Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1elonarcFeb 22, 2006 15:43:10 | Has anyone ever read this book? |
#2megatherionFeb 22, 2006 15:46:25 | TSR published many many settings, and different rulesets. Sundered Regions are obviously another one of them, and not Dark Sun related. The person selling it has mistakenly claimed it to be DS material. |
#3elonarcFeb 22, 2006 15:53:47 | It is neither by TSR nor is it claimed to be Dark Sun material. ![]() |
#4ruhl-than_sageFeb 22, 2006 15:58:32 | If I could read German I would check it out, but more importantly If I could read French, I would get my hands on the Changling the Dreaming setting book released in france about france. |
#5elonarcFeb 22, 2006 16:05:24 | It is not a German book. ![]() It is by William O'Connors and James Ward, though Tim Brown also worked on it. As most people (100 % of the replies) just seem to quickly dismiss it as something it isn't, here is a link in English language. Perhaps that will yield some serious answers. Does anyone know this book? |
#6PennarinFeb 22, 2006 17:59:36 | Elonarc, I haven't read a non-serious answer to this thread's question...don't know what you mean by that exactly, but if you mean confused answers, well yes cause the book (even though its title is in english) is described in the page you linked to in german only. I sure can't read german, you can though. Megatherion, the d20 symbol on the cover is a sure indicator its a 3E material, thus not dating from the TSR period. To answer your question Elonarc, no, never even heard of this book, but it sounds way cool! The description is vague in its most important part, that of the source material or its inspiration. Is it inspired by Borroughs' Carter books, or Lowell's ideas on canals? I would have liked that in the description. French graphic novels (BD for "bande-dessinée") have truck loads of imagery and weirdo ideas like those in that setting, another good reason for knowing french...besides being able to buy the french Changeling edition. ;) |
#7nytcrawlrFeb 22, 2006 19:00:11 | Since this is by Fast Forward Entertainment, I'm pretty sure that Tim Brown not only had a say in it (don't see him in the credits anywhere), but it might also be something he had in mind for DS before it got the axe. Who knows though, the similarieties seem pretty close. I'm defiantely going to have to work this onto my wish list. Thanks Elonarc. |
#8ruhl-than_sageFeb 22, 2006 19:07:36 | Wow! that sounds like a wierd book. I'm not sure if I'm so interested in reading it now ![]() |
#9SysaneFeb 22, 2006 19:13:43 | Hmmmm...the name sounds to similar to my Sundered Regions Project. ![]() |
#10PennarinFeb 22, 2006 20:39:35 | Here are the reviews: |
#11nytcrawlrFeb 22, 2006 20:52:31 | Most of the variation comes from things that probably shouldn't have been changed. Like Hit Dice. Instead of the usual one dice rolled, a d6, a d4, a d12, etc, it's not uncommon to see 2d6, 3d4, 1d4+2, etc. Weird. And generally pointless. Another d20 product did something similar to this as well. I want to say Conan but can't remember and too lazy to look right now. I kinda like it, but I'm weird that way. The rest of the product sounds like a cross between easy to play generic D&D (I still have the D&D Cyclopedia, heh) and some of the worse parts of 2nd ed., with a splash of a few DS mechanics. Kinda weird. |