#2cnahumckMay 02, 2007 15:24:52 | Here is the Epic Spell Progression:
Shadow Transformation Progression Shadow Transformation I Transmutation
Spellcraft DC: 40 Components: V, S, F Casting Time: 1 day Target: Personal Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 360,000 Cp; 8 days; 14,400 XP. Seed: metamorphosis (DC 28), fortify (*), reveal (*), conceal (*), transform (*). Factors: Change type to outsider, native (+40 DC), speak/understand/read any language (+115 DC), ageless (+10 DC), lucent healing (+10 DC) shadow blend (+25 DC), deflection bonus (+30 DC), +1 Dex (+45 DC). Mitigating factors: personal target (-2 DC), preparation time 2 years (-24 DC), increase casting time to 1 day (-22 DC), 5,000,000 cp structure (-50 DC), lunar cycle (double new moon) (ad hoc -75 DC), cast on two planes (ad hoc -50).
When the New Moons rise, you enter a hall filled with shadows and darkness, wisps of dark energy infuse you as you begin to merge with the Black that surrounds you.
This spell begins the shadow shifter transformation. Your type becomes outsider (native); you lose all previous types, and gain all advantages of the new type, you no longer need to breathe, though you may do so if you wish. You no longer can die of old age, and no longer suffers penalties to attributes for aging. You gain the ability to comprehend and speak any language of creatures that he interacts with, per the tongues ability.
The Black begins to enhance and protect you granting a +1 deflection bonus to AC, and a +1 enhancement bonus to Dex. You gain the lucent healing ability which grants fast healing 1 for every metamorphosis stage that you completed when within light as bright as torchlight and fast healing of twice that in sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell. In total darkness, you 1d4 points of damage per round. You also gain the shadow blend ability, which grants you concealment when inside a shadowy area. Artificial illumination, even a light or continual flame spell, does not negate this ability, full daylight or a daylight spell, however, will.
This spell must be cast using shadow magic. Casting this spell requires you to expend your psionic focus and expend 80 power points. If you are unable to expend the 80 power points, the spell immediately fails. The spell must be cast within a specialized focus structure designed specifically for the first shadow transformation spell, costing no less than 5,000,000 Cp. (50,000 gp.) Half of this structure must be constructed within the plane of the Black of pure obsidian, with magical gates that tie the two planes together.
Physically, your shadow taint spreads to cover an additional 25% of your body. Your eyes glow with an inner blue light, and when you breathe, wisps of shadows leave your mouth.
Shadow Transformation II Transmutation
Spellcraft DC: 43 Components: V, S, F Casting Time: 7 minutes Target: Personal Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 387,000 cp; 8 days; 14,580 XP. Seed: metamorphosis (DC 28), fortify (*), afflict (*), compel (*), reveal (*), transform (*). Factors: Deflection bonus (+30 DC), 2 touch attacks (+30 DC), Aura (blindsense, fear (+150 DC), +1 Dex (+45 DC), gain cold subtype (+20 DC), shadow blend (+25 DC), incorporeal (+31 DC), temporary corporeality (+31 DC), change shape (+46 DC). Mitigating factors: personal target (-2 DC), preparation time 2 years (-24 DC), increase casting time to 7 minutes (-14 DC), 5,000,000 cp structure (-50 DC), lunar cycle (lunar eclipse Ral, solar eclipse Guthay) (ad hoc: -100 DC), Ad hoc: Cast on two planes (-50), Sacrifice Ritual Casters of opposite alignment (doubles the DC of the spell slot given, 4 participants giving 6th level spell slots ad hoc: -88 DC).
The Black infuses you even more as tendrils of darkness undo your form. You become a thing of shadow, taken whatever form suits you.
This spell progresses you into the second stage transformation. At this stage, you lose your former self and become a complete being of the Black. The shadow taint spreads to the last of your body and you finally embrace your new nature, granting you the cold and incorporeal subtypes. You can become temporarily corporeal as a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. When becoming corporeal your deflection bonus becomes a natural armor bonus. At this point, you also gain the ability to use your shadowy nature to assume any form you wish as a full round action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. This ability is exactly like the change shape ability but you cannot alter your coloration from the essence of the Black and you become corporeal in any form that is not naturally incorporeal. You may change shape as often as you desire with each change taking a full round, but does not provoke an attack of opportunity. While changing form you may decrease your size down to diminutive, or increase your size by one category. At this point, you no longer need to use verbal or material components for spells as if you had the Ignore Material Components feat, nor are you prevented from casting spells or manifesting powers if your form would not normally allow you to do so.
The Black continues to enhance and protect you, granting a +1 deflection bonus to AC, a +1 enhancement bonus to Dex. You gain two touch attacks that inflict damage as a claw of the same size would. These touch attacks are treated as your primary weapon. You gain a special chilling aura that is always active, but may lower it at will as a free action. At the end of each creature’s turn, creatures within 40 ft. of you must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your arcane caster level + your Cha modifier) or become fatigued from the cold. A successful save negates the effect. A fatigued creature that fails its save becomes exhausted. A creature must attempt this saving throw each round it is within range, whether or not it has succeeded on an earlier save. A creature that has resistance or immunity to cold is immune to this effect, as is a creature that is not subject to the effects of extreme cold conditions. The fatigued and exhausted conditions end 1 minute after leaving the aura’s area of effect. The save DC is Charisma-based. The aura brings out creatures worst fears. Creatures within the radius of your aura are subject to the effect if they have fewer HD than you. A potentially affected creature that succeeds on its Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your arcane caster level + your Cha modifier) remains immune to the fear affects of your aura for 24 hours. On a failure, creatures with 4 or less HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds. Your shadow blend ability now grants total concealment. Your understanding of the Black also increases your perceptions. This awareness extends through the shadows around you. In conditions other than total darkness, you gain the blindsight abilities within the range of your chilling aura.
This spell may only be cast after the shadow transformation I spell has been cast, you must be of the outsider type, and the spell may only be cast using the shadow magic class ability. Casting this spell requires you to expend your psionic focus and expend 86 power points. If you are unable to expend the 86 power points, the spell immediately fails. The spell must be cast within a specialized focus structure designed specifically for the shadow transformation spell, costing no less than 5,000,000 cp. (50,000 gp.) Half of this structure must be constructed within the plane of the Black of pure obsidian, with magical gates that tie the two planes together. The ritual casters for this spell must be of opposing alignments and must be captured in small obsidian orbs specially prepared for this spell for use with the magic jar spell. These obsidian orbs must cost 200 gp each and are not included in the development or focus structure costs of this spell. During the casting process they are released from the orbs and compelled to take part in the casting and give their spell slots. At the conclusion of the casting, you return to Athas and the must destroy the orbs that contain the ritual casters and slay the casters as well.
Physically, your shadow taint spreads to cover all of your body. Your overall shape appears to blur, with wisps of shadow flowing into and out of your body. You are now a thing of shadow and darkness.
Shadow Transformation III Transmutation Spellcraft DC: 45 Components: V, S, F Casting Time: 7 minutes Target: Personal Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 405,000 cp; 9 days; 161,200 XP. Seed: metamorphosis (DC 28), fortify (*), transform (*), afflict (*). Factors: +1 Dex (+45 DC), flight (+60 DC), Deflection bonus (+30 DC), alter size (one size larger, standard action +41 DC), DR increase (+11 DC), SR/PR 11+HD (+135 DC), Aura (2 ability damage (-5), loss of sight and touch 80 ft radius, +76 DC). Mitigating factors: personal target (-2 DC), preparation time 3 years (-36 DC), increase casting time to 7 minutes day (-14 DC), 7,500,000 cp structure (-75 DC), Ad hoc: lunar cycle (lunar eclipse Guthay, solar eclipse Ral) (-100 DC), Ad hoc: Cast on two planes (-50 DC), Ad hoc: Sacrifice Ritual Casters of opposite alignment (doubles the DC of the spell slot given, 4 participants giving 7th level spell slots -104).
The darkness of the Black pours into your soul, merging even more with your essence. The energy of the Black bleeds through to Athas, and creatures nearby flee in terror.
This spell continues your transition into the third stage of the shadow shifter transformation.
The Black continues to enhance and protect you, granting a +1 deflection bonus to AC, a +1 enhancement bonus to Dex. Your ability to change shape increase, and now take a standard action, rather than a full round action. You may also increase your size one category larger than before, so if you are a Medium creature, you may become Huge in one round, rather than large. Your damage reduction increases to 15/epic and fire. The Black also absorbs harmful energies directed at you granting you a SR/PR equal to your HD +11.
At this point, your chilling aura increases in radius to 80 ft. In addition to its existing properties, the aura also causes temporary ability damage and impairs the senses of those within the aura. Those who fail a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Cha modifier) loose 5 points of Str and 5 points of Dex due to the extreme cold. In addition, the victims suffer blindness and loss of touch from the numbing darkness. These effects stack with those already granted to the shifter at previous levels. A creature must attempt this saving throw each round it is within range, whether or not it has succeeded on an earlier save. A creature that has resistance or immunity to cold is immune to this effect, as is a creature that is not subject to the effects of extreme cold conditions. The all conditions and temporary damage end 1 minute after leaving the aura’s area of effect. The save DC is Charisma-based. Finally, you gain the ability to fly at a rate of 60 (perfect maneuverability).
This spell may only be cast after the shadow transformation II spell has been cast, you must be of the outsider type, and the spell may only be cast using the shadow shifter magic class ability. Casting this spell requires you to expend your psionic focus and expend 90 power points. If you are unable to expend the 90 power points, the spell immediately fails. The spell must be cast within a specialized focus structure designed specifically for the shadow transformation spell, costing no less than 7,500,000 cp. (75,000 gp.). This may be a new structure or improvements may be made to the older structure to bring it in line with the needs of this spell. Half of this structure must be constructed within the plane of the Black of pure obsidian, with magical gates that tie the two planes together. The ritual casters for this spell must be of opposing alignments and must be captured in small obsidian orbs specially prepared for this spell for use with the magic jar spell. These obsidian orbs must cost 200 gp each and are not included in the development or focus structure costs of this spell. During the casting process they are released from the orbs and compelled to take part in the casting and give their spell slots. At the conclusion of the casting, you return to Athas and the must destroy the orbs that contain the ritual casters and slay the casters.
At the point, you are a walking three-dimensional shadow, and form no longer matters. You can take whatever form you please. When becoming corporeal, your color remains the same, that of deep dark shadow.
Shadow Transformation IV Transmutation
Spellcraft DC: 47 Components: V, S, F Casting Time: minutes Target: Personal Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 423,000 cp; 9 days; 16,920 XP. Seed: metamorphosis (DC 28), fortify (*), transform (*), transport (*). Factors: Deflection bonus (+30 DC), +1 Dex (+45 DC), Change shape/alter size (3 sizes larger, move action +51 DC), true sight (+95 DC) shadow slide (dimensional slide at will) (+135 DC). Mitigating factors: personal target (-2 DC), preparation time 3 years (-36 DC), increase casting time to 7 minutes (-14 DC), 7,500,000 cp structure (-75 DC), Ad hoc: lunar cycle (double lunar eclipse) (-100 DC), Ad hoc: Cast on two planes (-50 DC), Ad hoc: Sacrifice Ritual Casters of opposite alignment (doubles the DC of the spell slot given, 2 participants giving 8th level spell slots -60).
Shadow and Form become one within you, and you relish your newfound power and abilities, sliding from shadow to shadow, taking a new form with each slide.
This spell transforms you into the fourth stage of the shadow shifter progression.
The Black continues to enhance and protect you, granting a +1 deflection bonus to AC, a +1 enhancement bonus to Dex. Your chilling aura grants you additional benefits. At this point, you gain true sight within the radius of you aura. At this stage, you can speed up the time it takes to change forms and size. Changing sizes and forms is now a move equivalent action, and you may assume a size up to three times as large as your normal size, so a medium sized creature would be able to become gargantuan in one round. Finally, you gain the ability to move from shadow to shadow, gaining the shadow slide ability. This works just like the shadow jump psionic power (See DS Core Rules pg XXX) useable at will and augmented for your character level first for the move equivalent action then additional creatures.
This spell may only be cast after the shadow transformation III spell has been cast, you must be of the outsider type, and the spell may only be cast using the shadow shifter magic class ability. Casting this spell requires you to expend your psionic focus and expend 94 power points. If you are unable to expend the 94 power points, the spell immediately fails. The spell must be cast within a specialized focus structure designed specifically for the first shadow transformation spell, costing no less than 7,500,000 cp. (75,000 gp.) This may be a new structure or improvements may be made to the older structure to bring it in line with the needs of this spell. Half of this structure must be constructed within the plane of the Black of pure obsidian, with magical gates that tie the two planes together. The ritual casters for this spell must be of opposing alignments and must be captured in small obsidian orbs specially prepared for this spell for use with the magic jar spell. These obsidian orbs must cost 200 gp each and are not included in the development or focus structure costs of this spell. During the casting process they are released from the orbs and compelled to take part in the casting and give their spell slots. At the conclusion of the casting, must destroy the orbs that contain the ritual casters and slay the casters.
At this point, you become darker and more menacing as you take on more and more of the plane that you are merging with.
Shadow Transformation V Transmutation
Spellcraft DC: 48 Components: V, S, F Casting Time: 1 minute Target: Personal Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 432,000cp; 9 days; 17,280 XP. Seed: metamorphosis (DC 28), fortify (*), transform (*), afflict (*). Factors: Deflection bonus (+30 DC), +1 Dex (+45 DC), +2 Cha (+90 DC), DR increase (+37 DC), aura (dispel harmful magic (+20 to check) negate 1st-3rd level spells, 120 ft rd +106 DC), change shape/alter size (four sizes larger, immediate action +55 DC). Mitigating factors: personal target (-2 DC), preparation time 2 years (-24 DC), 10,000,000 cp structure (-100 DC), Ad hoc: lunar cycle (double solar eclipse) (-100 DC), Ad hoc: Cast on two planes (-50 DC), Ad hoc: Sacrifice ritual casters of opposite alignment (doubles the DC of the spell slot given, 2 participants giving 9th level spell slots -67)
You place your essence within a perfectly crafted obsidian orb, like an egg waiting to hatch. When it does, your transformation will be complete.
This spell transforms an arcane caster into the final stage of the shadow shifter.
The Black continues to enhance and protect you, granting a +1 deflection bonus to AC, a +1 enhancement bonus to Dex and a +2 enhancement bonus to Cha. Your DR increases to 15/epic. Once again, you can speed up the time it takes to change forms and size. Changing sizes and forms is now an immediate action, and you may assume a size up to four times as large as your normal size, so a medium sized creature would be able to become colossal in one round.
Your chilling aura increases in power and size increasing to 120 ft. in radius. In addition to all other abilities, the aura also gains the ability to dispel harmful magic cast at you with a +20 bonus to the dispel check. Furthermore, you become immune to spells of third level or lower that are cast at you. Finally, you no longer suffer penalties when in total darkness and are always considered to be in total sunlight.
This spell may only be cast after the shadow transformation IV spell has been cast, you must be of the outsider type, and the spell may only be cast using the shadow magic class ability. Casting this spell requires you to expend your psionic focus and expend 96 power points. If you are unable to expend the 96 power points, the spell immediately fails. The spell must be cast within a specialized focus structure designed specifically for the first shadow transformation spell, costing no less than 10,000,000 cp. (100,000 gp.) This may be a new structure or improvements may be made to the older structure to bring it in line with the needs of this spell. The improvement to this structure is actually a sphere of perfect obsidian, one foot in diameter for every character level you have. This obsidian sphere must be constructed within the plane of the Black but must also reside on Athas, being in both planes at once. The ritual casters for this spell must be of opposing alignments and must be captured in small obsidian orbs specially prepared for this spell for use with the magic jar spell. These obsidian orbs must cost 200 gp each and are not included in the development or focus structure costs of this spell. During the casting process, they are released from the orbs and compelled to take part in the casting and give their spell slots. At the conclusion of the casting, you must destroy the orbs that contain the ritual casters and slay the casters. You reside in the specially constructed orb for 2d6 months. The orb has a hardness of 50, a break DC of 50 and has as many hit points as you do. When this period of time ends, your transformation is complete and the orb crumbles to dust.
At this point, you appear as a thing of absolute darkness.
#12cnahumckMay 04, 2007 12:58:30 | Here are some of my comments - even though I did help out with some of this, I still have some issues 
The cost for the transformation seems strange. Do you have to make a whole new structure each time you cast this spell, or can you use the same structure each time, making additions to it as needed? If it can be reused, it should be stated in the spells. So this whole process either costs 2,007,000 (development) + 12,500,000 (structure[s]) + 240,000 (obsidian egg things) = 14,747,000 Cp or it cost 2,007,000 (development) + 21,500,000 (structure[s]) + 240,000 (obsidian egg things) = 23,747,000 Cp - there is a big swing in price 
Thought that I had fixed that, but I guess I need to be clearer in the written section. The structure is reusable, and can be upgraded for later stages
The DC for altering the SS's size by upto 4 catagories as an immediate action seems really low - The size increase for the dragon is +95 DC and that is only for one size catagory, but you are telling me that these guys can become larger than a dragon (with all the size mods included) anytime they want as an immediate action, for a meesly increase to the DC of +55 (a total of +193 for all the change shape steps and speed of change differences). So a 10th stage dragon is permanently gargantuian at the cost of +95 per size increase (total of +285), but a shadow shifer can become colossal as in immediate action for only a total cost of +193? That just seems wrong to me. On top of that, they no longer need material components when casting spells?
Hmm... I will have to look at this then.
As for the aura that dispels magic - why? What is it about the Black that makes them immune to 3rd level and lower spells?
It is as if the Black swallows up those spells, and protects them. I thought it had some cool visuals, but I had no "it must be thus and so" attachment to it, just tried to make sense of what the aura would do.
For the "spellcasting participants" I fail to see how these poor sods can contribute a spell slot to an epic spell while trapped in those obsidian spheres.
they are released from the orbs, compelled to cast participate, and then slain, with the orbs the were in being destroyed. I may need to rewrite this to make it clearer.
Numbing Touch of Darkness - how is this "replacing energy with the Black - it is only adding to the damage. IMO it would be better if you went the route of making 1/2 of the damage the normal spell effect energy, and the other half Black energy - that way is someone is immune to fire, they still take half the damage - kind of like flamestrike with half of the energy be divine and the other half being fire.
I may add that and make it both true. Make all spells half cold and half planar energy, but still give the +1.
Drawing the Darkness - I agree with Sysane - this is pretty broken. If I cast a 9th level spell - they get ripped into the Black, suffer the normal spell effect, take on average 148 hp in damage from being in the Black, and also have to make 9 DC 25 Fort saves or loose upto 9 points of strength and become slowed! Wow...
Responded to this above.
And why would creatures already in the Black and native to the Black get kicked into the Prime Material Plane of Athas?
I do not agree with Sysane in how to fix this ability though - I would maybe just replace it with something like the Shadow Giants breath attack.
I might, I will have to look at it to see whether or not I like the breath weapon (though I don't like it a whole lot right now.)
Creatures native to the Black would be cast into the Prime because it is a major breach in the fabric of the two planes. Think of it like a Gate spell, but without the protective features of the spell.
And why is there only 5 stages - it seems like you have all of these abilities crammed into each stage, but then you have really high mitigating factors and ad hoc things that seem a bit high to reduce the cost. Over all - I think these guys look to be just as powerful as a dragon, and that seems strange to me.
Hahaha. Funny.
And he name is lame too - it should be something cool...like Shadow Titan! Now that would be sweet!
Well, an individual shadow shifter could call himself the shadow titan. Maybe drop his first name because of shame and just take the moniker "Terbor the Shadow Titan" to hide his original identity...:P
Regardless, thanks for the reply |