Campaign Help



Mar 13, 2006 22:02:06
I am creating a campaign and the players for who this campiagn is for just finished Amber and Iron. !Spoiler Alert!

At the end, Majere says that Mina is a god. Any ideas of who that god is?


Mar 13, 2006 23:47:08
I am creating a campaign and the players for who this campiagn is for just finished Amber and Iron. !Spoiler Alert!

At the end, Majere says that Mina is a god. Any ideas of who that god is?

Mina, one presumes.



Mar 15, 2006 12:59:56
I believe that Mina is (or will be) a god who has not been previously mentioned. As the dragon states in the book, the dragon does not know who she is. This dragon is the oldest living thing on the planet (or so we are led to believe) and yet does not know who Mina is, but does know she is a god who the dragon apparently never seen. Hence the question, "Where have you been?"

I personally believe Mina is the daughter of Takhisis & Paladine. But this does not make sense because she (according to Majere) is a god of light.

This of course is going to make for some interesting reading in the final book, as Gilean will of course point out "the balance." Which begs the question, "If Mina is a new God of Light, who is the new god of darkness." I'm leaning towards Ariakan.


Mar 15, 2006 22:35:09
But that points to the question what was at the end of the last book of the War of Souls trilogy, in which the mortal Paladine noted that there were twenty two gods, one of which is now Chaos. 7 light, 7 dark, 7 nuetral. This is including Paladine and Takhisis. Or at least I think it does. So this is why I think it may be an avatar of a god, but one that the god isn't aware of.