101 Damnations and other silly adventure ideas, a storyteller's exercise



Sep 17, 2006 12:30:05
OK, here's the game.

  • Take a well-known story, ideally a children's story.
  • Turn the good guys into bad guys and vice versa.
  • Adapt for Dark Sun.
  • Give the adventure a name that makes Flip groan. :D

101 Damnations

Background: A royal defiler in Urik marries a notorious halfling shaman rumored to practiced dark arts that pre-date the age of magic. Knowing that they cannot have children, the couple take to breeding strange spotted beasts in the laberinth beneath their city mansions. One of the beasts escapes, wreaking havoc through the city, but the yellow-cloak templars seem more interested in silencing the witnesses than finding out who was responsible.

Hook: The Veiled Alliance hires the PCs to discretely break into the lair and dispose of the beasts all at once.

Reward: The Veiled Alliance also puts the PCs in touch with a famous artisan, the head of Urik's clothier's guild, who paid a considerable sum for the skin of the first spotted beast, and would be willing to pay up to 350 cp for each intact hide (and some fraction of that for each damaged hide).


Sep 17, 2006 13:53:03

Background: After several harrowing months, Tyrian authorities have finally captured the famous "Carpenter," a mad druid whose scheme to restore Athas to a state of nature had blighted crops and caused a famine and two plagues. The last of the Carpenter's abominations has yet to be destroyed: a wood golem possessed by strange elemental spirits that give it a crude sentience. It answers to the name of "Punagallow," and appears to be making its way to the Pristine Tower, destroying every sign of civilization in its path. The Tyrian Overcounsil obtains intelligence that a creature appears like a miniaturized form of thri-kreen is acting as Punagallow's advisor.

Hook: The Tyrian Overcounsil hires the PCs to prevent the golem from reaching the Pristine Tower, where, the Overcounsil believes, the golem intends to undergo some sinister metamorphosis.

Adventure: The PCs will soon find that Punagallow is impossible to destroy, but if they play their cards right, they will find that the golem is quite easy to distract or deceive. If the PCs take strategy of luring Punagallow away from the tower with the promise of entertainment or riches, then the PCs' main obstacle will be Punagallow's self-appointed advisor, a zic-chil named Zhi'ini Chil'et. The metamorphosis was Zhi'ini's idea in the first place, and Zhi'ini will fight the PCs if necessary to maintain his influence over Punagallow.


Sep 17, 2006 14:18:55
The Tradelord's New Clones

Background: Lord Kaladon, ruler of Balic's House Tromblador, is tricked by an elven bard/defiler - through the use of magic and poison - into thinking that several magical clones have been created of him, convincing the tradelord that he can literally be in multiple places at once. Chaos reigns as the mythical multi-Kaladon's "take over his duties," to which the trade house employees must react accordingly or risk facing Kaladon's well-known wrath. All the while the elf, a cunning trickster by the name of Yaelan, plays off of Kaladon's ego, winning himself money and the tradelord's favor while everyone else suffers.

Hook: Tromblador's Second-in-command, Trademaster Pericles, hires the PC "freelancers" to steal a sample of Yaelan's poison and create an antidote to go along with whatever "cure" they can come up with to remove the enchantment.

Adventure: This must be done without raising the suspicion of either Kaladon nor Yaelan, of course, resulting in many amusingly frustrating situations and side-adventures involving interactions with and the "covering up" of the non-existant Kaladon clones. Once the poison and spells are broken Lord Kaladon rages, and the PCs must fight Yaelan in a battle of wits and magic to avoid taking the blame for the entire situation.


Sep 17, 2006 14:44:50
Romila and Jaundliet

Background: Romila Parthian, the leader of the "Divulgence" faction of Tyr's Veiled Alliance (see Veiled Alliance p.26), keeps looking for love in all the wrong places. After her last lover, Athrialix Denestor, was exposed as a defiler Myrmeleon and killed by Matthias Morthen, Romila found solace in the arms of another defiler a young, vain, and handsome boy named Jaundliet, Wizard (Defiler) 5.

Relations between Matthias Morthen and Romila Parthian were already strained before the Athrialix incident, because of the argument over Divulgence. While he firmly believes that Divulgence would be a terrible mistake even in the free city of Tyr, Mathias Morthern desparately wants to heal the breach between the factions. These days Mathias spends more time restraining his own faction from exercising requital against Romila. Mathias is trying to craft a compromise whereby wizards that wish to "retire" from the Veiled Alliance to become "free wizards" may do so without requital. While he thinks that the free wizards are committing a fatal mistake and that retired wizards would create security risks for the Alliance, he prefers this compromise to creating the sort of civil war that occurred in Urik's Veiled Alliance a few years ago. (See Veiled Alliance, page 80). He thinks of Romila Parthian as a daughter and would rather die himself than let her be killed.

Hook: Through intermediaries, Mathias Morthern assigns the PCs to nip this romance in the bud before other Veiled Alliance members take matters into their own hands and exercise requital against Romila. The contact warns the PCs that regardless of what happens, Romila must not be harmed. If the PCs have reason to suspect that their contact is from the Veiled Alliance, then the contact also makes clear that the PCs must not under any circumstances, allow anyone to suspect that they were acting on behalf of the Veiled Alliance.

The contact also warns that Jaundliet has the protection of powerful city templars. The best way to avoid a charge of murder in Tyr, would be for the PCs to offend Jaundliet's honor and challenge him into some sort of wizard's duel.

Adventure: The PCs are walking into a political quagmire. Jaundliet has a powerful friend, the bard Mercratchius, who will refuse to let him fight alone. To make matters worse, Mercratchius is the son of Timor, the templar who sits on Tyr's Overcounsil. Additionally, although no one knows it, Romila has already secretly married Jaundliet, and if the PC slay Jaundliet, she will become their mortal enemy, and the Veiled Alliance will disavow the assignment and claim that the PCs acted without instruction, lest the rift destroy the Alliance.


Sep 18, 2006 1:19:23
Pihc and Edal

Background: A Urikite merchant living upstairs in his shop with his three nephews becomes the victim of a pair of t´chowbs that invade his home. The t´chowbs steal, sabotage and break the merchant´s wares, and when discovered they capture and terrorise the poor merchant and his nephews with their psionic powers.

Hook: The PCs are recommended to visit the shop, but when they do it is closed for the first time in twenty years. At night screams are heard coming from inside the shop, and rumors start spreading that the merchant is a defiler necromancer.

Adventure: An angry mob gathers to burn down the shop. The PCs must break in, discover the t´chowbs and free the merchant and his nephews before the mob reaches the site.


Sep 18, 2006 10:35:16
Wosn the White

Background: Lalali-puy, sorcerer-queen of Gulg, is concerned about her estranged daughter, Wosn the White, an albino beauty and a powerful thrallherd whose powers give her dominion over vast numbers of forest creatures. Wosn appears to have fallen in with a dangerous group of Halflings who the Oba invited to the crescent forest long ago (See Ivory Triangle). To make matters worse, Wosn is even more charismatic than the Oba herself, and enjoys enormous popularity with the people.

Using epic enchantments, the Oba prepares a fruit with an irresistible attraction spell and a sleeping compulsion, to prevent her daughter Wosn from invading Gulg with her army of forest creatures, or from using her considerable powers and charisma to break Gulg into Civil War.

Hook: Through intermediaries, the Oba hires the PCs to present Wosn with the fruit as a gift.

Adventure: Once the PCs present the fruit open (within 25 feet), Wosn will be unable to resist taking a bite of the fruit. However, this requires diverting the attention of Wosn’s seven powerful halfling lovers, and breaking through her suspicious army of forest creatures.

Rewards: If the PCs bring Wosn back to Gulg alive and asleep, the Oba will declare that they have saved Wosn from her halfling "abductors," and the PCs will be considered heroes.


Sep 21, 2006 14:28:22
Sesom, Templar of Balic
Background: Escaping into the wilderness after Andropinis' dissapearance a few years ago, Sesom, Andropinis' former high templar, recently returned to lead the most successful and damaging slave revolt in Balic's history. Sesom claims to be acting in the name of a "God," and indeed wields power beyond that of the other Balican templars and defilers. As Balic's slaves escape their masters to follow Sesom, no one could stop him. Until each of the trade lords agreed to turn the remaining slaves in their sectors over to him, Sesom brought a series of deadly plagues on the city. The slaves pillaged Balic to obtain payment for their years of service while the masters did nothing, and then Sesom created a pathway over the sea of silt, saying that he will lead them to a better land.

Hook: The trade lords are only too happy to see Sesom leave with the slaves and three quarters of the city's gold. However, they would like to know where Sesom is going. This whole gathering of thousands of pilgrims reminds them a little bit of a stunt that Ablach Re attempted a few years back (see Forest Maker), and the pillaged riches might also be components for some sort of Dragon transformation. The Trade Lords ask the PCs to impersonate freed Balican slaves and obtain intelligence on where Sesom is leading these people and what he is doing with them.

Adventure: The pathway over the silt heads due east for a few days, and then turns Northwest. If the PCs know their geography, they may realize that they are heading straight for Ur Draxa and the heart of the cerulean storm.

If the PCs manage to bring this information back to Balic, the Trade Lords panic, believing that Sesom is acting on behalf of Rajaat and intends to use some epic spell involving the deaths of the thousands of slaves, in order to free Rajaat from his confinement. Believing that the fate of Athas is at stake, the Trade Lords charge the PCs with gathering and leading an army of the fastest chariots across the silt bridge to stop Sesom and the ex-slaves before the reach Ur-Draxa.


Nov 23, 2006 11:14:45
The Tradelord's New Clones

Background: Lord Kaladon, ruler of Balic's House Tromblador, is tricked by an elven bard/defiler - through the use of magic and poison - into thinking that several magical clones have been created of him, convincing the tradelord that he can literally be in multiple places at once. Chaos reigns as the mythical multi-Kaladon's "take over his duties," to which the trade house employees must react accordingly or risk facing Kaladon's well-known wrath. All the while the elf, a cunning trickster by the name of Yaelan, plays off of Kaladon's ego, winning himself money and the tradelord's favor while everyone else suffers.

Hook: Tromblador's Second-in-command, Trademaster Pericles, hires the PC "freelancers" to steal a sample of Yaelan's poison and create an antidote to go along with whatever "cure" they can come up with to remove the enchantment.

Adventure: This must be done without raising the suspicion of either Kaladon nor Yaelan, of course, resulting in many amusingly frustrating situations and side-adventures involving interactions with and the "covering up" of the non-existant Kaladon clones. Once the poison and spells are broken Lord Kaladon rages, and the PCs must fight Yaelan in a battle of wits and magic to avoid taking the blame for the entire situation.

Nice! Somehow I missed this before.


Nov 23, 2006 12:13:29


The PCs are hired by a Merchant House to travel to a fortress in the Ringing Mountains northwest of Walis where an ancient Balician General named Vrad has made his retirement, and escort him back to town where he has purchased a large town home in the Noble's Quarter.


Vrad's fortress is an old Green Age monastery in horrible repair. His only servants are a dwarf named Delfner and three half-elf female slaves that Vrad calls his 'Brides'. He is usually cloaked, is gracious and eloquent but has a terrible temper. In casual conversation he openly speaks of his lost love, Anim, who died during an attack on his fortress. Vrad will leave with a PCs after a few days of preparations.


Vrad is Thrax. Instead of viewing his condition as a curse, he revels in his immortality and power being a Thrax gives him. After spending sometime at the fortress, the PCs will notice that the Jura-dai makes a daily delivery that is accepted with privacy by Delfner, and other strange things that would indicate Vrad is not what he appears to be. But Vrad will make sure to do everything that he can to keep his condition a secret from the PCs.

On the trip back there will be an attack from the Jura-dai. (Because by moving Vrad broke a contract with the Jura-dai) Vrad's Brides will be killed by Vrad for water if no other opportunity presents itself. And they party will come across a wild Thrax that AVOIDS the caravan.

The Payoff:

If the PCs deliver Vrad to his new home, the PCs will get paid for their job, but when the body count starts to rise because Vrad is indulging, they will be blamed and possibly prosecuted for bringing a dangerous monster inside city limits by the city government.

If the PCs kill Vrad on the journey or at the fortress, then the Merchant House will demand the cost of the noble townhouse from the PCs or send assassins or bounty hunters. The Merchant House bought the town home in full and was expecting to be reimbursed plus fees for making the arrangements. The Merchant House WILL make the PCs pay, one way or another.


Sep 27, 2007 19:29:39
Hehe. Glad I found this old thread, Exiled.

Someone was talking about story-based conversions of 3.5 material, so I thought that I'd bump this old thread dealing with story conversions.