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#1methvezemFeb 04, 2006 20:37:36 | Everyone, I need your ideas for 'simili real-world' effects that would happens if subjected by a creature's poison. These are based on the game effect of said poisons and are to add fluff to the description. They are planned to be with the pricing and Craft DC for poisons that will appears in the guide. I have currently all of the TotDL poison done, and about half of those in ToA, but now I'm getting real dry for ideas ![]() Here's a sample of the format I used while describing the poisons: Assassin bug poison: The poison of the male assassin bug causes a flesh-numbing sensation that ends with a stiffness of the victim’s limbs. Blight poison: The undead pixie’s poison disrupts the nervous communication between the brain and the muscles of the affected being, thereby palalyzing him. Chitin golem poison: The poison of the chitin golem causes intense pain and severe nausea, effectively weakening its victim. Mulworm poison: Those who come into contact with mulworm poison suffer a rash and a debilitating weakness of the immune system. Far worse than the contact venom is the application of mulworm secretion through ingestion or a wound, which attacks the body’s ability to defend itself from other infections. Mulworm secretion becomes inert within 5 minutes of being harvested from the creatures’ bodies. Pulp bee poison: This insect’s poison causes a swelling near the wound followed by a numbness of the extremities. Scarlet warden venom: The scarlet warden uses its venom to create spawns under its control. This venom causes severe dizziness and respiratory failures they may bring death to its victim as the lungs lose their ability to function enough to keep the victim alive. A humanoid reduced to 0 Constitution by scarlet warden venom dies but continues to breathe shallowly as if alive. After 1d6 days, the corpse rises as a namech under the scarlet warden’s command. Poison created from scarlet wardens venom lose this last ability. S'thag zagath venom: S’thag zagath venom slowly shut down all motor faculties of the victim, ending with paralysis. Tree of death fruit piece: Eating a piece from the fruit of a tree of death causes intense cardiac pain that leads most of the time to a quick and painful death. The fruit is large enough for 8 pieces to be bitten off, each representing a dose of poison. For each piece of fruit beyond the first ingested by a creature within 24 hours, the poison save DC increases by 1. As you can see, the description needs not be exhaustive, just a little original and related to the in-game effect of the poison. Here's the list of the poisons I need help on, with the notes I have taken for each to help me (and you ;)) begins: Bloodgrass poison: The bloodgrass poison, both from the plain and jungle varieties, causes the Blossomkiller poison: The paralytic poison… slumber…Vertigo, equilibrium center Hunting cactus venom: The paralyzing venom contained in the tiny sac at the base of each hunting cactus’ spine … (Kam, any ideas here? It's for the Cactus Lord himself :P ) Spider cactus poison: The purple needles of the spider cactus … Cha'thrang poison: The alkaline lime toxic. Cistern fiend poison: The The creature’s tentacles secrete a highly toxic fluid from sacs located in the base of each tentacle, and repeated hits from the tentacles will numb and eventually paralyze targets. Victim’s heart muscle stop beating …anemia High drik saliva: The green, venomous ichor that drips from the high drik’s mouth …Thickening of the blood Dune freak venom: Dust Glider poison: Floater poison: The floater’s poison pods on its tentacles secretes poisonous saliva …See medusa poison Jankx poison: The Jankx are not very combative, but they do have a thick poison that serves as a defense mechanism. It has a withering effect upon flesh, inflicting tremendous pain for such a small creature, and is quite capable of crippling a grown man in moments. Jankx have spurs and poison sacs located on the underside of each limb near the paw. Soldier kank venom: Black mastyrial poison: The … The black mastyrial possesses a virulent, numbing poison that leeches feeling from the body part struck, resulting in loss of Strength and coordination. Desert mastyrial poison: Psionocus venom: The sleep-inducing produce a deep and fit-ful sleep Puddingfish poison: Targets suffer horrible, burning injuries and may also be paralyzed. See medusa poison Barbed scorpion poison Gold scorpion poison: Silk Wyrm poison: The poison of the silk wyrm flood the bloodstream of its victims with toxins that equivalent to hours of works, simulating great fatigue and shacking, that ends with the inability to move. Black silt horror venom: Red silt horror venom: Silt serpent venom: The weakness … Bards and assassins (often the same persons) prefers working with the venom of immature silt serpents as its toxicity is higher than that of the adult. 10-1d6 str 1d6 con. Crystal spider venom: Dark spider venom: the queen's poison's more powerful Mountain spider venom: Silt spider venom: |
#2PennarinFeb 08, 2006 2:09:02 | ![]() |
#3methvezemFeb 08, 2006 8:57:56 | Yeah, Bueller? ![]() |
#4CyrianFeb 08, 2006 19:08:39 | I came up with some crazy poisons a few years ago on the DS mailing list. The actual mechanics are kind of off for some of them, but meh. These got a pretty good response, if I remember correctly. Random Displays Injury, DC 16, duration 3 days This poison causes displays from the victims known powers to go off randomly. Every fifteen minutes there is a 50% chance that a random psionic display will be manifested, depleting the character of one power point. Single Mindedness Injury, DC 15, duration 1 week This poison reduces a psionic characters arsenal of powers to one. The first power manifested after the poison is administered will become the only power the victim can manifest from then on. Not matter what power he tries to manifest, it will always be the same power, along with the accompanying power point cost. Kank Taint Ingested, DC 13, duration 1 week When this poison is fed to a kank any honey produced by that kank will be contaminated with an ingested type poison, DC 16, 'causing 1d6 Con of primary and secondary damage. Braxat Hide Injury, DC 18, duration: 2 weeks This poison slowly turns a person's skin into dark green hide, much like that of a Braxat. Every day the victim must make a Fortitude save or have 15% of his body change. In addition to the change, every day he fails his save, he takes 1d6 intelligence or 1d6 dexterity damage, alternating every day. After two weeks the poison has run its course, with the victim totally or partially changed into a monsterous image of his former self. Elf Scent Ingested, DC 16, duration: 2 weeks This poison causes the victim to emit pheromones similar to that of an agitated elf, attracting the attention of thri-kreen in the vicinity. Fael Appetite Ingested, DC 14, damage 1d6 wisdom When this poison is ingested, if the victim fails either saving throw, he feels the need to gorge himself on anything edible. He will continue eating until his stomach bursts, an antidote is administered, or the poison is magically or psionically cured. Zombie Plant Extract Ingested, DC 15, Init dmg: 1d6 Int, scnd dmg: 2d6 Int, duration 1 week This is a poison made from the berries of a Zombie Plant. Each dose has the equivalent of 5 berries. After ingestion the victim must make a save to avoid becoming addicted to the poison. If he fails he searches relentlessly for more of it, having to make new saving throws each time he has another dose. If he knows who he got it from he will seek out that person even if he dies trying, and will defend that person with his life. If he doesn't know where it came from, he will search through bars and markets more frantically than a mother who has lost her child. If he doesn't take any more after the first dose, the addiction wears off after one week, and he regains intelligence at the normal rate. Sun Sensitivity Contact, DC 16, incubation 1 day, duration 2 weeks This poison causes the victim to become deathly allergic to the sun. For every hour that he is out in the sun and not completely covered up he takes 1d6 damage. This poison does not take effect immediately. After the initial failed saving throw the victim will feel more and more uncomfortable in the sun until the next day, when he begins taking damage. |
#5methvezemFeb 08, 2006 19:26:05 | Wow, thanks Cyrian! I'll use them, not exactly as is, but near enough, to add variety to the creatures' poisons list that will be available. The list I'm making is for adding depths to the poison side of the rules since many on the boards have expressed a lacking for types of available poisons, pricing and rules for crafting DC for their bards PC's abilities. ![]() If anybody else as ideas for new poisons: shoot! |
#6CyrianFeb 08, 2006 19:48:12 | Other bard stuff I came up with a long time ago. Again, the mechanics are grossly outdated and probably weren't very good to begin with anyway, but these got some good responses too. Skills: Identify Bardic Signature (Int; Trained Only; Bard Only) Some bards tend to have a certain way that they manufacture poisons. They constantly put some of this, and some of that, usually in the same quantities and ratios. Low level bards do this more often, as they are making poisons more from rote memorization than technique. As they gain levels, their technique varies more, and they become harder to identify. This can be used as a kind of fingerprint for bards, and some do this on purpose, as a calling card of sorts. Check: If a bard with this skill successfully identifies a poison, and he has any sort of familiarity with the bard who manufactured it, he has a chance to identify that bard. The base DC to identify the bard is 10 + the manufacturer's bard level. With the following modifiers: You have identified a poison from this bard before -4 You know the bard personally -2 The bard is in the same " bardic community" as you 0 The bard is in a different "bardic community" than you +2 You have only heard of the bard in passing. +4 Retry: No. Special: You can only identify a bard that you know, or know of. If you have no way of knowing the bard who manufactured the poison, you are not able to identify him then, but would still get the 4 to the DC if you had to identify a poison made by the same bard in the future. Combat Taint (Wis; Bard Only) Use this skill to apply poison to a small weapon in combat without being noticed. Check: Your combat taint check is opposed to your opponent(s)'s spot check. If his spot check beats your taint check, he gets an attack of opportunity on you. If he hits, you are not able to apply the poison this round, if he misses, you are able to apply the poison, but he now knows to watch out for it. Retry: Yes, you may try to apply poison to your weapon again the next round, but your opponent(s) get a +2 circumstance bonus to their spot check, and you get a 2 circumstance penalty to your check, because they suspect you might try it again. Feats: Undetectable Poison You are able to modify and dampen the taste/odor of pungent poisons. Benefit: If an ingested poison would noticeably change the taste or aroma of a food or drink, when a victim ingests a contaminated product he must make a wisdom check at DC 10+your bard level to notice that something is wrong with the food. (It could also be used as a modifier to their Scent check) Normal: You cannot easily contaminate foods with foul tasting/pungent poisons because they would be too easy for the victim to detect. Cool combinations: Combine this with Delayed Effect, and you've got a pretty effective way to kill off a pesky noble through his own dinner party, and have time to get away scott free. Bard's Critical [Poison] Your knowledge of anatomy lets you inject injury type poisons where they will do the most damage and work the fastest. Prerequisite: Int 15+, base attack bonus +5 or higher. Benefit: On a successful critical hit with a poisoned weapon the save DC for the poison's initial damage is raised by 2. Blue Blood Poison [Poison] With your knowledge of anatomy and extensive experiments, you have observed that some poisons react differently when injected into either veins or arteries. You have used this knowledge to modify injury type poisons so the presence of oxygenated hemoglobin nullifies the poison's effects. (Of course the bard dosen't know oxygen nullifies the poison, he just knows that it dosen't work when injected into red blood). Poisons modified in this way must be prepared as a poison 4 levels higher. Prerequisite:Bard's Critical, Poison's Longevity. Benefit: You are able to fool opponents into thinking that your weapon is not poisoned by flicking yourself, or him, in an artery. On a successful critical hit, you have hit a vein near the surface of the skin, and the poison takes effect. *This would have more roleplaying applications than mechanical ones. I just thought it was a nifty idea* Special: This type of poison may only be applied to melee weapons. Ranged weapons are not accurate enough to hit a vein while completely missing arteries and capillaries. Breath Control [General] You have extraordinary control over your pulmonary system Benefit: You gain a +2 to your Fortitude save for inhaled poisons. Poison's Longevity [Poison] You are able to modify injury type poisons that let the poison stay on your weapon longer. Prerequisite: Int 15+ Benefit: Poisons on your weapons stay potent for two hits, instead of one. Poisons modified in this manner must be prepared as a poison 3 levels higher. Special: You may gain this feat multiple times, each time adding one more hit the poison stays potent for. Mask Bardic Signature [Poison] You are adept at varying your poison manufacturing techniques. Prerequisite: Int 15+ Benefit: The Identify Bardic Signature DC for a poison made by you is raised by 4. Delayed Effect I-V: You can modify poisons so that their effects are delayed. Benefit: A victim of a poison modified in this way does not have to make their initial Fortitude save for a certain duration. The secondary save is still one round after the first, as usual. I-30mins; II-1 hour; III-6 hours; IV-12 hours; V-1 day To learn higher numbers of Delayed Effect, you must know the previous number, and have used it that many times to gain enough proficiency. i.e. to learn Delayed effect IV, you must know and have used Delayed Effect III at least three times. Deadly Music: You can dispense an inhaled type poison through a wind instrument. Prerequisite: Craft: Wind Instruments Benefit: You can slowly dispense an inhaled type poison through a specially crafted wind instrument, such as a flute or piccolo. However, it is a good idea to only use this with a poison that you are resistant too. Cool combinations: Combined with Undetectable Poison and the people you're playing for won't know what they're breathing. Combined with Delayed Effect, you can finish your performance and leave before anyone keels over dead, and you can have time to take an antidote if you were not resistant to the poison. |