Difficult Situation



May 23, 2006 14:19:33
Ok here's the skinny,
As my presence on the boards indicate my interest in Dark Sun has recently been rekindled. Now I've got a group of about 6 players (including me) and its going pretty good so far (Just a little bit into Freedom!). Now here's my problem, I really want to play as a PC I mean really want too, and although my group has another person that could DM, I'm worried that he'll ruin the experience as he's an atypical guy, bassically I don't think he's up too the task of DMing Darksun. Do you guys have any suggestions?


May 23, 2006 14:54:07
That’s rough dude- I have been in and still in the same situation- I have never been a full on 'player' in a DS campaign.

But think of it like this- you are not missing out in playing a single character, but instead, you have the ability to make ALL of the characters you have ever dreamed of playing.

IMC- NPCs and recurring villains (some of whom go back to the first adventure) are all ways for me to play the characters that I have always wanted- I make them just like a PC and give them backgrounds and goals. I use class combos that I have always wanted to try and feat that I have never taken before, so it gives me as a DM more versatile NPCs and also interesting people for my players to react with.

Of course, I will soon be taking a break from DMing DS for a while, and one of my players will begin a FR campaign. This is not a replacement game, just something to give me a break for a few months. After that, it will be back to the wasteland of Athas to TRULY put my players through the ringer- so far I have been too nice to them and the will soon learn the lessons of pain and loss!!!


May 23, 2006 15:36:49
Well it's nice to know I'm not the only one in this situation.


May 23, 2006 17:05:13
I had roughly the same issue in a L5R game I ran several years ago. The party was small enough that I just ran an NPC in the party. I have no idea how well that worked for the party (now that I'm thinking about it, I'll probably ask one or two of the people who played in it what they though), but I don't remember it causing any huge problems. When my NPC in the party took his turn in combat, I usually played fast and loose with the rules. If your party is small, this might work.


May 23, 2006 22:36:13
I'm in a Play by Post DS game right now, but I don't think there is any room for new characters. You might be able to find another one though. I'd never been a player in any DS game before this, and It's not the same as a regular group, but it's still fun.