mystara-digest Saturday, September 4 1999 Volume 1999 : Number 370 Mystara is a trademark of TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. The following topics are covered in this digest: [MYSTARA] - OT -- Staying online (was RPG reality) Re: [MYSTARA] - Re: [MYSTARA] AD&D Conversions: The Elves [MYSTARA] - New Earth elemental spells Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm Re: [MYSTARA] - Re: [MYSTARA] AD&D Conversions: The Elves Re: [MYSTARA] - Lot of B12s, but not many B11s Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm Re: [MYSTARA] - OT -- Staying online (was RPG reality) Re: [MYSTARA] - Lot of B12s, but not many B11s Re: Just Say No to WotI (was Re: [MYSTARA] - Maps--Darokin) [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast [MYSTARA] - Demons in Mystara Re: [MYSTARA] - Demons in Mystara Re: [MYSTARA] - New Map (Alfheim) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 23:26:31 EDT From: Subject: [MYSTARA] - OT -- Staying online (was RPG reality) In a message dated 1999-09-03 18:03:00 Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > 4 hours online with AOL? Either you have too much money, or > you don't have to pay for telephone costs... > Not to speak about the time! > > Unfortunately I don't have the latter (as you might deduct > from the date of this message), and don't want to spend > too much of the first. In the US it is possible to get plans with your ISP and with your phone company that allow unlimited usage of each -- although in the case of the phone company it is limited to local calls. So for Americans whose local access numbers are local calls, staying online for four hours is not especially expensive. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 01:59:50 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Re: [MYSTARA] AD&D Conversions: The Elves In a message dated 9/3/99 2:40:26 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << My primary focus at the moment is to try and figure out if I should just treat each and every clan as an individual subrace, or if I can get away with broad generalizations. >> Is there any theories out there as to the origin of the Belcadiz elves and why they are that way? Are the from the Savage coast? Just musing . . . BoBo II *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 11:17:44 +0200 (METDST) From: Agathokles Subject: [MYSTARA] - New Earth elemental spells This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. - --2004430125-851401618-936436664=:11199 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Looking at the existing spells, both from official sources (Player's Handbook and Tome of Magic) and from the list, I noticed a serious lack of low-level spells for the elemental Earth school. So here (attached file) are five spells, form first to fifth level. The last four are meant as basic earth spells teached by the Great School of Magic. The first, beeing of the fifth level, is more fit for higher level elementalists. I would be grateful for any feedback, since these spells have not been used and could possibly lack some balance. Giampaolo Agosta - --2004430125-851401618-936436664=:11199 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="earthelem.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: Content-Description: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="earthelem.txt" RWxlbWVudGFsIEVhcnRoIFNQRUxMUw0KDQoNCklubm9jZW50aSdzIFN0b255 IFRlbnRhY2xlcw0KKEFsdGVyYXRpb24gLyBFbGVtLiBFYXJ0aCkNCg0KTGV2 ZWw6IDUJCUNvbXBvbmVudHM6IFYsIFMsIE0NClJhbmdlOiAgNW0vbGV2ZWwJ Q1QuIDQNCkR1cmF0aW9uOiAxci9sZXZlbAlTYXZlOiBTcGVjaWFsDQpBcmVh IG9mIEVmZmVjdDogb25lIGNyZWF0dXJlL2xldmVsDQoNCglUaGlzIHZhcmlh dGlvbiBvZiBNYXhpbWlsaWFuJ3MgU3RvbnkgR3Jhc3AgaXMgdXNlZCBtYWlu bHkgZm9yIGRlZmVuc2UgDQooYWdhaW5zdCBhc3Nhc3NpbmF0aW9uIGF0dGVt cHRzLCBpbiBJbm5vY2VudGkncyBjYXNlKSAuIEl0IG11c3QgYmUgY2FzdCBv biANCnN0b255IGdyb3VuZCwgYW5kIGFmZmVjdHMgb25lIGNyZWF0dXJlIHBl ciBsZXZlbCBvZiB0aGUgY2FzdGVyLiBFYWNoIGNyZWF0dXJlIA0KaXMgYXR0 YWNrZWQgYnkgYSBzdG9uZSB0ZW50YWNsZSB3aGljaCB3b3JrcyBhcyB0aGUg aGFuZCBpbiB0aGUgU3RvbnkgR3Jhc3AgDQpzcGVsbCogZXhjZXB0IHRoYXQg aXQgaXMgc3Ryb25nZXIgYnV0IG5vdCBhcyByZXNpc3RhbnQgdG8gZGFtYWdl LiBJdCBkZWxpdmVycyANCnRvIHRoZSB2aWN0aW0gMS00IHBvaW50cyBvZiBk YW1hZ2UgZWFjaCByb3VuZCwgYnV0IGl0IGhhcyBvbmx5IGFzIG1hbnkgaGl0 IA0KcG9pbnRzIGFzIHRoZSBjYXN0ZXIncyBtYXhpbXVtLCB1cCB0byAyMCwg YW5kIGhhcyBBQyAzLiBNYXRlcmlhbCBjb21wb25lbnQgaXMNCmEgY2xheSBm aWd1cmluZSBvZiBhbiBvY3RvcHVzLCB3aGljaCBpcyBkZXN0cm95ZWQgZHVy aW5nIHRoZSBjYXN0aW5nLg0KDQoqQ3JlYXR1cmUgZ3Jhc3BlZCBoYXZlIG1v dmVtZW50IHJhdGUgMCwgLTIgdG8gQUMgYW5kIGF0dGFja3MsIGFuZCBsb3Nl IGFueSANCkRleCBib251cy4gSWYgYSBzYXZlIHZzIHNwZWxscyBpcyByb2xs ZWQsIHRoZSBjcmVhdHVyZSBhdm9pZCBiZWVpbmcgZ3Jhc3BlZCwgDQphbmQg dGhlIGhhbmQgZGlzYXBwZWFycyAoaXQgd2lsbCBhcyBhIDUlIHBlciBsZXZl bCBvZiB0aGUgY2FzdGVyIGNoYW5jZSBvZiANCnJlYXBwZWFyaW5nIGVhY2gg cm91bmQpLg0KDQoNCkFuaW1hdGUgR2FyZ295bGUNCihBbHRlcmF0aW9uIC8g RWxlbS4gRWFydGgpDQoNCkxldmVsOiA0CQlDb21wb25lbnRzOiBWLCBTLCBN DQpSYW5nZTogVG91Y2gJCUNULiAxIHJvdW5kDQpEdXJhdGlvbjogMXIvbGV2 ZWwJU2F2ZTogTm9uZQ0KQXJlYSBvZiBFZmZlY3Q6IDEgc3RhdHVlDQoNCglB 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cG9uZW50IGlzIGEgY2FsdHJvcC4NCg0KDQoNCg== - --2004430125-851401618-936436664=:11199-- *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 12:29:10 +0200 From: thibault sarlat Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm LOL.And that was the last episod in the WotI serie.I hope this would not leads us to some other cataclysm...or else i would have to redraw all the maps i have done so far.Please keep your calm Meltheim... thib a écrit: > what! what is that supposed to mean mr thib? I was dumped her by a stupid > immortal who just felt the need to relocate me. I was perfectly happy at > home, and all of a sudden i'm in some special forces crap. If i ever find > the immortal scum who did this to me i'll . . . ZOT* > > *the rest of this message can not be displayed, because the one known as > Meltheim the Shadowstalker has be "taken care of" by the aformentiond > immortal. good day > *************************************************************************** > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. - -- Thibault Sarlat ICQ 16622177. Check out my sites : The main page is at Then the Mapping zone is at And finnally the Gazeteer zone is at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 09:19:55 -0500 (CDT) From: (Jenn) Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Re: [MYSTARA] AD&D Conversions: The Elves >Is there any theories out there as to the origin > of the Belcadiz elves and why they are that > way? Are the from the Savage coast? > >Just musing . . . > >BoBo II Yes! (*shameless plug alert*)...I actually just posted my Belcadiz Mini-Gazetteer to my web site last week, including a clan history timeline (please read the foreword first). The URL is Jenn Valerya's Mystara Page: Tome of Mystara Homepage: *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 08:57:38 -0700 (PDT) From: Damon Brown Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Lot of B12s, but not many B11s - --- thibault sarlat wrote: > Maybe Big Bill is speculating ....We can sue him for > holding up all the good stuff and selling > garbage...Then we > offer a mediation , and he say , folks what if i > give you the rights for your beloved mystara... > "we love you Bill" > Dream or nightmare?who knowns... > > thib > (i badly need some mushrooms, i am in need...) > Hey, wait a minute... when did Wizards buy out TSR? Let's see, their HQ is in Renton which is *frighteningly* close to Redmond (both suburbs of Seattle), where the Microsoft campus is... hmm, I wonder. Quick, somebody call Mulder and Scully, me thinks I smell a conspiracy! OK, maybe not. Auf wiedersehen, Damon === If a 'Vegetarian' is someone who eats vegetables, shouldn't 'Humanitarian' be another name for a 'Cannibal'? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 12:26:34 -0400 (EDT) From: (Geoff Gander) Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm Ethan wrote: >Look on Brun - See the little space in the mountains around the >"oregon/Washington" area (if Brun was North America)? That's the Sylvan >Realm. CM7 has a nice map of that tiny region, but nothing else. ...or the BC/Washington area 8-D - but you're right, the map in GAZ 5 isn't very useful, and the one in CM7 maps out the Realm, but not much of the surrounding region; you don't get any contextualization. Geoff - -- Geoff Gander, BA 97 Cartographer/Game Designer/Government Peon Carnifex Loremaster : *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 14:08:24 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - OT -- Staying online (was RPG reality) hehe, you guys are wierded out about 4 hours online? i'm on AOL for about 18 hours a day! from 6 am, when i wake up, to about midnight, when i go back to sleep. and, i've got some friends making it so it's free for me. too much of a good thing? i don't think so! Meltheim the Shadowstalker Infiltrator to the Immortals Devotee of Fate Eyes of the Starwatcher *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 20:16:35 +0200 From: thibault sarlat Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Lot of B12s, but not many B11s I guess truth is elsewhere... Damon Brown a écrit: > --- thibault sarlat wrote: > > Maybe Big Bill is speculating ....We can sue him for > > holding up all the good stuff and selling > > garbage...Then we > > offer a mediation , and he say , folks what if i > > give you the rights for your beloved mystara... > > "we love you Bill" > > Dream or nightmare?who knowns... > > > > thib > > (i badly need some mushrooms, i am in need...) > > > Hey, wait a minute... when did Wizards buy out TSR? Let's see, their > HQ is in Renton which is *frighteningly* close to Redmond (both suburbs > of Seattle), where the Microsoft campus is... hmm, I wonder. Quick, > somebody call Mulder and Scully, me thinks I smell a conspiracy! > OK, maybe not. > > Auf wiedersehen, > Damon > === > If a 'Vegetarian' is someone who eats vegetables, shouldn't 'Humanitarian' be another name for a 'Cannibal'? > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Bid and sell for free at > *************************************************************************** > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. - -- Thibault Sarlat ICQ 16622177. Check out my sites : The main page is at Then the Mapping zone is at And finnally the Gazeteer zone is at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 09:21:15 +0100 From: "Paul George Dooley" Subject: Re: Just Say No to WotI (was Re: [MYSTARA] - Maps--Darokin) Sorry this was ment to be sent to a friend of mine in reference to the soaring costs of stuff nowdays. Somehow I posted it on the list instead. I,ll try to do better in future > Hi > > What was this a reply to? > > Hoddie > (SNIP) *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 18:20:01 -0400 From: "SteelAngel" Subject: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast *sigh* After putting down a few bucks on X9, I was not impressed to see that it didn't really cover the savage coast _at all_, just gave a few maps, and some new creatures, but none of the countries detailed in the PA series was covered. Anyway, is there any oD&D source material for the SC besides the Dragon articles? Ethan *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 15:34:16 -0700 From: Patrick Sullivan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast >Anyway, is there any oD&D source material for the SC besides the Dragon >articles? I don't think there is, other than the CoM boxed set which includes some of the Dragon entries and X4-6 which cover the neighboring areas to the east. But I didn't have any trouble converting the AD&D material into OD&D--why not do that? patrick *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Sep 1999 00:33:30 +0200 From: thibault sarlat Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast yea they are all reworked in the savage coast product line known as red steel and savage baronnies.Some of them are available on tsr site. thib SteelAngel a écrit: > *sigh* > > After putting down a few bucks on X9, I was not impressed to see that it > didn't really cover the savage coast _at all_, just gave a few maps, and > some new creatures, but none of the countries detailed in the PA series was > covered. > > Anyway, is there any oD&D source material for the SC besides the Dragon > articles? > > Ethan > > *************************************************************************** > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. - -- Thibault Sarlat ICQ 16622177. Check out my sites : The main page is at Then the Mapping zone is at And finnally the Gazeteer zone is at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Sep 1999 00:37:16 +0200 From: thibault sarlat Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast by the way that's the only module i don't have... you are lucky.. SteelAngel a écrit: > *sigh* > > After putting down a few bucks on X9, I was not impressed to see that it > didn't really cover the savage coast _at all_, just gave a few maps, and > some new creatures, but none of the countries detailed in the PA series was > covered. > > Anyway, is there any oD&D source material for the SC besides the Dragon > articles? > > Ethan > > *************************************************************************** > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. - -- Thibault Sarlat ICQ 16622177. Check out my sites : The main page is at Then the Mapping zone is at And finnally the Gazeteer zone is at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 18:37:33 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast unless you are heavily based in the SC, then i don't recommend purchasing the red steel campaign stuff, because it just isn't worth all the $$ thatyou could be spending upgrading my armour from this pathetic leather i'm wearing . . . Meltheim the Shadowstalker Infiltrator to the Immortals Devotee of Fate Eyes of the Starwatcher *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 16:21:26 -0700 From: Patrick Sullivan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast >unless you are heavily based in the SC, then i don't recommend purchasing the >red steel campaign stuff, because it just isn't worth all the $$ thatyou >could be spending upgrading my armour from this pathetic leather i'm wearing Well, everything frim the boxed sets but the cd's and some of the artwork is available for free download at worth the price. As far as the boxed sets, they aren't worth list price, but you shouldn't have any difficulty gettiing them significantly discounted, and those cd's are worth having if you don't have to pay too much to get them. Patrick *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 19:24:39 -0400 From: "SteelAngel" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast > by the way that's the only module i don't have... > you are lucky.. Not really, X9 isn't exactly the best thing out there :) Ethan *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 19:26:06 -0400 From: "SteelAngel" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast > I don't think there is, other than the CoM boxed set which includes some of > the Dragon entries and X4-6 which cover the neighboring areas to the east. > But I didn't have any trouble converting the AD&D material into OD&D--why > not do that? I could do that. However, i haven't heard glowing reviews of the red steel box, in the ways that it treats Bruce's masterworks all wrong. *shrug* Maybe I'll just wait for the Dragon CD to come out :) Ethan *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Sep 1999 01:31:42 +0200 From: thibault sarlat Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast yes , but i've not found it so kind of piss me off.I hope santa 's gonna find it for me this year. thib SteelAngel a écrit: > > by the way that's the only module i don't have... > > you are lucky.. > > Not really, X9 isn't exactly the best thing out there :) > > Ethan > > *************************************************************************** > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. - -- Thibault Sarlat ICQ 16622177. Check out my sites : The main page is at Then the Mapping zone is at And finnally the Gazeteer zone is at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 19:48:33 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast In a message dated 9/4/99 5:19:22 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes: << Well, everything frim the boxed sets but the cd's and some of the artwork is available for free download at worth the price. >> Where is the Red Steel set on that site? Since they did their "update" to the site I haven't been able to find it. froggy *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 17:34:01 -0700 From: Patrick Sullivan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast >Where is the Red Steel set on that site? Since they did their "update" to >the site I haven't been able to find it. you''l have to scroll down to Savage Coast, but it's there. Patrick *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 20:26:47 -0400 From: "Christian Constantin" Subject: [MYSTARA] - Demons in Mystara Hi to all! I wanted to know if some of you are still playing with the demons contained in the Immortal Box. Moreover, I wanted to know if someone has developed spells or items linked with demonology or something like that. Also, I don't have any recent AD&D rulebooks (I always preferred OD&D) and I wondered if they contain anything about this kind of magical beings. I ask all these questions because I want to create some kind of demonologist school of magic in my campaign which will deal with the conjuration/invocation of the servants of entropy. Any ideas, references, earlier works are more than gladly welcomed. Christian "Krieg!" Constantin *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 20:44:16 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Demons in Mystara my dm has created some sort of evil religions dealing with demons of a sort. they are evil religions with evil specialty priests and stuff, you can find out more if you just ask mr darknerd about his entangled serpents, his dragons, or his glowing red eyes. Meltheim the Shadowstalker Infiltrator to the Immortals Devotee of Fate Eyes of the Starwatcher *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 20:52:02 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - New Map (Alfheim) Good job with the maps, it would be an interesting project wouldn't it. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1999 #370 ******************************** *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara' as the body of the message. Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 21:46:24 -0400 (EDT) From: (mystara-digest) To: Subject: mystara-digest V1999 #371 Reply-To: Sender: X-Status: mystara-digest Sunday, September 5 1999 Volume 1999 : Number 371 Mystara is a trademark of TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. The following topics are covered in this digest: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm? Re: [MYSTARA] - Demons in Mystara Re: [MYSTARA] - Demons in Mystara Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast Re: [MYSTARA] - Ciinnibar Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery Re: [MYSTARA] - Demons in Mystara Re: [MYSTARA] - The lurker leaves the attic... Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 20:56:10 EDT From: Subject: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm? um, i'm trying to get back to some friends up towards the sylvan realm, and i can't really find the sylvan map among my collection. does anyone have a map of the sylvan realms to which i so dearly call home? it would greatly be appreciated, and help me to not get lost and end up in glantri :: shudders :: again. Meltheim the Shadowstalker Infiltrator to the Immortals Devotee of Fate Eyes of the Starwatcher *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 21:57:13 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Demons in Mystara In a message dated 99-09-04 20:39:38 EDT, writes: << Moreover, I wanted to know if someone has developed spells or items linked with demonology or something like that. Also, I don't have any recent AD&D rulebooks (I always preferred OD&D) and I wondered if they contain anything about this kind of magical beings. I ask all these questions because I want to create some kind of demonologist school of magic in my campaign which will deal with the conjuration/invocation of the servants of entropy. >> The best resource I have ever found on AD&D Demons is the "Demons" supplement by Mayfair (and to an extent "Demons II)". While most of the background is dispensable (though it can be easily fit into Mystara if so desired), there are spell lists and classes that are just magnificent, including the Demon Slayer class and the Thaumaturgist (Demon Summoner) class and spell list (upon which I based my Lycanthrope list). The Demons II set includes expanded information and a new class, the Inquisitor. The third set, "Sentinels", includes info on the good guys as well as two new classes (Elysiat and Seraphists) and their magic... Demons is the best resource, probably followed by Sentinels and the Demons II. There were also three compendiums published of the five orders of Demons (the fourth was in the original boxed set, the fifth never got published)... Mystaros *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 21:57:13 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Demons in Mystara In a message dated 99-09-04 20:39:38 EDT, writes: << Moreover, I wanted to know if someone has developed spells or items linked with demonology or something like that. Also, I don't have any recent AD&D rulebooks (I always preferred OD&D) and I wondered if they contain anything about this kind of magical beings. I ask all these questions because I want to create some kind of demonologist school of magic in my campaign which will deal with the conjuration/invocation of the servants of entropy. >> The best resource I have ever found on AD&D Demons is the "Demons" supplement by Mayfair (and to an extent "Demons II)". While most of the background is dispensable (though it can be easily fit into Mystara if so desired), there are spell lists and classes that are just magnificent, including the Demon Slayer class and the Thaumaturgist (Demon Summoner) class and spell list (upon which I based my Lycanthrope list). The Demons II set includes expanded information and a new class, the Inquisitor. The third set, "Sentinels", includes info on the good guys as well as two new classes (Elysiat and Seraphists) and their magic... Demons is the best resource, probably followed by Sentinels and the Demons II. There were also three compendiums published of the five orders of Demons (the fourth was in the original boxed set, the fifth never got published)... Mystaros *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 19:38:10 -0700 From: IronWolf Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast I thought it did a pretty good job of converting, actually. I did like that they replaced the 'hand crossbows' with real smokepowder weapons, which are dependent upon materials that only the Red Curse provides to work. (Thus keeping them confined to the Savage Coast.) They've also made the Red Curse a little bit 'neater', cleaned up the various details and expanded the powers. Some may argee with the original version listed in Dragon Magazine, but both are usable and easily convertable or adjusted. (On a side note concerning the old Dragon magazine version.... Cinnibar, which was what Cinnabryl was found in, is the primary ore for mercury. The poisonous effects of Cinnibar are nearly idential to mercury poisoning.) Adamantyr SteelAngel wrote: > > I don't think there is, other than the CoM boxed set which includes some > of > > the Dragon entries and X4-6 which cover the neighboring areas to the east. > > But I didn't have any trouble converting the AD&D material into OD&D--why > > not do that? > > I could do that. However, i haven't heard glowing reviews of the red steel > box, > in the ways that it treats Bruce's masterworks all wrong. > > *shrug* > > Maybe I'll just wait for the Dragon CD to come out :) > > Ethan > > *************************************************************************** > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 23:36:40 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast when you say cinnibar, the only thing i can think of, as horrid as it is, is cinnibar island from a place where animals are captured and used for battles. again, i think it's horrid, but that's what it reminds me of. odd isn't it? Meltheim the Shadowstalker Infiltrator to the Immortals Devotee of Fate Eyes of the Starwatcher *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 22:52:10 -0500 (CDT) From: (Ron Rogers) Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Ciinnibar Cinnibar remind you of a certain island? Pika? Pika Pi. Pikachu. Yes, I've been playing Pokemon the game boy rpg not the evil collecting card game. Pokemon is a nice little rpg for those who like that sort of thing. CronoCloud (Ron Rogers) *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Sep 1999 17:04:26 +1000 From: shawn stanley Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast At 18:20 04 09 99 -0400, you wrote: >*sigh* > >After putting down a few bucks on X9, I was not impressed to see that it >didn't really cover the savage coast _at all_, just gave a few maps, and >some new creatures, but none of the countries detailed in the PA series was >covered. > >Anyway, is there any oD&D source material for the SC besides the Dragon >articles? there's also an adventure in dungeon issue 6 and 7 set in the same sort of time zone as X9. if anyone has a spare copy of these issues i'd be interested. shawn stanley what have you done for me lately ... more to the point what have i done for me - mightyfew, "i can't wait" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 03:54:55 EDT From: Subject: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery Given the recent discussion of proficiencies, I thought I'd ask the list the following: In the RC on pg.75 it gives a chart for the number of weapon choices needed for different levels of Mastery. Question: Are these cumulative? Does it take one for basic, and then one more for skilled, or two more for skilled? BoBoII *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 13:11:16 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery In a message dated 9/5/99 3:55:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << In the RC on pg.75 it gives a chart for the number of weapon choices needed for different levels of Mastery. Question: Are these cumulative? Does it take one for basic, and then one more for skilled, or two more for skilled? >> Those are the TOTAL number of slots devoted to that weapon needed to gain that level of mastery. Jim "A dragon??? I waste it with my hand crossbow!!!" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 10:28:35 -0700 (PDT) From: Damon Brown Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm As long as you include Washington in there. After all we wouldn't to encourage the wrath of bill ;P - --- Geoff Gander wrote: > ...or the BC/Washington area 8-D - but you're right, > the map in GAZ 5 > isn't very useful, and the one in CM7 maps out the > Realm, but not much of > the surrounding region; you don't get any > contextualization. > === If a 'Vegetarian' is someone who eats vegetables, shouldn't 'Humanitarian' be another name for a 'Cannibal'? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 13:42:49 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery it's the total amount, not additional amount, so yes, i think that would mean its cumulative. if it says 1 for proficient, 2 for skilled, etc, then that means that you must spend one proficiency slot to become proficient, and an additional (totalling 2!) slots for skilled, etc. but personally, i think it should be the other way, or there would be some 4th level weapon masters running around, and me with just my bow . . . Meltheim the Shadowstalker Infiltrator to the Immortals Devotee of Fate Eyes of the Starwatcher *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Sep 1999 11:27:24 -0700 From: Patrick Sullivan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery >it's the total amount, not additional amount, so yes, i think that would mean >its cumulative. if it says 1 for proficient, 2 for skilled, etc, then that >means that you must spend one proficiency slot to become proficient, and an >additional (totalling 2!) slots for skilled, etc. but personally, i think it >should be the other way, or there would be some 4th level weapon masters >running around, and me with just my bow . . . As long as the rules given in the Rules Cyclopedia are followed, things stay in balance. As long as no first-level characters are allowed to take more than basic mastery, and as long as it takes significant training to reach higher levelse of proficiency, the 4th-level characters skilled at a particular weapon will not upset game balance. Skilled proficiency is really not that much of a bonus over basic--roughly comparable to equipping the adversary with a fairly weak magic weapon rather than an ordinary one. I haven't had any difficulty with the weapon proficiency system--it makes sense and it helps add game balance (fighters stand up better to other character classes) rather than take away from it. Patrick *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 15:15:04 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery ahh, but of course, you have to be using the rules cyclopedia for this all to work . . . Meltheim the Shadowstalker Infiltrator to the Immortals Devotee of Fate Eyes of the Starwatcher *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Sep 1999 13:09:39 -0700 From: IronWolf Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery I'm not sure about Weapon Mastery myself. One of my players, who has played a lot of OD&D in his earlier days, claimed it was completely unbalancing. The player errata on the Mystara D&D site (The one that SHOULD be the official site) also claimed as such, pointing out that with deflect, a high level character was esssentially invulnerable to ANY attack. (Since all he does is make a saving throw vs. death ray, and boom, attack deflected.) Anyone else experience difficulty like this? Obviously, stricter level limitations and in-game training sessions would prevent immediate abuse, but high level characters are trouble enough to find challenges for. AD&D has a similar problem with the Combat and Tactics Mastery rules, they let you take Mastery at a fairly low level. (My brother let ONE character I had do that, and he's been nixing the book since, because it quickly became apparent it was an extremely powerful advantage.) Adamantyr Patrick Sullivan wrote: > >it's the total amount, not additional amount, so yes, i think that would > mean > >its cumulative.  if it says 1 for proficient, 2 for skilled,  etc, then > that > >means that you must spend one proficiency slot to become proficient, and an > >additional (totalling 2!) slots for skilled, etc.  but personally, i think > it > >should be the other way, or there would be some 4th level weapon masters > >running around, and me with just my bow . . . > > As long as the rules given in the Rules Cyclopedia are followed, things stay > in balance.  As long as no first-level characters are allowed to take more > than basic mastery, and as long as it takes significant training to reach > higher levelse of proficiency, the 4th-level characters skilled at a > particular weapon will not upset game balance.  Skilled proficiency is > really not that much of a bonus over basic--roughly comparable to equipping > the adversary with a fairly weak magic weapon rather than an ordinary one. > I haven't had any difficulty with the weapon proficiency system--it makes > sense and it helps add game balance (fighters stand up better to other > character classes) rather than take away from it. > Patrick > > *************************************************************************** > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 16:24:48 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery yes my friend, that is exactly what i was talking about. all characters are about even at 1-3rd level, but after that, the fighter really starts to take off in his own direction, and become nearly invincible to non-magical attacks. And again, me with just my bow . . . oh, and this nifty assassin's knife, a stilleto i think? Meltheim the Shadowstalker Infiltrator to the Immortals Devotee of Fate Eyes of the Starwatcher *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Sep 1999 17:10:05 -0400 From: Jerry Hovenanian Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Demons in Mystara Christian Constantin wrote: > Hi to all! > > I wanted to know if some of you are still playing with the demons contained > in the Immortal Box. Moreover, I wanted to know if someone has developed > spells or items linked with demonology or something like that. Also, I don't > have any recent AD&D rulebooks (I always preferred OD&D) and I wondered if > they contain anything about this kind of magical beings. I ask all these > questions because I want to create some kind of demonologist school of magic > in my campaign which will deal with the conjuration/invocation of the > servants of entropy. The demons contained in the Imortals Box are the exact same as some in AD&D with different I guess I use them :) IMC...During Wrath, when Alphatia summoned monsters into Glantri, some of them were demons. I was thing of a Glantrian Craft of Demonoligy...naaaaa *evil grin*. If you want to see some spells on summoning demons and controling them....The Planewalkers handbook has some...and Van Rickten's guide to The Fiends has some good things too. - -- Jerry Hovenanian ICQ# 18008809 The Force is like Duct Tape... It has a light side, a dark side and it binds the universe together *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 21:26:44 +0200 From: Fabrizio Paoli Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - The lurker leaves the attic... At 14.15 17/08/99 -0300, Victor Caminha wrote: >Theres something i would like to tell. When i showed the printed almanacs to >a bunch of a friends here in Rio, the word "crazy" was most spoken. But i >defended >the authors ,saying they were the most productive and serious-minded crazed >that i ever met :-) Don't bother to defend us: we're really crazy :-) Your friends were not the first to tell us that. 'Brizio, who has over 20 days of unread MML messages... :-( Does this sound familiar to you, Victor? :-) *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 20:28:38 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery In a message dated 1999-09-05 16:09:31 Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > I'm not sure about Weapon Mastery myself. One of my players, who has played a > lot of OD&D in his earlier days, claimed it was completely unbalancing. The > player errata on the Mystara D&D site (The one that SHOULD be the official site) > also claimed as such, pointing out that with deflect, a high level character was > esssentially invulnerable to ANY attack. (Since all he does is make a saving > throw vs. death ray, and boom, attack deflected.) Isn't there supposed to be some sort of limit to number of attacks deflected per round? All you have to do to get around that one is subject the weapon master to more attacks than he can possibly deflect. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 11:43:00 +1000 From: anakin Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery The weapon mastery does not really make it that unbalanced because to reach the levels of mastery where players have tha amazing skills with weapons there is a percentage chance that they will fail the training to get them up to the next level. THe table in the RC shows the percentage chance of attaining the next level of proficiency based on the characters skill level and the teacher. So this avoids the unbalancing aspect by making it progressively harder for the player to attain the better levels of mastery, if they spend the slot and fail they still loose the slot. Also the training takes quite some time in game terms to undertake so for the investment the character makes in their training I think it all works out to be quite fair in the long run. Anakin IronWolf wrote: > I'm not sure about Weapon Mastery myself. One of my players, who has played a > lot of OD&D in his earlier days, claimed it was completely unbalancing. The > player errata on the Mystara D&D site (The one that SHOULD be the official site) > also claimed as such, pointing out that with deflect, a high level character was > esssentially invulnerable to ANY attack. (Since all he does is make a saving > throw vs. death ray, and boom, attack deflected.) Anyone else experience > difficulty like this? Obviously, stricter level limitations and in-game training > sessions would prevent immediate abuse, but high level characters are trouble > enough to find challenges for. AD&D has a similar problem with the Combat and > Tactics Mastery rules, they let you take Mastery at a fairly low level. (My > brother let ONE character I had do that, and he's been nixing the book since, > because it quickly became apparent it was an extremely powerful advantage.) > > Adamantyr > > Patrick Sullivan wrote: > > > >it's the total amount, not additional amount, so yes, i think that would > > mean > > >its cumulative. if it says 1 for proficient, 2 for skilled, etc, then > > that > > >means that you must spend one proficiency slot to become proficient, and an > > >additional (totalling 2!) slots for skilled, etc. but personally, i think > > it > > >should be the other way, or there would be some 4th level weapon masters > > >running around, and me with just my bow . . . > > > > As long as the rules given in the Rules Cyclopedia are followed, things stay > > in balance. As long as no first-level characters are allowed to take more > > than basic mastery, and as long as it takes significant training to reach > > higher levelse of proficiency, the 4th-level characters skilled at a > > particular weapon will not upset game balance. Skilled proficiency is > > really not that much of a bonus over basic--roughly comparable to equipping > > the adversary with a fairly weak magic weapon rather than an ordinary one. > > I haven't had any difficulty with the weapon proficiency system--it makes > > sense and it helps add game balance (fighters stand up better to other > > character classes) rather than take away from it. > > Patrick > > > > *************************************************************************** > > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. > > *************************************************************************** > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1999 #371 ******************************** *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara' as the body of the message. mystara-digest Monday, September 6 1999 Volume 1999 : Number 372 Mystara is a trademark of TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. The following topics are covered in this digest: Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Mystara Player Handout RE: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery. Missprint...or am i missing somet hing? Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery. Missprint...or am i missing somet hing? Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery. Missprint...or am i missing something? Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Mystara Player Handout Re: [MYSTARA] - Vantarius' Handy Forge RE: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery. Missprint...or am i missing somet hing? Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery. Missprint...or am i missing something? [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery Re: [MYSTARA] - SE, MJews? Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm Re: [MYSTARA] - Paleogeographic Maps (was Sylvan Realm) Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Mystara Player Handout [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] An Alternate View on Loki/Bozdogan [MYSTARA] - A New Mystara List [MYSTARA] - Re: [MYSTARA]Mystara Player Handout ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 22:16:10 -0400 From: "SteelAngel" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery > Isn't there supposed to be some sort of limit to number of attacks deflected > per round? All you have to do to get around that one is subject the weapon > master to more attacks than he can possibly deflect. There is, except it isn't very well explained in the RC. For example, a normal sword grand master gets only 3 deflects but no more. Ethan *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Sep 1999 19:35:25 -0700 From: IronWolf Subject: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Mystara Player Handout Greetings. My biggest trouble with getting a Mystara campaign off the ground of late has been the general lack of knowledge that most of my players have of it. Most (not all) remember the old maps and stuff from the box sets, but little else. As a result, they're not well-informed on the various nations and cultures, as well as what's available and what's not. So, I've decided what I'll do is a handout package of material. It will contain a summary overview of Mystara and a very general historical perspective, one that most Mystarans would have, and then brief entries for each Known World nation, with noted classes and kits that would be available. (Any custom designed kits not in any of the CHB's would be included at the end of the package.) A basic map of the area would also be included, as well as a calendar, and possibly a section with sample names and such. Anyone else have any ideas on what to throw in? Or have any opinions? Adamantyr *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 11:03:00 +0800 From: "Murphy, Jason" Subject: RE: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery. Missprint...or am i missing somet hing? I found something interesting while handling some weaponmastery details for my players last weekend. The chart that shows the percent chance to progress has an entry that states a GrandMaster teacher has a 1% chance to teach a GrandMaster. Now my question is what is it that the GrandMaster is attempting to teach as the other character has already reached GrandMaster level. The rules definitely state the the horizontal axis of the chart is the Teachers current level and the Vertical axis is the students CURRENT level as well. I am just wondering if i have misread the chart. Note that this is not really an issue for me yet as most of the characters are still struggling to reach "Skilled" level in there first weapon. Another point on the balancing aspect is that this will depend on the "gold" level of your campaign. If your campaign is structured so that the player dont have mountains of gold sitting around back at there respective dwelling/banks then the cost of training for anything past skilled level can be quite significant. Another point of my campaign is that i have fairly set timelines in place so that the players may not actually have time to spend in training. I do try to make it fair so that opportunities do appear but the characters must judge for themselves when they are likely to be capable of laying aside the significant amount of time neccesary. I tend to play with the weather rules a fair bit so that the characters are possibly "snowed in" at some stage, depending on where they are of course. Generally they hope to be wintering in some relatively large community. So in short easily controlled variables can be used to limit the PC weapon mastery progression, ie Availability of gold, time and teachers. This way the the players can be content in the knowledge that they have the option of using weaponmastery (something that always make my players happy) and the DM can control the weapon mastery without being too obvious about manipulating it. Cheers Jason *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Sep 1999 20:38:33 -0700 From: Patrick Sullivan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery. Missprint...or am i missing somet hing? Another balancing point is the difficulty in finding anyone skilled enough to teach higher levels of mastery. IMC, each Master has a unique character, and there are relatively few--and even fewer willing to spend the time training PCs. In Karameikos, for example, there are only about a dozen grand masters total, so most weapons aren't even represented. In Glantri, most magic-users of sufficiently high level don't want to waste the time learning weapon use, much less teaching others. Finding a suitable tuitor can be cause for an adventure in itself (what do you mean, the only Grand Master of throwing hand axes is dead?!?!?) >Another point on the balancing aspect is that this will depend on the "gold" >level of your campaign. If your campaign is structured so that the player >dont have mountains of gold sitting around back at there respective >dwelling/banks then the cost of training for anything past skilled level can >be quite significant. >Another point of my campaign is that i have fairly set timelines in place so >that the players may not actually have time to spend in training. I do try >to make it fair so that opportunities do appear but the characters must >judge for themselves when they are likely to be capable of laying aside the >significant amount of time neccesary. I tend to play with the weather rules >a fair bit so that the characters are possibly "snowed in" at some stage, >depending on where they are of course. Generally they hope to be wintering >in some relatively large community. >So in short easily controlled variables can be used to limit the PC weapon >mastery progression, ie Availability of gold, time and teachers. This way >the the players can be content in the knowledge that they have the option of >using weaponmastery (something that always make my players happy) and the DM >can control the weapon mastery without being too obvious about manipulating >it. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 02:16:03 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery. Missprint...or am i missing something? In a message dated 1999-09-05 23:04:49 Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > I found something interesting while handling some weaponmastery details for > my players last weekend. > The chart that shows the percent chance to progress has an entry that states > a GrandMaster teacher has a 1% chance to teach a GrandMaster. Now my > question is what is it that the GrandMaster is attempting to teach as the > other character has already reached GrandMaster level. The rules definitely > state the the horizontal axis of the chart is the Teachers current level and > the Vertical axis is the students CURRENT level as well. I am just wondering > if i have misread the chart. Note that this is not really an issue for me > yet as most of the characters are still struggling to reach "Skilled" level > in there first weapon. Maybe there is a penalty for "self-taught" characters -- and any character who is trying to go from master to grandmaster level by his own efforts has a 1% chance of success? *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Sep 1999 22:29:20 -0700 From: "Jenni A. M. Merrifield" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Mystara Player Handout IronWolf wrote: > [...] > So, I've decided what I'll do is a handout package of material. It will > contain a summary overview of Mystara and a very general historical > perspective, one that most Mystarans would have, and then brief entries > for each Known World nation, with noted classes and kits that would be > available. (Any custom designed kits not in any of the CHB's would be > included at the end of the package.) A basic map of the area would also > be included, as well as a calendar, and possibly a section with sample > names and such. > > Anyone else have any ideas on what to throw in? Or have any opinions? This information you want to provide sounds a lot like what you can find in Appendix 1: The D&D Game World in the Rules Cyclopedia. Lets see -- it has a summary overview of Mystara and brief entries for most of the Known World nations (Karameikos, Ylaruam, Glantri, Alfheim, Rockhome, the Northlands, The Five Shires, Tyatis and Alphatia) that includes a general description, information on the current Ruler(s) and Population plus notes about important cities and a few "adventure opportunities" (the last is obviously not intended for PC eyes). There are also even briefer blurbs about "Other Areas" like the Atruaghin Clans, the Broken Lands, etc. and even a bit on the Hollow World. There is a large scale map of the whole Known world region and a selection of smaller scale regions that look to be copies of the 8 mile hex maps right out of the Gazetteers. Obviously because it is D&D there is no "kit" information, and it doesn't even really go into the "optional" classes that each region might have (like Foresters or Dwarven Clerics) There's also no Calendar in this section. I think your idea has a lot of merit -- especially if your players aren't that familiar with the world in general. It would also be good if your campaign is like mine in that it tends to deviate from "canon" so even when players *are* familiar with Mystara in general they might not be familiar with your Mystara. Jenni A. M. Merrifield - -=> strawberryJAMM <=- - -- Jenni A. M. Merrifield <==> strawberryJAMM Designs <==> <------------------------------------------------------------------> God created Light. Then Earth, Vegetables, Animals, Man and Woman. Then God started to think: "I should create things I *like*!" And God said: "Let There Be Strawberries!" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Sep 1999 23:09:27 -0700 From: "Jenni A. M. Merrifield" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Vantarius' Handy Forge Derek Adam wrote: > At 11:38 PM 31/08/1999 -0700, Jenni Merrifield wrote: > >[...] -- for some reason my instincts want to up it to 2nd... > >Can you give me good reasons why it should be 1st level? (i.e., How do its > >actions and capabilities relate to those of existing spells?) Note that I > >haven't really given it significant thought yet, so my instincts may be > >wrong... > > Reasons for it being 1st level: > [...snip lots of good reasons...] > > Upon reflection, though, there are a couple of things that might make this > spell more powerful than 1st level, so here are some amendments: > > - The spell cannot be cast on magical items (containers) at all. > > - Placing a magical item into the Forge has the same disruptive effect as > putting a living or animate undead matter inside. Each round of exposure > to the Forge, the item saves versus Death Ray as its creator; on the first > successful save the spell ends. Your reasons were good and convincing, and the above adjustments definitely make it reasonable that it would be a 1st level spell. I think Taren might easily be able to conjure this spell up, once he had a chance to spend the time, effort and money on the research for it. > > Did you intend the dimensions or the volume to increase every 3 levels? > >I.e. does a 4th level caster get a 2'x2'x4' container (a volume of 16 > >cubic feet) or does he get a volume equal to two 1'x1'x2' containers (2 x > >2 cubic feet = 4 cubic feet) > > Yes. I didn't want the AoE to grow too rapidly, but I also wanted higher > level mages to be able to make things like large weapons and even statues. > I look at it this way: a 4th level mage can still only enchant a large > sack. I'm flexible on this point, though. So long as a middling mage can > still forge a sword in his spare time, I'd be happy. I have no problem with the exponential volume growth ... I just wasn't sure whether you had meant it to be exponential or linear. Perhaps the final description of the spell should make this clearer -- maybe by giving an explicit example of how it works for the 4th level mage. > >> Duration: 1d4 turns + 1 turn / level of the caster (maximum 12 turns) > > > > I was wondering why you set a maximum duration to the spell? > > A seemed like a reasonable limitation, but perhaps it's unnecessary. Light > goes up in duration without specific limit, for example. I don't think it *needs* a maximum, although having one doesn't really hurt the spell -- 12 turns is two hours -- fairly reasonable for most smithing jobs I suspect (based entirely on supposition and gut feeling since I don't really know anything about it...) > >> [...] > > Changed round to round? You are practically suggesting an instantaneous > >heat change. [...] > > Hey, it's magic! Besides, I'm not advocating instant changes in heat in > the scientific meaning of the term. I mean instant change in > /temperature/. (The original wording is unscientific, but I was hoping > intent would be enough.) Like, if you put a pot of cold water on a hot > stove, the water doesn't instantaneously attain the same temperature as the > element. Okay, I get it. The Temperature can change "instantly" in a round, but it would act on objects in a way similar to dropping an object into a vat of liquid of a given temperature acts. In other words, the objects temperature doesn't change instantly, but it begins to be effected by the external ambient temperature as soon as it is surrounded by it. That does seem acceptable. And, as you say, "It's Magic!" > You could think of the instantaneous change in temperature inside the Forge > as increasing the radiant energy flux through the "magic filter." Like > opening and closing a flood gate of magical radiant energy. Or opening and closing an iris over a miniature gateway to the Plane of Fire? ;-) > >> [...] > >> Other uses for this spell include cooking without a fire, heating oil or > tar > >> to pour from battlements, melting sheathed weapons and (at high levels) > >> trapping pits. > > > > What a handy wee spell. ;-) > > I thought so. Not too powerful to be unbalancing, though. At least, with > the amendments. We don't want magical items to be easily destroyed with a > 1st level spell! Yes, the amendments do make the difference. Nice work -- at least I think so. I wonder what other MML'ers think? > > Actually, I can think of several more useful possibilities, but I'm not > >about to give you any unnecessary ideas... ;-) > > Ah, shucks! Nyah! :-P I'm afraid you'll just have to figure out other alternatives yourself. :-) Jenni - -- Jenni A. M. Merrifield <==> strawberryJAMM Designs <==> <------------------------------------------------------------------> God created Light. Then Earth, Vegetables, Animals, Man and Woman. Then God started to think: "I should create things I *like*!" And God said: "Let There Be Strawberries!" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 14:25:35 +0800 From: "Murphy, Jason" Subject: RE: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery. Missprint...or am i missing somet hing? > > if i have misread the chart. Note that this is not really an issue for > me > > yet as most of the characters are still struggling to reach "Skilled" > level > > in there first weapon. > > Maybe there is a penalty for "self-taught" characters -- and any character > who > is trying to go from master to grandmaster level by his own efforts has a > 1% > chance of success? > [MURPHY Jason] Sorry i probably wasnt as clear as i should have been. The 1% chance was for a GRANDMASTER student. My question was, what is this student trying to learn? The have already attained the highest possible rank. My thinking was that it is a simple misprint and the that portion of the table should be blank. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 03:28:24 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery. Missprint...or am i missing something? In a message dated 1999-09-06 02:26:06 Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > Sorry i probably wasnt as clear as i should have been. The 1% > chance was for a GRANDMASTER student. My question was, what is this student > trying to learn? The have already attained the highest possible rank. My > thinking was that it is a simple misprint and the that portion of the table > should be blank. As the rules are written, you are right -- there is nothing left for a grandmaster to learn. The only way for a character who is the best in his game world with a given weapon to improve his skill is to train another character up to his level and then for the two of them to attempt to train each other until one of them gains a higher level of mastery. But I was figuring that a character should have some chance of training himself to attain a higher level of mastery -- that of a character of the level he hopes to reach being trained by an equal, or 1%. But of course there would be no reason to include something like that in the table even if it would work. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 11:12:16 +0200 From: Ezio Pignatelli Subject: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery I was always fond of the Weapon Mastery rule. First of all, it makes fighters more funny to play (otherwise most players found them pretty boring at high levels). I think it INCREASES balance, because in such a magic-rich world fighters are dead meat if you don't give them something to play with. And - it makes opponent stronger, because you can apply it to NPC as well (in fact, you HAVE to). It's just my opinion, of course, but I had a lot of fighters players stop playing after a while, before I introduced this new kind of rules. Now It seems they enjoy themselves, which is in the end the goal of the game. Balance? Well, I never used them at REALLY high levels, but up to level 16 they didn't unbalance the thing. - -- Ezio Pignatelli --- SISSA -- Room 217 via Beirut 4 - 34014 Trieste - Italy Phone: +39-040-3787429 Fax:+39-040-3787528 - -- *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 08:08:27 -0400 From: "jdaly" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - SE, MJews? Remember the line from The Princess Bride... "He keeps using that word. I do not think it means, what he thinks it means." A holocaust is a terrible tragedy in which many people die. As you pointed out, there is a big difference between "holocaust", a generic term as above, and "The Holocaust", which is used to refer to that terrible holocaust inflicted on the Jews during WWII. - -----Original Message----- From: Herve Musseau To: mml Date: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 5:08 AM Subject: [MYSTARA] - SE, MJews? >From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=E0=E9=EC=EF_=F9=E7=ED?= ><them >is fine I can even laugh when you compared Alfheim to Israel and the >Aengmour-Alfheim relations and the peace process in the middle east. >What bothers me is the one you started with (I don't assume you did that on >purpose of course)- >The GroF=The Holocoast?! >Come on, I realy don't want to be the sensitive minority who is upset someone >offended his historical feelings, But comparing a nuclear disaster (an accident >even!) to the true abhorant evils of the Natsies is something I wont take >quite. Around here (in Israel) people don't mention the Shoa in comparisson to >normal (or abnormal) accidents or disasters, the only thing I can live with is >comparing it with the ethnic cleansing in the Balcans. >I don't think you should appologise or anything (at least not to me) I just >think you should know this subject is VERY sensitive to me and other jews on >the list, as well as others who learned about the history of WW2 and took it to >heart.>> > >Well, it isn't me who used the word holocaust in the SE Gaz, but the author. >Check it out, make a search in the electronic version available freely on TSR's >site, the word is used 4 or 5 times throughout the gaz. Heck, it's even in the >first verse of Rafiel! > >Now, I must stand corrected on a couple of points. First off, it's indeed the >GRoF that is referred to as the holocaust, not the BL "incident" as I thought. >Secondly, it's never spelled "Holocaust" as in an historical event with a >capital but indeed "holocaust" as in nuclear holocaust, which is indeed very >different. > >However, I still think it's surprising that this word is used in this gazetteer >which has other parallels with Jewish history (with the Verses being the most >obvious one, this one can't be objected)*. If it were me, I would never have >used that word in the gaz, because it's quite anachronistic for the SE, even if >Rafiel as a nuclear physicist could have taught them that word, and I >personally would have sticked to the more appropriate in-game phrase GRoF >(which would have been consistent with other texts, BTW). > >* I know, you can object that other parts of their culture are completely >different from the Jews', or that you can find elements borrwoed from a RW >culture here and there without making it an equivalent (like Valentia's actions >are inspired from the USA yet it hardly makes Thyatis a M-USA, but indeed it's >more of an MRome/MByzantium). > >PS: My goal was not to offend anyone, but to (try to) point out some >similarities between the SE's history and the ancient Hebrew / modern Jews', >which is something done every now and then on this list about various cultures, >and Jews had been discussed lately. > >PPS: No, I'm not annoyed at all that MFrench are either insane wizards, >bloodthirsty werewolves, or dog-faced humanoids ;) >=== >___________________________________________________________ >Herve Musseau > >__________________________________________________ >Do You Yahoo!? >Bid and sell for free at > >*************************************************************************** >To unsubscribe from this list send mail to >with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 08:17:55 -0400 From: "jdaly" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm On a side note... I was away on vacation this last week (thanks for the 200 friggin MML messages guys!!) and happened to catch a little segment on prehistoric animals. There was one graphic that showed the movement of the continents from Pangea to today. Wow! I got to see the sections that sunk, and the sections that stayed above the water. Too bad I could draw sketches fast enough... - -----Original Message----- From: SteelAngel To: Date: Friday, September 03, 1999 10:24 AM Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm >> I don't have CM7 (Tree of Life), and I was wondering if this >> product included a map of the region. > >Look on Brun - See the little space in the mountains around the >"oregon/Washington" area (if Brun was North America)? That's the Sylvan >Realm. CM7 has a nice map of that tiny region, but nothing else. > > >Ethan >*************************************************************************** >To unsubscribe from this list send mail to >with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 08:03:27 -0700 (PDT) From: Shane Henry Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Paleogeographic Maps (was Sylvan Realm) - --- jdaly wrote: > On a side note... > > I was away on vacation this last week (thanks for > the 200 friggin MML > messages guys!!) and happened to catch a little > segment on prehistoric > animals. There was one graphic that showed the > movement of the continents > from Pangea to today. > > Wow! > > I got to see the sections that sunk, and the > sections that stayed above the > water. Too bad I could draw sketches fast enough... I suggest you check out the Paleomap website at I recommend first looking at the beautiful "Earth History" illustrations from oldest to youngest (start at the Precambrian), and then checking out the "Animations" in this order: Precambrian, Paleozoic, Pangaea, Future. For the animations, it takes a couple minutes to load the Java code, and once in awhile they freeze while loading - in which case, just "refresh" the page to try again. To get the animations to "run" (forward and backward through time), just drag your mouse (back and forth) across the map. Awhile ago, I sent a post to the MMB that (preliminarily) tried to tie this RW paleogeographic information to Mystara. If you're interested, you can check it out at Within the next month or so, I'll be posting (on the MMB) a totally revised, clarified, and greatly expanded piece on "Primeval Mystara". Shane __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 11:08:00 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Mystara Player Handout I don't remember where i got it from, it's probably illegal, but i downloaded a Mystara Netbook. It has all the information you need to know on every aspec t of mystara. Immortals, Countries, Timeline, Classes/Kits, Races, Weapons & Combat (unarmed and siege), Special Racial Equipment, etc. It's a very good book. It even has a lot of new things, created by players and dms, such as the chronomancer specialty wizard, or the elven tri-blade dagger. If anyone's interested, i can find the site and send you the link, it's a good download. I had to condense it down to about 100 pages front/back, but it's still worth it. Meltheim the Shadowstalker Infiltrator to the Immortals Devotee of Fate Eyes of the Starwatcher *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 10:27:44 -0500 From: Aaron E Nowack Subject: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] An Alternate View on Loki/Bozdogan This cameabout because I never could understand the differences between the prankster Loki and the evil mastermind Bozdogan. It just dosen't make sense to me how they ould be the same. So this is my way to explain it away without simply saying they're different. When the Carnifex were corrupted by the promises of the Outer Beings, and challenged the Immortals for control, warfare raged across the planes between them. Many entropic Immortals joined the Carnifex's side, foremost among them the Immortal Bozdogan, then head of the sphere. However, Thanatos saw an oppurtunity for power and led many entropics to betray Bozdogan and fight against the Carnifex. After the Carnifex defeat, Bozdogan was left without worshipers and faded away. Many years later, Loki, still questing for Immortality in the Sphere of Energy, happened upon Bozdogan's home plane. There, he was possesed by the still powerful spirit of Bozdogan. Bozdogan then sought Immortality in the Sphere of Entropy, and even convinced his arch-enemy Thanatos to sponsor "Loki". After the completion of his quest, "Loki" at first was only a minor Immortal of the Northern Reaches. However, he soon found in Hule a nation for him to lead. He chose a young man, Hosadus, to be his disciple. Hosadus soon became ruler of Hule, and converted the population to follow Bozdogan. After this, Thanatos became worried at the prospect of his former master returning, and arranged to have Hosadus killed and began to turn Hule to his worship. However, Bozdogan took Hosadus's spirit and turned him into a powerful creature of Entropy. When the time was right, Bozdogan returned Hosadus to Hule, where he once again gained control. Bozdogan, in his "Loki" persona, convinced Thanatos that he was merely using Bozdogan's name, and that Bozdogan had been destroyed after Hosadus's "death". However, Thanatos still has some suspicions... Aaron Nowack "Never let reality get in the way of a good hypothesis." ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 10:30:36 -0500 From: Aaron E Nowack Subject: [MYSTARA] - A New Mystara List TSR is now appsarently sponsering its own Mystara list. Go to to check it out. Aaron Nowack "Never let reality get in the way of a good hypothesis." ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 10:04:16 -0700 (PDT) From: Damon Brown Subject: [MYSTARA] - Re: [MYSTARA]Mystara Player Handout Yeah, I'm doing something similar for my upcoming campaign. It has class info and character creation in addition to Mystara stuff (that way they don't need the RC ;D). My campaign is going to start out in Karameikos, so I've included a great deal of info from GAZ1 & KKoA. I also put in some stuff from PWA - mainly the stuff on Mystaran astrology so the player's could some add some history to their characters. I'm also doing four different versions: one for each OD&D human class. The players that will be playing are all somewhat veteran so they are already familiar with the different classses and are flexible enough to play pretty much anything. That way each player has a customized manual that focuses on his/her class. When they've all created their characters, I'll do a Campaign Book for each player that will include more rules from the RC as well as specific Mystara-related info that would pertain to each individual character. Anyone done anything along these lines? Did it work out OK? So far this is just an experiment and I don't want to find out by the time the campaign has reached 5th level or so that I've left something out... Auf wiedersehen, Damon - --- IronWolf wrote: > Greetings. > > My biggest trouble with getting a Mystara campaign > off the ground of > late has been the general lack of knowledge that > most of my players have > of it. Most (not all) remember the old maps and > stuff from the box sets, > but little else. As a result, they're not > well-informed on the various > nations and cultures, as well as what's available > and what's not. > > So, I've decided what I'll do is a handout package > of material. It will > contain a summary overview of Mystara and a very > general historical > perspective, one that most Mystarans would have, and > then brief entries > for each Known World nation, with noted classes and > kits that would be > available. (Any custom designed kits not in any of > the CHB's would be > included at the end of the package.) A basic map of > the area would also > be included, as well as a calendar, and possibly a > section with sample > names and such. > > Anyone else have any ideas on what to throw in? Or > have any opinions? > > Adamantyr === If a 'Vegetarian' is someone who eats vegetables, shouldn't 'Humanitarian' be another name for a 'Cannibal'? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1999 #372 ******************************** *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara' as the body of the message. mystara-digest Tuesday, September 7 1999 Volume 1999 : Number 373 Mystara is a trademark of TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. The following topics are covered in this digest: [MYSTARA] - [ADMIN] No, Really, I Have a New E-Mail Address [MYSTARA] - [ADMIN] Re: A New Mystara List Re: [MYSTARA] - re: admin Re: A New Mystara List Re: [MYSTARA] - re: admin Re: A New Mystara List Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] An Alternate View on Loki/Bozdogan [MYSTARA] - [ADMIN] New Home Page for the Mystara and Spelljammer Mailing Lists Re: [MYSTARA] - [ADMIN] New Home Page for the Mystara and Spelljammer Mailing Lists [MYSTARA] - New To List Re: [MYSTARA] - New To List Re: [MYSTARA] - New To List (Whoops!) Re: [MYSTARA] - New To List Re: [MYSTARA] - New To List Re: [MYSTARA] - [ADMIN] New Home Page for the Mystara and Spelljammer Mailing Lists Re: Just Say No to WotI (was Re: [MYSTARA] - Maps--Darokin) Re: [MYSTARA] - re: admin New Home Page for the Mystara and SpelljammerMailing Lists [MYSTARA] - Re: [MYSTARA] Mystara Player Handout Re: [MYSTARA] - New To List Re: [MYSTARA] - New To List [MYSTARA] - And now for something completely different... Re: [MYSTARA] - Operation Hydra Re: [MYSTARA] - Operation Hydra: Day 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 11:45:25 -0600 From: "Leroy Van Camp III" Subject: [MYSTARA] - [ADMIN] No, Really, I Have a New E-Mail Address Spacefarers and Mystarans, It would seem some people didn't catch my previous post on my new e-mail address. The old '' os dead. The new address is in my sig, below. Please send anything you wish to go to me to the address below. Thank you. Leroy Van Camp III ICQ #20039817 "You know, not kneeing you in the groin is a constant struggle." MST3K *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 11:58:36 -0600 From: "Leroy Van Camp III" Subject: [MYSTARA] - [ADMIN] Re: A New Mystara List Aaron E Nowack meandered fecklessly... > TSR is now appsarently sponsering its own Mystara list. > > Go to to check it out. As I have mentioned previously, the lists on MPGN/ImagicOnline are being moved to the WotC servers. It is not a new list, per se. The old admins will continue running them. Although, them being up and running is news to me, and I haven't heard back from the WotC folks, but I am looking into it. I recommend sticking with this list until further notice, and as soon as I hear more I will pass it on. Leroy Van Camp III ICQ #20039817 "You know, not kneeing you in the groin is a constant struggle." MST3K *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 11:15:48 -0700 From: Patrick Sullivan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - re: admin Re: A New Mystara List >As I have mentioned previously, the lists on MPGN/ImagicOnline >are being moved to the WotC servers. It is not a new list, >per se. The old admins will continue running them. Although, >them being up and running is news to me, and I haven't heard >back from the WotC folks, but I am looking into it. I tried disabling the digests and sending a message to the new list, and I received this: The distribution of your message dated Mon, 06 Sep 1999 10:06:02 -0700 with subject "This List" has been postponed because the MYSTARA-L list is held. No action is required from you; your message will be reprocessed automatically once the list owner releases the list. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 12:28:00 -0600 From: "Leroy Van Camp III" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - re: admin Re: A New Mystara List Patrick Sullivan meandered fecklessly... > >As I have mentioned previously, the lists on MPGN/ImagicOnline > >are being moved to the WotC servers. It is not a new list, > >per se. The old admins will continue running them. Although, > >them being up and running is news to me, and I haven't heard > >back from the WotC folks, but I am looking into it. > > > I tried disabling the digests and sending a message to the new list, and I > received this: > > The distribution of your message dated Mon, 06 Sep 1999 10:06:02 -0700 with > subject "This List" has been postponed because the MYSTARA-L list is held. > No action is required from you; your message will be reprocessed > automatically once the list owner releases the list. Thanks for the info, Patrick. I was getting ready to send off a test message, but you saved me the time. Hopefully I will hear back from WotC soon. Leroy Van Camp III ICQ #20039817 "You know, not kneeing you in the groin is a constant struggle." MST3K *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 14:58:20 -0400 From: "SteelAngel" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] An Alternate View on Loki/Bozdogan > Bozdogan, in his "Loki" persona, convinced > Thanatos that he was merely using Bozdogan's name, and that Bozdogan had > been destroyed after Hosadus's "death". However, Thanatos still has some > suspicions... Ooo Ooo!! I like! It ties up that nasty loose end of why Loki suddenly chose Entropy. It seemed a bit odd. Ethan *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 14:06:47 -0600 From: "Leroy Van Camp III" Subject: [MYSTARA] - [ADMIN] New Home Page for the Mystara and Spelljammer Mailing Lists Mystarans and Spelljammers, Well, Crosswinds was a lovely idea, but their speed is pretty much unacceptable for a normal page, and so I have moved everything over to the space I recieve as a US West subscriber. Things seem much faster (yes, I have DSL, and so most things are fairly fast, but even with DSL Crosswinds was pretty pokey). Please, give it a once over, and if you find any problems, including speed, let me know. Thanks. Leroy Van Camp III ICQ #20039817 "You know, not kneeing you in the groin is a constant struggle." MST3K *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 14:12:19 -0600 From: "Leroy Van Camp III" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - [ADMIN] New Home Page for the Mystara and Spelljammer Mailing Lists Leroy Van Camp III meandered fecklessly... > > Mystarans and Spelljammers, > > Well, Crosswinds was a lovely idea, but their speed is pretty > much unacceptable for a normal page, and so I have moved > everything over to the space I recieve as a US West subscriber. > Things seem much faster (yes, I have DSL, and so most things > are fairly fast, but even with DSL Crosswinds was pretty pokey). > > Please, give it a once over, and if you find any problems, > including speed, let me know. > > Thanks. Ummm... hello? Anyone home? Maybe the URL would help... Leroy Van Camp III ICQ #20039817 "You know, not kneeing you in the groin is a constant struggle." MST3K *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 15:24:42 -0500 From: Earl Gessner Subject: [MYSTARA] - New To List Hello, I'm new to the list and I have two questions about the list itself: 1) I've noticed articles are posted to one of two different addresses... what is the correct address for posts to this list? 2) I've noticed that articles posted to this list have "[MYSTARA]" in the subject header... do I need to add this myself, does the server do it, or is it not even necessary? Thanks for your patience and help, Earl Gessner *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 14:41:27 -0600 From: "Leroy Van Camp III" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - New To List Earl Gessner meandered fecklessly... > Hello, Hiya > I'm new to the list and I have two questions about the list itself: > > 1) I've noticed articles are posted to one of two different > addresses... > what is the correct address for posts to this list? Technically... The other address ( is the old address, which still works as an alias. > 2) I've noticed that articles posted to this list have "[MYSTARA]" in > the subject header... > do I need to add this myself, does the server do it, or is it not > even necessary? The listserver adds it in automatically. > Thanks for your patience and help, That's what I am here for. Leroy Van Camp III ICQ #20039817 "You know, not kneeing you in the groin is a constant struggle." MST3K *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 14:45:42 -0600 From: "Leroy Van Camp III" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - New To List (Whoops!) Leroy Van Camp III meandered fecklessly... > > 1) I've noticed articles are posted to one of two different > > addresses... > > what is the correct address for posts to this list? > > Technically... > > Oops. That is not quite right. It is actually... Leroy Van Camp III ICQ #20039817 "You know, not kneeing you in the groin is a constant struggle." MST3K *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 13:55:16 -0700 (PDT) From: Shane Henry Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - New To List - --- Leroy Van Camp III wrote: > > I'm new to the list and I have two questions > about the list > itself: > > > > 1) I've noticed articles are posted to one of > two different > > addresses... > > what is the correct address for posts to > this list? > > Technically... > > > > The other address ( is the old address, > which > still works as an alias. > > > > 2) I've noticed that articles posted to this > list have "[MYSTARA]" > in > > the subject header... > > do I need to add this myself, does the > server do it, or is it > not > > even necessary? > > The listserver adds it in automatically. I wondered about those exact same questions myself when I joined. Any chance at adding those to the MML FAQs? Shane __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 15:12:00 -0600 From: "Leroy Van Camp III" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - New To List Shane Henry inquired fecklessly... > I wondered about those exact same questions myself when I joined. Any > chance at adding those to the MML FAQs? The MML FAQ is currently undergoing a major overhaul, and so I eventually asking the list fro things they would like included. Keep these in mind for then. Leroy Van Camp III ICQ #20039817 "You know, not kneeing you in the groin is a constant struggle." MST3K *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 20:10:44 -0500 (CDT) From: (Jenn) Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - [ADMIN] New Home Page for the Mystara and Spelljammer Mailing Lists >Ummm... hello? > Anyone home? >Maybe the URL would help... > It *is* much faster, Leroy, even on this clunky ol' Webtv box... :-) Jenn *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 21:13:30 -0400 From: redrobyne Subject: Re: Just Say No to WotI (was Re: [MYSTARA] - Maps--Darokin) I like Woti and have played (althoguh not extensively) in pre woti campaign (I did not Dm though only played) although when I started my campaign I had my players start at the beggining of WotI , but I changed added some things and made them very crucial even though they were low leveled that I had added for just this reason. And a very real estate wise person took up some property and made a small dominion that normally wouldn't exist ( he soon swore fealty to a lord however for noble status) however this can be a pain because you have update all the stuff afterwards. Stewart *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 18:20:39 -0700 From: Patrick Sullivan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - re: admin New Home Page for the Mystara and SpelljammerMailing Lists >> > > >It *is* much faster, Leroy, even on this clunky ol' Webtv box... :-) Yes, it is faster. Patrick *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 18:29:30 -0700 From: IronWolf Subject: [MYSTARA] - Re: [MYSTARA] Mystara Player Handout I've got it, and read it. It's not as good as you think it is. If you read closely, it's chock full of inaccuracies and hastily hashed out ideas that in no way give detail or form to the original material. I'd prefer to write it myself from scratch. As for the Rules Cyclopedia section on the Known World, I only have one book, and it has no AD&D information. Better to do it yourself, and be able to customize what you give them. Adamantyr wrote: > I don't remember where i got it from, it's probably illegal, but i downloaded > a Mystara Netbook.  It has all the information you need to know on every > aspec t of mystara.  Immortals, Countries, Timeline, Classes/Kits, Races, > Weapons & Combat (unarmed and siege), Special Racial Equipment, etc.  It's a > very good book.  It even has a lot of new things, created by players and dms, > such as the chronomancer specialty wizard, or the elven tri-blade dagger.  If > anyone's interested, i can find the site and send you the link, it's a good > download.  I had to condense it down to about 100 pages front/back, but it's > still worth it. > > Meltheim the Shadowstalker >     Infiltrator to the Immortals >         Devotee of Fate >             Eyes of the Starwatcher > *************************************************************************** > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 23:57:32 -0400 From: Jerry Hovenanian Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - New To List Leroy Van Camp III wrote: > The MML FAQ is currently undergoing a major overhaul, and > so I eventually asking the list fro things they would like included. > Keep these in mind for then. The entire text to Gaz 5 would be a nice addition to the would give new players a feal for the world IMNSHO :P - -- Jerry Hovenanian ICQ# 18008809 The Force is like Duct Tape... It has a light side, a dark side and it binds the universe together *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 23:08:44 -0600 From: "Leroy Van Camp III" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - New To List Jerry Hovenanian meandered fecklessly... > > > The MML FAQ is currently undergoing a major overhaul, and > > so I eventually asking the list fro things they would like included. > > Keep these in mind for then. > > The entire text to Gaz 5 would be a nice addition to the would give > new players a feal for the world IMNSHO :P Hmmm... excellent point. How can anyone expect to enter into a serious discussion of Mystara without a firm grasp on the information outlined in GAZ5? Anything else would be unreasonable. I'll fire up the scanner and the OCR software and get right on it. Leroy Van Camp III ICQ #20039817 "You know, not kneeing you in the groin is a constant struggle." MST3K *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 22:51:06 -0700 From: IronWolf Subject: [MYSTARA] - And now for something completely different... Had a few rather zany ideas today for Mystara adventure/campaigns, mostly related to the idea that of all the campaign worlds, Mystara seems to mirror Earth the most closely, and as a result is open to some rather humorous sidetracks.... 1) The Y1K bug. Set shortly before the year 1000 AC. The players are hired by a Thyatian wizard for a rather peculiar problem. Apparently long ago, shortly before the Thyatian Revolution, the collected enchanters of Thyatis had used a particular method of enchantment upon magical items, which guaranteed their use for 1,000 years of perfect use, afterwards which they're erratic or inert. The wizard represents most of the Thyatian mages, who are worried, as the year 1000 approaches, and already some few items made are beginning to fail, causing them to try and find suitable explanations to the unamused Emperor and the noble ranks. The players are given special magical devices that can detect magical items made using this archaic enchantment method, and set off with a large list of potential owners and sources of items. 2) Java Conspiracy. Best introduced slowly into an already running campaign. The players begin to notice that a particular restaurant is showing up frequently in the ports of the Known World they frequent. They are coffee houses, nothing new to the players, but they serve an assortment of flavors and styles that are quite exotic. The company runs under a clan of Hin from the Minrothad Guilds known as the Starbucks. The players are eventually hired by any number of political groups in the city they're in to investigate the clan. The powers that be are suspicious that the normally insular Minrothad has changed their methods, are jealous of their success, suspicious of their ends, or all of the above. Sorry, just had to get those out of my head. :) Adamantyr "To laugh in the face of death is to deny fear of it, and thus gain power over it." *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 03:22:53 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Operation Hydra In a message dated 9/3/99 1:26:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << I am wondering how the Operation Hydra situation is going? Please forgive me but i am not even sure whose excellent work this is. However i am eager to see how it finishes as i plan to include some form of it in my present campaign. >>'s been awhile since I've issued a Op.Hydra installment. I have been back to work from my medical leave (The Infamous Hand) and consecutive seven day work schedules have really hampered any work on the project. I also had some Net Almanac obligations to fill. I do have Day 20 and Day 21 awaiting in my outgoing mail folder. They are both almost finished....I think...though I cannot remember what details had forced me to hold them up. IIRC it deals with the details of a Thyatian reorganization and redeployment of troops on Open Island to Min City....yep the assault is about to begin. Anyway bear with me....i may try to get them off before I go back to work Tuesday night. May even toss in an additional day. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 03:23:09 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Operation Hydra: Day 20 Operation Hydra: Day 20 Force A: The seige of Minrothad City continues. The relative boredom is broken by the activities of the would be Hardball players. The playing fields see many of the off duty beseigers coming down to see the spectacle. The fields are not regulation. The players' skills are rough, even comical. Still, by nightfall most everyone in the Thyatian camps have gone down and watched the teams. Even the Thadders have taken an interest in the games. The walls of the city see many heads peering out at the fields. Force B: In Harbortown, things get a little tense. A small riot erupts and Gen. di Cicero's troops must intervene. Looking into the matter, it is discovered that several merchants have been found to be hoarding food. Some citizens had suspected this and stormed their shops. Investigating the allegations, Gen. di Cicero's troops uncover several caches of hidden stores. He confiscates the foods and commits them to the city's supplies. The hoarders are turned over to the locals, who promptly try, convict, and execute them. The general also grants several local fishermen permission to take their vessels out to ply their nets. Riders from Bright Cliff arrive. They inform Gen. di Cicero of the ease of gaining that objective and Ostenphius's want of new orders and news. They are informed of the conquest and the dispatching of the three war galleys to BrightCliff to relieve them. The riders rest for the remainder of the day. Force C: Gen. Nikkos summons Kimber Nimblefingers and informs the Hin leader that the vessels are ready. The Hin choosing to leave are allowed to board the two vessels. Nikkos assigns three small war galleys to escort them up the Quickhand River and out to sea. The ships sail under the flag of the Five Shires. This should do much to keep them from being attacked by either Thadder ships or Thyatian ships. Force D: Adm. Pentalon's fleet begins refitting for a return to the war.They will escort supply vessels to Minrothad waters. Force E: Capt. Ostenphius and his troops continue their lonely vigil at BrightCliff. They have heard no news from Harbortown. Spotters in the lighthouse report seeing Thyatian ships upon the horizon, sailing along the coast. The sight of them bolsters the troops' morale. The three wargalleys of 14th Fleet (7th, 8th & 9th Reg) disembark and are underway for BrightCliff. Group F - Captain Dregarius and his ships continue along the coastline, passing by BrightCliff. From there they venture out into the central Minrothad waters waiting for Serpico's Group G. Group G -Adm. Serpico's ships have made little headway. Poor winds and one ship having rudder problems have them way behind schedule. Serpico informs Dregarius of the delays and has him wait for him. The admiral makes an offering to Protius and prays that the next day proves to be more productive. Group H - Capt. Xappellus and her ships continue their hunt for shipping. Group I - The 14th Fleet continues its trek towards Seahome. Group J - Adm. Corso's ships continue on through the northern sealane. Off the coast of North Island, lookouts spot ships on the horizon, but these vessels evade their pursuit. Corso has his ships sail close to Gapton's harbor to see if any more ships are there. As he had feared, the harbor is empty. Group K - Horatio's ships sail on through the southern portions of the sealane. The only contacts they have are with a pod of dolphins who play around their bows for a few hours. They also spot the ships of 23rd Fleet. Group L - Adm. Perdry's 23rd Fleet sails on to Fortress Island. Progress is good and by midday they are well into the sealane. To their surprise, they see the ships of Group K. Group M - Arogast's rapidly paced trek to Blackrock is hampered as two of his ships collide. Damage is minimal, but it does give them reason to slow their pace. In Minrothad City, morale is boosted as the populace discovers the Thyatians attemping to play Hardball. Since some of the are of Alphatian heritage, they do have a passing knowledge of the game. From the walls, they watch in amusement at the antics. Oran and Warheart and their staffs share little of the amusements of the spectators. The games spark a relevation among the officers. HardBall is an Alphatian sport. If it is being played, then chances are good that Alphatian spellcasters are within the ranks of the beseigers. The Thadders had feared that some Alphatian turncoats may be on hand. This verifies it. Oran and Warheart had counted on having a degree of magical superiority for the expected assault upon the walls. Also, they have been contacted by the Blue Eels in Thyatis City. Though the limited damage from the fire is encouraging, the lack of any new information is discouraging. The Eels promise a turnaround in their next operation. However, they are secretive in its details. For now, the war will become a waiting game as the Thadder vessels and Captain Delorno's ships assemble. Warheart takes the precaution of readying the two small sailing ships docked in the city's harbor (1st & 2nd Squad/3rd Fleet). If things go good, these ships may be needed. If things go badly, then they will escort Oran out of the city. With this in mind, he begins preparing other vessels for any possible breakout. If things go bad for the capital, the leadership should be able to flee for Alfeisle or Stronghold to continue the war. In Thyatis City, the Eels strike during the night. Reinforced by adventurers and Thadder sympathizers they make a coordinated series of strikes upon the estates of prominent Thyatian officials. Their intent is to take hostages to use as barter for peace. The strikes are a failure with only two Senators and one of Eusebius's advisors being captured. Only one group manages to make it back to the docks and relative safety of sympathizers. However, they have one of Eusebius's favorite advisors, Dalmark. A goodly number of the Thadders and their sympathizers are captured. Incorrectly fearing capture, one Eel is slain via his vial of poison. Several "innocent" persons are killed in the operation. Ironically the Eel that committed suicide is mistaken as a victim. In his cover life, he had been with the Imperial Treasury. Unaware of the Eels' existence and his being of Minrothad, it is assumed that he was taken hostage. The rest of the Eels escape. Eusebius takes advantage of the attack. He pays for those of importance that were slain to be raised. This applies to the Eel, whose revival is complicated by the poison and the spell does not work on. Though he has lost one of his favored advisors, the attacks are a propaganda coup for Eusebius. His own agents play up the details of the attack. The "barbarity" of the attacks do much to further quell sympathies for the Thadders. Of course critics of the war cite that such attacks will only continue. With their hostage safely hidden away amid Thadder establishments at the docks, the rest of the attackers wait out the storm of searchers. Even with their resources it will be difficult for the Thadders to get him out. Those captured do not know their involvement and there is little threat of discovery. The remaining Eels return to their Thyatian lives until their next operation. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1999 #373 ******************************** *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara' as the body of the message. mystara-digest Tuesday, September 7 1999 Volume 1999 : Number 374 Mystara is a trademark of TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. The following topics are covered in this digest: Re: [MYSTARA] - Operation Hydra: Day 21 Re: [MYSTARA] - Operation Hydra: Day 22 Re: [MYSTARA] - wizards and armor Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 03:23:28 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Operation Hydra: Day 21 Operation Hydra: Day 21 Force A: The seige of Minrothad City continues. Though they have not grasped the sport of Hardball, the scrimmages continue to be popular. The level of play is high enough to warrant a few matches in the coming days. The Alphatians decide to form their own team "to show the Thyatians how the sport is really played." This move is unpopular with the Thyatian teams as it forces them to play against the Alphatians who know the sport. It also robs them of the bulk of their coaches and their best players. Adm. Helena contacts Nikkos at Malfton to order him to begin assembling the bulk of his troops to participate in the war. The troops will be needed for Alfeisle. Force B: In Harbortown, events are pretty uneventful. The Thyatians continue in their occupational duties. Ostenphius's riders leave to return to BrightCliff. Force C: Gen. Nikkos greets the order to reorganize his troops with misgivings. Part of him is happy to see the war moving along. Part of him wishes that their numbers would remain to bolster his forces. However he obliges and begins reorganizing. Force D: Adm. Pentalon's fleet raises its anchors and departs Thyatis City. They escort the supply ships. With Harbortown being the most needy, they head for that city first. Force E: Capt. Ostenphius and his troops continue their lonely vigil at BrightCliff. They have heard no news from Harbortown. Morale raises with the sighting of the three wargalleys of 14th Fleet (7th, 8th & 9th Reg). By nightfall they have dropped anchor and their marines have joined the troops on shore. They will remain there with Ostenphius to guard that stretch of coast and the peninsula that BrightCliff rests upon. This bolstering of forces gives Ostenphius's troops the feeling that their charge does hold some importance. The arrivals also offer them news of how the war is proceeding. Group F - The ships Captain Dregarius converge with those of Group G (Adm. Serpico) twenty miles north of BrightCliff. See Group G description. Group G - After a hard day's sail the ships of Adm. Serpico link up with those of Group F (Capt. Dregarius). The Admiral summons the captains of both groups to dine with him and discuss a battle plan. After dinner, Serpico announces his desire to break from the plan and go after Thadder shipping. Pointing to a map, he cites the overabundance of Thyatian ships already patrolling the central sealane. He asks his subordinates what they would do if they were in the Thadder's situation. As they mouth off various scenarios, he stops one captain and asserts his support of that scenario. As he sees it the Thadders are running out of ships, men and options. The apparent lack of the Navy of late denotes the remnants are up to something. He thinks that they are massing to strike the Thyatians. Serpico proposes that the two groups remain in the area north of BrightCliff. Such a position will allow them to be able to mobilize quickly to support the ships in the sealane, Harbortown, or Min City. Likewise this change still keeps them within the boundaries of their orders. Group H - Capt. Xappellus and her ships continue their hunt for shipping. Group I - The 14th Fleet continues its trek towards Seahome. Group J - Adm. Corso's ships continue on through the northern sealane. Group K - Horatio's ships sail on through the southern portions of the sealane. Group L - Adm. Perdry's 23rd Fleet sails on to Fortress Island. Progress is good and by midday they are well on their way. Group M - Arogast's decreased paced trek to Blackrock is uneventful. Damage sustained the previous day is repaired. In Minrothad City, members of the populace and garrison assemble on the ramparts to watch the Thyatians attempts at playing HardBall. Their amusement turns to horror as several forward Thyatian positions open up with heavy crossbow and ballista fire. Most are able to scramble to safety. However, they leave behind a score or so slain troops and civilians. The event is a stoic reminder that the city is under siege. Oran and Warheart meet to discuss matters. The earlier barrage on the spectators on the walls is quite disturbing. Not only for the loss of life, it is also a sign that the Thyatians have established firing positions capable of reaching over the walls. They expect an assault pretty soon. In light of the incident, civilians are prohibited from spectating from the ramparts. They also go over a report from the Blue Eels in Thyatis City. They are encouraged by the taking of the hostage, but worry about what good it'll do. Neither is certain that the hostage will hold any sway in bringing Thyatis to the negotiating table. Still, they congradulate the Eels and tell them to continue...but to be careful. Warheart tells Oran of his readying of the two ships of (1st & 2nd Squad/3rd Fleet). Optimistically Oran asserts his approval as a fighting force instead of acting as his means to escape. As he puts it, he will flee only if it is absolutely neccessary. Given the Thyatian blockade, he offers the likelihood of the fleeing vessels being sunk. Instead, Oran will flee using magic. Warheart agrees. The two do come up with another idea. They order the outfitting of the city's tug galleys to make them into floating fighting platforms. As they see it, these could come in handy in disrupting the Thyatians as they cross the river to assault the city's walls. Warheart reads to Oran the progress of the remaining Thadder vessels, the Privateers, and Captain Delorno's ships. The Thadder vessels are nearly together. If anything they will have to await the arrival of Delorno's ships. Warheart dispatches a message for the Thadder vessels to begin sailing towards the Ierendi vessels to save time. If things go right, the vessels should all converge within a day or so off the western coast of Trader Island. A target for their first attack is decided upon. They will sail along the coast and strike the Thyatian ships at Minrothad City. In Thyatis City, the Blue Eels abort a planned attack upon the Imperial Granaries. Still a bit shaken by the previous night's attack the Eels feel that things are not right for the attack. They think it better to wait a day or so before attempting anymore attacks. In Thyatis City, Emperor Eusebius is startled to hear reports of NACE troops on the march. Though the reports are hasty and incomplete, it seems that the Alphatians are already in Dunadale and have already overrun the Thyatian defense in Deirdren. Other Aphatian troops are reported to be marching upon Kendach, Newkirk, and West Portage. Likewise a NACE assault force has been seen off the coast of Aegos and another off the coast of Gaity. Eusebius is furious at the assaults and at himself for not expecting them. He should have known better than to think the Alphatians would just sit there while the Thyatian forces were embroilled in the Guilds. Obviously the Alphatians are taking back Dunadale and the Alatians and expanding their hold on the Isle of Dawn. Eusebius dispatches messages to Imperial troops on the Isle of Dawn. With Dunadale a lost cause, he orders the troops there to fall back to Redstone. He stresses that Redstone, Kendach, and West Portage must be held. As for the Alatians, he could care less as they offer little to the Imperium. With things going so well in Minrothad he sees the loss of Newkirk and the Alatians as no big deal. Oran and Warheart are stirred from their sleep. Meeting in Oran's offices, aides inform them of the NACE offensives on the Isle of Dawn and the Alatians. Both are visibly excited and hope that the Alphatians' moves will draw some troops away from Minrothad. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 03:23:40 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Operation Hydra: Day 22 Operation Hydra: Day 22 Force A: The seige of Minrothad City continues. The tedium is broken by the HardBall teams beginning their tournament. Unsurprisingly the Alphatian teams easily defeat the Thyatian teams. The semifinals are to be held the following day, unfortunately there are only threeThyatian teams still in it, as compared to all five Alphatian teams surviving the preliminary matches. Adm. Helena offers prizes for the teams. First place will get 500GPs each, officer's rations for a month, and an extended leave of two weeks in Harbortown. Second place will receive 100GPs each, a weeks officer's rations, and a week in Harbortown. The third place team will recieve 50GPs each and a weeks leave in Harbortown. Betting is furious, the Alphatians being favored to sweep the top three ranks. Adm. Is told of the NACE troop deployments on the IoD and the Alatians. Speaking with Eusebius she offers to send two Cohorts (Open Island) to aid in the defense of the Thyatian kingdoms. Eusebius turns down the offer, citing the need for them there and the time needed for them to sail to the IoD (3-4weeks). He does inquire about escalating the war. Helena tells him that she will have Minrothad soon. Ending her discussions with Eusebius, Helena summons her staff and begins planning the invasion of Alfheisle and the escalation of the assault on Min City. Adm. Helena contacts Nikkos at Malfton to inquire about the reorganization of his troops. She approves his plan and tells him to have them ready to sail as quickly as possible. She also reappoints him as the Commanding office of the troops. Afterwards she sends a message to Harbortown requesting a similar reorganization, including the 26th Assault Cohort. Helena herself will plan the assembling of the naval contingent. Force B: In Harbortown, events are pretty uneventful. The Thyatians continue in their occupational duties. Gen. di Cicero gets the message to reorganize. With news of the Alphatian offensives to the far east, he understands the predicament and the need to escalate the war to bring it to a more rapid ending. Force C: Gen. Nikkos finishes his reorganizing of his forces. Hearing of the Alphatian offensives he offers the Cohorts to be sent to the Isle of Dawn. Helena forwards Eusebius's comments upon that. She does inform him of the impending escalation of the war. Helena strips him of his governorship, replacing him with Major Dergrasus. Nikkos will be needed to lead the troops against the elves. Force D: Adm. Pentalon's fleet sails a steady course for Harbortown. The supply ships lay low in the water severely slowing the convoy. Force E: Capt. Ostenphius and his troops continue their lonely vigil at BrightCliff. The crews and marines of the three wargalleys of 14th Fleet (7th, 8th & 9th Reg) are firmly integrated with the encampment at BrightCliff. Group F - Captain Dregarius orders his minifleet onward, keeping Serpico's within sight. Group G - Adm. Serpico orders his ships (and Group F) to begin patrolng the area north of Bright Cliff. He keeps the two Groups within sight of each other. Group H - Capt. Xappellus and her ships continue their hunt for shipping. Group I - The 14th Fleet continues its trek towards Seahome. Group J - Adm. Corso's ships continue on through the northern sealane. Group K - Horatio's ships sail on through the southern portions of the sealane. Group L - Adm. Perdry's 23rd Fleet sails on to Fortress Island. By nightfall they are well within sight of the island. Perdry orders the ships to drop anchor off the coast. His intentions are to stir the dwarves up, possibly drawing out any sea vessels within its secluded harbor. Group M - Arogast's decreased paced trek to Blackrock is uneventful. By early afternoon the vessels reach the island. A quick sail around the island offers no sign of any enemy vessels and Arogast orders the ships on sailing west along the southern coast of Trader Island. In Minrothad City, the populace adheres to the proclaimation forbidding civilians from the ramparts. After the previous day's incident few are willing to risk life and limb for glimpses of the amateur Thyatians getting pounded by the Alphatian teams. Most are content to get reports of the games from the troops peering over the walls. The food supply problem is relieved somewhat by the arrival of supplies from Alfheisle. Thadder mages teleport in the supplies. The mages promise more shipments. And though small the shipments will help, both physically and mentally for the beseiged. Oran summons the NACE ambassador to thank him and NACE for the diversionary strikes on the IoD and Alatians. He is rudely awaken to reality by Ambassador Dellebram's stoic statement that the offensives had nothing to do with the plight of the Thadders. NACE simply took advantage of the Thyatian troops being committed elsewhere and began measures to reclaim lands that Alphatian blood had been spilt to gain. With that the NACE ambassador excuses himself and leaves, teleporting out of the city presumably back to NACE lands. With his absence, Oran realizes that the world does not revolve around Minrothad. Suddenly he feels very alone. Oran and Warheart meet to discuss matters. Oran asks Warheart if the city can hold against the beseigers were launch an assault within the next few days. The dwarf is confident that they can, but stresses that only a real assault would prove him right or wrong. He points out that the Thyatians have built seige engines and kept them stowed well out of sight. He honestly remarks that if the Thyatians can get a half a cohort into the city then it will probably fall. He cites deluded troop quality for this. They also go over a report from the Blue Eels in Thyatis City, Malfton, and Harbortown. Though the Eels were inactive the previous night, they do report recognition of the NACE offensives. Rumor in Thyatis is that the troops in Minrothad will not be diverted to meet this threat. However, the word in Malfton and Harbortown tell of reorganization and the pending deployment of portions of the troops there. The two speculate on the conflicting reports and wonder where these troops are bound for. Warheart is quite open towards striking at this force while it is at sea. The heavily laden troops transports would be too tempting a target. And for every Thyatian troop sent to the bottom, that is one more that the Empire will have deploy from elsewhere. Still, the forces are already committed and surely these transports will be covered by many warships. They decide to proceed as planned, but slate the troop transports as targets of opportunity. Warheart tells Oran of his readying of the two ships of (1st & 2nd Squad/3rd Fleet) is finished and the vessels are ready for action. He also tells him that four tug galleys are being fitted with wooden sides to shield its occupants. From behind these archers and crossbowmen can fire upon attackers with some degree of protection. These troops are irregulars and most are unarmored. The vessels will only be used in the case of absolute need. Warheart reads to Oran the progress of the remaining Thadder vessels, the Privateers, and Captain Delorno's ships. The Thadder captains expect to meet the Ierendi vessels later in the day. In Thyatis City, the Blue Eels continue laying low. However they do spread out among the Thyatians, gathering information in taverns, market areas, and one even at a party thrown by a senator. Most info is worthless as far as the military goes. Tales of victories, rumors about the NACE offensives, and the like are rampant. The Eels do not even forward the rumors to their superiors. No word has been given about any troops being sent there. Eusebius is handed a status report from the situation in the IoD and Alatians. NACE troops have landed on Aegos and Gaity and are moving quickly. NACE troops have already taken Aegopoli and are fast approaching Pittson. The Gaity Barons request military aid, several have already been overrun by the Alphatians. Eusebius ignores the requests from them, the Alatians are of no importance to him. His attentions are squarely upon the developememnts on the IoD. The earlier reports on Dunadale had been inaccurate. The NACE troops had already taken Deirdren and were already laying seige to the capital. Likewise, reports on the other movements were dated. NACE troops had already met and defeated the Westrourke Army and were just beginning to lay seige to Newkirk. There had already been some skirmishes between Kendach and NACE scouts. At last report both armies were but an hour's march from each other. In West Portage, the local army had mobilized and were preparing their defenses. As of the time of the report the NACE troops were still hours away. Anabaxius and Stefania report that their forces were likewise preparing their defenses. They also reported the pending arrival of some of the Imperial troops from Dunadale. Eusebius sends word for priority to be given to Redstone and West Portage. Imperial Troops defending Kendach and Westrourke should retreat to West Portage or Redstone if the battle goes against them. Eusebius contacts the Karameikan ambassador to forward Thyatian objection to the offensive to the NACE. The response is quick and to the point. Dunadale and the Alatians are Alphatian and are being reacquired by NACE. Likewise the other kingdoms had been in Alphatian hands at the time of the sinking and are being retaken as well. The NACE calls it repayment for the breaking of the Treaty and destruction to Trikelios and Ekto. The ambassador does forward NACE's intentions to leave Helskir unmolested as called for in the same treaty. Eusebius is furious but knows that at the moment there is little he can do. He needs information on NACE troops numbers before committing any of his prized cohorts. No sense sending two cohorts when ten are needed. He dispatches a message requesting numbers and troop details. Before midnight Eusebius is given a series of messages from the IoD. Dunadale has fallen, the invaders greatly aided by the populace. Westrourke army has been defeated and Newkirk is under a state of seige. Kendach's local forces have likewise been defeated and the capital's defense have come under seige. Kendach is certain it can hold out for a few days, but Newkirk's defenders are hardpressed. They do not expect being able to survive the night. More disturbing is that reports indicate more landings at East Portage and in Dunadale. There are also troop movements coming up from Thothia through Trikelios and Ekto. Reluctantly Eusebius orders two Cohorts stationed in the Hinterlands to deploy to West Portage. One Cohort from Hattias and one cohort of Kerendas cavalry to set sail for Redstone. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 03:24:24 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - wizards and armor General response to this thread..... Starting out the mage is the weakest member of a party. Limited to one spell, a high AC, low hitpoints, and limited weapons inventory novice mage mortality is rather high. These handicaps can be releived in time and with added XP. However, getting through those first few dungeon crawls are difficult. Personally, I see nothing wrong in allowing a mage to wear padded textile, leather, or even studded leather armor. None are really more restricting than a robe and cloak. I'd even allow a chainmail shirt if I deamed it fine enough and nonrestricting (custom not off the rack). However I would not allow the heavy armors: plate, splinter, banded, and ring. Even the physically weak nature of the mage is in doubt. There are examples of canon mages of some above average strength (King Zyndryl of Aquas) and most others sport STR scores, within the range or exceeding those associated with normal humans. Which goes back to armor....if the mage can comfortably tote that added weight of the armor I'd allow it. As someone pointed out there are existing examples of armored mages...some even in TSR products. If you want official justification for armoring your mages you have only to look at the various TSR source books and Dragon Mag to find kits to allow armoured and even sword toting mages. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 03:24:17 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard In a message dated 9/2/99 5:26:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << A good friend of mine, who also owns most Mystara material, was telling me recently how unbelievable he thought it was that Thyatis did not control the Known World region. "If I was the emperor, no way I'd let all these little backwater nations stay independent right behind me, if I was the ruler of a world-spanning empire!" was the gist of his argument. My counter-argument I present to you, all self-acknowledged experts I'm sure on the subject, so I can make sure I'm standing on solid ground. I'll go over each nation in detail...>> I'll agree that as a world spanning imperium Thyatis is remarkably...even pitifully... small. DotE has Thyatis tagged as an empire on the decline....WotI has it on the brink of collapse....postWrath sources (canon and not) have reorganization, recovery, and such in action. Off course Mystara died as a commercial entity before an official TSR verdict came about. Personally I think it was slated to continue its decline, become smaller yet more consolidated and give way to the up and coming Karameikos. So in reality the fate of Thyatis is in the hands of us the MML and MMB. << The first thing to remember, though, is that while advanced due to magic, armies still suffer all the troubles of today, including deployment, logistics, supply lines, and so forth. Land armies of infantry and cavalry require good quality roads for fast travel, and must either forage for food or have considerable aid from clerical magic to stay fed. Sea armies have similar problems, and usually must take ports for repairs, and are of little use for invasion, unless transporting troops. Air-based armies, despite the various Air Corps and other magical-based armies, are still uncommon and likely to be used sparingly.>> I'll agree that logistics is the key to maintaining any army of any time period. One thing that must be remembered is that we are talking about medieval/fantasy type armies. Conquest did not mean a complete occupation of every square mile of the land. The fate of a nation of a million or so citizens could easily be decided by one or two key battles for the region's main communities (capitals). Those battles often used up the best and ablest of the nation's warrior caste. Continuing any war against an invader was difficult...even impossible for at least a generation. A victorious invader could then march its army across the land to consolidate its power. Largely populated empires such as Thyatis and Alphatia defnitely have the manpower advantage. Tactically military forces have changed little over the eons. Only the weapons and means of delivery have changed with the technology. Variations of "modern tactics" such as close air support, air superiority, and a war of movement can be seen as far back as recorded history dictates. Even the "revolutionary Blitzkreig" was no more than a technological follow up on established tactics. The one thing about Mystara that must be remembered is that the designers took measures to balance out the KW nations, essentially locking in the stagnant borders. << 1) Karameikos/Tralandara - Thyatis DID conquer this area, but they only took the major coastal cities. Likely Tralandara had a dark reputation, and the Thyatian commander probably couldn't have convinced his men to go trekking into forests rumored to be filled with vampires and werecreatures. It would have consumed too much military power to do more than this.>> Yep...Karameikos is among the conquered folks. A backwards wilderness so to speak it probably was never fully exploited for the imperial coffers. Its wild interior would also be a handicap for forming up the Thyatian ranks to do battle...offering situations similar to the Roman Legions being massacred in the germanic forests of Teutoburg. Despite being the historical "whipping boys" of the continent of Brun, the Traladaran/Karameikan knights are supposed to be the fiercest and most able warriors and should be able to wreak havoc on Thyatian troops in the wilderness. BTW this intrigues me as Thyatian expansion in the Hinterlands offers similar problems with its dense tropical forests. So in a nutshell I'd say that Thyatis's conquest of Traldara was based on occupying the coastal cities. By controlling them they essentially controlled the region. Going any further than that would have been a costly war with little return in the longrun. << 2) Ylaruam - Thyatis and Alphatia did vie for this territory in the past, likely because it is a good area for invasion of Thyatis by foot, not to mention a foothold on the Known World region. In the modern era, though, the Ylari are excellent and fearsome warriors, nearly all mounted, and well versed in desert survival and sniping tactics. Taking Ylaruam now would be a costly invasion at best for Thyatis, and they'd never hold it for long. Alphatia would face similar trouble.>> IMO Thyatian and Alphatian interest in Ylari lands were integral with the other. The Alphers saw it as a spot for establishing Alphatian influence upon Brun...and a possible staging area for future offensives into the interior. Conversly the Thyatians needed to meet this Alph presense by offering their own colonies. As it is Ylaruam offers little for the invaders...well except for the coastal areas. Add to that the less than hospitable attitude of the locals and you have JIHAD!!!! In regards to the Ylari I think TSR did a good job in concluding that colony war...with both ALph and Thyatis getting tossed out on their backsides. Given that such a conflict was of a secondary military priority it cannot be called a major loss by either empire. As it was/is Ylaruam did not offer the economic turnaround for either empire to commit anything beyond a tenuous military effort. With the Alphers out Thyatis did not need to keep up their interests. Likewise, with Norwold the Alphers found an avenue to get its toehold on Brun. << 3) Rockhome - This, simply put, is the Dwarves homeland. Thyatis would have no hope of breaking their defenses, which were in place long before Thyatis even existed. Nor could they ever hold the territory. The survivalist instinct of Mystaran Dwarves would mean their territories would always be prepared for the worst, invasion or cataclysm, and they could always retreat underground beyond the reach of men if they had to.>> Well as you said...Rockhome is the Brun Dwarven Homeland. Conquest of it by anyone would be doubtful and received badly by the Mystaran fan base. Conversly...this is why the SE conquest of Alfheim caught me totally off guard. Similar to the Alfheim ... who were tagged as being unbeatable in their forests...I would think that something similar applies to the dwarves defending their own rocky environment. With their intimate knowledge of the terrain, solid defenses, and racial unification they would be difficult to displace and even more difficult to occupy. <<4) Northern Reaches - Thyatis could likely conquer Vestland and the Soderfjords, but it wouldn't be worth the trouble. Ostland's navy is very powerful and likely is the primary reason Thyatis is reluctant to move in this area. Ostland's ships could cause far more trouble to Thyatian possessions than taking their islands would afford. In addition, the general wildness of the mainland area, with the high monster count, means the land would be worthless to hold anyway. If Thyatis took Norwold, then they'd be able to catch Ostland between hammer and anvil, but until such a time, the northern regions are hard nuts to crack, with sour fruit inside.>> Once again the images of Teutoburg Forest come to mind...perhaps even moreso. War could be costly and even inconclusive. Likewise benefits from the conquest may be limited. For this region a more Roman model may be in line for use. Thyatis may want to play the jarls off each other after gaining control over one of them. The NR's lack of apparent unity offers Thyatis smaller groups of enemy forces to meet at a single time, however it means that they will have to fight more battles and extend their supply lines even further through the NR wilderness. <<5) Ethengar Khanates - Thyatis would have the same trouble here that they'd find in Rockhome and Ylaruam... a native people well adapted to the environment whom would fight fiercely to defend it. In addition, the lack of any kinds of permanent settlements would mean Thyatis would never completely control the land. Likely they'd have to establish strongholds first, which would entail conquering either Vestland or the Heldannic Territories. (Not likely...)>> I agree wholeheartily. Add to that the lack of longterm benefits and a Thyatian invasion of Ethie lands is unlikely. Personally I see the Ethie as being one of Mystara's most underated military forces. Possessing the most beneficial attributes of the Mongol and Hunnish military, they have the potential to be empire builders of their own. However they lack the infantry aspect of a true army. Following a Hun/Mongol model these foot infantry could be levied from conquered peoples. However I do not see too many of its neighbors falling into that mould...they're just too well organized. <<6) Broken Lands - Aside from their fearsome reputation, and general worthlessness as land, Thyatis would likely see this as best left to cause their neighbors trouble. Were the humanoids to conquer the surrounding territories, though, Thyatis would likely have to deal with Darokin first before being in a position to do Thar any damage.>> Economically lacking and abundant in hostile noids, invasion would be doubtful. You could actually say that the BL is the Noid homeland. Like the demihumans and their homelands, it is conceivable that their displacement and occupation could be thwarted along similar lines. Asside from this, I agree that the BL is a perfect tool to offer the thorn in the side for its neighbors. Any Thyatian invasion would have to await a Thyatian conquest of Darokin and be to secure that flank....probably followed by a Hadrian Wall type barrier. <<7) Glantri - Thyatis does and had agents in this region during the nation's forming years, but invasion would be nearly impossible without going through many intervening lands first, and the mages of Glantri would prove fearsome opponents.>> Geographicaly Glantri is distanced enough to forego any immediate thoughts of Thyatian invasion. Glantri and Thyatis (and the HKs) had a cooling of relations after Wrath "for pulling them into the war". As mentioned and restated aninvasion of Glantri would be only after a series of offensives to pave the way their and gain access. Ironically enough, Glantri would find itself defended by the WDL and its southernly neighbors. I'd say that the Glantrians have more to fear from the BL Noids, Wendar, HKs, the Master, and themselves. << 8) Darokin - Darokin's traditionally been the land nobody has wanted anyway, and it's vast territories would require a lot of manpower to control and police effectively. The Darokin Diplomatic Corps also likely give Thyatis the impression that they could control the land if they wanted to anyway, but it's just not worth the time and trouble to do so.>> For its reputations as an unwanted land, Darokin is a docile land of open pasturage and its people have developed a sizable and influential trade empire. Definitely Darokin has the economic revenue and potential to garner Thyatian interests. Militarily Darokin boasts a sizable army, composing the core of the WDL. Darokin's army is more defense oriented and despite its size, quite inadequate to meet a concerted Thyatian invasion. And a Thyatian invasion of Darokin would mean that Karameikos had already fallen and no aid would be coming from there. In the past, Darokin's armies performed badly during Wrath, needing the WDL members to aid in their defense. Add to that the expectations of troubles with the Noids and Master and Darokin is in deep trouble. One should also remember that Darokin boasts a sizable Thyatian speaking population. Though most of these folk fled Thyatis for its rot and corruptness, they should factor in somewhere. <<9) Atruaghin Clans - Like Rockhome and Ethengar, the region's natives know the area well, and the land is of little use to Thyatis. The Plateau is also impossible to invade without air support. And why bother?>> Economically impoverished by Thyatian standards, invasion is doubtful. If it came to it, Thyatis could assault the plateau using its own version of Roman seigecraft. With the cover of the Retebius Air Fleet and Knights of the Air, they could build assault ramps or even their own elevation platform. Once they have deployed a few legions up their I doubt the Atruaghin tribes could stand up against them. Tribal disunity and Thyatian sophistication of weapons and tactics would prevail. invasion would be doubtful. The Atruaghin offer a partial physical buffer to the Master to the west. <<10) The Five Shires - The Shires ARE a rich and valuable country, but they are also allied with Ierendi, who's navy equals and outdoes Thyatis. Were Thyatis to overcome these barriers, they'd find that the Hin are very used to invaders, and will fight for generations if need be to gain their land back.>> Rich and underpowered, Five Shires would probably be assaulted after Karameikos. Though it has allies with the WDL and Ierendi this could be a nonfactor. By the time FS came under fire, the WDL members would be conquered. It is conceivable that the Hin forces would already be depleted if it sent troops to help the WDL in their fighting. Thyatis could always circumvent the Ierendi navy by sticking to the mainland and attacking through Karameikos. <<11) Ierendi - Thyatis did control these islands long ago, but Ierendi nowadays is the greatest builder of ships and navies, and can easily counter or block any invasion attempts by sea.>> Yep...Ierendi would be a tough nut to crack. An island nation with a darn good navy, an invader would be hardpressed to maintain the flow of troops and materials to the fronts. Would a Thyatian invasion of Ierendi be worth the cost? Probably not. Any resources that Ierendi could provide the Imperial coffers could be found elsewhere in more accessible places. If the thought of invasion ever came up, Thyatis would probably already hold the southern coast of Brun. Ierendi would not be a prority. Thyatis could simply consolidate its gains on the mainland. This isolation would force Ierendi to have to rethink its stance regarding Thyatis. <<12) Minrothad Guilds - The guilds island's are well known for the inclement weather in the region, which makes invasion difficult. In addition, the Guilds have proven to be more valuable for commerce than conquering.>> Operation Hydra...Well the MG holds a boutny of revenue and future revenue potential through its trade structure. Though an island nation (like Ierendi) I see it as being more a prospect for invasion. For Hydra I had the Thyatians focus on Trader Island, taking Fire Island and Open Island only to secure the supply lines. Without Trader Island, the Guilds would pretty much fall apart as a unified people. The dwarves should be dealt with politically, Stronghold is too pricey to assault. Alfheisle too could be negotiated with after Trader Island falls. Unlike Fortress Island, Thyatian troops could be deployed there if negotiations broke down. Militarily the MG has a sizable (though untested) Navy. It also has a well trained land army. However, the Merc Guild has to spread out its limited numbers to cover the various islands and lacks the foundation to make up any losses quickly enough. <> I agree that the "cold war" atmosphere between the Empires stifled some of Thyatis's bids for expansion. However it should have nurtured it as well to offer up a larger empire to meet the Alphers. Thyatis did enact expansions during that period. The distant Hinterlands being the most notable. However I would blame its lackluster size more towards the locked borders, either from military opposition or the undesirability of terrain. No sense investing time and materials in offensives not worthy of a feasible return. Any Thyatian expansions on Brun would greatly affect its immediate neighbors...all Gaz kingdoms. The most likey and profitable avenue for Thyatis to expand is west through Karameikos (untapped natural resources) and up into Darokin (Brun's breadbasket). Such an offensive would probably go as such. Thyatis mobilizes and invades. In response the WDL mobilizes expeditionary forces to meet the invasion. By the time they meet Thyatis would already have part of Karameikos under wraps. What would unfold would be one or two big battles between Thyatis and the WDL. Unless the WDL nations commit all of their forces, Thyatis would surely win those battles. Afterwards, the surviving WDL troops would fall back to their native nations. With its large populace Thyatis could replace lost troops and follow up the battles with offensives into these militarily depleted WDL nations. Though restraint may be in order (overextension of forces), the opportunity may outweigh the risks. Karameikos, Darokin, and probably the Five Shires would be Thyatian holdings. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1999 #374 ******************************** *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara' as the body of the message. mystara-digest Tuesday, September 7 1999 Volume 1999 : Number 375 Mystara is a trademark of TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. The following topics are covered in this digest: Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard [MYSTARA] - Patience pays off on ebay RE: [MYSTARA] - Operation Hydra: Day 22 Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard Re: [MYSTARA] - New Map (Alfheim) [MYSTARA] - Where's Malpheggi? [MYSTARA] - Legendary Blades Re: [MYSTARA] - A New Mystara List Re: [MYSTARA] - Where's Malpheggi? Re: [MYSTARA] - Where's Malpheggi? Re: [MYSTARA] - Where's Malpheggi? Re: [MYSTARA] - Where's Malpheggi? Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard Re: [MYSTARA] - And now for something completely different... RE: [MYSTARA] - wizards and armor [MYSTARA] - light sabre ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 09:26:38 -0500 From: Aaron E Nowack Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard On Tue, 7 Sep 1999 03:24:17 EDT writes: > For its reputations as an unwanted land, Darokin is a docile land of > open > pasturage and its people have developed a sizable and influential > trade > empire. Definitely Darokin has the economic revenue and potential to > garner > Thyatian interests. Militarily Darokin boasts a sizable army, > composing the > core of the WDL. Darokin's army is more defense oriented and despite > its > size, quite inadequate to meet a concerted Thyatian invasion. And a > Thyatian > invasion of Darokin would mean that Karameikos had already fallen > and no aid > would be coming from there. In the past, Darokin's armies performed > badly > during Wrath, needing the WDL members to aid in their defense. Add > to that > the expectations of troubles with the Noids and Master and Darokin > is in deep > trouble. One should also remember that Darokin boasts a sizable > Thyatian > speaking population. Though most of these folk fled Thyatis for its > rot and > corruptness, they should factor in somewhere. I don't think Darokin would be quite so easy to conquer as you make it out. According the Gaz11, Darokin's population is fanatically loyal to their government. This would cause any number of problems. Also according to Gaz11, invading Darokin would lead to great economic troubles for the entire KW, as well as getting everyone mad at Thyatis. As to needing help to defend itself during WotI, you have to remember that this was a full-scale invasion by the Master, coming from a direction previously thought of as a friendly border, then followed by a meteor strike and a migration of practically every noid in the BL into Darokin. Even Thyatis would need some help in that situation. Sure Thyatis may be able to conquer Darokin if it puts its whole resources into it, but I doubt they would be able to hold onto it for very long,and I doubt it would be considered worthwhile to the Thyatians. Aaron Nowack "Never let reality get in the way of a good hypothesis." ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 10:03:03 -0500 (CDT) From: (Ron Rogers) Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard I really don't think any Thyatian invasion of Karameikos is likely or acheivable. Although the Thyatians have a large and powerful army the Karameikans have a few advantages. 1. The Mighty Volaga River. As far as I know there are only a couple of bridges across it. 2. Utter magical superiority. Around one third of the current Karameikan population are spell casters. Yes, they are almost all elves, but I think they would defend their eastern forest lands to the death. Especially the new immigrants from Alfheim. Plus this is not taking into account the Alphatian immigrants. I would not be surprised if the Karameikans didn't have a few skyships by now, built in secret. Probably with the old Elvenguard serving as marines aboard the ships. 3. The Karameikan Can Do attitude: The Karameikan citizenry probably trust and like their government more than the Thyatians do. In fact some of the Thyatian nobles probably trust King Stefan more than they do Eusebius. Any Thyatian invasion of the Kingdom should expect heavy resistance activity. If not outright guerilla war. 4. The WDL: Even if the Thyatians took Karameikos I doubt they could hold it against everything the rest of the WDL could send against them. This does not take into account any other nation that might be displeased at a Thyatian invastion of Karameikos. i.e. Ierendi, Minrothad, the remaining Alphatian outer world territories. Just my two kopecs. Glory in All Deeds. CronoCloud (Ron Rogers) aka Sir Elcalear Dracul, Knight of the Kingdom of Karameikos, Graduate of the Great School of Magic, Dracologist of the Fourth Circle, Licensed Necromorph Exterminator. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 10:42:36 -0500 From: "Albert Edward Capt. 552 CSG/SCXX" Subject: [MYSTARA] - Patience pays off on ebay I just won a lot on ebay containing M1, M2, & M3 for $10 total. I'm watching several other auctions for these items individually and am seeing the bidding up to $20+ each. Do people just have money to burn? Is it bidding frenzy fever? I just don't get it. I already have a copy of M1, but why pay more for the items individually when I get them in a lot for cheaper, and have an extra M1 to keep, trade or resell as I see fit. I also have copies of AC2, B6, GAZ2 & GAZ4 which I am willing to trade for any GAZ5-14, Poor Wizard's Almanac I or II, CM9, or M5 ASEO out *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 11:20:01 -0500 From: "Albert Edward Capt. 552 CSG/SCXX" Subject: RE: [MYSTARA] - Operation Hydra: Day 22 Can I get a copy of days 1 - 19? ASEO out *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 09:41:34 -0700 From: Patrick Sullivan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard >I really don't think any Thyatian invasion of Karameikos is likely or >acheivable. > >Although the Thyatians have a large and powerful army the Karameikans >have a few advantages. I agree that, as it stands now, Thyatis isn't going to conquer Karameikos. Nonetheless, in a few year's time this is a very realistic scenario. Karameikos is currently in a second golden age--but things are unlikely to improve. They have been very lucky in recent years, avoiding the bad luck that has befallen neighboring countries. A few years of drought, a plague or some fires in Mirros (an awfully overcrowded city), and Stefan's sheen of invulnerability is off. Many of the Alfheimers would probably return to Canolbarth under treaty with the Shadow Elves, weakening Stefan's eastern defenses. Eusebius would have justification for attacking Karameikos (Stefan's betrayal of Thincol), and no one but the WDL is likely to protest very much. Figure, too, that Oliver Jowett and Father Niki aren't going to be around much longer, and Thyatis could very well go in to "keep the peace" after civil war breaks out between Kelvin-led Thyatian loyalists and Traladaran revolutionaries. Stefan might, in such an instance, be compelled to sign an agreement legitimizing the Thyatian presence in return, basically, for being allowed to go back to the Grand Duchy days. If Eusebius plays his cards well enough, he could march on a Mirros already in chaos with the support of Penhaligon, Kelvin, and the Vyalia. If Eusebius than positions himself as peacemaker, Stefan would have to accept re-assimilation or watch his young nation collapse. None of the WDL nations would be willing to condone harrassment of Thyatis if Stefan legitimizes their presence, so Eusebius would then be in an excellent position to continue expansion if he so chooses. Patrick *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 10:35:12 -0700 From: Patrick Sullivan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard Now that I give it some more thought, if things got bad enough in the castle, the queen and her favorite prince (was it Valen? I can't remember for sure) could ally with the Thyatians in forcing Stefan's hand. Heck, the old fool deserves it ;~) *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 14:16:33 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - New Map (Alfheim) In a message dated 03/09/99 11:18:51 GMT Daylight Time, writes: > > Hey, nice to see a fellow Brit on the list. > > Likewise - I was beginning to wonder if it was only me! Hey, what about me? Carl (living in NW London) Q. PS can't add much to the rest of this thread, except to day I can't abide non-hex maps either - just my "traditionalist" upbringing showing... *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 14:16:35 EDT From: Subject: [MYSTARA] - Where's Malpheggi? All, A silly request, but mine own... Can anybody point out to me where the outer-world Malpheggi Swamp is situated? I only have about half of my oD&D references available to me at present, and it's not in ANY of them that I can see. I need this info for the geography/history of my Sisterhood of the Fens (all finished bar this irritating point). Grateful for any help, Carl Q. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 14:16:31 EDT From: Subject: [MYSTARA] - Legendary Blades All, In case people thought (hoped?) I had dropped off the face of the planet (pick one ;-), apologies. I've been hard at work for a piece to (hopefully) be included in the new, electronic Tome of Mystara. (check out Bridge/3081/ for details of the Tome). Normal service will be resumed when I get round to it. In the meantime, here's a couple of antique blades for your delectation. Crits/comments/chocolate fudge cake all gratefully received. Carl Q. - - The Blade of Unlocking: This is a plain-looking dagger made of bright steel, with the hilt wrapped in yellow-dyed leather. Although small and light, it is not well-balanced enough to be used as throwing-dagger. The Blade never shows the slightest hint of rust. It radiates a fairly strong enchantment if Detect Magic is cast on it. The Blade of Unlocking has no plusses to hit or damage; in combat, it functions as a mundane, non-magical weapon. If struck against a solid surface (a stone wall, wooden table, etc), the Blade emits a ringing, bell-like tone (in C Sharp) which swells in volume until it may be heard clearly up to 180' away; this dies away after one round. During this period, if the Blade is pointed at a single mundane lock within 5', that lock will open (magically-locked or held doors are not affected by the Blade's magic). Although the Blade sings out whenever struck, its magic will function only four times per day. The Blade's usefulness to adventurers (particularly in "dungeon crawls") is plainly obvious; for instance, it allows parties without a Thief (or with one of little experience) to unlock potentially-trapped objects from a (fairly) safe distance. Unfortunately, the Blade's tone telegraphs the user's presence to all within range; this negates the Party's chances for surprise, and doubles (or even triples) the chance for Wandering Monster encounters when it is used. The Blade of Unlocking was made by Serfur Stonehand, a Dwarf Forgekeeper in Rockhome, roughly 500 years ago; he created it for Daria Kalamedes, a Thyatian Rake (and, so the legends whisper, his secret lover - supposedly, discovery of their affair by his Clan Head caused him to be cast out of Rockhome). Serfur made only one Blade, although conflicting reports of its many appearances over the centuries indicate that at least two other, similar Blades have been manufactured since. Carnwennan, the Lightning Knife: This legendary item is known only from ancient tales. According to The Lay of Halav and the Crone, an ancient Epic Poem, Carnwennan is - despite its name - a short sword made of bronze, with a tapering, leaf-shaped blade. The hilt is made from polished oak, wrapped in oiled leather - supposedly from the hide of a Manticore. The pommel stone is a spherical piece of smoky quartz. Carnwennan's blade has a series of runes down one side (similar to the runic script of the Northern Reaches, but unreadable by anyone living, even in Halav's day), and a jagged line (a stylised lightning bolt) engraved on the other. According to legend, Halav (before he became King) bore Carnwennan during a quest to destroy the Black Witch of Krakatos, an evil creature who (so the stories say) stole and ate the children of the good people thereabouts. He and his companions took many weeks to find her, and had many adventures along the way - far too many to relate here - until, finally, he tracked her down, and after a one-to-one combat lasting nearly two days he cut her in two with a single mighty blow from the blade. This tale has obviously grown in the retelling. The Black Witch is presently believed to have been a monster such as a Hag, or perhaps a Crone of Chaos; some stories make her a human Mage of considerable power and irredeemable evil. The description of the Witch's death is suspected to be a fabrication; Carnwennan's abilities have been well-documented in the tales, and at no other time has displayed the abilities of a Sword of Sharpness, so this last ability may be apocryphal. Interestingly, no mention is ever made either of how Carnwennan came into Halav's keeping, nor what happened to it after the slaying of the Black Witch. In truth, Carnwennan is a Short Sword +1, +3 vs. Chaotics. It is intelligent (INT 9, EGO 5), but cannot communicate, and has a Lawful alignment - although Neutrals may handle and use it without harm. Carnwennan may release an electrical discharge on a successful hit, causing 2d6 damage, up to 3 times per day; it will cause similar electrical damage to any Chaotic entity who takes hold of it. Whether Carnwennan still exists, or indeed ever did, is up to the DM. Despite its connection with Halav, it is not classed as a Relic, and therefore might well have been destroyed long ago. Locating the sword might be the object of a mid- to high-level adventure, perhaps sponsored by the Cult of Halav; alternatively, the Cult might be rivals in the hunt, should they learn of the Party's interest in the weapon. (One interesting possibility presents itself: since Carnwennan's last known act was the slaying of the Black Witch, it is possible that both the sword and the Witch may be found together, somewhere. Perhaps retrieval of the Lightning Knife will awaken the long-dead monster; perhaps she is already returned, and only Carnwennan can destroy her a second time. Perhaps - and this is the most disturbing scenario - the spirit of the Black Witch has entered the sword and supplanted its native intelligence, allowing her to possess and dominate Carnwennan's wielder...) *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 18:38:24 +0200 From: Jost Westenberg Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - A New Mystara List > TSR is now appsarently sponsering its own Mystara list. > > Go to to check it out. pleas help me !! does anybody knows the correct syntax to get member of the dnd list and mystara list i tryed it, but it dosent work thanks alot JOST *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 11:43:24 -0700 From: Patrick Sullivan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where's Malpheggi? Hey Carl--glad to see you haven't dropped off the face of the earth. The outer-world Malpheggi forms at the mouth of the Streel river. It stretches from just south of Darokin City down to the coastline almost all the way from Port Tenobar to Athenos, making up almost all of Darokin's coastline. Hope this helps Patrick >All, > >A silly request, but mine own... > >Can anybody point out to me where the outer-world Malpheggi Swamp is >situated? I only have about half of my oD&D references available to me at >present, and it's not in ANY of them that I can see. I need this info for the >geography/history of my Sisterhood of the Fens (all finished bar this >irritating point). *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 13:45:50 -0500 (CDT) From: (Jenn) Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where's Malpheggi? Funny meeting you here, Carl... ;-) >A silly request, but mine own... There're no silly requests, just silly people! ;-D >Can anybody point out to me where the > outer-world Malpheggi Swamp is situated? Sure! It's in southern Darokin, between the Arbandrine and Streel Rivers, where they run out into the Sea (Maplheggi Bay, actually). The broadest part of it appears to be the southernmost part, flanked by Athenos and Port Tenobar. The uppermost point lies just south of Elstrich. Hope it helps, Jenn *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 11:50:38 -0700 (PDT) From: Damon Brown Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where's Malpheggi? - --- wrote: > Can anybody point out to me where the outer-world > Malpheggi Swamp is > situated? I only have about half of my oD&D > references available to me at > present, and it's not in ANY of them that I can see. > Southern Darokin, on the coast of the Sea of Dread, between Port Tenobar & Athenos. Auf wiedersehen, Damon === If a 'Vegetarian' is someone who eats vegetables, shouldn't 'Humanitarian' be another name for a 'Cannibal'? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 14:58:35 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where's Malpheggi? > Funny meeting you here, Carl... ;-) Yes....seems strange, taking our "affair" public! ;-) > There're no silly requests, just silly people! ;-D So you're saying I'm silly? Okay, Mrs Guerra, the affair's off! ;-))) > Sure! It's in southern Darokin, between the Arbandrine and Streel > Rivers, where they run out into the Sea (Maplheggi Bay, actually). The > broadest part of it appears to be the southernmost part, flanked by > Athenos and Port Tenobar. The uppermost point lies just south of > Elstrich. > > Hope it helps Perfect! Thanks to both you and Patrick - I can get this bloomin' thing complete and out! It's been cluttering up my hard drive for ages!! Cheers, Carl Q. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 15:00:03 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard In a message dated 9/7/99 12:40:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << None of the WDL nations would be willing to condone harrassment of Thyatis if Stefan legitimizes their presence, so Eusebius would then be in an excellent position to continue expansion if he so chooses. >> Historically, it wouldn't be the first time an empire retook an upstart territory after a generation or two of Caretaker rule. (Bulgaria for the Byzantines). The next time, they might just be happy to hold some of the coast line and force the Traldar to live in a new realm in the interior (The border would move, which I now is very anti-Mystara but so be it). *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 12:50:54 -0700 (PDT) From: Damon Brown Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - And now for something completely different... Now, see everyone? Living in out here in the shadow of these Evil-PacificNorthwest-Yuppie-Corporations can be inspiring afterall... And just remember: Y1K caused the Dark Ages. - --- IronWolf wrote: > Had a few rather zany ideas today for Mystara > adventure/campaigns, > mostly related to the idea that of all the campaign > worlds, Mystara > seems to mirror Earth the most closely, and as a > result is open to some > rather humorous sidetracks.... > > 1) The Y1K bug. Set shortly before the year 1000 AC. > The players are > hired by a Thyatian wizard for a rather peculiar > problem. Apparently > long ago, shortly before the Thyatian Revolution, > the collected > enchanters of Thyatis had used a particular method > of enchantment upon > magical items, which guaranteed their use for 1,000 > years of perfect > use, afterwards which they're erratic or inert. The > wizard represents > most of the Thyatian mages, who are worried, as the > year 1000 > approaches, and already some few items made are > beginning to fail, > causing them to try and find suitable explanations > to the unamused > Emperor and the noble ranks. The players are given > special magical > devices that can detect magical items made using > this archaic > enchantment method, and set off with a large list of > potential owners > and sources of items. > > 2) Java Conspiracy. Best introduced slowly into an > already running > campaign. The players begin to notice that a > particular restaurant is > showing up frequently in the ports of the Known > World they frequent. > They are coffee houses, nothing new to the players, > but they serve an > assortment of flavors and styles that are quite > exotic. The company runs > under a clan of Hin from the Minrothad Guilds known > as the Starbucks. > The players are eventually hired by any number of > political groups in > the city they're in to investigate the clan. The > powers that be are > suspicious that the normally insular Minrothad has > changed their > methods, are jealous of their success, suspicious of > their ends, or all > of the above. > > Sorry, just had to get those out of my head. :) > > Adamantyr > > "To laugh in the face of death is to deny fear of > it, and thus gain > power over it." > > *************************************************************************** > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of > the message. > > === If a 'Vegetarian' is someone who eats vegetables, shouldn't 'Humanitarian' be another name for a 'Cannibal'? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 13:16:10 -0700 From: "Harvey, Michael" Subject: RE: [MYSTARA] - wizards and armor Personally I don't like the *image* of mages wearing armor. But you can still provide them with the equivent: Enchantment of the Mage's Robe Level: 1 Duration: permanent until dispelled Affects: self only (you cannot use it on your friends clothes) This spell enchants a wizard's robe (or other clothing), making it equivalent to a suit of mail (AC 5). The robe is still loose, flowing, and comfortable to the person wearing it, but becomes hard as steel when attacked. The robe protects against all physical damage, but does not protect against magical weapons or spells. Enchanted robes cannot be used in conjunction with actual armor or magical items, although spells (such as Shield) can be used with it, and DEX bonuses still apply. Dispel Magic will cancel the spell. All this spell really does is provide a magic-user with armor equivalent to his adventuring comrades, without putting him in a tin can. A first level wizard can cast this spell the day before a dungeon crawl and have reasonable protection. It has a few drawbacks, so higher level wizards tend to rely on more permanent forms of magical protection. It also gives a great reason why wizards don't wear armor: they don't need to! (BTW, this spell will give wizards about the same defenses as theives, once you account for DEX bonuses. However, thieves still get better melee weapons. Both classes should probably leave melee to fighters and clerics anyway.) Mike *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 17:25:43 -0400 From: redrobyne Subject: [MYSTARA] - light sabre Here it is a revised and revamped version of the Light sabre. This is meant to be deadly in the hands of Jedi but a clumsy item in others. Light Sabre These weapons were originally found throughout Blackmoor(just like the Jedi) and taken as the chosen weapon to the Jedi all though others had them as well but none were as skilled in it as the Jedi, but once Blackmoor fell(and so did the Jedi) these were also lost. However after the recent revivel of the Jedi Council these have been seen where ever the Jedi are and have become synonymous with the Jedi themselves. While although anyone can use it with some training the Jedi seem to have a flare when using this lightsabre and have used it for much more then hacking and slashing. The light sabre consists of fourprimary parts, a casing or handle typically made out of adamant or similar metal which is set with all controls for the blade and is the part which the people will use to swing the blade, the blade which is what causes the actual damage and is a beam of focused light originating at one end or the other of the casing, and a engine and battery which can be found within the casing this is what actually makes the blade through focusing light through lenses, crystals and similar items. The battery typically has some magiacal power which the engine drains to make the blade typically batterys are reused from previous light sabre since it is hard to find or create a good longlasting battery. The typical set of controls consists of a sliding switch or pressure sensitive button which activates the engine and there fore creates the blade, also typically a safety nob can be found on most (some nicer ones have red and green lights to make sure the safety is on or off) and typically a turning nob is sometimes found to lengthen or shorten the blade of the light sabre. Among other things most Jedi have there light sabre built with a belt loop, comfortable grip (usually with ridges so as to prevent slipping) and with some notes i.e. who it was constructed by and there title, when it was constructed, and with what materials (ground wendarian crystal, a adamant casing and engine from someone elses light sabre and a battery made out of a artifact bought in Glantri) so as the info can be used later Length of Battery Power (according to item): Battery soaked or containing potions : 3months per dose Charged items:1month per charge Permanent effect but of lesser enchantment(i.e. ring of protection from fire): 1 year per enchantment Permanent effect of enchantment (Holy sword or semi intelligent items): 3 years per abitloty or enchantment. Permanent effect of greater enchantment (artifact, sentient item): 9 years per ability or enchantment Light Sabre: Cost: N/A Weight (lbs): 10 Size:M Type: S/P Speed Factor: 4 Damage: S-M; 2d6 L; 3d4 The Light Sabre is so powerful that all normal armors are treated at half their normal AC (round up and count all if any magical plus's)! If made with Adamantite or the Mithril alloy found in elven chain (note: not just plain mithril silver) or equally hard substances the AC is treated as normal. If the blade is used against cut crystal or similar items (i.e. diamonds, glass prisms, armor inlaid with gems)their is a 2 in 10(1 or 2 rolled on 1d10) chance per attack made against it that the blade distorts and forms numerous beams equal to the amont of faces cut in the stone, each beam causes 1d4+1 and goes out in any direction acceptable. If the any part of the light sabre is exposed to water the item will not function for 1d10+10 rounds per round of exposure. If someone is trying to use the light sabre while underwater or while it still wet it causes a electric shock of 2d6 points of damage to the user. The light sabre also will not work if brought within 10ft of a magnetized piece of metal it will simply shut off. Also the blade will only do half damage if brought into a area completely darkened by magic or other similar ways (note: it still causes damage normally out side during night), this is because of the darkness's effect on the light og the blade . There it is the light sabre hope you liked it. Sorry for such a late sending I've had trouble with my mail server. Stewart 3 *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1999 #375 ******************************** *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara' as the body of the message. mystara-digest Wednesday, September 8 1999 Volume 1999 : Number 376 Mystara is a trademark of TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. The following topics are covered in this digest: Re: [MYSTARA] - (no subject) RE: [MYSTARA] - Operation Hydra: Day 22 Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm [MYSTARA] - Map of Mystara.. RE: [MYSTARA] - wizards and armor Re: [MYSTARA] - Map of Mystara.. Re: [MYSTARA] - Map of Mystara.. [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? Re: [MYSTARA] - Map of Mystara.. Re: [MYSTARA] - Map of Mystara.. Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? [MYSTARA] - Elem. Earth Spells Re: Just Say No to WotI (was Re: [MYSTARA] - Maps--Darokin) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 17:45:46 -0400 From: redrobyne Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - (no subject) > Can anyone tell me if Hail the Heroes and Night of the Vampire are worth > picking up or should I spend my hard earned money on another Gaz instead? > All though youv'e probably gotten replys on this already go with the gaz's there much more worth it (campaign setting vs adventure boxes) however if you want adventures and not a whole campaign setting I'd go with these instead of most of the older ones( nigt of the vampire is a better product than hail the heros just don't use the cd) although keep on the border lands is still a personal fave. all in all by the Gaz's Stewart 3 *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 08:09:47 +1000 (EST) From: Shawn Stanley Subject: RE: [MYSTARA] - Operation Hydra: Day 22 they're available on my homepage along with some maps and other background information to the operation. it's under the adventures and campaign ideas secion/campaign ideas/operation hydra the homepage is at and if I recall correctly the operation page is at shawn On Tue, 7 Sep 1999, Albert Edward Capt. 552 CSG/SCXX wrote: > Can I get a copy of days 1 - 19? *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 18:02:47 -0700 From: IronWolf Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard One point to make is that even in the Grand Duchy days, Karameikos was an independent kingdom. When Stefan and Thincol made their bargains, it was complete soverign rule that Stefan bartered for, and won. Only in name was Karameikos connected to Thyatis, and also by numerous trade agreements and pacts. What Stefan did, when he declared Karameikos a kingdom, was sever all ties of friendship with Thyatis and declare neutrality in the war between Thyatis and Alphatia. While Eusebius may use this as an excuse to attack later, it would not be a a good idea. (Recall that the Western Defense League was designed to defend it's member nations. They did not support Rockhome because they were attempting a military takeover of the Broken Lands. They WOULD support and aid a member nation wrongfully invaded. Plus, that's not Eusebius's style. He'd figure out some way to legitimately invade through intrigue and conspiracy first. Perhaps play Karameikos against another rival nation.) Adamantyr Patrick Sullivan wrote: > >I really don't think any Thyatian invasion of Karameikos is likely or > >acheivable. > > > >Although the Thyatians have a large and powerful army the Karameikans > >have a few advantages. > > I agree that, as it stands now, Thyatis isn't going to conquer Karameikos. > Nonetheless, in a few year's time this is a very realistic scenario. > Karameikos is currently in a second golden age--but things are unlikely to > improve.  They have been very lucky in recent years, avoiding the bad luck > that has befallen neighboring countries.  A few years of drought, a plague > or some fires in Mirros (an awfully overcrowded city), and Stefan's sheen of > invulnerability is off.  Many of the Alfheimers would probably return to > Canolbarth under treaty with the Shadow Elves, weakening Stefan's eastern > defenses.  Eusebius would have justification for attacking Karameikos > (Stefan's betrayal of Thincol), and no one but the WDL is likely to protest > very much.  Figure, too, that Oliver Jowett and Father Niki aren't going to > be around much longer, and Thyatis could very well go in to "keep the peace" > after civil war breaks out between Kelvin-led Thyatian loyalists and > Traladaran revolutionaries.  Stefan might, in such an instance, be compelled > to sign an agreement legitimizing the Thyatian presence in return, > basically, for being allowed to go back to the Grand Duchy days. > If Eusebius plays his cards well enough, he could march on a Mirros already > in chaos with the support of Penhaligon, Kelvin, and the Vyalia.  If > Eusebius than positions himself as peacemaker, Stefan would have to accept > re-assimilation or watch his young nation collapse. > None of the WDL nations would be willing to condone harrassment of Thyatis > if Stefan legitimizes their presence, so Eusebius would then be in an > excellent position to continue expansion if he so chooses. > > Patrick > > *************************************************************************** > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 18:54:37 -0700 From: "Mr. Darknerd" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm We already have a Persia. That is what Hule essentially is, correct? As far as Babylonia, Assyria, and even the Phoenicians, that would be very interesting. - -- On Fri, 3 Sep 1999 00:35:11 Christian Constantin wrote: >Hi everybody! >I'm looking for a map of the Sylvan Realm to link it with a map of Brun's >hinterland. I don't have CM7 (Tree of Life), and I was wondering if this >product included a map of the region. I would be glad if somebody could help >me on this one either with their own work or with "canon" sources. BTW, I'm >also looking forward for any work that might have been done on the region of >the Yalu River Valley, since I'm also planning to map (and, maybe planting a >M-Persia/Babylonia) this area so that we would have a complete map of Brun. >Any suggestions, comments and earlier works would be gladly welcomed! >Thanks! >Christian "Krieg!" Constantin > >*************************************************************************** >To unsubscribe from this list send mail to >with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. > > HotBot - Search smarter. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 19:29:05 -0700 From: Patrick Sullivan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm >We already have a Persia. That is what Hule essentially is, correct? > >As far as Babylonia, Assyria, and even the Phoenicians, that would be very interesting. Hule is closer to Turkey than Persia. I agree that the others would be very interesting, but I'm not sure how well they'd fit considering that there are supposed to be powerful barbarians to the north of Hule, so they'd have to be pretty isolated. Nimmur is fairly similar to Babylon or Assyria, BTW. Patrick *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 00:33:28 -0400 From: "SteelAngel" Subject: [MYSTARA] - Map of Mystara.. Anyone notice the error on the Mystaran Map on Stan's page? Hint: The RC and the HW box have the same error. Ethan *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: 08 Sep 99 00:39:47 -0500 From: Charles Hoover Subject: RE: [MYSTARA] - wizards and armor > Enchantment of the Mage's Robe > Level: 1 > Duration: permanent until dispelled Um, I hate to get picky about this but the Armor spell does basically the same thing. IMC I have gotten rid of the rather odd material component of a piece of blessed leather and it seems to work just fine. It seems to me most people overlook Armor as a spell, although this may be due to differences among the various editions of the game. For those who haven't heard of it the Armor spell is 1st level, provides AC6 (normal bonuses apply) and lasts until a certain amount of damage is sustained (it provides no protection from said damage though). Not a flame btw, your version of the spell is an interesting twist. Ciao. Oh and if requested I can post the spell itself.... - --- Charles Hoover - <*> ICQ#11859188 Yahoo!Pager-TheMythrilDragon AIM-MythrlDrgn "Don't shoot the messenger. It wastes bullets. Hang him. After all, rope can be re-used." -Anonymous _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 21:56:26 -0700 From: Patrick Sullivan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Map of Mystara.. >Anyone notice the error on the Mystaran Map on Stan's page? > >Hint: The RC and the HW box have the same error. Oh, no! Yalu Bay's filled in! What a shame... *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 14:57:33 +1000 (EST) From: Shawn Stanley Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Map of Mystara.. yeah I did actually, I noticed it when in conversation with ... I forget who. any rate we were talking about a large version of the map to have as windows wallpaper. I created such a map and then after seeing it as my windows wallpaper at 1024 x 768 pixels for a little while I noticed the Yalu Bay colouring problem obviously inherited from the maps you're mentioning. But Ethan, or anyone else, look closer to the whole shape of the north-northwestern coast of Brun. Does it look all wrong to you? in slightly related news after seeing the error I thought I'd take if off the masthead of the archive - but then again we have to wait for an update to see it :o) shawn On Wed, 8 Sep 1999, SteelAngel wrote: > Anyone notice the error on the Mystaran Map on Stan's page? > > Hint: The RC and the HW box have the same error. > > > > Ethan > > *************************************************************************** > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. > > *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 13:08:26 +0800 From: "Francisco Navarro" Subject: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? According to PC1 Tales of The Wee Folk, King Oberon and his Court stay mainly in the Dreamland, located in the Alfheim forest. With the Shadow Elf conquest of Alfheim, whatever happened to the Fairy Court? Here are my ideas on the matter: 1. They are still there. The Dreamlands after all don't belong completely in the Prime Plane, and exist somewhere between dimensions. The faeries don't have the same understanding as mortals do with regards to geography or politics, and they would still play their games and pranks on the new inhabitants of the forest, although they find these elves less fun than the old elves. 2. They moved to Glantri. What other great place to move to than a land where the Immortals have little or no real hold in the everyday lives? Two places are most probably: Erewan, whose forests are the closest thing to the old Alfheim setting, and the Kaelic principalities of Klantyre and Fenswick, where the culture is not unfamiliar to the Fair Folk (i.e. Leprechauns and the Shakespearean Fairy Court would be right at home!). Imagine the Erewan elves find new and mysterious allies among the woodland-loving faeries, especially against the humanoid raids ("Ooooh! Bad gobwin! Bad gobwin!"). Imagine also how Princess Dolores or Prince Brannart/Angus would react when a horde of pixies, sprites, pookas, changelings and sidhes decide to make their lands a more "fun!" place. ("What do you mean there's a rainbow in my courtyard?!") Actually, I think the only former would be furious, but Angus would be tickled pink! Another option is that Oberon, Titania, or another sidhe leader (Perhaps the old King and Queen decided to pass on...) would appear before the Council of Princes and request to be recognized as "The Fourteenth Principality". Since the new Dreamlands would not be on the same plane, they would not really take up any actual land space in Glantri, perhaps only a few mounds or mushroom rings or stonehenges here and there. 3. They moved to Wendar. This is the next forest realm after Erewan, and is a lot larger, although a lot colder. I don't know much about Wendar, but I don't think the faeries would have that much fun there. 4. They move to Karameikos. Specifically in Krakatos, near the Karameikan School of Magecraft. Master Terari would be sure to welcome the Fair Folk and their new brand of magic. But this might give too much advantage of the Karameikan School over the Great School of Magic in Glantri (which IMO is still the better school in Mystara!) 5. They move to the isalnd kingdoms: Ierendi, Pearl Islands, and/or Ochalea. Ierendi: Faeries of vacation! Sun! Surf! Fantasy Isalnd! Fun! Pearl Islands: Dawn of Emperors mentions the Nuari like the fun-loving sprites. Ochalea: Dawn of Emperors mentions that Ochaleans dislike sprites and possibly other faeries. They are probably apprehensive about the fairy spirits' propensity for mischief, trickery, and sometimes maloevolence. What better place for the faeries to have fun in, than among the reserved stuck-up Ochaleans? 6. They are gone. The Immortals' final revenge? No fun! No fun! Play again! Tell me what you think. Kit Navarro *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 01:19:03 -0400 From: "SteelAngel" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Map of Mystara.. > But Ethan, or anyone else, look closer to the whole shape > of the north-northwestern coast of Brun. Does it look all wrong to you? It does look a bit misshapen. hmm.. (digging through his _old_ maps) Notice that the nothern tip of Skothar is wrong too? Everyone whip out the Master's Set map. There should be a huge Netsun Peninsula, not some dinky thing! The Great Waste should be larger, and the Vulcanian Marches are FAR too thin. Anyone else notice that the northern polar icecap stretches down to Wendar? :-) Oh well. Now I'm just being picky. Ethan *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 16:09:47 +1000 (EST) From: Shawn Stanley Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Map of Mystara.. oh yeah I forgot that it was the whole northern edge of Mystara that was a tad askew. oh well just so as people know that the thing is more of an image than an actual map. shawn On Wed, 8 Sep 1999, SteelAngel wrote: > > But Ethan, or anyone else, look closer to the whole shape > > of the north-northwestern coast of Brun. Does it look all wrong to you? > > It does look a bit misshapen. hmm.. (digging through his _old_ maps) > > Notice that the nothern tip of Skothar is wrong too? Everyone whip out the > Master's Set map. There should be a huge Netsun Peninsula, not some dinky > thing! The Great Waste should be larger, and the Vulcanian Marches are FAR > too thin. > > Anyone else notice that the northern polar icecap stretches down to Wendar? > :-) > > Oh well. Now I'm just being picky. > > > Ethan > > *************************************************************************** > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. > > *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 02:28:59 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? In a message dated 1999-09-08 01:09:49 Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > According to PC1 Tales of The Wee Folk, King Oberon and his Court stay > mainly in the Dreamland, located in the Alfheim forest. With the Shadow Elf > conquest of Alfheim, whatever happened to the Fairy Court? We also need to consider what happened to the other woodland races. Some (such as treants) were very much tied to the forest as it was, while others (such as the pooka) could have fun anywhere. But I will review your ideas before proposing my own. > Here are my ideas on the matter: > > 1. They are still there. The Dreamlands after all don't belong completely in > the Prime Plane, and exist somewhere between dimensions. The faeries don't > have the same understanding as mortals do with regards to geography or > politics, and they would still play their games and pranks on the new > inhabitants of the forest, although they find these elves less fun than the > old elves. That works well for the fairies, less well for the mortal woodland races. > 2. They moved to Glantri. What other great place to move to than a land > where the Immortals have little or no real hold in the everyday lives? Two > places are most probably: Erewan, whose forests are the closest thing to the > old Alfheim setting, and the Kaelic principalities of Klantyre and Fenswick, > where the culture is not unfamiliar to the Fair Folk (i.e. Leprechauns and > the Shakespearean Fairy Court would be right at home!). Imagine the Erewan > elves find new and mysterious allies among the woodland-loving faeries, > especially against the humanoid raids ("Ooooh! Bad gobwin! Bad gobwin!"). > Imagine also how Princess Dolores or Prince Brannart/Angus would react when > a horde of pixies, sprites, pookas, changelings and sidhes decide to make > their lands a more "fun!" place. ("What do you mean there's a rainbow in my > courtyard?!") Actually, I think the only former would be furious, but Angus > would be tickled pink! A lot depends on the real reason behind Glantrian anti-clericalism. In my own campaign, the distinction was made between using one's own intelligence to cast spells (good) vs. channeling power from an Immortal (bad). Fairies showed an insufficient grasp of how they accomplished their magical effects to be accepted by Glantrians and thus laid low. But note that my campaign was pre-WotI, so subsequent events might have improved Glantrian acceptance of fairy magic and/or emboldened fairies to apply for "full mage" status. Of course, mortal woodland creatures (especially dryads) would avoid Glantri at all costs, especially if they have druidic abilities. > Another option is that Oberon, Titania, or another sidhe leader (Perhaps the > old King and Queen decided to pass on...) would appear before the Council of > Princes and request to be recognized as "The Fourteenth Principality". Since > the new Dreamlands would not be on the same plane, they would not really > take up any actual land space in Glantri, perhaps only a few mounds or > mushroom rings or stonehenges here and there. Given the loss of influence of Erewan and the ascendance of Dolores, I would think such a plan unlikely in the Almanac era (AC 1010-1013). They might have a better chance once Dolores is disposed of. > 3. They moved to Wendar. This is the next forest realm after Erewan, and is > a lot larger, although a lot colder. I don't know much about Wendar, but I > don't think the faeries would have that much fun there. I think they might -- Wendar is basically an elvish/Nordic realm. The only problem with the fairies going there is that they would have to pass through Glantri to get there. > 4. They move to Karameikos. Specifically in Krakatos, near the Karameikan > School of Magecraft. Master Terari would be sure to welcome the Fair Folk > and their new brand of magic. But this might give too much advantage of the > Karameikan School over the Great School of Magic in Glantri (which IMO is > still the better school in Mystara!) A more likely possibility is that those races who really like the forest move to the woodlands of Karameikos and make contact with the Alfheim exiles and other elves but avoid contact with humans. Those races who can do without having large numbers of trees nearby infiltrate Darokin instead. > 5. They move to the isalnd kingdoms: Ierendi, Pearl Islands, and/or Ochalea. > Ierendi: Faeries of vacation! Sun! Surf! Fantasy Isalnd! Fun! Pearl Islands: > Dawn of Emperors mentions the Nuari like the fun-loving sprites. Ochalea: > Dawn of Emperors mentions that Ochaleans dislike sprites and possibly other > faeries. They are probably apprehensive about the fairy spirits' propensity > for mischief, trickery, and sometimes maloevolence. What better place for > the faeries to have fun in, than among the reserved stuck-up Ochaleans? I certainly see some possibilities there. > 6. They are gone. The Immortals' final revenge? No fun! No fun! Play again! > > Tell me what you think. You overlooked yet another possibility -- that the Immortals might intervene and move them to the Hollow World. But since I would prefer to believe that the fairies and other woodland races would resist Immortal interference and prefer to remain in the outer world, here is my take on where they go: Centaurs: They were never that sure about living in the forest, and the Shadow Elf conquest is just the push they need to persuade them to leave. They pass through Darokin as they disperse in all directions. A large number of them end up in Ethengar. Dryad: Dryads who are not attached to particular trees leave, as do many who are attached (after they go through the painful process of severing that connection). They enter Darokin and pass themselves off as human. From there some of them travel further to other nations (although very few if any go to Glantri!). Those who choose not to extricate themselves from their trees become dormant until the "twisted trees of Aengmor" are restored to normal. Faun: The fauns disperse in the same manner as unattached dryads. Hsiao: These owl philosophers take the logical step of relocating just across the border of Aengmor and living just outside of the region twisted by Shadow Elf magic. A few track down the Alfheim refugees and join them. Treant: Most of this race are unable to escape. They become dormant until the Canolbarth forest becomes less "twisted". Wood Imp: They initially enjoy the changes brought about by the Shadow Elves and stay where they are. They do not leave until the Shadow Elves succeed in restoring the forest to some degree of normalcy -- at which point they strike out against nearly everyone else. Brownie: This race already had a preference for haunting civilized homes. Those who had not already done so move to Darokin and points beyond and continue their old habits. Leprechaun: This race is much like the brownies but more reclusive. They also leave and disperse throughout the known world. The same applies for pixies and sprites. Pooka: These pranksters were already well established in Darokin and points beyond. Those few who remained in Alfheim disperse and join them. Sidhe and Drakes: These races have the ability to pass for human or demi- human and do so. Within a few years of the fall of Alfheim to the Shadow Elves they are dispersed throughout the Known World. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 13:57:58 -0500 From: "Daniel " Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? I'll have to check my sources on this so don't ask me to quote. According to one book (PWA?) the faire court closed their gates when the shadow elves took over. I belive it was something discussing the various magic points (good and bad) in Alfheim. The bad ones grew stronger while the good ones disappeard. - -----Original Message----- From: Francisco Navarro To: Date: Wednesday, September 08, 1999 12:10 AM Subject: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? >According to PC1 Tales of The Wee Folk, King Oberon and his Court stay >mainly in the Dreamland, located in the Alfheim forest. With the Shadow Elf >conquest of Alfheim, whatever happened to the Fairy Court? > *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 09:18:46 +0200 (METDST) From: Agathokles Subject: [MYSTARA] - Elem. Earth Spells I realised only now that my last message (containing an attachment) did a real mess with the digest! I'm sorry for that (and also because the message without attachment was quite meaningless). However, here are the spell Elemental Earth SPELLS Innocenti's Stony Tentacles (Alteration / Elem. Earth) Level: 5 Components: V, S, M Range: 5m/level CT. 4 Duration: 1r/level Save: Special Area of Effect: one creature/level This variation of Maximilian's Stony Grasp is used mainly for defense (against assassination attempts, in Innocenti's case) . It must be cast on stony ground, and affects one creature per level of the caster. Each creature is attacked by a stone tentacle which works as the hand in the Stony Grasp spell* except that it is stronger but not as resistant to damage. It delivers to the victim 1-4 points of damage each round, but it has only as many hit points as the caster's maximum, up to 20, and has AC 3. Material component is a clay figurine of an octopus, which is destroyed during the casting. *Creature grasped have movement rate 0, -2 to AC and attacks, and lose any Dex bonus. If a save vs spells is rolled, the creature avoid beeing grasped, and the hand disappears (it will as a 5% per level of the caster chance of reappearing each round). Animate Gargoyle (Alteration / Elem. Earth) Level: 4 Components: V, S, M Range: Touch CT. 1 round Duration: 1r/level Save: None Area of Effect: 1 statue Animates a gargoyle that fights for the caster. The gargoyle is similar to the standard monster, save that it can be damaged by normal B-type weapons for full damage, and by normal, medium size or larger slashing weapons for half damage. At the end of the spell duration, the gargoyle returns to its original nature (a non-magical statue), though any damage suffered is reflected by the shape of the statue. If killed, it crumbles into a pile of dust. This spell is necessary for the creation of gargoyles. The material component is a gargoyle statue. Magma Bolt (Evocation / Elem. Earth) Level: 3 Components: V, S, M Range: 10m +5m/lvl CT. 3 Duration: 3 rounds Save: Half damage Area of Effect: 1 creature This spell opens a small gate to the plane of magma. A large drop of magma enters the prime material and flies toward the target, coating him with burning lava. This causes 2d12 points of damage, plus 1d6 on the next two rounds, unless the target makes a save vs spell, in which case he suffers only 1d12 damage. The magma also acts as a dispersion attack, causing 1d6+1 damage to creatures hit (on a 5' radius). Material component is quartz gem, which is consumed during the casting. Petrification (Enchantment / Elem Earth) Level: 2 Components: V, S, M Range: 120m CT: 2 Duration: 2r + 1r/level Save: Neg Area of effect: 1 creature/four levels Covers the target(s) with a sheet of stone that effectively prevent movement, combat and spellcasting. The effect can be avoided with a successful save vs petrification or, if the save failed, with a successful bend bars roll (one attempt on each subsequent round). The sheet is 2 cm thick, and the imprisoned creature is protected by attacks from outside the shell, need not air to survive, and have all metabolic and body functions halted, except thinking. No other damage is inflicted upon the victims, but the shell takes a full round to form, so the victims have the time to realise what is happening, and may be quite scared if they don't know the real effect (they will probably think they're going to be permanently transmuted into stone). Material component is a piece of gargoyle skin. Mineral Shards (Evocation / Elem. Earth) Level: 1 Components: V, S, M Range: 30m CT. 3 Duration: 3r + 1r/level Save: None Area of Effect: 3m2/level This spell creates mineral shards on the floor and walls in the affected area. The effect is similar to the enviromental conditions on the quasiplane of Minerals. Any creature trapped in the area suffers 1d4 points of damage each round. Each point of magical AC reduces damage by 1 point, down to a minimum of 1 point. On the second and subsequent rounds, creatures caught in the area may reduce the damage by half, if they move only at 1/4 of their movement. Material component is a caltrop. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 10:04:07 +0200 From: DM Subject: Re: Just Say No to WotI (was Re: [MYSTARA] - Maps--Darokin) On Tue, 31 Aug 1999 14:43:05 -0700 (PDT), Damon Brown wrote: << I can see where you're coming from. While I actually _do_ like WotI (I think it's a very interesting concept), I don't like the condition it leaves Mystara in. >> I actually DID like WotI, and I planned to run it with two of my groups, doing a crossover with the two groups (just did that with one of the parties and it turned out well). The main thing I didn't like about WotI was the scant information about post-Wrath on some countries, but the PWA made up quite well for that one (even with some inconsistencies). I like great campaigns like WotI, provided they don't happen once every year! ;) Also, I don't get HOW the heck Glantri city managed to survive the assault of 1000 36th level mages!!!!!???? IMHO, after only three rounds of spells, Glantri City should have been reduced to thin ashes.. anyway.. << Mainly, I don't like the fact that you can't run the Companion- and Master-level modules in a post-WotI setting.>> uh? Beg your pardon? I'm currently in AC1011 and I'm running a Master campaign with 26th to 33rd level characters and it's working perfectly.. << This might sound kinda lazy but let's face it: campaigns above 15th level are the most difficult to sustain (raise your hand if you've played in a campaign that was that high...>> ME ME! << and was it any good?).>> It is and it has been from the humble beginnings (6th level)! I agree it's a heck of a time to come up with something to surprise the players and engage the ultra powerful PCs, but if you do, the game will really rock! Just to make an example, I'm currently playing CM2 in Norwold. Unfortunately, the most powerful PC of the party sided with the bad guys cause of a symbol and the two remaining PCs are really squeezing out their brains to remain alive and make their friend return normal. Throw in that I changed the plot a bit (CM2 didn't say anything about the motives of the bad guys, now I threw in my ideas and we're having an Invasion of the Body Snatchers set up there, with the body snatchers being a modified version of the Death leech), basically Nyx wants to have an undead nation into Mystara once more. Add that one of the PCs had to marry in the meantime, that another had serious personality problems due to a certain nightmare symbiont he's got in his body and you'll see how complicated and entertaining an adventure can become even at high levels. Well, we're enjoying it, at least. Obviously, you cannot do much investigation if you've got Lore or ESP, and you must do powergame at those levels, but that's D&D as much as roleplaying a meeting with Etienne d'Ambreville! << At that point, hack n' slash is boring even if that's your favorite style: "Ooh, look it's 30HD monster with ****, that's sure tougher than the 29HD one with only ***, good thing we're one level higher (yawn)." Personally, I think several of the CM & M series modules are also some of the most inventive and it seems like such a shame to not be able to use them.>> I agree on the second part: the M series are GREAT, definitely. I played M2, M3 and M5, and M5 is my fave of all times. M1 has a lot of potential as well (I actually used the last part and merged it with M2), while M4 seems good, nothing special, like M3. Anyway, they can give you a great deal of fun if u're not biased against high level campaigns. As for the 40HD monster, you don't always need to use that at high levels. Better use real villains and scheming NPCs, with a personality and powers, and the players will enjoy the play much more. Of course, the 40HD monster can be thrown in at times, this will be fun as well, but it's not compusolry to put one in every adventure for M-level players! << Oh well. Actually I'd like to run a WotI campaign; I just won't attempt to get the characters all the way up Immortal level.>> That's what I'm trying to do, on the contrary. I think that'll be a just reward for all these years of playing.. And besides, I played WotI with Companion level characters (lower than 22nd level), and it worked out perfectly, so i think you'd better try. I've even incorporated the Blood Brethren trilogy (changing slightly the plot) in my WotI campaign (i'm going thru the first module now with my second group), and it's working fine even though the players are 10th level! I think you should give ur players a chance to play that, if you REALLY have the will to run it, that is.. PS: oh, and I'm a conservative too, Victor! Only, I like to experiment changes once in a while.. ;) PPS: oh, talking about Gazs, I tell u I was able to buy GAZ5 and GAZ9 for a friend at E-bay respectively for (...suspance...) 12 bucks and 23 bucks! SO you won't have to spend 70 bucks on GAZ5 if u know where to look.. Now, paying 60 bucks for X11, THAT'S RIDICULOUS! DM *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1999 #376 ******************************** *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara' as the body of the message. mystara-digest Wednesday, September 8 1999 Volume 1999 : Number 377 Mystara is a trademark of TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. The following topics are covered in this digest: Re: [MYSTARA] - Joshuan's Almanac etc. Re: [MYSTARA] - Looking for playtesters Re: [MYSTARA] - Blackflame Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm Re: [MYSTARA] - Looking for playtesters Re: [MYSTARA] - SE, MJews? Re: [MYSTARA] - Death of a cartographer...or so you think Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Thyatis's backyard ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 10:05:05 +0200 From: DM Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Joshuan's Almanac etc. On Wed, 01 Sep 1999 20:40:52 -0700, IronWolf wrote: <> IMHO, the main flaw of Joshuan is that it was presented as the follow-up of the PWA, which is obviously wrong. The PWA were invaluable out-of-the-game tools for every Mystara DM, while Joshuan was something written with an in-game point of view, easily readable by players AND Dms alike, and didn't go that deep into Mystara stats and facts because prolly it assumed the stats u needed had already been written in PWA3 (which was AD&D like Joshuan). Joshuan had a style of its own, it was interesting for some aspects, but compared with the previous PWA, it surely LACKED the graphic, information, and appeal of the previous. Also the events were sketchy at best, often focused on mundane unimportant things ("That steed won the Kerendas derby" or "A Yowler was sold at the market..") and the NPCs descriptions were just ridiculous. The good side was the in-character description of the nations and reproducing some Gaz maps long forgotten. For this reason we (Editors of Mystaran Almanac online) chose to use both PWA format for the events and NPCs and the Joshuan format for the geographic entries, trying to combine what we thought the best of both versions. <> Sure, it would be DAMN good, but for WotC it's an effort not worth the time (given Mystara is a dead world..). If books didn't sell enough, why should they put out CDs, which are considerably more expensive? DM *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 10:05:32 +0200 From: DM Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Looking for playtesters I know I'm late, but.. On Thu, 2 Sep 1999 09:11:39 EDT, wrote: <> Hey Bruce, that's incredible! I DID THAT TOO about three months ago!!! My Excel dominion sheet has everything you put in your Dragon articles, including costs for mantaining the army, income derived from selling food in surplus, cities income, and I've also created a whole spreadsheet for the army, the navy and their Warmachine values! It has also another spreadsheet where u can draw your dominion and place cities and terrain! Unfortunately for you guys, it's everything in Italian.. ;) However, I'd be interested in seeing your version as well, Bruce, since I'm interested in that govt corruption you mentioned, so please send it along this way as well.. ;) DM *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 10:05:54 +0200 From: DM Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Blackflame On Fri, 3 Sep 1999 04:02:06 +0100 Thorfinn Tait wrote: << Keep Andrew's cool idea of Blackflame coming from the negative Plane of Fire. Some Immortals discover the rift in the Dimension of Nightmares (?) and ponder what to do with it. Meanwhile, the halfling Immortals- to-be are questing for Immortality. What if their sponsors decide to use the Blackflame to help those hin on their paths to Immortality? This keeps that reference true. Now of course the hin become Immortal, and perhaps they decide to keep the Blackflame thing going, as a gift for their people, to be the new hin clan relic.>> That's a DAMN COOL idea, Thorf! Thanx for putting the pieces together. I'll go with this explanation for my treatise.. ;) Thanx Andrew as well for the info on Blackflame! <> well, gnome IS a D&D demihuman (PC2), so I'm adding them too to my file, basically going with what YOU proposed a long time ago. The problem will be to explain HOW the machinery becomes a relic.. DM *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 06:10:48 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? In a message dated 9/8/99 3:02:20 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << I'll have to check my sources on this so don't ask me to quote. According to one book (PWA?) the faire court closed their gates when the shadow elves took over. I belive it was something discussing the various magic points (good and bad) in Alfheim. The bad ones grew stronger while the good ones disappeard. >> I sent this very question in to Bruce Heard when his Mystara column(s) was a regular feature in DRAGON magazine. I have no idea what issue his answer was printed in (Where's that DRAGON compilation CD when you really need it??!!), but his response in general was that the Immortals had indeed intervened, sending the folks of the Dreamlands to a pocket dimension until such a time as Alfheim was restored or a new home for them could be found. I'll look into this some more ASAP. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 13:37:21 +0100 From: "Martin Mathes" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? Hi, I'm especially fond of the idea of the Fairies on Vacation on Ierendi. Imagine one of the adventure islands taken over by the Fairy Folks. Installing a Caribean-like culture of laisse faire and don't bother to much brother. Or even an group of fairies taking part in the anual contest for the king and queen of Ierendi, coming close to win or actually win........ Martin - ----- Original Message ----- From: Francisco Navarro To: Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 1999 6:08 AM Subject: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? > According to PC1 Tales of The Wee Folk, King Oberon and his Court stay > mainly in the Dreamland, located in the Alfheim forest. With the Shadow Elf > conquest of Alfheim, whatever happened to the Fairy Court? > > Here are my ideas on the matter: > > 1. They are still there. The Dreamlands after all don't belong completely in > the Prime Plane, and exist somewhere between dimensions. The faeries don't > have the same understanding as mortals do with regards to geography or > politics, and they would still play their games and pranks on the new > inhabitants of the forest, although they find these elves less fun than the > old elves. > > 2. They moved to Glantri. What other great place to move to than a land > where the Immortals have little or no real hold in the everyday lives? Two > places are most probably: Erewan, whose forests are the closest thing to the > old Alfheim setting, and the Kaelic principalities of Klantyre and Fenswick, > where the culture is not unfamiliar to the Fair Folk (i.e. Leprechauns and > the Shakespearean Fairy Court would be right at home!). Imagine the Erewan > elves find new and mysterious allies among the woodland-loving faeries, > especially against the humanoid raids ("Ooooh! Bad gobwin! Bad gobwin!"). > Imagine also how Princess Dolores or Prince Brannart/Angus would react when > a horde of pixies, sprites, pookas, changelings and sidhes decide to make > their lands a more "fun!" place. ("What do you mean there's a rainbow in my > courtyard?!") Actually, I think the only former would be furious, but Angus > would be tickled pink! > > Another option is that Oberon, Titania, or another sidhe leader (Perhaps the > old King and Queen decided to pass on...) would appear before the Council of > Princes and request to be recognized as "The Fourteenth Principality". Since > the new Dreamlands would not be on the same plane, they would not really > take up any actual land space in Glantri, perhaps only a few mounds or > mushroom rings or stonehenges here and there. > > 3. They moved to Wendar. This is the next forest realm after Erewan, and is > a lot larger, although a lot colder. I don't know much about Wendar, but I > don't think the faeries would have that much fun there. > > 4. They move to Karameikos. Specifically in Krakatos, near the Karameikan > School of Magecraft. Master Terari would be sure to welcome the Fair Folk > and their new brand of magic. But this might give too much advantage of the > Karameikan School over the Great School of Magic in Glantri (which IMO is > still the better school in Mystara!) > > 5. They move to the isalnd kingdoms: Ierendi, Pearl Islands, and/or Ochalea. > Ierendi: Faeries of vacation! Sun! Surf! Fantasy Isalnd! Fun! Pearl Islands: > Dawn of Emperors mentions the Nuari like the fun-loving sprites. Ochalea: > Dawn of Emperors mentions that Ochaleans dislike sprites and possibly other > faeries. They are probably apprehensive about the fairy spirits' propensity > for mischief, trickery, and sometimes maloevolence. What better place for > the faeries to have fun in, than among the reserved stuck-up Ochaleans? > > 6. They are gone. The Immortals' final revenge? No fun! No fun! Play again! > > Tell me what you think. > > Kit Navarro > > > > > *************************************************************************** > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. > *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 15:16:48 +0800 From: "Francisco Navarro" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? wrote: >Given the loss of influence of Erewan and the ascendance of Dolores, I would >think such a plan [of the Faerie Court to move into Glantri is] unlikely in the Almanac era (AC 1010-1013). >They might have a better chance once Dolores is disposed of. I was thinking, it would be ironic if those puny little faeries themselves would be the moving force against Dolores' campaign for chaos in Glantri. The faeries don't follow the same rules or thinking as mortals or even the present Immortals. They wouldn't be unfraid to go up against "the big bwack dwagon pwincess", not knowning just how vicious or dangerous she is. And, with a lot of good luck (which the Fair Folk never run out of!) they just might make a difference. Alternately, the pookas and other shapeshifters might find a home in Morlay-Malinbois among the lycanthropes. >> 3. They moved to Wendar. This is the next forest realm after Erewan, and is >> a lot larger, although a lot colder. I don't know much about Wendar, but I >> don't think the faeries would have that much fun there. >I think they might -- Wendar is basically an elvish/Nordic realm. The only >problem with the fairies going there is that they would have to pass through >Glantri to get there. Not really, the Faeries don't follow the same rules of time and space, and can probably get through to Wendar without going through Glantri. >You overlooked yet another possibility -- that the Immortals might intervene >and move them to the Hollow World. Intervene for the mortal woodland races, yes. But intervene for the faeries? I don't think so. There's still some sore feelings between the present Immortals and these immortal faeries who believe they've been around longer than these "Immowtal mowtals". But, DOH! I forgot! The faeries do have a ticket to the Hollow World! HWR1 Sons of Azca! Titania, Queen of the Known World Faeries is the sister of Xochiquetzal, Fairy Queen of the Azcans! Surely, good ol' Xochi wouldn't mind a whole court of outerworld faeries to bunk up in her forests for say... a century? (What is a century in fairy time?) Ah, but would the Immortals, especially Quetzalcotal/Atruaghin take notice of these great fairy migrations? They might even intervene to prevent it! ("That Featheh Suhpent Immowtal is so wude! He won't wet us stay in his wittle fowest!") >But since I would prefer to believe that the fairies and other woodland races >would resist Immortal interference and prefer to remain in the outer world, >here is my take on where they go: Good point on the mortal woodland creatures! But many of them would have a choice to get help from their Alfheim allies, the Immortals, or get help from their faerie friends. This might be a cause of conflict between the Immortals and the faeries though... Heh-heh! It makes you wonder, if there was a great migration of faeries and leprechauns and pookas and dryads and drakes and hsiao, going on, it seems to be a pretty smooth operation, with none of the mortals, or even Immortals, taking notice of it. Well, the faeries have been always that good at hiding! Hmmm.... maybe it's time for some rouge redcap to whisper something into Princess Dolores' ear... something about a Men-in-Black-type Ghost-Busting operation... Heh-heh Kit Navarro "Oh, but you know what would be an even better substitue for that spell component, Princess? Fairy's blood!" --overheard from Princess Dolores' boxseat at the Glantrian opera *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 15:17:16 +0200 (CEST) From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?H=E5vard_R=F8nne_Faanes?= Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? On Wed, 8 Sep 1999, Francisco Navarro wrote: > According to PC1 Tales of The Wee Folk, King Oberon and his Court stay > mainly in the Dreamland, located in the Alfheim forest. With the Shadow Elf > conquest of Alfheim, whatever happened to the Fairy Court? IMO, there was always an outer plane called Faerie with gates to Alfheim among other places. As Aflheim started dying most woodland creatures escaped to Faerie and closed the gates behind them. Some new gates were probably opened elsewhere (Dymrak, Wendar, Norwold etc). This leaves only one problem and that is the dryads(Not the Hamadryads, but the other ones). One or _more_ of the following may be true: 1) Dryads were killed when their soultrees died. 2) Dryads' soultrees were moved to Faerie, the Hollow World or elsewhere in the Known World through Immortal intervension. 3) Some of the Dryads were corrupted by the same force that corrupted their soul trees, creating a new race of entropic dryads...sounds neat eh? :) Håvard Haavard R. Faanes ( "Remember, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people." -Mr Garrison, South Park. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 09:44:43 -0500 (CDT) From: (Ron Rogers) Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? I figure the Fair Folk ended up in Karameikos, in the Callarii, Vyalia, and Alfheim immigrant lands. Their main base is probably near the Lake of Lost Dreams. CronoCloud (Ron Rogers) *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 22:59:21 +0800 From: "Francisco Navarro" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? - -----Original Message----- From: Håvard Rønne Faanes >IMO, there was always an outer plane called Faerie with gates to Alfheim > among other places. Ah! I think something like this was mentioned by that Silver Princess adventure, right? A realm called Faerie? >This leaves only one problem and that is the dryads Seems like everyone's more concerned with them dryads than them faeries... Were you all charmed by some dryads in the past or something? :))) >3) Some of the Dryads were corrupted by the same force that corrupted > their soul trees, creating a new race of entropic dryads...sounds neat eh? :) Very neat! A great intro for the shrai (or something like that), some evil undead dryad, mentioned in Shawn Stanley's site... Kit Navarro *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 08:45:43 -0700 From: Patrick Sullivan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? >1) Dryads were killed when their soultrees died. But their soultrees haven't died. At least not yet. They underwent a very slow corruption, giving the dryads a chance to escape, no matter how painful the task of breaking the bond. >3) Some of the Dryads were corrupted by the same force that corrupted >their soul trees, creating a new race of entropic dryads...sounds neat eh? >:) But the Shadow Elves didn't corrupt the Canolbarth with entropic magic, did they? There wasn't even a significant entropic presence in their culture until they retook Oenkmar. Remember, the Canolbarth was always a dark, frightening looking forest to those from outside. Now it's just been altered to make it look more frightening to the Alfheimers and more welcoming to the Shadow Elves. Personally, I think this wasn't entropic magic, but basically controlled radiation which twisted the forest. The lack of water is the far more serious threat, but that wouldn't turn the Dryads toward entropy. Patrick *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 09:16:20 -0700 (PDT) From: Shane Henry Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm - --- Patrick Sullivan wrote: > >We already have a Persia. That is what Hule > essentially is, correct? > Hule is closer to Turkey than Persia. Yeah, Hule is portrayed as being similar to Ottoman-era Turkey, but there is one Persian (Iranian) element, in that the Master is depicted in illustrations as the RW Ayatollah Khomeini (X10, p41, 42), which suggests that the designers were inspired by RW Shia fundamentalism (feared and despised by most Americans in the early '80s) for the "feel" of Hule's hagiarchy. Shane __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 11:31:59 -0500 From: "Ed Paynter" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Looking for playtesters I'm even later.... > I know I'm late, but.. > On Thu, 2 Sep 1999 09:11:39 EDT, wrote: > > < The spreadsheet is about populating dominions and levying tax income (at > least page #1 of the spreadsheet). I've added a number of new features to > that first page (farming technology, government corruption, charity, and > racial/ethnic demographics), which are the parts that need a second look. > Other pages deal with armies, roads, ports, ships (etc). Any takers?>> Mind if I give it a look as well? > Hey Bruce, that's incredible! I DID THAT TOO about three months ago!!! > My Excel dominion sheet has everything you put in your Dragon articles, > including costs for mantaining the army, income derived from selling food > in surplus, cities income, and I've also created a whole spreadsheet for > the army, the navy and their Warmachine values! It has also another > spreadsheet where u can draw your dominion and place cities and terrain! > Unfortunately for you guys, it's everything in Italian.. ;) I'd be interested in looking at yours, too, DM... Myrkul of the Mystics (Ed Paynter) *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 20:24:33 +0200 From: Jamuga Khan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - SE, MJews? > I wouldn't say the use of the word "holocaust" is anachronistic, since > the word has been in the English language since the Middle Ages. It's > only recently been applied to a "nuclear devastation". The etymology > is: > > Middle English "holocaust" > > Old French "holocauste" > > Late Latin "holocaustum" > > Greek "holokauston" = 'burnt whole'/'completely burned' > > It originally refered to a sacrifice by fire. > > Shane You might be astonished but this "holocaust" was neither used nor even known in Germany until a US TV series was shown about the "3.Reich" around late 70ties/early 80ties (IIRC) which beared exactly that title. Back in these days I wondered what "holocaust" had to do with this event in our history which were called "Judenmord", "Voelkermord" or (to use a word which originated in Latin) "Genozid" before. Since then "Holocaust" has become much more popular as most Germans seem to be fascinated by anglizisms (not exactly to my delight!). Jamuga Khan *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 20:25:30 +0200 From: Jamuga Khan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Death of a cartographer...or so you think thibault sarlat wrote: > > fortunately our little scheme to invade the known world was not > discovered Jamuga. You must not rely on Bill's recreating fancyfully > written mailing program either. > Our next move would have to charm our administrator, then feeblemind > him in order to control the flux of information.Then mystara will be > ours.... > hahahahahaha (Barglelike laugh). > oops , we're discovered.Run mighty Khan , run (or ride , > whatever) me at riversi...Kaboom!!!!!(divine intervention) > > > Alas , our beloved cartographer has perished...,victim of the Wrath of > the Administrator (WotA from now on). > but don't worry he hid some special clones of himself in many deep and > secret places all aroud Mystara. (that's why he got access to so many > unknown maps...);he will be back soon.And he's gonna kick some > butts...(after all being a 36th level wizard bring some good ). > > Clenarius. Hm, wasn't there this little problem of becoming mad once there will be more than one "version" awaken? Please tell me: Since when do you have your clones? ;-) Jamuga Khan "Hear and obey, because the Mighty Khan's word is law!" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 20:26:08 +0200 From: Jamuga Khan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Thyatis's backyard > Greetings. > > A good friend of mine, who also owns most Mystara material, was telling > me recently how unbelievable he thought it was that Thyatis did not > control the Known World region. "If I was the emperor, no way I'd let > all these little backwater nations stay independent right behind me, if > I was the ruler of a world-spanning empire!" was the gist of his > argument. My counter-argument I present to you, all self-acknowledged > experts I'm sure on the subject, so I can make sure I'm standing on > solid ground. I'll go over each nation in detail... > > The first thing to remember, though, is that while advanced due to > magic, armies still suffer all the troubles of today, including > deployment, logistics, supply lines, and so forth. Land armies of > infantry and cavalry require good quality roads for fast travel, and > must either forage for food or have considerable aid from clerical magic > to stay fed. Sea armies have similar problems, and usually must take > ports for repairs, and are of little use for invasion, unless > transporting troops. Air-based armies, despite the various Air Corps and > other magical-based armies, are still uncommon and likely to be used > sparingly. > > 1) Karameikos/Tralandara - Thyatis DID conquer this area, but they only > took the major coastal cities. Likely Tralandara had a dark reputation, > and the Thyatian commander probably couldn't have convinced his men to > go trekking into forests rumored to be filled with vampires and > werecreatures. It would have consumed too much military power to do more > than this. > > 2) Ylaruam - Thyatis and Alphatia did vie for this territory in the > past, likely because it is a good area for invasion of Thyatis by foot, > not to mention a foothold on the Known World region. In the modern era, > though, the Ylari are excellent and fearsome warriors, nearly all > mounted, and well versed in desert survival and sniping tactics. Taking > Ylaruam now would be a costly invasion at best for Thyatis, and they'd > never hold it for long. Alphatia would face similar trouble. > > 3) Rockhome - This, simply put, is the Dwarves homeland. Thyatis would > have no hope of breaking their defenses, which were in place long before > Thyatis even existed. Nor could they ever hold the territory. The > survivalist instinct of Mystaran Dwarves would mean their territories > would always be prepared for the worst, invasion or cataclysm, and they > could always retreat underground beyond the reach of men if they had to. > > 4) Northern Reaches - Thyatis could likely conquer Vestland and the > Soderfjords, but it wouldn't be worth the trouble. Ostland's navy is > very powerful and likely is the primary reason Thyatis is reluctant to > move in this area. Ostland's ships could cause far more trouble to > Thyatian possessions than taking their islands would afford. In > addition, the general wildness of the mainland area, with the high > monster count, means the land would be worthless to hold anyway. If > Thyatis took Norwold, then they'd be able to catch Ostland between > hammer and anvil, but until such a time, the northern regions are hard > nuts to crack, with sour fruit inside. > > 5) Ethengar Khanates - Thyatis would have the same trouble here that > they'd find in Rockhome and Ylaruam... a native people well adapted to > the environment whom would fight fiercely to defend it. In addition, the > lack of any kinds of permanent settlements would mean Thyatis would > never completely control the land. Likely they'd have to establish > strongholds first, which would entail conquering either Vestland or the > Heldannic Territories. (Not likely...) > > 6) Broken Lands - Aside from their fearsome reputation, and general > worthlessness as land, Thyatis would likely see this as best left to > cause their neighbors trouble. Were the humanoids to conquer the > surrounding territories, though, Thyatis would likely have to deal with > Darokin first before being in a position to do Thar any damage. > > 7) Glantri - Thyatis does and had agents in this region during the > nation's forming years, but invasion would be nearly impossible without > going through many intervening lands first, and the mages of Glantri > would prove fearsome opponents. > > 8) Darokin - Darokin's traditionally been the land nobody has wanted > anyway, and it's vast territories would require a lot of manpower to > control and police effectively. The Darokin Diplomatic Corps also likely > give Thyatis the impression that they could control the land if they > wanted to anyway, but it's just not worth the time and trouble to do so. > > 9) Atruaghin Clans - Like Rockhome and Ethengar, the region's natives > know the area well, and the land is of little use to Thyatis. The > Plateau is also impossible to invade without air support. And why > bother? > > 10) The Five Shires - The Shires ARE a rich and valuable country, but > they are also allied with Ierendi, who's navy equals and outdoes > Thyatis. Were Thyatis to overcome these barriers, they'd find that the > Hin are very used to invaders, and will fight for generations if need be > to gain their land back. > > 11) Ierendi - Thyatis did control these islands long ago, but Ierendi > nowadays is the greatest builder of ships and navies, and can easily > counter or block any invasion attempts by sea. > > 12) Minrothad Guilds - The guilds island's are well known for the > inclement weather in the region, which makes invasion difficult. In > addition, the Guilds have proven to be more valuable for commerce than > conquering. > > The real case, I think, is that for the most part, Thyatis has spent > most of it's time competing with Alphatia for territory on the Isle of > Dawn. (Which is far larger and emptier than the Known World, and easier > to establish a foothold on.) So if you can make deals and keep your > neighbors from breathing down your neck, why conquer them? > > Let me know what you think. > > Adamantyr A very good analyze IMHO. When your neighbour are not worth to be conquered AND you have an ongoing squabble with an enemy who has much more power than you it's really better to leave your small neighbours alone. Besides, at least one of them (Ostland) is a part-time ally of Thyatis. Jamuga Khan "Hear and obey, because the Mighty Khan's word is law!" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1999 #377 ******************************** *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara' as the body of the message. mystara-digest Thursday, September 9 1999 Volume 1999 : Number 378 Mystara is a trademark of TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. The following topics are covered in this digest: Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Thyatis's backyard Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm [MYSTARA] - Education and Careers Re: [MYSTARA] - Lot of B12s, but not many B11s [MYSTARA] - A riddle... Re: [MYSTARA] - Looking for playtesters [MYSTARA] - Dominion Spreadsheet -- Playtesters Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? RE: [MYSTARA] - wizards and armor Re: [MYSTARA] - Blackflame RE: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... Re: [MYSTARA] - Blackflame Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? Re: [MYSTARA] - wizards and armor Re: [MYSTARA] - wizards and armor RE: [MYSTARA] - wizards and armor Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm and clones Re: [MYSTARA] - Do not obey the khan anymore... Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? [MYSTARA] - Hasbro to Acquire Wizards of the Coast, Inc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 20:26:45 +0200 From: Jamuga Khan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Thyatis's backyard > There's other reasons, at least now, why Thyatis does not just take > over. The big one is NATO, pardon, the WDL. An invasion of one member > is considered an invasion of them all. I am wondering if either > Minrothad or Ierendi joined the WDL. It would be in thier best interests > to do so. > > Plus Thyatis itself was not in too good of a shape after WOTI. Well, THIS was an understatement!!! Besides, I STILL (!) don't understand why all the high-level spellcasters of Thyatis did not fight against the Thothian plague. (I know, I know, we had this discussion before, but I simply don't understand it.) Jamuga Khan "Hear and obey, because the Mighty Khan's word is law!" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 20:26:55 +0200 From: Jamuga Khan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm > I would also love one of these maps, because theoretically, I am from the > Sylvan Realm, yet have no map of it. Thanks a bunch to whomever can create > one, thib maybe? > > Meltheim the Shadowstalker > Infiltrator to the Immortals > Devotee of Fate > Eyes of the Starwatcher What's with the map from "Tree of Life"? (IIRC my DM repainted it. Looks relative good!) Jamuga Khan "Hear and obey, because the Mighty Khan's word is law!" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 20:27:17 +0200 From: Jamuga Khan Subject: [MYSTARA] - Education and Careers > We should look upon the classes as packages of abilities - like a > graduation at a university - but not necessarily as jobs. Clerics > can become spies or captains, fighters politicians or master-cheesers, > thieves singers or artists, magic-users farmers. And so on and so on... > > In a Star Wars book Mon Mothma said, that the New Republic would not > need a monastic order of Jedis but Jedi-Politicians, Jedi-Judges, > Jedi-Lawyers. To give an answer to my own post: There are three well-known men in Germany (don't be worried when you've never heard of them - probably they're well-known only in Germany). These men are: Manfred Stolpe Juergen Fliege Peter Hahne All three have studied theology, they have graduated and became pastors of the great protestantic church in Germany, the "Evangelische Kirche Deutschlands" (EKD). None of the three still works as a pastor now, but in a completely different job. Stolpe is a politician and rules the country Brandenburg as a Minister President. Fliege is a TV moderator with a daily talk show. Hahne was speaker of a news show on TV and is now moderator of a weekly political TV magazine. Additionally he is a high ranking part of the EKD as he is an elected member of the central council of the EKD. The reference to Mystara and RPG should be clear now: The fact that a (N)PC has learned something (e.g. his class) does not restrict him from anything. Indeed, we have many examples in Mystaran books like Admiral Helena Daphnotartius and General Thyarius Palykratidius (who is a cleric of Vanya mit a LOT more of experience than poor, old Wulf von Klagenfurt). Jamuga Khan "Hear and obey, because the Mighty Khan's word is law!" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 20:27:44 +0200 From: Jamuga Khan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Lot of B12s, but not many B11s > Maybe Big Bill is speculating ....We can sue him for holding up all the good stuff and selling garbage...Then we > offer a mediation , and he say , folks what if i give you the rights for your beloved mystara... > "we love you Bill" > Dream or nightmare?who knowns... > > thib > (i badly need some mushrooms, i am in need...) What's about some dried frog pills? :-) Jamuga Khan "Hear and obey, because the Mighty Khan's word is law!" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 20:28:00 +0200 From: Jamuga Khan Subject: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... Here's a little, er, big, riddle for your poor players. But first you should think for yourself... - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two magic-users convene on the Alexander Glantri Place and start talking. "We've not seen us for a long time now!" "You know, the expeditions and the researches. I can be content if there remains a little time for my family." "I've heard that you have three children?" "Yes, indeed! I have three daughters. Really charming, the whole bunch, and as beauty as her mother." "How old are your daughters?" "If you add their ages, you'll get thirteen, and if you multiply them, you'll get the number of humans who are on this place right now." "This is not sufficient!" "You're right! I have to remark that my oldest daughter's best friend is a lupin." "O.k., that's enough." How old are the three daughters? - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jamuga Khan "Hear and obey, because the Mighty Khan's word is law!" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 13:35:23 -0500 From: "Ed Paynter" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Looking for playtesters > > Mind if I give it a look as well? Err.... how about my email, too? Here : Myrkul says, bowing slightly, "Most humble apologies for my friend, here. He gets ahead of himself at times, especially when he is at work and reading MML instead of fixing webpages." Myrkul (Ed) > > Hey Bruce, that's incredible! I DID THAT TOO about three months ago!!! > > My Excel dominion sheet has everything you put in your Dragon articles, > > including costs for mantaining the army, income derived from selling food > > in surplus, cities income, and I've also created a whole spreadsheet for > > the army, the navy and their Warmachine values! It has also another > > spreadsheet where u can draw your dominion and place cities and terrain! > > Unfortunately for you guys, it's everything in Italian.. ;) > > I'd be interested in looking at yours, too, DM... > > Myrkul of the Mystics > (Ed Paynter) > > > *************************************************************************** > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. > *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 15:17:41 EDT From: Subject: [MYSTARA] - Dominion Spreadsheet -- Playtesters Greetings! So far I've had a good number of volunteers for the playtest. I hope I haven't missed anyone. If you have asked for the file and haven't received anything from me at this point, please ask again. I may have missed your e-mail. Thanks again! Marco also wrote: >>Hey Bruce, that's incredible! I DID THAT TOO about three months ago!!!<< Okay then, we'll trade technology secrets! (No fair, your stuff's all in Italian! I ought to translate mine into French!) :D Bruce *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 17:48:37 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? Look, since I'm the only one from the Faerie Realm, I think you all should listen up here. The evil forces of the Unseelie Court are trying to take over the Known World, and only the secret army of the Arcadian people known as the Alkalians have the powers to stop them. The entity known as the Wyrm are everywhere, and only through Truesight are the Infiltrators, such as myself, able to repel these attacks without those of this plane knowing about it. We exist in the dreamworld, and through the dreams of men, we are able to enter their minds and control their bodies. As of now, I am the one known as Meltheim, but once my mission is completed, I shall return to my homeland in the Sylvan Realm, where I will receive new orders, and assume a new identity. Meltheim the Shadowstalker Infiltrator to the Immortals Devotee of Fate Eyes of the Starwatcher *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 16:58:28 -0700 From: "Harvey, Michael" Subject: RE: [MYSTARA] - wizards and armor > Um, I hate to get picky about this but the Armor spell does > basically the same thing. Is Armor an AD&D spell? Mike *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 02:13:39 +0100 From: Thorfinn Tait Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Blackflame On Wed, 8 Sep 1999 DM wrote: >That's a DAMN COOL idea, Thorf! Thanx for putting the pieces together. I'll >go with this explanation for my treatise.. ;) Thanks. I thought it might be a little too simple, because I've never really read the Five Shires gazetteer much... ><are you confining it to D&D demihumans?>> > >well, gnome IS a D&D demihuman (PC2), so I'm adding them too to my file, >basically going with what YOU proposed a long time ago. The problem will be >to explain HOW the machinery becomes a relic.. That's great. I'll be happy to help you make up some more details of the relic if you need them. I'm not sure what format you want to do it in, though. Do you want to look at the other relics and draw a parallel for the gnomish one, so it fits in? Thorf. ========================================= "All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost." Thorfinn Unofficial Keeper of the Offical Timeline ========================================= *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 10:26:43 +0800 From: "Murphy, Jason" Subject: RE: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... the answer is 2 2 and 9 Jason Murphy Software Engineer MITS Limited EMAIL: PHONE: 08 9481 4066 FAX: 08 9481 4064 > -----Original Message----- > From: Jamuga Khan [] > Sent: Thursday, September 09, 1999 2:28 AM > To: > Subject: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... > > Here's a little, er, big, riddle for your poor players. > But first you should think for yourself... > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Two magic-users convene on the Alexander Glantri Place and > start talking. > > "We've not seen us for a long time now!" > > "You know, the expeditions and the researches. I can be content > if there remains a little time for my family." > > "I've heard that you have three children?" > > "Yes, indeed! I have three daughters. Really charming, the > whole bunch, and as beauty as her mother." > > "How old are your daughters?" > > "If you add their ages, you'll get thirteen, and if you multiply them, > you'll get the number of humans who are on this place right now." > > "This is not sufficient!" > > "You're right! I have to remark that my oldest daughter's best friend is > a lupin." > > "O.k., that's enough." > > How old are the three daughters? > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > > Jamuga Khan > > > "Hear and obey, because the Mighty Khan's word is law!" > ************************************************************************** > * > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 01:49:45 +0100 From: "Paul George Dooley" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Blackflame > Contrary to popular opinion, not all demi-humans have "relics". Gnomes > in particular don't have a relic, Unless you want to consider that > atrocious clock from CM7, which I don't. In all my Gnomish stuff, they > don't have/use relics, or if they had thaem at some point, the > ever-industrious Gnomes blew them up, or dismantled them :) > Naw! C'mon give them a relic. the fabled 'Gnomish Workbench' is my personal fave. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 00:54:22 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? In a message dated 1999-09-08 08:54:38 Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > Not really, the Faeries don't follow the same rules of time and space, and > can probably get through to Wendar without going through Glantri. In that case they could even be in the Sylvan Realm -- I had assumed that they had to walk or fly to wherever they eventually settled. With no such limitations, the Sylvan Realm would be the most logical destination for them. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 00:54:28 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - wizards and armor In a message dated 9/8/99 7:59:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << Is Armor an AD&D spell? Mike >> Unfortunately yes, it is. IIRC though, the Shadow Elves Gaz had a spell in it that resembled the Armor spell. Anyone? Jim Bobb ICQ# 39382805 "A dragon??? I waste it with my hand crossbow!!!" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 01:20:13 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - wizards and armor Oh, this brings one of my biggest peeves into view: making wizards into fighters. Each class has a balance that has been tested for years so that no one class is all powerful or makes another class unneeded. Adventuring groups should have at least twice as many fighter types for every mage in the party. Why? Beacuse they NEED to be protected, especially at lower levels. Want spellcasting and armor? Play an elf. They have no weapon or armor restrictions, but they lose the ability to gain the highest levels of spells. When you allow the mage in the group begin to wear armor, he becomes less reliant on the fighters to protect him and will be prone to charge into melee with his 4 hit points after he exhausts his magic instead of hanging back and using missiles from behind his protectors. Great power awaits those of the mage class if they keep their wits and use the magic at their disposal wisely. Magical protective items will be found soon enough and if not, the mages' spells and ability to enchant his own items will allow him to win out over the AC problem soon enough. When does a bookworm find time to learn how to effectively use armor anyway? It takes a mage all his time to train to 1st level when he begins adventuring...where does one find the time to learn how to use armor to deflect an axe blow? Armor isn't proactive, it is useless if you just wait for the blow. A warrior is trained how to shift so his armor gives him maximum coverage and absorption of the strike against it. A mage is trained to stay BEHIND that warrior so he is protected...makes sense, eh? All this said, I don't find it unreasonable to allow mages to wear hides (AC 8) or leather armor (AC7), as these are more designed to cushion strikes against them and take no real training to learn to wear effectively. But the more substancial armor I forbid mages IMC to use, since they are part of the Warrior's Art. Mages are NOT weak, even at low levels. Witty and innovative use of the few spells they have is what can be the difference between defeat and victory. IMHO and from IMC. Jim Bobb ICQ# 39382805 "A dragon??? I waste it with my hand crossbow!!!" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 13:51:27 +0800 From: "Murphy, Jason" Subject: RE: [MYSTARA] - wizards and armor > All this said, I don't find it unreasonable to allow mages to wear hides > (AC > 8) or leather armor (AC7), as these are more designed to cushion strikes > against them and take no real training to learn to wear effectively. But > the > more substancial armor I forbid mages IMC to use, since they are part of > the > Warrior's Art. > > Mages are NOT weak, even at low levels. Witty and innovative use of the > few > spells they have is what can be the difference between defeat and victory. > > IMHO and from IMC. > > Jim Bobb > ICQ# 39382805 > [MURPHY Jason] My sentiments exactly. Mages dont wear armour and fighters dont cast spells simple as that. Sure my group has toyed with some hybrid classes and Paladins etc, where a standard class recieves the abilities of some other classes, but this is always on a quid pro quo basis, if they gain some particular ability then they will also get some kind of disadvantage. And when a character chooses to have a paladin you better believe i make them role play all the disadvantages correctly or else suffer consequences. ie loss of immortal favour, loss of experience. And as for mages being week at low levels, well lets just say i gained alot of respect for a fellow gamer playing a mage with only a ventriloquism, and floating disc spell for his first 2 levels. His intelligent use of the spells and good humour created alot of fun and believe it or not was instumental in solving several sticky situations. I guess that is the difference between hack and slash, and genuine role play. Jason Murphy Software Engineer MITS Limited EMAIL: PHONE: 08 9481 4066 FAX: 08 9481 4064 *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 11:00:13 +0200 From: sharlene Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm and clones about the maps of the CM7 , let me finish my exams (the next one would be this afternoon).then i will move my stuff to my new place and then , once return to my country place this week-end i would make the map available.but i do not think judge it great, the scale is 2 miles per hex and i don't like it.but anyway i would make it for you all. As for my clones, dear jamuga, they are many of them because they come from a 9th level special clone spell taken from a forgotten realm supplement "zenthil keep" and let it be known that this clones can be updated by touch.Anyway if you want it i would post it to the mml so that we can discuss it. thib *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 11:09:30 +0200 From: sharlene Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Do not obey the khan anymore... like cartman would say: "ok, that's it dude, sc... you, i'm going home" next time i would meet an ethengar , i would turn him into frog.So don't wander too close around my place... ;-)) *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 13:24:09 +0200 (CEST) From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?H=E5vard_R=F8nne_Faanes?= Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm On Wed, 8 Sep 1999, Jamuga Khan wrote: > What's with the map from "Tree of Life"? > > (IIRC my DM repainted it. Looks relative good!) Could you get it scanned and put on a website? Haavard Haavard R. Faanes ( "Remember, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people." -Mr Garrison, South Park. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 13:46:47 +0200 (CEST) From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?H=E5vard_R=F8nne_Faanes?= Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? On Wed, 8 Sep 1999, Francisco Navarro wrote: > Ah! I think something like this was mentioned by that Silver Princess > adventure, right? A realm called Faerie? Not sure where I got it from. Could be it? > Seems like everyone's more concerned with them dryads than them faeries... > Were you all charmed by some dryads in the past or something? :))) Hehe, Other than that, the Dryads are the most difficult ones to transport. Btw, I have some really nice friendly dryad NPCs in my campaign...good reason to join if you ever come to Norway :) > >3) Some of the Dryads were corrupted by the same force that corrupted > > their soul trees, creating a new race of entropic dryads...sounds neat eh? > Very neat! A great intro for the shrai (or something like that), some evil > undead dryad, mentioned in Shawn Stanley's site... Sounds like a good idea. Where exactly can these critters be found? There is so much stuff in Shawns website.. Håvard Haavard R. Faanes ( "Remember, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people." -Mr Garrison, South Park. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 13:50:32 +0200 (CEST) From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?H=E5vard_R=F8nne_Faanes?= Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? On Wed, 8 Sep 1999, Patrick Sullivan wrote: > >1) Dryads were killed when their soultrees died. > But their soultrees haven't died. At least not yet. They underwent a very > slow corruption, giving the dryads a chance to escape, no matter how painful > the task of breaking the bond. Is breaking the bound possible at any time of a Dryads life? I dont remember what PC1 says on this, but i'd imagine that breaking the bound becomes more difficult as time goes by... (ofcourse, once again you could have Immortal intervension.) > >3) Some of the Dryads were corrupted by the same force that corrupted > >their soul trees, creating a new race of entropic dryads...sounds neat eh? > >:) > But the Shadow Elves didn't corrupt the Canolbarth with entropic magic, did > they? There wasn't even a significant entropic presence in their culture > until they retook Oenkmar. Remember, the Canolbarth was always a dark, > frightening looking forest to those from outside. Now it's just been > altered to make it look more frightening to the Alfheimers and more > welcoming to the Shadow Elves. Personally, I think this wasn't entropic > magic, but basically controlled radiation which twisted the forest. The > lack of water is the far more serious threat, but that wouldn't turn the > Dryads toward entropy. Remember that wherever decay or corruption is involved, Entropy is invoced. So even if this was a result of Radiation (Which is basically made up of Energy), the Entropic element is available. Besides, introducing BAD dryads is an idea I really liked. :) Haavard Haavard R. Faanes ( "Remember, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people." -Mr Garrison, South Park. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 09:24:05 EDT From: Subject: [MYSTARA] - Hasbro to Acquire Wizards of the Coast, Inc Hasbro to Acquire Wizards of the Coast, Inc PAWTUCKET, R.I.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 9, 1999--Hasbro, Inc. (NYSE:HAS) and Wizards of the Coast, Inc. announced today that they have entered into a definitive agreement for Hasbro to acquire Wizards of the Coast, the world's largest publisher of hobby games and a leading publisher of fantasy and science fiction literature. The purchase price is approximately $325 million, subject to adjustment based on the audited net assets of Wizards of the Coast at closing, and certain contingent payment rights. The waiting period under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act has expired, and the transaction is expected to be completed by the end of September of 1999. Privately-held Wizards of the Coast was founded in 1990 by Peter D. Adkison, and is best known for MAGIC: THE GATHERING, the world's all-time best-selling trading card game. Since its release in 1993, more than six million players worldwide have embraced this game, which is now available in 10 languages and played in more than 52 countries. Other well-known products include the popular POKEMON trading card game, currently the number-one game in the U.S., and the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS roleplaying games. The company also sponsors a worldwide tournament program for hobby game enthusiasts, owns and operates almost 70 retail game establishments and operates the Wizards of the Coast Game Center in Seattle, the first gaming environment and entertainment center for adventure gaming enthusiasts of all ages. "Wizards of the Coast will enable us to significantly expand in the fast-growing games arena, which is a cornerstone of our growth strategy for the new millennium," said Alan G. Hassenfeld, Chairman and CEO of Hasbro, Inc. "This acquisition brings us not only incredibly popular content and exciting future gaming initiatives, but also a visionary senior management team and creative talent, expanded distribution channels and an opportunity to participate in location-based entertainment. There is no end to the opportunities we see from cross-fertilization of our respective game portfolios, including the fast-growing areas of interactive software and on-line gaming. Plus, the year-round nature of these businesses will help to balance the seasonality of our diversified portfolio," Hassenfeld continued. "We are very excited about this merger of the world's two greatest game companies," said Peter D. Adkison, President and CEO of Wizards of the Coast. "We are proud to become part of the Hasbro tradition and culture, and look forward to working together to build on the strength of Hasbro's rich library of intellectual properties," Adkison added. Shareholders owning over two-thirds of the Wizards of the Coast outstanding shares, representing more than the required minimum approval, have agreed to vote their shares in favor of this merger at the shareholders' meeting which is expected to take place on or about September 30, 1999. Peter Adkison and his senior management team will continue to run Wizards of the Coast, which will remain based just outside of Seattle. This transaction is expected to have no material impact on Hasbro's earnings per share in 1999 and to be accretive in the year 2000 and beyond. Hasbro is a worldwide leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of toys, games, interactive software, puzzles and infant products. Both internationally and in the U.S., its PLAYSKOOL, KENNER, TONKA, ODDZON, SUPER SOAKER, MILTON BRADLEY, PARKER BROTHERS, TIGER, HASBRO INTERACTIVE, and GALOOB products provide children and families with the highest quality and most recognizable toys and games in the world. Wizards of the Coast, Inc., the worldwide market share leader in the trading card game and tabletop roleplaying game categories, is a leading developer and publisher of game-based entertainment products as well as the owner and operator of one of the nation's largest specialty game retail chains. The company holds an exclusive patent on the play mechanic of trading card games (TCGs) and produces the world's best-selling POKEMON(1) and MAGIC: THE GATHERING TCGs. Publisher of adventure games such as the classic DUNGEONS & DRAGONS games, family card and board games and electronic media products, Wizards of the Coast is also one of the world's leading fantasy and science fiction book publishers. The company has retail locations that provide game-play areas. Headquartered near Seattle, Washington, Wizards of the Coast has international offices in Antwerp, Paris, Milan, London and Beijing. For more information on Wizards of the Coast, visit the company's website and electronic retail store at . Certain statements contained in this release contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements are inherently subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties. The Company's actual actions or results may differ materially from those expected or anticipated in the forward-looking statements. Specific factors that might cause such a difference include, but are not limited to, the timely manufacture and shipping by the Company of new and continuing products and their acceptance by customers and consumers in a competitive product environment; economic conditions, currency fluctuations and government regulation and other actions in the various markets in which the Company operates throughout the world; the inventory policies of retailers, including the continuing trend of concentration of the Company's revenues in the second half and fourth quarter of the year, together with increased reliance by retailers on quick response inventory management techniques, which increases the risk of underproduction of popular items, overproduction of less popular items and failure to achieve tight and compressed shipping schedules; the impact of competition on revenues, margins and other aspects of the Company's business; the Company's incurring higher than expected costs to achieve, or not achieving, "Year 2000" readiness with respect to the Company's systems, or the Company's customers, vendors or service providers failing to achieve such readiness; and the risk that anticipated benefits of acquisitions or the Company's Global Integration and Profit Enhancement program may not occur or be delayed or reduced in their realization. The Company undertakes no obligation to make any revisions to the forward-looking statements contained in this release or to update them to reflect events or circumstances occurring after the date of this release. (1)(c)1995, 1996 and 1998 Nintendo, Creatures, GAMEFREAK. Pokemon and Game Boy are trademarks of Nintendo. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1999 #378 ******************************** *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara' as the body of the message. mystara-digest Thursday, September 9 1999 Volume 1999 : Number 379 Mystara is a trademark of TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. The following topics are covered in this digest: Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm Re: [MYSTARA] - OT -- Staying online (was RPG reality) Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast Re: [MYSTARA] - OT -- Staying online (was RPG reality) [MYSTARA] - Hasbro To Acquire Wizards Of The Coast, Inc. Re: [MYSTARA] - Hasbro to Acquire Wizards of the Coast, Inc Re: [MYSTARA] - Hasbro to Acquire Wizards of the Coast, Inc [MYSTARA] - SE, MJews? [MYSTARA] - Re: wizards and armor Re: [MYSTARA] - Hasbro to Acquire Wizards of the Coast, Inc Re: [MYSTARA] - Hasbro to Acquire Wizards of the Coast, Inc Re: [MYSTARA] - Re: wizards and armor Re: Just Say No to WotI (was Re: [MYSTARA] - Maps--Darokin) Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Victor's poem Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? [MYSTARA] - Orcs of Thar Re: Just Say No to WotI (was Re: [MYSTARA] - Maps--Darokin) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 10:04:38 -0400 From: "Christian Constantin" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm >>We already have a Persia. That is what Hule essentially is, correct? >> >>As far as Babylonia, Assyria, and even the Phoenicians, that would be very >interesting. > > >Hule is closer to Turkey than Persia. I agree with that since I've developped Hule along the lines of the Ottoman Empire >I agree that the others would be very >interesting, but I'm not sure how well they'd fit considering that there are >supposed to be powerful barbarians to the north of Hule, so they'd have to >be pretty isolated. Nimmur is fairly similar to Babylon or Assyria, BTW. > In fact all the Yalu Bay/Arm of the Immortal area gives a strong impression of being inspired by RW Middle-East and the Western Coast of the Indian Ocean. However, it could be hard to plant some Phoenicians in the region since the people of the Savage Baronnies already control much of the maritime trade done in the area. Christian "Krieg!" Constantin *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 10:04:43 -0400 From: "Christian Constantin" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Sylvan Realm >> Hule is closer to Turkey than Persia. > >Yeah, Hule is portrayed as being similar to Ottoman-era Turkey, but >there is one Persian (Iranian) element, in that the Master is depicted >in illustrations as the RW Ayatollah Khomeini (X10, p41, 42), which >suggests that the designers were inspired by RW Shia fundamentalism >(feared and despised by most Americans in the early '80s) for the >"feel" of Hule's hagiarchy. > Yes, they were probably inspired by the actuality of the Eighties when Iran's religious militants were at their zenith, just like the publication of the Yougoslav-like City-States corresponded to the war between Serbia and Croatia (or was it the war in Bosnia?). However, I think that Persia and Iran have far more to offer for Mystara than the outfit of the Master (which clearly Khomeini's caricature) and religious extremism. Christian "Krieg!" Constantin *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 19:17:54 +0200 From: Jamuga Khan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - OT -- Staying online (was RPG reality) > In the US it is possible to get plans with your ISP and with your phone > company that allow unlimited usage of each -- although in the case of > the phone company it is limited to local calls. So for Americans whose > local access numbers are local calls, staying online for four hours is not > especially expensive. Sniff! :,-( And I thought it were a mere rumour... Jamuga Khan "Hear and obey, because the Mighty Khan's word is law!" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 19:18:06 +0200 From: Jamuga Khan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Savage Coast > After putting down a few bucks on X9, I was not impressed to see that it > didn't really cover the savage coast _at all_, just gave a few maps, and > some new creatures, but none of the countries detailed in the PA series was > covered. > > Anyway, is there any oD&D source material for the SC besides the Dragon > articles? > > Ethan I have made some thought WHEN to place X9. My conclusion was that the proper time to play is some years before the savage baronies were founded. Of course, most SC countries already existed at that time but if you study the map thoroughly you will notice that there is not one event in any of the civilized lands. When we see X9 as the description of some adventurers who missed the civilized lands by accident it might work - more or less. Of course it would be wise for a Dungeon Master to read all he can about the other lands as HIS WILL land at the shores of Eusdria, Robrenn, Bellayne, Renardy and Herath for sure. Jamuga Khan "Hear and obey, because the Mighty Khan's word is law!" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 18:25:53 +0100 From: "Hoddie" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - OT -- Staying online (was RPG reality) There is now a UK company offering free internet access and evening/weekend phone calls. Great news for the Brits... Hoddie > > In the US it is possible to get plans with your ISP and with your phone > > company that allow unlimited usage of each -- although in the case of > > the phone company it is limited to local calls. So for Americans whose > > local access numbers are local calls, staying online for four hours is not > > especially expensive. > > Sniff! :,-( > > And I thought it were a mere rumour... > > > > Jamuga Khan *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 13:34:42 EDT From: Subject: [MYSTARA] - Hasbro To Acquire Wizards Of The Coast, Inc. Hasbro, Inc. (ticker: HAS, exchange: The New York Stock Exchange) News Release - Thursday, September 09, 1999 Hasbro To Acquire Wizards Of The Coast, Inc. Pawtucket, RI (September 9, 1999) – Hasbro, Inc. [NYSE:HAS] and Wizards of the Coast, Inc. announced today that they have entered into a definitive agreement for Hasbro to acquire Wizards of the Coast, the world’s largest publisher of hobby games and a leading publisher of fantasy and science fiction literature. The purchase price is approximately $325 million, subject to adjustment based on the audited net assets of Wizards of the Coast at closing, and certain contingent payment rights. The waiting period under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act has expired, and the transaction is expected to be completed by the end of September of 1999. Privately-held Wizards of the Coast was founded in 1990 by Peter D. Adkison, and is best known for MAGIC: THE GATHERING, the world’s all-time best-selling trading card game. Since its release in 1993, more than six million players worldwide have embraced this game, which is now available in 10 languages and played in more than 52 countries. Other well-known products include the popular POKÉMON trading card game, currently the number-one game in the U.S., and the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS roleplaying games. The company also sponsors a worldwide tournament program for hobby game enthusiasts, owns and operates almost 70 retail game establishments and operates the Wizards of the Coast Game Center in Seattle, the first gaming environment and entertainment center for adventure gaming enthusiasts of all ages. “Wizards of the Coast will enable us to significantly expand in the fast-growing games arena, which is a cornerstone of our growth strategy for the new millennium,” said Alan G. Hassenfeld, Chairman and CEO of Hasbro, Inc. “This acquisition brings us not only incredibly popular content and exciting future gaming initiatives, but also a visionary senior management team and creative talent, expanded distribution channels and an opportunity to participate in location-based entertainment. There is no end to the opportunities we see from cross-fertilization of our respective game portfolios, including the fast-growing areas of interactive software and on-line gaming. Plus, the year-round nature of these businesses will help to balance the seasonality of our diversified portfolio,” Hassenfeld continued. “We are very excited about this merger of the world’s two greatest game companies,” said Peter D. Adkison, President and CEO of Wizards of the Coast. “We are proud to become part of the Hasbro tradition and culture, and look forward to working together to build on the strength of Hasbro’s rich library of intellectual properties,” Adkison added. Shareholders owning over two-thirds of the Wizards of the Coast outstanding shares, representing more than the required minimum approval, have agreed to vote their shares in favor of this merger at the shareholders’ meeting which is expected to take place on or about September 30, 1999. Peter Adkison and his senior management team will continue to run Wizards of the Coast, which will remain based just outside of Seattle. This transaction is expected to have no material impact on Hasbro’s earnings per share in 1999 and to be accretive in the year 2000 and beyond. Hasbro is a worldwide leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of toys, games, interactive software, puzzles and infant products. Both internationally and in the U.S., its PLAYSKOOL, KENNER, TONKA, ODDZON, SUPER SOAKER, MILTON BRADLEY, PARKER BROTHERS, TIGER, HASBRO INTERACTIVE, and GALOOB products provide children and families with the highest quality and most recognizable toys and games in the world. Wizards of the Coast, Inc., the worldwide market share leader in the trading card game and tabletop roleplaying game categories, is a leading developer and publisher of game-based entertainment products as well as the owner and operator of one of the nation’s largest specialty game retail chains. The company holds an exclusive patent on the play mechanic of trading card games (TCGs) and produces the world’s best-selling POKÉMON* and MAGIC: THE GATHERING TCGs. Publisher of adventure games such as the classic DUNGEONS & DRAGONS games, family card and board games and electronic media products, Wizards of the Coast is also one of the world’s leading fantasy and science fiction book publishers. The company has retail locations that provide game-play areas. Headquartered near Seattle, Washington, Wizards of the Coast has international offices in Antwerp, Paris, Milan, London and Beijing. For more information on Wizards of the Coast, visit the company’s website and electronic retail store at Certain statements contained in this release contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements are inherently subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties. The Company’s actual actions or results may differ materially from those expected or anticipated in the forward-looking statements. Specific factors that might cause such a difference include, but are not limited to, the timely manufacture and shipping by the Company of new and continuing products and their acceptance by customers and consumers in a competitive product environment; economic conditions, currency fluctuations and government regulation and other actions in the various markets in which the Company operates throughout the world; the inventory policies of retailers, including the continuing trend of concentration of the Company’s revenues in the second half and fourth quarter of the year, together with increased reliance by retailers on quick response inventory management techniques, which increases the risk of underproduction of popular items, overproduction of less popular items and failure to achieve tight and compressed shipping schedules; the impact of competition on revenues, margins and other aspects of the Company’s business; the Company’s incurring higher than expected costs to achieve, or not achieving, “Year 2000” readiness with respect to the Company’s systems, or the Company’s customers, vendors or service providers failing to achieve such readiness; and the risk that anticipated benefits of acquisitions or the Company’s Global Integration and Profit Enhancement program may not occur or be delayed or reduced in their realization. The Company undertakes no obligation to make any revisions to the forward-looking statements contained in this release or to update them to reflect events or circumstances occurring after the date of this release. *©1995, 1996 and 1998 Nintendo, Creatures, GAMEFREAK. Pokémon and Game Boy are trademarks of Nintendo CONTACT: HASBRO: Wayne S. Charness (News Media) 401-727-5983 Renita E. O’Connell (Investor Relations) 401-727-5401 WIZARDS OF THE COAST: Carol S.Knight 425-204-7650 Charlotte T. Skeel 425-204-7683 "Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Statements in this press release regarding Hasbro, Inc.'s business which are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" that involve risks and uncertainties. For a discussion of such risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements, see "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Report or Form 10-K for the most recently ended fiscal year. ©1999 Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 10:37:35 -0700 (PDT) From: "Jenni A. M. Merrifield" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Hasbro to Acquire Wizards of the Coast, Inc On Thu, 9 Sep 1999 wrote: > Hasbro to Acquire Wizards of the Coast, Inc > [...snip...] Erk! Talk about having "business suits" in charge of our favourite RPG... Is anyone else as freaked out by this as I am? Jenni - -- Jenni A. M. Merrifield | Designing to Requirements -=> strawberryJAMM <=- | And Walking on Water | Are Easy if Both | Are Frozen *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 11:21:54 -0500 From: SB Wilson Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Hasbro to Acquire Wizards of the Coast, Inc >> Hasbro to Acquire Wizards of the Coast, Inc >> [...snip...] > > Erk! Talk about having "business suits" in charge of our favourite RPG... >Is anyone else as freaked out by this as I am? In more than one way. Hasbro also owns other famous game companies such as Parker Brothers and Milton Bradley. With WotC under their belt, they have a firm grip on the gaming community. Talk about a monopoly (no pun intended). With no competition, the games of the future could suffer - I'm not saying they *will* suffer, but they could. Should be interesting to see what develops from this. SB Wilson *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 20:02:21 +0200 From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=E0=E9=EC=EF_=F9=E7=ED?= Subject: [MYSTARA] - SE, MJews? >Well, it isn't me who used the word holocaust in the SE Gaz, but the author. Check it out, make a search in the electronic version available freely on TSR's site, the word is used 4 or 5 times throughout the gaz. Heck, it's even in the first verse of Rafiel! I have the Gaz, and it is not the word Holocaust (or holocaust) that bothers me. Its is the fact that it reminded you (you and not me) of THE Holocaust. I can't judge the writer's choise of english words as I am not completely fluent in english. Anyway, as this is getting off topic maybe we should just agree to disagree. >PPS: No, I'm not annoyed at all that MFrench are either insane wizards, bloodthirsty werewolves, or dog-faced humanoids ;) :-) Morphail (Ohad Shaham) "and all the while as vampires feed- I bleed..." /the Pixies *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 14:30:31 -0400 (EDT) From: Je ne sais Rob Subject: [MYSTARA] - Re: wizards and armor On Thu, 9 Sep 1999, mystara-digest wrote: > > And as for mages being week at low levels, well lets just say i > gained alot of respect for a fellow gamer playing a mage with only a > ventriloquism, and floating disc spell for his first 2 levels. His > intelligent use of the spells and good humour created alot of fun and > believe it or not was instumental in solving several sticky situations. I > guess that is the difference between hack and slash, and genuine role play. That is truly impressive. It takes a lot of cojones to go into a dungeon with nothing but a dagger and Floating Disk! I wonder mages are too restricted, especially at low levels. How can you possibly know in advance what spells you're going to need? (Sorry, you'll have to wait until tomorrow to get new spells to save your friend who's been Magic Jarred...) It only encourages low level spell casters to load up on offensive spells like Magic Missle and Sleep and ignore the other spells to the detriment of role playing. ' Maybe something more flexable could be used. Perhaps the mage could memorize a couple of extra spells, and is able to use any of them until he hits the limit for his level (e.g. the level one mage memorizes ventiloquism and magic missle but can only cast one. if a good role play opportunity comes up, he uses ventriloquism, if he runs into trouble, magic missle) When Sri Ramakrishna was asked why, if God is good, is there evil in the world, he replied, ``To thicken the plot.'' "Computers are useless; they can only give you answers." Pablo Picasso "I'm apparently some kind of agent from another planet, but I haven't got my orders decoded yet." William S. Burroughs Robert Fernandez "Plays Well With Others" AIM: Gamaliel8 ICQ: 37895987 *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 14:37:00 -0400 From: John Hofmann Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Hasbro to Acquire Wizards of the Coast, Inc On Thu, 9 Sep 1999 10:37:35 -0700 (PDT) "Jenni A. M. Merrifield" writes: > On Thu, 9 Sep 1999 wrote: > > > Hasbro to Acquire Wizards of the Coast, Inc > > [...snip...] > > Erk! Talk about having "business suits" in charge of our > favourite RPG... > Is anyone else as freaked out by this as I am? > > Jenni I'll wait and see before I start sweating. It's the same thing that everyone said when TSR was bought by Wizards of the Coast. The doomsayers came out, and they were all wrong. I'm sure Wizards isn't going to dump us, and if you read the article, it appears that at least most of the employees of Wizards are going to be kept. Maybe (and this is wishful thinking) Hasbro could be convinced to bring back Mystara. Maybe we should break out the "Save Mystara" petition again when the takeover is made ... just a thought. John Hofmann ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 12:23:09 -0700 (PDT) From: Damon Brown Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Hasbro to Acquire Wizards of the Coast, Inc - --- SB Wilson wrote: > In more than one way. Hasbro also owns other famous > game companies such as > Parker Brothers and Milton Bradley. With WotC under > their belt, they have a > firm grip on the gaming community. Talk about a > monopoly (no pun intended). > With no competition, the games of the future could > suffer > Just remember what the word 'monoply' actually means. Parker Brothers and Milton Bradley were never competition for Wizards - or TSR for that matter. They don't make RPG's. There are still plenty of other gaming companies out there. Wizards was already the BMOC long before there was a discussion of a Hasbro/WotC merger. Of course, I'm not automatically assuming the partership is going to be hunky-dory but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt... for now. As long as they keep a hands off policy towards WotC, then the merger should just benefit D&D fans(more financial backing, better ditribution, etc.). Weren't several people calling for the return of RPG's to toy stores? I think your wish just came true. Anyway, Hasbro passed on the RPG market during it's heyday (presumably) because they specialized in non-specialized games. Let's just hope they remain a 'silent-partner'. Just my two kopes worth... Auf wiedersehen, Damon === If a 'Vegetarian' is someone who eats vegetables, shouldn't 'Humanitarian' be another name for a 'Cannibal'? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 17:15:44 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Re: wizards and armor In a message dated 9/9/99 2:30:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << I wonder mages are too restricted, especially at low levels. How can you possibly know in advance what spells you're going to need? (Sorry, you'll have to wait until tomorrow to get new spells to save your friend who's been Magic Jarred...) It only encourages low level spell casters to load up on offensive spells like Magic Missle and Sleep and ignore the other spells to the detriment of role playing. ' >> Actually, I've seen quite a few 1st level mages IMC use the Prestidigitation skill (see Stan's Website) and Ventriloquism or Phantasmal Force for sewing discord among enemies, especially if they can speak the opponents language. All it takes is some thought and maybe a flair for the dramatic and the 1st level wizard can be an asset even after he uses the spell he has for the day. In fact, none of the last 3 mages in my OD&D games wanted Magic Missile or Sleep as part of their beginning selection, opting for protective spells or misc spells. Jim Bobb *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 18:21:28 -0300 From: Victor Caminha Subject: Re: Just Say No to WotI (was Re: [MYSTARA] - Maps--Darokin) >PS: oh, and I'm a conservative too, Victor! Only, I like to experiment >changes once in a while.. ;) > If you were as conservative as I am, Marco, i would find indeed strange your part in the yearly almanac ;) >PPS: oh, talking about Gazs, I tell u I was able to buy GAZ5 and GAZ9 for a >friend at E-bay respectively for (...suspance...) 12 bucks and 23 bucks! SO >you won't have to spend 70 bucks on GAZ5 if u know where to look.. Now, >paying 60 bucks for X11, THAT'S RIDICULOUS! Congrats for the Gaz :) Uh, Whats X11? Skarda Mirror? "Receive the bounty of your hero's deed Tainting thy life by the gift of the dead Eternally running from a priestly bead Unable to bear the Orb in your head You'll walk in the darkness so alluring Without Hope to cleanse your sin Away from the joy of the living Forever to serve your Twin" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 18:20:55 -0300 From: Victor Caminha Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Victor's poem > >Cool poem, Victor. Thanks! (and sorry for the monitor just feigned death for a week:P) > >Maybe it's because I have Azcans running around in my head all the time, >but to me this poem refers almost precisely to Atruatzin / Papalotl / >Quetzalcoatl and his "twin" Atzanteotl. > >But I bet that's not what you had in mind when you wrote it... ;-) > The papaotl/atzanteotl its a very good analogy, but ypu guessed. I wrote this poem in 92 and i havent read nor inspired in the Azcan legend:) I posted some time ago an extensive (and dull) report about the origin of this poem. If you are interested, drop me a word in private (ps: great going in the maps!) []s Victor Caminha "When Prometheus gave gifts to humans, what was his greatest gift?" "FIRE!" "What tool did Flambeau teach us to use?" "FIRE!" "When a physician sees an open Wound filled with pus,what does he use to cleanse the wound and save the patient's life?" "FIRE!" "What is the pus that poisons the Order of Hermes?" "LLEWELLYN THE ACCURSED!" "What is the only solution to the lies and deceit that Llewelyn has brought to the Order?" "FIRE!FIRE!FIRE!" - The Primus Entisimon rallying the followers of Flambeau for a Wizards March against House Diedne during the Schism War *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 18:21:30 -0300 From: Victor Caminha Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? At 13:08 08/09/99 +0800, you wrote: >According to PC1 Tales of The Wee Folk, King Oberon and his Court stay >mainly in the Dreamland, located in the Alfheim forest. With the Shadow Elf >conquest of Alfheim, whatever happened to the Fairy Court? > Well, my 2 cents: I DMEd the change of the Faery Court in my Campaign. Now, they are in the Hollow World! On Behalf of Xochiquetzal, a player on his way back to Known World, he delivered a flower (a kind of "faerie message" to Titania and Oberon, which told the coming of the shadow elves) to the Faerie Queen and King. So, the former lover of Atruaghin received the transported faerie court to her court, somewhere in Azca :) []s Victor Caminha "Receive the bounty of your hero's deed Tainting thy life by the gift of the dead Eternally running from a priestly bead Unable to bear the Orb in your head You'll walk in the darkness so alluring Without Hope to cleanse your sin Away from the joy of the living Forever to serve your Twin" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 17:14:50 -0700 From: Eleanor Williams Subject: [MYSTARA] - Orcs of Thar Just down at the local gaming store, which mostly caters to Magic and Warhammer and they have a copy of Orcs of Thar for $9.00 U.S.. I already have two (one I wrote all over, and a good one), but thought seriously about getting it. I've never seen any Gazeteer stuff there since it opened. Think it's a good price? EW *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 02:20:18 +0200 From: sharlene Subject: Re: Just Say No to WotI (was Re: [MYSTARA] - Maps--Darokin) No X11 is "saga of the shadow lord" a nice module located in wendar /denagoth. X 12 is "Skarda's mirror." Now who dared say that Mfrench were insane wizards, dog faced humanoids or bloodthirsty werewolves? you are all wrong , we are just excentric, bloodthirsty 36th level wizards .We do not eat special mushrooms (although i do like searching them in the woods), nor do we eat frog-based pills. But sometimes , i must admit that i enjoy freshly killed meat taken from the still crawling body of a former impudent member of the MML... thib (writting from somebody else's computer) *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1999 #379 ******************************** *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara' as the body of the message. mystara-digest Thursday, September 9 1999 Volume 1999 : Number 380 Mystara is a trademark of TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. The following topics are covered in this digest: Re: [MYSTARA] - Orcs of Thar FW: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... [MYSTARA] - Tanagoro HWR Part 1/5 [MYSTARA] - Tanagoro HWR Part 2/5 [MYSTARA] - Tanagoro HWR Part 3/5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 02:28:13 +0200 From: sharlene Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Orcs of Thar just jump on it.Don't let it pass.You would surely find someone in the mml who would buy it from you , instead of spending fortune on ebay. thib *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 09:45:16 +0800 From: "Murphy, Jason" Subject: FW: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... Where are my accolades please....dammit it took me half an hour to figure this one out Jason Murphy Software Engineer MITS Limited EMAIL: PHONE: 08 9481 4066 FAX: 08 9481 4064 > -----Original Message----- > From: Murphy, Jason > Sent: Thursday, September 09, 1999 10:27 AM > To: '' > Subject: RE: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... > > the answer is 2 2 and 9 > > > Jason Murphy > Software Engineer > MITS Limited > EMAIL: > PHONE: 08 9481 4066 > FAX: 08 9481 4064 > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Jamuga Khan [] > Sent: Thursday, September 09, 1999 2:28 AM > To: > Subject: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... > > Here's a little, er, big, riddle for your poor players. > But first you should think for yourself... > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Two magic-users convene on the Alexander Glantri Place and > start talking. > > "We've not seen us for a long time now!" > > "You know, the expeditions and the researches. I can be content > if there remains a little time for my family." > > "I've heard that you have three children?" > > "Yes, indeed! I have three daughters. Really charming, the > whole bunch, and as beauty as her mother." > > "How old are your daughters?" > > "If you add their ages, you'll get thirteen, and if you multiply them, > you'll get the number of humans who are on this place right now." > > "This is not sufficient!" > > "You're right! I have to remark that my oldest daughter's best friend is > a lupin." > > "O.k., that's enough." > > How old are the three daughters? > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > > Jamuga Khan > > > "Hear and obey, because the Mighty Khan's word is law!" > ************************************************************************** > * > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 22:07:13 -0400 (EDT) From: Mischa E Gelman Subject: [MYSTARA] - Tanagoro HWR Part 1/5 Well, the fifth net-HWR is done and is the longest yet, topping 60K. The ones for the Krugel, Kogolor, Malpheggi and Jennites are available at and With that said, here's the Tanagoro HWR: The Tanagoro Plainsmen Hollow World Reference by Mischa Gelman and Harri M{ki Introduction The Tanagoro are generally based upon the pre-British Zulu nation of our world, with a few changes. The authors tried to keep this link and added in a few aspects of neighboring peoples. The Tanagoro themselves have jungle-kingdom neighbors to the north that may be based on historical Southern African societies or be something entirely different - this is mentioned briefly in the PWA, but not in the original Hollow World set. The individual DM is free to develop these peoples as he or she sees fit, and work them into a Tanagoro campaign. The major difference between the Tanagoro and Zulu is the following - the dynastic Zulu, under Shaka, were a highly discplined people, as any militaristic society tends to be. The Tanagoro, on the other hand, are less authoritarian and more willing to question, perhaps due to the influence of a deity, Korotiku, who admires creativity, whereas the Zulu had no formal religion, therefore making the military the most important thing in their culture. Also, a few other comments before we get into the HWR itself - we used a variety of sources, of mixed reliability. There were some conflicts between them, so one cannot know how good a picture we have of the dynastic Zulus, as they had no literate historians and sociologists among themselves at that point in time. Also, any culture not in the Hollow World undergoes change - the Zulu of Shaka's era were far different than those of his father's or those of Dingane, his brother. With those disclaimers in mind, we continue... History The Tanagoro tribe was one of many on the Tangor peninsula in older times. Under the rule of one Senzibo (BC 3121-3028), though, they rose to prominence, defeating neighboring cultures and assimilating them. They incorporated some elements of these cultures, but mostly strove to form a fairly unified body able to resist outside aggression. As they became a mightier nation, they shifted focus, from being a very militant, expansionist force, towards a more tranquil, protectionist one. Under Senzibo's son, Akame, this trend continued - alas, this was the final stage of progress for the Tanagoro as the Blackmoor cataclysm ravaged the world and the society was transferred to the Hollow World. Since their arrival, the Spell of Preservation has maintained their culture as it was upon its entry to the interior of Mystara. The most important thing of note took place approximately 0 BC, when a large number of Tanagoro migrated to the Nithian lands and formed the city of Hapta. Clans The Tanagoro are composed of many clans, around 280 total, with each having from 300 to 8500 members. Many only occupy a sole village, but larger clans can fill a dozen or more. They rarely move locations, though will in times of trouble. Clans are generally headed by a male, but female chiefs are not unknown. The head is responsible for all final decisions, but advisors play a key role, oftentimes bigger than the chief himself. Clans are named after their ancestral founder, generally names dating back thousands of years - new clans still form in the Hollow World, but this is a rare occurence. Some clans give more military training than others, and some are known for having greater smiths, or diviners, or to excel in other areas. Each clan has a distinct "anthem." Royalty The people are very loyal to their leaders - they do not often question them, and when they have a good chief, no amount of bribery or torture will cause them to betray their leader. The death of a great chief will lead to national mourning, not just tribal sorrow. A bad chief, though, will often lose members to surrounding clans, or cause a separate clan to break up from his own, often under the lead of an independent and reliable son or daughter. Leadership is generally hereditary, but if one resorts to assassination, they are denied the role, a stark contrast from the Azcan people where this is expected behavior. Finally, leaders are human - - everyone is responsible for daily chores - a male chief will still tend the aurochs, a female chief will still gather and prepare food. One is not permitted to carry weapons into the presence of the great king of all the Tangoro. Elephant tusks and leopard and lion skins are all royal property - any hunter acquiring such must turn them over to the crown, in return for a reward or present from the throne. Princesses are very independent, bold and stubborn women (just as in 95% of run-of-the-mill fantasy novels, interestingly) - they are as prone as any to leave the clan to start their own, or to become adventurers. Such characters can cause great problems for PCs, especially if her father is restrictive and does not accept such independence - they may well have to choose sides, placing their lives in danger. Combat The Tanagoro do not seek out violence, but are skilled fighters, and work hard to defend their homes from the Jennites, Milenians and Nithians. Their land is fairly peaceful, but the vast number of wild animals, coupled with the dangers of evil men to be found among all cultures, necessitate their always being ready to fight. For this reason, all Tanagoro of age 6 or above carry, at minimum, a cudgel [staff or club] with which to fend off trouble. Weaponry Other weapons include daggers, iWisas (a club with a strengthened head, often with studs or brass nails at the top as well, given the stats of a mace), pikes and a variety of spears. The more traditional spear, a long-shafted but flimsy one, is an assegai [javelin], more of a throwing weapon than a stabbing one - this is the primary weapon of the Tanagoro. When going to war, a tribesman will arm himself with multiple assegais, relying upon this distance weapon until (s)he either runs out of ammo or the opponent has neared melee range. At this point, he or she will switch to an iKlwa, a short, broad-bladed thrusting spear [spear stats] devised by Senzibo himself. Since this was not universally adopted by Senzibo's death, some Tanagoro do not employ it, relying upon their cudgel or iWisa in close quarters, or fleeing altogether. Some Tanagoro use bows or slings, but numbers are low - a tiny percentage of archers also will poison their arrows. This is looked down upon by the majority of Tanagoro tribes. Another projectile weapon used is the isiMonqo, a short-handled, heavy-headed throwing stick, used primarily for bird-hunting. Stats are the same as for Nithian throwing sticks. Like many other peoples, Tanagoro give names to their weapons. For defense, Tanagoro solely rely upon large auroch-hide shields, around 5 feet in height, that get strapped onto the back when travelling (also thus protecting one from ambushes from behind) and expecting danger. Two other items can be used for combat, but serve ceremonial purposes more than for general usage. These are the dancing-shield and dancing-stick (isiKwili). The former provides no AC bonus if initiative is lost, due to the smaller size and thus added time needed to position it properly for defense. The latter does d2 damage only. Rules of war and tactics Tanagoro, when they fought amongst themselves, began with a battle of champions - whether their opponent opts to agree with this custom varies, but such battles are still conducted in about 50% of encounters with their neighbors. This is a one-on-one affair, no assistance allowed from either side. After ten rounds of this fight, or after it has ended (whether with death, unconsciousness or even fleeing the field), whichever comes first, the battle as a whole gets underway. If the duel is conducted and the Tanagoro champion is victorious, add 10 to BR if the War Machine is used, or 2 to morale otherwise. If the Tanagoro champion is slain or knocked out, subtract 10 or 2 respectively. If (s)he flees, subtract 30 or 5 - the former champion is also not permitted to return to Tanagoro lands. Those captured in battle are not killed, but are rather ransomed back for aurochs. If the foe does not have auroch herds (often the case with the Nithians and Milenians) the captive may be in for a long imprisonment. The bodies of slain enemies are slashed open to free the spirit of the dead. The Tanagoro do not employ just warriors, but make use of other professions during large-scale combat. Spies monitor an opponent's advance beforehand, while sentries are in position if an attack is expected. Smoke signals inform the mass of the army as to the movement of their opponent, and also are used for general communications [Signalling skill required]. Boys not old enough to fight are often employed as equiptment carriers, to provide soldiers with an adequate supply of assegais. Doctors [rarely clerics, generally those with First-Aid skill] also often tend to the wounded even as the fight goes on. Fauna A wide variety of critters inhabit the Tanagoro plains, often requiring bold adventurers to remove them. Non-magical wild ones include crocodiles, hippos, hyenas, dogs, monkeys, cows, elephants, buffalo, gnus, deer, rhinos, boars, lions, jackals, warthogs, cheetahs, leopards, kudus, waterbucks, zebras, porcupines, cats, red ants, elands, bush-bucks, antelopes - in other words, a large range and anything the DM wants that's appropriate for the terrain. Hunting is both a private and public pasttime - a public hunt being called by the chief of a tribe, and being a fairly orderly affair. Sometimes, a sly chief will call a hunt for the sole purpose of removing a troublemaker from his clan, arranging the targeted man's death. The PWA also mentions a number of magical beings (or at least those not common to our own world) that inhabit the plains - rock baboons, giant beetles, bugbears, sabre-tooth tigers, cyclops, dinosaurs, grab grass, griffons, giant lizards, manscorpions, manticores, medusae, minotaurs, mummies, pterosaurs, giant scorpions, snakes, sphinx, giant spiders and trolls. Master hunters are often superb trappers as well as trackers. They know a variety of snares and camoflagued pit traps, sometimes with stakes at the bottom. One favorite trick is arranging a "fence" with several holes as "gates" - by each gate, a pit trap lies to catch prey fleeing through it. Other traps are designed to crush the trapped animal, bringing down stones on the beast as it reaches for the bait. Wicker-cages with bait inside are often used for smaller pests, the door closing behind it, or the hunter ready in hiding to spear anything that enters. Poison is most frequently used among the Tanagoro by hunters (and witches) - the favorite being to catch an elephant, by smearing a tiny fingernail-sized block with venom, loosely putting it into a spear haft, so that it will disinsert itself upon impact. Such poisons will kill an elephant in 6 hours. In the Outer World, witches would frequently magically charm leopards as their servitors. To this present day, many evil folk of vast power or resources will tame leopards, thus making that animal more widely feared than others of comparable power. The Land of Strange Magicks is full of odd creatures, gated in from other dimensions or simply mutants of those that wander in. The Purple Dragon ( is one example of the kind of beast to emerge from this land. Unicorns are also known to reside in the Tanagoro Plains, far from any clans. These were inserted in the Hollow World by Koryis in 314 AC in an effort to save a peaceful race then being threatened by Alphatian mages seeking their horns for research. Unicorns One reason they have gone undetected is a widely unknown ability of disguise. They are able to change skin colors at will (thanks to Nick O'Donohoe's "Magic and the Healing" series for this idea) and can also change the appearance of their horns to make it appear as if they were simply antelope or similar creatures, with a broken or damaged horn. The presence of the Spell of Preservation ensures their safety from wrong-doers. A typical unicorn will live for 400 years, but some live much longer - a handful still remain from the Outer World in the Plains society. They mate only once over 200 years, but such matings always lead to a live birth exactly a year later. It is not recommended that PCs play unicorns - they are timid creatures who only wish to associate with humans when they are pure women. They do not enjoy adventuring and have no incentive to do such. They love peace, beauty and nature above all else and will fight to protect their territory from the forces of chaos. Their XP gains more from helping others, and they do not gain XP from combat or treasure or other standard means. Level XP HD AC D Save General Age Range ---- -25,000 1d8 6 d4 C2 0-5 ---- -12,000 2d8 4 d6 F4 5-20 ---- -6,000 3d8 3 d8 C6 21-50 NM 0 4d8 2 d8 F8 51-death (few unicorns advance past this point) 1 25,000 5d8 1 d8 C10 2 50,000 6d8 0 d8+1 F12 3 100,000 7d8 0 d8+1 C14 4 200,000 8d8 -1 d8+1 F16 5 400,000 9d8 -3 d8+4 C18/F18 (best of charts for each save) 6 800,000 9d8+2 -3 d8+4 C20/F20 7 1,200,000 9d8+4 -3 d8+4 C22/F22 8 1,600,000 9d8+6 -5 d8+7 C24/F24 Unicorns do not advance above 8th level, and few reach that point. Those that do are great servants for the cause of virtue, morality and peace in the world and are to be feared by wrongdoers. Teleport Level - -------- ----- N/A 1 HD 90' 2 HD 180' 3 HD 360' NM - Level 6 1800' Level 7-8 To protect the unicorns and assist them with some functions, Korotiku has encouraged the move of some female clerics and others to their lands, who then reside there for life, keeping the location secret. This also allows for the maintenace of some female independence, important to an immortal who enjoys freedom and individuality. Flora and Food Food consists of a range of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, game, domestically slaughtered meat products and milk. Some foods are cooked in earthen pots. Among those things eaten are pumpkins, corn, maize, sweet cane, bread, melons, sorghum, sesame, curds and sweet potatoes. Meat of any kind is a rare dish, while curds are very commonly eaten. Fish are culturally taboo, despite a fair number of rivers running through Tanagoro lands. Some "experts" in neighboring countries swear that this is because local fish are poisonous, thus swaying their own members away from eating them. Truly, these fish are fine to eat, but the rivers are primarily inhabited by fish put into the Hollow World when they were headed to extinction on the Outer World. The Spell of Preservation helps discourage their being eaten, especially when mixed with a historical ban on fish among the plainsmen. Generally Tanagoro eat two meals a day - a midday meal and one at "evening" time (as such things are judged in the Hollow World). Meals are communal at times, sometimes simply family affairs, sometimes individual ones. One plant key to Tanagoro society is the acacia tree. This is a thorny form of vegetation, with a wide range of thorns included - from simple, tiny, sharp spikes all the way to 4-5 inch long thorns. Material from this tree is often used for fences, weapons, tools and medicines. It is unique to Tanagoro lands among the Hollow World and is integral to the culture in providing so much. - - Mischa [Economists] are people who lie awake nights worrying about whether what actually works in the world could conceivably work in theory - Amory Lovins *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 22:15:33 -0400 (EDT) From: Mischa E Gelman Subject: [MYSTARA] - Tanagoro HWR Part 2/5 Section 2 - The Domestic Scene Family While in this HWR we use standard usage of family terminology, the Tanagoro do not. They consider all members of a clan family, as well as some outsiders. All a father's brothers are considered a "father" while all of a mother's sisters are also "mothers." Bigamy is allowed, so one has many "sisters" and "brothers" even though they may be from different mothers. All clan members are also considered "sisters" and "brothers" though in a less direct sense. Marriage For this reason, the Tanagoro are exogamous and must marry members of another clan. Being a patriachical society, the female is the one who leaves her clan, rather than the male (though her relations are still considered family by her children). The new bride cannot enter the cattle area of the tribe until she has been fully accepted, which may takes months or even years. The reverse has been known to happen though, especially if the male's family is not on the best of terms with him or is less approving of the match. There is a "bride-price" of generally 3 to 10 oxen (much more for a princess) but marriages are not arranged by the parents - the technicalities of "buying" the pride only take place once the loving couple has already decided to wed. It is a custom for younger brothers to marry the widow of an older brother who has passed on, but widows must wait a year to remarry. As in many other bigamous societies, the wives function as a "team", sharing duties and helping each other out, often uniting to stand back to their husband when one wife would not have much say. Large families are rare, though, as few men have more than one or two wives, and almost none have more than 5. Marriages are most common around the Thyatian month of Vatermont (the Tanagoro do not make use of a calendar system), after the crops have been harvested, a time of little work and lots of food. Deviance The Tanagoro are a moral, prudish people, by many standards. Homosexuality and prostitution do not exist. Rape is very, very rare, as is domestic violence in general. Adulterery is a capital offense. On the other hand, marital relations outside of marriage are approved of. If a child is born of such a match, though, both parents undergo severe ostracization and the child is abandoned. Age During pregnancy, a female is required to abstain from certain foods and avoid the tracks of certain animals, for the sake of the unborn life inside them. The father-to-be, on the other hand, was required to partake of certain foods and had to avoid crossing waters to ensure the baby's well-being. Most of these requirements are due to superstition and custom, but some do truly benefit the child. Infant mortality is still high in areas without a reliable cleric, witch doctor or herbalist (see later). Twins are deemed highly unlikely, and one is killed at birth always. During infancy, a child undergoes strengthening ceremonies - it is smoked in fires or buried up to its neck and abandoned for short times, for instance. Such ceremonies rarely take lives and are responsible for the tougher nature of the Tanagoro (in the form of HP bonuses mentioned in the HW book). Kids will be kids and will play all sorts of games of their own imagination, which any adult could not hope to comperehend. As they age, of course, they lose some creativity and start following established pasttimes. Boys for instance enjoy crafting clay aurochs (4" long) and then have them "fight" by charging them into one another. If one child manages to break off the horns of his opponent's toy, he is considered to have won the match. (NOTE:Some such toys are magical! They may well be overlooked due to their childish nature and not be taken seriously but a spell will show the presence of power, usually minor. The powers of such magic toys are up to the DM. Often the creation of such magic aurochs speaks of magic talent in the youth.) Girls enjoy crafting clay dolls and caring for them as if they were children. Both boys and girls play a version of "tag." It is similar to the game we are all familiar with, except after each tag the tagger sits down and cannot be tagged again till they get up and run once more. At age six, youths start caring for younger siblings (if there are any) and also begin chores appropriate to their gender. Boys start working with the herds, for instance. Parents are expected to be distant and respected and are not to be addressed unless they initiate conversation. The eldest son inherits any property - this does not include land, which is communally owned. Elderly people are revered and cared for as well by their family. They are most certainly not considered a burden or a nuisance. Death The dead of the Tanagoro get buried one day after their deaths, with a headstone being promptly placed over the grave. On the third day after death, family members begin the "official" mourning ceremonies. Heads are shaved bald, except for widows, who simply cut their hair shorter than usual. Numerous foods are avoided till the hair grows back to older levels. One year after the death, a public ceremony is held in which the spirit of the dead is bought back to dwell in the cattle-pen with the other ancestral spirits. Residences Individual The Tanagoro reside in huts of woven saplings supported by poles, with a thatch dome overhead. A single low door permits entrance only on the hands and knees. The floor is of a hard-beaten clay, but to sit on this bare ground is considered improper. Therefore, reed sitting-mats are used while sleeping is done on grass-mats and wooden pillows, stored off to the side when not in use, as with most items. The left side of the hut is for female children and pets, such as goats, sheep and calves, which are kept in an enclosure there. The right side is for male children, with the mother sleeping in the middle. Each married woman has her own hut, with residences for older males separate. There are several bad points to this dwelling - it is highly flammable, for one. As mentioned, it is difficult to enter. Little light gets in, so reading is nigh impossible inside. It also needs repairs frequently, and to do so is the work of the males of the village, just as building them initially is. The design also offers many brights spots - the temperature inside is moderate and well-balanced due to the thickness of the walls. They are fairly rainproof, and take but a few hours to put together. Perhaps most amazingly, they are portable - when moving, men lift from both inside and outside, then haul the hut to its new location, doing needed repairs upon arrival at their destination. As with most people, pride is taken in the cleanliness of the home. Making sure things are neat and tidy is the responsibility of the females of the house. Village The general outline of a kraal, or village, goes something like this, if drawn very badly using ASCII (apologies here - neither of the writers is a skilled ASCII artist by any means): _ _(B)_ (A__ C) ( / _\ )_ _ (D(E _F _F_ ( \__/ ) (A C) ( B ) ___ That should be two circles, one inside the other, with an exit gate for each (F) The chief resides at the D, the cattle in the interior circle (E). The chief's wives (or husband) and children live at A while others live at B. C are guest residences. The cattle area is also referred to as a kraal. The ancestral spirits are clustered around and within the cattle pen and reveal themselves through good or sometimes bad events (rarely attributed to what we call luck) and also through dreams. Sample kraal names from the real world are Emgungundlovu, KwaBulawayo, Ondini, Nodwengu. - - Mischa When [some unbelievers] come to talk about religion, they have all the breadth of compassion and sympathy of a Jerry Falwell....the really astonishing thing is that they seem proud of it. - Charles Taylor (in Inquiry 34 (1991) pg. 242) *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 22:27:21 -0400 (EDT) From: Mischa E Gelman Subject: [MYSTARA] - Tanagoro HWR Part 3/5 Section 3 - Magic Magical or clerical powers are not gained by a decision of the individual to seek after them, but rather are present from birth. There are numerous types of spellcasters among the Tanagoro - clerics, mages, druids, witch doctors, diviners, herbalists, weather-herders and witches. Clerics, magi and druids operate in the same fashion as in other nations. Idols are unknown among the Tanagoro. The other spell-caster types all derive their powers from the spheres of power. Weather-herders get their power from Energy, attributing it to a deity of the sky, who does not exist, but is simply an embodiment of the sphere itself. Diviners get their power from the ancestral spirits, thus tapping into the realms of Time. Herbalists gain their power from the earth, and their medicines gained from it, thus drawing on Matter. Witches specialize in destructive and negative energies, the specialty of their Entropy source. Witch doctors draw on a wide range of skills and powers, using Thought to properly combine them. Korotiku, being of the realm of Thought, is directly responsible for their abilities but is not worshipped as by his clerics. All will be explained below: Witch-doctor A man or woman of mixed skills, able to cast both magic-user and clerical spells. The exact split of talents is up to the individual player or DM (for NPCs) but one cannot exceed a total of 7 spell levels. For instance, Ndzaba is a 7th-level witch doctor with 2 levels of magic-user spells and one level of clerical spells who has just attained 8th level. Checking the charts, his player sees he has access to a 4th level of spells - he sees Ndzaba as more of a mage, so opts to gain access to 3rd-level mage spells. Witch-doctors can turn undead as a cleric half their level (rounded up) and gain d4+2 HP per level (as a typical Tanagoro mage), with +1/level after level 9. No general skills are required for witch-doctors but mysticism is recommended. They can use items designed for both mages and clerics, as long as they fit into the Tanagoro cultural limitations. To a large extent, they have replaced the typical spellcasters in Tanagoro lands - the originality and creativity aspect of their powers appeals to Korotiku greatly. They may not use a shield and may use a mace, club, dagger, staff or assegai. They do not require spellbooks. Witch-doctor saving throws table 1-5 6-10 15-20 25-30 31-35 36 DR/Pois 13 11 9 7 5 3 Wands 16 15 14 12 10 8 Par/Petr 15 13 11 8 6 4 DrBreath 16 13 11 8 6 3 Rod/St/Sp 13 11 9 6 4 2 Daily Spells - this is the number of total "spell levels" the caster can use daily - a 1st level spell subtracts one, a second level spell two, third three, etc. Therefore, Ndzaba, on turning 8th level, can now daily cast 9 1st level spells (mage or cleric) and 5 2nd level MU ones, or one 3rd level MU spell and 8 2nd level MU ones, or 2 4th-level MU spells, 2 3rd MU, 2 2nd level MU and one 1st level C or MU spell (compared to 2/2/3/3 for a typical mage). So, in other words, they have access to fewer spells if they stick to strict limits, but can have access to more spells of a given level, if abandoning ones of another. They cannot exceed 9 spells of any given level on a given day - if Ndzaba chooses 4 1st level clerical spells, he can't choose another 6 1st level mage spells for that day. Level XP Spell Levels Daily Spells 1 0 1 1 2 2,500 1 2 3 5,000 2 4 4 10,000 2 6 5 20,000 2 9 6 40,000 3 12 7 80,000 3 15 8 150,000 4 19 9 300,000 4 23 10 450,000 4 28 11 600,000 4 33 12 750,000 5 38 13 900,000 5 44 14 1,050,000 5 50 15 1,200,000 5 56 16 1,350,000 5 62 17 1,500,000 6 68 18 1,650,000 6 74 19 1,800,000 6 80 20 1,950,000 6 86 21 2,100,000 6 93 22 2,250,000 6 100 23 2,400,000 6 107 24 2,550,000 7 114 25 2,700,000 7 121 26 2,850,000 7 128 27 3,000,000 7 135 28 3,100,000 7 142 29 3,250,000 7 150 30 3,400,000 7 158 31 3,550,000 7 166 32 3,700,000 7 174 33 3,850,000 7 182 34 4,000,000 7 191 35 4,150,000 7 200 36 4,300,000 7 210 Since the Tanagoro realize that diseases generally derive from magical sources, not natural causes, they often call on witch doctors as doctors. At 10th level, witch doctors gain the ability to smell out evil. This is equivalent to the paladin ability of detect evil but certain conditions (a large amount of smoke in the area, or other nasal disturbances) can render it useless. At 16th level, witch doctors can similarly smell out undead as well as witches, but this is a constant skill, without the need to concentrate. The individual DM is free to create new witch doctor spells, specifically for their access. Diviners These are usually women, but men are capable of divining as well. While they are capable, though, diviners are prevented by the Spell of Preservation from accessing their powers! Their presence similarly is maintained by this spell, so the Tanagoro now have a large number of diviners whose powers are zilch (though they may use them on the Outer World;DM's discretion as to what powers they have - the DM may also deny them their powers though, unless in areas [such as the Tangor Peninsula] where the ancestral spirits may be) - they still try to guess out what happens, getting frustrated when they err. Popular opinion believes the skills have simply declined since the good old days. The spirits contact the diviners through dreams and visions, often causing physical pain (one point of damage upon start of divination, -3 to attacks, +3 to AC, when divining). This requires training by an established diviner, but like other fields of magic, is not a career choice - it is a biological impulse. Children never inherit the skill from parents, but grandchildren often get it, as it skips a generation. One basic rule is dreams' meaning is often reversed - dreams of death and illness signify good things, while dreams of marriage may signify bad things. If a PC is a diviner, treat them as a cleric or mage (their choice) with the additional divination pains when you feel the mood comes on them, and also an additional bonus to Danger Sense and like skills to compensate for such pains. Herbalists (Izinyanga Zemithi or Izinyanga Zokwelapha if you prefer a more complex, culture-specific term) These are typically men and the sons of other herbalists, though female herbalists are also known. All Tanagoro have some knowledge (accurate or not) of the various plants of the plains and their powers, but this is a special magical skill. Herbalists still do need the Nature Lore [Plains] and Healing [Doctor] skills, taking up two skill slots. They have a unique skill to evade the limits of the Spell of Preservation - on the Outer World, they were famed for mixing in the knowledge of other nations - and the spell preserved this trait. Therefore, they are able to study and copy Nithian, Milenian and Jennite medical techniques! They are always on the lookout for new medications and for new uses of old ones. These are most typically the doctors of a Tanagoro tribe, again given the Tanagoro understanding of the magical origins of disease. Treat Herbalists as clerics except for the following - A)No followers gained, but d6 students may join them to learn from a master at 9th level B)No spell causing negative effects on an opponent may be used (ex. Cause Light Wounds, Cause Blindness,etc.) C)No deity is worshipped for the powers, but a collection of medicines (often various herbs and plants, as the name suggests) must always be carried around - these need constant replacing, as their powers get drained with each spell. DM's decision on when they "give out" if not replaced. D)Different general skills required E)They have the limited ability to dodge the Spell of Preservation F)Healing spells are amplified, especially if potent medicines are owned. Again, DM's discretion here. G)They cannot turn undead H)They start with 1 1st level spell, and don't gain another spell till level 3 If they aspire for immortality, they must choose the path of Matter and are considered as a preferred class for such Weather-herders (Izinyanga Zetangor) This sphere of magic is limited solely to males. They get chosen by a close encounter with the lightning so common on the open Tanagoro plains. Recognizable by a lightning bolt design made on their face by an established Izinyanga Zetangor (2nd level or higher), they are the sole Tanagoro who are considered to have no ties to the ancestral spirits. Their job is simple - to guide the weather - or perhaps, not so simple, given all the difficulties entailed in that. Those weather-herders killed by lightning are considered to have ascended to heaven or immortality. Weather-herders have the following powers: A)HP, level advancement, saving throws of clerics B)Weapon selection of fighters (but with weapon proficiency slots and advacement of clerics, and without fighter combat options) C)Predict Weather as 1st level druid spell at level 1, once daily per every 3 levels of caster (round up). D)Create Water as 4th level cleric spell at level 2, three time a month, but the water descends from above. This also requires overcast conditions E)Take half damage from lightning of any sort at level 3, save for quarter damage. F)Call Lightning as 3rd level druid spell at level 5, once daily for every 5 levels of the caster (round down). G)Take no damage from lightning of any sort at level 8. H)Control Winds as the 5th level druid spell at level 11, once daily for every 5 levels of the caster (round down) I)Summon Weather as the 6th level druid spell at level 14, once daily, with an additional daily casting gained at levels 20, 27 and 36. Feasting on a thunderhead (Creature Catalog, pg. 105) improves their powers vastly - for 24 hours, they have an additional 10 HP and +2 to-hit and to-damage. This also entails a 24-hour access to *all* weather-herder powers, regardless of level. It also gives a permanent bonus of 10,000 XP and grants any future powers one level sooner. Should a character encounter feast on more than one thunderhead in a lifetime (or, under some amazing circumstance, in a day), bonuses are cumulative. Witches (Abathakati) This is a secret role, not one openly mentioned, unless the witch is of significant power (in which case she is tremondously feared). It is solely a female role, and solely a Chaotic one. It is not recommended for player characters. Witches have the following powers: A)HP, Level Advancement, Weapons and Armor, Saves as Magic-User B)Can cast either magic-user or clerical spells, but not both - this choice is made at level one - witch clerics can control undead as an avenger at 9th level C)Flight is granted as a level one spell, but only at night D)Thanks to the evil works of Thanatos and his Burrowers, the Spell of Preservation has been undermined some - therefore Tanagoro witches can cast the spell invisibility, and automatically add it to their repetoire at level three, whether they are mages or not E)Witches can use touch spells at a distance, using a special spell "Inflict" - this is a 4th level spell F)Witches have access to some damaging spells that are unknown in the rest of the Hollow World, as well as some destructive or negative-influence spells peculiar (sp?) to them [DM's decision again here] G)They are able to cast less spells due to the additional powers granted Witches often use snakes as servitors. They are granted their powers by Nyx rather than Korotiku - he realizes the need for his Tanagoro not to grow too complacent (a notion furthered by his Chaotic alignment), and so has allowed another elder immortal to grant truly harmful powers to some Tanagoro. He realized as well that all cultures will develop a bad side - better it be an immortal whose influence is limited in the Hollow World (due to her ties to the night that does not come here) than someone like Thanatos. Nyx grants her clerics some powers of necromancy, allowing them to rely on the undead a fair amount. Witch MU: Level Spells/Level 1 1 2 1 3 1/1 4 2/1 5 2/2 6 2/2/1 7 3/2/1 8 3/2/2 9 3/2/2/1 10 3/3/2/2 11 4/3/2/2/1 12 4/3/3/2/2 13 4/3/3/2/2/1 14 4/3/3/2/2/2 15 4/4/3/2/2/2 16 4/4/4/3/2/2/1 17 5/4/4/3/3/2/1 18 5/4/4/3/3/2/2 19 5/4/4/4/3/2/2 20 5/4/4/4/3/3/2 21 5/4/4/4/3/3/2/1 22 5/5/4/4/3/3/2/1 23 5/5/4/4/3/3/2/2 24 6/6/5/4/3/3/2/2/1 25 6/6/5/5/4/3/2/2/1 26 6/6/6/5/5/3/2/2/2 27 6/6/6/6/5/4/2/2/2 28 6/6/6/6/5/4/3/2/2 29 7/6/6/6/6/4/3/3/2 30 7/7/6/6/6/5/3/3/3 31 8/7/7/6/6/6/4/3/3 32 8/8/7/7/6/6/5/4/3 33 8/8/8/7/7/6/5/5/4 34 9/8/8/8/7/7/6/5/5 35 9/9/8/8/8/8/7/6/5 36 9/9/9/8/8/8/7/6/6 Witch cleric: Level Spells/Level 1 0 2 1 3 1 4 1/1 5 2/1 6 2/2 7 2/2/1 8 3/2/2 9 3/3/2 10 3/3/2/1 11 3/3/3/2 12 4/4/3/2/1 13 4/4/3/2/2 14 4/4/3/2/2/1 15 4/4/4/3/2/1 16 5/4/4/3/2/2 17 5/5/4/3/3/2 18 5/5/5/4/3/2 19 6/5/5/4/3/2/1 20 6/6/5/4/3/3/1 21 6/6/5/4/4/3/2 22 6/6/6/5/4/3/3 23 7/6/6/5/4/4/3 24 7/7/6/5/4/4/3 25 7/7/6/6/4/4/3 26 7/7/7/6/4/4/4 27 8/7/7/6/5/4/4 28 8/7/7/6/5/5/4 29 8/8/7/6/5/5/5 30 8/8/8/6/6/5/5 31 8/8/8/7/6/6/5 32 9/8/8/7/7/6/5 33 9/9/8/8/7/6/6 34 9/9/9/8/7/7/6 35 9/9/9/8/8/7/7 36 9/9/9/9/8/8/7 - - Mischa American Chesterton Society - Sojourners Magazine - The Progressive Review - *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1999 #380 ******************************** *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara' as the body of the message. mystara-digest Friday, September 10 1999 Volume 1999 : Number 381 Mystara is a trademark of TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. The following topics are covered in this digest: [MYSTARA] - Tanagoro HWR Part 4/5 [MYSTARA] - Tanagoro HWR Part 5/5 [MYSTARA] - And one last note... Re: Just Say No to WotI (was Re: [MYSTARA] - Maps--Darokin) Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? Re: [MYSTARA] - Indexing of the Archive (was Where are the Faeries?) Re: FW: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... RE: FW: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... Re: FW: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 22:33:38 -0400 (EDT) From: Mischa E Gelman Subject: [MYSTARA] - Tanagoro HWR Part 4/5 Section 4 - Random Notes The Auroch Herds The Tanagoro are not as animal-driven as the Ethengar or Jennite peoples, but the auroch still plays a prominent role in society. Many aurochs are specifically trained, sometimes for racing, some for riding, some even for warfare. They also serve as food, as clothing, as perhaps the most common unit of trade (or wealth for that matter), as entertainment (they are even trained to dance by many clans) even - in other words, they serve many purposes for their Tanagoro keepers. The head of a clan, and once yearly the king, have the cattle of their underlings driven by for inspection, again demanding master training by the keepers, and great discipline on the part of the aurochs. Many aurochs are so well-trained they do not even respond to the lightning so common in Tanagoro lands! The importance of the cattle is evidenced by the need for a miniature kraal just for them inside each Tanagoro village - - the outside wall consists of a low barrier of branches and grass with a single gate, barred by either a large pole or a wizard lock spell at night. This is the area where the ancestral spirits are also believed to live. A special location is similarly set aside for birthing of the calves. This is eased by a commonly known 1st-level spell, which also helps ensure healthy auroch infants. Magic is also used in marking the ears of aurochs, helping identify them individually. Law The Tanagoro system could be considered quite harsh, as capital punishment is fairly common. They consider jailing to be a sadistic, unacceptable elimination of freedom, preferring the death penalty as a result. The system is also quite lax in ways - if there is no definitive proof, the suspected criminal is merely warned and released. If one merely offends another, a peace offering is given to soothe over hurt feelings. Treachery, disobedience, adultery and cowardice are among the most major sins known to the Tanagoro. The legal procedure is simple - one swears on the ancestral spirits, states their case and provides witnesses (also sworn in), if any exist, then the other side presents their case with the outcome decided by the head of the clan - perjury, needless to say, is punishable by death. Etiquette/Custom The Tanagoro are very big on etiquette. They will excuse some errors by foreigners and other ignorant folks, but expect the highest from their own, and don't accept flagrant mistakes by outsiders. First of all, except on special occasions (rallies, dances, etc.) no two people may speak at the same time. One must salute the king (with the same type of hand-salute we are all familiar with) but you must not bow to him. Handshaking is entirely unknown as a form of greeting. When one receives a gift, they must hold both hands out, with the palms out. A spoon must be held in the proper manner, as must a pot of beer - the hands must be the right way during a meal. Needless to say, it is vital that Tanagoro know their etiquette - social deviants who cannot maintain the proper level of civility are shunned. This could make for a rude shock for ethnocentric folks of other cultures who look down upon the plainsmen and women. Tanagoro tribesmen strongly oppose slavery, as many of their own are forced to serve the Milenians and Nithians as such, depriving them of their freedom. Like the Jennites, they have a negative view of that amoral tendency. Also, circumsicion, known in the days of the distant past, well before the Hollow World arrival, is no longer practiced and any who follow this custom are looked down upon as barbaric. Appearance While the Tanagoro get-up is rather simple, it does vary. For dances and other festive occasions, one often adds ornamental fur ropes for the upper body, feather headdresses of various sorts and the dancing-stick and dancing-shield. Also, when going to a dance, many males like to tack on an anklet of dried caterpiller cocoons with small stones inside, allowing for an appealing rattling sound during the dance. For regal ceremonies, one adds even more high-class items: brass arm-rings, necklaces, circlets and whatever other jewelry one prefers. Both men and women wear earrings of iron, horn or baked clay. Plumes and skins are considered very fashionable, especially otter pelts. Amulets of all sorts are worn - composed of bones, hides, hooves, horns, woods, claws and anything else handy. For those derived from a creature, the stronger the creature, the more magic the item is supposed to contain. Most such amulets obviously contain no power, but it is suggested the DM give many various powers, especially if related to the creature they were "constructed" from. A fair number of these magical amulets function as amulets of protection from evil (as per the spell). Men routinely shave their head, except for a ring of hair around the outside. Children of both genders have their heads totally shaved. The upper classes prefer to grow their fingernails extremely long. Upper middle-class women (of course, this is all by Tanagoro standards) grow the fingers on their left hands only to such lengths. Albinos do exist among the Tanagoro but are heavily looked down upon. They do not cope well with the constant sun of the Hollow World and are often exiled from their clan of origin. Cleanliness is important to the Tanagoro, so many enjoy hanging out at the rivers and streams that help fertilize the plains. Streams and rivers also serve as communal meeting places, playgrounds and dating places. Magic items In addition to others mentioned throughout the HWR, there are two worth pointing out. The imBangayiya of Sikuni is a famed item, of near-artifact status. It is a blue-crane head-plume whose exact powers are the stuff of legend. The problem is that no two Tanagoro agree exactly on what these powers are, and the item has been lost for a couple centuries. Hunting down this item could well be the goal of many a Tanagoro adventurer. A "common" magical item is the UnNembe shell - when worn on a string as a wristlet, one's ability to throw an assegai improves vastly. A +2 is added to to-hit and to-damage rolls, with double damage inflicted upon a natural 20 when worn. The Land of Strange Magicks This area has never quite functioned "right" in terms of obeying the laws of the Hollow World, or of any other, due to the influence of Nyx at the time of the formation of the Hollow World. As a result all forms of chaos thrive here. Storms rage when there are no clouds in the sky. Mutated animals roam free, terrorizing any who wander in. Madmen and women seek refuge here, amassing vast powers unto themselves should they survive - some even tame dinosaurs as pets! Gates open to other realms. Spells unknown of in the rest of the Hollow World get wielded by beings of considerable power. Witches often live within this realm, gaining more power from the chaotic environment to spread the cause of entropy. Ghosts roam free. Suffice to say, it is not a place a sane person wants to go, but is popular with adventurers. After all, who knows what can be gained should one make it out alive? Festivities As one may have surmised, dancing is quite popular among the Tanagoro. For them, this is a public, and not a private, mode of entertainment. Much information related to it has been scattered throughout the HWR - the only thing left to note is that dances are often used as a way to meet that special someone. Many clans organized love-dances (amaJadu) between one another, allowing those of one clan to meet another, important in an exogamous society. These are often conducted in the summertime, but are obviously popular all year round. Good dancers are prized as much as skilled warriors, druids or any other talent in Tanagoro culture, and these meets allow prospective loved ones to show off their skills in this area. It is also done for non-pleasurable reasons - often Tanagoro dance on thorns to strengthen their feet, the true reasons they don't need sandals or footwear, regardless of the terrority. The only holiday of the Tanagoro year is the Festival of the First Fruits. This usually occurs in the beginning of January. The king of all the land must eat the first ripe corn of the season in this gathering of all the clans. Dances are obviously performed, with several days of entertainments of various sorts. Special songs exist solely for this holiday, one of the most joyous times for the people of the plains. Trades The Tanagoro perform fairly typical jobs for an agricultural civilization. Skills and trades include shield-making, leatherworking, wood-carving, divining and the other magical arts, metal-working, courier duties, et other words, basically what one would expect from such a culture. All people start age specifically at age 6. There are some gender differences in work, discussed in brief earlier - in addition to other differences mentioned, men are the artisans of the Tanagoro. Women are responsible for all related to the earth and thus are more likely to become druids - this goes as far as even carrying wood, deemed a feminine task. All families have a specific plot of the land for themselves to care for, garden and maintain. Older women no longer work the land but rather retain the folklore, oral traditions and history of the Tanagoro. One profession unique to the Tanagoro not described earlier is that of praise-giver. There is just one at a time, serving the king. His duties consist of keeping history of the king's deeds and those of his ancestors and to relate these in song daily. He is not supposed to tide over the bad things, but be an unbiased source of information. A praise-giver will dress in all sorts of skins, horns and feathers to make themselves stand out. Miscellaneous Notes There is no commerce as such among the Tanagoro. They do not trade with one another nor with neighboring nations, though they have some concept of wealth. They do not make use of coinage, and therefore wealth accumulated in neighboring lands serves little purpose for an adventurer returning home. The Tanagoro are an accepting people. If any Jennite, Nithian or Milenian person defies the Spell of Preservation and adheres to Tanagoro culture, they are no longer deemed as outsiders. - - Mischa We have been told we cannot help the weakest among us without hurting the strongest of us. We forget that by helping the weakest of us to become self-sufficient, we are all strengthened - Mario Cuomo, 1999 *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 22:36:50 -0400 (EDT) From: Mischa E Gelman Subject: [MYSTARA] - Tanagoro HWR Part 5/5 Section 5 - Sample NPCs and Bibliography Ncazongwe History:Ncazongwe was born to a clan in the north-eastern areas of the Tanagoro lands 44 circles ago. Like all young Tanagoro, he started tending the herds at age 6 and maintained a fairly normal life for 11 circles. Then a Milenian raid hit his clan, destroying it, and enslaving the survivors. Ncazongwe, bereft of family, was forced to labor for a Milenian merchant for the next 18 circles of his life. At age 35, he rebelled against his situation. Carefully plotting out his moves, he slew his "owner" one night and escaped back to his homeland. He had picked up some negative manners from that evil merchant though and became a predatory trader himself, a cattle thief to be precise. He has since become somewhat of a feared man in Tanagoro lands, as the head of a small band of bandits steadily growing in infamy. Personality:After suffering for so long, Ncazongwe became rather sadistic himself, and enjoys hurting others and taking advantage of others. As mentioned, some of this attitude was derived from the Milenian whom he served, who felt a sucker was born every minute. The greed of the merchant class also plays a key role in Ncazongwe. Overall, the man has no true redeeming features. DM Notes:Relatives of the slain merchant may hire Milenians or other non-Tanagoro to hunt down Ncazongwe. The Tanagoro themselves would also reward any of their own who can rid the plains of this menace. Ncazongwe is not above letting his band handle any real threat as he makes his escape to form another set of raiders. Appearance:Standing 5'7" and weighing 145#, he is of typical build. Numerous scars mark his body, though, both from his slavery days and from his current occupation. He also has an amulet of Milenian fashion, which helps mark him out from other Tanagoro. Combat Notes:He is a 5th-level fighter. AC 8 (Shield); hp 38; at 1; d 1-6 (spear) or d6+2 (assegai, skilled), save F5; ML 10; Al C; S 9, I 7, W 10, D 12, Co 11, Ch 9. Languages:Neather, Tanagoro, Milenian. General Skills: Intimidation (S+2),Survival (Plains) (I). Nemiti History:Nemiti was born 20 circles ago, the daughter of an influential clan chief. She tired quickly of her father's domineering attitude and fought often for independence, making her a great disgrace. Now, though, her disgrace to the clan has grown as she has fallen for a herdsman from a nearby clan looked down upon by her own as inferior. She has yet to leave her own clan, causing major problems for both her former clan and the one she intends to join, but that action becomes more likely with each day. Personality:Nemiti is a very emotional and stubborn young woman. Like her father, she has to have her own way, which often leads to the confrontations between the two. Being so emotional, she can be extremely flightly - after causing trouble for her new clan by making them hated by the larger clan of her father, she may well realize her current beau is not for her, seeking after another, perhaps a PC. The most rewarding characteristic she possesses is her concern for fairness - she considers herself above others, but works hard to treat others alike, regardless of status. She knows all too well what it is like to be shunned. Appearance:Just 4'11", Nemiti is a beautiful young woman, well-proportioned and careful to make herself look "just so" at all times. She wears the latest fashions, and high-quality jewelry, though not enough to be gaudy. One prized piece of jewelry is a necklace made of sabre-tooth tiger claws. Unbeknownest to Nemiti, this is a powerful magic item that allows for protection from all manner of felines (AC to - -3) (Adventure suggestion - if she leaves home and escapes into the wild, it may be enough to keep her alive long enough for the PCs [hired to bring her back safely] to arrive and find her being attacked by lions - who then may strike at the new meat.) Combat Notes:She is a 1st-level fighter. AC 9; hp 8; at 1; d 1-6 (staff), save F1; ML 12; Al N; S 10, I 11, W 8, D 10, Co 14; Ch 15. Languages:Neathar, Tanagoro. General Skills:Bravery (W+1), Singing (Ch), one unspent. Bukude History:Bukude was born a long, long time ago, when dragons freely walked the land. Or so he likes to tell it. To be exact, he is a fairly old 73 circles. He has worked all kinds of jobs in those times, collecting much lore and even more fiction. He now serves as the personal barber to king Doraka, and also as one of the greatest storytellers of the Tanagoro. Personality:A jovial man, Bukude enjoys those like himself - people who enjoy a good story and good entertainment and don't spend so much time being overly serious. As long as you contribute to society and do your work, you're a good person in Bukude's book. He often helps fuel the king's sense of humor, whether with told jokes or with practical jokes. He is more accepting of foreigners than most Tanagoro, applying the same basic standard of judgement to them - outsiders visiting the king's court will often find a friend in Bukude (though one loyal above all else to the crown). Perhaps his greatest flaw is that he dwells a lot on the topic of his grandchildren, the subject of many of his stories. Anyone who spends quite some time with him will know more about them than their own parents do. Appearance:Bukude stands 6'0" and is a rather thin man. Any muscle he had in his youth has mostly worn away with age, just as his once dark hair has turned a cloud white. Those who knew him in his youth tell that he was once a mighty warrior, something a couple of his stories also report, but the figure he must have struck in his glory days is not as evident now. He still carries his old spear, iGhanlasiku ("That which pierces hides"), at all times (and will use it should the king's life be endangered). Combat Notes:He is a 16th-level fighter (knight). AC 7 (shield+1); hp 26 (decreased by the effects of age from his prime); at 1; d 2d4+6 (spear+3, master, strength penalty, special power:breathing), save F16; ML 11; Al L; S 8, I 16, W 9, D 11, Co 7; Ch 16. Languages:Neathar, Tanagoro, Jennite, Milenian, Nithian. General Skills:Profession (Barber) (I), Knowledge of Tanagoro Folklore (I), Danger Sense (W), Storytelling (Ch+2) Kondlola History: Kondlola was born 42 circles ago to a common Tanagoro family. She has also lived a fairly common life, unevental for the most part. She married at age 19, moving a short distance to her new clan, and was accepted there in short order. She now is the mother of 3, still lovingly married. Since her arrival with that clan, she has served as the kraal's herbalist. Personality:A generally kind person, Kondlola will anger if pushed too far. She is friendly with all of her village, and with others as well, unless they have shown themselves unworthy of such kindness. An empathetic individual, she combines the skills of a doctor, nurse and social worker in tending for her family and her clan in general. She is currently also playing matchmaker for her eldest son, much to his dismay. Appearance:Kondlola stands 5'2" and currently is in possession of a rather matronly figure. Never a great beauty, she is on the chubby side. She is still in good health though, and also does make sure she wears fairly nice clothes, since she is aware her appearance does play as much a role in how her people view her as do her skills. Like all herbalists, she is always carrying around a wide supply of medicinal goods. Combat Notes:She is a 4th-level herbalist. AC 9 (none); hp 23; at 1; D 1d6-1 (staff, strength penalty), save C4; ML 10; Al L; S 8, I 14, W 16, D 9, Co 12, Ch 11. Spells: 2 1st, 1 2nd. Languages:Neathar, Tanagoro. General Skills:Healing [Doctor] (I+1), Nature Lore [Plains] (I), Detect Deception (W), Fire-Building (I). Bibliography/Further Readings on the Zulu culture Olden Times In Zululand by AT Bryant. Longmans,Green and Co., 1929. London, New York and Toronto. An early history of the Zulu, going into vast detail but not as intent on major events as some of the other histories. Religions of Africa by E. Thomas Lawson. Waveland Press, 1998. Prospect Heights, Ill. A very brief study of the religious beliefs of the Zulu and Yoruba, mixing together a study of modern thought and traditional ideas. Religious System of the Amazulu by Henry Callaway. Struik, 1970 (originally published in the 19th century). Cape Town. Callaway collected in the original Zulu (with English translations) opinions on religious belief. This may be hard to track down, and gets a tad repetitous, so you may want to find Hexham's book instead, which includes a long summary of Callaway's findings. Shaka's Children:A History of the Zulu People by Stephen Taylor. HarperCollins, 1994. London. One of the best of the histories I read, stretching on down to the present day almost, and presumably one of the easiest to find. If you were to read one book on the Zulu, this is perhaps the one I'd recommend the most. Texts on Zulu Religion by Irving Hexham. Edward Mellen Press, 1987. Lewiston, NY and Queenston, Ont. A collection of various older materials on Zulu religious thought. The Zulu People: As They Were Before The White Man Came by AT Bryant. Negro University Press, 1970. New York, NY. Originally published in 1948 by Shuter and Shooter. This focuses more on the social systems of the Zulu than Bryant's earlier, more historical work, and is also briefer. Washing of the Spears: Rise and fall of the Zulu Nation by Donald Morris. De Capo Press, 1998. New York, NY. A fair history, not the best of the ones I read in terms of interest level. Quite a bit of military history and focus on the latter days of the Zulus. Zulu Kings by Brian Roberts. Scribner, 1975. New York, NY. - one of the more in-depth histories I found. Seemingly well-researched and actually interesting to read. Focuses primarily (as the title suggests) on the heads of the Zulu nation. One book that sounded interesting that I failed to track down was Social System of the Zulus by Eileen Krige - - Mischa I don't like to write. I like to have written. - Gloria Steinem *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 22:40:30 -0400 (EDT) From: Mischa E Gelman Subject: [MYSTARA] - And one last note... Comments! Comments! Comments! I'd like to hear whatever you have to say about the Tanagoro HWR, whether it be positive, negative, neutral or mixed. Topics covered, organization, specific details...anything - it's important to know what folks on the list think. I'd prefer if folks replied privately (or to both me and Harri). Also, if anyone ever wants to develop this or previous net-HWRs, please do so. I'd like to see what Carl Quaif can do with new spells, or what others have to offer. Hoping to hear from people, Mischa There are highly successful businesses in the United States. There are also highly paid executives. The secret is not to intermingle the two - Philip Wrigley *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 00:45:38 -0300 From: Victor Caminha Subject: Re: Just Say No to WotI (was Re: [MYSTARA] - Maps--Darokin) At 02:20 10/09/99 +0200, you wrote: >No X11 is "saga of the shadow lord" a nice module located in wendar >/denagoth. >X 12 is "Skarda's mirror." Well, the Saga.. is a GREAT module, but hardly at that suggested price :P >Now who dared say that Mfrench were insane wizards, dog faced humanoids >or bloodthirsty werewolves? >you are all wrong , we are just excentric, bloodthirsty 36th level >wizards .We do not eat special mushrooms (although i do like searching >them in the woods), nor do we eat frog-based pills. >But sometimes , i must admit that i enjoy freshly killed meat taken from >the still crawling body of a former impudent member of the MML... > >thib (writting from somebody else's computer) > Hmmm what about Zzonga mushroom :)? []s Victor Caminha "Receive the bounty of your hero's deed Tainting thy life by the gift of the dead Eternally running from a priestly bead Unable to bear the Orb in your head You'll walk in the darkness so alluring Without Hope to cleanse your sin Away from the joy of the living Forever to serve your Twin" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 12:11:34 +0800 From: "Francisco Navarro" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? - ----- Original Message ----- Håvard Rønne Faanes wrote: > >3) Some of the Dryads were corrupted by the same force that corrupted > > their soul trees, creating a new race of entropic dryads...sounds neat eh? > Very neat! A great intro for the shrai (or something like that), some evil > undead dryad, mentioned in Shawn Stanley's site... >Sounds like a good idea. Where exactly can these critters be found? There >is so much stuff in Shawns website.. The article on the Sh'rai can be found in: Some references are also in the Alphatian Lost Histories, and Blackheart Gazetteers. (Thank Rad for Shawn's website search option!) BTW, Sh'rai are supposebly undead hamadryad spirits. Undead, corrupted, who's counting? Just don't get those evil tree ladies near me! Kit Navarro *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 14:27:43 +1000 (EST) From: Shawn Stanley Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Indexing of the Archive (was Where are the Faeries?) > > Very neat! A great intro for the shrai (or something like that), some evil > > undead dryad, mentioned in Shawn Stanley's site... > > >Sounds like a good idea. Where exactly can these critters be found? There > >is so much stuff in Shawns website.. dang, I knew I was going to email something out this morning. Any rate the Sh'rai article is found where Kit says it is and you get there through Geography/Alphatian Sea/Alphatia because Andrew originally wrote three articles from an Alphatian perspective one of which was on the Sh'rai. It now appears of course that merely having these articles here isn't good enough because Havard was unable to find the article on the Sh'rai. Any suggestions of dealing with this whole indexing conundrum for the archive would be greatly appreciated as the problem has become quite significant over time, owing to the large number of files involved. > The article on the Sh'rai can be found in: > > > > Some references are also in the Alphatian Lost Histories, and Blackheart > Gazetteers. > (Thank Rad for Shawn's website search option!) Yeah, but I don't want this to be the only way that people can find the things they want to, I hope that the actual indexing system should be their first port of call. Again any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. shawn *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 03:24:27 EDT From: Subject: Re: FW: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... In a message dated 1999-09-09 21:47:19 Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > Where are my accolades please....dammit it took me half an hour to figure > this one out Okay, please show your work and explain the answer -- I know that it has something to do with the fact that one wizard's first two children were not twins, but I never got around to working out the math. If you can explain the answer, then I will give you the appropriate accolades. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 15:41:10 +0800 From: "Murphy, Jason" Subject: RE: FW: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... ok then....the way it works is that: 1. We know the wizard has 3 children. 2. The sum of the ages is 13 3. The ages multiplied equals the number of humans. This is an important point because while WE dont know the number of humans we can assume that the wizards do. 4. the eldest daughter has a lupin for a best friend. This means that there is indeed 1 eldest daughter ie. not twins. So now you divide the number 13 into bunches of 3 digits and find sets of digits that have the same product. After doing this you will find only 2 sets that have both the same sum and product. 2,2,9 and 1,6,6. Now as we know there is an ELDEST daughter it must be 2,2,9 Jason Murphy Software Engineer MITS Limited EMAIL: PHONE: 08 9481 4066 FAX: 08 9481 4064 > -----Original Message----- > From: [] > Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 3:24 PM > To: > Subject: Re: FW: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... > > In a message dated 1999-09-09 21:47:19 Eastern Daylight Time, > writes: > > > Where are my accolades please....dammit it took me half an hour to > figure > > this one out > > Okay, please show your work and explain the answer -- I know that it has > something to do with the fact that one wizard's first two children were > not > twins, but I never got around to working out the math. If you can explain > the answer, then I will give you the appropriate accolades. > ************************************************************************** > * > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 05:24:29 EDT From: Subject: Re: FW: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... In a message dated 1999-09-10 03:41:49 Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > ok then....the way it works is that: > 1. We know the wizard has 3 children. > 2. The sum of the ages is 13 > 3. The ages multiplied equals the number of humans. This is an important > point because while WE dont know the number of humans we can assume that the > wizards do. > 4. the eldest daughter has a lupin for a best friend. This means that there > is indeed 1 eldest daughter ie. not twins. > > So now you divide the number 13 into bunches of 3 digits and find sets of > digits that have the same product. After doing this you will find only 2 > sets that have both the same sum and product. 2,2,9 and 1,6,6. Now as we > know there is an ELDEST daughter it must be 2,2,9 > > > > > Jason Murphy > Software Engineer > MITS Limited > EMAIL: > PHONE: 08 9481 4066 > FAX: 08 9481 4064 All hail the genius who solved the Glantrian wizard riddle! *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 12:54:58 +0200 (CEST) From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?H=E5vard_R=F8nne_Faanes?= Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard On Tue, 7 Sep 1999, Ron Rogers wrote: [Why Thyatis can't conquer Karameikos] > 1. The Mighty Volaga River. As far as I know there are only a couple of > bridges across it. Ofcourse this could be solved quite easily using magic or flying mounts.. Part water, Stoneform etc.. > 2. Utter magical superiority. Around one third of the current > Karameikan population are spell casters. Yes, they are almost all > elves, but I think they would defend their eastern forest lands to the > death. Especially the new immigrants from Alfheim. Plus this is not > taking into account the Alphatian immigrants. I would not be surprised > if the Karameikans didn't have a few skyships by now, built in secret. > Probably with the old Elvenguard serving as marines aboard the ships. Thyatis has _alot_ of spellcasters. Not that they'd neccesarily aid the Thyatian army, but this depends alot on the reason of the Thyatian attack IMO. The Vyalia elves would probably not go against the Thyatians. If possible, they would most likely try to stay out of the conflict. Depending on their relations with the Alfheimers, they might try to persuade Alfheimers to do the same as not to encourage anti-elf sentiments among the Thyatians. > 3. The Karameikan Can Do attitude: The Karameikan citizenry probably > trust and like their government more than the Thyatians do. In fact > some of the Thyatian nobles probably trust King Stefan more than they do > Eusebius. Any Thyatian invasion of the Kingdom should expect heavy > resistance activity. If not outright guerilla war. Stefan could be seen as a turncoat, but the Thyatian nobles. Remember that he traded his ancestral lands for a kingdom of his own. Him recently declearing himself King and "siding" with Alphatia duing the War of Wrath doesn't help. Also war tends to unite people on the same side and this might be a chance for Eusebius to prove himself worthy the title of Emperor. Ofcourse, a failure on his part could mean his death. Migh make him a M-JFK.... > 4. The WDL: Even if the Thyatians took Karameikos I doubt they could > hold it against everything the rest of the WDL could send against them. > This does not take into account any other nation that might be > displeased at a Thyatian invastion of Karameikos. i.e. Ierendi, > Minrothad, the remaining Alphatian outer world territories. I don't really believe in the WDL. If Eusebius plays his cards right, that League should be easily broken. We're talking medeival (ok renessance) politics here. What are treaties worth? Just my two menhirs.. Håvard Haavard R. Faanes ( "Remember, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people." -Mr Garrison, South Park. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 13:41:26 +0200 (CEST) From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?H=E5vard_R=F8nne_Faanes?= Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? On Fri, 10 Sep 1999, Francisco Navarro wrote: > The article on the Sh'rai can be found in: > > > > Some references are also in the Alphatian Lost Histories, and Blackheart > Gazetteers. > (Thank Rad for Shawn's website search option!) > > BTW, Sh'rai are supposebly undead hamadryad spirits. Undead, corrupted, > who's counting? Just don't get those evil tree ladies near me! These are some cool critters. Perrsonally though, I was thinking of something more tangible still alive, but twisted and evil... Oh well...just throwing out some ideas. Thanks for the URL.. Håvard Haavard R. Faanes ( "Remember, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people." -Mr Garrison, South Park. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1999 #381 ******************************** *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara' as the body of the message. mystara-digest Friday, September 10 1999 Volume 1999 : Number 382 Mystara is a trademark of TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. The following topics are covered in this digest: Re: FW: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... [MYSTARA] - [ Mystara Working Groups (v 2.3)] Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard Re: [MYSTARA] - Indexing of the Archive (was Where are the Faeries?) Re: [MYSTARA] - Do not obey the khan anymore... Re: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... Re: [MYSTARA] - Hasbro to Acquire Wizards of the Coast, Inc Re: FW: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... Re: FW: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Thyatis's backyard Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard Re: [MYSTARA] - Re: [MYSTARA]Mystara Player Handout Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Thyatis's backyard RE: [MYSTARA] - Hasbro to Acquire Wizards of the Coast, Inc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 19:44:12 +0800 From: "Francisco Navarro" Subject: Re: FW: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... All hail the Great Wizard of Numerology, Glantrian Parenting and Lupin Allegiances!!! My Mistress, Princess Dolores, has heard of your genius... and would like to have an audience with you... Kit Navarro - ----- Original Message ----- From: Murphy, Jason To: '' Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 3:41 PM Subject: RE: FW: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... ok then....the way it works is that: 1. We know the wizard has 3 children. 2. The sum of the ages is 13 3. The ages multiplied equals the number of humans. This is an important point because while WE dont know the number of humans we can assume that the wizards do. 4. the eldest daughter has a lupin for a best friend. This means that there is indeed 1 eldest daughter ie. not twins. So now you divide the number 13 into bunches of 3 digits and find sets of digits that have the same product. After doing this you will find only 2 sets that have both the same sum and product. 2,2,9 and 1,6,6. Now as we know there is an ELDEST daughter it must be 2,2,9 Jason Murphy Software Engineer MITS Limited EMAIL: PHONE: 08 9481 4066 FAX: 08 9481 4064 > -----Original Message----- > From: [] > Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 3:24 PM > To: > Subject: Re: FW: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... > > In a message dated 1999-09-09 21:47:19 Eastern Daylight Time, > writes: > > > Where are my accolades please....dammit it took me half an hour to > figure > > this one out > > Okay, please show your work and explain the answer -- I know that it has > something to do with the fact that one wizard's first two children were > not > twins, but I never got around to working out the math. If you can explain > the answer, then I will give you the appropriate accolades. > ************************************************************************** > * > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 11:06:01 -0400 (EDT) From: (Geoff Gander) Subject: [MYSTARA] - [ Mystara Working Groups (v 2.3)] ================= Begin forwarded message ================= From: ("Gander, Geoff") To: ("'Me'") Subject: Mystara Working Groups (v 2.3) Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 10:49:11 -0400 The Working Groups of the Mystara Mailing List (v 2.3) compiled by Geoff Gander, with help from Hervé Musseau, Fabrizio Paoli, and Marco Dalmonte Mystaran Net Almanac Continuing where the Poor Wizard's Almanacs and Joshuan's Almanac left off, a small group of dedicated Mystara fans has kept the idea of this publication alive. Each year an issue is released, detailling the various events that happen in Mystara for a given year, as well as providing details on new nations, and important developments. If you wish to take part in this production, feel free to contact the following people for more information: Alphatian Sea: Hervé Musseau ( Hollow World: Thorfinn Tait (Rathanos@velvia,, or Hervé Musseau ( Isle of Dawn: Andrew Theisen (, or Herve Musseau ( Jungle Coast: Geoff Gander ( Norwold: Marco Dalmonte (, or Hervé Musseau ( Wendar/Denagoth: Marco Dalmonte ( Old World: Michael Roy ( (Heldannic Knights): Geoff Gander ( (Shadow Elves): Fabrizio Paoli ( (Goblinoids): Andrew Theisen ( (Atruaghin): Andrew Theisen ( Savage Coast: Michael Roy ( (City-States): Fabrizio Paoli ( (Hule): Fabrizio Paoli ( (Yavdlom): Fabrizio Paoli ( and Geoff Gander ( (Gombar/Suma'a) Shawn Stanley ( Economica Fabrizio Paoli ( MOrient Project Although the continent of Brun on Mystara has received a lot of detail, whole sections of this world have not. This group is developing oriental cultures, with a distinctly Mystaran flavour, for the mysterious continent of Skothar, the great eastern continent. If you want to participate in developing new cultures and ideas that break the stereotypes, why not contact Jenni Merrifield ( Cynidicea Working Group B4 - The Lost City. This classic adventure details the lost, underground city of Cynidicea, a realm of bizarre inhabitants and fierce otherworldly beings. The members of this group feel that much more can be had from this scenario than what is already written, and they are working to both add extra details, and expand the adventure into a full-scale campaign setting for all levels of play. Interested? We're wrapping this project up, but email Geoff Gander ( for more information. SaveMystara Working Group Although Mystara products are no longer produced by TSR, some members of this list are dedicated to bringing it back. Using petitions, home-written adventures to be published by the RPGA, and other means, these people are diligently trying to get our favourite campaign world published once again. Want to join in on the action? We can always use an extra hand! Contact Jeff Daly ( for more information. Alphatian Gazetteers Alphatia, empire of intrigue and mystery. In all of TSR's official products concerning this vast empire, very little information was actually given concerning what goes on in the various kingdoms that comprise this great empire, or even what these kingdoms are like. This group is trying to change this by writing up short gazetteers describing the various cities of each of these kingdoms, major political players, as well as a general feel for what each of these realms is like. There's plenty of room for your imagination here, and there is so much left to do! Contact Jeff Daly ( or Geoff Gander ( for more information. Ancient Mystara Although "official" sources say the first great civilisation was Blackmoor, some sages realise that this is not so. Great empires and heroes flourished, and fell, in a time long before the men of Blackmoor placed stone upon stone. What remains of these ancient realms today? Do the obsidian spires of ancient Y'hog still rise high, somewhere beneath the seas, do the men of fabled Lhomarr still live upon this world, and what of the great artifacts of yore that were lost in those ancient times? If you are interested in adding more detail to a Mystara of long ago, or of creating remnants of that time for the present day, send an email to Geoff Gander (, Matt Levy (, or James Mishler ( Davania Team Davania, the forgotten continent. This phrase no longer applies, as year by year more explorers bravely head south, probing deeper into forgotten jungles and hellish deserts, uncovering remnants of empires long dead, and those still living. These are realms beyond the knowledge of even the brightest sages, different from those of the "Known World." We've already finished one DM's guidebook already, and another is in the works. If you are interested in developing new cultures or ideas for this fascinating continent, contact Geoff Gander ( for more information. Underocean What lurks under the seas of Mystara? Far more than a realm of the deeps, Underocean is home to a vast range of interesting races and cultures. Witness the turmoil as the kingdoms of the merrow and the tritons fight off insidious hordes of devilfish, observe the aquatic elves fashion wonders only dreamed of by land dwellers. While the lands of Mystara are vast, those lying under the sea are still greater. Join Aaron Nowack ( as he plumbs the depths on the world. If you are interested in helping out, drop him an email... Mystaraspace Project Does Mystara have its own Green Men? This group of discussion is trying to find out! Join it to flesh out the planets and the secrets of Mystara's Voidspace, linking it with other canonical and new sources for both Mystara and other TSR settings. Knowledge of Spelljammer is good but not required: what you should bring here is Fantasy and Unlimited Imagination! Contact Marco Dalmonte ( Cyclopaedia Mystara The goal is to develop a comprehensive encyclopaedia of the world, consisting of articles indexed alphabetically and topically. Topics will range from continents and empires down to villages, NPCs, and magic items. Hopefully much of the existing information created by the MML can be incorporated, and the encyclopaedia will also link to individual websites to provide contrasting viewpoints on various subjects. Finally, it will provide extensive references to canon material published by TSR, as well as fan-created articles, so will serve as a one-stop index for all information related to a given topic. We have also been discussing the possibility of "donating" the finished work to TSR for reference and possible inclusion in future Mystara products. We'd appreciate your discussion here on the list; we are still working out the format, content, and legal details. Also if anyone wants to volunteer to coordinate a particular topic, or wants to contribute articles, please contact Mike Harvey ( Hollow World References This group aims to provide additional detail on the various cultures of the Hollow World, in the form of gazetteer reference documents. Basic socio-cultural aspects of each people will be covered, as well as NPCs, and other interesting information to aid the DM in fleshing out these hitherto undetailled areas. If you are interested in contributing to this group as a writer, or just helping out, contact Mischa Gelman ( The Immortal Project The Immortal Project is aiming to describe all Immortals of Mystara in the format of Faiths & Avatars - a detailled description which tells briefly about each Immortal's priesthood, granted spells and powers, dogma, rituals, church activities, worshipper bases, etc. Contact Aleksei Andrievski ( for more information. The Ambassadors Project What the ambassador project is trying to do is to give a bank of Mystaran NPCs for that too often ignored archetype - the ambassador. What we started with, is listing the ambassadors known in canon, and then we started giving a general idea of common characteristics of ambassadors from different nations in the Known World (and that is to be the focus at the present time). Specific NPCs are still nonexistent. The idea is for people to read the guidelines and send in NPCs they wrote up themselves in order to fill in the blanks. Contact Ohad Shaham ( for more information. - -- Geoff Gander, BA 97 Cartographer/Game Designer/Government Peon Carnifex Loremaster : *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 10:12:33 -0500 (CDT) From: (Ron Rogers) Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard - --WebTV-Mail-19685-6765 Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit You made some interesting points Havard. But I still don't think Thyatis is going to invade Karameikos. For one, the aid Karameikos gave Thyatis during the mummy rot plague certainly helped out relations between Karameikos and Thyatis. And although Karameikos is better developed than Traladara was as a Thyatian province, I still don't think the Thyatians would think it was worth conquering yet. There is one major thing I do disagee on. The WDL was founded to counter Thyatis and Hulean imperialism. Back in the pre wrath days Alphatia kept Thyatis in check, now the nations of Brun see a need to do something on their own. What the WDL needs to do is invite more nations in, especially Ierendi and Minrothad. Perhaps they could reorganize their militaries in a common fashion, standardize weapons (declaring an arrow shaft should be 5.56 mm in diameter), set up area commands, preposition equipment and supplies. subsidize magical research, etc. Two more kopecks from, CronoCloud (Ron Rogers) aka Sir Elcalear Dracul, Knight of the Kingdom of Karameikos, Graduate of the Great School of Magic (Glantri), Dracologist of the Fourth Circle, Licensed Necromorph Exterminator. Hey I want to be the SWDLCETO (Supreme Western Defense League Commander Eastern Theater of Operations) - --WebTV-Mail-19685-6765 Content-Disposition: Inline Content-Type: Message/RFC822 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit Received: from ( by with WTV-SMTP; Fri, 10 Sep 1999 04:10:43 -0700 (PDT) Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (8.8.8/ms.adl.990907) with ESMTP id EAA17549; Fri, 10 Sep 1999 04:10:42 -0700 (PDT) Received: from localhost (daemon@localhost) by (8.9.3/8.9.2) with SMTP id HAA20580; Fri, 10 Sep 1999 07:05:13 -0400 (EDT) (envelope-from Received: by (bulk_mailer v1.12); Fri, 10 Sep 1999 07:05:08 -0400 Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.9.3/8.9.2) id HAA20562 for mystara-l-outgoing; Fri, 10 Sep 1999 07:05:08 -0400 (EDT) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.2) with ESMTP id HAA20557 for ; Fri, 10 Sep 1999 07:05:06 -0400 (EDT) (envelope-from Received: from ([IPv6:::ffff:]:17425 "EHLO" ident: "hoc") by with ESMTP id <49500-12085>; Fri, 10 Sep 1999 12:54:59 +0200 Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 12:54:58 +0200 (CEST) From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?H=E5vard_R=F8nne_Faanes?= To: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8BIT Sender: Reply-To: On Tue, 7 Sep 1999, Ron Rogers wrote: [Why Thyatis can't conquer Karameikos] > 1. The Mighty Volaga River. As far as I know there are only a couple of > bridges across it. Ofcourse this could be solved quite easily using magic or flying mounts.. Part water, Stoneform etc.. > 2. Utter magical superiority. Around one third of the current > Karameikan population are spell casters. Yes, they are almost all > elves, but I think they would defend their eastern forest lands to the > death. Especially the new immigrants from Alfheim. Plus this is not > taking into account the Alphatian immigrants. I would not be surprised > if the Karameikans didn't have a few skyships by now, built in secret. > Probably with the old Elvenguard serving as marines aboard the ships. Thyatis has _alot_ of spellcasters. Not that they'd neccesarily aid the Thyatian army, but this depends alot on the reason of the Thyatian attack IMO. The Vyalia elves would probably not go against the Thyatians. If possible, they would most likely try to stay out of the conflict. Depending on their relations with the Alfheimers, they might try to persuade Alfheimers to do the same as not to encourage anti-elf sentiments among the Thyatians. > 3. The Karameikan Can Do attitude: The Karameikan citizenry probably > trust and like their government more than the Thyatians do. In fact > some of the Thyatian nobles probably trust King Stefan more than they do > Eusebius. Any Thyatian invasion of the Kingdom should expect heavy > resistance activity. If not outright guerilla war. Stefan could be seen as a turncoat, but the Thyatian nobles. Remember that he traded his ancestral lands for a kingdom of his own. Him recently declearing himself King and "siding" with Alphatia duing the War of Wrath doesn't help. Also war tends to unite people on the same side and this might be a chance for Eusebius to prove himself worthy the title of Emperor. Ofcourse, a failure on his part could mean his death. Migh make him a M-JFK.... > 4. The WDL: Even if the Thyatians took Karameikos I doubt they could > hold it against everything the rest of the WDL could send against them. > This does not take into account any other nation that might be > displeased at a Thyatian invastion of Karameikos. i.e. Ierendi, > Minrothad, the remaining Alphatian outer world territories. I don't really believe in the WDL. If Eusebius plays his cards right, that League should be easily broken. We're talking medeival (ok renessance) politics here. What are treaties worth? Just my two menhirs.. Håvard Haavard R. Faanes ( "Remember, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people." -Mr Garrison, South Park. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. - --WebTV-Mail-19685-6765-- *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 12:03:50 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Indexing of the Archive (was Where are the Faeries?) In a message dated 99-09-10 00:28:32 EDT, writes: << I hope that the actual indexing system should be their first port of call. Again any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. >> Maybe you should make the link to the Search engine a bit more prominent... I looked for Sh'rai under it, found it fine... Mystaros *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 19:08:53 +0200 From: Jamuga Khan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Do not obey the khan anymore... > like cartman would say: > "ok, that's it dude, sc... you, i'm going home" > next time i would meet an ethengar , i would turn him into frog.So > don't wander too close around my place... > > ;-)) You don't think that Ethengarian horse-warriors or hakomons are so stupid, don't you? (OTOH I remember a young and very inexperienced hakomon-werefox who tried to change into his fox form while an older hakomon stand aside and was puzzled. Of course not TOO much...) :-) Jamuga Khan "Hear and obey, because the Mighty Khan's word is law!" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 19:09:21 +0200 From: Jamuga Khan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... > the answer is ... Now, THAT was fast! I'm quite astonished... (Are you a mathematican?) How many have found the solution for themselves? Jamuga Khan "Hear and obey, because the Mighty Khan's word is law!" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 14:02:11 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Hasbro to Acquire Wizards of the Coast, Inc In a message dated 09/09/99 18:42:06 GMT Daylight Time, writes: > > Hasbro to Acquire Wizards of the Coast, Inc > > [...snip...] > > Erk! Talk about having "business suits" in charge of our favourite RPG... > Is anyone else as freaked out by this as I am? OOOHH, yeah. Big time. Now we're not just a subsidiary, we're a subsidiary of a subsidiary......"we be Doomed, DOOOOOMED, I tell ye..." Ahem. Sorry about that. A touch of Mutant Angst, there. Carl Q. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 14:02:21 EDT From: Subject: Re: FW: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... In a message dated 10/09/99 12:44:15 GMT Daylight Time, writes: > My Mistress, Princess Dolores, has heard of your genius... and would like to > have an audience with you... Take my advice: Don't Go. I hear she's a real Dragon when she's annoyed...;-) Carl Q. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 14:02:20 EDT From: Subject: Re: FW: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... In a message dated 10/09/99 02:47:19 GMT Daylight Time, writes: > Where are my accolades please....dammit it took me half an hour to figure > this one out Consider yourself duly accoladed. I had no idea, myself (but then, maths isn't my strong point). Funny how we all crave recognition for our deeds, isn't it? ;-)) Carl Q. (not a sly dig, BTW; I'm exactly the same...:-) *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 14:21:34 -0400 From: redrobyne Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Thyatis's backyard > > There's other reasons, at least now, why Thyatis does not just take > > over. The big one is NATO, pardon, the WDL. An invasion of one member > > is considered an invasion of them all. I am wondering if either > > Minrothad or Ierendi joined the WDL. It would be in thier best interests > > to do so. > > > > Plus Thyatis itself was not in too good of a shape after WOTI. You Know WDL could be destroyed (Thyatis could implant people to corrupt the delegatiions and such) or If a vote were made as to show that there was no need for it any more meaning a voluntery disbandment. Also how willing is the WDL to fight against this war machine and dosent anybody think of allies for thyatis? by the way it said that Thyatis suffered greatly but that dosn't mean thats its now a bad army. Stewart 3 *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 11:22:28 -0700 From: "Mr. Darknerd" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard What is WDL??? Some comments... Elves - ----- Both the Calarii and Vyalia do not concern themselves with the politics of mankind. People forget that elves live for many years and they see borders come and go rapidly. Also, there is a possibility that the Calarii symphathize with the Traldarans whom were subjugated by Thyatians. Magic - ----- Karameikos is not very advanced in magic. However this can change with assistance from Alphatia. Karameikan Citizenry - -------------------- 3. The Karameikan Can Do attitude: The Karameikan citizenry probably >> trust and like their government more than the Thyatians do. Actually most of the citizenry are Traldarans that have suffered from the tyranny of ruthless barons that Duke Stefan has brought with him. It is doubtful that they will be content or cooperative, or show any loyality of Thyatian conquerers. Alliance with Alphatia - ---------------------- Normally Thyatis would be content to leave Karameikos alone as long as this is not a treat. When Traldara was undeveloped, both Darokin and Thyatis were concerned that Traldara could pose a threat if it was developed or allied to Alphatia. Now that Karameikos is indeed allied to Alphatia, Karameikos is indeed a threat to Thyatis, and The Empire of Thyatis will not tolerate a threat in its back door. They will go to whatever expense is necessary to conquer Karameikos. This is similar to the Cuba crisis, and how the U.S.A. will not permit a strong opposing military force to exist in Cuba. Similarly, Thyatis will not permit a military threat next door. This will be an interesting political game for Duke Stefan. He will grow many white hairs in the coming years. HotBot - Search smarter. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 14:49:36 -0400 From: redrobyne Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Re: [MYSTARA]Mystara Player Handout > Anyone done anything along these lines? Did it work out OK? So far > this is just an experiment and I don't want to find out by the time the > campaign has reached 5th level or so that I've left something out... > The closest thing I ever did was give characters a pamphlet including things they should know from there profiencicies like actual facts on it (i.e. they actually know the "local lore"), Key characters in campaign (what they do and there name i.e. King Stefan King (former duke) of Karameikos, Thyatian) and the basic knowledge of the country (i.e. karameikos was formerly a Thyatian Duchy and even before a land controlled by the powerful people the Traldar.) and this makes them familiar where there playing and while although they don't know everything (i.e. Baron Von Hendriks is the one bringing in all those orcs) *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 14:59:57 -0400 From: redrobyne Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) Some one should figure out weakness's of the elves similar to those of its powers so that its not overpowered going so far as it can't be raised do to the way their enteined with their soul? Any ideas any one? Stewart 3 *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 12:54:43 -0700 From: Patrick Sullivan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Thyatis's backyard I agree that Thyatis COULD expand to the west, taking Karameikos within ten years; the Shires and possibly Darokin soon after. I think the more pressing question is do they want to. There is no significant chance that they will come under attack from WDL. The league has already shown itself unwilling to support the Dwarves in their aggression, and there's no way that they would commit themselves to a Thyatian invasion. Thyatis' only real concerns on Brun are the Heldannic Knights and Hule--and they'd rather have Darokin, the Shires, and Karameikos around to absorb further attacks from Hule. If Darokin City falls to Hule at any point, Thyatis will turn all it's attention to conquering Selenica, but until such a scenario, Eusebius would rather, IMO, have Darokin in between to absorb Hulean aggression. >> > There's other reasons, at least now, why Thyatis does not just take >> > over. The big one is NATO, pardon, the WDL. An invasion of one member >> > is considered an invasion of them all. I am wondering if either >> > Minrothad or Ierendi joined the WDL. It would be in thier best interests >> > to do so. >> > >> > Plus Thyatis itself was not in too good of a shape after WOTI. > > >You Know WDL could be destroyed (Thyatis could implant people to corrupt the >delegatiions and such) or If a vote were made as to show that there was no >need for it any more meaning a voluntery disbandment. Also how willing is >the WDL to fight against this war machine and dosent anybody think of allies >for thyatis? > >by the way it said that Thyatis suffered greatly but that dosn't mean thats >its now a bad army. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 22:43:42 +0200 From: "J.W.K. \"X\" Kramer" Subject: RE: [MYSTARA] - Hasbro to Acquire Wizards of the Coast, Inc Damon wrote (among other things...): >>> Weren't several people calling for the return of RPG's to toy stores? I think your wish just came true. <<< Yup, that's right, that means better distribution. And maybe more availibility (sp?) in Europe and other countries besides the USA... I will also give 'em the benefit of the doubt. John Hofman wrote (among other things...): >>>>> I'll wait and see before I start sweating. It's the same thing that everyone said when TSR was bought by Wizards of the Coast. The doomsayers came out, and they were all wrong. I'm sure Wizards isn't going to dump us, and if you read the article, it appears that at least most of the employees of Wizards are going to be kept. <<<< Right on!! >>> Maybe (and this is wishful thinking) Hasbro could be convinced to bring back Mystara. Maybe we should break out the "Save Mystara" petition again when the takeover is made ... <<<<< I will just wait and see, there is not much we can do about it right now, but we could try and convince them to bring back Mystara. After all it's one of the best settings ever produced for D&D... so it should be easy to get them to do that :-) Kristian "X" Kramer AD&D Fellowship Holland   William's law: There is no mechanical problem so difficult that it cannot be solved by brute strength and ignorance. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1999 #382 ******************************** *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara' as the body of the message. mystara-digest Friday, September 10 1999 Volume 1999 : Number 383 Mystara is a trademark of TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. The following topics are covered in this digest: Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard Re: [MYSTARA] - Indexing of the Archive (was Where are the Faeries?) [MYSTARA] - Mystara Image -- Correct or Incorrect? Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Thyatis's backyard Re: [MYSTARA] - Demons in Mystara Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? Re: [MYSTARA] - Demons in Mystara Re: FW: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard Re: [MYSTARA] - Indexing of the Archive Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? [MYSTARA] - Profs. Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 13:23:42 -0700 From: Patrick Sullivan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard >What is WDL??? WDL==> Western Defense League, the alliance formed by (IIRC) Darokin, Karameikos, Rockhome, and The Five Shires to discourage Thyatian and Hulean expansion. It's described in the PWAs. <> Eusebius' best bet may be to enter into discussions with some of the old Traladaran families and promise that, if they support his invasion, he will give them large autonomous dominions where Traladarans can rule. Mirros is too big a prize to let go, but it could be a regional Thyatian capital while the surrounding area is ruled by Traladarans from Marilinev. Singularly incompetent rulers and those who side with Stefan (likely Luln and Threshold, at least) could be given to Traladarans as a reward for loyalty, while Penhaligon, Kelvin, and any other dominion siding with Thyatis would increase its prestige and area. <> I don't think Eusebius will commit to an all-out war with Karameikos soon. He would much rather work to undermine Stefan's rule, fanning ethnic enmity and trying to gain loyal agents throughout Karameikos, particularly in the school of magecraft. When the time is right, most likely after Patriarch Jowett dies, Eusebius will be able to sieze Karameikos relatively easily. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 13:31:54 -0700 (PDT) From: Shane Henry Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Indexing of the Archive (was Where are the Faeries?) - --- Shawn Stanley wrote: > It now appears of course that merely having these > articles here isn't good > enough because Havard was unable to find the article > on the Sh'rai. Any > suggestions of dealing with this whole indexing > conundrum for the archive > would be greatly appreciated as the problem has > become quite significant > over time, owing to the large number of files > involved. > Yeah, but I don't want this to be the only way that > people can find the > things they want to, I hope that the actual indexing > system should be > their first port of call. Again any suggestions > would be greatly > appreciated. I have a few suggestions. The first is that I agree the "search" link should be more visually prominent, perhaps making it the first "topic" (before "Geography"), and with the same large fancy font you use for the other topic names. Second, you could add a link that goes to a long page that lists all of the pages on your site, organized by the same topics you have on your home page (I guess this would be a "site map"), so that a person could scroll down through a single page instead of having to keep dipping in and out of the topics to browse for something they're looking for. A person could also use their browser's "find" (= keyword search) function on just the one page. A different option (and probably more labor-intensive for you to switch to) would be to use a graphic interface very similar to the "Codex of Greyhawk" site's "scroll", at The "scrolling codex" opens up a list of in-site links when you click on a topic icon, and leaves them open even as you open other topics' lists, so with a few clicks, you can turn a simple listing of topics into a lengthy "site map" with every page link listed under its proper topic (of course, you can close the lists by reclicking on the topics too). I like how there are different icons on the "scroll" depending on the type of entry (text, pic, file, etc.). Generally, the "Codex of Greyhawk" site is very clean and attractive, and I think some of its features could be swiped for the Mystara Archive. Finally, since we're on the subject of your site, I just wanted to say that I hope Timothy Klanderud's quasi-photographic image of Mystara still has a place at your site, and even if you remove it from the masthead, perhaps you could move it to the "maps" topic. Personally, with or without the major/minor flaws, I think the image is one of the most striking graphics I've seen on any D&D-themed site, so I wouldn't mind you keeping it where it is. Maybe we could humbly request Timothy to revise it along the lines that've been suggested on the MML (flood Yalu Bay, revise the arctic areas, etc.). Shane __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 14:28:47 -0700 (PDT) From: Shane Henry Subject: [MYSTARA] - Mystara Image -- Correct or Incorrect? - --- Shawn Stanley wrote: >But Ethan, or anyone else, look closer to the whole shape of the north-northwestern coast of Brun. Does it look all wrong to you?< - -- SteelAngel wrote: >It does look a bit misshapen. hmm.. (digging through his _old_ maps) Notice that the nothern tip of Skothar is wrong too? Everyone whip outthe Master's Set map. There should be a huge Netsun Peninsula, not somedinky thing! The Great Waste should be larger, and the Vulcanian Marches areFAR too thin.Anyone else notice that the northern polar icecap stretches down to Wendar?:-)Oh well. Now I'm just being picky.< - --- Shawn Stanley wrote: >oh yeah I forgot that it was the whole northern edge of Mystara that was a tad askew. oh well just so as people know that the thing is more of an image than an actual map.< - --- Shane Henry wrote: > Maybe we could humbly request Timothy to revise it along > the lines that've > been suggested on the MML (flood Yalu Bay, revise > the arctic areas, > etc.). After closely comparing Timothy's image to the RC map, I've concluded that IMO, most of the problems mentioned above (except for drydocked Yalu) are simply due to the fact that the RC/HW map is depicted with a Robinson projection, while Timothy's is depicted with some sort of Cylindrical projection. Since a Robinson map's longitude lines are curved, and a Cylindrical map's longitude lines are straight, the apparent shapes of continents will differ very significantly between the two. For example, most people are familiar with how northern regions of a Mercator projection will appear to be larger than normal simply due to the projection (Greenland appears much larger than S. America, which isn't the case). To see what I'm talking about in regards to Timothy's image, go to, and click on the sample maps for Gall's Stereographic Cylindrical projection (similar to Timothy's image), and the sample Robinson projection (used in the RC map). If Timothy's map had latitude (and especially longitude) lines, I think it'd be clearer as to what I mean. Incidentally, maybe everyone knows this, but he made the image by altering a RW composite satellite map of the Earth, so the continental shapes match the RW continents to a large degree, which makes sense, since Mystara's map is based on a RW Jurassic map. In regards to the "Wendarian Icecap", the whitish color on the image *does* neatly match up with the tundra pattern's area on the RC/HW map, so I'd interpret the white as being icy tundra, as opposed to solely an ice cap, though perhaps an even more greyish color for the southerly regions (eg. Norwold) would've been better; note though that he *did* make the arctic wastelands more greyish than the bright white of the antarctic ice cap. Shane __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 18:26:43 -0400 From: redrobyne Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Thyatis's backyard > 1) Karameikos/Tralandara - Thyatis DID conquer this area, but they only > took the major coastal cities. Likely Tralandara had a dark reputation, > and the Thyatian commander probably couldn't have convinced his men to > go trekking into forests rumored to be filled with vampires and > werecreatures. It would have consumed too much military power to do more > than this. That and forests as thick as Karameikos cause some orginazational problems and Traladarans can quickly kill a large some of them too through Gorrilla Warfare also don't underestimate morality too. I think the most that can happen here is a slight change of borders but unlikely any major towns or settlements will be conquered or problems for Karameikos here. > 2) Ylaruam - Thyatis and Alphatia did vie for this territory in the > past, likely because it is a good area for invasion of Thyatis by foot, > not to mention a foothold on the Known World region. In the modern era, > though, the Ylari are excellent and fearsome warriors, nearly all > mounted, and well versed in desert survival and sniping tactics. Taking > Ylaruam now would be a costly invasion at best for Thyatis, and they'd > never hold it for long. Alphatia would face similar trouble. I agree with you. perhaps never the whole country but maybe the cliff side near the border could be used as a way to Darokin > 3) Rockhome - This, simply put, is the Dwarves homeland. Thyatis would > have no hope of breaking their defenses, which were in place long before > Thyatis even existed. Nor could they ever hold the territory. The > survivalist instinct of Mystaran Dwarves would mean their territories > would always be prepared for the worst, invasion or cataclysm, and they > could always retreat underground beyond the reach of men if they had to. Yes I agree however the dwarves may not bother if some one were to take control of a uninhabited valley as long as its just that or a stretch of uninhabited low or no mineral mountain "range"? but nothing major could happen here and if anything the parts of (as described above) it would just be a resting place or supply depot. > 4) Northern Reaches - Thyatis could likely conquer Vestland and the > Soderfjords, but it wouldn't be worth the trouble. Ostland's navy is > very powerful and likely is the primary reason Thyatis is reluctant to > move in this area. Ostland's ships could cause far more trouble to > Thyatian possessions than taking their islands would afford. In > addition, the general wildness of the mainland area, with the high > monster count, means the land would be worthless to hold anyway. If > Thyatis took Norwold, then they'd be able to catch Ostland between > hammer and anvil, but until such a time, the northern regions are hard > nuts to crack, with sour fruit inside. Also its a fairly long way and why does Thyatis need these places other than a trophy? > 5) Ethengar Khanates - Thyatis would have the same trouble here that > they'd find in Rockhome and Ylaruam... a native people well adapted to > the environment whom would fight fiercely to defend it. In addition, the > lack of any kinds of permanent settlements would mean Thyatis would > never completely control the land. Likely they'd have to establish > strongholds first, which would entail conquering either Vestland or the > Heldannic Territories. (Not likely...) I think the Khanates are far more powerful than people think and its a long way to trek across land and the ethies are on home turf to. the flats are quickly crossed on horse (which if I remember is a large part of the Ethies forces) but marching legions take a long time and are easily spotted. And as said earlier theres very few if any large permanent settlements so they could claim it but I doubt they could actually rule it. > > 6) Broken Lands - Aside from their fearsome reputation, and general > worthlessness as land, Thyatis would likely see this as best left to > cause their neighbors trouble. Were the humanoids to conquer the > surrounding territories, though, Thyatis would likely have to deal with > Darokin first before being in a position to do Thar any damage. I agree its much better as being a thorn and unless Thyatis conquered Darokin they probably would not bother with it. However there could be great favor for Thyatis fro other countries should they embark on such a task, perhaps they could more easily plan a suprise assault on a thankful darokin. > 7) Glantri - Thyatis does and had agents in this region during the > nation's forming years, but invasion would be nearly impossible without > going through many intervening lands first, and the mages of Glantri > would prove fearsome opponents. I think Thyatis could conquer Glantri however it would be long and hard and Wizards could easily survive in the mountains for ages however with the downfall of Glantri by its own means Thyatis could step in and claim it however then theyd have to fight Dolores as and Kol (this could make a interesting campaign). Dolores overthrows Glantri Thyatis claims Glantri and Dolores then has to rally Glantri to push back Thyatis so she can control it in the end! > 8) Darokin - Darokin's traditionally been the land nobody has wanted > anyway, and it's vast territories would require a lot of manpower to > control and police effectively. The Darokin Diplomatic Corps also likely > give Thyatis the impression that they could control the land if they > wanted to anyway, but it's just not worth the time and trouble to do so. Darokin is likely not only does it have nice farmland (after all my understanding is a lot of famines are occuring in Thyatis), good key point to attacking all othe Known World Countries but it has its invaluable trading ties. However Darokin is large and does have a fare defencive against attack but Thyatis need not control all of Darokin only ports, and key spots on roads there for Thyatis could tax all incoming and out going trade. however this can easily cause political ramifications. Thyatis could either go through lower Ylararuam or through Eastern Karameikos. > 9) Atruaghin Clans - Like Rockhome and Ethengar, the region's natives > know the area well, and the land is of little use to Thyatis. The > Plateau is also impossible to invade without air support. And why > bother? Its not valuable and not developed the plateou would be hard to get to and Atraughin the immortal might get angry. But it might be time for this race to go to the Hollow World. > 10) The Five Shires - The Shires ARE a rich and valuable country, but > they are also allied with Ierendi, who's navy equals and outdoes > Thyatis. Were Thyatis to overcome these barriers, they'd find that the > Hin are very used to invaders, and will fight for generations if need be > to gain their land back. Hin while although not aggresive are stubborn and reluctant and would not take to the new rulership easily. However Ierendi could be bypassed by going througb Karameikos. Also If Thyatis could control the King or Queen of Ierendi through the festival who knows what Ierendi would do? > 11) Ierendi - Thyatis did control these islands long ago, but Ierendi > nowadays is the greatest builder of ships and navies, and can easily > counter or block any invasion attempts by sea. Like I said earlier a puppet goverment would work. Or if lucky air corps could cause a M-Pearl Harbor! > 12) Minrothad Guilds - The guilds island's are well known for the > inclement weather in the region, which makes invasion difficult. In > addition, the Guilds have proven to be more valuable for commerce than > conquering. I think Minrothad could be taken island by island and again nice mercntile ties Also has anyone thought of Thyatis skipping the Known World and conquer the "savage" Baronies again or could aid the City States In a war against them then take control after all areweakened by the war? And another idea is that while IMC Thyatis will be around for a good long time (after all it seems more to be making friends in the world now instead of conquering them) You could have Thyatis fall at the hands of Nomads (ethengar) and then much later create a M-Frankish empire or Holy Roman Empire? Stewart 3 *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 02:10:50 +0200 From: DM Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Demons in Mystara On Sat, 4 Sep 1999 20:26:47 -0400, "Christian Constantin" wrote: <> YEP! I am (especially since we're in Master levels..). I made the players encounter their first demon (Howling Demon) in Darokin back in 999AC, when they were only around level 6. They were not supposed to beat that, but they did fairly well, and thanx to self-sacrifice of one of the players, the demon was pushed back in the gate where it came from.. Other demons encountered so far: Shrieking Demons (nicknamed "storks" by my players -too easy to defeat) from WotI, a Croaking Demon in another adventure in Norwold involving Alphaks and a Roaring Demon (Razrog, from GAZ11). << Moreover, I wanted to know if someone has developed spells or items linked with demonology or something like that. Also, I don't have any recent AD&D rulebooks (I always preferred OD&D) and I wondered if they contain anything about this kind of magical beings. I ask all these questions because I want to create some kind of demonologist school of magic in my campaign which will deal with the conjuration/invocation of the servants of entropy.>> Well, my idea on D&D demons has always been: "Heck, these are TOO powerful for a low or expert level party". But since I love demons, I desperately wanted to use them in my campaigns. For this reason I bought two small booklets in Italian I found in a games store here that details a new kind of demons for D&D, less powerful and more variable (both in forms and powers). I immediately introduced them IMC and made up a history on their culture. To differentiate them from Immortal Demons, I called these beings Demonic Breed. They are ruled by Demon-Princes, who all respond to the Arch-Devil, Grandfather of them all. They now live in the Astral Plane (were confined there in the past by Immortal intervention) and are constantly trying to return to the world of Mystara, where they feel they belong. They are tied to the Outer Beings, the Carnifex and the humans' forefathers. In this booklet I have there's also the Demonist class, which is a character that specializes in summoning and binding demons to his will (there are also different ways to summon and bind demons described.. all in all, a good product). I think you'd better devise new types of demons (lesser demons) if you really want to use spells to summon them, because Immortal ones are too damn powerful for any campaign but a high level one. Ok, that's all for now, hope to have been helpful. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 02:16:17 +0200 From: DM Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? On Wed, 8 Sep 1999 13:08:26 +0800, "Francisco Navarro" wrote: <> IIRC, WotI saz the Fairy Court went to the Isle of Dawn, to live near the leprechaun kingdom of Iubadan (or something like that).. DM Senior Editor of the Mystaran Almanac First Officer of U.S.S. Unicorn Visit Marco's Mystara Homepage at: Join the Mystara Webring at: Join the Starfleet Academy at: (Italian RPG PBEM) *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 02:16:36 +0200 From: DM Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Demons in Mystara On Sat, 4 Sep 1999 20:26:47 -0400, "Christian Constantin" wrote: <> YEP! I am (especially since we're in Master levels..). I made the players encounter their first demon (Howling Demon) in Darokin back in 999AC, when they were only around level 6. They were not supposed to beat that, but they did fairly well, and thanx to self-sacrifice of one of the players, the demon was pushed back in the gate where it came from.. Other demons encountered so far: Shrieking Demons (nicknamed "storks" by my players -too easy to defeat) from WotI, a Croaking Demon in another adventure in Norwold involving Alphaks and a Roaring Demon (Razrog, from GAZ11). << Moreover, I wanted to know if someone has developed spells or items linked with demonology or something like that. Also, I don't have any recent AD&D rulebooks (I always preferred OD&D) and I wondered if they contain anything about this kind of magical beings. I ask all these questions because I want to create some kind of demonologist school of magic in my campaign which will deal with the conjuration/invocation of the servants of entropy.>> Well, my idea on D&D demons has always been: "Heck, these are TOO powerful for a low or expert level party". But since I love demons, I desperately wanted to use them in my campaigns. For this reason I bought two small booklets in Italian I found in a games store here that details a new kind of demons for D&D, less powerful and more variable (both in forms and powers). I immediately introduced them IMC and made up a history on their culture. To differentiate them from Immortal Demons, I called these beings Demonic Breed. They are ruled by Demon-Princes, who all respond to the Arch-Devil, Grandfather of them all. They now live in the Astral Plane (were confined there in the past by Immortal intervention) and are constantly trying to return to the world of Mystara, where they feel they belong. They are tied to the Outer Beings, the Carnifex and the humans' forefathers. In this booklet I have there's also the Demonist class, which is a character that specializes in summoning and binding demons to his will (there are also different ways to summon and bind demons described.. all in all, a good product). I think you'd better devise new types of demons (lesser demons) if you really want to use spells to summon them, because Immortal ones are too damn powerful for any campaign but a high level one. Ok, that's all for now, hope to have been helpful. DM Senior Editor of the Mystaran Almanac First Officer of U.S.S. Unicorn Visit Marco's Mystara Homepage at: Join the Mystara Webring at: Join the Starfleet Academy at: (Italian RPG PBEM) *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 20:19:06 EDT From: Subject: Re: FW: [MYSTARA] - A riddle... In a message dated 9/10/99 3:41:49 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << 3. The ages multiplied equals the number of humans. This is an important point because while WE dont know the number of humans we can assume that the wizards do. >> What exactly did this have to do with the solution, or was it just fluff? *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 08:23:06 +0800 From: "Francisco Navarro" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Thyatis's backyard Mr. Darknerd asked: > What is WDL??? 1. Worried Dryad Lovers. (A resource group searching for the dryads, after the mutation of the Canolbarth forest. They have chapters in all Known World countries, the Hollow World, and even in Aengmore itself. Lots of the MML belong to this...) 2. Where're the Dang Leprechauns? (Splinter group of faeries who tried to escape Aengmor by following the end of a rainbow, and ended up in Glantri, specifically in Princess Dolores' backyard.) 3. Wizards' Daughters' Lovers. (Secret society of lupins who prey on 9-year old daughters of Glantrian wizards) 4. Where's the Damn Link? (Cabal of obsessed netsurfers lost in the virtual reality of Shawn Stanley's website) ;) Kit Navarro "Your Imperial Highness, sir! I know how we can undermine the WDL! Let's confuse the general public as to what the acronym stand for! Then the people will be so confused, that the WDL will fall! And those colony nations will be rightfully embraced into the arms of Thyatis and the bosom of Vanya." - --quoted from Brutus Gorgonius Zendoliopolium, former general in the Thyatian army, not noted for his strategic genius, presently serving as 3rd Assistant Underbaker in the Imperial Bakery of Thyatis City *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 10:26:58 +1000 From: shawn stanley Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Indexing of the Archive >I have a few suggestions. The first is that I agree the "search" link >should be more visually prominent, perhaps making it the first "topic" >(before "Geography") ummm, that's where it's been all along. >and with the same large fancy font you use for >the other topic names. Second, you could add a link that goes to a long >page that lists all of the pages on your site, organized by the same >topics you have on your home page (I guess this would be a "site map"), >so that a person could scroll down through a single page instead of >having to keep dipping in and out of the topics to browse for something >they're looking for. A person could also use their browser's "find" (= >keyword search) function on just the one page. fair enough. >A different option (and >probably more labor-intensive for you to switch to) would be to use a >graphic interface very similar to the "Codex of Greyhawk" site's >"scroll", at The "scrolling codex" >opens up a list of in-site links when you click on a topic icon, and >leaves them open even as you open other topics' lists, so with a few >clicks, you can turn a simple listing of topics into a lengthy "site >map" with every page link listed under its proper topic (of course, you >can close the lists by reclicking on the topics too). I like how there >are different icons on the "scroll" depending on the type of entry >(text, pic, file, etc.). Generally, the "Codex of Greyhawk" site is >very clean and attractive, and I think some of its features could be >swiped for the Mystara Archive. it also seems to have a lot less files to deal with in comparison, I'll take it under consideration though. >Finally, since we're on the subject of >your site, I just wanted to say that I hope Timothy Klanderud's >quasi-photographic image of Mystara still has a place at your site, and >even if you remove it from the masthead, perhaps you could move it to >the "maps" topic. I am, or at least the version on my computer has. shawn stanley what have you done for me lately ... more to the point what have i done for me - mightyfew, "i can't wait" *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 20:41:43 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? look, i'm sure i explained it all to you before, but since i'm patient with you guys, i'll just have to do it once more. The Seelie Court (Faerie Court) is actually located in the Dreamland of Arcadia, home to the Alkalians. The Dreamland has several Faerie Rings throughout the Planes which allow transportation from the Dreamland to the Prime Material Plane. This method of travel is usually only done to gain information about the Planes, or in an effort to destroy the evil forces known as the Wyrm, partners in crime with the Unseelie Court. There is a special army trained within the Selenii Clan, and the Selenii Infiltrators are those who will bring glory to the Seelie Court. They often assume the role of someone from the area in which they wish to infiltrate, and will go through any means necessary to accomplish the mission. The ring in which I came here, is located somewhere within the Sylvan Realm, which is why I was so desperate to get a map of the area, because as of now, I am stuck in Karameikos, far from home. Upon completing my mission, I shall return to my Faerie Ring where I will be transported back into the Dreamland, and then receive new orders. If anyone has any information as to the location of a good cartographer, I would be greatly appreciative, because time is of the essence, and I need to get back home. Thanks. Meltheim the Shadowstalker Infiltrator to the Immortals Devotee of Fate Eyes of the Starwatcher *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 19:08:58 -0700 (PDT) From: Diego Subject: [MYSTARA] - Profs. Is there a list of all, or at least most, of the profs (skills) from all of the Gazetteers out there? I have many of the Gazetteers, but I have always wished that there was a combined list that I could give to the players. If not, is their any desire to see such a list? Thanks, Diego *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 22:12:39 -0400 From: redrobyne Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) > - For elves, 2nd through 9th are the levels I > commonly GM. The players don't care and want all > the power in the beginning. Thus, elves are still > unbalanced in both AD&D2 and OD&D. thye do or do not want all the power? > - Level limitations are ubsurd and are being > eliminated in D&D3. I agree although I do like the slow advancement rules for demi-humans presented in some AD&D material > - dwarf thieves & elve thiefs. Though I use AD&D2, > I still stick with the guidelines presented in > the Gazetteers. Dwarfs are insane if they are > thieves in dwarven culture. Elves have no value > for money. As such, I don't commonly allow > Elven or Dwarven thiefs. > - It is good new roles/classes are offered in the > Gazetteers, but this makes things more cumbersome > and possibly inconsistant. Imagine 100s of > classes, when one can simply have a race + class. > - dwarf mages do not exist in AD&D2. They might > exist in D&D3. But anyone running a Mystara > campaign would doubtfully allow this combination. I allow Elf thiefs but without the pickpockets and similar things ability and the backstabbing hoever most are still frowned upon and some times shunned by elven communitys and dwarf thiefs are just absurd (I never had to turn down any player who wanted to play a dwarf thief) Stewart 3 *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 22:22:44 -0400 From: redrobyne Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) > > - For elves, 2nd through 9th are the levels I > > commonly GM. The players don't care and want all > > the power in the beginning. Thus, elves are still > > unbalanced in both AD&D2 and OD&D. > > Bah.. powergaming. Hack and slash adventures are boring!! I agree but you need to get to high levels to interact with high characters. > > - It is good new roles/classes are offered in the > > Gazetteers, but this makes things more cumbersome > > and possibly inconsistant. Imagine 100s of > > classes, when one can simply have a race + class. > > That's the problem. The AD&D system is based on powergaming. It's easy > to have a munchkin elven fighter/mage/cleric/theif when the rules allow > it. At least with oD&D, there is play balance. The AD&D can have powergaming but is not meant for it. and for the last time its not easy to have a f/m/t (the highest combination) and don't any of you people change the rules? jeese just because the DM guide or whatever shows you how to run a class dosn't mean you have to! And if a player demands it you either tell him its not allowed or you have the PC think hes a f/m/t (afterall since there isnt such a thing on Mystara) and so he has to try to earn XP but he never gains the extra class and just waists XP. And for those of you who like to nit pick about AD&D to show D&D's superiority theres no point to it OD&D is gone and soon AD&D will be too. Besides this is a Mystara Campaign list not a rules list. Stewart 3 *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1999 #383 ******************************** *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara' as the body of the message. mystara-digest Saturday, September 11 1999 Volume 1999 : Number 384 Mystara is a trademark of TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. The following topics are covered in this digest: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? [MYSTARA] - Is the AD&D Glantri supplement a complete retelling of GAZ 3? Re: [MYSTARA] - Profs. Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? Re: [MYSTARA] - Indexing of the Archive Re: [MYSTARA] - Is the AD&D Glantri supplement a complete retelling of GAZ3? Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery Re: [MYSTARA] - And now for something completely different... Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? Re: [MYSTARA] - Is the AD&D Glantri supplement a complete retelling of GAZ 3? Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Thyatis's backyard Re: [MYSTARA] - Profs. Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Thyatis's backyard ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 22:25:43 -0400 From: redrobyne Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? > look, i'm sure i explained it all to you before, but since i'm > patient with you guys, i'll just have to do it once more. The Seelie Court > (Faerie Court) is actually located in the Dreamland of Arcadia, home to the > Alkalians. The Dreamland has several Faerie Rings throughout the Planes > which allow transportation from the Dreamland to the Prime Material Plane. > This method of travel is usually only done to gain information about the > Planes, or in an effort to destroy the evil forces known as the Wyrm, > partners in crime with the Unseelie Court. There is a special army trained > within the Selenii Clan, and the Selenii Infiltrators are those who will > bring glory to the Seelie Court. They often assume the role of someone from > the area in which they wish to infiltrate, and will go through any means > necessary to accomplish the mission. The ring in which I came here, is > located somewhere within the Sylvan Realm, which is why I was so desperate to > get a map of the area, because as of now, I am stuck in Karameikos, far from > home. Upon completing my mission, I shall return to my Faerie Ring where I > will be transported back into the Dreamland, and then receive new orders. If > anyone has any information as to the location of a good cartographer, I would > be greatly appreciative, because time is of the essence, and I need to get > back home. Thanks. > Your starting to scare me a little scoo... *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 22:24:38 EDT From: Subject: [MYSTARA] - Is the AD&D Glantri supplement a complete retelling of GAZ 3? Is the AD&D Glantri supplement a complete retelling of GAZ 3? Or is it missing some of the material? Just curious cause I can get a hold of the Glantri, Kingdom of Magic set right now but the Gaz might not be so easy to find. For those of you who have both...are they the same? froggy *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 22:32:53 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Profs. i have a list of proficiencies that's a combo of S&P and Proficiency rules that my GM made up, but it's quite lengthy . . . there is also a list on the Core Rules 2.0 cd Meltheim the Shadowstalker Infiltrator to the Immortals Devotee of Fate Eyes of the Starwatcher NEW SYSTEM I propose that we use one consistant system where proficiencies are still purchased through proficiency slots (PHB), but each proficiency has a base score which is modified by the ability (Skills&Powers option). If proficiencies have listed two abilities, the the player simply chooses the best one. ZERO-LEVEL The zero level ability is a chance for the player to use a proficiency he does not have. The chance for success is the base rating devided by two. This is further modified by -2 for skills outside the players group, and by +2 for skills within the players group. For general there is not modifier. An Example: a wizard attempts to Set Snares. This skill is within the WARRIOR and ROGUE groups. Thus the wizards base chance for success would be 2, i.e. 1 or 2 on a d20 (Base of 8 devided by 2 and a -2 for using a skill from another group). If the Wizard had a DEX. of 16, he then gets a bonus of +3, increasing the total chance to 5, or 1 through 5 on a d20. BACKGROUND Enclosed is a list of the proficiencies avialable on the Core Rules 2, Expansion CD. These were gathered from several books found on the CD, including Handbooks, Spells & Magic, Skills & Powers, and Combat & Tactics. Also, optionally Dwarven Handbook uses dwarven special abilities as proficiencies. Gnomish and Stout halfling abilities have been presented in this optional system as well. _________________________________________________________ Ability Modifieres to Proficiency Scores Ability Proficiency Score Modifier - -------- ----------- 3 -5 4 -4 5 -3 6 -2 7 -1 8 - 13 0 14 +1 15 +2 16 +3 17 +4 18+ +5 Concentrated Proficiency List GENERAL Slots Base Proficiency Required Rating Ability - ---------------------------- -------- ------- -------------- Agriculture 1 7 INT. Animal Handling 1 7 WIS. Animal Training 1 5 WIS., CHA. Alertness 1 6 WIS. Blacksmithing 1 6 STR, INT. Boat Piloting 1 6 STR, INT. Boatwright 3 5 INT. Brewing 1 8 INT. Carpentry 1 7 STR, INT. Cartography 1 6 INT. Cobbling 1 7 DEX., INT. Cooking 1 7 INT. Dancing 1 6 DEX., CHA. Deep Diving 1 5 DEX., CON Direction Sense 1 5 WIS. Distance Sense 1 5 WIS. Engineering 2 5 INT., WIS. Etiquette 1 8 CHA., WIS. Falconary 1 7 WIS. Fire-building 1 8 WIS., INT. Fishing 1 6 WIS., INT. Fungi Recognition 1 6 WIS. Gaming 1 5 WIS., INT. Heraldry 1 8 INT. Leatherworking 1 7 INT., DEX. Mining 2 5 WIS., STR Modern languages 1 9 INT. Musical Instrument 1 7 CHA. Navigation 1 6 INT., WIS. Orienteering 1 7 INT., WIS. Painting 1 7 DEX., WIS. Persuasion 1 5 CHA. Poetry 1 7 INT. Pottery 1 7 DEX. Riding, Airborne 2 5 WIS., DEX. Riding, Land 1 8 WIS., DEX. Riding, Sea 2 6 WIS., DEX. Rope Use 1 8 DEX., WIS. Sculpting 1 5 DEX., WIS. Signaling 1 6 INT. Sign Language 1 6 INT. Singing 1 5 CHA. Seamanship 1 8 WIS., DEX. Slow Respiration 1 NA/6 CON, WIS. Smelting 1 5 INT. Sound Analysis 1 6 WIS. Stonemasonry 1 5 STR, WIS. Swimming 1 9 STR Tailoring 1 7 DEX., INT. Trouble Sense 1 3 INT., WIS. Weather Knowledge 1 7 WIS. Weaving 1 6 INT., DEX. PRIEST Slots Base Proficiency Required Rating Ability - ---------------------------- -------- ------- -------------- Administration 1 9 INT. Alms 1 8 CHA. Ancient History 1 6 WIS.,INT. Ancient Languages 1 5 INT. Astrology 2 5 WIS., INT. Bookbinding 1 8 INT. Bureaucracy 2 7 INT. Ceremony 1 7 WIS. Diagnostics 1 6 WIS. Healing 2 5 WIS., CHA. Herbalism 2 6 INT., WIS. Investigation 1 6 INT., WIS. Iron Will 2 3 WIS. Law 1 7 INT. Local History 1 8 INT., CHA. Observation 1 7 INT. Omen Reading 1 5 WIS. Oratory 1 7 CHA. Papermaking 1 8 INT. Persuasion 1 5 CHA. Reading/Writing 1 8 INT. Religion 1 6 WIS. Sage Knowledge 2 5 INT. Scribe 1 7 DEX. Spellcraft 1 7 INT. Undead Lore 1 6 INT. Veterinary Healing 1 5 WIS. ROGUE Slots Base Proficiency Required Rating Ability - ---------------------------- -------- ------- -------------- AmbiDEX. 2 NA/6 DEX. Ambush 1 5 INT. Ancient History 1 6 WIS., INT. Animal Noise 1 5 WIS. Appraising 1 8 INT., WIS. Begging 1 6 CHA. Blindfighting 2 NA/6 WIS., DEX. Bureaucracy 2 7 INT. Camouflage 1 5 INT. Cryptography 1 6 INT., WIS. Dirty Fighting 1 5 INT. Disguise 1 5 WIS., CHA. Fast-Talking 1 6 CHA. Foraging 1 7 INT. Fine Balance 2 7 DEX. Forgery 1 5 DEX., WIS. Fortune Telling 2 6 CHA. Gem Cutting 2 6 DEX. Information Gathering 1 6 INT. Intimidation 1 6 STR, CHA. Juggling 1 7 DEX. Jumping 1 8 STR, DEX. Local History 1 8 INT., CHA. Locksmithing 1 5 DEX. Looting 1 6 DEX. Observation 1 7 INT. Quickness 2 3 DEX. Pest Control 1 6 WIS. Reading Lips 2 7 INT., WIS. Set Snares 1 6 DEX., WIS. Steady Hand 1 3 DEX. Tightrope Walking 1 5 DEX. Throwing 1 8 DEX., STR Trailing 1 6 DEX. Trail Signs 1 6 INT. Tumbling 1 7 DEX., STR Ventriloquism 1 5 INT., CHA. Voice Mimicry 2 5 CHA. WARRIOR Slots Base Proficiency Required Rating Ability - ---------------------------- -------- ------- -------------- AmbiDEX. 2 NA/6 DEX. Ambush 1 5 INT. Animal Lore 1 7 INT., WIS. Armorer 1 5 INT., STR Blind-fighting 2 NA/6 WIS., DEX. Bowyer/Fletcher 1 6 INT., DEX. Camouflage 1 5 INT. Charioteering 1 5 DEX., WIS. Dirty Fighting 1 5 INT. Endurance 2 3 CON Fine Balance 2 7 DEX. Foraging 1 7 INT. Hunting 1 7 WIS. Jousting 1 6 DEX. Iron Will 2 3 WIS. Law 1 7 INT. Leadership 1 5 CHA. Intimidation 1 6 STR, CHA. Mountaineering 1 7 STR, WIS. Quickness 2 3 DEX. Running 1 5 STR, CON Set Snares 1 8 DEX., WIS. Spelunking 1 5 INT. Steady Hand 1 3 DEX. Survival 2 6 INT., WIS. Tracking 2 7 WIS. Trail Signs 1 6 INT. Trail Marking 1 6 WIS. Weaponsmithing 3 5 INT., DEX. Weaponsmithing, Crude 1 6 INT., DEX. WIZARD Slots Base Proficiency Required Rating Ability - ---------------------------- -------- ------- -------------- Alchemy 2 6 INT. Anatomy 2 5 INT. Ancient History 1 6 WIS., INT. Ancient Languages 1 5 INT. Arcanology 1 5 INT. Astrology 2 5 WIS., INT. Astronomy 1 7 INT. Bookbinding 1 8 INT. Concentration 2 6 WIS. Cryptography 1 6 INT., WIS. Dowsing 1 5 WIS. Gem Cutting 2 6 DEX. Glassblowing 1 7 DEX. Herbalism 2 6 INT., WIS. Hypnotism 1 6 CHA. Mental Resistance 1 5 WIS. Omen Reading 1 5 WIS. Papermaking 1 8 INT. Prestidigitation 1 7 DEX. Reading/Writing 1 8 INT. Religion 1 6 WIS. Research 1 6 INT. Sage Knowledge 2 5 INT. Scribe 1 7 DEX. Spellcraft 1 7 INT. Tactics of Magic 1 6 INT. Thaumaturgy 1 5 INT. DWARVES Slots Base Proficiency Required Rating Ability - ---------------------------- -------- ------- -------------- Determine Grade or Slope 1 9 WIS. Detect New Construction 1 9 WIS. Detect Slide/Shift Walls/Rooms 1 8 WIS. Detect Stone Traps/Pit/Deadfall 1 7 WIS. Depth Sense, Underground 1 7 WIS. GNOMES Slots Base Proficiency Required Rating Ability - ---------------------------- -------- ------- - --------------Determine Grade or Slope 1 9 WIS. Detect Unsafe wall/ceil/floor 1 8 WIS. Depth Sense, Underground 1 8 WIS. Direction Sense, Underground 1 7 WIS. HALFLINGS (Stout) Slots Base Proficiency Required Rating Ability - ---------------------------- -------- ------- - --------------Determine Grade or Slope 1 9 WIS. Direction Sense, Underground 1 7 WIS. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 22:37:24 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? who's scoo? Meltheim the Shadowstalker Infiltrator to the Immortals Devotee of Fate Eyes of the Starwatcher *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 22:52:10 -0400 From: redrobyne Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? > who's scoo? > Uh oh! *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 19:53:23 -0700 (PDT) From: Shane Henry Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Indexing of the Archive - --- shawn stanley wrote: > >I have a few suggestions. The first is that I agree > the "search" link > >should be more visually prominent, perhaps making > it the first "topic" > >(before "Geography") > > ummm, that's where it's been all along. Sorry, I didn't make that sentence clear. I was just trying stress that the "Search" link should be made to be as prominent as the "Topics" are. Shane __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 20:30:09 -0700 From: Patrick Sullivan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Is the AD&D Glantri supplement a complete retelling of GAZ3? >Is the AD&D Glantri supplement a complete retelling of GAZ 3? Or is it >missing some of the material? Just curious cause I can get a hold of the >Glantri, Kingdom of Magic set right now but the Gaz might not be so easy to >find. For those of you who have both...are they the same? They're similar, but certainly not the same. Most notably, the boxed set includes information on the Principalities of Fenwick, New Kolland, Morlay-Malinbois, Sablestone, and Bramyra, whereas the Gazetteer includes Blackhill and Caurenze. They each have some neat stuff that the other lacks. I'd recommend the box if you can get it at a decent price. Patrick *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 08:17:58 +0100 From: "Paul George Dooley" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Weapon Mastery > esssentially invulnerable to ANY attack. (Since all he does is make a saving > throw vs. death ray, and boom, attack deflected.) Anyone else experience > difficulty like this? It's even more readily apparent with LOW level demi-humans, but if you change it too must beat opponents effective AC hit it works. Also double cost for non fighters and thieves and allowing fighters to obtain it at first actually balances the whole thing out I've found. The fighter ALWAYS now has the edge over others and the thief gets a well needed boost at higher levels when she's just marking time. > brother let ONE character I had do that, and he's been nixing the book since, > because it quickly became apparent it was an extremely powerful advantage.) > It's all in how it's staged. The PC's have to learn somewhere and the villains can pay the tutor just as much. Also IIRC (hold on just checking my new prezzy 'Core Rules 2') the sum total of benefits in AD&D is +3/+3 +1ATT/r and an increase in base weapon damage die at Grand master level plus an improved critical chance. The earliest possible is 9th level (12th if you don' use character points) when the mage can teleport and/or conjure elemental and/or etc, whilst the cleric can raise dead and/or plane shift. Why shouldn't they fighters have a chance to improve what they do best? It's not as if it was a free gain like the ability to cast higher level spells the PC would actually have to spend some of their advancement benefits (Proficiencies or character points) in order to be able to achieve even modest levels of success. It can actually be used to hinder the players because anyone with such skill is widely known, as rumours of their prowess spread. There'll always be a youngster who reckons he can take the old man. Any good PC will soon be thinking about the trail of corpses they will leave behind them from now on. Corpses of youngsters who wouldn't let it lie. Their enemies will use magic and missiles against them if they favour melee, or magic and melee if they are superb archers. Basically it just comes down to personal preferences as a GM though. If you play high fantasy then you already fudge the dice so what's a bit more. In low fantasy you've actually got some rationale for using it as RW counterparts of Grandmasters abound in the worlds history and folklore. An idea just came to me whilst writing this. just how compatible is weapon mastery with Strength bonuses? If it is all to do with skill there is an obvious trade-off with power to some degree. The exact figures have probably already been worked out and posted somewhere. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 09:25:49 +0100 From: "Paul George Dooley" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - And now for something completely different... > > 1) The Y1K bug. Set shortly before the year 1000 AC. > > The players are > > hired by a Thyatian wizard for a rather peculiar > > problem. Apparently > > long ago, shortly before the Thyatian Revolution, > > the collected > > enchanters of Thyatis had used a particular method > > of enchantment upon > > magical items, which guaranteed their use for 1,000 > > years of perfect > > use, afterwards which they're erratic or inert. The > > wizard represents > > most of the Thyatian mages, who are worried, as the > > year 1000 > > approaches, and already some few items made are > > beginning to fail, > > causing them to try and find suitable explanations > > to the unamused > > Emperor and the noble ranks. The players are given > > special magical > > devices that can detect magical items made using > > this archaic > > enchantment method, and set off with a large list of > > potential owners > > and sources of items. > > Missed this first time but luckily someone else caught it. Why not Alphatian second millennium? $0.02 *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 00:06:02 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Where are the Faeries? Ahem, now that I've worried everybody with my identity problems, i must tell you that being an Infiltrator, identities sometimes get confused after over 120 years of assuming those of others. no need to worry. Meltheim the Shadowstalker Infiltrator to the Immortals Devotee of Fate Eyes of the Starwatcher *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 22:23:21 -0700 (PDT) From: Damon Brown Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Is the AD&D Glantri supplement a complete retelling of GAZ 3? - --- wrote: > Is the AD&D Glantri supplement a complete retelling > of GAZ 3? > Nope. There's a bunch of info in the GAZ that's not in the box. Most notably, info on the different organizations of Glantri City is incomplete or missing in the box. Of course there's also the issue of pre/post WotI: as Patrick pointed out, a few of the Principalities present in the GAZ aren't in the box and vice-versa. The box also has a really cheesy adventure and CD(gack!). All in all, I'd say to pick up the box(especially if it's cheap) but keep trying to find the GAZ. IMO, GAZ3 is one of, if not the best Mystara products out there(OK, at least Top 5). As much as I think the AD&D Mystara stuff was second-rate, I still feel it's all worth having... nothing with the Mystara name on it was worthless - even the worst product might have the one obscure idea in it that might inspire something really cool. Just my two Kopecs worth... Auf wiedersehen, Damon === If a 'Vegetarian' is someone who eats vegetables, shouldn't 'Humanitarian' be another name for a 'Cannibal'? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 01:24:40 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Thyatis's backyard In a message dated 1999-09-10 14:20:33 Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > You Know WDL could be destroyed (Thyatis could implant people to corrupt the > delegatiions and such) or If a vote were made as to show that there was no > need for it any more meaning a voluntery disbandment. Also how willing is > the WDL to fight against this war machine and dosent anybody think of allies > for thyatis? Of course there is one thing that Thyatis could do to hasten the demise of the WDL (Western Defense League, for those of you who don't have the almanacs): express full support for it and offer diplomatic assistance to help patch over any cracks that develop in the alliance. Even if they don't come up with a cunning plan to sabotage the negotiations, enough nations would be suspicious of Thyatian intentions that they would become suspicious of the WDL as well -- after all, if Thyatis actually favors the WDL, then they must have subverted it in some way, right? The key to success with this plan is never to be caught doing anything underhanded -- Thyatis wants to divide the alliance by having the WDL members unsure of the empire's intentions, not unite them by proving themselves a common foe of all WDL members. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 22:39:22 -0700 (PDT) From: Damon Brown Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Profs. - --- Diego wrote: > > Is there a list of all, or at least most, of the > profs (skills) from all > of the Gazetteers out there? I have many of the > Gazetteers, but I have > always wished that there was a combined list that I > could give to the > players. If not, is their any desire to see such a > list? > Are we talking AD&D(proficiencies) or OD&D(skills)? Proficiencies are well documented in the DMG & various CHBs. The 'core' skills are listed in the RC. While the GAZs have several others, it's real hit or miss. The same mayt be listed in multiple GAZs but may not be the same(based on different attributes, etc). I tried to do something similar for my player intro-packets but had to do *alot* of editing and creative embellishment to compile a half-way compatible list. If you're interested, I can try to lift it from the Word file, but I don't know how much it would help. Several skills have been pretty mutilated to fit my campaign... also several more have been omitted(most Shadow Elf, Ethengarian, etc) since they didn't fit with my initial setting(Karameikos). Good luck though... Auf wiedersehen, Damon === If a 'Vegetarian' is someone who eats vegetables, shouldn't 'Humanitarian' be another name for a 'Cannibal'? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 01:42:04 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) In a message dated 1999-09-10 14:59:11 Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > Some one should figure out weakness's of the elves similar to those of its > powers so that its not overpowered going so far as it can't be raised do to > the way their enteined with their soul? Any ideas any one? The obvious idea would be to limit their spells so that they are comparable in power with the spell lists in the Alfheim and Shadow Elf gazetteers -- they should not be throwing around fireballs and lightning bolts, for example. Another possibility would be to take away about 15 points worth of racial abilities in order to compensate for them having "armored wizard" as a racial ability. Good candidates for removal would be the sleep/charm resistance and the sword/bow bonus (to be replaced with a requirement that the first two proficient weapons be a sword and a bow, perhaps). *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 01:52:08 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) ok, i once was in an area where the people were so fast (this was before any of your times) that they could do an attack and an action in one turn, so the wizard would cast a spell, then put on the armour to defend, and then the other wizard would do the same, and so on and so forth, quite an interesting time. but things have changed now since then as much has happened since the early 800's . . . Meltheim the Shadowstalker Infiltrator to the Immortals Devotee of Fate Eyes of the Starwatcher *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 02:24:42 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Thyatis's backyard In a message dated 1999-09-10 18:25:55 Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > Also has anyone thought of Thyatis skipping the Known World and conquer the > "savage" Baronies again or could aid the City States In a war against them > then take control after all areweakened by the war? Yavdlom would seem to be a natural target. On the other hand, if they want to gain a heroic reputation, then concentrating their forces for a surprise conquest of Jaibul might do the trick, as well as providing them a port and trading post at the western end of the Known World. Then they could make a treaty with Hule and go for the City States or any points further west that are not afflicted with the Red Curse (which would be the main deterrrent to conquest of the Savage Coast). *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1999 #384 ******************************** *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara' as the body of the message. mystara-digest Saturday, September 11 1999 Volume 1999 : Number 385 Mystara is a trademark of TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. The following topics are covered in this digest: Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Thyatis's backyard Re: [MYSTARA] - Is the AD&D Glantri supplement a complete retelling of GAZ 3? Re: Just Say No to WotI (was Re: [MYSTARA] - Maps--Darokin) Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Thyatis's backyard Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) Re: [MYSTARA] - Is the AD&D Glantri supplement a complete retelling of GAZ 3? [MYSTARA] - Re: Profs [MYSTARA] - Chat rooms Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Thyatis's backyard Re: [MYSTARA] - Chat rooms Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) [MYSTARA] - Dwarves and the Theif Class (was OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor)) [MYSTARA] - RE: Demons in Mystara Re: [MYSTARA] - Profs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 02:24:41 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Thyatis's backyard In a message dated 1999-09-10 18:25:55 Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > I think the Khanates are far more powerful than people think and its a long > way to trek across land and the ethies are on home turf to. the flats are > quickly crossed on horse (which if I remember is a large part of the Ethies > forces) but marching legions take a long time and are easily spotted. And > as said earlier theres very few if any large permanent settlements so they > could claim it but I doubt they could actually rule it. A more likely scenario would involve Thyatis allying with the Ethengarians or hiring all of its tribes as mercenaries. I could just imagine the negotiations now: Khan: "So you want us to abandon the steppes and fight your wars for you? What are you offering us in exchange?" Thyatian ambassador: (Names a price in gold coins) Khan: "You must be joking! Tell me why I should accept such a deal and not have you executed now." Thyatian ambassador: "Other than the fact that our first two foes will be Glantri and the Heldannic Knights and you will have the full support of the Thyatian legions, I cannot imagine why you would want to help us...." At this point the real negotiations begin.... Of course, the preceding scenario assumes that relations between Thyatis and its former allies have deteriorated to the point that it wants to conquer or at least seriously harass them. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 23:38:04 -0700 From: IronWolf Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Is the AD&D Glantri supplement a complete retelling of GAZ 3? For one who has hunted long until he has owned both, let me tell you some of it... For the most part, both AD&D box sets were a ripoff for GAZ owners. Essentially the same identical material was presented in both, with some alterations to account for the last 12-13 years of events since the original Gazateer's publishing, and converted to AD&D rules. For the most part, the AD&D conversions are adequate, but some conflicts exist. The new Admiral of Karameikos, for example, is a Paladin, but they say not of what Immortal. While she could be simply 'Lawful Good', this somewhat defeats the idea that in Mystara the Law/Chaos axle is more important than Good/Evil. And Jaggar Von Drachenfels, a mage of Glantri, is listed as being Lawful Evil, which sent up a howl of protest it seems from those who viewed him as a force of good in the region. (I would argue myself, though, that his recent actions with Dolores Hillsbury are likely causing him to alignment shift, but it's not important enough to be to debate about.) Some of the material reproduced is questionable as well. The Seven Secret Circles of Glantri, for example, were presented in D&D as a way for mages to specialize in a rules system that didn't have mage specialties. Converting to AD&D, though, they should have simple readdressed the issue and converted the various powers and systems over into kits or new spells. Instead they were transplanted wholesale with a few quick name changes. Bad move, guys! Plus, they COMPLETELY dropped the ball on the changes to the Nucleus of the Spheres, and said it STILL drains magic, DESPITE the fact that it drains from Entrophy, NOT Energy. (When you think about it, who knows what the heck it's draining now... or affecting.) However, GAZ3 has it's own faults. Primarily, it's very haphazardly and poorly organized, and is almost entirely for GM's only. While I admire Bruce Heard's style of mixing in character prose and the material, it makes it extremely difficult to reference, and it has no clear player section. The box set does slightly better at this, and does do a decent job for giving players their own section. In the end, I would have to say this: If you don't own GAZ3, the box set is worth having around for the material. If you have GAZ3, or a chance to get either, GAZ3 is likely the better choice, since it more difficult to find. The material changes and differences you could clean from the Poor Wizard's Almanacs if necessary. Adamantyr wrote: > Is the AD&D Glantri supplement a complete retelling of GAZ 3?  Or is it > missing some of the material?  Just curious cause I can get a hold of the > Glantri,  Kingdom of Magic set right now but the Gaz might not be so easy to > find.  For those of you who have both...are they the same? > > froggy > *************************************************************************** > To unsubscribe from this list send mail to > with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 18:18:46 +0200 From: sharlene Subject: Re: Just Say No to WotI (was Re: [MYSTARA] - Maps--Darokin) > > > > Hmmm what about Zzonga mushroom :)? > > []s > Victor Caminha Humm.Calm..... i am honoured to say that our worse tennis player (well the one i loath the most) Cedric Pioline just kicked the shit out of Gustavo kuerten.And he was not using Zzonga mushroom either... *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 03:24:30 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) In a message dated 1999-09-10 22:14:49 Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > dwarf thiefs are just absurd (I never had to > turn down any player who wanted to play a dwarf thief) As a criminal type, perhaps. But I could just picture a dwarf who loves dealing with locks and traps -- sort of a short "McGyver" in terms of personality. Of course, it is even easier to picture a gnome in that role. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 15:00:07 +0800 From: "Francisco Navarro" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Thyatis's backyard From: > Of course there is one thing that Thyatis could do to hasten the demise of the > WDL (Western Defense League, for those of you who don't have the almanacs): > express full support for it and offer diplomatic assistance to help patch > over any > cracks that develop in the alliance. Even if they don't come up with a > cunning > plan to sabotage the negotiations, enough nations would be suspicious of > Thyatian intentions that they would become suspicious of the WDL as well -- > after all, if Thyatis actually favors the WDL, then they must have subverted > it in some way, right? The key to success with this plan is never to be > caught > doing anything underhanded -- Thyatis wants to divide the alliance by having > the WDL members unsure of the empire's intentions, not unite them by > proving themselves a common foe of all WDL members. Brilliant strategy! Extremely brilliant! And they say Glantrians were conniving... Has Princess Dolores heard about your brilliance? I could probably set up an audience with her... after she's done with the Great Wizard of Numerology, Glantrian Parenting, and Lupin Allegiances, that is... Kit Navarro "Oh don't worry the Darokinians, your Highness. I'm sure when the Thyatian diplomats arrive, these conflicts within the League will be easily sorted out. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" - --disturbing words of truth from Iaccho, Court Jester of King Stefan Karameikos *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 07:34:07 -0400 From: "SteelAngel" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) > As a criminal type, perhaps. But I could just picture a dwarf who loves > dealing with locks and traps -- sort of a short "McGyver" in terms of > personality. Of course, it is even easier to picture a gnome in that > role. Dwarves can't be criminals. At least not on Mystara, as a Dwarf Theif would be put to death, or some other nasty punishment. If a Dwarf player wants to be MacGuyver, let him have locksmithing and traps skills. Ethan *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 07:32:15 -0400 From: "SteelAngel" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Is the AD&D Glantri supplement a complete retelling of GAZ 3? > However, GAZ3 has it's own faults. Primarily, it's very haphazardly and poorly > organized, and is almost entirely for GM's only. Gaz3 is mostly for DMs, but that's a given. The early gazzetters were not player supplements! Look at Gaz1. That was just a big mess of DM background material. At least Bruce made Glantri interesting, adding a LOT of minor info and setting up the spirit of the principalities. Ethan *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 14:19:53 +0200 From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=E0=E9=EC=EF_=F9=E7=ED?= Subject: [MYSTARA] - Re: Profs Hey Diego! I think there is a list in the rules cyclopedia but I don't have it so maybe not. But what do you need a list for? I mean all the GAZes agree that the lists of skills they give are just suggestions. You can make up your own or even your players can decide what their charechters want to know. Anything that suits the Character story is good. Most of the skills are given just to give more color to the character (like- knowledge of current fashion in Alphatia or Barrelmaking) and only a minority actualy give the player new powers to play with (Blindshooting, Hide in Shadows) these should be limited by the DM, but anything else is up to the players and DMs imagination. Morphail (Ohad Shaham) "and all the while as vampires feed- I bleed..." /the Pixies *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 14:45:21 +0200 From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=E0=E9=EC=EF_=F9=E7=ED?= Subject: [MYSTARA] - Chat rooms Hello everyone. I was thinking, why isn't there a Chat room out there for all of us MMLs? There are more than 400 of us (right ADMIN?) so there are a few people online somewhere in the world at any given time. Maybe a chat room is appropriate on someone's site (Shawn?). Just my two Shekels worth Morphail *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 21:26:43 +0800 From: "Francisco Navarro" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) From: SteelAngel > Dwarves can't be criminals. At least not on Mystara, as a Dwarf Theif would > be put to death, or some other nasty punishment. Nasty punishment for dwarves? 3 words: TRIP TO GLANTRI IMC in Glantri actually, the PC party met up with a fugitive dwarf from Rockhome, whose punishment was the exact thing. Bound and gagged and sold to some Glantrian merchant, the poor guy was! The PCs met him escaping from a wizard's laboratory. Kit Navarro *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 10:57:28 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) there are young children in a nearby villiage that play this game with little doll like people only about an inch tall, I think it's called Hero's Quest or something, they're always wanting to be hero's, and i believe the short, fat figure can pick locks and disarm traps. Meltheim the Shadowstalker Infiltrator to the Immortals Devotee of Fate Eyes of the Starwatcher *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 11:00:22 EDT From: Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) why in the name of The Red Arrow couldn't a dwarf be a criminal? I know that they have a high sense of honor, or at least the pathetic Rockholme dwarves do, but I've had the pleasure of travelling with some deep dwarves, and they were quite criminalistic, even evil at times . . . Meltheim the Shadowstalker Infiltrator to the Immortals Devotee of Fate Eyes of the Starwatcher *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 08:47:01 -0700 (PDT) From: Shane Henry Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) - --- SteelAngel wrote: > > > As a criminal type, perhaps. But I could just > picture a dwarf who loves > > dealing with locks and traps -- sort of a short > "McGyver" in terms of > > personality. Of course, it is even easier to > picture a gnome in that > > role. > > Dwarves can't be criminals. At least not on Mystara, > as a Dwarf Theif would > be put to death, or some other nasty punishment. > > If a Dwarf player wants to be MacGuyver, let him > have locksmithing and traps > skills. I'd say that there aren't any *known* Dwarves with full Thief abilities in *OD&D* Mystara. However, I see no reason why there shouldn't be Dwarven Thieves in AD&D Mystara as per the core rules permit. Like you suggest, the OD&D Mystaran reality's equivalent of an AD&D Mystaran Dwarf Thief would be a Dwarf with Thief-like skills, or in one's own personal campaign, an OD&D Dwarf-Thief class could be created along the lines of the Dwarf-Cleric class. Shane __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 08:50:29 -0700 From: Patrick Sullivan Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - [MYSTARA] Thyatis's backyard >Yavdlom would seem to be a natural target. On the other hand, if they want >to gain a heroic reputation, then concentrating their forces for a surprise >conquest of Jaibul might do the trick, as well as providing them a port and >trading post at the western end of the Known World. Then they could make >a treaty with Hule and go for the City States or any points further west that >are not afflicted with the Red Curse (which would be the main deterrrent to >conquest of the Savage Coast). Somewhere (either the Minrothad Gazetteer or CoM or one of the PWAs) says that the existence of a large civilization in Yavdlom is a closely guarded Minrothad trade secret. If Thyatis knows of its existence at all, even a cursury diplomatic examination would dissuae Thyatis from attempting an invasion. I can see Thyatis taking Sea Camel and Mule Beach (Kladanovit and Tyjaret--the towns at either end of the Necklace), but Yavdlom would be of little use and very difficult to conquer. The Black Rajah is allied with the Master, isn't he? I don't think Hule would accept Thyatian expansion so close to their newly-conquered Sind. While they might not be able to prevent the conquest of Jaibul, they can certainly prevent the Thyatians from holding it. All in all, given the difficulties of holding Jaibul or anything in Yavdlom, and the difficulties of navigating through the Dhiiki Namazii (sp?), Mule Beach and Sea Camel seem like the ideal conquests to the west. Of course, if they close the Necklace, they'd have to be prepared for serious harassment from City-State and Minroth naval forces, but they can always selectively close the route to anyone they're at war with while allowing others access. Plus, the Thyatian spirit of engineering has been stagnating--perhaps a great canal would be the perfect exercise for them. Patrick *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 10:19:37 -0600 From: "Leroy Van Camp III" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Chat rooms > There are more than 400 of us (right ADMIN?) 302 of us. Leroy Van Camp III ICQ #20039817 "You know, not kneeing you in the groin is a constant struggle." MST3K *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 12:24:06 -0400 From: "SteelAngel" Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) > I'd say that there aren't any *known* Dwarves with full Thief abilities > in *OD&D* Mystara. However, I see no reason why there shouldn't be > Dwarven Thieves in AD&D Mystara as per the core rules permit. What the roolz say and what is culturally acceptable are two different things. Rockhome Dwarves are not thieves. They just can't be. To a Dwarf, stealing is a horrible act. That is so culturally inbred into Dwarvish society that even if (for some reason) I used the AD&D system, and someone wanted to play a dwarf-theif, they wouldn't. Ethan *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 09:50:39 -0700 (PDT) From: Shane Henry Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) - --- wrote: > In a message dated 1999-09-10 22:14:49 Eastern > Daylight Time, > writes: > > > dwarf thiefs are just absurd (I never had to > > turn down any player who wanted to play a dwarf > thief) > > As a criminal type, perhaps. But I could just > picture a dwarf who loves > dealing with locks and traps -- sort of a short > "McGyver" in terms of > personality. Of course, it is even easier to > picture a gnome in that > role. There are several non-setting-specific AD&D kits that are allowed for Dwarven Thieves: CBoDwarves - --Thief kits --Diplomat --Entertainer --Locksmith --Pest Controller - --Fighter/Thief kits --Ghetto Fighter --Trader --Vermin Slayer --Wayfinder CThief'sH --Adventurer --Assassin --Bandit --Beggar --Bounty Hunter --Buccaneer --Privateer --Burglar --Cutpurse --Fence --Investigator --Scout --Smuggler --Spy --Swashbuckler --Swindler --Thug --Troubleshooter PO:S&P --Acrobat --Amazon --Animal Master --Assassin --Barbarian --Beggar --Diplomat --Explorer --Merchant --Noble --Outlaw --Peasant Hero --Pugilist --Rider --Savage --Scholar --Scout --Sharpshooter --Smuggler --Soldier --Spy --Swashbuckler --Thug --Weapon Master And here's some Mystaran kits that are allowed for Dwarven Thieves: Savage Coast --Inheritor --Local Hero --Spy --Swashbuckler --Bandit --Filcher (if raised by a Humanoid) --Scout K:KoA --Highwayman --City Rogue --Karameikan Guild Rogue With all of these neat character options explicitly available for AD&D Dwarven Thieves, I'd say, IMC, that Dwarven Thieves definitely exist in Mystara. It would take a lot of work (and purists might understandably be opposed to it), but I think it'd be interesting to increase the number of OD&D classes exponentially and have unitary OD&D class versions of every AD&D race-class-kit combo (a la OD&D Dwarf-Cleric) that's relevant for Mystara (eg. Dwarf-Thief-Diplomat, Dwarf-Fighter-Thief-Ghetto Figher, Dwarf-Thief-Troubleshooter, Dwarf-Thief-Animal Master, Dwarf-Thief-Inheritor, Dwarf-Thief-Highwayman). These AD&D-inspired classes would have to be rare to explain why we hadn't heard of them before 1010-1015 AC, but this would reconcile some of the inherent differences between the OD&D, and ease conversion from AD&D2E to OD&D, from OD&D to D&D3E, and vice versa. Shane __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 09:53:15 -0700 (PDT) From: Shane Henry Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor) - --- SteelAngel wrote: > > I'd say that there aren't any *known* Dwarves with > full Thief abilities > > in *OD&D* Mystara. However, I see no reason why > there shouldn't be > > Dwarven Thieves in AD&D Mystara as per the core > rules permit. > > What the roolz say and what is culturally acceptable > are two different > things. Rockhome Dwarves are not thieves. They just > can't be. To a Dwarf, > stealing is a horrible act. That is so culturally > inbred into Dwarvish > society that even if (for some reason) I used the > AD&D system, and someone > wanted to play a dwarf-theif, they wouldn't. Would you allow Highforge Dwarves, Savage Coast Dwarves, or outcast Rockhome Dwarves to be thieves? Shane __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 11:38:40 -0600 From: "Leroy Van Camp III" Subject: [MYSTARA] - Dwarves and the Theif Class (was OD&D vs AD&D classes/races (was: wizards and armor)) SteelAngel meandered fecklessly... > What the roolz say and what is culturally acceptable are two different > things. Rockhome Dwarves are not thieves. They just can't be. To a Dwarf, > stealing is a horrible act. That is so culturally inbred into Dwarvish > society that even if (for some reason) I used the AD&D system, and someone > wanted to play a dwarf-theif, they wouldn't. Just two comments from the peanut gallery... First, no matter how much something is ingrained upon people culturally, there is likely to be a small number that defy this. Now, with the mentality of dwarves, I agree this number is likely to be very small, but I do believe that dwarves that steal would still exist. They would likely not stick around Rockhome to risk the harsh penalties they would suffer if caught, and thus would be even more likely to enter the "adventuring" lifestyle. For me, when it comes to free-thinking beings and their behavior, I have great difficulty accepting absolutes. Even in a high fantasy world such as Mystara. Second, the thief class is just a framework of skills and abilities, with no dictation of how they need be used. I think everyone is too set upon its name. The idea that a dwarf cannot ever learn a set of skills that would allow it to be a stealthy scout in the depths strikes me as silly, and the thief class is the perfect framework for this concept. Even with OD&D's "You advance in the skill even if you never use it" thing, it is a simple matter of dropping that skill. The Rake does it, after all. Leroy Van Camp III ICQ #20039817 "You know, not kneeing you in the groin is a constant struggle." MST3K *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 13:39:45 -0400 (EDT) From: (Geoff Gander) Subject: [MYSTARA] - RE: Demons in Mystara Heya Marco! ABout that booklet you mentioned - is it really published for D&D? By this I mean, has an independent company in Italy started publishing materials on their own for the game (like Pagan Publishing produces materials for Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu)? If so, this could be very interesting... Any chance at all of you sharing some of the info here? :-) Geoff - -- Geoff Gander, BA 97 Cartographer/Game Designer/Government Peon Carnifex Loremaster : *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 12:16:24 +0200 From: DM Subject: Re: [MYSTARA] - Profs. At 22.21 10/09/99 -0400, Diego wrote: >Is there a list of all, or at least most, of the profs (skills) from all >of the Gazetteers out there? I have many of the Gazetteers, but I have >always wished that there was a combined list that I could give to the >players. If not, is their any desire to see such a list? Mwuuhahahahaha! Yes, there is.. I HAVE COMPILED IT! It's 42 pages, filled with ALL skills found in the gaz, + others found in netbooks + others found in AD&D sourcebooks.. ALL detailed and explained nicely and thoroughly, with charts and tables of reference.. You can have it for free, sure.. only problem is.. IT'S ENTIRELY WRITTEN IN ITALIAN!!... *sadic grin* Sorry guys, but I needed it for my players.. and I needed it in Italian ;) DM Senior Editor of the Mystaran Almanac First Officer of U.S.S. Unicorn Visit Marco's Mystara Homepage at: Join the Mystara Webring at: Join the Starfleet Academy at: (Italian RPG PBEM) *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara-l' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ End of mystara-digest V1999 #385 ******************************** *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe mystara' as the body of the message.