Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxJul 24, 2005 7:47:08 | OK, let's have a competition guys! ![]() Whoever comes up with the "Best" (as voted on by us, the DS community) new Athasian animal, monster, etc. gets a cookie (or whatever). No conversions allowed, only brand spanking new critters, as many of them as you want (in other words, multiple entrys are fine). Post your pets in this thread, bit please save all discussion of entries for the Critter Discussion thread. Annnnd GO! ![]() |
#2zombiegleemaxJul 24, 2005 7:52:35 | Quarex Medium magical beast (psionic) Hit Dice: 3d10 (16 hp) Initiative: +1 Speed: 10ft (two squares), fly 60ft (clumsy) AC: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14 Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+4 Attacks: Bite +5 melee (2d4+1 plus poison) Full Attack: Bite +5 melee (2d4+1 plus poison) Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft Special Attacks: Poison, psi-like powers Special Qualities: Psi-like powers Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3 Abilities: Str 12, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 9, Wis 14, Cha 12 Skills: Hide +7, Jump +17, Listen +3, Move Silently +7, Spot +8 Feats: Weapon Focus (bite), Ability Focus (poison) Environment: Deserts, low mountains Organization: Solitary, pair, or flight (2-5) Challenge Rating: 2 Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral Advancement: 4-7 HD (Medium); 8-12 HD (Large) Level Adjustment: -- A man-sized iguana-like creature basks in the morning sun, its limbs spread wide to reveal the fleshy membranes between them and its greenish skin glistening with a rainbow hue in the growing light. A lazy, opportunistic creature, quarex generally hunt smaller lizards and insects, obtaining all the fluids they need from their prey. Quarex are ambush hunters, lazing around on high perches concealed by their chameleon power while they wait for something edible to wander by. Then they swoop down, a bite their prey, relying on the euphoric delirium produced by their venom to incapacitate the creature. Only when truly desperate will they attack larger prey. Quarex hide is prized among tailors and artists alike, since it is naturally supple and many find its glossy surface appealing. With the proper psionic ability, an artist can manipulate quarex hide to produce “paintings” of unsurpassed beauty. Combat Quarex only engage in combat when absolutely necessary. Unless they are hunting, a flight of quarex will generally try to get airborne and glide away from a threat rather than waste energy facing it. Poison: Bite – injury. Fortitude save (DC 13), initial damage 1d6 Dexterity damage, secondary damage dazed for 2d6 minutes. The save DC is Constitution based. Psi-like Abilities: At will – chameleon. 1/day – energy ray (sonic only; 3d6-3*). Manifester level 3rd. The save DCs are Charisma based. * includes augmentation for the quarex’s manifester level. Skills: Quarex receive a +5 bonus to Hide, Move Silently, and Spot checks, and a +15 bonus to Jump checks. The quarex, by Christopher Rathert (contributing artist for! All I've got to say is Sweeet! ![]() |
#3kalthandrixJul 24, 2005 8:39:02 | Oops |
#4zombiegleemaxJul 25, 2005 4:24:39 | Vlerryl Diminutive animal (psionic) Hit Dice: 1/2d8 (2 hp) Initiative: +7 Speed: 30ft (six squares), climb 30ft AC: 17 (+4 size, +3 Dex), touch 17, flat-footed 14 Base Attack/Grapple: +0/+8 Attacks: Bite +0 melee (1 pt) Full Attack: Bite +0 melee (1 pt) Space/Reach: 1ft/0ft Special Attacks: None Special Qualities: Psi-like abilities Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1 Abilities: Str 3, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 14 Skills: Climb +9, Hide +15, Jump +7, Open Lock +10 Feats: Improved Initiative (b), Open Minded Environment: Forests, scrub plains, verdant areas Organization: Solitary, pair, pack (3-12), or town (10-100) Challenge Rating: 1/4 Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral Advancement: 2 HD (Diminutive, see below) Level Adjustment: -- A small rodent with brownish-gray fur and a long bushy tail looks you over as it scurries past. A gleam in its eyes makes you wonder if it isn’t more than what it seems. A small omnivorous mammal similar to a squirrel, vlerryls are furry menaces. Extremely opportunistic, vlerryls generally eat bugs and roots. When other sources of food (storehouses of grain, for instance) are available, though, vlerryls will gladly supplement their diets. They are bold little creatures when it comes to food, and can get into all but the most tightly secured containers or places given a little time. Vlerryls have developed all sorts of strategies for stealing food, and one (in)famous one involves one vlerryl distracting a humanoid by “talking” to him using missive while another vlerryl runs in and grabs whatever food he may be holding. Vlerryls live in hollowed out trees or extensive underground burrows, depending on their environment. These burrows, called towns, can extend for hundreds of feet and be home to dozens of the creatures. The city-states and most villages see vlerryls as pests, and try to exterminate any such towns that crop up in the vicinity. Combat Vlerryls don’t engage in combat, except with each other during mating season, unless they are threatened. Even then, their main goal when threatened is to escape, not cause injury. Psi-like Abilities: At will – far hand, missive. Manifester level 1st. Skills & Feats: Vlerryls receive a +3 bonus to Open Lock checks, a +10 bonus to Climb and Jump checks, and a +12 bonus to Hide checks due to their size. Vlerryls receive Improved Initiative as a bonus feat. Vlerryl Familiars A wizard can choose a vlerryl as a familiar, receiving a +3 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks when the creature is within one mile. Advanced Vlerryls Certain vlerryls, about one in a hundred, are much more psionically developed than their kin. These creatures have 2 Hit Dice, and possess a few more psionic abilities then normal vlerryls, but otherwise have the same statistics as other vlerryls. An advanced vlerryl’s CR is 1/2. Psi-like Abilities: At will – distract (DC 13), far hand (range 35ft or move up to 9lbs*), missive (range 35ft*). 3/day - demoralize (40ft radius, DC 15*). Manifester level 3rd. The save DCs are Charisma based. * includes augmentation for the vlerryl’s manifester level. Skills & Feats: Advanced vlerryls receive a +3 bonus to Disable Device and Open Lock checks, a +10 bonus to Climb and Jump checks, and a +12 bonus to Hide checks due to their size. Advanced vlerryls also receive Improved Initiative as a bonus feat. |
#5ruhl-than_sageJul 25, 2005 9:10:38 | They're so cute! :bounce: , I want one. |
#6PennarinJul 27, 2005 2:43:25 | The quarex, by Christopher Rathert (contributing artist for! All I've got to say is Sweeet! Wooa, Chris, that was something! :D |
#7methvezemJul 31, 2005 10:42:54 | Here's one based off the description given by Korvar, in the critter discussion thread: Jeipug Mite Swarm Fine Vermin (swarm, psionic) Hit Dice: 2d8-2 (6 hp) Initiative: +1 Speed: 0 ft. AC: 19 (+8 size, +1 Dex), touch 19, flat-footed 18 Base Attack/Grapple: +0/― Attacks: ― Full Attack: ― Space/Reach: 5 ft/0 ft Special Attacks: Psi-like abilities Special Qualities: Immune to weapon damage, swarm traits, symbiotic relationship, vermin traits Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0 Abilities: Str 1, Dex 12, Con 9, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 9 Skills: ― Feats: ― Environment: Forests (Cresent Forest) Organization: Solitary, Grove (2-5 swarms) Challenge Rating: 1/2 Treasure: 1/10 coins; 50% good; 50% items Alignment: Always neutral Advancement: None Level Adjustment: ― This low bush has dark green fat, triangular leaves, veined with yellow, up to three feet long. You get a glimpse of something black moving underneath each one of these leaves. The jeipug mites are insects that lives exclusively under the leaves of the psionic-enhancing weomre bush. A healthy bush can house a colony numbering in the thousands of individuals. These mites lives in galls (swellings) under the main body of leaves, where they consume the sap of the plant. An individual mite is tiny, barely the size of a grain of sand. Its body is round and flat, and its carapace is a glossy black, from which a multitude of hairlike legs protrude. The mite's antennae are as long as its body, usually held flat back against its back, but held forward when using its power (see below). Each mite has a very minor psionic power - essentially it can activate one nerve ending in a creature a few feet away, which they use to fend off beasts from their host plant. While taken individually, the pain a mite cause to passerby is hardly even noticable. But when multiplied by the thousands of mites on a bush, and augmented by the psionic enhancement of the sap, this enables them to drive away the most determined plant-eater from their host bush. Any being passing too near or trying to eat the plant will trigger an inevitable attack from the mites. CombatA Jeipug mite swarm only engage in combat when a creature damages the leaves of its home bush. Brushing against the leaves won't trigger them, but breaking, biting or trying to remove the leaves will. However, a creature that has already been subjected to the inflict pain power within the last day – whether from this swarm or another - is instead attacked when within 10 feet of the swarm’s home bush. The swarm will not stop using its inflict pain power until the threat is gone. Psi-like Abilities: At will―inflict pain (up to 2 targets, DC 12*. Manifester level 5th*. The save DCs are Charisma-based. * Includes augmentation for the jeipug mite’s manifester level, and its exposure to the sap of the weomre bush. Symbiotic Relationship (Ex): The jeipug mite swarm, due to its stationnary position on the weomre bush, has only a space of 5 feet and a speed of 0 feet. It cannot use the swarm attack and distraction abilities of the swarm template, but is no longer susceptible to high winds such as that created by a gust of wind spell. The constant exposure to the psionic sap from the leaves of the weomre bush gives it a +2 bonus to its effective manifester level. New drug* |
#8CyrianJul 31, 2005 20:33:16 | Waterseeker Large Magical Beast (Fire, Psionic) Hit Dice: 9d10+27 (76) Initiative: +2 (Dex) Speed: 40ft AC: 19 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +8 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 17 Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+17 Attack: Talons +12 melee (2d6+4), or obsidian long sword +11 melee (1d8+3) Full Attack: Talons +12 melee (2d6+4), bite +10 melee (1d8+2), horn +10 melee (1d6+2), tail +10 melee (1d8+2) or obsidian long sword +11/+6 (1d8+3) Face/Reach: 5ft/10ft; 5ft. Special Attacks: Cone of Heat Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, fire subtype, psionics. Saves: Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +6 Abilities: Str 18, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 16, Wis 16, Chr 16 Skills: Intimidate +7, Hide +10, Jump +16, Move Silently +13, Listen +12, Spot +15 Feats: Dodge, Mental Leap, Mobility, Multi-Attack Environment: Ivory Triangle, Great Salt Flat. Organization: Pack (2-10) Challenge Rating: 9 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Usually lawful evil Advancement: 10-16HD (Huge) A large reptilian creature leaps out from behind a dune right in front of you. Its scales glow red in the sunlight, but its eyes glow redder. You are suddenly engulfed by a wave of immense heat from off to your side, as the creature in front of you prepares to leap. The Waterseeker is the thing of nightmares for travelers of the Great Salt Flat. It is a large reptilian creature, similar to a therapod dinosaur. They stand 6ft tall at the shoulder, and are 9ft long from their head to the tip of their tail. They are bipedal, walking on two muscular legs. Their feet have two toes, each with a 5in long claw, and a slightly longer claw jutting out from their heel. Their tails make up almost half their body length, and end with two 10in long spikes jutting out from them, which they can use with deadly proficiency. They have two more bony spikes rising from their backs, usually about 3ft long. The purpose of these is not completely known, but it is believed by some sages that they are a form of extra armor, as their position does not allow them to be used very easily as a weapon. Their heads are draconic, with a long horn sticking out of the front of their snout, curving forwards. Their scales are a dull red, but can be voluntarily lightened when out in the desert or salt flats for added camouflage, and are very rough from exposure to the sun, sand, and salt. Waterseeker hide is greatly prized among adventurers as it makes great scale mail. Most are proficient with the long sword, and many carry metal weapons from raided caravans and travelers. If they do not have a weapon, or somehow lose it, however, they can be very deadly with their natural weapons. Combat Waterseekers are pack hunters. When they engage an enemy the leader will be the only one visible, with the rest of the pack using their Chameleon psionic power to stay hidden in the sand or salt, and bombard the opponent with psionics. When battle begins a few of the Waterseekers will let loose their Cone of Heat attacks, fired from their eyes, on the most powerful of their enemies to weaken them. When going into melee combat they will usually employ a long sword, or some other suitable melee weapon, but if that is unavailable their natural weapons are more than sufficient. Fire subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, +50% damage from cold Cone of Heat (Sp): The Waterseeker can fire a cone of pure heat acting as a polar opposite to the Cone of Cold spell, with a range of 45ft, once every three rounds causing 9d6 points of heat damage, reflex save for half (DC 17). Psionics (Sp): At will—Brain Lock (any nonmindless, DC 15*), Chameleon, Death Urge (DC 17), Ego Whip (2d4 Chr, DC 17*), Id Insinuation (4 targets, DC 18*), Intellect Fortress (3 rounds*), Mental Barrier (+5 AC, 5 rounds*), Power Resistance, Psychic Crush (DC 18), Recall Agony (8d6, DC 18*), Tower of Iron Will. Manisfester level 9th. The save DCs are Charisma based. *Includes augmentation for the Waterseeker’s manifester level. Ecology of the Waterseeker It is believed that the Waterseekers originated in the Great Salt Flat southeast of the Tablelands. There they have large underground lairs that are labyrinths of caverns. In some of the caverns are large underground lakes, which is why sages have dubbed these creatures "Waterseekers". Each lair contains anywhere from 20-100 individual Waterseekers, and are ruled over by an elder of immense power, at least 15 HD. Recently Waterseekers have been seen in the Ivory Triangle and near the vicinity of the Dragon Bowl pit, leading some to believe that they may be expanding their influence, which is a great fear to some combined with the impending threat of the Tohr-Kreen in the west. Variants: Waterseeker Mage: Some of the larger and more powerful Waterseeker communities include a select few who have mastered the use of magic. When used in their home they generally restrict themselves to preserving magic, to conserve the meager resources found in the salt flats, but when abroad they have no compunctions in defiling. These individuals are of great age and intellect, with a few of the more ambitious ones having plans to depose their respective Elders. Waterseeker Elder: Each Waterseeker community is lorded over by an Elder, a Waterseeker of such power and influence it has survived long past its former colleagues. They have evolved past the standard Waterseeker appearance, losing their back spikes in favor of large dragon-like wings, also losing their horns and growing to immense sizes. Their relentless pursuit of more power and knowledge leaves some with an almost emaciated appearance. They have refined their use of pain-causing psionics to an art, and many are also proficient in sorcery. Were all of them to combine their strength, they could conceivably challenge one of the weaker sorcerer monarchs. Luckily they are too petty for that to ever happen. Goldseeker: A distant cousin to Waterseekers, Goldseekers are larger and dumber. As their name implies they value gold above all else and will pursue it often times to the exclusion of anything else. Unlike the pack-like Waterseekers, Goldseekers live a solitary life, caring only for their precious gold. A great enmity exists between Goldseekers and Waterseekers, and they will usually attack eachother on site. The Goldseekers larger size is an asset, but the greater numbers and intelligence of the Waterseekers usually give them the advantage. Waterseeker drawn by Cynthia Reep. |
#9bengeldornAug 01, 2005 14:06:50 | Rizzitik Small Animal Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp) Initiative: +3 Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 50 ft. (good) Armor Class: 15 (+1 Size, +3 Dex, +2 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 13 Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-4 Attack: Tail +4 melee (1W4) Full Attack: Tail +4 melee (1W4) and bite -1 (1W2) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Intinimdating Noise Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Wil +1 Abilities: ST 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 3 Skills: Spot +1, Listen +1, Move Silently +7 (-1), Intimidate -4 (+4), Hide +11 (+3) Feats: Flyby Attack B, Weapon Finesse Environment: Deserts Organization: Solitary, Pack (2-5) Challenge Rating: 1 Advancement: 2-3 HD (Medium) Level Adjustment: — The calmative silence suddenly changes to an intimidating, loud booming buzz, while you see being surrounded by a pack of slim flying lizards with equally long tail and body, lifting vertically of the ground to get in their position to charge you. Rizzitiks are small lizards, with yellow-brown colored scales. Their slim bodies are about 2 ft. long, as are their thin tails. On their back they have four double-paired of fine, transparent wings, similar to those of bees and dragonflies, providing the Rizzitiks their good maneuverability. Rizzitis weight about 12 pounds. While on ground, their pairs of wings fold around their body like a cloak, covering their bodies leaving only their head, two pair of feet and their tail free. A pack of Rizzitiks wanders through the wastes always searching for prey. Rizzitiks are intelligent, lizard-like animals that prefer to hunt one single creature, up to two sizes bigger then themselves. A single male Rizzitiks leads a pack with up to four females. A solitary male Rizzitik that comes nearby a pack that is already led by another male will be challenged. Both males vertically take off the ground and produce loud noise. The Rizzitik that is louder than the other stays with the pack, the other one leaves looking for another pack. Female Rizzitiks lay twice a year one egg. All females of a pack usually lay there eggs at the same time and out of one of the eggs hatches one male, and out of the other ones females. The young Rizzitks hatch after two weeks out and within 2 months they became grown up and leave their parents building a new pack. Jhakars are their natural enemies, and Rizzitiks try to avoid them under any circumstances, even solitary Jhakars will not be attacked by a pack of Rizzitiks. Combat Rizzitiks usually hunt in packs. After they sneaked around their prey and surrounded it, they vertically take off the ground while the loud noise intimidates their prey. After reaching 5 ft. they charge the intimidated creature with their Flyby Attacks striking with their long, thin, slashing damaging tails from every direction, and keep their prey after the first attack wave surrounded. They charge their prey with this strategy until it is helpless or dead. Although they also have bite attacks, they usually don't use them, unless they are stuck on the ground or engaged in a grapple. Intimidating Noise (Ex): While using their wings Rizzitiks intimidate any creature (except other Rizzitiks) within a 50 ft. radius as part of their movement. Creatures have to be able to hear the Rizitik or the Rizzitik's intimidate check automatically fails. Creatures that are immune to sonic attacks and fear are also immune against this ability. Skills: Rizzitiks receive a +4 racial bonus on Move Silently and Hide checks. *Using their wings creates a loud intimidating noise, that provides the Rizzitiks a +8 bonus on Intimidate checks, but they also take a -8 penalty on Move Silently and Hide checks. |
#10kalthandrixAug 02, 2005 13:57:51 | Mir'iseth picture, drawn by Chris Rathert.Mir’iseth |
#11zombiegleemaxAug 10, 2005 21:49:53 | Scrae'Aylith Size/Type: Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Augmented, Psionic) Hit Dice: 7d8+7 (42 hp) Initiative: +8 Speed: 45 ft (9 squares) AC: 20 (+4 Dex, +4 Natural, +2 Dodge), touch 16, flat-footed 14 Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+9 Attack: Bite +11 melee (1d6+2 plus poison) or claw +11 melee (1d6) or scrae'dis +11 melee (1d8+2, 18-20) Full Attack: Bite +11 melee (1d6+2 plus poison) and 2 claws +10 melee (1d6) or scrae'dis +11/+6 melee (1d8+2, 18-20) and bite +6 melee (1d6 plus poison) Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft Special Attacks: Psi-like abilities, poison, Chill Touch Special Qualities: Natural concealment, non-detection, scent, shadow affinity, spell resistance 25 Saves: Fort +3/ Ref +9/ Will +7 Abilities: Str 14, Dex 19, Con 13, Int 17, Wis 14, Cha 6 Skills: Autohypnosis +7, Balance +9, Climb +17, Hide +19, Listen +7 Move Silently +19, Spot +7, Survival +12 Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Scrae'Dis), Weapon Focus (Claw), Weapon Focus (Scrae'Dis), Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse Environment: Deep desert, underground (Athasian Underdark) Organization: Solitary, or squad (3-5 plus one sergeant), or enclave (50 - 80 plus 30 % noncombatants plus 5-15 sergeants plus one queen) Challenge Rating: Estimated at CR 12 (not playtested) Treasure: Standard Alignment: Always lawful; usually evil Advancement: By character class Level Adjustment: +12 Before you you see a graceful, reptilian creature of about seven feet in height, grasping a wicked looking forked blade in a two-clawed grip. The thing stands with its knees bent backwards and its weight forward, as though it anticipates trouble at any moment. Its dull, green-black scales are covered with strange, alien patterns that shift from moment to moment, somehow both reflecting and absorbing the glare of the sun. The being's entire shape is blurred and difficult to discern. Its intelligent, brilliant green eyes regard you coldly, as though you are not even worthy of note. When Rajaat declared preservers outcast, wizards all across the face of Athas were hunted down and destroyed mercilessly. Almost all resisted, however, and some turned to desperate measures. The Scrae'Aylith are the twisted, scarred, and deadly byproducts of that war: they are wizards who were turned into weapons by their brethren. The Scrae'Aylith were created from powerful and advanced preservers, presumedly through some form of the ancient life-bending powers once wielded by the ancient Rhulisti. It is unknown how the preservers of old times came across the knowledge to forge these beings of scale from the flesh of humans, but the result is clear: the Scrae'Aylith are a force to be reckoned with. However, the Scrae'Aylith turned out to be more difficult to control than their creators predicted. They were originally docile and obedient, though capable of improvisation when required; they did their tasks as required and offered little resistance. Partway through the course of the wars, though, they began to acquire sentience and personality of their own. Scrae'Aylith Society These reptilians have evolved over the course of the ages, and now have their own matriarchal society. They organize themselves into small colonies called enclaves, which are organized under the iron-fisted, unquestioningly obeyed rule of a single female known as the queen, usually a high-level psion. Under this individual there is a rigidly militaristic hierarchical structure; females are normally given precedence, but males are considered almost equal in rank. Any Scrae'Aylith who disobeys an order given to them by a superior, whether willingly, knowingly, or otherwise, is put to death at the nearest possible opportunity; the same for anyone who reveals his colony to an outsider, or brings outsiders into the fold. Scrae'Aylith in modern Athas are extremely secretive, preferring to kill outsiders than deal with them in any way, although they are usually somewhat more cautious when they find themselves amongst what they term 'scaleless society'. When found among the more common inhabitants of the Tablelands, they are usually in a squad, composed of a small number of Scrae'Aylith led by a single Seargeant (Psi 3/ Rog 3/ Mkr 1), sometimes supported by mind controlled slaves. They believe reptilians to be superior to normal humanoids, but do not allow that to drive them to underestimating foes. At least one queen, a poweful wizard, has fallen under the sway of Rajaat's power, and directly receives his commands, sending those under her control on missions to bring about his eventual return to the material plane. Combat Scrae'Aylith were intended as deadly assasins and hunters of the preservers' enemies. Their preferred form of combat is to hide in the shadows, waiting for their prey to show some weakness they can exploit. They enjoy using traps, poisons, and hit-and-run tactics to harry opponents, rather than standing and giving battle. They do not shirk from any sort of dishonourable form of combat and in fact revel in surprising and terrifying their opponents into inaction in any way possible. Poison: A Scrae'Aylith's wicked fangs deliver a powerful venom. Fort save DC 14; initial damage 1d6 Str, secondary damage unconsciousness (2d6 minutes) Psi-like abilities: At will - Burst, Elfsight, Mindlink (Only affects Scrae'Aylith). 3 times per day - Thought Shield, Body Adjustment, Graft Weapon Natural Concealment: Scrae'Aylith always gain the benefit of concealment, whatever their surroundings. Shadow Affinity: The life-shaping techniques used upon the Scrae'Aylith created a permanent affinity for the Black within every member of the 'species'. At night and in shadowy areas, Scrae'Aylith receive a +6 circumstance bonus to their Dexterity, and a +4 profane bonus to deflection armor class, as well as a +10 circumstance bonus to hide checks. They are also treated as having all other traits common to Black-touched creatures (Cold immunity, +4 on saves vs paralysis/ stunning/ death effects/ necromantic effects, dark sight, unnatural aura). Scent: Scrae'Aylith have the scent quality. Non-Detection: A Scrae'Aylith is always considered under the effect of a nondetection spell as though cast by a 7th-level wizard. Chill Touch: Anyone who touches or is touched by a Scrae'Aylith, including through a claw or bite attack or through delivering an unarmed attack to unprotected flesh, is affected by a chill touch spell as though cast by a 7th level wizard. |
#12balican_gigoloNov 12, 2005 3:40:35 | I think the Mer'iseth is pretty cool but I don't like the name. I feel it's based off of the Mriswith from Goodkind. The name is too similar. But they are cool monsters and I like that I now have stats for a monster like it. |
#13kalthandrixNov 12, 2005 7:46:46 | I think the Mer'iseth is pretty cool but I don't like the name. I feel it's based off of the Mriswith from Goodkind. The name is too similar. But they are cool monsters and I like that I now have stats for a monster like it. While the Mir'iseth are kind of related to the creatures from Goodkinds books, I actually came up with the name and the creature concept before he came out with the books- I was basing it off of the Predator. When Goodkinds books came out and I seen the Mriswith, I did take a couple of features from them but not really a lot. I am glad you like the critter, but I cannot help you with the name- I was going with something that was like Mind Silence when I came up with the name and tried to make it sound like a old english version with a bit of blending. |