Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1meornAug 30, 2005 17:12:36 | Ok, let´s pretend we live in a fair world, where there´s no terrorism, money falls from the sky, hot chicks dig fat nerds and WotC decides do release a new GH book, as a complement for LGG. What would you like to see in that book? But here´s the thing: there´s no such paradise. So I have this: why don´t we stop whining like babies with full dipers and do our own thing? |
#2chatdemonAug 31, 2005 2:22:22 | ![]() Friends don't let friends post drunk. |
#3MortepierreAug 31, 2005 2:26:32 | Given how many threads have dealt with the very same subject in the recent past, you might wish to go look for one and raise it from the dead rather than start yet another one... |
#4zombiegleemaxAug 31, 2005 9:30:31 | I'd like to see a Greyhawk City Phone Book with business listings and emergency numbers as well as residences. A Grey College Year Book would be good too. I wonder who they voted Worst Driver and Most Shy? |
#5maldinAug 31, 2005 10:21:27 | I'd like to see a Greyhawk City Phone Book with business listings and emergency numbers as well as residences. Worst Driver? Zagig on his War Wagon Most Shy? Hmmm... Zagig got that one too, I think. ![]() Denis, aka "Maldin" =========================== Maldin's Greyhawk |
#6gv_dammerungAug 31, 2005 11:35:50 | I'd like to see a Greyhawk City Phone Book with business listings and emergency numbers as well as residences. I bet the Greyhawk 911 line gets some interesting calls. Probably makes for great episodes of COPS - Greyhawk. |
#7ajsSep 01, 2005 9:58:02 | 10. "City of Torture" - A celebration of the best that the gleaming spires of Dorakaa have to offer! 9. "Races of Sweat" - Three new races and several sub-cultures for the tropic climates of the Amedio Jungle, Scarlet Brotherhood, and Hepmonaland. 8. "Complete Disinterest" - The class book aimed at prestige classes and feats for the Circle of Eight and the Silent Ones of Keoland. 7. "The Manly North" - A guide to the barbarian and nomadic peoples of the north, the manly professions they persue and the manly games they play during their festival week (also known as "spring and summer"). 6. "Creatures of the Gnarley Forest" - The most expansive treatment of Animal and Vermin creature types to date, including "Fluffy Bunny", "Long Eared Bunny", "Timid Bunny" and more! 5. "Highfolk of the Vesve" - These battle-weary woodland folk have a rich culture and a deep spirituality; but this book is a collection of prestige classes and feats. 4. "The Jylee's Inn Wars" - The chronicle of a new great war that, overthrows Iuz, topples the Circle of Eight and lays waste to Urnst. Once again the tradition of Oerth holds: the war is named for the place where its final truce is called. 3. "Worlds Most Ad Libbed Dungeon" - A Web supplement, detailing 2573 previously unpublished levels of the dungeons under Castle Greyhawk, all lovingly scanned from the original napkins that EGG wrote them on. 2. "Cough!" - The environment supplement for the Sea of Dust and the Dry Steppes. 1. "The Real Story Behind Hasbro / Wizards of the Coast Deciding to Drop the Most Loved Campaign Setting of All Time; The Titanic; And Other Big Mistakes" |
#8gv_dammerungSep 01, 2005 13:35:45 | . . . 9. "Races of Sweat" - Three new races and several sub-cultures for the tropic climates of the Amedio Jungle, Scarlet Brotherhood, and Hepmonaland. ROLFMAO! |
#9caeruleusSep 01, 2005 22:53:10 | Ok, let´s pretend we live in a fair world, where [...] hot chicks dig fat nerds That's not a fair world. It would be grossly unfair to the hot chicks. |
#10MortepierreSep 03, 2005 8:51:42 | 6. "Creatures of the Gnarley Forest" - The most expansive treatment of Animal and Vermin creature types to date, including "Fluffy Bunny", "Long Eared Bunny", "Timid Bunny" and more! :heehee |