Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxSep 03, 2005 6:56:50 | As I read thorugh here I see you all talking of course of DS but also of other D&D \ d20 worlds that you play, so now I wonder, are these all that are played by those here? No non-d20, no other RPG types? I for instance run (DM \ GM) Dark Sun (as well as almost all the other D&D settings [those that started pre d20]), Shadowrun, Star Trek, Star Wars, Battletech\Mechwarrior, Rifts, White Wolf's World of Darkness (all the sub-settings there of), Big eyes - Small mouth, Marvel Super Heroes, & Gamma World. Am I just a wierd DM (well, ok that is a given :P ) or are there others that run many different worlds? |
#2elonarcSep 03, 2005 7:55:38 | I mostly DM, but also play when I get the chance. I play D&D 3.5 Dark Sun, Forgotten Realms and Plancescape. I also play Shadowrun and Das Schwarze Auge, the best-selling and most-played RPG in Germany (it has been published in English now under the name "The Dark Eye"). |
#3KamelionSep 03, 2005 8:54:29 | I almost always DM - the upcoming Eberron game is the first time I have played in years. I've been running DS for the last few years and also ran a DS campaign back when the setting was first released. Other than that, I also used to run Torg (all other game systems wish that they were this cool - they honestly do) and Star Trek (the FASA version). My main games, however, are a D&D homebrew that ran for 18 years through 3 editions of the game (with doses of Spelljammer, Planescape and Ravenloft scattered throughout) and a still- ongoing series of WoD chronicles now in their 10th year (Mage, Dark Ages and Werewolf, with a little bit of Wraith thrown in for good measure). I also draw a lot of inspiration from games that I do not run on their own, but use as source material for other settings (Kult, In Nomine, Empire of the Petal Throne and Stormbringer/Elric). My first game (imaginatively called "Castle") was one I wrote myself when I had heard of RPGs but never actually seen one - two stats, lots of d6s and enormous, sprawling maps. |
#4vinylvillichi_dupSep 03, 2005 10:53:43 | Do you mean what do we play now or what have we ever played regularly? Right now we are just doing a one-on-one Dark Sun. We moved away from all our friends. ![]() In the past, college mostly, I have had regular gaming of AD&D of course, also the old Star Wars, Ars Magica (2nd edition), Vampire:the Masquerage(table top and LARP), Cyberpunk, Rifts, Mage, DC, and uncountable homebrews. I miss it sometimes, but life goes on. |
#5gilliard_derosanSep 03, 2005 11:28:46 | Yeah, I moved away from my home group as well. Out here, so far the group we just play D&D. One week I run a Dark Sun game, the next week someone else DMs a homebrew D&D campaign. Before I moved out here to Vegas, we played werewolf/hunter/Vampire (it was a crossover/parallel game. We would play the "good" guys, and then next week we would play the "bad" guys - each time paralleling our own actions as the other group and such, it was kind of cool.) Other games we played (semi) regularly were Cyberpunk, Deadlands, Star Wars, Shadowrun, Kreation (homemade game that we played regularly while cranking out the system and mechanics), Bubblegum Crisis, and a few others here and there. Rifts we game up years ago, because the MDC system is just too darn clunky, and every other book they are coming out wqith stuff that is 10 times more powerful than in the previous book, and these both just ruin what would have otherwise been a good game. |
#6SysaneSep 03, 2005 11:51:17 | I currently play Magic the Gathering (which i still play sadly), Warhammer, Warhammer 40K, and Mordhiem on a regular basis. Gave that I've played at one time or another include Rifts, Robotech, Cyber Punk, Shadow Run, Star Wars, World of Darkness, Gamma World, and a myriad of others. And amazingly, I still find time to date and hang in bars :P |
#7korvarSep 03, 2005 12:16:06 | Sadly, at the moment, I've just moved, so no local gaming groups ![]() I'm in an online chat-based game (Turakian Age Fantasy Hero), and in theory I'll be jaunting back to my old place from time to time to play our occasional Abberant game, but other than that... no gaming! ![]() |
#8nytcrawlrSep 03, 2005 12:32:43 | Well, I haven't ran for awhile, but when I do run it's usually DS, FR, RL, or some weird mix of DS and RL. Every once in awhile I can be convinced to run something new, but I tend to stick to what I know. Now playing is a different matter entirely, I'll try anything once. I've played alot of AD&D 2nd ed, D&D, and D&D d20. I've also played some Star Wars (d6), Rifts (needed a better DM for that though, he made everything way too hack n slash), Aliens (worst RPG ever!), Paranoia, Rolemaster, several of the Hero systems, Rogue Swords, Shadowrun, Donjon (currently playing in a DS setting), a little of the WoD systems mostly a Werewolf the Apocalypse and Vampire the Masquerade mix, and I think that is it, though it feels like I am missing a few, ah well. Oh, I've also played some CCGs like Magic the Gathering, Jihad, and Werewolf. The only one I really stuck with was Magic the Gathering, and after a few years I gave up on it because it became too much of a "whomever has the most money to spend on their cards wins" sort of deal, and being I was pretty borke at the time and trying to go through college, I had more important things to spend my moola on. |
#9KamelionSep 03, 2005 12:39:07 | I didn't really consider games that I have played as opposed to DMed (shows how little actual playing I do relative to DMing, I guess, heh). I've played in a couple of Greyhawk and FR games of wildly varying quality, as well as an awesome homebrew that started out with the D&D mechanics and later moved to the Storyteller system (all bow to the Baron!). I was a player in an excellent Call of Cthulhu 1880s game until it folded - that was a real gem. Other than that, I have enjoyed brief spells in MERP, James Bond, Star Wars (WEG), Cyberpunk, Shadowrun and Golden Heroes games (I think it was Golden Heroes - one of those mid-80s superhero games, anyhow) as well as an intermittent Conspiracy-X game that grew into 2 groups of incenstuous mayhem. Oh, and I played Paranoia once, too - it was a hoot. A friend gave me a copy of a couple of Rifts books, but every time I try to read them, my eyes bleed so I am still somewhat in the dark about that one... ;) |
#10pringlesSep 03, 2005 12:42:30 | Presently, I Dm a DS campaign since two year and a 7th sea campaign since one year. I also Dmed a lot in Forgotten realms, Ravenloft and I was a player in Mutant & mastermind. |
#11xlorepdarkhelm_dupSep 03, 2005 13:58:24 | As I read thorugh here I see you all talking of course of DS but also of other D&D \ d20 worlds that you play, so now I wonder, are these all that are played by those here? No non-d20, no other RPG types? I mostly DM/GM, and usually run games from the following:
#12ruhl-than_sageSep 03, 2005 14:48:15 | I used to run Vampire games, but I find it pointless and depressing now. I want to run Fading Suns or Tribe 8 some time, but have never convinced enough people to play. I've run Exalted and am going to start a new exalted game soon. I ran an En Nominae game once too. As for D&D campaign settings, just a lot of homebrews and a few planescape games. I've also played Abberant, Mage, Wraith, Changling, Munchkin, Hackmaster (yes its a real game :D ), Dark Ages Vampire, Kindred of the East, Ravenloft, and Other peoples homebrews, and a number of the games I listed as having run. Some people might question its validity as a role-playing game, but I've also run/played SKETCH! |
#13zombiegleemaxSep 03, 2005 16:44:08 | Actually, I'm a major Shadowrun freak, have been ever since it came out. Now I'm just kinda on hiatus with an old favorite (DS). With the release of 4th edition SR, though, the running bug is bitting again big time... Anyway, in order of favorite to least favorite... 1. Shadowrun! - Played and GMed through all three editions so far, and I can't get enough! On of my old first edition characters still makes regular appearances as an NPC (can't play him, he's in the neighborhood of 500+ total karma earned) 2. Earthdawn - I was a latecomer to ED, played a little, mainly DMed. Loved the setting, but the mechanics need help. 3. Dark Sun - My favorite TSR setting, hands down. Currently DMing (I've only actually played DS once ![]() 4. Eberron - Haven't actually played or DMed, but I love the setting. Hoping to get started on it soon. 5. D&D in general - Homebrew settings, mainly one that I adapted to d20 when 3rd edition came out. DM and play, but currently on hiatus. 6. Ravenloft - Always liked it as a TSR setting, but haven't tried d20 yet. DMed only. 7. Forgotten Realms - Haven't played or DMed since 3rd edition came out, but still remember the old days. The fact that they brought back Bane rocks! 8. d20 Modern - DMed a couple good campaigns with Modern based materials that had some great moments. 9. Marvel Super Heroes - Did a very brief, but fun, stint with this system running a game based off the old Stormwatch comic. The mechanics needed major help. 10. Rifts - Played and DMed a bit. Great idea for a setting, cheesy mechanics. 11. White Wolf - What can I say? Liked the Dark Ages and Wild West stuff, never played Exalted. Hated the way they executed the modern lines. The mechanics leave a lot to be desired IMO. |
#14zombiegleemaxSep 03, 2005 17:33:36 | Not weird at all. Myself I have ran/played all the following Darksun 3.5, Planescape 2nd Edition and 3.5, Shadowrun, Hero Games, White Wolf's World of Darkness; Vampire and Werewolf and Mage, BESM, Aberrant, Rifts, 7th Sea, Cyberpunk, Cybergen,Star Wars d6 and d20, and errr anything else that catches my fancy, at one point I even ran Cynnibar (if anyone knows that system I give ya props for knowing one of the most obscure systems around), as well as a system written by a few of my friends and I, The Thousand Realms of Telleseur. |
#15elonarcSep 03, 2005 18:20:57 | Seeing that some people did not restrict themselves to RPGs, I also play Magic - The Gathering (a LOT, but you probably have guessed because of my signature) Warhammer 40K (Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marines) Fantasy LARP Games Middle-earth CCG (the old one by I.C.E.) |
#16zombiegleemaxSep 04, 2005 4:23:13 | Non-RPG I play, Table-top: Warhammer 40k (all the armies except Tau, Sisters of Battle, and Deamonhunters) CCG: Star Trek, Magic, & Star Wars (well I own a bunch of SW:CCG cards anyways) |
#17zombiegleemaxSep 04, 2005 9:02:22 | I tried to make a campaign that mirrored the Prism Pentad books, where the PC's could play the heros in the books. It was pretty good (back in 2nd edition) but I have not had a really good DS game in about 5 years. |
#18GrummoreSep 04, 2005 9:09:00 | Hello there, I'm Silly frog, you may remember me in such film as "Silly frog the alien", "Silly frog the alien the return" and "Silly frog among too much alien such as Halfling spacefaring". Oh! And btw, I started late in playing rpg. I was in a VERY small town where rpg wasnt very known. So, I started playing when I had about 18 (geez started late!). The setting I GMed: 1- Darksun (since I never had much time to play rpg, I focused on one. Although, I managed to try a few others) : I focused on the better! Btw, the settings was special and unique so I jumped on it. I never really liked the fact that in FR, you can just grab a longsword +1 anywhere under any rock. Not too much magic = DS ! 2- Star Wars d20 : Tryed it as player and liked the feeling of the setting (probably to the fact that I love SW). I will start a small SW campaign in my school where I will initiate young peoples to the rpg (they tryed the basic campaign last year). 3- Lone Wolf d20 : GMed only a couple of time but I was pleased; very. Do you remember these book wehre you had to make choice? The setting is very complete and the feeling is great. 4- Shadowrun (2nd), In nominae and Eberron as player 5- Ravenloft : didnt liked at all... Poor ambiance and not very scary compared to Vampire, werewolf or Chtulu (spelling). As player as well. ----------------- Else, I play tabletop game and recently bought "Twilight Imperium 3rded" and it's VERY cool. |
#19kalthandrixSep 04, 2005 10:10:07 | I used to play CCG(magic and werewolf) but it was really expensive to keep up with all of the sets and cards that came out. I currently play DS and some Eberron. I also have Dragonlance material and the numbered limited deluxe George RR Martin Game of Thrones book (on pdf until but I will also be getting the HC when it ships this month- when you preordered you get the book and a free pdf of the book too). I used to play Shadow Run and just a little of Vampire, but the latter was not really my style. |
#20KamelionSep 04, 2005 11:29:42 | Aa far as CCGs go, I was heavily into Jyhad for a while (got the original limited set and the Dark Sovereigns set complete and stopped collecting somewhere through the Ancient Hearts expansion). I also used to play Magic quite a bit back in the day (but wasn't a collector - started playing around the time of Legends and stopped during Homelands, iirc). I also used to play a fair bit of the Star Trek ccg and had brief flirtations with the original Lord of the Rings, Netrunner and Rage games. This was all during the time when I worked in a gaming store and could afford the purchases with my 50% staff discount. I don't play CCGs anymore - one crack-like addiction at a time is quite enough for me now :D... |
#21zombiegleemaxSep 04, 2005 12:00:30 | I started at 14-15 (very bad for my school exams) we played in Greyhawk. Just moved again, so looking for a group... Since then in order(ish) Dragonlance (played), played out many modules Champions (played), fun, hee hee. Middle Earth RPG (the old Iron Crown, with great criticals) Forgotten Realms (ran), best adventure was a souped up take on Azure Bonds Shadowrun (ran) My own AD&D world based on Stormbringer Dark Sun (ran, as soon as I bought the preview Dragon mag :D ) Planescape (played) Vampire (ran modern and medieval) Spelljammer (ran) Ravenloft (ran and played) Recently I've bought Iron Kingdoms stuff to try out when I get a chance (and the Iron Heroes book for some really great ideas). Bell |
#22woobyluvSep 04, 2005 12:47:10 | Hmm, well, lets see... Games I've played: Dragonlance, Ravenloft, Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms* (still one of my favorites), Dark Sun* (Probably my second favorite setting of all time only because its tough to find players willing to play due to the inherent difficulty of the setting), Spelljammer, Planescape, Homebrew (based loosely on the old Runequest game around Griffon Island), Battletech/Mechwarrior (still love it but have no players), Vampire (not a big fan of it really), Star Wars (both WEG and d20 versions), World of Darkness hybrid game (can't remember the actual name of the system but it was fun as it had vampires, werewolves, demons, mages and all the fluff; quite fun but was not a White Wolf setting), Paranoia (the one time I played this it was a blast but alas, we never got to play it a second time...too bad too, all hail the computer!), Shadowrun (briefly, had a terrible GM but the game would have been fun otherwise) Games I've run: Ravenloft, Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms* (this is my primary world with PC bases in Waterdeep, Westgate, and Baldur's Gate; my big 3 areas of interest), Dark Sun* (again one of my favorites, my campaigns tend to center around Tyr or Urik; my 2 favorite places in the Tyr region), Planescape, Battletech/Mechwarrior, Star Wars (both WEG and d20 versions) Currently due to budgetary restraints I've had to narrow my games down to 3.5ed D&D FR, DS, and RL with a little Planescape here and there mixed in and Star Wars only. Though I love the other games I've played by and large, its just too expensive for me to keep alot of the other systems ![]() ![]() ![]() |
#23xlorepdarkhelm_dupSep 04, 2005 14:29:45 | Well, I didn't cover my "non RPG" games I play:
Now -- as much as I loved the setting for the old World of Darkness (Vampire: the Masquerade, Werewolf: the Apocalypse, Mage: the Ascention et. al.), there were two things that stood out to be to be moderately annoying: the mechanics were moderately complex for simple things (and overly simplistic for complex things), plus the total and complete lack of organization at all in the books--including the fact that each game was just a bit too different from each other to really mesh well. However, the new World of Darkness (Vampire: the Requiem, Werewolf: the Forsaken, and Mage: the Awakening) solves each of those problems, making the game much better. Only thing I think that would have made it over the top, would have been if they had something akin to the OGL for their games--which they don't. |
#24the_peacebringerSep 06, 2005 10:47:21 | I've played in Dark Sun, Forgotten Realms, DragonLance and Rift. I DMed Planescape, Ravenloft and Shadowrun. Recently I had a DS 3.5 group and things were going well until life got in the way. Trying to get a group back for DS. I've also played in Living Greyhawk for a while but I don't like having so little influence on the game world and so I quit. |