Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1zombiegleemaxJun 15, 2006 17:00:02 | :D 1: Where can I find the Epic rules for DarkSun, Epic Progressions, etc? |
#2dirk00001Jun 15, 2006 17:13:07 | has the Dragon Epic PrC and metamorphosis spells. Avangion should be coming soon. But that's it as far as "official" material is concerned, as far as I'm aware. A page or two back on the boards I posted a PrC and progression for a shadow/Black-based EPrC as well. |
#3PennarinJun 15, 2006 17:26:13 | They are being drawn by the Epic Bureau team. Currently there exists the Athasian Dragon prestige class and the Champion of Rajaat template. Periodically check on The Burnt World of Athas' releases or news page to see if more epic rules have been added. |
#4cnahumckJun 15, 2006 21:54:27 | and i have the Shadow Dragon PrC. it is in the archives, since i don't know how to make a link. |
#5radnoviusJun 16, 2006 17:59:43 | How to make a link: Easiest way is to highlight the phrase you want linked and hit the Insert Hypertext button between insert Picture and insert e-mail. It will then prompt you for a web address. Alternatively you may type within [] URL = http:// insert web address here. before the text you want to serve as a link and within [] /URL after the text. |
#6gilliard_derosanJun 16, 2006 21:47:42 | :D Well, since I believe every class in Dark Sun is now based on a Phb class (with the exception of the Templar).. then the answer would be... Epic Level Handbook. There still needs to be progression gathered up for prestige classes, but these should be fairly easy to extrapolate from other prestige classes. Or, just disallow epic prestige classes |
#7dirk00001Jun 17, 2006 13:43:09 | Ya know, this thread does bring up a good point - other than advanced beings we don't have any Athas-specific EPrC's, although I recall Dragon Kings listing the equivalent of them (level 21st-30th for base classes). Kal, are there going to be any EPrCs in the Prestige Class Appendix II? Anyone have any ideas for some Athasian concepts that'd make good EPrCs? |
#8cnahumckJun 17, 2006 18:25:54 | There aren't any epic PrC's in the Apendix II, I submitted my Shadow Dragon PrC, but it wasn't taken (because it was epic). That doesn't mean that we couldn't have something else going though. |
#9mystictheurgeJun 17, 2006 19:36:45 | Ya know, this thread does bring up a good point - other than advanced beings we don't have any Athas-specific EPrC's, although I recall Dragon Kings listing the equivalent of them (level 21st-30th for base classes). Dragon Kings really was the original Epic Level Handbook. As someone else pointed out, since many of the DS base classes now closely follow the standard write ups from PHB, epic progressions should match those listed in the ELH fairly closely. Gladiators, Templars and Bards, notably, would need new/different progressions. |
#10dirk00001Jun 18, 2006 0:41:29 | Dragon Kings really was the original Epic Level Handbook. As someone else pointed out, since many of the DS base classes now closely follow the standard write ups from PHB, epic progressions should match those listed in the ELH fairly closely. I was thinking more along the lines of the "true" Epic PrCs, as found in the ELH, not Epic progressions for the base classes. |
#11mystictheurgeJun 18, 2006 8:01:22 | I was thinking more along the lines of the "true" Epic PrCs, as found in the ELH, not Epic progressions for the base classes. Right, and I definitely think there's possibility for some, but what was presented in Dragon Kings wasn't really Epic PrCs so much as Epic Progressions. As for EPrCs, the Rook I made up recently, could've been one, and with a bit of modification could probably be changed to one. I stuck with a standard (though high level) one since I don't have much experience writing, or even playing with, EPrCs. |
#12dirk00001Jun 18, 2006 14:54:16 | Right, and I definitely think there's possibility for some, but what was presented in Dragon Kings wasn't really Epic PrCs so much as Epic Progressions. Link? Anyone else have any EPrC ideas? My characters are all Epic level now and, because of how I run my game (re: house rules restricting how many PrCs a PC can take and at what levels they can take them), two of them are simple dual-classed characters without PrCs that would like to have some, but due to the loss of BAB/save increases at Epic levels none of the available PrCs are really worth it to them. So anyway, maybe if we can get a selection of EPrC ideas someone ( ![]() |
#13kalthandrixJun 18, 2006 15:38:35 | I have an epic PrC I am working on - Member of the Order or some jazz like that. |
#14rjtrotterJun 18, 2006 17:07:39 | I have an epic PrC I am working on - Member of the Order or some jazz like that. Cool. I am happy to see they are being covered by someone Kal. SSSOOOOOO, when are we goning to see it? |
#15kalthandrixJun 18, 2006 17:09:54 | Later is the best answer I can give. |
#16sekerJun 18, 2006 17:36:12 | While we have been focussing on the advanced beings to start with.... there were plans also to work on more normal epic PrCs, feats, etc.. in the epic bureau... we are just trying to finnish the advanced beings first... and don't worry once we have Avangions out there the rest should come much quicker... this one has been a bit interesting for us.... and it did not help that RL issues dropped a couple of us out for a while... but we are on the ball now. |
#17mystictheurgeJun 18, 2006 18:23:25 | Link? The Rook. It's written as a PrC for rogues/bards to take at 10th, but it's modeled off the 20-30 progression rogues (thieves/bards) got in Dragon Kings. I'm not entirely sure how you would up it to an epic one, but someone's welcome to give it a shot. |
#18dirk00001Jun 18, 2006 22:19:39 | The Rook. It'd require a decent amount of change, as one of the lynchpins of EPrCs seems to be that you get supernatural, spell-like and extraordinary abilities at set caster levels in lieu of new spells lists and such (excepting "+1 existing caster level" entries, that is). So I'd say the major conversion would be to strip out the spell list and instead move the most noteworthy/"important for the class" spells from that list to spell-like powers. Part of that, I believe, is due to the concept that an Epic character can, by their very nature, perform acts that have the qualities of a spell without technically *being* a spell. In the case of your Rook that might actually work out for the better, since then you don't have to justify how they're gathering their spell energy, worry about how other characters will relate to their spellcasting abilities quite so much, etc. |
#19PennarinJun 19, 2006 0:57:48 | While we have been focussing on the advanced beings to start with.... there were plans also to work on more normal epic PrCs, feats, etc.. in the epic bureau... we are just trying to finnish the advanced beings first... I came up with these rather boring ideas. Maybe they'll spark something for the team: - Defiler Toughness: A feat that rewards a defiler for taking many defiler feats. For each defiler feat the character possesses he gains X (something like 2 hp; use the similar psionic feat as model.) - An epic feat called Epic Defiling which increases your defiling radius by another 5 ft. per spell level, increasing the DC bonuses from terrain and reducing their penalties by one. Requirements: At least four defiler feats and one high ability score. (Use a similar feat as a model, or the prerequisites of the Archmage.) Epic feats that reward an advanced being from having certain class features and feats deemed related to the character’s new physical form, but not readily thought of when advancing through the metamorphosis. For example, a dragon’s new form is imensely superior to its original humanoid or monstrous humanoid form, more combat-oriented. The epic feat should reward having certain Fighter or Barbarian class features, as well as certain warrior-related feats like Improved Unarmed Strike and Mobility. (All of the above are feats a spellcaster/manifester probably won't take.) Related to Complete Warrior’s Tactial Feats and Weapon Style Feats, allowing a combo to be made as long as you have certain feats and class features (Weapon Style), and maneuvers as well (Tactical). For example, a dragon could marry certain unarmed or natural weapon attacks with its All-Out Attack ability, and if he has a certain feat chain like Mobility, allow the natural attack/All-Out Attack to be used another time if the enemy is felled down, like a follow-through attack on a creature after you successfully sunder its weapon or shield. The dragon uses a natural attack coupled with a single-target melee touch spell and single-target melee touch power, and if he fells his enemy in the attack round, he gets to use the combo again in the same round on another target within reach. Each AB would have its own set of feats (about 3) which would reward the character from taking unorthodox but thematically-related class levels or feats, such as a dragon barbarian or fighter, or an avangion druid or ranger. |
#20radnoviusJun 19, 2006 1:40:11 | Each AB would have its own set of feats (about 3) which would reward the character from taking unorthodox but thematically-related class levels or feats, such as a dragon barbarian or fighter, or an avangion druid or ranger. This might be cool. Each advanced being could gain an additional favored class. Also there could be special PrCs for advanced beings. |
#21dirk00001Jun 19, 2006 10:06:21 | I really like that idea - I'd already justified (to myself, at least) how every one of the S-K's would have taken Psychic Reformation] in order to rebuild themselves from Champions into rulers, as well as to further change themselves as their needs changed throughout the years, so I think your idea fits in well with that concept, especially since AB metamorphosis doesn't directly correspond with any particular character build (class-wise); Borys for instance may have focused himself on magical prowess before becoming the Dragon, but as seen in the Prism Pentad he seemed to favor physical and psionic attacks by that point in this existence. Same goes for some of the other epic characters; Dregoth would probably love any "tactical"-style feat since his undead transformation gives him all those additional touch-based abilities. Gonna think about this some, I love tactical and weapon feats already, so this is definitely an idea that sparks my imagination. |
#22dirk00001Jun 20, 2006 1:28:59 | Based on Penn's ideas, and fueled by scenes from the Prism Pentad and RaFoaDK, here are my first 4 Dark Sun-flavored Epic Feats. I've tried to keep them as "non-class specific" as possible so that some of them may be used for as-of-yet uncreated Advanced Being EPrCs and metamorphosis progressions, as well as for other Epic characters found under the Athasian sun. I'll follow the same pattern for any future ones, and suggest that anyone else that wants to contribute do the same. (I've already got another one or two in mind, and I'm sure the list will just keep growing) Comments and critiques as usual ( of these days someone really needs to say "don't even acknowledge my post!") Forceful Rending [Epic] By applying your grappling skills to your form’s great strength and natural attacks, you are able to rip an opponent apart, killing them in an extremely violent display of raw physical might. Prerequisites: Strength 25, Cleave, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, two or more natural attacks capable of grappling an opponent. Benefit: In order to perform a forceful rending, you must begin your turn grappling a creature that is subject to critical hits and that is at least two size levels smaller than you. Doing so is a full attack action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. When you take your action, choose two of your natural attacks with which you can grapple and make an opposed grapple check versus your opponent at a -20 penalty. If you succeed at the grapple check you deliver a coup de grace to the grappled opponent, dealing base damage equal to the greater of the two natural attacks used for the forceful rending. Foes that are killed by the attack are ripped into two (or more) pieces, dying from a combination of shock and physical trauma, while those that survive the coup de grace or win the opposed grapple check remain grappled but suffer no further effects. Dualistic Destruction [Epic, Psionic] The power of your Will combined with your master of magic is so great that your mental attacks manifest physically as well as mentally, obliterating your target’s mind and body alike. Prerequisites: Maximize Power, Concentration 24 ranks, Psicraft 30 ranks, psionic enchantment class ability (any), ability to manifest the maximum normal power level of at least one psionic class. Benefit: While psionically focused, the body of any corporeal creature reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by a mind-affecting power you manifest is completely destroyed. The manner in which a creature is destroyed varies from character to character, although each usually has a single “signature” way in which this feat displays itself; Kalak of Tyr incinerates the foes of his body, for instance, while the Dragon explosively vaporizes an opponent. Creatures destroyed by dualistic destruction are treated as having been disintegrated for the purpose of raise dead or similar spells, powers or effects. Dualistic destruction can be used in conjunction with a metapsionic feat, or in any other situation where you expend your psionic focus at the same time that you manifest a mind-affecting power subject to dualistic destruction. Focused Rage [Epic] Your ability to focus upon a single task gives you a limited ability to manifest powers and cast spells while in a berserker rage. Prerequisites: Concentration 24 ranks, Iron Will, Narrow Mind, all-out attack class ability, rage or frenzy class ability. Benefit: While in a rage or frenzy you may cast a spell and manifest a power as part of an all-out attack, following the normal rules for the all-out attack class ability, as long as the spell, power and all natural attacks are directed against the same opponent. Metamagic and metapsionic feats may also be used as normal to augment the spell and power. Should the opponent die, move, or otherwise be rendered an invalid target before your all-out attack action is completed any remaining spell, power or attacks may be redirected at any other appropriate target as long as all remaining spell, power or attacks can be targeted against the same opponent. Any spell, power or attacks that cannot be re-targeted in such a fashion are wasted. Implacable Advance [Epic, Fighter] You are an unstoppable juggernaut, able to push your way through a formation of enemies, knocking them to the ground and dispensing deadly blows, magic and powers with every step. Prerequisites: Dodge, Mobility, Power Attack, Improved Overrun, all-out attack class ability, base attack bonus +12, size Large or larger. Benefit: You may combine one or more overrun attempts with your all-out attack. Doing so counts as a full attack action. When performing an implacable advance, you attempt an overrun attempt against an opponent, as per the normal overrun rules (moving at your base speed, provoking an attack of opportunity from the defender, etc.); if the defender is knocked prone by your overrun attempt, you may immediately take any unused attacks from your all-out attack action against the now-prone target, and may additionally target either your all-out attack spell or power (or both) at the defender if desired. After a successful overrun attempt if you still have movement remaining you may continue your implacable advance, making further overrun attempts against additional opponents and using any remaining attack(s), spell or power against defenders you knock prone. You may continue your implacable advance until you have no movement remaining, fail to knock a defender prone, have used all of your attacks as well as both your spell and power, or decide to stop the advance. Unlike a normal all-out attack, you may only target the spell and power against yourself or an opponent you have knocked prone; spells and powers that do not have a range of personal, touch, or a single target cannot be used as part of an implacable advance action. 6/20 Edit: Reduced Imp. Advance BAB down to +12, added that it's a full attack action to perform. 6/20 Edit 2: Changed 'gratuitous bisection' to 'forceful rending' and modified the Benefit text. Changed 'corporeal vaporization' to 'dualistic destruction' and modified the Benefit text. |
#23dirk00001Jun 20, 2006 12:13:53 | Slow day at work - here are 3 more. ;) Internal Combustion [Epic, Psionic] Just as the hatred for your chosen enemy burns within you, so do your targeted fire-based powers manifest within your enemies body. Prerequisites: Improved Favored Enemy, Privileged Energy (Fire), Psicraft 24 ranks, favored enemy class ability. Benefit: While psionically focused, targeted powers with the fire energy descriptor affecting one or more corporeal opponents that are a favored enemy originate from within their bodies rather than without, providing two benefits: the target(s) must make a Fortitude save rather than Reflex save to reduce damage (and thus abilities such as Evasion do not apply), and you may add your favored enemy damage bonus to damage dealt by the power in addition to any other bonus damage from feats, augmentation, or otherwise. Internal combustion may only be used with powers that target one or more creatures; it may not be used with powers that affect an area or are rays. Internal combustion may be used in conjunction with a metapsionic feat, or in any other situation where you expend your psionic focus at the same time that you manifest the power subject to internal combustion. Epic Defiling [Epic, Special] Your ability to defile plant life far surpasses that of other defilers, further empowering your spells at the cost of an even greater area of terrain turned to ash. Prerequisites: Intelligence 25, four or more raze feats, must be a defiler or be able to cast spells as a defiler. Benefit: Your defiling radius is 10 ft. x spell slot level expended (a 0-level spell defiles a 5 ft. radius area), and all terrain modifiers for Spell Save DCs and Caster Level Checks (as listed on table 7-1: Terrain Modifiers in the Dark Sun 3.5 rulebook) increase by +1. Normal: Your defiling radius is 5 ft. x spell slot level expended (or a single 5 ft. square occupied by the caster, in the case of 0-level spells) and terrain modifiers are as listed. Special: The benefits of this feat can only be applied when defiling plant life; it does not apply when defiling via Dragon Magic or any other method of defiling that draws energy from a different source. Potent Exhalation [Epic, Wild] Your breath weapon is strengthened by your connection to the land. Prerequisites: Wisdom 21, one or more wild feats, breath weapon supernatural ability, ability to wild shape. Benefit: When using your breath weapon you may spend one wild shape as a free action to increase your effective hit dice for the purpose of determining the breath weapon’s damage, saving throw DC, and any other effects. Your effective hit dice count as 2 higher for every wild feat you have, including potent exhalation. For example, a 7th-stage Athasian Dragon with 40 hit dice and a total of three wild shape feats would count as being 46 hit dice, increasing the damage dealt by their breath weapon by 3d12 and increasing the save DC by +3. |
#24PennarinJun 20, 2006 13:55:53 | Gratuitous Bisection: make that Forceful Rending ? Being ripped in two is not realistic. What is is being pulled apart. Its a broader expression that includes having your limbs pulled away. The trauma is what kills you, and probably the drop in blood pressure. No need to go Dragonball Z on the poor fellow to kill him. Corporeal Vaporization: Weird name again. ![]() Privileged Energy (Fire): What is that feat? Potent Exhalation: That would be a strange choice of classes, mixing defiler and ranger. Generally they don't mix, albeit the mix is a legal one, no rules against. Just know that the spells you get from the ranger are divine and if you destroy the land they will be witheld from you. So its virtually incompatible with being a defiler or dragon. There should be better mixes of classes, like dragon/barbarian or dragon/fighter, or dragon/psychic warrior, also avangion/druid and avangion/ranger. |
#25zombiegleemaxJun 20, 2006 14:36:37 | But, what about the current PrC? there are 40+ prestige to DS wich are left aside. |
#26dirk00001Jun 20, 2006 14:48:24 | Gratuitous Bisection: make that Forceful Rending ? Being ripped in two is not realistic. What is is being pulled apart. Its a broader expression that includes having your limbs pulled away. The trauma is what kills you, and probably the drop in blood pressure. No need to go Dragonball Z on the poor fellow to kill him. Sounds good, I was primarily thinking about the Dragon, whom is quite capable of ripping someone in half. Your take on it is better, though. Will reword/rename and edit the post. (...and why *not* go Dragonball Z? :P) Corporeal Vaporization: Weird name again. Hehe, I've got a thing for complex names for stuff...but lemme think if I can think of something a little less eccentric. I also like the idea of it being more of a "signature" effect - I had forgotten about Kalak's attack and had written this based on the scene from Cerulean Storm where the Dragon mentally attacks Caelum and the poor dwarf explodes in a spray of gore. I'll reword it so that it's more "open-ended," fluff-wise, but has the same in-game effect. Privileged Energy (Fire): What is that feat? It's from Complete Psionic, in a nutshell it requires you to have the Energy Missile power and it increases the damage done by powers with the chosen energy descriptor by +1 per die (if I recall correctly). I made it a requirement for this mostly as it's something that (IMO) a psion/ranger most likely isn't going to take, especially since only a kineticist can get Energy Missile without expending a feat for it, so it goes along (I thought) with your idea of "thematically-related but not the norm" Epic feats. And, in case you didn't catch the reference, this is my take on the Troll Scorcher's ability as described in RaFoaDK. Potent Exhalation: That would be a strange choice of classes, mixing defiler and ranger. Generally they don't mix, albeit the mix is a legal one, no rules against. Just know that the spells you get from the ranger are divine and if you destroy the land they will be witheld from you. So its virtually incompatible with being a defiler or dragon. You mean druid and defiler? Yes, it is...but there are other classes that give the Wild Shape ability as well (including Blighter, which would definitely work...say an ex-druid/preserver who accidentally defiles one-too-many times and thus becomes a defiler and so goes the blighter PrC route). And as I said in my initial post, I wanted to make these as "un-class-specific" as possible, as well as leave them open-ended when I could so that they could apply to other Advanced Beings in the future. My Shadow Archon AB, for instance, also has a breath weapon, so this feat could apply to them as well. There should be better mixes of classes, like dragon/barbarian or dragon/fighter, or dragon/psychic warrior, also avangion/druid and avangion/ranger. Focused Rage = Dragon/Barbarian, Implacable Advance = Dragon/Fighter (...Hamanu, to be specific, since that one's based on a couple of the scenes from RaFoaDK). Haven't done anything specific for the Avangion/druid or /ranger yet, although I've just begun. ;) And anyway, those all will sort of depend on how the Epic Bureau decides to write up the Avangion...I'm assuming that they'll have the psionic enchantment class feature, which I was planning on using as a starting point for avangion/xyz feats, but beyond that it's too difficult to guess at. but, what about the current PrC? there are 40+ prestige to DS wich are left aside. ...but....but...I'm only one man! Trying to get "unusual class combo" feats for the base classes first - depending on how long my imagination holds out for I'll see what I can do about DS PrC's. Oh - and yes, I realize that I have somewhat hijacked this thread; you were asking about Epic progressions, not feats. However, in my defense, Seker and some of the others have answered your question already - there's the Dragon PrC and Metamorphosis spells, Champion of Rajaat template, and Avangion on the way...and everything else will follow sometime after that. I'm just running with Penn's idea of "advanced being feats" to try and at least help out with those of us who are running epic-level DS campaigns already and, well...because it's a cool idea. :D |
#27dirk00001Jun 20, 2006 16:21:03 | Just updated those two feats, Penn. |