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#1kalthandrixNov 23, 2005 23:07:37 | I thought I would post this as a Thanksgiving treat for all of you. Now I know it is not finished and I have not applied the CoR template due to it being a WIP (work in process).
FYI, I did the selecting of his powers, skills, and feats based off of his ability to use psychic reformation at higher levels to remove things he did not need.
Dregoth, the Dread King of Giustenal
Dragon (stage IX) kaisharga, Psion 10/ Defiler 10/ Cerebremancer 10/ Arch Mage 5/ Loremaster 10/ Dragon 10
Gargantuan undead dragon (augmented, psionic) Hit Dice: 55d12+110 (770 hp) Initiative: +5 Speed: 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy), burrow 30 ft. AC: 45 (-4 size, +1 Dex, +38 natural, ) flat-footed 44, touch 7 Base Attack/Grapple: +23/ +54 Attack: Bite +42 melee (4d6+19+1d10 cold) Full Attack: Bite +42 melee (4d6+19+1d10 cold) and 2 claws +40 melee (2d8+8+) and tail slap +40 melee (2d8+28) Space/Reach: 20 ft./15 ft. (20 ft. with bite) Special Attacks: Breath weapon, fear aura, frightful presence, paralyzing touch, psionics, psi-like abilities, spells, Special Qualities: DR 15/ magic, dragon magic, duplex, energy storing, grant spells, grey toughness, SR/PR 66, high arcane, immortal, immunity to cold & electricity, loremaster secrets, psionic enchantment, undead traits, Saves: Fort +35, Ref +26, Will +46 Abilities: Str 49, Dex 12, Con --, Int 34, Wis 28, Cha 26 Skills: Bluff +26, Concentration +66, Decipher Script +48, Diplomacy +20, Disguise +25, Gather Information +18, Knowledge (arcane) +70, Knowledge (architecture) +22, Knowledge (geography) +24, Knowledge (history) +41, Knowledge (planes) +52, Knowledge (psionics) +70, Knowledge (religion) +42, Listen +33, Psicraft +59, Search +41, Sense Motive +36, Spellcraft +75, Spot +37. Feats: Automatic Quicken Spell, Craft Universal Items, Improved Initiative, Empower Power, Epic Craft Universal Item, Epic Expanded Knowledge (hypercognition), Epic Heighten Spell, Epic Spellcasting, Extended Power, Forge Ring, Great Fortitude, Heighten Spell, Improved Spell Capacity (10th), Improved Spell Capacity (11th), Improved Spell Capacity (12th), Leadership, Maximize Power, Multiattack, Path Sinister, Psionic Meditation, Quicken Power, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (spellcraft), Spell Focus (conjuration), Spell Focus (necromancy), Snatch. Environment: New Giustenal Organization: Unique Challenge Rating: 65 Treasure: Alignment: Lawful/Evil Level Adjustment: +6
Psionic Powers (power points 488, Manifester level 25, DC 22+ power level.) 1- deflect strike (ds), disable, empty mind, inertial armor, mind link, mind thrust; 2- detect hostile intent, ego whip, hush (ds), id insinuation, read thoughts; 3- body adjustment, empathic transfer-hostile, mass manipulation, mental barrier, psionic blast, ubiquitous vision; 4- aura sight, correspond, freedom of movement-psionic, hallucination (ds), intellect fortress, psychic reformation; 5- adapt body, metaconcert, mind probe, psychic crush, shatter mind blank, true seeing-psionic; 6- cloud mind-mass, contingency-psionic, dimensional screen, disintegrate-psionic, retrieve, temporal acceleration; 7- decerbrate, energy conversion, mind flame, moment of prescience-psionic, ultrablast; 8- hypercognition, shadow body, teleport-greater-psionic; 9- assimilate, psychic chirurgery, timeless body
Spells Per Day (4/7/8/7/7/5/5/4/5/5/2/2/2; Caster level 39, save DC 22+ spell level, 23 + spell level for conjuration and necromancy spells) *Path Sinister Spells +1CL
Epic Spells Known (5/day) Defiler Metamorphosis I-IX, Godhood I-IX
High Arcana- Arcane Reach, Mastery of Counterspelling, Mastery of Elements, Mastery of Shaping, Spell Power
Loremaster Secrets- Applicable Knowledge (Forge Ring), Newfound Arcana (bonus 2nd level spell), Secret Knowledge of Avoidance (+2 to Reflex saves), Secrets of Inner Strength (+2 Will saves), The Lore of True Stamina (+2 to Fortitude saves)
Psionic Enchantments- Far Reach, Metamixture (Extended Power), Metamixture (Maximize Power), Metapotency (Empower Power & Empower Spell), Psionic Raze.
Psi-Like Abilities: At will—aversion (16 hours, +4 DC*), conceal thoughts, control air (up to 60 mph*), control object, detect psionics, dimension slide (move action*), mass missive (range 1,040 ft., +4 DC*), mindlink (12 willing or 8 unwilling targets*), psionic dimension door, psionic dimensional anchor, psionic levitate, psionic teleport, telekinetic force (425 lb.*); 3/day—control body (Huge or smaller*), dispel psionics (+20 bonus*), matter manipulation, psionic dominate (any target, +2 DC*), psionic mind blank, psychic crush (4d6*). Manifester level 12th.
Fear Aura (Su): The kaisharga’s connection to the Gray generates a powerful aura of fear. Creatures of less than 8 HD within 60 ft. who view the kaisharga must make a Will save or be frightened for 5d4 rounds. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same kaisharga’s aura for 24 hours. Creatures with 8 HD or more are immune to the kaisharga’s aura.
Paralyzing Touch (Su): Any living creature a kaisharga hits with its touch attack must succeed on a Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 2d4 minutes. Remove paralysis or any spell that can remove a curse can free the victim (see the bestow curse spell description). The effect cannot be dispelled. Anyone paralyzed by a kaisharga seems dead, though a DC 20 Spot check or a DC 15 Heal check reveals that the victim is still alive.
Damage Reduction (Su): Dregoth has damage reduction of 15/magic. His natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Gray Toughness 2 (Ex): Due to the Dread King’s undead nature, he has a strong tie to the Gray. This connection gains 2 bonus hit points per HD.
Immunity to Cold and Electricity (Ex): Dregoth is immune to both cold and electricity.
#2zombiegleemaxNov 24, 2005 3:23:50 | Brilliant, fantastic, thank you very much!!
Have you any plans to stat the remaining Dragon Kings? :D |
#3ZardnaarNov 24, 2005 4:02:52 | Love the write up but I don't think the challenge rating is 61. His SR is on par with a level 54 CR monster while his other abilities like AC, hit points, DR,saves,ability scores are much lower (CR25-28 approx). CR is always a sod to guess correctly though. he is incredably weak for CR 61. Some epic level fighter builds (at level 30)could destroy him in a few hits assuming they got close enough to him. Somewhere around CR43-56 is a rough guess comparing him to other Epic Level handbook critters. |
#4zombiegleemaxNov 24, 2005 5:55:24 | I like it, but it don't reflec the CR bacause it lacks some milion CPs of magic itens... |
#5kalindrenNov 24, 2005 6:24:09 | I admit I prefer the idea of Dregoth being up around 70th level plus, but thats my personal view. I do think you need to up the numbers of Epic Spells he knows - From Dregoth Ascending I we know that he knows the Rift spell at least. Also, given his age and power he probably has a (few) dozen more that he's researched and developed.
Aside from that, thumbs up! |
#6kalthandrixNov 24, 2005 6:58:03 | Three words- It's not finished.
The only reason I posted it now was to give everyone a general idea of what I had been doing with him. I have received several PM's and e-mails asking about my progress so I decided to give everyone a look.
I will be working on him over the weekend and I believe I will finish him soon.
I do believe the CR is wrong- 55 HD, a +6 LA, +4 CR for kaisharga= 65. |
#7dregonflyusNov 25, 2005 10:53:50 | Kal,
Nice work! Where do you get the lore master sectrets and high arcane stuff from? |
#8kalthandrixNov 25, 2005 11:20:04 | Kal,
Nice work! Where do you get the lore master sectrets and high arcane stuff from?
The loremaster secrets and high arcana stuff comes from the Loremaster and High Mage PrC's in the DMG- I am including page numbers in the write up.
I should have a close to finished version up in about an hour or so- it will be a now post instead of a edit of the first one. It will be finished and then everyone can check my math and do whatever they would like- finished except for the CoR template. |
#9dregonflyusNov 25, 2005 12:17:07 | Kal,
O yea... duh! (I guess I did not drink enough coffee yet!). I believe I found a minor problem with Dregoth. As a psienchanment you have metapotency (empower power and empower spell) but in the list of feats I did not see empower spell.
Buy the way, when you make a character do you actually write out its level progression so you can see what feats, powers and spells he aquired at a specific level? If so could I please see it (via email or post)?
Keep up the incredible work! This has made me even more excited about you doing Boyrs! |
#10kalthandrixNov 25, 2005 13:54:17 | Alright here you go. Still needs the Champion of Rajaat template but that will get added when the template has been revised.
I have left the epic spells he may know alone due to the fact that 1) I could find no information on the rift spell mentioned in DAI and 2) well I really did not see many that I liked- but I am open to suggestions.
Let me know what you think :D
Dregoth, the Dread King of Giustenal, Reaver of Giants
Dragon (9th stage), Kaisharga, Third Champion of Rajaat
Psion 10/ Defiler 10/ Cerebremancer 10/ Arch Mage 5/ Loremaster 10/ Dragon 10 (ECL 61)
Gargantuan undead dragon (augmented, psionic) Hit Dice: 55d12+110 (770 hp) Initiative: +11 Speed: 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy), burrow 30 ft. AC: 77 (-4 size, +16 inertial armor, +7 Dex, +38 natural, +10 deflection) flat-footed 70, touch 39 Base Attack/Grapple: +24/ +58 Attack: Bite +48 melee (4d6+25+1d10 cold) Full Attack: Bite +48 melee (4d6+25+1d10 cold) and 2 claws +51 melee (2d8+17) and tail slap +46 melee (2d8+37) Space/Reach: 20 ft./15 ft. (20 ft. with bite) Special Attacks: Breath weapon, fear aura, frightful presence, paralyzing touch, psionics, psi-like abilities, spells. Special Qualities: Chain contingency, DR 15/ magic, dragon magic, dragon traits, duplex, energy storing, enhanced ability scores, grant spells, greater lore, grey toughness, SR/PR 66, high arcane, immunities, lore, loremaster secrets, polyglot, psionic contingency, psionic enchantments, true lore, undead traits. Saves: Fort +41, Ref +32, Will +49 Abilities: Str 61, Dex 24, Con --, Int 46, Wis 40, Cha 38 Skills: Bluff +32, Concentration +72, Decipher Script +54, Diplomacy +26, Disguise +31, Gather Information +24, Knowledge (arcana) +79, Knowledge (architecture) +28, Knowledge (geography) +30, Knowledge (history) +47, Knowledge (planes) +58, Knowledge (psionics) +76, Knowledge (religion) +48, Listen +39, Psicraft +65, Search +47, Sense Motive +42, Spellcraft +81, Spot +43. Feats: Craft Universal Items, Improved Initiative, Empower Power, Empower Spell, Extended Power, Forge Ring, Great Fortitude, Heighten Spell, Leadership, Maximize Power, Multiattack, Path Sinister, Psionic Meditation, Quicken Power, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (knowledge (arcana)), Skill Focus (spellcraft), Spell Focus (conjuration), Spell Focus (necromancy), Snatch. Epic Feats: Automatic Quicken Spell, Epic Craft Universal Item, Epic Expanded Knowledge (hypercognition), Epic Heighten Spell, Epic Spellcasting, Improved Spell Capacity (10th), Improved Spell Capacity (11th), Improved Spell Capacity (12th). Environment: New Giustenal Organization: Unique Challenge Rating: 65 Treasure:Triple standard, quadruple magical Alignment: Lawful/Evil Level Adjustment: +6
<The Dread King Dregoth was killed almost 2,000 years ago by the combined powers of seven sorcerer-kings. Shortly thereafter, Dregoth rose as the undead dragon king. While Dregoth is a unique being, his new state is very similar to that of a kaisharga. He has existed in this state since the day of his return, neither dead nor alive, neither fully human nor fully dragon.
Dregoth now rules a city far removed from the light of the crimson sun- the city of New Giustenal. He looks much like he did in life, one step removed from a full dragon. He is 30 feet long and weighs 20,000 pounds. He has a dragon’s form, with wings, scales, a tail, claws, and a devastating breath weapon. This form was badly damages by the attack of the other sorcerer-kings. So, Dregoth’s wings are torn, his body still wears the wounds inflicted upon it, and the gaping holes show exposed bone in many palaces. The armored skin that remains is stretched thinly over the skeleton beneath. His eyes, like the eyes of all kaisharga, burn with green fire.
Dregoth never appears to his citizens in his true form. Instead, he wears one of two false forms in front of the masses. The first of these is that if a tall, regal dray. This is what most of the people of New Giustenal believe their godking looks like. The second form, used on very rare occasions, is that of a living [9th stage] dragon. This form is modeled after Dregoth’s true form before it was corrupted by undeath.> (Quoted directly from the CbtSS Monstrous Supplement).
Breath Weapon (Su): As a standard action Dregoth may unleash a 60 foot cone of super heated sand that is able to scourer the flesh from the bones of his enemies. The damage dealt from his 27d12 points of damage, Reflex save (DC 45) for half. Half of the damage dealt is from fire and half standard damage due to the abrasion of the super heated sand. Once he breathes, Dregoth can’t do so again until 1d4 rounds later.
Fear Aura (Su): Dregoth’s connection to the Gray generates a powerful aura of fear. Creatures of less than 8 HD within 60 ft. who view him must make a Will save (DC 45) or be frightened for 5d4 rounds. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by this aura for 24 hours. Creatures with 8 HD or more are immune to Dregoth’s fear aura.
Frightful Presence (Ex): The draconian nature of the Dread King can unsettle foes with his mere presence. The ability takes effect automatically whenever the Dregoth attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures within a radius of 270 feet are subject to the effect if they have fewer HD than the dragon. A potentially affected creature that succeeds on a Will save (DC 45) remains immune to that dragon’s frightful presence for 24 hours. On a failure, creatures with 4 or less HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds. Dragons ignore the frightful presence of other dragons.
Paralyzing Touch (Su): Any living creature Dregoth hits with his touch attack must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 45) or be paralyzed for 2d4 minutes. Remove paralysis or any spell that can remove a curse can free the victim (see the bestow curse spell description). The effect cannot be dispelled. Anyone paralyzed seems dead, though a DC 20 Spot check or a DC 15 Heal check reveals that the victim is still alive.
Psionic Powers (power points 568, Manifester level 25, DC 28+ power level.): 1- deflect strike (ds), disable, empty mind, inertial armor, mind link, mind thrust; 2- detect hostile intent, ego whip, hush (ds), id insinuation, read thoughts; 3- body adjustment, empathic transfer-hostile, mass manipulation, mental barrier, psionic blast, ubiquitous vision; 4- aura sight, correspond, freedom of movement-psionic, hallucination (ds), intellect fortress, psychic reformation; 5- adapt body, metaconcert, mind probe, psychic crush, shatter mind blank, true seeing-psionic; 6- cloud mind-mass, contingency-psionic, dimensional screen (ds), disintegrate-psionic, retrieve, temporal acceleration; 7- decerbrate, energy conversion, mind flame, moment of prescience-psionic, ultrablast; 8- hypercognition, shadow body, teleport-greater-psionic; 9- assimilate, psychic chirurgery, timeless body
Psi-Like Abilities: At will—aversion (16 hours, DC 30*), conceal thoughts, control air (up to 60 mph*), control object, detect psionics, dimension slide (move action*), mass missive (range 1,040 ft., DC 30*), mindlink (12 willing or 8 unwilling targets, DC 25*), psionic dimension door, psionic dimensional anchor, psionic levitate, psionic teleport, telekinetic force (425 lb., DC 27*); 3/day—control body (Huge or smaller*), dispel psionics (+20 bonus*), matter manipulation, psionic dominate (any target, DC 30*), psionic mind blank, psychic crush (4d6, DC 29*). Manifester level 12th. The save DC’s are Chrisman-based. *Augmented for manifester level.
Spells Per Day (4/10/10/8/8/7/11/9/6/7/4/3/3; Caster level 39, save DC 28+ spell level, 29 + spell level for conjuration and necromancy spells) *Path Sinister Spells +1CL: 0-(A) mage hand (2), open/close (2): 1-(A) erase, feather fall, magic missile, obscuring mist, ray of enfeeblement*, shield, true strike (2); 2-(A) acid arrow (2), blindness/deafness, glitter dust*, obscuring mist, resist energy, scorching ray, touch of idiocy; 3-(A) displacement, empowered ray of enfeeblement*, gaseous form, haste, magic circle against good, slow, summon monster III*, vampiric touch*; 4- animate dead, bestow curse, black tentacles, detect scrying, empowered scorching ray, enervation*(2), greater invisibility; 5- break enchantment, cloudkill, cone of cold, dismissal, feeblemind* (2), symbol of pain*; 6- acid fog*, create undead, greater dispel magic, chain lightning bolt (2), circle of death*, heightened (5th lvl) empowered fireball, heightened touch of idiocy, mislead, summon monster VI, flesh to stone; 7- banishment, force cage, greater teleport, grey beckoning*(ds), mass hold person, power word blind, prismatic spray, spell turning (2); 8- dimensional lock, empowered chain lightning bolt, incendiary cloud*, horrid wilting*, prismatic wall, screen; 9- disjunction, energy drain, grey rift*(ds), heightened prismatic spray, horrid wilting, meteor swarm, summon monster IX; 10- empowered polar ray, heightened (8th lvl) empowered cone of cold, heightened greater bestow curse, heightened temporal stasis; 11- empowered meteor swarm, heightened feeblemind, heightened finger of death; 12- heightened disjunction, heightened mass hold person, heightened reverse gravity. (A) All 0-3rd level spells automatically quickened.
Epic Spells Known (58 ranks/10= 5/day) Defiler Metamorphosis I-IX, Godhood I-IX
Chain Contingency*: Activates three spells if Dregoth is ever reduced to 100 hp or less. The spells activated in this order- greater dispel magic, greater teleport, and delayed blast fireball. The greater dispel magic is an area dispel to remove any spell in place that would stop the teleport spell from working (dispel check d20+20). The greater teleport moves Dregoth back to his personal chambers in the Dread Palace at New Giustenal. The delayed blast fireball will appear in the place Dregoth just vacated and detonate on his initiative one round after The Dread King teleports away, dealing 20d6 points of damage to everything in a 20’ radius. *Spell found in the Tomb and the Blood 3.0 book
Damage Reduction (Su): Dregoth has damage reduction of 15/magic. His natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Dragon Magic (Ex): The Lord of Giustenal may choose to power his spells with energy from living creatures rather than plants, when using animal life the “terrain” is treated as fertile. Casting in this way is considered defiling. Living creatures caught in the defiling radius of Dregoth when he is using dragon magic are drained of 2 points of damage per level of the spell being cast. (cantrips drain 1 damage.) This drain is considered defiling and subject to all rules therein. Dragon magic requires a piece of masterwork obsidian of a value of least 250cp as a focus.
Duplex (Ex): Dregoth may manifest psionic powers and arcane spells simultaneously as a standard action. The spell and power must both have a casting/manifesting time of 1 action. He is able to duplex any power or spell up to 5th level. Use of the duplex ability is considered defiling.
Energy Storing (Ex): Dregoth can store life energy from nearby creatures in psionically enchanted obsidian orbs. Gathering and storing energy is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Creatures within 100 feet suffer one negative energy level each round the Dread Lord uses energy storing. The Fortitude save to remove the negative energy level after 24 hours is DC 25. Use of this ability is considered defiling.
Enhanced Ability Scores: Through the use of several wishes, Dregoth has enhanced his Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma each with a +5 bonus. This increase is already figured into his statistics.
Grant Spells (Ex): Dregoth has the ability to grant divine magic in the form of templar spells to his followers that are templars. He does not have the ability to use the magic he grants himself.
Greater Lore (Ex): The Dread King has a great understanding of all arcane items and tools. This ability functions just like the identify spell.
Gray Toughness (Ex): Due to the Dread King’s undead nature, he has a strong tie to the Gray. This connection gains him +2 bonus hit points per HD.
High Arcana (Ex): Arcane Reach, Mastery of Counterspelling, Mastery of Elements, Mastery of Shaping, Spell Power. See DMG pg 178 for detail on these abilities.
Immunities (Ex): Dregoth is immune to both cold and electricity.
Lore: Dregoth has the ability to know legends or information regarding various topics. He gains a +28 modifier to the lore check, which functions otherwise exactly like a bardic knowledge check.
Loremaster Secrets (Ex): Applicable Knowledge (Forge Ring), Newfound Arcana (bonus 2nd level spell), Secret Knowledge of Avoidance (+2 to Reflex saves), Secrets of Inner Strength (+2 Will saves), The Lore of True Stamina (+2 to Fortitude saves).
Permanent Spells: Read magic, telepathic bond (Absalom & Mon Adderath).
Polyglot (Ex): Dregoth can speak, understand, and read all languages.
Psionic Contingency: Activates inertial armor (+16 armor bonus) upon command or if anyone approaches within 60’ with the intent to attack Dregoth..
Psionic Enchantment (Ex): Dregoth can combine psionics and arcane magic in unique ways to augment their casting and manifesting. The psionic enchantments that Dregoth possess are; Far Reach, Metamixture (Extended Power), Metamixture (Maximize Power), Metapotency (Empower Power & Empower Spell), Psionic Raze. See the dragon rules at for details on these powers.
True Lore (Ex): Once per day Dregoth can use his knowledge to gain the effect of a legend lore spell or an analyze dweomer spell.
Magical Gear: Amulet of epic protection +10, Dregoth’s Belt*, Bracers of War*, Dread King’s Crown*, ring of weapon breaking, ring of epic wizardry (VI & VII), Rod of Excellence*. *See below for details
The items listed are always in Dregoth’s possession. He is able to get any magical or psionic item listed in the DMG or Expanded Psionics Handbook. Once Dregoth had a mighty blade named Giant Slicer, but it disappeared when Giustenal was sacked by the other sorcerer-kings. While he is aware that the blade is missing, Dregoth has not expended any of his energies to find.
Dregoth’s Belt- At will, this belt shrouds Dregoth with the effect of a permanent image spell that can be altered to fit his moods. It also allows him to manifest greater metamorphosis at will to take on whatever form he desires. It is with this item that he is able to appear to his subjects as a living, breathing, golden-shinned drey.
Bracers of War- +12 to Strength and Dexterity. Also, at will, the Dregoth may activate a quicken metaphysical claw that grants a +5 enhancement bonus to both of his claw attacks. These bracers also grant Dregoth the Multiattack and Snatch feats.
Dread Kings Crown- +12 to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. This mighty item also grant Dregoth the constant benefit of both greater arcane sight and psionic true seeing.
Rod of Excellence- Supplies up to a total of 2,000 XP which can be used to power any number of non-epic psionic power or spell. XP drained from the rod renews its self at the rate of 100 XP per day. XP provided by this rod may be used to aid in the creation of magic or psionic items, but doing so renders the rod inert for a month. The rod of excellence cannot be used in the creation of epic spells.
#11kalthandrixNov 25, 2005 14:01:56 | Kal,
O yea... duh! (I guess I did not drink enough coffee yet!). I believe I found a minor problem with Dregoth. As a psienchanment you have metapotency (empower power and empower spell) but in the list of feats I did not see empower spell.
Buy the way, when you make a character do you actually write out its level progression so you can see what feats, powers and spells he aquired at a specific level? If so could I please see it (via email or post)?
Keep up the incredible work! This has made me even more excited about you doing Boyrs!
Well it is posted.
I forgot to add the empower spell feat- he has it now.
As for how I do the write ups- yes I go level by level to map out his progression to see how many skill points he gets and what feats they have available to them. As for seeing the 'how' I did it- well i make heavy use of excel. If anyone wants the spreadsheet (which I must warn you is very chaotic) post your e-mial address and I will send it to you. |
#12dregonflyusNov 25, 2005 23:07:21 | one word...WOW
I cant believe the detail!
I like to create NPC's or PC's. I put alot of effort into it and I also map out every level, trying to keep it unique so they all dont look the same. I could imagine what it looks like for Dregoth. Im good...but not that good. I was hopeing for the level progression so I could learn from you. Teach me great one! 
[email][/email] |
#13rjtrotterNov 25, 2005 23:52:46 | If you don't mind please send me a copy at [email][/email]
Thanks Rob. |
#14kalthandrixNov 26, 2005 7:27:12 | Thanks guys- I am already hard at work on Borys of Ebe, the Dragon of Tyr and he might be finished this weekend too- so keep a look out :D |
#15Ramar_AulinvoxNov 26, 2005 12:54:24 | Bravo! Really good work.
I found a couple of things that may need correcting:
1) Dregoth has no Skill Focus in a Knowledge skill, so how did he qualify for the Loremaster Class?
2) Unless Chain Contingency was changed after Tome and Blood, the spells to be chained are limited to 6th level or lower. In addition, if all three spells are going off simitaneously, the greater dispell would negate the other two; if the three spells are going off "one at a time, one per round," then the "delayed" fireball would be cast where Dregoth ended up.
Other than that; great job. |
#16sekerNov 26, 2005 13:06:25 | This looks really awesome, and I think it is great.
The only questions I have are why you went archmage instead of arch defiler? As Rajaat was teaching them the secrets of defiling.
And why loremaster? I would see that as being more along the lines of what Nibenay would take instead of Dregoth class wise.
just quick questions |
#17kalthandrixNov 26, 2005 19:35:18 | Bravo! Really good work.
I found a couple of things that may need correcting:
1) Dregoth has no Skill Focus in a Knowledge skill, so how did he qualify for the Loremaster Class?
2) Unless Chain Contingency was changed after Tome and Blood, the spells to be chained are limited to 6th level or lower. In addition, if all three spells are going off simitaneously, the greater dispell would negate the other two; if the three spells are going off "one at a time, one per round," then the "delayed" fireball would be cast where Dregoth ended up.
Other than that; great job.
Thanks for your comments
As for the skill focus- oops :D looks like I have some refiguring to do and some feat shuffeling.
For chain contingency- when I had read the spell I thought it allowed three spells upto 7th level? I will have to look at it again if I did not put it into storage. As for the other things- I was reading dispel magic and it said that it could not dispel any spell that was instantanous- which greater teleport is.
Well just checked and it looks like I put my copy of TaB into storage- could anyone check and look at the number of spells allowed and the level of spells that can be linked to it.
This looks really awesome, and I think it is great.
The only questions I have are why you went archmage instead of arch defiler? As Rajaat was teaching them the secrets of defiling.
And why loremaster? I would see that as being more along the lines of what Nibenay would take instead of Dregoth class wise.
just quick questions
I went with archmage due to how I seen him- he is the consummate wizard- and perhaps the most gifted wizard out of all the Champions.
I felt loremaster was a good fit too because of how he kind of locked himself away in his city during the Cleansing Wars to study the halfling ruins below Giustenal. |
#18sekerNov 26, 2005 20:07:13 | I went with archmage due to how I seen him- he is the consummate wizard- and perhaps the most gifted wizard out of all the Champions.
I felt loremaster was a good fit too because of how he kind of locked himself away in his city during the Cleansing Wars to study the halfling ruins below Giustenal.
interesting take on it..... I always saw Nibenay as the more specialized wizard, (one which kept an eye on the rest of the world and all its legends) which is why saw him as more likely to be a loremaster. And while studying the halfling ruins would be a good reason to become a sage and gaining a high level of the knowledge skill on the Rhulisti and his studies into transformation might equate to some new epic spells......
a Loremaster is a master of all legends not just a small specialized group..... they get the equivelent of a heightened form of bardic knowledge..... That in NO way fits with a insular secluded being like Dregoth..... after all he literally cut himself off from the rest of Athas for long periods of time, first of his own choice and later due to the assualt by the other SK's..... Dregoth would have high levels of knowledge Rhulisti and the like but loremaster does not fit by what the PrC actually is and does.
I could see Archmage on him, though to be honest I still feel Arch defiler fits better as Rajaat would have been teaching every advantage to his best students on his teaching them the specialization of defiling magic..... Though I could see him possibly having levels in both archmage and arch defiler |
#19kalthandrixNov 26, 2005 20:25:30 | interesting take on it..... I always saw Nibenay as the more specialized wizard, (one which kept an eye on the rest of the world and all its legends) which is why saw him as more likely to be a loremaster. And while studying the halfling ruins would be a good reason to become a sage and gaining a high level of the knowledge skill on the Rhulisti and his studies into transformation might equate to some new epic spells......
a Loremaster is a master of all legends not just a small specialized group..... they get the equivelent of a heightened form of bardic knowledge..... That in NO way fits with a insular secluded being like Dregoth..... after all he literally cut himself off from the rest of Athas for long periods of time, first of his own choice and later due to the assualt by the other SK's..... Dregoth would have high levels of knowledge Rhulisti and the like but loremaster does not fit by what the PrC actually is and does.
I could see Archmage on him, though to be honest I still feel Arch defiler fits better as Rajaat would have been teaching every advantage to his best students on his teaching them the specialization of defiling magic..... Though I could see him possibly having levels in both archmage and arch defiler
Yaa but also remember that Dregoth has also spent a long time traveling into other planes- one reason I pumped so many ranks of religion into him. During those years and in all of those different places he would have been studying not only the gods but also the societies and people that worshipped them- in order to better identify the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ of godhood. He may have been focuses on the study of one thing, but to better understand what made up that one thing he first had to learn several other things first.
My first level map of Dregoth did include arch defiler and arch psion too, but I pared him down from 65th level to 55th to take into account the LA for being a Kaisharga. Right now (without the CoR template) he is ECL 61 and the Borys write up I will be making has him at 70th level- Psychic Warrior 20/ Defiler 10/ Arch Defiler 10/ Psion 15/ Dragon 15 - 10th stage Dragon. If I were to do the other SK's that remain I would have them be about equal in level (42-50). |
#20squidfur-Nov 26, 2005 21:37:17 | Just a humble suggestion...err...question.
Why is it that Dregoth, and, it would seem, Borys only have class levels divisible by 5. Granted, I understand that this makes it easier in a sense, but realistically, I don't think this works. |
#21kalthandrixNov 26, 2005 21:40:40 | I made a few adjustments- basically I now have his bracers giving him multiattack and snatch, while I added skill focus (knowledge (arcana)) to his list (I also realized he had one too many feats in the process- which is why his two physical combat related feats are in his bracers).
Keep the questions and critique coming- it is really helping me in making sure Borys is done right the first time. |
#22sekerNov 26, 2005 21:44:04 | Yaa but also remember that Dregoth has also spent a long time traveling into other planes- one reason I pumped so many ranks of religion into him. During those years and in all of those different places he would have been studying not only the gods but also the societies and people that worshipped them- in order to better identify the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ of godhood. He may have been focuses on the study of one thing, but to better understand what made up that one thing he first had to learn several other things first.
To be honest, I can almost see him getting a few levels of loremaster from this, I would limit it to just a couple at most...... after all a loremasters Lore ability is an enhanced form of the bardic knowledge..... and that in no way fits for Dregoths understanding of Athas. He may understand religions and godhood of other worlds, his understanding of his own is slightly autrophied..... and I somehow doubt his methods of learning the information on other worlds was a "polite" method. After all his new city is built on the bones of dragons he slayed in other planes. That seems to indicate that he would have been specializing what he was interogating from his victims.... and the most likely method he would have found out about gods was on the recieving end of their power from their clerics.
So even giving him a couple levels of loremaster seems to be reading alot more into his travels than what was described in city of the silt sea. It is a cool idea, but personally I do not see it from the information that was actually put out.
My first level map of Dregoth did include arch defiler and arch psion too, but I pared him down from 65th level to 55th to take into account the LA for being a Kaisharga. Right now (without the CoR template) he is ECL 61 and the Borys write up I will be making has him at 70th level- Psychic Warrior 20/ Defiler 10/ Arch Defiler 10/ Psion 15/ Dragon 15 - 10th stage Dragon. If I were to do the other SK's that remain I would have them be about equal in level (42-50).
I would not see arch psion on any of the SK's, save possibly the crazy one. As none of them specialized in the way, they were all masters of the way but their true power was that of the defiler..... but I would see arch defiler as likely being on all of the SK's as they were the ones Rajaat taught the most powerful secrets of defling too. (same reasoning I personally think cerebramancer really fits for the SK's..... Rajaat was teaching them shortcuts towards defeating their enemies.....)
I personally would see Borys as more along the lines of:
Psychic warrior 13/Wizard (defiler) 3/cerebramancer 10/arch defiler 5/dragon ? (likely around 10+)
Course I see the levels for the SK's (pre Champion LA and such) as being in the 40's personally |
#23kalthandrixNov 26, 2005 22:03:11 | Just a humble suggestion...err...question.
Why is it that Dregoth, and, it would seem, Borys only have class levels divisible by 5. Granted, I understand that this makes it easier in a sense, but realistically, I don't think this works.
Well- no good reason I guess. I like the 5's in wizard/psion classes because of bonus feats and 10 in PrCs because most of the benefits gained from additional levels is minimul.
I could shuffle things around like make it Psychic Warrior 20/ Defiler 11/ Arch Defiler 10/ Psion 13/ Dragon 16 - 10th stage Dragon. This would give him a CL of 31 (10 from Dragon PrC), and a ML (psion) 17 (4 from Dragon PrC) without any feats like practiced spellcaster added in. |
#24sekerNov 26, 2005 22:10:42 | Note the progression I gave for Borys in my example could easily be upgraded on levels to fit better to your prefference on the level of the SK's..... I just preffer doing a lower level version that the individual DM can advance to the higher level per the DM's choice.
As upgrading a character is always easier than retrofitting it back down for DM's that preffer a lower level version of the SK's |
#25gilliard_derosanNov 27, 2005 0:29:34 | Thank you for this. I am running a slightly modified City by the Silt Sea adventure, and this will help out when they encounter Dregoth... Of course, I know that the players will want to engage Dregoth in combat, despite knowing that they have less than a snowball's chance during an Athas day. There is one in particular than you can count on to always take the bait...
Thanks again.. |
#26kalthandrixNov 27, 2005 8:00:01 | Thank you for this. I am running a slightly modified City by the Silt Sea adventure, and this will help out when they encounter Dregoth... Of course, I know that the players will want to engage Dregoth in combat, despite knowing that they have less than a snowball's chance during an Athas day. There is one in particular than you can count on to always take the bait...
Thanks again..
Cool- I am glad someone will get some use out of him=> Let me know how many of the fools, aah I mean heros, you kill :evillaugh  |
#27gilliard_derosanNov 27, 2005 13:32:33 | Cool- I am glad someone will get some use out of him=> Let me know how many of the fools, aah I mean heros, you kill :evillaugh 
Heh.. I am hoping that they run.. I mean, there is a halfling ranger with a +1 composite shortbow +2, who attacks at +15ish, and the bow does something special 1+1d3 times a day.. so 2 - 4 times a day he can activate scorching ray from the bow (ranged touch, just like the spell), an effect that negates any concealment penalties, or true strike..
So even if he activates the true strike ablity, he should still come far from actually hitting Dregoth's AC, so that should give them the clue to run.
Anyway, when the meeting finally happens, I will let you know how it goes |
#28kalthandrixDec 18, 2005 8:01:52 | Alright- here is Dregoth - version 2.
Set at 40th level he is still really cool and I also used the levels Sysane suggested. During the build, I was having an issue with including the Loremaster PrC- and looking back I really do not like it=> but it is included. If I had to do it over again and would change the Loremaster to Archmage and then have Nib be the only one with the LM PrC. This build does have the stat bumps for the CoR template, but not anything else from that item as of yet- I will update when it comes out. I will more then likely also update my version 1 (the 55 lvl version) too.
Anywho- here it is and let me know what you think.
O ya I do have a very detailed progression mapped out in an excel spreadsheet for those who would like to see how everything went down (this one is much better then my frist map- more detail).
Dregoth, the Dread King of Giustenal, Reaver of Giants
Dragon (9th stage), Kaisharga, Third Champion of Rajaat
Psion 7/ Defiler 7/ Arch Defiler 6/ Cerebremancer 9/ Loremaster 3/ Athasian Dragon 8 (ECL 46)
Gargantuan undead dragon (augmented, psionic) Hit Dice: 40d12 +80 (560 hp) Initiative: +10 Speed: 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy), burrow 30 ft. AC: 69 (-4 size, +12 inertial armor, +6 Dex, +35 natural, +10 deflection) flat-footed 63, touch 34 Base Attack/Grapple: +18/ +56 Attack: Bite +40 melee (4d6+26+1d10 cold) Full Attack: Bite +40 melee (4d6+26+1d10 cold) and 2 claws +43 melee (2d8+18) and tail slap +38 melee (2d8+39) Space/Reach: 20 ft./15 ft. (20 ft. with bite) Special Attacks: Breath weapon, fear aura, frightful presence, paralyzing touch, psionics, psi-like abilities, spells. Special Qualities: Casting time metamagic, DR 15/ magic, dragon magic, dragon traits, duplex, energy storing, enhanced ability scores, grant spells, grey toughness, SR/PR 51, immunities, lore, loremaster secrets, painful radius, permanent spells, polyglot, psionic contingency, psionic enchantments, tainted aura, undead traits. Saves: Fort +31, Ref +21, Will +44 Abilities: Str 63, Dex 22, Con --, Int 46, Wis 42, Cha 39 Skills: Bluff +32, Concentration +57, Decipher Script +37, Diplomacy +23, Disguise +23, Gather Information +18, Intimidate +25, Knowledge (arcana) +61, Knowledge (architecture) +23, Knowledge (geography) +27, Knowledge (history) +37, Knowledge (planes) +46, Knowledge (psionics) +59, Knowledge (religion) +35, Knowledge (warcraft) +31, Listen +36, Psicraft +50, Search +34, Sense Motive +38, Spellcraft +66, Spot +45. Feats: Agonizing Radius, Craft Universal Items, Destructive Raze, Efficient Raze, Empower Power, Empower Spell, Extended Power, Fast Raze, Forge Ring, Great Fortitude, Heighten Spell, Improved Initiative, Maximize Power, Multiattack, Quicken Power, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (spellcraft), Snatch, Widen Spell. Epic Feats: Automatic Quicken Spell, Epic Heighten Spell, Epic Spellcasting, Improved Spell Capacity (10th), Improved Spell Capacity (11th). Environment: New Giustenal Organization: Unique Challenge Rating: 50 Treasure: Triple standard, quadruple magical Alignment: Lawful/Evil Level Adjustment: +6
<The Dread King Dregoth was killed almost 2,000 years ago by the combined powers of seven sorcerer-kings. Shortly thereafter, Dregoth rose as the undead dragon king. While Dregoth is a unique being, his new state is very similar to that of a kaisharga. He has existed in this state since the day of his return, neither dead nor alive, neither fully human nor fully dragon.
Dregoth now rules a city far removed from the light of the crimson sun- the city of New Giustenal. He looks much like he did in life, one step removed from a full dragon. He is 30 feet long and weighs 20,000 pounds. He has a dragon’s form, with wings, scales, a tail, claws, and a devastating breath weapon. This form was badly damages by the attack of the other sorcerer-kings. So, Dregoth’s wings are torn, his body still wears the wounds inflicted upon it, and the gaping holes show exposed bone in many palaces. The armored skin that remains is stretched thinly over the skeleton beneath. His eyes, like the eyes of all kaisharga, burn with green fire.
Dregoth never appears to his citizens in his true form. Instead, he wears one of two false forms in front of the masses. The first of these is that if a tall, regal dray. This is what most of the people of New Giustenal believe their godking looks like. The second form, used on very rare occasions, is that of a living [9th stage] dragon. This form is modeled after Dregoth’s true form before it was corrupted by undeath.> (Take from the CbtSS Monstrous Supplement).
Breath Weapon (Su): As a standard action Dregoth may unleash a 60 foot cone of super heated sand that is able to scourer the flesh from the bones of his enemies. The damage dealt from his 20d12 points of damage, Reflex save (DC 44) for half. Half of the damage dealt is from fire and half standard damage due to the abrasion of the super heated sand. Once he breathes, Dregoth can’t do so again until 1d4 rounds later.
Fear Aura (Su): Dregoth’s connection to the Gray generates a powerful aura of fear. Creatures of less than 8 HD within 60 ft. who view him must make a Will save (DC 44) or be frightened for 5d4 rounds. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by this aura for 24 hours. Creatures with 8 HD or more are immune to Dregoth’s fear aura.
Frightful Presence (Ex): The draconian nature of the Dread King can unsettle foes with his mere presence. The ability takes effect automatically whenever the Dregoth attacks, charges, or flies overhead. Creatures within a radius of 360 feet are subject to the effect if they have fewer HD than the dragon. A potentially affected creature that succeeds on a Will save (DC 44) remains immune to that dragon’s frightful presence for 24 hours. On a failure, creatures with 4 or less HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds. Dragons ignore the frightful presence of other dragons.
Paralyzing Touch (Su): Any living creature Dregoth hits with his touch attack must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 44) or be paralyzed for 2d4 minutes. Remove paralysis or any spell that can remove a curse can free the victim (see the bestow curse spell description). The effect cannot be dispelled. Anyone paralyzed seems dead, though a DC 20 Spot check or a DC 15 Heal check reveals that the victim is still alive.
Psionic Powers (power points 442, Manifester level 18, DC 28+ power level.): 1- deflect strike (ds), empty mind, inertial armor, mind link, mind thrust; 2- detect hostile intent, ego whip, hush (ds), read thoughts; 3- body adjustment, empathic transfer-hostile, mental barrier, psionic blast; 4- correspond, freedom of movement-psionic, hallucination (ds), psychic reformation; 5-metaconcert, mind probe, psychic crush, shatter mind blank; 6- cloud mind-mass, contingency-psionic, retrieve; 7- decerbrate, energy conversion, moment of prescience-psionic; 8- mind seed, shadow body, teleport-greater-psionic; 9- assimilate, psychic chirurgery, timeless body
Psi-Like Abilities: At will— aversion (16 hours, DC 30*), conceal thoughts, control air (up to 60 mph*), control object, detect psionics, dimension slide (move action*), mass missive (range 1,040 ft., DC 30*), mindlink (12 willing or 8 unwilling targets, DC 25*), psionic dimension door, psionic dimensional anchor, psionic levitate, psionic teleport, telekinetic force (425 lb., DC 27*); 3/day—control body (Huge or smaller*), dispel psionics (+20 bonus*), matter manipulation, psionic dominate (any target, DC 30*), psionic mind blank, psychic crush (4d6, DC 29*). Manifester level 12th. The save DC’s are Chrisman-based. *Augmented for manifester level.
Spells Per Day (4/9/9/8/8/8/12/11/7/7/4/3; Caster level 30, save DC 28+ spell level): 0-[1] mage hand (2), open/close (2): 1-[1] erase, feather fall, magic missile, obscuring mist, ray of enfeeblement (2), shield, true strike (2); 2-[1] acid arrow (2), blindness/deafness, glitter dust, obscuring mist, resist energy, scorching ray, touch of idiocy (2); 3-[1] displacement, empowered ray of enfeeblement, gaseous form, haste, magic circle against good, slow, summon monster III, vampiric touch; 4- animate dead, bestow curse, black tentacles, detect scrying, empowered scorching ray, enervation (2), greater invisibility; 5- break enchantment, cloudkill, cone of cold, dismissal, feeblemind (2), summon monster V, symbol of pain; 6- acid fog, create undead, greater dispel magic (2), chain lightning bolt (2), circle of death, heightened (5th lvl) empowered fireball, heightened touch of idiocy, mislead, summon monster VI, flesh to stone; 7- banishment, force cage, greater teleport, grey beckoning (ds), mass hold person, power word blind (2), prismatic spray, spell turning (2), widened black tentacles; 8- dimensional lock, empowered chain lightning bolt, incendiary cloud, heightened (5th lvl) widened fireball, horrid wilting, prismatic wall, screen; 9- disjunction, energy drain, grey rift (ds), heightened prismatic spray, horrid wilting, meteor swarm, summon monster IX; 10- empowered polar ray, heightened (8th lvl) empowered cone of cold, heightened greater bestow curse, heightened temporal stasis; 11- empowered meteor swarm, heightened feeblemind, heightened finger of death. [1] All 0-3rd level spells automatically quickened.
Epic Spells Known (43/10= 4/day) Defiler Metamorphosis I-IX, Godhood I-IX
Casting Time Metamagic (Ex): Once per day Dregoth can apply a metamagic feat he knows to a spell at casting time. This does not increase the spell’s level or require a higher level spell slot. Casting time metamagic doubles the casting time of the spell (a casting time of 1 action becomes 1 full round). Only metamagic feats that would increase a spell slot by 3 or less may be applied with casting time metamagic.
Damage Reduction (Su): Dregoth has damage reduction of 15/magic. His natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Dragon Magic (Ex): The Lord of Giustenal may choose to power his spells with energy from living creatures rather than plants, when using animal life the “terrain” is treated as fertile. Casting in this way is considered defiling. Living creatures caught in the defiling radius of Dregoth when he is using dragon magic are drained of 2 points of damage per level of the spell being cast. (cantrips drain 1 damage.) This drain is considered defiling and subject to all rules therein. Dragon magic requires a piece of masterwork obsidian of a value of least 250cp as a focus.
Duplex (Ex): Dregoth may manifest psionic powers and arcane spells simultaneously as a standard action. The spell and power must both have a casting/manifesting time of 1 action. He is able to duplex any power or spell up to 4th level. Use of the duplex ability is considered defiling.
Energy Storing (Ex): Dregoth can store life energy from nearby creatures in psionically enchanted obsidian orbs. Gathering and storing energy is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Creatures within 100 feet suffer one negative energy level each round the Dread Lord uses energy storing. The Fortitude save to remove the negative energy level after 24 hours is DC 25. Use of this ability is considered defiling.
Enhanced Ability Scores: Through the use of several wishes, Dregoth has enhanced his Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma each with a +5 bonus. This increase is already figured into his statistics.
Grant Spells (Ex): Dregoth has the ability to grant divine magic in the form of templar spells to his followers that are templars. He does not have the ability to use the magic he grants himself.
Gray Toughness (Ex): Due to the Dread King’s undead nature, he has a strong tie to the Gray. This connection gains him +2 bonus hit points per HD.
Immunities (Ex): Dregoth is immune to both cold and electricity.
Lore (Ex): Dregoth has the ability to know legends or information regarding various topics. He gains a +21 modifier to the lore check, which functions otherwise exactly like a bardic knowledge check.
Loremaster Secrets (Ex): Applicable Knowledge (Forge Ring), Secrets of Inner Strength (+2 Will saves).
Painful Radius (Ex): The penalties suffered to attacks, saves and skill checks for being caught in the Dregoth’s radius increase by one. This effect stacks with Agonizing Radius, bringing the modifier to a total of -3.
Permanent Spells: Read magic, telepathic bond (Absalom & Mon Adderath).
Polyglot (Ex): Dregoth can speak, understand, and read all languages.
Psionic Contingency: Activates inertial armor (+12 armor bonus) upon command or if anyone approaches within 60’ with the intent to attack Dregoth.
Psionic Enchantment (Ex): Dregoth can combine psionics and arcane magic in unique ways to augment their casting and manifesting. The psionic enchantments that Dregoth possess are; Far Reach, Metamixture (Extended Power), Metapotency (Empower Power & Empower Spell), Psionic Raze. See the dragon rules at for details on these powers.
Tainted Aura (Ex): The Undead Dragon King is tainted by his arcane ways in such a matter that it is noticeable. People feel uncomfortable and wary when he is present and animals whimper when he approaches. Dregoth suffers a -3 circumstance penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information and Handle Animal checks. He receives a similar circumstance bonus to Intimidate checks. The tainted aura has a range of 30 feet.
Skills: As a kaishargas, Dregoth receives a +10 racial bonus on Listen, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks.
Magical Gear: Amulet of epic protection +10, Dregoth’s Belt*, Bracers of War*, Dread King’s Crown*, ring of weapon breaking, ring of epic wizardry (VI & VII), Rod of Excellence*. *See below for details.
The items listed are always in Dregoth’s possession. He is able to get any magical or psionic item listed in the DMG or Expanded Psionics Handbook. Once Dregoth had a huge maul named Giant Crusher, but it disappeared when Giustenal was sacked by the other sorcerer-kings. While he is aware that the weapon is missing, Dregoth has not expended any of his energies to find.
Dregoth’s Belt- At will, this belt shrouds Dregoth with the effect of a permanent image spell that can be altered to fit his moods. It also allows him to manifest greater metamorphosis at will to take on whatever form he desires. It is with this item that he is able to appear to his subjects as a living, breathing, golden-shinned dray.
Bracers of War- +10 to Strength and Dexterity. Also, at will, the Dregoth may activate a quicken metaphysical claw that grants a +5 enhancement bonus to both of his claw attacks. These bracers also grant Dregoth the Multiattack and Snatch feats.
Dread King's Crown- +10 to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. This mighty item also grant Dregoth the constant benefit of both greater arcane sight and psionic true seeing.
Rod of Excellence- Supplies up to a total of 2,000 XP which can be used to power any number of non-epic psionic power or spell. XP drained from the rod renews its self at the rate of 100 XP per day. XP provided by this rod may be used to aid in the creation of magic or psionic items, but doing so renders the rod inert for a month. The rod of excellence cannot be used in the creation of epic spells.
#29master_ivanDec 18, 2005 9:35:08 | I CALL HIS BARCERS OF WAR, HAHA!!! :D |
#30kalthandrixDec 18, 2005 20:05:09 | I CALL HIS BARCERS OF WAR, HAHA!!! :D
I am sure Dragoth would let you check them out- from the receiving end :evillaugh
Compaired to the other DS adventures out there, it may look like he has a boat load of uber-items, but the way I see it he should. He is on of the oldest 'living' creatures that we know about on Athas and he has spent the better part of two thousand traveling the planes of creation.
Anywho- I also think they are really sweet and would love to equip my characters with some of this gear too :D |
#31ZardnaarDec 18, 2005 22:18:25 | I like the level 40 one alot. I crunch him out at roughly EL 37/38 except for his AC which may be to high for that level. AC 50-60 would be about right at CR 37/38
At CR 50 he doesn't have enough hit points for the CR while his SR/PR and AC is pathetic for that CR. He could be destroyed in only a round or two of attacks (depending on the situation of course).
Its hard to say for sure but Dregoth isn't even close to a CR 50 epic Dragon and doesn't even compare to well to other CR 50 critters from the ELH. Even his breath weapon is weak
A Devastation Beetle CR 50 has an AC of 72 and 2880 hit points, SR 60,DR 20/-. no spells/psionics though.
Wrym Force Dragon CR 50. AC 95, 2065 hit points, SR 54, DR 25/epic, 33 level Sorceror spells.
Both critters have uber saves as well compared to Dregoth. From a PCs point of view if you had level 40+ characters I would choose to encounter Dregoth every time. His items/artifacts while nasty and could modify the CR but not by that much. Love the write up itself but the CR is still way off. |
#32kalthandrixDec 19, 2005 14:57:15 | For the most part I really disagree with your points Zardnaar- sorry. I will save my remarks because I feel that nothing constructive would come of them 
The one thing I do agree with you on is that his hp, while maxed out due to the CoR template, do seem low when compared against other critters- and the reason for this is the fact that he has no Constitution score to give him additional hp. Now I was thinking of making a special item that would provide undead critters with additional hp like they did have a Con score but using their Cha modifier- which would double his current hit points to 1,120 hp.
I do not think this is an original idea - the item that is- I believe I seen something like it in a Dragon magazine or something (I will have to research it). I would call it something like the Heart of the Dead and it would effectively take up no item slot (due to it having to be housed within the chest of the undead critter it was empowering. It, like all of his other items, would be created using both magic and psionics.
Another fix to this would be to enchant Dregoth with the rift spell (which I have never actually seen nor is it referenced anywhere except in one like in DAII) that would multiply his hit points by 9 (like he did you his undead giant bodyguards). That would give him a total of 5,310 hp => which is ridiculous so I would automatically reject that idea. |
#33SysaneDec 19, 2005 15:05:37 | Worried about hit points? Simple answer, vigor. He's a high level psion for elements sake, not some simple beast. |
#34KamelionDec 19, 2005 15:16:44 | As a kaisharga, he already has Gray Toughness. You can increase the value of that - it works just like a Con bonus. |
#35kalthandrixDec 19, 2005 15:19:15 | Worried about hit points? Simple answer, vigor. He's a high level psion for elements sake, not some simple beast.
I thought about that and while a good idea, it only provides him with an additional 90 hp (18 ML * 5 ).
When I was working on Borys (70th level) he was coming out with around 1800+ hp and most of that was due to his constitution.
IMHO, I really feel that if the encounter actually reached the point where the PC's were physically assulting Dregoth then the encounter had been run in a rather poor manner. With all of his spells, psionics, and other abilities, Dregoth would have not problem avoiding a physical battle. I mean really- it took the combined might of the other SK's to take him out the first time and I am sure he has made several preperations to avoid falling under a blade again. |
#36kalthandrixDec 19, 2005 15:24:01 | As a kaisharga, he already has Gray Toughness. You can increase the value of that - it works just like a Con bonus.
True- but I was not out to change the template make up so I did not do that. Perhaps the write up in TotDL should be adjusted to take into account high HD undead critters- like writing the Grey Toughness ability to provide a bonus to their hit points of up to half of the creatures Charisma modifier per HD. It would be written like this-
Grey Toughness (Ex): The force of the kaisharga's personalility strengthens their descated flesh and bones, and as such they have a stronger connection to the Grey. A kaisharga gains half of their Charisma modifier per HD as bonus hit points.
#37SysaneDec 19, 2005 15:27:42 | I thought about that and while a good idea, it only provides him with an additional 90 hp (18 ML * 5 ).
Which he would be able to do repeatedly for very little power points. Thats pretty good. |
#38kalthandrixDec 19, 2005 15:30:11 | Which he would be able to do repeatedly for very little power points. Thats pretty good.
And it is a first level power so he would be able to Duplex it - or use Quicken Power- something to think about. ;) |
#39KamelionDec 19, 2005 15:31:28 | True- but I was not out to change the template make up so I did not do that. Perhaps the write up in TotDL should be adjusted to take into account high HD undead critters- like writing the Grey Toughness ability to provide a bonus to their hit points of up to half of the creatures Charisma modifier per HD.
You can give extra abilities to undead with high HD, as per the rules at the start of TotDL. Dregoth could have as many as 5 extra powers, Gray Toughness included. |
#40SysaneDec 19, 2005 15:41:26 | Dregoth also took a different approach to his dragon metamorphosis than the other SKs did. You could take the liberty in saying that he gained and extra +2 hit points (or something to that effect) per HD due to the uniqueness of his transformation. |
#41kalthandrixDec 19, 2005 19:52:07 | You can give extra abilities to undead with high HD, as per the rules at the start of TotDL. Dregoth could have as many as 5 extra powers, Gray Toughness included.
Interesting- I will have to look it over and maybe I will add some additional stuff- after the revised Athasian Dragon and Champion of Rajaat material comes out. |
#42PennarinDec 19, 2005 20:22:57 | The one thing I do agree with you on is that his hp, while maxed out due to the CoR template, do seem low when compared against other critters- and the reason for this is the fact that he has no Constitution score to give him additional hp. Now I was thinking of making a special item that would provide undead critters with additional hp like they did have a Con score but using their Cha modifier- which would double his current hit points to 1,120 hp.
If Kal wants this he can always craft an item that gives the equivalent of Unholy Toughness, i.e. a bonus to hit points equal to its Charisma modifier |
#43ruhl-than_sageDec 19, 2005 20:32:49 | Or you could grant Dregoth a measure of /- DR and say that he collected adamantium while traveling the planes and fused his bones with the substance. |
#44PennarinDec 19, 2005 20:54:10 | Interesting- I will have to look it over and maybe I will add some additional stuff- after the revised Athasian Dragon and Champion of Rajaat material comes out.
I could do that for you Kal. I know TotDL pretty well by now. I'll have an analysis and options to offer you by tonight.
Actually, my calculation shows he can have 4 attacks/qualities and between 1 and 2 weaknesses. That is considering a 40 HD Dregoth. |
#45kalthandrixDec 19, 2005 21:33:52 | Or you could grant Dregoth a measure of /- DR and say that he collected adamantium while traveling the planes and fused his bones with the substance.
And maybe I should add adamantium claws that spring out of his hands :P
Sorry Sage- I could not resist! :D |
#46ZardnaarDec 19, 2005 22:07:59 | For the most part I really disagree with your points Zardnaar- sorry. I will save my remarks because I feel that nothing constructive would come of them 
The one thing I do agree with you on is that his hp, while maxed out due to the CoR template, do seem low when compared against other critters- and the reason for this is the fact that he has no Constitution score to give him additional hp. Now I was thinking of making a special item that would provide undead critters with additional hp like they did have a Con score but using their Cha modifier- which would double his current hit points to 1,120 hp.
I do not think this is an original idea - the item that is- I believe I seen something like it in a Dragon magazine or something (I will have to research it). I would call it something like the Heart of the Dead and it would effectively take up no item slot (due to it having to be housed within the chest of the undead critter it was empowering. It, like all of his other items, would be created using both magic and psionics.
Another fix to this would be to enchant Dregoth with the rift spell (which I have never actually seen nor is it referenced anywhere except in one like in DAII) that would multiply his hit points by 9 (like he did you his undead giant bodyguards). That would give him a total of 5,310 hp => which is ridiculous so I would automatically reject that idea.
Fair enough. I don't want to sound to much of a negative a-hole. I like most (90%) of its just people don't tend to complain about stuff they're happy with. Personally I've even considered a non d20 system for a Darksun update as 3.5 doesn't seem to be able to make advanced beings work. I disagree with some of the epic work you guys are doing but freely admit its is one of the hardest jobs out there. I have the suspicion it may actually be imposssable to incorporate advanced beings for PCs in some sort of playable/balanced rules. Heres some of my idaes that have been discarded, picked up then discarded again.
1. Dragon Transformation turns you into a new creature "Athasian Dragon" which conveniently has Dragon BAB,saves, d12 hit dice,20 HD and level 20 Psionics/Spellcaster levels. Its basically a medium sized Dragon and advanced from there. Not sure what the ECLwould be though. A 10 level tranformation PrC completes the transformation. Would work fine for NPCs maybe but not as a PC race.
2. Something similar to what you guys are doing but Dragon is a template with a ECL. Progression through a Dragon PrC unlocks hidden knowledge which allows you to research Dragon Transformation 1-10 and breaks the 2nd ed abilities into PrC abilities and powers granted by epic spells.
3. Create new rules and classes to help the transformation along. Currently doing this- see the True Cerebremancer thread I'm working on.
To me a fully tranformed Dragon is similar in power to a Great Wurm Red/Gold/Silver Dragon but with 30 level of spellcasting/psionics. It also seems similar to your guys goal as well. Your Dregoth writeup is similar to a Great Wurm Dracolich from another world. The ECL on a normal GW Red Dragon is something like 20 though. God knows how you'll balence that out. By version of it will probaly get something close to this but will effectively be unplayable due to ECL etc. In 2nd ed the physical power granted by the Dragon Metamorphosis was more important in alot of ways than its Psionics/Magical abilities as Magic Resistence was a static number. If something had 80%+ MR you just ate it instead In the end I'll probaly end up statting out the Sorceror Kings as monsters and conveniently drop the how they got there bit as aa remnant of 2nd ed that doesn't need solving. |
#47PennarinDec 19, 2005 22:41:52 | Kal, just contact me through Yahoo for the info on his undead abilities, i have a list. |
#48ruhl-than_sageDec 19, 2005 23:10:41 | And maybe I should add adamantium claws that spring out of his hands :P
Sorry Sage- I could not resist! :D
:D , good idea. He already has all of Professor X and Jean Gray's powers why not add Wolverine's too! :P |
#49kalthandrixDec 20, 2005 4:54:44 | Kal, just contact me through Yahoo for the info on his undead abilities, i have a list.
Hey Pen- I will be out of town all day today, and most likely tomarrow too. Bounce me and e-mail and I will get back with you later tonight. Thanks. |
#50kalthandrixDec 21, 2005 13:50:17 | Okay- turned out I did not have to go out of town today.
Here is a rough idea of an item that could be used to bump Dregoths hp up.
Heart of Dregoth
While made of a mixture of crystal, obsidian, and adamantine, this item looks like the organ it is named for, a heart. Crafted by Dregoth in the first years after he was slain, this item actually houses the remains of Dregoth's mortal heart, but it has been enclosed in a sheath of adamantian with veins of crystal and obsidian laced over and within the metal. The heart provides Dregoth with a even greater connection to the Grey and concentrates those energies into fortifying his physical remains. The heart is utterly motionless, but any use of detect psionics will reveil the area around Dregoth vibrates with a slow, steady psionic pulse.
The Heart of Dregoth provides the Dread King with additional hit points per hit dice he possesses equal to his Charisma modifier. These hit points are simular to those gained from having a high Constitution score.
Strong Psychometabolism, Necromancy, and Transmutation. ML/CL <?>, Price 274,400 Cp.
#51sekerDec 21, 2005 18:19:30 | Fair enough. I don't want to sound to much of a negative a-hole. I like most (90%) of its just people don't tend to complain about stuff they're happy with. Personally I've even considered a non d20 system for a Darksun update as 3.5 doesn't seem to be able to make advanced beings work. I disagree with some of the epic work you guys are doing but freely admit its is one of the hardest jobs out there. I have the suspicion it may actually be imposssable to incorporate advanced beings for PCs in some sort of playable/balanced rules. Heres some of my idaes that have been discarded, picked up then discarded again.................
heh.... that is actually one of the big reasons I built my own dark sun d20 system out of the d20 modern system (significantly modified including new methods for magic, psionics, and mutations..... and a ton of other stuff) I am having people playtest the basic rules now. If everything is good the way it is, the advanced beings by my rules will be much closer to the true scary power level of the 2ed versions.
btw the reason some of the stuff (especially the epic stuff) is the way it is. Is that Wizards has rules that the good people at must obey on the systems they generate..... we are trying everything we can to keep the epic stuff as close to fluff and cannon as possible within these rules.... and the latest form of the dragon PrC may give you a nice surprise on the caster/manifester levels of a dragon. |
#52PennarinDec 21, 2005 18:57:21 | I eagerly await Seker's conversion, maybe it will make Champions more championy! :D |
#53sekerDec 21, 2005 20:20:32 | I eagerly await Seker's conversion, maybe it will make Champions more championy! :D
um Pennarin I already sent out the first part of the playtest to all who gave me email addresses on my thread. The rest waits till I get feedback on the basic part. I am saving the really fun stuff till I am sure the basics is going to work right :p |
#54kalthandrixDec 22, 2005 14:42:55 | Heart of Dregoth
While made of a mixture of crystal, obsidian, and adamantine, this item looks like the organ it is named for, a heart. Crafted by Dregoth in the first years after he was slain, this item actually houses the remains of Dregoth's mortal heart, but it has been enclosed in a sheath of adamantian with veins of crystal and obsidian laced over and within the metal. The heart provides Dregoth with a even greater connection to the Grey and concentrates those energies into fortifying his physical remains. The heart is utterly motionless, but any use of detect psionics will reveil the area around Dregoth vibrates with a slow, steady psionic pulse.
The Heart of Dregoth provides the Dread King with additional hit points per hit dice he possesses equal to his Charisma modifier. These hit points are simular to those gained from having a high Constitution score.
Strong Psychometabolism, Necromancy, and Transmutation. ML/CL <?>, Price 274,400 Cp.
Sooo....does anyone think this type of item is appropreate or too left field or what? For some of you who may wonder how I arrived at the price, well I took the his current Cha modifier as the base for the math as follows-
Which can be explained as taking 14 and squaring it, times 1000, multiplying that amount by 2 for not taking up an item slot, and the taking 30% of the total cost away due to it only being useable but undead. Looking at it now I think it may be underpriced- I most likely will adjust it using some of the epic item pricing. And if it keep the background stating that he made it then I would have to give him an Epic Item Crafting feat.
I just had a thought- what is Athas.orgs position of having craft wonderous item and craft universal item? A cleric/wizard can take the craft feat once and it will cover both arcane and divine items, where as it seems that a wizard/psion would be required to take both crafting feats. Just a thought.
Anywho- I have been checking out the abilities in TotDL and would like to see what Pennarin has as suggestions- but I was wondering if taking them would increase his LA/CR? |
#55PennarinDec 22, 2005 14:59:39 | I just had a thought- what is Athas.orgs position of having craft wonderous item and craft universal item? A cleric/wizard can take the craft feat once and it will cover both arcane and divine items, where as it seems that a wizard/psion would be required to take both crafting feats. Just a thought.
Wondrous cannot stand for Universal, and vice versa.
Anywho- I have been checking out the abilities in TotDL and would like to see what Pennarin has as suggestions- but I was wondering if taking them would increase his LA/CR?
Yes they would, its a rule. Here's my list of possible choices, considering Dregoth can have 4 attacks/qualities and between 1 and 2 weaknesses:
[INDENT]breath weapon <-- make that obsidian shards
create undead
enhanced ability <-- either +2 to an ability score/+10 ft. base land speed/1 additional skill point per HD
gray toughness 1
vulnerability to wood[/INDENT] |
#56PennarinDec 22, 2005 15:13:03 | Heart of Dregoth
While made of a mixture of crystal, obsidian, and adamantine, this item looks like the organ it is named for, a heart. Crafted by Dregoth in the first years after he was slain, this item actually houses the remains of Dregoth's mortal heart, but it has been enclosed in a sheath of adamantian with veins of crystal and obsidian laced over and within the metal. The heart provides Dregoth with a even greater connection to the Grey and concentrates those energies into fortifying his physical remains. The heart is utterly motionless, but any use of detect psionics will reveil the area around Dregoth vibrates with a slow, steady psionic pulse.
The Heart of Dregoth provides the Dread King with additional hit points per hit dice he possesses equal to his Charisma modifier. These hit points are simular to those gained from having a high Constitution score.
Strong Psychometabolism, Necromancy, and Transmutation. ML/CL <?>, Price 274,400 Cp.
When you get to that kind of power level - confering Unholy Toughness to a wearer - its either priced as a token epic amount, like 300,000 Cp (or you may attempt to use the actual epic rules for pricing), or made into a minor artifact.
Since its function is wholly necromantic, its aura should be Strong (if below 21st level) or Overwhelming necromancy.
Either as an epic item...
Overwhelming necromancy; CL 21st; Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Epic Wondrous Item, false life; Price 300,000 Cp; Weight 50 lb.
...or as a minor artifact...
Overwhelming necromancy; CL 21st; Weight 50 lb. |
#57kalthandrixDec 22, 2005 15:20:52 | Wondrous cannot stand for Universal, and vice versa.
That kind of blows- I know some people have house-ruled in the multi-use of the feats but I wanted the 'official' answer. Well, I guess the other answer would be to stat out his two high level buddies Absalom & Mon Adderath-(with Absalom at least being high 20's or low 30's) and have them aid in the construction of the items.
Yes they would, its a rule. Here's my list of possible choices, considering Dregoth can have 4 attacks-qualities and between 1 and 2 weaknesses:
[INDENT]breath weapon <-- make that obsidian shards
create undead
enhanced ability <-- either +2 to an ability score/+10 ft. base land speed/1 additional skill point per HD
gray toughness 1
vulnerability to wood[/INDENT]
I like the breath and maybe the create undead and the grey toughness could be taken multiple times to make up the difference in the number of add-ons he could get.
As for the vulnerability- why wood? Delusional or Phobia would be better IMO- he is obviously delusional in his quest for godhood, and the phobia could be to flaming weapons due to his death at the end of the Scorcher. On that note Vulnerability to Energy (fire) would be a good pick too. |
#58kalthandrixDec 22, 2005 15:25:23 | When you get to that kind of power level - confering Unholy Toughness to a wearer - its either priced as a token epic amount, like 300,000 Cp (or you may attempt to use the actual epic rules for pricing), or made into a minor artifact.
Since its function is wholly necromantic, its aura should be Strong (if below 21st level) or Overwhelming necromancy.
Either as an epic item...
Overwhelming necromancy; CL 21st; Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Epic Wondrous Item, false life; Price 300,000 Cp; Weight 50 lb.
...or as a minor artifact...
Overwhelming necromancy; CL 21st; Weight 50 lb.
It would also have to detect as psionic- psychometabolism though I have not come up with a power/spell list of the effects used to create it yet. All of Dregoth's items are made from a blend of magic and psionics- haing both arcane effects and psionic ones that he can call on.
I will sit down over my vacation and work out a better pricing scheme for it- I had the gut feeling that it was too low but it was just something I did on the fly. |
#59PennarinDec 22, 2005 15:59:25 | There's no need to make items both psionic and magic. Its a nice attempt at following through with the idea of ABs marrying magic and psionics, but item crafting is a whole other thing.
Only items with distinct abilities steming from several psionic and magic sources requires both a magic and psionic item creation feat. |
#60SysaneDec 22, 2005 18:31:16 | Not to be a lame kank, but does Dregoth really need all these special extra "add on items"? Elminster doesn't even have that many. Plus, wouldn't the Dread King's time have been more focused on developing his "rage free" metamorphosis, the dray transformation process, and the Godhood spell rather than unique items unrelated to those goals? |
#61PennarinDec 22, 2005 19:57:06 | Not to be a lame kank, but does Dregoth really need all these special extra "add on items"? Elminster doesn't even have that many. Plus, wouldn't the Dread King's time have been more focused on developing his "rage free" metamorphosis, the dray transformation process, and the Godhood spell rather than unique items unrelated to those goals?
In game terms...I don't see why 2,000+ years old 30+ level characters would not indeed have a zillion boosting items, like those Atzetuk is wearing.
In flavor terms...I guess that the more powerful someone is the less they want to rely on items that can be destroyed/dispelled/stolen, or desire to have to rely on such items out of pride. |
#62SysaneDec 22, 2005 20:02:30 | In game terms...I don't see why 2,000+ years old 30+ level characters would not indeed have a zillion boosting items, like those Atzetuk is wearing.
In flavor terms...I guess that the more powerful someone is the less they want to rely on items that can be destroyed/dispelled/stolen, or desire to have to rely on such items out of pride.
I would think if he had created any unique items they would be related to the goals I listed before or maybe to his time as the Ravager of Giants. |
#63dregonflyusMay 05, 2009 9:02:38 | sent pm |