Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1squidfur-Aug 21, 2005 23:47:38 | cuz' there aint enough already --- :D This is actually my first attempt at doing a PrC, but luckily I've enlisted the aid of the esteemed Pennarin. He helped out a freakin' ton. But anyhoo...hope you enjoy Arena Mage “You can't possibly hope to stand against my mastery of the Way. Will you yield, or should I burn out your other eye?”. - Kauthkos, arena mage The arena mage is a wizard who has aquired the skills necessary to survive the rigors of arena combat, engaging his opponents with an arsenal of spells. The lesson to conceal this spellcasting ability comes quickly, as failure means death. As such, an arena mage becomes a master at casting spells in secret, as well as masking his magic-use. To accomplish this feat, the arena mage has developed a unique talent to help him do it: giving his spells the trappings of psionic powers. Through the art of deception and a constant charade of psionic aptitude he is able to maintain his spellcasting secret even in the most public of places. Creatures of any race and any class can end up in the arena, but only those with magical aptitude become arena mages. Most are slaves who have somehow kept their spellbooks hidden, or have succeeded in making new ones, and have chosen to use their magical skills to their advantage. Rarely, a free wizard becomes an anena mage, either for fame and fortune or to aid in the infiltration of the slave pens at the behest of a higher authority, such as a sorcerer-monarch or the Veiled Alliance. The vast majority of arena mages are preservers, as it is far easier for them to conceal their use of magic. Defiler arena mages are very rare, for they do not long survive templar scrutiny. Those who do survive make clever use of the Distance Raze feat, or take levels in the myrmeleon class, to hide their defiling. Preserving arena mages, due to their great skill at spellcasting concealment, are often saught out by members of the Veiled Alliance. Therefore, it is not uncommon for an arena mage to have levels as a veiled one, as well. Arena mages frequently multiclass, allowing them to draw upon the skills of the other class to further disguise their spellcasting. Templar and druids, however, rarely find themselves in the arena, so almost never become arena mages. Most NPC arena mages are human or half-elven, the adaptability of these races making them better suited to the rigors of such a life. Elves, with their natural aptitude for magic, make excellent arena mages, if they can endure the confinement of the arena walls. Dwarves, on the other hand, rarely become arena mages due to their general distrust of magic, and halfling or aarakocran arena mages are almost unheard of. Hit Die: d8. Requirements To qualify to become an arena mage, a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Feats: Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Skill Focus (Bluff). Skills: Bluff 8 ranks, Disguise 8 ranks, Knowledge (psionics) 4 ranks, Psicraft 4 ranks. Spells: Able to cast 2nd-level arcane spells. Must know at least one melee touch spell and at least one spell with a psionic counterpart (such as keen edge). Special: Must have fought and survived in the arena. Special: Must have the psionic subtype. Class Skills: The arena mage's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Psicraft (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), and Tumble (Dex). Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier. |
#2PennarinAug 21, 2005 23:48:53 | I've enlisted the aid of the esteemed Pennarin. He helped out a freakin' ton. Yeah, squid was real annoying. :P Its possible for a defiler to become an arena mage, its just very difficult. The defiler has four options availlable to him: |
#3ruhl-than_sageAug 22, 2005 9:43:54 | cuz' there aint enough already --- :D :D , good work. Pretty good for a beginner. Heck! its pretty good for anyone. Requirements The only thing I would suggest here is having a Slieght of Hand requirement. Psionic Mimicry (Ex): Due to his study of psionic powers and their displays, an arena mage learns how to create them. He may attempt to create psionic displays during the casting of a spell, with a successful Psicraft check against DC (15 + spell level). Spells that have psionic counterparts, such as daze, emulate the displays of their psionic counterparts; spells that do not have psionic counterparts get attributed random displays. Adding displays to a spell provides a +5 circumstance bonus to Bluff checks made to conceal spellcasting. I would suggest altering this block of text slightly at the beginning and end to say: "Due to his study of psionic powers and their displays, an arena mage learns how to disguise his spell with them. He may attempt to disguise a spell he casts with a psionic display, by making a successful Psicraft check against DC (15 + spell level)." and "An opponent aware of the nature of the arena mage’s spellcasting can attempt to identify a spell being cast using the Spellcraft skill, but his check DC increases by +2 and he must succeed an opposed Spot check against the arena mages Slieght of Hand check or suffer an additional -5 penalty to the check." The 1st change is because, magic does create displays of a sort that are distinct from psionics, so the point wouldn't be to just create psionic displays, but to alter/cover up magical ones with psionic ones. The 2nd change, is because all wizards who seek to hide their spell casting would probably employ a slieght of hand technique to hide the somatic component. Distract Opponent (Ps): When reaching 4th level, the arena mage can create figments that only his opponent can see, such as phanthom blows or whispers in the mind. The arena mage can, once per day, use this ability as a swift action on a single target within 30 ft. The target is rendered flat-footed until the beginning of her next turn, unless she succeeds at a Will save. He can use the ability another time per day at 9th level. The save DC against this ability is 11 + the arena mage’s Charisma modifier. The save DC on this ability seems a little low. Maybe you should change it to scale with levels in the class, say: 11 + half arena mage level + charisma modifier. Otherwise its not going to distract much of anyone. Of course considering its a swift action it might be fine where it is, you make the call :D . Fast Concealment (Ex): By 5th level, the arena mage has become so good at concealing his spellcasting, using the Bluff skill, that it no longer is a move equivalent action for him, but rather is a nonaction. I think the word you were looking for is free action not nonaction :P Persistent Touch (Ex) : The arena mage has mastered the use of touch spells in combat by the 10th level. Whenever an arena mage uses a melee touch spell, the charge persists for another round, allowing him to discharge the spell again the next round, as if he were holding the charge (see Holding the Charge, page 141 of the Player’s Handbook). If the arena mage is capable of multiple attacks per round (due to high level or being under the effects of haste, for example), he may instead elect to make multiple melee touch attacks with the spell against a single opponent, as though using a full attack action. I just wanted to say, nice final ability ;) |
#4PennarinAug 22, 2005 10:30:46 | Since I helped in the making of the class, I'll respond to these pernicious allegations! :D The only thing I would suggest here is having a Slieght of Hand requirement. Sleight of Hand is Paizo's turff, Bluff is DS3's. I would suggest altering this block of text slightly at the beginning and end to say: "Due to his study of psionic powers and their displays, an arena mage learns how to disguise his spell with them. He may attempt to disguise a spell he casts with a psionic display, by making a successful Psicraft check against DC (15 + spell level)." and "An opponent aware of the nature of the arena mage’s spellcasting can attempt to identify a spell being cast using the Spellcraft skill, but his check DC increases by +2 and he must succeed an opposed Spot check against the arena mages Slieght of Hand check or suffer an additional -5 penalty to the check." I don't see the need for any other modifications beside the first line. Somatic and verbal components of spells are recognized through a successful Spellcraft check. Bluff helps you hide that. In this case, the +2 to the Spellcraft check DC is not due to a "lessening" of the somatic and verbal components of the spell, but to adding further information to it in the form of displays, which confuses the character attempting the check. Squid, how about... Psionic Mimicry (Ex): Due to his study of psionic powers and their displays, an arena mage learns how to impart displays to his spells so as to better disguise their nature. The save DC on this ability seems a little low. Maybe you should change it to scale with levels in the class, say: 11 + half arena mage level + charisma modifier. Otherwise its not going to distract much of anyone. Of course considering its a swift action it might be fine where it is, you make the call :D . Tell that to the nice folk who wrote Complete Adventurer, this is one of their spells. Now as for adding "+ half arena mage's level", it might be a good idea. Thoughts? I think the word you were looking for is free action not nonaction :P Nope. I haven't found if its "non-action", "nonaction", or if you need to restrucutre your phrase to be able to say "not an action", but its definately a nonaction when compared with a free action: most skill uses are "not an action", while using Bluff to conceal spellcasting is a move action. I just brought it back to its natural state as far as I understand the concept. |
#5kalthandrixAug 22, 2005 10:53:16 | Very cool concept!! Here is a couple of quick suggestions- In order to be able to make the spells seen like a psionic manifestation I would think it would be reasonable that the spellcastewr have either Hidden Talent or Psionic Talance or some kind of psionic point reserve. This would maybe confuse those with detect psionics who would see some psionic energy masking the arcane spell effect. Or if the Areane MAge was able to maintain a psionic focus, all of his spells would detect as psionics. The skill and DC to see through the mask while observing the effect through a detect magic or detect psionics would be psicraft or spell craft DC 15 or 20 plus the caster level or spell level of the Areana Mage or spell. Also I would think that Knowledge (psionics) would be a very important skill that should be required for the PrC. Overall, very cool and original. |
#6PennarinAug 22, 2005 11:38:01 | In order to be able to make the spells seen like a psionic manifestation I would think it would be reasonable that the spellcastewr have either Hidden Talent or Psionic Talance or some kind of psionic point reserve. This would maybe confuse those with detect psionics who would see some psionic energy masking the arcane spell effect. Holy cow! I really thought it was already in the class! -grumble grumble- Here's what should have been included in the first place, but ended up, of all places, in an antipsionic PrC! : Special: Must detect as psionic through detect psionics, either by taking the Hidden Talent or Wild Talent feat, or by having levels in a manifesting class. Or if the Areane MAge was able to maintain a psionic focus, all of his spells would detect as psionics. The skill and DC to see through the mask while observing the effect through a detect magic or detect psionics would be psicraft or spell craft DC 15 or 20 plus the caster level or spell level of the Areana Mage or spell. That's interesting. Also I would think that Knowledge (psionics) would be a very important skill that should be required for the PrC. We considered Concentration and Knowledge (psionics), but if you read the fluff text for them you see its not enough psionic or unrelated, respectively. Psicraft was perfect because, first, its a psionic skill, and second, its based on observation. So a non-psionic character, such as a wizard, can become good with identifying powers and their displays through Psicraft. |
#7squidfur-Aug 22, 2005 17:56:10 | Very cool concept!! I'd like to say thanks, but I can't take the credit. The idea came from a 2E kit in Defilers and Preservers. Or if the Areane MAge was able to maintain a psionic focus, all of his spells would detect as psionics. The skill and DC to see through the mask while observing the effect through a detect magic or detect psionics would be psicraft or spell craft DC 15 or 20 plus the caster level or spell level of the Areana Mage or spell. Heavily, considering adding this. What's the opinion of everyone else on this, though? Also I would think that Knowledge (psionics) would be a very important skill that should be required for the PrC. As explained by Pennarin, Psicraft better covers the knowledge of psionic displays and how to create them realistically, then does Knowledge (psionics) - thus the lack of the prereq. Special: Must detect as psionic through detect psionics, either by taking the Hidden Talent or Wild Talent feat, or by having levels in a manifesting class. As for this - I'm not sure how I feel about adding it, as nothing from the original stated that the arena mage had to be a psion. In fact quite the contrary. The arena mage has no skill as a psion, he's a wizard. Which is why he disguises his spellcasting. Otherwise, the arena mage might as well be a psion. Plus, this PrC shouldn't be all that difficult to meet the prerequisites for, as IMO it would be fairly common for the few wizards to end up in the arena to take levels in it. Adding yet 1 more feat is going to either 1) push the level requirement up to a point where it stops being reasonable -or 2) leave no room for variation, as all arena mages will have the exact same feats. Open for change, depending on the rest of the community, though. |
#8kalthandrixAug 22, 2005 18:22:26 | I only thought that it would be cool and add a little more, I don't know, "something" to the class be having thems have at least one power point with whick to kinda 'flavor' their spells with- kind of like air spray- something to cover up the oder of the spell being cast. It was just an off-the-cuff suggestion. Either way I am not too emotional about it being added to not, so I would ask that some of the many others that have read the post and this comment (basically if you are reading this right NOW) to write a quick comment down if you think it should be added or not, or actually about anything that would help get this PrC to the finishing table. |
#9PennarinAug 22, 2005 18:39:38 | I think a psionic focus might be a mechanic too many, and is basically the turf of manifesters. As for the requirement to detect as psionic, its warranted IMO. I know you can still be detected as a magic-user, but since you present yourself as a manifester then actually detecting as one is a must. Maybe I'm going at it the wrong way, maybe the displays could give a psionic signature to spells, i.e. make them detect as psionics in use... As for the concept of all arena mages having the same feats, there are plenty of classes out there with over 6 feats in requirements, and besides, what's really needed to make you detect as psionic is a power point reserve, which at least half the Athasian population has, by taking the Wild Talent feat (for the purpose of taking psionic feats, which in DS3 partially replace 2E wild talents). |
#10ruhl-than_sageAug 22, 2005 20:56:27 | Quote: If you want to class to actually make sense, you do have to explain how no one can detect the use of magic in the arena. I mean seriously, its not just the display that is important, but the whether it appears to be magic or psionics to psionic and magical detection. Don't you think the SKs would bother to setup magic detecting spells or psionics in their arena. If the caster can't disguise the "aura" of the spells he casts as well as the displays, then SK his templars and defilers and psions watching the game would only have to get curious and cast a 0-level spell to find out that the arena mage was a phoney psion and was actually using magic. Of course maybe there is magic everywhere in the arenas, from the SKs wards and such. There is more than one way to explain it, but it does need to be explained somehow. ;) |
#11squidfur-Aug 22, 2005 21:13:14 | Of course maybe there is magic everywhere in the arenas, from the SKs wards and such. Actually this is exactly the case. It's described in the Complete Gladiator's Handbook (pg. 77). |
#12PennarinAug 22, 2005 22:25:19 | Page 77 does not actually say gladiators are screened for psionics and magic, just that entries to the stadium and royal boxes are protected by wards. Templars, royal defilers, and psions are on stand-by during games to re-establish order in case of a psionic fan's interferance in the games or a Veiled Alliance terrorist attack. Its true a simple templar orison, read magic or defiler scent, can sense an arena mage. Detect magic detects magic auras, which are defined (if you use detect psionics for a little help, since the PHB fails to define magic auras) as any active or permanent spell effect, or enchantment on a magic item. As such, yes, a simple read magic used during games would blow up the cover of the arena mage. Any bright ideas on how to explain, and say, that the arena mage does XYZ to make his spells detect as psionics and not magic? I'll be working on it on my side. |
#13squidfur-Aug 23, 2005 1:07:08 | Actually this is exactly the case. It's described in the Complete Gladiator's Handbook (pg. 77). Just wanted to clarify, this wasn't an argument against the idea of explaining our little problem. That still definately needs to be taken care of, but the magic present can help in small ways. |
#14ruhl-than_sageAug 23, 2005 17:22:03 | Either go with the theory that all the magic present in the arena obscures their magic use from detection, or give them an ability that conceals it like: Psionic Mask: As long as an arena mage maintains his psionic focus, all spells he casts appear to be psionic powers rather than arcane magic to any detection spell or power of 3rd level or lower. Higher level spells and powers like True Seeing can still see the spells for what they are, magic. |
#15PennarinAug 24, 2005 13:10:08 | Squid, I think I got it: Skills: Bluff 8 ranks, Disguise 8 ranks, Knowledge (psionics) 4 ranks, Psicraft 4 ranks. Special: Must have the psionic subtype. Psionic Mimicry (Ex): Due to his study of psionic powers, an arena mage learns to disguise his spells as psionic powers. His spells detect as psionic instead of magic. An onlooker suspecting the nature of the arena mage’s spellcasting can attempt to identify a spell being cast using the Spellcraft skill, but his check DC increases by +2. A spell successfully identified may reveal the arena mage’s secret. The arena mage may also attempt to create psionic displays during the casting of a spell, with a successful Psicraft check against DC (15 + spell level). Adding displays to a spell provides a +5 circumstance bonus to Bluff checks made to conceal spellcasting. Spells that have psionic counterparts, such as daze, emulate the displays of their psionic counterparts; spells that do not have psionic counterparts get attributed random displays. An opponent can attempt to identify a spell being cast by an arena mage using the Psicraft skill, just as if the spell were a psionic power, as long as the spell’s displays correspond to an actual psionic power. A spell that has random displays cannot be identified. |
#16PennarinAug 24, 2005 13:22:29 | Higher level spells and powers like True Seeing can still see the spells for what they are, magic. I'm not sure about that. True seeing reveals the true nature of things, it doesn't tell you anything though, nor does it reveal what you normally can't see. So by itself true seeing would not help you see the true nature of auras, or auras at all, for that matter. As for casting detect magic in conjunction with true seeing, it might work, but detect magic actually reveals magic auras, and since the arena mage's spells no longer have a magic aura, the spell should detect nothing IMO. |
#17kalthandrixAug 24, 2005 13:30:53 | Squid, I think I got it: I like it- though here is a question- if a character takes hidden power or something that gives him some powers or power points, does this mean they have the psionic subtype- I would word it a bit differnetly like- must have the ability to manifest powers, have psionic power points, or naturally psionic feature- something along those lines that clearly spells it out. ![]() This is just a really rough comment- I cannot think of the proper wording at this time. |
#18PennarinAug 24, 2005 14:13:50 | I like it- though here is a question- if a character takes hidden power or something that gives him some powers or power points, does this mean they have the psionic subtype- I would word it a bit differnetly like- must have the ability to manifest powers, have psionic power points, or naturally psionic feature- something along those lines that clearly spells it out. From the SRD: THE PSIONIC SUBTYPE From the SRD: PSIONIC CREATURES From the SRD: WILD TALENT [GENERAL] |
#19squidfur-Aug 25, 2005 0:28:04 | Squid, I think I got it: Ok, updated the class to include these changes. Question - When I think about this in happenstance,however, I'm curious if Psionic Mimicry is not too powerful as is. What if it was split into 2 seperate abilities - the psionic detection aspect gained at 1st level, and the display creation aspect gained at 2nd? Thoughts? |
#20ruhl-than_sageAug 25, 2005 9:26:39 | Its necessary for the PrC to function, so I wouldn't worry too much about it being too powerful. You could state that it only works in the arena and give some sort of bullshi7 explaination. |
#21PennarinAug 25, 2005 12:30:22 | You could state that it only works in the arena and give some sort of bullshi7 explaination. Er, that's...a bad idea. ![]() I think a psionic focus might be a mechanic too many, and is basically the turf of manifesters. Ok, stupid comment, I reread the Concentration skill. Maybe the arena mage could hold his psionic focus. But its real easy to hold it, its expanding/regaining it that's though... I suggest removing Skill Focus (Bluff) from the prerequisites and replacing it with Psionic Meditation, and make it so that the Psionic Mimicry ability requires you to expend your psionic focus at the moment of casting to obtain the Mimicry benefits. This should make it a bit more restricitive, help balance this powerful ability. |
#22squidfur-Aug 25, 2005 17:58:12 | Its necessary for the PrC to function, so I wouldn't worry too much about it being too powerful. You could state that it only works in the arena and give some sort of bullshi7 explaination. While highly recommended, I wouldn't say it's "necessary". After all the wizard had to survive in the arena before, somehow. In no way should this class stop the wizard from having to be extremely cautious about his casting. |
#23PennarinAug 25, 2005 19:46:34 | Thinking on it, I don't think psionic focus should come in the picture for the arena mage. Although detect magic no longer brands the arena mage as a spellcaster, a simple Spellcraft check can reveal the truth. As such, the ability doesn't need to be balanced with an additional element. Still, it takes a very smart and sly templar to think about using Spellcraft: When's the last time one of your players thought about using Spellcraft on a psion opponent?! ;) |
#24PennarinAug 28, 2005 20:45:20 | About Fast Concealment: I said it should be a nonaction, but I was wrong. It should be a free action. (From amongst the possibilities of free, immediate, and swift actions.) You can take but a single swift action per round, but you can have as many free actions per round as you want, so with a free action an arena mage can conceal his spellcasting for a spell and a quickened spell, so he can do it twice per round. Since its still an action, the arena mage could possibily be prevented from doing it in a particular round, probably by an enemy's ready action to disrupt his skill use. |
#25squidfur-Aug 28, 2005 20:46:49 | I think the word you were looking for is free action not nonaction :P Nope. I haven't found if its "non-action", "nonaction", or if you need to restrucutre your phrase to be able to say "not an action", but its definately a nonaction when compared with a free action: most skill uses are "not an action", while using Bluff to conceal spellcasting is a move action. I just brought it back to its natural state as far as I understand the concept. Updated the Fast Concealment ability. It's now a free action. Should make it easier to understand :P |
#26squidfur-Aug 30, 2005 3:07:54 | ![]() OK, so anymore feedback for this PrC? |
#27kalthandrixAug 30, 2005 6:50:19 | I like it as is now- so lets go final on this bad boy! |
#28ruhl-than_sageAug 30, 2005 9:46:14 | Submit! |