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#1zombiegleemaxOct 14, 2005 14:25:53 | I started creating prestige classes for the 7 Glantrian's secret crafts. I am aware that Aleksei Andrievski already created them and that they can be found on the Vault, but I wanted to create prestige classes with only 5 levels (à la Archmage in Forgotten Realms). Here goes my first draft of the Alchemist. A lot of stuff I'm not to sure about yet (especially Transmute Matter). Feel free to comment. Oh and if anyone knows how to create a table within a post, please let mw know, I reformate the tables in this post to make them look decent. Thanks ------ Secret Craft: Alchemy Alchemist Alchemist are arcane spellcasters who specializes in the use of rare ingredients and compounds and in the alteration of matter, energy and there own bodies. Their abilities are not spells but come from extended research and the use of their specialized laboratories. Hit Die: d4. Requirements To qualify to become an Alchemist, a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Skills: Craft (Alchemy) +10, Knowledge (Arcana) +8 Feats: Skill Focus (Craft (Alchemy)), Brew Potion, Any one other Item Creation feat. Spells: Must be able to cast at least one arcane spell of the third level. Special: Must find an Alchemist willing to sponsor the character into the secret craft. Class Skills: The Alchemist class skills (and the key ability for each) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), Speak Languages (Int) and Spellcraft (Int). Skill points at each level: 2 + int modifier. Table: The Alchemist Level Att Fort Ref Will Special Spell 1 0 +0 +0 +2 Alchemist Laboratory, Find components, Alchemical Preparation 3/day +1 caster level 2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Find Magical Components 2/day, Magical Preparation +1 caster level 3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Transmute Matter 1/day +1 caster level 4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Transcend Energy 1/week +1 caster level 5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Mutate Lifeform 1/month +1 caster level Class Features All the following are class feature of the Alchemist prestige class. Weapon and armor proficiency: Alchemists gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. Spells: When a new Alchemist level is gained, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had also gained a level in whatever arcane spellcasting class in which he could cast arcane spells before he added the prestige class level. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If a character had more than one arcane spellcasting class in which he could cast arcane spells before he became an Alchemist, he must decide to which class he adds each level of Alchemist for the purpose of determining spells per day. Alchemist Laboratory: Most abilities of the Alchemist require an Alchemist Laboratory to be properly executed. Such a laboratory has a base cost of 2500gp per level of the Alchemist, complete with beakers, retorts, balloons, crucibles, components, powders, liquids, crystals, balms, gases, ores, etc. Component replacement costs 250gp per months. Most special abilities also have a cost associated to them. An alchemist can also construct a field laboratory that he can carry with him on wilderness expeditions and during dungeons explorations. Such a laboratory cost 1000gp per Alchemist’s level to assemble. Component replacement costs 100gp per month (plus any additional cost incurred by the use of the Alchemist’s special abilities). An Alchemist Lab and a field laboratory replace the Alchemist’s Lab from the player’s handbook and as such provide a +2 circumstance bonus on regular use of the craft (Alchemy) skill (i.e. when not used as part of the special abilities of the Alchemist Prestige Class). Unless noted otherwise, all special abilities of the Alchemist require is Alchemist Laboratory. The Field Laboratory can always be substituted but always cause a –5 circumstantial penalty of the Alchemist’s Craft (alchemy) check. Find components: The Alchemist can use is Craft (alchemy) skill to identify all components in any non-magical item (specific minerals, metals, basic substance, as well as known compounds: gases, liquids, vegetal, flesh, etc.) or any magical potion. Identifying an item takes 5 minutes and supposes the use of the Alchemist’s Laboratory. Each such attempt cost 1gp in material (event if the Alchemist do not use a laboratory). The Alchemist can choose to take 20 on is roll. In this case, the attempt costs 20gp and take 100 minutes. The following table resumes what DC to use to identify a specific material. If the final roll is more than 10 bellow the DC, the Alchemist makes a false interpretation. Table: Find Components DCs Item --> Craft (Alchemy) DC Magical potions --> 25 Acid --> 15 Poison --> Poison’s save DC +5 Antitoxin --> 15 Flesh (what creature) --> 15 or 15 + HD/2 if exotic creature Vegetal (what plant) --> 20 or 20 + HD/2 if exotic plant creature Solids (Metals, Minerals, etc.) --> 20 Gases --> 20 Liquides --> 15 Item is common (ex: water, iron, etc.) --> -2 Item is rare --> +2 Item is extremely rare --> +5 Item is slightly damage --> +2 Item is badly damaged --> +5 Spending only 1 min --> +5 Spending only 2 rounds --> +15 Using no Laboratory --> +15 Alchemical Preparation: 3 times per day, the Alchemist can concoct a non-magical powder, balm or liquid solution producing a specific effect. Basically, he can create any object that can normally be created with the Craft (Alchemy) skill in 1d6 hours, instead of the normal time indicated in the craft skill description. The DCs for this ability are the same as the Craft skill and the cost is half the item’s market value. Before the Alchemist can use this ability, however, he must research each preparation individually in is laboratory. Such a research takes one week to complete, at the end of which the Alchemist makes a Craft (Alchemy) check to see if he learned out to craft it. The DC for this check is the same as the DC to create the preparation. If the check fails, the Alchemist must start all over again. Once a formula is learned, the Alchemist writes it down into is Codex, a book collecting all of is formulae. At the DM’s discretion, new Alchemical Preparation (not listed under the Craft skill description) can be researched by the Alchemist. Find Magical Components: Starting at level 2, the Alchemist can, twice per day, try to identify the magical properties of any single magical item. Doing so takes 30 minutes, at the end of which the Alchemist makes a Craft (Alchemy) check to see if he succeeded. The DC for this check is 15 + Item’s caster level. Each attempt cost 100gp. Magical Preparation: Starting at the 2nd level, the Alchemist gains the ability to create potions at half the price. Both the costs in gold and in XP are haves. Transmute Matter: Starting at level 3, and once per day, the Alchemist gains the ability to change the nature of a non-living object to another non-living matter such as minerals, crystals, metals, gas, liquid or dead organic matter like wood, hides, fur, bones, claw, etc. The Alchemist can affect up to 1 pound of material per Alchemist level. This produces the same weight of any new solid material. If the new material is a gas, the Alchemist produces 10 cubic feet per level. For example, a 4th level Alchemist can reduce a 4 pounds chunk of wood into a 4 pounds gem, or vice versa. The original material must be a single item. For example, one coin or one weapon can easily be transmuted, but a pile of coins or a portion of a wall cannot. The final shape of the transmuted material is up to the Alchemist. The DC for the operation is 10 + (new material’s worth/50). Keep in mind that 1 pound of gold is approximately worth 50gp (probably less since it needs to be transformed into coins before it can be used as money). It costs the Alchemist 500gp each time he uses this power. Transcend Energy: Upon reaching the 4th level, the Alchemist can, once per week, transform energy into matter. Usable energies include a bolt of lightning from the sky, the Radiance (for member of the brotherhood), concentrated sunlight during a solar eruption, or spell causing 200 points of damage from the same energy type (for example, the average damage of 6 lightning bolts cast simultaneously). This ability allows for different effects. Each one takes one week to accomplish and requires the construction of a device (a large antenna, a giant magnifier, a large gem, etc.) to collect the energy and focus it on a specific area. At the end of the week, a Craft (Alchemy) skill check must be done. On a failed check, the energy-focusing device explodes in a 20’ radius ball of energy causing 4d6 per level of the Alchemist (max 20d6) to everyone in the radius (reflex save, DC 17, for half the damage). The different effects, and the cost in material attached to them, are: Recharging magical items: The Alchemist can recharge staves and wands (max 50 charges). The DC to recharge such an object is equal to 10 + remaining charges in the object. To find the cost for this operation, multiply the number of charges recharge by 1/50th of the market cost of the object. The Alchemist must also spend XP equals to 1/50th of this amount. Animating Constructs: This reduces in half the XP cost associated with constructing a Golem and can replace the casting of one Geas/Quest spell or Limited Wish spell if the Alchemist desires it so. The cost in material is 1/25th of the construct’s cost, in addition to the regular cost of the construct (ex: an extra 3200gp for an Iron Golem). The Craft (alchemy) DC for this is 20. Reversing Aging Process: The Alchemist can reverse the aging process of any living creature (including himself) at a maximum rate of 4 weeks per Alchemist level (the Alchemist can choose to reverse a smaller number of week if he wich). The DC for this effect is 10 + the number of week to reverse. The cost is 5000gp. Recalling a creature to life: The creature must not be dead for more then 1 day per level of the Alchemist when to process begins. Other than that, this effect is identical to the spell Resurrection. The DC for this ability is equal to 15 + the HD (or level) of the creature to resurrect. The construction of the energy-focusing device for this ability requires 10000gp worth of material. Mutate Life form: Upon reaching 5th level, and once per month, the Alchemist is able to alter part or all of his body (or a helpless man-sized victim’s). The affected living matter is turned into a mineral, metal, gas, liquid, crystal or living flesh of the Alchemist’s choice. For example, the Alchemist could transform is hand into “living silver”, thus creating a silver-based form of life. Only extraordinary abilities can be gain in this was. Thus if an Alchemist would transform its skin into dragon flesh, he would not be able to breath fire (a supernatural ability), but transforming is skin into the skin of a troll would allow him to regenerate. Only the Alchemist’s appearance and consistency change not is body shape, intelligence or spellcasting abilities. So a Gelatinous Cube would be translucent, acidic humanoid and an Iron Golem Alchemist would gain a natural armor class bonus of +22. However, there are drawbacks to altered states (rusting metal, excessive weight for minerals, etc.); the DM must keep track of all these (an Iron Golem Alchemist would probably suffer a penalty on is dexterity score). The Craft (alchemy) check DC for this ability is 35. On a failed check, the Alchemist permanently transform into the matter or life form. For example, if he was trying to transform into a Gelatinous Cube, he becomes a Gelatinous Cube under the control of the DM. Is he was trying to transform is skin into “living silver” he becomes a solid silver statue. |
#2Traianus_Decius_AureusOct 17, 2005 8:02:12 | This looks very promising! I'd be very interested to see the final versions of this PrC and PrC's of the other crafts. Keep up the good work! |
#3zombiegleemaxOct 20, 2005 14:33:28 | Here I continue with my conversion of the Glantrian seven secret crafts into "5 level" prestige classes. Again, any comments would be appreciated. I’m not too sure of the power level of these classes and I don’t think I’ll have time to playtest them any time soon. You may notice that I removed the Dracologist’s ability to transform into a Dragon Ruler. I did that for two reasons. First, I never liked it. Second, and more importantly, including it here would require converting the Dragon rulers to 3.5 rules. Those being said, if you want to keep this element of the class, feel free to use it in your campaign. I also moved some some powers to higher levels. There was, I believe to much stuff at level (circle) two. Francis --------------------------- Secret Craft: Dracology Dracologist Dracologist, also called dragon master, are arcane spellcasters who specialize in the study of dragons. They are capable of protecting themselves from dragons and imitating a lot of there capacities. Eventually, a Dracologist gain the ability to control dragons and even transform into their chosen dragon variety. Hit Die: d4. Requirements To qualify to become a Dracologist, a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) +8 Languages: Draconic Spells: Ability to cast 6th level arcane spells. Special: Must find a Dracologist willing to sponsor the character into the secret craft. The player chooses a dragon variety when taking the first level in this prestige class. Class Skills: The Alchemist class skills (and the key ability for each) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Speak Language (Int), Spellcraft (Int) and Spot (Wis). Skill points at each level: 2 + int modifier. Table: The Dracologist Level Att Fort Ref Will Special Spell 1 0 +0 +0 +2 Protection from dragons +1 caster level 2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Dragon Eye 2/day, Dragon Paw 2/day, Dragon Scale, Dragon Tooth - 3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Dragon Wing 1/day +1 caster level 4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Dragon Breath 1/day, Dragon Might 1/week - 5 +2 +1 +1 +4 High Mastery of Dragon 1/month +1 caster level Class Features All the following are class feature of the Alchemist prestige class. Weapon and armor proficiency: Alchemists gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. Spells: At level 1, 3 and 5, the Dracologist gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had also gained a level in whatever arcane spellcasting class in which he could cast arcane spells before he added the prestige class level. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If a character had more than one arcane spellcasting class in which he could cast arcane spells before he became a Dracologist, he must decide to which class he adds each level of Dracologist for the purpose of determining spells per day. Protection From Dragons (Sp): The Dracologist can use spell energy to protect himself from dragons. As a standard action, he can use an un-cast spell of at least 1st level and convert the magical energy to protect himself from any type of dragon. The effect creates a magical barrier around the subject at a distance of 1 foot that last for 1 min per character level of the Dracologist. The barrier moves with the subject and has three major effects. First, the subject gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. Both these bonuses only apply against attacks made or effects created by Dragons. Second, the barrier blocks any attempt made by a Dragon to possess the warded Dracologist (by a magic jar attack, for example) or to exercise mental control over the Dracologist (including enchantment (charm) effects and enchantment (compulsion) effects that grant the caster ongoing control over the subject, such as dominate person). The protection does not prevent such effects from targeting the protected Dracologist, but it suppresses the effect for the duration of the protection from dragon effect. If the protection from dragon effect ends before the effect granting mental control does, the would-be controller would then be able to mentally command the controlled Dracologist. Likewise, the barrier keeps out a possessing life force but does not expel one if it is in place before the ability is used. Third, the spell prevents bodily contact by Dragons. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the Dragon to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded Dracologist. The protection against contact by Dragons ends if the warded Dracologist makes an attack against or tries to force the barrier against the blocked creature. Spell resistance can allow a Dragon to overcome this protection and touch the warded creature. Dispel Magic can also be used to stop this effect. In each case, use the Dracologist character level for determining the DC. Dragon Eye (Sp): Starting at second level, the Dracologist can use Dragon Eye twice per day. This ability function exactly like detect evil except that it detects creatures of the Dragon type. The primary use of this ability is to detect polymorph dragons. Dragon Paw (Su): Starting at second level, and twice per day, the Dracologist can transform, as a free action, one or two of is hands into dragon paws. He can use these paws to make claws attack (claws are considered small weapons). The Dragon Paws do not interfere with spellcasting or weapon use. Characters may make two claw attacks as a full-round action, or if armed with a one-handed weapon, may make a claw attack as a secondary natural attack. The damage is base on the character’s size, as showed in the following table. Table: Claw Damage base on size Small: 1d3 Medium: 1d4 Large: 1d6 This ability last 1 round per Dracologist level. Dragon Scale (Sp): At 2nd level, the Dracologist can use spell energy to cover is skin with dragon scales. As a standard action, he can use an un-cast spell of at least 2nd level and convert the magical energy to cover is skin with dragon scales. The scales are of the Dracologist’s chosen Dragon variety and provide a +1 enhancement bonus to the Dragon Master's existing natural armor bonus per level of Dracologist. This ability lasts for 10 minutes per Dracologist’s level. Dragon Tooth (Sp): At 2nd level, the Dracologist can use spell energy to materialize shadow fangs and cause them to attack. As a standard action, he can use an un-cast spell of at least 3rd level and convert the magical energy to materialize dragon fangs (of the Dracologist’s chosen variety of Dragons) at medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft./ Dracologist level). The fang can attack on the round they appear and last for one round per Dracologist level. They attack as a fighter of the same level that the Dracologist’s character level and cause 2d6 + 1 per Dracologist level (maximum 2d6 +5). This effect lasts for one round per Dracologist level. Dragon Wing (Su): At 3rd level, the Dracologist can grow dragon wings on is back once per day. The wings are of is chosen dragon variety type. He can use these wings to fly at twice its base land speed (maximum 120 ft.) with average maneuvrability. This ability lasts 10 minutes per Dracologist level. Dragon Breath (Su): At 4th level, the Dragon Master can use a breath weapon once per day as a standard action. The type of breath weapon is the same as the Dracologist’s chosen Dragon variety (see table below). The ability causes 6d8 point of damage of the appropriate type. The targets are allowed a reflex save for half the damage. The DC of the save is 10 + Dracologist class level + Cha modifier. Table: Dragon breath per dragon types. Black: Line of acid Blue: Line of lightning Green: Cone of corrosive gas (acid) Red: Cone of fire White: Cone of cold Brass: Line of fire Bronze: Line of lightning Copper: Line of acid Gold: Cone of fire Silver: Cone of cold Dragon Might (Su): At 4th level, the Dracologist can charm a total of Dragon’s HD equal to his character level. This ability function exactly as the spell Charm Monster except for the following points. Only Dragons of the Dracologist chosen variety can be affected. Affected Dragons are not allowed any saving throws and this ability is unaffected by spell resistance. The effect lasts for one hour per level of Dracologist. Note that once the effect wears off, the affected Dragons may take offence if they realize what happened. High Mastery of Dragon (Sp): At 5th level, the Dragon Master gains the ability to turn into his chosen dragon form once per month. The process takes 1d4 rounds. When in Dragon form, he as all the statistics of a Dragon with HD equals to the Dracologist’s character level (use the advancement rules to create a Dragon with the appropriate number of HD for the character). The Dracologist does not gains the Dragon’s capacity to cast sorcerer spells. Instead, he keeps is own spellcasting abilities when in Dragon form. This ability lasts for 5 hours. |
#4Traianus_Decius_AureusOct 21, 2005 13:10:22 | Tristan, Overall I like the Dracologist and I agree with you changing the final power to not being a Dragon Ruler- I always thought that was a bad designer decision. I've got a few comments for you below: Spells: At level 1, 3 and 5, the Dracologist gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had also gained a level in whatever arcane spellcasting class in which he could cast arcane spells before he added the prestige class level. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If a character had more than one arcane spellcasting class in which he could cast arcane spells before he became a Dracologist, he must decide to which class he adds each level of Dracologist for the purpose of determining spells per day. I would give them spells at each level not just 1, 3, 5. There are some nice powers gained by this class, but you still only gain a d4 HD and the powers gained are not so powerful that they should not also have spellcasting. Dragon Paw (Su): Starting at second level, and twice per day, the Dracologist can transform, as a free action, one or two of is hands into dragon paws. He can use these paws to make claws attack (claws are considered small weapons). The damage is base on the character’s size, as showed in the following table. I would up the die damage to small 1d4, med 1d6, large 1d8 and I would have the ability last for 1 minute per Dracologist level. Also I would add the following: The Dragon Paws do not interfere with spellcasting or weapon use. Characters may make two claw attacks as a full-round action, or if armed with a one-handed weapon, may make a claw attack as a secondary natural attack. High Mastery of Dragon (Sp): At 5th level, the Dragon Master gains the ability to turn into his chosen dragon form once per month. The process takes 1d4 rounds. When in Dragon form, he as all the statistics of a Dragon with HD equals to the Dracologist’s character level (use the advancement rules to create a Dragon with the appropriate number of HD for the character). The Dracologist does not gains the Dragon’s capacity to cast sorcerer spells. Instead, he keeps is own spellcasting abilities when in Dragon form. I would suggest that this ability be useable once per day and the transformation be a full round action. Couple of reasons: It is similar to the druid's wild shape ability which is useable several times per day at an equivalent level (a dracologist would have to 17th level to gain this ability); It is also replacing a very powerful OD&D ability (your current version is too weak to warrant the per month restriction IMHO). I would clarify what the Dracologist gains in dragon form: physical traits, modes of attack, special attack and qualities, etc... Does the Dracologist keep his Wis, Int and Cha scores? Does he still use his skills and feats? Maybe look at how the shapechange spell handles these things- it may be easy enough to say this ability works like shapechange. All in all, great work! |
#5spellweaverOct 25, 2005 6:53:09 | Hoping to see more of these conversions... ![]() :-) Jesper |
#6zombiegleemaxNov 04, 2005 9:51:02 | Hey, sorry fo not answering this earlier, things are really busy for me right now. Anyway, as soon as I find the time I will continue the conversion of the remaining 5 secret crafts (I originally intended to convert one per week, but right now I don't have sufficent time). Now, to answer some of Traianus comments: Tristan, I'm not to sure about this one. However, after some thought, I think it's true that when you compare it to a 20th level mage, the powers gained by this class may not compare to losing 1 - 7th level, 1 - 8th level and 2 - 9th level spells. However, I will wait and see how the High Mastery of Dragon ability turns out before adjusting this (see my comment below). If it turn out very strong, I might need to give spells only at levels 1 to 4 (then again, maybe not). I would up the die damage to small 1d4, med 1d6, large 1d8 and I would have the ability last for 1 minute per Dracologist level. Also I would add the following: The Dragon Paws do not interfere with spellcasting or weapon use. Characters may make two claw attacks as a full-round action, or if armed with a one-handed weapon, may make a claw attack as a secondary natural attack. I based the damaged die on the Dragon Disciple Prestige Classe (which are the same damage dice used in the half-dragon template). For this reason I would be tempted to leave it as it is. For the rest of your comment, I agree wit you. I will add it to the classes description. I would suggest that this ability be useable once per day and the transformation be a full round action. Couple of reasons: It is similar to the druid's wild shape ability which is useable several times per day at an equivalent level (a dracologist would have to 17th level to gain this ability); It is also replacing a very powerful OD&D ability (your current version is too weak to warrant the per month restriction IMHO). I would clarify what the Dracologist gains in dragon form: physical traits, modes of attack, special attack and qualities, etc... Does the Dracologist keep his Wis, Int and Cha scores? Does he still use his skills and feats? Maybe look at how the shapechange spell handles these things- it may be easy enough to say this ability works like shapechange. I haven't looked at the shapechange spell in a really long time but this sounds like a good idea. I will try to take a look at it this week end and try to modify (and clarify) this ability to make it more interesting. Thanks for the feedback, it's appreciated. Francis |
#7HuginNov 05, 2005 21:08:53 | I look forward to seeing what you develop. Very interesting so far. |