What do you guys think?



Sep 30, 2005 13:28:04
I am currently playing in a Key of Destiny campaign, and the time is fast approaching when my wizard (Elan) will have to take the Test. My character is somewhat *cough* similar to other Dragonlance characters. This was brought about by my DM who thought it would be neat. I am human and from Northern Ergoth (go Guerrand) and I have a brother *wink* (Jacob) who is bigger than me (he is a ranger). Our father is a retired ranger who is alive and well and living at the home he built in the woods near Lancton. He sits on his front porch in a rocking chair next to his Black bear companion (George) drinking tea.

*pulls thoughts back on track*

As for the test, it is my understanding that it is a VERY rare occurrance that someone pass the Test at the Soulforge level. This being understood, my DM and I have come to an agreement that if I shoot for a Soulforge, it would be pretty tough and if someone would come with me (Jacob) it would be marginally easier, though whoever enters with me has a pretty good chance of not making back out again. Of course I would still have to pass the Test. We agreed that if I failed, I could take the test again, but could only take the easiest version, thus losing out on all the extras.

Here's the thing though, if I would happen to pass at the Soulforge level I get a physical change and I would like to see what kinds of things you guys can come up with for it. Something that might come in only in the roleplaying part or mabye something with an actual use.
