Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1HuginFeb 19, 2007 20:21:55 | I've been doing some experimenting placing some mystara world maps onto the Google Earth software globe. I've used three maps. Using this map shifts the equator quite far to the north. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This map places the equator and tropics much closer to where they should be. ![]() ![]() I measured the distance across this ocean as 3600 miles using the map from the master's set. Note that it's based on earth's size. ![]() This map gives a distance of 2100 miles across the ocean. ![]() The equator is shifted north using this map as well. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
#2MultizarFeb 19, 2007 22:49:26 | Very cool!!! :D |
#3alcamtarFeb 19, 2007 23:40:54 | The first maps look awesome! (except for the equator problem) Where did they come from? Could you just add some ocean at the bottom of the map to move the equator southwards? |
#4zombiegleemaxFeb 20, 2007 1:48:39 | Awesome! I like it very much! I think I'll use it if and when my PCs will SpellJammer around Mystara! |
#5havardFeb 20, 2007 2:22:41 | Yeah, very nice! I like the maps where RW borders are shown. Gives a good idea of the sizes of the various Mystaran regions too. Håvard |
#6zombiegleemaxFeb 20, 2007 3:22:19 | This is really impressive! ![]() Congratulations for your efforts, I really like the way the maps are showed with Google maps (by the way: how did you manage to load the mystaran map into this software? ![]() Except for the equator problem, the only note I have to make about your maps concerns the distance between Zyxl and the Immortal's Arm, which should be much lesser according to the HW and RC general map (by the way, do you think it is possible to use them as a basis for the Google software?). I suppose that this problem comes from Mystara being smaller than the real world, so I don't know if this problem may be solved. Excellent work, anyway! ![]() |
#7havardFeb 20, 2007 3:28:24 | This is really impressive! Couldn't the fact that Mystara is smaller be fixed by simply enlarging the maps of Mystara? Havard |
#8rhialtoFeb 20, 2007 4:00:34 | One issue you don't appear to have accounted for teh the size of teh polar openings. I'd love to see a version of these maps with those holes accounted for (hint hint). |
#9olddawgFeb 20, 2007 10:10:07 | I recognize the source files for the last two globes, but the first one looks like a 24mph of all Mystara - something I can't recall having seen. Could you provide a link to that original map? Thanks, -OldDawg |
#10agathoklesFeb 20, 2007 10:26:26 | I recognize the source files for the last two globes, but the first one looks like a 24mph of all Mystara - something I can't recall having seen. Could you provide a link to that original map? It seems to be Kal's enormous map -- a link was posted on these board a few months ago, though I don't have a link ready... GP |
#11HuginFeb 20, 2007 11:39:01 | Before I make any other comments I should point out that none of these maps are mine and I certainly do not have the talent these people have ;) . Thanks for everybody's nice comments (but I didn't really do a whole lot).Congratulations for your efforts, I really like the way the maps are showed with Google maps (by the way: how did you manage to load the mystaran map into this software?) The Google maps can be toggled on or off and the mystara map can also be various degrees of transparent. As for how - I was shocked at how easy! In Google Earth there are some tools along the top. One of them is called Add A Layer (IIRC, I'm at work). This opens an options window where you can browse your PC for a picture. To have the picture cover the globe you have to go the Location (? IIRC) tab and put 90°N, 90°S, 180°E, 180°W. One issue you don't appear to have accounted for teh the size of teh polar openings. I'd love to see a version of these maps with those holes accounted for (hint hint). I know. ![]() Couldn't the fact that Mystara is smaller be fixed by simply enlarging the maps of Mystara? Unfortunately no. The maps are stretched to fit on the globe - the globe's properties do not change at all (that I can find, anyway). Distances could always be adjusted by a simple ratio if you wanted to. It seems to be Kal's enormous map -- a link was posted on these board a few months ago, though I don't have a link ready... That's the one. It is in two pieces - east and west. I had problems with it at first, until I resized them. Luckily I had it saved from that thread because I can't find it on the net anywhere. Got to go and get some work done :D |
#12MultizarFeb 20, 2007 18:41:13 | That's the one. It is in two pieces - east and west. I had problems with it at first, until I resized them. Luckily I had it saved from that thread because I can't find it on the net anywhere. Kal split the map up for me and I am working on a large poster sized version for my wall. Unfortunatly, I am also remodeling a house during my time off so I can move me and my family into it and I have not had time to work on it. Once I move and can put it on a wall I will take a picture and send it here for all us mystara fans :D |
#13culture20Feb 20, 2007 19:58:43 | To replace Tim Klanerud's image, try using this one (I added north and south to help the polar regions):![]() For google earth, you might want to add a few more lines of black on north and south (to mimic the polar openings). |
#14HuginFeb 20, 2007 22:15:43 | To replace Tim Klanerud's image, try using this one (I added north and south to help the polar regions): Thanks, but I'm running into a problem with most all the maps. Locations are ending up too close to the equator (or said another way, the tropics and all other latitudes are lying too far away from where they should be). I believe it is due to having too much 'height' to the maps. Having a 'polar opening' area pushes everything even closer to the equator. Anyway, I'm working on a solution... |
#15HuginFeb 21, 2007 21:16:43 | Well I've discovered that Mystara has more of itself mapped than there actually is of itself! ![]() It should have 54 miles per each degree of surface but it actually has 64 miles per degree. I've confirmed my math with actual hex counting. :whatsthis That leaves a few options: - re-map everything (not an option), - re-define the size the the hexes to about 85% the value (eg. 8 mile-hex becomes a 6.8 mile-hex, the hollow world becomes a 47.4 mile-hex ![]() - re-define the size of Mystara to be about 94% the size of Earth with a circumference of 23080. It's not my fault - I didn't do it! ;) |
#16gawain_viiiFeb 21, 2007 23:58:42 | I always liked the idea of Mystara being Earth-sized... It makes a few things rather convenient... and conforms to the original idea for the setting anyway.... having a "Pacific Ocean" with the Sea Kingdoms... the smaller globe just doesn't allow for that. I understand that HW/PWA shrunk the globe to make the possibility of pan-ocean travel easier... but they set it up, then never used it... There is little-to-no reference of eastern Skothar-Brun migrations... I say the smaller globe was a fluke of the mapmakers' faulty information at the time... (Basically, I want all the non-developed areas to match Mentzer's idea as close as possible.) But for my project I'm sticking with published cannon... unless there is overwhelming support for the larger size (hint hint, post your thoughts!) Anyays, it's late, I need sleep. Roger |
#17gawain_viiiFeb 22, 2007 0:00:50 | Also, if too much height is causing an extra large tropic area, try expanding the witdth instead--reverting to the mentzer-size western ocean. Thus decreasing the height-width ratio ok, NOW I'm going to bed... Roger |
#18HuginFeb 22, 2007 10:58:01 | Also, if too much height is causing an extra large tropic area, try expanding the witdth instead--reverting to the mentzer-size western ocean. Thus decreasing the height-width ratio The problem with adjusting height OR width is that it distorts the hexes. Note that while the width of the hexes are distorted as you travel from the equator anyhow, the height is not. Because of that consistency, I used north-south distances and latitudes as a basis for calculations and comparisons. Now that I'm thinking about, I do have to check the height-to-width ratio of the map when I get home to make sure it is 1:2. I always liked the idea of Mystara being Earth-sized... It makes a few things rather convenient... and conforms to the original idea for the setting anyway.... having a "Pacific Ocean" with the Sea Kingdoms... the smaller globe just doesn't allow for that. I understand that HW/PWA shrunk the globe to make the possibility of pan-ocean travel easier... but they set it up, then never used it... There is little-to-no reference of eastern Skothar-Brun migrations... I'm in the same camp here. I like the idea of a more earth-sized Mystara. I still have to do more work to see the effect it has on the Hollow World. |
#19olddawgFeb 22, 2007 11:33:30 | I am in the even smaller camp that says Mystara is actually a touch larger than RW Earth. If you noticed on the GazF maps, I've been including latitude markers. Using the HW/RC maps as a guide for where the important latitudes are relative to the actual 24mph count (N-S), and rounding for simple ratios, I get 6 degrees lat for every 16 24mph hexes. (or 1 degree = 64 miles, as Hugin does) I'd treat that as constant regardless of global position. For E-W, don't use the equator as the "standard" undistorted hex. It is at one of the two extremes, you want something in the middle - somewhere in the vicinity of Thyatis to Helskir - as the standard. [Warning: Math Content Below] ![]() I also use a small cylindrical bulge factor to compensate for a few peculiarities of Mystara so your x-coordinate, for instance, is not the standard x=R cos\phi \cos\theta but x=(r+R\cos\phi) cos\theta [R = global radius, r = distending, \phi = latitude from equator, \theta =longitude] similarly y=(r+R\cos\phi)\sin\theta but z remains the same z = R\sin\phi The bulge parameter r literally distends the whole thing, creating a nice pair of natural, differentiable [geek-speak for smooth enough] openings and - here's the nice part - without affecting the astronomical meaning or progression of the equator, tropics and arctic/antarctic circles. Traveling along N-S, the bulge is irrelevant, but E-W it helps reduce the average hex "distortion". Prof. Dawg |
#20gawain_viiiFeb 22, 2007 13:52:09 | The problem with adjusting height OR width is that it distorts the hexes. Note that while the width of the hexes are distorted as you travel from the equator anyhow, the height is not. Because of that consistency, I used north-south distances and latitudes as a basis for calculations and comparisons. Now that I'm thinking about, I do have to check the height-to-width ratio of the map when I get home to make sure it is 1:2. Would it do that by adding a few columns of "blank" ocean hexes? Roger |
#21HuginFeb 22, 2007 21:44:08 | Would it do that by adding a few columns of "blank" ocean hexes? Ya that's exactly what I had in mind if it turned out to be necessary, which it did. I have readjusted the large 24 mile hex map to fit properly on the google earth globe. This gives the 'Far End Ocean' a span of 3610 miles between Zyxl and the Immortal's Arm. The southern-most tip of Davania reaches down to 65° S (assuming this map has Davania mapped properly). That is just shy of the antarctic circle. Another thing to note is that while some of that map had some of the northern portion 'removed', it actually still exists as the surface wraps around the polar lip towards the Hollow World. For E-W, don't use the equator as the "standard" undistorted hex. It is at one of the two extremes, you want something in the middle - somewhere in the vicinity of Thyatis to Helskir - as the standard. I've found that since the latitude hexes are set it is these ones that define the size of the planet, not any east-west direction. Therefore the longitudinal hexes are taken care of by themselves. |
#22HuginFeb 22, 2007 22:25:22 | Here's something to help out those like me who (used to) see Ethengar as way too small. These two images show the same amount of area (the scale at the bottom left is adjusted due to the difference is size between Earth and Mystara). Once I saw this I can see Ethengar's size as much bigger than I've always held in my mind. ![]() ![]() |
#23rhialtoFeb 23, 2007 2:26:04 | I'm also in the "Ethengar is way too small" camp. And yes, I know full well it is comparable in size to spouthern England. that is exactly why I consider it way too small. It's meant to be a likeness of Mongolian culture. Mongolian, for Razud's sake! Modern Mongolia (a rump state compared to the traditional Mongol homelands, let alone their imperial days) is larger than western Europe! Personally, I like to think of the Ethengar region as home to humanoid tribes with that culture, a kind of extension of the broken lands (complete with massive underground caverns to help support the population). And have a human Ethengar culture somewhere way northwest of Glantri, where there is actually room for that culture to be that culture. |
#24HuginJun 18, 2007 22:44:02 | So, I still mess around with this now and then and just realized that I left a couple things undone.One issue you don't appear to have accounted for teh the size of teh polar openings. I'd love to see a version of these maps with those holes accounted for (hint hint). Now, I can't actually put holes into the globe itself, but I did create a simple shaded layer to represent where the curvature of the polar openings begin (light grey) and where the Darklands begin. Here are some new pics: ![]() ![]() ![]() Here is one of the western sea: ![]() These new maps have the proper ratio between height and width. Therefore, if the globe was unraveled, the resulting map would be twice as wide as it is high. If anybody would like me to give them specific shots, feel free to ask. It would take very little effort on my part and may led to some interesting discussion. [EDIT: ImageShack is uploading my images really small for some reason. I'll have to figure out why and hopefully get you the full-size images.] [EDIT-EDIT: Pics are fixed!] |
#25havardJun 19, 2007 13:42:35 | Very nice! ![]() Havard |
#26rhialtoJun 20, 2007 2:09:07 | Impressive. I notice teh polar regions seems stretched. I'm not sure if that isn't the way its meant to be, or if some additional graphocal compensation is needed. |
#27HuginJun 20, 2007 9:05:12 | Impressive. I notice teh polar regions seems stretched. I'm not sure if that isn't the way its meant to be, or if some additional graphocal compensation is needed. Actually, they're squished in terms of longitude; latitude remains as is it should be according to the original flat maps. The problem is that the map used has the same number of hexes along the equator as it does just 1 degree away from the poles. Thus all those hexes have to fit in such a very small area. However, that said, the hexes won't actually get squished to that extreme on Mystara due to the polar openings. The land will wrap around the lip to join up with the maps from the hollow world. |
#28yakmanJun 20, 2007 10:29:06 | Actually, they're squished in terms of longitude; latitude remains as is it should be according to the original flat maps. The problem is that the map used has the same number of hexes along the equator as it does just 1 degree away from the poles. Thus all those hexes have to fit in such a very small area. That was always something i wondered about--do the oceans in the HW and Mystara connect? As for the maps: ![]() |
#29HuginJun 20, 2007 11:56:55 | That was always something i wondered about--do the oceans in the HW and Mystara connect? Technically I'd say yes, but they would be frozen permanently. Whether or not this extends all the way to the sea floor is a matter of convection. So it might be possible that ocean currents could flow between the outer and inner oceans. |
#30kalJun 20, 2007 13:27:14 | MY GOD Hugin !!! ^____^ great job !!! now my map looks perfect !!!! you are a genius !!! HA HA HA never thought a solution like that but it seems very wonderful ! if you need more maps just call me ^____^ KAL |
#31HuginJun 20, 2007 19:09:51 | Thanks a bunch Kal. It wouldn't have been possible without your maps. ![]() Here's a couple more shots: The North Pole ![]() The South Pole ![]() This one shows an interesting shape of the Great Bay. ![]() |
#32CthulhudrewJun 20, 2007 23:50:16 | Technically I'd say yes, but they would be frozen permanently. The Princess Ark and crew did traverse the frozen sea of Vulcania into the Hollow World. The maps in that article (and the ones in the HW boxed set) make it look like Vulcania is located a bit closer to the polar entrance than it appears here, but there is in any case some precedent for those seas being frozen. |
#33HuginJun 21, 2007 9:43:44 | The Princess Ark and crew did traverse the frozen sea of Vulcania into the Hollow World. The maps in that article (and the ones in the HW boxed set) make it look like Vulcania is located a bit closer to the polar entrance than it appears here, but there is in any case some precedent for those seas being frozen. It would seem that the northern hemisphere has more area mapped than the southern hemisphere. If I had not trimmed a bit off the north, the southern edge of Davania would appear even farther from the pole. (Note: the light gray circle is where the surface begins to curve around the polar opening and is closer to the pole than the (ant)arctic circles.) As it is now, Davania ends just a little shy of the antarctic circle. I would guess that in winter the ice packs could reach the coast but it might be variable depending on the severity of that particular year. |
#34yakmanJun 29, 2007 11:59:37 | which map did you use for the last series of globes? |
#35HuginJun 29, 2007 13:35:05 | which map did you use for the last series of globes? I've using modified maps done by Kal (see up a few posts). The modifications were trimming the north off a bit, adding to the south, and adding more ocean to the Western Sea. Theses were needed in order to create a properly proportioned map for a globe. I can't share the two maps because they're too large, over 20 Mb each. |
#36yakmanJul 02, 2007 9:59:49 | Technically I'd say yes, but they would be frozen permanently. Whether or not this extends all the way to the sea floor is a matter of convection. So it might be possible that ocean currents could flow between the outer and inner oceans. weird. |
#37HuginDec 06, 2007 21:55:08 | I just did some messing around with this again to determine where the pre-cataclysm equator and poles existed. I know we have done some conjecture on this a little bit so I thought I'd share what I've found. [EDIT] It was late when I did this and I have to check everything as I may have done a mistake. However, it is even latter now than it was when I did this so it will have to wait until tomorrow after work. [/EDIT] |
#38HuginDec 07, 2007 18:12:15 | [edit] I wanted to place a note under assumptions that the North Pole is assumed to have been near the Sylvan Realm for these pics (since I no longer use that assumption) but apparently editting an old post in this new forum environment does nasty things to the formating. Be warned![/edit]
OK, I've looked over everything and did make some alterations due to misplaced points. All should be good now. Note that the white line is the pre-cataclysm equator. Assumption notice: These results rely on the map's accuracy and the changes I've made to it. - These maps are assuming the old North Pole was located near the Sylvan Realm (which I no longer assume). - I had to trim land from the northern edge and add to the southern to center the equator. However, the 'trimmed' land can be assumed to exist as part of the curvature of the polar opening. - I found it necessary to make the Western Sea much wider in order to get the map to the proper 2:1 ratio of length to height. - Studying the HW 'Outer-World Precataclysmic' map lead me to place the point of where old equator crosses the new at the new 20°W longitude. - That same map also suggests what the axis change of angle was. I have gone with a change of 37.5 degrees. - This map depicts AC 1000 and so does not account for any changes in land forms that would exist before the GRoF. This one just shows the pre-cataclysm equator as it crosses the southern continent of Davania. It does differ a bit from the HW map. As you travel west along the equator from the point it crosses the modern equator you'll find it actually 'curves upward' compared to the HW map. This is due to the curvature of the planet. The HW's PreCat equator was basically drawn as a straight line on a flat map but it just doesn't work that way on a globe. Here is the Pre-Cat equator crossing the Bellissarian Sea. In this time period, the location of the future capital of Thyatis is at about 33°N (present, according to this map, is about 36°N) and Glantri City is at about 46°N (presently about 44°N). Back then, Glantri was nearly due north of Thyatis. The problem here is the notion that the region was experiencing its Ice Age. However, if we consider that the Ice Age was global, we could then assume it was comparable to the mini Ice Age that RW Europe experienced during the early middle ages. This theory could also aid Blackmoor's position as a northern-like climate despite not being far-north. This one shows the region where the two equator's intersect. It is very posible that the Aryptian Basin was once a rain forest like the Amazon. This is the Pre-Cat equator as it crosses the continent of Skothar. The red 'pin' on the equator is the point at which it gets its most northerly on the modern day map. One thing you can see from this is that Blackmoor probably rested at around the 50°N latitude of its day, and lies at the current north pole, meaning it no longer exists. However, as the Immortals 'relocated' the polar opening, some artifacts may have ended up along the curvature of the new opening. This seems to work out as it should, especially considering that there may have been a global Ice Age at the time. Another point to bring out is that the Beastmen in the Borean valley were actually much more west than north of Blackmoor. Lying at a broad region around the 60°N mark seems to sound perfect. Here is the Pre-Cat North Pole (red pin), very close to the future Sylvan Realm of the elves, as some have suggested. And the South Pole (red pin) located in the lower right hand side in the mountains of the Vulcanian Line on the Peninsula of Vulcania. These mountains themselves may be the 'plug' that the Immortals created to close the old polar opening. Side thoughts - I just read that the Tangor Peninsula was drastically changed from plains to volcanic mountain ranges and thought about the World Spine equatorial mountain range within the HW. I think this must have been made during / as a result of the GRoF and that is why it follows the equator as it does. Perhaps it was the wobble of the planet as it transitioned and stabilized on its new axis. |
#39drpaigeDec 08, 2007 10:36:09 | ok, stupid question (since i didn't see it posted), but at the end of all this, will you be providing a link or download of the Google-edited friendly map so we can pop it on our Google Earth program? |
#40HuginDec 08, 2007 12:05:20 | ok, stupid question (since i didn't see it posted), but at the end of all this, will you be providing a link or download of the Google-edited friendly map so we can pop it on our Google Earth program? That's not a stupid question. ![]() The big problem I have in sharing the maps, one each for eastern western hemisphere, is that they are over 20MB each so I can't email them or post them on ImageShack. If I could figure out a way to share them I would, especially since I'm not even the one who created them in the first place. If we can get around the technical problem, then all you'd have to do is manually place the maps as a layer onto the google earth globe which isn't hard but it is a little tricky. |
#41agathoklesDec 08, 2007 12:37:42 | That's not a stupid question. By mail: split the file in several parts (same as the Mystaran Almanac, e.g.). In Unix, that's done with the split command. There is a similar functionality in DOS, but I don't remember the command (might be an option of copy, though). You may look it up in the DOS or Windows documentation, or you may use a port of the Unix tools, e.g.: By web: I see that Google has a web hosting service for photos and movies with reasonable free storage space -- I don't use it (I'm not much of a photographer), but given that movies are also hosted, is likely that 20 MB will not be the maximum size. Hope it helps, G. |
#42darebearJun 06, 2008 5:25:51 | Does anyone know where this massive map of Mystara used in the images above came from? |
#43HuginJun 06, 2008 8:14:38 | Does anyone know where this massive map of Mystara used in the images above came from? Take a look at the first page of this thread as it talks about the maps. Unfortunately, the 24 mile/hex map is too large of a file to put on an image hosting site. Plus I've modified the original to properly fit a globe. |
#44stanlesJun 07, 2008 5:04:54 | Does anyone know where this massive map of Mystara used in the images above came from? I'm in contact with the creator who I expect will be sending me the maps shortly, so then they'll end up on the Vaults. |