Question about the Wizards of High Sorcery PRC.



Feb 05, 2006 0:37:58
Ok i'm looking over the book and i've found something.
The PRC has requirements and yet a wizard who passes the test are automaticly supposed to enter the PRC.

What if a wizard never specializes? he can never take the PrC.
Nothing in the early chapter on wizards says they have to specialize just that at 5th level they need to take and pass the test.

The class also has a another list of requriments so really any one looking to play a wizard,
has no choice of what feats to take for the first five levels of wizard.

Finally couldn't a wizard simply take a single level in the PrC and take the remaining 19 in wizard. (most of your book comes from wizards you kill and scrolls you find anyway)


Feb 05, 2006 2:59:41
Ok, here goes.

Every wizard that takes the test is not expected to take the PRC. If you pass the test you are a Wizard of the Order. It is a difference between title and actual mechanics.

Not all wizards that take the PRC are specialists. This is not a requirement, however if you are a specialist then you gain additional abilities. If you are not a specialist then when you take this class you are offered the opportunity to become one.

Yes the class has a list of requirements in order to take the class, and if you want to take the class by 5th level then yes your feats are rather restricted. However if you take the class after you have achieved say 8th level wizard. Which is perfectly fine, because you can take the "test" at say 5th and then take the PRC when you meet the prerequisites for the class.

Finally, a Wizard of the Orders never has to actually take any levels in the PRC to be a member of the order he just has to pass the test.

I know that is a hard concept to wrap our heads around but look at Derek Crownguard in WoTL. He was one of the highest ranking Rose Knights of Solamnia and he did not have a single Knight of the Crown, Sword, or Rose PRCs.


Feb 05, 2006 8:10:40
Towers of High Sorcery revised the prestige class slightly in order to account for some of these confusing elements. As Darthsylver says, you neither need to be a specialist nor even take the prestige class to be a Wizard of High Sorcery. You won't be as committed to the Orders as your fellows, but you won't be branded a renegade so long as you have passed the Test.
