Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1brun01Nov 17, 2006 10:06:03 | I was going to make my playres re-enact the events on Prism Pentad, so I went converting most of the items appearing on it, but forgot to convert the characters. So, there you go. I did'nt create a template for Sadira because I don't think that it will ever happen again. I didn't make them in the power level they had on the novels, I used the information from Beyond the Prism Pentad. Hope you guys like it. Neeva You see a woman of striking beauty, tall and strong, able to inspire extreme desire or extreme terror in a man. She has long blond hair, deep-green emerald eyes, and a beautiful ivory skin. Neeva CR 10 Female human gladiator 10 NG Medium humanoid Init +7; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3 Languages Common AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17; Dodge, Mobility, improved uncanny dodge, uncanny dodge (+3 Dex, +7 armor) hp 95 (10 HD) Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +6 Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); Spring Attack Melee +2 steel trikal +15/+10 (1d8+7/x4) Base Atk +10; Grp +13 Atk Options Cleave, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Feint, insightful feint +2, mercy, no mercy Special Actions Freedom Abilities Str 17, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14 SQ armor optimization (chitin armor and studded leather) Feats Cleave, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (cahulak)B, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (master’s whip)B, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (wrist razor)B, Freedom, Improved FeintB, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, Mobility, Spring Attack Skills Balance +12, Bluff +20, Climb +12, Intimidate +12, Jump +12, Listen +3, Perform (act) +8, Sense Motive +20, Spot +3, Tumble +13 Possessions combat gear plus bracers of armor +7 Hook “Looks can be deceiving.” Neeva’s early years were spent as a gladiator. Life in the gladiatorial pens of Tyr was a daily struggle for survival. Neeva suffered greatly at the hands of her captors. A natural athlete, Neeva nevertheless strove to be the toughest, fastest fighter ever seen in the arena. She won her first eight bouts before taking a serious wound. Having proven herself a skilled warrior, she was paired with the mighty champion Rikus. Together, they became favorites among the arena crowd and were considered the most successful pair in Tyr’s history. Neeva was one of the agents responsible for the assassination of Kalak. She followed Rikus into the war against Urik. Neeva left her battling days and Rikus to pursue a life with Caelum, a dwarven fire cleric. The two moved to the dwarven village of Kled, Caelum’s home. Later, during an attack by Borys to recover the Book of Kings, Neeva gave birth to their child. She currently lives with Rikus and her mul child, Rkard. Rikus You see a mul with a rugged, heavy-boned face and a hairless body that seems nothing but knotted sinew. His face inspires both fear and confidence. Rikus CR 16 Male mul gladiator 5/arena champion 10 NG Medium humanoid (dwarf) Init +4; Senses darkvision 30 ft.; Listen +1, Spot +1 Languages Common, Urikite AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10; Dodge, Mobility, uncanny dodge (+4 Dex) hp 181 (15 HD); DR 1/- non-lethal Resist extended activity, improved signature move (+4 against disarm), tireless (+4 on Constitution checks for extended physical activities and +4 against weakness, fatigue, exhaustion or enfeeblement) Fort +16, Ref +8, Will +5 Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Melee +1 metal longsword +25/+20/+15 (1d8+14/19-20) Base Atk +15; Grp +23 Atk Options Combat Reflexes, finishing move, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Feint, mercy Special Actions Freedom Abilities Str 26, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 16 SQ arena guile +2, armor optimization (studded leather), crowd support +3, fame, legend, reputation, weapon mastery (longsword) Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (cahulak)B, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (singing stick)B, Freedom, Improved FeintB, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, Mobility, Toughness, Weapon Focus (longsword) Skills Balance +11, Bluff +21 (+23 in melee), Climb +13, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +3 (+2 to act in character), Intimidate +22, Jump +15, Knowledge (warcraft) +1, Listen +1, Perform (act) +9, Sense Motive +8 (+11 in melee), Speal Language (Urikite), Spot +1, Tumble +11 Possessions +1 metal longsword Crowd Support (Ex) Rikus receives +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls whenever there are ten or more non-combatant spectators. The bonus increases to +2 with 50 or more, and to +3 with 100 or more. Appendix I Fame Rikus receives a +2 circumstance bonus to non-combat uses of the Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information and Intimidate skills, except when dealing with rival gladiators or their devoted fans. Appendix I Finishing Move (Ex) If an attack reduces an opponent below 0 hit points, Rikus can attempt a coup de grace as a free action. Appendix I Legend NPC initial attitude is one category better toward Rikus, except when dealing with rival gladiators or their devoted fans. Appendix I Hook “You want a plan? I have a plan. Charge!” As with all muls, Rikus has a hairless body, and decades of fighting in both Urikite and Tyrian gladiatorial pits made his body look like nothing but knotted sinew, and he is more handsome than the average mul. Rikus was born a slave in the Urikite noble house of Lubar, being sold later to the noble house of Mericles of Tyr. He was one of the best gladiators to fight in Tyr’s stadium, winning the adoration of the crowds with his skill and bravado. His great strength, near-reckless daring, and selfassured arrogance made him popular with his allies and fans, but also made him one of the most feared combatants his opponents ever faced. Rikus played a crucial role in the assassination of King Kalak, the Tyrant of Tyr, throwing the Heartwood Spear while he was preparing to accelerate his dragon metamorphosis. After, he led a Tyrian legion against the city-state of Urik when Hamanu tried to take over Tyr’s mines and joined the battle to imprison the ancient menace of Rajaat, the War-Bringer. The mul now serves as a member of Free City of Tyr’s OverCouncil, part of the ruling body of the city-state. He continues to oversee Tyr’s legions and city guard, ready to lead them to battle in defense of the city. He lives with the human female Neeva, who was once his partner in the arena games, and with her son (adopted after Caelum died), the mul boy Rkard. Rikus is currently trying to solve the growing crime problem infesting the poorer sections of Tyr. He personally leads troops into the streets and tirelessly tackles the problem head-on. This is one enemy, however, that he might not be able to vanquish with muscle and brute force. Sadira A dark fog dissipates to reveal a winsome woman standing in its place. She had waves of amber hair spilling over her shoulders, and her skin was as dark as ebony. Her eyes had no pupils and glowed like blue embers, while wisps of black shadow slipped from between her lips whenever she exhaled. Sadira CR 18 Female half-elf wizard (preserver) 5/veiled one 5 N Medium humanoid (elf) Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Listen +4, Spot +4 Languages Common, Elf, Tyrian AC 20, touch 20, flat-footed 10 (+4 Dex, +6 natural) hp 66 (10 HD) Resist fire 10 Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +11 Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Melee +1 metal dagger +10 (1d4+6/19-20) Base Atk +4; Grp +9 Special Actions Freedom, sun casting Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 18th): 9th—meteor swarm (DC 24), still sunburst (DC 24) 8th—incendiary cloud (DC 24), maximized silent still fireball (DC 24), protection from spells 7th—delayed blast fireball, silent still hold monster (DC 23), maximized silent still scorching ray (DC 23) 6th—acid fog, greater heroism, mage’s lucubration, transformation 5th—cloudkill (DC 20), hold monster (DC 20), magic circle against evil, overland flight, transmute rock to mud 4th—black tentacles (grapple +26), maximized burning hands (DC 19), silent still invisibility (DC 19), phantasmal killer (DC 19), wall of fire 3rd—dedication, dispel magic, nondetection, stinking cloud (DC 18), obscuring mist 2nd—fog cloud, silent disguise self (DC 17), levitate, misdirection (DC 17),web (DC 17) 1st—charm person (DC 16), disguise self (DC 16), mage armor, magic missile, obscuring mist, sleep (DC 16) 0—detect magic, open/close (DC 15), read magic, resistance Abilities Str 21, Dex 18, Con 19, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 17 SQ alliance secret (battle trained), spell archive, subdual magic, summon familiar Feats Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Freedom, Maximize Spell, Scribe Scroll B, Silent Spell, Still Spell Skills Bluff +13, Concentration +20 (+24 defensive casting), Decipher Script +13, Diplomacy +5, Disguise +13 (+15 impersonating elves/humans, +15/+17 to act in character), Gather Information +5, Knowledge (arcana) +18, Knowledge (history) +11, Knowledge (local [Tyr]) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +7, Intimidate +5, Listen +4, Spellcraft +20, Spot +4, Survival +5 Possessions combat gear plus +1 metal dagger , gem of seeing Spellbook (sticks) spells prepared plus 0—all Subdual Magic When Sadira prepares a spell that inflicts lethal damage she can choose it to do non-lethal damage instead. Sun Casting (Su) Sadira has gained the ability to draw energy from the Athas’ crimson sun to fuel her spells. During the daylight hours, she can choose whether to utilize plant energy or energy from the sun when casting spells. If using sun energy, the terrain is considered abundant. Sun energy has no impact on the environment. Spells cast using sun casting last only until the sun has set on the horizon, no matter how long their duration are. During the night (or otherwise absence of daylight), Sadira has the following statistics AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10 hp 46 Fort +4 Grp +4 Melee +1 metal dagger +5 (1d4+1/19-20) Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 10th): 5th—cloudkill (DC 20), hold monster (DC 20), transmute rock to mud 4th—black tentacles (grapple +26), silent still invisibility (DC 19), phantasmal killer (DC 19), wall of fire 3rd—dedication, dispel magic, nondetection, stinking cloud (DC 18) 2nd—fog cloud, invisibility (DC 17), levitate, misdirection (DC 17),web (DC 17) 1st—charm person (DC 16), disguise self (DC 16), mage armor, magic missile, obscuring mist, sleep (DC 16) 0—detect magic, open/close (DC 15), read magic, resistance Abilities Str 11, Con 15 Skills Concentration +18 Hook “I have the power of the Crimson Sun to call upon. Do you think you can top that?” Sadira was a slave in the Mericles household, which is where she met Rikus, but she was also a preserver and a member of the Veiled Alliance. Sadira helped put the Alliance’s plan to kill King Kalak into motion by getting Rikus to agree to throw the Heartwood Spear. The young half-elf became very involved in the politics of Tyr, for she had an intense love of freedom and a desire to see the city-state retain the liberty she helped ignite. During the decade of change that started with Kalak’s death, Sadira was married to both Rikus and the nobleman Agis. It was through her actions and the help of her friends and lovers that the Dragon was ultimately destroyed and Rajaat remained imprisoned. At the Pristine Tower, Sadira gained the ability to draw magical energy to power her spells right from. The circumstances surrounding her original transformation were unique, so it’s doubtful any other sun wizards can ever be created. When empowered by the sun, Sadira’s skin turns jet black, her eyes with no pupils and glowing like burning embers. When she exhales, a wisp of black steam rises from between her lips. At night, she reverts to her normal self. Today, Sadira has helped bring the Veiled Alliance out of the shadows. She serves on the OverCouncil as the preservers’ leader and representative. Those preservers who have kept the veil of secrecy don’t trust her, and she has many other enemies among the hidden defilers, templars loyal to the old ways, and nobles who see her as a threat to their own power and ambitions. Rikus remains her steadfast ally in the defense and preservation of Free Tyr. Comments? Suggestions? Flames? |
#2manyfistNov 17, 2006 22:35:06 | I thought she was no longer a Preserver. Didn't she stop trying to preserve and infact she was defiling up intill she could start casting Sun magic. I could be wrong, its been long time since I've read the books. What about Agis? Wasn't he Aristrocrat x/Psion (Telepath) x ? |
#3kalthandrixNov 17, 2006 23:56:21 | [flame] Yeah slacker - where is Agis!!! Other then that - nice job ![]() |
#4elonarcNov 18, 2006 11:15:09 | Good job - though it is *really* a stretch to make Sadira a preserver. She should be a defiler. |
#5thebraxNov 18, 2006 13:02:15 | Sadira had contact with one member of Tyr's veiled alliance; she was not a member, let alone a Veiled One, IMO. |
#6PennarinNov 18, 2006 15:08:16 | Maybe its a good adaptation of the supplement's characters, but as far as what they can do in the novels (yeah yeah, novels are different, bla bla :D ) they don't seem appropriate. Neeva and Rikus maybe, though. But Sadira has more than just access to the sun as an energy source, hence the endless debate over Sysane's (?) sun wizard template and other such attempts. My two cents...which can disregard it! Yeah!!! :P |
#7brun01Nov 20, 2006 10:10:34 | She defiled a few times, but after she killed Nok, she sworn to never defile again even if it costed her life, IIRC. According to the books (Revised Setting and Beyond PP), she is very influent in Free Tyr's Veiled Alliance. They can't do everything they do on the novels because level and abilities restraints (let alone some 3.5 conversions). Every other aspect is pretty much covered... Agis is dead, unfortunately. Otherwise, I should make Tithian and Caelum also... I think the only thing remaining now is Ktandeo's Cane... |
#8kalthandrixNov 20, 2006 10:16:40 | She defiled a few times, but after she killed Nok, she sworn to never defile again even if it costed her life, IIRC. According to the books (Revised Setting and Beyond PP), she is very influent in Free Tyr's Veiled Alliance. It is really no way totally confirmed that Agis is dead - it hinted that he was, but it is not a confirmed fact IIRC. And if you arenot doing thigs that are 'dead' why do the cane - it was destroyed. |
#9KamelionNov 20, 2006 10:22:24 | It is really no way totally confirmed that Agis is dead - it hinted that he was, but it is not a confirmed fact IIRC. He appeared as a spirit in the Gray, didn't he? Pretty conclusive if you ask me, especially following the scene where he is killed by Tithian and dumped into the Sea of Silt. |
#10SysaneNov 20, 2006 10:25:41 | It is really no way totally confirmed that Agis is dead - it hinted that he was, but it is not a confirmed fact IIRC. There's a thread somewhere that goes into speculation on how Agis might have survived. What the name of that thread is escapes me though. |
#11kalthandrixNov 20, 2006 10:25:50 | He appeared as a spirit in the Gray, didn't he? Pretty conclusive if you ask me, especially following the scene where he is killed by Tithian and dumped into the Sea of Silt. I was under the impression that the 'spirit' of Agis was actually, or could have been, a magical manipulation created by Tithian or one of the heads in order to get people to help him go kill the Dragon. |
#12SysaneNov 20, 2006 10:30:43 | He appeared as a spirit in the Gray, didn't he? Pretty conclusive if you ask me, especially following the scene where he is killed by Tithian and dumped into the Sea of Silt. Deliriium induced hallucinations brought on by being in the Gray for to long. Happens to me all the time. |
#13brun01Nov 20, 2006 10:37:07 | And if you arenot doing thigs that are 'dead' why do the cane - it was destroyed. Because it says in PAoA that it could be rebuilt, fool! :P |
#14SysaneNov 20, 2006 11:08:02 | I found that Agis thread, but its less indepth than I remembered it. Either way, here's the link to it for those interested: |
#15kalthandrixNov 20, 2006 11:19:21 | Because it says in PAoA that it could be rebuilt, fool! :P Well if you want to use that argument...Agis could not be dead or he could be resurrected - the other in Tyr might have tried, but the effect failed because someone else had already brought him back to life and is keeping it a secret - so quit slacking and just do as I tell you! ;) |
#16KamelionNov 20, 2006 11:27:29 | Bah. Baseless speculation of no benefit to the setting. Agis is dead, and DS the richer for it. Save the implausible deus ex machina nonsense for the FR :P... |
#17kalthandrixNov 20, 2006 11:44:44 | Bah. Baseless speculation of no benefit to the setting. Agis is dead, and DS the richer for it. Save the implausible deus ex machina nonsense for the FR :P... No body, no crime. Where is your proof and support for his death. :D |
#18KamelionNov 20, 2006 11:57:23 | No body, no crime. Where is your proof and support for his death. :D Blah blah blah blah. There is no habeas corpus law on Athas. The gospel according to Denning is quite clear on this point, you filthy revisionist heretic, as is the game material ("Agis of Asticles is dead", WC p17). Let the liberty-loving wussy-boy lie... at the bottom of the Sea of Silt :D. |
#19kalthandrixNov 20, 2006 12:07:17 | Blah blah blah blah. There is no habeas corpus law on Athas. The gospel according to Denning is quite clear on this point, you filthy revisionist heretic, as is the game material ("Agis of Asticles is dead", WC p17). Let the liberty-loving wussy-boy lie... at the bottom of the Sea of Silt :D. All I heard was "Blah blah blah...of course you are right Kalthandrix. The wisdom and intellignece you possess far outstripe my own and I bow before you as a servant most humbled. I am thinkful that you pointed out the errors of my ways and I will try and be more deserving of your praise and limitless kindness in the future...blah blah blah." phear! |
#20KamelionNov 20, 2006 12:19:27 | All I heard was "Blah blah blah...of course you are right Kalthandrix. The wisdom and intellignece you possess far outstripe my own and I bow before you as a servant most humbled. I am thinkful that you pointed out the errors of my ways and I will try and be more deserving of your praise and limitless kindness in the future...blah blah blah." intellignece? outstripe?? thinkful??? I am indeed clearly outstriped... ;) |
#21kalthandrixNov 20, 2006 13:03:08 | I blame my computer for all spelling errors |
#22manyfistNov 20, 2006 20:21:06 | Agis is dead yes. Yet he should still be stated, he was like the best character out there. All he wanted was Sadira to bear his child, yet she had to be selflish and said no. Now he's dead, and Sadria is stuck with a sterile Mul. It could of been a beautiful love child! Mastery of Psionics (Agis) and Mastery of Sun Magic (Sadira). Who knows maybe he/she would of become the next Avangelion Sorcerer King (Orinos being the only one atm). It wasn't ment to be... ![]() |
#23brun01Nov 21, 2006 7:13:43 | All I heard was "Blah blah blah...of course you are right Kalthandrix. The wisdom and intellignece you possess far outstripe my own and I bow before you as a servant most humbled. I am thinkful that you pointed out the errors of my ways and I will try and be more deserving of your praise and limitless kindness in the future...blah blah blah." Stop stealing my blah blah blah jokes!!! BTW, Magnus is alive, right? Can't remember this one clearly... |
#24SysaneNov 21, 2006 8:16:54 | Magnus got punted into the silt sea by Bory if I'm not mistaken. |
#25kalthandrixNov 21, 2006 8:34:18 | Magnus got punted into the silt sea by Bory if I'm not mistaken. But once again - the books do not say he was actually killed. I recall that he was able to close off his nasle passages pretty well to allow him to keep the silt out of there, so it is very plausible that he could be alive. The only reason I think the book did not go into the question of if he was dead or not was the fact that everyone was rushing around alot after the fight with the Dragon of Tyr and they could just have assumed he was dead. |
#26SysaneNov 21, 2006 8:39:24 | True enough. Maybe he pulled an Aquaman and whistled up some air creature to haul his new man arse to safety. |
#27cnahumckNov 21, 2006 8:47:49 | No, Agis returned and saved him. They live together on the Black Isle, and are thinking about adopting a puppy. |
#28SysaneNov 21, 2006 8:58:40 | No, Agis returned and saved him. They live together on the Black Isle, and are thinking about adopting a puppy. I was unaware that the Black Isle was the Dark Sun version of Vermont? |
#29cnahumckNov 21, 2006 9:39:55 | It's not, the Black Isle is just an isolated spot. IIRC the Dragon would guard it with things. My thoughts are that it was a puppy store that the Dragon wanted to keep for himself. Even he needed a little bit of love... |
#30kalthandrixNov 21, 2006 9:42:18 | I hate you all ![]() |
#31SysaneNov 21, 2006 9:49:46 | It's not, the Black Isle is just an isolated spot. IIRC the Dragon would guard it with things. My thoughts are that it was a puppy store that the Dragon wanted to keep for himself. Even he needed a little bit of love... Two dude living together in a remote location that adopt a puppy? Sounds a lot like Vermont to me ;) |
#32SysaneNov 21, 2006 9:57:30 | Back on track with the thread. Why no stats for Rkard? Sure he's a kid, but he's no joke. He'd be an interesting character to play. Plus, you'll need a cleric of some sort anyhow. |
#33brun01Nov 21, 2006 10:00:08 | I think I'll try to stat Magnus and Rkard, after the other projects are finished (you can totally blame Kal on this) |
#34brun01Nov 21, 2006 10:23:50 | This is the last mention of him in the book [...]'Above Magnus, Rkard had managed to work an arm free of the Dragon's grip and was trying to bend a clawed finger back to free himself. The windsinger knew he would not succeed. Even a mul child could not be that strong. Magnus snorted, clearing his nostrils, and raised his voice in song. A peal of thunder cracked over the Dragon, and a dozen forks of sizzling energy stabbed at his head. Borys's eyes flashed even brighter than the lightning. "Your noise makes my head throb," the Dragon hissed. Three sharp claws pierced the windsinger's hide, cracking his massive ribs like a storm snapping faro branches. His ballad changed to a howl. He felt the Dragon's arm whip outward, then Magnus found himself soaring over the pearly sea. His black eyes clouded over and he began to arc downward, the wind singing in his ears.' |
#35SysaneNov 21, 2006 10:28:20 | If he comes back at all, there's a good chance that he'd be coming back as a krag. |
#36kalthandrixNov 21, 2006 12:48:47 | This is the last mention of him in the book Still is not proof that he is dead :P |
#37brun01Nov 21, 2006 13:08:29 | Still is not proof that he is dead :P That's why I plan to convert him. He's a tough MF. |
#38SysaneNov 21, 2006 13:14:55 | If WotC has taught me anything, there's always a way to bring a character "back from the dead". As much as I hate to use a FR novel as an exmaple, look at what they did with Wulfgar from the Drizzt books. |
#39cnahumckNov 21, 2006 13:34:00 | Why should WoTC be different than Marvel or DC or Bond Movies or anything else. People only become "mostly dead." ![]() |
#40phoenix_mSep 17, 2007 0:17:30 | Alright, dragging out the dead here - but here's and argument for the inclusion of Agis, Magnus, Rkard, Tithian, etc. What is the time frame your playing in? It's looking like were going to be playing our group someplace between FY 2 and FY 10; when these people were still alive. To the best of my knowledge my group doesn't have any write-ups for them (but I'm not the GM) |
#41j0ltSep 17, 2007 7:01:00 | Yeesh. Agis is dead, and he'll stay dead until the next time they need him for the plot, at which time someone will cast the level 9 spell "Retcon", and none of you will even remember having this conversation because he'll always have been not dead! |
#42brun01Sep 17, 2007 7:05:16 | Alright, dragging out the dead here - but here's and argument for the inclusion of Agis, Magnus, Rkard, Tithian, etc. I have a Tithian write-up somewhere in the boards, a simple search will show it. Agis and Magnus I always wanted to make, I just need an excuse. Perhaps after Legends of Athas... ![]() |
#43lumpkinSep 18, 2007 5:35:42 | Agis is totally dead, because official sources and, more importantly, Troy Denning (in an interview as I recall), have said so. I liked Agis and was upset when he was deaded. But in the end having the most idealistic character died because he trusted his oldest friend not to go 100% evil is very Dark Sun. Of course you can always ignore officialdom and there is enough scope for Agis to have miraculously survived, or be brought back from the dead, it just wouldn't be terribly Dark Sun. |
#44phoenix_mSep 18, 2007 16:55:33 | Agis is totally dead, because official sources and, more importantly, Troy Denning (in an interview as I recall), have said so. I liked Agis and was upset when he was deaded. But in the end having the most idealistic character died because he trusted his oldest friend not to go 100% evil is very Dark Sun. Yeah, he died, killed by Tithian, got that - that, however, is not what I'm talking about. My group is gaming in Free Year TWO. The only two people that have died are Kalak and some dwarf servent of Agis. So drop the old arguements, thank you. |
#45ZardnaarSep 18, 2007 17:42:48 | IN theory any level 13 Cleric could cast a resurrection spell to return either of them to life- assuming they want to come back from the dead. Since Athas doesn't really have a proper afterlife as such odds are they would want to return. |
#46squidfur-Sep 18, 2007 22:53:04 | The character I'd like to see statted out is Umbra. ...oh yeah. Technically, he already is - and could be taken out by even low level parties (shadow giants are a fixed CR 4 creature). That being the case anyone of the PP characters should've been able to take him out-tha-game with ease. Ok, so a bit on the smart***** side o' things. I was just thinking that this was an area where some corrections might be made. Although it might be tricky, I think that a change to allow for level advancement could make the shadow giants more in line with their novel portrayal. Thoughts??? |
#47SysaneSep 19, 2007 8:13:05 | They're not really fixed. The shadow giant has the option of having increased hit dice which would grant them additional feats in addition to HP and what not. |
#48squidfur-Sep 19, 2007 10:46:08 | They're not really fixed. The shadow giant has the option of having increased hit dice which would grant them additional feats in addition to HP and what not. Ahh, yes. You are correct...and, I did notice this initially, and quickly disregarded. Turns out I've grossly misread the rules for advancing creatures. So, all in all, I guess I don't have as much a problem as I thought I did. I still think that the base CR should be a bit higher, though. Just my opinion. |
#49PennarinSep 19, 2007 13:18:05 | There is a greater shadow giant entry stated in Dregoth Ascending. Umbra is supposed to be that creature, not the regular shadow giant of ToA. |
#50PennarinSep 19, 2007 13:18:48 | There is a greater shadow giant entry stated in Dregoth Ascending. Umbra is supposed to be that creature, not the regular shadow giant of ToA. It's not level advancements, but it's midway. |
#51elonarcSep 19, 2007 17:25:52 | There is a greater shadow giant entry stated in Dregoth Ascending. Umbra is supposed to be that creature, not the regular shadow giant of ToA. It's not level advancements, but it's midway. If you don't like it, just stat him out the way you envision him. |
#52SysaneSep 19, 2007 19:14:59 | There an echo in this thread or what? :P |
#53j0ltSep 19, 2007 21:51:36 | I can has cheezburger? :D |
#54phoenix_mSep 19, 2007 21:52:16 | There an echo in this thread or what? :P echo in this thread or what? :P ...this thread or what? :P ...or what? :P ... :P Great work guys, haven't gone over it 100% yet, but I like what I've seen so far. |
#55squidfur-Sep 19, 2007 23:11:56 | There is a greater shadow giant entry stated in Dregoth Ascending. Umbra is supposed to be that creature, not the regular shadow giant of ToA. It's not level advancements, but it's midway. If you don't like it, just stat him out the way you envision him. Unless, of course, you're lazy and don't feel like it. Then don't:P |
#56j0ltSep 19, 2007 23:39:37 | There is a greater shadow giant entry stated in Dregoth Ascending. Umbra is supposed to be that creature, not the regular shadow giant of ToA. It's not level advancements, but it's midway. If you don't like it, just stat him out the way you envision him. Unless, of course, you're lazy and don't feel like it. Then don't. :P Then again, you might want to because building monsters to spec for your campaign gives everything a nice cohesive feel to it. |
#57brun01Sep 20, 2007 7:19:39 | Where is Jon and his bolts when you need him? |
#58squidfur-Sep 21, 2007 0:00:23 | Was going over the damn shadow giant entry again and noticed a few errors... - the saves are off - they don't take the ability modifiers into consideration. All three saves should be +6 (not +5). -the Hide check is also off. A 7 HD outsider has a maximum of 10 ranks in a skill. However, 10 ranks in hide, factoring in the Dex mod of +1, and the size mod of -4, gives a net bonus of +7 to Hide (not +11 as shown). Now I'm perfectly willing to admit that a shadow giant should have some sort of bonus (along the lines of a Shadow - MM p 222), being composed of shadow, but nothing in the writeup suggests this. - the Spot and Listen checks don't factor in the bonus from the Alertness feat and should both be +13 |
#59rikkiwalkerSep 27, 2007 9:00:12 | She defiled a few times, but after she killed Nok, she sworn to never defile again even if it costed her life, IIRC. According to the books (Revised Setting and Beyond PP), she is very influent in Free Tyr's Veiled Alliance. It wasn't because she killed Nok it was when she destroyed the grove in Nibenay and realised the long term effects of her actions; the sloaves who tended the grove were all executed, no one would be abl;e to come to that grove for shade, it being pointed out that when the land is destroyed she kills hope for the future as it will restrict any food blah blah and so on and so forth. |
#60rikkiwalkerSep 27, 2007 9:02:48 | If he comes back at all, there's a good chance that he'd be coming back as a krag. No because if i recall the rules on krags they only come about when a cleric dies in the lement that is opposed to his own. Magnus died in silt and he was an air cleric; he would have needed to be a water or rain cleric and drown in the silt to come back as a krag. |
#61ishan_whDec 13, 2007 8:57:07 | Its too bad Agis died, but we will remember him from the killing blow he gave to Kalak hehe Agis is depicted as a 16lv Psion in City state of Tyr of 2nd, his gear is a ring of protection +3, steel scimitar (which in the book covers seems more like a saber), and a leather armor. str 15, dex 16, con 17, int 18, wis 17, cha 16 There should be a dnd mini of him, hes the most famous psion of dnd lol |
#62ishan_whDec 13, 2007 11:09:16 | Here´s Cpt. Zalcor Both in 2nd edition and my 3.5 version, any comments would be welcomed Captain Zalcor 7th-Level Human Male Warrior, Lawful Neutral AC: 1 (bracers +Dex) Str 15, Dex 16, Con, 16, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14 Movement: 12 HP: 52 THAC0: 14 #AT: 3/2 or 5/2 Dmg: By weapon Proficiencies: Specialized in long sword; long bow, spear, dragon.s paw, dagger; blind-fighting. bowyer/ fletcher, etiquette, land-based riding (crodlu), navigation, tracking. Equipment: bracers of defense AC3 Background: Zalcor has fought most of his life to try to protect his home in Tyr. As a youngster, he was a member of a vigilante group that protected the neighborhood businesses and residences. A young templar from the house Mericles clandestinely recruited him to report on local happenings in Zalcor´s neighborhood. His benefactor, Tithian, later convinced him to join the guard, and with Tithian.s support he rose quickly through the ranks. A section leader during the revolt, Zalcor fought to maintain order during the ensuing chaos. Fortunately, he was able to organize the other members of the city.s guard and prevent extensive looting in the merchant and trade districts. For his bravery (and to maintain control over the guard) Tithian, quick to see a valued asset, wasted no time in appointing him to the position of Captain of the Tyrian Guard. Appearance: A hawk-like nose, piercing eyes, and a heavy black mustache are Zalcor.s dominant characteristics. Zalcor is of medium stature with a long neck and strong hands. He sometimes wears his city-guard uniform when off-duty because he believes that his job does not conclude at the end of the working day. Role-playing: Zalcor feels that his visible presence is a stabilizing factor in the community torn with strife. Though a skilled warrior, he does not seek to impress others with his fighting talents. He prefers the role of diplomat and leaves combat to his accompanying guardsmen when possible. Zalcor believes in order. With Tithian absent, he feels personally responsible for the protection of the city. He reports regularly to the Council, and to the senior templar as requested. Zalcor is fair in his dealings (especially with newcomers to Tyr) and does not hesitate to give advice to fools and strangers. Captain Zalcor 3.5 REVISED!! 7th-Level Human Male Fighter Str 16, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14 Base Attack Bonus: +7/+2 Grapple: +10/+5 Ranged: +10/+5 Longsword: +12/+7 - Dmg 1d8+5 - Critical 19-20x2 AC: 19/ Touch: 13/ Flat Footed: 16 Fortitude: +8, Reflex: +5, Will: +5 HP: 74 Initiative: +3 Gear: Bracers of Armor +6, Mwk Steel Longsword Skills: 36 Climb +7, Craft Bowyer +3, Diplomacy +4, Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +8, Jump +8, Knowledge Warcraft +4, Knowledge Geography +2, Listen +4, Ride +5, Spot +4, Survival +4 Feats: 8 Weapon Focus: Longsword, Weapon Specialization: Longsword, Blind Fighting, Track, Dodge, Freedom, Mobility, Power Attack (not sure about power attack) LET ME KNOW PEOPLE |