Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1arakorFeb 07, 2007 8:16:51 | Just been re-reading through the gazetteers and some of them make reference to the Cyclopedia for some of the races. Since I don't have, and cannot afford, the Cyclopedia at the moment, would some-one be kind enough to summarise the following races as they appear in said book ?
#2agathoklesFeb 07, 2007 8:26:07 | Just been re-reading through the gazetteers and some of them make reference to the Cyclopedia for some of the races. Since I don't have, and cannot afford, the Cyclopedia at the moment, would some-one be kind enough to summarise the following races as they appear in said book ? No Gnomes in the Rules Cyclopedia, at least as PC. They are a monstrous race in OD&D. The other race/classes are not especially different from BECMI. |
#3Traianus_Decius_AureusFeb 07, 2007 9:36:52 | There are options towards the end that give a 36 level progression for the demihumans (as well as an optional 36 level progression for the mystic.) That is the only different information. |
#4phoenixmclFeb 07, 2007 10:25:35 | Cash isn't something alot of us have but in case you can order through the cyclopedia in PDF is $4.00. Think Tolkien! Dwarves- short and stocky 4' about 150lbs and wear long beards. Have magical resistance, infravision and detection. Max level 12. Dwarves live in clans. Build cavern strongholds. Special Relic is Forge of Power. Elves- slender and graceful with pointy ears, 5' about 120. Fighter Mages. Resistant to dragon breath, infravision, detection, immunity to ghoul paralysis. Elves live in Clans. Forest Strongholds. Special Relic is Tree of Life. Halflings (Hin) - human child like with slightly pointed ears rarely have beards, 3' about 60pounds. Combat bounses when fighting large monsters and using weapons and to initiative. Woodland hide ability. Build strongholds. Special Relic is Crucible of Blackflame. Gnomes (From monster discription)- Smaller than dwarves long noses and full beards, 4'. Infravision. Hate kobolds. Live in burrows or underground. Love machinery. Thats the best i can give you. ![]() |
#5arakorFeb 07, 2007 11:53:05 | @Phoenixmcl: You've given me most of what I was looking for. What I need now, is the values for the Dwarven Magic Resistance and Elven Resistances. Re: Paizo, $4 may not seem like much but I get bank charges on that, not to mention that my finances are severely lacking ... and I really do mean severely. |
#6zombiegleemaxFeb 07, 2007 12:48:09 | Just been re-reading through the gazetteers and some of them make reference to the Cyclopedia for some of the races. Since I don't have, and cannot afford, the Cyclopedia at the moment, would some-one be kind enough to summarise the following races as they appear in said book ? It's strange that some Gaz make reference to Rules Cyclopedia, since Gazs are former (as far as I remember). Anyway, Dwarves, Elves and Halflings are PC classes (and not races) in OD&D. Dwarves are fighters with high constitution and some detection ability (detect sliding doors, find traps, infravision, etc.). Max level 12. Elves are fighters/magic-users, max level 10. Halflings are fighters, with less hit points (d6 instead of d8) and some thief-like ability (hide) and need high dexterity and streght. Max level 8. Gnomes are not presented in Cyclopedia, but in PC2, top ballista, as 2 subraces: ground gnomes and sky gnomes. They follow the monster progression table, essentially fighters with some tinker ability and some elemental ability (save bonus vs favoured element, elemental summoning at high level). |
#7zombiegleemaxFeb 07, 2007 12:57:59 | What I need now, is the values for the Dwarven Magic Resistance and Elven Resistances. Dwarves and Elves, being a class, have their own saving trow tables. Demihuman saving trows are very advantageous and rise quicklyer than any human class (they also have only 10-12 levels!). After levels, demihumans rise in combact ranks, gaining better THAC0 and some extra attack #round. Ranks are not levels, so they progress in letters and not in umbers. So after level 10 an elf could rise to rank 10c, rank 10d and so on. They gain no more hit points, no more spell slots (for elves only, of course), no more detection abilities, only better to hit rolls. At rank 12G (1,400,000 XPs) dwarves automatically take 1/2 damage form any damage causing spell or spell like effect. At arrack rank 10G (1,600,000 XPs) elves automatically take 1/2 damage from any breath weapon. Elves never gain a magic resistance (except Red Arrow clan in Alfheim). As an elven resistance, elves are immune to ghoul paralisys from 1st level, and if the DM is kind, this resistance is versus any paralizing undeath. Halfling gains both damage resistances! |
#8agathoklesFeb 07, 2007 13:08:07 | You've given me most of what I was looking for. What I need now, is the values for the Dwarven Magic Resistance and Elven Resistances. Uhm, actually dwarven magic resistance is only low saving throws and half damage from spells at higher levels. G. |