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#1Silverblade_The_EnchanterSep 23, 2006 14:18:49 | Enjoyed reading the post below about Doyte Mal Panye, I like him and use him in my adventures (though set in a non-standard Athas, and Kalak still rules Tyr) I've been making NPCs for my first DS campaign in oh 6 years or so. Sticking to basic 3.5 classes for simplicity sake, this fellow could be converted to an Athasian bard. GETHER THE COOK, MASTER ASSASSIN, Rogue 7/Expert4/Assassin3 Human Rog7/Exp4/Asn3: CR 14; Medium Humanoid ; HD 7d6+7(Rogue) , 4d6+4(Expert) , 3d6+3(Assassin) ; hp 81; Init +1; Spd 30; AC:17 (Flatfooted:14 Touch:14); Atk: BAB +10, +11/6 base melee, +11/6 base ranged; +13/8 (1d4+3, +2 Dagger); AL NE; SV Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +9; Special: +1 Save vs poison, +6d6 Sneak attack, Death Attack DC 16, Trap Sense +2, Improved Uncanny Dodge (can’t be flanked, can’t be sneak attacked except by a rogue of lvl 14+) STR 12, DEX 16, CON 13, INT 16, WIS 14, CHA 15. Skills: Balance +11, Bluff +14, Climb +7, Decipher Script +8, Diplomacy +14, Disable Device +14, Disguise +11, Escape Artist +11, Forgery +8, Gather Information +12, Hide +16, Intimidate +12, Jump +9, Listen +10, Move Silently +15, Open Lock +16, Perform (Oratory) +11, Profession (Cook) +12, Search +9, Sense Motive +12, Sleight of Hand +11, Spot +9, Tumble +10, Use Magic Device +5, Use Rope +7. Languages: Common, Elf, Dwarven Feats: Alertness, Armor Proficiency: light, Blind-Fight, Deceitful, Leadership, Persuasive, Quick Draw, Simple Weapon Proficiency. Spells Known (Asn --/3/1): 1st -- Detect Poison, Low-light Vision, True Strike; 2nd -- Deep Slumber, Wraithstrike. Possessions: +2 Dagger: Keen, Paralyzing (DC 15 Will or paralyzed 1d4 rounds). Masterwork Thieves` tools, Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location Bracers of Armor +4, Dust of Disappearance (x3); Fire Elemental Gem, Large; Keoghtom`s Ointment (doses: 12); Jumping Caltrops, Ring of Detect Poison x3/day (caster level 7). He can get almost any poison he needs as required. Gether is a well known and respected cook and butcher, having a large shop near the Elven market. Few folk know he deals in death or that some of his meat is “long pig”… A native of Tyr, Gether quickly took to murder at a young age, to feed his family, as his father was dead and his mother died not long after from alcoholism. He'd been training as a butcher, but his sharp wits, deft hand with a blade and sheer audacity set him apart. Yet, he still loved cooking and took great delight in creating fine meals which set him apart in a land where basic food is something of note, never mind someone who could create truly mouthwatering meals from the fair typically to be found in the Tablelands. Nowadays, he rarely has to lift a knife beyond cooking, his eager minions devoted to his word and talents, for he has a truly engrossing way, and a passion for both precise murder and wonderful food that is almost a cult. Another factor is that several of the most powerful templars in the city are his patrons, in both his lines of work. Desposing of bodies is a problem for the criminals of Tyr, due to the city wall and other factors, and so, the elite killers and "problem solvers" know that Gether's butcher's shop can dispose of them...neatly. Usually Gether remains aloof from this and folk think he's merely the foolish stooge, the front man of this dark business, very few knowing he's the premiere' killer! Disposing of bodies is so much easier when the messy remains are consumed by folk buying meat for their meals, or fine pies merchant's and nobles alike order from the master cook. Bones and offal from the "disposal" are taken to a small farm outside town where they are rendered down to make soap or fertilizer, and no uneasy spirits are left to roam, and point a ghostly finger at their slayer. He has a wife and 2 children, and maintains a friendly affable front, he truly loves his family. As Gether's siblings died over the years, he is determined his own family shall be safe and secure. The butcher has numerous lethal assistants who work for him, learning the skills and making an honest, open living from their cookery, currently he has four assistants (rogue/experts of various levels), plus many followers in the Elven Market who respect his skill, food and roguishness (though they don't know his actual secret career, they will eagerly help him). His best friend and liuetenant in his grizzly work is Randaver, a dwarven Fire cleric Gether is 35 years old, slim, 6' 3" tall, black hair and moustache with small goatee. He favours green and white clothing and is always impeccably clean and neat, bar when cooking. His shop is partially open-plan and folk come in and blether too him while he and his servants make food, he puts on quite a performance and his friendly, humorous, roguishess banter is a large part of why folk buy from him, as he's truly charming and affable. This also gives him a great deal of information on what goes on in the city. Apart from poverty and hunger he has few dislikes. A simple way to describe him would be "Vincent Price mixed with Sweeney Todd" ;) |
#2SysaneSep 23, 2006 16:19:01 | Nice work. Reminds of a reoccurring npc in my home game. That being my name sake Sysane, the Terror of Urik. He being a human gray stalker [undead], 6th bard/3rd assassin/4th defiler/4th templar/3rd mystic theurge. |
#3kalthandrixSep 23, 2006 18:17:08 | ![]() Thanks! |
#4Silverblade_The_EnchanterSep 24, 2006 12:09:21 | My pleasure mate! ![]() Also you gotta love the idea of saying to the players "know that lovely food your characters got from that shop? Mm, tastes like chicken!" ;) |