Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1wolffenjugend_dupApr 07, 2007 15:15:06 | What era are these new novels set in? |
#2zombiegleemaxApr 07, 2007 15:59:52 | Age of Mortals. |
#3darthsylverApr 07, 2007 22:34:36 | Age of mortal, after the gods returned. |
#4wolffenjugend_dupApr 08, 2007 9:27:37 | Thanks. |
#5zombiegleemaxApr 08, 2007 11:29:54 | Was the healer in the book a cleric of Mishakel? I could not tell. |
#6darthsylverApr 08, 2007 12:41:35 | Which book trey? |
#7zombiegleemaxApr 08, 2007 15:42:46 | The Great White Wyrm. I know the Alien Sea has a cleric of Habbakuk in it. |
#8darthsylverApr 08, 2007 18:08:56 | Haven't read it yet, I have it though. I am currently working on the measure and the truth. Oh, by the way, I have the general outline for the timeline for my campaign finished. I just have to put some more detail into it. |
#9zombiegleemaxApr 08, 2007 21:00:32 | Share. |
#10darthsylverApr 08, 2007 22:12:30 | AC-0418: Assassination & captivity \ General Abrena is assassinated & the Knighthood changes their name AC-0418: A bleak winter \ The academy of sorcery is destroyed & Palin is captured AC-0419: The great storm \ A great storm engulfs Krynn & the war of the souls begins AC-0422: Amber and Ashes \ Mina trilogy AC-0422: Amber and Iron \ Mina trilogy AC-0422: A new god ascends \ Mina becomes Goddess of light, Majere shifts to grey AC-0422: Dark Thane \ King Tarn Bellowgranite is overthrown and evicted from Thorbardin AC-0423: Claren Elian hidden \ A cloud of mist forms around the island of Claren Elian AC-0423: Wizards Conclave \ Conclave reconstituted AC-0425: Lord of the rose \ Jaymes Markhma clears his name AC-0426: Sanctuary \ Elves search for valley AC-0426: Alliances \ Elves get transported to Qualinesti AC-0427: Gellidus is slain \ A group of adventurers slays the last dragon overlord AC-0427: The great White Wyrm \ Gellidus gets slain AC-0427: Thoradin sells swords to Khur \ Khur uses treasure gained from elves to buy swords from Thoradin AC-0427: Ogres attack elves in foothills \ Remnants of elves in foot hills chased by ogres AC-0427: Crown and Sword \ Jaymes Markham becomes emperor AC-0428: Ergoth assaults Daltigoth \ Ergoth attempts to eradicate ogres of Southern Ergoth AC-0428: Elves attack Samuval \ Elves finally amass enough forces to assault Cpt Samuval AC-0429: Measure and the Truth \ Emperor Markham repulses invasion AC-0430: Knights of Neraka evicted \ Elves drive Knights from Qualinesti AC-0431: Blode attack Khur \ Golgren invades Khur AC-0432: Thoradin moves to assist Khur \ The dwarves help Khur resist ogre invasion AC-0433: Golgren besieges Thoradin \ Golgren redirects his assault to the dwarves near his kingdom AC-0435: Alliance brokered with Solamnia \ Ergoth grants land to Solamnia (Castle eastwatch, foghaven vale & west) AC-0435: Ambeon invades Khur \ Minotaur attack the Khur AC-0435: Thoradin forms truce with Blode \ Thoradin finally capitulates to the Ogre siege AC-0436: Alliance brokered with Qualinesti \ Ergoth grants land to Elves (Land of Qualimori, Silvamori & south) AC-0438: Gnomes perfect cannons \ Utilizing designs of Solamnia bombards gnomes create iron cannons AC-0439: Alliance brokered with Mt. Nevermind \ Ergoth agrees to suply materials & promises to buy cannons from gnomes AC-0439: Charmed woods burned \ Khur retaliate on minotaurs by burning the charmed woods AC-0440: Ogres are routed from Ergoth \ With help from Solamnia & the elves Ergoth rids itself of Ogres AC-0440: Upswing in Cult of Bloody Condor \ Elves are enraged at the burning of the charmed woods AC-0440: New magic-users appear \ Warlocks, dragon shaman, & duskblades start appearing in the world AC-0441: Coalition of Abanasinia created \ Regions of Abanasinia unite AC-0443: White robes retaliate \ White robes retaliate, while red & black advise caution AC-0443: Coryn Slain by Sorcerers \ When the white robes investigate Coryn is slain in ambush by Dark Knights AC-0444: Ergoth Capital moved to Daltigoth \ Ergoth’s seat of power returns to Daltigoth AC-0444: Tower of the Blood Sea attacked \ Tower attacked by enspelled decoys AC-0444: Arcane civil war starts \ WoHS declare war on all non-WOHS arcane users AC-0444: Bards become targets \ Bards get caught in cross-fire AC-0445: Elves attack Sargasanti \ Cult of the Bloody Condor attack the Minotaur AC-0445: Bards & Sorcerers band \ Bards join the side of Sorcerers in the arcane civil war AC-0447: Tarn makes alliance with Abanasinia \ Tarn joins the Abanasinian coalition AC-0448: Golgren razes Khuri-Khan \ Golgren's 2nd invasion of Khur is reulsed but not before he razes Khuri-Khan AC-0448: Sorcerers find haven \ Ergoth and Taman Busuk give asylum to sorcerers AC-0450: Ogre kingdoms united \ Blode and Kern unite into one kingdom AC-0453: Wizards call for truce at God’s will \ When two creeks is destroyed WoHS call for peace to appease public outrage AC-0454: Blodecairn attacks Khur \ Oges invade Khur for the second time AC-0455: Gods realign themselves \ Branchala moves to grey, Reorx moves to light AC-0460: Schallsea builds Bardic college \ Schallsea islnad builds a Bardic college in homage to Branchala AC-0465: Dwarves of Pax Tharkas \ New City build near Pax Tharkas AC-0467: Alliance brokered with Abanasinia \ Ergoth enters alliance with Abanasinia which grants a jurdisdiction to LOS AC-0482: Legion builds training compound \ Legion Builds Academy AC-0489: Dalamar leads conclave \ Dalamar becomes the head of the conclave after Jenna dies AC-0492: Mohrlex slain \ Draconians of Teyr slay Mohrlex, Lorrinar makes truce with Nordmaar AC-0493: Teyr & Nordmaar align \ The plainsmen of Nordmaar and the Draconians of Teyr make alliance AC-0498: Sahket jungle cleared \ Goblins & ogres routed from Sahket by plainsmen & draconians AC-0502: High thane disappears \ Tarn leads expedition into Thorbardin after Tor die, he is never seen agains AC-0502: Minotaur wall constructed \ Minotaur build wall around the woods AC-0504: Heart of Irda found \ Golgren is lead to the heart of the irda AC-0505: Minotaur isles stripped bare \ Minotaur exhaust supplies on Blood Sea Isles AC-0510: Ogres transform \ Ogres return to their original form and rename themselves Abaqua(oriental) AC-0523: Minotaur change capitals \ Sargasanti become capital of Minotaur kingdom AC-0540: Knights invade Nordmaar \ Neraka invades Nordmaar for its resources of wood AC-0542: New Lord of Night elected \ Joseph uth Matar unites factions of Dark Knights AC-0543: Draconians build wall \ Draconians build wall to prevent further invasion AC-0544: Gods realign themselves \ Shinare moves to light, Sirrion moves to dark AC-0545: War college built in Palanthas \ Solamnia builds fighter training center to generate more national revenue AC-0550: War college built in High Clerist Tower \ Solamnia builds training center specializing in war priests AC-0554: Elves assault Kharolis \ Elves move to rout dark knights from Kharolis AC-0555: War college built in Solanthus \ Solamnia builds training center specializing in calvary tactics AC-0558: Knighthood dedicated to Sargonnas \ Dark knights dedicate themselves to Sargonnas AC-0559: Elves assault Tarsis \ Elves evict Dark Knights from Tarsis AC-0560: War college built in Sanction \ Solamnia builds training center specializing in the arcane arts AC-0561: Neraka Joins with Ogres \ Ogres negotiate alliance with Dark Knights AC-0562: Solamnics evicted from Sanction \ Ogres and Dark knights chase Solamnics from Sanction AC-0565: War college built in Dargaard keep \ To restore what was lost, Solamnia builds training cneter for the Arcane arts AC-0600: Blodecairn builds grand palace \ Abaqua kingdom is solidified AC-0602: Knighthood conquers the desolation \ The knighthoods takes full control of teh Desolation AC-0604: Tarmak establish foothold \ Tarmak take Anir’s end AC-0618: Elven Assassins sighted in woods \ Elven assassins and Kirath infiltrate Sargasanti AC-0628: Cinder slain \ Draconians slay Cinder after an attack on Draconian outposts AC-0675: Hylo eliminates goblins \ Goblins are routed after Ergoth pressures Hylo to become province of Ergoth AC-0679: Minotaurs attack Dimernesti \ Using magic Ambeon assaults the underwater world AC-0684: Land & Sea elves assault Ambeon \ After repulses the minotaurs assaults, elves band together & attack Ambeon AC-0700: Beacon becomes shipyard \ Ergoth build major shipyard in Beacon AC-0708: Elves attempt to restore Qualinost \ As a sign of their partenership the elves attempt to restore Qualinost, it fails AC-0721: Ergoth builds War College \ Ergoth builds War Institute in Gwynned AC-0737: Sea elves populate Qualinost \ Sea elves are invited to take up residence in sunken Qualinost AC-0856: Solamnia repulses attack \ Abaqua and Dark Knights attack Solamnia AC-0879: Pyrothraxus dies \ The last dragon overlord dies of natural causes AC-0945: Kazeganthi take Lacynos \ Kazeganthin start using Lacynos as base of operations AC-0961: Lorrinar slain \ Lorrinar slain by his mate Eiolut AC-0967: Shipyards built on Enstar & Nostar \ Ergoth builds shipyards in preparation for assault on Ambeon AC-0990: Alliance brokered with Hylo \ Ergoth brokers alliance with Hylo for scouts AC-0992: Eiolut slain \ Draconians slay Eiolut after Lorrinar’s death There is still some time in there to play around with if need be. And the Ogres, Nerakans, and Minotaur are going to be consistently and periodically assaulting Khur as it is the center piece keeping all three of these realms from joining other portions of the same gevernment (except the minotaur). Khur is between Blode and Kern, and between Taman Busuk and the Desolation. I am thinking of having the Abaqua civilization be like the japanese, as this will allow me to bring an oriental flavor to the game. Oh, if anybody knows anything that shoul be in there somewhere from a book or something just let me know. If there is something that you have an idea about or that you would like to see in your campaign or a game you would play, let me know also. I will see what I can do. |
#11zombiegleemaxApr 09, 2007 21:40:58 | Wow. Quite indepth there Darth. Me likey. |
#12darthsylverApr 09, 2007 23:05:20 | That is just the outline. I am working on fleshing out the details. Then I will work on how the 43 different base classes work in Krynn, after that it is on to Prc, regional stuff, ... Oh by the way tell Cam that Wizards can be thorne knights too. He wants to fight on this and I don't know why. he keeps insisting that Thorns must be Sorcerers. |
#13zombiegleemaxApr 10, 2007 7:36:06 | Cam is Cam. Nuff said. |
#14cam_banksApr 10, 2007 8:27:54 | Oh by the way tell Cam that Wizards can be thorne knights too. He wants to fight on this and I don't know why. he keeps insisting that Thorns must be Sorcerers. Know any post-Chaos War Thorn Knights that are wizards? ![]() Cheers, Cam |
#15darthsylverApr 10, 2007 8:38:29 | Just because there were no renegades written about in the age of despair (at least prior to the WoTL) doesn't mean there were none. Same holds true for Thorn Knight Wizards in the age of mortals. |
#16cam_banksApr 10, 2007 8:51:16 | Just because there were no renegades written about in the age of despair (at least prior to the WoTL) doesn't mean there were none. There were several. Same holds true for Thorn Knight Wizards in the age of mortals. It does when none of the gods is presently handing out the power to Thorn Knight wizards. Their entire modern tradition is based on Theo Drawde's revision. Why would they give that up? Who would these wizards be? None of the older Gray Robes are around any longer. All of the mages within the Gray Robes are sorcerers. It's like sorcerers signing up with the Wizards of High Sorcery - sure, you can fake that with the Arcane Preparation feat and so forth, in order to take the PrC, but none of the Conclave wizards would allow it. Cheers, Cam |
#17darthsylverApr 10, 2007 20:05:32 | SO I ask where exactly is the power for these special abilities for the thorn knights coming from in the new age? If the sorcerers can tap into it, why can't wizards who want to be Thorn knights? The reason I am trying to figure this out is because if there is no control source, then anyone (thorn knight or no, sorcerer or no) can learn to access this ability and then you may well have chaos. |
#18zombiegleemaxApr 10, 2007 22:19:26 | True. |
#19cam_banksApr 11, 2007 7:44:08 | SO I ask where exactly is the power for these special abilities for the thorn knights coming from in the new age? We're having the same conversation in two threads. We probably shouldn't! One key element about this that people keep missing is that the Thorn Knights represent one of the more pervasive and established groups of sorcerers on Krynn in the current era. It's something they are very good at. I find it remarkable that people are on the one hand demanding more sorcerer identification and representation, more groups who are only available to sorcerers, and yet they still want to leave those groups open to wizards. The Dark Knights should be the iconic evil sorcerers of Krynn. They're far more interesting if they're not wizards. If they're wizards, then they're just Black Robes in armour. The same is true for the Legion of Steel's Legion sorcerers - they're one of the most consistently supportive and well-established groups of good sorcerers in the game, and yet nobody pays attention to them. Leave wizardry to the Tower mages! Cheers, Cam |
#20darthsylverApr 11, 2007 19:49:34 | Well that is exactly the point I was trying to make with the Thorn knights. In the Knightly orders of Krynn there is in both the legion sorcer and the legion mystic, the require,emt that they can cast spells without preparation. The thorn knights have no such restriction in their class description, which is why I did not understand why you were saying that the class was available only to sorcerers. And yes the Thorn knights are the iconic evil "mages" but nothing was out there that stated they must be sorcerers versus wizards. |
#21wolffenjugend_dupApr 11, 2007 19:56:14 | darth, why don't you just have them be wizards in your own campaign and be done with it. I'll leave the official answer to Cam. |
#22darthsylverApr 11, 2007 20:31:09 | Well now that we have all had our say I have actually found the "official" ruling or guidance on the issue. :surrender Knightly orders of Krynn pg 100. States "the remaining skull and thorn knights have been adamant about utilizing the power of mysticism and wild sorcery respectively." So that's that. And wolffenjugend, believe me in my own campaign yes I do set the rules as I see fit ![]() The point was that Cam's explanation was not matching up with the official rules (as far as I could at the time) and Cam who was the development credit for the Knightly Orders of Krynn could not direct me to the official ruling. I don't take to somebody simply stating that something is a rule when they cannot back it up an explanation. For instance: "Non ogres cannot be wu-jen." This is a statement, but where is the rationalization for it? There is none. Now if you said "Non ogres cannot be wu-jen because this form of spell-casting is only known by the ogres, and they do not teach this form to non-ogres." This is a statement with a reason behind it to support. Now Cam finally gave me a reason why sorcerers would have this ability (albeit on the original thread that started this) and I accepted it (even if I did not believe that it conformed with what was already written). This would have been a very short conversation if when I asked "is there a revision out there that I missed" and then Cam said "Read the upper left portion of page 100 of Knightly orders of Krynn." But he didn't so ![]() And this is the reason we probably should not be having the same conversation on two different threads. Oh by the way Cam, you are the one who brought the conversation to this thread, I just tried to get Trey to give input on the other thread. Of course he caved like a house of cards in a windstorm. :D :D :D |
#23zombiegleemaxApr 11, 2007 21:37:24 | Who me? |
#24darthsylverApr 11, 2007 21:44:36 | Yeah you.;) |
#25cam_banksApr 11, 2007 22:04:00 | The point was that Cam's explanation was not matching up with the official rules (as far as I could at the time) and Cam who was the development credit for the Knightly Orders of Krynn could not direct me to the official ruling. I don't take to somebody simply stating that something is a rule when they cannot back it up an explanation. Believe it or not, I don't actually memorize entire books published by Margaret Weis Productions, and I haven't really been around a copy of it lately, either. ;) As for why the DLCS doesn't restrict it to sorcerers, that's because it was a class designed for multiple eras, i.e. the current post-War of Souls era, the earlier Age of Mortals (post-Drawde), and the Chaos War, when all of the Thorn Knights were renegade wizards. Cheers, Cam |
#26darthsylverApr 11, 2007 22:16:05 | Well that was why it took me awhile to reread as well I had read it once but I must have zoned out when reading that part.... Originally posted by Cam. the current post-War of Souls era, the earlier Age of Mortals (post-Drawde), Now Cam you are sliding backwards. You siad there were no poast-drawde thorn knight wizards only sorcerers (and the KOoA-Knightly Orders of Ansalon back you up.) so make up your mind. Oh I get it, you are trying to mess with my mind. Well forget it your jedi mind tricks don't work on me, I am a draconian... uh wait a minute wrong setting. Your mystic mind tricks won't work on me, I am a draconian. Mysticism doesn't work on me only steel (one way or another hehehehe.) |
#27zombiegleemaxApr 12, 2007 7:42:29 | Be careful Darth, you might get an even more horrible geas than Lance Reaver. |
#28lancereaverApr 12, 2007 8:16:08 | My geas seems to be the topic of conversation lately. I'm not sure whether I should be flattered or embarrassed. |
#29darthsylverApr 12, 2007 8:38:42 | Maybe a little of both. |
#30lancereaverApr 12, 2007 11:53:05 | Mark my words, Trey, I will find a way to overturn this geas! Oh, and real quick, on the cover of Dragons of a Vanished Moon, is the girl on there Lady Odila? I didn't want to waste time creating a whole new forum for this question |
#31cam_banksApr 12, 2007 12:19:08 | Oh, and real quick, on the cover of Dragons of a Vanished Moon, is the girl on there Lady Odila? I didn't want to waste time creating a whole new forum for this question That's correct, although she's probably darker-skinned than that based on her heritage. Cheers, Cam |
#32zombiegleemaxApr 12, 2007 20:45:39 | Tee hee, tee hee. I am a stinker arent I? Poor Lance, at least all of him will get a tan. |
#33lancereaverApr 13, 2007 8:09:27 | Just wait, I'll think of something, Trey. |
#34zombiegleemaxApr 13, 2007 10:31:59 | No you won't >.< |
#35lancereaverApr 13, 2007 11:58:00 | Maybe I can find someone to dispel it, otherwise, I'll just have to brownnose my way into trey's heart so that he will remove it. |
#36zombiegleemaxApr 13, 2007 20:31:31 | If I were pray to move, prayers would move me. |
#37darthsylverApr 15, 2007 13:03:04 | Ok Trey, early christmas present. here is the timeline finished and fleshed out. I ask for somments and questions before I move on to other aspects of the campaign design. And I thank everybody for their support. Spoiler alert, spoiler alert, danger Will Robinson danger. For those who have not read, Amber and Iron, Amber and Ashes, The Measure and the Truth, The Crown and the Sword, Lord of the Rose, Sanctuary, Alliances, Wizard's Conclave, The war of the Souls trilogy, and Dark Thane you might want to skip the first few entries. spoilers. Timeline AC-0419: The great storm: The war of Souls is fought. The gods return and Takhisis and Paladine are made mortal. AC-0422: Amber and Ashes: Mina becomes a follower of Chemosh as well as his lover. As she moves through the lands she makes creatures known as the beloved of Chemosh. AC-0422: Wizard’s Conclave: The orders of high sorcery are reconstituted when the tower of wayreth is placed at risk by a crazed sorcerer. AC-0422: Amber and Iron: Mina becomes a captive of Nuitari and eventually escapes from the underwater tower of the blood sea. Mina raises the tower of Istar from the Blood sea. For the first time in the history of Krynn the gods of magic show signs of splintering for Nuitari had restored the tower of Istar and keep its restoration a secret from Lunitari and Solinari. AC-0422: A new god ascends: Mina learns that she is the daughter of the gods and discovers the immortal spark within herself and ascends to join the other gods of the pantheon, as a result and in part as a punishment for his inaction Majere is asked to join the gods of neutrality as his actions are more in line with their beliefs and religions. AC-0422: Dark Thane: King Tarn Bellowgranite finds the Hammer of Kharas but is overthrown when his child’s life is held hostage by rebellious factions within his realm. AC-0423: Claren Elian hidden: When Majere assumes his new place as a god of grey the islands of the Claren Elian become shrouded by a cloud of mist that is causes all who enter to become hopelessly lost unless they have been invited by the monks of the islands. There is also a mass migration of monks and clerics of Majere who now flock to the island. AC-0424: Pax Tharkas expands: Tarn Bellowgranite orders the restoration of the ruins of Klanath as this will be the new home for the displaced dwarves from Thorbardin. AC-0425: Lord of the Rose: Renegade knight and outlaw Jaymes markham clears his name and rallys the Knights of Solmania to resist the invasion of the half-giant Ankhar and his ogre horde. AC-0426: Sanctuary: The displaced elves residing in Khur begin a search for a secret valley in the hills of the mountains in order to begin a new home. AC-0426: Alliances: After finding herself magically teleported to Qualinesti, Kerianseray begins to resist the bandits and dark knights of the area. In her struggle she joins with Porthios and Alhana Starbreeze and seeks out new griffons to add to the struggle. After receiving a vision a group of elves flies to the rescue of Gilthas and the elves being pursued by the Khur. Porthios pits his pain against that of the Khur leader and the elves soon depart for the valley, only to be magically transported to Qualinesti. AC-0427: The great White Wyrm: Under development (need to read novel: The Great White Wyrm) AC-0427: Gellidus is slain: A group of adventurers slays the Southern Ergoth Dragon Overlord Gellidus the white wyrm. AC-0427: Thoradin sells swords to Khur: The khur use pilfered treasure from the elves to buy steel from the dwarves of Thoradin. AC-0427: Ogres attack elves in foothills: The Ogre Titans seeking a way to get out from under the rule of Golgren sent an ambush party to assault the stragglers of the elven group to try and capture any remaining elves in the hidden valley. The Khur returning from their assault on the elves seeing ogres in their lands attack the ambush party, only a few ogres survive. Upon seeing the reason for the ogre invaders, the Khur slaughter the few remaining elves. AC-0427: The Crown and the Sword: Lord Marshall Jaymes Markham leads the Solamnic forces in their effort to resist the invasion of Ankhar and his horde. In order to increase his fighting fore and financial resources, he uses magic from Coryn the White to charm Selinda du Chayne into marrying him and then he takes the Palanthian freemen to join the war effort eventually running Ankhar from the country. AC-0428: Ergoth assaults Daltigoth: Ergoth enters into negotiations with Emperor Jaymes Markham requesting aid for his struggle to return the lands of Southern Ergoth and especially the city of Daltigoth to the Ergothian empire. Emperor Markham demands a high price for this assistance, all lands west of Foghaven Vale and Castle Eastwatch. The Ergothian Emperor agrees to the deal with Solamnia. At the same time Ergoth negotiates with the elves of Southern Ergoth to attack Daltigoth. Having heard of the deal between Ergoth and Solmnia the elves demand the same price all lands west of The Last Gaard Mountains and south of Foghaven Vale, Ergoth has little choice as they control nothing of Southern Ergoth at this time. The combined force assault and destroy almost all ogres from the land, allowing any surviving ogres to board ships and set sail for other lands. Most sail for the lands of Icereach but some make for Kern, Blode or other lands. AC-0429: Elves attack Samuval: The elves move to assault Capt. Samuval’s fortress. Ergoth and Solamnia move forces to support the assault. Solamnia however cannot commit all its forces because of a renewed attack by Ankhar and his horde. The outnumbered elves are ultimately successful as they are fighting for their homeland, the only one they have left. Cpt Samuval however is able to make his escape and links up with Dark Knight forces in Alsip and works to reconsolidate his forces to try and retake the elven lands. AC-0429: The Measure and the Truth: (Under development, reading the novel). AC-0430: Knights of Neraka evicted from Kharolis and Tarsis: The elves move quickly to forestall any counter attack by Capt Samuval and move to rout the dark knights from Kharolis and Tarsis. Capt. Samuval leads the forces of Dark knights and meets the elves at Windkeep where he is defeated in the late spring and forced to withdraw to Alsip. Solamnic forces use the Windsnow river to meet the elves at windkeep and the army marches on Alsip where they besiege the city for three months before Capt. Samuval makes his breakout attempt and flees to Tarsis. Solamnic knights pursue him all the way to the Banfaire where he loses his pursuers in the woods. Attempting to cut him off the elves set sail and land in Rigitt and ride north to the city of Tarsis. Having been through one siege already Samuval decides to flee and link up with General Dogah in Pashin and makes the rigorous journey through the Plains of Dust. After Samuval’s defeat the elves have little trouble removing the knights from the fortress Onyx Hall, these knights set sail and head to Haligoth and finally Neraka. AC-0431: Blode attacks Khur: Golgren attempting to unite the two ogre kingdoms attacks Khur to demonstrate his superior power to other ogres. The ogres are unused to fighting amongst the rolling sands of the desert and are hindered at every turn but make steady progress in routing the Khur from the desert and into the cities. The cities however are more than suited to withstand long sieges from attacking forces, Golgren wanting to take Khuri-Khan relatively intake is forced to camp in the blistering heat and sand. AC-0432: Thoradin moves to assist Khur: The dwarves of Thoradin hoping to cement their deal with the Khur for trade and the purchase of steel move to assist the Khur break the ogre siege. After months of little to no action the ogres relish the thought of renewed fighting against a foe they can attack easily in the sands. Almost all of the attacking dwarves are slaughtered by the ogres. AC-0433: Golgren besieges Thoradin: Golgren moves his army to assault the dwarven Kingdom of Thoradin and besieges the city. Unlike the siege of Khuri-Khan the environment of the mountains actually supports the ogres’ resolve as it is easier to find food and water and have new weapons and supplies delivered in the mountains than in the desert. AC-0434: Solamnia regains former lands: Emperor Marhkam decides to forestall any further assaults by the ogre and goblin tribes of Lemish and moves to annex the former province. He moves his forces into the area and routs all remaining members of Ankhar’s horde and then meet with the Lady of Lathe and negotiates the peaceful return of Lemish to Solamnia. Throtyl and Qwermish are eventually restored as well. AC-0435: Ambeon scouts new lands: Trying to discover the best way to assault the rest of Ansalon the emperor sends forces into the great swamp, the plains of dust, Blode and Khur. Finding Blode having forces already mustered due to the siege of Thoradin and the other two lands an unsound choice for the movement of land forces, the emperor decides to move through Khur and begins preparations for a renewed attack on the land. It is hoped that Khur is still recovering from attack by the ogres, and therefore a short campaign. AC-0436: Thoradin forms truce with Blode: After two years of siege, far longer that the dwarves believed possible, the dwarves finally relent to the forces of Golgren and broker a peace between the two nations. Golgren uses this as his justification for the uniting of the two ogre lands. AC-0437: Ambeon invades Khur: The minotaur send an advance party in early spring and at first are very successful at routing the desert tribes until they attempt to attack the city of Ak-Khurman. Unknown to the minotaur the legion of steel had a full cohort of troops stationed there to support Kanji Mikku, ruler of the city and they counter-attack the minotaur. General Dogah gets word that the Legion has put troops on the field of battle so close to his own base of power and moves to eradicate the legion. The fleeing Minotaur not sure what to make of the new force now behind them, attack the dark knights. When the legion catches up to the minotaur and dark knights they are attacked by both forces and the battle turns into a giant mass melee that moves into the Charmed Woods of Silvanesti. Eventually all forces are destroyed by each other but not before a massive bonfire is started in the forest eventually consuming the entire charmed woods. The Thon-Thalas river at the south of the woods and the residents at Tarithnesti are able to stop the fire from proceeding further south. AC-0439: Attack of the Bloody Condor: Eventually word of the burned woods reaches the ears of the elves and they send scouts to confirm it. This event causes a huge political support movement of the Cult of the Bloody Condor who insist that an attack must be made to try and regain their home. Gilthas refuses to send a contingent of troops without more information. The Cult decides to send its own attack force. Over two thousand silvanesti elves from griffon riders, to kirath, even house servants move to make the attack. It ends in utter failure. Having to cross the Plains of Dust the minotaur have plenty of warning of the approaching force and are able to muster a force more than capable of defending its new borders. This attack and the burning of the charmed woods, brings to light the need for a strong defense, so the emperor orders the construction of a great wall completely surrounding the forests of Silvanesti. AC-0440: New magic-users appear: New types of arcanists start appearing out of the desolation from hexblades and spellthieves to warlocks and dragon shaman. Some are actually spellcasters while others have a natural tendency for magic without the form of spells. The Knights of Darkhaven (Knights of Neraka based in the Desolation) discover these people and attempt to co-opt them into the knighthood, some join while others refuse. The darkhaven knights hatch a scheme to try and remove the orders of sorcery from krynn and begin spreading word of these new mages throughout the lands of Ansalon by the use of Bards, Sages and other story tellers. AC-0441: Coalition of Abanasinia created: The legion of steel negotiates with the leaders of the different peoples of Abanasinia in an effort to create a central defense should the nation ever be invaded. Palin Majere and Gerard uth Mondar of Solace and Tarn Bellowgranite of Klanath are all strong voices advocating the alliance. AC-0443: Coryn Slain by Sorcerers: After numerous reports find their way to the conclave about the new mages the conclave sends representatives to investigate. The representatives coordinate a meeting between various factions of these new arcanists but some representatives, those in league with the knights of Darkhaven, insist that they will only meet with the leading member of one of the orders in the valley of crystal shards. Fearing a trap but deciding they need to know what magic fuels these new mages the conclave agrees and Coryn volunteers to lead a contingent of seven wizards, two from each order and herself to the meeting. The group is attacked in the valley by dark knights and others, Coryn is slain. Only Mathis the red robe survives long enough to report back to the conclave. Ta’nesmah of the elves assumes the leadership of the white robes. AC-0444: Ergoth Capital moved to Daltigoth: The Emperor moves the capital back to Dalitgoth. AC-0445: Tower of the Blood Sea attacked: The Knights of Darkhaven attack the tower of the Blood sea. They use illusions taking the form of known bards of Ansalon, as well as enchanted Bards and song magic in their attack. When they finally retreat, they teleport the freshly slain bodies of the disguised bards into the tower. This starts a war between the orders of magic, bards and other mages. The Dark Knights attempt to be seen as the saviors of the enemies of the orders. Soercerers, bards and other magic user-s are granted asylum and protection by Ergoth, provided they help to try and restore the land. Many flee to Ergoth. The dark knights seeing their potential recruits attempting to seclude themselves from the war attack the town of Varvil where many of the refugees are staying. Again they attempt to deceive their enemies, this time into believing that they are the orders of high sorcery and they obliterate the entire town. The disillusioned dark knight Clayton de Lagons informs the orders of the dark knights plan in an attempt to stop the war. The gods of magic realizing that sorcery is here to stay and that more conflict would be potentially hazardous to the continued existence of the orders, command the wizards of high sorcery to make peace and learn to work with the rediscovered magic, but to keep a close eye on it. It is at this time that the gods realize that propaganda and deception can be just as devastating to the orders as sorcery. They order the conclave to beginning recruiting members for a clerical branch of the order who will go to the lands and attempt to improve on the image of the orders to the people. In acruel twist of fate, the thorn Knights find themselves attacked from the very arcanists they were attempting to recruit. The thorn Knights flee to Storm’s keep and defend the tower from all further attacks. AC-0446: Gods realign themselves: Due to the repercussions of the arcane civil war Branchala informs Gilean of his desire to join the gods of grey. Gilean insisting on maintaining the balance speaks to the other deities of grey to see if any have a desire to join the gods of light, Reorx wishing to see the dwarves return to the world agrees to switch place with Branchala. AC-0448: Golgren razes Khuri-Khan: In another attempt to unite the ogre kingdoms Golgren again invades Khur, this time deciding that he would rather destroy the Khur rather than subjugate them. So instead of trying to take the city of Khuri-Khan intact he moves to destroy it. The Khur realizing that this attack will not be a siege evacuate the resident while the city is under attack, less than half make it out alive. The city is reduced to rubble by the rampaging ogres. Khan Sahim was overthrown by the Weya-Lu clan who advocated a return to the desert and leaving the cities altogether. Not all agree with the new Khan especially Kasimir di Lyre ruler of Delphon. AC-0450: Ogre kingdoms united: The razing of Khuri-khan was the very thing that finally allows Golgren to officially unite Kenr and Blode into a new unified ogre kingdom named Blodecairn. AC-0453: Maldred’s quest: Golgren obsessed with restoring the civilization of the ancient ogres and looking for a permanent solution to the ritual of the ogre titans, recruits Maldred, the son of Donnag former chieftain of Blode to look for clues to restore the ogre titans to their previous form without losing what they gained. Maldred hating what his father had become and seeing him subjected to another’s will accepts the task. He travels far and wide looking for clues, visiting the great library of Palanthas, contacting the legion of steel in Abanasinia, even infiltrating the various outposts of skull knights. Golgren believing that magic may be the answer he scours the ogre kingdom for any records of magic in ancient times. AC-0460: Schallsea builds Bardic college: Citadel of Light finishes construction on the bardic college. AC-0467: Ergoth allies with Abanasinia: Ergoth negotiates with Abanasania for trade, the emperor also grants the legion of steel to act as mediators in disputes between the people and the government. The emperor hopes this will create better cooperation between Ergoth and other nations. AC-0478: Heart of the Irda found: Maldred visits the Bardic college on Schallsea island where he receives a vision of the Heart of the Irda from Mishakel instructing him to travel the Irda tree and recover the stone. Maldred is able to retrieve the stone from the woods and returns to Kernen where Golgren awaits him. Although they now have the stone they are not sure of the ritual needed. AC-0482: Legion Compound in North Keep: With support from the Abanasanian coalition the Legion of Steel builds the great fortress North Keep along the northern shore of the nation. AC-0489: Dalamar leads conclave: Jenna, the leader of the conclave dies from old age, Dalamar assumes control of the conclave. Surprisingly very few black robes are present for the decision. Banla of Hillfal assumes control over the red robes. AC-0492: Mohrlex slain: The draconians move to slay the great dragon Mohrlex. Governor Kang believes this will help broker peace between Teyr and Nordmaar, he is right. The nations share the treasure from the dragon’s horde after it is slain. After seeing Mohrlex slain and wishing to avoid a similar fate, the green dragon Lorrinar brokers a non-agression pact with Nordmaar and Teyr. AC-0498: Sahket jungle cleared: The draconians of Teyr and the horsemen of Nordmaar systematically remove all goblin tribes from the sahket jungle, clear out the ogres that remain in the Astivar mountains and chase the lizardfolk from the great moor. AC-0502: High thane disappears: After a cave-in kills his son and numerous requests that an expedition be sent to scout Thorbardin, Tarn Bellowgranite finally relents. Tarn assembles a task force of one hundred dwarves to scout the tunnels used by the red dragonarmy during the war of the lance to determine the situation inside Thorbardin. Tarn leads the force himself leaving (gotta find the name in Dark Thane) in charge. AC-0504: Minotaur wall constructed: Ambeon finally completes its great wall and stations Minotaur warrior at various outposts along its borders. AC-0506: Ogres become Abaqua: After thirty years Golgren and Maldred finally complete the puzzle needed to enact the ritual to restore the ogres to their former beauty. The ritual restores over ninety percent of all ogres on Ansalon to their previous form, with only those with a strong will who resist or those beyond the range remaining the brutes known to the world. Golgren also uses records of ancient magic to enforce his armies and to create a newfound sense of nationalism amongst the renamed Abaqua race. Using what records he can find Golgren attempts to change the cultural and architectural look of the Abaqua race trying to bring them more in line with that of their ancestors. AC-0513: Minotaur change capitals: The Emperor moves the capital of the Minotaur nation from Lacynos to Sargasanti and launches a renewed invasion against the Khur. Remembering the forces brought to bear from General Dogah before the minotaur assault and destroy the town of Pashin to ensure nobody comes from behind. The minotaur reach the city of Ak-Khurman and find it deserted. As they move from Ak-Khurman to Delphon however they are attacked numerous times by hit and run attacks by the Khur. When the Minotaur finally reach Delphon, they are easily defeated by the city and the outlying attackers who just attack and then fade into the desert. AC-0525: Blodecairn Attacks Khur: Golgren seeking to prove his changes to the Abaqua nation moves to attack the Khur again. He attacks Kortal and razes Alek-Khan to the ground opening up a corridor between his two forces. He then marches on Delphon and again razes the city to the ground, but not before they can evacuate the city. Golgren moves his forces back to Kortal but along he is continuously attacked by hit and hit assaults by the Khur, he arrives with less than half of his original invasion force. AC-0540: Dark Knights invade Teyr: The knights of Neraka move to annex the tiny nation of Teyr. The draconians fight to maintain their independence with their allies the Nordmen, the legion of Steel and Banmla of Hillfal the leader of the red robes. The Knights of Neraka caught by complete surprise at the aid the Draconians have been able to call upon and are sent packing, unfortunately Banla is killed in the fighting, Lady Caralyssa of Castle Crimson assumes the leadership of the red robes. The draconians look into options for the best way to prevent or halt such an invasion should it ever happen again and decide to build a wall from Hangman harbor to the Astivar mountains. AC-0543: Draconians build wall: The draconians complete construction on their great wall. AC-0544: Gods realign themselves: Shinare finally make the move to join the Gods of light, unfortunately this also drives Sirrion insane as he believes that she is joining the gods of light to be with Kiri-Jolith. Sirrion retreats inside himself and random flash-fires appear all across Krynn and rage out of control for short periods until they burn themselves out. Sirrion finally reappears newly reformed as the dark goddess Furiyale, deity of fire and betrayal. AC-0545: War College built in Palanthas: As part of a program to raise revenue for the nation a college in built in Palanthas to teach the basics of military warfare. Ground combat including infantry, the use of the pike and archery are all taught here. While the knighthood is charged with leading the defense of the nation having a well trained army is essential as well. The different provinces sponsor tuition for prospective students. The training is open to all others but there is a strict screening process to weed out potential spies and dark knights. AC-0550: War College built in High Clerist Tower: A second war college in built in the High Clerist, unlike the first war college this school is for the training of artillery and siege tactics only. AC-0555: War College built in Solanthus: A third war college in built in the great city of Solanthus that is dedicated to teaching cavalry tactics. AC-0560: War College built in Sanction: A fourth War college is built in Sanction to teach naval warfare and blockade tactics. AC-0561: Neraka joins with Ogres: Golgren meets with the leader of the dark knights in Taman Busuk Lord Garl Nemedi to attack the Solamnics in Sanction. Golgren is concerned with the knights of Solamnia attempting to reinforce their position there. AC-0562: Solamnics evicted from Sanction: In a blinding and swift attack by the combined forces of Abaqua and the Dark knights assault the port city and take the knights completely by surprise. The knights are caught off-guard by the Abaqua who at first they mistake for the tarmac brutes despite the fact that the Abaqua were armor and are apparently capable of using magic. Very few knights are able to escape the attack. AC-0565: War College built in Caergoth: Trying to recover from the loss of the war college in Sanction, Solamnia builds it naval warfare college in Caergoth. AC-0570: War college built in Dargaard Keep: With the help of the white robes, the knights destroyed portions of the Spiritborne, a faction of the dark knights, and routed the rest and so returned the land of Nightlund to Solamnia. They restored its former name of Knightlund, and declared Kalaman the provincial capital. In an attempt to remove the taint of Lord Soth the knights restore Dargaard Keep and build a war college there to train young Kingfishers and Clerists in arcane and clerical magic. AC-0600: Blodecairn builds Grand Palace: Golgren builds a grand palace in Kortal and declares it the capital of the Blodecairn nation. AC-0602: Knighthood conquers the desolation: The knights of Darkhaven are able to gain complete control over all of the desolation. AC-0604: Tarmak establish foothold: The tarmac launch an assault on the hot sands of the plains of dust and are able to establish a beachhead. The inhabitants of the land however maintain surveillance of the brutes and raid the stores and supplies occasionally to keep the tarmac from being able to concentrate an attack force large enough to move across the desert. AC-0608: Elves attempt to restore Qualinost: The elves in an attempt to restore something of what they have lost decide to try and bring Qualinost up from the bottom of the lake of death. Gilthas realizes he needs to know what kind of condition the city is in and therefore sends a group of elvin wizards to seek out the sea elves in a plea for help. He secretly hopes that he can also form an alliance with them and possibly reunite all the elvin people. Miraculously the sea elves were already considering sending a delegation to the lands elves for just this very purpose and the crack in the ocean flow has again ruptured. The elves agree to help each other. The crack is investigated and soon resolved, but it is determined that to try and bring up Qualinost at this would be foolish. The city just been down there for too long and would crumble at the effort. It is decided that the elves will attempt to reinforce the buildings of the city magic and raise the city when it is stronger. AC-0618: Elven Assassins sighted in woods: The elves are able to infiltrate Kirath and Wildrunner volunteers to keep an eye on the minotaur nation and to report back information on their operations and positions. AC-0620: Ambeon attacks Khur: The minotaur make another attack on the khur only to find that their grand campaign is fruitless as the inhabitants have all retreated into the desert and cannot be found except when the Khur make hit and run attacks against the minotaur. The Abaqua however keep a close watch on the borders and ferociously attack minotaur intruders. As the minotaur have never encountered the Abaqua before they mistake them for Tarmak brutes and in retaliation attack the beachhead that the tarmac established in the plains of dust. AC-0637: Sea elves populate Qualinost: Using magic the lake of death is cleansed of all undead and pollutants in the water. Sea elves take up residence in some of the buildings and begin the restructuring process in preparation for the raising of the city. The elves know that it may be centuries before they can fully restore the city but they are a patient people. AC-0675: Hylo eliminates goblins: After numerous attempts by Ergoth to use the goblin incursions into Hylo as an excuse to try and annex Hylo, the kinder decide to solve the problem themselves. For the time ever in the history the kinder form a surprisingly well equipped and capable army and invade the southern areas of Northern Ergoth. Over the course of three years the kender systematically seek out and find every single hiding place of the goblins and eliminate them. As a final act by the kender nation they send a representative to Daltigoth asking the emperor if Ergoth wants to become a province of Hylo. AC-0679: Ambeon attack Dimernesti: The minotaur still reeling from their failed attempts to reach the rest of Ansalon decide to sail through the Southern Courrain and try to create another beachhead in Nordmaar. The Dimernesti however have other ideas and raid the shops of the minotaur fleet hindering their efforts. The minotaur decide they must eliminate the sea elves from the Courrain in order to continue their conquests. Using magic the minotaur take many months preparing for the attack creating magic items that allow for the breathing and greater movement in the water. The sea elves are unprepared for an attack by the minotaurs as they are air-breathers and were never expected to retaliate. The city is reduced to rubble and the elves flee to seek aid from Dargonost and the land elves. The minotaur however are unable to hold the city of course but they have a renewed sense of destiny now that they have found an enemy that stands and fights back. AC-0684: Elves assault Ambeon: Attack the assault on Dimernost the elves decide to try and retake the silvanesti from the minotaur. The elven army sets sail and decides to try and land in Mem-thon and move from there. The landing is a bloodbath. The minotaur have been waiting for this very moment knowing that the elves would attempt an assault, they are surprised the elves have banded together with the sea elves as the minotaur believed the elves to arrogant to seek allies for the attack. Despite the combined effort of the elves however the assault is a dismal failure. AC-0721: Ergoth builds War Institute: Ergoth builds an institution, similar to the war colleges of Solamnia, but this facility is a massive fortress just outside Daltigoth that teaches all many of martial tactics from ground combat, to arcane and divine magic. AC-0828: Cinder slain: Cinder, whether from boredom or realizing that his life may be coming to a close, attacks numerous outposts along the draconian wall. The draconians mount an assault and retaliate slaying the great dragon. AC-0879: Pyrothraxus dies: The gnomes of Mount Nevermind are freed from the rule of Pyrothraxus, of course he died of old age and therough no effort of the gnomes themselves. AC-0961: Lorrinar slain: The great green dragon Lorrinar is slain by his mate Eiolut after her eggs hatch. AC-0984: Josepeh uth Matar: A young Skull knight named Joseph uth Matar rises through the ranks of the knighthood. Surprisingly he is cleric of one of the gods. (NOT GONNA TELL YOU WHO BECAUSE THAT IS A DISCOVERY OF THE CAMPAIGN.) Joseph has been instilled with a highly developed sense of honor. He sees it as his mission to unite all the scattered elements of the dark knights and continue the conquest of Ansalon. AC-0985: Gnomes perfect cannons: Using the design from Solamnia’s early attempts at making bombards the gnomes finally perfect the making bombards that are easier to move around and maintain. The gnomes begin work on building ships capable of carrying the bombards to different shores. AC-0986: Alliance brokered with Mt. Nevermind: Ergoth and Solamnia both broker an alliance with Mt. Nevermind for the new bombards. AC-0987: Shipyards built on Enstar & Nostar: Ergoth begins construction on shipyards in Enstar and Nostar. Ships built here will used to transport the elves and their allis in the attempt to retake the silvanesti lands. AC-0988: Reports of Dark Knights: Reports reach back to Solamnia that a strong force has been finding and uniting the different factions of the dark knights. AC-0989: Neraka allies with Blodecairn: Joseph uth Matar brokers an alliance with Blodecairn for the coming invasion of Ansalon. AC-0991: Dark Knights conquer Khur: Using dark magic the dark knights are finally able to conquer the land of Khur. Dark knights move through to link up in Neraka. AC-0990: Solamnia brokers alliance with Hylo: Solamnia negotiates with the kinder nation of Hylo for scouts to investigate the activities of the Dark Knighthood. AC-0992: Eiolut slain: Eiolut attacks Teyr seeking more ground for her offspring to move into. Teyr retaliates by slaying the dragon and then moving into the woods of Lahue to track down and kill her offspring. They are still at least three dragons still in the woods. Lewat, Polut, and Sollun (all LE male young green mature adult). AC-0993: The Great Betrayal: Dark knights move through Estwilde into Solamnia with the Lily Knights sacking Kalaman, the Skull knights attacking Dargaard Keep and the Thorn Knights assaulting the Tower of of Knightlund. Both Tanesmah, leader of the white robes, and Lady Caralyssa leader of the red robes are slain in these battles. (This begins the campaign.) |
#38zombiegleemaxApr 15, 2007 14:27:11 | Some minor adjustments: Great White Wyrm is not about Gellidus. The Orders of High Sorcery were already back by the tieme of Amber and Iron. |
#39darthsylverApr 15, 2007 15:05:27 | Okay, corrections made. What do you think of the timeline overall Trey. Anything you think I should have happen? |
#40cam_banksApr 15, 2007 18:14:09 | Okay, corrections made. Would it help if I told you that the same group of adventurers who slew Gellidus probably also took out Cinder and led to Lorrinar more or less becoming out of the picture? You should check out Price of Courage if you haven't already. Cheers, Cam |
#41darthsylverApr 15, 2007 18:48:07 | I knew I should have picked up that third module. I have the first two, key of destiny and spectre of sorows (haven't full read them though, trying to finish novels). |
#42zombiegleemaxApr 15, 2007 19:09:47 | Get the third module, it is very good. Very good indeed. |
#43darthsylverApr 16, 2007 21:05:32 | Oh I will. So what you think so far? |
#44zombiegleemaxApr 17, 2007 0:00:35 | Wow... thats amazing. Really really good. I wanna play!!! ^_^. But yeah I just picked up the third and first mod for the age of mortals campaign today... so far it is really really good. But there is a story that I will post on that later. ![]() |
#45zombiegleemaxMay 09, 2007 14:53:31 | i think I read somewhere that someone wants to make a fanbased source book on Alien Sea. Is there going to be a second part of this story? |
#46darthsylverMay 09, 2007 20:09:02 | I cannot for the life of me find Price of Courage anywhere at any of my local RPG stores. I think I am going to have to cave and go to the internet. I know it is cheaper online but I like to make my contribution to try and keep gaming stores in business. :D |
#47zombiegleemaxMay 09, 2007 22:26:08 | You might want to buy it from MWP then or from Amazon. |
#48darthsylverMay 09, 2007 23:13:44 | Yeah I know. |
#49zombiegleemaxMay 10, 2007 9:24:02 | Get to it Darth, get to it. |