Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1GrummoreMar 13, 2006 19:43:41 | This particular thread is to discuss the submission peoples might want to do about these differents athasian locations. Be the first to submit a conversion and be the first to review and comments it. Eventually we will get to new additions to Villages of the Waste. But First, let's convert those already done. Updating original submission Guidelines: Description is not to be touch. It has to remain intact for legal issues. The only thing you are asked to modify is the stat block of all original entries to bring it from the second edition D&D rules to comply with edition 3.5 of D&D by Wizards of the Coast. Here are the name of the original submission and their status. If someone want to submit a map, it would be a great addition to any original entry. Not to be included, author declined Daro Need update - I have their agreement. Arla Segovara, Vavrek - Preview by PeaceBringer Tairek’s Lot - Preview by PeaceBringer Powder River - Preview by PeaceBringer Turg’s Inlet - Preview by PeaceBringer Cwalu Thilon’s Camp Eru’s Rest, Khum - In working by Flindbar Nalod Springs Unreachable authors Menka’s Gate Dubok Sakkakog Alador Pree Ha’em p.s. : If anybody can find the peoples who made these locations, we could add their original submission as well. For more information about these "unreachable" peoples, please find your contact informations in the original PDF of VotW. If you have any questions, please address these to [email=ds3 at]ds3[at][/email] |
#2flindbarMar 15, 2006 9:15:00 | Hi Gru I'll be happy to take Eru's Rest if thats ok ? ![]() f. |
#3GrummoreMar 15, 2006 11:07:05 | No problem. Thanks! Have it shown here so we can have a look at it once your done with the conversion. |
#4kalthandrixMar 15, 2006 16:59:00 | I would be happy to do the conversion of the all NPC's presented in those sections we will be allowed to update- this way they are all the same format wise and such. If it is okay then let me know. |
#5GrummoreMar 16, 2006 10:33:21 | I would be happy to do the conversion of the all NPC's presented in those sections we will be allowed to update- this way they are all the same format wise and such. I dont mind. Once you have one done, please post it here so peoples can comment them. Flinbar has started on Eru. Maybe leave this one and wait to see what he will do with it. |
#6the_peacebringerMar 16, 2006 10:38:49 | I'll take Tairek's lot and Powder river. |
#7squidfur-Mar 16, 2006 17:09:49 | Question - If we have the permission of those involved to update the material within this product, then what is the problem if we clean up the descriptive text? What are the legal reasons involved? We update the other products on a quite frequent basis, and this has never been a problem. Not to step on anyone's toes here (I most certainly understand that English is a secondary language to many of those that frequent the boards), but some of the writing, mostly grammatically, is pretty choppy. I think a good edit would do this product wonders. Plus, lets get some experienced map maker's work in there. |
#8ruhl-than_sageMar 16, 2006 18:08:27 | Question - If editing merely for clarity is permissable, I would be happy to clean the text up. :D |
#9GrummoreMar 17, 2006 10:16:35 | I think we should ask Flip, Gab or Jon for this. I wouldnt touch it unless they answer this question. OR probably ask the authors themselves. |
#10the_peacebringerMar 17, 2006 10:27:04 | Here they are. Send feedback! :D Villages of the Waste: Important Residents Powder River Village Headman Budak, Male Human Ftr2: CR 2; Medium Humanoid; HD 2d10+2; hp 16; Init+0; Spd 30ft (6 squares); AC 12 (+2 erdlu leather), touch 10, flat-footed 12; Base Atk/Grp +2/+1; Atk ceremonial +1 shortspear +2 melee (1d6); SV Fort +4; Ref +0; Will +3; AL NG; Str 8; Dex 10; Con 13; Int 14; Wis 16; Cha 16. Skills: Climb +4, Diplomacy +5, Intimidate +8, Jump +4, Ride +5. Languages: Common (literate), Tyrian. Feat: Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Hidden talent. Powers known (PP: 2; save DC 13 + Power Level) : 1st-empathy. Possession: Ceremonial shortspear +1. Aku the River-Resurector, Male Human Clr7: CR 7; Medium Humanoid; HD 7d8+21; hp 61; Init+0; Spd 30ft (6 squares); AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 12; Base Atk/Grp +5/+6; Atk carrikal +6 melee (1d8+1); SA Turn undead, spontaneous casting; SV Fort +8; Ref +2; Will +7; AL CN; Str 12; Dex 11; Con 16; Int 8; Wis 14; Cha 7. Skills: Concentration +6, Knowledge (religion) +9, Spellcraft +3, Swim +2. Languages: Common. Feat: Brew Potion, Extra Turning, Improved Turning, Martial Weapon Proficiency [Carrical] Spells prepared (6/5/4/2/1; save DC 12 + spell level): 0-create element, cure minor wound, purify food and drink (X2), resistance; 1st-bless, cooling canopy, endure element, clear water*, magic weapon, shield of faith; 2nd-augury, fog cloud*, lesser restoration, sound burst, zone of truth; 3rd-bestow curse, summon monster III, worm’s breath*; 4th-lungs of water*, spell immunity. *Domain spell. Despair of the Drowned (No armor check or encumbrance penalties when swimming and take a turn undead attempt to rebuke/command water elemental as evil cleric does undead) and Living water (1+ Wisdom bonus quart of carried water for 24 hour heals 1d8 hp). Dukos, the First Spearman, Male Mul, Gla8: CR 5; Medium Humanoid; HD 8d12+24; hp 92; Init+2; Spd 30ft; AC 15 (dex +2, +3 mekillot hide), touch 12, flat-footed 13; Base Atk/Grapple +8/+12; Atk metal +2 shortspear +11 melee (1d6+6/19-20); Full Atk metal +2 shortspear +11/+6 melee (1d6+6/19-20); SA Arena guile +4, armor optimization [hide armor], improved uncanny dodge, insightful feint +2, mercy, no mercy, unarmed strike, uncanny dodge; SQ Darkvision 30ft., dwarven blood, extended activity, nonlethal DR 1/-, tireless; SV Fort +9; Ref +4; Will +0; AL NG; Str 19; Dex 15; Con 17; Int 11; Wis 7; Cha 13. Skills: Balance +11, Bluff +12, Intimidate +6, Jump +8, Sense motive +9, Tumble +11; Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Dragon’s Paw], Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Handfork] Hidden Talent, Improved Critical [shortspear], Improved Feint, Weapon Focus [shortspear]. Powers known (PP: 2) : 1st-prescience, offensive. Possession: Iron Lance of the Spearhall [shortspear +2]. Tairek's Lot Harjaz Tairek, Male Human Rog7: CR 7; Medium Humanoid; HD 7d6+7; hp 34; Init+4; Spd 30ft (6 squares); AC 14 (+4 dex), touch 14, flat-footed 10; Base Atk/Grp +5/+4; Atk bronze dagger +9 melee (1d4-1/19-20); SA Evasion, sneak attack +4d6, trapfinding, uncanny dodge; SQ Trap sense; SV Fort +3; Ref +9; Will +2; AL N; Str 8; Dex 18; Con 13; Int 19; Wis 11; Cha 11. Skills: Climb +9, Decipher script +17, Disable Device +14, Forgery +14, Hide +9, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +9, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Intimidate +10, Move Silently +9, Open Lock +14, Profession (architect) +10, Tumble +9, Search +14, Use Magic Device +10, Use Rope +12. Languages: Common (literate), Elven (literate), Gulg, Nibenese (literate), Tyrian. Feat: Dodge, Hidden talent, Skill Focus (Decipher Script), Weapon Finesse. Powers known (PP: 2; save DC 13 + Power Level) : 1st-mindlink. Possession: Ceremonial shortspear +1. Gelsa Pierceyes, Female Human Wil10: CR 10; Medium Humanoid; HD 10d6+20; hp 60; Init+0; Spd 30ft (6 squares); AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10; Base Atk/Grp +7/+7; Atk wrist razor +7 melee (1d6/19-20); SA Elude touch, surging euphoria +1, wild surge +3; SQ Psychic enervation, volatile mind (2 power points); SV Fort +5; Ref +3; Will +12; AL LE; Str 10; Dex 10; Con 14; Int 11; Wis 20; Cha 18. Skills: Bluff +17, Concentration +14, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (psionics) +6, Listen +12, Psicraft +7, Sense motive +11, Spot +11. Languages: Common (literate), Raamite. Feat: Combat Manifestation, Empower Power, Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Wrist Razor], Psionic Meditation, Quicken Power. Powers known (PP: 102; save DC 13 + Power Level) : 1st-force screen, hammer; 2nd-detect hostile intent; 3rd-telekinetic thrust; 4th-mindwipe; 5th-true seeing; 6th-aura alteration; . I wasn’t sure if I could change her stats so I made her a wilder. The thing is, it brings her down a lot in the number of power she has. Also, she used to be a claisentient psionicist, helping Tairek with her powers. She doesn’t sound knowledgeable so I’m not sure giving her 20 to intelligence would do. What do you think? The Cromlin Bandits, Male/Female Human War4: CR 2; Medium Humanoid; HD 4d8+4; hp 32; Init+0; Spd 30ft (6 squares); AC 12 (+2 chitin scale mail), touch 10, flat-footed 12; Base Atk/Grp +4/+4; Atk shortspear +4 melee (1d6) or bone short sword +3 (1d6-1); SV Fort +5; Ref +1; Will +2; AL CN or CE; Str 11; Dex 10; Con 13; Int 9; Wis 8; Cha 7. Skills: Intimidate +5, Ride +5. Languages: Common (literate). Feat:Diehard, Endurance, Iron Will. |
#11the_peacebringerMar 17, 2006 11:50:50 | I'll take Vavrek and Turg's Inlet next. |
#12gabMar 17, 2006 11:56:02 | Text blocks may be corrected or updated, provided you have authorization from the original author, and that the original author agrees with the modifications. Original credit must remain. |
#13GrummoreMar 17, 2006 13:12:23 | Text blocks may be corrected or updated, provided you have authorization from the original author, and that the original author agrees with the modifications. Original credit must remain. Thanks Now, tell me which text you want to modify and I will see if I can reach their author. |
#14ruhl-than_sageMar 17, 2006 18:22:40 | Text blocks may be corrected or updated, provided you have authorization from the original author, and that the original author agrees with the modifications. Original credit must remain. Sounds good, I'll look into the matter when I get a chance. |
#15netherekMar 20, 2006 3:00:13 | I'll take Nalod Springs and Arla. |
#16the_peacebringerMar 22, 2006 9:18:03 | Here're some more. Any news about the missing authors? Vavrek Sonyalah, Templar-wife of Nibenay, Member of the Chamber of Earth, Female Human Tem5/WiN3: CR 8; Medium Humanoid; HD 5d8+3d8+16; hp 56; Init +3; Spd 20ft (4 squares); AC 12 (-1 dex, +3 mekillot hide), touch 9, flat-footed 13; Base Atk/Grp +5/+5; Atk iron impaler +5 melee (1d6); SA Scholar, shadow king’s guidance, secular authority, sigil, turn/rebuke undead; SV Fort +9; Ref +1; Will +10; AL NE; Str 10; Dex 9; Con 14; Int 14; Wis 16; Cha 15. Skills: Bluff +15, Concentration +9, Decipher script +5, Diplomacy +10, Forgery +7, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (religion) +10, Knowledge (warcraft) +10, Sense motive +10, Spellcraft +13, Survival +6. Languages: Common (literate), Nibenese (literate). Feat: Combat expertise, Improved initiative, Martial Weapon Proficiency [Impaler], Martial Weapon Proficiency [Long sword], Persuasive. Spells known 8/5/3/2/1; (6/7/7/5/3; save DC 12 + spell level): 0-(a) detect magic, cure minor wounds, defiler scent, detect magic, detect poison, guidance, light, read magic, resistance; 1st-(a) bless, cause fear, comprehend languages, cure light wounds, divine favour, identify*, sanctuary ; 2nd-(a) hold person, augury*, death knell, enthral, zone of truth; 3rd-(a) dispel magic, clairaudience/clairvoyance*, obscure object, sand spray; 4th-(a) greater command, divination*, lesser geas. (a)Assigned spell. *Shadow king’s guidance. Possession: Iron impaler. Turg’s Inlet Turg Spawn-Catcher, Male Half-Giant Gla8: CR 10; Large Giant; HD 2d8+8d12+50; hp 134; Init+2; Spd 30ft (8 squares); AC 16 (-1 size, +2 dex, +2 nat, +3 carru hide), touch 12, flat-footed 14; Base Atk/Grp +9/+19; Atk stone-tipped harpoon +14 melee (2d6+5); Full Atk stone-tipped harpoon +14/+9 melee (2d6+5); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA Arena guile +4, armor optimization [hide armor], improved uncanny dodge, insightful feint +2, mercy, no mercy, unarmed strike, uncanny dodge; SQ Axis alignment (Lawful), darkvision 60 ft, giant traits; SV Fort +14; Ref +4; Will +3; AL LN; Str 23; Dex 14; Con 20; Int 10; Wis 13; Cha 14. Skills:Bluff +10, Balance +15, Climb +19, Intimidate +10, Jump +11, Listen +6, Sense Motive +7, Spot +6, Tumble +7. Languages: Common, Giant, Nibenese. Feat: Brutal Throw, Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Harpoon], Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Net], Hidden Talent, Power Attack, Power Throw. Powers known (PP: 2) 1st-grip of iron; Uulagan, Male Elf Clr8: CR 8; Medium Humanoid; HD 8d8+8; hp 52; Init+5; Spd 40ft (8 squares); AC 15, (+5 dex) touch 15, flat-footed 10; Base Atk/Grp +6/+8; Atk stone dagger +13 melee (1d4+1); Full Atk stone dagger +13/+8 melee (1d4+1);SA Elf run, turn undead, spontaneous casting; SQ Low-light vision, resistance to extreme temperatures; SV Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +9; AL N; Str 14; Dex 20; Con 16; Int 16; Wis 17; Cha 10. Skills: Diplomacy +5, Concentration +12, Heal +8, Knowledge (religion) +17, Listen +5, Perform (singing) +7, Search +5, Spellcraft +14, Spot +5. Languages: Common, Elven (literate), Gith, Slig. Feat: Skill Focus [Knowledge (religion)], Spell focus (enchantment), Weapon Finesse Spells prepared (6/5/4/4/2; save DC 13 + spell level): 0-create element, cure minor wound (X2), purify food and drink, resistance; 1st- bless, cooling canopy, endure element, heat lash, sand pit*, shield of faith; 2nd-hold person, lesser restoration, owl’s wisdom, rusting grasp*, summon monster II; 3rd- contagion*, eye of the storm, spawn song, surface walk, worm’s breath; 4th-acid rain*, control tide, summon monster IV. *Domain spells. Broken sands (permanent pass without trace effect) and Dance of decay (No aging penalty). This guy kind of felt like an Element Singer so I gave him all the prerequisites to the class, but I wanted your opinion before I made him one. I gave him the spawn song, knowing it was a druid spell but figuring he could’ve researched it as a cleric. Guz, Male Half-Giant Ftr7: CR 10; Large Giant; HD 2d8+7d10+36; hp 105; Init+2; Spd 30ft (6 squares); AC 15 (-1 size, +2 nat, +4 mekillot breastplate), touch 10, flat-footed 15; Base Atk/Grp +8/+17; Atk flint-tipped shortspear +14 melee (1d8+7); Full Atk flint-tipped shortspear +14/+9 melee (1d8+7); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SQ Axis alignment (Good), darkvision 60 ft, giant traits; SV Fort +12; Ref +2; Will +3; AL NG; Str 21; Dex 10; Con 19; Int 13; Wis 13; Cha 13. Skills:Climb +10, Handle animal +9, Jump +10, Knowledge (warcraft) +14, Listen +6, Spot +6. Languages: Common, Giant, Nibenese. Feat: Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Net], Great cleave, Hidden Talent, Improved overrun, Power Attack, Weapon Focus [shortspear], Weapon Specialization [shortspear]. Powers known (PP: 2) 1st-offensive precognition ; |
#17GrummoreMar 22, 2006 9:31:36 | Updated my first message. Please comments these first preview by Peacebringer if you have the time. Thanks! Well done btw PB. Will look onto it but I am no good brainer for such thing. I do well for managing stuff though. ![]() |
#18the_peacebringerMar 24, 2006 13:43:23 | What the heck, I'll take Segovara and Cwalu. And don't forget, Grum, Netherek is supposed to be working on Nalod Spring and Arla. |
#19the_peacebringerMar 27, 2006 6:55:15 | Segovara Villagers, Fael Com1 (35): CR 1; Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid); HD 1d12; hp 14; Init +0; Spd 30 ft; AC 14 (+4 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14; Base Atk/Grp +0/+0; Atk slam +1 melee (1d6+1) or bite +1 melee (2d6+1/18-20 X3); Full Atk 2 slams +1 melee (1d6+1) and bite -4 melee (2d6/18-20 X3); SA Maw; SQ Damage reduction 5/magic, gray toughness 2; AL CE; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +0; Str 13, Dex 8, Con -, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 12. Skills: Craft (leatherworking) +7, Profession (tanner) +4, Listen +6, Search +4, Sense Motive +4, Spot +6. Languages: Balican Feats: Skill focus (leatherworking). Evitius, Male Human Rog6: CR 8; Medium Undead (Augmented Humanpoid, Incorporeal); HD 6d12; hp ; Init+2; Spd 30ft fly (perfect); AC 16 (+2 dex, +4 cha), touch 12, flat-footed 14; Base Atk/Grp +4/+4; Atk claw +4 melee (1d6); Full Atk 2 claws +4 melee (1d6); SA Evasion, sneak attack +3d6, trapfinding, spell-like abilities, uncanny dodge; SQ Damage reduction 5/magic, enduring focus, spell resistance 11, temporary corporeality, trap sense; SV Fort +2; Ref +7; Will +2; AL CE; Str 11, Dex 14, Con -; Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 18. Skills: Appraise +14, Bluff +15, Diplomacy +23, Disable Device +7, Gather Information +13, Hide +6, Knowledge (local) +12, Listen +13, Move Silently +7, Open Lock +5, Profession (trader) +5, Profession (tanner) +7, Search +11, Sleight of Hand +12, Sense Motive +9. Languages: Balican (literate), Common (literate), Dwarven, Elven. Feat: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Trader. Spell-like abilities (save DC 14 + spell level): At will—dream, hallucinatory terrain, invisibility, major image, nightmare. Caster level equals the creature’s HD. The save DCs are Charisma-based. Cwalu I would’ve made these guys barbarian but I didn’t know if I could so I left them as they were. Gefyllan, Male Dwarf Ftr8: CR 8; Medium Humanoid; HD 8d10+24; hp 84; Init+0; Spd 20ft (4 squares); AC 12 (+2 leather), touch 10, flat-footed 12; Base Atk/Grp +8/+13; Atk metal greataxe +14 melee (1d12+9); Full Atk metal greataxe +14/+9 melee (1d12+9); SQ Darkvision 60 ft, stability, +2 racial bonus on saves versus poison and spells and spell-like abilities, +1 morale bonus on checks related to focus; SV Fort +9; Ref +2; Will +2; AL N; Str 21; Dex 10; Con 16; Int 12; Wis 10; Cha 8. Skills:Climb +9, Intimidate +10, Jump +9, Knowledge (warcraft) +9, Survival +3. Languages: Dwarven, Hej-kin. Feat: Cleave, Great Cleave, Hidden Talent, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical [Greataxe], Power Attack, Weapon Focus [greataxe], Weapon Specialization [greataxe]. Powers known (PP: 2) 1st-burst ; Brucan, Male Dwarf Ftr5: CR 8; Medium Humanoid; HD 5d10; hp 39; Init-1; Spd 20ft (4 squares); AC 11 (-1 dex, +2 leather), touch 9, flat-footed 12; Base Atk/Grp +5/+7; Atk bone shortspear +6 melee (1d6+1); SQ Darkvision 60 ft, stability, +2 racial bonus on saves versus poison and spells and spell-like abilities, +1 morale bonus on checks related to focus; SV Fort +4; Ref +0; Will +4; AL N; Str 14; Dex 8; Con 10; Int 17; Wis 16; Cha 14. Skills:Bluff +8, Diplomacy +6, Intimidate +12, Sense Motive +7, Survival +7. Languages: Dwarven, Giant, Gith, Hej-kin. Feat: Combat Expertise, Hidden Talent, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Persuasive. Powers known (PP: 2) 1st-detect teleportation . |
#20netherekMar 27, 2006 16:02:16 | I am about a 1/3 done with them, it's been a very hectic schedule lately. I should have them ready by Sunday. |
#21flindbarMar 28, 2006 3:55:20 | Important Residents of Eru's Rest Eru: Male mul Glad 7/Drd 2; CR 9; Medium humanoid (mul); HD 7d12+21; hp 68; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed14; Base Atk +8; Atk +13 melee (1d6+6/19-20, +1 singing sticks) or +11 ranged (1d8/x3, spear); Full Atk +11/+6 melee (1d6+6/19-20, +1 singing sticks) or +11 ranged (1d8/x3, longbow); SA Animal Companion, Arena guile +3, armor optimization [hide armor], improved feint, insightful feint +2, mercy, nature sense, no mercy, unarmed strike, uncanny dodge, wild empathy, woodland stride ; SQ Darkvision 30ft., dwarven blood, extended activity, nonlethal DR 1/-, tireless. AL N; SV Fort +13, Ref +5, Will +8; Str 21, Dex 17, Con 21, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 17. Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +12, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (warcraft) +10, Knowledge (nature) +2, Ride +13; Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Dragon’s Paw], Exotic Weapon Proficiency [singing sticks], Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Protective, Quick Draw. Spells prepared: (4/2; save DC 13 + spell level): 0-level: create water, cure minor wound, purify food and drink, resistance; 1st-level: cooling canopy, plant renewal. Possessions: +1 singing sticks (ral and guthay) , masterwork carru hide armor, heavy wood shield, masterwork spear. Kereth the Swift: Male half-elf Rgr 3; CR 3; Medium humanoid (half-elf); HD 3d8+6; hp 23; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +3; Atk +5 melee (1d6+1, shortspear) or +7 ranged (1d6+1, shortspear); Full Atk +3/+3 melee (1d6+1, shortspear)(1d4+1, blood obsidian dagger) or +6 ranged (1d6,+1 shortspear); SA Combat Style (2 weapon), Endurance, Favoured Terrain (Sandy Wastes), Track, wild empathy, woodland stride ; SQ Darkvision 30ft., elven blood. AL CG; SV Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Str 12, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 15. Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +7, Knowledge (nature) +3, Ride +6, Survival +7; Dodge, Weapon Focus [shortspear] . Possessions: Masterwork shortspear, blood obsidian dagger, masterwork carru leather armor. :D |
#22the_peacebringerMar 30, 2006 7:10:20 | Thilon’s Camp Thilon, Male Mul, Gla9: CR 9; Medium Humanoid; HD 9d12+27; hp 104; Init +4; Spd 20ft; AC 17 (dex +4, +3 mekillot hide), touch 14, flat-footed 13; Base Atk/Grapple +9/+15; Atk metal long sword +16 melee (1d8+6/17-20); Full Atk metal long sword +16/+11 melee (1d8+6/17-20); SA Arena guile +4, armor optimization [hide armor], improved uncanny dodge, insightful feint +2, mercy, no mercy, unarmed strike, uncanny dodge; SQ Darkvision 30ft., dwarven blood, extended activity, nonlethal DR 1/-, tireless; SV Fort +9; Ref +7; Will +4; AL LE; Str 22; Dex 18; Con 17; Int 14; Wis 12; Cha 16. Skills: Balance +10, Bluff +14, Hide +7, Intimidate +8, Jump +12, Move Silently +7, Sense motive +13, Spot +4, Tumble +16; Language:Common, Gith, Tyrian; Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Chatkcha], Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Lotulis], Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Singing stick], Hidden Talent, Improved Critical [Long sword], Improved Feint, Power Critical [Long sword], Weapon Focus [Long sword]. Powers known (PP: 2) : 1st-precognition, offensive. Muduk, Male Gith Clr7: CR 7; Medium Humanoid; HD 7d8; hp 42; Init +4; Spd 30ft (6 squares); AC 14, (+2 dex, +2 nat) touch 12, flat-footed 12; Base Atk/Grp +5/+6; Atk claw +9 melee (1d4+1); Full Atk 2 claws +9 melee (1d4+1); SA Rebuke/command undead, spontaneous casting; SQ Low-light; SV Fort +5; Ref +4; Will +9; AL LE; Str 13; Dex 14; Con 11; Int 12; Wis 18; Cha 16. Skills: Diplomacy +6, Concentration +10, Heal +10, Hide +7, Jump +11, Knowledge (religion) +11, Move Silently +7, Spellcraft +6, Spot +8. Languages: Common, Gith. Feat: Combat casting, Hidden Talent (free), Weapon focus (Touch), Weapon finesse. Spells prepared (6/5/4/3/2; save DC 14 + spell level): 0-detect magic, create element, cure minor wound, purify food and drink, resistance; 1st- burning hands*, cooling canopy, command, endure element, heat lash, shield of faith ; 2nd-clues of ash*, cure moderate wounds (X2), death knell, hold person, lesser restoration ; 3rd- flaming sphere*, eye of the storm, prayer, summon monster III; 4th-blind scorch*, cure critical wounds, elemental weapon . *Domain spell. Fire Eyes (cannot be dazzled or blinded, in the sun, gain a competence bonus to Spot checks equal to level) and Smoldering Spirit (energy ray, turn attempt to rebuke, command or bolster a fire creature). Powers known (PP: 2) 1st-energy ray (fire only). Hrit, Female Jozhal, Clr 4: CR 3; Small Humanoid (Psionic, Reptilian); HD 4d8+4; hp 24; Init +2; Spd 50ft (10 squares); AC 14 (+1 size, +2 dex, +1 nat), touch 13, flat-footed 12; Base Atk/Grp +3/+2; Atk bone dagger +5 melee (1d4-2) or bite +5 melee (1d4-1); Full Atk bone dagger +3 melee (1d4-2) and bite +5 melee (1d4-1); SA Psi-like abilities, turn undead, spontaneous casting; SQ Spell resistance 9; SV Fort +5; Ref +3; Will +7; AL CN; Str 8; Dex 14; Con 12; Int 14; Wis 16; Cha 13. Skills: Diplomacy +6, Hide +10, Knowledge (religion) +5, Spellcraft +11, Survival +11, Use Magic device +10. Languages: Common, Elven, Jozhal, Thri-Kreen. Feat: Magical Aptitude, Weapon Finesse. Spells prepared (5/4/3; save DC 13 + spell level): 0-detect magic (X3), cure minor wound, read magic; 1st- endure element, entropic shield, magic stone*, sanctuary, shield of faith ; 2nd- silence, surface walk, summon swarm* ; *Domain spell. Earthen Embrace (assess depth underground Survival DC 15 and turn attempt to rebuke, command or bolster earth creatures as evil cleric does undead) and Meek of the Land (turn attempt to rebuke, command or bolster vermin as evil cleric does undead). Psi-like abilities 3/day-burst, empty mind (+6 bonus*); 1/day-dimension swap. Manifester level 9. The save DCs are Charisma-based. *Includes augmentation for Hrit’s manifester level. Possessions: Luck stone and Keoghtom's (who? :P ) ointment. Is a Jozhal speed 30 or 50? ToA says both. Full attack entry is the same as Standard attack. Where does the Use Magic Device +8 bonus come from (+4 racial + what?)? Do manifester levels go up with character levels? Crodlu rider raiders, Male/Female Human Ftr4 (20): CR 4; Medium Humanoid; HD 4d10+4; hp 30; Init +0; Spd 30ft (6 squares); AC 13 (+3 hide), touch 10, flat-footed 13; Base Atk/Grp +4/+6; Atk lance +6 melee (1d8+2) or bone long sword +5 melee (1d8+1); SV Fort +5; Ref +1; Will +0; AL LE; Str 14; Dex 10; Con 12; Int 10; Wis 9; Cha 11. Skills: Handle Animal +7, Intimidate +3, Jump +6, Ride +7. Languages: Common. Feat: Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack, Spirited Charge, Trample. Foot raiders, Male/Female Human Ftr4 (20): CR 4; Medium Humanoid; HD 4d10+4; hp 30; Init +0; Spd 30ft (6 squares); AC 14 (+1 dex, +3 hide), touch 11, flat-footed 13; Base Atk/Grp +4/+6; Atk bone long sword +5 melee (1d8+1) or short bow +5 ranged (1d6); SV Fort +5; Ref +1; Will +0; AL LE; Str 13; Dex 12; Con 12; Int 10; Wis 9; Cha 11. Skills: Climb +9, Hide +3, Intimidate +3, Jump +6, Ride +3. Languages: Common. Feat: Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (long sword). |
#23the_peacebringerApr 04, 2006 6:53:11 | ![]() |
#24netherekApr 15, 2006 13:17:23 | I am puting the final touches on Nalod's Springs tonight and should have them up tomorrow. As for Arla if some one would like to take it up, I am cool with that. I have a new job now and so it is difficult to get the time to work on it, if I continue at this pace it may take 3-4 weeks to finish up Arla. |
#25netherekApr 16, 2006 22:56:47 | Nalod: NG Male Half-Elf Ranger 12 HD:12d8 (99 hp) INIT: +4 AC: 19 (Stud +2, Dex) SPD: 30ft. ATK: Macahuitl +17/+12/+7(1d8+5/19-20x3 mag) or Two Wpn +13/+11/+8/+6/+3/+1 (1d8+5/19-20x3 mag ; 1d8+1/19-20x3) or Dagger +15/+10/+5 (1d4+3) SA/SQ: Animal Companion, Combat Style (Two-wpn Fighting, Imp Two-Wpn, and Greater Two-Wpn), Evasion, Favored Enemy (Gith) +4, Favored Enemy (Thri-kreen) +2, Favored Terrain (Sandy Wastes)+4, Swift Tracker, Wild Empathy +15, Woodland Stride. SV: Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +6 AB: Str 17, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 17 SK/F: Climb +8, Conc +9, Diplomacy +12, Handle Ani +12, Hide +17, Know Nature +10, Lis +16, Move Sil +17, Sense Motive +11, Spot +16, Sur +17, Cbt Expert, Endurance, Hidden Talent (Missive), Imp Crit (Macahuitl), Negotiator, Two-Wpn Defense POWERS: PP(2) (1st)Missive SPELLS: (2/2/1) POSS: Macahuitl +2, Studded Leather +2, Steel Dagger and Macahuitl. Diamonti: NG Female Human Psion 14 HD:14d4 (85 hp) INIT: +2 AC: 12 (Dex) SPD: 30ft. ATK: Staff +9/+4 (1d6+2 Psi) or Dagger +7/+2 (1d4/19-20x2) SA/SQ: SV: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +12 AB: Str 11, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 19, Wis 16, Cha 14 SK/F: Autohypnosis +11, Conc +20, Diplomacy +10, Gather Info +10, Know History +13, Know Psionics +21, Perform Oratory +10, Psicraft +21, Sense Motive +20, Cbt Manifester, Craft Psi Wpns and Armor, Craft Universal Items, Empower Pwr, Expanded Pwr (Inertial Barrier), Expanded Pwr (Sense Psi Impressions), Imprint Stone, Inquisitor, Psionic Meditation POWERS: PP(198) (1st)Demoralise, Empathy, Empty Mind, Force Screen, Mind Thrust, Senselink (2nd) Ego Whip, Energy Stun, Inflict Pain, Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions (3rd) Dispel, Mental Barrier, Telekinetic Force, Telekinetic Thrust (4th) Dominate, Inertial Barrier, Mind Wipe, Power Leech (5th) Incarnate, Metaconcert, Mind Probe (6th) Contingency, Disintegrate, Mind Switch (7th) Crisis of Life POSS: Staff +2 Manifester/Mindfeeder, Steel Dagger Notes: Diamonti has 3 open Powers left. Colok: CN Male Dwarf Cleric(Earth) 11 HD:11d8 (113 hp) INIT: +5 AC: 17 (Scale +2, Dex) SPD: 20ft. ATK: Maul +15/+10 (1d10+9/x3 mag) or Pick +13/+8 (1d6+5/x4) SA/SQ: +2 vs. poison and spells, Asses Depth, Darkvision 60ft., Detect Unusual Stonework 10ft, Dwarven Focus, Stability (+4 vs. Bullrush and Trips), Turn Earth Elementals, Turn Undead SV: Fort +12, Ref +4, Will +11 AB: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 11, Wis 19, Cha 12 SK/F: Conc +15, Craft(pottery) +7, Heal +8, Survival +8, Cleave, Cbt Cast, Imp Init, Pwr Atk, Martial Wpn Prof (Maul) SPELLS: (6/6+1/5+1/5+1/4+1/2+1/1+1) Domains Earthen Embrace and Forged Stone. POSS: Inix Scale +2, Obsidian Maul +2, and 2 Iron Heavy Picks. Valmer: LN Male Human Preserver13 HD:13d4 (79 hp) INIT: +3 AC: 17 (Bracers +4, Dex) SPD: 30ft. ATK: Staff +8/+3 (1d6+3 mag) or Dagger +7/+2 (1d4+1/19-20x2) SA/SQ: Summon Familiar SV: Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +10 AB: Str 12, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 19, Wis 14, Cha 13 SK/F: Bluff +20, Conc +19, D Script +20, Know Arcana +20, Know Loc (Tyr) +12, Prof Herb +10, Spell +20, Cbt Cast, Empower Sp, Enlarge Sp, Imp Counterspell, Path Dexter, Sk Focus – Bluff, Spell Pen and Greater Sp Pen. SPELLS: (4/5/5/5/5/3/2/1) POSS: Agafari Staff +2, Ring of Regeneration, Bracers of Defense AC4, Steel Dagger Kone: N Male Mul Druid 12 HD:12d8 (99 hp) INIT: +2 AC: 12 (Dex) SPD: 30ft. ATK: Mace +16/+11 (1d8+8 mag) SA/SQ: DR/1 Lethal, Darkvision 30ft., Extended Activity, Tireless, Dwarven blooded, Animal Companion, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy +15, Woodland Stride, Trackless Step, Natures Speech, Wild Shape 4/day (Large/Tiny/Plant), Venom Immunity SV: Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +10 AB: Str 20, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 16 SK/F: Conc +11, Heal +14, Hide +12, Know Nature +17, Listen +9, M Silent +12, Spell +12, Spot +12, Sur +14, Aug Summoning, Brew Potion, Natural Spell, Self Sufficient, Spell Focus (conj) SPELLS: (6/6/5/4/3/3/2) POSS: Hvy Bone Mace +3, |
#26the_peacebringerApr 18, 2006 6:57:30 | Well, they're all done (the ones that were changeable, anyways)... now if only people could comment on them. ![]() |
#27zombiegleemaxJun 26, 2007 16:00:34 | nice work, our campaign has some additions, to whom may they be submitted? they are 2nd ed. however. i'm in the desert and have never learned 3.5 ;o( |
#28flindbarJun 27, 2007 4:54:55 | Hi Galek. As it was ages before anyone replied to the other thread ("some time ago..."), I started to collate all the works that people had done myself. Grummore originally started it and a bunch of us just helped. I apologise if I'm stepping on anyone's toes here. Just give me a yell and say butt out :P Assuming i'm ok to proceed .... (well I'm busy doing it anyway :P ) I'll be updating the VotW1.1.pdf file with the new info. Once completed I'll let folks know and we'll go from there I guess. If anyone else has any additional Villages or Sites for inclusion I'll start a new file and people can just send me their stuff. Ultimately, I'd like the updated VotW file to go to the crew for a crack at officialdom. ![]() |
#29GrummoreJun 27, 2007 9:11:36 | Well officially I am not dead... yet ![]() It was a while since I wanted to updated VotW because I used to be VERY often in the wilderness and I like to have small place to make the PCs stop. I'm on vacation in a couple of days and I will see to finish this if possible. Why not doing this together Flindbar? Btw, I wanted to have more than just the new 3.5e mechanic. I wanted to know if there was peoples that were interested to draw images and maps for the new pdf. |
#30flindbarJun 27, 2007 9:33:47 | Well officially I am not dead... yet I'm glad to hear it :p It was a while since I wanted to updated VotW because I used to be VERY often in the wilderness and I like to have small place to make the PCs stop. Me too. I'm on vacation in a couple of days and I will see to finish this if possible. Why not doing this together Flindbar? Sounds good to me. I'll PM you. Btw, I wanted to have more than just the new 3.5e mechanic. I wanted to know if there was peoples that were interested to draw images and maps for the new pdf. Cool. That fits in nicely with what I think Galek was suggesting. :D |
#31Razor767Jun 27, 2007 12:07:42 | I'd be interested in mapping one. |
#32flindbarJun 27, 2007 12:34:23 | I'd be interested in mapping one. Go for it. Pick one that isn't already mapped and post me your results. Cheers ![]() |
#33Razor767Jun 27, 2007 14:31:10 | M'k. Am I using the official release of VotW? Thats what I have, the 2ed one. If there is another one more recent, where can I get it? I don't want to re-map a village already mapped. Also, if you have villages that are done, or mostly done I'd like to start with one of them. Put the whole thing in the can as it were. |
#34flindbarJun 27, 2007 14:52:25 | If you use the 2e version (filename VotW1.1.pdf) as your base. The following villages are open for mapping. (as long as there isn't already one) Arla Segovara, Vavrek Tairek’s Lot Powder River Turg’s Inlet Cwalu Thilon’s Camp Eru’s Rest, Khum Nalod Springs All of these have updated 3.5e stats for the inhabitants. Myself and Grummore are compiling the new file. New contributions welcome. |
#35Razor767Jun 27, 2007 19:53:50 | I'll just start with Arla, at the top of the list. |
#36Razor767Jun 28, 2007 15:55:13 | Ok... this is close to being done, but it is not... I repeat, not... done. Kank honey sweetened critiques are welcome. Mean ones can go sink in the silt. No labels as of yet but read the entry for it. I think I included everything.![]() |
#37cnahumckJun 28, 2007 22:20:10 | nice work. Shoot me a PM with your email, I might have some work for you... |
#38Razor767Jun 29, 2007 3:40:17 | Ok... Finished. Arla in all her glory.![]() |
#39flindbarJun 29, 2007 9:48:16 | Ok... Finished. Arla in all her glory. Thanks Razor. Thats awesome ! Wanna do some more ?? :D :D :D |
#40Razor767Jun 29, 2007 12:03:42 | ok, ok... THIS is the final version. Had to tinker a few things. And yes, I could do another. It'll be slower in coming though. I had a week off and that's why I got this one done when I did. Getting back to work soon though and that means a slower turn around. |
#41Razor767Jun 29, 2007 12:22:14 | For anyone else doing maps, I've chosen Vavrek for my next project. |
#42Band2Jun 29, 2007 17:05:39 | If you use the 2e version (filename VotW1.1.pdf) as your base. Just a quick note - A map of Powder River is included in the document already. |
#43flindbarJun 30, 2007 5:33:09 | Just a quick note - A map of Powder River is included in the document already. The following villages are open for mapping. (as long as there isn't already one) ;) ;) ;) |
#44the_peacebringerAug 04, 2007 8:06:37 | Hi guys, long time no see! Here's Arla! Arla Dukkoti Airhunter, Male Elf Wiz (preserver)7/Clr (air)4: CR 11; Medium Humanoid; HD 7d4+4d8+11; hp 51; Init+3; Spd 40ft (8 squares); AC 18 (+3 Dex, +5 bracers of defence), touch 13, flat-footed 15; Base Atk/Grp +6/+6; Atk shortspear +6 melee (1d6) or longbow +9 ranged (1d8-1); Full Atk shortspear +6/+1 melee (1d6) or longbow +9/+4 ranged (1d8-1); SA Spontaneous casting, summon familiar, turn undead; SQ Low-light vision, resistant to temperature extremes; SV Fort +7; Ref +6; Will +12; AL CG; Str 11; Dex 17; Con 13; Int 20; Wis 17; Cha 14. Skills: Balance +7, Bluff +13, Climb +8, Concentration +15, Decipher Script +8, Diplomacy +12, Knowledge (arcana) +19, Knowledge (religion) +10, Listen +5, Perform (any) +4, Profession (merchant) +6, Search +7, Spellcraft +19, Spot +9, Survival +5. Languages: Common (literate), Drajian, Elven (literate), Gith, Raamite. Feat: Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Hidden Talent, Maximize Spell, Scribe Scroll. Arcane spells prepared (4/6/4/3/2; save DC 15 + spell level): 0- daze, detect magic, resistance, slave scent; 1st-animate rope, disguise self, expeditious retreat, hold portal, magic missile, sleep; 2nd- cat’s grace, knock, protection from arrows, rope trick; 3rd- dispel magic, invisibility sphere, nondetection; 4th- dimension door, magic missile (maximized) . Divine spells prepared (5/4/3; save DC 13 + spell level): 0-create element, cure minor wound, guidance, light, purify food and drink; 1st-color spray*, magic weapon, remove fear, sanctuary, shield of faith; 2nd-augury, spider climb*, silence, sound burst . *Domain spell. Blossom of the Sky (Automatically succeed on Fortitude saves against heat caused by natural weather; water consumption is treated as if continually in the shade, i.e. halved.) and Soaring Spirit (For a total time per day of 1 round per cleric level, act normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement as if affected by the spell freedom of movement. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies, lasts until it runs out or is no longer needed, and can operate multiple times per day (up to the total daily limit of rounds). This granted power is a supernatural ability). Powers known (PP: 2) : 1st-catfall. Possession: Bracers of defence +5. Kara Airhunter, Female Half-Elf Wiz (preserver)4: CR 4; Medium Humanoid; HD 4d4+4; hp 14; Init+3; Spd 30ft (6 squares); AC 12 (+2 dex), touch 12, flat-footed 10; Base Atk/Grp +2/+3; Atk steel dagger +3 melee (1d4+1) or steel dagger +5 ranged (1d4+1); SA Summon familiar; SQ Low-light vision; SV Fort +2; Ref +4; Will +5; AL NG; Str 14; Dex 16; Con 13; Int 17; Wis 12; Cha 15. Skills: Appraise +8, Bluff +11, Concentration +8, Handle Animal +4, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Listen +2, Profession (merchant) +8, Search +4, Spellcraft +7, Spot +2, Survival +3. Languages: Common (literate), Dwarven, Elven (literate). Feat: Hidden Talent, Scribe Scroll, Trader. Spells prepared (4/4/3; save DC 13 + spell level): 0- daze, detect magic, message, resistance; 1st-charm person, mage armor, magic missile, shield; 2nd- cat’s grace, Melf’s acid arrow, protection from arrows. Powers known (PP: 2; save DC 13) : 1st-mindlink. Theis, Male Human Psi15/PsW1: CR 16; Medium Humanoid; HD 15d4+1d8+48; hp 89; Init+1; Spd 30ft (6 squares); AC 15 (+1 dex, +4 mekillot hide), touch 11, flat-footed 14; Base Atk/Grp +7/+8; Atk steel short sword +8 melee (1d6+1/19-20); Full Atk steel short sword +8/+3 melee (1d6+1/19-20); SV Fort +10; Ref +6; Will +11; AL NG; Str 13; Dex 12; Con 16; Int 16; Wis 14; Cha 13. Skills: Autohypnosis +21, Climb +3, Concentration +22, Heal +8, Jump +3, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +8, Knowledge (psionic) +22, Psicraft +22, Ride +5. Languages: Balican (literate), Common (literate). Feat: Body Fuel, Expanded Knowledge (x2), Extend Power, Metamorphic Transfer, Mind Over Body, Overchannel, Psionic Endowment, Psionic Meditation, Quicken Power, Rapid Metabolism, Talented. Psion powers known (PP: 218; Discipline: Psychometabolism; save DC 14 + Power Level): 1st- dissipating touch, know direction and location, mind thrust, primal fear, vigor; 2nd-animal affinity, body equilibrium, chameleon, hustle, sustenance; 3rd-body adjustment, danger sense, ectoplasmic form, metamorphisism, psionic blast; 4th-correspond, dimension door, domination, energy adaptation, intellect fortress; 5th-adapt body, psychic crush, psychofeedback, psychotic break, teleport, tower of iron will; 6th-contingency, mass cloud mind, overland flight, restoration. Psychic warrior powers known (save DC 13 + Power Level): 1st- prevenom In this version, I exchanged the Intelligence ability score for the Wisdom score; I didn’t really see Theis as a Wilder. The low score is a bit of a downer on his level of power though. To give him access to weapons and armor, I gave him a level of Psychic warrior (it meant two high-level powers less –1 of BAB and -1 to Will saves but I wanted to leave him as much as the original as possible). |
#45SysaneAug 04, 2007 9:54:33 | Hi guys, long time no see! Good to see ya PB. Welcome back ![]() |
#46skullkrusherAug 04, 2007 10:42:17 | if this is still going on i would be interested in making artwork for the upcoming release??? |
#47flindbarAug 04, 2007 13:51:04 | Yup. Still going on. (albeit slowly ![]() |
#48skullkrusherAug 04, 2007 14:29:51 | Yup. so what should I draw. random villages or should i consult the 2ed??? maybe some random animals or monsters??? NPCs perhaps? |
#49PennarinAug 04, 2007 14:35:05 | Nice map Razor! What would you think about making yourself availlable to draw a few maps when the need arise, for products? If yes, drop me an email. |
#50PennarinAug 04, 2007 14:42:35 | Hi guys, long time no see! Woooa! Resurected from the dead! I see I'm not the only one...welcome back old chap! |
#51flindbarAug 04, 2007 14:56:38 | Hi guys, long time no see! Thanks for doing that PB. :D Nice to have you back. Cheers f. |
#52agiAug 07, 2007 22:16:48 | Razor, great map. What software did you use to get such a professional, clean look? |
#53ishan_whDec 14, 2007 12:04:04 | So this is my version for the Residents of Arla, Gru asked me to put it in this thread, I just started it yesterday without knowing there was already one... Dukkoti Airhunter 3.5 Male Elf-Windancer Tribe, 7th Level Preserver/ 8th Level Air Cleric Str 11, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 18, Cha 14 Base Attack Bonus: +9/+4 Grapple: +9/+4 Ranged: +13/+8 Spear: +10/+5 - Dmg 1d8-1 - Critical 20x3 Long Bow: +13/+8 - Dmg 1d8-1 - Critical 20x3 AC: 19/ Touch: 14/ Flat Footed: 15 Fortitude: +10, Reflex: +8, Will: +15 HP: 103 Initiative: +8 Gear: Bracers of Armor +5, Mwk Spear, Long Bow Skills: 126 pts. Balance +11, Bluff +12, Climb +7, Concentration +20, Decipher Script +12, Diplomacy +7, Heal +9, Knowledge Arcana +12, Knowledge Religion +12, Knowledge Nature +9, Knowledge Astronomy +9, Listen +10, Literacy (2), Profession: Trader +7, Search +10, Spellcraft +20, Spot +10, Survival +7/(+9 Desert) Feats: 7 Improved Initiative, Combat Casting, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, ANY SUGGESTIONS WOULD BE GOOD Domain: Soaring Spirit Granted Power: For a total time per day of 1 round per cleric level, you can act normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement as if you were affected by the spell freedom of movement. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies, lasts until it runs out or is no longer needed, and can operate multiple times per day (up to the total daily limit of rounds). This granted power is a supernatural ability. GONNA UPDATE IT SOON (gotta work too u know) hehehe |
#54GrummoreMar 31, 2008 22:16:59 | Greetings peoples! Flindbar is currently in the process of doing a PDF. Though, we seems to be missing the peoples of Khum! Why? Because it's my fault! I did not saw it. It's been done by the same guy (which seem to be our reverent ! ;) ) Not to be included, author declined Daro - I suppose we can only keep the Flavor text? Or would it be better to remove it completely? Need update - I have their agreement. Arla - Preview by PeaceBringer Segovara - Preview by PeaceBringer Vavrek - Preview by PeaceBringer Tairek’s Lot - Preview by PeaceBringer Powder River - Preview by PeaceBringer Turg’s Inlet - Preview by PeaceBringer Cwalu - Preview by PeaceBringer Thilon’s Camp - Preview by PeaceBringer Eru’s Rest - Preview by Flindbar Khum - This one is missing. Nalod Springs - Preview by Netherek Unreachable authors Menka’s Gate Dubok Sakkakog Alador Pree Ha’em p.s. : If anybody can find the peoples who made these locations, we could add their original submission as well. For more information about these "unreachable" peoples, please find your contact informations in the original PDF of VotW. If you have any questions, please address these to [email=grummore at]grummore[at][/email] |
#55ishan_whApr 01, 2008 0:56:30 | Hey I´m almost done with a Menka’s Gate version I created gonna post it here tomorrow, hope I dont steal anybodys "Menka’s Gate" Let me know... Working for a better Athas |
#56flindbarApr 01, 2008 1:31:19 | Hey I´m almost done with a Menka’s Gate version I created gonna post it here tomorrow, hope I dont steal anybodys "Menka’s Gate" Unfortunately because we can't contact the original author of Menka's Gate we can't officially update it as far as I'm aware. If one of the crew could verify ?? Cheers f. |
#57gabApr 01, 2008 8:05:04 | Yes, we can only update if we have the original author's permission. |
#58xocatchil_dupApr 01, 2008 8:23:19 | IMHO, all the entries in Villages of the Wastes can be updated. The problem of reaching the authors depends on what has been concluded between them and Is it like in Dragon/Dungeon Magazine : once you submit material, it becomes the "property" of Dragon/Dungeon Magazine ? (seems to me the most logical) I think the point should be : do the authors want to update themselves what they had done? Otherwise, in my opinion, we should feel free to update the whole thing ourselves. |
#59jon_oracle_of_athasApr 01, 2008 14:01:12 | IMHO, all the entries in Villages of the Wastes can be updated. Sadly, no. Because: Yes, we can only update if we have the original author's permission. Read the rest of the thread to see answers from individual authors. |
#60GrummoreApr 01, 2008 17:20:28 | Greetings peoples! Flindbar is currently in the process of doing a PDF. Though, we seems to be missing the peoples of Khum! Why? Because it's my fault! I did not saw it. It's been done by the same guy (which seem to be our reverent ! ;) ) Not to be included, author declined Daro - I suppose we can only keep the Flavor text? Or would it be better to remove it completely? Need update - I have their agreement. Arla - Preview by PeaceBringer Segovara - Preview by PeaceBringer Vavrek - Preview by PeaceBringer Tairek’s Lot - Preview by PeaceBringer Powder River - Preview by PeaceBringer Turg’s Inlet - Preview by PeaceBringer Cwalu - Preview by PeaceBringer Thilon’s Camp - Preview by PeaceBringer Eru’s Rest - Preview by Flindbar Khum - This one is missing. Nalod Springs - Preview by Netherek Sakkakog - This one remains to be done. Unreachable authors Menka’s Gate Dubok Alador Pree Ha’em p.s. : If anybody can find the peoples who made these locations, we could add their original submission as well. For more information about these "unreachable" peoples, please find your contact informations in the original PDF of VotW. If you have any questions, please address these to [email=grummore at]grummore[at][/email] |
#61GrummoreApr 01, 2008 17:22:12 | >>>> NEW FLASH <<<< After 5 years, I found another contributor! I took 3 hours to find that guy. I wasnt sure it was him so I sended him a email. Sakkakog by Braith Boyton is now available to convert! Thanks. |
#62GrummoreApr 01, 2008 21:24:57 | Not to be included, author declined Daro - I suppose we can only keep the Flavor text? Or would it be better to remove it completely? Need update - I have their agreement. Arla - Preview by PeaceBringer Segovara - Preview by PeaceBringer Vavrek - Preview by PeaceBringer Tairek’s Lot - Preview by PeaceBringer Powder River - Preview by PeaceBringer Turg’s Inlet - Preview by PeaceBringer Cwalu - Preview by PeaceBringer Thilon’s Camp - Preview by PeaceBringer Eru’s Rest - Preview by Flindbar Khum - This one is missing. Nalod Springs - Preview by Netherek Sakkakog - This one remains to be done. Menka’s Gate - This one remains to be done. Unreachable authors Dubok Alador Pree Ha’em p.s. : If anybody can find the peoples who made these locations, we could add their original submission as well. For more information about these "unreachable" peoples, please find your contact informations in the original PDF of VotW. If you have any questions, please address these to [email=grummore at]grummore[at][/email] |
#63GrummoreApr 02, 2008 7:26:15 | >>>> NEW FLASH again <<<< Hey ANOTHER contributor answer the call! I took 2 hours to find that guy. I can't believe I manage to find yet again another one after sooooooo long! Menka’s Gate by Nathan Paziuk is now available to convert! Thanks. |
#64GrummoreApr 02, 2008 7:29:11 | I have a question for crewmembers. If add new NPC to Daro (and do not add the 2nd ed one), do you think we could add Daro to the v2 document? |
#65ishan_whApr 02, 2008 12:05:44 | Not to be included, author declined Say Grum I can do the Menka’s Gate cause I already got most of the npc done... let me know Thanks |
#66GrummoreApr 02, 2008 12:22:26 | ishan, just proceed and post them here. |
#67xocatchil_dupApr 04, 2008 9:06:11 | Would it be possible to convince William Allman (Daro's Author) to accept the update of his village ? Or was his answer definitive ? |
#68flindbarApr 04, 2008 9:26:03 | Would it be possible to convince William Allman (Daro's Author) to accept the update of his village ? Or was his answer definitive ? As nice as it would be to have all the original entries, I think once asked, his decision should be respected. ![]() |
#69GrummoreApr 04, 2008 10:42:19 | Would it be possible to convince William Allman (Daro's Author) to accept the update of his village ? Or was his answer definitive ? I think no. I first asked him and he rejected. Then, I posted him another time to be more specific on what we intended to do and he still didnt wanted us to do. So, this wouldnt be politically correct to ask him again. I am not a numbers crunchers so please convert these NPCs ! :D |
#70greyormApr 04, 2008 14:40:53 | Er, what do you mean you lost Khum? |
#71ishan_whApr 16, 2008 7:05:45 | Menka (3.5) Male Human, Rogue lv9 Lawful Neutral Str 12, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 18 Base Attack Bonus: +6/+1 Grapple: +7/+2 Ranged: +8/+3 Bone Short Sword: +8/+3 - Dmg: 1d6 - Critical:19-20x2 AC: 14/ Touch: 12/ Flat Footed: 12 Saves: Fortitude: +7, Reflex: +8, Will: +4 HP: 62 Initiative: +2 Size: Medium Reach: 5ft. Speed: 30ft Language: Common (S), X (S/W), X (S/W), X (S/W) Gear: Bone Short Sword, Leather armor CR: 9 Skills: 144 pts Appraise () +, Balance () +, Bluff (12) +16, Climb () +, Decipher Script () +, Diplomacy (7) +11, Disable Device () +, Disguise () +, Escape Artist () +, Gather Information () +, Hide () +, Intimidate () +, Jump () +, Knowledge (Local-X) () +, Literacy (2/4), Listen () +, Move Silently () +, Open Lock () +, Search () +, Sense Motive () +, Sleight of Hand () +, Spot () +, Survival (3/6) +6, Tumble () +, Use Rope () + Feats: 5 Weapon Finesse, Hidden Talent: Empathy, Wastelander, X, X Abilities: Sneak Attack 5d6, Trapfinding, Trap Sense +3, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge Still need to finish the Skill points and feats, gonna do it real soon... lol |
#72GrummoreApr 16, 2008 7:36:07 | Er, what do you mean you lost Khum? Hum no! It's just that I never wrote it in the beginning so... nobody made 3.5e Npc update! Come on peoples! Let's do these remaining places! |
#73CalionJun 30, 2011 23:31:04 | Okay, did this ever materialize into an actual product? I've been going through the 1.1 pdf in Acrobat and making bookmarks, fixing minor typos, etc. I'd love an updated (3.5 or 4e) version of this... Also, where's the final map of Arla? The link is broken. |