Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1darksoulmanJan 07, 2006 7:26:25 |
#2ZardnaarJan 07, 2006 16:05:42 | Same as any other world- all of them including Forgotten Realms but several are limited to the DM only. However I don't allow unrestricted access and follow these guidelines. 1.All PrCs are banned. Ask on a case by case basis. 2. Several feats are banned no matter what. Divine Metmagic and Greenbound Summoner top this list. Most books have some usable feats though. 3. Don't get your hopes up on using the Vile Darkness/Exalted Deeds books in some cases I allow access to portions of these books. 4. Most non core divine spells. I don't allow Clerics/Druids unrestricted access to any divine spell in print. 5. A fighter or rogue feat for well get the nod over magical feats every time as few of these can be broken. If someone has a good concept I'm probably more lenient with the rues. In a non DS campaign if someone wants a Fighter/Wizard but hates arcane spell failure eventually they can buy/trade/find mithril armor and get it enchanted with the twilight (-10% ASF Book of Exalted Deeds).special ability. I also visit the character optimisation boards to figure out the worst abuses of the rules. I don't mind powerful characters but if they want to build up certain feat/PrC combos they'll be SoL. For Darksun anything that doesn't contradict DS theme I'll probably allow in and may even reward someone for thinking of it. The Militia feat from Players Guide to Faerun makes sense to anyone from Urik for example. |
#3nytcrawlrJan 07, 2006 16:57:22 | Define splat book. I've seen different definitions on this board alone. My definiton? The Complete series, what was once the 2.0 books that covered one class only. As far as what I allow, including splat, outside of DS 3.5 core? That depends. I'm going through all the books at present and adding what would fit and what wouldn't. This includes feats, spells, PrCs, etc. Though the former will probably need the most modifications. Everything I allow will be in a player's pdf and then all the neccessary DM stuff will be in a DM's pdf. It's something I've always wanted to do instead of just saying I allow x book, and only certain things out of x book. Yeah, it's a bit more work, but in the end I think it's worth it. |
#4darksoulmanJan 07, 2006 17:08:57 | Define splat book. I've seen different definitions on this board alone. Well, I was under the impression it was anything non-core. I might very well be mistaken ![]() That depends. I'm going through all the books at present and adding what would fit and what wouldn't. Everything I allow will be in a player's pdf and then all the neccessary DM stuff will be in a DM's pdf. It's something I've always wanted to do instead of just saying I allow x book, and only certain things out of x book. Yeah, it's a bit more work, but in the end I think it's worth it. ![]() Wow, that sounds like a lot of work. Nice to have for both players and DM though! |
#5ZardnaarJan 07, 2006 17:13:58 | My "splatbooks" basically include everything non core. I wouldn't mind going through all the books and completing a list of allowed stuff. I honestly don't have enough time due to work and other social activities. Doesn't help that I've got alot of D&D books- most of the FR range, complete series, MM 1,2,3,FF etc. My eyes also start to glaze over if I have to read alot of crunch. Stat block after stat block (esp spells and feats) get boring for me very fast. |
#6darksoulmanJan 07, 2006 17:15:13 | Another question in the same category is 'what non-core books are worth buying for a DM in a DS campaign (apart from DS material)?' This would mostly be for the crunchy stuff of course: feats, spells, PrCs etc. The last D&D campaign I participated in went totally overboard because of all kinds of craziness from OGL-books (particularly due to the so-called legendary classes), so I'm going to be veeeery restrictive... |
#7ZardnaarJan 07, 2006 17:43:44 | You kinda need generic books to use in DS. Monster Manuals, Complete series etc. Nooks like Libris Mortis, Draconomicon, and Lords of Madness are to narrow IMHO to get much use out of them. I might pick up the spell compendium and maybe sandstorm for use in DS- books I wouldn't normally buy. |
#8ruhl-than_sageJan 07, 2006 19:40:50 | I allow all the feats from the Complete Warrior and some of the feats from the Complete Adventurer, Divine, and Arcane. PrCs are on a case by case basis (as they always should be). I allow most of the spells from the Complete series also. And the Scout Class. |
#9ZardnaarJan 07, 2006 19:48:27 | I allow all the feats from the Complete Warrior and some of the feats from the Complete Adventurer, Divine, and Arcane. PrCs are on a case by case basis (as they always should be). I allow most of the spells from the Complete series also. And the Scout Class. Very similar to me. Scout seems a popular class- not broken or overpowered but very interesting. |
#10innomadoJan 10, 2006 1:25:48 | I don't really have anything to contribute but I hope that everyone keeps posting useful materials as I am planing to DM my first campaign in Dark Sun and can use the info. Edit-- I thought that since the discussion was already about books I would go ahead and ask this here. Let me know if I should make a new thread for it. I have the PHB, MM1, Expanded Psionic HandBook, and the Complete Adventurer, as well as access to the MM2, MM3, and the DMG. I have downloaded the free material from from and purchased the PDF of the Revised Dark Sun Boxed set from RPGNow. I am looking for my brother's old copy of the original boxed set. (I believe that it is somewhere in my parent's rented storage space.) What other resources might be of benifit to me? I think I have enough for mechanics but would Sandstorm be useful? This will be my first time as DM for a campaign and I want to keep things simple but I also want to the game to be interesting and memorable so that the group will want to play Dark Sun again, because if they don't want to play there I can't play there. |
#11darksoulmanJan 10, 2006 1:28:59 | I allow all the feats from the Complete Warrior and some of the feats from the Complete Adventurer, Divine, and Arcane. PrCs are on a case by case basis (as they always should be). I allow most of the spells from the Complete series also. And the Scout Class. Sounds like a good approach - I'm currently head of the 'Make Melee Classes Better!' organization, and believe they need a lift ;) I've seen melee feats be too good (there were some in a 3rd party 3.0 book simply called 'Feats' I believe, not sure though), but naturally they're rarer than caster feats/spells/PrCs. |
#12ruhl-than_sageJan 10, 2006 1:49:27 | Sounds like a good approach - I'm currently head of the 'Make Melee Classes Better!' organization, and believe they need a lift ;) Fighters need all the help they can get ![]() |
#13ashantiJan 13, 2006 7:48:41 | In our campaign we only use the core rule books, XPH and the Netbook of Feats (with the new edition of "Common Sense"). This helps the Fighters out with some tasty high end feats "Improved Maximise Attack" anybody? |
#14gilliard_derosanJan 13, 2006 9:12:19 | in my DS campaign, I allow things from other books on a case by case basis. It all depends on the concept of the character, the current stage of my game, and stuff like that. I have a player that has a halfling ranger, specializing in the bow. He wanted to take levels in scout, and with his current concept, scout worked real well. He decided in fabor of a few levels of fighters for feats, and then he is going into elite sniper from the DS prestige classes PDF. But basically, if a player sees something in a book, I don't allow it until I have had a chance to review it, analyze whether it would work in my game at the moment, or would break future game plans. I have Complete Warrior, Adventurer, Sandstorm, and others, and there are feats, classes and materials in all of them that can work. I even import things from other d20 games, such as a few magic items here and there from the EW rpg (though the differences keep these few and far between), such as a headband that gives the wearer low light vision and provides a light source for the wearer only at half-torch strength. But like some of the other people here, it is on a case by case basis. I might disallow something at one point, and then allow it later if it comes up again. It all depends. |
#15PennarinJan 13, 2006 13:56:19 | The Complete Book of Eldritch Might has some really good and inspired spells in its vast repertoire, definitaly DS material. The same for some of the powers and feats from Hyperconscious. |