gord the rogue series?



Feb 03, 2007 23:45:41
i read the series a while ago, but what was the "artifact of evil" again? I cant remember.

Also if memory serves me right didnt the cat lord play a fairly large part in the series?


Feb 04, 2007 2:57:51
i read the series a while ago, but what was the "artifact of evil" again? I cant remember.

The Theoparts. Three keys to the prison of Tharizdun, also extremely potent relics in their own right. Anyone who held one automatically became one of the most powerful beings in the Lower Planes.

Also if memory serves me right didnt the cat lord play a fairly large part in the series?

Yes. Gord was a descendant of his.


Feb 04, 2007 3:54:28
Anything and everything you want to know about Gord:
