New to the game...



Jan 31, 2007 18:21:05
I am new to alternity having just picked up some of the books, namely just the players handbook along with the gamemasters guide. I had bounced around the idea of running a game using the rules, I know an old game but I am still new to it, kind of nice using a completly diferent rules system then I am used to...
Anyway I was just wondering if any of the books later on down the line had walkers or mecha like walkers in them. And if anyone has any advice for a new person, let me know. New turf...


Feb 01, 2007 18:01:45
Some of the material in Warships could be used for mecha, but otherwise they steered clear of that. Check the link in my .sig to see if they have anything in the fan Resources that adds to it.

For advice, I'd suggest reading the rules a couple times to make sure you have a good grip on the rules. Lots of people seem to have problems with the Cartesian style step system.



Feb 07, 2007 23:06:55
Welcome to Alternity. Like OGAM said, check out the site, especially the Forum where you can get helpful advice from Alternity enthusiasts. I know there were some people working on rules for Mechs and there might actually be some files posted in the Resources section.


Feb 11, 2007 12:54:04
Thanks, I'll check it out. :D