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#1zombiegleemaxAug 08, 2005 16:51:36 | A thought came into my head today. Maybe fleshing out the planes with representive races of their own isn't such a bad idea? 1. With the aftermath of the Great Modron March, the Modrons have lost their place as the exemplars of law. Many other ultra-lawful races have sought to claim the title, but now the true exemplars of law, long forgotten by the multiverse at large, have been reveiled in the nine other layers of Nirvana. I know what you are thinking berk. Nirvana? Isn't that some clueless term for Mechanus? Nay. In fact, Mechanus is as much the name for Nirvana as Olympus is for Arborea. Mechanus is only the lawplane's first layer. The plane has in fact, 10 in total. I will not cover each layer in depth here, but rest assured the following exemplar race will give a small glimse at the order of these places. Indrananu, General information The Indrananu are a race of absolute, perfect order. They are not like the hive-minded Formians, the alien Modrons, or the slave race of Inevitables. Each of these races, while lawful, have certain things about them that mark them as flawed from the vision of perfect law. The formians do the bidding of their queens. The Modrons follow a flawed chain of command which ignores ranks not directly connected to them. As for the Inevitables, they are no more than divine golems, creatures no more than extentions of the god that controls them. The Indrananu on the other hand, have no such flaws. They have clear ranks, but lack a hivemind as the Formians. They are aware of all other forms their race can take, and each of those forms place in the existence of their race. Dwelling on the second threw eighth layers of Nirvana, the Indrananu posess a perfect utopian society where obediance to superiors is not a question, but is automatic. They are masters of mathamatics and probability, and view the multiverse as a mathematical equation. If something does not seem to make sense, it is only because they do not have all the data. Chaos is nothing more than a more complacated equation, as even Limbo posesses its own laws, after all, you do not see the randomness of limbo spawning gods at random do you? The Indrananu are not alien to the concept of individuality, as the Formians and Modrons are. This is perhaps the most shocking aspect of this race. Some view law as conformity, but the Indrananu will counter that no two equations yelds the same answer. As a result, the Indrananu believe that everything has its own hidden equation. People, places, and things. They are intimately familiar with the power of true name magic as a result. Some may wonder if the Indrananu are indeed the true representive race of the heart of law, then why are none seen on the plane of gears? The anwser is interesting. The fact is, the Indrananu do indeed exist on the first layer. The proto-Indrananu are known as Moignos. The Moignos go threw serveral stages before they can become Nuignos. They begin their existence as Imaginary, or Complex Moignos ( see here: When two Imaginary Moignos meet, they become either Rational ( see here: or Irrational(see Planes of Law) Moignos, depending on the orginal equation used to create the Imaginary Moignos to begin with. Rational Moignos are a deadend in terms of advancing to the ranks of the Indrananu race, it is the Irrational that possess the potencial to become Nuignos. This occurs when the Irrational Moignos actually manages to discover the value of Pi. When this occurs, the Moignos is instantly transformed into a Nuignos after shifting to the second layer of Nirvana, Equati. All Indrananu upon death desolve into clouds of Imaginary Moignos which scatter in all directions. The number depends on the level of the Indrananu being slain. Indrananu, Nuignos Nulvha are the weakest of the Indrananu, and lie just above Moignos in order to qualify as true Indrananu. In size they are about the same diamensions as their Moignos bretheren. In fact, appearence-wise, it takes a careful and intelligent eye to spot the differences between Nuignos and Moignos. Nuignos look like vertical red disks orbited by numbers. In reality, these numbers equal the value of PI if properly read. In the Indrananu heriarchy, the Nuignos are inituates. While firmly established as true Indrananu, Nuignos have yet to discover the equation of three-diamensionality, still existing only as a two-diamensional being. Nuignos will automatically follow the commands of higher forms of Indrananu, in hopes of learning the equation of the third diamension from its superiors. Of the Indrananu, Nuignos are the most likely to approach offplaners. They hope to learn what it means to be three-diamensional from such beings. As a result, Indrananu are also the most likely to be encountered off Nirvana. Combat: Nuignos approach combat with the logical procision common to all Indrananu. While not violent creatures, Nuignos have no compunctions against using force to defend itself. Number-Blindness: If threatened, Nuignos can spray out a massive string of equations which dazzle and confound attackers just as would Rational Moignos. Creatures with intelligence, should they fail inituative, are paralysed for a number of rounds equal to their intelligence. If a victim passes his save, this number is halved. Creatures of animal intelligence (1) or lower are not affected by the number blindness attack, but Nuignos have little to fear from such creatures anyway. Deduce True Name: The usual perpose for the Nuignos in the scheme of the Indrananu is that of scout and information gatherer. To be more pacific, Nuignos main task is to try and deduce the true name of hostile beings in order to benefit their entire race with such knowledge. In order to accomplish this, they must remain motionless and undisturbed for a total of 1 round of combat per lvl of the target. If the Nuignos succeeds with its Search score after the required time period, it has learned the target's true name. This information cannot be used by the Nuignos however, and is immediately passed on to superior Indrananu. Spell Use: Nuignos can cast all spells of the Law domain of up to third level. Gate: Twice a day Nuignos can attempt to gate in 2d4 Irrational or Rational Moignos at will. They can also choose to create a Imaginary Moignos. Transformation: Once a Nuigros discovers the equation of three diamensions, it begins a great transformation into a three diamensional being. First, the mathematical calulations orbiting its form dissapear. Then, the red disk begins to spin faster and faster. Gradually, the spinning disk solififies into a three-diamensional sphere. The sphere gradually forms into a humanoid shape. The transformation takes several minutes, during which time the creature is vulnerable only to weapons of 2+ or better enchantment. At the end of the transformation, the Nuigros becomes a Buignos. Indrananu, Buignos Buignos are the next step up from Nuigros in the existence of the Indrananu race. Native to Equalar, the second of Nirvana's 10 layers, Buignos are perhaps the equaleviant to soldiers in the Indrananu's existence. Standing around five feet tall, and possessing a humanoid, muscular brass polished metallic appearence and glowing orange eyes, Buignos are radically different from their previous forms. Buignos have faces which suggest mystery but also calm and serenity. While human-like, their faces are frozen forever in an expression of indifference. Buignos are set upon mastering their own unique equation, it is this that they must master in order to become true individuals. While on this quest, Buignos serve the will of higher Indrananu. Buignos are perhaps the most machine-like of the Indrananu. They lack emotion, much like Nuignos and Moignos, and wait eions to complete their assigned tasks when not seeking their unique equation. Because of this, some of the rare greybeards familiar with Buignos believe that certain powers of law used Buignos and altered them to become Inevitables. This is due to the fact that Buignos resemble constructs such as Golems, much like the Inevitables. This idea has much merit, but it is still nothing but screed until it is known for certain. Combat: The Buignos of Equatar are usually organized into units of 10 by Kilvaos or Maram Indrananos. As a unit, the Buignos are extremely organized. They are capable of developing unique tactics to suit a situation, and their skills at probability give them a 2+ bonus to their inituative. They attack only if ordered to by superiors, or in self-presevation. Lower Diamension: Buignos are capable of transformating a sod into a two diamensional state on a successful melee attack. This is disconcerting to say the least. In a two-diamensional state, a character can be hit only by 2+ or better weapons, but is himself incapable of effecting the world at large. The exception to this rule are Psionic powers or magic spells. However, once these powers are used up, the two-diamensionalized character ceases to exist, and only a limited wish, wish, miracle, or true ressussection spell can save the berk at this point. The transformation wears off after several days, after which the person transforms into his or her true state. Spell Use: Buignos can cast all spells of the Order Domain all the way up to 4th level. Morphology: Buignos possess the ability to transform their arms into either clubs of 1+ enchantment, or cannons which can produce fireball-like projectiles at will. Transformation: Once Buignos discover their own unique equation, a circular ring of mathematical equations encircle them around their feet. The ring moves upwards, gradually reveiling a much more massive, more powerful creature in place of the Buignos, the Kilvaos. Indrananu, Kilvaos Kilvaos are the most logical and most massive of Indrananu. They normally float threwout Equatar and Symetra, the second and third layers of Nirvana, contemplating equations so large that they are impossible for mortal beings to comprehend. In appearence, Kilvaos are massive, idol like brass monstrocitys. They possess enormious flat, oval-shaped heads with finely carved, but simplistic facial features. They possess no legs, but have two massive arms which appear finely crafted and are engraved with glowing mathematical equations, and magical writing. Kilvaos always float a foot above the ground. Kilvaos are occasionally found in command of a unit of Buignos. It is not known why these enigmatic creatures accompany the Buignos on their assignments. What is known of Kilvaos is that they desire to bring logic and order to the rest of the multiverse, which they view is corrupted by those who are blind to their place in the scheme of things. In this regard, they often try to convince higher forms of Indrananu of their "Supreme Logic", in order to begin grand crusades of order against hated beings such as Lillend, Eladrins, Tanar' ri, and especially Slaad. Kilvaos are almost single-minded in their desire to destroy those that refuse to summit to their supreme logic, and are only held in check by more powerful Indrananu. Combat: Kilvaos attack using their spells from a distance. If pressed they will summon other Indrananu to aid them. They use their most powerful attack only as a last resort, or if ordered to by superiors. Gate Kilvaos can summon 1d10 Buignos to assist them in combat. In addition, they can gate in 1d4 Nuignos or 1d8 Irrational or Rational Moignos. Spell Use: Kilvaos can cast spells of up to 5th level of the domain of law. They also can cast 1st level arcane spells of the school of Invocation. Immobilizing Ring: Kilvaos can summon a red ring of equations and magical writing into being above their heads. This ring immediately streaks towards one target. The target hit immediately is encircled by the ring and cannot percipipate in combat. The ring exists until the Kilvaos unsummons it, but it can be dispeled. Kilvaos only use their Immobilizing Rings as a last resort, as they reduce a Kilvaos' HP by 1/4. True Name Ritual: Kilvaos can use their unreal knowledge of mathematics to use the true names of those their immobilizing ring effects in order to transform that person into a loyal soldier of order. They use this ability only in advance, and only after they learn the target's true name from a Nuignos. Transformation: Kilvaos are constantly searching for the answers to unknown equations that would baffle the wisest mathmaticians for hundreds of thousands of years. Once they solve these equations, Kilvaos undergo a great transformation. The Kilvaos begins to glow with a strange red light. The Kilvaos form slims and shrinks to about five feet in height. Finally, the ovoid head shrinks and verticalizes. Indrananu, Maram Maram are the greatest of the Lesser Indrananu. They are masters of logic and often direct Kilvaos in attempting to bring order to the multiverse. In appearence, Maram resemble Kilvaos somewhat. They are smaller, sleeker, and possess vertical ovid heads with symplistic features. They retain the brass coloration and finely chiseled appearence of Kilvaos. Unlike Kilvaos, Maram also possess two finely chiseled feet. Maram are constantly circled by a red ring of mathematical equations. These equations are actaully problems the Maram solved in its past existences. Maram dwell nearly exclusively in Symetra, Nirvana's third layer. On that plane, they dwell in enormious castles composed of the crystal of the plane. In these places, Maram spend great periods of time contemplating emotion and its possible equations. Maram are also known to gaze into other planes from time to time, looking for great areas of "rebellion". They have no problem going into the heart of chaos with armies of Kilvaos and lesser Indrananu. Maram also possess a greater understanding of their race as a whole, realizing for the first time that they are part of a greater whole. The key to their continued ascention lies in getting it into their bonebox that there is more to existence than simply logic. Combat: Maram are aware of the alignments of any beings it encounters. Treat this is an always active Know Alignment spell. If a being is found to be a "deviat"(any chaotic being), the Maram immediately attacks. Spell Use: Maram can cast Law domain spells of up to sixth level, and arcane spells of the abjuration school of up to third level. True Name: If a Miram knows a being's true name, it can use this knowledge to proform a number of True Name magic effects. Unlike Kilvaos, Miram do not need to immobilize a berk in order to use this power. Gate: Mirams can summon a Kilvaos into battle to assist it. They can also summon 1d20 Moignos of either type(Rational or Irrational). Spell Deflection: The ring surrounding the Miram can deflect offensive spells cast against it of up to fifth level if the damage total equals an odd number. This is an unrelyable, but useful defense. Transformation: Once learning the equation of emotion, the Miram begins yet another transformation. The ring encircling the Miram enlarges and engulfs the Miram, leaving nothing behind. The ring then floats towards the ground. From the ground inside the ring, a white human-like being emmerges. The being has a faceted appearence and white skin. A new Giaram has been born. Indrananu, Giaram Having emotions, Giarams are tireless explorers of this new concept to its existence. Giaram persue mathematics to pass the time in between complatations of philociphy, but it no longer defines its existence. Giaram have thin, humanlike bodies and faceted features. The facial features of Giarams are ageless but somehow youthful, favoring neither male nor female but somehow aspects of both. They possess small red crystals on their foreheads. Giaram wear flowing red robes that cover their legs and arms completely. Giaram are philophers and sages, dwelling on Nirvana's fourth layer, Rranma, a place of endless sky and floating disks ranging in size from small islands to the size of prime worlds. Giaram are less concerned with battling disorder than Mirams, but bow to the will of higher Indrananu if it is willed that do so. Giaram seek to complete their existence and receiving the full spectrum of emotions. However, they no of no equation that can accomplish this. Combat: Giaram prefer to study would be opponents than fighting them. However, they are not afraid of fighting if they must do so. Spell Use: Giaram can cast law domain spells of up to seventh level. They also can make use of Emotion spell effects, often studying the effects of changing emotions with intense curiousity. Gate: Giaram can summon up to two Kilvaos to assist it in battle. Fusion: In order to transform to the next stage of Indrananu, Giaram must find a human of lawful alignment. The Giaram then must discover the intended target's true name. Once this information is learned, the Giaram in close promimity to the human, willing or unwilling are then consumed in a pillar of orange light. The resulting composite being is a Teraja. Indrananu, Teraja The result of a fusion of a Giaram and a human of lawful alignment, a Teraja is in possession of the full spectrum of emotion. They understand the motivations of humanity, as well as a faint inclining of true law. Teraja have the gender of the human the Giaram fused with to create it. In appearence, Teraja have stunningly attractive, yet frail, human-like bodies. They possess soft, cream colored skin, except on one of their two heads, which possesses a bone-white coloration. Teraja possess two heads and four arms. A small orange forehead crystal lies on the forehead of both heads. Teraja tend to wear elegant robes or loose-fitting togas. Teraja crave new expierences, and often travel the planes. Sometimes they encounter humans on their travels. Craving new expierences, sometimes these meetings result in offspring. These ...... often feel drawn to the Sensate faction. Teraja serve as warriors, artisans and arcatects within the ranks of their race. Their emotions sometimes put them at odds with lesser Indrananu, and higher Indrananu often keep a close eye on Teraja. In truth, Teraja are at a crossroads. The raw emotions flowing threw Terajas are hard to control for the rigidly lawful creature. Terajas must master their emotions in order to continue their existence as Indrananu, if they cannot, the fusion reverses itself, and the human and Giaram are separated into separate beings as they once were. Some Giaram believe that there may be an alternate Indrananu form with another method of ascendsion, however, none have ever found it and shared it with the rest of the Indrananu race. Combat: Terajas enter combat against nonlawful beings without hesitation. The very thought of chaos fills them with anger. Only the innate icy cold logic of the Indrananu prevents them from entering a berserker state(a chaotic trait) in battle. Terajas also enter combat in the persuit of new expierences, often as Gladiators. Four Weapon Fighting: Terajas always possess four scimitars handy in case they must do battle. In effect, Terajas possess double two-weapon fighting feats. Sword Affinity Terajas have double weapon affinity with the scimitar. Gate Terajas can summon 1d8 Rational or Irrational Moignos, or 1d4 Nuignos. They often choose the later to suppliment their fighting abilities with some spell support. Suprise Immunity: With the Teraja's two heads, the Teraja cannot be surprised or backstabed. Transformation Terajas that manage to master their emotions grow another two arms and an additional head. Also, the forehead crystal color changes from orange to yellow. The new head is red in color and possesses features similiar to devils(red skin, large teeth, and yellow eyes). Transformation(Alternate): Terajas sometimes become curious with the idea of morality. If a Teraja chooses to devote himself to a power of Lawful Good alignment, it undergoes a completely different transformation. The Teraja is surrounded by a holy white aura, its forehead crystals change in color to white, and two feathery white wings sprout from the creature's back. Indrananu, Quarishnu -There is a 5% probability that you act in jest, and a 45% chance that you are telling the truth. Regardless the verdict is guilty" -A Quarishnu to a Tiefling thief on trial who was stupid enough to try and sneak up on a Teraja. Quarishnu act as generals of the Indrananu race, leading armies of lesser Indrananu on glorious campaigns against chaos. They also serve as the lowest level in the Indrananu government, located on the fifth layer of Nirvana, Candra, an infinite plane of endless stone temples to forgotten powers of law and continent sized monoliths, gathering toghether in the race's third conclave. Quarishnu are responsible for monitoring all lesser Indrananu as well as making sure all orders from the higher echelons filter down to the lesser ranks. Quarishnu also act as judges when it comes to non-Indrananu, no matter what the trial, the verdict is always guilty, and the punishment is always death, as Quarishnu believe all non-Indrananu are always attempting some kind of deception. Quarishnu have the habit of switching to their devil-like face when pronoucing a guilty verdict. Quarishnu have cream colored skin, six arms, and three heads all interconnected. The Quarishnu's unique build allows it to switch the position of its three heads, depending on its mood. Quarishnu have yellow forehead crystals and favor the same kinds of clothing as do Terajas. Combat: Quarishnu are always found with other Indrananu when encountered away from Candra. This most often occurs when the race is launching a major campaign. Six Weapon Fighting: Quarishnu always possess at least six enchanted scimitars of 2+ or better enchantment. In effect, Quarishnu possess triple two-weapon fighting feats. Sword Affinity Quarishnu have triple weapon affinity with the scimitar. Gate Quarishnu can summon 1d8 Rational or Irrational Moignos, or 1d4 Nuignos. They usually use this ability to fill in the ranks of their armies if any have fallen. Spell Use Quarishnu can use all Devine spells of the Order domain all the way up to 8th level. True Name Magic Quarishnu always command Nuignos to seek and discover the true names of commanders of enemy forces. Quarishnu use this knowledge to bind such beings to its will, forcing the being to fight for the Quarishnu Transformation Quarishnu are offered promotion if they are judged by higher Indrananu to have done enough for the cause of law. In such situations, the Quarishnu journey to Nirvana's sixth layer, the sea of sides that is Quadrilla. After 1000 years wandering the plane, Quarishnu return as Sitajiva, four headed, eight armed, blue skined creatures possessing green forehead crystals. |
#2zombiegleemaxAug 09, 2005 8:44:27 | i know these guys aren't done yet, but any comments so far? |
#3Tevish_SzatAug 09, 2005 9:41:42 | "wow." how's that for a comment? |
#4zombiegleemaxAug 09, 2005 16:00:14 | So you like them? |
#5Tevish_SzatAug 09, 2005 16:16:31 | Yah. if the modrons were not alive and well as the true exemplars of mechanus in my game, these guys would be a far better replacement than the ants. |
#6ripvanwormerAug 09, 2005 19:44:58 | I think they're interesting, yes. Perhaps they were the ancient race who dominated Mechanus before the modrons conquered the moignos, and now they're either plotting to regain their former status or they've already regained it (depending on the campaign).the Indrananu will counter that no two equations yelds the same answer I do disagree with this. 3x3=9 and 4+5=9 both have the same answer (9), for example. |
#7zombiegleemaxAug 09, 2005 20:02:30 | Dangit.....have to rewrite them...I was thinking that statement ment reordered equations(1+2=3, or 2+1=3). lol... One of my ideas I was pondering was having the Modrons be to the Indrananu what the Genreleths are to the Loths... |
#8zombiegleemaxAug 10, 2005 21:25:30 | Ok, I've added two more Indrananu. There are three more left. After that I will create the stat blocks for them. Let me know what you think everyone... ![]() |
#9aquarius_alodarAug 19, 2005 18:41:20 | OK, is it just me or does this Mechanus look like 'just a law-focused version of Acheron' (thus the Clockwork Nirvana being Lawful Neutral)? |
#10zombiegleemaxAug 22, 2005 22:33:17 | What are you talking about? Mechanus has always been a plane. |
#11aquarius_alodarAug 23, 2005 19:24:40 | What are you talking about? Mechanus has always been a plane. From the brief descriptions of all but 1 of Mechanus' other 9 layers(the 9th not having been detailed yet AFAIK) they seem to have some Acheron-flavour in them. I was just wondering WTH is up with that? |
#12zombiegleemaxAug 24, 2005 10:28:30 | I dont see the resemblance. Acheron is a bunch of floating, giant cubes. BTW, the name of the Plane, isnt Mechanus, its Nirvana... ![]() |