Dark Sun d20 + Conan d20



Feb 21, 2006 15:52:06
I can't remember whom on this board mentioned it, but I think I recall someone who was using the Conan d20 rules for Dark Sun. I'm extremely interested in seeing their conversion whomever it was. Please email them to me if you are that person, I'd greatly appreciate it.



Feb 22, 2006 9:56:32
I'm using some of the things from that book but that's it, not doing a direct conversion, so it's not moi.


Feb 22, 2006 11:01:45
What kinda things are you finding useful from it? I just bought it and am running a Conan campaign, but I love some of the things they did for combat and plan to use them in my next Dark Sun campaign.


Feb 22, 2006 11:08:37
What kinda things are you finding useful from it? I just bought it and am running a Conan campaign, but I love some of the things they did for combat and plan to use them in my next Dark Sun campaign.

The favored class feat thing instead of an XP penalty, some of the combat options they are using, and if I remember right they had some more weapon classifications other than just normal, masterwork and magical, which Black Company had as well, that I will also be using.