Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1dirk00001Jun 28, 2006 10:32:01 | Since I sort of hijacked another thread to initially post these (sorry ![]() Forceful Rending [Epic] By applying your grappling skills to your form’s great strength and natural attacks, you are able to rip an opponent apart, killing them in an extremely violent display of raw physical might. Prerequisites: Strength 25, Cleave, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, two or more natural attacks capable of grappling an opponent. Benefit: In order to perform a forceful rending, you must begin your turn grappling a creature that is subject to critical hits and that is at least two size levels smaller than you. Doing so is a full attack action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. When you take your action, choose two of your natural attacks with which you can grapple and make an opposed grapple check versus your opponent at a -20 penalty. If you succeed at the grapple check you deliver a coup de grace to the grappled opponent, dealing base damage equal to the greater of the two natural attacks used for the forceful rending. Foes that are killed by the attack are ripped into two (or more) pieces, dying from a combination of shock and physical trauma, while those that survive the coup de grace or win the opposed grapple check remain grappled but suffer no further effects. Dualistic Destruction [Epic, Psionic] The power of your Will combined with your mastery of magic is so great that your mental attacks manifest physically as well as mentally, obliterating your target’s mind and body alike. Prerequisites: Maximize Power, Concentration 24 ranks, Psicraft 30 ranks, psionic enchantment class feature (any), ability to manifest the maximum normal power level of at least one psionic class. Benefit: While psionically focused, the body of any corporeal creature reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by a mind-affecting power you manifest is completely destroyed. The manner in which a creature is destroyed varies from character to character, although each usually has a single “signature” way in which this feat displays itself; Kalak of Tyr incinerates the foes of his body, for instance, while the Dragon explosively vaporizes an opponent. Creatures destroyed by dualistic destruction are treated as having been disintegrated for the purpose of raise dead or similar spells, powers or effects. Dualistic destruction can be used in conjunction with a metapsionic feat, or in any other situation where you expend your psionic focus at the same time that you manifest a mind-affecting power subject to dualistic destruction. Focused Rage [Epic] Your ability to focus upon a single task gives you a limited ability to manifest powers and cast spells while in a berserker rage. Prerequisites: Concentration 24 ranks, Iron Will, Narrow Mind, all-out attack class ability, rage or frenzy class feature. Benefit: While in a rage or frenzy you may cast a spell and manifest a power as part of an all-out attack, following the normal rules for the all-out attack class feature, as long as the spell, power and all natural attacks are directed against the same opponent. Metamagic and metapsionic feats may also be used as normal to augment the spell and power. Should the opponent die, move, or otherwise be rendered an invalid target before your all-out attack action is completed any remaining spell, power or attacks may be redirected at any other appropriate target as long as all remaining spell, power or attacks can be targeted against the same opponent. Any spell, power or attacks that cannot be re-targeted in such a fashion are wasted. Implacable Advance [Epic, Fighter] You are an unstoppable juggernaut, able to push your way through a formation of enemies, knocking them to the ground and dispensing deadly blows, spells and powers with every step. Prerequisites: Str 25, Combat Reflexes, Mobility, Improved Overrun, all-out attack class feature, base attack bonus +12. Benefit: You may make more than one overrun attempt per round as part of a charge action. Defenders gain a cumulative +2 circumstance bonus to their opposed check for every defender you have already knocked prone during the charge action. You may take an attack of opportunity against any opponent knocked prone by your implacable advance. Finally, if you succeed in reaching the target of your charge action, you may cast both a spell and manifest a power, as per the all-out attack class feature, in addition to your charge attack. Normal: You may only make a single overrun attempt as part of a charge action, and may not use the all-out attack class feature as part of the charge action. Implacable Advance (Non-Dragon PrC variant) [Epic, Fighter] You are an unstoppable juggernaut, able to push your way through a formation of enemies, knocking them to the ground and dispensing deadly blows, spells and powers with every step. Prerequisites: Str 25, Combat Reflexes, Mobility, Improved Overrun, base attack bonus +12, size large or larger. Benefit: You may make more than one overrun attempt per round as part of a charge action. Defenders gain a cumulative +2 circumstance bonus to their opposed check for every defender you have already knocked prone during the charge action. You may take an attack of opportunity against any opponent knocked prone by your implacable advance. Normal: You may only make a single overrun attempt as part of a charge action. Internal Combustion [Epic, Psionic] Just as the hatred for your chosen enemy burns within you, so do your targeted fire-based powers manifest within your enemies body. Prerequisites: Improved Favored Enemy, Privileged Energy (Fire), Psicraft 24 ranks, favored enemy class feature. Benefit: While psionically focused, targeted powers with the fire energy descriptor affecting one or more corporeal opponents that are a favored enemy originate from within their bodies rather than without, providing two benefits: the target(s) must make a Fortitude save rather than Reflex save to reduce damage (and thus abilities such as Evasion do not apply), and you may add your favored enemy damage bonus to damage dealt by the power in addition to any other bonus damage from feats, augmentation, or otherwise. Internal combustion may only be used with powers that target one or more creatures; it may not be used with powers that affect an area or are rays. Internal combustion may be used in conjunction with a metapsionic feat, or in any other situation where you expend your psionic focus at the same time that you manifest the power subject to internal combustion. Epic Defiling [Epic, Special] Your ability to defile plant life far surpasses that of other defilers, further empowering your spells at the cost of an even greater area of terrain turned to ash. Prerequisites: Intelligence 25, four or more raze feats, must be a defiler or be able to cast spells as a defiler. Benefit: Your defiling radius is 10 ft. x spell slot level expended (a 0-level spell defiles a 5 ft. radius area), and all terrain modifiers for Spell Save DCs and Caster Level Checks (as listed on table 7-1: Terrain Modifiers in the Dark Sun 3.5 rulebook) increase by +1. Normal: Your defiling radius is 5 ft. x spell slot level expended (or a single 5 ft. square occupied by the caster, in the case of 0-level spells) and terrain modifiers are as listed. Special: The benefits of this feat can only be applied when defiling plant life; it does not apply when defiling via Dragon Magic or any other method of defiling that draws energy from a different source. Potent Exhalation [Epic, Wild] Your breath weapon is strengthened by your connection to the land. Prerequisites: Wisdom 21, one or more wild feats, breath weapon supernatural ability, ability to wild shape. Benefit: When using your breath weapon you may spend one wild shape as a free action to increase your effective hit dice for the purpose of determining the breath weapon’s damage, saving throw DC, and any other effects. Your effective hit dice count as 2 higher for every wild feat you have, including potent exhalation. For example, a 7th-stage Athasian Dragon with 40 hit dice and a total of three wild shape feats would count as being 46 hit dice, increasing the damage dealt by their breath weapon by 3d12 and increasing the save DC by +3. Universal Psionic Enchantment [Epic] By combining your epic skills in arcane spellcasting with your connection to spiritual forces, you are able to apply your psionic enchantments to your divine spells. Prerequisites: Spellcraft 30, Arcane Disciple, one or more Divine feats, two or more Metamagic feats, ability to cast both arcane and divine spells, psionic enchantment class feature. Benefit: You may use your psionic enchantment class feature to augment any of your divine spells just as you would your arcane spells. Psionic enchantments applied to divine spells follow the normal rules for both divine spellcasting and psionic enchantments; as such, any psionic enchantments relying on defiling or other arcane casting-specific rules (psionic raze, for instance) cannot be applied to divine spells. Divine Manifestation [Epic, Psionic, Divine] You can imbue your psionic powers with raw divine energy. Prerequisites: Wisdom 25, Consecrate Spell or Corrupt Spell, two or more Divine feats, ability to turn or rebuke undead, psionic enchantment class feature. Benefit: Once per round, you can spend both your psionic focus and one turn or rebuke attempt as free actions when manifesting a psionic power. The power gains either the good descriptor (if you have the Consectrate Spell feat) or the evil descriptor (if you have Corrupt Spell), and, if the power deals damage, half of the damage (rounded down) results directly from divine power and is therefore not subject to being reduced by resistance to energy-based attacks, such as that granted by protection from energy or similar spells, powers, special abilities or effects. Awesome Cleave [Epic, Fighter] You are able send multiple opponents . Prerequisites: Str 25, Dex 21, Awesome Blow, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, size large or larger. Benefit: Any time an opponent is knocked flying by your awesome blow attack (i.e. they fail their Reflex save), you get an immediate, extra awesome blow attack against another creature within reach. You cannot take a 5-foot step before making this extra awesome blow attack. The extra attack is with the same weapon (natural or otherwise) and at the same bonus as the awesome blow that sent the previous creature flying. As with the Great Cleave feat, there is no limit to the number of times you may do this in a single round. Awesome Cleave may only be used following an awesome blow attack; it may not be used in place of a normal cleave attack. Fury of the Dragon [Epic, Fighter] With blinding speed and supernatural force, you deliver potent stunning blows to all who stand in your way. Prerequisites: Dex 21, Improved Unarmed Strike, Psionic Fist, Rapid Stunning, Stunning Fist, flurry of blows class feature, all-out attack class feature, base attack bonus +11. Benefit: When using your all-out attack class feature, you may forgo manifesting a power and casting a spell simultaneously, instead applying your stunning fist and psionic fist feats to every attack made as part of your full attack action. Using the fury of the dragon feat requires you to expend your psionic focus and one daily use of your stunning attack ability, regardless of the total number of attacks taken as part of the full attack action. Additionally, using this feat counts towards your limit of one quickened power and one quickened spell per round. After completing a fury of the dragon attack you are considered to be flat-footed until immediately before your action the following round; this condition overrules any class features, spells, powers or effects that would normally prevent you from being caught flat-footed. Edit 6/28/06: Modified Implacable Advance prerequisites and Benefit. Also added a "Normal" section to the feat. Edit 6/29/06: Added a "non-Dragon" variant of Implacable Advance, as well as a two new feats: Universal Psionic Enchantment and Divine Manifestation. Also changed any statements of "XYZ class ability" to read "XYZ class feature". Edit 6/29/06 #2: Added Awesome Cleave and Fury of the Dragon feats as well. It's obviously a Friday at work. |
#2terminus_vortexaJun 28, 2006 11:29:45 | Holy Sh**! I am truly impressed! |
#3dirk00001Jun 28, 2006 12:10:05 | Holy Sh**! I am truly impressed! Thanks! It was Penn's idea originally...he wanted some Epic feats for "strange" multiclass combos for advanced beings, and I sorta took it from there. Once I get a look at the Avangion I'll create some tailored to that, and when I get some time I wanted to do a couple more dragon-based feats, probably one for characters that can turn/rebuke undead at the least, and probably a few more (maybe one for a characters with sneak attack and another for those with combat-related psionic feats) |
#4kalthandrixJun 28, 2006 12:44:34 | Very cool and I like 'em. So here you go ![]() But.... I have a little issue with Implacable Advance [Epic, Fighter] This is a bit wordy and I think it wold be made easier to work. Here is my suggestion - throw in Combat Reflexes into the requirements nstead of Power Attack. Then have the one using this feat make a single bull-rush roll. That roll is then used against all opponents in their path - each one having to make an opposing check to see if they avoid being knocked prone. Opponents knocked prone could then be subject to a single attack or spell/power from the one using the feat. But, I would also give all opponents a bonus to their checks after the first opponent - say like a cumulative +1 per person the dragon bull-rushed before them. I like it this way for several reasons - 1) the one roll for the dragon is like what they have for momentum to carry out their Implacable Advance. 2) the more people they attenpt this on the more resistance they will have that will slow them down and making it easier for those further down the line to resist. Anyway - those are my two bits. Nice work! |
#5dirk00001Jun 28, 2006 16:09:52 | Very cool and I like 'em. So here you go ![]() Unnnnnnngggghhh....halfling cookies....*drool* Here is my suggestion - throw in Combat Reflexes into the requirements nstead of Power Attack. Then have the one using this feat make a single bull-rush roll. That roll is then used against all opponents in their path - each one having to make an opposing check to see if they avoid being knocked prone. Opponents knocked prone could then be subject to a single attack or spell/power from the one using the feat. But, I would also give all opponents a bonus to their checks after the first opponent - say like a cumulative +1 per person the dragon bull-rushed before them. I reread the Overrun rules and noticed that you can do it as part of a charge, as you can see from the completely reworded/redesigned feat above, it is a lot less wordy than it was before, and also fits much better within the framework of both the Overrun action as well as the all-out attack class feature. K.I.S.S., eh? 1) the one roll for the dragon is like what they have for momentum to carry out their Implacable Advance. 1) I don't like the single roll as that doesn't really fit the 3e feel - every feat/ability (that I can think of off the top of my head, at least) that allows a single type of action to be performed against multiple opponents always has you roll separately for each. Whirlwind Attack, the Exit Wound weapon special ability, etc. In theory I like your idea, but system-wise I think it makes more sense to leave it as it is. 2) Agreed; I hadn't even thought about that. I gave a +2 modifier per-person as that'll also help to limit ridiculous uses of this feat, and put a Str 25 prereq in place instead of the 'large size or larger' prereq: Between the two a dragon should be able to push their way past a handful of medium-sized creatures, but probably can't make it through, say, a full double-move's worth of defenders. Unless you're actually THE Dragon, but that's a different situation entirely. ![]() |
#6kalthandrixJun 28, 2006 17:05:59 | Now think of this combo (I have been accused of being a power-gaming wh*re but hey...I am okay with that) - But with the feats Implacable Advance and Dire Charge or even the power Psionic Lions Charge - well that could get messy!!! Lets do the math really quickly - with a semi-advanced dragon of large size. He get the +7 for Str +12 BAB + 4 size and +2 for charging = +25 for Str checks on overrun attampts - not bad. So on average he would have a Str check of 35 (avg. 10 on d20 +25) - I think any higher level fighter would have a rather easy time checking an overrun attempt made in this manner though - you maybe figure an epic level fighter level 21 with a BAB of +21 + a Str of 25 (min w/ level increases & buff magic)- would have an average Str check to oppose of 38 and this would be the first guy in line - if he was further back like 3rd back he would have a average check of 42 (getting a +4 for the dragon running over the other two guys). Sorry - I do numbers for a living. ![]() |
#7dirk00001Jun 28, 2006 17:40:03 | Now think of this combo (I have been accused of being a power-gaming wh*re but hey...I am okay with that) - But with the feats Implacable Advance and Dire Charge or even the power Psionic Lions Charge - well that could get messy!!! Yup, that's what I was figuring...but I also don't expect a dragon to do an implacable advance against a bunch of Epic-level fighters...and where the heck on Athas are you finding a bunch of Epic level fighters, in squad formation, anyway? It's more for the fodder-bashing tactics: Epic Opponent puts a bunch of his soldiers in front of him so Mr. Tank can't get to him right away, so Mr. Tank proves him wrong by mowing through the meat shields. I actually contemplated a +4 bonus per additional target to begin with, as that's what the Exit Wound weapon ability gives, but I've got a character with an Exit Wound bow and I have yet to even *hit* a 2nd target with it, so I didn't see the point. ![]() Another thought: Whomever is performing the implacable advance is a Dragon, so they've got the capability of boosting their bonuses in various ways as well. And of course Psionic Lion's Charge...but hey, you've invested a half-dozen Feats into this one Epic feat, so why not let them do something completely ridiculous? ![]() And, again...where the heck are you finding a bunch of Epic-level fighters in combat formation? :P |
#8kalthandrixJun 28, 2006 19:03:19 | Okay - round three. For the attacks of opportunity - just make it follow the same language as when your trip someone - you get an immediate additional attack at the same attack bonus you used to make the trip. As for the numbers of AoO - that is why they have Combat Reflexes - they will still be limited to making 1 + Dex mod worth of AoO. Finally - I want to stress that I do not have any issue with this feat - I do have issues with making an Epic feat that is not ment to fight Epic encounters. If you have worked so hard to make it to Epic levels and went through the process of forging ahead to become a dragon and also invested several other feats (all of which are combat related and not metamagic/psionic which would be more helpful to a dragons abilities) I do not see why you would want to take a feat that would basically be pointless to use against encounters of your level (ie Epic level encounters- and that is all I will say on that. :D |
#9pneumatikJun 29, 2006 10:20:39 | I don't think BAB adds to Strength checks. There's also no charging bonus. (this is all from the SRD). So the large dragon, enlarged to gargantuan (+12 bonus), with +7 STR mod, is at 7 + 12 = +19, averaging 29.5. The medium fighter, enlarged to large (+4 bonus), with a STR mod of +10, is at 4 + 10 = +14, averaging 24.5. If the fighter is huge, it becomes much closer. I think the feat does a good job of allowing a big epic creature to go after lots of weaker enemies. As this seems to be the goal of the feat, I think it achieved its goal. And given the way the CR system works, epic characters should not be suprised if they end up fighting a bunch of weaker creatures. |
#10dirk00001Jun 29, 2006 10:25:05 | I'd rather not complicate the AoO part by introducing any additional wording - saying that you get an AoO implies that you make it at your full base attack bonus, and that you're limited to a single attack against a target, so I don't think it's really necessary to make the "trip" connection. You've got a good point with the Epic feat bit...*sigh*...not sure what to do to handle that, however. One thing I did notice (...just now) about your number-crunching (and my last post too, technically) is that you included the BAB into the Overrun bonus - it's actually just your Str +4 per size category +4 for Imp. Overrun feat +2 for charge vs. the opponents Str or Dex (whichever is higher) + size mod + 4 if they have more than 2 legs or are otherwise more stable than normal. So our hypothetical Large dragon will have at least a +17 modifier. Against an opposing medium-sized fighter, even with a Str of 25 that gives the Dragon a +10 advantage over the poor fellow, regardless of their level (and Imp. Overrun says nothing about the +4 bonus applying to resisting an overrun, so even that wouldn't help). Against any character that isn't a front-line combatant, let's assume that they will, at best, have an 18 Str tops - so now we're up to the dragon being +13 higher against the first opponent. Although they could of course be unlucky in their overrun attempt(s), they actually do have a pretty decent advantage over the first one or two defenders, at least (once the cumulative +2 starts adding up, however, you're going to run into problems). So with this, perhaps it's not as "un-Epic" as you thought - an Implacable Advance stands a good chance of allowing a dragon to make it past, say, 2 equal-level opponents so that they can perform their all-out-attack, Psionic Lion's Charge against the Epic-level mage standing in the back of the enemy group. Not too bad, and for a Hamanu-type dragon that has a couple fighter/psywar feats to drop into some of the prereqs, still worthy of the Epic feat status. Maybe. ;) (Pneumatik: I was typing at the same time that you were, apparently, but yea...what you said, although you left off the +4 for Imp. Overrun and Overrun does state that if it's attempted as part of a charge you gain an additional +2 to your Str check) |
#11kalthandrixJun 29, 2006 11:25:21 | Oops - Yeah I noticed that I was switching between the grapple rules and the overrun stuff - my bad! The math was not wrong - I was on the wrong page - stupid pages! Like I was saying - I like the feat and would love to see it used, along with my stature of the dragon spell and psionic lion's charge! I could easily see this feat for a general feat and useable to anyone if the all-out attack was dropped- my players would have much to feat then. Two sessions ago, they fought against a half-giant they had left for dead in the first advanture again - and he was a bit more ready for them - enter Awesome Blow!!! Anyway - cool and keep it coming. |
#12dirk00001Jun 29, 2006 12:17:06 | Thanks again for the feedback - of everyone on this board you're in the Top 5 Nitpicker's (that's a compliment...I think :P ) so I'm glad you like it. I could drop the all-out attack requirement, but I sort of like it from the Penn's standpoint of "advanced being feats". And, of course, it'd make the power/spell at the end of the charge go away. An option that I'm currently considering - although I don't have any idea how to handle it, yet - is to nix the all-out attack feature and instead add something similarly restrictive but that doesn't absolutely require that you be a Dragon, but that makes it difficult to pull off as something else. See the Forceful Rending feat as an example - a non-dragon can do it, but the "2 or more natural attacks" restriction makes it unlikely that a non-monstrous PC would be able to take it. Any ideas? Re: Awesome Blow...I love that feat. ![]() ![]() |
#13kalthandrixJun 29, 2006 12:40:59 | Awesome Blow is not Epic - it is a monsterous feat in the MM (pg.303) (pic-pic-pic "Look mom! A sweater!") I will spend some more time reading over the other feats with a critical eye to see if I find anything eles - the Implacable Advance was just the one that caught my eye the most. :D |
#14dirk00001Jun 29, 2006 15:56:20 | Awesome Blow is not Epic - it is a monsterous feat in the MM (pg.303) (pic-pic-pic "Look mom! A sweater!") Oops bad wording on my part - I meant that I was thinking about making an Epic feat *based* on Awesome Blow, not that AB was an Epic feat itself. |
#15pneumatikJun 30, 2006 12:29:49 | (Pneumatik: I was typing at the same time that you were, apparently, but yea...what you said, although you left off the +4 for Imp. Overrun and Overrun does state that if it's attempted as part of a charge you gain an additional +2 to your Str check) I thought there was a feat that gave you a bonus to overrunning, but I was too busy/lazy to look for it. I can't find anything in the SRD about charging characters getting a bonus to overrun checks, though that doesn't mean there isn't something in the PHB. |
#16dirk00001Jun 30, 2006 14:39:53 | I just added two new feats - Universal Psionic Enchantment and Divine Manifestation - as well as created a "non-Dragon PrC variant" of the Implacable Advance feat (there ya go, Kal). The two new feats will hopefully be applicable to Avangions as well as Dragons (or my Shadow Archon EPrC, for that matter); as long as Avangions have Psionic Enchantment as a class feature then the feats will work for 'em. |
#17dirk00001Jun 30, 2006 17:06:09 | ...and there's two more - Awesome Cleave and Fury of the Dragon. They've probably both got intrinsic problems with them, as it's Friday afternoon, my brain is pretty much fried, and I've still got an hour of time to waste here before I can leave... :D |