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#1SysaneFeb 13, 2006 16:31:24 | Well, here's the first draft of the PrC that spawned from the drawing spell energy from magic items thread.
Input is greatly appreciated 
“Through understanding and research a greater power can be realized”
- Menaeth, human syphon
Syphons are wizards who have discovered how to tap into the energies placed within magical items. They are scholars and researchers who create or seek out arcane relics in order to exploit them and supplement their already formidable spellcasting abilities.
Any race that practices the magic arts can become a syphon. Subterranean races such as dray and hej-kin are commonly drawn to being syphons due to their proximity to lost or buried ruins and the treasures that are frequently found in such locations. Preservers are also attracted to the benefits offered by the syphon class due to it relying on a source not directly related to the tapping of life energy.
Syphons can located anywhere that they would be likely to encounter magic items. NPC syphons can typically be found in market places either selling or purchasing magic items or exploring ancient ruins in search of lost artifacts.
Hit Die: d4. Requirements
To qualify to become a syphon, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 8 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks, Use Magic Device 4 ranks Feats: Any three item creation feats. Spells: Ability to cast arcane spells of 3rd level or higher.
Class SkillsThe syphon’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Chr), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Disguise (Chr), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Chr). Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
[HTML]Table: The Meta Mage
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Exploit relic, resist device
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Siphon charged item
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Sense magic item
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 -
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Siphon permanent item I
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Siphon charged item +2
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 -
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Siphon permanent item II
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 -
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Siphon charged item +3[/HTML]
Spells per day
1st +1 level existing arcane spellcasting class
2nd +1 level existing arcane spellcasting class
3rd +1 level existing arcane spellcasting class
4th +1 level existing arcane spellcasting class
5th +1 level existing arcane spellcasting class
6th +1 level existing arcane spellcasting class
7th +1 level existing arcane spellcasting class
8th +1 level existing arcane spellcasting class
9th +1 level existing arcane spellcasting class
10th +1 level existing arcane spellcasting class [/HTML] Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the syphon prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The syphon gains no proficiency with any weapon or armor.
Spells per Day: When a new syphon level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained, except for an increased effective level of arcane spellcasting. If a character had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a syphon, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day.
Exploit relic (Ex): The syphon is apt at using magical items. The syphon receives a competence bonus equal to his class level when utilizing the Use Magic Device skill. Additionally, the syphon gains the ability to try and utilize cursed items without suffering the curse effects. Each time the syphon attempts to use a cursed item he may make a special Use Magic Device skill check against a DC of 25. If successful, they may use and handle the cursed item without ill effect. On a failure, the cursed item affects the syphon as normal.
Resist device (Ex): A syphon is resistant to the effects generated by magic items. The syphon receives a +2 bonus to his saving throws to resist spells and spell-like effects originating from magic items.
Siphon Charged Item: At 2nd level, a syphon can draw energy from magic items to power his spells. As a move-equivalent action while casting a spell, the syphon can drain two charges from a charged item in his possession (including single use items such as potions and scrolls) for its energy in order to increase his effective caster level by one. At 6th level he can choose to drain three charges in order to increase his effective caster level by two. At 10th level he can choose to drain four charges in order to increase his effective caster level by three. A fully drained item loses its magical properties (i.e. potions and scrolls become non magical liquid and paper).
Siphoning magic items does not come without risk. As the syphon drains a magic item they may permanently destroy the device. The chance of destroying the item is equal to 5% (15% maximum) per caster level increase caused by the siphoning attempt. For example, if a 6th level siphon drains an item to boost his caster level by two, he has a 10% chance of destroying the magic item. Items destroyed in this manner turn to ash and the syphon does not receive the boost in caster level.
Sense Magic Item (Su): At 3rd level, a syphon can sense magic items at will. This ability functions exactly like the detect magic spell, except that it only senses magic on an item the syphon touches for a full round.
Siphon Permanent Item: Starting at 5th level, the syphon can drain power from permanent magic items. As a standard action, the syphon may drain a permanent magic item in his possession suppressing it’s magic (as if affected by a dispel magic) for 24 hours. The following round, the syphon may apply any metamagic feat that he knows to a spell 3rd level or lower, but does not use a higher-level spell slot.
As with siphoning charged items, there is also a risk that comes with draining permanent magic items. As the syphon drains a permanent magic item, the item must make a Will saving throw (DC of 10 + syphon’s class level) or be rendered permanently non-magic (see SRD; Damaging Magic Items, for details on item saving throws). Major artifacts can not be suppressed or destroyed in this manner, but can still be siphoned for its energy if it fails a Will saving throw (DC of 10 + syphon’s class level + Intelligence modifier). The artifact gains a +15 bonus for the purposes of this saving throw. At 8th level, the syphon may apply the metamagic effect to 9th levels spells or lower.
#2kalthandrixFeb 13, 2006 16:44:07 | Cool and scary at the same time. I posted an item today that is vaguely simular. I did not know that so much was going on on the drawing magic energy thread- I did not read any of it :embarrass
Anyway... Here is the one point I have. For the syphon charged item, Does a single potion count as a single charge- so you would have to drain three potions (if that was what you had) to get the +3 CL at 10th right?
Not a very good question, but it is all I got.
This really looks like a defiler PrC- is that kind of what you had in mind. I think it is great for any arcane spellcaster, but IMo it looks like something a defiler would really excel at and crave- more power through destruction!!! |
#3SysaneFeb 13, 2006 16:52:42 | Cool and scary at the same time. I posted an item today that is vaguely simular. I did not know that so much was going on on the drawing magic energy thread- I did not read any of it :embarrass
Don't worry about it. You can't read every thread. I know I don't :P
Anyway... Here is the one point I have. For the syphon charged item, Does a single potion count as a single charge- so you would have to drain three potions (if that was what you had) to get the +3 CL at 10th right?
Techically yes. But that brings up a good point about the mechanic. A syphon should only be able to drain only one item for an increased caster level effect at a time, not multiple. I'll have to add that.
This really looks like a defiler PrC- is that kind of what you had in mind. I think it is great for any arcane spellcaster, but IMo it looks like something a defiler would really excel at and crave- more power through destruction!!!
Is draining a magic item morally wrong though? I tend to think not. What are others thoughts on it? |
#4kalthandrixFeb 13, 2006 17:02:52 | Is draining a magic item morally wrong though? I tend to think not. What are others thoughts on it?
I was not saying that only evil people would be drawn to this- only that defilers, the power driven spell additcts that they are, would more likely be drawn to this PrC- they could use the syphon abilities in conjunction with raze feats and defiling and get some huge bonuses to the CL and damage- full round action to defile, followed by using a move action at the beginnig of the next round to cast the spell and drain my items, at 10th level within this PrC, depending on the terrain type,would give you a minimum of +4 CL and if they were to use Destructive Raze, Efficient Raze, and Agonizing Radius would really mess up the happy PCs- I could be wrong though- maybe you could not do things in the sequance I put them in and have the spell work, but I have seen nothing that says you cannot purposefully extend the casting time of a spell, the times listed in the books is the minimum casting time. |
#5PennarinFeb 13, 2006 18:06:18 | Sysane, what about adding at 10th level (or another suitable high level slot) a Resist Curse ability? With it the syphon can pick up items without worrying about curses, and can thus exploit even cursed items.
"Items destroyed in this manner turn to ash" <-- i would make that "Items destroyed in this manner crumble into useless dust", to match what already exists for DMG items that lose thir magic properties, such as gems.
As for adding fluff or requierements that point to defiliers as main users of this PrC, I think Sysane demonstrated well with his fluff and class abilities that this is suitable for preservers. |
#6ruhl-than_sageFeb 13, 2006 18:09:32 | Is draining a magic item morally wrong though? I tend to think not. What are others thoughts on it?
Only if the item is intelligent :D |
#7PennarinFeb 13, 2006 18:14:12 | Only if the item is intelligent :D
Wow, yes indeed. A mention should be made that draining intelligent items is the same as killing people, i.e. sometimes doing that is good, somtimes evil, depends on the situation and the people invovled.
Also, intelligent items ought to receive quite a save bonus to resist being drained.
Maybe they can't even be drained... |
#8squidfur-Feb 13, 2006 18:31:14 | As for adding fluff or requierements that point to defiliers as main users of this PrC, I think Sysane demonstrated well with his fluff and class abilities that this is suitable for preservers.
Penn, I don't think Kal was trying to say that ONLY defilers should be able to use this class, only that, due to their addiction to power, they would be the MORE LIKELY class to go down this path. |
#9PennarinFeb 13, 2006 19:08:34 | Penn, I don't think Kal was trying to say that ONLY defilers should be able to use this class, only that, due to their addiction to power, they would be the MORE LIKELY class to go down this path.
I was commenting Kal's post with that line.
Actually, Sysane makes no mention of defilers, on the contrary:
Preservers are also attracted to the benefits offered by the syphon class due to it relying on a source not directly related to the tapping of life energy.
#10squidfur-Feb 13, 2006 21:08:59 | Huh.. 
Uhh, hey Penn, you might want to read my post one more time. :P |
#11PennarinFeb 13, 2006 21:32:08 | Gha bhla wha bungha! /foams at the mouth
Darn. Sorry squid, I read "Penn, I don't think Sysane was trying to say that ONLY defilers [...]".
Gha, plant fertilizer happens! :D |
#12SysaneFeb 14, 2006 7:33:38 | Sysane, what about adding at 10th level (or another suitable high level slot) a Resist Curse ability? With it the syphon can pick up items without worrying about curses, and can thus exploit even cursed items.
"Items destroyed in this manner turn to ash" <-- i would make that "Items destroyed in this manner crumble into useless dust", to match what already exists for DMG items that lose thir magic properties, such as gems.
As for adding fluff or requierements that point to defiliers as main users of this PrC, I think Sysane demonstrated well with his fluff and class abilities that this is suitable for preservers.
Thats not a bad idea. I might add it to the resist device ability or maybe as its own ability at 7th or 9th level of the PrC. |
#13SysaneFeb 14, 2006 7:40:48 | Wow, yes indeed. A mention should be made that draining intelligent items is the same as killing people, i.e. sometimes doing that is good, somtimes evil, depends on the situation and the people invovled.
Also, intelligent items ought to receive quite a save bonus to resist being drained.
Maybe they can't even be drained...
I think that would fall under the "items against characters" mechanics in the SRD (i.e. Ego scores and such). I don't think there would be a need to go into more than what those rules already cover. |
#14SysaneFeb 15, 2006 9:05:40 | Alright, I added that cursed item mechanic that Penn suggested. Its now part of the exploit relic ability. |