Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1brun01Oct 15, 2005 16:38:10 | I have converted powers from The Will and The Way, Dragon Kings and others to 3.5. Jon has kindly posted those conversions on Athas Online. Please provide feedback in this thread. There is also an appendix with suggested convertions from all 2ed powers. Penn, start the questions! :P |
#2kalthandrixOct 15, 2005 16:48:13 | No questions right now, but I did look it over quickly and I gotta say THANKS- some of these powers were really cool and I am glad to see them back. I was kinda hoping that someone would have did a conversion of elemental composition- one of my most favorite 2e psionic power. BTW- is there any thought to doing something like the high psionics? |
#3brun01Oct 15, 2005 17:05:38 | Elemental Composition was my most favouritest power of all times too, I submited a version of it, but didn't make the cut, ![]() I guess you could have a similar effect if you manifest Greater Metamorphosis and create a similar version of the Improved Elemental Wild Shape feat... High psionics from the Archpsion prc, you mean? |
#4PennarinOct 15, 2005 18:58:27 | Penn, start the questions! :P Aging: How does this power interact with a tree of life, the only Athasian creature that gains power through age? Psionic Blink: I'm unsure as to why TotDL is riddled with references to Astral and Ethereal while Jon allows this power to mention the Gray... Cause Sleep: - "You can rearrange a living’s creature biorhythm" - "Doing so requires a successful melee touch attack roll" <-- I think the word "roll" is superfluous. - Does the power affects kreens? Death Field: It has the potential to inflict lots of damage, and someone with 100+ hp could cause "massive damage" in everyone around him, potentially killing them all if they fail their massive damage save, but...are there other powers/spells that cause you to lose like amounts of hp? Dimensional Screen: "The power ends if any object or energy bigger than the screen becomes in contact with it." Detect Life: - "You can detect a living creatures " - "1st Round: Presence or absence of intelligent life in the area." - "Each round you can turn to detect a creatures in a new area." Er...more later. Ever thought of converting the 3.0 sever the tie power? It's still part of the 3.0 SRD... Sever the Tie Psychokinesis Level: Psion/Wilder 2 Display: Auditory, Material Manifestation Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Area: Several undead creatures within a 10-ft.-radius burst Target: You Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Will half Power Resistance: Yes Power Points: 3 You disrupt an undead creature's tie to the Gray, damaging or destroying the creature. Your psychokinetic "scythe" deals 3d8 points of damage to all undead within the area. Undead that are brought to 0 hit points or below by use of the power fall limply and molder into dust (if corporeal), or slowly disperse (if incorporeal). Augment: For every extra point you spend, the damage increases by 1d8. BTW- is there any thought to doing something like the high psionics? There's one "High Science" in DS3, cosmic awareness. I don't believe any other high sciences need to be converted though: - megakinesis is just an augmented telekinesis - planar transposition is prone for enormous abuse - mass contact is based on a mechanic that no longer exists - elemental composition, besides being everyone's fav power ever! :D, walks majorly on the toes of what elemental clerics alone should be able to do (and wizards with shapechange) |
#5SysaneOct 16, 2005 0:38:18 | Great job on those conversions. :D Just wanted to point out I did a conversion of kenetic control awhile back here as well as stregth of the land here. |
#6jon_oracle_of_athasOct 16, 2005 8:15:56 | Psionic Blink: I'm unsure as to why TotDL is riddled with references to Astral and Ethereal while Jon allows this power to mention the Gray... I haven't proofread the conversions. |
#7kalthandrixOct 16, 2005 8:46:09 | Sever the Tie I would suggest making the augment cost 2/+1d8: I liked this psionic ability, but always thought is was too weak in 3.0 so this version is much better. |
#8bill_lumbergOct 16, 2005 13:33:57 | Thank you so much for the conversions, especially Nerve Manipulation. What are your thoughts on this augmenting nerve manipulation by spending two additional points to increase the manifester's effective HD by one? |
#9brun01Oct 16, 2005 19:08:37 | Aging: How does this power interact with a tree of life, the only Athasian creature that gains power through age? It ages normally, but if the power proves too strong, I could change the ability to only affect humanoids and to affect more by augmenting. Psionic Blink: I'm unsure as to why TotDL is riddled with references to Astral and Ethereal while Jon allows this power to mention the Gray... It follows the current rules from TotDL. Cause Sleep: Yes, the 'roll' shouldn't be there. Kreens are immune to sleep effects. Death Field: It has the potential to inflict lots of damage, and someone with 100+ hp could cause "massive damage" in everyone around him, potentially killing them all if they fail their massive damage save, but...are there other powers/spells that cause you to lose like amounts of hp? So does a fireball, and it doesn't pose a threat to the caster by risking you to be killed by a warrior with high Fort save next round. There are some spells that damage you as well, I jut don't recall them by name. Just wanted to point out I did a conversion of kenetic control awhile back here as well as stregth of the land here. Good job with the powers, I just think KC needs to be of a lesser level... Maybe lowering the damage cap to 30-40 should do. I always wondered why SotL was made into a power and had no psionic equivalent... What are your thoughts on this augmenting nerve manipulation by spending two additional points to increase the manifester's effective HD by one? Augmented powers only increase DC, not HD, but I think only 2 pp isn't enough for this. |
#10PennarinOct 16, 2005 19:47:49 | It ages normally, but if the power proves too strong, I could change the ability to only affect humanoids and to affect more by augmenting. Good idea. Maybe the ability to affect giants, humanoids, and monstrous humanoids could cover 99% of all uses this power would be applied to by PCs. It follows the current rules from TotDL. I'm all for mentionning that the power uses the Gray...its just that TotDL mentions that not all powers/spells use the Gray/Black, but sometimes also the ethereal/astral. Did I mention I...dislike...mentions of the ethereal/astral? ;) So does a fireball, and it doesn't pose a threat to the caster by risking you to be killed by a warrior with high Fort save next round. There are some spells that damage you as well, I jut don't recall them by name. So you're saying that fireball is better at damaging creatures because its saves is a "Reflex half" while death field is "Fort negates". As for spells that damage, I can't recall any. I do remember though 2 spells from FR that allow you to create a positive energy bolt and field to protect you from undead...but I'm not sure its the same mechanic. Oh, a thought: is "sacrificing" 50+ hps considered taking damage, thus induces massive damage? |
#11lyricOct 16, 2005 22:33:53 | There is a PrC somewhere, some, planar traveler type I think, who has the ability to transpose a portion of one plane with a portion of another. Basically the same as that power.. and that was an innate ability of the class.. I think the power could be made useable without too much harm... after all, there could be mitigating factors that make it less desireable to be used lightly.. like the thought of brining planar beings back through its use.. uncontrolled and potentially powerful planar beings.... could be scarry.. especially if they don't like being 'moved' suddenly. |
#12PennarinOct 16, 2005 23:48:55 | There is a PrC somewhere, some, planar traveler type I think, who has the ability to transpose a portion of one plane with a portion of another. Basically the same as that power.. and that was an innate ability of the class.. I think the power could be made useable without too much harm... after all, there could be mitigating factors that make it less desireable to be used lightly.. like the thought of brining planar beings back through its use.. uncontrolled and potentially powerful planar beings.... could be scarry.. especially if they don't like being 'moved' suddenly. Use of this power is as close to creating a semi-permanent gate to the elemental plane of water as one can get. A couple of psions can manifest the power in shifts, all day long, using cognizance crystals to get more uses per day, with slaves or magic or whatever syphoning the water from the "zone" into an area outside of it, until an entire lake of water has been brough here. Could take about a week. Do that every week, all year long... |
#13shimOct 17, 2005 4:49:34 | Nice to see all those powers again. Thanks for that! I took a quick glance on it and it seemed quite OK. However I think that photosynthesis is a bit overpowered. Now, you can heal yourself completely within a few minutes for only 1 pp (and plants don't grow that fast ;) ). Maybe you should increase its duration to 1 hr/level and that you heal 1 hitpoint/hr or 1 hitpoint/10 min. |
#14kalthandrixOct 17, 2005 7:08:00 | I was thinking about taking the photosynthsis power and making something exactly like to for s sun cleric spell- I think the idea is too cool to have for just one class and isperfectly in line with sun clerics! |
#15brun01Oct 17, 2005 7:19:25 | I don't know, Sun and healing don't go together in my opinion... Rain and Water maybe, but Sun is definitely a destructive rather healing force to me. |
#16kalthandrixOct 17, 2005 7:22:28 | I don't know, Sun and healing don't go together in my opinion... Rain and Water maybe, but Sun is definitely a destructive rather healing force to me. Dude- the sun IS the most life giving force on the planet- without it no life could survive! |
#17PennarinOct 17, 2005 7:37:54 | Its a good idea Kal, just don't base your spell off Photosynthesis. Sun clerics are not about plants and photosynthesis, they are about light, nothing more. Caelum, from the Prism Pentad, offers exactly what you want: Caelum heals himself and others by making his hand glow with the light of the sun, then applying the hand to the wound, causing healing but also pain from the searing heat of the sun's glow. |
#18brun01Oct 17, 2005 7:46:53 | Dude- the sun IS the most life giving force on the planet- without it no life could survive! Yes, grasshopper, I can see why you think this, but The Pact of the Sun |
#19brun01Oct 19, 2005 18:35:49 | It's been awhile since someone posted, probably because I did such a great job... :D So I'll just wait a little longer and I'll send Jon an updated file tomorrow. |
#20jon_oracle_of_athasOct 20, 2005 3:15:53 | Just a quick note - It was the decision of the Spells and Powers Bureau to leave Kinetic Control in the realm of Epic psionics last time you submitted the power. That decision still stands. |
#21SysaneOct 20, 2005 6:55:41 | Just a quick note - It was the decision of the Spells and Powers Bureau to leave Kinetic Control in the realm of Epic psionics last time you submitted the power. That decision still stands. Not that I have any pull or anything, but I don't agree with that at all. I think the versions that brun (and myself) wrote up are well within the realm of being balanced and no where near the level of power as the epic spell. Just my two bits. :P |
#22brun01Oct 20, 2005 7:28:57 | (personally) I think that psionic powers, due to their augmentability, don't translate very well to "Epic" and there are none in the XPH (and EPH)... perhaps they feel the same. But I understand the bureau's point of view. Does it mean that the powers and spells are being reviewed by them and might get included in the next release? |
#23PennarinOct 20, 2005 8:40:57 | Jon, have you heard anything about the defiling regeneration spell, weither the Bureau wants it epic or not? |
#24PennarinOct 20, 2005 9:55:27 | Detect Moisture: Outside of some pretty gruesome ideas I'm having...what is the usefulness of detecting creature with moisture, i.e. 99% of every creature out there? Also, the 3rd Round should allow the detection of the location of all sources of moisture, not just creatures: you should be able to detect ponds, puddles, etc... Mass Manipulation: Any thoughts as to why a psion would choose this power over others? Magnetize: "A creature wearing metal armor becomes immobile, rendering it helpless if she fails her Strength check." <-- Immobile? How come? Wouldn't she be drawned in a direction, either away or towards the magnetized object? Molecular Binding: "or the joints of his armor fused together into a useless plug of metal" <-- Its not just metal armor that has joints. "The power otherwise does not affect creatures (including constructs)." <-- Maybe add undead too? Photosynthesis: "For every round you rest on a sunny area for the power's duration" This power is basically Fast Healing 1, and IIRC no power or spell grants Fast Healing. So maybe the # of points healed should be a little less, something like 1 point per minute, but I'm not sure as to what course to take in this case. "If you spend 4 additional power points, you satisfy the need of a meal and half of your daily water requirement." So...if someone spends 10 power points in two isntances during a day, each for a duration of 1 round, he doesn't need to eat or drink? Pocket Dimension: You refer to the place where you can access the pocket dimension as "the access", while I think such places are commonly referred to as "the access point". Where is the demiplane created? In the ethereal? Powers/spells that allow you to see ethereal locations could allow you to see the contents of the pocket dimension, and possibly retrieve them using a wish or some other powerful effect. What happens after the power's duration expires? Are the items expelled? Can this power be dispelled and its contents expelled through a manifesting of dispel psionics over the access point? "Living things in the chest pocket dimension eat, sleep, and age normally" Psionic Sight: "Make one check per aura; DC 15 + power level, or 15 + one-half manifester level for a nonpsionic effect." <-- How can a nonpsionic effect be detected by a psionic detection power? Return Missile: A 2nd-level power with a cost of 9 power points? Share Strength: IIRC there's a rule somewhere that says if many psions manifest this power (for example) on the same person, its the power giving the most Str that has priority, and once that power's duration has ended its the second most powerful power that still lasts that is expressed, and so on. Am I right? If not, then this power should explain this, or a dozen psions could create a uber warrior with this power. Truthear: I like this! Maybe Jon can put truthear back in DA then... BTW Bruno, the summon Tyr-storm spell you wrote...why does it even exist if the amount of damage it can inflict and the duration of such a storm is unknown? |
#25brun01Oct 20, 2005 11:30:43 | Detect Moisture: Actually, it's the other way around. You detect people trough the moisture they carry. Yes, the power should do it. Mass Manipulation: It's useful to carry heavy loads or to make a reaaally long shot. Or cause a roof to collapse or break the axis of a caravan wagon, for instance. Your imagination is the limit! Molecular Binding: You could make differente parts of the armor to attract each other. Perhaps you should explain a bit more further. Photosynthesis: I changed the duration to 10 min./level and to heal 1 hp per minute after Shim pointed it out. Yes, you could do it and it would be considerably worse than manifesting Sustenance (which is waaay broken for DS). Pocket Dimension: The Gray? I had this expiration part covered in another file but mu computer crashed without saving and when I did it again I forgot about it. Psionic Sight: Check arcane sight. Share Strength: IIRC bonus of the same kinds don't stack. So only the better one would stick. So that could define how much damage someone exposed to a Tyr-Storm would be dealt. ![]() |
#26kalthandrixOct 20, 2005 12:44:18 | Okay here are some comments from me. Aging- The augment cost of 2pp seems kinda low for stealing up to 4 years off someones life span. Cause Sleep- Should also note that thri-kreen are immune too. Dimensional Screen- Range should be personal and it should be noted the effecs that are transported through the screen have a chance to hit opponents behind you- using the original attack roll. Magnitize- check out this spell Sirellyn's Superior Magnetism Nerve Manipulation- NICE!!! Alot of these powers look good- but I do agree with most of what Pennarin pointed out. Hope this helps out some. |
#27PennarinOct 20, 2005 13:17:40 | Pocket Dimension: The Gray? I had this expiration part covered in another file but mu computer crashed without saving and when I did it again I forgot about it. Is that power an attempt at copying what Tithian does using his magical bag in the Prism Pentad? If so, I don't think this power is doing it justice. I made a magic item using the standard bag of holding from the DMG, with changes where it didn't match what the PP said about Tithian's bag...and the item is still unfinished because I don't know how to fix the problems with it. Here is the item: This bag is an athasian variant upon the standard bag of holding found in the Dungeon Master's Guide. |
#28brun01Oct 20, 2005 13:36:54 | Okay here are some comments from me. Aging & Cause Sleep: I had already changed that. Dimensional Screen: Agreed. Hmmm... very interesting spell, I will use some of it. Is that power an attempt at copying what Tithian does using his magical bag in the Prism Pentad? I don't know. Is pretty damn hard to find those books here. It is actually a crossbreed between the original power from TW&TW and secret chest. Thanks for all the input guys!!! :D |
#29kalthandrixOct 20, 2005 14:29:48 | brun- are you going to add the conversion of sever the tie that Pennarin did to the doc- I think it would be a good addition. |
#30SysaneOct 20, 2005 14:42:21 | And strength of the land ![]() Strength of the Land |
#31kalthandrixOct 20, 2005 14:57:43 | AND Strenght of the Land- thanks Sysane |
#32SysaneOct 20, 2005 15:00:54 | AND Strenght of the Land- thanks Sysane No, no, Thank you. ;) |
#33brun01Oct 20, 2005 16:21:58 | Yes, I will try to do something with Sever the Tie and I already did a conversion of Strength of the Land some time ago. I think the bureau doesn't want psionicists dealing with druid's stuff. (besides, Sysane's version is better than mine) |
#34brun01Oct 20, 2005 18:01:17 | I've just sent Jon the file with the incorporated feedback (thanks again). It has 2 new powers on it Sever the Tie and Poison Simulation (a juicier version). |
#35kalthandrixOct 20, 2005 18:33:19 | Cool beans man! |
#36GrummoreOct 21, 2005 7:03:23 | I've just sent Jon the file with the incorporated feedback (thanks again). It has 2 new powers on it Sever the Tie and Poison Simulation (a juicier version). If you want your work to be put on my web site brun01, just tell me. There's a lot of peoples going in and out of it. But I dont want to steal the privilege that jon as with your work on is web site. |
#37brun01Oct 21, 2005 9:45:27 | Grummore, I'm hoping too see some of them in the next release of the core rules, in case I don't, I'll make a pdf with the final version so you can upload it on your site. Thanks for the 'privilege' part ![]() Kal, what the heck "cool beans" mean? ![]() |
#38kalthandrixOct 21, 2005 9:51:49 | Grummore, I'm hoping too see some of them in the next release of the core rules, in case I don't, I'll make a pdf with the final version so you can upload it on your site. It is just one of those American sayings that means cool- I have no idea where I picked it up from. |
#39brun01Oct 26, 2005 10:15:55 | The updated doc is already on Jon's site. |
#40zombiegleemaxOct 26, 2005 21:15:45 | Cool, cool, cool! I have not been around much lately; the work thing is keeping all gaming and netsurfing at a minimum. Anyway just wanted to drop a line and say that I think the powers are cool and I would love to see them added to the core DS material. For a world that is supposed to have such a high level of psionics, the core rules have very few original powers for the setting. Just my two cents if any one cares |
#41jon_oracle_of_athasOct 27, 2005 4:33:18 | Your two bits are noted. |
#42kalthandrixOct 27, 2005 9:00:15 | Very cool- like the changes/additions. I have already e-mailed said doc to all of my players so they can look it over. I will be having them make another PC this Friday- just in case :evillaugh ![]() No one has a straight up psionicist yet and I was hoping that someone would want to play one when they seen all the additional powers they might be able to choose from. Good job brun01 |
#43PennarinOct 27, 2005 9:32:34 | Indeed, cheers are in order: Hip hip hip hurray! ![]() |
#44brun01Oct 27, 2005 9:57:14 | ![]() Thanks, guys |
#45kalthandrixOct 27, 2005 10:15:18 | Hey brun01- I have not really seen your comments on MY threads- quid pro quo my brother.Quid pro quo (Latin for "this for that", many times understood by English speakers as "what for what" or "something for something") is used to mean, in the English speaking world, a favour for a favour (in other linguistic contexts, such as Portuguese and French, it means a misunderstanding, a confusion - to take the this for a that and quid pro quo is quoted as do ut des, latin for "I give, so that you give"). Quid pro quo is a legal term for the transaction of valued items or favours, in return for giving something of value. For a contract to be binding, it usually must involve consideration, that is, the exchange of something of quantifiable value, however, quid pro quo is widely used in the context of describing political favours, as given in apparent exchange for money. It is also widely known as one of the two legally recognized types of sexual harassment. |
#46brun01Oct 27, 2005 10:39:31 | Huahuauhu, point taken. I promisse that i'll give more feedback on rules-related posts. I'm just not very good with fluffy compared to guys like Penn, Xlor or Nyt so I keep myself quiet most of the times. I read everyone, though. |
#47kalthandrixOct 27, 2005 10:45:50 | Huahuauhu, point taken. Hey- I just want to hear what players have to say- The player point of view is just as improtant as the DM's- if not more so in some cases. I was just giving you a hard time brun01. ;) |
#48brun01Oct 27, 2005 13:10:03 | I'll show YOU a hard time from now on, mister! Quid-pro-quo style!!! ![]() |
#49kalthandrixOct 27, 2005 13:19:57 | I'll show YOU a hard time from now on, mister! Quid-pro-quo style!!! I am shaking at my computer :P |
#50jon_oracle_of_athasOct 30, 2005 8:38:17 | What are you two going do to one another? Ignore each other? :P |
#51dregonflyusOct 30, 2005 11:22:16 | The updated doc is already on Jon's site. Brun01, ![]() |
#52GrummoreOct 30, 2005 11:43:18 | Brun01, Please peoples, come on, you know your site as the most impressive DS links page of all the net. go there please! :D |
#53PennarinOct 30, 2005 12:11:44 |
Look at Jon's sig higher up in this page, it reads... Athas Online - 3.5 Dark Sun Prestige Classes, Hamanu's Code, Dark Sun Knight of the Dinner Table scripts, Desert pictures + + |
#54jon_oracle_of_athasOct 31, 2005 14:07:18 | Just make sure to keep your page updated Grummore. Athas Online |
#55GrummoreOct 31, 2005 14:23:28 | Just make sure to keep your page updated Grummore. Your link here doesnt work. It seem your server is pretty rigid. It doesnt like this link : BUT let you enter if you put a slash in the end Strange isnt? Btw, the link on my page already had that / so it does work if you use the siltskimmer page! Thank you. And yes, I try to keep update, but I dont always have the time. I should any time soon. |
#56kalthandrixOct 31, 2005 20:49:50 | Question on Power Conversions- I was looking for Legs of the Thri-kreen and could not find it- were did it go? I thought there was a psionic version of jump in the XHB but could not find that either. I had the pegs power on my wild talent list and when it ws rolled up this weekend I had nothing. I know it was in the 3.0 version of the core DS material. |
#57jon_oracle_of_athasNov 01, 2005 2:20:42 | Your link here doesnt work. It seem your server is pretty rigid. It doesnt like this link : BUT let you enter if you put a slash in the end The server is apparently experiencing some technical difficulties a the time being, as neither link works right now. Both links are supposed to work, maybe you have cached the url with a /? |
#58jon_oracle_of_athasNov 01, 2005 2:25:49 | Question on Power Conversions- I was looking for Legs of the Thri-kreen and could not find it- were did it go? I thought there was a psionic version of jump in the XHB but could not find that either. I had the pegs power on my wild talent list and when it ws rolled up this weekend I had nothing. I know it was in the 3.0 version of the core DS material. The proofreaders in the Spells and Powers Bureau decided to remove it. |
#59kalthandrixNov 01, 2005 6:10:29 | The proofreaders in the Spells and Powers Bureau decided to remove it. Damn Bureaucrates- I want my legs of the thri-kreen back!! |
#60brun01Nov 01, 2005 6:26:22 | The Mental Leap feat is similar, if you miss it so bad. |
#61nytcrawlrNov 01, 2005 6:48:30 | The proofreaders in the Spells and Powers Bureau decided to remove it. I call censorship! :D |
#62brun01Dec 05, 2005 4:43:23 | There's a somewhat updated file on Jon's site. Basically a new power and minor grammar corrections. |
#63kalthandrixDec 05, 2005 6:55:33 | Hey Brun01- I have been using the new powers in my game and I was thinking about something- Why is cause sleep psychmetabolism? IMO it should be a telepathy power! Anyway- keep it cool and I will check out the new doc later! |
#64brun01Dec 05, 2005 13:54:12 | First, the original power was Psychometabolic. Second, take a look at the description from the SRD Psychometabolism I think that cause sleep, differently from its magical counterpart, acts more like a soporific, so I think it fits better as psychometabolic... Let just hope the rest of the bureau feel the same way. :D |
#65kalthandrixDec 05, 2005 21:00:45 | I think that cause sleep, differently from its magical counterpart, acts more like a soporific, so I think it fits better as psychometabolic... Let just hope the rest of the bureau feel the same way. :D Me know like this!!! The Sleep spell is mind effecting IIRC- I just think it fits better in Telepathy ![]() |