Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1kalthandrixAug 24, 2006 11:08:29 | Okay - I was unsure which thread this message belonged on, so I made a new one for these questions. Here they are- 1. Is there a template for the Athasian Wraith and if not, should there be. I hold the idea that yes there should be and as such, if these is not one now, then I will make one. 2. In the Athasian Wraith write up, and I did donload the newest version today, it says in the stat block that they inflict 1 pt. of Str damage, but in the ability description it says their attacks deal 2 pts of Str dmg - so which one is right? 3. Finally, I am developing an arcane spell for wizards to be able to speak with the dead, and the normal speak with dead just does not seem to fit with how the spirits are absorbed into the Gray - so when looking through the TotDL, I noticed that only a passing reference to this event was made - so the question is this - how long should a spirit be able to "exist" in the Grey before totally being absorbed? This of course assumes that the spirit being contacted is not an undead creature of some type. Here is my kind of thoughts on the matter of the spirit thing in the Gray - making the ruling that a soul survives for maybe 10 years times (spirits Cha modifier they had in life * HD or character level) - so for example, the spirit of a 10th level bard with a Cha of 14 (who does not become undead) could survive in the Gray for 200 years = 10*(2*10). Thoughts please. As both DS boards are now kind of up, I will also post this threat to the other forum and if all goes well, I will just copy over the posts from the older DS board to this one later. |
#2PennarinAug 24, 2006 18:42:35 | I too feel should adress the speak with dead time-limit issue. |
#3jon_oracle_of_athasAug 26, 2006 5:12:21 | Is there a template for the Athasian Wraith and if not, should there be. I hold the idea that yes there should be and as such, if these is not one now, then I will make one. No, I don´t believe there is. Remember that wraiths were never a "template" in 2nd edition either. Unlike athasian undead like kaisharga, t´liz etc, wraiths were a fixed hd monster without class levels, regardless of the base creature´s previous advancement. |
#4kalthandrixAug 26, 2006 10:52:00 | It just seemed to me, due to the Crimsion Legion book, that the wraiths were much more then the static creatures set in the RP material - they had their fighting skills and memories from life and stuff. I know your reasoning is supported by the material - Look on pg. 125 for the 2e DS Monsterous Compendium Appendix II - whenre it says that the stated creature (one of Bory's knights) does not retaine their abilities that they had in life, but I still kind of disagree. Maybe - and this would be reasonable IMO - it could be that while wraiths that are "younger" would follow the basic stat block, but those whom have been around for thousands of years could be statted out with something like an "advanced" Athasian wraith - kind of like the Evolved Undead (pg.99-100)from the Libris Mortis - which is a must have book for DS campaings IMO. As for Pennarin's reply (thank you) - the cleric's speak with dead spell specifically states that it does not call upon the actual spirit of the creature, just the residual knowledge from their body. The spell I am making is diferent in that it does call up the spirit of the creature - hence the question as to how long a sould can survive in the Gray before being absorbed by the plane. And to readdress part of my other question - which amount of Str damage is the correct one - 1 pt or 2 pts? |
#5PennarinAug 27, 2006 3:16:27 | Unlike athasian undead like kaisharga, t´liz etc, wraiths were a fixed hd monster without class levels, regardless of the base creature´s previous advancement. DSMCII has a wraith with fighter levels, hence Kalthandrix's questioning I'd say. |
#6jon_oracle_of_athasAug 27, 2006 7:44:46 | DSMCII has a wraith with fighter levels, hence Kalthandrix's questioning I'd say. Does my memory fail me? ACK! Which of the wraiths would that be? Nikolos? And are you sure the stats differ from the standard wraith? I don´t have my pdfs nearby. |
#7Silverblade_The_EnchanterAug 27, 2006 12:16:51 | page 125 Nikolos and co seem a different form of wraith specific to being select knights of Rajaat and Bory's favour. ![]() |
#8PennarinAug 28, 2006 3:14:22 | I'm sure the point's been discussed before on the monster bureau, and for some reason the wraith made a creature instead of a template. Reasons for it might be cool though ;) |
#9kalthandrixAug 28, 2006 12:10:16 | page 125 Well - on that page- like I had said in a previous post - it specifically states that these guys (as in the wraiths of Borys knights) DO NOT retain their abilites that they had in life. And Penn - I will try and do something up on this template and maybe I could shoot it over to you to get your comments and insight seeing as how you did a bit of work on TotDL. |
#10dirk00001Aug 28, 2006 13:44:01 | One reason to leave wraiths as creatures rather than templates would be that, as far as the PP goes, they didn't really demonstrate any unique abilities - they all sorta "did the same thing" as it were. At the least, I don't recall them demonstrating any abilities that would hint at their former class levels having had any effect on their wraith-ish abilities. I guess that doesn't mean that a former defiler couldn't cast once a wraith...but we have nothing beyond 2e game mechanics to say one way or the other (and as Kal points out, 2e says they don't). *shrug* |
#11PennarinAug 28, 2006 16:02:01 | Kal, my work was making two new creatures...which took me months to do, plus I had enormous help from Kam, Nyt, and others on the rules front, precious knowledge I hence lost. Adress your stuff to the personal email of one of the monster bureau people (and not to the bureau itself, as that is considered spaming the mailing list). |