Dungeon #120 as possible supplement to Savage Tide



Mar 17, 2007 21:10:54
As a heads up for those collecting the Savage Tide adventure path, issue #120 of Dungeon Magazine features a lost but recently awakened temple to Demogorgon.

It isn't ideally suited for Savage Tide since the temple is isolated and the hook-ins assume a nearby dwarven settlement, but it could be modified to fit, and since the adventure is designed for 14th level characters, it could be inserted before or after Dungeon #145's City of Broken Idols. The background of the temple fits the online Mystara conventions of reptillian domination of the world, as the temple is full of troglodyte priests devoted to Demogorgon and their war ape/dire ape servants. They managed to thrive for awhile longer but eventually made themselves dormant to hide from human civilizations.

Change the troglodytes to Carnifex and you have a solid Mystara adventure. Demogorgon wasn't exactly a patron of the Carnifex, but he could be a slightly less dire alternative to Outer Beings.