Looking for Chainmail Info



Aug 04, 2005 22:04:57
Basically what the topic says. I am looking for the campaign information presented for the Chainmail miniatures game. Our group's standard roleplaying world is Greyhawk and we've all grown a little tired of it. Though I also run a Dragonlance campaign, we all feel the need for a new direction to take with our main gaming focus. That said, many of the players in our group are newbies, so I don't wish to inflict the jumbled complex mess of Faerun upon them. I remember a bit from the days of Chainmail, the setting was very classic fantasy, and reminded me alot of Mystara, plus it is relatively unexplored territory, intentionally left open. There isn't a terribly long history, and what is there just serves to provide flavor. There is a ton of free space to explore and exercise creativity. That said, does anyone know where I can find some comprehensive, solidified campaign information. I find smatterings all over the place, such as Canonfire and such, but have yet to uncover the gem I am looking for. Any help in this would be greatly appreciated.