Consolidated Creature Conversion Index



Nov 30, 2005 7:02:25
Creature List

<br /> OD&amp;D 3e 3e 3.5e 3.5e<br /> Creature Refs Refs Cons Refs Cons<br /> Actaeon MA,RC - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]CC[/url]<br /> Adaptor MA,IM1,RC - - - -<br /> Aerial Servant CO,RC ToH [url=]CC[/url] - -<br /> Agarat X8 - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Amber Lotus X2,X9,DMR2 - - - -<br /> Amoeba, Giant X2,X9,DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Annelid, Great DMR2,HWA1 - [url=]CC[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Aranea X1,X2,DMR2,CoM - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Archaeopteryx HW - - - -<br /> Archelon MA,DMR2,HWR1 - - SW -<br /> Archer Bush B3,DMR2 ToH [url=]CC[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Archon<br /> - Uxor RC - - BoED [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Vir RC - - BoED [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Ash Crawler DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]LH[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Athach MA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Auratus M4 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Auroch HW - [url=]LH[/url] - -<br /> - Shaggy HW - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Automaton HW MMII - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Baak WotI - - - -<br /> Baldandar DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Baluchitherium DMR2,HWR1 - [url=]CC[/url] - -<br /> Banshee CO,B4,DMR2,RC MMII,FF - - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Bargda DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Baric B3 ToH [url=]CC[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Basilisk EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Beholder CO,RC - - MM,FRS,LoM - <br /> - Aquatic DMR2 ToH - LoM -<br /> - Undead MA,RC - - - -<br /> Bekkah DMR2 - - - -<br /> Bhut X4,DMR2 FF [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Blackball MA,IM1,RC ELH [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> Blink Dog EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Boneless GAZ13 - - - -<br /> Bounder HW 17 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Brain Collector X2,DMR2 ELH [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> Brownie DMR2,PC1 ToH [url=]CC[/url] DR331 -<br /> - Redcap DMR2,PC1 - - DR331,MMIII -<br /> Bubbles B3 - [url=]CC[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Bugbear BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Caecilia EX,RC - - - -<br /> Camarilla DA3 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Carrion Crawler BA,RC - - MM <br /> Carvet MMC - - - -<br /> Cay-Men X9,DMR2 - - - -<br /> Centaur EX,RC,PC1 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Cestian Gobbler CoM - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Chameleon Man DMR2 - - - -<br /> Changling<br /> - Zargosian HWR3 DR304 - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Chevall B10,GAZ1, Gaz5, <br /> PC4,DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]CC[/url]<br /> Chimer HWR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Crystalweed HWR2 - - - -<br /> Chimera EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Undead X11 - [url=]CC[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Choker GAZ6,DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Cockatrice EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Coltpixy DMR2,PC1 - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Coral, PoisonousBM - - - -<br /> Crab, Ice - - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Crone of Chaos DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Cryion DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Cyborg DA3 - - - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Cyclops EX,RC D&amp;DG - - -<br /> Dark Wing DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]CC[/url]<br /> Darkhood DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Death Demon X2,DMR2 - - - -<br /> Death Leech CM2 - - - -<br /> Decapus, Land B3,DMR2 ToH [url=]CC[/url] [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> Decapus, Marine X9,DMR2 - - - -<br /> Deep Glaurant DMR2,GAZ8 - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Desert Ghost DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Devilfish MA,RC MMII [url=]LH[/url] - -<br /> Diabolus CM8,WotI - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]LH[/url] - -<br /> Diger B3 - [url=]CC[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Dinosaur MA,RC,DMR2 MMII [url=]LH[/url] MM [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Allosaurus X1,DMR2,HW - [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> Ankylosaurus X1,DMR2,HW - [url=]VoP[/url] MHB -<br /> Brontosaurus X1,DMR2,HW - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]CC[/url]<br /> Dimetrodon X1,DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] DR318 [url=]CC[/url]<br /> Elasmosaurus BM - - - -<br /> Ichthyosaurus HW - - SW -<br /> Mosasaurus BM - - - -<br /> Nothosaurus HWR1 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> PachycephalosaurHW - - DR318 -<br /> Phobosuchus HW - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Phororhacos X1,DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Pisanosaurus HW - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Pleisiosaurus BM - - - -<br /> Plesiosaurus X1,RC - [url=]VoP[/url] SW -<br /> Pteranodon EX,RC - - DR318 -<br /> - Giant HW - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Pterodactyl EX,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Pterosaur EX,RC - - - -<br /> Stegosaurus HW - - DR318 -<br /> Triceratops EX,RC,HW - - MM,MHB -<br /> Tylosaurus DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> T. Rex EX,RC,HW - - MM,MHB -<br /> Dire Animals BA,RC - [url=]LH[/url] MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Discorporate HWA1 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Displacer Beast EX,RC - - MM -<br /> Doppelganger BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Draeden IM1 - - - -<br /> Dragon <br /> - Black BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Blue BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Gold BA,IM1,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Green BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Red BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - White BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Crystalline MMC - [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> - Gem MA MMII - - -<br /> - Brown IM1 MoF - - -<br /> - Lesser Night CoM - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Night CoM - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Pocket X6 - - - -<br /> - Sea DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Undead DMR2 DU100 - DRAC [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Dragonfly <br /> - Black DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Blue DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Gold DU6 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Green DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Red DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - White DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Dragon Turtle CO,X7,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Dragonne X9,DMR2 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Drake<br /> - Cold- MA,RC - [url=]LH[/url] - -<br /> - Man- MA,RC - [url=]LH[/url] - -<br /> - Wood- MA,RC,PC1 - [url=]LH[/url] - -<br /> Dream-Hunter HWR2 - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Drolem CO,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Dryad EX,RC,PC1 - - MM -<br /> Dusanu X5, DMR2 - [url=]CC[/url] - [url=]CC[/url]<br /> Dwarf BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Eater-of-Magic CM8 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Elemental <br /> - Air EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Earth EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Fire EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Water EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Eolian MMC - - - [url=;postcount=318]PSB[/url]<br /> - Urdeen MMC - - - [url=;postcount=318]PSB[/url]<br /> - Pyrophor MMC - - - [url=;postcount=318]PSB[/url]<br /> - Anemo MMC - - - [url=;postcount=319]PSB[/url]<br /> - Undine - - - - [url=;postcount=318]PSB[/url]<br /> - Kryst CO,RC - - - [url=;postcount=319]PSB[/url]<br /> - Helion CO,RC - - - [url=;postcount=319]PSB[/url]<br /> - Hydrax CO,RC - - - [url=;postcount=319]PSB[/url]<br /> Elf BA,RC,DMR2 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Elf, Aquatic DMR2,PC3 - - SW -<br /> Elf, Shadow DMR2,GAZ5 - - - -<br /> Elven Dog DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Faedorne DMR2 - - - [url=]CC[/url]<br /> Faenare PC2 - - - -<br /> Faerie MA,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Feathered Serp. HWR1,HWA2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Feywing DMR2,GAZ8 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Fire Lizard/<br /> False Dragon BM - - - -<br /> Flapsail HW - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Flitterling O2,DMR2 - - - [url=]CC[/url]<br /> Frog Folk DA2 - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Fundamental X8,DMR2 - [url=]LH[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Fungoid AC8,DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Fungus <br /> - Blackspore GAZ13 - - - -<br /> - Darksnap GAZ13 - - - -<br /> - Lermon GAZ13 - - - -<br /> - Pearldew GAZ13 - - - -<br /> - Shaman GAZ13 - - - -<br /> - Shrieker BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Strider GAZ13 - - - -<br /> - Trania GAZ13 - - - -<br /> Fyrsnaca XS2,DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Gakarak DA3,DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Galumph ARR - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Gargantua CO,X7,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Gargoyle BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Gargoyle, Iron DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Garl CM6,DA3,DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Gator Man CC - - - -<br /> Genie, djinni EX,CO,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Genie, efreeti EX,CO,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Geonid X5,DA3,DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Ghost - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Ghost/Haunt CO,B3,RC - - - -<br /> Ghostly Horde DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Ghoul BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Ghast - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Elder DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Vapor AC9 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Giant<br /> - Cloud EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Fire EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Frost EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Hill EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Mountain MA,RC MMII - - -<br /> - Sea (Ocean) MA,RC,PC3 MMII - - -<br /> - Stone EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Storm EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Gnoll BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Gnome BA,RC,PC2 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Goblin BA,RC - - MM -<br /> Golem - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Amber EX,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Armor QSS - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Bamboo RR - - - -<br /> - Bone EX,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Bronze EX,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Dr Gargoyle MMC - - - -<br /> - Ganetra HWA3 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Ice QSS - - FB -<br /> - Mud CO,X2,RC DR302 - MMIII -<br /> - Obsidian CO,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Rock CC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Silver CC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Skeletal MMC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Wood EX,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Gorgon EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Grab Grass CO,X2,X6,RC - - - -<br /> Grangeri X1,DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Gray Philo'pher DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Grazer DA3 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Green Slime BA,RC - - - -<br /> Gremlin CO,X2,RC,PC2 - [url=]CC[/url] - -<br /> Gridbug HWA1 - - - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Griffon EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Gruquotec HWR1 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Guardian Hand CM8 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Guardian Tree CoM - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Guardian <br /> - Warrior DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Horse DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Gyerian CM5,DMR2 - - - [url=]CC[/url]<br /> Hag, Black MA,RC - - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Night - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Sea MA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Halfling BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Harpy BA,RC,PC2 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Haunt, Lesser DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Poltergeist B3,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Hellhound EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Hephaeston CM6,DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Herex DA3,DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Hippogriff EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Hivebrood DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Hobgoblin BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Homunculus DMR2 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Aryth MMC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Bogan MMC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Fylgar DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Gretch DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Ulzaq DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Hook Horror DA3,DMR2 MMII - - -<br /> Horde CO,RC - - - [url=;postcount=397]PSB[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Hound, Amorian HWR3 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Hsiao MA,RC,PC1 - [url=]LH[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Hulker DA3,DMR2 - - - -<br /> Huptzeen AC9 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Hydra EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Zargosian HWQ1 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Hypnosnake X3,DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Ice Wolf B10,DMR2,HW - - MM -<br /> Imp <br /> - Bog MMC - - HoH [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Blue GAZ3 - - - -<br /> - Garden MMC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Red GAZ3 - - - -<br /> Insect Swarm EX,RC - - - -<br /> Invis Stalker EX,RC - - MM -<br /> Juggernaut X4,X10,DMR2 MMII - - -<br /> Jumper WotI - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Jupiter<br /> Blood Sucker B3 ToH [url=]CC[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Kal-Muru X8,DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Kara-Kara X8,DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Kartoeba B10 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Killer Tree X2,X6,DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Kna DMR2,PC3 - - - -<br /> Koalinth BM - - - -<br /> Kobold BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Kopoacinth BM - - - -<br /> Kopru X1,DMR2,PC3 MMII [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> Kraken DMR2 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Lacedon BM - - - -<br /> Lake Klintest <br /> Monster GAZ6 - - - -<br /> Lamara DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Lava Fish GAZ13 - - - -<br /> Lava Lizard DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Lava Ooze MA,RC - - - SS<br /> Leprechaun PC1 - [url=]CC[/url] - [url=]CC[/url]<br /> Leveller AC9 - - - -<br /> Leviathan <br /> - Desert DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Marine DMR2 MMII - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Lich MA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Living Statue <br /> - Crystal BA,RC - [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> - Iron BA,RC - [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> - Jade B10,DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Rock BA,RC - [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> - Rock/Ooze B10,DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Silver B10,DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Steel B10,DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Lizardman BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Locathah BM - - - -<br /> Lochnar X13 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Lupin X2,X9,DMR2,PC4 - [url=]VoP[/url] DR325 -<br /> Lyadrachnus HWQ1 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Lycanthrope (Were-) <br /> - Devil Swine EX,RC,PC4 - - - -<br /> - bat MA,RC,PC4 MoF - - -<br /> - bear BA,RC,PC4 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - boar BA,RC,PC4 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - fox MA,RC,PC4 - - - -<br /> - hawk - - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - jaguar DMR2,PC4,HWR1 - - - -<br /> - rat BA,RC,PC4 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - sabretooth HW - - - -<br /> - seal MA,RC,PC4 FF - - -<br /> - shark BA,RC,PC4 MoF - LEoF <br /> - tiger BA,RC,PC4 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - wolf BA,RC,PC4 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Magen X2,DMR2 - - - -<br /> Malfera CO,X5,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Manikin GAZ3 ToH - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Manscorpion CO,RC MMII,MoF - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Manticore EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Marmoset, Giant B3 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Masher DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Medusa BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Megatherium X1,DMR2 FF [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> Mek MA,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Memory Gourd GAZ13 - - - -<br /> Merfolk/Merrow EX,RC,PC3 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Mesmer DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> Metamorph, MA,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Minotaur BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Minotaur Lizard BM - - - -<br /> Monster Ruler WotI - - - -<br /> Moonflower PC4 - - - -<br /> Morkoth/Morlock BM - - - -<br /> Mugumba<br /> Mud-Dwellers CoM - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Mujina CO,X5,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Mummy EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Nagpa X4,DMR2,PC2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Neanderthal BA,RC - - FB -<br /> Nekrozon MA,RC MMII,DR299 - - -<br /> Newt KN - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Nightgleet GAZ8 - - - -<br /> Nightmare DMR2 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Lesser ETR - - - -<br /> Nightcrawler MA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Nightwalker MA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Nightwing MA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Notion WotI - - - -<br /> Nuckalvee MA,RC - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]WotC[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Nymph BM - - - -<br /> Oard CM6 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Ogre BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Black Pudding EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Gelatinous Cube BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Gray Ooze BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Ochre Jelly BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Orc BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Owlbear BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Pachydermion DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Pegasus EX,RC - - MM -<br /> Pegataur DMR2,DotE,PC2 - [url=]CC[/url] - -<br /> Phanaton X1,DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]CC[/url] [url=;postcount=2]CC[/url]<br /> Phantom X2 - - - -<br /> - Apparition CO,IM1,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Lesser DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Shade CO,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Vision CO,RC - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Phasm CO - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Phoenix<br /> - Lesser MA, RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Greater MA, RC MMII - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Plasm IM1,RC - - - [url=;postcount=199]PSB[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Giant IM1,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Plopped WotI - [url=]LH[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Polymar B4,DMR2 - [url=]CC[/url] - -<br /> Pooka PC1 - - - -<br /> Possession AC9 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Protean, Astral IM1 - - - -<br /> Protector B3 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Prying Eyes CM8 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Purple Moss B3 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Purple Worm EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Quarg DA3 - - DR318 -<br /> Rakasta X1,X2,DMR2,CoM - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]CC[/url]<br /> Randara DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Ratling QSS - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Red Worm B11,XS2,DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Reflecter AC9 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Refractor HWR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Revener MA,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Rhagodessa EX,RC - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> Robber Fly BA,RC - - - -<br /> Robot DA3 - - - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Rock Man DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Rockfang GAZ8 - - - -<br /> Roper DA3,DMR2 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Rust Monster BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Saberclaw CM,DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Sacrol X9 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Salamander<br /> - Flame EX,RC - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Frost EX,RC MMII - - <br /> Sand Folk DA3 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Sand-star HWR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Sasquatch MA,RC - - - -<br /> Scamille DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Sea Horse X7,DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Sea Serpent<br /> - Lesser DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Greater DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Seergar GAZ8 - - - -<br /> Serpentweed,<br /> - Giant X9,DMR2,CoM - - - -<br /> Servitor WotI - - - -<br /> Shadow BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Shargugh O2,DMR2 - - - [url=]CC[/url]<br /> Shark-kin DMR2,PC3 - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Sidhe (sh-ee) PC1 - - - -<br /> Silver Warrior DMR2 - - - [url=]CC[/url]<br /> Sirenflower B6,DMR2 - - - -<br /> Sis'thik DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Skeleton BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Skeletal Beast X11 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Skinwings GAZ13 - - - -<br /> Skitterlings GAZ13 - - - -<br /> Skullwraith CM8 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Skywyrm,<br /> - Lesser CoM - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Greater CoM - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Slime Worm X2,DMR2 - - - -<br /> Snakemen IM1 - - - -<br /> Snapper X9,DMR2 - - - -<br /> Sollux X2,DMR2 - - - -<br /> Somnastis Plant HW - - - [url=]CC[/url]<br /> Soul Eater X4,DMR2 ToH - - -<br /> Spectre EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Spectral Death - - - - [url=;postcount=398]PSB[/url]<br /> Spectral Hound CO,X5,IM1,RC DU100 - - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=;postcount=243]PSB[/url]<br /> Sphinx MA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Spirit<br /> - Animal GAZ12 - - FB -<br /> - Druj CO,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Evil GAZ12 - - - -<br /> - Lord GAZ12 - - - -<br /> - of the Land GAZ12 MMII,OA - - -<br /> - Odic CO,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Revenant CO,RC CotSQ - - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Sporacle MA,RC - - - -<br /> Sprackles WotI - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Sprite BA,RC,PC1 - - - -<br /> - Nixie EX,RC,PC3 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Pixie BA,RC,PC1 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Steam Weevil DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Stirge BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Strangle Vine X9,DMR2,CoM - - MM -<br /> Strangleweed DMR2 ToH - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Sun-Wight HW - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Surtaki DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Tabi X4,X10,DMR2,PC2 - [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> Tanystropheus HWR1 - - - -<br /> Tepictoton HWR1 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Thoul BA,RC - [url=]CC[/url] [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]CC[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Thunderhead DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Titan IM1 ELH - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Titanothere DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Topi X8,DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> Tortle X9,DMR2 - - DR315 -<br /> Trachodon X1,DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> Treant EX,RC,PC1 ELH - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Triton DMR2,PC3 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Troglodyte BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Troll EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Tzitzimitl HWR1 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Ubue B3 - [url=]CC[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Undine CO,RC - - - -<br /> Unicorn EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Vampire EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Nosferatu DMR2,GAZ1,GAZ3 - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Vampire Rose X2,DMR2,GAZ3 DU84,ToH [url=]CC[/url] - -<br /> Velya, Ocean DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Swamp DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Water Weird DMR2 MMII - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Whipweed DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> White-Fang DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Wight BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Winged Warrior DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Wolfsbane PC4 - - - -<br /> Wood Imp DMR2,PC1 - - - -<br /> Worg - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Wraith EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Wychglow DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Wychlamp DMR2,GAZ8 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Wyrd B10,DMR2,GAZ5 - - - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Wyvern EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Xytar DMR2 - - - -<br /> Yellow Mold BA,RC - - - -<br /> Yowler DMR2 - - MM,MMIII [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Zombie BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Frost HW - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Lightning WotI - [url=]LH[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Zzonga-Bush DotE - - - -


Nov 30, 2005 9:15:04


Nov 30, 2005 9:34:40
Excellent!! Thank you very much!

:-) Jesper


Dec 01, 2005 11:03:48
Thanks guys

Hopefully I get around to posting links to other sites with Mystaran creature conversions. For example I know that there are a few on the Lighthouse site.

At the moment I'm not linking directly to the conversion threads (either here or at Enworld) but am waiting until the conversions are 'offically' posted. If anyone feels it would be useful I could put temporary links in for the creatures that have not reache the Vaults of the Creature Catalog.



Dec 05, 2005 7:45:36
Very good, Gary! I know this is something we wanted done a while ago but unfortunately I couldn't. Thanks! This will be very useful.


Dec 05, 2005 8:36:38
Thanks Hugin your lists came in very useful. :D

Hopefully at some point I'll put in links to individual SRD creatures.


Added links to the Lighthouse conversions.



Dec 06, 2005 3:34:58
Added links to Faedorne, Silver Warrior, and Shargugh.



Dec 06, 2005 4:22:45
Thanks Hugin your lists came in very useful. :D

Hopefully at some point I'll put in links to individual SRD creatures.

That would be nice! I think I've seen a web-based version of the SRD somewhere so it should be possible to just link it to that one.

Also, would it be good to include references to official material not in the SRD?



Dec 06, 2005 6:59:56
That would be nice! I think I've seen a web-based version of the SRD somewhere so it should be possible to just link it to that one.

Added the 'monsters' from the SRD.

Will add the animals and vermin after lunch.



Dec 06, 2005 9:18:19
Added animals and vermin.



Dec 06, 2005 9:28:23
Added animals and vermin.



Are these all the monsters associated with Mystara?



Dec 06, 2005 10:49:39
Are these all the monsters associated with Mystara?

For the most part. ;)

There are some animals that may not have been statted out in a Mystara product such as the wildcat(?) but I don't have a problem including 'normal' animals.

I think I've removed all the 'monsters' from the SRD that DEFINATELY weren't in a Mystara book such as the allip.

Of course if you spot any mistakes or creatures that should be included just let me know.



Dec 06, 2005 17:16:57
These are all from the Planescape board. They're all compliant with 3.5 edition standards.

Greater ebon tiger
Ebon tiger
Spectral hound
Eolian, urdeen, pyrophor, undine
Anemo, kryst, helion, hydrax
Spectral Death
Planar spider
Narvazaen Fiend


Dec 06, 2005 17:27:47
were those also posted on


Dec 06, 2005 21:46:38
were those also posted on

A few of them (ebon tiger, plasm, spectral hound, planar spider) appeared in the Transitive Planes netbook.


Dec 06, 2005 22:57:35
i'm sure there will be an Elemental planes and likely Outer planes book sooner or later.


Dec 07, 2005 6:41:17
These are all from the Planescape board. They're all compliant with 3.5 edition standards.

Thanks for them, I'll add them in.



Dec 21, 2005 10:01:44
Right, I've added in book references, but the formatting gone to pot. I'm fairly close to 50,000 characters maximum of a message so bear with me awhile.

For the moment I've decided to take the page numbers out, but if you've got the book you can check the index. ;)



Dec 21, 2005 10:08:20
are the winged warriors the same as the ones in recent Dungeon mags?


Dec 21, 2005 10:17:55
are the winged warriors the same as the ones in recent Dungeon mags?

I'll have to check that BOZ but I don't think so.



Dec 21, 2005 14:00:18
Here's one you can add that I just found the other day (hadn't noticed it before):

Lava Ooze- p.178 of Sandstorm


Dec 22, 2005 6:02:22
Lava Ooze- p.178 of Sandstorm

Thanks, added in.

As have the updates from the Vaults.



Dec 22, 2005 6:03:59

The Mystaran Winged Warrior is a crystaline construct with silvery metal (mithral?) wings.

Hope that helps



Dec 22, 2005 9:47:35
I don't actually have the issues; I was reading someone else's copy. I don't recall the specifics of the creature, but I immediately suspected that they may be the same as the Mystaran one.


Jan 04, 2006 6:55:55
Right I think I've sorted the formatting out, just need to add a Key now.

I've also added links to 3.5 conversions of the Dark WIng and Gyerian from the Enworld Creature Catalog.



Jan 04, 2006 6:57:07

What issue(s) of Dungeon was the Winged Warrior in?



Jan 04, 2006 7:01:37

I think a link to this thread in the 'sticky' thread would be rather useful. What do you think?



Jan 04, 2006 9:39:44

I think a link to this thread in the 'sticky' thread would be rather useful. What do you think?


I'll second the motion. All in favour? Aye! :D


Jan 04, 2006 10:06:01

What issue(s) of Dungeon was the Winged Warrior in?


really don't know. within the last 6 months for certain - probably 2 or 3 issues ago.


Jan 04, 2006 11:22:49
I'll second the motion. All in favour? Aye! :D

Thirded, um, is that a legit word? ;)

As I use 3.5 for my playerbase, this is very handy.


Jan 04, 2006 12:35:56
Thirded, um, is that a legit word? ;)

As I use 3.5 for my playerbase, this is very handy.

legit enough definitely.

And yeah sorry Garry, I should've thought about that one already.


Jan 17, 2006 7:16:05
OK I ran out of room in the OP for the key so here it is.


OD&amp;D/2ed<br /> ARR Assault on Ravens Ruin<br /> B? Basic level module<br /> BA Basic Rules Set<br /> BM OD&amp;D Blackmoor Supplement<br /> CM? Companion level module <br /> CO Companion Rules Set<br /> CoM Champions of Mystara<br /> DMR2 Creature Catalog<br /> DotE Dawn of the Emperor's<br /> EX Expert Rules Set<br /> GAZ Gazeteer<br /> HW Hollow World<br /> HWR? Hollow World supplement<br /> IM(?) Immortal Rules Set (or module)<br /> MA(?) Master Rules Set (or module)<br /> MMC Mystaran Monstrous Compendium<br /> PC? Creature Crucible<br /> QSS Quest for the Silver Sword<br /> RC Rules Cyclopedia<br /> X Expert level module<br /> WotI Wrath of the Immortals<br /> <br /> 3/3.5 ed<br /> CC Enworld Creature Catalog<br /> D&amp;DG Deities &amp; Demigods<br /> DRAC Draconomicon<br /> DR? Dragon magazine<br /> DU? Dungeon magazine<br /> ELH Epic Level Handbook<br /> FB Frostburn<br /> FF Fiend Folio<br /> FRS Forgotten Realms Setting(?)<br /> HoH Heroes of Horror<br /> LEoF Lost Empires of Faerun<br /> LH Lighthouse<br /> LoM Lords of Madness<br /> MHB Miniatures Handbook<br /> MM Monster Manual<br /> MMII Monster Manual II<br /> MMIII Monster Manual III<br /> MoF Monsters of Faerun<br /> OA Oriental Adventures<br /> RoF Races of Faerun<br /> SM Silver Marches<br /> SRD System Reference Document<br /> SS Sandstorm<br /> SW Stormwrack<br /> ToH Tome of Horrors<br /> VoP Vaults of Pandius


Jan 17, 2006 7:22:04
Updated Index with the Creatures from the Vaults update.



Jan 17, 2006 10:09:28
cool, good stuff.


Feb 07, 2006 3:19:26
really don't know. within the last 6 months for certain - probably 2 or 3 issues ago.


Sorry it's taken soooo long to check. Unless I've missed something the only Winged Warrior I can find in a recent issue of Dungeon is the Fomorian Winged Warrior from page 78 of the Fiend Folio.

As the Fomorian Winged Warrior is an Outsider and the Mystaran Winged Warrior is (would be) a Construct we are definately talking about two different creatures.



Feb 07, 2006 9:15:44
i could have sworn it was the construct version i saw, complete with picture... oh well, i could have been hallucinating, or thinking of something else. ;)


Feb 07, 2006 9:28:57

Assuming Shade's index is all present and correct we have the following creatures in the last few Dungeon's:

124 - Hordling, Dread Gnasher (sample hordling), Spittlemaw (sample hordling), Skullreaver (sample hordling), Vulturewretch (sample hordling), Seven-Headed Juggernaut, Mad Dragon heads, Pandemonium Beast, Wind Warrior.

125 - Ebon Aspect.

126 - Brass man, gear golem, Killer frog, Kyuss spawnling.

127 - Hiveblood Creature (template), Hiveblood Ettin, Flying Fingers Swarm, Necromancer Knuckles Swarm, Octopin, Greater Doppleganger (updated from Monsters of Faerun).

128 - Froghemoth.

129 - anth-Malar, Chosen of Malar, Oculus Demon, True Ghoul, Wereweasel, Werewolverine.

130 - Demonic caterpillar (unique spirit), Eviscerator Beetle, Kyuss Knight, Sword of Kyuss, Wormcaller, Overworm, Wormswarm, Worm Naga.

131 - Acidwraith.

So possibly the Wind Warrior?



Feb 07, 2006 9:45:12
that's probably it, given how many issues ago that was. it's possible that the name was changed slightly, and it's possible that they are two different but similar creatures.


Feb 08, 2006 3:45:06
i could have sworn it was the construct version i saw, complete with picture...

Well the Wind Warrior is an Elemental animating a suite of armour and it does have a picture.
oh well, i could have been hallucinating, or thinking of something else. ;)

That's always a possibility. ;)

I've looked through Issues 114, 118-130 and can't find anything else. Maybe someone else could check though?



Feb 08, 2006 8:10:54
Taken from the same post as the Princess Ark news.
Lesser Golems, by Campbell Pentney - This article gives us full stats and construction rules for the fungus golem, junk golem, paper golem, tin golem, wax golem, and wood golem.

I wonder how similar the Wood Golem will be to the Mystaran one?



Feb 08, 2006 8:58:46
coincidental at best, i'm sure. ;)


Feb 08, 2006 11:15:06
I wonder how similar the Wood Golem will be to the Mystaran one?

I'd imagine pretty similar, actually, as the Wood Golem was based on an AD&D Wood Golem initially, IIRC (1st edition, it didn't initially get 'ported over to 2nd edition's Monstrous Manual).

At least I recall a wood golem in one of the Endless Quest books (Revolt of the Dwarves), and those were based more on AD&D, IIRC, than D&D.

I could be wrong, though. Anyone have a 1st edition Monster Manual handy to check?


Feb 27, 2006 8:35:48
Updated again.

I've had to split off the animals and vermin to this post due to going over the permitted length for a post - 50,000 characters! :D


Animal List
OD&amp;D 3e 3e 3.5e 3.5e<br /> Animal Refs Refs Cons Refs Cons<br /> <br /> -Small Riding HW - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Antelope RC - - - -<br /> Ape - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Snow CO,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - White BA,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Baboon - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Rock BA,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Badger - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Bat BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Giant BA,RC - - - -<br /> - Steam GAZ13 - - - -<br /> - Zargosian HWR3 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Bear<br /> - Black BA,RC,GAZ12 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Brown BA,RC - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Polar BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Cave BA,RC,HW - [url=]LH[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Beaver, Giant BM - - - -<br /> Bird <br /> - Dove, Birch GAZ4 - - - [url=]VoP[/url][url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Eagle DMR2,GAZ12 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Eagle, Giant DMR2,HW - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Falcon GAZ12 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Hawk DMR2,GAZ12 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Hawk, Giant DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Magpie DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]LH[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - - Giant DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Moan Bird HWR1 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Owl GAZ12 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Owl, Giant DMR2 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Piranha Bird X6,DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Raven DMR2 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Raven, Giant DMR2,ARR - - SM,FB -<br /> - Roc EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Swan GAZ12 - - - -<br /> Bison - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Giant HW - - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Boar BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Boar, Great GAZ12,RC - - - -<br /> Camel EX,RC,GAZ12 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Caribou RC - - FB -<br /> Cat GAZ12 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Bekkah DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Cheetah DMR2 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Jaguar DMR2 - [url=]LH[/url] - -<br /> - Leopard - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Lion BA,RC,GAZ12 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - - Spotted DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Lynx DMR2 - - RoF -<br /> - Panther BA,RC - - MM -<br /> - Puma BA,RC - - - -<br /> - Tiger BA,RC,GAZ12 - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - - Ebon MMC - - - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=;postcount=196]PSB[/url]<br /> - - -Greater - - - - [url=;postcount=205]PSB[/url]<br /> - Wildcat - - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Crab, Giant EX,X13,RC DU91,ToH - SW -<br /> Crocodile EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Giant EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Deer RC,PC4 - [url=]CC[/url] SM -<br /> Dog X9,GAZ12 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Riding DMR2 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - War - - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Dolphin CO,X7,RC - [url=]LH[/url] - -<br /> Donkey - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Eel<br /> - Electric X7,DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - - Giant X7,DMR2 - - - -<br /> - Giant Swamp CM9 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Weed DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Elephant EX,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Mastadon EX,RC,HW DU87 - MMIII -<br /> Elk RC,PC4 - - SM -<br /> Elk, Giant X1,DMR2 - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Ferret<br /> - Giant BA,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url] <br /> Fish <br /> - Gargan. Carp DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Giant Bass EX,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Giant Cat- X6,DMR2 DU82 - - -<br /> - Gt. Piranha X6,DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Giant Rock- EX,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Gt Sturgeon EX,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Piranha B10,DMR2 - - SW -<br /> Fox - - [url=]LH[/url] - -<br /> Frog<br /> - Gt Poison DMR2,CoM MoF - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Killer DA2 - [url=]CC[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Gerbil GAZ12 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Goat RC,PC4 - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Goat, Wild RC,GAZ12,PC4 DU83 - - -<br /> Horse Breeds - - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Horse EX,RC,GAZ12 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Heavy - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Light - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Warhorse, Heavy - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Warhorse, Light - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Warhorse, Elven GAZ5 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Hyena - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Hyenodon DMR2,HWR1 - - - [url=]CC[/url]<br /> Lamprey BM - - - -<br /> Lizard <br /> - Normal - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Monitor - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Chameleon GAZ12 - - - -<br /> - Draco BA,RC - [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> - Foot-Pad B10,DMR2,CoM - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Gecko, BA,RC - [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> - Chameleon BA,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Tuatara BA,RC - [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> - Rockhome DMR2,GAZ6 FRS [url=]LH[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Thumper HW - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Manta Ray CO,RC - - - [url=]SRD[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Giant CO,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Monkey GAZ12 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Moose RC,PC4 - - DR327 -<br /> Mule BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Octopus - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Giant DMR2 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Otter, Giant BM - - - -<br /> Pig, Peccary GAZ9 - [url=]LH[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Pig, Wild PC4 - [url=]LH[/url] - -<br /> Pony - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Pony, War - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Pony, Krugel HW - - - -<br /> Porcupine, <br /> - Giant DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Porpoise - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Pungi Ray BM - - - -<br /> Rabbit - - [url=]LH[/url] - -<br /> Raccoon - - [url=]LH[/url] - -<br /> Rat BA,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Rat, Giant BA,RC - - - -<br /> Reindeer, Giant HW - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Rhinoceros DMR2 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Seal, Fur DU6 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Shark - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Bull CO, RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Giant BM - - - -<br /> - Great White CO, RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Mako CO, RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Vamora DMR2 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Sheep GAZ12,PC4 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Shrew, Giant BA,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Skunk DMR2 - - - -<br /> Skunk, Giant DMR2 - - - -<br /> Slug, Giant MA,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Smilodon BA,RC - [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]LH[/url] FB -<br /> Snail, Giant RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Snake<br /> - Normal GAZ12 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Constrictor - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Viper - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Anaconda CoM - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Black Cobra CoM - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Flying Viper HW - - RoF -<br /> - Giant Boa CoM - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Giant Marble B3 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Giant Racer BA,RC - [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> - Giant Rattle BA,RC - [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> - Rock Rattler B10,DMR2 - - - -<br /> - Pit Viper BA,RC - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - R'bow Viper CoM - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Rock Python BA,RC - [url=]VoP[/url] - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Sea BA,RC - [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> - Spit' Cobra BA,RC - [url=]CC[/url] [url=]VoP[/url] - -<br /> - Tik Polonga CoM - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - White Cobra HWA3 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Squid - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Giant X13,DMR2 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Toad EX,RC OA - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Rock/Cave CO,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Turtle, <br /> Swamp Snapping CM9 - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Weasel - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Giant, CO,RC - - - [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Whale - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Baleen CO - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Cachalot CO - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Orca CO,RC - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> - Narwhal CO,RC - - - -<br /> Wolf BA,RC,GAZ12 - - MM [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Wolverine - - - - [url=]SRD[/url]<br /> Yak GAZ12,PC4 - - - -<br /> Zebra RC - - - -


Apr 21, 2006 3:30:23
I've updated the index to take into account the latest Pandius update.

Shawn I'll email you the update when I remember to bring in your original document. ;)



May 16, 2006 6:04:11
Updated with latest Pandius additions.



May 31, 2006 9:56:40
There is a version of the Bog Imp in Heroes of Horror. It is not exactly related to the the Mystaran version, namely they are created from pickled elves (uuugggggggg- I wish I was joking) and they look like the bad gremlins in the Gremlins movie. But they are somewhat similar in spirit, so I'd though I'd point it out.


May 31, 2006 10:18:44
There is a version of the Bog Imp in Heroes of Horror. It is not exactly related to the the Mystaran version, namely they are created from pickled elves (uuugggggggg- I wish I was joking) and they look like the bad gremlins in the Gremlins movie. But they are somewhat similar in spirit, so I'd though I'd point it out.

Added anyway

Although it will disappear come June 13th :D



Aug 08, 2006 6:19:16
Added missing creatures from OD&D Blackmoor supplement. Still need to add Blackmoor references to existing creatures.



Aug 09, 2006 4:23:24
My contributions to your excellent list:

I think you missed the Vulcanian Sloth, a monster described in one of the first episodes of VotPA, and the Gargantoid, a construct described both in the Book of Wondrous Inventions and PWAI (or II, I think)

The HW boxed set speaks about "desert" and "ocean" subspecies of lizardmen (you will find them in a random encounters table in the DM's manual), without specifying their stats.
Anyway, the kubitts should be included to your list, and lizardmen stats are described also in this set.

What about the monster described in the original Immortal Set and not reported in WotI? I refer to beings such as: Soo, Tonals, Nippers, Demons, and the like.
Moreover (for the references part), the Immortal set monster list includes the whole WotI and IM modules bestiary, plus it adds some more info about planar spiders, diaboli and some other extraplanar races.

Again about references: rakastas, lupins, tortles, snappers, aranea and possibly some other races (including an enigmatic sperm whale, not very well described) are introduced in Dungeon #6-7 "Tortles of the Purple Sage" adventure.

Kraken stats are described also in PC3 manual (at the end of the adventure in Tamoraz).

Stats for sheeps that live with the cloud giants are shown in the AC10 module, page 41. I'm not sure if these sheeps are identical to the common sheeps, but the herd is magical and it regenerates the lost sheeps.

The same AC10 (page 61) shows stats for a "lake serpent", for "giant rabbits" and for a variety of roc (canary like). The latter may well be a unique monster (as the flying rat Watamouse and Morus the Cat described on page 62).

That's all. Hope this helps. ;)


Aug 09, 2006 10:40:17
Excellent additions LoZompatore. There's also the N'jatwa (spelling?) - the mixed elf-ogre race from VotPA.


Sep 05, 2006 15:11:49
Additional Mystaran creatures with OD&D stats:

  • Dragon Soul - OD&D stats here. "Many areas display dominant colours not yet connected to known dragon types. Dragon souls do exist in these regions. The Great One could decide to send these souls to the Known World to create new species and colours of dragons not yet encountered in the Prime Plane (purple, metallic, or mineral-coloured dragons for example)." (DRAGON magazine article "From Hatchling to Immortal Guardian")
  • Dragon Guardian - OD&D stats in "From Hatchling to Immortal Guardian".
  • Dragon Spirit - OD&D stats in Dragon article: "D&D(R) game dragons have their own rulers, too"
  • Goldshitr - stats in a Hebrew OD&D module.
  • N'jatwa - VotPA
  • Parapit (Butterfly Woman) - stats in a Hebrew OD&D module.
  • Lupin Breeds from DRAGON#237, cut and pasted from a MMB post by NPC Dave:
    Unspecified(these guys I prefer to keep on the Savage Coast)
    Royal Basset Hound
    Greater Beagle(one ended up on Serraine)
    Burrow Bandit
    Red Foxfolk
    Gnomish Snaoutzer(live alongside forest gnomes, whoever they are)
    Greater Golden Retriever
    King Mastiff
    Nithian Rambler
    Basic lupin mongrels

    Grand Bloodhound
    Blue Bandit
    Neo Papillon
    Renardois Folk

    Savage Coast
    Nova-Svogan Borzoi
    Eusdrian Bulldog
    Das Hund
    Ispan Pistolero
    Narvaezan Maremma
    Torreon Pit-Bull(also in Thyatis)
    Gonic Slagovici
    Gonic Zvornikski

    Ogrish Chow-chow
    Ochalean Crested
    Ochalean Houndling
    High Shar-Pei

    northwest of Broken Lands
    Cimarron Hairless(also living with the Shadow Elves)

    Hattia(by the way, how do people pronounce this?)
    Doggerman (also in Heldann)

    Heldann Shepherd

    Fighting Fennec

    White Foxfolk
    Norworld Malamute

    Glantri Mountaineer(Glantrian Alps)
    Hound of Klantyre

    Ye Great Dogge

    Now there are tables for rolling a lupin breed randomly, with an entry for the Known World and an entry for the Savage Coast. That table implies all but two breeds could be found in the Known World, but as I said, I prefer to keep more of them on the Savage Coast and Renardy, with just the lupins specifically assigned to the Known World to be present there.

Mystaran creatures mentioned, but without stats:

  • Gray Dragon - Extinct dragon from the Dragonlord Chronicles.
  • Bull Troll – From Karawenn; possibly unique, perhaps a troll with a minotaur-like head?
  • The Black Goat - From Karawenn; a Unique creature - a goat producing wine rather than milk.
  • Warwolf – From Karawenn; a wolf enhanced by the magic of Entropy.
  • Blue Gorgon – From Karawenn; nothing is known of this creature
  • White Gargoyle – From Karawenn; nothing is known of this creature.
  • Abelaats - Penhaligon Trilogy
  • Were-elk - One of the clans on the Isle of Dread has this creature as their totem.
  • Sea Turtle - One of the Isle of Dread clans has this animal as their totem.
  • Forest Gnome - mentioned in Lupin article DRAGON#237
  • Dark Elf/Svartalf - Northern Reaches GAZ
  • Acid Golem - PWA?

Creatures mentioned as being somewhere in Mystara's cosmology, but only statted in a non-Mystaran product:
  • Nihrain Horse - The LJN character Strongheart's steed, associated with Ghyr, but originally from the Melnibone setting.
  • Kelmain - The race of the LJN character Mandoom, associated with Ghyr, but originally from the Melnibone setting: (stats in AD&D1E Deities & Demigods).
  • Bronze Dragon - In the mountains of Glantri (G:KoM).
  • Silver Dragon - In the mountains of Glantri (G:KoM).
  • Copper Dragon - A copper dragon named Vasilyon the Younger lives in Sind (PWA1012).
  • Remorhaz - Wasn't there one of these in a 2E PWA?
    NOTE: Add 3.5E monsters from Return to the Temple of the Frog. Norwegian modules.

Are there any other creatures (including animals) that have been mentioned in any Mystaran product, but that weren't given stats (e.g. Gray Dragon), or were only statted in non-Mystaran products (e.g. Remorhaz)? For example, "incongruous" 2E inclusions.



Sep 06, 2006 20:22:56
Mystaran creatures mentioned, but without stats:

And wasn't there an Acid Golem in one of the PWAs?


Sep 06, 2006 20:24:35
A converted version of the rhagodessa appears in the new issue of Dungeon in the first part of the Savage Tide adventure - they're already coming through with their promise on that one, let's hope there's more to come as it continues.

I haven't been able to read through the whole adventure yet, but I just thought I'd add this tidbit here where it's appropriate.


Sep 07, 2006 15:57:16
Doesn't someone visit one of the lower planes in some Mystaran novel? Was it Dark Knight of Karameikos? Did he meet some demons or devils? Were there any fiendish types which didn't have an OD&D version? Wasn't there a reference to the Blood War? Whichever novel it was, those events that took place in the Great Wheel's lower planes would've only happened as depicted in the 2E Mystara Reality. In the OD&D Reality and the 3E Reality, those extraplanar events would be modified to fit the OD&D and 3E Mystara cosmology. Are there any other creatures from the other novels (e.g. Black Vessel) that didn't appear in the RPG sourcebooks?



Sep 08, 2006 1:05:52
Doesn't someone visit one of the lower planes in some Mystaran novel? Was it Dark Knight of Karameikos? Did he meet some demons or devils? Were there any fiendish types which didn't have an OD&D version? Wasn't there a reference to the Blood War? Whichever novel it was, those events that took place in the Great Wheel's lower planes would've only happened as depicted in the 2E Mystara Reality. In the OD&D Reality and the 3E Reality, those extraplanar events would be modified to fit the OD&D and 3E Mystara cosmology. Are there any other creatures from the other novels (e.g. Black Vessel) that didn't appear in the RPG sourcebooks?

Yes, there was a demon IIRC in DKoK who mentioned the Blood War.

Black Vessel only deals with canon races/creatures IIRC.

The Penhaligon trilogy introduces the Abelaats.



Sep 08, 2006 12:38:42
Thanks Shawn and Havard - I added the Abelaat and Acid Golem to the addendum (along with the N'jatwa and an entry for the breeds of Lupin).



Sep 09, 2006 20:09:39
I added the Were-elk, Sea Turtle, and Hawk to the CCCI addendum. I feel it'd be interesting to comb through the Mystara books and make sure all the animal species mentioned in official sources got added to the CCCI's Animal list. AFAIR, the Red Steel boxed set had a section that went into detail as to what kinds of animals were found in the Savage Coast



Sep 10, 2006 1:29:24
Also added: list of official Lupin breeds, plus the mysterious Forest Gnomes and Dark Elves.



Sep 10, 2006 16:08:20
Additional Mystaran creatures with OD&D stats:

  • Dragon Soul - OD&D stats here. "Many areas display dominant colours not yet connected to known dragon types. Dragon souls do exist in these regions. The Great One could decide to send these souls to the Known World to create new species and colours of dragons not yet encountered in the Prime Plane (purple, metallic, or mineral-coloured dragons for example)." (DRAGON magazine article "From Hatchling to Immortal Guardian")
  • Dragon Guardian - OD&D stats in "From Hatchling to Immortal Guardian".

there's also the Dragon Spirit in this article.

Creatures mentioned as being somewhere in Mystara's cosmology, but only statted in a non-Mystaran product:
  • Acid Golem - PWA? Are the stats for these in some 3E product?

this one is probably better considered a Mystaran creature mentioned, but without stats.


Sep 10, 2006 22:17:43
I incorporated those comments into the addendum. Thanks Shawn!



Sep 12, 2006 6:55:09
Updated the index to take into account the latest Vaults update. One of these days I'll get around to including the Savage Coast conversions.

  • Hawk - One of the Isle of Dread clans has this animal as their totem. Stats found in the 3E MM.


The hawk is actually included in my Animals sub index.



Sep 12, 2006 13:53:11
Thanks for the update and the heads up Gazza555. I removed the Hawk from the addendum.



Sep 18, 2006 11:14:51
Savage Coast Monstrous Manual

Aranea -<br /> Arashaeem [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Batracine [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Bird, Saragon Lyra [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Caniquine [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Cat; Marine [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Cinnavixen [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Critter, Temple [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Cursed One [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Deathmare [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Dragon<br /> - Crimson [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Red Hawk [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Echyan [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Ee'aar -<br /> Enduk -<br /> Fachan [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Feliquine [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Fiend, Narvaezan [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Frelôn [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Ghriest [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Glutton, Sea [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Goatman [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Golem<br /> - Aeldar [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Glassine Horror [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Red [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Hulean Juggernaut [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Grudgling [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Heraldic Servant -<br /> Hermit, Sea -<br /> Jorri [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Juhrion [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Kla'a-Tah [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Leech, Legacy [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Lich, Inheritor -<br /> Lizard Kin -<br /> Lupasus [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Lupin -<br /> Malfera [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Manscorpion; Nimmurian -<br /> Mythu'nn Folk -<br /> Naâruk [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Neshezu [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Nikt'oo [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Omm-wa -<br /> Omshirim -<br /> Parasite<br /> - Inheritor Lice [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Powder Moth -<br /> - Jibarú Pest -<br /> - Lupin Plague [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Cardinal Tick -<br /> - Vermilia [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Phanaton; Jibarú -<br /> Plant<br /> - Amber Lotus -<br /> - Eyeweed [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Vermeil Fungus -<br /> - Scarlet Pimpernel -<br /> - Gargoñan Rosebush -<br /> Pudding; Vermilion [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Rakasta -<br /> Ray; Forest [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Shedu, Greater -<br /> Shimmerfish [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Skinwing -<br /> Spawn of Nimmur -<br /> Spider-spy -<br /> Spirit<br /> - Heroic [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> - Wallaran -<br /> Succulus [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Swampmare [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Swordsman, Clockwork -<br /> Symbiont Shadow -<br /> Tortle -<br /> Troll, Legacy -<br /> Trosip [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Tyminid -<br /> Utukku -<br /> Vampire; Nosferatu [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url] [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Voat -<br /> - Herathian -<br /> Vulturehound [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Wallara -<br /> Wurmling [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Wynzet [url=]VoP[/url]<br /> Yeshom -<br /> Zombie; Red [url=]VoP[/url]


Oct 06, 2006 4:02:04
Added creatures from latest Vaults update.



Feb 13, 2007 8:37:27
Animals, Vermin, and Savage Coast brought up to date. Will attempt to bring the main creature list up to date tomorrow.



Feb 13, 2007 17:50:53
Animals, Vermin, and Savage Coast brought up to date. Will attempt to bring the main creature list up to date tomorrow.


was that just based on updates you took from the Vaults Gary or did you make other changes?


Feb 14, 2007 3:15:59
was that just based on updates you took from the Vaults Gary or did you make other changes?

Not for those categories Shawn just Vaults stuff. For the 'creatures' category there will be two Enworld Creature Catalog entries.



Feb 14, 2007 6:24:21
Not for those categories Shawn just Vaults stuff. For the 'creatures' category there will be two Enworld Creature Catalog entries.


the two that are in there mentioned in the monster conversion thread?


Feb 14, 2007 7:06:10
the two that are in there mentioned in the monster conversion thread?




Dec 12, 2007 10:45:26
Hey Gary, looks like we started something! They even call it a "consolidated index"!


Dec 12, 2007 10:53:33
neat o' riffic! someone should post that link in the Creature Catalog forums...


Dec 13, 2007 3:48:32
Hey Gary, looks like we started something! They even call it a "consolidated index"!

I hate to mention this but they've had those lists for quite a while now.

I may even have been the place I got the idea from


PS Good to see you around BOZ.