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#1jaanosFeb 15, 2006 0:33:24 | OK, i said in another thread i'd post some stuff i'd done up ages ago on athasian vampires and the underdark, it a bit loose and a little unfinished, but use what you like. Jaanos Athasian Vampires 1. Introduction 2. Characteristics of Vampires 3. The Clans 4. Blood Magic 5. Vampire Powers 6. Vampire Nations 7. Playing Vampires Introduction Below the surface world of Athas lies an incredible world, that of the underdark. The underdark is home to many races, Drow, Beholder, Dwarves, Humans… and the mighty Vampires. During the cleansing wars, the Vampire Nations stood alongside the mortal races to defeat the Destroyers, beings even more powerful that Rajat’s 13 champions. But the cost was horrendous. For three millennia, the underdark has been recovering – the remaining gods and destroyers building strength, the vampires returning to their former power – readying for another war. Characteristics of Vampires Athasian vampires ARE NOT undead. They are mortals, either born or created, who for some reason, are now connected to the plane known as the White. Much like a shadow mage or necromancer is drawn to their respective planes, so too are Vampires drawn to the plane of white – the plane of immortal magic. The white is a source of immortal magic, much like the gray is a source of death magic and the black a source of shadow magic. It is mysteriously tied to the ‘radiance’ that all rocks in the underdark emit. It is also linked to the true gods of Athas ability to receive power from their worshippers. Little is known of it, except that the white can only be accessed in the underdark. The link to the white gives vampires enormous powers. They are stronger, faster, and smarter than mortals. They cease to age, and develop strange powers beyond mortal comprehension. But it is at the cost of their mortality. The white burns their mortal essence away, and to live, the vampires must imbue themselves with mortal life energy – blood – from living creatures. That is the price for immortal life. Vampires are almost always lawful, and revere their clans and traditions. They see mortals as vessels for the greater cause – that of the vampire nations survival (and through this the underdarks survival) Vampires appear as they did before they became immortal, but take on a more regal look, and may grow several inches taller. A vampire is both a template initially applied to the character, and a class at which they newly created vampire starts at 1st level. Hit Dice: D12 Speed: See vampire power table AC: See vampire power table Attacks: See vampire power table Special attacks: Domination (as per standard vampires) Blood Drain (see vampire powers) Blood Magic Special Qualities: Damage Reduction (see vampire powers) Turn immune (vampires aren’t undead) Fast Healing Abilities: See vampire powers Skills: +8 racial bonus to listen, move silently, sense motive, sport, knowledge (history: underdark), history (Athas) and knowledge (aracana) clan specialties also apply Feats: Vampires gain alterness, combat reflexes, dodge, improved initive, lightning reflexes, combat casting and speed of thought (if psionic) Weaknesses: Blood Rage (described later) Fire (damage reduction doesn’t apply) Sunlight* (*special conditions apply) The Vampire Clans Almost all vampires belong to a clan. These are a major influence on a vampires life, determining his powers, and place in society. Clan Brujah: Clan Brujah represents the military arm of the Vampire Nation. It’s members are strong, tough and the ultimate soldiers. A single platoon of Brujah soldiers can destroy hundreds of mortal warriors – with little or no lose of vampire troops. Despite, their strength, clan Brujah as more susceptible to the Blood Rage than any other clan. Their cities are tightly controlled semi-police states, and they retain large reveres of magically preserved blood. Clan Tremere Clan Tremere represents the magical arm of the Vampire Nation. Cloaked in mystery, Tremere are the closest to Caine (the vampire god) and most clerics and virtually all vampire mages belong to this clan. A single Tremere member can use his magic to take out all but the most powerful mages or at least escape to bring reinforcements. Despite their magical resources, clan treme uses vast amounts of blood, and hence control (more loosely than their Brujah brethren) large cities of mortal races. They are not particularly well suited to combat, and suffer from arrogance (even for vampires) Clan Assamite Clan Assamite is the most feared and loathed clan in the vampire nations and are the silent, deadly power of the underdark. They are the ultimate assassins, and once, before the war with the destroyers, nearly took control of all the other vampire clans. A blood hunt was declared, and nearing destruction, the clan sued for peace. Part of the peace process was a single spell, cast by the leaders of clan termere that prevent Assamites from draining blood from other vampires. This is their greatest weakness, but also a source of strength – they gain vampire levels slower, but make up for this is many other ways. Clan Giovanni Clan Giovanni are the traders within vampire society, making deals with mortals, even the surface world (through agents) and quietly acquiring treasure, magical items and stockpiles of potent blood types to further the clans aims, and of course, preparation for the second war with the vampire. They are, like Tremere, weak by vampire standards, but have many powers useful in commerce. Clan Venture The leaders and rules of the Vampire Nation Vampire Blood Magic All vampires have blood magic. Blood magic is considered a supernatural ability if they affect others. If they act only on the Vampire, then there is a 50% chance that the ability functions even in an anti-maigc field if a failure is indicated, blood potions are NOT spent however. Every vampire can hold within themselves a certain number of blood points as per the following table: Vampire Level Blood Points 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 7 5 10 6 15 7 20 8 27 9 34 10 43 11 52 12 63 13 74 14 87 15 100 16 115 17 130 18 147 19 164 20 183 Vampires also gain a bonus blood point for every level of character class they have in of their original character class. Blood points are replenished by draining blood from living creatures. To do this, a vampire must either have a willing participant, or succeed in pinning an attacker. The amount of blood drained is determined by the creature type, the amount of damage dealt by the attack (vampires can either make a maximum bite, or one that inflicts only 1hp) and the results are indicated on the following table: Type of Creature Blood Points (per point of damage) Maximum Small normal Animal 1 3 Medium normal Animal 1 4 Large normal creature 1 6 Humanoid, Normal (non psionic, magical etc) 2 40 Humanoid, Psionic* * see side effects table 3 60 Humanoid, Magical* * see side effects table 3 60 Undead 0 0 Magical Creatures* * see side effects table 2 30 Psionic Creatures* * see side effects table 2 30 Once a creature has been drained of blood, certain effects are taken into consideration. The amount of damage done, and the amount of blood lost. To determine the amount of blood lost, the total amount of blood points drained is compared to the total current hit-points. If the result is 0 or less, the creature has died. E.g.: Rozan grapples a mind-flayer, and bites his neck for 12 potions of damage. He drains 36 blood points. The DM knows that the Mindflayer had 72 hit points left, after the bite, so the mind-flayer has lost 50% of his blood and is affected accordingly. If a Vampire drains blood out of a Magical creature, a Magic user or Psionic creature or user (defined as 3rd level or higher) he must roll d100 and add the amount of blood points consumed to determine the side effects: Die Roll Number of Side effects 0-10 1d2 11-20 1d2 21-30 1d3 31-40 1d4 41-50 1d6 51-65 1d8 65-85 1d10 85+ 1d12 Side effects table Number Side effect 1 Gains 1d4HP 2 Enters Blood rage for 3 rounds 3 Blinding headache (-4 all rolls) 4 Gains 1d4 spells/levels from the target must be used within 1 day 5 Weakens, -6 STR 6 Becomes stronger +6 str 7 Fully heals 8 Loses 50% of remaining hitpoints 9 Gains the highest level spell / power and ability to use it, for one day from the creature bitten 10 Gains extra 1d12 blood points 11 Loses 1d12 blood points (cannot take last blood point) 12 Temporarily insane for 1d4 days Using Blood Maigc: Blood magic is much like Psionics. Vampires gain a certain number of powers per level, and can spend blood points to manifest them in anyway they desire. In addition to the powers they discover (much the way a sorcerer does) they also get Blood Line powers, similar to Domains used by Clerics. There is a difference though, all Vampires can use their Blood Line Powers once per day, from each Blood Line. Clan members get 3 Blood Lines, Cantriff (Clanless vampires) get only two. The first Blood Line Power manifestation is free, the next two subsequent uses cost 50% the blood point cost (rounded up) this gives one free use per day, not three, and two at half-cost. Usage after that costs as per normal. Additionally, vampires must spend one blood point per day to remain alive. Powers can be taken from the psionic book, in which case they cost the same in blood points as they would power-points. Vampire powers can also emulate spells, as per the following table: Level Blood Point Cost 0 1 1 1 2 3 3 5 4 7 5 9 6 11 7 13 8 15 9 17 Epic 20+ (DM’s discretion) Vampire Power Progression Table Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Epic 1 3 1+3B - - - - - - - - 2 4 2+3B - - - - - - - - 3 4 2+3B 1+3B - - - - - - - 4 5 3+3B 2+3B - - - - - - - 5 5 3+3B 2+3B 1+3B - - - - - - 6 5 3+3B 3+3B 2+3B - - - - - -- 7 6 4+3B 3+3B 2+3B 1+3B - - - - - 8 6 4+3B 3+3B 3+3B 2+3B - - - - - 9 6 4+3B 4+3B 3+3B 2+3B 1+3B - - - - 10 6 4+3B 4+3B 3+3B 3+3B 2+3B - - - - 11 6 5+3B 4+3B 4+3B 3+3B 2+3B 1+3B - - - 12 6 5+3B 4+3B 4+3B 3+3B 3+3B 2+3B 1+3B - - 13 6 5+3B 5+3B 4+3B 4+3B 3+3B 2+3B 2+3B 1+3B - 14 6 5+3B 5+3B 4+3B 4+3B 3+3B 3+3B 2+3B 2+3B - 15 7 5+3B 5+3B 5+3B 4+3B 4+3B 3+3B 3+3B 2+3B 1+3B 16 7 5+3B 5+3B 5+3B 4+3B 4+3B 3+3B 3+3B 3+3B 2+3B 17 7 5+3B 5+3B 5+3B 5+3B 4+3B 4+3B 3+3B 3+3B 2+3B 18 8 5+3B 5+3B 5+3B 5+3B 4+3B 4+3B 4+3B 3+3B 3+3B 1 19 8 5+3B 5+3B 5+3B 5+3B 5+3B 4+3B 4+3B 4+3B 3+3B 2 20 8 5+3B 5+3B 5+3B 5+3B 5+3B 4+3B 4+3B 4+3B 4+3B 3 Vampire Blood Powers The following table indicates which clans get what powers. Clan Burjah: Destruction, War and Brujah lines Level Destruction War Brujah 1 Inflict light wound Magic Weapon Stomp 2 Shatter Spiritual Weapon Combat prescience 3 Contagion Magic Vestment Whitefire + claws of vampire 4 Inflict critical wounds Divine Power Mass Concussion 5 Circle of doom Flame Strike Graft Weapon 6 Harm Blade Barrier Shield of Prudence 7 Disintegrate Power Word, Stun Mass concussion 8 Earthquake Power Word, Blind Iron Body 9 Implosion Power Word, Kill True Metabolism Clan Tremere: Magic, Knowledge and Tremere Level Magic Knowledge Tremere 1 Nystyuls undetectable aura Detect secret doors Object reading 2 Identify Detect thoughts See invisibility 3 Dispel magic Clairudirence / Clairvoyance Invisibility purge 4 Imbue with spell ability Divination Dismissal 5 Spell resistance True seeing Teleport 6 Antimagic field Find the path Trace Teleport 7 Spell turning Legend Lore Emulate power 8 Protection from spells Discern location Hypercognition 9 Mordenkainens disjunction Foresight Greater emulation Clan Assamite: Trickery, Assassination, Assamite Level Trickery Assassination Assamites 1 Change Self True Strike Spider Climb 2 Invisibility Darkness Chameleon 3 Nondeection Haste Dimensional slide 4 Confusion Phantasmal killer Dimension door 5 False Vision Passwall Teleport 6 Mislead Circle of Death Flaming shroud 7 Screen Finger of Death Fission 8 Polymorph Any object Horrid wilting Shadow Body 9 Time-stop Wail of Banshee Dissolution |
#2megatherionFeb 15, 2006 2:57:52 | Not to intrude on the (quite obviously) bold representation of one of the more questionable items on the Dark sun repertoire, but I have to ask: "The White"? "Plane of Immortal Magic?" I could swallow this if it was any other world, but the problem with DS is that there is no immortal magic. If there was such a thing defilement would not be necessary. Can you possibly redo it so that they are in fact very dead, and they link to the grey just like any normal and good undead? |
#3kalthandrixFeb 15, 2006 6:23:46 | I will try and put ths gently - this may be the wrong board for this material! It looks like you are just ripping off the WW Vampire material and from eveything I know about DS- well everything you have tried to do here flys in the face of the whole DS setting. Sorry |
#4SysaneFeb 15, 2006 6:31:38 | Agreed. Even the clan names are straight from the pages of WW. |
#5elonarcFeb 15, 2006 7:13:44 | Agreed. While I actually like your other thread (about mechanics for SK), I have no idea what made you post this. It plainly is just a World of Darkness rip-off and has absolutely no connection to Dark Sun whatsoever. |
#6kalthandrixFeb 15, 2006 7:39:46 | If you are really looking for an athasian vampire- brun01 had a version on this board somewhere that had some material and feedback from the community- maybe you would like to check it out. I would have dropped in the link, but I could not find it- but someone in here will be able to ![]() |
#7jaanosFeb 15, 2006 17:35:36 | Yep, freely admit mostly inspired by Vampire the masqueradel at the time i had a group of players who had been keen vampire fans, and it showed in the setting i created. You'll note that the plane called white is only accessable in the underdark, specifically in places where the glowing rocks that emit 'radiance' are found. This was done deliberately to isolate this work from the main-stream DS stuff, as i said, take it or leave it ![]() What i did try and do was create a game mechanic system for what i see as the obvious flaw in most vampire conversions in a variety of RPG's, that being the ability to drain blood and use it to power themselves and thier magic, however this has to be at a cost hence: 1. Without blood they die 2. Blood simply keeps the effects of being tied to the white at bay for another day 3. The white and any connection to it is destroyed by sunlight, hence no vampires on the surface (again, a way of isolating the under-dark from the main setting) 4. As a nation / race they are limited in power to the amount of mortals they can keep alive, or the amount of blood they can have on stock It's just a simple little thing i did up for a series of DS games for a group of ex-vampire players - who wanted that type of stuff in it, just thought i'd share. Although i totally agree the setting and flavour is heavily (well, entirely almost) inspired by vampire the masquerade, i still use the blood point system for 'normal' vampires in other settings from time to time - makes them very, very formidable foes! Jaan |
#8darkkhaineFeb 16, 2006 10:43:56 | i think its a good idea if you wanted to add it in your ds world. I wouldnt put in the ds i had going, but it may give someone an idea or two. |
#9nytcrawlrFeb 16, 2006 12:01:26 | Hell at this point I'm almost tempted to make an Athasian Vampire that isn't undead, what with the way undead work in Athas and such. Just some thoughts I have had on the subject. |
#10SysaneFeb 16, 2006 15:02:18 | Hell at this point I'm almost tempted to make an Athasian Vampire that isn't undead, what with the way undead work in Athas and such. There is. The thrax. Which, oddly enough, isn't undead. |
#11PennarinFeb 16, 2006 15:26:15 | I think Nyt means a creature we could actually call vampire, or that we'd all easily recognize as such despite a different name. I personaly think (heh, what a sptupid expression, like if sometimes I had other people's thoughts :D ) that the D&D classics - vampires, liches, ghosts, ghouls, mummies - ought not to be used in DS. For example, the morg is technically meant to be a DS mummy yet has no abilities related to the D&D original, or fluff for that matter. |
#12nytcrawlrFeb 16, 2006 15:40:05 | I think Nyt means a creature we could actually call vampire, or that we'd all easily recognize as such despite a different name. Right, the Thrax is more or less the perfect example of an Athasian Vampire as far as I'm concerned, but if we wanted something more akin to what's in the MM or classically referred to as such, what I have in mind might be a better option. Someone else brought this up earlier, but I think what the wraith are from Stargate: Atlantis might be something cool to use as a base. Get rid of some of the sci-fi cookiness and modify it a bit and you might wind up with something truly interesting. I still would like to tie it to the nature benders because it sounds like something right up their alley and could be a weapon of sorts for their last attempt to gain control, but they were never able to use it. I would keep it pretty rare and not have many running around. I was going to keep it at one when I originally started contemplating such an idea and think that might be the best route to go whichever way we do go with it. I personaly think (heh, what a sptupid expression, like if sometimes I had other people's thoughts :D ) that the D&D classics - vampires, liches, ghosts, ghouls, mummies - ought not to be used in DS. For example, the morg is technically meant to be a DS mummy yet has no abilities related to the DS original, or fluff for that matter. Right. I'm wanting something to keep in spirit of what is classically referred to as a vampire, moreso than what the Thrax is, without trouncing on the DS flavor too much. It's one of those balancing acts like we will be doing with the Pyreen since it's one of those sacred cows that a lot of people don't like to see messed with. |
#13xlorepdarkhelm_dupFeb 16, 2006 18:23:08 | I have a real hard time with the notion of an Athasian Vampire. For what it's worth, this is an interesting, if non-Dark Sun sort of thing you made, Jaanos. |
#14jaanosFeb 16, 2006 19:15:46 | Thanks dude, yeah it's kinda hard to get around which is why i made it deliberately a system isolated from "real" athas. First, you gotta find a way into the underark. In my campain, the enterance to the underdark (in the Tyr Region) was only re-opened after the great earthquake, and promptly re-sealed by a cult of Earth Clerics who knew what lies under the surface. Anyway, i like the Athasian undead as they are; they are unique. Having said that, given how much magic has stuffed the sun around, one wonders if athasian sunlight would have the same effect on a "normal" D&D vampire.... ![]() |
#15zombiegleemaxFeb 20, 2006 9:55:40 | I dont know if any of you guys have owned any ravenloft books, but there was a RL creature collection of some sort (sorry, cannot remember the name) that featured an NPC that came to Ravenloft from Athas. He was an example of an athasian vampire. I forget what he was called, but rather than sucking blood, he drained water from people with suction cups on his fingertips. |
#16kalthandrixFeb 20, 2006 10:23:32 | I dont know if any of you guys have owned any ravenloft books, but there was a RL creature collection of some sort (sorry, cannot remember the name) that featured an NPC that came to Ravenloft from Athas. He was an example of an athasian vampire. I forget what he was called, but rather than sucking blood, he drained water from people with suction cups on his fingertips. Yes- this is the Thrax, which has been discussed- Thank though ![]() |
#17zombiegleemaxFeb 20, 2006 10:57:32 | Yes- this is the Thrax, which has been discussed- Thank though :embarrass Neat idea, though... I was kinda surprised when I didn't see them in Terrors of the Deadlands... |
#18jobooFeb 20, 2006 12:58:33 | Blood magic? Wow, this is interesting. I have an idea that may work but it would depend on whether the optional rule, spellpoints, are used in the campaign (from Unearthed Arcana). If a vampire as a spell casting class of any kind including psionics, he/she may replenish their spell points or power points by drinking blood. When the vampire uses the blood drain ability the vampire may choose to gain 5 temporary hit points or gain 5 temporary spell points or power points instead. Just an idea, and if no one uses the spell point system maybe they would like to try this out with the psionic classes. (If it seems too un balancing then maybe casting classes have no choice and must replenish spell points/power points instead of hp.) |
#19kalthandrixFeb 20, 2006 13:04:44 | :embarrass The thrax is not undead- but IIRC is can turn another creature into a thrax- I think the stats are in Terror of Athas. Thrax |
#20zombiegleemaxFeb 20, 2006 16:15:00 | Cool. If they're alive then it seems more like lycanthropy than vampirism. shutting up about the thrax now. :P |
#21nytcrawlrFeb 20, 2006 18:17:52 | Cool. If they're alive then it seems more like lycanthropy than vampirism. Not sure how that correlates since it's a magical curse just like vampirism can be and not a disease like lycanthropy is. Not to mention that people's issues with it not being undead is a bit weird just because they drain liquids from someone like a vampire does. There are many instances of creatures in real life that drain body fluids, not sure why the Thrax has to be any different just because it's humanoid. Never mind the fact that no where in the 2e fluff does it even hint at them being undead. |
#22kalthandrixFeb 20, 2006 19:34:15 | There are many instances of creatures in real life that drain body fluids, not sure why the Thrax has to be any different just because it's humanoid. I could be that the thrax injects a toxin that alters the victume on the genitic level or it could be the only way that the creatures reproduce- who knows- but this creature is most definatly NOT a DS vampire- we just need to find the right flavor and DS originality for our own undead badass- like how Athasian Wraiths rule and the normal ones drool :D |
#23nytcrawlrFeb 20, 2006 20:05:36 | I could be that the thrax injects a toxin that alters the victume on the genitic level or it could be the only way that the creatures reproduce- who knows- but this creature is most definatly NOT a DS vampire- we just need to find the right flavor and DS originality for our own undead badass- like how Athasian Wraiths rule and the normal ones drool :D Pretty much in agreement, though I want to find a niche for it as well and not just create one for the sake of having one. That being said, I've considered using normal D&D wraiths as something that are under the control of and slaves to Athasian wraiths, just not sure how to implement it yet, but that's another topic of discussion. |
#24kalthandrixFeb 20, 2006 20:10:53 | Pretty much in agreement, though I want to find a niche for it as well and not just create one for the sake of having one. I really think we need to res brun01's vampire thread and re-exam the stuff we had going there- I truely think we were on a bit of a roll with some of it. Hey Nyt- maybe you want to e-mail me and we can get something good going between the two of us and see what shakes out of the box- just let me know! |