Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1dirk00001Mar 17, 2006 16:37:06 | I know I saw something about it awhile back (and even copied the list of poisons as-of-then to a text file), but what's the status on the Athasian poison list, their craft DCs, etc.? I did yee olde Google search and couldn't even find the friggin' thread, so for obvious reasons I can't re-check it. *le sigh* On a related subject, the list of Athasian poisons I saved didn't appear to include the "black-tipped arrow" poison described in the first book of the Prism Pentad series - it caused unconsciousness, and from the poison list I saved from the above-mentioned thread only had 2 injury/unconsciousness poisons, one from the Wezer (desert dweller, so wouldn't be the source of the halfing poison) and the other from the psionocus (...which also is a very unlikely source of the poison). So - what's everyones thoughts on the halfling poison? Just an athasian variant on drow poison (my current theory, although the fact that it dropped Rikus with a single shot leads me to believe that the save DC is probably higher), perhaps Blue Whinnis (...although that'd require 1 minute per 3.5e rules until unconsciousness, which doesn't fly with the near-instant unconsciousness described in the book), or something else entirely? |
#2methvezemMar 17, 2006 17:15:40 | Guess I can answer you here Dirk00001. ![]() The pricing and the Craft DC for the athasian poisons are all done, but, you'll have to wait for the Equipment project playtest version to be out. I tried to ask community help for describing fluff effects for poisons that I didn't knew what to write, but got no feedback. See the thread below. Anyways, what you ask for will be in the Equipment project. If possible, we'll add poison described in the various books, or if not, they'll probably be in the following iteration of the doc. The thread where I ask for community's help is here: [Ideas needed] Poison effects. And the call for help is still standing ;) . and the one where you found the pricing is here: Poison Pricing Feedack . Hope that helps! |
#3dirk00001Mar 17, 2006 18:39:46 | Awesome, thanks - gonna kick those threads back up to the top of the list, then. :D |