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#1ZardnaarMar 25, 2007 22:09:28 | Heres my homebrew stats for the Dragon of Tyr. The stats here are an update of The Dragon of Tyr found in the original boxed set. I use a different system than for Dragons in my DS games. They basically full the same role as Archfiends in other games and are "monsters" with no class levels in my games. I could stat them out at CR 40, 50 or even higher but don't see the point as PCs generally don't get to those levels and in the orignal source material high level heroes did challenge the Dragon Kings.He is currently a work under progress and I'm not sure how to calculate the saving throws for a 40HD Dragon and haven't completed the psionics/spells yet. He is also short 2 skills and most feats as I have alot of books to use. I'll complete them using the Spell Compendium, and Draconomicon, and the Complete series of books and epic level handbook. Once I've got him complete I'll do the The Dragon pt 2 which will have him somewhere around CR35 or so to reflect Borys as a level 30/30 Psion/Defiler and Dragon. Also thinking of tweaking him down to CR 25. The Dragon of Tyr Colossal Dragon (Unique) Hit Dice: 40d12+480hp (960 hit points) Initiative:+4 Speed: 60ft, fly 250 ft (clumsy) Armor Class: 56 (-8 size,+54 natural, touch 2, flat footed 54) Base Attack/Grapple: +40/+74 Attack: +38* melee (4d8+38 bite) Full Attack: +38* melee (4d8+38, bite) +36* melee (4d6+29, 2 claws) +36* melee (2d8+29, 2 wings), +36* melee (4d6 +47, tail slap) Space/Reach: 30 ft/20ft (30ft with bite) Special Attacks: breath weapon,frightful presence,psionics, Rajaats Champion, spells, Special Qualities: dragon traits,fast healing 10, SR 38, DR 20/magic and metal Saves: (help please) Abilities: Str 47, Dex 10, Con 34, Int 34, Wis 36, Cha 34 Skills: Concentration +55, Diplomacy +55, Escape Artist +43 ,Intimidate +55, Gather Information +55, Knowledge Arcana +55, Knowledge Geography +55,Knowledge:History 55, Knowledge: Local +55,Knowledge :Nobility and Royalty +55,Listen +56,Sense Motive +56,Search +55,Spot+56, Spellcraft+55, Use Magic Device +55 Feats: Dragon Magic(B), Improved Initiative, Multi Attack,Power Attack, Environment: Any Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating:27 Treasure:special Alignment: LE Advancement: By character class Level Adjustment:- *includes 20 point power attack Breath Weapon: Cone of superheated sand, only half the damage is fire damage the rest is from the sheer force of sand particles.25d12 damage (DC 42 reflex save for half). Frightful Presence (Ex)360 foot radius, 40 HD or less, Will DC42 negates. Rajaats Champion. When making a full attack The Dragon may cast a quickened defiler spell and a quickened psionic power. Spells: As 20th level Defiler DC 22+spell level Psionics: As 20th level Psion (Telepath?) DC 22+power level Epic Spells Known 4/? Dragon Magic Feat: Treat as Epic Spellcasting and Epic Manifester Feat. |
#2dirk00001Mar 26, 2007 11:10:58 | Here's my version of the Dragon, straight from my DM/Game notes (it's 3 pages of really small print in MS Word ;) ). Note that I have all sorts of house rules, including new spells and such, so there's probably going to be things here that won't make much sense. The #1 thing to note is that I start characters with 4d4+4 attributes (so average 14) and give a stat increase every-other level. The Dragon Borys of Ebe, Butcher of Dwarves, 13th Champion of Rajaat Race: Gargantuan Dragon (40’ tall), Champion of Rajaat Alignment: Lawful Evil Adjusted Character Level: 62 Classes: Arch Defiler 10, Ardent 15, Cerebromancer 5, Defiler 5, Dragon 10, Psychic Warrior 4, Spellsword 5 Attributes: Str 52 (+21), Dex 16 (+3), Con 40 (+15), Int 41 (+15), Wis 39 (+14), Cha 27 (+8) HD (54): 20d4+15d6++9d8+10d12+810, maxed (1584 hp) AC: 54 (-2 size, +3 Dex, +33 nat, +20 armor), Touch 11, Flat-Footed 51 Initiative: +3 BAB/Grapple: +14 (+17E) / +64 Saves: Fort: +45 Ref: +25 Will: +45 Movement: 40’, burrow 30’, fly 200’ (poor) Space/Reach: 20’/15’ (20’ w/ bite) Natural Attacks: 2 claws +52 (2d8+10), bite +47 (4d6+21), 2 wings +47 (2d6+10), tail slap +47 (2d8+31); Improved Grab Racial Abilities: Immortal & does not age, Darkvision 60’, low-light vision, permanent tongues, does not eat/sleep/breathe. Immunities (Ex): sleep, charm, paralysis, disease, poison, stunning, death effects, disintegration, energy drain, ability drain, ability damage, polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters its form. Immunities (other than first 3) can be voluntarily lowered. DR 15/epic; SR/PR 65; Regeneration 10 (cold/sonic deal normal damage) Breath Weapon (Su): 60’ cone, 27d12 fire/piercing damage (avg. 175; 87 ea. location), Ref DC 52 for ½. 1d4 round recharge. Frightful Presence (Ex): When attack/charge/fly overhead, all within 810’ must make Will DC 45, only once every 24 hrs. On failure, 4 or less HD become panicked 4d6 rds, otherwise shakened 4d6 rds. Energy Storing (Su): Full-round action, creatures within 270’ gain 1 negative level (Fort DC 45 or permanent 24 hrs. later) Genocidal Focus (Dwarves) (Su): Damaging spells and powers deal +4d6 damage to dwarves. Weapons gain dread ability. Skills: Includes bonuses from books (+5 per skill, +5 more if he has access to the books. Also modified for def. taint) Autohypnosis +76, Bluff +52 (+62), Concentration +72, Decipher Script +21, Diplomacy +54, Intimidate +65, Knowledge (Arcana) +77, Knowledge (Psionics) +77, Knowledge (Ancient History) +44, Knowledge (The Planes) +30, Knowledge (Undead) +44, Knowledge (Geography) +30, Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty) +30, Listen +58, Literacy (many), Profession (Warcraft) +28, Psicraft (57 ranks) +77, Search +28, Sense Motive +34, Spellcraft (57 ranks) +76, Spot +58 Epic Skill Abilities: Cast spells w/ somatic components while grappled, always notices and pinpoints the location of anything invisible (still 50% miss chance), make immediate 2nd saving throw vs. failed mind-affecting (or get save vs. no-save mind-affecting), gain 34 temporary HP 1/day, gain DR 2/- for 12 hours, do not fall unconscious at negative HP. Feats: 2 PsyWar, 7 standard, 1 human, 12 epic, 1 bonus wizard, Scribe Scroll, 3 defiler (26 total) Agonizing Radius, Automatic Silent Spell x3 (all spells are silent), Destructive Raze (+1 damage/die for Evocation spells), Distant Raze (move center of defiling circle up to 360’ away from present location), Epic Spellcasting, Eschew Materials, Fast Raze, Great Fortitude, Ignore Material Components, Improved Metamagic, Improved Spell Capacity x2, Improved Sunder (while psi-focused), Maximize Spell (+2 lvl), Multispell (2 quickened spells/rd), Power Attack, Practiced Caster, Psionic Meditation, Quicken Power (+6 PP), Quicken Spell (+3 lvl), Repeat Spell (affects target next round as long as they are within 30’ of original location, no touch spells, +2 Lvl), Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Snatch, Still Spell (+1 lvl), Twin Spell (+3 lvl), Unconditional Power (+8 PP), Weapon Focus (bastard sword) Important Class Features: Dragon Magic (cast spells as Fertile defiling, 2 system damage/spell lvl within radius), All-Out Attack V (cast 5th level spell and manifest 5th level power as part of a full-attack action; counts as quickened for round), Arcane Augmentation (free action, spend spell points as if casting a spell of X level, and increase manifester level by X for purposes of determining how much the power can be augmented – i.e. 15 SP = 8th level spell, so manifester level +8), Psionic Raze (free action, spend 1 PP per 2 levels of spell, everyone in defiling radius loses 1 PP per spell level), Far Reach x3 (Use touch spells and powers against targets up to 90 feet away), Casting Time Metamagic (2/day, 2x casting time to apply a metamagic feat of +3 lvls or less for free), Metamagic Raze (-1 lvl increase for metamagic feats, applied max 1 time per spell. Increases defiling radius by 5 ft.), Signature Spells, Psionic Mantles (6) (Life, Conflict, Destruction, Mental Power, Law, Magic) 24-hour, pre-cast and Permanent Spells and Powers: (protected from divination by Epic Nondetection – level check DC 66) Conceal Thoughts (ML 4), Greater Anticipate Teleportation (180’ radius, know & delay teleport descriptor spells for 3 rounds), Detect Scrying (40’ radius, detect sensors and know direction/distance of those scrying), Energy Immunity (acid, cold, electricity, fire and sonic), Epic Mage Armor, Epic Nondetection, Contingent Resurrection (Epic; 1 minute after death is restored to life with full hit points, abilities, etc. and no loss of spell or power points or memorized spells), Read Magic, See Invisibility Contingent Spell Items: (note: not the exact wording) Freedom if a victim of an appropriate spell (CL 18) x5, Break Enchantment if a victim of an enchantment or curse (CL 15) x5; Improved Haste when hit with a melee attack (CL 15) x2, Duelward when targeted with a spell (CL 14) x4, Antimagic Field if affected by Mordenkainen’s Disjunction (CL 13) x2, Antimagic Field if affected by Reaving Dispel, Mordenkainen’s Disjunction, or Superb Dispelling (CL 14) x3, Greater Teleport back to Ur-Draxa if rendered helpless or reduced below 300 HP in any location (CL 35) x1, Mislead if contingent-teleported back to Ur-Draxa (CL 36) x1, Maximized Vampiric Touch (60 damage, gain 60 temp HP) when hit with a melee attack (after contingent Improved Haste goes off) (CL 19) x2, Limited Wish to remove/dispel Dimension Anchor, Dimension Lock, or any other effect that stops an attempt to use extradimensional travel (CL 15) x3, Maximized Spell Turning (targeted non-touch/effect/area spells, 10 levels total) if targeted with a No-SR targeted spell (CL 15) x3 Noteworthy Equipment: (swallowed obsidian orbs; protected by Epic Nondetection – lvl check DC 66 to detect) Greater Arcane Sight (120’ range, automatically know what spells/powers are active on someone), Mind Blank (thought-activated/deactivated), True Seeing (120’ range, ignore magical concealment/invisibility, see ethereal, etc.), Energy Conduit (contains 60 spell points), Epic Casting IX (+147 SPs), Epic Psionatrix (+1 save DC to all psionic powers), Telekinesis (CL 15) Epic Spells: 5/day (3 used) Contingent Resurrection, Create Living Vault, Dragon Metamorphosis I – X, Dreamscape, Epic Counterspell, Epic Mage Armor, Epic Nondetection, Greater Ruin, Momento Mori, Rain of Fire, Soul Scry, Superb Dispelling Psionic Powers: Manifester Level 29/4; Save DC 25 + power level • Power Points/Day: 528; remaining – 527 • (1st-lvl) – Dissip. Touch, Mind Thrust, Offensive Prescience (PW) - Compression, Conceal Thoughts, Deflection Field • (2nd-lvl) – Dissolving Touch, Psionic Lion’s Charge, Psionic Lock (PW) - Hustle • (3rd-lvl) – Dimension Slide, Dispel Psionics, Heavy Earth • (4th-lvl) – Immovability, Psychic Reformation • (5th-lvl) – Psionic Revivify, Psychic Crush • (6th-lvl) – Cranial Deluge, Psionic Disintegrate, Mend Wounds, Null Psionics Field • (7th-lvl) – Ultrablast • (8th-lvl) – Hypercognition, Spirit of War • (9th-lvl) – Intellect Bomb, Metaconcert, Psychic Chirurgery, Timeless Body Arcane Spells: Caster Level 36 (checks @ 38); Save DC 27 + spell level • Defiling Effects: -3 to attack, skills checks and saves for 1 round if caught in defiling radius. • Spell Points/Day: 630 (483+147); remaining - 543 • (1st-lvl) –8+1; Shocking Grasp (sig), Alarm, Charm P., Erase, F. Fall, Magic Missile, Pro/Good, Shield, Unseen Servant • (2nd-lvl) – 8+1; Melf’s Acid Arrow (sig), Arcane Lock, Detect Thoughts, Ghoul Touch, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Shatter, Web, Maximized Ray of Enfeeblement • (3rd-lvl) – 8+1; Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (sig), Daylight, Gaseous Form, Halt Undead, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Magic Circle/Good, Vampiric Touch, Maximized Touch of Idiocy • (4th-lvl) – 7+1; Dimension Door (sig), Assay Resistance, Detect Scrying, Dimensional Anchor, Ice Storm, Orb of Force, Orb of Sound, Scrying • (5th-lvl) – 7+1; Wall of Force (sig), Baleful Polymorph, Greater Blink, Cloudkill, Feeblemind, Persistent Image, Psionic Override, Reciprocal Gyre, Wall of Force • (6th-lvl) – 7+1; Mislead (sig), Contingency, Fires of Purity, Flesh to Stone, Geas/Quest, Globe of Invulnerability, Probe Thoughts, Transfix • (7th-lvl) – 7+1; Greater Teleport (sig), Banishment, Delayed Blast Fireball, Energy Immunity, Improved Haste, Improved Slow, Limited Wish, Plane Shift • (8th-lvl) – 6+1; Horrid Wilting (sig), Greater Anticipate Teleportation (180’ radius, 3 rd delay), Dimensional Lock, Discern Location, Polar Ray, Sunburst, Temporal Stasis • (9th-lvl) – 6+1; Wish (sig), Dominate Monster, Freedom, Mordenkainen’s Disjunction, Programmed Amnesia, Teleportation Circle, Wail of the Banshee • (10th-lvl) – 3; Maximized Meteor Swarm, Twin Maximized Repeat Orb of Sound, Maximized Time Stop • (11th-lvl) – 3; Maximized Twin Delayed Blast Fireball, Maximized Repeat Flensing, Maximized Repeat Horrid Wilting, Quickened Freedom, Quickened Mordenkainen’s Disjunction, Quickened Time Stop Favorite Spells/Powers/Tactics: • Maximized Meteor Swarm (4 x rng tch atk for 14 bludgeoning damage + no save vs. explosion. 40’ rad burst for 42 fire damage, Ref DC 36 for ½; 19 SP) • Maximized Repeat Flensing (Transmutation/Evil; 115’ range, deals 12 damage + 6 Cha + 6 Con damage per round, Fort DC 35 for ½ HP dam & no ability dam & ends spell. 4 rounds. Repeats next round if target is within 30’ of original location; 21 SP) • Maximized Repeat Horrid Wilting (Necro; creatures within 60’ of each other take 120 damage, Fort DC 35 ½. Repeats; 21 SP) • Maximized Twin Delayed Blast Fireball (140 fire damage x2, Ref DC 34 ½ for each. Delay up to 5 rounds if desired; 21 SP) • (Quickened) Mordenkainen’s Disjunction (115’, 40’ rad burst, all spells drop and each magic item makes Will DC 35 save or loses magic for 1d4 rounds. Artifacts and antimagic field have 36% chance of dropping. 17 SP, 21 SP if quickened) • Twin Maximized Repeat Orb of Sound (conjuration/sonic; 115’ touch atk, 60 sonic damage & Fort DC 31 or deafened 1 round each, x2. Repeats the following round if target hasn’t moved over 30’; 19 SP) • (Quickened) Maximized Touch of Idiocy (Mind-Affecting; melee touch attack to 90’ range, 6 pt. penalty to Wis/Int/Cha for 360 minutes. Cannot reduce attributes below 1, but can reduce spellcasting abilities; 5 SP, 11 SP when quickened) • Improved Haste (x2 attacks on full-attack, +2 to hit, +4 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves, +60’ to all movement. 36 rds) • Improved Slow (Transmutation; 460’, 36 creatures within 30’ area, Will DC 34 or single move or standard action each round, -4 hit & damage, -4 AC and Reflex saves, and move at ¼ speed. 36 rds; 13 SP) • Mirror Image (Illusion/figment; creates 8 duplicates, AC 11, 36 min.; 3 SP) • Greater Blink (Transmutation; Blink at will, weapons and spells have 50% miss chance, 20% if can see invisible or strike ethereal, 0% if can see invis + strike ethereal. No miss % for own attacks/spells. Can ready action to make attack/spell automatically miss you. ½ damage from AoE attacks and falling. +2 to hit and deny Dex to AC. Move ¾ speed, can move through solid but get shunted if you end move in solid material. 26 rounds; 9 SP) • Mislead (Illusion/figment/glamer; You turn invisible as greater invisibility while a double of you is created as major image. Double does whatever you want w/ concentration, lasts for concentration + 3 rounds repeating last action taken. Greater invisibility lasts 36 rounds. Will DC 31 to disbelieve if interacted with; 11 SP) • Psionic Override (Abjuration; If successfully saves against psionic power, attacker must make save at original DC -2 or else suffer effects of power. If initial save succeeds attacker may not target him for 36 rounds (duration); 9 SP) • Greater Anticipate Teleportation (Abjuration; 180’ radius emanation, identifies any teleporting (or teleport descriptor) creatures and delays them 3 rounds – they arrive on their initiative count immediately before their action 3 rounds later.) • Intellect Bomb (Psychokinesis; 95’ range, 1 creature (including undead) with Int score makes Will DC 34 save or dies as its ‘head’ explodes; if head explodes, creatures in 20’ radius with or without Int scores take 1d6 x dead creature’s Int score damage + dazed 1 round (can take no actions), Ref DC 34 for ½ damage and no daze; 17 PP) • Cranial Deluge (Psychometabolism; 95’ range, 1 round manifesting time; creature with Int 3+ makes Fort DC 31 save or takes 18d6 head damage at beginning of your next turn; 11 PP, augmentable to 29 PP for a Fort DC 40 save) • Psionic Disintegrate (Psychoportation; 390’ ranged touch attack @ +32 to hit, disintegrates 10’ cube of non-living or 22d6 +2d6 per PP damage to creature, 5d6 on Fort DC 31 save; 11 PP, augmentable up to 29 PP for 58d6 damage on failed save) • Heavy Earth (Psychometabolism; 20’ radius burst, Fort DC 28 or fall prone and are slowed until 1 round after they get up; those saving are slowed for 1 round but not knocked down. Self is slowed; 5 PP, augment +4 PP to not slow self) • Psychic Crush (Telepathy/mind-affecting; 95’ range, target must make (modified) Will DC 26 save or drop to -1 HP. 3d6 damage +1d6 per PP on save; 9 PP, augmentable up to 29 PP for 23d6 damage to head on successful save) • Mend Wounds (Psychometabolism/healing, touched creature heals 55 damage +5 per PP or undead takes damage, Will DC 31 for ½; 11 PP, augmentable to 29 PP for 145 hp. +4 PP to heal all within 20’ radius) • Offensive Prescience (Clairsentience; +2 insight bonus to damage, 29 minutes; 1 PP, augmentable to 28 PP for +11 damage, or +4 PP to manifest as swift) • Spirit of War (Telepathy; 40’ emanation, you and allies gain +4 competence to attack and damage, +10 insight bonus to a single saving throw useable once during duration, and automatically confirm 1 critical hit during duration; 15 PP; 36 rounds) • Unconditional Timeless Body (Used in an emergency, such as when dazed from a critical hit to the head; 25 PPs, immune to everything until the end of next turn) • Maximized Time Stop (Normally only performed when attacked with melee and/or ranged attacks that cause damage, and only when he knows where one or preferably more targets are at – before casting the spell takes a move action to back away from enemies (will provoke attacks of opportunity), casts quickened mord’s disjunction against any “protected” enemies that are in the area, then casts this spell. Take 5 rounds of actions; normally uses this time to regenerate 50 hp per location, cast quickened mirror image, quickened greater blink, quickened psionic override, mislead, offensive prescience, quickened spirit of war, possibly quickened improved haste if it’s not already active, and 4 maximized twin delayed blast fireballs that go off as soon as the time stop ends. Can also take 3 rounds of movement while leaving the mislead illusion behind. Total cost is 160 SPs, 50 PPs, + 21 SPs for Mord’s Disjunction and possibly + 17 SPs for quickened improved haste. Counting imp. haste gives a total of +6 to hit and +14 to damage per attack, AC of 58, 8 mirror images, blinking, and of course 4 delayed blast fireballs.) • All Out Attack (Normally uses maximized touch of idiocy as spell unless vampiric touch is on in which case likely casts greater blink or mirror image if they’re not already on. If they are, might use reciprocal gyre or maximized ray of enfeeblement depending on the target. For psionic power, uses dispel psionics to try and knock down defenses or psychic crush if the target isn’t immune to mind-affecting. Probably has a bonus to hit/damage from improved haste and maybe spirit of war) |
#3elonarcMar 26, 2007 11:22:55 | Woo-hoo! Now that's how I envision Borys! Not at all like the simulacrum of about CR 15-20 that these fools slew. /add obligatory Hamanu-bashing when more time |
#4brun01Mar 26, 2007 12:08:13 | :OMG! What's his CR? 62 also? |
#5dirk00001Mar 26, 2007 15:38:59 | :OMG! Difficult to say, here's my guess though: "Primary" class levels - 50 "Secondary" class levels - +4 (1/2 for PsyWar and Spellsword class levels; given his transformation, the benefits of either class don't add much to his stats) Size Increase - +3 (Large, Huge, Gargantuan) Champion of Rajaat template - +6 Added Special Abilities, Defensive (Extra Dragon Metamorphosis DR and SR, dragon immunities, etc.) - +2 Added Special Abilities, Offensive - +2 (Breath weapon, frightful presence) Total CR = 67 ---------------------- As a side-note for anyone that wants to wipe out their PCs with this build, if you want to "fix" my version of Borys for a normal 3.5e game you should reduce all attributes by 2 or 3 (your choice) except for Intelligence and Wisdom which are reduced by 10 each, subtract 5 from every listed skill check modifier, and then do the really annoying adjustment of everything else to take into account these lowered attributes. Powers would remain the same although PPs will drop, and memorized spells *can* remain the same although they'll obviously be reduced in number and the "Spell Points" that I use/have listed would have to be removed. Because of that his Orb of Epic Casting IX instead doubles his 9th-level spell slots I think, although it may be wrong since it's based on the Ring of Epic Manifesting (I think it therefor would translate to a Epic Wizardry IX item...). Or, if that's too much work, you can just drop the Epic Psionatrix and Epic Casting IX and instead give him a +8 Intelligence and +8 Wisdom orb, as well as +4 orbs for every other stat, and call it a day. :D |
#6brun01Mar 26, 2007 15:58:54 | I'd like to see powers such as Intellect Bomb and Cranial Deluge stated. Such cool names... |
#7dirk00001Mar 26, 2007 16:14:18 | I'd like to see powers such as Intellect Bomb and Cranial Deluge stated. Such cool names... Can't, not OGL material. Those two are from Complete Psionic, just like some of the spells are from Complete Arcane (and possibly others - can't remember). I pretty much went through each of the Complete books I own (Adventurer, Warrior, Arcane, Divine, Psionic) as well as (of course) the core books (plus EPH and ELH) and used the PrCs, feats, spells, etc. that I felt best fit him. (As a side-note, assuming you don't have the CompPsi, Cranial Deluge forces a save or else the target takes something like 18d6 damage, and if they die then their head explodes and damages nearby creatures; Intellect Bomb is a save-or-die spell, and if you die your head also explodes, except this time it's in a 20' burst of energy that does 1d6 damage per point of Intelligence. It's fun. ;)) |
#8dirk00001Mar 26, 2007 16:27:58 | Here's the 3 spells I noticed on his list that are home-brew (although they're adapted from old 2e material): Psionic Override Abjuration Level: Wiz 5 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes This spell allows the recipient of this spell to turn psionics used against him back upon its manifester. If the creature so protected makes a successful saving throw against the power used against him, the manifest must then make a save against his own power at its original save DC, suffering a –2 circumstance penalty to their save. Additionally, if the recipient of this spell succeeds in his save, the attacking manifester may not attempt another psionic power against the recipient until the spell’s duration is over (it does not matter whether or not the manifester saved against his own power). The creature protected by this spell may lower this defense voluntarily to receive beneficial psionic powers from allies without losing the spell’s protection. It takes a standard action to do so, and psionic override goes back into effect immediately before the subject’s next action. This power protects against powers manifested by any psionic creature, although it has no effect on powers that originate from an item, trap, psionic contingency or other indirect source. Material Component: a small piece of mirror or reflective rock. Improved Haste Transmutation Level: Wiz 7 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Touch Target: One creature Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Will Neg (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) This spell lets the wizard bestow tremendous speed on any one creature. This speed grants several benefits: When making a full attack action, the affected creature receives two rounds’ worth of attacks. Therefore, a 15th-level fighter with improved haste, when taking a full-round attack, would attack at +15/+15/+10/+10/+5/+5, not including any Strength or enhancement modifiers. This effect is not cumulative with similar effects, such as those produced by a weapon of speed, or the haste spell, nor does it actually grant any additional actions, and therefore cannot be used to cast additional spells or have extra move actions in a round. A creature with improved haste gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +4 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Any condition that makes you lose your Dex bonus to Armor Class (if any) also makes you lose your dodge bonuses. All of the creature’s modes of movement (including land movement, burrow, climb, fly, and swim) increased by 60 ft, to a maximum of three times the subject’s normal speed using that form of movement. This increase counts as an enhancement bonus, and it affects the creature’s jumping distance as normal for increased movement rates. Multiple improved haste spells do not stack. Improved haste counters and dispels slow and improved slow. Material Component: A claw bone from a drake (10 gp value, and illegal in most city-states). Improved Slow Transmutation Level: Wiz 7 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft apart Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Will Negates Spell Resistance: Yes This spell causes the affected creatures to move and attack at a very slow rate. Affected creatures may take only a single move action or standard action, but not both, and obviously cannot take a full-attack action. When attacking they may attack only once, regardless of multiple weapons, special attack forms, etc., and they suffer a -4 penalty to hit and damage (minimum 1) on that attack. Creatures with non-standard melee attacks, such as touch attacks, are subject to the above restrictions and penalty to their hit roll except that their damage is not modified. Creatures under the effects of this spell also suffer a -4 circumstance penalty to their AC and Reflex saves. Additionally, affected creatures move at one-quarter their normal speed (including land movement, burrow, climb, fly, and swim; round down to the nearest 5-ft increment, minimum 5 ft.), which affects the creatures jumping distance as normal for decreased speed. Flying creatures without a Good or Perfect maneuverability rating may be forced to land (or fall) due to this speed loss (see the Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 10). This spell negates the effects of a haste or improved haste spell. Material Component: A tiny golden statue (minimum 10 gp value). Epic Nondetection is also home-brew, see for its stats. |
#9ZardnaarMar 26, 2007 16:55:25 | Nice writeup but theres no way that Borys is CR 64. Apart from the SR he is more like CR 30-35 with his AC and hit points etc. Thats why I don't like the way have done the Dragon rules as it requires to many levels and ends up with very weak Dragons for their CR. I'll try and explain it a bit better. By the rules a level 20 Warrior is CR 19 and a level 10 Sorcerer/10Cleric is level 20 CR 20 or 15 if you use the non associated rules in the back of the MM. In reality the Warrior is probably more like CR 10 and the Cleric/Sorceror is more like CR 12-14. Also compare your CR 67 Borys with a CR 66 Prismatic Dragon from the Epic Level handbook. Great Wurm Prismatic Dragon Attack +101 AC 106 SR 86 Sorceror Spells Level 38 Hit Points 2613 Saves Fort +68, Ref +41, Will +68 Not Athas.orgs fault more of a problem with the CR system and multiclassing rules. A reasonably prepared mildly min/maxed party of around level 30 could probably take that version of Borys. Never underestimate the power level of PCs above level 20. I had a level 30 evil party just using the core rules +ELH who defeated 4 Solars with 4 cleric levels each and 4 Wrym Gold Dragons as mounts. Each PC was doing around 300 damage a round. The original source material also had the Dragon Kings as signifigant challenges for high level PCs not level 60 odd epic PCs. The Dragon was probably dead if he encountered 4-6 level 15+ adventurers. Dragons got powered up in 3.0/3.5 but not that much. |
#10brun01Mar 26, 2007 20:43:17 | Can't, not OGL material. Oops, sorry. I thought they were your own material. |
#11dirk00001Mar 28, 2007 12:07:50 | Nice writeup but theres no way that Borys is CR 64. Apart from the SR he is more like CR 30-35 with his AC and hit points etc. Thats why I don't like the way have done the Dragon rules as it requires to many levels and ends up with very weak Dragons for their CR. CR's above 20ish or so become meaningless anyway, really, as the whole 3e system starts breaking down. I'll try and explain it a bit better. By the rules a level 20 Warrior is CR 19 and a level 10 Sorcerer/10Cleric is level 20 CR 20 or 15 if you use the non associated rules in the back of the MM. In reality the Warrior is probably more like CR 10 and the Cleric/Sorceror is more like CR 12-14. Given that I was going by the rules, my CR is (approximately) correct. Also compare your CR 67 Borys with a CR 66 Prismatic Dragon from the Epic Level handbook. Is this creature's stats and/or CR updated to 3.5e? I know a lot of the Epic level stuff wasn't messed with, and the regular MM creatures were *heavily* modified (in some cases, such as outsiders - creatures with lots of special abilities and such, mostly, such as this dragon), and to top it off the ELH wasn't at all balanced anyway, so I'd really only take this with a grain of salt. And again, when you get to CRs of this magnitude they pretty much become meaningless anyway, not to mention that they're damn-near impossible to determine/justify, so it doesn't really matter. Not Athas.orgs fault more of a problem with the CR system and multiclassing rules. least on the "CR system" issue. A reasonably prepared mildly min/maxed party of around level 30 could probably take that version of Borys. Never underestimate the power level of PCs above level 20. I had a level 30 evil party just using the core rules +ELH who defeated 4 Solars with 4 cleric levels each and 4 Wrym Gold Dragons as mounts. Each PC was doing around 300 damage a round. I obviously can't make comparisons to your game or group, but my DS game is *extremely* min/max and overpowered - in the PC's favor - and they couldn't even come close to beating this Dragon build. They even had every possible thing going for them - they knew he was coming, had the cooperation of all of Balic, had spells prepped, etc. The group was composed of 5 munchkinized level 23-25 characters, 2 of which had major artifact weapons and the rest all had some "special ability" of one sort or another that was the equivalent of a +1 to +3 LA. House Rule-wise, I use a hit location system (which, in gameplay, averages out to the PCs being able to take about 3x as much damage as normal) as well as overpowering spellcasters by giving them spell points equiv. to power points (they still use spell slots, although they can metamagic like sorcerers and the slots don't "go away" - they just limit what spells they can cast using their SPs). In other words - the PCs were, as compared to a "normal" 3.5e group, *extremely* overpowered, and were able to fight on their terms to boot. Despite this, the battle ended in a draw, with something like 5 total PC deaths (all were rez'd during the battle, and at least one PC died that's total deaths). Even then, it was only a draw because Borys was very low on both spell and power points and simply wasn't willing to risk running out of either or going into a pure melee situation which, for all he knew, was a trap of some sort. HP-wise, what with his regeneration, energy immunities and contingent spells, he was only down a couple hundred HP at the conclusion of the fight. So can compare my build to that of a standard ELH monster if you want, but it's pretty much a moot point no matter how you look at it. From a CR-standpoint, a properly-prepared "character class" enemy translates to CR even worse than EL monsters do as, just like with EL PCs, it's quite possible for one to take out a group of enemies that are much more powerful than they are. The original source material also had the Dragon Kings as signifigant challenges for high level PCs not level 60 odd epic PCs. The Dragon was probably dead if he encountered 4-6 level 15+ adventurers. Dragons got powered up in 3.0/3.5 but not that much. The 2e stats for both the Dragon, as well as those given for some of the S-K's in Beyond the Prism Pentad simply don't give justice to them, especially when compared to fluff found in both novels as well as the world history. Additionally, converting from 2e to 3e isn't at all a simple matter, especially not when talking about epic levels - there's so many changes between the two systems at that point that there really isn't any way to directly compare the two. In my old 2e DS campaign, a group of (again, overpowered) level 12-ish multi-class characters (the one single-class druid was level 15, IIRC) were able to to defeat Andropinis (who I built as a 22nd or 23rd level dragon), a high-level defiler, fighter and templar, plus something like 40 "elite guards" using a couple artifacts but, for the most part, just their normal abilities. When we looked at translating those PCs to 3e, we figured they'd have to be around 20th level in order to match up what they could do in 2e with what they'd be able to do in 3e. By the same token, upon building an SK in 3e, I had to make him level 40 to 45 in order to match up with my 2e build. In the end, my build wasn't intended to say that your original idea was bad or anything like that - I just posted it because I had the doc handy and figured that since you posted your stats, I might as well post mine, too. The power of the Dragon - or any of the SKs, for that matter - can and will vary just like every DS campaign can and will vary in deadliness, PC power level, house rules, etc. My build is more powerful than any of the builds that I've seen are (see Dregoth from DAIII), so there ya go. As far as level 15+ characters posing a threat to the Dragon, however...that's plain silly. It should take epic level characters, *at the least*, to even take him on. In the 2e fluff, the Dragon died because of a lucky hit with a single-kill artifact weapon, and during the other encounters between him and other characters he pretty much didn't care what they did - they were nuisances, and that was about it. Even Hamanu barely had to lift a finger to mess with them. ...I've now been writing this post for 2ish hours, so I think it's time to Submit...I have no clue where I'm going with this anymore. ![]() |
#12ZardnaarMar 28, 2007 16:19:47 | I wans't having a go at you but CR to me requires a good amount of guess work. If your Dragon is CR 67 its no wonder your PCs of level 23-25 couldn't take it. Its somewhere around 40 odd CRs higher than the average party level. Dragons didn't change that much from 3.0 to 3.5 although outsiders did. The Hordes of the Abyss book errated alot of 3.0 demons CR down. One droped from CR 25 down to 17. My opinion oof the epic level handbook is that ts basically garbage. Unplayable overpowered for spellcasters pathetic for everyone else. Several epic feats have turned up as no epic feats with a new name in various books. D&D rules start getting wonky around level 11 or so and its hard to have a slugfest as most fights seem to be over in 1-3 rounds with the monters dead or TPK. 3.0/3.5 you seem to level alot faster than in previous editions and with the infinate level progression in the ELH alot of people seem to think that if something is several thousand years old it has to be CR 50+. Heck you can reach level 20 in a few months of game time. IN 2nd ed 1 PC made it to level 19 (the rest being lvl 14/14-18) a day every day during summer holidays backin 95 or so. I quite liked Dragon Kings the 2nd ed book but it wasn't remotly balenced and I've met IRL several ex DS players and not a single one ever had a Dragon/Avangion PC. Dual classing rules were really bad in 2nd ed. Lvl 20 Psion/Wizard makes it to level 20 and then is level 1 again and can't use any of his old powers until jhis levels are equal again. From memory I think our houserules allowed non humans to ual class and humans to multiclass. |
#13dirk00001Mar 28, 2007 17:25:58 | I wans't having a go at you but CR to me requires a good amount of guess work. If your Dragon is CR 67 its no wonder your PCs of level 23-25 couldn't take it. Its somewhere around 40 odd CRs higher than the average party level. Dragons didn't change that much from 3.0 to 3.5 although outsiders did. The Hordes of the Abyss book errated alot of 3.0 demons CR down. One droped from CR 25 down to 17. I agree fully with that...which was why I said that CR'ing my build was "difficult to say, but here's my guess" - and my guess is, whether it stacks up well with other, pre-written monsters or not, pretty accurate as far as the core d20 mechanics are concerned. And yes, the PCs weren't supposed to beat it - the "draw" was their goal, however, so in a sense they did succeed at the fight. I was just mentioning this in response to your statement that "A reasonably prepared mildly min/maxed party of around level 30 could probably take that version of Borys"...namely, that said statement is totally wrong. :P My opinion oof the epic level handbook is that ts basically garbage. Unplayable overpowered for spellcasters pathetic for everyone else. Several epic feats have turned up as no epic feats with a new name in various books. D&D rules start getting wonky around level 11 or so and its hard to have a slugfest as most fights seem to be over in 1-3 rounds with the monters dead or TPK. With regular d20 rules, and especially with all the splat books in effect, I agree. That's why I've tweaked my DS game to the point where it is - balance is out the window, but everyone (myself as well as the players) enjoy it immensely as we *can* pull off huge slugfests, with the PCs taking on armies of opponents and surviving (albeit barely). In the last couple months we had one all-nighter battle that involved 5 level 8ish PCs versus 19 thri-kreen (multiclassed psywar/fighters or /rangers, levels 4 to 6, plus a 10th level kreen air cleric), another that had them ambushed by 30ish 8th level fighter, mages and druids (long story, that)...nice big battles, lots of carnage, but PC survival. ...but I digress. In the last "straight" d20 game I was in, battles went exactly as you described it - either we beat up the enemies right away, or else it was basically a TPK, and in both cases I don't think the DM really thought it'd go that way. Just came down to the fragility of the whole CR system at higher levels (we were around 18th level I think). Oh, and yeah - the ELH is crap in many, many ways...but only if you really want a balanced game. If you and your group doesn't care that the wizards are ridiculous or that the fighter-types can, with the right feats, take out epic-level opponents with a single critical hit, it's all fun'N'games. 3.0/3.5 you seem to level alot faster than in previous editions and with the infinate level progression in the ELH alot of people seem to think that if something is several thousand years old it has to be CR 50+. Heck you can reach level 20 in a few months of game time. IN 2nd ed 1 PC made it to level 19 (the rest being lvl 14/14-18) a day every day during summer holidays backin 95 or so. ...doesn't your example support the idea that really old characters would likely have 50+ CR's? In the end it comes down to the particular game. I've played in 3/3.5e games where we didn't level very fast, others where the levels came almost every session, and then there was one of my DS campaigns (the one involving the Dragon) where there were a couple sessions where PCs made 2 levels out of a single fight. If you want high-CR monsters and NPCs, it's easy to justify it. If you want low-CR, it's also easy enough to justify. It all comes down to *how* you run the game, and how your campaign is set up. I quite liked Dragon Kings the 2nd ed book but it wasn't remotly balenced and I've met IRL several ex DS players and not a single one ever had a Dragon/Avangion PC. Dual classing rules were really bad in 2nd ed. Lvl 20 Psion/Wizard makes it to level 20 and then is level 1 again and can't use any of his old powers until jhis levels are equal again. From memory I think our houserules allowed non humans to ual class and humans to multiclass. Dual-classing was so bad that I just had humans follow the normal multiclassing rules, their big benefit being that they weren't restricted to any particular combination of classes like the other races were. My first long-running DS game (It lasted something like 2 to 3 years) was 2e, and I think the highest-level character was the human preserver/psionicist at 12/11 (or something like that). 2e XP progression was so horrible that even then they only reached those levels because I was giving out gobs of XP (when handing out monster XP I didn't divide it by the number of characters in the group, so there were several times where they earned 20k+ XP in a single night, each). The preserver was going for Avangion status, but you're right - I can't even imagine how long you'd have to play in order to get a 2e character to the level where they could become one. With that in mind, however, here's something worth thinking about: If you're basing the SK and Borys' 3e stats off of their 2e versions + 2e fluff, then, given the above, why is it so unreasonable to think that 3e versions of them would be extremely high CR? After all, in 2e the XP required for "that next level" wasn't linear or even a simple curve, it was more exponential, whereas in 3e it's barely a curve at all. Although I don't have the 2e XP tables available, I bet that if you were to really analyze it and compare it to 3e, you'd find out that, for a given amount of XP, the expected character levels between the two systems would look something like this: 2e level 1 = 3e level 1 2e level 3 = 3e level 4 2e level 6 = 3e level 9 2e level 10 = 3e level 16 2e level 15 = 3e level 25 (...or something like that) ...which'd put a S-K really high in the end. On the other hand, in 3e it *would* be difficult for the Champions to get XP for those high levels, since there's that "8 CR lower limit" on XP gain. *However*, even that can be bypassed if you look at the Cleansing Wars from the perspective that there were quite a few epic-level characters who, as the war went on, faced each other more often. Or something...again, I'm losing my train of thought. And it's time to go home anyway. Yay end-of-work! |
#14kalthandrixMar 28, 2007 21:59:41 | I do have two versions of Borys, the Dragon of Tyr, in the works. But due to other projects and my writing, I have not completed him. I DO have plans to do so, sometime soon hopefully ![]() |
#15kalthandrixMar 28, 2007 22:24:58 | This is what I get for not reaing the thread !!! Hey Dirk - nice Dragon and spells/powers. It is nice to see that someone else went the route of uber-power that this feller deserves! |
#16ZardnaarMar 29, 2007 1:53:28 | Dirk seems like we agree on alot. I think your 2nd ed-3rd ed level conversion is a bit off but not by a hge anount. In alot of ways a 3rd ed character is higher in lvl than a 2nd ed equivilent due to spellcasters getting spells a lvl early. Clerics in 2nd ed got spells at lvl 2 and wizards got lvl 9 spells at lvl 18 instead of 17 in 3rd ed. A lvl 20/20 multiclass character in 2nd ed was equivilent to a lvl 25ish single class based on xp tables. As a rule of thumb a double classed character was 1 level behind , triple classed about 2 levels behind depending of course on the classes chosen although the system started to colapse around lvl 14 or so when the singlle classed PCs started to rocket ahead in comparison to the multiclas character. I think Half Elf was the best choice for a wanabe Dragon PC assuming you didn't have a house rule letting humans multiclass. In a way I agree perhaps SKs should be really epic (level 40+) but I don't agree fpr the following reasons. 1. They to high for PCs to challenge. Original material PCs did challenge the SK's. 2. They don't need to be that high. A poster got bored once on the epic boards and designed a spell castable by a lvl 40 caster. The spell was Karsus Avatar which was designed to kill a greater power god. The most powerful effect in DS epic magic wise can be done with reasonably low level casters using the epic magic feat. The most powerful magical effects on Athas? 1. Rajaats imprisonment spell. 2. Wards on Ur Draxa 3. Wards on Saragar All of those effects can be done with a level 25-30 spellcaster. Rajaats spell had all the SKs able to work on it togather if needed, Ur Draxa had the Dragon + his minions to do it and Saragar had 3 epic Psions available. Forgotten Realms has epic spell examples that are global in effect. Before I get crucified for mentioning FR the mechanics in 3.5 for epic magic is identical in Faerun/Athas |
#17brun01Mar 29, 2007 8:30:28 | I do have two versions of Borys, the Dragon of Tyr, in the works. But due to other projects and my writing, I have not completed him. I DO have plans to do so, sometime soon hopefully For the love of Guthay, check the size of that sig! |
#18kalthandrixMar 29, 2007 9:41:42 | For the love of Guthay, check the size of that sig! You're just jealous because mine is bigger then yours is - but don't be. It is just genetics. |
#19dirk00001Mar 29, 2007 11:16:44 | Dirk seems like we agree on alot. I think your 2nd ed-3rd ed level conversion is a bit off but not by a hge anount. In alot of ways a 3rd ed character is higher in lvl than a 2nd ed equivilent due to spellcasters getting spells a lvl early. Ooooh...okay, well, there's the issue right there - my version of Borys isn't actually a "conversion" from 2e at all, it's a scratch-built version using 3.5e rules, including the first 5 or so Complete-series books; in fact, the only 2e things it's based off of are fluff and the Prism Pentad novels. From a standpoint of "straight conversion" your Borys is/will undoubtedly be more realistic than mine. Basically, I looked at the issue of "how do I stat out Borys?" from the standpoint of fluff-material only and the relative power level of my own DS campaign. If I ran a more "normal" 3.5e game, DS or not, I'd probably go the same route as you and make him ~CR 40, with the SKs around 30...but then again, I wouldn't ever expect a PC to get to epic levels. yes, otherwise I think we're pretty much in agreement. ![]() In a way I agree perhaps SKs should be really epic (level 40+) but I don't agree fpr the following reasons. True, but a lot of this boils down to what constituted a challenge in 2e versus 3e - and that's quite a large difference. As you pointed out, in 3e it's quite possible for a group of Epic-level characters to take out a group of monsters whose Encounter Level is ridiculously higher than theirs, while at other times a lower-EL encounter could result in a TPK. Add to that the fact that, once you start mixing-and-matching classes (i.e. at higher levels) the individual power levels of characters gets totally out of wack, and it's even more difficult to do so. Also, based on the original 2e stats for, say, Hamanu and the Dragon, pretty much *any* teen-level group of characters could take them on. The printed 2e stats were very, very weak, and IMO didn't make any sense considering how old, knowledgeable, and financially wealthy these individuals were. As for the novels and such, every 2e encounter with the SKs where the main characters *didn't* die either involved artifacts or some special circumstances that gave the heroes some hope of survival. In the few cases where this wasn't the case, such as when Caelum faced the Dragon, we got to see how overwhelmingly powerful they *really* were. If Rikus didn't have the Scourge, for instance, he would have died in any number of situations. And, out of the other main characters that survived, they pretty much all did so simply because the SKs had more important things to focus on (such as Rikus and his Champion-killing, impervious-to-our-attacks weapon). 2. They don't need to be that high. A poster got bored once on the epic boards and designed a spell castable by a lvl 40 caster. The spell was Karsus Avatar which was designed to kill a greater power god. I'm not arguing that they *have* to be that high...just that, IMO, it fits them better. If I were to make a ~30 level SK, and throw him into a normal D&D game world as the BBEG, within a year, year-and-a-half of running the game I'd have a group of 20th-ish level non-DS PCs that could take him out without even sweating it that much - I've been in more than enough d20 campaigns to know that, in the end, that's what tends to happen. The problem here is that, if this is the case - namely, that characters who have only been around for maybe half a year of game time can defeat one of the most powerful individuals/creatures in the campaign - then why hasn't it already happened? True, in the novels it *does* happen, but just because historically there are dead SKs doesn't mean I want every group of DS players to start my campaign thinking that this is a reasonable goal to shoot for. The only way to prevent this, IMO, is to make the SKs (and Dragon) powerful enough that the only way a group of PCs stands a chance of defeating them is by acquiring a lot of help, be it in the form of one or more NPCs, artifacts, "secret knowledge," etc. The most powerful effect in DS epic magic wise can be done with reasonably low level casters using the epic magic feat. The most powerful magical effects on Athas? The epic spell rules are the most broken part of the ELH, so using them as justification for an SK's level is probably a bad idea. I agree that it's possible to do all of this with a lower-level caster, but when you look at the factors that would go into creating a spell of that magnitude (i.e. the Spellcraft DC) you're going to find that it's not nearly as easy as it looks. As an example, my Epic Nondetection spell, which is an extremely straight-forward, single-caster epic level spell...and which *isn't even guaranteed to be 100% effective*...has a DC of 66. If you were to actually write up the Rajaat Imprisonment spell, I bet you'd come up with a DC in the 100's - the short casting time, extremely high save DC (...necessary, since it'd have to be high enough that there was no way in Hell Rajaat could save on anything 'cept a nat 20), multiple effects (separating soul from body, imprisoning both in different ways and on separate planes), etc. are going to add up...quick. Same goes for the other spells - the sheer size of their AoE is going to result in a very, very large DC. Heh...maybe I should just write up the Imprisonment spell to see what the DC would look like. ![]() |
#20brun01Mar 29, 2007 11:50:23 | You mean this one? :P Epic Banishment |
#21dirk00001Mar 29, 2007 13:30:52 | You mean this one? :P Nope. I mean that one taken to a whole new order of magnitude. :P |
#22dirk00001Mar 29, 2007 14:40:37 | Anyone know the size of Rajaat's obsidian sphere-prison? Can't remember if it's in The Cerulean Storm or Valley of Dust and Fire, but either way I don't have access to it at the moment and would like to know. "For research purposes." ;) |
#23cnahumckMar 29, 2007 14:47:58 | This might work:From the Valley of Dust and Fire, page 74 |
#24dirk00001Mar 29, 2007 15:01:16 | This might work: Awesome, woot! |
#25dirk00001Mar 29, 2007 15:19:49 | I'm derailing this thread, so gonna move this to a new one. I now return you to your regularly scheduled program: The Dragon of Tyr. |
#26yakmanMar 29, 2007 15:20:44 | i've always envisioned Borys to be the biggest, baddest, strongest creature in existence on any plane--then again, I've always taken umbrage to demons being more powerful than creatures on the prime material--if they are so strong then why do they bother trying to take over the PM? |
#27ZardnaarMar 29, 2007 16:57:34 | I freely admit I'm designing my Dragons for a CR of around 21- 35ish with Borys maybe clocking in close to CR 37 or 40 if I add a few levels on him. We've nver had PCs reach those levels but have generated PCs at lvl 21-30 as we wanted to try the epic adventures in Dungeon Magazine. A CR 35 Dragon shuldn't really be used on anyone below level 31 or 28 if the DM was particuly mean. If the PCs encounter one but you don't intend on them fighting it but they attack a Dragon anyway yeah sure thats just plain stupid. What typePsion do you think Borys is BTW? I've chosen Telepath based on the 2nd ed write up. Some of the guys on the min/max boards could drop the version (and any Dragon I stat out) of Dregoth in one round at lvl 20 but alot of those builds are in theory only and involve alot of cheese (multiple prestige classes, multiple splat books, infinate damage lops etc) usually involving either Psionics or Hulking Hurler builds. |
#28kalthandrixMar 29, 2007 19:17:53 | Let then have a go at MY version of Dregoth and see how those min/maxers do. |
#29terminus_vortexaMar 29, 2007 20:47:25 | The epic spell rules are the most broken part of the ELH, so using them as justification for an SK's level is probably a bad idea. I agree that it's possible to do all of this with a lower-level caster, but when you look at the factors that would go into creating a spell of that magnitude (i.e. the Spellcraft DC) you're going to find that it's not nearly as easy as it looks. As an example, my Epic Nondetection spell, which is an extremely straight-forward, single-caster epic level spell...and which *isn't even guaranteed to be 100% effective*...has a DC of 66. If you were to actually write up the Rajaat Imprisonment spell, I bet you'd come up with a DC in the 100's - the short casting time, extremely high save DC (...necessary, since it'd have to be high enough that there was no way in Hell Rajaat could save on anything 'cept a nat 20), multiple effects (separating soul from body, imprisoning both in different ways and on separate planes), etc. are going to add up...quick. Same goes for the other spells - the sheer size of their AoE is going to result in a very, very large DC. The abilities of a Champion/Dragon can mitigate the DC of any epic spell by simply having a huge XP burn as part of casting and using stored life energy to pay for it. |
#30ZardnaarMar 30, 2007 7:15:36 | Let then have a go at MY version of Dregoth and see how those min/maxers do. Dregoth can survie 14000d6 and has an AC of around 200 damage wow he really is tough. Some of their builds/rules abuses are interesting. |
#31dirk00001Apr 02, 2007 10:55:59 | I freely admit I'm designing my Dragons for a CR of around 21- 35ish with Borys maybe clocking in close to CR 37 or 40 if I add a few levels on him. We've nver had PCs reach those levels but have generated PCs at lvl 21-30 as we wanted to try the epic adventures in Dungeon Magazine. A CR 35 Dragon shuldn't really be used on anyone below level 31 or 28 if the DM was particuly mean. For a *defeatable* Dragon I think you're good to go with a CR 35-40...mine isn't intended to be something that a PC would kill (at least, not without a ton of DM plot-twisting to make it possible...which is how I think the death of *any* SK/the Dragon should come about, anyway). As for class, if you're going with psion rather than one of the variants I'd say Egoist. It was he and Gallard that seemed to lead the way towards the transformation, with Dregoth possibly involved as well (there's been some discussion on the forums 'bout this, and I'm inclined to agree with those that believe it was probably Dregoth that was instrumental in the development of the metamorphosis spells) to make him the class that focuses on physical changes makes sense. There's also the high likelyhood that he has some PsyWar levels as well, which definitely ties in with the Egoist power set, and is yet another reason why I think this is probably the case. The abilities of a Champion/Dragon can mitigate the DC of any epic spell by simply having a huge XP burn as part of casting and using stored life energy to pay for it. ...Except there's a 20k XP mitigation limit on any epic spell. And, as far as "sacrificing" or "using structure" mitigation factors are concerned (as described in the Metamorphosis spells) that's not likely/possible for this spell as we see no use of either when they cast it in CS. |