Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1kelanenprinceofswordsJan 13, 2006 23:36:43 | DRELNZA CR 15 Female human vampire fighter 10/exotic weapon master 3 CE Medium undead (augmented humanoid) Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +19, Spot +19 Languages Common, Abyssal _____________________________________________________________________________ AC 27, touch 14, flat-footed 23; Dodge hp 90 (13 HD); DR 10/silver and magic, fast healing 5 Immune undead immunities Resist cold 10, electricity 10, +4 turn resistance (turns as 17 HD) Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +7 Weakness can be held at bay (standard action) with holy symbol, cannot cross running water, destroyed by one full round of direct sunlight, loses 1/3 hp per round of immersion in running water, must be invited to enter home or other private building, repelled by garlic _____________________________________________________________________________ Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft. (slippers of spider climbing) Melee Iggwilv’s Wrath +20/+15/+10 (1d10+34/17-20) with 6-point Power Attack Melee slam +14 (1d6+22 plus energy drain) with 6-point Power Attack Base Atk +13; Grp +20 Atk Options Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Improved Disarm, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, exotic sunder, uncanny blow Special Actions blood drain, children of the night, dominate (DC 21), energy drain (slam, 2 negative levels, DC 21), show off _____________________________________________________________________________ Abilities Str 25, Dex 18, Con --, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 21 SQ alternate form, create spawn, gaseous form Feats Alertness, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Greater Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Greater Weapon Specialization (bastard sword), Improved Critical (bastard sword), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Weapon Specialization (bastard sword) Skills Bluff +13, Craft (weaponsmithing) +5, Hide +11, Jump +19, Listen +19, Move Silently +11, Search +10, Sense Motive +9, Spot +19, Tumble +11 Possessions Iggwilv’s Wrath (see below), +2 mithral breastplate, slippers of spider climbing Exotic Sunder (Ex): When wielding a bastard sword, Drelnza deals an extra 1d6 points of damage on any successful sunder attempt. Show Off (Ex): As a standard action, Drelnza can display her mastery of the bastard sword and confound her opponent. She can make an Intimidate check against a single opponent within 30 feet that can see her, adding her base attack bonus to the result (total modifier +18). If the result exceeds the opponent’s modified level check (see the skill description on page 76 of the Player’s Handbook), the opponent becomes shaken (-2 penalty on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws) for 3 rounds. Uncanny Blow (Ex): When wielding a bastard sword in two hands, Drelnza can focus the power of her attack so that she deals extra damage equal to her Strength bonus x2 instead of her Strength bonus x1-½. When using her Power Attack feat, Drelnza treats a bastard sword as a two-handed weapon for purposes of determining her bonus on damage rolls. Iggwilv’s Wrath: +4 unholy bastard sword; AL CE; Int 17, Wis 17, Cha 10; Speech (Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Giant), telepathy, 120 ft. darkvision and hearing (Listen +3, Spot +3); Ego score 21. Lesser Powers: Detect magic at will, item has 10 ranks in Knowledge (religion) (total modifier +13), item has 10 ranks in Sense Motive (total modifier +13). Special Purpose: Defeat/slay divine spellcasters (including divine entities and servitors). Dedicated Power: Confusion. Personality: Forged by the Witch-Queen Iggwilv as a gift for her beautiful daughter Drelnza, Iggwilv’s Wrath was designed by the Witch-Queen as the ultimate weapon against the gods and their meddling servants. The blade is thoroughly evil, and revels in wanton slaughter. The blade has a venomous hatred of divine spellcasters, and will use its confusion power to divide divine spellcasters from their allies, leaving them more vulnerable to attacks. Strong enchantment; CL 20th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, confusion; Price 144,935 gp. |
#2grodogJan 14, 2006 20:20:49 | Nice Kelanen, in particular making the sword a gift from Mom :D |
#3kelanenprinceofswordsJan 14, 2006 21:53:46 | We can't have mommy's little darling getting staked by those nasty clerics! ![]() |
#4qstorJan 17, 2006 10:46:07 | have you converted any more the Caverns for 3.5 a few people have asked about this module on Enworld? I posted my 3.0 version of her on there. thanks Mike |
#5kelanenprinceofswordsJan 17, 2006 19:11:49 | have you converted any more the Caverns for 3.5 a few people have asked about this module on Enworld? I posted my 3.0 version of her on there. I haven't converted anything else, but I've been thinking about it, as the PCs in my current campaign are about 12th level, and I think a conversion of LCoT to 3.5 would be about right for 12th level. A few monsters will have to be created -- the gorgimera could be a chimeric gorgon (see chimeric template in MMII), the dracolisk a half-dragon greater basilisk, the cave morays and the petch will have to be made from scratch, etc. Some monsters will be too weak for a 12th-level adventure (stirges, the bodak, and the ettin come to mind), so they'll need class levels or more HD. It's a great module, and a redux would be great. |
#6grodogJan 17, 2006 23:40:41 | You should also check out the Necromancer Games Tome of Horrors, Kelanen, since IIRC they converted many of the old 1e monsters to 3.0 in that book, including many from S4. |
#7MortepierreJan 18, 2006 1:33:31 | Not to mention that the 3.5 version of said ToH is now available.. (but only as a pdf) |
#8qstorJan 18, 2006 10:59:24 | You should also check out the Necromancer Games Tome of Horrors, Kelanen, since IIRC they converted many of the old 1e monsters to 3.0 in that book, including many from S4. I think for a conversion thats ok for ENworld, the fan conversions from the ENworld Creature Catalog can be used too. Most of those appear in the Tome of Horrors. Mike |
#9MortepierreJan 18, 2006 15:53:39 | The good news is that the ToH is 100% OGL, so you can use it as much as you want and post the result on the net. |