Machine Dreams: The Sandman Invasion



Aug 20, 2005 23:51:07
The sandman sourcebook "Machine Dreams" is now available from Alternityrpg.Net:

From the Foreword:
"The idea of a fan-written expansion on the sandmen, along with other major creatures of Dark.Matter, arose from the Darkā€¢Matter mailing list in February 2002. Besides the material written for this project by James Nostack, David Tormsen and myself, the collection includes references from mailing lists, online chats and games that provided more clues to what the sandmen might be and how they operate."

Stats are for the Alternity system but most of the material is rules-neutral or rules-light and could be helpful for any modern-era game. The sand slave and etoile are described in the d20 Modern SRD.

edit: updated link