic, both to speed up the process and to secure the building from magical scrying, uncontrolled teleportation, and such. Fyrmont 12, 1013: Earthquake in the Alphatian Sea Location: Alphatian Sea and surrounding countries. Description: A more powerful than usual earthquake in the Alphatian Sea makes some damages on Ionace, and doesn't help in the redigging of the Pit on Aegos either. What This Means: Minor earthquakes happen quite often since the sinking of Alphatia, but it was time since the last major one. Sages still work on discovering when this will end_or at least on predicting the major ones. As Ionace is near the epicenter, the earthquake causes important damage there: mnemonic mineral mines collapse, hastily-built buildings in the city of Sanctuary don't resist, but the dwarven-built Denwarf-Hurgon and the most recent official buildings and houses do resist. What the PCs Can Do: Well-equipped rescue teams are needed_and may well find themselves trapped by further collapses caused by minor earthquakes the following days. Ambyrmont 3, 1013: Floating Ar Drops Anchor Location: New Floating Ar position, above the Yannivey Islands. Description: Floating Ar has completed its relocation to the Yanniveys. Those who helped are rewarded as promised. King Qissling declares the Yanniveys are now part of Floating Ar; everyone can help in gaining effective control of the land. Those who seize control of land and register to the royal palace are automatically granted that land; if they are name-level spellcasters they also gain a title in the process. Territory seized by troops dispatched by the NACE, or by mercenaries hired by King Qissling, become property of the crown. Commander Broderick recalls some troops from Blackrock for the occasion. What the PCs Can Do: This is a formidable opportunity for high-level PCs to gain dominions, and titles if they happen to be spellcasters. They will soon discover that they are not viewed as equals by wizards who own an estate on the floating islands. Even if the PCs are low-level, they can find employment as mercenaries. Nuwmont 7, 1014: Karameikos Recognizes the NACE Location: Mirros, Karameikos. Description: King Stefan Karameikos officially announces his country opens up diplomatic ties with the NACE. The Karameikan Embassy is to be moved from Aquas to Ionace. King Stefan also grants favored trading status to the Confederacy. What This Means: Karameikos is the first country to officially recognize the legitimacy of the Council. Since Empress Eriadna recognized Karameikos's independence a few years ago, the two countries have maintained diplomatic ties with each other, but under Zandor's rule this didn't mean much. The two countries have had few trading relations up to now, but this can well change_King Stefan especially hopes it will improve magical stuff exchange. The two countries are not likely to become military allies or to suppress tariffs altogether, however, since Karameikos is part of the Western Defense League and as such cannot take such decisions alone_and its allies would probably be more than reluctant, especially Ylaruam. Nuwmont 13, 1014: Qeodhar Joins the NACE Location: Farend, Qeodhar. Description: King Norlan reluctantly agrees to join the New Alphatian Confederated Empire. He says to the Council that he can't place his troops under Commander Broderick's command yet, because they are busy repelling many monsters that cross the ice floe thanks to the cold winter. He only accepts to send troops to the Yannivey Islands to help Floating Ar taking over the isles. What This Means: Baron Norlan had always considered Zandor's petty empire as no threat to him, and he thought it would be the same with the NACE. But the offensive on Blackrock and the arrival of Floating Ar above the Yannivey Islands made him realize he was one of the last territories of now-sunken Alphatia that was still independent from the Confederacy. They may well decide to remove him if he continued to ignore their diplomats. After all, the Confederacy seems to be military and magic rich despite the disappearance of Alphatia. Norlan doesn't want to lose his time attending the Council meetings, however, but what he doesn't know is that this will prevent him from discovering Alphatia's survival within the Hollow World_something that could also have explained his wife's disappearance. Norlan is currently trying to devise a way to keep his army under his sole control; he particularly doesn't want his troops to help in overthrowing the kings of Esterhold. Vatermont 1, 1014: Opening of Hard-Ball Season Location: Ionace. Description: The Council of the NACE declares the Hard-Ball season open. Inscription of teams is closed today. For two months, the different teams meet each other; only one per country shall remain for the Super-Hard-Ball in the month of Flaurmont (matches between teams from different countries are friendly, mostly exhibitions). The Council also announces that Karameikos and Aeria are invited to participate in the event. What This Means: All nations of the NACE have made an effort so that they all have at least one team that participates this year, and the stadium has been completed on Ionace. Master Terari has made his best for years to develop Hard-Ball in Karameikos; he is responsible for the participation of the country in the Tournament_as well as for the good relations the Kingdom maintains with the Confederacy. The participation of Aeria is also a political coup to show it is on good terms with the Confederacy_and is accompanied by an exchange of ambassadors. Vatermont 1, 1014: Aeria Opens Embassy on Ionace Location: Aeria, Alatian Islands. Description: Headmaster Aiklin of Aeria agrees to open up diplomatic ties with the New Alphatian Confederated Empire. He also reassures that students from all around the NACE are welcome in the magical college of air magics. What This Means: This is yet another coup against Thyatis. It is obvious to all that Aeria is aligned with the NACE, although it remains independent for the time being (as per the Isle of Dawn Treaty). The official announce is also accompanied by a secret military pact stating that Aeria's skynavy can be hired as mercenary by the Commander in Chief of the NACE in exchange for a promise of military intervention should Thyatis ever try to take Aeria by force. Most students of the college were already drawn from the ranks of former Alphatian territories; there is nothing surprising in that part of the Headmaster's allocution. Vatermont 18, 1014: Qeodharian Troops Land on the Yanniveys Location: Yannivey Islands. Description: The few troops Baron Norlan sent to assist Floating Ar arrive and place themselves under the command of the general of Floating Ar_himself appointed by Commander Broderick. What This Means: It is only a token help, most of Norlan's troops stayed at home. Moreover, the conquest of the Yanniveys is already almost over. Vatermont 21, 1014: King Norlan Reorganizes his Army Location: Farend, Qeodhar. Description: Baron Norlan splits up his army into three distinct bodies: the Army, the Police and the Special Force. The Army represents 60% of the total numbers, and is placed under the jurisdiction of Commander in Chief Broderick of the NACE. The Police represents 30% of the old army, an is in charge of patrolling the cities, arresting people and similar duties. Although policemen can use arms and armors, they are not considered an armed force and as such remain under Norlan's control. The Special Force is a secret service, mostly spies and assassins, who are basically the most able 10% of the old army. They don't have any official existence, and their actions are always covert ones_few people know that force exists. What This Means: Baron Norlan didn't want to lose the power his army brought him. Thanks to that trick he keeps control of 40% of it_and even creates a secret service. The other 60% (i.e. the Army) are now under Broderick's control. Thaumont 6, 1014: Favian Tries Diplomacy Location: Faraway, Verdan. Description: King Favian Vern sends diplomats to discuss with King Nicodemus of Verdan of a way to avoid a useless war between their two kingdoms. Favian's messengers affirm King Nicodemus and ex-King Xanthus will be allowed to leave freely, with all who want to go with them and with all treasure they want, if he accepts to relinquish all claims to Verdan. King Nicodemus has them arrested and executed. What This Means: Nicodemus is confident in his army. He has always stopped Jennite invasion coming from the wild east, and has crushed all slave unrests easily. He knows the rebels are not as well organized here as they were in Blackrock. He has prepared his army for the event, which has been reinforced last year by the remains of Xanthus's, including the now-repaired flying man-o-war. What the PCs Can Do: The PCs can be the messengers sent by King Favian. If they are convincing enough, they may even prevent a bloody war and be well rewarded_or they will have to devise a plan to escape from Faraway's dungeons before they get executed. Thaumont 17, 1014: Hard-Ball Stadium Completed Location: Ionace. Description: The Stadium that will host the Super-Hard-Ball matches in Flaurmont is completed just in time on Ionace. What This Means: The Council declared the season opened the first day of Vatermont, although the stadium what not yet completed at the time. Magic has been used to speed it up. Thaumont 20, 1014: Assault on Verdan Location: Verdan. Description: Although he has troops stationed in Alpha and the Yanniveys, Commander Broderick decides for the invasion of Verdan. Knowing his submersible galleys will be no surprise, Broderick decides to attack from different directions at the same time. Of course, he puts his submersibles and ships into position on the Verdan coast and Faraway's harbor, with marines pouring out of them, but he also leads infantry through the woods of Esterhold from the port cities of Anchorage to the west and Rock Harbor to the south. At the same time, some Jennite tribes lead skirmishes on the eastern forts_thanks to Broderick's gold. The Jennite slaves in Faraway, hoping at the sight of the foreign troops, cause some trouble within the city_although they are largely disorganized. King Nicodemus didn't expect such an all-out assault, and finds it difficult to battle on all fronts at the same time. The undefended interior land quickly falls to Broderick's marching troops; only the capital and the three eastern forts remain uncaptured, though they become isolated from each other. Thaumont 25, 1014: Faraway Besieged Location: Verdan. Description: Surprised by the way things turned out, King Nicodemus decides to throw all of his forces into the battle. His divisions have been more or less able to keep the Alphatian armies at bay so far, although the rest of the land is probably no more his_except perhaps the eastern forts. He fears an uprising of the Jennite slaves, however, and he knows he would have a hard time fighting it with all his troops busy repelling the Confederated Army. So he decides to strike with Xanthus's man-o-war, and delights in the sight of the ship blasting squads of attackers trying to break through. Suddenly, three more skyships appear in the sky, and shoot at the man-o-war. The ship soon crashes to the ground, damaged beyond repair. The Jennite slaves cheer at the sight of the crashing ship, and seize the opportunity to rebel again. Attacked from sea, air, land, and from inside the city, the Verdan troops find themselves overwhelmed and must retreat to the palace where they rally. By the end of the day, most of the city has been conquered. Many Verdan masters are assassinated by their rebelling slaves, and small groups of loyalist troops that find themselves surrounded by rebels are butchered_the Verdan soldiers do the same with the groups of rebels they encounter. What This Means: Broderick knew of Xanthus's ship, so he hired skyships recently produced in allied Aeria. He didn't put them to work immediately, however, rather preferring to surprise Nicodemus and Xanthus. His tactic proved successful, because the destruction of the two kings' ace caused their armies' rout. Broderick himself is surprised by the rapidity with which he has taken most of the land, and hopes this will not cause Thyatis to react with hostility. Broderick now does his best to prevent the rebels from murdering everyone of Alphatian descent they see_he knows the surrender of the palace and the forts is only a matter of time. Flaurmont 1, 1014: Super-Hard-Ball Tournament Begins Location: Ionace. Description: All teams that have qualified arrive on Ionace today. The 17 teams will meet each other in the Super-Hard-Ball stadium; the final will be held on Flaurmont 28 between the two best teams. What This Means: When the Super-Hard-Ball tournament was created, there has been some arguing within the Council as to whether it was to be held in a different member state each year or on Ionace. It was decided that there were too many member states to use the round-robin method, and that tourism could help developing Ionace. Flaurmont 7, 1014: Forts Surrender Location: Eastern forts, Verdan. Description: The commanders of the forts protecting Verdan from the Jennite tribes, now under siege by Alphatian troops for more than two weeks, decide to surrender. Since the Jennite tribes have been driven active in the region_thanks to Broderick himself, who didn't think this would be useless_the forts remain manned as usual, though authority passes to the Alphatians. Most of the men that are no more needed here are sent north to Faraway to help in the taking of the city. Flaurmont 18, 1014: Verdan Surrenders Location: Faraway, Verdan. Description: The troops pinned in the royal palace in Faraway discover that King Nicodemus has fled the palace by an unknown mean, probably magic or a secret exit. Without their leader, and with their supplies running low, they decide to surrender to Commander Broderick. What This Means: Broderick has neutralized all pockets of resistance in the meanwhile, and this surrender means he is in complete control of the land. He sends most of his troops back home, to their respective countries. Nicodemus is on the run, and no one knows what happened to Xanthus when his skyship crashed, or even if he was on board. Flaurmont 28, 1014: Super-Hard-Ball Final Location: Ionace. Description: All teams, including those from Karameikos and Aeria, fought great matches during the whole month. All Council members and ambassadors, as well as many nobles and commoners alike, assist today to the final of the Super-Hard-Ball between the teams of Aquas and Dawnrim. After a long, disputed match, Aquas prevails. What This Means: This first season of Hard-Ball was a real success. Yarthmont 11, 1014: Council Discusses on Verdan's Future Location: Ionace. Description: The Council of the New Alphatian Confederated Empire discusses on the future of Verdan. They think they should name a Jennite king to rule the country, since an Alphatian would probably be viewed with suspicion, or even hostility by the natives. Unfortunately, the rebels have never been much organized there, and there is no obvious strong leader. King Favian of Blackrock then comes up with an interesting, though unusual, alternative: He proposes to regroup all of the territories of the Esterhold Peninsula into a single state, the Republic of Esterhold, which would be governed by an elected ruler. It would be composed of provinces, each with an elected governor, who elect the president. Elections could occur every seven years; when there is a tie for the naming of the president, the Council decides. The governor would be the ruler of his own province, and the president would decide on matters concerning the republic as a whole, or for events involving more than one province, the Council or territories outside the provinces. The Council decides to take the time to think about it, and decide during another meeting. Yarthmont 13, 1014: Gaity in Chaos Location: Gaity, Alatian Islands. Description: Gaity goes into a complete state of chaos, as most of the petty baron compete for more land, and eventually for the kingship of the island. There is much political intrigue, assassinations attempts, wars, and more between the ex-Thyatian dominion rulers. Neither Thyatis_which has troops stationed on nearby Aegos_nor the New Alphatian Confederated Empire, intervene. What This Means: Since the island has been granted independence from both Thyatis and Alphatia by the Isle of Dawn Treaty, the country has always been in a state of chaos. Escalation happens today, as a baron military attacks his neighbors and declares himself king. What the PCs Can Do: If the PCs have been granted dominion on the island when it was part of the Thyatian Empire, they can't avoid being involved in the events. They can even become the undisputed leaders of Gaity, but that shouldn't happen before they lead their armies to successful wars. Yarthmont 23, 1014: Council Decides on Esterhold Location: Ionace. Description: The Alphatian Council approves King Favian's proposition concerning the Esterhold Peninsula. The Peninsula becomes the Republic of Esterhold, with a full seat at the Council. It is composed of five provinces: The Province of Anchorage (provincial capital: Anchorage), the Province of Blackrock (provincial capital: Skyfyr), the Province of Marlin (provincial capital: Port Marlin), the Province of Southrock (provincial capital: Rock Harbor), and the Province of Verdan (provincial capital: Faraway). The central region, composed mainly of desert, broken lands and other badlands, is under the direct administration of the President. Favian Vern is named President of Esterhold until elections can be organized, i.e. until the situation is stabilized. He is charged with appointing temporary governors until the elections. Fyrmont 26, 1014: Ne'er-do-well Reaffirms its Independence Location: Ne'er-do-well, Alatian Islands. Description: King Koryn the Harpist sends messengers to Ionace, informing the Council that Ne'er-do- well is an independent nation but friendly with the world, and that ships from all over the Confederacy are welcome to make use of the ports just as any other mercantile nation may. What This Means: Ne'er-do-well intends to remain independent from both Thyatis and the NACE, while trading with both_and preying upon both nations' ships too. Commander Broderick has better to do with his troops than invading the isles. Sviftmont 21, 1014: Helskir Contacts the NACE Location: Ionace. Description: Messengers from King Eruul Zaar and Queen Asteriela Torion of Helskir ask for an audience between the Alphatian Council and their King and Queen. A meeting is called for the following day. Sviftmont 22, 1014: Helskir Meets the Council Location: Ionace. Description: King Eruul Zaar and Queen Asteriela Torion teleport to the Parliament on Ionace, where they meet with the kings of the Alphatian Confederacy. Queen Asteriela first informs the Council that she knows about the survival of Alphatia and Empress Eriadna within the Hollow World_the crew of the Flying Fish told her so four years ago_, so they can discuss freely about the future of the region. She tells that now that Zandor has been deposed, the situation may only better_but unfortunately Helskir has agreed to become part of the Thyatian Empire before the event happened, and cannot leave it for the NACE without provoking her brother's wrath and destabilizing the relative stability on the Isle of Dawn. However, Helskir has kept its status of Kingdom and as such can establish diplomatic ties with the Confederacy. This would be a way of communicating between the two empires, and maybe preventing tensions or even wars. The Council agrees to open up diplomatic ties with Helskir. Eirmont 12, 1014: Dunadale Contacts the NACE Location: Province of Dunadale, Isle of Dawn. Description: The Thyatian Province of Dunadale, whose citizens are mostly of Alphatian descent, declares it will open up diplomatic ties with the New Alphatian Confederated Empire, like Helskir the previous month. What This Means: The Thyatian governor of the province did this to please his citizens, as he was fearing an uprising. He hopes this won't upset Emperor Eusebius. ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #234 ***************************** From ???@??? Sat Sep 28 10:25:06 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id BAA09962; Wed, 25 Sep 1996 01:33:30 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id KAA04102 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Tue, 24 Sep 1996 10:07:11 -0500 Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 10:07:11 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #235 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 965ee0e808a1dc1df4bed38bc1fcd4c3 Status: RO mystara-digest Tuesday, 24 September 1996 Volume 01 : Number 235 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 11:35:05 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] nace events 1013 1014 (update) Events for the New Alphatian Confederated Empire and the Alatians (except Aegos) for the years AC 1013 and 1014. Nuwmont 2, 1013: Assault on Blackrock Location: Skyfyr, Blackrock. Description: The combined forces of Seashield and Bellissaria, under the direction of Commander in Chief Broderick, invade Blackrock on the Esterhold Peninsula. Numerous troops disembark from submersible galleys in Skyfyr's harbor, while ships disgorge more troops at the outer limits of the city and in other strategic places all around the kingdom. At the same time, the rebels, warned of the incoming assault by Favian Vern, again leave their underground hideouts and participate in the attack with arms supplied by Commander Broderick. What This Means: With the full military and magical support of all member kingdoms of the New Alphatian Confederated Empire, Commander Broderick should swiftly put an end to King Xanthus's oppressive rule in the city of Skyfyr. Nuwmont 7, 1013: Pegataurs Recognized Location: Floating Ar. Description: King Qissling finally accepts to recognize the pegataurs_winged centaurs_ as full citizens of Floating Ar. What This Means: After many strikes that have prevented most transportation between the floating isles or with the other nations_skyships and magic do not suffice_the government has been forced to accede to the pegataurs' request. The life of most pegataurs will not change much, however, since most of them will continue to serve as transports for hire. Those few that are wizards are now nobles, and some adventurous fighters enlist in the so far nearly-nonexistent army of the isles. Nuwmont 10, 1013: Combat in Blackrock Location: Skyfyr, Blackrock. Description: Fighting continues in the streets of Skyfyr. Despite the ongoing onslaught of the more numerous troops of the NACE, King Xanthus's loyal troops stand firm_they were prepared for the invasion. Though it is not completely repaired, Xanthus's flying man-o-war participates in the defense of the city and the palace. Part of the city is no more under his control, however, as is most of the country outside of Skyfyr. Nuwmont 14, 1013: Xanthus Asks for Help Location: Faraway, Verdan. Description: King Xanthus's top advisor, Bargle, meets King Nicodemus of Verdan. He asks him to commit troops to the defense of Blackrock, for, he says, if Blackrock falls, so will Verdan. King Nicodemus answers he has no troops to spare, since he himself has problems with rebellious Jennites. Moreover, Broderick's troops block all routes between the two countries: Verdan navy is no match for the Alphatian ships and submersibles, and the inland roads are under Broderick's control. Nuwmont 23, 1013: Skyship Produced in Aeria Location: Aeria, Alatian Islands. Description: The first skyship is launched in the skies of Aeria. It is a military skyship; Headmaster Aiklin declares that, since his country is independent from both Thyatis and Alphatia, it will build its own skynavy, central to its future army. What This Means: The skyship prototypes constructed by the magical college for the Thyatians these last years had been systematically sabotaged by Alphatian loyalists. Now that Aeria has been granted independence, they have stopped their sabotages, and thanks to the research done under Thyatian's control, the first Aerian skyship can go on her maiden flight today. Master Aiklin knows this is a risky move, since Thyatis still has troops stationed on nearby Aegos, but he hopes the Thyatians won't break the Isle of Dawn Treaty, all the more since it could cause tension with the newly-formed NACE. Nuwmont 25, 1013: Xanthus's Troops Retreat to Palace Location: Skyfyr, Blackrock. Description: The remaining troops loyal to King Xantus, hardpressed by Broderick's, retreat to the royal palace in Skyfyr, the last place they control. The rest of the city is now under Broderick's military control. Vatermont 1, 1013: Hard-Ball Season Canceled Location: Ionace. Description: The Council of the NACE announces there will be no Hard-Ball season this year because few teams have had time to train, and the Super-Hard-Ball stadium is not ready on Ionace. All member states of the NACE are invited to form teams for the next year. Vatermont 2, 1013: Floating Ar Joins the NACE Location: Floating Ar. Description: King Qissling of Floating Ar reportedly agrees to join the New Alphatian Confederated Empire. What This Means: Floating Ar becomes the 8th country of the Confederacy. Vatermont 9, 1013: Floating Ar Asks for Permission to Move Location: Ionace. Description: King Qissling of Floating Ar asks to the Council the permission to move the floating islands some 350 miles northeastward, right above the unclaimed Yannivey Islands, and use them to grow crops in the forthcoming years. The Council agrees. What This Means: Since the disappearance of Alphatia, Floating Ar has been almost totally dependent on not-so-nearby states to get supplies_especially food. Realizing the situation could not last forever_and fearing food shortage if a problem would happen_, they opted for that solution. The Yanniveys are a lawless land, sparsely inhabited by monsters and brigands. Vatermont 8, 1013: Blackrock Falls Location: Skyfyr, Blackrock. Description: The last of King Xanthus's troops in Skyfyr surrender to Commander Broderick. Xanthus himself escapes to sanctuary in Verdan, where King Nicodemus prepares his own troops for the expected invasion by the New Alphatian forces. Commander Broderick designates Favian Vern as governor of the country for all non-military aspects, until the Alphatian Council elects a new king. Vatermont 19, 1013: A New King for Blackrock Location: Skyfyr, Blackrock. Description: The Alphatian Council names Favian Vern King of Blackrock. As his first official act, King Favian declares all Jennite natives of Esterhold free_no longer are they to be slaves or denied Alphatian citizenship. There is much rejoicing in the streets of Skyfyr. Chaos soon follows as the various strata of Blackrock society adjust to the new order_but King Favian and his appointed government prove themselves equal to each new challenge. What This Means: King Favian receives financial, as well as military and political, support from the Council. Flaurmont 22, 1013: Alpha Joins the NACE Location: Alpha, Norwold. Description: King Ericall declares Alpha is the 10th member of the Confederacy. What This Means: Ericall thinks this is the best defense against the Heldannic progression. He asks for troops in exchange. Thaumont 4, 1013: Floating Ar Flies North Location: Floating Ar. Description: Floating Ar begins its long trip north to the Yannivey Islands. What This Means: This involves much magic, especially aerial magic. Wizards from all over the NACE participate, since it is a great occasion to improve their knowledge of aerial magic and the way mortal magic interacts with immortal magic (i.e. the Isles themselves). The magical college of Aeria also throws in its knowledge. The trip will not be without a problem, however, since many powerful wizards of Ar continue their dangerous experiments while their estates are being moved. Yarthmont 10, 1013: Thothia Joins the NACE Location: Edairo, Thothia. Description: Pharaoh Ramenhotep XXIV of Thothia signs a treaty granting him a seat on the New Alphatian Council and adding Thothia to the New Alphatian Confederated Empire. The Pharaoh also declares that East Portage, Ekto and Trikelios are now independent from Thothia, but they also join the Confederacy. What This Means: The Confederacy has four new members, and gains a firm presence on the Isle of Dawn. The three small kingdoms are granted financial aid by the Council to help in the rebuilding after the war. Yarthmont 27, 1013: Alpha Gets Extra Troops Location: Alpha. Description: After joining the NACE, King Ericall asked for more troops to help him stand ground against further Heldannic incursions. Commander Broderick dispatches some available units in Alpha. What This Means: Ericall does not intent to use these troops offensively_he already finds it difficult just defending the few territories that remain loyal to him. He hopes the Heldannic Knights will see this as a sign that the NACE will back him if they should invade. Klarmont 19, 1013: Parliament Completed Location: Ionace. Description: The new Parliament building, that will from now on hold the Alphatian Council's meetings, is completed. It is located near the city of old Denwarf-Hurgon, and most of the Representations and Embassies are still temporary assigned to buildings in the dwarven city. What This Means: This location has been chosen because many of the buildings of Denwarf-Hurgon remained fully functional despite the sinking of Alphatia and the numerous earthquakes. Upper Denwarf-Hurgon has been freed of monsters, and its buildings may be used by the Council as it sees fit. The construction of the Parliament made heavy use of magic, both to speed up the process and to secure the building from magical scrying, uncontrolled teleportation, and such. Fyrmont 12, 1013: Earthquake in the Alphatian Sea Location: Alphatian Sea and surrounding countries. Description: A more powerful than usual earthquake in the Alphatian Sea makes some damages on Ionace, and doesn't help in the redigging of the Pit on Aegos either. What This Means: Minor earthquakes happen quite often since the sinking of Alphatia, but it was time since the last major one. Sages still work on discovering when this will end_or at least on predicting the major ones. As Ionace is near the epicenter, the earthquake causes important damage there: mnemonic mineral mines collapse, hastily-built buildings in the city of Sanctuary don't resist, but the dwarven-built Denwarf-Hurgon and the most recent official buildings and houses do resist. What the PCs Can Do: Well-equipped rescue teams are needed_and may well find themselves trapped by further collapses caused by minor earthquakes the following days. Ambyrmont 3, 1013: Floating Ar Drops Anchor Location: New Floating Ar position, above the Yannivey Islands. Description: Floating Ar has completed its relocation to the Yanniveys. Those who helped are rewarded as promised. King Qissling declares the Yanniveys are now part of Floating Ar; everyone can help in gaining effective control of the land. Those who seize control of land and register to the royal palace are automatically granted that land; if they are name-level spellcasters they also gain a title in the process. Territory seized by troops dispatched by the NACE, or by mercenaries hired by King Qissling, become property of the crown. Commander Broderick recalls some troops from Blackrock for the occasion. What the PCs Can Do: This is a formidable opportunity for high-level PCs to gain dominions, and titles if they happen to be spellcasters. They will soon discover that they are not viewed as equals by wizards who own an estate on the floating islands. Even if the PCs are low-level, they can find employment as mercenaries. Nuwmont 7, 1014: Karameikos Recognizes the NACE Location: Mirros, Karameikos. Description: King Stefan Karameikos officially announces his country opens up diplomatic ties with the NACE. The Karameikan Embassy is to be moved from Aquas to Ionace. King Stefan also grants favored trading status to the Confederacy. What This Means: Karameikos is the first country to officially recognize the legitimacy of the Council. Since Empress Eriadna recognized Karameikos's independence a few years ago, the two countries have maintained diplomatic ties with each other, but under Zandor's rule this didn't mean much. The two countries have had few trading relations up to now, but this can well change_King Stefan especially hopes it will improve magical stuff exchange. The two countries are not likely to become military allies or to suppress tariffs altogether, however, since Karameikos is part of the Western Defense League and as such cannot take such decisions alone_and its allies would probably be more than reluctant, especially Ylaruam. Nuwmont 13, 1014: Qeodhar Joins the NACE Location: Farend, Qeodhar. Description: King Norlan reluctantly agrees to join the New Alphatian Confederated Empire. He says to the Council that he can't place his troops under Commander Broderick's command yet, because they are busy repelling many monsters that cross the ice floe thanks to the cold winter. He only accepts to send troops to the Yannivey Islands to help Floating Ar taking over the isles. What This Means: Baron Norlan had always considered Zandor's petty empire as no threat to him, and he thought it would be the same with the NACE. But the offensive on Blackrock and the arrival of Floating Ar above the Yannivey Islands made him realize he was one of the last territories of now-sunken Alphatia that was still independent from the Confederacy. They may well decide to remove him if he continued to ignore their diplomats. After all, the Confederacy seems to be military and magic rich despite the disappearance of Alphatia. Norlan doesn't want to lose his time attending the Council meetings, however, but what he doesn't know is that this will prevent him from discovering Alphatia's survival within the Hollow World_something that could also have explained his wife's disappearance. Norlan is currently trying to devise a way to keep his army under his sole control; he particularly doesn't want his troops to help in overthrowing the kings of Esterhold. Vatermont 1, 1014: Opening of Hard-Ball Season Location: Ionace. Description: The Council of the NACE declares the Hard-Ball season open. Inscription of teams is closed today. For two months, the different teams meet each other; only one per country shall remain for the Super-Hard-Ball in the month of Flaurmont (matches between teams from different countries are friendly, mostly exhibitions). The Council also announces that Karameikos and Aeria are invited to participate in the event. What This Means: All nations of the NACE have made an effort so that they all have at least one team that participates this year, and the stadium has been completed on Ionace. Master Terari has made his best for years to develop Hard-Ball in Karameikos; he is responsible for the participation of the country in the Tournament_as well as for the good relations the Kingdom maintains with the Confederacy. The participation of Aeria is also a political coup to show it is on good terms with the Confederacy_and is accompanied by an exchange of ambassadors. Vatermont 1, 1014: Aeria Opens Embassy on Ionace Location: Aeria, Alatian Islands. Description: Headmaster Aiklin of Aeria agrees to open up diplomatic ties with the New Alphatian Confederated Empire. He also reassures that students from all around the NACE are welcome in the magical college of air magics. What This Means: This is yet another coup against Thyatis. It is obvious to all that Aeria is aligned with the NACE, although it remains independent for the time being (as per the Isle of Dawn Treaty). The official announce is also accompanied by a secret military pact stating that Aeria's skynavy can be hired as mercenary by the Commander in Chief of the NACE in exchange for a promise of military intervention should Thyatis ever try to take Aeria by force. Most students of the college were already drawn from the ranks of former Alphatian territories; there is nothing surprising in that part of the Headmaster's allocution. Vatermont 18, 1014: Qeodharian Troops Land on the Yanniveys Location: Yannivey Islands. Description: The few troops Baron Norlan sent to assist Floating Ar arrive and place themselves under the command of the general of Floating Ar_himself appointed by Commander Broderick. What This Means: It is only a token help, most of Norlan's troops stayed at home. Moreover, the conquest of the Yanniveys is already almost over. Vatermont 21, 1014: King Norlan Reorganizes his Army Location: Farend, Qeodhar. Description: Baron Norlan splits up his army into three distinct bodies: the Army, the Police and the Special Force. The Army represents 60% of the total numbers, and is placed under the jurisdiction of Commander in Chief Broderick of the NACE. The Police represents 30% of the old army, an is in charge of patrolling the cities, arresting people and similar duties. Although policemen can use arms and armors, they are not considered an armed force and as such remain under Norlan's control. The Special Force is a secret service, mostly spies and assassins, who are basically the most able 10% of the old army. They don't have any official existence, and their actions are always covert ones_few people know that force exists. What This Means: Baron Norlan didn't want to lose the power his army brought him. Thanks to that trick he keeps control of 40% of it_and even creates a secret service. The other 60% (i.e. the Army) are now under Broderick's control. Thaumont 6, 1014: Favian Tries Diplomacy Location: Faraway, Verdan. Description: King Favian Vern sends diplomats to discuss with King Nicodemus of Verdan of a way to avoid a useless war between their two kingdoms. Favian's messengers affirm King Nicodemus and ex-King Xanthus will be allowed to leave freely, with all who want to go with them and with all treasure they want, if he accepts to relinquish all claims to Verdan. King Nicodemus has them arrested and executed. What This Means: Nicodemus is confident in his army. He has always stopped Jennite invasion coming from the wild east, and has crushed all slave unrests easily. He knows the rebels are not as well organized here as they were in Blackrock. He has prepared his army for the event, which has been reinforced last year by the remains of Xanthus's, including the now-repaired flying man-o-war. What the PCs Can Do: The PCs can be the messengers sent by King Favian. If they are convincing enough, they may even prevent a bloody war and be well rewarded_or they will have to devise a plan to escape from Faraway's dungeons before they get executed. Thaumont 17, 1014: Hard-Ball Stadium Completed Location: Ionace. Description: The Stadium that will host the Super-Hard-Ball matches in Flaurmont is completed just in time on Ionace. What This Means: The Council declared the season opened the first day of Vatermont, although the stadium what not yet completed at the time. Magic has been used to speed it up. Thaumont 20, 1014: Assault on Verdan Location: Verdan. Description: Although he has troops stationed in Alpha and the Yanniveys, Commander Broderick decides for the invasion of Verdan. Knowing his submersible galleys will be no surprise, Broderick decides to attack from different directions at the same time. Of course, he puts his submersibles and ships into position on the Verdan coast and Faraway's harbor, with marines pouring out of them, but he also leads infantry through the woods of Esterhold from the port cities of Anchorage to the west and Rock Harbor to the south. At the same time, some Jennite tribes lead skirmishes on the eastern forts_thanks to Broderick's gold. The Jennite slaves in Faraway, hoping at the sight of the foreign troops, cause some trouble within the city_although they are largely disorganized. King Nicodemus didn't expect such an all-out assault, and finds it difficult to battle on all fronts at the same time. The undefended interior land quickly falls to Broderick's marching troops; only the capital and the three eastern forts remain uncaptured, though they become isolated from each other. Thaumont 25, 1014: Faraway Besieged Location: Verdan. Description: Surprised by the way things turned out, King Nicodemus decides to throw all of his forces into the battle. His divisions have been more or less able to keep the Alphatian armies at bay so far, although the From ???@??? Sat Sep 28 10:25:06 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id BAA09962; Wed, 25 Sep 1996 01:33:30 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id KAA04102 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Tue, 24 Sep 1996 10:07:11 -0500 Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 10:07:11 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #235 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 965ee0e808a1dc1df4bed38bc1fcd4c3 Status: RO rest of the land is probably no more his_except perhaps the eastern forts. He fears an uprising of the Jennite slaves, however, and he knows he would have a hard time fighting it with all his troops busy repelling the Confederated Army. So he decides to strike with Xanthus's man-o-war, and delights in the sight of the ship blasting squads of attackers trying to break through. Suddenly, three more skyships appear in the sky, and shoot at the man-o-war. The ship soon crashes to the ground, damaged beyond repair. The Jennite slaves cheer at the sight of the crashing ship, and seize the opportunity to rebel again. Attacked from sea, air, land, and from inside the city, the Verdan troops find themselves overwhelmed and must retreat to the palace where they rally. By the end of the day, most of the city has been conquered. Many Verdan masters are assassinated by their rebelling slaves, and small groups of loyalist troops that find themselves surrounded by rebels are butchered_the Verdan soldiers do the same with the groups of rebels they encounter. What This Means: Broderick knew of Xanthus's ship, so he hired skyships recently produced in allied Aeria. He didn't put them to work immediately, however, rather preferring to surprise Nicodemus and Xanthus. His tactic proved successful, because the destruction of the two kings' ace caused their armies' rout. Broderick himself is surprised by the rapidity with which he has taken most of the land, and hopes this will not cause Thyatis to react with hostility. Broderick now does his best to prevent the rebels from murdering everyone of Alphatian descent they see_he knows the surrender of the palace and the forts is only a matter of time. Flaurmont 1, 1014: Super-Hard-Ball Tournament Begins Location: Ionace. Description: All teams that have qualified arrive on Ionace today. The 17 teams will meet each other in the Super-Hard-Ball stadium; the final will be held on Flaurmont 28 between the two best teams. What This Means: When the Super-Hard-Ball tournament was created, there has been some arguing within the Council as to whether it was to be held in a different member state each year or on Ionace. It was decided that there were too many member states to use the round-robin method, and that tourism could help developing Ionace. Flaurmont 7, 1014: Forts Surrender Location: Eastern forts, Verdan. Description: The commanders of the forts protecting Verdan from the Jennite tribes, now under siege by Alphatian troops for more than two weeks, decide to surrender. Since the Jennite tribes have been driven active in the region_thanks to Broderick himself, who didn't think this would be useless_the forts remain manned as usual, though authority passes to the Alphatians. Most of the men that are no more needed here are sent north to Faraway to help in the taking of the city. Flaurmont 18, 1014: Verdan Surrenders Location: Faraway, Verdan. Description: The troops pinned in the royal palace in Faraway discover that King Nicodemus has fled the palace by an unknown mean, probably magic or a secret exit. Without their leader, and with their supplies running low, they decide to surrender to Commander Broderick. What This Means: Broderick has neutralized all pockets of resistance in the meanwhile, and this surrender means he is in complete control of the land. He sends most of his troops back home, to their respective countries. Nicodemus is on the run, and no one knows what happened to Xanthus when his skyship crashed, or even if he was on board. Flaurmont 28, 1014: Super-Hard-Ball Final Location: Ionace. Description: All teams, including those from Karameikos and Aeria, fought great matches during the whole month. All Council members and ambassadors, as well as many nobles and commoners alike, assist today to the final of the Super-Hard-Ball between the teams of Aquas and Dawnrim. After a long, disputed match, Aquas prevails. What This Means: This first season of Hard-Ball was a real success. Yarthmont 11, 1014: Council Discusses on Verdan's Future Location: Ionace. Description: The Council of the New Alphatian Confederated Empire discusses on the future of Verdan. They think they should name a Jennite king to rule the country, since an Alphatian would probably be viewed with suspicion, or even hostility by the natives. Unfortunately, the rebels have never been much organized there, and there is no obvious strong leader. King Favian of Blackrock then comes up with an interesting, though unusual, alternative: He proposes to regroup all of the territories of the Esterhold Peninsula into a single state, the Republic of Esterhold, which would be governed by an elected ruler. It would be composed of provinces, each with an elected governor, who elect the president. Elections could occur every seven years; when there is a tie for the naming of the president, the Council decides. The governor would be the ruler of his own province, and the president would decide on matters concerning the republic as a whole, or for events involving more than one province, the Council or territories outside the provinces. The Council decides to take the time to think about it, and decide during another meeting. Yarthmont 13, 1014: Gaity in Chaos Location: Gaity, Alatian Islands. Description: Gaity goes into a complete state of chaos, as most of the petty baron compete for more land, and eventually for the kingship of the island. There is much political intrigue, assassinations attempts, wars, and more between the ex-Thyatian dominion rulers. Neither Thyatis_which has troops stationed on nearby Aegos_nor the New Alphatian Confederated Empire, intervene. What This Means: Since the island has been granted independence from both Thyatis and Alphatia by the Isle of Dawn Treaty, the country has always been in a state of chaos. Escalation happens today, as a baron military attacks his neighbors and declares himself king. What the PCs Can Do: If the PCs have been granted dominion on the island when it was part of the Thyatian Empire, they can't avoid being involved in the events. They can even become the undisputed leaders of Gaity, but that shouldn't happen before they lead their armies to successful wars. Yarthmont 23, 1014: Council Decides on Esterhold Location: Ionace. Description: The Alphatian Council approves King Favian's proposition concerning the Esterhold Peninsula. The Peninsula becomes the Republic of Esterhold, with a full seat at the Council. It is composed of five provinces: The Province of Anchorage (provincial capital: Anchorage), the Province of Blackrock (provincial capital: Skyfyr), the Province of Marlin (provincial capital: Port Marlin), the Province of Southrock (provincial capital: Rock Harbor), and the Province of Verdan (provincial capital: Faraway). The central region, composed mainly of desert, broken lands and other badlands, is under the direct administration of the President. Favian Vern is named President of Esterhold until elections can be organized, i.e. until the situation is stabilized. He is charged with appointing temporary governors until the elections. Fyrmont 26, 1014: Ne'er-do-well Reaffirms its Independence Location: Ne'er-do-well, Alatian Islands. Description: King Koryn the Harpist sends messengers to Ionace, informing the Council that Ne'er-do- well is an independent nation but friendly with the world, and that ships from all over the Confederacy are welcome to make use of the ports just as any other mercantile nation may. What This Means: Ne'er-do-well intends to remain independent from both Thyatis and the NACE, while trading with both_and preying upon both nations' ships too. Commander Broderick has better to do with his troops than invading the isles. Sviftmont 21, 1014: Helskir Contacts the NACE Location: Ionace. Description: Messengers from King Eruul Zaar and Queen Asteriela Torion of Helskir ask for an audience between the Alphatian Council and their King and Queen. A meeting is called for the following day. Sviftmont 22, 1014: Helskir Meets the Council Location: Ionace. Description: King Eruul Zaar and Queen Asteriela Torion teleport to the Parliament on Ionace, where they meet with the kings of the Alphatian Confederacy. Queen Asteriela first informs the Council that she knows about the survival of Alphatia and Empress Eriadna within the Hollow World_the crew of the Flying Fish told her so four years ago_, so they can discuss freely about the future of the region. She tells that now that Zandor has been deposed, the situation may only better_but unfortunately Helskir has agreed to become part of the Thyatian Empire before the event happened, and cannot leave it for the NACE without provoking her brother's wrath and destabilizing the relative stability on the Isle of Dawn. However, Helskir has kept its status of Kingdom and as such can establish diplomatic ties with the Confederacy. This would be a way of communicating between the two empires, and maybe preventing tensions or even wars. The Council agrees to open up diplomatic ties with Helskir. Eirmont 12, 1014: Dunadale Contacts the NACE Location: Province of Dunadale, Isle of Dawn. Description: The Thyatian Province of Dunadale, whose citizens are mostly of Alphatian descent, declares it will open up diplomatic ties with the New Alphatian Confederated Empire, like Helskir the previous month. What This Means: The Thyatian governor of the province did this to please his citizens, as he was fearing an uprising. He hopes this won't upset Emperor Eusebius. ------------------------------ From: "Jorge Villalobos" Date: 24 Sep 1996 12:51:14 -0000 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Assassin in Mystara >From!owner-mystara-l Sat Sep 21 03:55:50 1996 >Received: from ([]) by with SMTP id <1464929(5)>; Sat, 21 Sep 1996 03:55:45 -0700 >Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id EAA07157 for mystara-l-outgoing; Sat, 21 Sep 1996 04:46:11 -0500 >Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) with ESMTP id EAA07072 for ; Sat, 21 Sep 1996 04:32:58 -0500 >Received: from ( []) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id EAA12335 for ; Sat, 21 Sep 1996 04:19:22 -0500 (CDT) >Received: by (Smail3.1.28.1 #39) >id m0v4O8T-0000JpC; Sat, 21 Sep 96 05:14 EDT > (Matthew Kammann) > >, >Subject: [Mystara] Assassin in Mystara >Date:Fri, 20 Sep 1996 19:44:40 -0700 >Message-Id: <> >Organization: Westtown School >Sender: >Precedence: bulk >Reply-To: >Could someone give me a little info on the assasin role on Mystara? >This would be Tres helpful to me in creating a new charecter. >I am more than a little new to this setting but i have been into Ad&d for >about a year. > > Same role that they have in any other world. - ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ==(W{==========- | | || (.--.) | | | \_,|**|,__ Jorge Villalobos Duran | | `\ ' `--' ), Universidad de los Andes | | `\_. .__/\ \ | | | . |""""| | | /==0==-\<>/ | | | / \ | Tel (571) 2585382 | | ( ) ( ) | | | ; | ; | | | ; | ; | - ----------------------------------------------------------------- ___ _____ .'/,-Y" "~-. l.Y ^. /\ _\_ i ___/" "\ DOUGH!!!! | /" "\ o ! l ] o !__./ \ _ _ \.___./ "~\ X \/ \ ___./ ( \ ___. _..--~~" ~`-. ` Z,-- / \ \__. ( / ______) \ l /-----~~" / Y \ / | "x______.^ | \ To the tune of ``Jingle Bells'': Azathoth Azathoth Azathoth, the King Center of the Universe, Insanity he brings, Hey! - --------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at - --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: "Jorge Villalobos" Date: 24 Sep 1996 12:51:14 -0000 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Assassin in Mystara >From!owner-mystara-l Sat Sep 21 03:55:50 1996 >Received: from ([]) by with SMTP id <1464929(5)>; Sat, 21 Sep 1996 03:55:45 -0700 >Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id EAA07157 for mystara-l-outgoing; Sat, 21 Sep 1996 04:46:11 -0500 >Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) with ESMTP id EAA07072 for ; Sat, 21 Sep 1996 04:32:58 -0500 >Received: from ( []) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id EAA12335 for ; Sat, 21 Sep 1996 04:19:22 -0500 (CDT) >Received: by (Smail3.1.28.1 #39) >id m0v4O8T-0000JpC; Sat, 21 Sep 96 05:14 EDT > (Matthew Kammann) > >, >Subject: [Mystara] Assassin in Mystara >Date:Fri, 20 Sep 1996 19:44:40 -0700 >Message-Id: <> >Organization: Westtown School >Sender: >Precedence: bulk >Reply-To: >Could someone give me a little info on the assasin role on Mystara? >This would be Tres helpful to me in creating a new charecter. >I am more than a little new to this setting but i have been into Ad&d for >about a year. > > Same role that they have in any other world. - ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ==(W{==========- | | || (.--.) | | | \_,|**|,__ Jorge Villalobos Duran | | `\ ' `--' ), Universidad de los Andes | | `\_. .__/\ \ | | | . |""""| | | /==0==-\<>/ | | | / \ | Tel (571) 2585382 | | ( ) ( ) | | | ; | ; | | | ; | ; | - ----------------------------------------------------------------- ___ _____ .'/,-Y" "~-. l.Y ^. /\ _\_ i ___/" "\ DOUGH!!!! | /" "\ o ! l ] o !__./ \ _ _ \.___./ "~\ X \/ \ ___./ ( \ ___. _..--~~" ~`-. ` Z,-- / \ \__. ( / ______) \ l /-----~~" / Y \ / | "x______.^ | \ To the tune of ``Jingle Bells'': Azathoth Azathoth Azathoth, the King Center of the Universe, Insanity he brings, Hey! - --------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at - --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: "Jorge Villalobos" Date: 24 Sep 1996 12:55:18 -0000 Subject: Re: [Mystara] What should I do.... >From!owner-mystara-l Sat Sep 21 07:01:07 1996 >Received: from ([]) by with SMTP id <1467638(4)>; Sat, 21 Sep 1996 07:01:05 -0700 >Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id HAA07855 for mystara-l-outgoing; Sat, 21 Sep 1996 07:47:00 -0500 >Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) with ESMTP id HAA07808 for ; Sat, 21 Sep 1996 07:39:24 -0500 >Received: from ( []) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) with ESMTP id HAA17969 for ; Sat, 21 Sep 1996 07:35:11 -0500 (CDT) >Received: from deathwat ( []) by (8.7.5/8.6.9) with SMTP id OAA00178 for ; Sat, 21 Sep 1996 14:34:21 +0200 (MET DST) >Message-Id: <> >X-Sender: >X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 2.2 (32) >Mime-Version: 1.0 >Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >Date:Sat, 21 Sep 1996 05:33:20 -0700 > >From:Deathwatch >Subject: [Mystara] What should I do.... >Sender: >Precedence: bulk >Reply-To: >Okay, > >I want to ask all of you some info. >I own the Karameikos Boxes set (AD&D) and Night of the Vampire adventure. >I own the Mystara Monstrous Compendium and the Poor Wizards Almanac III too. > >Now I want to buy something new. I was thinking of the Glantry boxed set, >but I've heard of the other boxed sets. (Those OD&D ones, I think I still >can get them) >What should I buy? > >Bas > > Buy all you can but since you have AD&D modules buy Glantri, the survival kits and the Joshuan's almanac first. I also recomend the dragonlord books. - ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ==(W{==========- | | || (.--.) | | | \_,|**|,__ Jorge Villalobos Duran | | `\ ' `--' ), Universidad de los Andes | | `\_. .__/\ \ | | | . |""""| | | /==0==-\<>/ | | | / \ | Tel (571) 2585382 | | ( ) ( ) | | | ; | ; | | | ; | ; | - ----------------------------------------------------------------- ___ _____ .'/,-Y" "~-. l.Y ^. /\ _\_ i ___/" "\ DOUGH!!!! | /" "\ o ! l ] o !__./ \ _ _ \.___./ "~\ X \/ \ ___./ ( \ ___. _..--~~" ~`-. ` Z,-- / \ \__. ( / ______) \ l /-----~~" / Y \ / | "x______.^ | \ To the tune of ``Jingle Bells'': Azathoth Azathoth Azathoth, the King Center of the Universe, Insanity he brings, Hey! - --------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at - --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #235 ***************************** From ???@??? Sat Sep 28 10:25:12 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id GAA17562; Wed, 25 Sep 1996 06:28:33 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id OAA06563 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Tue, 24 Sep 1996 14:58:10 -0500 Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 14:58:10 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #236 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: cc178404df5042d96fa283b74e730f94 Status: RO mystara-digest Tuesday, 24 September 1996 Volume 01 : Number 236 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Andrew McKinstry) Date: 24 Sep 1996 14:25:55 GMT Subject: [Mystara] Blackmoor I missed the post where someone said where Blackmoor really was. I just got DA1 and it says the Inn Between Worlds had been moved by glaciers to the Broken lands, so I was wondering where it was origianally (i.e. where was Thonia and Blackmoor) Also, in DA1 it mentions the wild earth magic of Blackmoor, how has everyone handled that. I was thinking of a mesh of Wild Magic, and the Mehibengl (I'm positive that's spelled wrong) system in Birthright from the Book of Magecraft. What does everyone think? (Oh and do the later DA series detail some of these?) Andrew McKinstry ------------------------------ From: Jason Zavoda Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 10:52:03 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Mystara] Fluff NDT 3 (From the Module B10 Nights Dark Terror,) By Jim Bambra, Graeme Morris, & Phil Gallagher The world was spinning as Captain Kalanos tried to stand. Hedrick, the crewman he landed on had probably saved his life, but his head had still cracked across the rowers bench and now he was dizzy and disoriented. He made it to his feet but was bent over and swaying slightly, his vision was blurred and a wave of nausea swept over him. Matthias, another memeber of the crew, had a hand on his shoulder steadying him. Suddenly Matthias grip tightened, his fingers digging into the Captains shoulder. Looking up into his face the Captain saw Matthias grimmace in pain, then his eyes rolled up and showed their whites, his grip slackened, he coughed once and blood sprayed from his mouth. Bonelessly Matthias collapsed to the ground. "What... Teodor"Kalanos blurted. Over the fallen body of Matthias stood the new crewman,Teodor,he had been taken on hurridely at Kelvin when Ivan, an old hand had been injured in a tavern brawl. Teodor had a wicked smirk on his face and a bloody dagger in his right hand. "Captain, captain, captain, say goodbye to your little rowboat captain, its your turn to die." Teodor said, then lunged foreward. The razor edge of the dagger cut through Kalanos robe and leather jacket and glided across his ribs up and under his left arm. Teodor had struck out toward the captains center aiming just under his breastbone for the diaphram. A stab there would paralyze and take away the breath needed to scream or call for help. Teodor meant to strike the crew down in silence as his companions kept them cowering behind the gunwales with their arrows. Kalanos, still groggy from his fall and caught by surprise at Teodors mutiney, could not block the knife blow or even avoid it entirely. Unsteady on his feet , he let himself fall backwards away from the knifeblade. He landed on his right shoulder and rolled backwards, over the body of Hedrick who groaned in pain, and under Hedricks bench. Using the next bench as a support he pushed his back against it, one hand on the bench itself and made it to his feet. Teodor unbalanced when the thrust of his dagger failed to connect stumbled over the body of Matthias and fell to his knees, landing on Hedrick who groaned again then passed into deeper unconsciousness. When Teodor regained his footing he faced Captain Kalanos from across a rowers bench. Kalanos had drawn his own dagger and used the bench to push against as he launched himself upon the murderous Teodor. Kalanos was a short man, but stocky and powerfully muscled. He worked alongside his crew rowing and loading and unloading the cargo the carried up and down the river. He rocketed into Teodor, overbearing him and stabbing his dagger completely through Teodors forearm. Teodors dagger flew stabbed wildly at the Captain, gouging the thick leather vest that Kalanos wore under his robes but even though it gashed open the leather it did not even scratch the Captain. Leaving his knife in Teodors forearm, Kalanos used his right hand to grab Teodors throat and with his left tried to pin his knifehand. "Swine, " gasped Kalanos "Murderous dog" his hand clenched around Teodors throat. Teodors gave a choke then a gurgle as the iron fingers of kalanos crushed out his air and his life. He stabbed wildly again, luck was with him and his dagger sunk home in the captains side. Once, deeply then again just scrapping along the open wound. Kalanos rorared, but a fury was upon him. Letting the stabbing arm go free, Kalanos grabbed Teodor around the throat with both hands and lifted his head from the deck. Just as Teodor jabbed at the Captain again, Kalanos smashed Teodors head against the deck, dazing him, then again, and again. Teodor went limp, Still enraged Kalanos stood , lifted Teodors body to his chest and threw it over the side. He turned to face the deck, moving with a stagger, Just as the first boarders began pulling themselves over the side. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:30:07 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] ne er do well Ne'er-do-well (Kingdom of) Location: Alatian Islands, the Sea of Dawn, southeast of the Isle of Dawn. Capital: Crossroads (population 5,000). Area: 21,669 sq. mi. (Greater Ne'er-do-well 17,958 sq. mi. and Lesser Ne'er-do-well 3,741 sq. mi.). Population: 26,000. Language: Alphatian, Thyatian. Coinage: Alphatian Standard, Thyatian Standard. Taxes: There are no taxes on Ne'er-do-well. Government type: Monarchy. The thieves and black market are the real power here. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. Important Figures: Koryn the Harpist (King of Ne'er-do-well). Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: Neither Thyatis nor the NACE deem the isles are worth the trouble. Ne'er-do-well remains neutral and friendly with the world. See Also: DotE, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace1314. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:24:51 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] alpha Alpha (Kingdom of) Location: Norwold, continent of Brun, northeastern reaches. Capital: Alpha (population 30,000). Area: 10,000 sq. mi. Population: 90,000 (including 2,000 halflings). Language: Alphatian, Heldannic. Coinage: Alphatian Standard. Taxes: Ericall imposes an income tax of 20% on everyone, a sales tax of 5%, and an import tax of 2% (since Alpha became member of the NACE this tax only concerns goods coming from outside the Confederacy, but has been raised from 1% to 2%; this tax does not concern goods from Karameikos due to a trade agreement between that nation and the Confederacy). Barons that still recognize Ericall as their king must give him 20% of the taxes they levy in their dominion, but they can have a different tax system. Only 5% goes to the Imperial treasury (this rate may be changed at any time by the Council if Alpha is no more military threatened by the Knights). Government type: Semiautonomous monarchy owing loyalty to the New Alphatian Confederated Empire since Flaurmont 22, AC 1013. Few territories outside Alpha remain loyal to King Ericall. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. Important Figures: Ericall (King of Alpha), Ney (General). Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: King Ericall has had difficulties since the disappearance of Alphatia: Most of his vassals have betrayed him by declaring their lands independent, and the Heldannic Knights have conquered the rest... The few places that are not wilderness areas are either independent (Leeha and many petty baronies that once held fealty to Ericall), Heldann-controlled (Landfall, Oceansend, other small baronies), or, more rarely, still under Ericall's rule (Alpha and surrounding territory, and a few baronies). Most of the independent areas are rather uncooperative, though some have forged alliances with Ericall. Ericall has joined the NACE primarily to get extra troops in the defense of his city of Alpha against further Heldannic incursions, and got them. Unfortunately, the loyal General Ney has told him that, despite the Imperial war effort, he could not stand against a full scale attack from the mighty Heldannic Knights should they decide to invade. Vanya does not seem to have instructed them to do so for the moment, however. See Also: DotE, CM1, M1, M2, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace, nace1314. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:28:39 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] meriander Meriander (Kingdom of) Location: Bellissaria, west of southern Skothar, southeast of Aquas. Capital: Alchemos (population 15,000). Area: 92,034. Population: 100,000. Language: Alphatian. Coinage: Alphatian Standard. Taxes: Meriander imposes the standard income tax of 15% on everyone of servant status or higher and an import tax of 1% (this tax only concerns goods coming from outside the Confederacy and does not concern goods from Karameikos due to a trade agreement between that nation and the Confederacy). 10% goes to the Imperial Treasury. Government type: Semiautonomous monarchy owing loyalty to the New Alphatian Confederated Empire since Kaldmont 13, AC 1012. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. Important Figures: Hubertek (King of Meriander and General). Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: King Hubertek put an end to the old Alphatian law that restricted nobility to spellcasters. See Also: DotE, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace, nace1314. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:27:58 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] horken Horken (Kingdom of) Location: Bellissaria, west of southern Skothar, southeast of Aquas. Capital: Horken (population 5,000). Area: 103,258. Population: 31,000. Language: Alphatian. Coinage: Alphatian Standard. Taxes: King Villiun imposes the standard income tax of 15% on everyone of servant status or higher and an import tax of 1% (this tax only concerns goods coming from outside the Confederacy and does not concern goods from Karameikos due to a trade agreement between that nation and the Confederacy). 10% goes to the Imperial Treasury. Government type: Semiautonomous monarchy owing loyalty to the New Alphatian Confederated Empire since Kaldmont 13, AC 1012. Horken's large business families have greater control of the nation than does its king. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. Important Figures: Villiun (King of Horken), Tabrik (General). Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: Horken's shipyards are very busy; Horken's ships are of great importance to Broderick's forces transportation, since Aquas's submersibles are rare, and the number of flying ships is even lower. See Also: DotE, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace, nace1314. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:30:25 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] notrion Notrion (Kingdom of) Location: Bellissaria, west of southern Skothar, southeast of Aquas. Capital: Aaslin (population 10,000). Area: 338,956. Population: 50,000. Language: Alphatian. Coinage: Alphatian Standard. Taxes: Notrion imposes the standard income tax of 15% on everyone of servant status or higher (down from 20% before the creation of the NACE, and about 50% when King Lodrig III was in power) and an import tax of 1% (this tax only concerns goods coming from outside the Confederacy and does not concern goods from Karameikos due to a trade agreement between that nation and the Confederacy). Only 7% (instead of the usual 10%) goes to the Imperial Treasury, to help the country recover from the civil war. Government type: Semiautonomous monarchy owing loyalty to the New Alphatian Confederated Empire since Kaldmont 13, AC 1012. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. Important Figures: Corydon (King of Notrion and General). Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: King Corydon put an end to the old Alphatian law that restricted nobility to spellcasters. Now that the taxes are back to a normal level and that the power is stable, the peasants have ceased the civil war and returned to their fields. See Also: DotE, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace, nace1314. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:25:59 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] dawnrim Dawnrim (Kingdom of) Location: Bellissaria, west of southern Skothar, southeast of Aquas. Capital: Alinquin (population 5,000). Area: 255,900. Population: 28,000. Language: Alphatian. Coinage: Alphatian Standard. Taxes: King Teskilion imposes the standard income tax of 15% on everyone of servant status or higher and an import tax of 1% (this tax only concerns goods coming from outside the Confederacy and does not concern goods from Karameikos due to a trade agreement between that nation and the Confederacy). 10% goes to the Imperial Treasury. Government type: Semiautonomous monarchy owing loyalty to the New Alphatian Confederated Empire since Kaldmont 13, AC 1012. Dawnrim has dropped the old Alphatian law restricting access to nobility and rulership to spellcasters only. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. Important Figures: Teskilion (King of Dawnrim and General). Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: King Teskilion is happy with the new state of affairs in the Alphatian Region, as it is a good guarantee against possible Thyatian invasion. The magic-poor kingdom also profits from the influx of magic throughout the Confederacy, and knows the Council would provide magical assistance if it was in a dire need. See Also: DotE, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace, nace1314. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:28:24 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] lagrius From ???@??? Sat Sep 28 10:25:12 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id GAA17562; Wed, 25 Sep 1996 06:28:33 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id OAA06563 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Tue, 24 Sep 1996 14:58:10 -0500 Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 14:58:10 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #236 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: cc178404df5042d96fa283b74e730f94 Status: RO Lagrius (Kingdom of) Location: Bellissaria, west of southern Skothar, southeast of Aquas. Capital: Blueside (population 15,000). Area: 244,677. Population: 150,000. Language: Alphatian. Coinage: Alphatian Standard. Taxes: Lagrius imposes the standard income tax of 15% on everyone of servant status or higher and an import tax of 1% (this tax only concerns goods coming from outside the Confederacy and does not concern goods from Karameikos due to a trade agreement between that nation and the Confederacy). 10% goes to the Imperial Treasury. Government type: Semiautonomous monarchy owing loyalty to the New Alphatian Confederated Empire since Kaldmont 13, AC 1012. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. Important Figures: Elenista (Queen of Lagrius), Siaron Lagrius (Former Queen of Lagrius), Alanim (General). Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: Although she could have managed to regain her throne since the creation of the NACE, Siaron Lagrius preferred to remain active behind-the-scene and let her friend officially rule Lagrius. She has taken the charge of Representant of Lagrius on Ionace and the other Council members and Representants know she holds as much power as the actual queen and that decisions she makes will be approved by Elenista. In effect, the kingdom is ruled by two persons at the same time; this has never been a problem so far since both women are good friends and trust each other and act for the best of their country and the Confederacy. See Also: DotE, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace, nace1314. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:31:52 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] verdan Verdan (Kingdom of) Location: Esterhold, continent of Skothar, west of the Jennite Lands, northwest of Minaea. Capital: Faraway (population 35,000). Area: 126,000 sq. mi. Population: 150,000. Language: Alphatian, Jennite. Coinage: Alphatian Standard. Taxes: King Nicodemus imposes an income tax of 20% on everyone of servant status or higher, customs duties of 2%, and a sales tax of 5%. Government type: Monarchy until Flaurmont, AC 1014, then part of the Republic of Esterhold. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. Important Figures: Nicodemus (King of Verdan), then ?????????????????, (Governor of Verdan). Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: After the fall of Blackrock in the beginning of 1013, King Nicodemus expected an imminent invasion by the New Alphatian forces, and prepared his own troops accordingly. The assault came only one year after_but Broderick's troops were yet more numerous than Nicodemus had expected. It didn't last long before the fortified kingdom surrendered to the invaders_thanks in part to the aerial support of skyships lent by allied Aeria. Broderick established a military command of the land in order to prevent further assassinations of both former Alphatian masters and Jennite slaves, until the country was integrated in the Republic of Esterhold. Nicodemus is in fleeing, while the fate of Xanthus is unknown_whether he perished in his man-of-war crash-landing or teleported before is a recurrent subject of discussion all over Esterhold. See Also: DotE, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace1314, esterhol. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:31:03 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] surshield Surshield (Kingdom of) Location: Bellissaria, west of southern Skothar, southeast of Aquas. Capital: Spearpoint (population 30,000). Area: 260,390. Population: 100,000. Language: Alphatian. Coinage: Alphatian Standard. Taxes: Surshield imposes the standard income tax of 15% on everyone of servant status or higher and an import tax of 1% (this tax only concerns goods coming from outside the Confederacy and does not concern goods from Karameikos due to a trade agreement between that nation and the Confederacy). Only 8% goes to the Imperial Treasury (instead of the classic 10%) to help the country recover from the war and assist in the effort against the Minaean pirates. Government type: Semiautonomous monarchy owing loyalty to the New Alphatian Confederated Empire since Kaldmont 13, AC 1012. The land outside the city of Spearpoint is an ungoverned anarchy. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. Important Figures: Gratia (Queen of Surshield), Rolando (General). Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: Queen Gratia regained her throne when Zandor was deposed and the country integrated the Council of the NACE. She does her best to support the rebels in Esterhold (who then become the new rulers of the Peninsula), and is on very good terms with Favian Vern. She hopes that, once the situation in Esterhold gets back to normal, the rulers will help her in her action against eastern pirates by mounting coordinated naval action against them, and that Broderick will send her more troops_ especially some submersibles. See Also: DotE, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace, nace1314. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:27:38 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] gaity Gaity (Baronies of) Location: Alatian Islands, the Sea of Dawn, southeast of the Isle of Dawn. Capital: None (previously Rainbow Park then Paganica). Area: 16,960 sq. mi. Population: 13,000. Language: Thyatian, Alphatian. Coinage: Thyatian Standard, Alphatian Standard. Taxes: Each Baron imposes different taxes within his dominion. Government type: No central government. Petty Barons compete for the ruling of small dominions. The isle is autonomous since the Isle of Dawn Treaty. Formerly part of Alphatia, then Thyatis. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. Important Figures: None. Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: Since the Isle of Dawn Treaty has been put in effect, all Thytian officials and troops have been removed from the isle (they were either sent to Aegos or back to mainland Thyatis). The capital of Paganica has since been a ghost town, as has been Rainbow Park. After the departure of the Thyatians, the petty barons that had been granted dominions by Eusebius have fought over the land, trying to become the undisputed rulers of the whole isle. Intrigues, plots, assassinations, wars, alliances, betrayals are all common. Trade is nearly nonexistent, and famine is also feared because crops have been destroyed in many places. The country is in a complete state of chaos and anarchy, but Thyatis and the NACE don't want to intervene and break the treaty for such an unimportant land. Ne'er-do-well's thieves, however, may find that the isle suits their needs, and may help a baron of their choice by smuggling weapons for him, in exchange for the right to use the isle as another haven for their piratical activities. See Also: DotE, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace1314. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:31:25 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] thothia Thothia (Kingdom of) Location: Isle of Dawn, east of Brun, southwest of the New Alphatian Sea. Capital: Edairo (population 32,000). Area: 95,277. Population: 80,000. Language: Nithian, Alphatian. Coinage: Alphatian Standard. Taxes: The pharaoh of Thothia imposes an income tax of 10% on everyone of servant status or higher and an import tax of 1% (this tax only concerns goods coming from outside the Confederacy and does not concern goods from Karameikos due to a trade agreement between that nation and the Confederacy), and a tithe of 5%. 10% of it goes to the Imperial Treasury. Government type: Semiautonomous monarchy owing loyalty to the New Alphatian Confederated Empire since Yarthmont 10, AC 1013. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. Important Figures: Ramenhotep XXIV (Pharaoh of Thothia). Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: When Thothia fought back the Thyatians after they had conquered most of the Isle of Dawn, Pharaoh Ramenhotep XXIV tried to take back all the territories that once were loyal to Alphatia. The success he had in this military operation forced Thyatis to retreat and sign the Isle of Dawn Treaty, which recognized Thothia as a power one should take into account. The pharaoh is very happy about the way things turned to be, since it threw the kingdom into a more modern era, and strengthened his power. Pharaoh Ramenhotep has decided to join the NACE, although it would wrest power away from him_power Thothia deserved_, and to give independence to the lands it had conquered on the Isle of Dawn. Although mighty Thothia has only one seat at the Council, like all other member states, the statements of the pharaoh are listened to with great attention, since all recognize the role he played in stopping the military onslaught of Thyatis_there would probably be no free Alphatian nation today if Thothia hadn't moved. See Also: DotE, M5, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace, nace1314. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:26:51 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] ekto Ekto (City-State of) Location: Isle of Dawn, east of Brun, southwest of the New Alphatian Sea. Capital: Ekto (population 1,000). Area: 18,996. Population: 32,000. Language: Alphatian, Thyatian. Coinage: Alphatian Standard, Thyatian Standard. Taxes: East Portage imposes an income tax of 20% on everyone of servant status or higher and an import tax of 1% (this tax only concerns goods coming from outside the Confederacy and does not concern goods from Karameikos due to a trade agreement between that nation and the Confederacy). None of it goes to the Imperial Treasury, to help the country recover from the war. In addition, the country receives extra money from the Council. Government type: Semiautonomous monarchy owing loyalty to the New Alphatian Confederated Empire since Yarthmont 10, AC 1013. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. Important Figures: Tristan (King of Ekto), Maloin (General). Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: When Thothia fought back the Thyatians after they had conquered most of the Isle of Dawn, Pharaoh Ramenhotep XXIV tried to take back all the territories that once were loyal to Alphatia. After a long siege to the city that lasted months, Thothia finally took the city. Ekto has since been Thothian-controlled, and this fact was recognized by Thyatis with the Isle of Dawn Treaty. Ekto regained its independence when Thothia agreed to become member of the New Alphatian Confederated Empire. Thothia granted independence to the three small kingdoms of the Isle of Dawn, but only after having put a new King or Queen on the thrones, a new General at the head of the armed forces, and after having forced them to become full members of the Confederacy. The once-fertile country is completely in ruins, and has to be rebuild from the ground. The Council has granted exceptional financial and magical help to the ravaged kingdom. See Also: DotE, M5, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace, nace1314. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:24:32 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] aeria Aeria (Kingdom of) Location: Alatian Islands, the Sea of Dawn, southeast of the Isle of Dawn. Capital: Featherfall (population 10,000, including university staff and faculty and 5,000 students). Area: 49,384 sq. mi. Population: 17,000. Language: Alphatian. Coinage: Alphatian Standard. Taxes: Headmaster Aiklin imposes an income tax of 10% on everyone, a tax of 5% on the wages of Aerian wizards, and an import and export tax of 2% on magical items and components (this tax only concerns goods coming from outside the Confederacy and does not concern Karameikos either since the countries have signed agreements) and 1% on all other goods. Aeria also makes money with the admission fees to its school of magic and hiring out its skynavy to the NACE. Government type: Autonomous monarchy since the Isle of Dawn Treaty. Formerly part of Alphatia, then Thyatis. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. Important Figures: Aiklin (King of Aeria and Headmaster of the University of Air Magics). Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: Aeria has been very active on the diplomatic field those last years. When Thyatis sent its legions to conquer the former Alphatian territories after the sinking of the continent, Master Aiklin decided to owe fealty to the Empire. But when Thothia kicked the Thyatians out of most of the former Alphatian territories (but not Aegos), Aiklin managed to regain independence for his country as stated in the Isle of Dawn Treaty. When the NACE was formed Aiklin thought about joining the Confederacy. But he realized this could cause Eusebius's wrath and cause wars to start over again by nullifying the treaty. So he didn't break the treaty, but opened up diplomatic ties with the NACE, canceled tariffs with it, built its own skynavy, and secretly signed a pact with the Confederacy allowing it to hire the skynavy in return for a promise of military intervention in case of a Thyatian invasion of the isle. Aeria also participates in the Hard-Ball tournament, just like any member state of the NACE, which makes it obvious to all (if that was needed) that Aeria is aligned with the NACE. Aeria also has close ties with Karameikos, thanks to Master Terari. The two countries have set no tariffs on all magical items and components, and students that have graduated from one school can follow complementary courses in the other school if this is the specialty they want to study. It is obvious that King Stefan hopes to build his own skynavy, and neither Aiklin nor the Council oppose the idea. The agreement is a threat to both Thyatis and Glantri. See Also: DotE, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace1314. ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #236 ***************************** From ???@??? Sat Sep 28 10:25:18 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id HAA19079; Wed, 25 Sep 1996 07:32:25 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id PAA06874 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Tue, 24 Sep 1996 15:46:44 -0500 Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 15:46:44 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #237 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 87f3bef4bd89f80b22828985cdd76d3d Status: RO mystara-digest Tuesday, 24 September 1996 Volume 01 : Number 237 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:26:35 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] east portage East Portage (Kingdom of, aka Kingdom of Hillvale) Location: Isle of Dawn, east of Brun, southwest of the New Alphatian Sea. Capital: East Portage (population 3,000). Area: 71,832. Population: 10,000. Language: Alphatian, Thyatian. Coinage: Alphatian Standard, Thyatian Standard. Taxes: East Portage imposes the standard income tax of 15% on everyone of servant status or higher and an import tax of 1% (this tax only concerns goods coming from outside the Confederacy and does not concern goods from Karameikos due to a trade agreement between that nation and the Confederacy). None of it goes to the Imperial Treasury, to help the country recover from the war. Government type: Semiautonomous monarchy owing loyalty to the New Alphatian Confederated Empire since Yarthmont 10, AC 1013. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. Important Figures: Quicklimn (King of East Portage), Pindew (General). Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: When Thothia fought back the Thyatians after they had conquered most of the Isle of Dawn, Pharaoh Ramenhotep XXIV tried to take back all the territories that once were loyal to Alphatia. When Ekto was under siege by his troops, he decided to take East Portage as a way to cut off Thyatis's supply route. East Portage has since been Thothian-controlled, and this fact was recognized by Thyatis with the Isle of Dawn Treaty. East Portage regained its independence when Thothia agreed to become member of the New Alphatian Confederated Empire. Thothia granted independence to the three small kingdoms of the Isle of Dawn, but only after having put a new King or Queen on the thrones, a new General at the head of the armed forces, and after having forced them to become full members of the Confederacy. The former king, Lorne M'Jozee, was in Thyatis when Thothia seized East Portage, and the pharaoh preferred to give the throne to a new, strong, loyal leader. East Portage profits much of the advantages granted by the NACE, especially since it was not much hurt by the war in comparison to Ekto and Trikelios. See Also: DotE, M5, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace, nace1314. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:31:39 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] trikelios Trikelios (City-State of) Location: Isle of Dawn, east of Brun, southwest of the New Alphatian Sea. Capital: Trikelios (population 25,000). Area: 10,974. Population: 70,000. Language: Alphatian, Thyatian, Nithian. Coinage: Alphatian Standard. Taxes: Trikelios imposes an income tax of 20% on everyone of servant status or higher and an import tax of 1% (this tax only concerns goods coming from outside the Confederacy and does not concern goods from Karameikos due to a trade agreement between that nation and the Confederacy). None of it goes to the Imperial Treasury, to help the country recover from the war. In addition, the country receives extra money from the Council. Government type: Semiautonomous monarchy owing loyalty to the New Alphatian Confederated Empire since Yarthmont 10, AC 1013. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. Important Figures: Stillian (Queen of Ekto), Ginrol (General). Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: When Thothia fought back the Thyatians after they had conquered most of the Isle of Dawn, Pharaoh Ramenhotep XXIV tried to take back all the territories that once were loyal to Alphatia. Trikelios was the first city he took back from the Thytians when he decided Thothia should become the aggressor. Trikelios has since been Thothian-controlled, and this fact was recognized by Thyatis with the Isle of Dawn Treaty. Trikelios regained its independence when Thothia agreed to become member of the New Alphatian Confederated Empire. Thothia granted independence to the three small kingdoms of the Isle of Dawn, but only after having put a new King or Queen on the thrones, a new General at the head of the armed forces, and after having forced them to become full members of the Confederacy. When Stillian, who was Queen of Ierendi at the time, learned that her kingdom had been freed from Thyatian rule, she immediately resigned the office and left for Trikelios, in the hope of helping her people to recover as best as she could. Trikelios has been less devastated than neighboring Ekto, but has much to rebuild nonetheless, and money granted by the Council is welcome. See Also: DotE, M5, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace, nace1314. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:27:08 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] esterhold Esterhold (Republic of) Location: Continent of Skothar, west of the Jennite Lands, northwest of Minaea. Capital: None. Capital of Anchorage: Anchorage (population 5,000), capital of Blackrock: Skyfyr (population 15,000), Capital of Marlin: Port Marlin (population 10,000), capital of Southrock: Rock Harbor (population 5,000), capital of Verdan: Faraway (population 35,000). Area: 1,000,000 sq. mi. Population: 240,000. Language: Alphatian, Jennite. Coinage: Alphatian Standard. Taxes: Each governor of a province imposes the standard 15% income tax on everyone and an import tax of 1% (this tax only concerns goods coming from outside the Confederacy and does not concern goods from Karameikos due to a trade agreement between that nation and the Confederacy), and the president imposes the same tax on people of the territories that do not fall under the jurisdiction of any province. None of it goes to the Imperial Treasury to help the country recover from the wars, and the republic even receives money and troops from the Council. Government type: Republic composed of semiautonomous provinces owing loyalty to the New Alphatian Confederated Empire since Yarthmont 23, AC1013. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. Important Figures: Favian Vern (President of Esterhold), ?????? (Governor of Anchorage), ????????? (Governor of Blackrock), ???????? (Governor of Marlin), ??????? (Governor of Southrock), ??????? (Governor of Verdan). Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: When the Alphatian Council had to decide about the future of Verdan, King Favian of Blackrock came up with an interesting, though unusual, alternative: He proposed to regroup all of the territories of the Esterhold Peninsula into a single state, the Republic of Esterhold, which would be governed by an elected ruler. It would be composed of provinces, each with an elected governor, who elect the president. Elections could occur every seven years; when there is a tie for the naming of the president, the Council decides. The governor would be the ruler of his own province, and the president would decide on matters concerning the republic as a whole, or for events involving more than one province, the Council or territories outside the provinces. The Alphatian Council approved King Favian's proposition. Thus the Peninsula became the Republic of Esterhold, with a full seat at the Council. It is composed of five provinces: The Province of Anchorage (provincial capital: Anchorage), the Province of Blackrock (provincial capital: Skyfyr), the Province of Marlin (provincial capital: Port Marlin), the Province of Southrock (provincial capital: Rock Harbor), and the Province of Verdan (provincial capital: Faraway). The central region, composed mainly of desert, broken lands and other badlands, is under the direct administration of the President. Favian Vern was named President of Esterhold until elections can be organized, i.e. until the situation is stabilized. He has appointed temporary governors until the elections; two of them are Jennites who were leaders of the rebels, while the other three are of Alphatian descent_in fact they were the mayors of the cities which are now capitals of the provinces. See Also: DotE, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace, nace1314, blackroc, verdan. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:25:12 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] aquas Aquas (Sea-Kingdom of) Location: Sea of Dawn, due south of Alphatia's former location. Capital: Seashield (population 30,000). Area: 498 sq. mi. (only 2 sq. mi. covered by domes). Population: 41,000 (30,000 in Seashield, 11,000 in outlying domes). Numerous sea-people living within the area claimed by Aquas are not included in the census figures. Language: Alphatian. Coinage: Alphatian Standard. Taxes: Aquas uses the old Alphatian taxes system, i.e. an income tax of 15% on everyone of servant status or higher and an import tax of 1% (this tax only concerns goods coming from outside the Confederacy and does not concern goods from Karameikos due to a trade agreement between that nation and the Confederacy). 10% of this goes to the Imperial treasury. The Kingdom of Aquas uses the old Alphatian social system, which grants higher status to spellcasters. Government type: Semiautonomous monarchy owing loyalty to the New Alphatian Confederated Empire since Kaldmont 13, AC 1012. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. Important Figures: Zynnia (Queen of Aquas), Sheemus Tayg (General). Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: Since the creation of the NACE, Aquas has lost its status of center of Zandor's New Alphatian Empire, but only for the best. After some sporadic battles within the domed city, Zynnia's troops have put an end to Zandor's despotic reign over the city, and the small kingdom is now very stable. Aquas, which stands in a central position within the Confederacy, much enjoys the new order in the region. Trade is booming, as the undersea city is on the main shipping routes linking the members of the Confederacy. Some trade, however, including that brought by the old central government, has been lost to Ionace, the new imperial capital. But the city has no reason to complain, since it is still the most secure, prosperous place of former Alphatia, with the highest quality of life (although Thothians would probably disagree with that opinion). Aquas's army is now under the command of the NACE, and constitutes the very backbone of the Imperial army_thanks to the fact that Aquas's submersibles were neither destroyed during the sinking of Alphatia nor stranded on the continent. The troops that remain in the city to defend it are placed under General Tayg's command, since Broderick has been promoted Commander in Chief of the confederated forces. See Also: DotE, PC3, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace, nace1314. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:30:43 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] qeodhar Qeodhar (Kingdom of) Location: Northwest of where Alphatia once lay. Capital: Farend (population 5,000). Area: 88,791 sq. mi. Population: 19,000. Language: Alphatian, Heldannic. Coinage: Alphatian Standard. Taxes: Baron Norlan imposes an income tax of 20% on everyone of servant status or higher and an import tax of 2% (this tax only concerns goods coming from outside the Confederacy and does not concern goods from Karameikos due to a trade agreement between that nation and the Confederacy). 10% of it officially goes to the Imperial Treasury, but in effect Norlan declares only about half of what he really collects, so only about 5% of his income goes to the Council. Government type: Semiautonomous monarchy owing loyalty to the New Alphatian Confederated Empire since Nuwmont 13, AC 1014. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. Important Figures: Norlan (King of Qeodhar, General of the Army, Chief of the Police, and secretly Chief of the Special Force), Mariella (Queen). Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: After having enjoyed years of independence, King Norlan reluctantly agreed to join the New Alphatian Confederated Empire in the year 1014, when he realized Qeodhar was one of the last territories of now-sunken Alphatia that was still independent from the Confederacy and became convinced that the Council had set to retake all Alphatian territories_by force if diplomacy didn't work. Norlan didn't want to lose his time attending the Council meetings, however, but what he didn't know is that this would prevent him from discovering Alphatia's survival within the Hollow World_something that could also have explained his wife's disappearance. Baron Norlan didn't want to lose the power his small army brought him, however. Thanks to a trick he managed to keep control of 40% of it_and even created a secret service. The other 60% (i.e. the Army) are now under Broderick's control. Baron Norlan has thus split up his army into three distinct bodies: the Army, the Police and the Special Force. The Army represents 60% of the total numbers, and is placed under the jurisdiction of Commander in Chief Broderick of the NACE. The Police represents 30% of the old army, an is in charge of patrolling the cities, arresting people and similar duties. Although policemen can use arms and armors, they are not considered an armed force and as such remain under Norlan's control. The Special Force is a secret service, mostly spies and assassins, who are basically the most able 10% of the old army. They don't have any official existence, and their actions are always covert ones_few people know that force exists. See Also: DotE, M1, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace, nace1314. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:25:41 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] blackrock Blackrock (Kingdom of) Location: Esterhold, continent of Skothar, west of the Jennite Lands, northwest of Minaea. Capital: Skyfyr (population 15,000). Area: 100,000 sq. mi. Population: 60,000. Language: Alphatian, Jennite. Coinage: Alphatian Standard. Taxes: King Xanthus imposes an income tax of 20% on everyone of servant status or higher, customs duties of 2%, and a sales tax of 5%. Later, King Favian imposes an income tax of 20% on everyone and an import tax of 1% (this tax only concerns goods coming from outside the Confederacy and does not concern goods from Karameikos due to a trade agreement between that nation and the Confederacy); none of it goes to the Imperial Treasury to help the country recover from the war, and the kingdom even receives money and troops from the Council. Government type: Monarchy until Vatermont, 1013. Then semiautonomous monarchy owing loyalty to the New Alphatian Confederated Empire from Vatermont 28, AC 1013 to Yarthmont 23, AC1013, and then part of the Republic of Esterhold. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. Important Figures: Xanthus (King of Blackrock), then Favian Vern (King of Blackrock), ???????????????????? (Governor of Blackrock). Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: In Nuwmont of AC 1013, the combined forces of Seashield and Bellissaria, under the direction of Commander in Chief Broderick, invaded Blackrock on the Esterhold Peninsula. After a month of battle and siege, the forces loyal to Xanthus surrendered to the Alphatians, while King Xanthus escaped to sanctuary in Verdan. On Vatermont 19 of 1013, the Alphatian Council named Favian Vern King of Blackrock. As his first official act, King Favian declared all Jennite natives of Esterhold free_ no longer were they to be slaves or denied Alphatian citizenship. There was much rejoicing in the streets of Skyfyr. Chaos soon followed as the various strata of Blackrock society adjusted to the new order_but King Favian and his appointed government proved themselves equal to each new challenge. On Yarthmont 23 of 1014, after the fall of Verdan, the Alphatian Council approved King Favian's proposition concerning the Esterhold Peninsula. The Peninsula became the Republic of Esterhold, with a full seat at the Council. It is composed of five provinces, one of those being the Province of Blackrock (provincial capital: Skyfyr), previously a kingdom. Favian Vern was named President of Esterhold until elections could be organized, i.e. until the situation is stabilized. He is charged with appointing temporary governors until the elections; the governor of Blackrock is a former leader of the Jennite rebels, ?????????????????????. See Also: DotE, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace, nace1314, esterhol. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:27:25 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] floating ar Floating Ar (Kingdom of) Location: New Alphatian Sea, then above the Yannivey Islands. Capital: Skyreach (population 25,000). Area: 100 sq. mi., plus the 33,920 sq. mi. of the Yanniveys. Population: 50,000 (95% human, 5% elvish), plus the 5,000 of the Yanniveys. Language: Alphatian, Elvish (Shiye-Lawr dialect). Coinage: Alphatian Standard. Taxes: King Qissling imposes the standard income tax of 15% on everyone of servant status or higher and an import tax of 1% (this tax only concerns goods coming from outside the Confederacy and does not concern goods from Karameikos due to a trade agreement between that nation and the Confederacy). 10% of it goes to the Imperial Treasury. The Air Navy, that was once a mercenary force that could be hired out, is now under Broderick's command and doesn't bring any more income but this accounts for the 10% the country should spend on an army. Government type: Semiautonomous monarchy owing loyalty to the New Alphatian Confederated Empire since Vatermont 28, AC 1013. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. Important Figures: Qissling (King of Floating Ar), Qirklin (Prince), ??? (General), Haldemar of Haaken (Adventurer). Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: With the Council's approval, King Qissling and the mages of Floating Ar, as well as wizards from all around the NACE and Aeria interested in air magic, embarked on an ambitious project: To move the levitating islands of From ???@??? Sat Sep 28 10:25:18 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id HAA19079; Wed, 25 Sep 1996 07:32:25 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id PAA06874 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Tue, 24 Sep 1996 15:46:44 -0500 Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 15:46:44 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #237 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 87f3bef4bd89f80b22828985cdd76d3d Status: RO their kingdom 350 miles to the northeast, over the Yannivey Islands. That incredible feat took six months, but by Ambyrmont 3, 1013, the islands graced the skies above the Yanniveys. Then began the difficult task of magically altering the islands themselves, to increase the land mass and make the islands more hospitable. There was some conflict with the islands' original inhabitants, but no organized resistance. To speed up the process of colonization of the Yanniveys, the king has granted land to anyone who could cleared it, be they natives from Floating Ar or adventurers. Those that were spellcasters also received noble status (Floating Ar still generally uses the old Alphatian laws), although the older nobles that own estates on the floating islands regard them as of lesser status. Floating Ar also received help from the Council in the form of troops dispatched by Broderick. The first harvest was a mixed success, as the land hadn't been settled for a long enough time (part of it was still in chaos), but the country hopes to have a good harvest in 1015. The government has finally accepted to recognize the pegataurs_winged centaurs_ as full citizens of Floating Ar, after many strikes that prevented most transportation between the floating isles or with the other nations_skyships and magic do not suffice. The life of most pegataurs has not changed, however, since most of them continue to serve as transports for hire. Those few that are wizards are now nobles, and some adventurous fighters have enlisted in the so far nearly-nonexistent army. One of them has even been appointed general, since no humans or elves were interested in the job. See Also: DotE, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace, nace1314. ------------------------------ From: Deathwatch Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:29:22 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Emerond At 19:32 22-09-96 +0200, you wrote: >At 15.55 20/09/96 +-200, you wrote: > >>In my campaign, Emerond is treatening Karameikos (where the PCs are >soldiers) with an >army of giant insects. Karameikan Army (and the PCs) >repelled the first attack, and >wants to counter-attack; so I'm looking for >more infos about the Kingdom of Emerond. >I've checked PWA II, can anyone a >brief summary of the Princess Ark episode # 13 in >DRAGON(R) Magazine Issue >#166? > >Il Regno di Emerond consiste in una serie di citt=E0 stato sotto un unico >monarca. Queste citta sono piuttosto autonome, ma in caso di guerra >accettano il comando dell'antica dinastia reale, che altrimenti =E8 vista >soltanto come una posizione onorifica. >Gli Emerondians sono essenzialmente contadini con grande conoscenza >dell'agricoltura e della flora, ma totalmente ignoranti di marineria e >navigazione. L'economia =E8 debole se confrontata con le altre nazioni del= KW >ed il loro concetto di propriet=E0 privata =E8 piuttosto vago. Gli= Emerondian >vivono una vita umile, ma confortevole. >Sono un popolo pacifico e rispettoso delle tradizioni e delle leggi. Hanno >un'antica cultura alle spalle e un ricco passato letterario ed artistico.= La >filosofia degli Emerondians =E8 di tipo druidico, ma figure insettoidi= fanno >parte del loro pantheon di Immortali. >Poich=E9 in passato hanno subito diverse invasioni (Thyatis compresa) gli >Emerondians mantengono un piccolo, ma ben allenato, esercito. Sono maestri >nel nascondersi nella foresta e hanno una notevole esperienza >ingegneristica, che permette loro di fortificare pesantemente le citt=E0. >Gli Emerondian producono una fibra vegetale simile all'acciaio dal colore >marrone (pi=F9 o meno scuro) con cui costruiscono armature e lame >caratterizzate dalle linee molto curve e da mortali spine. Un armatura di >Emerond d=E0 AC 5, mente le lame sono equivalenti alle spade del KW. A= parit=E0 >di prestazioni l'ingombro =E8 pero la met=E0 di quello degli oggetti in= metallo >(il costo, se mai fossero venduto, sarebbe cinque volte tanto). >Gli Emerondian utilizzano un particolare tipo di combattimento che fa ampio >uso delle spine sulle loro armi ed armatura. Durante un round di >combattimento pu=F2 succedere una delle seguenti cose (a seconda del tiro= per >colpire dell'Emerondian): >- con 1-5 un nemico a caso =E8 colpito da una spina subendo 1-4 hp >- con 16-20 un nemico a scelta deve fare uno Strenght Check o essere= disarmato >Gli Emerondian non sono nativi di Mystara, ma vengono da un gruppo di >asteroidi chiamati Pyrithean Archipelago. I Pyritheans erano una razza di >selvaggi pirati spaziali. Un giorno una nave spaziale si spetasci=F2 sul KW= e >naque il pacifico regno di Emerond. >Solo gli arcipreti ed i grandi druidi ricordano la vera storia, inoltre >questi conoscono un'antica magia per creare Pyrithean war mounts: enormi >insetti volanti trasformati mitiche bestie corazzate armate con spine e >artigli. Queste bestie sono addestrate a rispondere ai pensieri dei loro >cavalieri. Per quanto riguarda il gioco questi mostri vanno trattati come >Hook Horrors, ma con movimento in volo di 180'(60'). >Per la tua gioia ti d=F2 anche le statistiche dell'Hook Horror (dal= Creature >Catalog) > >AC:2 >Hit Dice: 5 (L) >Move: 90' (30') >Attacks: 2 claws/ 1 bite >Damage: 1d8/1d8/3d6 >No. Appearing: 2d6 (0) >Save As: Fighter 5 >Morale: 8 >Treasure Type: K >Intelligence: 4 >Alignment: Chaotic >XP Value: 175 > >E adesso una domanda: sai mica se dalle tue parti ci sono negozi che= vendono >Dragon Dice ? E se ci sono, quanto costa un pacchetto di DD ? >Ciao > > > > =20 >=20 > =20 > >************** >Fabrizio Paoli =20 >DM in City Of The Stars=20 >aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton >aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr >Home Page: Errr...well...ehm....what does it say in English? =09 ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:28:11 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] ionace Ionace (aka the Isle of NACE, formerly Monster Island) Location: Sea of Dawn, where western Alphatia used to be. Capital: Denwarf-Hurgon (population 2,000, including the 6th Army of Seas= hield and=20 Imperial and Embassies administrative staff). Area: 128,199 sq. mi., plus many small islands that were once part of Alp= hatia=20 (including Nuntar Island, the Vertiloch Islands, the Aasla Isles, the Gre= y islands, Mount Thera,=20 Eagret Island, Arogansa Island, Eadrin Island). Population: 3,000, and many monsters. Language: Alphatian. Coinage: Alphatian Standard. Taxes: The Council imposes the standard income tax of 15% on everyone of = servant=20 status or higher and an import tax of 1% (this tax only concerns goods co= ming from outside=20 the Confederacy and does not concern goods from Karameikos due to a trade= agreement=20 between that nation and the Confederacy), plus a special tax of 25% of al= l collected mnemonic minerals. Government type: Center of the New Alphatian Confederated Empire since Ka= ldmont=20 13, AC 1013. Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the= PWAs. Description update: Ionace is under the direct jurisdiction of the Counci= l, but doesn't=20 count as a full member of the confederacy. In practice, the town of Sanct= uary rules itself, the=20 old city of Denwarf-Hurgon and its recent expansions are inhabited only b= y Representants or=20 Ambassadors and other such bureaucrats, and the rest is mostly monster-in= fested wilderness. Inhabitants of Ionace are of many different nationalities, but some have = a special status,=20 being considered full time residents of this land. This mostly applies to= the bureaucrats working=20 for the Council, and to the Commander in Chief of the NACE. In fact, thos= e people have to=20 abandon their former nationality in order to work for the confederated go= vernment_but this=20 isn't the case for Representants and Ambassadors of course. This is what = Broderick did upon=20 accepting his new position_along with abandoning leadership of Aquas's ar= mies. The creation of the position of Commander in Chief also led to readjustme= nts in the=20 structure of the different armies of the confederated countries, in order= to rationalize it. The=20 title of Commander is now reserved to the Commander in Chief, so that the= upper title one can=20 have in a national army is now General. There can be only one General per= country, which is=20 the person in charge of its whole army and answers directly to the Comman= der in Chief. The=20 actual divisions are commanded by Colonels_or Adjutants for Navies or Sky= navies_, with a=20 Captain at the head of each regiment, composed of lesser officers_lieuten= ants and sergeants_ and soldiers or sailors or marines. A rare mineral can be found in the mines of Ionace. It is called mnemonic= minerals, and has=20 the unusual capability of temporary enhancing one=92s spellcasting abilit= ies, but has detrimental=20 side effects when used for too long. Wizards commissioned by the Council = try to find a=20 work-around for this side-effects. As long as their research is not fruit= ful, all mined mnemonic=20 minerals are bought by the Council from the miners and stocked. Important Figures: Broderick (Commander in Chief). Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: Shortly after the New Alphatian=20 Confederated Empire was formed, it became obvious to the Council that the= y needed some=20 place to use as a center for the new government. Aquas was too much of a = reminder of=20 Zandor's chaotic rule, and was also only one of the kingdoms of the Confe= deracy. Monster Island rapidly reached consensus, having numerous positive points= : It was on=20 an unclaimed land, and was symbolic enough of the return of the Alphatian= Empire as it stand=20 on former mainland Alphatia. Moreover, there were plenty of ready-to-use = buildings inherited=20 from the dwarves of Denwarf-Hurgon, and the isle was well-supplied thanks= to the presence of=20 the new city of Sanctuary and its merchants and adventurers. Thus the new government was installed in temporary buildings in Denwarf-H= urgon,=20 until the new Parliament was completed in Klarmont 19, 1013. Most Represe= ntations and=20 Embassies are still assigned temporary buildings, however, as are many ot= her bureaucratic=20 branches of the government. The new buildings have been especially made t= o resist=20 earthquakes, which are rather frequent in the New Alphatian Sea, and the = dwarf-build also=20 resist them; this not the case of most of the hastily-build ones of Sanct= uary, however, as a=20 unusually powerful earthquake demonstrated in Fyrmont of 1013. Ionace also held the first Super-Hard-Ball in Flaurmont of 1014. The even= t attracted=20 many spectators, including very important ones, and was the occasion to p= rove that the nations=20 of the former Alphatian Empire had still much in common. Broderick recall= ed some troops=20 from the ongoing assault on Verdan in order to prevent monster incursions= from occurring=20 during that period_devoured VIPs wouldn't have been any good for the NACE= . The event=20 was both a social_giving some sense of unity to the population_and a poli= tical success_ showing the unity of the Confederacy and its alliances_, as well as a goo= d sporting event. See Also: DotE, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace, nace1314. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:29:29 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] nace constitution New Alphatian Confederated Empire (NACE) Political Structure The Confederation is composed of semi-autonomous states. The Confederation is governed by a Council in the name of Empress Eriadna of Alphatia or her heir. Composition of the Council: Each member state has one vote, regardless of size, population level, etc. The voting person is normally the king or queen (or the person holding power) of the country, or his/her representative if he/she cannot attend. Every member state must thus keep a permanent staff of representatives. Anyone present during a council meeting may ask that the Council discusses on any matter, and then call for a vote. A council meeting is held at the demand of a member state. Votes pass if the majority of the representatives vote for it. In case of a deadlock, the Commander in Chief decides whether the measure passes or not. Any measure that would change the Confederation's Constitution must be accepted with unanimous approval. A state wanting to become member of the NACE has to state to the Council it is candidate for membership. A council meeting is organized to discuss and vote on this matter. The state is accepted as a new member if all current members vote for it. A state wanting to leave the NACE has to convoke a council meeting for this purpose. The state can part from the Confederation if all members vote for it. If a state declares independence from the Confederation without obtained the right to do so, it becomes a renegade state, and the Confederation may decide to intervene to restore its claim on it, be it military, politically, or otherwise. Seat of Government The commonly called Monster Island, formerly part of Alphatia, was claimed by nobody until the creation of the NACE. It thereby becomes the center of the confederate government, and is renamed the Isle of NACE, or Ionace. The Council holds meeting in a dedicated building on Ionace, called the Parliament. Each member state is granted a patch of land adjacent to the Parliament where they can build their own Representation. Staff of representatives live and work in their Representation and meet in the Parliament. Countries that keep diplomatic ties with the NACE will also be granted land on Ionace, where they can build an Embassy. Representations and Embassies are paid by the countries to which they belong. The Imperial Army is based on Ionace, where it owns buildings, including the Military Headquarters where the commander in Chief has his office. Until the Parliament and the Military Headquarters are build on Ionace, the government and military of the NACE will be assigned currently unoccupied buildings in the old Denwarf-Hurgon. Military Structure All armies of the member states are under control of the Confederation. The Confederation can also raise its how army (ie. independent from any state), called the Imperial Army, and use the service of mercenary troops. The Commander in Chief, appointed by the Council, is in command of the military. Member states must spend at least 10% of their national treasury to the upkeep of their army, in the name of the Confederation. Exemption may be granted on a case by case basis, with the approval of the Council and the Commander in Chief. Economics Member states must hand over 10% of their national treasury to the Imperial Treasury. This tax is collected quarterly, on the 1st of the months of Alphamir (Thaumont), Vertmir (Klarmont), Cyprimir (Ambyrmont), and Burymir (Kaldmont), for the preceding period. A new state must pay upon entrance into the Confederation what would be due for the current (even though it corresponds to a period previous when it was not yet member) as a sign of good will, then its taxes are collected following the normal cycle. A state leaving the Confederation must first immediately pay the tax corresponding to the current period before it is allowed to leave; this tax is equal to that it paid for the previous period. The Council decides the way the money in the Imperial Treasury is spent. Common uses include (but are not limited to): Upkeep of Imperial Army, hiring of mercenary troops, maintenance of governmental buildings, funding of research programs (magic, scientific, medical, etc.), aid to member states (loans, gifts, etc.). Laws and Justice and Festivals Each member state can decide on its national laws, as long as they do not go against the Imperial Laws. Imperial Laws must be enforced in member states. Justice is held by each member state as it sees fit. All schools and colleges within the Confederation must follow the old Alphatian calendar, ie. opening on Alphamir (Thaumont) 15 and closing on Burymir (Kaldmont) 15. A Hard-Ball tournament is organized by the Confederation each year. Each member state is invited to participate in the tournament; other countries may be invited as guests, as a sign of friendship between that country and the Confederation. The following festivals and holidays are common for all members of the Confederation; each member state can add its national festivals and holidays. - - Alphamir (Thaumont) 1: New Year Day. - - Alphamir (Thaumont) 7: Landfall Day. - - Alphamir (Thaumont) 15: Opening Day (of academic year). - - Sulamir (Flaurmont) 13: Empress Eriadna's Birthday (give a coin to a beggar in her name). - - Sulamir (Flaurmont) 28: Super-Hard-Ball (Hard-Ball final). - - Sudmir (Yarthmont) 15: Howling Day. - - Islamir (Felmont) 15: Doggerel Days. - - Cyprimir (Ambyrmont) 1: Ancestor's Day. - - Hastmir (Sviftmont) 8-15: Wine Festivals. - - Burymir (Kaldmont) 15: Closing Day (of academic year). - - Amphimir (Vatermont) 1: Hard-Ball Season Opening. Current Members of the NACE - - The Sea-Kingdom of Aquas (Burymir (Kaldmont) 12, AY 2012 (AC 1012)). - - The Kingdom of Dawnrim (Burymir (Kaldmont) 12, AY 2012 (AC 1012)). - - The Kingdom of Horken (Burymir (Kaldmont) 12, AY 2012 (AC 1012)). - - The Kingdom of Lagrius (Burymir (Kaldmont) 12, AY 2012 (AC 1012)). - - The Kingdom of Meriander (Burymir (Kaldmont) 12, AY 2012 (AC 1012)). - - The Kingdom of Notrion (Burymir (Kaldmont) 12, AY 2012 (AC 1012)). - - The Kingdom of Surshield (Burymir (Kaldmont) 12, AY 2012 (AC 1012)). - - The Kingdom of Blackrock (Amphimir (Vatermont) 28, AY 2013 (AC 1013)). - - The Kingdom of Floating Ar (Amphimir (Vatermont) 28, AY 2013 (AC 1013)). - - The Kingdom of Alpha (Sulamir (Flaurmont) 22, AY 2013 (AC 1013)). - - The Kingdom of Thothia (Sudmir (Yarthmont) 10, AY 2013 (AC 1013)). - - The Kingdom of East Portage (Sudmir (Yarthmont) 10, AY 2013 (AC 1013)). - - The City-State of Ekto (Sudmir (Yarthmont) 10, AY 2013 (AC 1013)). - - The City-State of Trikelios (Sudmir (Yarthmont) 10, AY 2013 (AC 1013)). - - The Kingdom of Qeodhar (Nyxmir (Nuwmont) 13, AY 2013 (AC 1014)). ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #237 ***************************** From ???@??? Sat Sep 28 10:25:25 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id RAA15155; Wed, 25 Sep 1996 17:27:18 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id CAA11781 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Wed, 25 Sep 1996 02:06:20 -0500 Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 02:06:20 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #238 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: ff89a984bc803d0c93148c399c64e547 Status: RO mystara-digest Wednesday, 25 September 1996 Volume 01 : Number 238 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Sean Nicolson) Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:06:59 -0700 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Other nations of Skothar according to John Yu: >Chinese has a great fear of the sea, and don't >want to go out there unless have to. So those expedation are send >out only when it can brought gain to the emperor. And if the >emperor want to send you somewhere, you either go or spend rest of >your life in a dungeon if the emperor is in a good mood. I think >this should apply to MChina too, as if MChina have a great naval >power either in the past or present, it will be difficult to explain >why they haven't come into contact with KW earlier. However, >large expediation has send out from time to time, so MChinese settler >can be found where ever we like to put them. > As I recall, the seas around China are supposed to be quite dangerous, so there's probably a good reason for the Chinese to have a fear of the sea. However, when they did go on voyages of exploration like this they went in HUGE vessels (which I guess were more storm-worthy), with crews of over a thousand (not nessasarily all virgins). Off the top of my head I don't recall what western crews numbered, but I'd guess less than 100. Imagine the reaction in the typical KW Nation when one of these babies turns up on it's shores (or in it's skys)! Of course the good news is MChina is rarely in the mood to make or use these monstrosities. Sean Nicolson ------------------------------ From: StarHawk Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 23:32:14 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Blackmoor On 24 Sep 1996, Andrew McKinstry wrote: > I missed the post where someone said where Blackmoor really was. I just got > DA1 and it says the Inn Between Worlds had been moved by glaciers to the > Broken lands, so I was wondering where it was origianally (i.e. where was > Thonia and Blackmoor) Also, in DA1 it mentions the wild earth magic of > Blackmoor, how has everyone handled that. I was thinking of a mesh of Wild > Magic, and the Mehibengl (I'm positive that's spelled wrong) system in > Birthright from the Book of Magecraft. What does everyone think? (Oh and do > the later DA series detail some of these?) > > > > Andrew McKinstry > I havn't handled the wild earth magic yet, but none of the DA series have any rules for it, as far as I can tell. They seem to assume that the parties magic works normally, which is highly unlikely considering the power source for their magic (the nucleus) doesn't even exist yet. >From the "Land of Legend" section in DA1 we can tell. *Blackmoor/Thonia is _not_ where modern day Thonia is. *Blackmoor itself sunk under water except for a few islands that were mountains. *The Northlands rose up from the sea again, entirely clean of signs of civilization. It was a glacial waste, but eventually settled to a normal weather pattern. And perhaps most interesting: "All that is known is that some accident occurred, and Blackmoor sank beneath the seas, its shattered shores becoming the Broken Lands we know today." (DA1, p.2) That's about all there is from DA1, and I don't remember the other 3 having much info on the future of Blackmoor at all, plenty of background, but no future. ------------------------------ From: Jason Zavoda Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 23:15:29 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Mystara] Fluff NDT 4 (From the Module B10 Nights Dark Terror,) By Jim Bambra, Graeme Morris, & Phil Gallagher "Katrina...Luv...sweetheart..." Matthew Surefoot, generally known to the world as Mouse, spoke softly, but with a deep powerful voice. "If you could let my arm go, I believe i've lost the feeling in it" "A Ship, we had to take a ship" Katrina turned and stared glassy eyed at Mouse. " I hate Ships. " "A Boat, my dear, a boat" Looking out over the water Mouse could see the bowmen rising from where they had crouched in hiding along the wooded edge of the embankment. More men ran from the woods and threw themselves into the water swimming at an angle toward him with the current helping them along toward the beleagured boat. The bowmen arched their shots to fall into the body of the boat since no targets were showing. As the boat finished its slow spin in the current Mouse realized that both he and Katrina were now visible to the archers off the port side. One archer on shore had already caught sight of them as well. A burly man in a rusted chain shirt, he was taller and broader than the other archers, he loosed his arrow as soon as he saw the small pair. It wizzed near Katrinas head and out into the river. "Ships,never again, nev..." Katrina turned toward the shore as the arrow went by. Her eyes narrowed, they blazed with a green fire, or so it seemed to mouse. He saw her lips move, her hand rose quickly, and as it did so a blue aura formed around it. She leveled her hand, her words crackled and Mouse strained to catch their sound but he could not make them out. The hair on his feet and back of his neck rose. A blue blade of power formed in her hand, then pointed at the chain armored bowmen, it streaked out across the water. The bowmen had nocked another arrow and took a seconds pause to make sure his aim. He centered on the lefthand figure standing on the deck. No child that one, he thought as a blue glow appeared in its hand. Magic, magic be damned he thought and as he did so the blue leapt from the figures hand. He loosed his arrow, it had barely left his bow when the blue exploded against his chest. The current was strong and the boat had swayed near the shore, someone on board had also dropped the heavy stone anchor over the side. The river narrowed here where it sided the Dymrak Forest but ran deep. The anchor touched bottom but slid along only slowing the boat slightly. The twelve were all excellent swimmers, battle lay ahead, an easy fight they imagined having seen the crewmen cut down by the archers. Also they knew they had an ally already on board. Thurid was leading the group slightly, he had a bloodlust and was eager for the fight, the men behind him would have been happier with just the loot. He reached the boat while the others were twenty or so feet away. He surged foreward, caught an oar and pulled himself to the side of the boat. Reaching up he caught the gap where the oar went into the side of the boat, pulled himself from the river, reached high again and caught the side of the gunwale. His feet scrabbled across the boats side, he shifted his arm and caught the edge with both hands and brought himself halfway over the side of the ship. His stomach was on the edge, his lower ribs pressing down against the wood. Directly in front of him stood a darkhaired man in a coarse brown robe now wet and blackend with blood. The mans back was turned to him, good, he thought. Resting himself on the edge Thurid drew the broad bladed dagger he carried in his belt. He swung his right leg up and over the edge. Thurids foreward momentum came to a sudden halt, something like a steel band had gotten hold of his ankle still dangling on the outer side of the gunwale. He pulled at it instinctively and the band of steel tightened, the bones in his ankle meeting then grinding together. He began a scream and it turned into a high pitched wail as the whatever had his ankle plucked him from the edge of the boat. Captain Kalanos spun around at the sound, astonished to see a man with horror filled eyes and mouth opened to scream pulled from the edge of the deck like a stone propelled from a catapult. Torfi was swimming with swift steady strokes. He kept his eye glancing up at the boat ahead of him. Thurid was way ahead and closing fast on the boat, swimming fast with his head down but still arrowing toward its side. Torfi saw the figure approach the side and the body fly from its arm to splash ahead of Thurid and disappear under the water. Torfi swam on and saw Thurid reach the side, then saw him on the edge as he glanced up again. The side of the boat was just ahead, ten feet no more. Thurid was swinging his leg up and aboard the boat. Something rose up from under the boat, Torfi inhaled a lungful of river as whatever it was reached out and caught hold of Thurids ankle. * * * "hmm, hmm, hmm," Telek hummed to himself as he flowed across the deck, Elves never scrabbled, and searched for his bowcase. His humming would have been swearing in a human as he tossed aside the frame and contents of a broken trunk. Underneath a torn cloth bag which now contained silk cloth and broken glass, Cat would be upset, Telek felt the rectangular side of his bowcase. His hand ran across the wood and pulled away as if burned when they felt the split in the wood. Almost in panic he tossed aside the cloth bag, grabbed another handful of cloth and broken wood and threw them over his shoulder . His bowcase carved from a single piece of tree limb lay split the white heart of the wood showing. An overpowering scent of Lavender assailed him as he lifted the case, small fragments of glass fell free. Cat, he thought, then too quickly for him to catch a long broken wedge of wood fell from the case and clattered to the deck. A small thrill of energy rose from his chest, a small smile formed on his lips. He was angry, very, very angry. The thud of an arrow smacking into the deck near him brought him back to the present. squating down he lay the ruined case across his knees. He flipped up the lid of the case, it came away in his hands. He lay it down upon the deck. A finely woven cloth was wrapped around his bow. He pulled it to the side. Carefully he raised it from the case. It appeared to be ivory, yellowed and smooth. With a quick but careful eye he held it up and checked it for even the smallest scrape or gouge. Except for the strong scent of Lavender no harm seemed to have come to it. With astonishing speed he strung his bow then removed the small quiver of a dozen arrows which had been secured inside the case. As he rose a lucky shot grazed his hip as the arrow arched down toward the deck. It hit the edge of his chainmail shirt cut through the cloth of his pants leg, the arrows sharp edge opening a long cut from hip to knee. On the embankment before him he saw a small group of archers standing near the waters edge. One archer in particular stood out, tall and broad, wearing rusty chainmail, he held a bow in one hand and with the other gestured toward the center of the boat. Telek didn't need elven hearing to make out the bellowed commands coming from the man. "You ?&%$$!! the wizard the !%$# wizard. SHOOT THE WIZARD NOW!!!" Torfi coughed the water from his lungs and treaded the water. Aghast he watched a man pull himself from under the ship. An arm like a tree limb had reached out and grabbed Thurids ankle, with its left hand the man grabbed an oar. Thurid flew through the air as the man pulled back his arm, but he didn't hit the water. The man swung back his shoulder and brought Thurid horizontily around and into the side of boat. An oar cracked when thurid hit, but the man didn't let go, he swung Thurid again up against the boat using his forehand, like a man beating the dust out of a carpet. Torfi did not hesitate, he turned his back and swam like hell for the embankment. end installment 4 ------------------------------ From: Andre Cavalcanti Rocha Martins {S Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 00:35:38 -0300 (EST) Subject: [Mystara] The Alfheim War This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. - --1804534267-715868943-843622450=:16766 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-ID: - --1804534267-715868943-843622450=:16766 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII; NAME=war Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: Content-Description: SSBoYXZlIHByb21pc3NlZCBhIGZldyBtb250aHMgYWdvIEkgd291bGQgd29y ayBvbiBmdXR1cmUgZXZlbnRzIGFuZCBpbg0KdGhlIHdhciBmb3IgQWxmaGVp bS4gSSBoYXZlIGhhZCBzb21lIG5ldyBpZGVhcywgc28gaGVyZSB0aGV5IGFy ZS4NCg0KRmlyc3QsIGxldCBtZSBhZGRyZXNzIHRoZSBwcm9ibGVtIG9mIGFu IGVsdmVuLXlsYXJpIGFsbGlhbmNlLg0KDQpJbHN1bmRhbCBpcyB3aWxsaW5n IHRvIG1ha2UgbWFueSBzYWNyaWZpY2VzIHRvIHNhdmUgaGlzIGJlbG92ZWQg VHJlZXMNCm9mIExpZmUuIFNvbWVvbmUgaGFzIHBvaW50ZWQgb3V0IGl0IGlz IHNhaWQgc29tZXdoZXJlIHRoYXQgdGhlIHJlYXNvbg0KaGUgdG9vayB0aGUg UGF0aCB0byBJbW1vcnRhbGl0eSB3YXMgdG8gcHJ0b3RlY3QgaGlzIGNyZWF0 aW9uLiBIZSBmZWVscw0KbGlrZSBhIGZhdGhlciwgYW5kIGhlIHdvbid0IHN0 b3AgYXQgbm90aGluZyB0byBzYXZlIHRoZW0uIEhlIG1pZ2h0DQpldmVuIGFz 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Sat Sep 28 10:25:25 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id RAA15155; Wed, 25 Sep 1996 17:27:18 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id CAA11781 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Wed, 25 Sep 1996 02:06:20 -0500 Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 02:06:20 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #238 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: ff89a984bc803d0c93148c399c64e547 Status: RO IGhhdmUgYWxsb3dlZCBoaW0gdG8ga2lsbCBvcg0KY2FwdHVyZSB0aG9zZSBl eHBsb3JlcnMuIEhlIGhhcyBkZXN0cm95ZWQgdGhlIHR1bm5lbHMgdGhleSBo YXZlIHVzZWQNCmluIGEgd2F5IGhlIGNhbiBlYXNpbHkgcmVvcGVuIHRoZW0g aWYgbmVjZXNzYXJ5LiBUaGUgU2hhZG93IEVsdmVzLA0KaG93ZXZlciwgd291 bGQgaGF2ZSBhIGxvdCBvZiB3b3JrIHRvIGZpbmQgaGlzIHJlYWxtIGFnYWlu IGJ1dCBoZSBmZWVscw0KdGhhdCwgZ2l2ZW4gdGltZSwgdGhleSB3aWxsIGZp bmFsbHkgZG8gaXQuIEhlIGlzIG5vdCBwcmVwYXJlZCB0byBmYWNlDQp0aGVt IHlldCwgYnV0IGhlIGtub3dzIGhlIG11c3Qgc3RvcCB0aGVtIGJlZm9yZSB0 b28gbGF0ZS4gSGUgbWlnaHQNCmV2ZW4gdXNlIG9uZSBvciB0d28gb2YgdGhl 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IGFibGUgdG8gc2VlIHdobyB3b3VsZCBzaWRlIHdpdGggd2hvbQ0KdGhpcyB0 aW1lLCBleGNlcHQgZm9yIHRoZSBtb3N0IG9idmlvdXMgYW5zd2VycyAoSmFn Z2FyIGFuZCBNYWxhY2hpZSwNCm1heWJlIEV0aWVubmUgYWdhaW5zdCBEb2xv cmVzLCBhcyBzZXZlcmFsIHBlb3BsZSBoYXMgYWxyZWFkeQ0KZGlzY3Vzc2Vk KS4gQ291bGQgeW91IGhlbHAgdXMsIE1yLiBCcnVjZSBIZWFyZD8gUGxlYXNl Lg0KDQoNCkFuZHJlIE1hcnRpbnMNCg0KDQoNCg== - --1804534267-715868943-843622450=:16766-- ------------------------------ From: Shin Chyang Yu Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 01:27:43 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] meriander This is really cool, Thanks. BTW, are all these info you compiled and posted come from official sources or have you added added some of your own stuff in there? Herve MUSSEAU pontificated: > > Meriander (Kingdom of) > Location: Bellissaria, west of southern Skothar, southeast of Aquas. > Capital: Alchemos (population 15,000). > Area: 92,034. > Population: 100,000. > Language: Alphatian. > Coinage: Alphatian Standard. > Taxes: Meriander imposes the standard income tax of 15% on everyone of servant > status or higher and an import tax of 1% (this tax only concerns goods coming from outside > the Confederacy and does not concern goods from Karameikos due to a trade agreement > between that nation and the Confederacy). 10% goes to the Imperial Treasury. > Government type: Semiautonomous monarchy owing loyalty to the New Alphatian > Confederated Empire since Kaldmont 13, AC 1012. > Industries, Description, Notable Sites, History, Flora and Fauna: See the PWAs. > Important Figures: Hubertek (King of Meriander and General). > Updates for the years 1013 and 1014 AC: King Hubertek put an end to the old > Alphatian law that restricted nobility to spellcasters. > See Also: DotE, PWAs (esp. PWA3 for latest information), nace, nace1314. > - -- Problem 7-11 of Fogler's Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering Consider the following 2 reactions: | John Yu (1) healthy person ---> ill | (2) ill ---> death | UVA Material Science Dept. Although reaction given in equation 2 is normally consider completely irreversible, reverse reaction has been reported to occur. ------------------------------ From: "David 'Azure' Leland" Date: Tue, 24 Sep 96 23:16:30 PDT Subject: Re: [Mystara] Blackmoor >I havn't handled the wild earth magic yet, but none of the DA series have >any rules for it, as far as I can tell. They seem to assume that the >parties magic works normally, which is highly unlikely considering the >power source for their magic (the nucleus) doesn't even exist yet. I don't think it's canon that the nucleus is the source for all magic on Mystara. It is a source of power, but I don't think it's necessary to all. By the way, I just received my order of the Judges Guild _The First Fantasy Campaign_ by Dave Arneson. This is, of course, Blackmoor. A lot of it is wargaming stats, but there are also some writeups on a few characters in Blackmoor, and there is a map of Blackmoor city, castle, and the dungeons beneath. I'd recommend it if you can get it for a decent price. /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ ~| David "Azure" Leland ~|~ Email: |~ ~| UCSD Cognitive Science ~|~ Phone/Fax: (619) 642-6709 |~ ~| Oberlin class of 1996 ~|~ Web: |~ ~| Amateur conguero; Q(O+H)Q(G+W)AEEEBGKUS Mystaran; P75 on Ethernet |~ \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #238 ***************************** From ???@??? Sat Sep 28 10:25:32 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id GAA06675; Thu, 26 Sep 1996 06:50:40 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id PAA15822 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Wed, 25 Sep 1996 15:19:44 -0500 Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 15:19:44 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #239 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: b63c97daf879a8ea76db093fa5dec1af Status: RO mystara-digest Wednesday, 25 September 1996 Volume 01 : Number 239 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "David 'Azure' Leland" Date: Tue, 24 Sep 96 23:20:49 PDT Subject: Re: [Mystara] Ochalea >That would make a very interesting background for Ochalea. I have always >felt Ochalea didn't fit well, but now I can see how it evolved. Alphatian >settlers needed space for their cities and farms when they first came. >Alphatia was dominated by the same race that lives now in Mchina then and >as Alphatian troops started conquering the land, these people decided to >flee to some other place. Some have headed to Ochalea in the Spring-Lotus, >others have gone to Skothar, where they founded a new country. They >believed those conquerors, coming from another world, had been sent to >destroy them, so they decided to hide themselves so that the alphatians >could not locate them and destroy their civilization. That was the >begining of their isolacionist politics, although nobody remember it any >longer. I like your thinking here, except that in order to make MChina more entrenched in its current location, I think it would be better if there weren't a mass exodus to Skothar, but rather that it was a series of colonies that were wiped out by the Alphatians. That way, MChina can have an older and more mysterious tie to their land, and it would also reinforce their isolationism since their efforts at colonization would have shown to result in such a disaster. Otherwise (the rest of your post snipped for brevity only), I like the ideas. My 1/50th, /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ ~| David "Azure" Leland ~|~ Email: |~ ~| UCSD Cognitive Science ~|~ Phone/Fax: (619) 642-6709 |~ ~| Oberlin class of 1996 ~|~ Web: |~ ~| Amateur conguero; Q(O+H)Q(G+W)AEEEBGKUS Mystaran; P75 on Ethernet |~ \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 13:14:21 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] meriander Shin Chyang Yu wrote: > > This is really cool, Thanks. BTW, are all these info you compiled > and posted come from official sources or have you added added some > of your own stuff in there? Happy you liked it. If you want to comment on something, or add ideas, please do. And no, this is nothing official, this is what I wrote as a contribution to Mystara :) You can find everything that I posted on my homepage (just follow the link below), and I remind all of you that you can receive my homepage by email (as I wrote in a previous post). The goal of all of this, besides keeping Mystara alive, to write a net-pwa for the year 1014 (and finish the year 1013), if possible by December (at which time the new PWA or JA should have been released if the line hadn't been cancelled). I've already written nearly all the stuff for the Alphatian region, and Michael has proposed a draft for the rest of the KW some time ago. If others wish to participate in the project, pick up a country and write the events for it and, if need be, an update to the geograpic data and the who's who for hat country. > Herve MUSSEAU pontificated: > > > > Meriander (Kingdom of) > > -- > Problem 7-11 of Fogler's Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering > Consider the following 2 reactions: | John Yu > (1) healthy person ---> ill | > (2) ill ---> death | UVA Material Science Dept. > Although reaction given in equation 2 is normally consider completely > irreversible, reverse reaction has been reported to occur. - -- Herve Musseau Primary Email: Secondary Email: Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 14:38:11 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] The Alfheim War Andre Cavalcanti Rocha Martins {S wrote: > > I have promissed a few months ago I would work on future events and in > the war for Alfheim. I have had some new ideas, so here they are. As I've already said, I don't much like the idea of an AE/SE war (at least not right away), for various reasons. However, you can do as you wish in your campaign, and you have proposed many good ideas for that. I'll discuss some of them thereafter, and tell why I agree or disagree with your vision of the way things should (would?) go. > First, let me address the problem of an elven-ylari alliance. > > Ilsundal is willing to make many sacrifices to save his beloved Trees > of Life. Someone has pointed out it is said somewhere that the reason > he took the Path to Immortality was to prtotect his creation. He feels > like a father, and he won't stop at nothing to save them. He might > even associate with the entropics, believing he is just using them to > save his children and that he will be strong enough to deal with > Entropy and not be affected by it. He views Rafiel and his Shadow > Elves as demons who want to destroy the nature, after what they have > done to Alfheim forest. Al-Kalim is not evil, and the ylari will not > want the Shadow Elves as neighbors, so he is a natural ally, from his > point of view. Ilsundal wants to save his ToL, sure. But he is not warlike, and neither are the AE. If he really wanted to save them as you say, he would visit his clerics in exile in incorporeal form and instruct them to lead the AE to a war. He certainly wouldn't let the Alfheim Avengers do it alone (or even with non-elf allies). If the older elves in Karameikos and Wendar are not warlike and have longer-ranging plans, I can see how it is Ilsundal's will that they wait. Moreover, there are probably very few, if any, ToL remaining in the Canolbarth after the AE fled. Fabrizio is writing a detailed timeline of the SE invaion of Alfheim, ask him for a copy of the pre-version if you want to know more. > It is true that ylari distrust magic-users and, consequently elves, > since they are mages (all of them or most of them, depending on which > rules you are using). However, ylari do use magic, one of their > military orders being The Order of the Spell (mounted skirmishing > magic users, page 17 in Gaz 2). So they shouldn't hate mages, just > because they are mages. They do believe glantrians are "evil > incarnate. Their antipathy toward all clerics and religions > disqualifies them as intelligent beings." (Important foreign policies, > p. 25) and relations with Alfheim are "reserved and xenophobic". Elven > manners are considered rude and offensive and they are thought to > pratice black magic. This does make an alliance a difficult and > delicate task, but not impossible. True enough. > Ylari society is composed of two factions, the Preceptors and the > Kin. While the Kin treat foreigners, specially non-believers, > with hostility, the Preceptors have a more modern point of view and > would not hate elves just because they are elves. > > So, if the Preceptors are in power, such an alliance might happen. Of > course, the Kin would oppose it and might start a civil war if there > is no strong reason for them to be quiet, making the alliance almost > impossible. However, in 1014, a group of Ylari adventurers (pcs?), > returning from a pilgrimage where they have recreated part of > Al-Kalim's pilgrimage to the Old Man in the Sea, bring a scroll with > Al-Kalim's seal. A day before, one of the senior priests in the > Eternal University dreamed of Al-Kalim writing a letter to the desert > tribes that would guide them in future events. The scroll is unsealed > in a special ceremony and it contains a description of an event of the > prophet's life unheard of. According to it, Al-Kalim's quest in the > Plane of Water was helped by a group of Alfheim elves specialized in > water magic. These elves tell him the elves from Alfheim know how to > control the rain over their country and Al-Kalim tells them about the > Dream of the Desert Garden. Good job, good idea. However, in Michael's draft timeline, the Kin use the World Games of Ylaruam in 1014 to and the fact that (unbelievers, women, half-naked athletes, wizards) attend to the games to regain the power in Ylaruam (using the Ylari people's disgust of the Preceptors laziness on such holy matters). In that case, you should reverse your idea, and say that the Kin recognize the scroll as a holy artifact to be obeyed, and declare a holy war despite the efforts of the Preceptors to say that war is useless and evil. > Every attempt made by the Kin to prove the falsehood of the scroll > fail, even comuning with Al-Kalim. The scroll might be fake, but > Al-Kalim, after his alliance with Ilsundal, is willing to make ylari > view elves in a better light. Ilsundal has promissed him his elves > will come to the Eternal University and teach how they control the > rain over Alfheim, when their country is free from the "evil" Shadow > Elves. > > A few days later, a caravan arrives from Darokin, carrying one elf > they claim have saved them by conjuring water when their own was lost > during an unexpected sand storm. In a few months, elven ambassadors > from the old Alfheim clans start arriving in Ylaruam. Ambassadors already? I remind you that the AE in exile (at least the seniors, and thereby the ambassadors) prefer not to act right away. Their presence in Ylaruam and request for help in a war against the SE is highly unlikely at this time. > Unknown to the local populace, Barimor, the alphatian wizard questing > for imortality who lives in subterranean caves in Ylaruam, start using > his agents in the government to make such an alliance easier. Shadow > elves have discovered passages to his tunnels. His personal power and > magical items, as well as his minions, have allowed him to kill or > capture those explorers. He has destroyed the tunnels they have used > in a way he can easily reopen them if necessary. The Shadow Elves, > however, would have a lot of work to find his realm again but he feels > that, given time, they will finally do it. He is not prepared to face > them yet, but he knows he must stop them before too late. He might > even use one or two of the nithian artifacts he has collected in these > centuries to get those pesky elves out of his tunnels, with > unpredictable consequences. Great idea. Sure, Barimoor is upset by the presence of the SE. > This way, by the end of 1015, the Alfheim refugees have an ally in the > desert. Not so easily IMHO. > Does this seem acceptable? Can anyone see where are the flaws in it (I > am sure there must be some, even if minor ones)? > > Darokin > > The next key point for the start of the war is Hel's agents in the DDC > (Darokin Diplomatic Corps). Hel has long recognized DDC as a potential > problem for any plans of war she might have in the region and has > devised a plan to neutralize it and even use it to her > advantage. About 50 years ago, in 959, she created her first phony > religion. There were no sign of it at the time, since she created only > one and one that promoted diplomacy and peace. She knew she needed > time to get a strong hold in the DDC, so the head of this church, a > mortal manifestation of herself, has lead the church wisely and has > setled many difficult conflicts peacefully. > > The church worships Sasheme Vickers, the first "Great Diplomat", from > the Umbarth trading house, the man who has stopped Glantri and the > Atruaghin Clans from going to war. Many tales of his life and > incredible feats, none of which involved violence, but negotiation and > cunning are told in Darokin and these stories have grown both in > number and in details since the founding of the Church of Saint > Vickers. > > This religion was originated in Akesoli, home of the Umbarth house and > has built a large school for diplomats there. Some of the finest > diplomats in Darokin are trained in the old tradition of the first > "Great Diplomat" and many people in the DDC consider it the finest > school in Darokin. > > Hel's plan was to use this diplomats to make alliances opposing any > side that was winning the war during the WotI events. However, > Alphatia was unexpectedly destroyed. She has some control over one > fifth of the most important diplomats in the DDC and she is willing to > use her position to further her plans for a war. At the moment, all > her agents are doing is providing data that will make the ylari and > the dwarves hate the Shadow Elves. At the same time, Atzanteotl's > followers among the Shadow Elves are attacking caravans heading to > Parsa and Rockhome, making sure some survivors flee. He has told the > elves that if the neighboring nations fear the elves, they will let > them live their own lifes. I like your ideas about Darokin and the DDC, although I'm not sure I want the DDC so much infiltrated by Hel's agents IMC. It fits well with what you plan to do (ie, Alfhaim counterinvasion), however. > Thyatis > > Thyatian agents are being very helpful in this whole affair. Thyatis > is weakened at the moment and it will only gain from a war it is not > involved. Emissaries from Emperor Eusebius have promissed to help > Rockhome against this terrible invasion from bellow and a small group > of flying beasts from the Retebius Air Fleet was sent to Dengar to > serve the dwarven king. Everast has politely refused their services > for now, but hw will change his mind when the war starts. I don't believe Thaytis would lend its armies, all the more if it isn't interested in the war and doesn't expect any spoils of war for itself. IMO Thyatis just does nothing but watch. If any country is weakened enough by such a war, it would be an easy prey for the empire in rebuilding (Thaytis has nothing against extending to the west or north). > Rockhome > > By the end of 1015, a small group of six dwarves, including Dormir, > king's Everast XVI niece, arrive at Rockhome. They have been in > Oenkhmar, before the Shadow Elves took the city. Their tale makes > Rockhome outraged and peace is no longer possible. They tell how their > group have surrendered to the vastly superior forces of the > elves. They asked to live in peace, so that they could go back home, > but the Shadow Elves have tortured and killed most of them, before > they managed to escape. They were fifteen initially, but several were > killed by the Shadow Elves'attacks, as well as encounters with a few > underground monsters. Finally, they came to the surface in Canolbarth > twisted forest, a place of evil trees, the product of a corrupt > people. They wouldn't have survived in that place if they haven't been > found by a group of Alfheim elves, known as Alfheim Avengers. Some of > them have come with them to Rockhome to talk with king Everast XVI > about the Shadow Elves. It has been a long time since elves have come > to Rockhome peacefully, but the dwarves respect their action and an > audience with the king is granted. Alfheim Avengers rescuing dwarves and being received by Everast? Are you kidding there? And, dwarves are not ready for yet another war, even if they wanted. They already have suffered from a civil war and a two-stage war in Oenkmar. Sure, they hate the SE, and they want a revenge, but they just are too exhausted to do it right away. > What really happened was that the dwarves were caught by Atzanteotl's > minions while in Oenkhmar and were kept in a long sleep since > then. They were provided with false memories and since they have no > other ones, there is no reason for them to think anything happened in > a different way. They were released later in Aengmor, in a place where > a group of Avengers could find them and safely take them out of > there. Atzanteotl had appeared to them the night before as an old oak > and told them that if they could help the dwarves, an alliance to kill > the shadow elves would be possible. Ok, calm down with Atzanteotl and Hel. They have already suffered from a major stroke at the end of WotI abd their actions are being watched by From ???@??? Sat Sep 28 10:25:32 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id GAA06675; Thu, 26 Sep 1996 06:50:40 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id PAA15822 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Wed, 25 Sep 1996 15:19:44 -0500 Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 15:19:44 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #239 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: b63c97daf879a8ea76db093fa5dec1af Status: RO the hierarchs. They can't stand to lose another war, or even be caught acting directly on the Prime. > These group was the same that has shot one of the Treekeepers during > the peace meetings in Rafieltown, last year (sorry, I forgot who made > that timeline). They are trying hard to start this war, even against > the orders of the elder elves who are working in another > solution. They are able to negotiate a treaty with Rockhome. Elves and > dwarves will not fight in the same army, but they will coordinate > their efforts. Sure, they are trying hard, but negociate a treaty? With the dwarves? They are a group of young elves (think of them as a band of anarchist teenagers, not CIA agents). > Meanwhile, Ilsundal convinces many nature-loving immortals something > must be done to stop this craziness. Djaea, Ordana and others start > instructing their followers to prepare for war. An army of centaurs, > treants, acteons and what is left of the fairy kingdom is assembled > near Reedle, in Darokin. The positon is choosed because it is near > Ylaruam, Rockhome and Karameikos borders, so that will make it easier > for the armies to work together. Many elves arrive from Karameikos > using the Duke's Road. Many druids, halflings, foresters (as well as > rangers in AD&D games) join the main invasion force. As with AE/Ilsundal, those are peaceful peoples/Immortals. They just won't do it. Harass the SE, ok, but not make an all-out war with them. > Karameikos > > The efforts to convince King Karameikos to join the alliance are not > as successfull. The King is starting to realize the problems he has at > home and his advisors tell him Karameikos might be on the verge of a > civil war, thyatians against traladarans, so this would be a terrible > time to send troops to another country. However, he knows that he > won't be able to stop the elves from going to war. So he decides > against forbiding them of leaving the country. I agree that Karameikos would not join the war, but not for the reason you give. They won't participate because the AE that live here they consult say they shouldn't (and add that there shouldn't be a war at all). I know there is tension between the Traladarans and the Thyatians (Dark Kinght of Karameikos), but certainly not to the point of starting a civil war. > Glantri > > Glantri and the Shadow Elves are now allies. An embassy was > estabilished soon after the elves of Alfheim left their country and > the mages are willing to help the elves if they would teach them the > details of the great spell they used against Canolbarth Forest, > specially how the Shadow Elves were able to affect the Trees of Lifes, > living artifacts of the Immortals. However, they will not be able to Allies, already? That simply? The politics in Glantri (and among the SE) are not that easy. Some princes might want an alliance, but others not. Glantri has no allies, only friendly nations at best (and ennemies:). If individual princes want to learn more about SE magic, they will do it by theft or any other means, but certainly not through a global alliance. They know better. > help their friends right now, because the Khan's horde, in a surprise > attack take all Principality of Bramyra. In one week, the Principality > is destroyed and the horse men are seen heading to Boldavia. That is very likely. See Micheal's draft timeline for how it is triggered. > This was a desperate move of the Khan, who knows he can't keep his > people united any longer if they don't start dominating the world > soon. The treaty with the Heldannic Kinghts lead him to attack > Glantri, preaching it is time to teach those devilish wizards to show > the proper respect to the gods. > > As a matter of fact, he was advised by a Dolores' pawn. She and von > Drachenfels were behind this invasion. It was Synn's idea that the > only way Glantri's Parliament would agree to invade the Khanates would > be if they would start a war. The fact that Bramyra would be a natural > target was a bonus to Jaggar plans. Incidentally, this also explains > how Synn was able to "charm" him. Who would think about casting > detection spells on a beautiful woman that is making one old dream > coming true? The end of hostilities between the heldanners and the > ethengarians were part of this plan. Jaggar has personally visited > Freiburg during the war with Alphatia several times and he had several > friends there. He convinced them that ifthe ethengar was to attack > Glantri, he could get his country to retaliate. The heldanners could > break the peace then and attack the Khanates from north, getting the > khan's army in a pincer movement. This isn't exactly what is in the draft timeline, but it goes along quite well with it. In fact, most of it could be used there. > Jaggar knows the truth about Synn in 1015, but he can no longer stop > the khan armies. He will have to worry about his personal revenge > later. If any civil war was about to happen in Glantri, the invasion > reunite the country. In less than one year, the glatrian troops, aided > by the heldanners, should be able to destroy most of the khan's army. On the other hand, here I don't agree. Do you really think it is enough to reunite the princes? I doubt it, power struggle and diverging interests being what they are in Glantri. I would even say that it could precipitate a civil war. > Back in Darokin, many strange monster are leaving Canolbarth Forest, > causing havoc and destruction in many villages. The Shadow Elves are > unable to convince darokinians they are not the responsibles for these > attacks and the local populace start claiming for revenge after many > settlements burned and many lives lost. Likely event too. > The pivotal event to the war is the death of one of the Trees of > Life. As it dies, many elves in the Known World are made aware of it > by visions. The fairy kingdom has no reason to celebrate in this day > and many enraged elves all around the Canolbarth forest decide it is > time to join the army. Those danmed Shadow Elves will have to pay for > this sacrilege. > > Desperate, the shadow elves start preparing their defenses. They > didn't want this war, but they weren't able to stop it. They know they > can't fight back without glantrian support, specially, when Darokin > doens't move against the presence of alien armies within its borders. > > The Master sends orders for his armies in Sind to attack and take > Akesoli. They must secure their position before crossing Lake > Amsorak. However, he holds the attack untill one month after the > begining of the war, to catch everybody unprepared. The Master? Good idea, but I believe he could have to deal with a liberation war in Sind before (or at the same time? War begins as the Master's armies are out of Sind?). > These are my ideas. I would like very much to hear what you all think > about them. Also, if someone could colaborate with the many other > facts I haven't addressed, it would be great. For instance, I have > seen a post about giants in Mystara. Can someone make sugestions about > how they would react to this events, as well as the other races. > > And what do you think Glantri will do? I know there will be lots of > internal problems, but I am not able to see who would side with whom > this time, except for the most obvious answers (Jaggar and Malachie, > maybe Etienne against Dolores, as several people has already > discussed). Could you help us, Mr. Bruce Heard? Please. > > Andre Martins - -- Herve Musseau Primary Email: Secondary Email: Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 16:19:24 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] poll result Poll Results QSQWBEEEGGNFR Herve Musseau AOOWMEFFBG(SGY)IT Fabrizio Paoli O(OFS)OJPTEEBB(KGC)CA Daniel Boese QHQGMEEEBBGAU (Shawn) QOA(BGW)MEVVBB(KD)US "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" OSQJPETTKBKCO "Jorge Villalobos" Q(OH)Q(GW)AEEEBGKUS David 'Azure' Leland" XSAWBEEEBB(IKGY)US Matthew Levy O(OFSH)O(GW)MEEEBB(BCW)US StarHawk OSWGB*VF(BG)B*US Leroy Van Camp III O(all)AJMDVOBBKUS XHQ(TG)ME(FE)(FE)BBKCA "Kat Path" OOW(BPTG)MTEEBBWUS Mischa E Gelman QOIJMTEFBGNPH "Leonard Anthony P. Arcilla" Analysis 1.I play in Mystara 2X, 5Q, 1A, 6O. Most people, including myself, play in Mystara quasi-exclusively or with other game systems. 2.I use the rules of 4O, 4S, 2H, 4other. Some people use the rules of OD&D and some the rules of AD&D. However, most people use a mix of all rules, including those from other game systems, with Mystara, and some suggested that I should add an additional answer that fills in the gap. I agree that it is missing, so there should be in a next version of the quizz something like 'M = mix (best?) from all rules'. 3.My Mystara is 3O, 5Q, 2W, 3A. Most of us play with the official world of Mystara or someting not very different from it, although some do not like WotI. A non-negligeable number have their own version of Mystara. 4.I play in the time frame: 2B, 1P, 2T, 7G, 6W, 3J. Many people have either different campaigns taking place at different time or use time-travelling (generally to go back to Blackmoor and use the DA series). However, most people play in the timeframe 1000-1013 AC, as could be guessed since most Mystara stuff is designed for that period. 5.Mystara and other AD&D worlds 2P, 3B, 1A, 8M. I knew the answer to this question when I wrote it: Most people don't care. Those who care have the tendency to integrate Mystara in both Spelljammer and Planescape, and they are the same that use the AD&D rules (who would have guessed?). 6.I am 3T, 9E, 1D. Early twenties for the majority, it seems. 7.I play RPGs for 1T, 1F, 9E, 3V. Mostly old-timers. I know, many of us are in between, but... 8.I play Mystara for 1O, 1T, 3F, 8E, 1V. Mostly old-timers too. This question is heavily correlated to the previous one, and to the one before. How wonderful. Also, I think that this is exactly the reason why the new AD&D Mystara line was so much of a failure. A line for newbies... If they had made such a study (called market study) they would have known that most of the Mystara fans were old-timers, playing often for at least 10 years, and often very knowledgeable about Mystara. They were not interested in newbie stuff, nor in rehashing of the older stuff (esp. the good gazetteers), not to speak of the awful CDs (that only boosted the price, which is a wonderful idea if the target of the line are newbies that want to try before buying heavily and that have to ask the money to their parents). 9.I discovered Mystara with 12B, 2G, 1K. As most of us are old-timer (remember the correlation stuff?), we play in Mystara since our first OD&D box... 10.I am a 4G, 10B. Most of us enjoy playing as well as mastering, although some of us (of which I am--snif I can never play, nobody wants to be the master) don't. 11.I play primarily in 7K, 4G, 1I, 2N, 1S, 1D, 2Y, 2C, 2W, 1B. Karameikos (of course) and Glantri seem to have the favor of the Mystarans. I was rather surprised that nobody plays primarily in Thyatis. BTW, nobody told me that I forgot Blackmoor, although I was warned that I had forgotten Ethengar and (how could I?) the Broken Lands. So, if you play in Ethengar, put it with Heldann/Rockhome/etc (R), if you play in the Broken Lands put it with the Shadow Elves (S), and if you play in old Blackmoor, add 'U = Blackmoor' (U like king Uther :) You didn't get it? You find it hard to understand the logic behind my choice of code letters? Pretty simple though.) 12.I'm from 1AU, 2CA, 1CO, 1FR, 1IT, 1PH, 7US. Americans, Americans. Are you that many online, are you that many playing RPGs? Of course, you can continue to participate... (and update your answer if necessary and send me the new results). ------------------------------ From: Shin Chyang Yu Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 10:33:12 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Ochalea David 'Azure' Leland pontificated: > > I like your thinking here, except that in order to make MChina more > entrenched in its current location, I think it would be better if there > weren't a mass exodus to Skothar, but rather that it was a series of > colonies that were wiped out by the Alphatians. That way, MChina can have > an older and more mysterious tie to their land, and it would also reinforce > their isolationism since their efforts at colonization would have shown to > result in such a disaster. Otherwise (the rest of your post snipped for > brevity only), I like the ideas. > I prefer this idea too. Another reason for the isolationism, MChina never see the reason for colonization. The have all the land and resources availible in their own country. Everytime they go out on an expediation, all they found are a bunch of "uncivilized barbarians" (Alphatian or whoever they found). So might as well just stay home. - -- Problem 7-11 of Fogler's Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering Consider the following 2 reactions: | John Yu (1) healthy person ---> ill | (2) ill ---> death | UVA Material Science Dept. Although reaction given in equation 2 is normally consider completely irreversible, reverse reaction has been reported to occur. ------------------------------ From: (Andrew McKinstry) Date: 25 Sep 1996 15:30:22 GMT Subject: Re: Re: [Mystara] Blackmoor "All that is known is that some accident occurred, and Blackmoor sank beneath the seas, its shattered shores becoming the Broken Lands we know today." (DA1, p.2) That doesn't make sense, considering the Inn Between Worlds was moved from another place to the Broken Lands, which means that Blackmoor wan NOT in the Broken Lands..... Andrew McKinstry ------------------------------ From: Geoff Gander Date: Wed, 25 Sep 96 12:48:19 EDT Subject: Re: [Mystara] Blackmoor Andrew McKinstry writes: > > I missed the post where someone said where Blackmoor really was. I just got > DA1 and it says the Inn Between Worlds had been moved by glaciers to the > Broken lands, so I was wondering where it was origianally (i.e. where was > Thonia and Blackmoor) Also, in DA1 it mentions the wild earth magic of > Blackmoor, how has everyone handled that. I was thinking of a mesh of Wild > Magic, and the Mehibengl (I'm positive that's spelled wrong) system in > Birthright from the Book of Magecraft. What does everyone think? (Oh and do > the later DA series detail some of these?) > > > > Andrew McKinstry Blackmoor (and Thonia) were located on the northern part of Skothar, in the eastern hemisphere. Geoff> - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Geoff Gander Political Science IV Carleton University General wanderer by principle, adventurer by profession Email address: - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 13:47:07 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Mail Box Conflagration Okay, people. After printing some 300 pages-worth of new mail & undelivered mail, I finally cleared my mail box. Is this the normal volume of E-Mail in the Mystara-List? If yes, is there a *digest* version of the same? Frankly, this just isn't manageable at my level. (I'm not sure I found all the mail that was addressed to me specifically among the mountain of Mystara stuff. Sorry if I missed anyone.) Any bright ideas? :) Bruce Heard ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #239 ***************************** From ???@??? Sat Sep 28 10:25:39 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id OAA21807; Thu, 26 Sep 1996 14:05:01 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id WAA19491 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Wed, 25 Sep 1996 22:44:42 -0500 Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 22:44:42 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #240 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: e702e74c9a14ce3e7a17acf8eb431fac Status: RO mystara-digest Wednesday, 25 September 1996 Volume 01 : Number 240 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Fabrizio Paoli Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 21:22:22 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] The Alfheim War At 00.35 25/09/96 -0300, you wrote: iption: > >I have promissed a few months ago I would work on future events and in >the war for Alfheim. I have had some new ideas, so here they are. > >First, let me address the problem of an elven-ylari alliance. >Does this seem acceptable? Can anyone see where are the flaws in it (I >am sure there must be some, even if minor ones)? Except from the fact that not everyone likes the war option (or at least not a war in AC1014) and someone is already working on a "peaceful" timeline, I see only one flaw: the ylari don't hate the elves only because they're spellcasters but they blame the elves for changing the weather pattern, thus making Ylaruam go dry. When the elves led by Mealidil created the Canolbarth Forest in an area much like the Ethengarian steppes of today they altered the local climate, thus "creating" the Alaysian desert. It something like Atruaghin, his plateau and the Sind desert. I don't know where I read this, but surely it's not the product of my mind... And now a "preview" about Alfheim: the second part of the Alfheim invasion timeline is almost ready, I think me and Herve will have it done before the end of September. ************** Fabrizio Paoli DM in City Of The Stars aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr Home Page: ------------------------------ From: "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 14:00:22 -0700 (MST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Mail Box Conflagration On Wed, 25 Sep 1996 wrote: > Okay, people. After printing some 300 pages-worth of new mail & undelivered > mail, I finally cleared my mail box. Is this the normal volume of E-Mail in > the Mystara-List? If yes, is there a *digest* version of the same? Frankly, > this just isn't manageable at my level. (I'm not sure I found all the mail > that was addressed to me specifically among the mountain of Mystara stuff. > Sorry if I missed anyone.) Any bright ideas? :) The list goes through phases of activity and definitely seems to be at a very active time at the moment. There is a way to get it in digest form through Leroy, which can definitely help with overflow problems. Myself, I get both the regular mail and the digest, so I can reply to posts immediately if necessary, and delete any posts I don't reply to, knowing full well that the information will be kept for me in the digest. Also, and I've noticed a lot of this lately- it helps a lot to not quote entire posts in your responses. If possible, just post the portion of the post you are replying to- it cuts down on a lot of mail space, as well as unnecessary repetition in the digests. Not a flame to anyone, just a suggestion. :) ------------------------------ From: "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 14:05:55 -0700 (MST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Blackmoor On Tue, 24 Sep 1996, StarHawk wrote: > I havn't handled the wild earth magic yet, but none of the DA series have > any rules for it, as far as I can tell. They seem to assume that the > parties magic works normally, which is highly unlikely considering the > power source for their magic (the nucleus) doesn't even exist yet. I don't think the nucleus is supposed to be the source of magic, though I admit a bit of confusion on that issue when I first read GAZ3 myself (no offense, Bruce. :) My take on it is that it is a) an alternative source of magic for those who know of it and how to use it- recall all the Radiance spells, and b) for whatever reason, it was modified so that it drains magic from Mystara (I think there are a few takes on this- the Immortals of energy modified it, as they were afraid it posed a threat to the immortal hierarchy). At any rate, it wouldn't make sense for it to be the source of their magic, as otherwise how could magic-users travel to other planes, etc? ------------------------------ From: Simon Seah Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 15:06:26 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] The Alfheim War > Except from the fact that not everyone likes the war option (or at least not > a war in AC1014) and someone is already working on a "peaceful" timeline, I > see only one flaw: the ylari don't hate the elves only because they're > spellcasters but they blame the elves for changing the weather pattern, thus > making Ylaruam go dry. > When the elves led by Mealidil created the Canolbarth Forest in an area much > like the Ethengarian steppes of today they altered the local climate, thus > "creating" the Alaysian desert. I believe it's in the Alfheim Gazzeteer, and it is mentioned in the adventure in that text involving the lich whatshisEgyptianlikename. Apparently he was on his way to inquire what the elves were brewing up when the wave of nifty elf magic type stuff to help the forest along washed over him and he got buried. Simon :) ------------------------------ From: Matthew Levy Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 15:39:55 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Mystara, Laterre and the Cthulhu Mythos On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, Shelby Michlin wrote: > -- [ From: Shelby Michlin * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] -- > > > > From: Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One \ Internet: ( > > To: Post to Mystara-L \ Internet: ( > > Another interesting note- It was suggested that the d'Ambrevilles had > dealings > > with evil sorts of creatures (my bet would be on Cthulianic creatures, > but the > > stories also suggest that there were Satanists during these times). Do > they > > still deal with these creatures, or are they more or less good now? It > could > > put quite an interesting spin on Glantri campaigns, methinks. > > Oh yes, I used the Cthulhu Mythos in my Laterre setting. Averoigne's state > church venerates the Maker, otherwise known as the Maker of Ways; Yog- > sothoth! Most clerics have no spells, only the *truly* depraved know what > they're worshipping (and they have some spells, oh yes they do). The > Inquisition and the Holy Knights are thus all supporters of the Mythos, > whether they realize it or not. Now *this* is what I call really "Dark Ages. > " > > The "pagans" who live on the fringes, in the forests, worship the Father, > who is in actuality Shub-niggurath. > > The D'Ambervilles were labelled Black Magicians, but all mages are hunted > down here (the opposite of Glantri, where the clerics are hunted down.) The > mages could actually learn how to bar Yog-sothoth's influence, you know. > Thus, some D'Ambervilles may not care about the Mythos at all, some may be > token supporters of the state religion (in this time-period and place), and > some may be twisted, insane cultists! Of course, other mages may be "good," > self-centered "evil," or "evil" supporters of the Church. > > BTW, I don't recall the rationale for it, but my timeline for Laterre during > X2 shows the year 820. > > Finally, I haven't determined the extent of Mythos worship back on Mystara.. > Interesting stuff and well thought out ... however I feel that I must point out that this is something of a distortion of the CAS version of Averoigne, which would correspond more closely to the "Alienist Campaign" given in Player's Option: Spells and Magic, i.e. a Mythos-type setting where the church is devoted on the surface to the worship of "good" gods who are simply nonexistant/ineffectual, while only a few magicians/priests know of the *real* gods and can cast spells ... Check the descriptions of NPC's given in X2 and the original stories ... this is slightly different from the setup you've suggested, which would treat clerics and mages normally but insert Yog-Sothoth and Shub-Niggurath as if they were ordinary deities .. this removes much of the horror and mystery of the original Averoigne, I think. Anyway, just my dos pesos. m@2 ------------------------------ From: Matthew Levy Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 15:42:33 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Re: Emerond On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One wrote: > On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, Matthew Levy wrote: > > > I'm definitely going to include this in my campaign ... I don't think > > there are any other major sentient plant races on Mystara, are there? I > > guess Treants, but other than that? > > Let's see- Treants (which you mentioned), Gakaraks (which, I'd argue, are > older versions of Treants, and less tolerant of mankind). Other than > that, I can't really recall any major plant races. There are the Dusanu > (sentient fungi/mold creatures), but I think that pretty much covers it. What's a Gakarak? > > I remember reading about how the plant world is actually seemingly much > more competitive and hostile than the animal world- it would be an > interesting take on traditional D&D games to play around with this angle, > I think. Have Treants and Gakaraks become increasingly hostile to the > other sentient races on Mystara (I can't imagine they'd be too amiable > towards the Shadowelves after what they did to the Canolbarth forest...). > Dusanu could attempt to spread their fungus infested tyranny against the > underworld races- a good place for them would be in that area of > Graakhalia that is infested with yellow mold (Champions of Mystara, > PWA's). AFAIK Dusanu are solitary hunters, not organized or inclined to invade anybody other than occasional desert travellers ... Plus which, what is the current situation in Graakhalia? I thought the Master's Orcs had essentially overrun the place. > > They could ally with elves, Emerondians, other forest races, or else they > could just recruit more of their own kind- Killer Trees, maybe those > life-leeching Saguaros Bruce Heard mentioned ;). > > Anyone up for creating a Kingdom of Plants? > ------------------------------ From: Matthew Levy Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 15:28:46 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Re: Blackmoor On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, Geoff Gander wrote: > > > Who says? I think many scholars from Glantri and Alphatia (and nations > > > yet to be created by our imaginations) would have gone on "archaeological > > > expeditions" - mere fronts for their real purpose (power). In my > > > campaign, groups of Alphatian and Glantrian mages are competing for > > > control over Blackmoor relics, all the while keeping secret the fact that > > > they have found out where it was (ie: northern Skothar). I also have a > > > rogue Blackmoorian mage running around under many aliases - harassing the > > > PCs (who are trying to uncover the Blackmoor mystery itself, because in my > > > world it's a legend) and being a perfect DM tool. Don't ask why he's > > > still around, I just chalk it up to ancient Blackmoorian technologies, > > > which the PCs will never get. Besides, he's a perfect villain. > > > I would place Mohacs in the Plains of Rust, in the middle of the > > > Thonian marches (I made this up - basically a vast desert composed of rust > > > from all those Blackmoorian machines, good for an apocalyptic scenario, > > > where half-barbarians fight over remnants of past glory (some of this I > > > borrowed from this group). > > > > > > Neat! Kind of a Mystaran Mad Max setting. What about humanoids with > > semi-functional blaster cannons, halftracks, hovercrafts, whatever ... > > perhaps each item that still works could be a kind of magic item ... also > > wouldn't such an area attract thousands of rust monsters, perhaps Xorn, > > etc ...? > > What else do you have worked out on Thonia? Are you willing to share with > > the rest of us hungry M-vultures? > > You just read my mind! Actually, IMC there are hordes of bandit groups > fighting over remaining stockpiles of ammunition, energy packs, > handblasters, medkits, and, of course, semi-functional vehicles. Since > the Plains of Rust would be slightly north of the Jennite Sword (and thus > cold!) many of these items are prone to malfunctioning (read: explosions > are a regular occurance - man the bomb shelters!), and therefore no groups > have gone south into the rest of Skothar. We can argue that the Immortals > have only recently noticed this fragment of Blackmoorian culture, and have > created a zone similar to that of the Blacklore elves (ie: technonlogy > ceases to work once you leave a specific area), or the technology is > real, it works anywhere in the world, but the bandits are too busy > fighting over the scarce resources they do have to bother worrying about > overwhelming the continent - which they might have a fair chance of doing. > As for rust monsters, they would be in seventh heaven there - > another reason for the bandits to be paranoid and belligerent. BTW - what > are Xorns? > As for Thonia, I've decided that Mohacs still exists, a mere > shadow of its former self, hopelessly fighting off the barbarians they so > callously dismissed 4000 years ago... A cool opportunity for PCs to be > heroes, and to engage in empire building (though I'd be cautious here). I > haven't much thought about it beyond that, I'm still busy with the Davania From ???@??? Sat Sep 28 10:25:39 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id OAA21807; Thu, 26 Sep 1996 14:05:01 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id WAA19491 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Wed, 25 Sep 1996 22:44:42 -0500 Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 22:44:42 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #240 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: e702e74c9a14ce3e7a17acf8eb431fac Status: RO > Map/Addakian Sound region (almost done). > > What do you think? > > Geoff > Great stuff! Perhaps *some* artifacts have left the area, but since virtually all would have to either leave by sea through Esterhold or go south across a thousand miles of Jennite plains, most artifact smugglers are easily found and intercepted by a special force of Alphatian Antiquities Police (who of course seize all items as evidence in the name of the Empress). Of course, after WotI, the power vacuum in the area would make it easy for smugglers to begin operating openly ... think what would happen if Glantrians got a hold of some of this stuff! I like the idea of Mohacs still existing ... in my campaign the PC's once heard a rumour about the distant "Imperial Thonian Museum" still existing somewhere ... perhaps it is in Mohacs, most likely. Now, the other thing is that it is entirely possible that outerworld Beastmen (perhaps emigrants from the HW) could be in or around Thonia ... what if they hooked up with local humanoids and captured a few Blackmoorian vehicles ... voila, Die Goblinenpanzerarmee. By the way, Xorns are tripedal creatures from the elemental plane of earth which feed on deposits of metal ... and sometimes on adventurer's armor ... (and the adventurers inside of it). m@2 ------------------------------ From: Matthew Levy Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 16:04:26 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] The Alfheim War The biggest problem between the Elves and Ylari never had anything to do with ordinary xenophobia .. the Ylari *specifically* mistrust *Alheim* elves because the change in the weather patterns which made the Canolbarth area so lush is what destroyed the vegetation in the Alasiyan. Ilsundal and Al-Kalim are thus intractable enemies, and the Ylari *would* be more likely, I think, to ally with the Shadow Elves ... m@2 ------------------------------ From: Matthew Levy Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 15:53:18 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Adri Varma Plateau On Tue, 24 Sep 1996, Andre Cavalcanti Rocha Martins {S wrote: > > > On Fri, 20 Sep 1996, Patrick wrote: > > > This makes sense. I was simply basing the barbarians' organization off the > > the history of Hule given in PWAII, where it says that the barbarians north > > of Hule nearly overran the nation in 600 AC and Hule's been unable to > > "civilize" or conquer them. Perhaps there's just a whole lot of them up > > there. It does refer to them as "hordes." Could these barabarians be > > related to the Ethengar? North-central Brun could be very similar to > > Siberia, with hordes of uncivilized barbarians resisting the attempts to > > conquer them. The problem with conquest of Thyatis, and especially the > > colonies, is that it's very far away from Hule. As of AC 1013, virtually > > every nation in the Known World and the Savage Coast are in particularly > > weak states. The fact that the Master didn't take advantage of Darokin's > > weakness in 1010 and 1011 seems to indicate that Hule's still too weak to > > take on Darokin, much less Thyatis. Also, the Master has no desire to > > become overly dependent on the City-States, so Slagovich, Hojah, and Zagora > > might also be likely targets. If the Master had the power to conquer the > > world during the PWAs, he would. The fact that he doesn't attack any > > countries indicates that he plans to bide his time and slowly weaken his > > neighbors. > > SPOILER WARNING - Dragonmage of Mystara discussed > > Wasn't the Overlord's fortress (from the Dragonmage) located in the Adri > Varma Plateau? That could mean those northern barbarians are not alone > anymore. Many creatures from the Overlord's army were not found so the > dragons weren't able to send them all to their original worlds. Btw, this > also means there is one place in Brun where any creature from any other > world could be found roaming, giving dms a lot of freedom on their > encounters there. This could also be the reason why glantrian mages have > created the saguaros, they had to stop all those strange creatures from > trying to invade Glantri. > > The saguaros have fared better than the glantrians had supposed and now > only creatures with no warmth in their bodies to be drained can walk > safely in the Plateau. Most tribes were driven away from Glantri (that's > why the mages have never considered destroying the plants, they know how, > they just don't want to), except for a tribe that learned how to use the > saguaros defensively. Their shamans have discovered how to control the > saguaros so that they will not harm the people, and their villages are > surrounded by living saguaros. Hule has sent more than one army to conquer > the Plateau and the northern barbarians, with ten humanoids for every > tribesmen, but the shamans instructed their people to just moved away and > let the saguaros do their jobs. When the hulean army was almost destroyed, > they would come back and kill the remaining humanoids. After three > disatrous campaigns, the Hule learned the Plateu was not an easy picking > and since there is no big profits to gain there, the atentions of the > Master were driven to other regions. > > Needless to say, the saguaro is a holly plant for them, and only the > holiest women can cut parts of the plant or move them from one place to > another in special rituals. The shaman who has discovered the secret > of the saguaros is now an Immortal in the Sphere of Time, known as > Saguaro, and venerated in the Plateau. Does anyone want to make her > statistics? > > Andre Martins > > > I like it! What kind of humanoids are they? Perhaps Gnolls would make an excellent choice. What about undead, wouldn't there be lots of them wandering around, cold and unimpeded? By the way, who is the Overlord? Sounds like he was summoning extraplanar creatures ... of what sort? What do the dragons have to do with all of this? m@2 ------------------------------ From: Leroy Van Camp III Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 16:59:06 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Mail Box Conflagration On Wed, 25 Sep 1996 wrote: > Okay, people. After printing some 300 pages-worth of new mail & undelivered > mail, I finally cleared my mail box. Is this the normal volume of E-Mail in > the Mystara-List? If yes, is there a *digest* version of the same? Frankly, > this just isn't manageable at my level. (I'm not sure I found all the mail > that was addressed to me specifically among the mountain of Mystara stuff. > Sorry if I missed anyone.) Any bright ideas? :) Yup, there is a digest version of the list. The instructions for unsubscribing from this version, and subscribing to the digest can be found in the list FAQ, at... If things are unclear, or it doesn't seem to work, get ahold of me, and I'll see what I can do. Leroy Van Camp III - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You know, not kneeing you in the groin is a constant struggle." - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MST3K ------------------------------ From: Geoff Gander Date: Wed, 25 Sep 96 21:03:23 EDT Subject: Re: Re: [Mystara] Blackmoor Andrew McKinstry writes: > > > "All that is known is that some accident occurred, and Blackmoor sank > beneath the seas, its shattered shores becoming the Broken Lands we know > today." (DA1, p.2) > > That doesn't make sense, considering the Inn Between Worlds was moved from > another place to the Broken Lands, which means that Blackmoor wan NOT in the > Broken Lands..... If you check to Hollow World and Wrath of the Immortals supplements, you will find that Blackmoor was once located on Skothar, now covered by glacial ice, located in the darklands. Geoff > - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Geoff Gander Political Science IV Carleton University General wanderer by principle, adventurer by profession Email address: - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: StarHawk Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 21:36:01 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Re: [Mystara] Blackmoor On 25 Sep 1996, Andrew McKinstry wrote: > > "All that is known is that some accident occurred, and Blackmoor sank > beneath the seas, its shattered shores becoming the Broken Lands we know > today." (DA1, p.2) > > That doesn't make sense, considering the Inn Between Worlds was moved from > another place to the Broken Lands, which means that Blackmoor wan NOT in the > Broken Lands..... > > Andrew McKinstry > True, but that's what it says, directly quoted from Arneson himself. Perhaps the glacier moved it to a different part of the Broken Lands? Maybe the Broken Lands used to be bigger? So some part of Blackmoor is the Broken Lands, but not the part where the Inn was? ------------------------------ From: Geoff Gander Date: Wed, 25 Sep 96 21:21:50 EDT Subject: Re: [Mystara] Re: Blackmoor > Great stuff! Perhaps *some* artifacts have left the area, but since > virtually all would have to either leave by sea through Esterhold or go > south across a thousand miles of Jennite plains, most artifact smugglers > are easily found and intercepted by a special force of Alphatian > Antiquities Police (who of course seize all items as evidence in the name > of the Empress). How very kind of them! You can be sure that they were motivated for purely altruistic reasons!! Of course, after WotI, the power vacuum in the area > would make it easy for smugglers to begin operating openly ... think what > would happen if Glantrians got a hold of some of this stuff! Can you say "black market"? I like the > idea of Mohacs still existing ... in my campaign the PC's once heard a > rumour about the distant "Imperial Thonian Museum" still existing > somewhere ... perhaps it is in Mohacs, most likely. > Now, the other thing is that it is entirely possible that outerworld > Beastmen (perhaps emigrants from the HW) could be in or around Thonia ... > what if they hooked up with local humanoids and captured a few > Blackmoorian vehicles ... voila, Die Goblinenpanzerarmee. Achtung! Was ist denn hier los? Mach schnell, meine Kameraden, die Goblinenpanzerarmee kommt! Or something to that effect... > By the way, Xorns are tripedal creatures from the elemental plane of earth > which feed on deposits of metal ... and sometimes on adventurer's armor > ... (and the adventurers inside of it). Sounds deadly enough... Great ideas! Sounds like something out of Warhammer 40K (massive death vehicles blowing innocent civilians away). I could definitely see a threat greater than Thar's legions, or even those of Hule! Whatever nations in Skothar existing at the time would most likely be caught unawares, and the horde would have no trouble overwhelming the weaker border nations, maybe even large chunks of MChina itself! This could force any isolationist nations on the continent to open up to the outside world in their bid for freedom - thereby involving the Known World. Say..this almost sounds like WWII (nation overwhelms neighbours, "civilized world" must intervene, etc..). Just a thought. Think of the alliances, the politicking, and of course the double dealing. Who would side with the horde, hoping for a free ride to regional hegemony? Who would fight for freedom? What do you think? Geoff - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Geoff Gander Political Science IV Carleton University General wanderer by principle, adventurer by profession Email address: - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: Daniel Boese Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 21:25:26 -0400 (EST) Subject: [Mystara] Mystaran Druids I was looking at the priest kits in the Karameikos boxed set's explorer guide, and found an interesting bit of trivia... "The druids of Mystara have come to the Dread Coast only recently, arriving from the west and south. Previously, there have been high-level priests of neutrality and various nature-based Immortals who have pursued a druidic course. These are now known as the Balancers and sometimes serve as high-level druids with identical powers." Now then... the Balancers are obviously the OD&D druids, who were high-level neutral clerics who voluntarily changed class at 9th level to the OD&D druid. Now, these new druids "from the west and south"... to the south is the Sea of Dread, and then Davania; to the west is Sind, the Serpent Peninsula, and the Red Steel area. My guess is that they immigrated from either the Yavdlom area, or more likely somewhere in Davania. Anybody want to detail the history of the druidic arrival, somewhere between 1000 and 1012 AC? :) - -- Daniel Boese ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #240 ***************************** From ???@??? Sat Sep 28 10:25:45 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id FAA20063; Fri, 27 Sep 1996 05:43:40 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id OAA25559 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Thu, 26 Sep 1996 14:24:26 -0500 Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 14:24:26 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #241 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 5b537ec17a0b76997ab11234de228ac8 Status: RO mystara-digest Thursday, 26 September 1996 Volume 01 : Number 241 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shelby Michlin Date: Wed, 25 Sep 96 22:18:53 -0500 Subject: [Mystara] Mystara, Laterre and the Cthulhu Mythos - -- [ From: Shelby Michlin * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] -- > Interesting stuff and well thought out ... however I feel that I must point out > that this is something of a distortion of the CAS version of Averoigne, .. this removes much of the > horror and mystery of the original Averoigne, I think. Anyway, just my dos > pesos. > m@2 Ah, c'est la vie, I don't have any CAS, much to my dismay. In any case, I love the Mythos, and this works fine for me. Shelby ------------------------------ From: Jason Zavoda Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 22:53:21 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Mystara] Fluff NDT 5 (From the Module B10 Nights Dark Terror,) By Jim Bambra, Graeme Morris, & Phil Gallagher Nine men stood on the shore. Eight of them fired a ragged volley at the small pair standing on the deck. The ninth urged them on, forgetting the bow held in his own right hand. "Mouse, Cat, get down" Telek yelled at the pair, while he stood up himself. He nocked an arrow and sighted along its shaft. The man in chain was still yelling and directing the other archers, he was not an immediate threat. All the others seemed equally unskilled, Telek simply took aim at the one furthest to the right. Someone shrieked on deck to his left, a whistle of breath came from over his teeth and he let his arrow fly. It sailed over the mans head by about a foot. Angry, Telek was very angry. He drew in his breath as he nocked another arrow. The archers on the shore were moving in slow motion, Telek had all the time in the world. His next shot took the man dead center. The man had been reaching over his shoulder to pluck another arrow from the quiver on his back. Telek saw him give a start, like someone woken from a deep sleep, then, arm still raised, he fell backwards. Telek inhaled again and exhaled as he fired. His arrow struck the next man low on the left of his chest. The man spun and fell to the ground. His fourth shot missed but passed close enough to shave hairs from the beard of the next archer making him flinch and drop the arrow he was preparing to shoot. Four arrows streaked from the shore and passed to Teleks left. A fifth crossed paths with Teleks arrow. The arrow from shore passed harmlessly over the deck, Teleks shot struck an archer standing next to the man in chain. It hit with a meaty smack in the pit of the mans stomach, doubling him over. He fell at the feet of the man in chain. Blue eyes, hard as glass, stared out over the water and locked with Teleks brown. A smile formed on the armored mans face and he remembered the short bow in his hands. Teleks face was calm and with a deep even breath he let fly his sixth arrow. Still smiling the armored man stepped to the side, Teleks arrow had only clipped the edge of his cloak. He raised his bow and sighted carefully. An arrow , then two more came from the other archers on shore. All three hit the deck near where Telek stood. The man in chain turned and yelled to them. "He's my kill!" then turned and fired. The swimmers had reached the side of the boat. Using Thurids body as a flail, Red kept the first two or three at bay for a moment, but with a half dozen men behind them they surged foreward. Thurid was not a good weapon and even Reds powerful arm grew tired. As the men swimming for the boat threw themselves at him, Red let go of his hold on Thurids ankle. It flew into two of the three and tangled them, but the next man collided with him, the drawn knife held in his attackers hand gashings his forearm. "Damn", Red swore and let go of the oar he was holding. He slammed his left fist like a hammer over the mans shoulder and into his backribs. As Red struggled another swimmer brought an arm across his throat and locked together the three of them sunk under the water. There were eight men left of the twelve who had swum from the shore. They clustered near the center of the boat and boosted themselves up as Thurid had done using the oars to stand on and pull themselves over the side. A last two or three arrows passed over the side of the boat as the men pulled themselves on board. As an arm and shoulder appeared over the edge of the boat Vlad brought his sabre across them. Both Dirk and Vlad were crouched amidst the debris and bodies of the port rowers pit. Dirk was on the right Vlad on the left, waiting with sword and sabre drawn. The unarmored swimmers were easy pickings when after a hard swim they climbed over the gunwale. Vlad struck and an arm sepreated from a shoulder, there was a splash as the rest of the body hit the water. Dirk stabbed upward, under the breastbone and into the heart. The man gave a gasp and lay headown over the side, legs dangling over the outerside. Three more men were pulling themselves over the side. Vlad swung on the rise, two hands cupped around the hilt of his sabre. A head and body fell over the side. Dirk rolled, then stabbed up again. This boarder was quicker and luckier than his companions. He avoided Dirks blade and looked wildly around at the carnage in the pit. Another boarder somersaulted over the edge just behind him. The last three boarders were hauling themselves over the boats edge behind Dirk. Vlad chopped down and split a skull, spun around and lopped off a hand holding a dagger. Dirk saw a man climb aboard from the corner of his eye. He pushed himself backwards, jabbed at the man in front of him and swing his sword around low. It slashed across the back of a dripping leg and knocked the man down. He fell backwards and landed ontop of Dirk, pinning his sword to the deck. Dirk could see the last two boarders start foreward then look up in terror. Dirk turned his head and followed their eyes. Vlad stood up in the rowers pit, blood dripping from his sabre and splattered across his chainmail shirt, face and hair. There was a wild look in Vlads eyes, he barked out a laugh then rushed foreward careless of the fallen.This was too much for the knife wielding boarders, without a pause they both dived overboard. The one who had fallen on Dirk looked up in horror at Vlad and struggled to rise. Dirk grabbed him around the waist. Suddenly the mans struggle ceased. Vlad had given another barking laugh as he cut the mans throat with the edge of his Sabre. With a wild strength Dirk pushed the body off of him. He jumbed to his feet and came face to face with Vlad. "what the.. What the hell did you kill him for" Vlad stared wild eyed at Dirk his chest heaving, a glimmer still in his eyes. He said nothing. Slowly Dirk reached out and put a hand on his friends shoulder. He gave him a shake. The Wild look slowly faded from Vlads eyes. His breathing slowed and he turned his head away. Dirk turned away as well and surveid the carnage. On the shore three bodies lay crumpled. The man in armor nowhere in view. Telek had seen him fall when his arrow had struck him high in the chest. The remaining bowmen, having seen their companions slaughtered as they tried to board the boat, had turned and fled, but not in disorder. They dragged their wounded commander with them, who the man in armor obviously was, and carrying their bows dissappeared into the woods. end part 5 ------------------------------ From: Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 00:19:06 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] The Alfheim War In a message dated 96-09-25 01:36:27 EDT, (Andre Cavalcanti Rocha Martins {S) writes: << The church worships Sasheme Vickers, the first "Great Diplomat", from the Umbarth trading house, the man who has stopped Glantri and the Atruaghin Clans from going to war. >> A Glantri/Atruaghin war? I would really like to know how that one could be fought! ------------------------------ From: Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 00:29:48 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Re: Blackmoor In a message dated 96-09-25 23:32:34 EDT, (Geoff Gander) writes: << Say..this almost sounds like WWII (nation overwhelms neighbours, "civilized world" must intervene, etc..). Just a thought. Think of the alliances, the politicking, and of course the double dealing. Who would side with the horde, hoping for a free ride to regional hegemony? Who would fight for freedom? >> This might be a good way to introduce MChina to the rest of the game world -- as one of the first victims of the hordes. Of course, MChina would be no pushover, even against machines -- remember the dragon(s)! ------------------------------ From: Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 00:19:02 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Mail Box Conflagration In a message dated 96-09-25 18:03:12 EDT, writes: << Okay, people. After printing some 300 pages-worth of new mail & undelivered mail, I finally cleared my mail box. Is this the normal volume of E-Mail in the Mystara-List? If yes, is there a *digest* version of the same? Frankly, this just isn't manageable at my level. (I'm not sure I found all the mail that was addressed to me specifically among the mountain of Mystara stuff. Sorry if I missed anyone.) Any bright ideas? :) >> Now that the "mad mail-bomber" is gone, you should find things more manageable. I have about 25-30 messages from the last 24 hours -- that is the usual rate of messages you should expect to receive from this list per day. And there is a digest version -- I am sure that at least one of those other responses mentions it. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 11:24:31 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Mystaran Druids Daniel Boese wrote: > > I was looking at the priest kits in the Karameikos boxed set's explorer > guide, and found an interesting bit of trivia... > > "The druids of Mystara have come to the Dread Coast only recently, > arriving from the west and south. Previously, there have been high-level > priests of neutrality and various nature-based Immortals who have > pursued a druidic course. These are now known as the Balancers and > sometimes serve as high-level druids with identical powers." > > Now then... the Balancers are obviously the OD&D druids, who were > high-level neutral clerics who voluntarily changed class at 9th level to > the OD&D druid. > Now, these new druids "from the west and south"... to the south is the > Sea of Dread, and then Davania; to the west is Sind, the Serpent > Peninsula, and the Red Steel area. My guess is that they immigrated from > either the Yavdlom area, or more likely somewhere in Davania. > Anybody want to detail the history of the druidic arrival, somewhere > between 1000 and 1012 AC? :) > > -- > Daniel Boese There is one site on the web cwith information about druids in Mystara: (Mystara: The Druid's Grove) The role of Balancers and new druids is discussed, as well as the organaization of the druids on Mystara. I don't remember to what level of detail it goes, but you can always check. Maybe the guy wo wrote the stuff there would be willing to write the history of the druid's arrival as you suggest, and maybe he already has some ideas. - -- Herve Musseau Primary Email: Secondary Email: Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ From: "LEGRAND Pascal" Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 10:23:34 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Mystara, Laterre and the Cthulhu Mythos > Interesting stuff and well thought out ... however I feel that I must > point out that this is something of a distortion of the CAS version of > Averoigne, which would correspond more closely to the "Alienist Campaign" > given in Player's Option: Spells and Magic, i.e. a Mythos-type setting > where the church is devoted on the surface to the worship of "good" gods > who are simply nonexistant/ineffectual, while only a few magicians/priests > know of the *real* gods and can cast spells ... Check the descriptions of > NPC's given in X2 and the original stories ... this is slightly different > from the setup you've suggested, which would treat clerics and mages > normally but insert Yog-Sothoth and Shub-Niggurath as if they were > ordinary deities .. this removes much of the horror and mystery of the > original Averoigne, I think. Anyway, just my dos pesos. > m@2 I agree with you Matthew. Actually CAS set his Averoigne in what he thought was medieval Auvergne, so the dominant church is a christian type one. But he mentioned the old faith too whose followers are called the pagan and as he knows much of Cthluhu lore we could think he wanted too to introduce a bit of it. That's why I think we have three religious level in Averoigne. The firts one is the christian type church, which is dominant in the country and hunts the pagans as devil worshippers. Thses pagans belong to the second religious level we could call the old faith, a kind of druidc faith (Auvergne was inhabited by celts as toplogy From ???@??? Sat Sep 28 10:25:45 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id FAA20063; Fri, 27 Sep 1996 05:43:40 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id OAA25559 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Thu, 26 Sep 1996 14:24:26 -0500 Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 14:24:26 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #241 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 5b537ec17a0b76997ab11234de228ac8 Status: RO proves it). Some inhabitants of Averoigne mix the two because they're still using some plant lore and some rites from the old faith to help their crops grow, their cows giving milk and so on... The third religious level is a deeper one, nearly forgotten from the man subconscious and it is a Cthulhu like mythos. We could say it is far older than the old faith, and maybe some rites of the old faith come from this Cthulhu religion. This would explain the presence of menhirs and dolmens in the real Auvergne because thses stones were standed before the coming of the Celts. Were they the altars of some dark rituals ? I think my Averoigne work is nearly achieved and I speak of all that (and more) in it. I'm sorry of being so late to post it to any of you. Au revoir ------------------------------ From: "Jorge Villalobos" Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 05:27:58 -0700 Subject: [Mystara] Alfheim war? Why a war? Sure the Cannolbart forest was the Alfheim forest but now it's all wasted. Why fight for a dead forest when you have an entire continent to take over? In my actual campaing the Erewan elfs from Glantri are very pissed because of the new prince (kol) and the pressure that the Belcadiz elves are putting on them (as the humanoids and almost every other principality and faction in Glantri). Because of this constant and overwelming pressure the Erewan elves are considering leaving Glantri, but the known world is fully populated and no one is going to accept them just like that. Carlotina (The Erewan Prince) decides to fight back and take Glantri (or part of it) for the elves. Now we have a major intrigue campaing here because a lot of smart planning from whoever is going to lead the gathering of forces and allies. Lets talk a little about it, ah? - ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ==(W{==========- | | || (.--.) | | | \_,|**|,__ Jorge Villalobos Duran | | `\ ' `--' ), Universidad de los Andes | | `\_. .__/\ \ | | | . |""""| | | /==0==-\<>/ | | | / \ | Tel (571) 2585382 | | ( ) ( ) | | | ; | ; | | | ; | ; | - ----------------------------------------------------------------- ___ _____ .'/,-Y" "~-. l.Y ^. /\ _\_ i ___/" "\ DOUGH!!!! | /" "\ o ! l ] o !__./ \ _ _ \.___./ "~\ X \/ \ ___./ ( \ ___. _..--~~" ~`-. ` Z,-- / \ \__. ( / ______) \ l /-----~~" / Y \ / | "x______.^ | \ To the tune of ``Jingle Bells'': Azathoth Azathoth Azathoth, the King Center of the Universe, Insanity he brings, Hey! - --------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at - --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: Fabrizio Paoli Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 15:03:04 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Emerond At 18.29 24/09/96 +0200, you wrote: > >Errr...well...ehm....what does it say in English? It's the third time I write this message, but it has not come back yet, so if you see it for the third time ignore it. All I have to say is that I'm sorry for posting something in Italian to the list, actually I wanted to send that stuff about Emerond only to Gabriele Ferri but I forgot to change the address. Sorry if that caused problems to you. ************** Fabrizio Paoli DM in City Of The Stars aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr Home Page: ------------------------------ From: Fabrizio Paoli Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 14:59:28 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] poll result At 16.19 25/09/96 +0200, you wrote: >8.I play Mystara for >1O, 1T, 3F, 8E, 1V. >Mostly old-timers too. >This question is heavily correlated to the previous one, and to the one before. >How wonderful. >Also, I think that this is exactly the reason why the new AD&D Mystara line >was so much of a failure. A line for newbies... If they had made such a study >(called market study) they would have known that most of the Mystara fans were >old-timers, playing often for at least 10 years, and often very knowledgeable >about Mystara. They were not interested in newbie stuff, nor in rehashing of >the older stuff (esp. the good gazetteers), not to speak of the awful CDs >(that only boosted the price, which is a wonderful idea if the target of the >line are newbies that want to try before buying heavily and that have to ask >the money to their parents). Good analysis, maybe you'll be hired by TSR :-) >11.I play primarily in >7K, 4G, 1I, 2N, 1S, 1D, 2Y, 2C, 2W, 1B. >Karameikos (of course) and Glantri seem to have the favor of the Mystarans. >I was rather surprised that nobody plays primarily in Thyatis. My opinion on this: Karameikos is the classic fantasy setting, it's the one introduced in the Basic/Expert books and you can play all classes there, so it's obviously very popular; Glantri is a heaven for magic lovers and many players are really fond of magic (BTW: I'm not one of them); Thyatis has nothing more than Karameikos (except the colonies, of course) and the so loved wizards, though not despised, aren't a favourite class there, moreover DotE is not as good as Gaz1 and Gaz3. ************** Fabrizio Paoli DM in City Of The Stars aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr Home Page: ------------------------------ From: Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 11:22:25 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Mail Box Conflagration Thanks for the help! :) Bruce Heard ------------------------------ From: Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 11:14:40 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Blackmoor In a message dated 96-09-25 19:35:11 EDT, wrote: >I don't think the nucleus is supposed to be the source of magic, though I >admit a bit of confusion on that issue when I first read GAZ3 myself (no >offense, Bruce. :) None taken! :) Bruce Heard ------------------------------ From: Deathwatch Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 19:00:43 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World At 14:40 23-09-96 -0700, Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One wrote: >On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, Herve MUSSEAU wrote: > >> Hmm the week without magic isn't actually a week without magic. I mean, >> Immortal magic didn't stop to work. So there is no reason why the Spell >> of Preservation would stop from working that week (although you might >> argue that it is said I don't remember where that the internal sun >> stopped providing light IIRC, but I think it is just a mistake). > >IIRC, during the Week of No Magic, all magic, mortal or immortal, on >Mystara fails. Magical creatures sicken and many die (which I suppose, >could apply to the Burrowers as well). I do recall something about the >Hollow World sun going out for that week as well. > >It was my understanding that it is the Day of Dread where the loss of >magic isn't as complete and total as it was on the Week of No Magic. Well, I got the Book of Facts 3, which states that the Day of Dread doesn't affect all magical items; races aren't affected too....Immortal magic isn't canceled, and magical prolonged lifetimes don't suddenly end...(would be very harsh if you are a high level human mage of 200). I'm not sure if I can tell you what the books says, but it details what works, and what not. >YMMV, of course. I thought it an interesting idea that this might be a >good time to introduce new elements into otherwise static Hollow World >cultures, and give the Burrowers a bit of free reign- maybe even have one >or two high-tail it to the surface world, where they would be unaffected >by the Spell of Preservation? > >(Hmm... that brings up an interesting point- did anyone ever discover >what the Behemoth from the Alphatian Sea really was? Could it be a >Burrower?) No, I want to know that too....the Behemoth looks like a gigantic whale...I first thought it was a leviathan...but now I'm not sure... Bas ------------------------------ From: Deathwatch Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 18:59:56 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] The Netherlands Since everybody is looking for references in Mystara and Earth, is there a part which resembles The Netherlands? ------------------------------ From: Geoff Gander Date: Thu, 26 Sep 96 13:17:50 EDT Subject: Re: [Mystara] Re: Blackmoor > << Say..this > almost sounds like WWII (nation overwhelms neighbours, "civilized world" > must intervene, etc..). Just a thought. Think of the alliances, the > politicking, and of course the double dealing. Who would side with the > horde, hoping for a free ride to regional hegemony? Who would fight for > freedom? >> > > This might be a good way to introduce MChina to the rest of the game world -- > as one of the first victims of the hordes. Of course, MChina would be no > pushover, even against machines -- remember the dragon(s)! True, but even MChina would soon find itself hard-pressed to hold off the hordes. I was thinking that the northern provinces would be annexed/occupied/pillaged, with the central region suffering frequent incursions (with a civilian fatality rate of about 20-30%). Perhaps the southern regions, long resentful of their "voluntary" incorporation into MChina, would declare independence, now that the central power (ie: the dragons) would be caught off guard. This would give them at least a couple of months to set up a provisional government and conclude treaties with outside powers ("O great Alphatian/Thyatian Empire, we are weak and divided, come unto us and protect us from our cruel overlords.."). The results are open to interpretation, but they would probably resemble the situation following the Russian revolution and WWI - several regions breaking away, some getting reincorporated and others gaining independence, much to the dismay of the hegemon. Another possibility is that middle powers on Skothar (ie: neo-Greek Minaea, the Jennite hordes, etc.) would take this opportunity to "liberate" parts of MChina - namely the areas that border them. I can see it now, "Don't worry, peasants, you'll not have to suffer under your Emperor's tyranny any more!! (loud cheers) Now you can suffer under ours instead!! (weak applause at spearpoint)". And so it would go, with every major (and not so major) power in the Known World vying for a position in Skothar, either shoring up MChina (which would need _some_ help), or concluding arrangements with newly independent states (I can see the Texeirans or the Vilaverdans being interested once news reaches the Savage Coast). Either way, it would be a great opportunity for political intruige and double dealing, with PCs doing the dealing, assassinating rival diplomats, carrying out missions from resistance movements in MChina, or spying for outside powers, or even "pacifying" the natives. what more can we dream up here? I could definitely see such a situation lasting at least 2 years, maybe more. After all, the humanoid hordes could number in the millions... Geoff > - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Geoff Gander Political Science IV Carleton University General wanderer by principle, adventurer by profession Email address: - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: Gabriele Ferri Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 19:45:08 +-200 Subject: [Mystara] Canolbarth Forest and the Alaysian desert Fabrizio Paoli wrote: >I see only one flaw: the ylari don't hate the elves only because they're >spellcasters but they blame the elves for changing the weather pattern, thus >making Ylaruam go dry. >When the elves led by Mealidil created the Canolbarth Forest in an area much >like the Ethengarian steppes of today they altered the local climate, thus >"creating" the Alaysian desert. >It something like Atruaghin, his plateau and the Sind desert. So, if Shadow Elfs let the forest die, Ylaruans will be very happy: how could they want to help the Alfheim Elfs? Gabriele Ferri - ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #241 ***************************** From ???@??? Sat Sep 28 10:25:52 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id FAA05161; Sat, 28 Sep 1996 05:00:39 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id NAA04111 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Fri, 27 Sep 1996 13:07:04 -0500 Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 13:07:04 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #242 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: b0e869cf9b80ea971fbd80492f09fdc7 mystara-digest Friday, 27 September 1996 Volume 01 : Number 242 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Matthew Levy Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 12:36:56 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Mystaran Druids On Wed, 25 Sep 1996, Daniel Boese wrote: > I was looking at the priest kits in the Karameikos boxed set's explorer > guide, and found an interesting bit of trivia... > > "The druids of Mystara have come to the Dread Coast only recently, > arriving from the west and south. Previously, there have been high-level > priests of neutrality and various nature-based Immortals who have > pursued a druidic course. These are now known as the Balancers and > sometimes serve as high-level druids with identical powers." > > Now then... the Balancers are obviously the OD&D druids, who were > high-level neutral clerics who voluntarily changed class at 9th level to > the OD&D druid. > Now, these new druids "from the west and south"... to the south is the > Sea of Dread, and then Davania; to the west is Sind, the Serpent > Peninsula, and the Red Steel area. My guess is that they immigrated from > either the Yavdlom area, or more likely somewhere in Davania. > Anybody want to detail the history of the druidic arrival, somewhere > between 1000 and 1012 AC? :) Davania would make a good choice for "south", especially the Hinterlanders, who are vaguely Celtic ... as for west, how about the Druids of Robrenn, who are very Celtic (and may originally BE from the Hinterlands, for all anyone knows)? Of course, there could also be Druid-like characters in Yavdlom or Sind, but they would be called something else and perhaps have powers slightly changed to suit their environment (like the Dervishes/Desert Druids given in the Ylaruam gazeteer) ... m@2 ------------------------------ From: Matthew Levy Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 12:32:43 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Re: Blackmoor On Wed, 25 Sep 1996, Geoff Gander wrote: > > Great stuff! Perhaps *some* artifacts have left the area, but since > > virtually all would have to either leave by sea through Esterhold or go > > south across a thousand miles of Jennite plains, most artifact smugglers > > are easily found and intercepted by a special force of Alphatian > > Antiquities Police (who of course seize all items as evidence in the name > > of the Empress). > > How very kind of them! You can be sure that they were motivated for > purely altruistic reasons!! > > Of course, after WotI, the power vacuum in the area > > would make it easy for smugglers to begin operating openly ... think what > > would happen if Glantrians got a hold of some of this stuff! > > Can you say "black market"? > > I like the > > idea of Mohacs still existing ... in my campaign the PC's once heard a > > rumour about the distant "Imperial Thonian Museum" still existing > > somewhere ... perhaps it is in Mohacs, most likely. > > Now, the other thing is that it is entirely possible that outerworld > > Beastmen (perhaps emigrants from the HW) could be in or around Thonia ... > > what if they hooked up with local humanoids and captured a few > > Blackmoorian vehicles ... voila, Die Goblinenpanzerarmee. > > Achtung! Was ist denn hier los? Mach schnell, meine Kameraden, die > Goblinenpanzerarmee kommt! Or something to that effect... > > > By the way, Xorns are tripedal creatures from the elemental plane of earth > > which feed on deposits of metal ... and sometimes on adventurer's armor > > ... (and the adventurers inside of it). > > Sounds deadly enough... > > Great ideas! Sounds like something out of Warhammer 40K (massive death > vehicles blowing innocent civilians away). I could definitely see a > threat greater than Thar's legions, or even those of Hule! Whatever > nations in Skothar existing at the time would most likely be caught > unawares, and the horde would have no trouble overwhelming the weaker > border nations, maybe even large chunks of MChina itself! This could force > any isolationist nations on the continent to open up to the outside world > in their bid for freedom - thereby involving the Known World. Say..this > almost sounds like WWII (nation overwhelms neighbours, "civilized world" > must intervene, etc..). Just a thought. Think of the alliances, the > politicking, and of course the double dealing. Who would side with the > horde, hoping for a free ride to regional hegemony? Who would fight for > freedom? > > What do you think? > > Geoff I'm glad we have similar ideas on this subject ... perhaps this should be submitted to the "Skothar Development Plan" ... that would mean Skothar would be divided up as follows: Far northern end: Nentsun is a barren icy waste where Blackmoor used to be ... much is in the darklands ... populated by Ice Elves, M-Eskimos, or whoever ...; south of this is the ruins of Thonia, overrun by various factions but beginning to be dominated by a mechanized goblinoid horde ... these would be preparing to subdue and demand tribute from the Jennites .... to the west would be the Alphatians in Esterhold, who are pretty weak but might try to intervene in some way ... south of the vast Jennite plains is Minaea and (as yet unnamed) M-China, which have always been raided by disorganized Jennites but are now getting overrun by the Horsemen who are fleeing the oncoming Goblin Assault Brigades ... finally the goblinoids with those Jennites who have allied with them rather than fleeing make it all the way south to the Great Wall, where the Emperor of M-China has to make a last ditch stand using Alphatian boltmen, newly invented smokepowder artillery, huge peasant levies, Giff mercenaries, Spelljammer weapons, whatever he can get (being the Emperor, he can get a lot) ... This is the kind of thing that might appeal to Hosadus, if he can ever get his shit together to invade eastern Brun (there seems to be a difference of opinion as to when this will happen) ... the two invasions could share an interest in destroying the Existing Powers, much like Japan and Germany in WWII ... Also, wouldn't Glantri be interested in allying with someone who might be able to show them technology they could analyze and copy? Prinz Jaggar would LOVE to get a hold of the technology to build non-magical energy weapons, armored fighting vehicles, etc ... just some thoughts. m@2 ------------------------------ From: Matthew Levy Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 13:02:42 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] The Netherlands On Thu, 26 Sep 1996, Deathwatch wrote: > Since everybody is looking for references in Mystara and Earth, is there a > part which resembles The Netherlands? > > > The Flaems of Glantri are obviously based on the Dutch (Flaem is a wordplay on Flemish) .... Bergdhovern, Vlaardoen, Vandehaar, etc. are supposed to be Dutch-type names and the principality of Bergdhovern's culture and environment is much like Holland minus the ocean ... Not much has been done on the culture of Wendar, but IMC it was originally settled by the Flaems as well, so it has a culture very similar to the landward Netherlands, with Elvish elements thrown in ... don't know if Gylharen is a very Dutch sounding name though ... On a related note, the Floating City of Oostdok is obviously intended to be Belgium, as it is the result of the coming together of two groups, the Valoin (Walloon) and Flaemaker (again, Flemish) Gnomes ... It has always intrigued me how TSR starts with a tiny scrap of reality and turns it into something new and fantastic ... If you want a more "pure" Dutch setting, it would be easy enought to say that another group of Flaemish refugees from the fall of Alphatia had splintered off, and started a colony somewhere on a seacoast which grew into a thriving mercantile nation ... of course, if you are looking for a nation which is the parallel of the Netherlands at their peak of greatness in terms of political position rather than culture, then Minrothad is a good choice ... much like the 17th century Dutch, Minrothaddans have made a great trading empire out of naval power while their actual army is pretty small ... IMC I look to the Age of Colonization as a source for global Mystaran politics ... the Minrothaddan Marines (IMC) are based on the Dutch Royal Marines who fought so many battles around the world against French, English, and Spanish pirates ... remember that the Netherlands back then like now were a tiny country compared to their enemies, but they colonized India, Africa, the East and West Indies, New York (which was then New Holland), and defeated the Spanish Army, the French Army, various enemy navies, and even sacked London (1664) ... Maybe you know all this history and I am just babbling. Anyway, there are various parallels, although Minrothad is nothing like the Netherlands in culture, it is more like England. m@2 ------------------------------ From: Estlor Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 17:28:15 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] The Alfheim War Andre Cavalcanti Rocha Martins {S wrote: I like some of the ideas, but there is one slight thing you overlooked. Atzanteotl SE and Rad SE. Basically (from my interpretations of the text in the back of JA), the two factions are headed for some fall-out themselves, and the Atzanteotl faction wins. Now consider what I plan on doing. Here we have SE and AE who have both been kicked out of their "home." Well, at least for the time being, I could forsee the two elven peoples to get along...sort of. There you have to add in the fact we now have Ylari, Dwarves, AE, and Followers of Rad running around the forest. This could get interesting. Estlor ------------------------------ From: "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 15:54:31 -0700 (MST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Re: Emerond On Wed, 25 Sep 1996, Matthew Levy wrote: > What's a Gakarak? Gakaraks appear in both versions of the Creature Catalog, as well as in a few modules (notably, DA3-City of the Gods, and DA4- The Duchy of Ten). Given their prominence in the DA series, one could make the argument that they are the ancestors of modern day Treants, though my preference is as stated earlier- that they are ancient Treants who have gotten bad attitudes over the years. > AFAIK Dusanu are solitary hunters, not organized or inclined to invade > anybody other than occasional desert travellers ... Perhaps, though I prefer the argument that this information is based on the few limited observations of the creature that have been reported. A few solitary adventurers, having survived their attacks, tell stories of a fungus monster that preys on small groups of individuals- their mammalocentrism showing, they fail to truly do justice to the devious nature of these creatures. > Plus which, what is the current situation in Graakhalia? I thought the > Master's Orcs had essentially overrun the place. That is my understanding, too, but for a small group of Graakhalian resistance fighters in the area. Either way, I don't think anyone would be foolish enough to attempt to venture into the yellow mold infested area and try to clean it out- regardless of whether it was spore season or not. ------------------------------ From: Joe Duncan Date: Thu, 26 Sep 96 21:18:28 EDT Subject: [Mystara] MOrient team mail problems. I've had a problem mailing to some of the members of the MOrient team, and their mail has been bouncing back, these are the team members that I've gotten bounced mail from, if I've gotten your email addresses wrong could you PLEASE e-mail me with the correct ones... Shelby Michlin ( Shelby, I knwo my mail got through to you, but it still got bounced to me ) Jason MURPHY Estlor Leonard Anthony P. Arcilla Please let me know if there is a problem. Thanks! - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Just Glad To Be Here Happy To Be Alive" Joe Duncan, Computer Science, Carleton University - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: Jason Zavoda Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 00:03:47 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Mystara] Fluff NDT 6 From the Module B10 Nights Dark Terror By Jim Bambra,Graeme Morris and Phil Gallagher A cool spring breeze played across the rolling fields and rustled the leaves along the forests edge. A crow circled in the air, cawed mournfully and sailed into the top branches of a nearby tree. In the distance first one then several caws sounded in answer. Crumpled among the bushes on the rivers edge lay several bodies. The journeys end that the path of violence most often leads, these bodies represented an unexpected feast to the dark scavengers. The scent of man would keep many predators small and large away, but the crows knew the sight and sound of conflict and war. The ringing of sword on shield, the sound of a voice screaming in anger or pain or fear, these were the dinner bell and this keen eyed scout cawed again to bring his fellows to this banquit. A little down stream a boat bobbed in the current. Its anchor caught among twisted roots along the waters edge. It appeared peacful from a distance. A crow flying overhead would circle back and note the sign of mans From ???@??? Sat Sep 28 10:25:52 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id FAA05161; Sat, 28 Sep 1996 05:00:39 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id NAA04111 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Fri, 27 Sep 1996 13:07:04 -0500 Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 13:07:04 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #242 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: b0e869cf9b80ea971fbd80492f09fdc7 handiwork, fly low drawn by sight of so much food sprawled across the small boat, then fly away, but not to far. Those still living on the boat would begrudge the crows their feast though they prepared it themselves. "How is the captain?" Vlad asked Telek who had been tending the wounded crewmen. The crew, now consisting of two uninjured crewman, the badly wounded captain and an unconscious rower that had lain among the dead of the port rowers pit, were huddled at the stern of the boat. "Not good. He has been stabbed very deeply and the wound bubbles." "His lung then is it." "Yes, and he hit his head when he fell from the deck. His eyes are unbalanced and he dreams while awake. I have told one of his crew not to let him sleep. I have seen it before where sleep after such a blow can lead to an everlasting sleep. " "If Red were here.." Dirk let the spoken thought trail off. "He may be down stream" Telek did not say whether he meant Red or Reds body. " But we cannot heal wounds with what ifs" " Is this a private conversation or can anyone join in" a voice spoke from somewhere near their waists. "you are most welcome Sir Mouse" Telek said "your steps are silent as ever" Dirk said and looked around, Cat sat near the prow of the deck talking quietly with Vlad who sat with bowed head, huddled in upon himself, like a marionette lefted unattended. Mouse caught the direction of Dirks glance and nodded. "She should have joined some priesthood rather than studying with that grandmother of hers, she has an affinity with those who suffer." Telek looked over at Vlad as well. "I did not know that Vlad had been wounded?" "Not in the flesh" Dirk said" but in the soul. A force of chaos works through him, I have only seen it overtake him twice before and only in battle, but it is a thing not of his choosing. He fights against it and when it defeats him he takes it as a battle lost. We are companions now, all of us, though Vlad has not sworn to be a part of our company, our lives depend upon each other, so I tell you these things. But there is a bond between Vlad and myself, so what I know of Vlad, I ask to be kept within our small circle." " The blood madness," Telek said " it is known among my people. A burden to the one who carries it, and a danger at times to friend as well as foe. " "Not unknown to halfings either" Mouse spoke up " We seem to have the loves, likes and sadly the afflictions of our giant cousins. But Dirk, you have no need to fear my glib tongue, and our taciturn Elf is unlikely to bandy the subject about. Vlad should have been born a dwarf they would count it a blessing to posses, or be possesed by such a rage or so I have heard." "Hel..LOOO the ship, hel...LOOO" A ragged soggy bear seemed to be hailing them from the shore. "RED!!!" shouted Dirk and Mouse simultaneously. Both turned and rushed to the rail. "HellOOO" Red bellowed again then shook his head spraying droplets of water about. He bent his head first to one side slapping the opposite ear with the palm of his hand then repeated the process with the other. He gave a great sneeze then shook his head again."HellOOO...I've got as much river inside me as out" he shouted. "Then you won't mind a little more" shouted back Mouse in a shockingly loud voice." But hurry it up you oversized giant, we have wounded on board." "But I can't" Red said helplessly "What?!!!" shouted Dirk " Red stop kidding we need you here" "But really, look, I can't, I mean it, I can't swim" "What!!?!!" yelled Mouse and Dirk. "Then how come your still alive?" shouted Mouse. "You swam to shore" shouted Dirk. "What I did couldn't be called swimming" yelled back Red. "All I did was not drown, and I'm sorry but I don't know how to do it again" "Allright then" yelled back Mouse. "Red you can probably jump over to here but stay put." " What are you planning!" Dirk said to Mouse. Mouse was searching around the rail. Opening some of the small chests built against the rail posts. "What are you planning?" Telek asked. "I need a good length of rope," Mouse said still digging through a chest. "I figure we can haul that redhaired behemoth aboard if he's too scared to swim." Mouse dived overboard, the end of the rope tied around his waist and loops spread out across the deck so that he had plenty of slack. The embankment was only twenty or so feet away. Red could fall in and cover almost a third of the distance. He quickly reached the grassy edge. A huge hand grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and lifted him out of the water like a wet dog. "Let me down, you great hairy oaf" Mouse struggled legs kicking and small hands swinging at the arm hanging over his head. Red stretched out his arm and held the angry halfing over the water. " Is it down you want, well..." "Quit playing around you two" Dirk shouted from the boat. "Red I told you, we have people hurt over here." Red lowered his arm and gently set Mouse on the ground. "next chance I get your taking a swim in from Mount bonga to the Shire coast you big redhaired whale" Mouse muttered under his breath. At Reds insistance Mouse ran the rope around him twice and made sure the knot wouldn't slip. Still Red stood on the edge of the river swaying back and forth but not making any progress to cross. "You big chickenhearted sonofa..." Mouse said under his breath. " Hurry it up" Dirk yelled. Mouse slipped a small throwing knife from his belt, walked up behind Red and stabbed him in his left cheek. The big man gave a yelp and jumped foreward. Mouse kicked him soundly in his wounded posterior and Red went diving head first into the river. They dragged him spluttering and flailing over to the ship. Mouse swam over as well but made an arc around the big man splattering his way across. Red managed to survive the crossing but spent more time under the water than above. It took everyone aboard to drag Red over the side, and it was hard decide whether he was half drowned or three quarters when he finally dropped over the side. One look at the pile of bodies and parts in the rowers pitt brought Red to his feet. "I wasn't kidding, I can't swim, I hope you know that." He said to everyone around him and no one in particular. end part 6 ------------------------------ From: Andre Cavalcanti Rocha Martins {S Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 23:41:53 -0300 (EST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Canolbarth Forest and the Alaysian desert On Thu, 26 Sep 1996, Gabriele Ferri wrote: > Fabrizio Paoli wrote: > >I see only one flaw: the ylari don't hate the elves only because they're > >spellcasters but they blame the elves for changing the weather pattern, thus > >making Ylaruam go dry. > >When the elves led by Mealidil created the Canolbarth Forest in an area much > >like the Ethengarian steppes of today they altered the local climate, thus > >"creating" the Alaysian desert. > >It something like Atruaghin, his plateau and the Sind desert. > > So, if Shadow Elfs let the forest die, Ylaruans will be very happy: how could they want to help the Alfheim Elfs? That does make a lot of difference to my ideas. This means ylari would side with the shadow elves, definetively. I will have to work it in my ideas. Btw, could you please send me an email about how many Trees of Life are still in Alfheim, Fabrizio? I know you are working on it, and it would be very helpful for me to know about it. For I still believe a war is unavoidable, it will just not happen the way I posted. I would be working on an answer to the problems with this, I hope to be posting it soon. Andre Martins ------------------------------ From: Gabriele Ferri Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 14:47:28 +-200 Subject: [Mystara] Kelvin in 1010 AC I'm looking for a city where can I run an adventure, and I'd like to = know if something is changed in Kelvin since 1000 AC (what I've read in = GAZ1). Thanks Gabriele Ferri - ------------------------------ From: Gabriele Ferri Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 14:44:12 +-200 Subject: [Mystara] Karameikan School of Magic Hi everybody! I've read in PWA II (the only I have) something about a School of Magic located in Krakatos, Karameikos. It's like the one in Glantri? Where can I find other infos? And about Terari (I suppose he's the _headmaster_), is he Karameikan? What are his stats? Thanks! Gabriele Ferri - ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 15:15:55 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] The Alfheim War Estlor wrote: > > Andre Cavalcanti Rocha Martins {S wrote: > > > I like some of the ideas, but there is one slight thing you overlooked. > Atzanteotl SE and Rad SE. Basically (from my interpretations of the > text in the back of JA), the two factions are headed for some fall-out > themselves, and the Atzanteotl faction wins. Now consider what I plan Where did you catch the idea that the Atz faction wins? As I remember JA, this is left open (not predicted) although the war is to happen. > on doing. Here we have SE and AE who have both been kicked out of their > "home." Well, at least for the time being, I could forsee the two elven > peoples to get along...sort of. There you have to add in the fact we > now have Ylari, Dwarves, AE, and Followers of Rad running around the > forest. This could get interesting. > > Estlor - -- Herve Musseau Primary Email: Secondary Email: Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 15:06:28 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] poll result Fabrizio Paoli wrote: > > At 16.19 25/09/96 +0200, you wrote: > > >8.I play Mystara for > >1O, 1T, 3F, 8E, 1V. > >Mostly old-timers too. > >This question is heavily correlated to the previous one, and to the one before. > >How wonderful. > >Also, I think that this is exactly the reason why the new AD&D Mystara line > >was so much of a failure. A line for newbies... If they had made such a study > >(called market study) they would have known that most of the Mystara fans were > >old-timers, playing often for at least 10 years, and often very knowledgeable > >about Mystara. They were not interested in newbie stuff, nor in rehashing of > >the older stuff (esp. the good gazetteers), not to speak of the awful CDs > >(that only boosted the price, which is a wonderful idea if the target of the > >line are newbies that want to try before buying heavily and that have to ask > >the money to their parents). > > Good analysis, maybe you'll be hired by TSR :-) eheh Well, generally I prefer to be more constructive, but there, I just couln't resist. Hmm, Bruce, if you want to give us your opinion on that matter, you're welcome (ok, I know, your mailbox is full, and in part because of my mails.. ok I stop provoking you). So, let's go beck to more productive work, or at least to more positive criticism. > >11.I play primarily in > >7K, 4G, 1I, 2N, 1S, 1D, 2Y, 2C, 2W, 1B. > >Karameikos (of course) and Glantri seem to have the favor of the Mystarans. > >I was rather surprised that nobody plays primarily in Thyatis. > > My opinion on this: Karameikos is the classic fantasy setting, it's the one > introduced in the Basic/Expert books and you can play all classes there, so > it's obviously very popular; Glantri is a heaven for magic lovers and many > players are really fond of magic (BTW: I'm not one of them); Thyatis has > nothing more than Karameikos (except the colonies, of course) and the so > loved wizards, though not despised, aren't a favourite class there, moreover > DotE is not as good as Gaz1 and Gaz3. Good analysis. If you don't mind, Brizio, I'll put this in my analysis of the results (if you don't want... well, I guess you have my address somewhere in your address-book, don't you?:). > ************** > Fabrizio Paoli > DM in City Of The Stars > aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton > aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr > Home Page: > - -- Herve Musseau Primary Email: Secondary Email: Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 13:12:06 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Re: Blackmoor In a message dated 96-09-26 17:46:33 EDT, Matthew Levy wrote: >Far northern end: Nentsun is a barren icy waste where Blackmoor used to be >... much is in the darklands ... populated by Ice Elves, M-Eskimos, or >whoever ...; south of this is the ruins of Thonia, overrun by various >factions but beginning to be dominated by a mechanized goblinoid horde ... >these would be preparing to subdue and demand tribute from the Jennites FYI -- I am planning to include Norwold Malamutes as one of the various inhabitants in the far Norwold region (Hyborean Ice Pack) and the Nentsun Channel. These are a subspecies of the lupins who have adapted to the arctic rim, often travelling in and out of the Hollow World. Bruce Heard ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #242 ***************************** mystara-digest Sunday, 29 September 1996 Volume 01 : Number 243 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 13:07:28 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Mystaran Druids In a message dated 96-09-26 17:27:17 EDT, Matthew Levy wrote: >Davania would make a good choice for "south", especially the >Hinterlanders, who are vaguely Celtic ... >as for west, how about the Druids of Robrenn, who are very Celtic (and may >originally BE from the Hinterlands, for all anyone knows)? It would make perfect sense for the Robrenn culture to have originated from the Hinterlands. I don't remember having established that, but I don't see any reason why not. Bruce Heard ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 13:21:37 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] poll result In a message dated 96-09-27 10:37:58 EDT, Herve Musseau wrote: >Hmm, Bruce, if you want to give us your opinion on that matter, you're >welcome (ok, I know, your mailbox is full, and in part because of my >mails.. ok I stop provoking you). Nice try, Herve, but no cigar! You ought to know better than try to get me to comment on TSR's policies, and on a public forum at that. For the record, this is not the kind of discussion with which I am willing to get involved. Let it be known! Bruce Heard ------------------------------ From: Matthew Levy Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 11:49:44 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Karameikan School of Magic On Fri, 27 Sep 1996, Gabriele Ferri wrote: > Hi everybody! > I've read in PWA II (the only I have) something about a School of Magic located in Krakatos, Karameikos. > It's like the one in Glantri? Where can I find other infos? It's small, and much less developed than the Glantrian school; the Karameikos boxed set has some information on it, including which spells are known by the school's students. There might be info in the original GAZ1 as well. > > And about Terari (I suppose he's the _headmaster_), is he Karameikan? What are his stats? Terari (drum roll please) is actually Tylion, ex-emperor of Alphatia, now living in exile and incognito. This is explained in the boxed set but not the GAZ. > > Thanks! > > Gabriele Ferri - > > ------------------------------ From: Shin Chyang Yu Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 15:00:52 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Clyde Caldwell in D&D Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One pontificated: > > (Hmm, you know, I bet that's why that series of modules is labeled the > DA# series. Funny the things that suddenly occur to you...) THANKYOU!!! I have always been wondering why the Blackmoor modules got the DA tag. - -- Problem 7-11 of Fogler's Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering Consider the following 2 reactions: | John Yu (1) healthy person ---> ill | (2) ill ---> death | UVA Material Science Dept. Although reaction given in equation 2 is normally consider completely irreversible, reverse reaction has been reported to occur. ------------------------------ From: Matthew Levy Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 13:09:51 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Mystaran Druids On Fri, 27 Sep 1996 wrote: > In a message dated 96-09-26 17:27:17 EDT, Matthew Levy wrote: > > >Davania would make a good choice for "south", especially the > >Hinterlanders, who are vaguely Celtic ... > >as for west, how about the Druids of Robrenn, who are very Celtic (and may > >originally BE from the Hinterlands, for all anyone knows)? > > It would make perfect sense for the Robrenn culture to have originated from > the Hinterlands. I don't remember having established that, but I don't see > any reason why not. > > Bruce Heard > > Neat! Is it also possible that the people of Westrourke/Dunadale are from this area, via Thyatis? Language and Culture are part of what I study in real life and I am fascinated by how the genealogies of these things play out in a fantasy world ... perhaps there are also Druids on the northern Isle of Dawn? m@2 ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 17:04:41 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Lupins Fabrizio Paoli wrote: >>>Two other ideas: >>> 1) Remnants of Lupins nomads travelling from Glantri (Nouvelle Averoigne) to >>> the Savage Coast >> >>I like that! Does Red Steel actually say that the Lupins there are from >>N. Averoigne? It makes a lot of sense anyway; I don't particularly fancy >>the MMCA entry which says they are an offshoot race of werewolves, it >>doesn't sound consistent. > >I don't remember what Red Steel says, but I do remember of having seen >something like that somewhere... maybe the Princess Ark Series or maybe PC4 ? >Bruce Heard, can you help us ? Off hand, I'd say the Princess Ark episode about lupins (DRAGON #179) should say that some lupins have come from Nouvelle Averoigne, bringing with them the language of Averoigne to the Savage Coast. This article also states that lupins are *thought* to be related to gnolls. This is an issue that I have dealt with in a recent article submission to DRAGON on lupins specifically (watch for the January '97 issue). It does not make sense to me that lupins would relate to a race of werewolves, especially when you realize lupins HATE lycanthropes, werewolves in particular which they will attack on sight. Bruce Heard ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 17:04:37 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Rad ---> Immortal PPs Daniel Boese wrote: (...) >Now... if pumping power points into the Nucleus (using whatever method >the DM devises - Immortal campaign, anybody? :) ) recharges rads (say, >about a 4PP=1rad ratio or so), this will make life more interesting for >the Immortals once this is discovered (most probably by Rad and/or Rafiel, >possibly by Benekendar). Some will start trying to pump it empty, to get >rid of the Day of Dread.. while others will try to drain it to increase >their own PP, remove magic from Mystara, or both (can you just imagine >Thanatos plotting to steal an extra 1250 PP, caus a huge radioactive >explosion in Glantri, and remove all magic from Mystara? Hm.. then again, >that sounds more like Alphaks' style.). > >So... anybody care for a shot at Wrath of the Immortals II: The Fate of >Magic? :) :) :) (Bruce! Can you get TSR interested in this? After all, if >they're willing to re-do the Dragonlance setting, why not have them >re-introduce Mystara? Please? Pretty Please? :) ) Ooh, that sounds great. Now let's see... I'm Mr Old One and I feel this Immortal standing over there has really misbehaved himself. So I surreptitiously drag him over to the Nuclueus, and dump a significant amount of his Immortal's PP into it. Ok so far. Now, let's say I'm also an Old One looking for some magical investments. I repeat this process, taking along several Immortals and forcing them to make power deposits into the the nucleus as well. Uh-uh. If I do this enough time, there'd be more deposits than withdrawals, de facto turning the nucleus into the newly created IMF (the IMMORTAL MAGICAL FUND). Now with proper interest and conversion rates I could then loan back some PPs, reinvesting any profits over and above the cost of operating the nucleus on the first place. I would of course reinvest these proceeds into the WWF (WORLD WIZARDS FEDERATION), a non-profit and utterly secret organization whose goal is the preservation of nature's magical energy on Mystara. Now, if I could only locate that holy Pin number... :) All things considered, I really like the idea (all jokes put aside). That is certainly a good way to fix the nucleus for some time and get players to run at least a couple Immortal level adventures. Now of course, if I brought the idea of WotI #2: the Fate of Magic, up to TSR's higher circles, they'd probably grab a sack of feathers and get some tar. You know the rest (instant title change -- the Fate of Bruce). Personally I'd love to see something like that but chances would be next to nil at the present time. If Dragonlance made it back after several years of hiatus, who's to say that Mystara couldn't rise again too? Just give it time though. Bruce Heard (Ooh, cool feathers...) ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 17:04:39 -0400 Subject: re: [Mystara] Psionics Matthew Levy wrote: <> It does. This is an instance where the developper (a fan of Dark Sun) just wanted to make psionics a thing of Mystara as well. It's purely a question of personal tastes. If you want them, fine. They just never were a part of Mystara when that world was created. Bruce Heard ------------------------------ From: Daniel Boese Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 21:24:30 -0400 (EST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Rad ---> Immortal PPs On Fri, 27 Sep 1996 wrote: > >Now... if pumping power points into the Nucleus... > Now, let's say I'm also an Old One looking for some magical investments. > Now, if I could only locate that holy Pin number... :) It's 42, of course. > All things considered, I really like the idea (all jokes put aside). That is > certainly a good way to fix the nucleus for some time and get players to run > at least a couple Immortal level adventures. If anybody's interested, we can always try making a 'net-version... anybody? > Now of course, if I brought the idea of WotI #2: the Fate of Magic, up > to TSR's higher circles, they'd probably grab a sack of feathers and get > some tar. You know the rest (instant title change -- the Fate of Bruce). The TSR's higher circles are that close to Lawful Evil? And here I was hoping it was the Chaotic Good designers, idea people, and so on who were in charge. (Anybody care to quest against the Evil Beaurocrat's Tower?) > Personally I'd love to see something like that but chances would be next > to nil at the present time. If Dragonlance made it back after several > years of hiatus, who's to say that Mystara couldn't rise again too? Just > give it time though. Hm. I thought we already did that once, just before the Gazzes came out. Of course, Dragonlance also has a rather successful novel series (45+?), which Mystara lacks.. and there's probably a few more people who wrote in asking for some new game products. How /does/ TSR decide to publish, say, SpellJammer: The Astromundi Cluster instead of Mystara: World of Adventure & Magic? (Hm.. now there's another idea; make one /really big/ book detailing /everything/ about the setting... ;) ) - -- Daniel Boese ------------------------------ From: Estlor Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 23:47:51 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Kelvin in 1010 AC You could say there has been changes. Desmond Kelvin II now rules, but I can't pinpoint the exact date of the switch. Estlor ------------------------------ From: Estlor Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 23:45:31 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] The Alfheim War > > Where did you catch the idea that the Atz faction wins? > As I remember JA, this is left open (not predicted) although the war is > to happen. > JA said "The mighty will dispair to see...That which now the forest haunts." I took that to mean Atz SE would win. Estlor ------------------------------ From: (JL) Date: Sat, 28 Sep 1996 03:57:57 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Clyde Caldwell in D&D Okay, besides the DA module tag, and David "Zeb" Cook, what other things are inside jokes in the products and someone mentioned the spells? I, myself, noticed that if you take Zagyg (mad wizard demigod from Greyhawk), it bears an eerie resembalance to the name Gygax spelled backwards... - -Oarim ------------------------------ From: Date: Sat, 28 Sep 1996 05:37:09 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Clyde Caldwell in D&D In einer eMail vom 9/28/96 10:34:13AM, schreiben Sie: >, what other things are >inside jokes in the products and someone mentioned the spells? In the mystara board another inside joke was discovered. Yavdlom (the divinarchy on the serpent peninsula) is Moldvay backwards. Alad ------------------------------ From: Fabrizio Paoli Date: Sat, 28 Sep 1996 14:30:27 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Karameikan School of Magic At 14.44 27/09/96 +-200, you wrote: >Hi everybody! >I've read in PWA II (the only I have) something about a School of Magic located in Krakatos, Karameikos. >It's like the one in Glantri? Where can I find other infos? You can find more info in Dragon Magazine #207 (July 1994) > >And about Terari (I suppose he's the _headmaster_), is he Karameikan? What are his stats? You can find his stats right in PWA II, page 145 under... "Terari" :-) ************** Fabrizio Paoli DM in City Of The Stars aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr Home Page: ------------------------------ From: Fabrizio Paoli Date: Sat, 28 Sep 1996 14:30:24 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Canolbarth Forest and the Alaysian desert At 23.41 26/09/96 -0300, Andre martins wrote: >That does make a lot of difference to my ideas. This means ylari would >side with the shadow elves, definetively. I will have to work it in my >ideas. Btw, could you please send me an email about how many Trees of Life >are still in Alfheim, Fabrizio? I know you are working on it, and it would >be very helpful for me to know about it. For I still believe a war is >unavoidable, it will just not happen the way I posted. I would be working >on an answer to the problems with this, I hope to be posting it soon. > In my timeline of the Alfheim Invasion (due out soon) only 2 Trees of Life were left in Alfheim, whereas the other five were uprooted and relocated in south-eastern Darokin. Anyway if you think that 2 Trees of Life are too little I can slightly modify my Timeline and make the elves leave there another Tree of Life. ************** Fabrizio Paoli DM in City Of The Stars aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr Home Page: ------------------------------ From: Fabrizio Paoli Date: Sat, 28 Sep 1996 14:30:21 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World At 19.00 26/09/96 +0200, you wrote: >At 14:40 23-09-96 -0700, Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One wrote: >>On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, Herve MUSSEAU wrote: >> >>> Hmm the week without magic isn't actually a week without magic. I mean, >>> Immortal magic didn't stop to work. So there is no reason why the Spell >>> of Preservation would stop from working that week (although you might >>> argue that it is said I don't remember where that the internal sun >>> stopped providing light IIRC, but I think it is just a mistake). >> >>IIRC, during the Week of No Magic, all magic, mortal or immortal, on >>Mystara fails. Magical creatures sicken and many die (which I suppose, >>could apply to the Burrowers as well). I do recall something about the >>Hollow World sun going out for that week as well. >> >>It was my understanding that it is the Day of Dread where the loss of >>magic isn't as complete and total as it was on the Week of No Magic. > >Well, I got the Book of Facts 3, which states that the Day of Dread doesn't >affect all magical items; >races aren't affected too....Immortal magic isn't canceled, and magical >prolonged lifetimes don't suddenly end...(would be very harsh if you are a >high level human mage of 200). I'm not sure if I can tell you what the books >says, but it details what works, and what not. > I think here there's a bit of confusion between the Day of Dread, that takes places each year, and the Week of No Magic that took place once at the end of WotI (AC 1009 IIRC). I don't have the books here, but IIRC during the Week of No Magic all magic, mortal and immortal, fails and magical creatures sicken, while during the Day of Dread the failure of magic usn't complete as described in the PWAs. Hope this helps. ************** Fabrizio Paoli DM in City Of The Stars aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr Home Page: ------------------------------ From: Deathwatch Date: Sat, 28 Sep 1996 23:30:04 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] The Netherlands At 13:02 26-09-96 -0700, Matthew Levy wrote: > > >On Thu, 26 Sep 1996, Deathwatch wrote: > >> Since everybody is looking for references in Mystara and Earth, is there a >> part which resembles The Netherlands? >> >> >> > >The Flaems of Glantri are obviously based on the Dutch (Flaem is a >wordplay on Flemish) .... Bergdhovern, Vlaardoen, Vandehaar, etc. are >supposed to be Dutch-type names and the principality of Bergdhovern's >culture and environment is much like Holland minus the ocean ... Not much >has been done on the culture of Wendar, but IMC it was originally settled >by the Flaems as well, so it has a culture very similar to the landward >Netherlands, with Elvish elements thrown in ... don't know if Gylharen is >a very Dutch sounding name though ... >On a related note, the Floating City of Oostdok is obviously intended to >be Belgium, as it is the result of the coming together of two groups, the >Valoin (Walloon) and Flaemaker (again, Flemish) Gnomes ... > >It has always intrigued me how TSR starts with a tiny scrap of reality and >turns it into something new and fantastic ... > >If you want a more "pure" Dutch setting, it would be easy enought to say >that another group of Flaemish refugees from the fall of Alphatia had >splintered off, and started a colony somewhere on a seacoast which grew >into a thriving mercantile nation ... of course, if you are looking for a >nation which is the parallel of the Netherlands at their peak of greatness >in terms of political position rather than culture, then Minrothad is a >good choice ... much like the 17th century Dutch, Minrothaddans have made >a great trading empire out of naval power while their actual army is >pretty small ... IMC I look to the Age of Colonization as a source for >global Mystaran politics ... the Minrothaddan Marines (IMC) are based on >the Dutch Royal Marines who fought so many battles around the world >against French, English, and Spanish pirates ... remember that the >Netherlands back then like now were a tiny country compared to their >enemies, but they colonized India, Africa, the East and West Indies, New >York (which was then New Holland), and defeated the Spanish Army, the >French Army, various enemy navies, and even sacked London (1664) ... Maybe >you know all this history and I am just babbling. Anyway, there are >various parallels, although Minrothad is nothing like the Netherlands in >culture, it is more like England. > >m@2 That's a lot of Info...thanks. I think I keep them in Glatri, till I got some more info...(When I get the boxed set :) ------------------------------ From: Date: Sat, 28 Sep 1996 17:55:22 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World In einer eMail vom 28.09.1996 14:53:45, schreiben Sie: >So there is no reason why the Spell >>>> of Preservation would stop from working that week (although you might >>>> argue that it is said I don't remember where that the internal sun >>>> stopped providing light IIRC, but I think it is just a mistake). In HWQ1the milenian scepter it is definately stated that the hollow world sun went out during the week without magic. Since in the HW boxed set, it says that the spell of Preservation is fueled by the HW sun, it is only logical to assume that the SOP stopped working too, which would have really interesting consequences (e.g.a culture could be totally destroyed during that week). Alad3 ------------------------------ From: StarHawk Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 14:00:20 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World On Sat, 28 Sep 1996 wrote: > In einer eMail vom 28.09.1996 14:53:45, schreiben Sie: > > >So there is no reason why the Spell > >>>> of Preservation would stop from working that week (although you might > >>>> argue that it is said I don't remember where that the internal sun > >>>> stopped providing light IIRC, but I think it is just a mistake). > > In HWQ1the milenian scepter it is definately stated that the hollow world sun > went out during the week without magic. Since in the HW boxed set, it says > that the spell of Preservation is fueled by the HW sun, it is only logical to > assume that the SOP stopped working too, which would have really interesting > consequences (e.g.a culture could be totally destroyed during that week). > > Alad3 > Where is this stated? I can't seem to find that passage. ------------------------------ From: StarHawk Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 13:45:33 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World On Sat, 28 Sep 1996, Fabrizio Paoli wrote: > At 19.00 26/09/96 +0200, you wrote: > >At 14:40 23-09-96 -0700, Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One wrote: > >>On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, Herve MUSSEAU wrote: > >> > I think here there's a bit of confusion between the Day of Dread, that takes > places each year, and the Week of No Magic that took place once at the end > of WotI (AC 1009 IIRC). > I don't have the books here, but IIRC during the Week of No Magic all magic, > mortal and immortal, fails and magical creatures sicken, while during the > Day of Dread the failure of magic usn't complete as described in the PWAs. > Hope this helps. > According to WotI: "The week following the events described above will be totally without magic; no spells or magical items will work (except Immortal level magics, of course), and magical creatures will feel drained and unable to move. ..." ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #243 ***************************** From ???@??? Fri Oct 04 20:18:50 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id VAA12467; Mon, 30 Sep 1996 21:24:58 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id GAA23067 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Mon, 30 Sep 1996 06:01:01 -0500 Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 06:01:01 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #244 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: de67aef9958df59dccac124098c572a1 Status: RO mystara-digest Monday, 30 September 1996 Volume 01 : Number 244 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Daniel Boese Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 15:53:33 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World > > In HWQ1the milenian scepter it is definately stated that the hollow world sun > > went out during the week without magic. Since in the HW boxed set, it says > > that the spell of Preservation is fueled by the HW sun, it is only logical to > > assume that the SOP stopped working too, which would have really interesting > > consequences (e.g.a culture could be totally destroyed during that week). > Where is this stated? I can't seem to find that passage. In the Hollow World Dungeon Master's Sourcebook (by Aaron Allston, who I've discovered has a web-page and email address... ;) ), on page 7, it states "They created what they called their /Spell of Preservation/. This was a massive outpouring of magical energy which was continuously fueled by the energies of the central sun (which itself is just a pinhole-sized /gate/ to the plane of Energy)...". In HWQ1, The Milenian Scepter, "...the sun of the Hollow World was extinguished for one full sleep (day) late in the year of AC 1,009. Magic throughout the world also ceased to function during this time.". - -- Daniel Boese ------------------------------ From: "D.J. Sahlas" Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 17:02:36 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Mystara] hello again I was just checking my old e-mail account (731 messages since August 27 !!!) and have finally gotten totally caught up. I have switched institutions, but have yet to get a new computer, so it will be another few weeks before I'm back in the swing of things. I've been following the post-summer threads with great interest, but will withold comment for now until I'm in a position to once again check my e-mail on a regular basis. My new address is: I'll be unsubscribing from the list for now, so I'll have a lot of catching up to do once again next month. See you later! Jim Sahlas P.S. Very nice to hear from Mr. Heard! ------------------------------ From: Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 21:32:50 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Karameikan School of Magic In a message dated 96-09-27 16:56:43 EDT, (Matthew Levy) writes: << It's small, and much less developed than the Glantrian school; the Karameikos boxed set has some information on it, including which spells are known by the school's students. There might be info in the original GAZ1 as well. >> No, Gaz 1 has nothing about the school in it -- Gaz 1 was written to be current as of AC 1000 and thus has no Wrath or post-Wrath material in it. However, it does list the spells that can be learned from the local archmage, who had a smaller school of magic before Terari arrived and built the new school. ------------------------------ From: Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 21:56:30 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Rad ---> Immortal PPs In a message dated 96-09-27 22:04:05 EDT, (Daniel Boese) writes: << (Hm.. now there's another idea; make one /really big/ book detailing /everything/ about the setting... ;) ) >> I think that one point is the key to the (commercial) failure of Mystara -- there never has been any single book or boxed set that provided a good summary of the whole game world. If and when there is a Mystara revival, that is what TSR should start with. It would be a tough job, but it might work if done in the style of those addenda to Bruce Heard's "Princess Ark" stories -- two or three pages plus a map per country. ------------------------------ From: (Bernhard Schumacher) Date: 29 Sep 1996 14:48:00 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] (no subject) [ Message ] [ dated 28.08.96 *forwarded* ] [ originally archiv-java ] [ from (Bernhard Schumacher) ] ## Nachricht am 28.08.96 archiviert ## Ursprung: / unsubscribe ## CrossPoint v3.11 ## ------------------------------ From: (Bernhard Schumacher) Date: 29 Sep 1996 14:47:00 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] (no subject) [ Message ] [ dated 28.08.96 *forwarded* ] [ originally archiv-java ] [ from (Bernhard Schumacher) ] ## Nachricht am 28.08.96 archiviert ## Ursprung: / subscribe postgres95-digest ## CrossPoint v3.11 ## ------------------------------ From: (Bernhard Schumacher) Date: 29 Sep 1996 14:48:00 +0200 Subject: [Mystara] Re: Puffer defekt..... [ Message ] [ dated 29.08.96 *forwarded* ] [ originally archiv-java ] [ from (Steve Paul) ] ## Nachricht am 28.08.96 archiviert ## Ursprung: / Die Computerrevolution ist vorbei - sie haben gewonnen..... Hallo Bernhard, >ich habe Dir bereits auf Deine Mail geantworttet. Leider aber noch keine >Empfangsbestaetigung erhalten. Bitte schreibe mir, ob meine Mails Dich >erreichen. erreicht und geantwortet habe ich schon - wir sollten uns irgendwann demnaechst treffen da ich mir ein Bild vom dem, was du schon gemacht hast, bilden kann da ich sicher gehen moechte, dass derjenige, den ich vorschlagen werde, wirklich alles machen kann. Also Vorschlaege? regards, Steve Paul Der InselAffe ich kenne Probleme fuer jede Loesung :( ## CrossPoint v3.1 R ## ## CrossPoint v3.11 ## ------------------------------ From: Daniel Boese Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 23:57:55 -0400 (EST) Subject: [Mystara] Big Box (was: Rad ---> Immortal PPs) > << (Hm.. now there's another idea; make one /really big/ book > detailing /everything/ about the setting... ;) ) >> > I think that one point is the key to the (commercial) failure of Mystara -- > there never has been any single book or boxed set that provided a good > summary of the whole game world. If and when there is a Mystara > revival, that is what TSR should start with. It would be a tough job, but > it might work if done in the style of those addenda to Bruce Heard's > "Princess Ark" stories -- two or three pages plus a map per country. Do you mean, similar to the Poor Wizard's Almanacs, with more detail and better maps? Perhaps something similar to the Trail Maps (I'd considered slicing and pasting together my Gazetteer maps for something similar, until they came out :) ), and the Hollow World maps, and the WotI maps? What else would go into a Mystara box? Rules on special types of magic (Secret Crafts, Radiance, Runic, Elven, Hin, Dwarven, Shaman, Merchant), special races (ala Creature Crucible), adventures, details on Immortality and Immortals, a version of my Timeline :), how the Skyshield and Void and gravity function, personalities, some things entirely new to us "old-timers" :) ? Perhaps some method to join all these together.. perhaps Joshuan goes into the atlas business, or Haldemar compiles his notes, or a new Immortal gets briefed on the planet? - -- Daniel Boese ------------------------------ From: StarHawk Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 00:35:05 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World On Sun, 29 Sep 1996, Daniel Boese wrote: > In HWQ1, The Milenian Scepter, "...the sun of the Hollow World was > extinguished for one full sleep (day) late in the year of AC 1,009. Magic > throughout the world also ceased to function during this time.". > Odd, shouldn't this be a week? Perhaps mortal magic was affected for a week and Immortal magic for a day? ------------------------------ From: "Leonard Anthony P. Arcilla" Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 11:05:31 -0800 (GMT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Rad ---> Immortal PPs On Fri, 27 Sep 1996, Daniel Boese wrote: > Of course, Dragonlance also has a rather successful novel series (45+?), > which Mystara lacks.. and there's probably a few more people who wrote in > asking for some new game products. How /does/ TSR decide to publish, say, > SpellJammer: The Astromundi Cluster instead of Mystara: World of Adventure > & Magic? (Hm.. now there's another idea; make one /really big/ book > detailing /everything/ about the setting... ;) ) Now that would be really great! Later, =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= "He who fights with monsters might take care, lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - -- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, "Beyond Good and Evil" Mystaran Quizz/Poll Results: QOIJMTEFBGNPH ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 10:51:09 +0100 Subject: [Mystara] draft 2, AC 1014 I received the following mail from Michael Roy, asking me to send his version 2 of the timeline for the year 1014 to the list: << Hey Herve... Well, I've still been having trouble down here at my end. Afraid I don't know much about computers, so I'm kinda stuck. I'm sending you a copy of my second draft of the timeline for AC 1014 and I was hoping you could post them up on the Mystara Mailing-List for me... thanks. There should be 4 files attached to this message... hopefully I did that right and they'll arrive safely to you. If not, let me know and I'll try again... like I said, I know hardly nothing about computers. Anyways, could you also mention, for me, that it's the second draft, so again comments would be appreciated, as well as corrections for spelling mistakes (such as NPCs or places,...) Have people email me at Plus mention that I'm currently working on the history for the Hollow World as the year AC 1013 was not done, so I must do that first, as well as a possible list of events for AC 1014 on the Savage Coast (got a few ideas for there already). The return of the Karameikan expedition to the Hollow World will be placed along with the added info for the Hollow World once that's done. Another thing I would like mentioned is that there have been posts about the humanoids/goblinoids of Mystara being mistreated. Mention that I agree with them, but I'm also trying to keep with the prophecies of Joshuan's Almanac. I also happen to like orcs and goblins, and that I intend for Thar and Psa'gh to make a nice comeback, possibly with Alebane as well, say by the year 1020 when all the world will learn to fear their names... (AC 1020 will be a busy year I bet!) Anyways, I think you were working on the events of the return of the Karameikan expedition, right? How is that coming along? >> - -- Herve Musseau Primary Email: Secondary Email: Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 10:52:02 +0100 Subject: [Mystara] 1014WIN NUWMONT 4, AC 1014 Event: Aengmor warns Rafielton (the nation of Aengmor) not to ally themselves with the former elves of Alfheim as they will only try to get their homeland back and cause dissention among the shadow elves. Princess Tanadaleyo, who has been talking with envoys from the exiled Alfheimers since Sviftmont 23 of last year (JA), believes that the talks are going well enough and ignores the request of Aengmor. Meaning: A growing cult of Atzanteotl is gaining more power in the city of Aengmor, and it wishes to spread it's influence to the other shadow elves. They fear that if they learn of the inherent goodness of the surface elves, it will be harder to convince them to worship Atzanteotl. The cult of Atzanteotl was introduced by the various artifacts/religious icons left behind by the humanoids. Also, the old items seem to indicate that the shadow elves once worshipped Atzanteotl, and the members of the cult spread propaganda claiming that Atzanteotl was the golden age of the Shadow Elves, with Aengmor. Many of the shadow elves are believing the story since they are losing faith in Rafiel, and are slowing converting to the new way of life. The Wanderers, who have been living in Aengmor with the humanoids know of the evil ways of Atzanteotl, but they dare not speak out against it for fear of revealing their presence in the city. The Wanderers enjoy Aengmor, and do not want to be forced to leave as the Way of Rafiel demands. So far, only Kanafasti knows of their presence, and he will become a Wanderer himself this year, so he is trying to remove that law regarding the Wanderers. NUWMONT 14, AC 1014 Event: Scouts in the region of Oceanscend for King Ericall of Norwold discover ancients ruins while hiding from a Heldannic patrol. Meaning: This ruins were a far off colony of Nithia several hundred years ago (circa 1000 BC). The Nithians never managed to gain a foothold as the barbaric goblinoids and humans (Antalians, ancestors of the Northern reaches) who lived in the area ransacked and plundered the city several times. This would be the most northern Nithian ruin ever discovered to date. The exact contents of the ruins are left to the DM. NUWMONT 22, AC 1014 Event: A huge snowstorm covers southern Norwold and the northern Heldannic Territories and Wendar. VATERMONT 3, AC 1014 Event: Despite warnings from Aengmor, after several small meetings between elves representing King Doriath and Princess Tanadaleyo, the shadow elves and elves of Alfheim agree to work together to save the Canolbarth forest, and perhaps learn to live together in one elven nation. Several surface elven mages and Tree Keepers are invited to move back to the forest, joining the Norwold (Foresthome) elves and shadow elves in working out magic to save the trees. Meaning: Princess Tanadaleyo truly desires to save the forests of her nation, as she wants a beautiful surface nation for her and her people. She finds it unlikely that the shadow elves and surface elves will ever manage to live together, so does not see her offer of letting the elves move back in as something too dangerous for her people. The elves of Alfheim do not see much hope in peaceful coexistence either, but they also truly care about their forest. They would rather see their forest still alive and in shadow elf hands than dead and belonging to them. VATERMONT 9, AC 1014 Event: A horde of zombies and skeletons attack the village of Nula on Elegy Island in Ierendi. Meaning: Tomb robbers disturbed a magically protected tomb of an ancient Makaian Elegy Island (see GAZ 4: Kingdom of Ierendi). The curse animated the corpse into a powerful zombie of 10 HD who causes 3d6 damage with a punch and does not loose initiative like a normal zombie. It also has the power to animate dead three times a day, and has since raised an army to attack the people who have moved onto the burial island of the ancient Makai. VATERMONT 11, AC 1014 Event: The Rishiya of Sind (clerical caste) complain to Rajadhiraja Chandra ul Nervi about the upstart clerical order of Gareth in the Khurish Massif. They claim that to allow a new religion to exist in their nation goes against their sacred laws to their Immortals. Chandra does not take any decision concerning the matter. Meaning: At first, the Rishiya were not afraid of the Followers of the Prophet, as Sitara Rohini and her band have been come to be known (see JA). Preachers of various foreign religions have always travelled to Sind, stayed a bit, then disappeared. But the miracle performed on the Day of Dread in AC 1012 (see PWA3) has grabbed the attention of many of the Sindhis. The fact that the new Immortal preaches against Immortal interference seems to have also slowly won over the hearts of many of the lower castes. Now, after a full year of services in her monastery in the Khurish, the Rishiya can see a danger of losing their power over the people of Sind to this new Prophet of Gareth. VATERMONT 16, AC 1014 Event: Several farmers outside of Threshold are found mutilated by wild animals in the morning. Many believe a pack of werewolves must have been in the area as it was a full moon the previous night. VATERMONT 17, AC 1014 Event: After enough pressure by the Rishiyas, Chandra el Nervi finally accedes to the clerics. He decides to let the agents of Hule take care of the problem, and informs the Master's agents about the unrest being caused. The Huleans send a squadron of orcs led by human officers to the Khurish Massif to deal with the Followers of the Prophet of Gareth. Meaning: Chandra himself does not see Sitara and the followers of Gareth as an important threat, viewing instead the Huleans as s bigger problem at the moment. But he must accede to the Rishiyas or lose his throne. Chandra therefore condones the act of the worshippers of Gareth and sends the Huleans to deal with the problem, concerning himself more with his Freedom Warriors and his plans to overthrow the Master's agents controlling Sind. VATERMONT 23, AC 1014 Event: The squadron of Hulean orcs arrive at the monastery used by Followers of the Prophet. They demand that they stop worshipping Gareth immediately and return with them to Sayr Ulan to face charges of blasphemy. The priests refuse, and a fight breaks out. The orcs are defeated, as they are unable to withstand the clerical magic of Sitara or the fighting abilities of Anand Brishnapur and their disciples. Meaning: Although the first victory is theirs, Sitara and Anand realize that this is just the beginning. They have know for a while that the Rishiya were bound to interfere, so it really doesn't come as such a surprise to them. VATERMONT 25, AC 1014 Event: Sitara Rohini sends out her original disciples of Gareth to spread out and establish new monasteries and temples. She and Anand will stay in Sind to uphold the words of Gareth here no matter the cost, but the others are needed to keep Gareth alive and bring him to other people of the Known World. Once gone, Anand begins preparing the monastery to defend against the next wave of Hulean soldiers. Since the monastery is near the top of the mountains, it is rather easy for him and the others that remain behind to block the passes and create many avalanche style traps. Meaning: There are just over a dozen of the original Followers of the Prophet. Among them are two foreigners, Arturo Olivera from Akorros (Darokinian) and Sula Ivanov of Mirros (Karameikan). There is even an orc, by the name of Turgg. The rest are all Sindhis of both ethnical backgrounds (urdu-varnas and pure Sindhis). By now, each of them has become full-fledged clerics or fighting monks of levels 1 and 2. Only Anand of the original followers remains behind with Sitara the Prophet. VATERMONT 28, AC 1014 Event: Jorodrin Feadiel, the Tree Keeper of Clan Feadiel (GAZ 5: The Elves of Alfheim), arrives in Rafielton and joins the shadow elves to help them save the Canolbarth forest. The shadow elves are slightly awed that the Alfheim elves' most powerful Tree Keeper has arrived to help them. THAUMONT 5, AC 1014 Event: Arturo Olivera, one of the original Followers of the Prophet Sitara (who had saved him from orcs back in AC 1012 (see PWA3), arrives in the city of Akesoli in Darokin. From there, he books passage on a boat to Akorros, his home town. Meaning: Arturo is simply doing as Sitara has commanded. He has decided that his home town of Akorros is as good as any place to build a temple to Gareth. THAUMONT 7, AC 1014 Event: Arturo Olivera arrives in Akorros. After a brief reunion with his family, he begins his task of preaching the words of Gareth to the Darokinians. THAUMONT 9, AC 1014 Event: The elves of Alfheim are mystified as their magic spells fail to bring back water to the Canolbarth Forest. Some of the spells even misfire and cause minor injuries. Tension begins to mount between the shadow elves and surface elves, as each suspects the other of sabotage. Meaning: A few of the surface elves in the party are members of the Alfheim Avengers, but they are not responsible for any of the incidents. These elves truly suspect the shadow elves of the sabotage, and are trying to cause dissention among the two elven subraces by throwing out accusations on the slightest error made by the shadow elves. The Alfheim Avengers would rather see the shadow elves thrown out of Canolbarth rather than live with them in peace. Jorodrin, now in charge of the Alfheim elves, believes the shadow elves, and does his best to calm the younger, hot-blooded elves in his group. THAUMONT 12, AC 1014 Event: Eelsha Spider's Kiss becomes the High Priestess of the Tiger Clan of Atruaghin after the former high priest dies in his sleep (see GAZ 14: Atruaghin Clans). Meaning: Eelsha has wanted to be High Priestess all her life and has finally succeeded in poisoning the former High Priest. Now that she is in charge, she begins to become more ambitious and starts looking at the neighboring clans and their territories. THAUMONT 16, AC 1014 Event: The next unit of Huleans arrives at the monastery of Gareth and attempts to capture the heretic priests. But the orcs and soldiers are unable to get to the top of the mountain where the monastery is, so Sitara and Anand remain safe in their religious stronghold. THAUMONT 17, AC 1014 Event: A patrol of Heldannic Knights bringing gold (taxes and treasures from captured lands) back to Freiburg is ambushed by a large group of armed peasants. The peasants manage to grab the wagon with the gold and get away. The rebels, knowing the surrounding forests better than the Knights, manage to split up and lose their pursuers. The use of magic prevents the knights from using their own clerical magic to track down the traitors. The Heldannic Knights believe that Geoffrey of Grunturm is behind the daring raid. The loss of money causes a serious blow to the war funds of the nation. Meaning: The Heldannic Knights were never truly loved by the commoners of the Heldann Freeholds, but were tolerated because life manage to go on more-or-less as usual. However, last year, Wulf von Klagendorf declared an Inquisition against the non- believers in Vanya (JA, Nuwmont 1, AC 1013). Too many sons and daughters have been executed in that Inquisition, and many of them only to gain land/property for the Lord leading the Inquisition more than for any religious heresy. Many Heldanners have had enough, and are ready to start a rebellion against their From ???@??? Fri Oct 04 20:18:50 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id VAA12467; Mon, 30 Sep 1996 21:24:58 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id GAA23067 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Mon, 30 Sep 1996 06:01:01 -0500 Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 06:01:01 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #244 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: de67aef9958df59dccac124098c572a1 Status: RO oppressors. This raid is just the first of many skirmishes and was as much intended to show inspiration to the commoners as to deal a severe blow to the Knights's coffers. Geoffrey of Grunturm is behind this particular group of rebels. His own lands in southern Norwold having been overrun and conquered (and his people enslaved by the priesthood of Vanya) by the Heldannic Knights, Geoffrey has decided that he has had enough with the clerics of Vanya. He has returned to his homeland, having vowed not to give up until the Knights have been defeated so that they can no longer harm and persecute anyone else. He has managed to inspire several peasants who have also decided that enough is enough. THAUMONT 27, AC 1014 Event: After a couple of weeks of research, the elves discover that some strange magic is starting to overwhelm the forest and is preventing the elves' magic from working. The exact nature of this magic remains a complete mystery. Both Jorodrin and Tanadaleyo are intrigued by this and decide to study it further. Meaning: Although each sub-race of elves blames the other, in fact neither are directly responsible for preventing the magic from working. The former nation of Alfheim has always been a strong magical place. Most of the magical energies of the nation focused into areas that became known as Magic Points (see GAZ 5; The Elves of Alfheim) When the shadow elves unleashed their great magic (some say enhanced by Atzanteolt, but that might be a rumor spread by the Alfheim Avengers) against the forests of Alfheim, that magic eventually dissipated and merged into the existing magic points, corrupting them as it once corrupted the now dying forest. At this point, the magic points are causing more nightmares, madness and insanity then ever before, and they are releasing never before seen monsters onto the world of Mystara. As a side effect, they are beginning to influence and cause the strongest/largest magical effects (such as nation-wide weather magic) to go wild or not work at all. THAUMONT 28, 1014 AC Event: A heavily armed, trained, and magical group of mercenaries break into Chateau Morlay and attack Prince Malachie. The castle defenders are unable to stop the intruders, and several guards are killed. When Malachie himself is cornered by the assailants, another mage arrives and joins to the defense of the Prince. This unknown mage uses several powerful spells and manages to chase off the attackers. Once the danger is gone, the man disappears as mysteriously as he arrived. None of the attackers are captured. Rumors spread from the incident claim that Etienne d'Ambreville returned to help Prince Malachie just as he did two summers ago to help his successor against Henri d'Ambreville. Some begin to claim that his ghost is watching over his former allies during his life. Meaning: Synn discovered that Malachie gave Jaggar one of her scales and has decided that she has had enough with the interfering Prince. She used her vast treasure horde to get the best mercenaries she could find. Through a chain of contacts, so no trail could be lead back to her, she hires them to eliminate her opponent without further delay. Unfortunately they failed. The mysterious mage that saved Malachie was indeed Etienne d'Ambreville. Rumors of his return have been going around since the summer of AC 1012, but the former Prince has decided he would rather stay in hiding until he can recuperate and regain all the power he once had (either attain Immortality again or avoid being detected by the other Immortals until he is ready for them if he is Immortal once more, depending on the outcome of Mark of Amber). When he does return, Etienne will need all the allies he can get to help him reestablish his political power, and therefore could not afford for Prince Malachie to be defeated. He was forced to come out of hiding to help his ally. The other Princes of Glantri, upon hearing the rumor, will begin to once more search and try and discover Etienne d'Ambreville as they did when rumors left Chateau Sylaire about his return. As during their previous search, all means mundane and magical will reveal nothing of his presence. - -- Herve Musseau Primary Email: Secondary Email: Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 10:53:01 +0100 Subject: [Mystara] 1014SPR FLAURMONT 1, AC 1014 Event: Word spreads throughout the mumlykets of Gunjab, Sindrastan, and Peshmir about the siege at the monastery of Gareth. The Sindhis of the region begin to see Sitara and Anand as heroes who are trying to oppose the Huleans, and begin praising their courage. Meaning: Although originally the intent of the siege was to stop the blasphemy of the priests of Gareth, that notion is soon forgotten by the people of Sind who now view it more as a Sindhis against Huleans confrontation. Instead of trying to discredit Sitara and the others as the Rishiya had hoped, they are turning popular opinion on their side. FLAURMONT 10, AC 1014 Event: The Huleans, now backed up by mages and their own priests of Bozdogan, breach the defenses of Sitara and Anand and capture the temple of Gareth. Five apprentices are killed in the fighting, while the rest are all taken prisoner by the Huleans. FLAURMONT 10, AC 1014 Event: Pressured by his various Jarls, King Ragnar once again leads his men into the Hardanger Mountains to chase out the humanoids that have been harassing his people for the past couple of years. This time, as well as his normal army, several bands of mercenaries and adventurers march into the mountains as well, hoping to get their share of the 1,000,000 gp offered in bounties in the Humanoid Defense Fund established by the Nordhartar Defense League (JA, Sviftmont 28, AC 1013). Finally, Vestland has also begun to coordinate attack plans with Soderfjord as they too are being harassed by orcs (instead of Kobolds) and it would be best for both nations to be rid of all humanoids. This time, they march straight for the Falun Caverns which where discovered two years ago by his scouts (PWA3, Eirmont 26, AC 1012) but he had never been able to attack because of the constant raid and harassment between the kobolds and humans armies last year. Meaning: This is basically a straight-forward human vs. humanoid military campaign by the men of the Soderfjord Jarldoms. Ragnar, having lost many men and battles in the mountains the past couple of years, had hoped to end the fighting before losing more face to his people, and hence helped establish the Humanoid Defense Funds. But it was too late; he had already lost the respect of several Jarls when he withdrew and declared the war over. Determined to prove once again that he is a great warrior, he leads for the third year in a row another army up into the mountains to find and defeat the kobold horde. FLAURMONT 13, AC 1014 Event: A party using powerful teleportation magic break into the prison facilities of Borydos Island (Empire of Thyatis) and manage to release all the prisoners. After massive chaos, all the prisoners are recaptured (dead or alive) by the guards and brought back to the prison. A head count reveals that 5 prisoners are missing, and none of those who broke into the prison have been found either. FLAURMONT 14, AC 1014 Event: Sitara Rohini, Anand Brishnapur, and the surviving members of the monastery of Gareth arrive, under heavy guard, at the town of Raneshwar at the foot of the mountains. They are locked up in the local dungeon for the night. FLAURMONT 21, AC 1014 Event: In the hills between Mahasabad and Palkat, the unit escorting Sitara and the other prisoners is attacked by a horde of bandits. The outlaws make a strike for the chain of prisoners, free them, and then rush back into the hills with their new allies. Meaning: The bandits are a group of Freedom Warriors who desire to overthrow the Huleans in Sind and return the nation to the Sindhis. Chandra ul Nervi, the secret leader of the Freedom Warriors, however, did not order their escape. Local members of the rebels heard the stories of Sitara and Anand's bravery at the monastery of Gareth and decided that they had to free such loyal members of their cause. FLAURMONT 25, AC 1014 Event: The forces of Ragnar enter the hills of the area called Gnollheim and invade in force several of the small gnoll communities, crushing the outnumbered defenders. Meaning: The gnolls of Soderfjord have been allied with the kobolds of the Hardangers for the past couple of years. Ragnar intends to crush all the humanoids and eliminate any possible aid the kobolds might receive. Some of the gnolls escape and warn their forces in the Hardangers to prepare for the humans again. FLAURMONT 27, AC 1014 Event: Forces of Vestland gather in Rhoona and march into the Makkres Mountains, intent on defeating Thar and his horde before it gets too much out of control. YARTHMONT 8, AC 1014 Event: Ragnar and his men encounter and skirmish with the first kobold and gnoll defenders in the Hardanger Mountains south of the Great Marsh. After many little battles, neither force seems to have greatly affected the other. YARTHMONT 12, AC 1014 Event: The forces of Ragnar are thrown into chaos as Psa'gh's kobolds cause an avalanche to destroy the men of the northern reaches. Once more, Ragnar is forced to watch as several dozen warriors are crushed to death. YARTHMONT 12, AC 1014 Event: During a talk between the shadow elves and elves of Alfheim over the magic influencing the forest, a shadow elf assassin attempts to kill Tree Keeper Jorodrin Feadiel. The forest elves retaliate and about a dozen are wounded and/or killed on both sides before the elves of Alfheim manage to retreat and lose their pursuers. Meaning: The shadow elves had nothing to do with the assassination attempt. It was actually an elf of Alfheim using his magic to impersonate a shadow elf who fired the arrow at the Tree Keeper. The elf, a member of the Alfheim Avengers, purposely missed as he did not want to kill one of his own. The whole event was to make it look like the shadow elves cannot be trusted and to polarize the opinion of the surface elves against the Shadow Elves. It seems the attempt worked. YARTHMONT 14, AC 1014 Event: Lenard Doverson, an adventuring priest of Vanya from Thyatis is arrested in Freiburg for heresy against the Heldannic Knights and Vanya. At his trial in the Star Chamber, he denounces everything the Knights stand for and says that they have lost the true meaning of Vanya, which is to conquer, not to persecute and enslave. The man is executed for such blasphemy, as "only the Heldannic Knights know the true will of Vanya." Afterwards, throughout the Territories, the Knights spells and magic begin to fail. Many Knights are stripped of their most powerful spells, while some even lose all their spell-casting abilities. Meaning: Vanya has always been the patroness of War and Conquest, and she has upheld the Heldannic Knights as her favored as they were always ready to seek glory in battle and war. Yet last year, when the Knight turned inwards rather than to continue conquering, and started their persecution of others, Vanya was dismayed. She gave them leeway as it is the right of the conquerors to dictate how the conquered will behave, to gain time to rest and gather troops/intelligence, as well as to bring new followers to her flock of worshippers. But then many of the Knight Lords began using the Inquisition as means of disposing of their rivals and gaining more lands/money/power rather than for her glory. She has been disappointed ever since, and the execution of one of her own faithful priest trying to return them to the path of conquest was the last straw. The arrogance at the trial of declaring that only the Heldannic Knights know her desires have cost most of them her blessings, as well as the magical support they once had. YARTHMONT 16, AC 1014 Event: Ragnar and his men reach the Falun Caverns and encounter the horde of kobolds ready to defend it. After a long and bloody battle, the humans manage to win the field as the kobolds flee back into their caverns. The forces prepare themselves for a siege. YARTHMONT 19, AC 1014 Event: After a week of fleeing and a few skirmishes with shadow elf soldiers, the elves of Alfheim manage to escape the Canolbarth forest and return to safety in Darokin. Jorodrin is stunned and cannot believed the shadow elves acted in such a way, yet he cannot deny what happened either. He starts making plans to return to King Doriath in Wendar to inform him what has happened. YARTHMONT 20, AC 1014 Event: Kanafasti and the Wanderers believe to have found a way to stay in Aengmor while maintaining the Way of Rafiel; they intend to raise the city of Aengmor to the surface world, where they will claim a new way of Rafiel shall be born. Abandoning the deformed and the old was correct underground, as only the strong could survive in that harsh land, but on the surface world such events need no longer occur. They hope that they can start a more caring religion of Rafiel in their new town on the surface. Kanafasti and the Wanderer mages immediately begin the research for such a powerful magical spell. Meaning: Unfortunately for the Wanderers, the idea was secretly brought to them by the cult of Atzanteolt. The cult of Atzanteolt has grown as powerful as it dares with the shamans of Rafiel in Aengmor. They intend to destroy the shaman's power by raising the city to the surface, where their soul crystals will be destroyed by the sunlight, and hence they will lose all spellcasting abilities. If that were to happen, the cult of Atzanteolt is sure they can take over Aengmor. The Wanderers, so intent on changing the Way of Rafiel for themselves, have failed to realize that someone else might also be trying to impose their own religion. The shadow elf behind everything is Xatapechtli, the Spymaster and Feathered Serpent, his mind having been slowing corrupted to the Azcan way of life (and hence Atzanteotl) by the magical cloak he wears. He has been pulling the strings behind the scenes to bring back the glory of the way he now sees as the true way of life of shadow elves (See GAZ 13: The Shadow Elves for Xatapechtli's stats). And even more unfortunately for the Wanderers, he is clever and experienced enough to do it without getting caught. YARTHMONT 23, AC 1014 Event: The forces of Vestland encounter a horde of trolls, and after a long fight, the humans fall back from the vicious beasts. Meaning: Thar has managed to convince the trolls of Trollheim to join his horde and sent them after the invading humans. Still, the red orc realizes that it is only a matter of time before the Vestlanders get past the trolls and enter the mountains. Thar sends scouts out to find other humanoid tribes and clans in the area and convince them to join his horde. YARTHMONT 28, AC 1014 Event: After a few weeks of fighting, the men of Soderfjord finally manage to break into the Falun Caverns and claim the entrance. Psa'gh's kobolds fall back into the deeper caverns. Ragnar's men are unable to get much farther as the kobolds have riddled their cavern with pitfalls, traps, and ambushes. Meaning: Psa'gh has the situation well in hand. Since the humans already know where the Falun Caverns are, there is no point in trying to lead them astray in the mountains. Psa'gh has let them enter the cavern, where the humans must now split up into small groups to get anywhere. And these small groups don't stand a chance in the maze of traps that the kobolds have prepared. Although Ragnar believes to be making headway into the kobolds lair, he is only advancing onto more and more traps left by the kobolds. KLARMONT 5, AC 1014 Event: A caravan heading for Sayr Ulan from Hule is ambushed soon after it passes Gola Keep (on the western border of Sind). The contents of the caravan, gold for the Hulean armies, never reach their destination. Meaning: The Freedom Warriors have made their first meaningful strike against the Huleans. Sitara and Anand, who have been with them for over a month now, have been preaching to the rebels, telling them that the time for waiting is over and that they should act now. Anand has been teaching many of the Freedom Warriors the arts of the Shehid Mystics, slowly turning them into a fighting force rather than simple farmers who are revolting. During this time, many have also come to hear and appreciate the words of Gareth. Following the traditions of the Shehid Mystics, the gold is mostly given back to the poor of the region who have suffered under the Hulean rulers. Enough is kept to continue to supply the Freedom Warriors, however. Only the excess is given away. Still, it is still enough gold to raise the public opinion of the Freedom Warriors. KLARMONT 10, AC 1014 Event: There is celebration in Thyatis City as Emperor Eusebius I's daughter is born. Eusebius names her Valentia after the famous Empress of Thyatis that ruled the Empire of Thyatis in the year AC 20 and held it together after Zendrolion's death. (See Dawn of the Emperors boxed set for Thyatis' history) Meaning: There is no hidden meaning in this event. Of special note, Valentia seems very magically inclined and could one day become a powerful wizardess if trained correctly. Yet at such a young age, there is still no sign of her potential power. KLARMONT 15, AC 1014 Event: Sultan Mohammed Al-Kalim declares that a large piece of land just outside Ylaruam City is now considered to be a foreign quarter. It is there that the World Games will be held in just two more months. Meaning: There are several laws in Ylaruam that outsiders have trouble obeying, such as the law that all mages must wear brightly colored robes which indicate that they are mages (see GAZ 2: Emirates of Ylaruam). Because of this, Ylaruam has foreign quarters, in which the foreigners rules, make their own laws, and punish themselves accordingly. Within these quarters, the laws of Ylaruam do not apply. Since the World Games are bound to bring hundreds, if not thousands of foreigners and infidels, the Sultan has merely assured that they will have a place to stay and that in the games, there will be no hassles of law or such. The Sultan has placed the ambassador of Darokin in charge of the new foreign quarters reserved for the World Games. KLARMONT 23, AC 1014 Event: The defenses of the Hardanger kobolds in the Falun caverns suddenly collapses as kobolds seem to be fighting kobolds. Ragnar and his men push their way into the deep caverns. They soon discover the reason that the kobolds have now started to flee the area. A pack of fiends are on the loose within the caverns. The humans of the northern reach halt their advance and fortify in the caverns they have managed to take from the kobolds, preparing themselves for the onslaught from the fiends. Meaning: Thra'gh, the head shaman of the Hardanger kobolds (see GAZ 7: The Northern Reaches), and trusted adviser and friend of Psa'gh, was getting tired of the endless number of humans at the entrance to the Falun Caverns. He has wasted several decades of his life watching Psa'gh (who no longer ages thanks to his artifact armor) simply wait for the human to do stupid things when he believes they could have just invaded the humans and crush them with the power of the "Suit of Silver." Although Psa'gh continuously insists that the humans at the cavern entrance were under control and would simply be killed one at a time while the kobolds, Thra'gh thinks that Psa'gh has finally failed. Thra'gh therefore used and ancient ritual to summon a greater fiend to his service to help him reclaim the artifact from Psa'gh so he can himself lead the kobolds to victory. With his spell, he summons a marilith (tanar'ri, true) [for AD&D] or a hissing fiend [for D&D], which in terms summons lesser fiends to help it (tanar'ri hezrou if AD&D or croaking fiends if D&D). The fiends attack Psa'gh. Unlike the original legends of the Shining Armor (GAZ 7, p.46), Psa'gh survives and escapes the fiends. Instead, Thra'gh is killed by the greater fiend who break free of his control. The fiends then decide to go on a rampage and just kill everything within the Falun Caverns. KLARMONT 25, AC 1014 Event: The forces of Ragnar, with the help of several priests of Thor and Odin, manage to defeat the fiends within the Falun Caverns, banishing them back to the Abyss (or the Pitts). Having taken advantage of the situation, the humans manage to storm most of the cavern and take control of the situation. Psa'gh realizes that they are trapped, and supplies are running low. He gives the order for the kobolds to flee the Caverns, and they leave by other exits the humans have not yet discovered. Psa'gh's horde regroups on the other side of the mountain, away from the humans. KLARMONT 26, AC 1014 Event: There are many loud complaints in Ylaruam about the terrain given over to foreigners for the World Games. Many believe that if foreigners come to Ylaruam, then they should at least be civilized and behave according to the laws of Ylaruam and Al-Kalim; there is no need to augment the size of the foreign quarters. The loudest of these protests come from the Kin faction, which are very xenophobic and hate foreigners. The Sultan assure them that the land for the World Games will only be a foreign quarter for the duration of the games, and once it is over, will be returned to the people of Ylaruam. He also asks them to give the infidels a chance to prove themselves before speaking harshly about them when they have not yet even arrived in Ylaruam. Meaning: The Ylari have never been too happy about foreigners, but they have always allowed them in their nation. But this is the first time that they expect so many at once, and tensions can't help but run a little high. The Kin faction, the rival faction of the Preceptors for the throne of Ylaruam (see GAZ 2: Emirates of Ylaruam), have never liked having foreigners on their holy land, and would love to close down the borders of Ylaruam. With tensions running as they are, the Kin are doing their best to spread their beliefs to the Ylari in hopes of gaining more political influence. KLARMONT 28, AC 1014 Event: Scouts report the kobolds fleeing the area, and Ragnar immediately has his men chase after them. This begins a long series of skirmishes and maneuvres to lose/surprise each other in the Hardanger Mountains. - -- Herve Musseau Primary Email: Secondary Email: Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #244 ***************************** From ???@??? Fri Oct 04 20:18:57 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id VAA13441; Mon, 30 Sep 1996 21:53:04 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id GAA23189 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Mon, 30 Sep 1996 06:20:11 -0500 Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 06:20:11 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #245 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 146f771562af14f38d78e417c5956019 Status: U mystara-digest Monday, 30 September 1996 Volume 01 : Number 245 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 10:54:14 +0100 Subject: [Mystara] 1014FAL SVIFTMONT 3, AC 1014 Event: Prince Jaggar von Drachenfels ends his affair with Dolores Hillsbury and the two seem forever opposed in Council meetings. Meaning: Two years ago, Prince Malachie brought Jaggar some scales of a dragon and wanted to learn which type of dragon they were. Jaggar has been intrigue because despite being the master Dracologist, he has never seen that type of scale/dragon before. After a few more talks with Malachie and sending his spies out to discover where the Prince of Morlay-Malinbois found these scales, Jaggar has eventually discovered that Dolores has something to do with them. (Malachie did not tell him directly as he finds it would be more believable if Jaggar finds out for himself) After examining everything he has done since taking up with Dolores, including supporting Kol and his kobolds over the elves of Erewan, Jaggar becomes dismayed at the fool he has been. He has vowed to destroy Dolores for the chaos she has caused in Glantri, and for the evil he has unknowingly done in her name. But he knows better than to try and confront her directly. As all Princes/mages do in Glantri, he begins to use his influence and political power to destroy her on the political level since a direct confrontation between Princes is not allowed without sufficient cause (personal hatred does not count, nor does not being human, in Glantri). Also, he has more pressing matters of planning the defense of his nation against Ethengar's invasion, which could come at any time. This is a battle he has been waiting for a long time and wants to make sure everything is perfect. SVIFTMONT 4, AC 1014 Event: Back in the Makkres Mountains, Thar, Psa'gh, and the survivors of their hordes return to Thar's lair and gather what they can in terms of supplies and new recruits. The rag-tag horde then leaves the area and moves south, toward Rockhome. Meaning: Thar and Psa'gh have been soundly beaten by the humans, and they know it. They view that Thar's lair in the Makkres is undefendable with the small number of humanoids they have with them, so they want to move as far away from the humans as they can. The logical choice was toward Rockhome; a large area of the dwarven nation, particularly near three volcanoes, is rather barren of dwarven settlements. The two goblinoid leaders view this as the best place for them to once more gather their forces. SVIFTMONT 6, AC 1014 Event: The Kin faction publicly declare that the turmoil currently happening in Ylaruam are all because of the Preceptors, their Sultan, and their political method of dealing with foreigners. They make proud speeches about how the true Ylari way and way of Al-Kalim is the warrior way, not by the weakness of the so-called "civilized" people of the rest of the world. The preach out that the brave warriors should help restore the Kin faction to lead Ylaruam, to return the Ylari to glorious warriors they should be. The sides are therefore made in the Ylari civil war; the Alasiyani (Preceptors) against the Abbashani (Kin). The other Emirates help neither side officially as the tribes within are more or less evenly split between the two, or just don't want to participate. Meaning: This is the official declaration of war against the sultan by the Kin faction. Although is was tribe against tribe at first, now there are definite sides, and thanks to the news spread around the nation of what has happened in Ylaruam City during the World Games (admittedly mostly exaggerated by the Kin), the Kin faction is receiving enough support to stage their coup. SVIFTMONT 12, AC 1014 Event: Princess Tanadaleyo of Rafielton again invites the former elves of Alfheim over to discuss peace and help save the forest. She states that the attempted assassination was not at all sanctioned by her, and that they are still looking for the individual shadow elf who fired the first arrow so he can receive proper punishment. She claims that elf must have been one of the discontent of her nation who are paroinoid of the surface elves, just as the Alfheim Avengers who have been constantly raiding them the past year or so are paranoid of shadow elves. Tanadaleyo wishes to prove that only a minority, on BOTH sides, wishes for war, while most want to live together in peace. Unfortunately, after the last incident, the former elves of Alfheim are rather insecure about returning to the land of their enemies. A few of the more adventurous ones do go back, but they are always on the edge, expecting a trap, and discussions go very slowly. Meaning: Princess Tanadaleyo's statement is more or less true. Although she has no love for the former elves of Alfheim and couldn't care less what they do, she does need them. First, they have the magic necessary to save the Canolbarth forest, which she and her people have come to see as theirs, especially since they are the ones who caused its present state of near- destruction. Even more important now, she needs them for the influence they can have on the Shadow elves of Rafielton. She has noticed the steady entrance of worshippers of Atzanteotl into her nation from the city of Aengmor and believe it to be rather dangerous. Her own spies report that the Atzanteotl elves are preparing a rebellion against the shamans of Rafiel, although they have no idea how they are planning to do it. Although Tanadaleyo herself dislikes the shamans and wants to get rid of them, she would rather keep the power for herself rather than simply replacing the control of the shamans of Rafiel with the control of the shamans of Atzanteotl. That is why she would like her people to see the way of the elves of Alfheim as there was no religious control in their nation. Admittedly, the priests/Tree Keepers of Ilsundal were respected, but they did not have the political power shamans do in the shadow elf lands (more accurately, they did have the power, just rarely used it beyond advising the Clan Leaders, but the shadow elves don't know that). She would therefore rather see her elves become more like the surface elves than those of the city of Aengmor. SVIFTMONT 19, AC 1014 Event: The ambassadors of the Western Defense League in Ylaruam inform the Sultan that they are willing to send him, the rightful ruler of Ylaruam, troops to help stop the rebellion. Sultan Mohammed Al-Kalim refuses their aid as to bring in more infidels to help him will only make matters worse in the eyes of his people. EIRMONT 1, AC 1014 Event: A significant portion of both the Kin and Preceptor factions' armies are wiped out on the battlefield by a sandstorm. Meaning: This is just bad luck on the both sides of the war. The sandstorm is completely natural, and just happened to strike on the battlefield of the two groups. Although the number of casualties are equal on both sides, the Preceptors have just lost their best leaders in the storm. EIRMONT 7, AC 1014 Event: Tension begins to grow in the Freedom Warriors. Many of the units not directly under Anand or Sitara's command start to ignore her suggestions or plans. This begins to cause loses in various strikes that should have been easy victories. Meaning: The underground movement of Sind had been started by the Rishiyas. They have been wanting to get rid of the Prophet of Gareth for some time now, but since she has been helping their movement so well, they decided to leave things alone for a while. In fact, that has helped them out tremendously, as Sitara and Anand have done amazing feats for the rebel movement. But now the common people are beginning to associate the Freedom Warriors with Gareth, and this is beginning to scare the Rishiyas once more. The occasional rumor that Sitara is the mortal incarnation of Himayeti has struck and even bigger nerve to the priests of the traditional cleric caste. They are beginning to fear that the Immortals will take offense at such blasphemy and curse them to fail at freeing their nation if they allow it to continue. But the Prophet is too much of a hero now, so they simply cannot eliminate her. The Rishiya are taken an indirect route by ignore her plans and suggestions, hoping that the people notice the Freedom Warriors make mistakes and blame it on their "leader", the Prophet of Gareth. None of them seem to think of the possible result of losing Sind to Hule by destroying their own resistance movement themselves with such internal conflicts. EIRMONT 9, AC 1014 Event: The Glantrian agents of Synn discover the obsidian dome that covers the portals of the Dead Place. They kill their guides to prevent them from telling anyone else that they have found it, then begging to dig up the huge obsidian bowl so they can examine it further. The leader of the group teleports back to Glantri to inform Dolores (Synn) of their discovery and to gather more servants to help in the digging (probably goblinoids). Meaning: Synn has now found a place of great magic and is rather interested in seeing what she can learn from it. It will be some time before her agents can dig up the depression, as they fear using magic too close to such a magical place, which could have disastrous consequences. EIRMONT 23, AC 1014 Event: The commoners of the Heldann Freeholds start a massive riot/rebellion in the city of Hockstein. Unlike other revolts, this one is well lead, planned, and funded (by the gold stolen several months ago). Geoffrey of Grunturm has been in the city for a while, making the plans and providing magical support to the revolt. Meaning: There is no hidden meaning here. The people of the Heldannic Territories are once again trying to free their land of the rulership of the Heldannic Knights. This time, the revolt has been well planned, and the Knights are lacking in their magical (clerical) support they normally have, giving the rebels the best chance they have had in decades. EIRMONT 28, AC 1014 Event: After a few days of fighting with the garrisons of Knights present in Hockstein, the peasants manage to take over the city while the Knights barricade themselves in the central keep. By this stage, most of the commoners of the city has joined sides with the rebellion seeing that there is actually the chance that they might win. Geoffrey immediately sets men to watch the city walls, now heavily fortified thanks to the rulership of the Knights for the past several decades. He prepares plans for surviving the siege that is sure to follow by the reinforcements sent by Freiburg. KALDMONT 2, AC 1014 Event: As predicted, forces from Freiburg and Grauenberg arrive to help the Knights in Hockstein, but are kept outside by the peasants who are driven to ridding their lands of the Knights. A long siege starts. KALDMONT 8, AC 1014 Event: After the rising tensions between various factions of elves within Rafielton, Princess Tanadaleyo declares that there will be no official religion of Rafiel in Rafielton. Elves may choose themselves which one they want to follow. The statement is backed by General Garafaele of Aengmor. The City of Stars declares such acts as rebellious and warn that necessary actions will be taken to restore the religion of Rafiel before too much blasphemy transpires. Meaning: Tanadaleyo is trying to reduce the tensions without declaring either Way of Rafiel the right one. She would rather abolish the Way of Rafiel completely, so choosing one or the other will just make it all the harder for her to get rid of it later. Unfortunately, this answer satisfies none of the groups, especially with the cult of Atzanteotl hiding in the shadows, pulling strings, and just causing trouble while drawing little or no attention to themselves. KALDMONT 11, AC 1014 Event: In the city of Akorros, a shrine built in the honor of the Immortal Gareth is completed today. Meaning: The shrine is a small church; nothing fancy enough to be called a temple. Still, the high priest Arturo Olivera has managed to attract enough followers in the city to fill it during the ceremonies. It seems the people of Darokin can accept the philosophy of Gareth that mortals are not the plaything of the Immortals above. Many also simply come to see what this Immortal who has a priestess who seems to be single-handedly running the underground movement in Sind (or so claim the rumors that leak back to Darokin) can do. KALDMONT 15, AC 1014 Event: After weeks of fighting throughout the desert of Ylaruam, the Kin faction finally make their move on the City of Ylaruam. The capital of the Preceptors is surrounded and all trade supplies are blocked off, including access to the oases just outside of town. Meaning: The Kin faction has had the advantage ever since the sandstorm. Although both sides lost an almost equal number of men, the Preceptors lost their best leaders and warriors, while the Kin only lost ordinary warriors. Since then, the Kin have been out-maneuvering the Preceptors on the battlefield and slowly winning the war in the desert. KALDMONT 17, AC 1014 Event: Having started to feel the loss of power she once had in Glantri, Synn decides to try and cause trouble elsewhere in the Known World. She sends a powerful lich called Deimos to work on harassing Darokin to the South. Using her connection with Prince Kol, Synn sends several humanoid forces with Deimos to the Broken Lands. She also sends one of her shadow elf agents to act as Deimos' general of the humanoids. Once in the Broken Lands, the lich uses his magic to create a tower to act as his headquarters while his humanoids roam the area, gathering all the humanoids still alive and hiding on the shadow elves. These humanoids, still afraid of the shadow elves, are eager to join what appears to be a powerful horde in the making. Deimos calls his base Sable Tower. Synn herself occasionally visits the Dead Place in Ylaruam to see if her agents there have discovered anything new. Also, to make sure no one can link her to Dolores Hillsbury, she takes on another human form, this time with long blond hair (instead of the dark hair of Dolores), when she visits her followers in other nations. Meaning: As mentioned, with the loss of Jaggar, Synn in losing her political pull as Dolores Hillsbury in Glantri. Since she just has to cause chaos, she has decided to send some of her forces elsewhere to inflict chaos in other lands. Darokin has now become one of her targets. The shadow elves sent with Deimos will help keep the Shadow elves of the city of Aengmor away from the tower, hiding the humanoid forces there from the elves. The civil war of the shadow elves also helps. These shadow elf agents were originally spies on Glantri, but came to love the power, magic, and cutthroat politics of the human nation and decided to stay in Glantri rather than return to the City of Stars. Dolores Hillsbury learned of them and hired most of them to work for her. The spies, having been trained by Xatapechtli, were already evil since they are assassins without any compassion for their enemies. They got along rather well with Synn. Anyone who recognizes the names will know that Deimos and the above plot comes from the arcade game "D&D: Tower of Doom." The adventure of the arcade games are rather good and can easily be made into a standard rpg-module type game and even a complete campaign plot. It is my belief that the events of the arcade game take place in the year AC 1015, while those of the follow up game "D&D: Shadow over Mystara" take place in the year AC 1017. The actual details of the plot can be given in the AC 1015 version of this on-line Almanacs. KALDMONT 19, AC 1014 Event: The Kin faction breaks into Ylaruam and manage to take over the city. Sultan Mohammed Al-Kalim is captured by the Kin faction, as well as several members of the Council of Preceptors. The Kin declare that the Council of Preceptors will now be replaced with the Council of the Kin, and that the new Sultan of Ylaruam will be Hassan Al-Kalim, a true blood descendant of Suleiman Al-Kalim (for more information on the two factions and Al-Kalim's "bloodline," see GAZ 2: Ylaruam, p.4). Meaning: The Kin have just taken over Ylaruam. Although most of the Council of Preceptors has been captured, some have escaped, as have the other Preceptors not on the council. KALDMONT 20, AC 1014 Event: Winter finally arrives in the Heldannic Territories, and the Knights are forced to retreat from besieging the city of Hockstein. Meaning: A part of the plan was to wait until winter to make From ???@??? Fri Oct 04 20:18:57 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id VAA13441; Mon, 30 Sep 1996 21:53:04 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id GAA23189 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Mon, 30 Sep 1996 06:20:11 -0500 Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 06:20:11 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #245 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 146f771562af14f38d78e417c5956019 Status: U their move, as the snow and cold would force besieging enemies to leave of freeze to death. With the departure of the Knights outside the city, the rebels now have the whole winter to rest and recuperate, as well as prepare for the next onslaught come spring. KALDMONT 21, AC 1014 Event: After a "trial", Mohammed Al-Kalim and the Council of Preceptors are executed for treason against the nation of Ylaruam, having let the foreigners roam freely on sacred and holy ground and corrupt the citizens of Ylaruam. Foreigners in Ylaruam are also ordered to leave the country on pain of death, and all laws of murder and assault shall no longer apply when inflicted upon an infidel. The Council of the Kin close the borders of Ylaruam to foreign trade. Ylaruam also withdraws from the Western Defense League. Meaning: The position of Hassan is now very secure. The few remaining Preceptors flee to various nomad tribes still loyal to their beliefs. They intend to stay in hiding until the time is right to reclaim their rightful rulership of Ylaruam. Anyone harboring a Preceptor is considered to be an Outlaw under the new Sultan, so the tribes are very careful about this. As for the foreigners in Ylaruam, it is now acceptable for any Ylari to kill them. The new Sultan has ordered them to leave, and has not given them any time of grace for them to do so. The only ones who will get out without any trouble are the ambassadors in Ylaruam who will be escorted under guard back to the borders. KALDMONT 22, AC 1014 Event: With the propaganda spread by the worshippers of Atzanteotl in Rafielton, many of the elves begin to see Princess Tanadaleyo as a heretic who is turning her back completely on the Way of Rafiel. Tensions rise higher, people accuse each other of being traitors, and then a blow is struck. Soon, the city of Rafielton is at war; shadow elves are fighting shadow elves. The City of Stars declares war on the rebellious kingdoms of Rafielton and Aengmor, and shadow elf armies begin their march to retake the surface lands from the traitors. Meaning: The cult of Atzanteotl has started a civil war, and they don't even have to fight (although they are more than likely to get caught in the crossfire). Within a few days, the fighting quickly spreads throughout the Canolbarth Forest as "resistance" groups scatter and hide everywhere, taking up hit and run tactics on "traitors." Although the original battle was small enough to be contained by the Rafielton military, the cult of Atzanteotl started running around the city, yelling that the military was on one side or another, making them believe that others were being unfairly treated. Before anyone could sort out the truth behind what has happened, it was already too late; fighting broke out throughout the town, and militia groups had taken off into the forest to fight their war. The actions taken by the City of Stars has more to do with the influence of the shamans of Rafiel than the desires of King Telemon. The King himself cares nothing about the shamans or their way, but he knows that to openly defy them in the City of Stars, where they still have direct control, would be suicidal. Phophyriel doesn't care about the renegade elves and is glad to be rid of them, but there's still the matter of principal behind the revolt, so she uses her influence to force a punishment on the blasphemers. KALDMONT 28, AC 1014 Event: on the 28th, the Day of Dread takes place once again. No one has yet been able to solve this problem and eliminate the curse or magical effect that seems to cause the day without magic. - -- Herve Musseau Primary Email: Secondary Email: Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 10:53:39 +0100 Subject: [Mystara] 1014SUM FELMONT 3 to 18, AC 1014 Event: In Mirros, Davinos (a Traladaran man of Kelvin) gains an audience with King Stefan and proposes that there be lesser taxes for a few Traladaran merchant families who were criminally hurt during the Thyatian's takeover of Traladara 40 years ago. Davinos is later slain in the streets of Mirros by Karameikans of Thyatian descent and tensions mount between the Thyatians and Traladaran of Mirros. A civil war almost breaks out as the Traladarans begin to believe that the Thyatians are once again trying to enslave them. The violence will ebb when Lord Yuschiev, a Traladaran landed-lord, and his men discover and prove that Davinos' murder was orchestrated by Traladarans of the Veiled Society hoping to stir up anti-Thyatian feelings, and not by Thyatian Karameikans. Even with the end of violence, the tension that has risen between the Karameikans of Thyatian and Traladaran descent unfortunately remains. King Stefan is very grateful to Yuschiev and his men for helping stop a possible civil war before it started. Meaning: Davinos' Complaint is an adventure detailed in GAZ 1: The Grand Duchy of Karameikos, p.17. A minor change for those who would play it out with their PCs is that Lord Yuschiev and his men also happen to be on the scene when Davinos is murdered. Instead of Emilio the Great then hiring the PCs to find out who is behind it, Yuschiev would himself ask them to help him find out the ring leader as he does not want to see a civil war start between his people and the Thyatians. Even though he dislikes Thyatians, he knows such a war would only kill his people and make them worse off then before. So Yuschiev, his men-at-arms, and perhaps the PCs he also hires (since they knew the murder was going to take place and must have some useful information) track down and pin it on the Veiled Society of Mirros. Another reason Yuschiev is involved is to introduce the character of the novel "Dark Knight of Karameikos" into the setting of a Karameikan campaign. This event helps the Traladaran Lord gain the attention of the King who will reward him with the title of Baron next year (AC 1015). Perhaps one of his men in the adventure is Grygory (the main hero of the novel), who will be knighted once Yuschiev becomes a Baron. The novel "Dark Knight of Karameikos" takes place in the year AC 1018 as it mentions its the 12th year on the throne for the King of Karameikos. The tension created by this adventure also helps explain the tension between the two Karameikan cultures that is very apparent in that novel. Basically, this just helps make the Mystara novel "official." Also, more than likely any PCs involved in this adventure will receive the title of Court Lord from King Stefan as a reward. FELMONT 6, AC 1014 Event: A patrol of Huleans is ambushed and decimated near the town of Mahasabad. Meaning: The Freedom Warriors are gaining more courage thanks to the leadership being brought to them by the Prophet. Anand, although never personally interested in politics or war, has turned out to be quite the tactician and has been planning daring raids on the Huleans. Whenever they can, the Freedom Warriors give their spoils back to the people of the land. This has been turning them into great national heroes. The Freedom Warriors do not want to start a full scale war, as thousands would suffer and die for nothing. Instead, they contend themselves with gorilla-warfare style hit and runs. The intend to humiliate the Huleans and hurt only them, not the innocent people of Sind. When words gets around that the Prophet of Gareth is one of their leaders, the legends of Sitara spread even further throughout sind. Some begin to claim that she must be an Immortal incarnation of Himayeti the Defender. FELMONT 7, AC 1014 Event: Throughout the Heldann Territories, many villages of Heldanners revolt against their cruel masters, the Heldannic Knights. None of the minor revolts or rebellions last very long, and many of the peasants are executed for treason afterwards. Meaning: The people of the Heldann Freeholds see that without their spells to back them up, now is the best chance to overthrow the Knights. Unfortunately, the commoners are badly organized, trained, and equipped, while the knights still have their discipline, weapons, and military training. Result: The Knights squash the majority of the rebellions, and only a few cause any real trouble to them. Still, this is only the beginning as most peasants are still too afraid to try and strike at their masters. With time, more will join in the rebellion, and then the Knights will have a large problem to deal with. FELMONT 12, AC 1014 Event: After several weeks of chasing the kobold horde, Ragnar and his men manage to chase Psa'gh's horde out of Soderfjord and into the mountains of Rockhome. Ragnar declares the war a victory and the kobolds no longer a threat to Soderfjord. They begin heading home. Meaning: Kobolds have never been good at direct combat with humans, preferring to rely on traps and stealth. Since the humans knew where the Falun Caverns were, Psa'gh realized that their chances of victory in the caverns were slim. He has now fled into the dwarven mountains of Rockhome in the hopes of setting up a new lair. Just to make sure they do not come back, Ragnar leaves a few patrols to watch the border for any returning kobolds. FELMONT 15, AC 1014 Event: The Council of Princes of Glantri announces that Glantrian will not submit to staying simply in one foreign quarters in Ylaruam or wear ridiculous outfits because they are mages elsewhere in Ylaruam. Since their diplomat was unable to come to better arrangements with the Sultan of Ylaruam, Glantri declares that they will boycott the World Games in Ylaruam. Meaning: Synn has once again used her influence on the Council to isolate Glantri from the rest of the world. Playing on the fact that wizards must ridicule themselves in colorful robes while in Ylaruam, she has managed to convince them that going to Ylaruam would only embarrass them and make a mockery out of Glantri. Glantri therefore backs out of the game, and the rest of the world begin to see them as stuck-up and arrogant once more, just as Synn wants it to turn out. Synn, however, sends her own agents to the World Games (as non-Glantrians) as she hopes they will make contacts in the rest of the world that can become useful to her later on. FELMONT 17, AC 1014 Event: Psa'gh and his horde encounter a tribe of giants who control this section of the mountains of Rockhome. The kobolds are quickly forced to flee the area before being decimated. Psa'gh decides to head northeast and hopefully enter Soderfjord undetected. FELMONT 24, AC 1014 Event: Psa'gh and his wandering horde encounter a group of orcs of Thar's tribe, who invite the kobolds to join with the great King. Although not wanting to submit to an orc, Psa'gh believes he can work something out with the great orc leader he has heard so much of from the orc's rule in the Broken Lands. The horde of kobolds and gnolls makes it way toward the Makkres Mountains in Vestland. Meaning: Psa'gh and Thar have already made a truce not to attack each other last year, but now it seems as if the two just might indeed join together, and that would make their forces rather hard to defeat. FYRMONT 2, AC 1014 Event: Earthquakes shake northern Darokin and southern Glantri, as well as western Ethengar. Soon enough, adventurers and merchants coming out of the Broken Lands report the source of the trembling: A city has risen out of the depths of the Broken Lands. Meaning: The Wanderers and the worshippers of Atzanteotl have accomplished their goal: raise Aengmor to the surface (although the Wanderers are unaware that the worshippers of Atzanteotl wanted the same result). The effect of the sunlight of the surface is to destroy the soul crystals of the shamans of Rafiel, therefore weakening their control over the city of Aengmor. Another ramification is to the humanoids of the Broken Lands. The shadow elven military immediately gets to work at purging them from the area. Many flee to the Great Crater and join Kol's forces, while other head to the Makkres Mountains where Thar is rumored to be forming a new kingdom (or so say his messengers). Some stay behind to join a couple of brave humanoids leaders who plan on driving the shadow elves out of their lands. Unfortunately for those planning on eliminating the shadow elves, they are badly trained, equipped, and lead, and suffer almost total destruction clashing with the shadow elves. Still, despite their best efforts, the shadow elves cannot possibly hope to clear the entire Broken Lands. They settle for keeping a good 50 mile radius around their city as clear as possible. FYRMONT 5, AC 1014 Event: Princess Tanadaleyo of Rafielton announces that the Shadow elves have risen their sacred city of Aengmor to the surface of the Broken Lands from where it sank to several centuries ago. She states that the ruler of the city will General Garafaele Galeifel, ruling in the name of King Telemon of the City of Stars. Meaning: Many nations of the world begin to worry about this constant move and take over by the shadow elves. The Western Defense League agrees that their main concern now is more the shadow elves than the Empire of Thyatis, as the shadow elves have both taken over the Broken Lands and used evidently powerful magic to raise a city from the depths of Mystara to the surface, a city which could easily be used as a base to invade anywhere else around. Although no one declares war on the shadow elves or accuses them of hostilities, everyone decides to wait and see what these elves will do with their new surface city, all the while preparing their defenses. The decision isn't made easily as two forces lobby for action against the shadow elves, notably the former elves of Alfheim (thanks to the Alfheim Avengers) and the dwarves of Rockhome, yelling out to everyone that they are about to invade all of Mystara as they predicted before. The dwarves are surprised that their only allies in this seem to be elves. Will Kagyar's wonders never cease?!?! FYRMONT 6, AC 1014 Event: Psa'gh's horde of kobolds reaches the Soderfjord - Rockhome - Vestland border. They continue on into Vestland. Meanwhile, the scouts left behind by Ragnar send a messenger back to the King to inform him what the kobolds have been up to. They have been following the kobolds for the past few days since they entered Soderfjord and followed the Rockhome border for the past week or so. Meaning: Although he declared the war won, Ragnar still believes that the kobolds will come back since he did not crush them, and merely forced them to flee. Ragnar intends to keep a close eye on them for as long as he can. FYRMONT 8, AC 1014 Event: With a large portion of Vestland's army in the Makkres Mountains looking for Thar's lair, Thar leads his forces (now augmented by new tribes) in an attack on the town of Rhoona. FYRMONT 10, AC 1014 Event: The town of Rhoona falls to the invading orcs. Duke Stephan of Rhoona (from X3: Curse of Xanathon) is killed by the humanoids. The orcs plunder all they can and leave before words even reaches the forces in the Makkres Mountains. FYRMONT 12, AC 1014 Event: The "Adoria", an Imperial Skyship of Thyatis, encounters the flying city of Serraine over Thyatian Mainland. The Adoria's captain informs them that Thyatis will now be protecting their skies above the Empire. Once the meeting is over with, the gnomes are only too happy to leave the Thyatian skies. Meaning: Serraine has never intended to invaded Thyatis, but the Empire has merely let them know that the Empire now also has skyships, believing that this will ensure they do not attack. Also, the captain has taken the advantage of getting a good look at the city and its defenses, as the Empire of Thyatis has wanted to get it's hands on the flying city for some time now... once they have enough skyships to attack the city, that is. FYRMONT 13, AC 1014 Event: In the foothills of the Black Mountains, near Lake Halli, Thurgg finally arrives back to his home tribe, the Dark Fangs. The orc fighting-monk of Gareth begins to teach his people the ways of the new Immortal. Meaning: Thurgg will have a lot of trouble trying to teach fellow orcs about peace and working together. Many challenge him to fights to the death for speaking such non-sense, but thanks to the training he has had with Anand Brishnapur, Thurgg is able to defeat all his opponents. And he lets all of them live, something unheard of in the orc tribes before. Many orcs watch Thurgg (who fights with his bare hands and feet and still wins!) closely to see what he intends to do and say. FYRMONT 14, AC 1014 From ???@??? Fri Oct 04 20:18:57 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id VAA13441; Mon, 30 Sep 1996 21:53:04 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id GAA23189 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Mon, 30 Sep 1996 06:20:11 -0500 Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 06:20:11 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #245 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 146f771562af14f38d78e417c5956019 Status: U Event: King Harald Gudmundson sends a plea of help to King Ragnar of Soderfjord asking for his help against the goblinoids in his lands. He states that Thar's horde is on the move, and a new force of kobolds has entered his lands from the south. Ragnar declares that he will help Vestland, and sends forth his men who are eager to once more defeat humanoids after their last victory just over a month ago. Troops march out immediately upon the Overland Trade Route toward Vestland. Meaning: Although there is no political reason to help Vestland besides being good neighbors, Ragnar is still "drunk" with the glory he received for defeating the kobolds in the Hardangers. Another victory will improves his standings all the more. Also, he wants to catch up to Psa'gh and stop him once and for all so the troublesome kobolds never returns to Soderfjord. FYRMONT 15 to 28, AC 1014 Event: From the 15th to the 28th of Fyrmont, the World Games take place in the city of Ylaruam. As before, athletes from various nations (and independently, including a few Glantrians who come without the blessing of their nation) compete against each other to see who is the best at what they do. The games go rather well except for two things: First, during the opening ceremonies, a fight breaks out in the crowds between the Ylari and foreign visitors over their blasphemies and disrespect toward the Way of Al-Kalim. The other difference is the lack of aquatic competitions this year as the Ylari officials refuse to allow the use of their precious oasis to swim in: water is too important in the desert for such foolishness. Also, many athletes have trouble competing in the intense heat of Ylaruam, so many clerics are present to help those that collapse before any permanent harm (or even death) can come to anyone. Create water spells come in very handy during these two weeks. Meaning: There is no hidden meaning here. Both the Empire of Thyatis and Ierendi makes claims to have the World Games in their nations next year. The Western Defense League, who created and sponsored the games, however, prefer to have the games in each of their nations before going to any other nation. Shiretown, the capital of the Five Shires, is therefore given the honors of hosting the games next year. Another event is that many of the Ylari get to see first hand what foreigners are like; they witness all their infidel behaviors, and total lack of civility. Most are appalled by the "civilized" customs they have brought, from lewd behavior and prostitution, to theft and gambling; things that are considered religious taboos by the Ylari. This seems to enhance the bad reputation of foreigners in the minds of most Ylari. FYRMONT 20, AC 1014 Event: Thar's horde makes it's move upon the town of Landersfjord. This time, the northern men are ready for them and the humanoids are forced to lay siege to the well defended town. FYRMONT 21, AC 1014 Event: A break is made in the wooden palisade of Landersfjord, and the goblinoids rush into the streets to start huge fighting. After several hours, the two forces seem to have come to a stand still when reinforcements arrive. Psa'gh and his kobolds enter the town and help crush the human defenders. Meaning: The two mighty humanoids leaders have finally come together, and two human towns (Rhoona and Landersfjord) have suffered a crushing defeat. The goblinoids then proceed to plunder the farmsteads all around the town, gathering all the food, gold, and weapons they can carry. FYRMONT 22, AC 1014 Event: Agents working for Synn at the World Games hear rumors about a cursed place of great magical power called the Dead Place (see GAZ 2: Ylaruam, p. 63). The discover that this sacred battleground is apparently located somewhere in the Emirate of Nithia. They decide that once the World Games are over, they will eventually begin looking for this place to see if they can find any powerful magic for themselves and Synn. Meaning: This is exactly what it appears to be: the search for magic and power. FYRMONT 23 to 27, AC 1014 Event: Hulagu Khan of the Uighurs leads his clan out of the Ethengar steppes and into the Heldann Territories to start the invasion ordered by the Great Khan. After a brief skirmish with patrols of the Heldannic Knights, Hulagu returns to Ethengar and the Golden Khan sends a message to Wulf von Klagendorf stating his apologies over a mix-up he will correct immediately. Meaning: Oktai Khan and his Glantrian agents sent a false message to Hulagu Khan, who has well known desires to invade the Heldann Territories. The message claimed that the Great Khan decided to invade Heldann because the sacred white stallion has been roaming in those lands and that was a divine sign to conquer them. Not caring about anything except attacking the Heldanners, Hulagu did not even bother to verify the autencity of the message and started the invasion. Before he could get to far, however, real envoys of the Golden Khan manage to stop him and convince him to return to Ethengar. The fake messengers are captured and they are discovered to be Taijit warriors. Moglai Khan, now having had the last straw of Oktai's plots, has decided he will eliminate this rival once and for all. He sets in motion a plan to reveal Oktai Khan's secret alliance with the Glantrians so he can gain the support of his people to destroy the rival Khan. Those with GAZ 12: The Golden Khan of Ethengar, can find the information on the various Khans and tribes, as well as the above plot in the sub-plot Trouble in the North (p. 61), of the adventure In The Service of the Golden Khan. It could now be a good time to play out that adventure with the PCs. The whole incident is a plot devised by the Glantrians to keep the Ethengarians at war with the Heldann Territories so that Glantry would be safe. FYRMONT 25, AC 1014 Event: The armies of Vestland finally catch up to the humanoid forces near the newly created ruins of Landersfjord. The goblinoids, under the brilliant leadership of both Thar and Psa'gh, manage to outflank the first wave of humans and cause them to flee back to the north. Meanwhile, the goblinoids themselves pull back, retreating toward the Soderfjord border where they intend to try and lose all pursuit. Meaning: Both Thar and Psa'gh know that they cannot defeat the humans head to head with the poor equipment they have for their horde. They are now trying to find better terrain so the fighting will favor them. Since the forces sent into the Makkres Mountains have now returned, the way back to those mountains have been blocked. The goblinoid leaders therefore favor moving southwards, perhaps into the mountains of Rockhome, rather than trying to force their way back into the Makkres. AMBYRMONT 1, AC 1014 Event: The forces of Ragnar attack the orcs of Thar and the kobolds of Psa'gh, catching them from surprise as they had believed that the humans of Soderfjord would not have sent large forces into Vestland. The battle becomes a stalemate as the effects of the surprise are just not enough to overcome the huge number of goblinoids involved. AMBYRMONT 2, AC 1014 Event: General Garafaele Galeifel and the royal wizard Kanafasti announce that the Way of Rafiel will be changed within the city of Aengmor. The most important changes relate to the abandonment of deformed children and the forceful exile of the Wanderers; these practices will no longer be performed within the city of Aengmor as they are no longer needed to ensure the survival of the race that has now reclaimed the right to live on the surfaced world. This presents various rumors in the streets of Aengmor and although there is no open confrontations, it is obvious that not everyone agrees with the new rules. Meaning: Kanafasti would have loved to wait a bit longer before declaring such a ruling, but he is to become a Wanderer himself in a matter of days. Using the friendship and trust of Garafaele that he has earned by teaching the General magic (see GAZ 13: The Shadow Elves), they declare the new rule as law within Aengmor. The shamans of the City of Stars make an official complaint to King Telemon about the blasphemy of the Radiant General, but Telemon says that he wants to wait and see what will happen. Porphyriel, the head shaman, truly does not care if those on the surface leave, as they have been causing her trouble for a while now. But she must put up a show of concern to prevent others in the City of Stars to decide that it's alright and leave as well. The whole idea itself sprang up from none other than Xatapechtli. Using his friendship with Kanafasti, he managed to convince the mage that it would be a good thing to do for the shadowelves and especially the Wanderers. Kanafasti has no idea that he is also helping spread the plans of Atzanteotl. AMBYRMONT 3, AC 1014 Event: Synn's agents hire a guide and porters to bring them to the fabled Dead Place in the Emirate of Nithia. AMBYRMONT 4 to 9, AC 1014 Event: Moglai manages to catch Oktai Khan's messengers to his Glantrian allies (Prince Jherek, at least who he thinks is his ally; the Prince simply uses him as a pawn). With that, Moglai Khan moves the Keshak (Ethengarian equivalent of Royal Army) and the Murkit warriors after the traitorous Khan. Oktai's tribe, the Taijit, defend their Khan at first, but when they learn that he was a traitor, they desert him. Oktai Khan is eventually captured, and beheaded by the Golden Khan. Afterwards, Moglai Khan declares that the Glantrians have caused much trouble between them and the now submissive Heldannic Knights (or so he keeps telling his warriors), hoping to get them to waste time fighting between them. They nearly succeeded because of the traitor, Oktai Khan. But now the Ethengar warriors are aware of the treachery, and they shall have their revenge. Moglai Khan promises that Glantri's time is nearing it's end as it shall be the first to fall to the glorious Ethengar Empire that shall be formed. Meaning: This event serves two grand purposes for the Golden Khan. First, it eliminates one of his rivals among the Khans (Oktai). Second, by declaring that the Ethengar hordes will ride again to war, against their hated enemy Glantri at that, Moglai is taking care of the morale problems brought up by the truce made with the Heldannic Knights. Now, instead of fighting each other or complaining about Moglai's rule, they are preparing themselves for another war. Moglai begins the planning of the battle he expects to start next year. The Glantrian spies in Ethengar manage to learn of the plan and warn the Council of Princes about the upcoming invasion. It seems that their plan has backfired dramatically and now they'll have to pay the price for their meddling. This is the follow up and conclusion to the above mentioned adventure presented in the Ethengar GAZ. AMBYRMONT 5, AC 1014 Event: The armies of Thar and Psa'gh are crushed by the human forces of Soderfjord and Vestland after a huge battle in a deep valley within the hills around the town of Landersfjord. The fates of Thar and Psa'gh remain unknown to the human victors. Meaning: The humanoid forces of the Northern Reaches have just been dealt a crippling blow. After this, they should no longer be much of a threat to the norsemen. After several days of skirmishing and minor battles with Ragnar and the men of Soderfjord, the goblinoids were unfortunate to back off into a valley which was suddenly blocked off at the other end by the forces of Vestland. The goblinoids were crushed in between without any place to escape in large numbers. Ragnar returns victorious to his people, having regained most, but not all, of his prestige of being a great warrior and King. AMBYRMONT 9, AC 1014 Event: The Sultan of Ylaruam is flooded with complaints from many discontent Ylari who are upset and complaining about the ways that the infidel foreigners have been treating them and behave the past couple of weeks during the World Games. Then, word starts spreading on the streets that the Sultan is no longer fit to rule. And many begin to agree with it, not wanting to see foreigners in their land again and believing that the Sultan's attitude at making peace with the infidels is wrong. Meaning: This is the work of the Kin faction, seeing the best chance they have ever had at gaining control of the throne of Ylaruam. It seems that the Ylari, although peaceful and respectful, were just not ready to handle so many foreigners and cultures all at once. AMBYRMONT 12, AC 1014 Event: The more vocal of those upset with Sultan Mohammed Al- Kalim are arrested and trialed for treason, with some executed that same day. Many of the relatives of those executed become even more upset at the Sultan, and vow to avenge their dead. AMBYRMONT 13, AC 1014 Event: Synn's agents in Ylaruam arrive in the Emirate of Nithia and begin searching the are that is suppose to contain the Dead Place. Unfortunately for them, it is currently covered in sand and will be rather hard to find. AMBYRMONT 14, AC 1014 Event: Tensions begin to mount in the city of Aengmor as the shadow elves begin to polarize in opinion on whether or not to support the new Way of Rafiel or return to the old one. General Garafaele puts his foot down and does not allow any fighting to occur, giving harsh discipline to elves of either opinion who start being too violent or forceful about their thoughts. Also, officials from the City of Stars begin demanding that Garafaele return to the proper worship of Rafiel before actions are taken to relieve him of his duties. Meaning: The cult of Atzanteolt is stirring up the trouble. They hope that they can get the elves of Rafiel to fight each other until they are sick altogether of Rafiel, no matter which way you worship him. That's when it will be easy for Atzanteotl to move in and gather even more worshippers. AMBYRMONT 18, AC 1014 Event: A few survivors of a massacred colony on the Great Escarpment on the Isle of Dawn make it back to West Portage. They claim their village was attacked and destroyed by huge spiders. Adventurers/military patrol are sent in to see what happened. Meaning: The colony was attacked and wiped out by the residents of the plateau: aranea. The aranea use to worship Arachne Prime, and had an evil culture based on the beliefs of this Immortal of Entropy. However, Arachne Prime was defeated by adventurers a couple of decades ago and the aranea have since been on their own. Despite losing several of their number to a war with phanaton and other forest creatures, the culture of evil aranea survived, and they have decided that they have taken enough trespassing on their territory of the Great Escarpment. (The aranea, phanaton, and Arachne Prime are all detailed in the D&D adventure module M5 Talons of Night, and probably took place during the years AC 990-1000). Regardless, there is a culture of evil aranea on the Great Escarpment, and they are now attacking the "invading" Thyatian colonists. AMBYRMONT 20, AC 1014 Event: Two tribes of nomads in Ylari class over their opinions about foreigners and the Sultan, and the battle turns deadly and bloody. Within days, many other tribes take up arms, and it seems that Ylaruam has fallen into an unofficial civil war (since no one has yet tried to overthrow the Sultan; they're fighting over difference in opinions). Besides fighting themselves, many also target the foreigners still in Ylaruam, blaming them for all the trouble that is now happening in their nation. Meaning: This is exactly the effect the Kin faction has been trying to get. It is also a dangerous time for any foreigners still in Ylaruam, especially mages and elves. Another minor influence in the events are the Thyatian spies. Seeing trouble on the way, Thyatis would love nothing better than to have Ylaruam fall into a civil war, keeping their warriors busy and preventing them from raiding the Thyatian mainland. They start doing what they can to promote the fighting without drawing any attention that Thyatis is even involved. AMBYRMONT 22, AC 1014 Event: The tension in the City of Aengmor soons spreads to Rafielton. Before long, the shadow elves of the Canolbarth Forest are also into the debate. Meaning: This is just a logical progression of the religious upheaval throughout the realms of the shadow elves. Of course, it doesn't help that the cult of Atzanteotl is also helping to spread the tension and disorder. - -- Herve Musseau Primary Email: Secondary Email: Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #245 ***************************** From ???@??? Fri Oct 04 20:19:06 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id DAA16901; Wed, 2 Oct 1996 03:51:36 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id MAA05143 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Tue, 1 Oct 1996 12:20:42 -0500 Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 12:20:42 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #246 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: f0bafb36d9aa4cd792629d740cd654fc Status: U mystara-digest Tuesday, 1 October 1996 Volume 01 : Number 246 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (MR TIMOTHY M DI BONA) Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 09:46:46, -0500 Subject: [Mystara] Re: Big Box <> What else would go into a Mystara box?<> How about new Gaz's on countries like Hule and the new Alphation Empire. - -tim ------------------------------ From: Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 10:52:07 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World In einer eMail vom 29.09.1996 20:32:51, schreiben Sie: >Since in the HW boxed set, it says >> that the spell of Preservation is fueled by the HW sun, it is only logical >to >> assume that the SOP stopped working too, which would have really >interesting >> consequences (e.g.a culture could be totally destroyed during that week). >> >> Alad3 >> >Where is this stated? I can't seem to find that passage. > > page 7, 4th line on the right: "This was a massive outpouring of energy continuously fueled by the enrgies of the central sun." Alad3 ------------------------------ From: Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 10:53:34 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World In einer eMail vom 29.09.1996 22:34:11, schreiben Sie: > In the Hollow World Dungeon Master's Sourcebook (by Aaron Allston, who >I've discovered has a web-page and email address... ;) ), on page 7, it >states "They created what they called their /Spell of Preservation/. This >was a massive outpouring of magical energy which was continuously fueled >by the energies of the central sun (which itself is just a pinhole-sized >/gate/ to the plane of Energy)...". > > Oops, sorry, i answered that e-mail a bit too early. Thanks for answering in my place. Alad3 ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 18:18:29 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] poll result wrote: > > In a message dated 96-09-27 10:37:58 EDT, Herve Musseau wrote: > > >Hmm, Bruce, if you want to give us your opinion on that matter, you're > >welcome (ok, I know, your mailbox is full, and in part because of my > >mails.. ok I stop provoking you). > > Nice try, Herve, but no cigar! You ought to know better than try to get me to > comment on TSR's policies, and on a public forum at that. For the record, > this is not the kind of discussion with which I am willing to get involved. > Let it be known! > > Bruce Heard I was sure you would say something like that. And, as I said, I just prefer you (and the list) don't get involve in such a sterile discussion. 't was just a joke with a point of provocation. As I concluded in that same post, I prefer to do more creative things. - -- Herve Musseau Primary Email: Secondary Email: Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 18:30:57 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World StarHawk wrote: > > On Sun, 29 Sep 1996, Daniel Boese wrote: > > > In HWQ1, The Milenian Scepter, "...the sun of the Hollow World was > > extinguished for one full sleep (day) late in the year of AC 1,009. Magic > > throughout the world also ceased to function during this time.". > > > Odd, shouldn't this be a week? Perhaps mortal magic was affected for a > week and Immortal magic for a day? Even if immortal magic failed for only one day, that doesn't explain how Floating Ar and Serraine didn't crash to the ground. - -- Herve Musseau Primary Email: Secondary Email: Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Robert Kaelin Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 13:17:32 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] 1014FAL >SVIFTMONT 3, AC 1014 > >Event: Prince Jaggar von Drachenfels ends his affair with >Dolores Hillsbury and the two seem forever opposed in Council >meetings. > >Meaning: Two years ago, Prince Malachie brought Jaggar some >scales of a dragon and wanted to learn which type of dragon they >were. Jaggar has been intrigue because despite being the master >Dracologist, he has never seen that type of scale/dragon before. >After a few more talks with Malachie and sending his spies out >to discover where the Prince of Morlay-Malinbois found these >scales, Jaggar has eventually discovered that Dolores has >something to do with them. (Malachie did not tell him directly >as he finds it would be more believable if Jaggar finds out for >himself) After examining everything he has done since taking up >with Dolores, including supporting Kol and his kobolds over >the elves of Erewan, Jaggar becomes dismayed at the fool he has >been. He has vowed to destroy Dolores for the chaos she has >caused in Glantri, and for the evil he has unknowingly done in >her name. But he knows better than to try and confront her >directly. As all Princes/mages do in Glantri, he begins to use >his influence and political power to destroy her on the political >level since a direct confrontation between Princes is not allowed >without sufficient cause (personal hatred does not count, nor >does not being human, in Glantri). > Also, he has more pressing matters of planning the defense >of his nation against Ethengar's invasion, which could come at >any time. This is a battle he has been waiting for a long time >and wants to make sure everything is perfect. All I can say is, "It's about &*#$%# time he wisened up." :-) Great work Herve. (I still haven't forgotten the True Dweomers, I'm just really, really slow.) :-) - -Bob - ------------------------------------------------ Bob Kaelin Natural Intelligence Software Developer 725 Concord Ave. (617) 876-7680 x1253 Cambridge Ma. 02138 ------------------------------ From: Fabrizio Paoli Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 23:48:37 +0100 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Re: Big Box At 09.46 30/09/96 -0500, you wrote: ><> What else would go into a Mystara box?<> > >How about new Gaz's on countries like Hule and the new Alphation >Empire. A Gaz about Hule would be very interesting, but unfortunately info are quite sparse... About the new Alphatian Empire just check Herve's homepage at ************** Fabrizio Paoli DM in City Of The Stars aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr Home Page: ------------------------------ From: Fabrizio Paoli Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 23:35:53 +0100 Subject: Re: [Mystara] 1014SPR At 10.53 30/09/96 +0100, you wrote: > >YARTHMONT 20, AC 1014 > >Event: Kanafasti and the Wanderers believe to have found a way >to stay in Aengmor while maintaining the Way of Rafiel; they >intend to raise the city of Aengmor to the surface world, where >they will claim a new way of Rafiel shall be born. Abandoning >the deformed and the old was correct underground, as only the >strong could survive in that harsh land, but on the surface world >such events need no longer occur. They hope that they can start >a more caring religion of Rafiel in their new town on the >surface. Kanafasti and the Wanderer mages immediately begin the >research for such a powerful magical spell. > >Meaning: Unfortunately for the Wanderers, the idea was secretly >brought to them by the cult of Atzanteolt. The cult of >Atzanteolt has grown as powerful as it dares with the shamans of >Rafiel in Aengmor. They intend to destroy the shaman's power by >raising the city to the surface, where their soul crystals will >be destroyed by the sunlight, and hence they will lose all >spellcasting abilities. If that were to happen, the cult of >Atzanteolt is sure they can take over Aengmor. The Wanderers, so >intent on changing the Way of Rafiel for themselves, have failed >to realize that someone else might also be trying to impose their >own religion. Followers of Rafiel, as the Wanderers are, believe that soul crystals hold the past and future generations of their race, so destroying the soul crystals certainly prevents shamans from casting their spells, but also "kills" yet unborn shadow elves. Do you think that the follower of Rafiel in Aengmor will risk killing their brethern just to raise the city and establish a New Way of Rafiel ? I'm not saying that Aengmor shouldn't be raised, but maybe you should have the shamans flee the city before its raising. Another way of solving this problem would be to state clearly that in the New Way soul crystal are not believed to hold anything and haven't any special power, as befits to their new life on the surface. ************** Fabrizio Paoli DM in City Of The Stars aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr Home Page: ------------------------------ From: "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 14:53:41 -0700 (MST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World On Mon, 30 Sep 1996, Herve MUSSEAU wrote: > Even if immortal magic failed for only one day, that doesn't explain how > Floating Ar and Serraine didn't crash to the ground. I seem to recall that Serraine, at least, did crash to the ground during that week. I think it was in PWA 1011 or 1010- where a large "footprint" was discovered in Karameikos?. It was actually the imprint of Serraine, which was forced to land and repair during that week- recall as well that Serraine doesn't make use of magic exclusively, but also makes use of technology. As for Floating Ar...? ------------------------------ From: StarHawk Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 18:32:34 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World On Mon, 30 Sep 1996, Herve MUSSEAU wrote: > StarHawk wrote: > > > > On Sun, 29 Sep 1996, Daniel Boese wrote: > > > > > In HWQ1, The Milenian Scepter, "...the sun of the Hollow World was > > > extinguished for one full sleep (day) late in the year of AC 1,009. Magic > > > throughout the world also ceased to function during this time.". > > > > > Odd, shouldn't this be a week? Perhaps mortal magic was affected for a > > week and Immortal magic for a day? > > Even if immortal magic failed for only one day, that doesn't explain how > Floating Ar and Serraine didn't crash to the ground. > Isn't Floating Ar held up by Mortal magic? And Serraine is powered by technology, not magic. The cities engines are an adaptation of the Beagles engines, whether a gnomish reconstruction or the original device I don't remember without looking. Or is technology now magic? Which brings up more questions. In the DA series are the Blackmoor devices magical according to detect magic? Are Oard devices magical according to detect magic? How about dispel magic? Anti-magic shell? etc. ------------------------------ From: "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 15:41:18 -0700 (MST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] 1014SUM Great work on the 1014 timeline. A few comments/suggestions, etc. for the edification of any who care to listen... :) On Mon, 30 Sep 1996, Herve MUSSEAU wrote: > FYRMONT 12, AC 1014 > > Event: The "Adoria", an Imperial Skyship of Thyatis, encounters > the flying city of Serraine over Thyatian Mainland. The Adoria's > captain informs them that Thyatis will now be protecting their > skies above the Empire. > Once the meeting is over with, the gnomes are only too happy > to leave the Thyatian skies. > > Meaning: Serraine has never intended to invaded Thyatis, but the > Empire has merely let them know that the Empire now also has > skyships, believing that this will ensure they do not attack. > Also, the captain has taken the advantage of getting a good look > at the city and its defenses, as the Empire of Thyatis has wanted > to get it's hands on the flying city for some time now... once > they have enough skyships to attack the city, that is. Now might be an opportune time for the Grey Front to make their move. Recall from PC2- Top Ballista, that these evil folk seek to take control of the flying city and use it as a base from which they can terrorize and extort magic, etc. from the nations of the Known World. In PC2, it mentions that their coup attempt should be ready in a couple of years- During the WotI might have been a good time, although it might From ???@??? Fri Oct 04 20:19:06 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id DAA16901; Wed, 2 Oct 1996 03:51:36 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id MAA05143 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Tue, 1 Oct 1996 12:20:42 -0500 Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 12:20:42 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #246 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: f0bafb36d9aa4cd792629d740cd654fc Status: U also have been too chaotic for their tastes, and they might have held off a bit at their attempt. Now, though, would be perfect. No more Alphatia, arguably the dominant manufacturer of flying ships (not to mention a magical world power)- no threats from them. Thyatis is greatly weakened; the Heldanners (with their mighty skyships) are busy with a civil war; Glantri is ripe with possible allies for the Grey Front- if they strike now, they could have control of one of the greatest (certainly most mobile) bases to terrorize the nations of Mystara. (I'd be willing to bet Bargle has tossed his lot in with these fellows, following his crushing defeat in Skyfyr two years ago...) > AMBYRMONT 18, AC 1014 > > Event: A few survivors of a massacred colony on the Great > Escarpment on the Isle of Dawn make it back to West Portage. > They claim their village was attacked and destroyed by huge > spiders. Adventurers/military patrol are sent in to see what > happened. > > Meaning: The colony was attacked and wiped out by the residents > of the plateau: aranea. The aranea use to worship Arachne Prime, > and had an evil culture based on the beliefs of this Immortal of > Entropy. However, Arachne Prime was defeated by adventurers a > couple of decades ago and the aranea have since been on their > own. Despite losing several of their number to a war with > phanaton and other forest creatures, the culture of evil aranea > survived, and they have decided that they have taken enough > trespassing on their territory of the Great Escarpment. (The > aranea, phanaton, and Arachne Prime are all detailed in the D&D > adventure module M5 Talons of Night, and probably took place > during the years AC 990-1000). Regardless, there is a culture of > evil aranea on the Great Escarpment, and they are now attacking > the "invading" Thyatian colonists. I like this bit of continuity with M5. My suggestion would be that these Aranea may be allied with the Aranea of the Savage Coast (whatever that nation is called). I recall Bruce Heard mentioning in the Princess Ark article that they were introduced in, that the Aranea came from another world- likely the world they came from in M5. I see two possibilities, then. 1) The two factions of Aranea (Isle of Dawn and Savage Coast) came from the same original colonization attempt- in all likelihood, the IoD's came first, with the SC's being a later migrant group, or perhaps they split off at the same time. In this case, they are likely allied, and may be working towards global domination. (Maybe the IoD's were keeping an eye on the Alphatians- potential rivals?) 2) The two factions are at odds with one another (similar to the Followers of the Flame, Followers of the Air factions of the Alphatians). They hate one another and will do anything they can to destroy the other's empires. Given the mentioning (in the Princess Ark) that the SC Aranea are followers of Korotiku, and the IoD Aranea are followers of Arachne Prime, religious differences could very well be at the core of their hatred for one another. Anyway, both options have a lot of potential, and can assist greatly in bringing the Savage Coast into closer contact with the rest of the Known World. ------------------------------ From: Robert Kaelin Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 21:14:59 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World >As for Floating Ar...? Floating Ar...According to the PWA's. (I don't have the last one so someone else can fill us in on what it says.) PWA I pg 33 in the description of Floating Ar. "During the events of WotI, when Alphatia sank, the floating land masses were never in danger; the Immortal Palartarkan saved them, keeping them floating above Alphatia while the continent below sank and disappeared." (This lends credance that Immortal magic isn't effected by the Day without magic.) PWA II pg 234 Day of Dread entry "Inhabitants of Floating Ar are once more relieved-as on the last Day of Dread their floating islands lose only a little altitude." PWA III pg 150 Nuwmont 1 entry, Reactions to the Day of Dread (This is the important one) "In Floating Ar, Alphatian nobles gather to discuss the results of the many experiments they carried out. For the next few weeks, they will debate the best interpretations of the data, accuse one another of sloppy research, and claim they were unable to duplicate the results enjoyed by their colleages. Eventually, they will come to a consensus of sorts-that the floating islands of Ar did not sink beneath the waves because they were enchanted by a mage on his way to Immortality. While the skyships and other mortally enchanted wonders of Floating Ar lay useless where they fell, the islands themselves merely lost a little altitde." Also to add to the debate whether or not Immortal magic is affected by the Day of Dread. PWA I pg 237 Day of Dread entry. "(However, unlike the dramatic week of no magic last year, the Hollow World Sun does not go out. Note, too, that Immortal magic is not effected by this event, so the Hollow World's floating islands and continents do not sink, artifacts continue to function, etc.) PWA II pg 235 Miracle in Sind entry on the Day of Dread Let me abbreviate. Sitara raises a Maharajah's daughter who falls out a window and dies. "Sitara's staff is a relic created by an Immortal, so it works today." Now, as for WHY the Hollow World sun went dark for a week, someone else will have to explain...Obviously ALL Immortal (or even semi-Immortal) magic didn't fade, or Floating Ar would have made a big splash. Also, if we assume for some odd reason that Hollow World magics (like the Spell of Preservation) did elapse during the week without magic (which for some reason was apparently stronger then the Day without Magic) it would be possible for a culture to be wiped out in that time, but incredibly unlikely. (None of the Immortals even knew it was coming, so no one could have divined it ahead of time. Cultures without much magic wouldn't immediately relize their neighbors with a lot of magic would be vulnerable quick enough, and those with a lot of magic wouldn't be able to do much about it. Plus, having the Sun go out probably put a huge damper on life in the Hollow World for a week, so very few people were probably planning genocidal attacks when they believed the world was about to end....Odds are they were to busy being terrified...What would you do if the sun suddenly went out?) :-) Hope this helps. - -Bob ------------------------------ From: "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 20:29:44 -0700 (MST) Subject: [Mystara] Magic and Tech (was: [Mystara] Hollow World and the Week of no Magic) On Mon, 30 Sep 1996, StarHawk wrote: > And Serraine is powered by technology, not magic. The cities engines are > an adaptation of the Beagles engines, whether a gnomish reconstruction or > the original device I don't remember without looking. Or is technology > now magic? Serraine is powered by a combination of technology and magic (recall that the gnomes needed the assistance of some Nagpa in order to raise the flying city into the sky). > Which brings up more questions. In the DA series are the Blackmoor devices > magical according to detect magic? Are Oard devices magical according to > detect magic? How about dispel magic? Anti-magic shell? etc. I don't recall for sure, but I'm pretty darned sure that the tech devices in the DA series do not register on Detect Magic- I think only a Lore (or Wish) would help gain any information on these devices, and then it could either give back gibberish (Spell- "It is a thermonuclear seismometer". Wizard- "Huh?"), or else give a simple description of the device's function (Spell- "It shoots explosive balls of fire." Wizard- "Oh, great. _Another_ wand of fireballs. Put it in the pile with the others...") As for Oard devices, I don't think it mentions anywhere that they are affected by any sort of magic dispelling or detection. If so, it shouldn't. :) ------------------------------ From: "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 20:36:37 -0700 (MST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World On Mon, 30 Sep 1996, Robert Kaelin wrote: > Also, if we assume for some odd reason that Hollow World magics (like the > Spell of Preservation) did elapse during the week without magic (which for > some reason was apparently stronger then the Day without Magic) it would be > possible for a culture to be wiped out in that time, but incredibly > unlikely. (None of the Immortals even knew it was coming, so no one could > have divined it ahead of time. Cultures without much magic wouldn't > immediately relize their neighbors with a lot of magic would be vulnerable > quick enough, and those with a lot of magic wouldn't be able to do much > about it. Plus, having the Sun go out probably put a huge damper on life > in the Hollow World for a week, so very few people were probably planning > genocidal attacks when they believed the world was about to end....Odds are > they were to busy being terrified...What would you do if the sun suddenly > went out?) :-) Of course, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the Gentle Folk committed mass suicide during this week- "Oh, great. We thought the Immortals hated us before; now they've gone and turned out the sun. Pass me some of that Hemlock, Bill. *pause* ... Bill? Guess I'll have to go get it myself..." Just imagine the look on the Karameikan expedition's faces when they stumble across the forest of the Gentle Folk in (AC 1012?). After being pursued by Giant dinosaurs, they find themselves in a peaceful, quiet forest... with thousands of dead bodies lying peacefully about... I'd hate to be the players during this session- you know they're going to panic thinking about what the DM is preparing to throw at them. :) As for the question of cultures being destroyed, with the exception above ;), I find it extremely unlikely as well. My original point, though, was to show that now could be a good way to introduce new elements into Hollow World cultures, that would stick once the SoP turns back on. No ideas, though, on interesting things to do... :( ------------------------------ From: Robert Kaelin Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 11:59:27 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World >As for the question of cultures being destroyed, with the exception above >;), I find it extremely unlikely as well. My original point, though, was >to show that now could be a good way to introduce new elements into >Hollow World cultures, that would stick once the SoP turns back on. No >ideas, though, on interesting things to do... :( Oh I can think of a few. Thanatos could let loose a massive (non-magical) plague into the world as soon as he realised there was not magic (and therefore no healing). Even a basic chicken pox or Swine flu could wipe out a whole lot of people if introduced correctly into water supplies with no clerics to counteract it. True, he won't have much time to plan it and execute his plans, but I'm sure he could come up with something. :-) Any Immortals who happened to be trapped in mortal Identities during the event (but could still get information from their other Avatars not trapped on Mystara since they all share one mind anyway) could have done a lot of damage. "The Immortals are punishing us all for the crimes of a few, the only way to get the sun back is to go slaughter XYZ group and sacrifice them to the Powers that Be." or better yet "The Immortals are sending us a message to destroy the evil wizards of our land, let's go storm their defenseless towers to appease the Immortals." (Then of course, when the sun came back on the vacuum and complete imbalance of power with a whole lot of mages wiped out would cause chaos the likes rarely seen. It'd also be a great way to get power for that particular Immortal's followers, since after the Week ended they'd be in possession of most of the magic items that they convinced the peasants were "now worthless".) Of course, they'd have to be pretty influential and persuasive (Of course, most Immortals fit this description.). But when the world ends I'm sure people will do almost anything if somebody in authority assures them they know how to fix it. It would also assume the Immortals themselves knew that magic would eventually come back on... That's open to interpretation. - ------------------------------------------------ Bob Kaelin Natural Intelligence Software Developer 725 Concord Ave. (617) 876-7680 x1253 Cambridge Ma. 02138 ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #246 ***************************** mystara-digest Friday, 4 October 1996 Volume 01 : Number 247 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 12:39:34 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World In einer eMail vom 01.10.1996 04:11:51, schreiben Sie: >it would be >possible for a culture to be wiped out in that time, but incredibly >unlikely. I was thinking of perhaps Colima (from HWA2) could have been attacked by the merry pirates. Not used to fighting, that would be the end of the Colimans. However that seems to be the only culture that would have been affected. ------------------------------ From: Geoff Gander Date: Tue, 1 Oct 96 13:31:09 EDT Subject: Re: [Mystara] The Netherlands Deathwatch writes: > > Since everybody is looking for references in Mystara and Earth, is there a > part which resembles The Netherlands? There is. In northern Glantri, there are towns with decidedly Dutch names, as well as the prominent Vlaardoen family (I believe that is what they are named). There are also the Dutch/French gnomes of Oostdock, in the Hollow World. Geoff> > - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Geoff Gander Political Science IV Carleton University General wanderer by principle, adventurer by profession Email address: - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: Geoff Gander Date: Tue, 1 Oct 96 13:43:20 EDT Subject: Re: [Mystara] Big Box (was: Rad ---> Immortal PPs) Daniel Boese writes: > better maps? Perhaps something similar to the Trail Maps (I'd considered > slicing and pasting together my Gazetteer maps for something similar, > until they came out :) ), and the Hollow World maps, and the WotI maps? > What else would go into a Mystara box? Rules on special types of magic > (Secret Crafts, Radiance, Runic, Elven, Hin, Dwarven, Shaman, Merchant), > special races (ala Creature Crucible), adventures, details on Immortality > and Immortals, a version of my Timeline :), how the Skyshield and Void and > gravity function, personalities, some things entirely new to us > "old-timers" :) ? Perhaps some method to join all these together.. perhaps > Joshuan goes into the atlas business, or Haldemar compiles his notes, or a > new Immortal gets briefed on the planet? > > -- > Daniel Boese Actually, I've started putting together the maps from Dragon magazine. I find that the ones included in the Red Steel boxed set are real dogs - hex is the best! So far, I've put together a 1 hex=8 miles maps of the Gulf of Hule region, from issues 171 and 172. It looks quite good. Geoff> - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Geoff Gander Political Science IV Carleton University General wanderer by principle, adventurer by profession Email address: - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: StarHawk Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 15:03:24 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World On Mon, 30 Sep 1996, Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One wrote: > Of course, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the Gentle Folk > committed mass suicide during this week- "Oh, great. We thought the > Immortals hated us before; now they've gone and turned out the sun. Pass > me some of that Hemlock, Bill. *pause* ... Bill? Guess I'll have to go > get it myself..." > Except that I don't see the Gentle Folk having enough motivation even to bother committing suicide. Pass me some of that Hemlock Bill. *pause* Bill? Oh, well, too much trouble anyway.... ------------------------------ From: StarHawk Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 15:01:22 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Magic and Tech (was: [Mystara] Hollow World and the Week of no Magic) On Mon, 30 Sep 1996, Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One wrote: > > Which brings up more questions. In the DA series are the Blackmoor devices > > magical according to detect magic? Are Oard devices magical according to > > detect magic? How about dispel magic? Anti-magic shell? etc. > > I don't recall for sure, but I'm pretty darned sure that the tech devices > in the DA series do not register on Detect Magic- I think only a Lore (or > Wish) would help gain any information on these devices, and then it could > either give back gibberish (Spell- "It is a thermonuclear seismometer". > Wizard- "Huh?"), or else give a simple description of the device's > function (Spell- "It shoots explosive balls of fire." Wizard- "Oh, great. > _Another_ wand of fireballs. Put it in the pile with the others...") According to DA2, Temple of the Frog: "...magic items and spells don't affect the operation of technological devices. Thus dispel magic cast on the power plant doesn't shut it down. Those technological devices of other than purely mechanical nature can be detected by magic though..." Does this mean Detect Magic works? If so, Why? > > As for Oard devices, I don't think it mentions anywhere that they are > affected by any sort of magic dispelling or detection. If so, it > shouldn't. :) > I would assume these work the same as Blackmoor devices, so I guess the above applies. ------------------------------ From: (JL) Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 17:24:11 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Immortal Power Points -> Rads? >IMO, whether the immortals like it or not, all 5 spheres all so >closely related that if one sphere weakens, all spheres suffer. >Magic is also something that requires power from all 5 spheres >for it to work. For example magic is powered by Energy, which >is formed by the Thought of the magic user. Since magic user >draw random magical energy around him to to produce a desired effect >he is creating order in a local sense thus require sphere of matter. >But any effects created will increase the total Entropy. I have >no idea what to do about Time though. Time orders the spell so that it works in the environment properly. - -Oarim ------------------------------ From: "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" Date: Tue, 01 Oct 1996 17:27:02 -0700 (MST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World On Tue, 1 Oct 1996, Robert Kaelin wrote: > Thanatos could let loose a massive (non-magical) plague into the world as > soon as he realised there was not magic (and therefore no healing). Even a > basic chicken pox or Swine flu could wipe out a whole lot of people if > introduced correctly into water supplies with no clerics to counteract it. > True, he won't have much time to plan it and execute his plans, but I'm > sure he could come up with something. :-) Knowing Thanatos, I wouldn't be at all surprised if he had a few contingency plans ready to run just in case (ie, even in the extremely unlikely event) that the SoP did somehow shut down. Of course, he probably figured that shutting the SoP down would be due to his machinations (see the Nightrage series of modules), but I bet he'd be more than willing to take advantage of any such situation. :) Not only that, but those modules seemed to imply that the residents of the Hollow World weren't at all fans of the SoP (even not knowing what it was), and perhaps a cultural element of "Let's ignore those damned meddling immortals" could be introduced during this time. ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Wed, 02 Oct 1996 09:14:56 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] 1014FAL Robert Kaelin wrote: > > >SVIFTMONT 3, AC 1014 > > > >Event: Prince Jaggar von Drachenfels ends his affair with > >Dolores Hillsbury and the two seem forever opposed in Council > >meetings. > > > >Meaning: Two years ago, Prince Malachie brought Jaggar some > >scales of a dragon and wanted to learn which type of dragon they > >were. Jaggar has been intrigue because despite being the master > >Dracologist, he has never seen that type of scale/dragon before. > >After a few more talks with Malachie and sending his spies out > >to discover where the Prince of Morlay-Malinbois found these > >scales, Jaggar has eventually discovered that Dolores has > >something to do with them. (Malachie did not tell him directly > >as he finds it would be more believable if Jaggar finds out for > >himself) After examining everything he has done since taking up > >with Dolores, including supporting Kol and his kobolds over > >the elves of Erewan, Jaggar becomes dismayed at the fool he has > >been. He has vowed to destroy Dolores for the chaos she has > >caused in Glantri, and for the evil he has unknowingly done in > >her name. But he knows better than to try and confront her > >directly. As all Princes/mages do in Glantri, he begins to use > >his influence and political power to destroy her on the political > >level since a direct confrontation between Princes is not allowed > >without sufficient cause (personal hatred does not count, nor > >does not being human, in Glantri). > > Also, he has more pressing matters of planning the defense > >of his nation against Ethengar's invasion, which could come at > >any time. This is a battle he has been waiting for a long time > >and wants to make sure everything is perfect. > > All I can say is, "It's about &*#$%# time he wisened up." :-) > > Great work Herve. (I still haven't forgotten the True Dweomers, I'm just > really, really slow.) :-) Ok, thanks, but it's not my work, it's Michael Roy's work. I know, there was my signature below, but that's because it's inserted automatically. As I wrote in the intro to the 4-part draft, Michael sent me all of this and asked me to forward it to the list since he has problems posting to the group. If you want to reply, please do it at the following address: Ok, now if anybody replies to me, I'll forward to Michael (don't worry I won't lose anything). Oh BTW Bob, it's true that I'm still waiting your TD stuff.. :) > -Bob > > ------------------------------------------------ > Bob Kaelin Natural Intelligence > Software Developer 725 Concord Ave. > (617) 876-7680 x1253 Cambridge Ma. 02138 > - -- Herve Musseau Primary Email: Secondary Email: Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Daniel Boese Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 12:38:25 -0400 (EST) Subject: [Mystara] Yet another Mystara PBeM starting from Lines 75 PBeM Game Starting No responses Eric S. Pulley at West Coast Online's News Server - No I'm looking for 6 people to play AD&D. I would like players that have played a few times before (cuts down on my work load.) If you new to the game drop me some email maybe we can work something out Please submit you character to: DO NOT POST them HERE I like to play "Realistic" fantasy settings. Magic is rare but powerful. As are mystical monsters. A Goblin can kick you butt big time in my games... In the event that more then six people apply by the starting date of 06 OCT 96. Players will be selected by the best six character submitted The setting: Mystara in the year 996 (Gazetteers 1-12, Modified) Character will start out in The Grand Duchy of Karameikos Don't worry if you have never play in this world before. Information will be provided for you. House Rules: Classes: Any from AD&D 2nd Ed. PHB, Complete Fighter/Thief/Priests/Wizards. PLUS: the Witch class from Dragon #114 Races: Human, Elf, Halfling, Dwarf, Gnome, Half-Elf NOTE: Only human, dwarf, and Half-elf warriors may have starting STR above 18. Psionics: NONE Wizards: As per the PHB Priests: May cast any prayer in their allowed spheres AT ANY TIME up to the number allowed for their WIS and Level per day (24 hours). The Following Books WILL NOT BE USED. Tome of Magic. Any of the Players Option: books. Complete book of Elves/Dwarves/etc. Complete book of Druids/Rangers Optional Proficiencies rules are used including those found in the complete F/T/W/P handbooks. You may have additional Proficienies point up to the number of languages your INT From ???@??? Sat Oct 05 14:36:46 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id DAA06149; Sat, 5 Oct 1996 03:57:15 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id MAA05348 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Fri, 4 Oct 1996 12:06:10 -0500 Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1996 12:06:10 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #247 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 80a5414890fd0becee1589c201b59739 allows. However, I reserve the right to overrule any prof you have listed. How to make your character: Roll 4d6 drop the lowest for each stat. (arrange anyway you want.) Put in your Proficienies. Name Age and complete description are REQUIRED. I will to the starting money and then you may purchase equipment. Character Background: If you have access to the Gazetteers knock-yourself-out! If not, just include general information and I'll fill in the holes. Staring Level: We will be starting at 1-3 level. You roll up a 1st level character submit it to me and I decide if your 1,2 or 3rd level. - --ESP ________________________________________________ | | | |Eric S. Pulley | "Have you accepted | |P.O. Box 861 | Barbie as your | |Santa Rosa, CA 95402 | personal savior?" | |----------------------------------------------| | > < | - ------------------------------------------------ - -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.x GCS/S d--- H++ s+:- g! p5+ au a- w+++ v- C++++ UL++++$/B++$ P++ 3+ E- N++ K W--- M V -po+ Y+ t+@ 5+++ !j R++ G''' tv b+++ D- B--- e+>++++ u* h* f r++ !n y** - ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ - -- Daniel Boese ------------------------------ From: Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 23:03:28 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Big Box (was: Rad ---> Immortal PPs) In a message dated 96-09-30 01:54:43 EDT, (Daniel Boese) writes: << Do you mean, similar to the Poor Wizard's Almanacs, with more detail and better maps? >> (Many excellent ideas snipped.) Yes to all of these ideas! Any combination of them would be great! ------------------------------ From: Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 23:33:22 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World In a message dated 96-09-30 14:31:44 EDT, (Herve MUSSEAU) writes: << Even if immortal magic failed for only one day, that doesn't explain how Floating Ar and Serraine didn't crash to the ground. >> Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that all mortal magic failed, but Immortal and artifact magic was affected in unpredictable ways. Thus, the Hollow Sun went out temporarily, the Spell of Preservation began to fail (and in fact never fully recovered -- more magic works in the Hollow world after this Week than before), Serraine landed somewhere (but failed slowly enough so as not to crash), Floating Ar lost considerable altitude but stayed aloft, and the floating continents of the Hollow World were not affected at all. Full details would be very tough to determine, as the Week of No Magic happened only once and has not been repeated, unlike the Day of Dread that has now been investigated quite thoroughly. ------------------------------ From: David Keyser Date: Thu, 3 Oct 1996 13:15:20 -0700 Subject: [Mystara] Why Mystara was converted to AD&D I just noticed this in -- <> Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1996 08:57:02 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Why Mystara was converted to AD&D >I don't know if D&D introduced more people to role-playing games than AD&D, I >suspect that it did not. Role-playing games are not like Monopoly, a group of >kids(or adults) don't start playing the game by walking into a store, buying a >boxed set and rulebooks, going home, and figuring out how to play it from >scratch. For the record, you're wrong in your generalization. (Rule: All generalizations are false.) That's exactly how I started some 12 years ago. A group of friends and myself found the Basic D&D boxed set in Toys 'R Us (remember those good ole days when you could find D&D stuff in Kay Bee's and Toys R Us?) We saw some advanced rule books at the time, but we bought the basic set and went home and learned how to play it. Then eventually some of us moved to the advanced rules. (The rest were chastized by our parents and religious leaders that we'd be going straight to hell if we kept playing it. :-) ) Personally, I think moving Mystara to AD&D was a good thing. I like D&D but feel it's not fleshed out enough to make it useful for a massive, world-wide campaign. (Perhaps usually running mage/glantri centered campaigns I never really got past the listing of only 10 spells of each level when I could find hundreds in different books for AD&D. This was my primary reason for moving to AD&D. True, I could have just converted them all, but I'm not a fanatic. :-) ) If D&D works for you, great. ("Hey look it's an elf, now remember they can cast spells AND fight with a sword.") Moving Mystara to AD&D was, in my opinion, the best thing for it. I don't think that's what killed Mystara, TSR just didn't need yet another "generic fantasy" world. They wanted to concentrate on different types of worlds, Dark Sun, Planescape, SpellJammer (Ok, that one's a bad example). They made a choice between the Forgotten Realms and Mystara, and since alll the Realms rules are already in AD&D formats and all of Mystara would have to be released and updated, which would you choose? D&D was intented to be an introduction (at least I always thought so) why would they continue to spend all their time and efforts detailing a world that was only supposed to be a "stepping stone" in the first place. (They tried to fix this problem when they created Thunder Rift, so that would be the official "intro" world and then they could move into Mystara proper as the "real one". Unfortunately it flopped... Don't look at me, I bought my copies. :-) ) Of course, this is just my opinion. I've been wrong before. :-) - -Bob - ------------------------------------------------ Bob Kaelin Natural Intelligence Software Developer 725 Concord Ave. (617) 876-7680 x1253 Cambridge Ma. 02138 ------------------------------ From: (Andrew McKinstry) Date: 04 Oct 1996 14:22:36 GMT Subject: Re: [Mystara] Why Mystara was converted to AD&D Dave Keyser wrote >>And let me add my own comments on this -- Well, in perfect hindsight, it was a bad decision. Not only is Mystara canceled but it looks as if the D&D game itself is dead or dying. I haven't seen any support for it lately. << According to TSR, the official word is that after Mystara was switched to AD&D, the original Dungeons & Dragons Line was cancelled. TSR saw that with all of the rules additions, from Weapon Mastery to the many new classes out there for OD&D, that it was competing directly with the AD&D market. So TSR decided to cancel OD&D and instead made the Introduction to AD&D boxed set, which takes players from levels 1-3 in AD&D. OD&D, in the eyes of TSR, is officially dead. Andrew McKinstry ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Fri, 04 Oct 1996 16:41:33 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World wrote: > > In a message dated 96-09-30 14:31:44 EDT, (Herve MUSSEAU) > writes: > > << Even if immortal magic failed for only one day, that doesn't explain how > Floating Ar and Serraine didn't crash to the ground. >> > > Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that all mortal magic failed, but > Immortal and artifact magic was affected in unpredictable ways. Thus, > the Hollow Sun went out temporarily, the Spell of Preservation began to > fail (and in fact never fully recovered -- more magic works in the Hollow > world after this Week than before), Serraine landed somewhere (but failed > slowly enough so as not to crash), Floating Ar lost considerable altitude but > > stayed aloft, and the floating continents of the Hollow World were not > affected > at all. Full details would be very tough to determine, as the Week of No > Magic > happened only once and has not been repeated, unlike the Day of Dread that > has now been investigated quite thoroughly. That's a good interpretation, although I've come up with my own too: All mortal magic failed for one week. All immortal magic in function on Mystara when the WWM began failed, but otherwise immortal magic was not affected. This means that, every immortal level spell was cancelled at the time, including the gate that makes the HW sun, the floating continents, floating ar, and more. But Immortals were able to intervene immediately, and those that were watching Mystara at the time noted the phenomenon and began to prevent most damage (or add to it in some cases :) and call for other (allied) Immortals to help them (and share the PPs expenditure). Thus, the HW sun stayed dark because Ka thought he should save the floating continents before and because he needed Ixion's help in reopening it (Ixion was with the Old One in the cavern of the Nucleus at the time, and much reduced in power by his fight with Rad). They were able to reopen the gate only a day later. So, if you want, there may have been chaos generated by Entropic Immortals during that very day when the HW sun (and thus the Spell of Preservation) was inactive. The Spell of Preservation is weaker after because some Immortals (esp. Ordana and Ixion) wanted it to be recreated weaker to allow more change and magic, and Ka agreed because Alphatia was relocated there anyway. Note that Immortals in mortal form were caught unable to cast spell, and could not regain their immortal power unless killing themselves (or waiting one week of course, but how could they have known?). They could still commune with their avatars (if any) and ask them to act on their behalf in the limit of their share of power. However, any wish to free them from their mortal body just ended the same as suicide. - -- Herve Musseau Primary Email: Secondary Email: Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #247 ***************************** mystara-digest Sunday, 6 October 1996 Volume 01 : Number 248 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shin Chyang Yu Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1996 14:09:05 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World Herve MUSSEAU pontificated: > Note that Immortals in mortal form were caught unable to cast spell, and > could not regain their immortal power unless killing themselves (or > waiting one week of course, but how could they have known?). They could > still commune with their avatars (if any) and ask them to act on their > behalf in the limit of their share of power. However, any wish to free > them from their mortal body just ended the same as suicide. I don't remember what WotI said about this, but during the time, does an immortal, who was trapped in mortal form, can be certain that he will regain the his immortal power if he killed himself? Consider this has never happened before, there are probably no one is certain what will happen if an immortal in mortal form kill himself at that time, thus making this way of regaining power a bit risky. - -- Problem 7-11 of Fogler's Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering Consider the following 2 reactions: | John Yu (1) healthy person ---> ill | (2) ill ---> death | UVA Material Science Dept. Although reaction given in equation 2 is normally consider completely irreversible, reverse reaction has been reported to occur. ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1996 14:19:45 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Why Mystara was converted to AD&D In a message dated 96-10-04 10:49:27 EDT, Robert Kaelin wrote: >I don't know if D&D introduced more people to role-playing games than AD&D, I >suspect that it did not. Role-playing games are not like Monopoly, a group of >kids(or adults) don't start playing the game by walking into a store, buying a >boxed set and rulebooks, going home, and figuring out how to play it from >scratch. > >>For the record, you're wrong in your generalization. (Rule: All >>generalizations are false.) >> >>That's exactly how I started some 12 years ago. A group of friends and >>myself found the Basic D&D boxed set in Toys 'R Us (remember those good ole >>days when you could find D&D stuff in Kay Bee's and Toys R Us?) We saw >>some advanced rule books at the time, but we bought the basic set and went >>home and learned how to play it. Indeed. Nothing is ever truly black and white. Furthermore, merely moving Mystara from D&D to AD&D was not necessarily a bad thing. There were already many fans of Mystara who were routelinely converting or cannibalizing the original material. Instead, the problem really came with the lack of a main campaign set, and the attempt at making Mystara an intro world after pulling it into the orbit of the (arguably) more-experienced gamers of the AD&D system. I think this is really the heart of the problem and the reason why Mystara-AD&D missed the boat. Karameikos was quite suitable as an introduction campaign, but the rest of Mystara was not at all. It is actually very sophisticated. Because this was considered a *new* setting from the point of view of *official* AD&D worlds, Mystara-AD&D was redesigned in a way that made it ignore some of the already existing material, antagonizing established fans. Furthermore, that did put Mystara in a situation where it would have to compete against Forgotten Realms, even though the two settings are thoroughly different in their approaches and styles. (etc, etc, etc). I'm sure everyone here understands this in retrospect. We can keep grinding this stone to dust, folks, but frankly I feel this is now water under the bridge. I'd much rather talk about the world itself, a far more constructive way to help revive Mystara, either in print or electronically (as shown with Savage Coast releases on MPGN). Again, this is just my personal opinion -- it is not *official* in any way. Bruce Heard ------------------------------ From: "J." Ovard Date: Fri, 04 Oct 96 10:37:43 PDT Subject: Re: [Mystara] Why Mystara was converted to AD&D >For the record, you're wrong in your generalization. (Rule: All >generalizations are false.) It's true that generalizations are not totally true, but that's why they are called "generalizations", they are true for "most" situations, but there will be exceptions. >That's exactly how I started some 12 years ago. A group of friends and >myself found the Basic D&D boxed set in Toys 'R Us (remember those good ole >days when you could find D&D stuff in Kay Bee's and Toys R Us?) We saw >some advanced rule books at the time, but we bought the basic set and went >home and learned how to play it. Then eventually some of us moved to the >advanced rules. (The rest were chastized by our parents and religious >leaders that we'd be going straight to hell if we kept playing it. :-) ) Don't get me started on the bad rap D&D has for being "evil". I could go on forever... >Personally, I think moving Mystara to AD&D was a good thing. I like D&D >but feel it's not fleshed out enough to make it useful for a massive, >world-wide campaign. (Perhaps usually running mage/glantri centered >campaigns I never really got past the listing of only 10 spells of each >level when I could find hundreds in different books for AD&D. This was my >primary reason for moving to AD&D. True, I could have just converted them >all, but I'm not a fanatic. :-) ) What Mr. Keyser was saying had less to do with the rules system and more to do with the big change in the format, the lack of quality, and the target audience. If they had just changed all the stats and stuff in the books to AD&D, it would have been fine, but they totally changed the focus and the content of the line. >If D&D works for you, great. ("Hey look it's an elf, now remember they can >cast spells AND fight with a sword.") Moving Mystara to AD&D was, in my >opinion, the best thing for it. I don't think that's what killed Mystara, >TSR just didn't need yet another "generic fantasy" world. They wanted to >concentrate on different types of worlds, Dark Sun, Planescape, SpellJammer >(Ok, that one's a bad example). They made a choice between the Forgotten >Realms and Mystara, and since alll the Realms rules are already in AD&D >formats and all of Mystara would have to be released and updated, which >would you choose? D&D was intented to be an introduction (at least I >always thought so) why would they continue to spend all their time and >efforts detailing a world that was only supposed to be a "stepping stone" >in the first place. (They tried to fix this problem when they created >Thunder Rift, so that would be the official "intro" world and then they >could move into Mystara proper as the "real one". Unfortunately it >flopped... Don't look at me, I bought my copies. :-) ) Actually, D&D was not intended as an introduction. The Basic Set was an introduction, and then you progressed in the detail and complexity of the rules as you went along. I thought that as a great format. They later tried to turn it into "introductory rules", thnking "less complex=younger audience". The D&D rules, when they were created, were not about stats and dice roles. That was only a means to an end - a fun ROLE-PLAYING session. Hence the name ROLE-PLAYING GAME. Most RPG's today have turned more of the focus towards rules and stats-hence the popularity of CCG's. Anyway, I've gone way off track. What was I talking about?...Oh yes, the real problem with the change to AD&D was not the rules change, but the change in TSR's goal. >Of course, this is just my opinion. I've been wrong before. :-) Now that I think about it, so have I...(stepping away from the podium) J.Ovard ------------------------------ From: "J." Ovard Date: Fri, 04 Oct 96 14:59:24 PDT Subject: Re: [Mystara] Why Mystara was converted to AD&D On Fri, 4 Oct 1996, J. Ovard wrote: > The D&D rules, when they were created, were not about stats and > dice roles. That was only a means to an end - a fun ROLE-PLAYING > session. Hence the name ROLE-PLAYING GAME. Most RPG's today > have turned more of the focus towards rules and stats-hence the > popularity of CCG's. <<<>> I suppose I should have phrased that differently. When I said "today", I should have said "80's - early 90's", since I've bought very little RPG material in the last few years. But my point was mostly directed to AD&D (2nd Edition specifically), which falls into that time period, and the "more complex, more 'realistic'=better". As to CCG's, I was merely talking about how most are totally stats and rules centered with little to no Role-playing. *looks around for anyone who needs further explanation* ( I suppose I should just hire a translator, no offense intended) J.Ovard ------------------------------ From: (Andrew McKinstry) Date: 04 Oct 1996 16:34:21 GMT Subject: Re: Re: [Mystara] Why Mystara was converted to AD&D Bob wrote: >> >I don't know if D&D introduced more people to role-playing games than AD&D, I >suspect that it did not. Role-playing games are not like Monopoly, a group of >kids(or adults) don't start playing the game by walking into a store, buying a >boxed set and rulebooks, going home, and figuring out how to play it from >scratch. For the record, you're wrong in your generalization. (Rule: All generalizations are false.) That's exactly how I started some 12 years ago. A group of friends and myself found the Basic D&D boxed set in Toys 'R Us (remember those good ole days when you could find D&D stuff in Kay Bee's and Toys R Us?) We saw some advanced rule books at the time, but we bought the basic set and went home and learned how to play it.<< That's the same way I started in '91. I picked up a copy of the basic boxed set, taught myself the rules, taught my friends the rules, bought the rules Cyclopedia and we were off. Eventually, I switched to AD&D (I did not like elves only being fighter/mages, halfings always being fighter/thieves, and dwarves always being fighters. It didn't make sense) But I have always played in Mystara. I however, disagree with your opinion that Mystara was just another generic high-fantasy campaign like FR. Since Greyhawk was cancelled, there have been no high-fantasy settings for experienced gamers. With the way FR is over-explored and almost all the characters are now clich ------------------------------ From: (Shawn) Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 13:47:13 +1000 Subject: [Mystara] Gombar and Suma'a Given below is my version of the timeline of the Kingdoms of Suma'a and Gombar which are described in Dragon #200. I hope this to be part of a larger scale look at these two kingdoms, though this of course depends upon what sort of response is gained by this posting. Any comments, queries or exclamations of disgust can be mailed to me at HISTORY AS THE IMMORTALS SEE IT 3000 BC The Great Rain of Fire. Some Blackmoor devices explode, shifting the axis of the Known World. This causes the city of Blackmoor to be shifted to the point of the north pole. The immortals heal the old polar openings with expanses of ocean. The new polar openings are created with the north polar opening, to the joy of some immortals, wiping out the area around the city of Blackmoor. The south polar opening eradicates an area of ocean to the south of the Wall of Ice mountains in the pre-cataclysmic Mystara. Along with the change of planetary axis the geography of the Known World is also considerably changed in some areas owing to intense volcanic activity. In the Tangor region the proto-Tangor Chain is considerably enlarged by intense volcanic activity that wipes out much of the land inhabited by Tangor man. 3000 - 2500 BC During this time the Tangor civilisation starts to break apart with numerous migrations occurring. These migrations lead Tangor man to all the continents of Mystara. 2500 BC Despite the best efforts of a number of Tanagoro tribes which have eked out an existence in an area of plains on a plateau high in the Tangor Chain they are dying out. The immortals chose this group of Tanagoro to move to the Hollow World as a representative of Tangor man which were least affected by the Great Rain of Fire. The Tanagoro adjust quickly to the lowland plains which they are far superior at managing, and flourish in their new home. 2000 BC Beastmen evolve into the modern humanoid races including ogres. A significant Tanagoro colony forms in an area of plains south of the Strait of Izonda. The civilisation of Nimmur is created. 1700 BC A number of humanoid races migrate from the northern Yazak Steppes. A group of humanoids including ogres travel west and the south down the Arm of the Immortals. 1675 BC Along their trip a wokan amongst a group of ogres comes across an item which he recognises to contain great power. Unbeknownst to the ogre he has found an artifact created by the entropic immortal Alphaks. 1590 BC As part of his trial along the path of Epic Hero, Koryis finds and destroys the entropic artifact owned by the ogres who are still a part of the migration going down the Arm of Immortals. 1575 BC Koryis finally achieves immortality and decides to employ his new found abilities upon the ogres before returning to his homeworld. Koryis comes to the ogres in the guise of Sumag a large ogre-like creature reminiscent of the ogre-kin into which they will evolve. 1568 BC The humanoid migration happen upon a broad plateau high in the Arm of Immortals mountains. They decide to settle here but are viciously driven off by a group of winged elves. The humanoids migrate further south. 1560 BC The ogres begin to embrace the teachings of Sumag. They become to be alienated from the other humanoid races who continue to ravage the lands they travel through. 1550 BC Humanoids settle the southern end of the Arm of Immortals and form separate petty regions. They start to fight amongst each other. The ogres which make up part of the humanoid migration remove themselves from the fighting and choose to settle on the southernmost part of the coast of the Arm of Immortals. 1300 BC The ogres who have become increasingly alienated against the surrounding humanoids decide to travel across the Strait of Izonda and settle elsewhere. 1250 BC The ogres which migrated from the north stumble across a flourishing Tanagoro colony. The Tanagoro who have had no experience with ogres embrace them into their culture, owing to their peaceful ways. 920 BC Koryis happy with his progress with the ogres finally decides to return back to his homeworld. Upon returning he finds it to be destroyed and he discovers that they travelled to Mystara. This comes as a surprise to Koryis who did know of the Alphatian colonisation there. 900 BC Puritan elements of the Tanagoro culture rebel against the ethnic mixing which has occurred. The ogre-kin mixes migrate from the Tanagoro colony and split. One group migrates inland to the southern end of the Adakkian sound whilst another group of ogre-kin who had a closer affinity with the sea migrate northwards. 893 BC A group of ogre-kin settle on the western side of the Arm of Immortals and set up the Kingdom of Suma'a which literally translates to the Kingdom of the followers of Sumag, they call the city that forms where they land Sumag. This is considered to be year 0 by members of the current kingdoms of Suma'a and Gombar. 870 BC Koryis arrives late again. Koryis returns to the Tanagoro colony and finds that the ogre-kin have been run out of their home by the puritan Tanagoro. Koryis finds that the ogre-kin that settled the southern end of the Adakkian sound had reverted to their warring ways, though to his surprise he found that those ogre-kin that settled the western edge of the Arm of Immortals have retained their peaceful ways. 835 BC The northern settlement of Dogon is founded. 823 BC The settlements of Umal and Pogur are founded. 812 BC The ruby mines near Dogon are founded. The rubies from this mine are of an excellent quality and trade is started between Dogon and Umal and Pogur which are richer agriculturally. 780 BC Trade starts between Dogon and a Tanagoro colony on Zyxl. 753 BC The settlement of Emdur is founded. 720 BC Iron is discovered in significant amounts in the hills near Emdur. The population of Emdur swells considerably. 699 BC Discovery of a small Tanagoro colony on the coast to the south of Sumag causes trade to start. The Tanagoro colony is a haven for magical talent which has resulted in magocracy being developed. 697 BC The settlement of Malabar is founded to expedite trade between Sumag and the Tanagoro colony. 650 BC Gildesh is "killed" by Minoides. 620 BC Trade starts with Tanagoro colonies on Skothar. 500 BC Manscorpions betray the Enduks and take possession of Nimmur. The ogre-kin by this time are beginning to build a powerful trading nation, they trade by sea with people north along the coast, west on Skothar and Zyxl and to the south on Davania. Many of the areas which they initially trade with are Tanagoro colonies and happily trade with the peaceful ogre-kin. 321 BC The discovery of detrital diamonds in the sediments of the Shu'ug river in Emdur lead the ogre-kin upriver. 319 BC A diamond mine is found high along the Shu'ug river. 318 BC The settlement of Awog is founded to enable the trade of diamonds to the other cities. 220 BC An ogre-kin from the town of Umal finally achieves immortality in the Path of Epic Hero under the guidance of Asterius. Asterius is happy with Gombar who sees the opportunity to use peace as a means of trade. 221 BC Gombar fakes his own mortal death to allow himself to take over his immortal duties. 135 AD Gombar has gained a place alongside Sumag as part of the immortal pantheon of Suma'a. 338 AD Gildesh agrees with Idu that he is to return to Eshu every three centuries. 396 AD The following of Gombar has gained a definite foothold in the northern cities with the strongest following being in the town of Emdur. 420 AD A powerful merchant of Emdur who has successfully traced his heritage back to Gombar secedes from the Kingdom of Suma'a. He claims an area which starts to the south of the town of Emdur and follows northwards along the coast to the old limits of the Kingdom of Suma'a. He sets up a kingdom naming after his ancestor, Gombar. He creates a line of succession naming his first son the next King of Gombar. The ruler of Suma'a under the direction of the chief priest of Sumag concedes to this decision. Koryis who is more busy in the affairs of Alphatia at this time takes the time out to directly tell the chief priest of his decision to allow the secession. Koryis has seen the growing of the faith of Gombar in the northern cities and since he is on good terms with Gombar he decides not to push the move. 633 AD A mission to Sumag is founded on the outskirts of Masur. 638 AD Gildesh becomes Gildesh I the leader of Eshu. 641 AD The Suma'an mission near Masur falls into disrepair after the return of the missionary group to Sumag. 691 AD Gildesh I dies of old age. 820 AD The diamond mine near Awog is worked out and the population of Awog dwindles dramatically. 980 AD The current chief priest of Sumag, Aw'ar is elected into her position. 992 AD Gildesh returns and ascends to the throne of Eshu as Gildesh II. 997 AD The current king of Gombar, Modar claims the throne owing to the frailty of his father Dhur'ug. 1000 AD The gold mines near Malabar are founded. 1002 AD The settlement of Odom is founded by ogre-kin with the hope of finding mineral wealth in a promising area. 1009 AD The week with no magic. This has no significant effect on the Kingdoms of Suma'a or Gombar. 1111 AD The current ruler of Suma'a, Umbar gains the throne after the death of his father. 1013 AD Some debris is washed upon the beach near Malabar after a violent storm. A search of the debris by a local gold trader uncovers maps of a different civilisation. The merchant gets these maps studied by a sage from the temple of Sumag who comes to the conclusion that these maps are from an area to the east of Arm of Immortals. This conclusion is arrived at owing to the fact trade occurs with all known nations to the south, north and west. Therefore this map must come from a civilisation to the east through the straight. The map is from a Minrothad vessel which sank in a storm many years ago. The map found was kept in a magical case which allowed it to survive its' voyage. The map is a high quality map showing the trade routes of common Minrothad trade. Shawn Stanley I am a QHQGMEEEBBGAU Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Andre Cavalcanti Rocha Martins {S Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 03:40:02 -0300 (EST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] The Alfheim War On Wed, 25 Sep 1996, Herve MUSSEAU wrote: > > First, let me address the problem of an elven-ylari alliance. Fabrizio has convinced me on that one. I just didn't realize the ylari desert was caused by the elfish rain spells. That makes everything different and the alliance impossible. However, we should start planning what happens now in Ylaruam. With no more rains in Canolbarth, soon we won't have a desert there anymore. It would be good if someone would propose what changes this will make in the country, as well as in the whole eastern Brun climmate. > Ilsundal wants to save his ToL, sure. But he is not warlike, and neither > are the AE. If he really wanted to save them as you say, he would visit > his clerics in exile in incorporeal form and instruct them to lead the From ???@??? Tue Oct 08 08:11:30 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id SAA08875; Sun, 6 Oct 1996 18:10:04 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id CAA05946 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Sun, 6 Oct 1996 02:38:06 -0500 Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 02:38:06 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #248 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: fee7b73305471269bf06ab2653450881 > AE to a war. He certainly wouldn't let the Alfheim Avengers do it alone > (or even with non-elf allies). If the older elves in Karameikos and > Wendar are not warlike and have longer-ranging plans, I can see how it > is Ilsundal's will that they wait. Or not. Immortals tend to be subtle when they can and it is always better to have your enemy think you want peace when you are preparing for a war. So the Alfheim Avengers would just appear to be an independent group trying to stop the SE untill it is too late for them. What if his plans included the Alfheim Avengers and the older clerics, that will be ordered to prepare for war on a later date. > Moreover, there are probably very few, if any, ToL remaining in the > Canolbarth after the AE fled. Fabrizio is writing a detailed timeline of > the SE invaion of Alfheim, ask him for a copy of the pre-version if you > want to know more. That can certainly make a difference. But I remember someone (maybe Fabrizio himself) saying Ilsundal only took the Immortality Path to better protect his beloved Trees. Unfortunatelly, I don't have the Alfheim gazeteer, so I can not check this one. But if that is true, Ilsundal certainly sees his Trees as his sons and loves them deeply. A loving father would start a war to save two or three of his sons. Moreover, all patrons of nature and forest races are certainly outraged by the destruction of Canolbarth and many of them will demand revenge. Alfheim was not home to just the elves and all the other races would support retaking it. Ilsundal will certainly have several friends and allies desiring this war: "We must stop and destroy this cursed %$#%$# elves. With this power of them, no forest in Mystara is safe. The world is doomed to transform into that nightmarish landscape unless we act quickly and destroy all the knowledge of that balsfemous spell." How many Immortals would not follow this line of thought once someone start arguing along this lines? I believe just too many ones, so that war would be unavoidable. And if nobody remebers the shadow elves can use their spell on ANY forest in the world, some nice and caring entropic fellow will certainly do it. So Ylaruam will side with the SE instead. That makes things a little different, but that will not stop this war, in my opinion. > Good job, good idea. > However, in Michael's draft timeline, the Kin use the World Games of > Ylaruam in 1014 to and the fact that (unbelievers, women, half-naked > athletes, wizards) attend to the games to regain the power in Ylaruam > (using the Ylari people's disgust of the Preceptors laziness on such > holy matters). > In that case, you should reverse your idea, and say that the Kin > recognize the scroll as a holy artifact to be obeyed, and declare a holy > war despite the efforts of the Preceptors to say that war is useless and > evil. As I said above, if the rains over Alfheim are the responsible fot the desert, the whole idea sinks. Maybe that scroll will make the Kin ally with the SE, however. > Great idea. Sure, Barimoor is upset by the presence of the SE. Barimor will still be upset, but now he has to work against Al-Kalim's desires. > I like your ideas about Darokin and the DDC, although I'm not sure I > want the DDC so much infiltrated by Hel's agents IMC. It fits well with > what you plan to do (ie, Alfhaim counterinvasion), however. How much the DDC would be infiltrated will really depend on each DM. However, a few good agents in key points might do the same job just as easily as a completely infiltrated Corp. And this infiltration might give the pcs lots of problems. I believe there is ptential for several adventures centering this idea. > I don't believe Thaytis would lend its armies, all the more if it isn't > interested in the war and doesn't expect any spoils of war for itself. > IMO Thyatis just does nothing but watch. If any country is weakened > enough by such a war, it would be an easy prey for the empire in > rebuilding (Thaytis has nothing against extending to the west or north). I must have expressed myself poorly. All I meant is that Thyatis might lend some token troops, just to make some nations feel more confident with its support and the war more likely. When the conflict begins, they will say they need all the troops they have to face their new enemy (Thotia, NACE, hostiles tribes near the Hinterlands, maybe Ierendi), it doesn't matter they will not be in a real war. They just want to weaken the other nations so that they can rebuild their empire and invade them one day, eventually. Nobody will ever make me believe Thyatis doesn't want to conquer the whole world, given the chance. > Alfheim Avengers rescuing dwarves and being received by Everast? Are you > kidding there? > And, dwarves are not ready for yet another war, even if they wanted. > They already have suffered from a civil war and a two-stage war in > Oenkmar. Sure, they hate the SE, and they want a revenge, but they just > are too exhausted to do it right away. Not really. Let's examine dwarven way of thinking. Until now, whenever someone treatened them very seriously, they would just hide in their caves and wait the danger to be over. Their caves have always meant a safe and perfect haven, a place where they could live almost eternally, regardless of what happened in the surface. They were confident on their ability to resist any foe due to their underground cities. Now, a group of elves appear and all the things they have taken for granted for generations, as their virtually undestructible underground cities, are no longer what they appeared to be. Sure, some dwarves will pretend nothing is happening, so they won't have to change their way of live. But most of them will be just too scared they will do anything to destroy these "evil" creatures. Even allying with elves. And if Kagyar and Ilsundal has already talked about this war (a very probable event), the dwarven Immortal might have already contacted Everast instructing him to try to convince his people AE should be accepted as allies. They don't have to like or trust each other, just to fight together against their comon enemy. > Ok, calm down with Atzanteotl and Hel. They have already suffered from a > major stroke at the end of WotI abd their actions are being watched by > the hierarchs. They can't stand to lose another war, or even be caught > acting directly on the Prime. No Immortal can stand to be caught acting directly on the Prime. But I must disagree with you in this point. Yes, they have suffered a major stroke, but that is precisely the reason they would start acting immediatelly, counterplotting. They want their lost power back just too much. Certainly, they will be more careful. But what they are planning now is just promoting war between two groups of non-followers. If they won't involve their own followers directly, they have not much to lose. And if the Rafiel's clerics are defeated, it will be Atzanteotl's turn to cause a major stroke against Rafiel. > > These group was the same that has shot one of the Treekeepers during > > the peace meetings in Rafieltown, last year (sorry, I forgot who made > > that timeline). They are trying hard to start this war, even against > > the orders of the elder elves who are working in another > > solution. They are able to negotiate a treaty with Rockhome. Elves and > > dwarves will not fight in the same army, but they will coordinate > > their efforts. > Sure, they are trying hard, but negociate a treaty? With the dwarves? > They are a group of young elves (think of them as a band of anarchist > teenagers, not CIA agents). But if they ARE working under Ilsundal's orders, as I said above, they would have this power. Just as they are negotiating this treaty, Ilsundal visits a few older clerics and tells them what is happening. > > Meanwhile, Ilsundal convinces many nature-loving immortals something > > must be done to stop this craziness. Djaea, Ordana and others start > > instructing their followers to prepare for war... > > As with AE/Ilsundal, those are peaceful peoples/Immortals. They just > won't do it. Harass the SE, ok, but not make an all-out war with them. See my discussion about them above. The possibility that the shadow elves would use their spell again in other forest would turn all these peace-loving Immortals in war-promoting ones. > I agree that Karameikos would not join the war, but not for the reason > you give. They won't participate because the AE that live here they > consult say they shouldn't (and add that there shouldn't be a war at > all). > I know there is tension between the Traladarans and the Thyatians (Dark > Kinght of Karameikos), but certainly not to the point of starting a > civil war. Certainly not if Stefan keeps his troops in the country. I wouldn't be so sure about it if most of his troops were sent aboard, unless he can convince his nation the SE are a terrible evil and that they must put their differences aside to save their lives. At the other hand, Zirchev would be preaching exactly this, and this would be a good oportunity to really unite the country, if he can do it. I am not sure on this one. > Allies, already? That simply? The politics in Glantri (and among the SE) > are not that easy. Some princes might want an alliance, but others not. > Glantri has no allies, only friendly nations at best (and ennemies:). If > individual princes want to learn more about SE magic, they will do it by > theft or any other means, but certainly not through a global alliance. > They know better. Certainly. But some glantrian groups would support SE while the others would do nothing against them, except for the Erewan elves. I was not talking about a global alliance, and I must confess I would like if people would tell me which groups would side with the SE. But many groups would start helping the SE, trading some info and the like. > > As a matter of fact, he was advised by a Dolores' pawn. She and von > > Drachenfels were behind this invasion. It was Synn's idea that the > > only way Glantri's Parliament would agree to invade the Khanates would > > be if they would start a war. The fact that Bramyra would be a natural > > target was a bonus to Jaggar plans. Incidentally, this also explains > > how Synn was able to "charm" him. Who would think about casting > > detection spells on a beautiful woman that is making one old dream > > coming true? The end of hostilities between the heldanners and the > > ethengarians were part of this plan. Jaggar has personally visited > > Freiburg during the war with Alphatia several times and he had several > > friends there. He convinced them that ifthe ethengar was to attack > > Glantri, he could get his country to retaliate. The heldanners could > > break the peace then and attack the Khanates from north, getting the > > khan's army in a pincer movement. > > This isn't exactly what is in the draft timeline, but it goes along > quite well with it. In fact, most of it could be used there. Good. At least we have agreed on something :) > > Jaggar knows the truth about Synn in 1015, but he can no longer stop > > the khan armies. He will have to worry about his personal revenge > > later. If any civil war was about to happen in Glantri, the invasion > > reunite the country. In less than one year, the glatrian troops, aided > > by the heldanners, should be able to destroy most of the khan's army. > > On the other hand, here I don't agree. Do you really think it is enough > to reunite the princes? I doubt it, power struggle and diverging > interests being what they are in Glantri. I would even say that it could > precipitate a civil war. I believe it would make them allies, even if they didn't like it. Glantrian princes would have gone to a civil war many decades ago for their differences, if they didn't realize they had more to lose with a civil war than with "accepting" the other princes. I do think a civil war would be likely if the invasion wasn't to occur. But foreign enemies tend to make temporary allies of sworn enemies (they can always kill each other later when their comon enemy is destroyed). > > The Master sends orders for his armies in Sind to attack and take > > Akesoli. They must secure their position before crossing Lake > > Amsorak. However, he holds the attack untill one month after the > > begining of the war, to catch everybody unprepared. > > The Master? Good idea, but I believe he could have to deal with a > liberation war in Sind before (or at the same time? War begins as the > Master's armies are out of Sind?). Well, let's face it. Akesoli position is undefensable. And the Master can take it without getting his troops too far away from Sind. So, he might wait longer for crossing the lake, but Akesoli is such an easy target he wouldn't let it escape him. And if he takes Darokin one piece at a time, he might even avoid the war in Sind. Now let me get prepared for one more round in this fight :) Andre Martins ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #248 ***************************** From ???@??? Tue Oct 08 08:11:40 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id AAA18758; Mon, 7 Oct 1996 00:02:47 +1000 Received: (from james@localhost) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) id OAA02839 for; Sun, 6 Oct 1996 14:59:12 +0100 From: Eric the half-a-bee Message-Id: <> Subject: Re: Quotes To: (Shawn) Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 14:59:12 +0100 (BST) In-Reply-To: from "Shawn" at Oct 6, 96 01:43:20 pm X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24] MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-UIDL: e23f078ab77c82449f0cb2aca6d2c70d > Fair enough. But, as usual, it's a case of 'when I get around to it' :) From ???@??? Tue Oct 08 08:11:42 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id NAA12913; Mon, 7 Oct 1996 13:47:36 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id VAA12408 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Sun, 6 Oct 1996 21:34:39 -0500 Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 21:34:39 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #249 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: aec8fba3d0f1487bdec62518476c03e0 mystara-digest Sunday, 6 October 1996 Volume 01 : Number 249 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Gabriele Ferri Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 11:15:05 +-100 Subject: [Mystara] is really Kol a Shadow Elf? OK, somewhere is written that Kol is a mutated Shadow Elf, but there is = a lot of difference between a SE and a kobold... It should have mutated = _a lot_!! I feel that he should just be half-blood... Gabriele Ferri - ------------------------------ From: Gabriele Ferri Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 11:10:27 +-100 Subject: [Mystara] Bargle the Infamous Hello everybody, I was thinking about how Bargle can act after the fall of the Black = Eagle Barony. I know from PWA 2 that he is helping humanoids, but why? = Is in PWAs an JA written where he lives? According to his description in GAZ1, he isn't a charismatic leader. So, = if I were him, I'll find someone to work for (like what he did with the = Black Eagle), but who? Someone in Glantri? Since he helped humanoids, he could live with Prince Kol. Gabriele Ferri - ------------------------------ From: Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 05:51:48 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Gombar and Suma'a In einer eMail vom 06.10.1996 05:37:58, schreiben Sie: >135 AD > > Good work, but one little mistake: In Mystara it's AC (i.e.after Crowning of the first thyatian emperor) not AD (i.e.Anno Domini). Otherwise i really liked it. Alad3 ------------------------------ From: Fabrizio Paoli Date: Sun, 06 Oct 1996 14:44:33 +0100 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Bargle the Infamous At 11.10 06/10/96 +-100, you wrote: >Hello everybody, >I was thinking about how Bargle can act after the fall of the Black Eagle Barony. I know from PWA 2 that he is helping humanoids, but why? Is in PWAs an JA written where he lives? >According to his description in GAZ1, he isn't a charismatic leader. So, if I were him, I'll find someone to work for (like what he did with the Black Eagle), but who? Someone in Glantri? >Since he helped humanoids, he could live with Prince Kol. IIRC he goes to Estherold to help some powerful leader there, then he flees before Broderick arrives with the NACE armies. ************** Fabrizio Paoli DM in City Of The Stars aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr Home Page: ------------------------------ From: Fabrizio Paoli Date: Sun, 06 Oct 1996 14:35:32 +0100 Subject: Re: [Mystara] The Alfheim War At 03.40 06/10/96 -0300, Andre Martins wrote: > >On Wed, 25 Sep 1996, Herve MUSSEAU wrote: Before adding my comments, let me say that I agree with Herve on a big war being unlikely soon in the KW. >> > First, let me address the problem of an elven-ylari alliance. > >Fabrizio has convinced me on that one. I just didn't realize the ylari >desert was caused by the elfish rain spells. That makes everything >different and the alliance impossible. However, we should start planning >what happens now in Ylaruam. With no more rains in Canolbarth, soon we >won't have a desert there anymore. It would be good if someone would >propose what changes this will make in the country, as well as in the >whole eastern Brun climmate. > This is interesting, we should work on it. >> Moreover, there are probably very few, if any, ToL remaining in the >> Canolbarth after the AE fled. Fabrizio is writing a detailed timeline of >> the SE invaion of Alfheim, ask him for a copy of the pre-version if you >> want to know more. BTW: the Timeline is almost completed. > >That can certainly make a difference. But I remember someone (maybe >Fabrizio himself) saying Ilsundal only took the Immortality Path to better >protect his beloved Trees. Unfortunatelly, I don't have the Alfheim >gazeteer, so I can not check this one. But if that is true, Ilsundal >certainly sees his Trees as his sons and loves them deeply. A loving >father would start a war to save two or three of his sons. Moreover, all >patrons of nature and forest races are certainly outraged by the >destruction of Canolbarth and many of them will demand revenge. Alfheim >was not home to just the elves and all the other races would support >retaking it. Ilsundal will certainly have several friends and allies >desiring this war: "We must stop and destroy this cursed %$#%$# elves. >With this power of them, no forest in Mystara is safe. The world is doomed >to transform into that nightmarish landscape unless we act quickly and >destroy all the knowledge of that balsfemous spell." How many Immortals >would not follow this line of thought once someone start arguing along >this lines? I believe just too many ones, so that war would be >unavoidable. And if nobody remebers the shadow elves can use their spell >on ANY forest in the world, some nice and caring entropic fellow will >certainly do it. It's strange to notice that the first time Ilsundal appears in the WotI timeline is when the elves winter in Cruth and not before when the forest begins to die and when they leave Alfheim... He doesn't look so interested in his followers. :-) >> I like your ideas about Darokin and the DDC, although I'm not sure I >> want the DDC so much infiltrated by Hel's agents IMC. It fits well with >> what you plan to do (ie, Alfhaim counterinvasion), however. > >How much the DDC would be infiltrated will really depend on each DM. >However, a few good agents in key points might do the same job just as >easily as a completely infiltrated Corp. And this infiltration might give >the pcs lots of problems. I believe there is ptential for several >adventures centering this idea. > BTW: according to Gaz13 also SE Serpents may have infiltrated the DDC. But do they have true Darokinians in the DDC ? :-) >> Allies, already? That simply? The politics in Glantri (and among the SE) >> are not that easy. Some princes might want an alliance, but others not. >> Glantri has no allies, only friendly nations at best (and ennemies:). If >> individual princes want to learn more about SE magic, they will do it by >> theft or any other means, but certainly not through a global alliance. >> They know better. > >Certainly. But some glantrian groups would support SE while the others >would do nothing against them, except for the Erewan elves. I was not >talking about a global alliance, and I must confess I would like if people >would tell me which groups would side with the SE. But many groups would >start helping the SE, trading some info and the like. > Groups that can possibly side with SE: d'Ambreville, because of the Rad-Rafiel friendship Belcadiz, because the Erewan are against No idea about the other now, except Morphail ("pawn" of Alphaks) that would side with Atzanteotl. Maybe Von Drachenfels, because my SE PCs are friendly with the Prince's son :-) >> On the other hand, here I don't agree. Do you really think it is enough >> to reunite the princes? I doubt it, power struggle and diverging >> interests being what they are in Glantri. I would even say that it could >> precipitate a civil war. > >I believe it would make them allies, even if they didn't like it. >Glantrian princes would have gone to a civil war many decades ago for >their differences, if they didn't realize they had more to lose with a >civil war than with "accepting" the other princes. I do think a civil war >would be likely if the invasion wasn't to occur. But foreign enemies tend >to make temporary allies of sworn enemies (they can always kill each other >later when their comon enemy is destroyed). Here I agree with Andre. It's a sort of what periodically happens in Ethengar. ************** Fabrizio Paoli DM in City Of The Stars aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr Home Page: ------------------------------ From: Fabrizio Paoli Date: Sun, 06 Oct 1996 14:53:11 +0100 Subject: Re: [Mystara] is really Kol a Shadow Elf? At 11.15 06/10/96 +-100, you wrote: >OK, somewhere is written that Kol is a mutated Shadow Elf, but there is a lot of >difference between a SE and a kobold... It should have mutated _a lot_!! >I feel that he should just be half-blood... Short explanation. SE shamans use the powers of the radiance through their soul crystals, this causes a few SE babies to be deformed. This babies are then abandoned in the caves far from SE cities, where they are picked up by humanoids that thinks they're lost humanoid babies. This SE grow up among humanoids, think of being 'noids, but often have a natural inclination toward magic and end up being shamans, wokans and/or leaders as Kol. ************** Fabrizio Paoli DM in City Of The Stars aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr Home Page: ------------------------------ From: "David 'Azure' Leland" Date: Fri, 4 Oct 96 11:46:15 PDT Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World Cthulhudrew: >> Of course, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the Gentle Folk >> committed mass suicide during this week- "Oh, great. We thought the >> Immortals hated us before; now they've gone and turned out the sun. Pass >> me some of that Hemlock, Bill. *pause* ... Bill? Guess I'll have to go >> get it myself..." StarHawk: >Except that I don't see the Gentle Folk having enough motivation even to >bother committing suicide. > >Pass me some of that Hemlock Bill. *pause* Bill? Oh, well, too much >trouble anyway.... Furthermore, I've always thought that the Gentle Folk believe that they are obligated to endure their depressing fate, and that suicide would be counterproductive to such self-flagellation. /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ ~| David "Azure" Leland ~|~ Email: |~ ~| UCSD Cognitive Science ~|~ Phone/Fax: (619) 642-6709 |~ ~| Oberlin class of 1996 ~|~ Web: |~ ~| Amateur conguero; Q(O+H)Q(G+W)AEEEBGKUS Mystaran; P75 on Ethernet |~ \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ ------------------------------ From: Andre Cavalcanti Rocha Martins {S Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 13:32:53 -0300 (EST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Bargle the Infamous On Sun, 6 Oct 1996, Gabriele Ferri wrote: > Hello everybody, > I was thinking about how Bargle can act after the fall of the Black Eagle Barony. I know from PWA 2 that he is helping humanoids, but why? Is in PWAs an JA written where he lives? > According to his description in GAZ1, he isn't a charismatic leader. So, if I were him, I'll find someone to work for (like what he did with the Black Eagle), but who? Someone in Glantri? > Since he helped humanoids, he could live with Prince Kol. I remember someone suggesting he might be in Serraine now, working with a scretive group there to use the city as a terror weapon. That would be a good place to have him now. Andre Martins ------------------------------ From: Matthew Levy Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 14:15:48 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Gombar and Suma'a Neat work! Of course now this means someone has to detail the Tanagoro daughter cultures on Zyxl and in Izonda ... there was some discussion of Zyxl having a Japanese culture, but that's not hard to adapt either way ... and so on ... by the way who is Gildesh? I take it he is part of the Enduk/Ee'ar civilization? I never managed to figure out how to access the file on the Orc's Head etc. so I don't know much about them. What kind of merchant ships do the Suma'a and Gombarians use? Do their trading partners come to them, or are they the ones with the fleet? How are their current relations with the Ee'ar? Does Alphaks ever try to reestablish his influence over them? What sort of culture and religion do the ogre-kin have (past worshipping Sumag and Gombar)? Have Texeirans or Vilaverdans ever had any contact with them? What happened to the other humanoids on the Immortal's Arm? I could probably ask even more questions but these are the main ones that spring to mind ... thanks, m@2 ------------------------------ From: Scott Johnson Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 15:39:28 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] is really Kol a Shadow Elf? On Sun, 6 Oct 1996, Fabrizio Paoli wrote: > Short explanation. > SE shamans use the powers of the radiance through their soul crystals, this > causes a few SE babies to be deformed. This babies are then abandoned in the > caves far from SE cities, where they are picked up by humanoids that thinks > they're lost humanoid babies. > This SE grow up among humanoids, think of being 'noids, but often have a > natural inclination toward magic and end up being shamans, wokans and/or > leaders as Kol. Yes, but I always assumed that the mutation didn't make them look like specific humanoids so much as just really ugly and deformed shadow elves, which tend to resemble unusually handsome members of certain other races. I could easily see deformed shadow elves as looking a lot like slightly odd goblins, orcs, or maybe hobgoblins. More extreme deformities might even cause resemblances to really odd bugbears (if they grow lots of hair) or even ogres (if their mutations included some form of gigantism). However, the idea of having Kol XIV be a shadow elf doesn't sit well with me for a number of reasons. First off, Kol's traditionally been portrayed as looking like a kobold in a lot of distinctive ways - most notably, he has the horns characteristic of kobolds, which he's inlaid with precious gems. Furthermore, of all the leaders of the Ten Tribes of Thar, Kol is possibly the one *least* likely to have gotten to his position if he were a shadow elf - simply because he's the only one to have inherited his power. If he were a shadow elf, you'd have to assume not only that Kol XIII adopted a random foundling from the caves, instead of passing it off to one of his advisors or some such, but that the foundling looked enough like not only kobolds in general but Kol XIII in particular that the illusion of an unbroken dynastic line could be maintained, and that Kol XIII had no other children who were more worthy of the throne. A *possible* sequence of events, I'll grant you, but is it particularly *plausible?* I'd have been much less disappointed if they had said, say, Yazar was a shadow elf, or Huatai-Khan, or even Alebane. It might have been difficult to accept, but not as hard as with Kol. As it stands, it really seems to me that the only reason they made Kol XIV a shadow elf is to 'explain' how he managed to become a Prince of Glantri - after all, 'everyone knows' that a mere humanoid wouldn't be capable of anything like that. *sigh* - -- Scott Johnson | | This space intentionally left blank. ------------------------------ From: Leroy Van Camp III Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 14:59:54 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Why Mystara was converted to AD&D On Fri, 4 Oct 1996, J. Ovard wrote: [stuff on old and new rpg's snipped] > *looks around for anyone who needs further explanation* > ( I suppose I should just hire a translator, no offense intended) Oh, there was no offense taken. Just a bit of confusion on the time frame. Leroy Van Camp III - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You know, not kneeing you in the groin is a constant struggle." - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MST3K ------------------------------ From: Matthew Levy Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 14:29:30 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Bargle the Infamous On Sun, 6 Oct 1996, Fabrizio Paoli wrote: > At 11.10 06/10/96 +-100, you wrote: > >Hello everybody, > >I was thinking about how Bargle can act after the fall of the Black Eagle > Barony. I know from PWA 2 that he is helping humanoids, but why? Is in PWAs > an JA written where he lives? > >According to his description in GAZ1, he isn't a charismatic leader. So, if > I were him, I'll find someone to work for (like what he did with the Black > Eagle), but who? Someone in Glantri? > >Since he helped humanoids, he could live with Prince Kol. > > IIRC he goes to Estherold to help some powerful leader there, then he flees > before Broderick arrives with the NACE armies. > > ************** > Fabrizio Paoli > DM in City Of The Stars > aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton > aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr > Home Page: > > > There appear to be two schools of thought on this ... the Glantri boxed set says he is with Prince Kol, I believe. Of course, Bargle could split his time in both places ... he's gotta be powerful enough for Teleport without Error and he could certainly work as a "consultant" for multiple supervillains around the world ... I wouldn't be surprised to see him showing up in Jaibul, Hule, or Minaea, either ... m@2 ------------------------------ From: "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 18:14:21 -0700 (MST) Subject: [Mystara] 'Noids Revenge Looking over the proposed events for 1014 AC got me to thinking about our favorite little troublemakers, the 'noids, and what they've been up to. Here are some thoughts, both in PWA entry form, and just ramdom musings. Let me know what you think... Nuwmont 1, AC 1014 Location: South Monsterland, Glantri Event: While off on a pilgrimage of sorts, Chief Hoolg Red-Mane recieves a vision from his patron, Wogar. In it, he is shown an image of the sacred Blue Knife, and told that he must seek it to the south. Explanation: The Blue Knife was stolen last year by Xilochtli. Wogar and the rest of the humanoid pantheon are livid, and seek its return. To that end, Wogar has chosen the Supreme Hool to lead another Great Migration to get it back- unfortunately, no one knows where it is. Wogar suspects Atzanteotl sent Xilochtli to Tiger Clan territory (or at least that they might know where he is) and so arbitrarily told Hool to go there. Hool is ecstatic, viewing this as the task he was born for, and will pursue the quest with all of his religious zeal. Nuwmont 15, AC 1014 Location: South Monsterland, Glantri Event: Preparation for the Great Migration has begun. Hool is to lead his hordes in his sacred quest. He approached the other humanoid leaders, but the only other one to join him is Nizam-Pasha. The other 'noids could really care less. Explanation: Nothing terribly special about this event. The other 'noid leaders are content where they are (see the thread "Whatever happened to...?"). As for Nizam-Pasha's interest, Ranivorus has his own devious reasons for sending his follower along on Hool's quest. Vatermont 1, AC 1014 Location: South Monsterland, Glantri Event: Migration begins. The large band of seekers sets out to the south, crossing into northern Darokin. They will skirt around to the west, avoiding central Darokin, and slowly make their way to Atruaghin territory. Explanation: Hool hopes to avoid any major conflict with Darokin troops, so heads towards the Sindhi border, which (at least these days) is somewhat more open to humanoids. Along the way, he hopes to pick up some additional followers among the Master's humanoid troops. He is a careful planner, not to mention that this is his life's quest, so he isn't going to blow it easily (if at all). What he will do when he gets to Atruaghin territory is anyone's guess, but this mass migration will definitely set some heads to turning. Yarthmont 8, AC 1014 Location: Orclands, Northeastern Darokin Event: A major humanoid raid on Fort Nell. Darokin forces manage to repel the attack, but suffer major losses; they were simply unprepared to face a humanoid attack from that direction. Reports come in of a large assortment of 'noids- orcs, trolls, and hobgoblins. The Republic prepares for a possible new threat from these wild lands. The Orclands have been quiet for many years, since before the Great War. There had been rumors of conflicts between the trolls of C'Kag and the orcs in the area, leading to a cessation of hostilities between the 'noids and the humans. It has been so long since any major activity took place there, that the men of Darokin had become lax (not to mention their other threats). It is believed that the civil war may be over, and the Trolls of C'Kag are now in charge. Explanation: There is a new group in charge, but it isn't the trolls as is commonly believed. In fact, it is an alliance between Alebane, Hutai-Khan, Moghul-Khan, and Tlatepetl, four powerful humanoid leaders, who are now building a new power base here in the wilds of the Orclands. (See "Whatever happened to...?" below). Theirs is an uneasy alliance at best, but it is wise of the men of Darokin to fortify their defenses. Fyrmont 3, AC 1014 Location: Emirate of Makistania, Western Ylaruam Event: A small village is razed to the ground today. There are no survivors. The evidence left suggests a large group of horsemen, possibly with magical assistance- the village was torched to the ground after it was looted, and there is no evidence of traditional fire starting tools. The Magian Fire-Worshippers are mentioned as possible suspects, but their motivation is unknown. Explanation: In truth, this was a humanoid raid. The raid was led by Mokamet-Qadi, chief of a gnollish horde. His horde is all that remains of the Ylaruam hordes that were destroyed in a religious crusade by Nizam-Pasha many years ago. He has recently acquired the assistance of some human mercenaries, who have trained his horde in the tactics of skirmishing on horseback. Mokamet-Qadi has also gotten his hands on a few Nithian spellbooks, which have only increased his Wokan powers. His nomadic group will prove to be a considerable nuisance to Ylari- particularly in light of the coming civil war, which he will take full advantage of. Gnollheim refugees from Soderfjord have also bolstered his horde's ranks considerably. - - Okay, those are some possible events. I sort of arbitrarily placed them, but it wouldn't be at all difficult to tweak them to fit where you like. A few notes on my placement- 1)the Great Migration- well, a religious vision seemed so Christmasy, you know? 2) The raids in the Orclands. These could probably go anywhere, but I thought I'd put them in before the earthquake that lifted Aengmor, to add From ???@??? Tue Oct 08 08:11:42 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id NAA12913; Mon, 7 Oct 1996 13:47:36 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id VAA12408 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Sun, 6 Oct 1996 21:34:39 -0500 Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 21:34:39 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #249 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: aec8fba3d0f1487bdec62518476c03e0 to the confusion. (Darokin is facing BL's- get attacked from behind; they fortify against the Orclands- Wham! Activity in the BL's again. When will the madness end? Calgon, take me away...) 3) Mokamet-Qadi- A villain of my own creation. I put his raids here mainly because I thought the prospect of a new threat this close to the World Games might be interesting. A little more tension, maybe he raids the WG's? Who knows? Another thought- he might take a bit of interest in Synn's interest in the Dead Zone (or whatever it is). A possible desert ally for Synn. Also, about now is when the Gnolls from Gnollheim are retreating from the Jarldoms. Anyhoo, that's all for that. Check out my "Whatever happened to...?" post coming up. ------------------------------ From: Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 20:47:16 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Bargle the Infamous In a message dated 96-10-06 19:27:45 EDT, Matt Levy wrote: << There appear to be two schools of thought on this ... the Glantri boxed set says he is with Prince Kol, I believe. >> Does it really? Hmm. There are many discrepancies between Mystara-AD&D and the original stuff. The two were not written for the same crowd and just do not jive with each other. I'd suggest you adapt one to the other -- but otherwise don't try making the two settings macth. They just won't. Bruce Heard ------------------------------ From: Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 20:41:27 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] is really Kol a Shadow Elf? In a message dated 96-10-06 18:42:33 EDT, Scott Johnson wrote: << As it stands, it really seems to me that the only reason they made Kol XIV a shadow elf is to 'explain' how he managed to become a Prince of Glantri >> ...They? The idea of Kol possibly being a mutated shadow elf actually came up before *they* made him a Prince of Glantri. I think you are trying to over-analyze this. *They* just had fun adding the bit about the Radiance mutation, and yes, in the long run it helped explain how Kol had enough wits to make it as a Prince (of course, his title is purely the result of political machinations in Glantri, obviously). :) One of the *them* guys at TSR :) Bruce Heard ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #249 ***************************** mystara-digest Monday, 7 October 1996 Volume 01 : Number 250 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "J." Ovard Date: Sun, 06 Oct 96 16:54:21 PDT Subject: [Mystara] New Mystara PBeM I'm starting up a new Mystara PBeM. I need players for all level of characters, from beginning to extremely high. If you're interested, check out the Black Dragon homepage at or go straight to the player's page at Ask for the new Mystara game. Hopefully I'll have a web page up for it soon. There will be a SMALL services fee, but there's a discount for IRPS members. The first group is almost ready to start, and I can get you started as soon as you sign up. J.Ovard ------------------------------ From: "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 18:47:18 -0700 (MST) Subject: [Mystara] Whatever Happened to...? Okay. Here it is. My take on what became of our beloved 'Noid leaders following WotI: Thar: Well documented, no need to relate. Yazar: Presumed dead following WotI. (see PWA 1012). Haa'k Hordar: One of the only tribal leaders left in the Broken Lands during WotI. She didn't join Alebane in his attack on Oenkmar, preferring to stay in Trollhattan and eat. She died of old age in 1013, while sitting on her throne (trolls have short lifespans- she was really pushing it, IMO). Her trolls have been pushed out or slain; many of them went to join their besieged brethren at the keep of C'Kag. Zar: The aged Generalissimo of Kol is bedridden, awaiting his last days. He cannot speak, jaw being locked permanently together around the arm of a Glantrian soldier (his dreaded rabies). Kol spends many a moment with him, regaling him with tales of the glorious Empire of Kol. He will die happy. Ohr'r: No longer chief of Bugburbia; the title was usurped by an upstart cub. Ohr'r doesn't care- being back in Glantri brings back memories of the good old days for him. He got in touch with friends from the Fellowship of the Pouch, and is now the Guildmaster of their branch in South Monsterland. (Okay, so all 'noids are thieves. He mainly does a lot of recruiting for his allies in the Fellowship when they need muscle or scapegoats.) He is happy with the current state of affairs in Glantri. Doth: Any joy at the death of his wife, Queen Yazar, was short lived. Now he is forced to pay homage to a kobold?!?!? Thar was bad enough, but Kol? He sits and schemes against King Kol, but is too ineffective a leader to present any real threat. His goblin subjects are just waiting for him to die, to replace him with a _real_ king. Hool: Hool followed Thar gladly to the war with Glantri (Thar freed his homeland from High Gobliny rule many years ago). However, after many years of living under Kol's rule in South Monsterland, he sought a new path. His shamanic dreams were realized when, at the beginning of 1014, Wogar granted him a vision and a quest- to lead the latest humanoid migration: to retrieve the Blue Knife! Nizam-Pasha: Nizam-Pasha is hopelessly insane now (which only makes his followers all the more dedicated to him). Ranivorus wants to make use of him before he is too far gone. When Ranivorus heard of Wogar's quest, he decided to send Nizam along as well, for some sinister plan that only the immortal knows. Nizam agreed, both out of religious zeal as well as to get away from Ohr'r and the bugbears. Xilochtli: Vanished with the Blue Knife after Oenkmar was raided. Atzanteotl sent him who knows where. (I don't have any ideas here- I was thinking maybe Davania? Like the Bogdashkan tribal lands?) Moghul-Khan: Conspicuously absent from the war, Moghul-Khan remained in the Bl's (with Haa'k and Alebane)- he had nothing to gain from war with Glantri. When the Heldanners raided, Moghul and his people disappeared, presumably slain. In reality, they went underground, into the tunnel system under Ethengar where the Tangut Orcs, Moghul's allies, reside. He would have been content to stay here, but for the intrusion of... Hutai-Khan: Hutai left with Thar to wage war on Glantri. At the conclusion of the war, he returned home, throwing off the yoke of control of the hated Thar and Kol. When he heard of Alebane's expedition to Oenkmar, he rallied his hordes for a return trip to that hated place. He sought vengeance on Xilochtli. He had tracked X. to the temple of Oenkmar, but was denied revenge when X. was transported away by his master (along with the blue knife). As for the defeat of the 'noids in Oenkmar... ... Hutai-Khan, Alebane, and the new leader of the Oenkmarians, Tlatepetl, along with a number of their minions, managed to escape the doomed city with the assistance of Ximanga and his thugs. Togeher they made their way back to the Broken Lands- into the tunnel system where Moghul-Khan's hordes lay waiting. Fighting (of course) broke out, but eventually Alebane and Tlatepetl managed to form an alliance. All four leaders agreed to join forces, whereupon they left the underground and approached the orc keep of Dast, in northern Darokin. Fighting again broke out, but the orcs in Dast were weakened (many of their numbers had left to join the Great War), and couldn't long hold. From this new fortified position, the alliance began to take over the Orclands. Their main foe was the Trolls of C'Kag and their orcish minions (the trolls had finally taken over Gruuk). Allies came for both sides- the Hooplak hobgoblins and the orcs of Xorg joined the Humanoid Alliance, while trollish refugees from Trollhattan joined with the C'Kag forces. Finally, after many years of fighting, the HA has managed to take control over the Orclands. Theirs is a tenuous alliance at best- religious dischord between the Hobgobland and Yellow Orkia factions; the Oenkmarian faction looks down on the other humanoids; and there are many malcontents among the trolls. The alliance holds, but for how long is anyone's guess. A few other notes: Ximanga: Once on the surface, he and his thugs left the other 'noids to pursue mercenary careers in the known world. He and his band could be a real asset to certain unscrupulous powers out there- perhaps Thyatian agents will employ them; maybe they will form a rival guild with the Thug's guild in Glantri. Alebane: Many defeats and pains have weakened this once strong willed ogre. Now he has begun to fall under the influence of his Huptzeen ring- which has pushed him to the position he is in in the Orclands of Darokin. It wants Alebane to start a war with the Republic, but such a move could only serve to shatter the alliance of the 'noids of the orclands. Alebane has resisted thus far, but is weakening. Tlatepetl: Not much info on this guy. I figure he's a bit of a snob (he's Oenkmarian, after all), and will seek to gain full control of the 'noids of the Orclands. Mokamet-Qadi: This gnoll is the son of the "powerful Gnollish qadi" that Nizam-pasha got his sabre from (GAZ10). He is a powerful wokan, and has gained the assistance of human mercenaries to train his hordes. With the backing of troops from the Gnollheim hills, and his recently acquired Nithian spellbooks, he will prove a nuisance at least to the Emirates. Well, what does everyone think? ------------------------------ From: Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 23:33:43 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] is really Kol a Shadow Elf? One interesting possibility is that Kol was not abandoned as an infant -- he is in fact a descendant of Kol I, a Shadow Elf who was abandoned and raised by kobolds. Somehow those kobolds always managed to find enough abandoned Shadow Elf babies to allow the royal line to remain "pure". ------------------------------ From: Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 23:33:46 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Bargle the Infamous How is this for an idea -- Bargle is now up to level 30 from experienced gained murdering various wizard adventurers during and after "Wrath". Now he is seeking Immortality in the Sphere of Entropy by trying to arrange for all of the "evil" leaders of the world to make war on all the "good" people at the same time -- this requires him to stir up trouble EVERYWHERE. If he succeeds, he becomes an Immortal, possibly even before the Master of Hule does. At that point the number of evil wizards in the world should go up, as they will have "Lord Bargle" as a patron to emulate. ------------------------------ From: Daniel Boese Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 23:53:48 -0400 (EDT) Subject: [Mystara] I, Tyrant? I noticed the "I, Tyrant" book at the gaming store today, and was wondering if anybody here's bought it; is there any information specifically on Mystaran beholders? - -- Daniel Boese who has just bought Dragon #155, X11, O1, and M1. :) :) :) ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Mon, 07 Oct 1996 13:01:26 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] is really Kol a Shadow Elf? Scott Johnson wrote: > > On Sun, 6 Oct 1996, Fabrizio Paoli wrote: > > > Short explanation. > > SE shamans use the powers of the radiance through their soul crystals, this > > causes a few SE babies to be deformed. This babies are then abandoned in the > > caves far from SE cities, where they are picked up by humanoids that thinks > > they're lost humanoid babies. > > This SE grow up among humanoids, think of being 'noids, but often have a > > natural inclination toward magic and end up being shamans, wokans and/or > > leaders as Kol. > > Yes, but I always assumed that the mutation didn't make them look like > specific humanoids so much as just really ugly and deformed shadow elves, > which tend to resemble unusually handsome members of certain other races. > I could easily see deformed shadow elves as looking a lot like slightly > odd goblins, orcs, or maybe hobgoblins. More extreme deformities might > even cause resemblances to really odd bugbears (if they grow lots of hair) > or even ogres (if their mutations included some form of gigantism). > However, the idea of having Kol XIV be a shadow elf doesn't sit well with > me for a number of reasons. First off, Kol's traditionally been portrayed > as looking like a kobold in a lot of distinctive ways - most notably, he > has the horns characteristic of kobolds, which he's inlaid with precious > gems. Furthermore, of all the leaders of the Ten Tribes of Thar, Kol is > possibly the one *least* likely to have gotten to his position if he were > a shadow elf - simply because he's the only one to have inherited his > power. If he were a shadow elf, you'd have to assume not only that Kol > XIII adopted a random foundling from the caves, instead of passing it off > to one of his advisors or some such, but that the foundling looked enough > like not only kobolds in general but Kol XIII in particular that the > illusion of an unbroken dynastic line could be maintained, and that Kol > XIII had no other children who were more worthy of the throne. A > *possible* sequence of events, I'll grant you, but is it particularly > *plausible?* I'd have been much less disappointed if they had said, say, > Yazar was a shadow elf, or Huatai-Khan, or even Alebane. It might have > been difficult to accept, but not as hard as with Kol. As it stands, it > really seems to me that the only reason they made Kol XIV a shadow elf is > to 'explain' how he managed to become a Prince of Glantri - after all, > 'everyone knows' that a mere humanoid wouldn't be capable of anything like > that. *sigh* You should remember that the Kobold society is like a military dictatorship (as per their LE alignment in AD&D terms). As such it is very likely that what you call the kol Dynasty doesn't exist as such, at least in the way you mean it. In the kobold society, the most powerful rise to the top, although they do it by climbing the social ladder (as opposed to CEs). Therefore, what you call the Kol Dynasty is in fact a succession of generals. Kol XIII probably never has been the father of our beloved Prince Kol. Kol is just a disfigured SE, raised by a family of kobolds as their son, who became a powerful wicca/shaman and thus eventually became the leader of Kolland. As did his predecessors, he took the name Kol, adding the number coming next to his title. As Kol he became counsellor to Thar, and his magical knowledge made him very needed at this position (and later made his becoming a prince of Glantri possible). > -- > Scott Johnson | > | This space intentionally left blank. - -- Herve Musseau Primary Email: Secondary Email: Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ From: "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" Date: Fri, 04 Oct 1996 13:45:39 -0700 (MST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World On Fri, 4 Oct 1996, Shin Chyang Yu wrote: > I don't remember what WotI said about this, but during the time, does > an immortal, who was trapped in mortal form, can be certain that he > will regain the his immortal power if he killed himself? Consider > this has never happened before, there are probably no one is certain > what will happen if an immortal in mortal form kill himself at > that time, thus making this way of regaining power a bit risky. This has actually (probably) happened many times before, and there is precedent for this action in both the original Gold boxed immortals set, and the Wrath immortals rules. Basically, what happens is that, an immortal- if somehow trapped in his mortal identity, can kill the identity and thus release his Immaterial Form. Of course, there are many reasons not to do this- 1) These identity forms are created for a reason, and it isn't a good idea to kill them off (naturally, the Week of No Magic is quite an exceptional situation). 2) Going in hand with no. 1, the power point cost to create a mortal Identity should keep any immortal from frivolously killing off his bodies. 3) The immaterial form is almost completely powerless- no magic, no physical attacks (IIRC, it can only use Power Attacks- from the Gold box). And unless the immortal has another body stashed nearby (which would not matter in this circumstance- remember, he killed the body to be free of Mystara)- he will have to travel back to his home plane (or off Mystara, at any rate) before he can acquire a new body. While it is an unusual circumstance (the WoNM), I think any immortal can be fairly certain that if he kills his mortal identity, he will return to his immortal form. ------------------------------ From: Leroy Van Camp III Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1996 13:55:48 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Why Mystara was converted to AD&D On Fri, 4 Oct 1996, J. Ovard wrote: > The D&D rules, when they were created, were not about stats and > dice roles. That was only a means to an end - a fun ROLE-PLAYING > session. Hence the name ROLE-PLAYING GAME. Most RPG's today > have turned more of the focus towards rules and stats-hence the > popularity of CCG's. Not to start a long, off-topic thread, but I really have to disagree with this. I am not quite sure how this conclusion was reached. Today's RPG's tend to be far more concerned with story and role-playing than rules, while the RPG's of old typically put a lot of emphasis on rules and systems. The current trend is towards rules-lite systems. Some examples... Old Systems Rolemaster, Aftermath, GURPS, Hero/Champions, Harnmaster, SPace Opera, Top Secret, Living Steele, Traveller, etc. New Systems Storyteller (Vampire, Mage, Wraith, etc), Star Wars, Over the Edge, In Nomine, Dragonlance 5th Age, Feng Shui, etc. Let me say, though, that I am not making a "old=bad, new=good" statement. I do like the de-emphasis of the rules, as I prefer a lite rules system. But I still own and enjoy a number of older RPG's. Hell, GURPS, an older game, is my favorite (though I play it in a stripped down form, eschewing most of the detailed rules in favor of GM improvisation). Finally, I have to add that I doubt the popularity of CCG's has anything to do with RPG's at all, or at least not in a direct way. Although many RPGers ar also CCGers, the majority of CCGers I have met are not also RPGers, though YMMV. Leroy Van Camp III - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You know, not kneeing you in the groin is a constant struggle." - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MST3K ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Mon, 07 Oct 1996 15:20:12 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Why Mystara was converted to AD&D wrote: > > In a message dated 96-10-04 10:49:27 EDT, Robert Kaelin wrote: > > >I don't know if D&D introduced more people to role-playing games than AD&D, > I > >suspect that it did not. Role-playing games are not like Monopoly, a group > of > >kids(or adults) don't start playing the game by walking into a store, buying > a > >boxed set and rulebooks, going home, and figuring out how to play it from > >scratch. > > > >>For the record, you're wrong in your generalization. (Rule: All > >>generalizations are false.) > >> > >>That's exactly how I started some 12 years ago. A group of friends and > >>myself found the Basic D&D boxed set in Toys 'R Us (remember those good ole > >>days when you could find D&D stuff in Kay Bee's and Toys R Us?) We saw > >>some advanced rule books at the time, but we bought the basic set and went > >>home and learned how to play it. > > Indeed. Nothing is ever truly black and white. Furthermore, merely moving > Mystara from D&D to AD&D was not necessarily a bad thing. There were already > many fans of Mystara who were routelinely converting or cannibalizing the > original material. Instead, the problem really came with the lack of a main > campaign set, and the attempt at making Mystara an intro world after pulling > it into the orbit of the (arguably) more-experienced gamers of the AD&D > system. I think this is really the heart of the problem and the reason why > Mystara-AD&D missed the boat. > Karameikos was quite suitable as an introduction campaign, but the rest > of Mystara was not at all. It is actually very sophisticated. Because this > was considered a *new* setting from the point of view of *official* AD&D From ???@??? Tue Oct 08 13:55:15 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id NAA08697; Tue, 8 Oct 1996 13:00:03 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id NAA19334 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Mon, 7 Oct 1996 13:10:04 -0500 Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 13:10:04 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #250 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 5d054815f558c3308760269f9c6415ed > worlds, Mystara-AD&D was redesigned in a way that made it ignore some of the > already existing material, antagonizing established fans. Furthermore, that > did put Mystara in a situation where it would have to compete against > Forgotten Realms, even though the two settings are thoroughly different in > their approaches and styles. (etc, etc, etc). I'm sure everyone here > understands this in retrospect. We can keep grinding this stone to dust, > folks, but frankly I feel this is now water under the bridge. I'd much rather > talk about the world itself, a far more constructive way to help revive > Mystara, either in print or electronically (as shown with Savage Coast > releases on MPGN). Again, this is just my personal opinion -- it is not > *official* in any way. > > Bruce Heard > > Hey Bruce, I thought you didn't want to take part in such a debate :) BTW, I'm sorry I started the subject... i tried to stop it but... But I agree with you 100% Bruce, let's move to more constructive work. - -- Herve Musseau Primary Email: Secondary Email: Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ From: (MR TIMOTHY M DI BONA) Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 09:36:17, -0500 Subject: Re: [Mystara] I, Tyrant? >< I noticed the "I, Tyrant" book at the gaming store today, and was wondering if anybody here's bought it; is there any information specifically on Mystaran beholders?>< yup, i got it a few months ago. I don't have it on me now, but it has a lot of usefull information. It does have info on Mystaran beholders too. It goes into great detail on these creatures. It gives the basic activities one will typically do each day, it tells of why it floats, the effects of different magics on it, and much more stuff. IMHO it's a good product released from TSR. It's definately worth picking up. Also, it has info on all those other types of beholders (eye of the deep, death tyrants, etc.). And it has new spells for use with beholders, and new magical items as well. hope that helps, - -tim ------------------------------ From: Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 10:35:57 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Bargle the Infamous In a message dated 96-10-06 19:27:45 EDT, you write: << There appear to be two schools of thought on this ... the Glantri boxed set says he is with Prince Kol, I believe. Of course, Bargle could split his time in both places ... he's gotta be powerful enough for Teleport without Error and he could certainly work as a "consultant" for multiple supervillains around the world ... I wouldn't be surprised to see him showing up in Jaibul, Hule, or Minaea, either ... m@2 >> Bargle's not the one in New Kolland youre thinking of Baron Ludwig von Hendricks he has found acceptance with the humanoids there and has been placed on Kol's staff of advisors i don't believe Bargle is mentioned in the AD&D Glantri set ------------------------------ From: Herve MUSSEAU Date: Mon, 07 Oct 1996 17:09:28 +0200 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Week of no magic and the Hollow World Shin Chyang Yu wrote: > > Herve MUSSEAU pontificated: > > Note that Immortals in mortal form were caught unable to cast spell, and > > could not regain their immortal power unless killing themselves (or > > waiting one week of course, but how could they have known?). They could > > still commune with their avatars (if any) and ask them to act on their > > behalf in the limit of their share of power. However, any wish to free > > them from their mortal body just ended the same as suicide. > > I don't remember what WotI said about this, but during the time, does > an immortal, who was trapped in mortal form, can be certain that he > will regain the his immortal power if he killed himself? Consider > this has never happened before, there are probably no one is certain > what will happen if an immortal in mortal form kill himself at > that time, thus making this way of regaining power a bit risky. Those Immortals that have avatars may guess it (since their avatars can cast spells), but otherwise they have no way to know. Unless some allied immortal knows of their mortal identity and warns them of course. > -- > Problem 7-11 of Fogler's Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering > Consider the following 2 reactions: | John Yu > (1) healthy person ---> ill | > (2) ill ---> death | UVA Material Science Dept. > Although reaction given in equation 2 is normally consider completely > irreversible, reverse reaction has been reported to occur. - -- Herve Musseau Primary Email: Secondary Email: Homepage: I'm a QSQWBEEEGGNFR Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 11:52:41 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Why Mystara was converted to AD&D In a message dated 96-10-07 11:09:05 EDT, you write: >Hey Bruce, I thought you didn't want to take part in such a debate :) I don't. :) Bruce Heard ------------------------------ From: Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 12:02:30 -0400 Subject: [Mystara] Mystara - Louisiana One of our regular readers on the AOL/Mystara folder ( had suggested the idea of creating a colony inspired from his native Louisiana, to be added to the Savage Coast setting, in particular to the region called The Bayou. After beating around the bushes for a while, here's a suggestion that I posted. Your comments are welcome! :) ( . . . ) About Nouvelle-Renardie and the Bayou -- here's a possible scenario for the years to come. A schism has developped, opposing many lupins on religious issues (to honor Saimpt Renard & co as their legitimate immortals, or Pflarr exclusively from all the others). Most lupins had chosen to keep their opinions to themselves and go on with their normal lives. Others however, showed an adamant will to impose their beliefs over all the others, threatening the King's authority and the long-established lupin immortal philosophies. As a result, during the night of the Saimpt-Malinois, the King ordered the doors of the notorious Pflarr militants' homes within the city of Louvines to be marked. Later during the night, these people were dragged out and corraled to *Le Pont du Roy* (the King's Bridge) at the river. Tempers flared and the Pflarr supporters quickly ran the risk of being dumped into the river (bound, of course) to drown. But the King intervened. He could not bear the thought to killing all these people, still his subjects as wrong as they may be. Instead, they were imprisonned until a solution could be found. At great cost to the kingdom, a settlement was built on the fringes of The Bayou. Texeiran ships were hired to link Nouvelle-Renardie to Dunwick, from which the Pariahs of Pflarr, as they became known, would be marked with a seal of infamy (a fleur de lys burned on the inside of their forearms, and their tails bobbed), and shipped to the far colony. Needless to say the conditions of the journey and life in early years of the colony were just appaling. Over the years of this sinister process, many Texeirans actually settled in Nouvelle-Renardie as well. Torreon mercenaries and their families were maintained there to defend the fortified town, because of the gurrash population of The Bayou, and guard the Pariahs. Neighbors of Renardy regarded this policy against the Pariahs as totally repulsive and certainly made their opinion clear to King Louis and the Free City of Dunwick wich had succombed to basic greed in this whole affair. Finally, when King Louis became certain that the small colony could survive on its own, he made a proclamation, known as the Edict of Louvines where it was signed, giving Nouvelle-Renardie its independence. The Pariahs of Pflarr where still not welcome in Renardie, but no longer forcibly shipped to Nouvelle-Renardie. At this point, many of them had already willingly resettled to The Bayou and no longer presented a threat to the King's Law. Some of you might wonder why I had King Louis decide to go through the trouble of ferrying all these Pariahs through Dunwick to be exiled. After all Dunwick is a foreign city. There is a sea port within Renardy, Mons-en-Plecy (in the County of Marmandy), from where exiles could be deported. But several reasons got in the way. 1. First off, the port in Mons-en-Plecy is not as deep as the one in Dunwick, making it harder for large Texeiran vessels to receive their infamous passengers. 2. Mons-en-Plecy is at the far western end of Renardy. This means the Pariahs would have to be marched all the way there, probably turning into Death March for many weaker Pariahs (the old, the sick, and so forth). This is something goblins would do, not lupins. King Louis would have chosen the path likely to cause the least hardship and casualties. 3. Parading all these unfortunate Pariahs from Louvines would also stir feelings of compassion from common folk living in the towns and near the road leading to Mons-en-Plecy -- whether followers of Pflarr or not. This would certainly create additional problems and resentment throughout the Renardois population. 4. Mons-en-Plecy being the farthest town from the capity city and the King's Law (and a sea port at that), may likely host a concentration of Pariahs. If things went really bad there, a Pariah on the run could easily cross the border into Bellayne (who sympathises with the cause of the Pariahs, of course), or leave on the next available ship. Naturally, parading mobs of Pariahs in chains through the streets of Mons-en-Plecy would unavoidably beg for riots if not outright civil war. And what better place to start an insurrection than this distant provincial town? So based upon the above, it would make sense for King Louis to load up the condemned Pariahs in well-guarded river boats (like during the night for example), and quietly ship them down to Dunwick. Meanwhile, the leaders of Dunwick would have discovered their little problem with the snappers down below. Naturally, King Louis would immediately offer military assistance and money to help with the *crusade* against the evil and deadly creatures of the deep. In exchange for this, the *Free* City of Dunwick would officially close its eyes upon the sinister business of shipping out this *foreign rabble of condemned criminals*. Finally, there is a cynical reason on my part for chosing the Dunwick road instead of Mons-en-Plecy. PCs are much more likely to be running campaigns from Dunwick. The deportation of Pariahs through Dunwick would both *add to the local scenery* and provide obvious adventure hooks. I would also link events in both Renardy and Dunwick. You might also argue that the whole idea of deportation is evil. It is and it isn't. King Louis's role as a ruler of Renardy is to support established clergy and their patron Immortals. From his point of view, he must support Saimpt Renard and fight off Pflarr's aggressive heresy. King Louis is stuck between a rock and hard place. He has no choice but to evacuate the source of problem and avoid a possible civil war. The deportation may be cruel and harsh, but unfortunately unavoidable. One more thing: I did not set a precise calendar for this, as it is a purely optional timeline of events. Whether you run it or not in your campaign would not create much differences either way. besides, this set of events can be sparked anytime it strikes your fancy. So... What think you, kind posters??? :) Of course, from the point of view of the Pariahs of Pflarr, Dunwick and Renardy would embody the forces of darkness and receive the Pariahs' long-lasting hatred. The Renardois would be known as the *misguided victims of a felon monarch and his armored minions*, and King Louis as the *eternal renegade to the rightful Immortal of all lupins*. The Dunwickers would be referred as the *greedy and blind gentiles*. The Texeirans would be instantly dubbed the *soulless slavers of the seas*. Meanwhile the Torreon mercenaries hired to defend the citadel would at first be known as the *guardian spawn of darkness*, but that part should be quickly forgotten amongst the Pariahs after the Torreon guard heroically defend Nouvelle-Renardie against several savage assaults from the gurrash. By the time of New-Renardy's independence, the Torreoners who ended up settling there permanently with their families would probably remain a well integrated segment of the population. Nouvelle-Renardie would have to be located near one of the edges of The Bayou, probably the northern end. It can't sit too close to the center of The Bayou because of the gurrash. It shouldn't be too close of the edge of the Bayou either since this was meant to be a prison. Escaping the colony through The Bayou would be darn-near impossible with all the gurrash lurking nearby. The original Pariah settlement would be fortified, and a solid citadel built to defend the port. Its role is both to protect the port from the outside (from pirates in particular), but also from possible revolts from the captive Pariahs seeking to capture supply ships and escape. During some of the worst gurrash attacks, the Pariahs had to be allowed within the citadel and those able to fight pressed into service to defend the walls. The Pariahs never took the opportunity to take over the citadel in this events, however, so great was their fear of the voracious gurrash (their women and children were kept in the dungeons anyway, basically as hostages). The Torreoners then become both jailors and protectors of the Pariahs. In the later years, this all becomes part of the local folklore. In the early years, the Pariahs of Nouvelle-Renardie would live a precarious life of extreme poverty under an oppressive colonial rulership. Their opium would be their undying faith in Pflarr. Toward the independence, the settlement not only should expand, but also become more thriving and attract outside business and wealth. Here begins the parallels with RW-New Orleans. Throw in all that you like -- strange new music, good food, business upriver with Hupkur trappers, theaters, casinos, carnivals, wealth, corruption , etc. The Renardois Governor leaves at last and the people are now *free*. They finally and forever shed the hated Pariah name and proclaim themselves the New-Lupians. Yet, the gurrash still lurks outside the walls... :) ----------------------------- The part about Dunwick and their snappers refers to earlier posts, as follows: ------------------------------ Let's get back to the Question of the Week (of last month...) with some update. I had written: <> What if... the shamans of Mother Ocean (Calitha Starbrow) had gained the ability to contact the souls of those lost at sea, for the purpose of a last contact between grieving family members and the deceased. In order to accomplish this feat, the shamans need to use a holy shrine. The holy shrine happens to be located in a sprawling city once created by tortles, a thousand years ago. The city now lies deep under the sands beneath the Free City of Dunwick, partially opening under the sea's surface. Snappers, however, have claimed this dark and flooded undercity for themselves, and fiercely guard it against all trespassers. Tortle shamans found an entrance leading to the shrine in a cave, under an old tortle burial site. In exchange for the metaphysical experience, the visitors must first convert to the shamans' faith in Mother Ocean. Better yet, it may be in the shamans power to bring back the deceased, provided TEN new believers would join the cult. These worshippers would then receive the protection of Mother Ocean, hoping one day to benefit from this revival should they become lost at sea themselves. Tortles form the bulk of the worshippers, but families of fishermen and many other sea people have begun to fill their ranks. The trip to the shrine is a dangerous one because of the snappers. Unbeknownst to the shamans however, adventurers managed to slip through and discovered a vast wealth in pearls, corals, and ivory once used in the decoration of the ancient tortle city. Worse yet, they found countless items of pottery made from bits of steel seed glued together. Steel seed is a major component in the fabrication of smokepowder and is worth a fortune on its own. The shamans, of course, consider this and all that lies in the city sacred artifacts. A few rulers of the Savage Coast got wind of the discovery and quietly sent emisssaries, spies, hired swords, grave robbers, and just about anybody they could think of to get a share of the booty one way or the other (without being noticed if possible). Between them and their prize, stand the shamans of Mother Ocean and their growing ranks of faithful followers, should they discover their goals. After all these centuries under water, the city streets are covered with a thick gooey muck not quite capable of supporting significant flora because of the everlasting darkness. Snappers are the ones who managed to clear the streets of the sands, by first digging through and then using secretions to literally glue the sands overhead, in a rough vault above every street. Following this technique, they enlarged some of their excavations to form domes capable of arching over a few blocks. The place is quite large, and so is its population of snappers. Should the snappers also discover the way up to Dunwick, the free city would then be at risk of an invasion. If the situation grew out of control, the tortle shamans might call for a great crusade against the evil forces of the underdark to free once and forever this ancient place of worship. All followers apt for combat duty would be required to join. Just a few ideas... Bruce Heard PS. Tortle monuments elsewhere could be the tips of tall buildings sticking out of the sands, marking the location of other lost cities. ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #250 ***************************** From ???@??? Fri Feb 11 06:34:49 2000 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id OAA15520; Tue, 8 Oct 1996 14:57:27 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id RAA01208 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Mon, 7 Oct 1996 17:52:14 -0500 Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 17:52:14 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #251 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 844f6e79bf675af88f031436b41684b2 mystara-digest Monday, 7 October 1996 Volume 01 : Number 251 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Matthew Levy Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 10:26:00 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] I, Tyrant? On Sun, 6 Oct 1996, Daniel Boese wrote: > I noticed the "I, Tyrant" book at the gaming store today, and was > wondering if anybody here's bought it; is there any information > specifically on Mystaran beholders? > > -- > Daniel Boese > who has just bought Dragon #155, X11, O1, and M1. :) :) :) > > I bought it for a friend as a birthday present this summer ... it doesn't have any specifically Mystaran information but it is a really excellently silly thing to own ... contains info on "the average beholder day", beholder theology, and other weirdness ... no reason it couldn't apply very well to Mystara, since beholders there probably have a lot in common with beholders elsewhere ... they seem to have a culture which transcends planes of existence and crystal spheres. m@2 ------------------------------ From: Matthew Levy Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 10:23:17 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Bargle the Infamous On Sun, 6 Oct 1996 wrote: > How is this for an idea -- Bargle is now up to level 30 from experienced > gained murdering various wizard adventurers during and after "Wrath". > Now he is seeking Immortality in the Sphere of Entropy by trying to > arrange for all of the "evil" leaders of the world to make war on all the > "good" people at the same time -- this requires him to stir up trouble > EVERYWHERE. If he succeeds, he becomes an Immortal, possibly > even before the Master of Hule does. At that point the number of evil > wizards in the world should go up, as they will have "Lord Bargle" as > a patron to emulate. > > Silly, but I love it! By the by, where the heck was Bargle from in the first place, anyway? His name doesn't really give any clues as to his nationality or background. I think I remember reading he was a street tough from Mirros who beat up a mage and stole his spellbook ... if so, what a story! Anyway he might conceivably stir up trouble amongst some of those states whose "evilness" is relative ... like Thyatis, the Heldannic Knights, etc. ... I think of this guy as mainly being in cahoots with the dispossessed, though, allying himself with really weak but ambitious people ... also we were having a discussion earlier on the list about the state of affairs in Thonia ... since the trade in Blackmoorabilia should have opened up with the fall of Alphatia, Bargle could be a prime candidate to be manipulating the 'noids in the area .... perhaps that's why he was in Esterhold in the first place ... m@2 ------------------------------ From: David Keyser Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 10:51:34 -0700 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Why Mystara was converted to AD&D I said before... >> Role-playing games are not like Monopoly, a group of >>kids(or adults) don't start playing the game by walking into a store, buying a >>box Looks like this statement was wrong, in some cases at least, I stand corrected. I don't want to start up the debate again of whether D&D or AD&D is better. I actually play an 2Ed AD&D variant, and mix in a lot of D&D rules(Armor values, 10-second combat round, Weapon Mastery, etc.). What was nice about D&D was that it went off in directions that AD&D didn't really try until years later, like the stuff I listed above, and things like humanoid PCs, monster PCs, ultra-high level campaign support, and attaining Immortality. Ok, not everything tried was a good idea or a success, but D&D had a sense of "freestyle" that appealed to some veterans, not just beginners. I do concede though that there are plenty of options books on the market now for AD&D, providing greater versatility. I didn't mind the Mystara switch to AD&D, even the changes made can be fixed with some work by DMs, but to survive in the market, it needs to appeal to both its AD&D and D&D supporters. Maybe I am overly worried, but it might even have to broaden its appeal as well. My impression is that the most popular series that were in the Mystara campaign world were the B and X series of modules, the Gazeteers, and Bruce Heard's Princess Ark series in Dragon magazine. What these things have in common(besides good quality) is that they are easily portable to other campaign worlds. I know of one individual who used the Gazeteers as their GURPS campaign world. He may be part of a small minority of D&D/Mystara customers over the years, and then again, he may not be. Bruce Heard wrote: > understands this in retrospect. We can keep grinding this stone to dust, > folks, but frankly I feel this is now water under the bridge. I'd much rather > talk about the world itself, a far more constructive way to help revive > Mystara, Point well taken Bruce. I saw your post in on the possible scenarios in the Savage Coast. Would you repost it to this mailing list? I don't know if everyone here follows that newsgroup. Dave Keyser ------------------------------ From: Fabrizio Paoli Date: Mon, 07 Oct 1996 21:27:20 +0100 Subject: [Mystara] Alfheim Invasion Complete Timeline (long) Alfheim Invasion Timeline, version 1.0 by Fabrizio Paoli and Herve Musseau Spring 1004: Atzanteotl Contacts Rafiel Location: Pandius Description: Atzanteotl meets Rafiel in the Central Dome of Pandius to ask him to take part in the Brotherhood of the Shadow. Rafiel agrees. What this means: Atzanteotl believes Rafiel to be an entropic Immortal, so he asks him to join his side. On the other hand Rafiel learns that the Brotherhood of the Shadow=92s goal is to help the less powerful side (i.e.= his side), so he doesn=92t refuse Atzanteotl offer. In the years to come Rafiel will play as a double agent for Rad. Summer 1005: Atzanteotl Urges Rafiel to Act Location: Pandius Description: In a new secret meeting in the Central Dome of Pandius Atzanteotl suggests Rafiel to prompt the Shadow Elves to invade Alfheim as his participation to the cause of Entropy. Rafiel agrees and Atzanteotl offers him to provide the Shadow Elves with a new spell able to corrupt the Trees of Life, thus weakening the Alfheim elves.=20 What this means: With Sind seized by the Master and Alfheim controlled by Shadow Elves, Atzanteotl plans of crushing Darokin between the hammer and the anvil, thus giving the Brotherhood of the Shadow the chance of striking against Glantri, the Broken Lands, the Five Shires, Rockhome, the Emirates of Ylaruam, the Ethengarian Khanate, or Karameikos, to help whichever side the Brotherhood is supporting. Moreover the destruction of Alfheim is one of Atzanteotl=92s goals and Ilsundal one of his most hated enemies. Rafiel is not entropic but sees this as an opportunity to get rid of a dangerous neighbor for Glantri (Alfheim is led by the Ring of Fire) and to give his followers what he long promised them; however, he prefers not to involve his Shamans in this scheme, so he willingly accepts Atzanteotl=92s= spell.=20 1005, Felmont 19: Xatapechtli Dreams Location: City of the Stars, Shadow Elves Territories Description: Xatapechtli, the head of the second Shadow, dreams of an ancient book about Trees of Life that is kept somewhere in Alfheim. In the dream an Azcan voice whispers him that he must find that book if he wants to take his revenge on the Alfheim elves. What this means: Actually that dream is induced in Xatapechtli=92s mind by Atzanteotl, that has found a way to corrupt the Canolbarth forest and the Trees of Life. In the following months Serpent Eyes will look all over Alfheim for that ancient and invaluable book. 1005, Fyrmont 12: Theft in Feador Location: Feador, Alfheim Description: A group of Shadow Elves spies (Serpents) steal from Jorodrin Feadiel (Treekeeper of clan Feadiel) a book detailing what Ilsundal went through to create the Trees of Life. What this means: Serpents found evidence of the book=92s current location searching through the Mealidil Library Tree and quickly managed to steal it. Now Kanafasti can learn vital knowledge about Trees of Life. What the PCs can do: If the PCs are Shadow Elves they may take part in the robbery or be part of the plot in some other way (looking for information, putting up diversions...). If the PCs are from Alfheim they may try to prevent the theft and perhaps uncover the plot. 1005, Fyrmont 27: Atzanteotl visits Kanafasti Location: City of the Stars, Shadow Elves Territories Description: Atzanteotl visits Kanafasti in incorporeal form and provides him with the knowledge needed to research a new spell that will eventually kill the Trees of Life and weaken the Canolbarth forest, thus allowing Shadow Elves to easily drive Alfheim Elves out of it. What this means: Rafiel allowed Atzanteotl to provide Shadow Elves wizards with a spell that will help them invade Alfheim. Unfortunately, busy as he is in his studies with Rad, he didn=92t realize that Atzanteotl=92s magic= will forever corrupt the forest, entropy being what it is. What the PCs can do: The team of Shadow Elves wizards that is going to research that spell will surely need many components and they could hire the PCs to find them. 1006, Flaurmont 12: Research of New Spell Completed Location: City of the Stars, Shadow Elves=92 Territories Description: The team of experienced Shadow Elves wizards led by Kanafasti successfully completes the research of a new spell that will allow Shadow Elves to kill the Trees of Life. What this means: Actually the spell is more powerful than what everybody (but Atzanteotl) think because it will corrupt not only the Trees of Life but the whole forest.. What the PCs can do: Experienced Shadow Elves wizards may take part in the research of the spell. 1006, Ambyrmont 17: King Telemon Prompts Kanafasti to Act Location: City of the Stars, Shadow Elves=92 Territories Description: In a secret meeting in the King=92s Palace between Telemon, Kanafasti, Xatapechtli and General Garafaele, the King urges the Royal Wizard to act now and orders the Radiant General to start drafting a wartime army.=20 What this means: Taking advantage of the confusion created by the meteor that striked in northern Darokin this summer, Telemon urges Kanafasti to start casting the spell. What the PCs can do: Shadow Elves PCs may either help Kanafasti if they=92re experienced wizards or be drafted in the army according to their rank. 1006, Ambyrmont 24: Shadow Elves Wizards Start Working Location: Caves just beneath Alfheim Description: The most powerful mages among the Shadow Elves lead by Kanafasti gather in tunnels running under the Canolbarth Forest and start casting the spell that Atzanteotl gave them. What this means: Tunnel Shapers worked hard in the last few months to build a big network of tunnels running all under Alfheim. This is the first step of the invasion, it will take at least a month for the spell to have appreciable effects and much more to kill the Trees of Life. What the PCs can do: High level Shadow Elves wizards PCs can take part in the casting, lower level or non-wizard PCs may be needed to scout the tunnels and defend the mages from attacks by wandering monsters and Alfheim adventurers that might stumble upon those tunnels by chance. 1006, Sviftmont 4: Tree of Life Gives Ill Omen =20 Location: Ainsun, Alfheim Description: As the forest begins to darken, the High Treekeper of clan Grunalf contacts his Tree of Life by casting ESP and the Tree tells him that it senses a great catastrophe coming. Soon the bad news spreads across the clan and to the other clanholds. Grunalf sages, the most learned about forestry and woodlore among the elves, gather in Ainsun to study the matter. What this means: The darkening of the forest is the first effect of the Shadow Elves=92 magic, more mutations will follow in the next weeks. 1006, Sviftmont 28: The Sick Forest Location: Canolbarth Forest, Alfheim Description: Three weeks have passed since clan Grunalf gave alarm and the forest is even darker and more twisted. Trees stop growing new leaves and plants stop making flowers, herbivores strive to find eating. The elves are at loss to explain this strange disease, other than to guess that something in the fallout from the ash raised by the meteor that slammed in northern Darokin last summer is causing it. Trees of Life continue to make leaves, but feel a deep pain coming from the very earth trough their roots, while anxious Treekeepers search ways to reverse the process. What this means: Actually the disease is caused not by the ash, but by the powerful Shadow Elves magic that is starting to take effect. 1006, Kaldmont 21: Death near Shieldtree Location: Shieldtree, Alfheim Description: Five elves are found dead and ten others seriously sick after drinking water from a nearby spring. Careful investigation reveals the water has been poisoned. What this means: This is another consequence of the spell. By now the trees have stopped growing and leaves started falling. Small plants and many herbivores have already died. Carnivores have trouble to find game and many springs become poisonous. What the PCs can do: If they=92re in Shieldtree they can be hired to investigate on this strange death. 1006, Kaldmont 28: Treekeepers meet in Feador Location: Feador, Alfheim Description: Increasingly alarmed by their Trees of Life that stopped growing leaves and unable to stop the process, Treekeepers from all the seven clans meet today in Feador trying to discuss on the matter. Treekepers from clan Feadiel and Grunalf agree on the need of relocating their communities somewhere else to prevent the Trees of Life from dying, those from clan Long Runner and Mealidil bitterly disagree on leaving Alfheim, though not even in the Annals of Mealiden is mentioned something similar to the current situation. What this means: Treekepers are strongly alarmed by the withering of their Trees of Life and completely unable to reverse the process, so they start thinking of leaving Alfheim for a land not hit by the fallout of the ash raised by the meteor. 1007, Nuwmont 13: Lynnwyll Chossum Falls Ill Location: Desnae, Alfheim Description: Clanmaster Lynnwyll Chossum suddenly faints while working; he feels very weak and is brought home by his friends. Even the High Treekeper is much worried about his health. What this means: This is not a natural illness, actually Carlisan, Counselor to Lynnwyll and Shadow Elf, poisoned his Clanmaster to take his place. 1007, Nuwmont 15: Lynnwyll Dies, Carlisan Appointed Clanmaster Location: Desnae, Alfheim Description: After a short death struggle Lynnwyll dies, but before dying he picks Carlisan to replace him. What this means: This is a major strike for Shadow Elves, now in full control of one of the leading clans. 1007, Thaumont 15: Council Meets in Elleromyr Location: Elleromyr, Alfheim Description: The Council of the Clans meets today in Elleromyr to discuss the proposal of clan Feadiel and clan Grunalf of leaving Alfheim. Only three clans (Long Runner, Mealidil and Red Arrow) vote against, so the measure= passes. King Doriath charges his ambassadors in Glantri, Karameikos, Thyatis and Wendar to ask the local rulers and elvish clans for hospitality.=20 What this means: The once mighty trees of Alfheim are now twisted and dying, other plants are already dead and the animal population has drastically decreased. More and more among elves and fairies think that leaving is the best solution, but some still refuse to leave. Why leave: clans Feadiel and Grunalf are concerned about the Trees of Life; clan Chossum is now controlled by Shadow Elves and eager to sell cart, horses and whatever is needed for such a journey; clan Erendyl thinks this is the best thing for Alfheim. Why stay: clan Mealidil doesn=92t want to leave the country founded by Mealiden and thinks that an answer for the problem can be found looking in the books, it=92s just a matter of time; clan Long Runner mistrusts all non-elves, blames humans for this strange disease, so it doesn=92t want to have any contact with the outside world; clan Red Arrow is mostly concerned about the danger of such a trip, because of what=92s going on in Glantri, Darokin and Ethengar. What the PC=92s can do: Well known PCs adventurers from Alfheim may be sent= to Glantri, Karameikos, Thyatis or Wendar as couriers by King Doriath. clan Red Arrow may also need experienced adventurers to scout possible flight ways across the Broken Lands, the Orcland and the Cruth Mountains. =20 1007, Flaurmont 11: Good News from Ambassadors Location: Elleromyr, Alfheim Description: By now King Doriath has received reports from all his ambassadors: King Stefan of Karameikos, King Gylharen of Wendar and Princess Carlotina of Erewan agree on giving hospitality to the elves of Alfheim, should they really need to leave the forest. Only the reclusive clan Vyalia in Thyatis refuse to help the elves. What this means: About one month ago the Council of Clans decided that leaving the dying forest was the best way to save the Trees of Life. Now Alfheim elves know that there=92s someone that can host them and they=92ve= only to plan their flight. The war between the two factions of Immortals goes on as Emperor Tylion of Thyatis, advised by Vanya in her mortal form of Anya, forbids the Vyalia elves to host followers of Ilsundal.=20 1007, Flaurmont 23: Beholder Appears in Thornbush Location: Thornbush, Alfheim Description: Following a steady increase in the monstrous and evil activity near the Bad Magic Points, a Beholder appears today in the more and more dark area of Thornbush. The guards are unable to stop the multi-eyed monster and the creature starts wreaking havoc in the forest.=20 What this means: The increase in twisted magic level is a side effect of Atzanteotl=92s entropic magic. What the PCs can do: Adventurers, either elves or human, can stage a hunt for the beholder and other evil monsters that will surely turn up in the following weeks. [Note: I put here a Beholder because it was the first thing that occurred to me, but DM are free to use this event to introduce new monsters. Take a look at the Creature Catalog.] =20 1007, Yarthmont 7: Fair Folk Moves Away Location: Dreamland, Alfheim Description: Tonight, in a sad meeting of the Fairy Court, King Oberon decides to leave the twisted forest. The fairies will start leaving tomorrow, heading for Redstone on the western coast of the Isle of Dawn, where there is already a fairly big settlement of fairies. A small group of fairies will stop in nearby Darokin waiting for the forest to return to what it was just a few months ago.=20 What this means: King Oberon realized that the Canolbarth forest was every day more dangerous and inhospitable for his subjects to live in, so he decides they had better leave. Soon the elves will lose their "little brothers" and this will be both a new drive to leave and a terrible blow to their morale. 1007, Yarthmont 19: Small Elvish Settlement Destroyed Location: North of Desnae, Alfheim Description: A party of brave adventurers wandering in the forest stumble upon a small elvish community to find that everyone has been cruelly slaughtered. Evil monsters escaped from Thornbush are blamed for the murder. What this means: The murder is the work of a small band of Shadow Elves that crept out of their network of underground tunnels. In the following months similar attempts to murder isolate Alfheim communities will be made.=20 1007, Yarthmont 20: Druid Makes Stunning Discovery=20 Location: North of Desnae, Alfheim Description: A druid, member of the party which found the murdered community, casts a "Speak with the Dead" before leaving the village and discovers that the killer wasn=92t a monster, but a party of elves. What this means: The druid couldn=92t learn which sort of elves were the murderers, but as soon as he reports his discovery to the military the fear and suspicion of Shadow Elves being behind this slaughter (and the whole thing...) spreads in Alfheim. 1007, Klarmont 16: Tree of Life Uprooted Location: Feador, Alfheim Description: After some months of deep research Treekeepers of clan Feadiel devised a way to uproot a Tree of Life for transportation without harming From ???@??? Fri Feb 11 06:34:49 2000 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id OAA15520; Tue, 8 Oct 1996 14:57:27 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id RAA01208 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Mon, 7 Oct 1996 17:52:14 -0500 Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 17:52:14 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #251 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 844f6e79bf675af88f031436b41684b2 it. Today Jorodrin Feadiel (Treekeeper of clan Feadiel) and his assistants perform the ceremony and uproot their Tree of Life, keeping its roots in their original ground. What this means: By now all plants and trees in the forest except Home Trees are dead; the Fair folk fled the forest and most animals have already died, while the number of monsters increases; and Trees of Life are nearing death too but if this ceremony is successful perhaps it will be possible to prevent the death of the Trees of Life. 1007, Klarmont 23: Tree of Life Looks Fine Location: Feador, Alfheim Description: The Tree of Life that was uprooted last week looks fine: i.e. not better than before, but not much worse either. What this means: It looks as if the uprooting ceremony was successful. Now the seven clans of Alfheim know that they have a chance of saving their Trees of Life from the strange disease that struck the forest about eight months ago. In the following weeks Treekepers will be busy performing the ceremony on other Trees of Life and finding a new home for them. 1007, Felmont 1: Important Meeting in Elleromyr Location: Elleromyr, Alfheim Description: King Doriath, General Gilfronden, Captain Brightsword and their most trusted advisors meet in Elleromyr to plan the flight from Alfheim. The elves will split in two groups: clans Chossum, Red Arrow and Feadil will go south to Karameikos crossing eastern Darokin and the Cruth mountains; clans Erendyl, Mealidil, Grunalf and Long Runner will head north to Wendar crossing the dangerous Broken Lands and unfriendly Ethengar. Due to the ongoing humanoid invasion elves decide not to enter Glantri, where small groups of elves had already fled. The army will be split too: three warbands led by Captain Brightsword will follow the first group in Karameikos, while General Gilfronden will lead the remaining four warbands toward Wendar. A small Guard of experienced elves will be chosen to defend the Trees of Life, as soon as the Treekepers have found a safe place in Darokin where to leave them.=20 During the meeting Shurengyla, cousin and special agent for King Doriath, tells the others about new sights of Shadow Elves moving stealthily in the twisted forest, unfortunately she has no evidence of a link between the Shadow Elves and the disease that struck the forest. However, Captain Brightsword stands up and swear to seek and kill any Shadow Elf himself. What this means: This meeting is the normal consequence of the decison of leaving made on 15 Thaumont, soon the elves will start packing their bags and in a few months they=92ll leave the Canolbarth forest, now twisted, dangerous and uninhabitable. Shurengyla brought out a topic which has been haunting the mind of many elves for the last few weeks, i.e. that Shadow Elves and not the fall of the ash may be the cause of the death of their forest. =20 1007, Felmont 13: Arrows Miss their Target Location: Alfheim Description: Captain Brightsword is barely missed by arrows while patrolling the forest in search of Shadow Elves, but one of his most trusted advisors, a veteran of the war against the Huleans, is killed. The elves are unable to find the murderers, anyway they identify the arrows as coming from clan Chossum, long suspected of sheltering Shadow Elves. Brightsword decides to reach Desnae to meet the Clanmaster of clan Chossum. = =20 What this means: This is not clumsy Shadow Elves=92 attempt at murdering Brightsword, but a way to draw him in Desnae. 1007, Felmont 16: Mind probe in Desnae Location: Desnae, Alfheim Description: Clanmaster Carlisan privately meets Brightsword, that blames him of housing Shadow Elves within his village. Using ESP Carlisan manages to learn unsuspecting Brightsword's true name and then casts charm person to put the Captain under his control. Then Carlisan assures Brightsword of not sheltering Shadow Elves and asks him to let a famous and trusted adventurer of clan Chossum join his patrolling group. =20 What this means: Now Brightsword, the most dangerous Alfheim Elf for General Gilfronden, is under the control of Shadow Elves. Anyway Carlisan knows that the spell effect will not last long, so he puts another Shadow Elf on his tracks with the task of casting a charm person on Brightsword every morning. 1007, Felmont 28: Starlight Legions Move Location: City of the Stars, Shadow Elves Territories Description: Radiant General Garafaele Galeifel orders Starlight Legions I-III to deploy in the area under Alfheim: Legion I in Alfmyr, Legion II in the Citadel of Saulia, Legion III in Narfrendal=92s Krak. Each Legion has= 1020 elves, including 80 Skinwing Riders. [I put together the armies given in PWA II for Aengmor and City of the= Stars] What this means: Shadow Elves are getting ready for the final phase of the invasion. 1007, Fyrmont 7: Alfheim and Darokin Make a Deal Location: Alfheim Town, Alfheim Description: King Doriath and General Gilfronden meet elvish members of the Darokin Diplomatic Corp in Alfheim Town today. They discuss about relocating the Trees of Life on Darokinian soil with a mixed Darokinian-Alfheimer honor guard to protect them and about letting the elves freely cross Darokin should they really need to leave their homeland. King Doriath asks the DDC to keep maximum secrecy on this meeting.=20 What this means: Alfheim=92s rulers are making the final preparation to guarantee a safe escape for the elves. 1007, Fyrmont 14: Treekepers Meet Again in Feador Location: Feador, Alfheim Description: Treekeepers from the seven clans meet today in Feador to discuss the relocation of the Trees of Life. Shurengyla, cousin and special agent for King Doriath, takes part to the meeting. Treekeepers from clan Long Runner show a new spell that will make a Tree of Life look like a normal tree, thus sheltering it from hostile eyes. What this means: By now all clans (except Mealidil and Long Runner) have performed the ceremony and uprooted their Tree of Life, so they=92re ready, though a bit perplexed, to relocate the dying Trees of Life in Southern and Eastern Darokin.=20 1007, Fyrmont 20: Clan Feadiel Moves its Tree of Life Location: Feador, Alfheim Description: To set a good example Jorodrin Feadiel, Treekeeper of clan Feadiel, orders its Tree of Life (actually a daughter of the one in the Sylvan Realm) moved in a forest in Southern Darokin, outside the twisted Canolbarth Forest. What this means: Clan Feadiel is the first to move its Tree of Life, soon the other clans (except clans Long Runner and Mealidil) will start doing the same. The Trees will be relocated in the most densely forested area just beyond the Darokinian border, though not too close to it so that they will not be further affected by the sickening, or at least this is what Alfheim elves hope. 1007, Ambyrmont 1: The Council of Clans sets Evacuation Day Location: Elleromyr, Alfheim Description: About 11 months ago the forest gave the first symptoms of sickness, by now the forest is dead and the Clanmasters, gathered in Elleromyr for the last time, sadly decide to depart their beloved forest on 15 Ambyrmont. King Doriath and General Gilfronden are charged to carefully plan the departure. Anyway the decision is not unanimous: Beasthunter and Mealidan Mealidil, Clanmaster of clans Long Runner and Mealidil respectively, bitterly disagree on leaving the forest and warn the others that leaving the forest would only kill the Trees of Life and inevitably corrupt the elvish way of life. At the end of the meeting the Clanmasters greet each other, maybe for the last time. What this means: The die is cast. Now that all Trees of Life but two are safely guarded in Darokin, time has come to leave the forest and reach Wendar and Karameikos, where the long-living elves can start a new life while trying to find a way to heal their withered forest. Anyway Beasthunter and Mealidil didn=92t order their Trees of Life uprooted yet as they=92re firmly convinced not to leave.=20 1007, Ambyrmont 2: Planning the Flight =20 Location: Elleromyr, Alfheim Description: King Doriath meets his advisors to plan the flight. Shurengyla brings news from Glantri and Darokin showing that, while the humanoids are besieging Glantri City and destroying the countryside around it, their number in the eastern Broken Lands is somewhat decreased thus lowering the risk in crossing that area, and proposes to leave a few troops in Alfheim to defend the forest from likely Shadow Elves attacks. Anyway General Gilfronden still thinks that it would be a big mistake to spare troops from escorting the fleeing elves and order them to defend the twisted Canolbarth Forest. King Doriath trusts his old friend Gilfronden and decides to proceed as established on 1 Felmont. What this means: General Gilfronden, actually a Shadow Elf spy, doesn't want to fight his brethren so, knowing that the invasion will take place in the upcoming month of Army, he advises King Doriath that he has better to preserve the army for what will be a dangerous journey. 1007, Ambyrmont 3: Messengers reach Clanholds Location: Alfheim Description: Messengers from King Doriath reach today the various Clanholds bringing the latest news about the evacuation. The flight will take place as decided on 1 Felmont: clans Chossum, Red Arrow and Feadiel, escorted by three warbands lead by Captain Brightsword will go south to Karameikos crossing eastern Darokin and the Cruth mountains; clans Erendyl, Mealidil, Grunalf and Long Runner, escorted by four warbands, will head north to Wendar crossing the dangerous Broken Lands and unfriendly Ethengar. What this means: Now everyone knows what to do. Elves everywhere in Alfheim will finish to pack their bags and load their carts and beasts of burden, then they=92ll pull out of the dust their old swords, bows and spellbooks to prepare for what looks like a very dangerous trip.=20 What the PC can do: Adventurers from Alfheim may organize armed rear-guards to protect their fleeing family, or may instead decide not to flee in order to defend their abandoned village from unscrupulous thieves, dwarves and humanoids. 1007, Ambyrmont 4: Beasthunter and Mealidil meet Location: Mealidor, Alfheim Description: Clanmasters Beasthunter and Mealidil meet today in Mealidor to discuss the message from King Doriath that they received yesterday. Both leaders are firmly convinced not to leave their homeland, but they must admit that the forest has grown increasingly dark, dangerous and inhospitable in the previous months and in spite of their long researches they haven=92t found the way of saving the dying Trees of life yet. They decide to stay and go on with the research until the spring, but they also decide to let the other clanmembers free to make up their mind whether to leave or to stay.=20 What this means: Both Clanmasters still think that they=92ve better not to leave, but they certainly noticed a growing fear and uneasiness among their clans, so they decide to stay with the Trees of Life but without compelling the others to do like them. Obviously King Doriath and General Gilfronden won=92t be satisfied with this decision, the former because there will be few armed elves to escort the main group in the dangerous journey, the latter because the invading Shadow Elves will find a certain opposition in taking over Mealidor and Pinitel.=20 1007, Ambyrmont 10: Starlight Legions take Stand Location: Shadow Elves Territories Description: General Garafaele receives news about the Alfheim elves moves from his cousin Gilfronden and orders Starlight Legions I, II and III to deploy in the tunnels under the Canolbarth forest, which were built by Tunnel Shapers about one year ago.=20 What this means: Knowing that the surface elves will flee the twisted forest on 15 Ambyrmont, the Radiant General urges his troops to cover the 6,000 feet that divide Alfheim from the Shadow Elves Territories. The upward thrust of more than 3000 armed elves will surely drive several monsters out of their homes and many of them will pop up in Alfheim and attack the fleeing elves. 1007, Ambyrmont 15: Elves leave the Twisted Forest Location: Alfheim & Darokin Description: In a move that shocks the Darokinian folk, but, of course, not the well-informed DDC, the elves of Alfheim flee their country. Several long queues made of thousand of carts, horses and elves dot the Darokinian landscape departing like tendrils from the twisted forest and heading north-west to Corunglain and south-east to Selenica. Only about half the elves from clans Long Runner and Mealidil flee with King Doriath, the others decide to stay in Alfheim to defend their Trees of Life, their villages and their Clanmasters. What this means: More than 70,000 Alfheim elves flee their twisted and darkened forest, as planned in the previous months. Even if the elves and the Darokinians are friends, such a huge exodus will surely cause a little friction with human farmers, as the fleeing elves cross their fields or frighten their cattle. Anyway this is a minor problem for the fleeing elves, when compared to what awaits them when crossing the Broken Lands or the Cruth mountains.=20 1007, Ambyrmont 17: Shadow Elves Strike Location: Canolbarth Forest Description: During the night well armed Shadow Elves troops enter the twisted forest creeping out of tunnels and quickly overwhelm the small groups of elves that stayed to defend their homeland, but they must retreat before dawn, because they aren=92t light-adapted yet. The fiercest fights take place by Pinitel and Mealidor, where the most numerous groups of Alfheim elves are, but, thanks to their superior number, the Shadow Elves manage to defeat their opponents before dawn. Before fleeing north the few survivors from clans Long Runner and Mealidil manage to disguise their Trees of Life using a spell. (See Fyrmont 14). A small group of Shadow Elves, equipped with magical amulets that allow them to ignore the effect of normal light, fights its way to Alfheim Town only to find abandoned buildings. For the first time skinwings fly over the darkened forest. What this means: The Shadow Elves invasion has grown overt. General Garafaele decided to launch the attack on Army 1, a fasti day according to the Shadow Elves calendar, to further boost the morale of his troops and to please Rafiel and his shamans. As planned the Starlight Legions found almost no resistance in invading the forest, now their main problem is to adapt to sunlight, though the darkening of the forest caused by Atzanteotl=92s spell will make this easier. Anyway they=92ll secure their total control of the forest in about twenty= days. 1007, Ambyrmont 18: Reactions to the Invasion Location: Darokin City, Corunglain, Nemiston, Darokin Description: Darokinian and elvish authorities receive news of the invasion from the fleeing member of clans today at about midday and react in different ways: =B7 In Darokin City a worried Chancellor Corwyn Mauntea puts his remaining troops on alert, as well as the Magistrates whose holdings border the Canolbarth Forest, meanwhile, knowing that the Darokinian army would be unable to stop a possible attack from the twisted forest, he urges the DDC to get in touch with this unknown invader. =B7 In Corunglain messengers from Clanmasters of clans Long Runner and Mealidil, whose Trees of Life are still in the Canolbarth Forest disguised as normal trees, prompt King Doriath to send back some troops to defend the forest, but the King, advised by his old friend General Gilfronden, decides to spare his troops for the long and dangerous trip through the Broken Lands and Ethengar. Anyway King Doriath allows groups of fearless adventurers from both clans to go back to Alfheim to collect news about the invasion. =B7 News of the invasion reach Captain Brightsword in Nemiston and he= himself sees big birdlike creatures (actually Skinwings) flying over the forest. He is eager to order his warbands back into Alfheim to fight those much-hated Shadow Elves, but he knows that he has to cross the Cruth mountains before winter comes, so he decides to reinforce his rear-guard and to reach Selenica as soon as possible. What this means: Shadow Elves were long seen as an elven legend outside Alfheim, so Darokinians are worried and shocked to see that they really exist, moreover Darokin never considered Alfheim as a possible threat and his armed forces, much reduced after the war against the Master, would be completely unable to stop an attack coming from the very center of the Republic. The diplomatic way is again the only hope for Darokinians in the event of an attack. General Gilfronden doesn=92t want to fight his brethren, this is the true reason for his refusal to send troops to defend the forest. Besides he will surely warn the Shadow Elves that groups of adventurers are coming, so that they can be ambushed, thus providing him with a new argumentation to support his idea of not using troops in an impossible defense of the twisted forest.= =20 1007, Ambyrmont 28: Party time at Atzanteotl=92s mansion =20 Location: Pandius=20 Description: There=92s a lavish party tonight at Atzanteotl=92s mansion in Pandius to feast the utter defeat of Ilsundal. Hel, Alphaks and Rafiel attend the party. What this means: The invasion of Alfheim was a major stroke against Ilsundal, one of Atzanteotl=92s main enemies. Rafiel is not entropic and doesn=92t hate Ilsundal, but he has to attend the party to avoid Atzanteotl=92s suspicions. 1007, Sviftmont 9: Alfheim Town renamed Location: Alfheim Town, Canolbarth Forest Description: General Garafaele, accompanied by Pricess Tanadaleyo (who personally participated in the attack (see "Son of Dawn")), enters today in Alfheim Town welcomed by his cheering troops, sets his headquarters in the former dwarven Guildmasters=92 Hall, the largest stone building in the town, takes possession of the city in the name of King Telemon and renames it Rafielton. King Celedryl Plaza is also renamed King Telemon Square. After exchanging messages with King Telemon via scroll of communication, Garafaele orders his troops to prepare the city for the King=92s visit. What this means: This is the first official act of the Shadow Elves in former Alfheim. By now Garafaele=92s legions have conquered the whole forest, and somewhere they even occupied the Darokinian borderlands. Now they=92re celebrating= their victory, but soon they=92ll have to start rebuilding and it will be a hard= task. General Garafaele plans to destroy the wooden buildings in Rafielton and even the ironwood wall that surrounds the city, to replace them with the more familiar stone buildings and a solid stone wall.=20 1007, Sviftmont 17: Tanadaleyo crowned Location: Rafielton Description: In the square named after him, King Telemon renames the newly conquered Canolbarth Forest into Aengmor, after a near-legendary city they built and lost more than two thousand years ago, then he crowns his daughter, the Radiant Princess Tanadaleyo, Governor of Aengmor. The Radiant General Garafaele is named Warlord of Aengmor. In a long speech the Radiant Shaman Porphyriel announces that the prophecies of Rafiel finally came true and now they have a place on the surface where they can live under the sun and among green trees (or so they think), moreover she sets this day, King 5 according to the Shadow Elves calendar, as a new fasti day. Meanwhile in their underground cities other shamans are preaching similar things to the whole Shadow Elves population. What this means: Everyone is happy here, let=92s see why: Tanadaleyo is ambitious and has long dreamed of being Princess of Alfheim, now her dream has come true. Garafaele has finally succeeded where his predecessors failed: conquering Alfheim and gaining a bright place in the Shadow Elves history. Telemon has long coveted the Canolbarth Forest and now he has it, and he did all this without help from the shamans !!! Porphyriel is happy because she can claim than the conquest of Alfheim is the will of Rafiel, thus strengthening the faith of his people in Rafiel, which was quickly dropping after centuries of privations and unfulfilled promises. ************** Fabrizio Paoli =20 DM in City Of The Stars=20 aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr Home Page: =09 ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #251 ***************************** From ???@??? Wed Oct 09 10:31:09 1996 Return-Path: Received: from by (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id IAA00177; Wed, 9 Oct 1996 08:56:50 +1000 From: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id RAA08636 for mystara-digest-outgoing; Tue, 8 Oct 1996 17:20:39 -0500 Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 17:20:39 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: Subject: mystara-digest V1 #252 Reply-To: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk X-UIDL: 8856d087dfa62ec5ed05b3ff254f60de mystara-digest Tuesday, 8 October 1996 Volume 01 : Number 252 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Matthew Levy Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 18:04:03 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Bargle the Infamous On Mon, 7 Oct 1996 wrote: > In a message dated 96-10-06 19:27:45 EDT, you write: > > << There appear to be two schools of thought on this ... the Glantri boxed > set says he is with Prince Kol, I believe. Of course, Bargle could split > his time in both places ... he's gotta be powerful enough for Teleport > without Error and he could certainly work as a "consultant" for multiple > supervillains around the world ... I wouldn't be surprised to see him > showing up in Jaibul, Hule, or Minaea, either ... > > m@2 >> > > Bargle's not the one in New Kolland > youre thinking of Baron Ludwig von Hendricks > he has found acceptance with the humanoids there > and has been placed on Kol's staff of advisors > i don't believe Bargle is mentioned in the AD&D Glantri set > oops, sorry. Bargle used to work for Ludwig and I got confused. IMC Ludwig is dead anyway so I must have mentally transposed him to Bargle. (IMC the halflings and the Duke's men hanged him in front of fort doom and then burned his corpse, assuring he couldn't be ressurected). m@2 ------------------------------ From: (Robert C Hammer) Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 13:15:21 PST Subject: [Mystara] Mystaraspace Has anything official been printed about Mystara in spelljammer terms? Beyond the planet and its two moons, I haven't found anything else definitive. Robert ------------------------------ From: "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" Date: Mon, 07 Oct 1996 19:56:46 -0700 (MST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Bargle the Infamous On Sun, 6 Oct 1996, Andre Cavalcanti Rocha Martins {S wrote: > On Sun, 6 Oct 1996, Gabriele Ferri wrote: > > > Hello everybody, > > I was thinking about how Bargle can act after the fall of the Black Eagle > > Barony. I know from PWA 2 that he is helping humanoids, but why? Is in > > PWAs an JA written where he lives? > > According to his description in GAZ1, he isn't a charismatic leader. So, > > if I were him, I'll find someone to work for (like what he did with the > > Black Eagle), but who? Someone in Glantri? > > Since he helped humanoids, he could live with Prince Kol. > > I remember someone suggesting he might be in Serraine now, working with a > scretive group there to use the city as a terror weapon. That would be a > good place to have him now. That was me. I thought that perhaps after the fall of the kingdom of Blackrock, or wherever, that maybe he hitched a ride on Serraine, where, as we speak, he is in cahoots with the Grey Front (a society of evil Nagpa who want to take over the city). Together they will stage a coup against the leaders of the city- driving many out, and many more will be driven into the undercity to lead a counterrevolution over the course of many years. As for Bargle helping 'noids, I think you have Bargle and his former master, Baron "Black Eagle" von Hendriks confused. Currently (according to PWA2), the former Baron is allied with Prince Kol and is helping to train Kol's 'Noid troops. ------------------------------ From: Andre Cavalcanti Rocha Martins {S Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 00:00:38 -0200 (EDT) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Alfheim Invasion Complete Timeline (long) <.... snipped (or would someone want to see the huge Fabrizio's post twice?)> Great job! And I must say it gave me a few extra ideas about the future war I am planning. First, the elves left their trees in Darokin, since it was the safer place. They certainly intend to have them back and this can be nothing but a provisory solution. So they will try to come back. Atzanteotl will soon have a country under his command, Aengmor. He certainly knew what he was doing and he wouldn't miss the chance to make that spell not really kill the trees, but transform them in new evil beings, as well as many of the forest animals that eat from them. We must still work on it, but I am sure he would do it. So, when his followers try to take Aengmor from the shamans, they will have an ace in the sleeve: the forest will relive and fight with them. A new twisted, maybe undead (Nyx would have loved to help him in this one), forest. And this work perfectly with the DDC infiltration. Just imagine Hel haven't been too successful on it until Alfheim invasion. She has a few agents, but they are not in the higher positions. The DDC is desperate to negotiate with this new treaty when two of their junior diplomats manage to talk with the invading army. Hel has asked this from Rafiel as a personal favor, she would help him to make peace between the SE and Darokin in the shadow elves would negotiate innitially through her agents. Rafiel had to keep his disguise and agreed, so two promissing but unknown diplomats are raised to glory as they negotiate a favorable peace treaty. So what do you think? Have everyone hated my previous ideas about the war so much that I got no answers? Andre Martins ------------------------------ From: (Shawn) Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 11:18:02 +1000 Subject: [Mystara] Re: Gombar and Suma'a >From: >Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 05:51:48 -0400 >Subject: Re: [Mystara] Gombar and Suma'a > >In einer eMail vom 06.10.1996 05:37:58, schreiben Sie: > >>135 AD >> >> > >Good work, but one little mistake: > >In Mystara it's AC (i.e.after Crowning of the first thyatian emperor) not AD >(i.e.Anno Domini). Otherwise i really liked it. Oops >From: Matthew Levy >Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 14:15:48 -0700 (PDT) >Subject: Re: [Mystara] Gombar and Suma'a > >Neat work! Of course now this means someone has to detail the Tanagoro >daughter cultures on Zyxl and in Izonda ... there was some discussion of >Zyxl having a Japanese culture, but that's not hard to adapt either way >... and so on ... Yeah I didn't really look at what other people were considering for cultures in other places when I wrote this. I just considered where the Tanagoro would have migrated, the migration map in the HW boxed set indicated a number of places and I just sort of added one or two more. Of course any one post Tanagoro colony could have changed considerably since about 2000 BC. >by the way who is Gildesh? I take it he is part of the Enduk/Ee'ar >civilization? I never managed to figure out how to access the file on the >Orc's Head etc. so I don't know much about them. It is all in Dragon #200. He is the near immortal guardian (sort of) of the Eshunites. This information had little relevance to Gombar and Suma'a but owing to some of these matters being a bit unclear in Dragon #200 I decided to ground the occurrences in actual dates. >What kind of merchant >ships do the Suma'a and Gombarians use? Don't know much about boats I'll have to look this one up. >Do their trading partners come to >them, or are they the ones with the fleet? They have their own fleet >How are their current >relations with the Ee'ar? Virtually no contact, they still keep on getting attacked when anybody goes near them - they've basically decided to leave them alone for the moment. >Does Alphaks ever try to reestablish his >influence over them? There's a possibility >What sort of culture and religion do the ogre-kin >have (past worshipping Sumag and Gombar)? Their religion is solely confined to Sumag and Gombar. Other cultural aspects are of course the merchant type aspects and also a strong mining bias, since is where their economy has been built from - a bit like Australia there :) Other cultural aspects which I may not have highlighted directly are that they are peaceful, the opposite of insular (whatever that word is) and they also have very little correlation with their ogre heritage culturally. When I asked Bruce Heard about this he said that they were African Ashanti based ... I'm still reading up on them though. >Have Texeirans or Vilaverdans >ever had any contact with them? No. Just like the Suma'ans and Gombarians haven't ventured through the Straight of Izonda neither have the Texeirans or Vilaverdans. Though this lack of contact will change in AC 1014 as noted in the last entry of my history. >What happened to the other humanoids on >the Immortal's Arm? I don't really intend on following that one up, that's the problem with such migrations. You tend to leave people everywhere. Though for all intense purposes they are still there and they don't know that the ogre-kin are a bit of a way up west coast. >I could probably ask even more questions but these are the main ones that >spring to mind ... thanks, Please do ask some more. Shawn Stanley I am a QHQGMEEEBBGAU Mystaran ------------------------------ From: Estlor Date: Fri, 04 Oct 1996 21:39:22 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Why Mystara was converted to AD&D Hey, Burce....If you're reading this (and methinks you are) what about a Known World set book like they do for Savage Coast? Isn't the whole Odessey line supposed to put out books for defunct worlds? Some of us out here are starving for something new and the Savage Coast alone doesn't cut it. Maybe you could convince the titans at TSR to listen to us die hard fans (Me realises this is a news group and not a personal forum) Sorry 'bout getting all religious, but if anyone else out there agrees, just holler. ------------------------------ From: Fabrizio Paoli Date: Tue, 08 Oct 1996 14:17:49 +0100 Subject: [Mystara] Alfheim Invasion Complete Timeline (intro) Actually I sent this message before the actual timeline, but I didn't get it back, so I fear it didn't reach the list and I post it again. Special tanks go to Herve Musseau for his help and original ideas (the role of Atzanteotl, the way the spell worked...) and obviously to Rafiel, whitout whom this invasion wouldn't have been possible :-) Useful info about NPCs, places and events described in this timeline can be found in the following TSR products: - -Wrath of the Immortals boxed set - -Gaz 5: The Elves of Alfheim - -Gaz 13: The Shadow Elves - -CM7: Tree of Life (by Bruce Heard :) - -Son of Dawn, a novel in the First Quest series (BTW: I didn't read this novel, but Herve told me it has something about Aengmor...) - -The Poor Wizard Almanacs I, II and III In many events I skipped the "What the PCs can do" paragraph, but clever DM (like you all) will certainly find a way to get the PCs involved in this events. I forgot to mention that the timeline is also available on request as a .doc file. ************** Fabrizio Paoli DM in City Of The Stars aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr Home Page: ------------------------------ From: Fabrizio Paoli Date: Tue, 08 Oct 1996 14:50:09 +0100 Subject: [Mystara] World Games I've just finished to write the long timeline about the invasion of Alfheim and I'm ready again for another Mystara project. My idea is to make a standard schedule of events for the World Games. I'll start with the first Games in Selenica, then each year something new events may be added (e.g. hardball in Mirros) and other events can be deleted (e.g. swimming and sailing in Ylaruam). If someone there has already run the WG in his campaign, please send ideas (of course, you can send ideas also if you've not run the WG :) about contests, athletes, world records (or better, KWrecords)... BTW: I've also promised something about a list of places in the KW known for making a particular item a few weeks ago. I didn't forget it, but I had to work on the timeline first. ************** Fabrizio Paoli DM in City Of The Stars aka David Gnome, herald of Gond's temple in Tilverton aka Doriath, 1/2 Elf Ranger in Cormyr Home Page: ------------------------------ From: Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 11:49:10 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] I, Tyrant? Is there really information SPECIFIC to MYSTARAN beholders in there or is it only useful stuff in general? If there is specific stuff in there, how much? Alad3 ------------------------------ From: Daniel Boese Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 12:28:33 -0400 (EST) Subject: Re: [Mystara] Mystaraspace > Has anything official been printed about Mystara in spelljammer terms? > Beyond the planet and its two moons, I haven't found anything else > definitive. I tend to use 2 sources.. the list of planets given in the gold Immortals set, and the adventure module X7(?) The Tree of Life, which has a starmap showing some of the planets' names. - -- Daniel Boese ------------------------------ From: (MR TIMOTHY M DI BONA) Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 13:01:05, -0500 Subject: [Mystara] World Games <> My idea is to make a standard schedule of events for the World Game<> Good idea. I was thinking of that myself. Can't wait. - -tim ------------------------------ From: (MR TIMOTHY M DI BONA) Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 12:38:38, -0500 Subject: Re: [Mystara] I, Tyrant? <> it doesn't have any specifically Mystaran information<> Check again. There isn't a large amount, but there is an entry on Mystaran beholders. I believe it's a page worth of info, with a picture. - -tim ------------------------------ From: (MR TIMOTHY M DI BONA) Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 12:54:05, -0500 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Bargle the Infamous <> IMC Ludwig is dead anyway so I must have mentally transposed him to Bargle. (IMC the halflings and the Duke's men hanged him in front of fort doom and then burned his corpse, assuring he couldn't be ressurected). <> I love it! I only wish that happened IMC. :) - -tim ------------------------------ From: (MR TIMOTHY M DI BONA) Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 12:52:02, -0500 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Bargle the Infamous On Sun, 6 Oct 1996 wrote: > How is this for an idea -- Bargle is now up to level 30 from experienced > gained murdering various wizard adventurers during and after "Wrath". > Now he is seeking Immortality in the Sphere of Entropy by trying to > arrange for all of the "evil" leaders of the world to make war on all the > "good" people at the same time -- Really? Just boost him to 30th level assumeing he killed wizards? Why would he be looking for Immortality? Why in Entropy? and what evil leaders in the world? Bargle is most likely regrouping, somewhere away from Karameikos dissappearing during the WotI. All he wanted was to assassinate King Stefan. He holds no connections to Entropy, or Immortals for that matter. He also has no true allies since backstabbing Ludwig during the fall of the Black Eagle Barony. Just because he is evil doesn't mean he wants to create huge good vs evil wars that span the globe. IMHO if anyone evil encountered him, they would just want his Staff of Magi. Who can trust Bargle to make an alliance with him, especially after what has happened recently? > this requires him to stir up trouble > EVERYWHERE. If he succeeds, he becomes an Immortal, possibly > even before the Master of Hule does. At that point the number of evil > wizards in the world should go up, as they will have "Lord Bargle" as > a patron to emulate. Why would evil wizards rise in numbers?? Immortality is not that easy to take. You can't assume he killed some unknown wizards for no reason, and will reach Immortality for apparently no reason other than starting a war. No offense, but i just don't know where you're coming from on this . . . . . - -tim ------------------------------ From: David Keyser Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 11:56:05 -0700 Subject: Re: [Mystara] I, Tyrant? >Is there really information SPECIFIC to MYSTARAN beholders in there or is it >only useful stuff in general? If there is specific stuff in there, how much? I leafed through it at the store. Lots of general information on beholders, and is compatible with Mystara beholders. But there is ONE specific paragraph on Mystara beholders, five or six lines which describe the appearance of Mystara beholders(which look different in FR, Greyhawk, etc.). I read it, and to summarize, from memory, Mystara beholders are brown. Dave Keyser ------------------------------ From: Robert Kaelin Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 14:45:56 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] I, Tyrant? >Is there really information SPECIFIC to MYSTARAN beholders in there or is it >only useful stuff in general? If there is specific stuff in there, how much? > >Alad3 Sigh. Yes there's one parapraph specifically on mystara. There;'s also one paragraph specifically on the Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, Planescape, Ravenloft and Spelljammer (actually, there are 2 on spelljammer.) Otherwise it's a GENERIC supplement designed to be used anywhere. Since I know of no real discussion on Mystara beholders in detail anywhere, it might as well be canon. (And if there is a detailed discussion anywhere else, I'm sure I'll be hearing about it shortly. Which is why I love this list.) :-) It's, imo, a great supplement. If you're looking for a book of Mystara info, look elsewhere, if you're looking for info on beholders (and I can't imagine any other reason you' buy it) I hope the only criteria you use to meassure it by is not whether or not it contains Mystara-canon. sorry, it's probably the anit-biotics talking - -Bob - ---------------------------------------------------------- Bob Kaelin Natural Intelligence, Inc. E-mail: 725 Concord Ave. Phone: (617) 876-7680 x1253 Cambridge, Ma. 02138 WWW: USA - ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ From: Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 15:31:02 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Why Mystara was converted to AD&D In a message dated 96-10-08 10:15:49 EDT, Estlor wrote: > Maybe you could convince the titans at TSR to listen to >us die hard fans ...the story of my life! :) We do this kind of stuff on a regular basis. There are no plans for Mystara releases in the immediate however. Sorry. Bruce Heard ------------------------------ From: Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 15:27:33 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Re: Gombar and Suma'a In a message dated 96-10-08 03:00:13 EDT, you write: >>Have Texeirans or Vilaverdans >>ever had any contact with them? > >No. Just like the Suma'ans and Gombarians haven't ventured through the >Straight of Izonda neither have the Texeirans or Vilaverdans. Though this >lack of contact will change in AC 1014 as noted in the last entry of my >history. There might be a permanent weather problem at the straits, like Cape Horn. This would have hampered attempts from both sides to sail through, until someone charted a passage -- a dangerous passage at that. Bruce Heard ------------------------------ From: Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 15:24:47 -0400 Subject: Re: [Mystara] Re: Gombar and Suma'a In a message dated 96-10-08 03:00:13 EDT, you write: >>What kind of merchant >>ships do the Suma'a and Gombarians use? > >Don't know much about boats I'll have to look this one up. My guess is that they'd have to be LARGE, considering the physical size of the local population. I suppose they'd favor galleys since they have lots of muscle available, although feeding so many rowers with near-ogre appetites could be a real problem (OK, they might have a sea-faring tradition and eat raw fish, but still). Here's a silly idea: what if the surface of their ships' hulls was sculpted in such a way that waves crashing on their ships' bows would actually translate into a motive force. In this case, they'd need fewer rowers and sails, since natural water movement would be a part of their ships' propulsion. This well-guarded secret (like ancient Roman's greek-fire in real history) would then allow more innovative ship designs. Bruce Heard ... who still lives in fantasy! ------------------------------ From: "David 'Azure' Leland" Date: Tue, 8 Oct 96 12:21:28 PDT Subject: Re: [Mystara] I, Tyrant? At 11:49 AM 10/8/96 -0400, you wrote: >Is there really information SPECIFIC to MYSTARAN beholders in there or is it >only useful stuff in general? If there is specific stuff in there, how much? > >Alad3 There is some. It is very specific and very very brief, along the lines of what was said about Chronomancers from different game worlds in that supplement. About a paragraph or two. Most of it describes cosmetic differences. If you are only interested in the supplement if it has substantial Mystara-related information, I'd discourage you from buying it. Like others have said, though, most of the general stuff would seem totally applicable to Mystaran beholders. Cheers, /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ ~| David "Azure" Leland ~|~ Email: |~ ~| UCSD Cognitive Science ~|~ Phone/Fax: (619) 642-6709 |~ ~| Oberlin class of 1996 ~|~ Web: |~ ~| Amateur conguero; Q(O+H)Q(G+W)AEEEBGKUS Mystaran; P75 on Ethernet |~ \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1 #252 *****************************