Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1darthsylverJun 01, 2007 23:14:05 | As a few people have expressed interest in the campaign I am developing, I will put new developments here in this thread. So far the three chapters I have completed for the campaign so far are the timeline, the deities, and the geography. |
#2darthsylverJun 01, 2007 23:14:43 | Timeline AC-0419: The great storm: The war of Souls is fought. The gods return and Takhisis and Paladine are made mortal. AC-0422: Wizard’s Conclave: The orders of high sorcery are reconstituted when the tower of wayreth is placed at risk by a crazed sorcerer. AC-0422: Amber and Ashes: Mina becomes a follower of Chemosh as well as his lover. As she moves through the lands she makes creatures known as the beloved of Chemosh. AC-0422: Amber and Iron: Mina becomes a captive of Nuitari and eventually escapes from the underwater tower of the blood sea. Mina raises the tower of Istar from the Blood sea. For the first time in the history of Krynn the gods of magic show signs of splintering for Nuitari had restored the tower of Istar and keep its restoration a secret from Lunitari and Solinari. AC-0422: A new god ascends: Mina learns that she is the daughter of the gods and discovers the immortal spark within herself and ascends to join the other gods of the pantheon, as a result and in part as a punishment for his inaction Majere is asked to join the gods of neutrality as his actions are more in line with their beliefs and religions. AC-0422: Dark Thane: King Tarn Bellowgranite finds the Hammer of Kharas but is overthrown when his child’s life is held hostage by rebellious factions within his realm. AC-0423: Claren Elian hidden: When Majere assumes his new place as a god of grey the islands of the Claren Elian become shrouded by a cloud of mist that is causes all who enter to become hopelessly lost unless they have been invited by the monks of the islands. There is also a mass migration of monks and clerics of Majere who now flock to the island. AC-0424: Pax Tharkas expands: Tarn Bellowgranite orders the restoration of the ruins of Klanath as this will be the new home for the displaced dwarves from Thorbardin. AC-0425: Lord of the Rose: Renegade knight and outlaw Jaymes markham clears his name and rallys the Knights of Solmania to resist the invasion of the half-giant Ankhar and his ogre horde. AC-0426: Sanctuary: The displaced elves residing in Khur begin a search for a secret valley in the hills of the mountains in order to begin a new home. AC-0426: Alliances: After finding herself magically teleported to Qualinesti, Kerianseray begins to resist the bandits and dark knights of the area. In her struggle she joins with Porthios and Alhana Starbreeze and seeks out new griffons to add to the struggle. After receiving a vision a group of elves flies to the rescue of Gilthas and the elves being pursued by the Khur. Porthios pits his pain against that of the Khur leader and the elves soon depart for the valley, only to be magically transported to Qualinesti. AC-0427: Gellidus is slain: Gellidus is slain by a group of adventurers AC-0427: The great White Wyrm: A band of elves known as Dragonsbane help hunt down the great dragon as the Great White Wyrm and attempt to slay the beast in the mountains of the three moons in ICereach. AC-0427: Ogres attack elves in foothills: The Ogre Titans seeking a way to get out from under the rule of Golgren sent an ambush party to assault the stragglers of the elven group to try and capture any remaining elves in the hidden valley. The Khur returning from their assault on the elves seeing ogres in their lands attack the ambush party, only a few ogres survive. Upon realizing the reason for the ogre invaders, the Khur slaughter the few remaining elves. AC-0427: Neraka assaults Khur: The Dark Knights realizing that their political play had failed to convince the government of Khur to form an alliance decide to force the issue instead and invade. The Khur rally and defend their borders, but the Khur tribe lose leadership of the Khanate. The Hachakee tribe assumes leadership of the Khur people and rally the other tribes to evict the dark knights from their land. AC-0427: The Crown and the Sword: Lord Marshall Jaymes Markham leads the Solamnic forces in their effort to resist the invasion of Ankhar and his horde. In order to increase his fighting fore and financial resources, he uses magic from Coryn the White to charm Selinda du Chayne into marrying him and then he takes the Palanthian freemen to join the war effort eventually running Ankhar from the country. AC-0428: Ergoth assaults Daltigoth: Ergoth enters into negotiations with Emperor Jaymes Markham requesting aid for his struggle to return the lands of Southern Ergoth and especially the city of Daltigoth to the Ergothian empire. Emperor Markham demands a high price for this assistance, all lands west of Foghaven Vale and Castle Eastwatch which he names Dracore. The Ergothian Emperor agrees to the deal with Solamnia. At the same time Ergoth negotiates with the elves of Southern Ergoth to attack Daltigoth. Having heard of the deal between Ergoth and Solmnia the elves demand the same price, all lands west of the Last Gaard Mountains and south of Foghaven Vale, Ergoth has little choice as they control nothing of Southern Ergoth at this time, the elves name the area Koehlasses. The combined forces assault and destroy almost all ogres from the land, allowing any surviving ogres to board ships and set sail for other lands. Most sail for the lands of Icereach but some make for Kern, Blode or other lands. AC-0428: Thoradin sells swords to Khur: The Khur use pilfered treasure from the elves to buy steel from the dwarves of Thoradin. AC-0429: Elves attack Samuval: The elves move to assault Capt. Samuval’s fortress. The outnumbered elves are ultimately successful as they are fighting for their homeland, the only one they have left. Cpt Samuval however is able to make his escape and links up with Dark Knight forces in Alsip and works to reconsolidate his forces to try and retake the elven lands. AC-0429: The Measure and the Truth: Ankhar and other forces are able to take the High Clerist’s Tower. Emperor Marham is able to retake the tower and to finally destroy Ankhar and the forces supporting him. THe emperor realizing what a dictator he had becomes removes the restrictive laws he had implemented and moves to create a more just and fair government than the one he had been instituting. Emperor Markham forms an alliance with Speaker Gilthas to assist the elves in their efforts to remove the dark knights from Kharolis and Tarsis with the explicit understanding that neither government will move to control the liberated lands except at the people’s request. AC-0430: Knights of Neraka evicted from Kharolis and Tarsis: The elves move quickly to forestall any counter attack by Capt Samuval and move to rout the dark knights from Kharolis and Tarsis. Capt. Samuval leads the forces of Dark knights and meets the elves at Windkeep where he is defeated in the late spring and forced to withdraw to Alsip. Solamnic forces use the Windsnow river to meet the elves at Windkeep and the army marches on Alsip where they besiege the city for three months before Capt. Samuval makes his breakout attempt and flees to Tarsis. Solamnic knights pursue him all the way to Banfaire where he loses his pursuers in the woods. Attempting to cut him off the elves set sail and land in Rigitt and ride north to the city of Tarsis. Having been through one siege already Samuval decides to flee and link up with General Dogah in Pashin and makes the rigorous journey through the Plains of Dust. After Samuval’s defeat, the elves have little trouble removing the knights from the Onyx Hall fortress, these knights set sail and head to Haligoth and finally Neraka. AC-0431: Blode attacks Khur: Golgren attempting to unite the two ogre kingdoms attacks Khur to demonstrate his superior power to other ogres. The ogres are unused to fighting amongst the rolling sands of the desert and are hindered at every turn but make steady progress in routing the Khur from the desert and into the cities. The cities however are more than suited to withstand long sieges from attacking forces, Golgren wanting to take Khuri-Khan relatively intake is forced to camp in the blistering heat and sand. AC-0432: Thoradin moves to assist Khur: The dwarves of Thoradin hoping to cement their deal with the Khur for trade and the purchase of steel move to assist the Khur break the ogre siege. After months of little to no action the ogres relish the thought of renewed fighting against a foe they can attack easily in the sands. Almost all of the attacking dwarves are slaughtered by the ogres. AC-0433: Golgren besieges Thoradin: Golgren moves his army to assault the dwarven Kingdom of Thoradin and besieges the city. Unlike the siege of Khuri-Khan the environment of the mountains actually supports the ogres’ resolve as it is easier to find food and water and have new weapons and supplies delivered in the mountains than in the desert. AC-0434: Solamnia regains former lands: Emperor Marhkam decides to forestall any further assaults by the ogre and goblin tribes of Lemish and moves to annex the former province. He moves his forces into the area and routs all remaining members of Ankhar’s horde and then meet with the Lady of Lathe and negotiates the peaceful return of Lemish to Solamnia. Throtyl and Qwermish are eventually restored as well. AC-0435: Ambeon scouts new lands: Trying to discover the best way to assault the rest of Ansalon the emperor sends forces into the great swamp, the plains of dust, Blode and Khur. Finding Blode having forces already mustered due to the siege of Thoradin and the other two lands an unsound choice for the movement of land forces, the emperor decides to move through Khur and begins preparations for a renewed attack on the land. It is hoped that Khur is still recovering from attack by the ogres, and therefore a short campaign. AC-0436: Thoradin forms truce with Blode: After two years of siege, far longer that the dwarves believed possible, the dwarves finally relent to the forces of Golgren and broker a peace between the two nations. Golgren uses this as his justification for the uniting of the two ogre lands. AC-0437: Ambeon invades Khur: The minotaur send an advance party in early spring and at first are very successful at routing the desert tribes until they attempt to attack the city of Ak-Khurman. Unknown to the minotaur the legion of steel had a full cohort of troops stationed there to support Kanji Mikku, ruler of the city and they counter-attack the minotaur. General Dogah gets word that the Legion has put troops on the field of battle so close to his own base of power and moves to eradicate the legion. The fleeing Minotaur not sure what to make of the new force now behind them, attack the dark knights. When the legion catches up to the minotaur and dark knights they are attacked by both forces and the battle turns into a giant mass melee that moves into the Charmed Woods of Silvanesti. Eventually all forces are destroyed by each other but not before a massive bonfire is started in the forest eventually consuming the entire charmed woods. The Thon-Thalas river at the south of the woods and the residents at Tarithnesti are able to stop the fire from proceeding further south. AC-0439: Attack of the Bloody Condor: Eventually word of the burned woods reaches the ears of the elves and they send scouts to confirm it. This event causes a huge political support movement of the Cult of the Bloody Condor who insist that an attack must be made to try and regain their home. Gilthas refuses to send a contingent of troops without more information. The Cult decides to send its own attack force. Over two thousand silvanesti elves from griffon riders, to kirath, even house servants move to make the attack. It ends in utter failure. Having to cross the Plains of Dust the minotaur have plenty of warning of the approaching force and are able to muster a force more than capable of defending its new borders. This attack and the burning of the charmed woods, brings to light the need for a strong defense, so the emperor orders the construction of a great wall completely surrounding the forests of Silvanesti. AC-0440: New magic-users appear: New types of arcanists start appearing out of the desolation from hexblades and spellthieves to warlocks and dragon shaman. Some are actually spellcasters while others have a natural tendency for magic without the form of spells. The Knights of Darkhaven (Knights of Neraka based in the Desolation) discover these people and attempt to co-opt them into the knighthood, some join while others refuse. The darkhaven knights hatch a scheme to try and remove the orders of sorcery from krynn and begin spreading word of these new mages throughout the lands of Ansalon by the use of Bards, Sages and other story tellers. AC-0441: Coalition of Abanasinia created: The legion of steel negotiates with the leaders of the different peoples of Abanasinia in an effort to create a central defense should the nation ever be invaded. Palin Majere and Gerard uth Mondar of Solace and Tarn Bellowgranite of Klanath are all strong voices advocating the alliance. AC-0443: Coryn Slain by Sorcerers: After numerous reports find their way to the conclave about the new mages the conclave sends representatives to investigate. The representatives coordinate a meeting between various factions of these new arcanists but some representatives, those in league with the knights of Darkhaven, insist that they will only meet with the leading member of one of the orders in the valley of crystal shards. Fearing a trap but deciding they need to know what magic fuels these new mages the conclave agrees and Coryn volunteers to lead a contingent of seven wizards, two from each order and herself to the meeting. The group is attacked in the valley by dark knights and others, Coryn is slain. Only Mathis the red robe survives long enough to report back to the conclave. Ta’nesmah of the elves assumes the leadership of the white robes. AC-0444: Ergoth Capital moved to Daltigoth: The Emperor moves the capital back to Dalitgoth. AC-0445: Tower of the Blood Sea attacked: The Knights of Darkhaven attack the tower of the Blood sea. They use illusions taking the form of known bards of Ansalon, as well as enchanted Bards and song magic in their attack. When they finally retreat, they teleport the freshly slain bodies of the disguised bards into the tower. This starts a war between the orders of magic, bards and other mages. The Dark Knights attempt to be seen as the saviors of the enemies of the orders. Soercerers, bards and other magic user-s are granted asylum and protection by Ergoth, provided they help to try and restore the land. Many flee to Ergoth. The dark knights seeing their potential recruits attempting to seclude themselves from the war attack the town of Varvil where many of the refugees are staying. Again they attempt to deceive their enemies, this time into believing that they are the orders of high sorcery and they obliterate the entire town. The disillusioned dark knight Clayton de Lagons informs the orders of the dark knights plan in an attempt to stop the war. The gods of magic realizing that sorcery is here to stay and that more conflict would be potentially hazardous to the continued existence of the orders, command the wizards of high sorcery to make peace and learn to work with the rediscovered magic, but to keep a close eye on it. It is at this time that the gods realize that propaganda and deception can be just as devastating to the orders as sorcery. They order the conclave to beginning recruiting members for a clerical branch of the order who will go to the lands and attempt to improve on the image of the orders to the people. In acruel twist of fate, the thorn Knights find themselves attacked from the very arcanists they were attempting to recruit. The thorn Knights flee to Storm’s keep and defend the tower from all further attacks. AC-0446: Gods realign themselves: Due to the repercussions of the arcane civil war Branchala informs Gilean of his desire to join the gods of grey. Gilean insisting on maintaining the balance speaks to the other deities of grey to see if any have a desire to join the gods of light, Reorx wishing to see the dwarves return to the world agrees to switch place with Branchala. AC-0448: Golgren razes Khuri-Khan: In another attempt to unite the ogre kingdoms Golgren again invades Khur, this time deciding that he would rather destroy the Khur rather than subjugate them. So instead of trying to take the city of Khuri-Khan intact he moves to destroy it. The Khur realizing that this attack will not be a siege evacuate the resident while the city is under attack, less than half make it out alive. The city is reduced to rubble by the rampaging ogres. Khan Sahim was overthrown by the Hachakee tribe who advocated a return to the desert and leaving the cities altogether. The new Khan, Khan Alejandro eliminated the Khur tribe scattering the surviving members to the other tribes, most are accepted in to the Mayakhur tribe, or outright chasing them from Khur. AC-0450: Ogre kingdoms united: The razing of Khuri-khan was the very thing that finally allowed Golgren to officially unite Kern and Blode into a new unified ogre kingdom named Blodecairn. AC-0453: Maldred’s quest: Golgren obsessed with restoring the civilization of the ancient ogres and looking for a permanent solution to the ritual of the ogre titans, recruits Maldred, the son of Donnag former chieftain of Blode to look for clues to restore the ogre titans to their previous form without losing what they gained. Maldred hating what his father had become and seeing him subjected to another’s will accepts the task. He travels far and wide looking for clues, visiting the great library of Palanthas, contacting the legion of steel in Abanasinia, even infiltrating the various outposts of skull knights. Golgren believing that magic may be the answer he scours the ogre kingdom for any records of magic in ancient times. AC-0455: Solamnics Return Home: The Solamnic refuges who settled in Ergoth return home to Solamnia. AC-0460: Schallsea builds Bardic college: Citadel of Light finishes construction on the bardic college. AC-0467: Ergoth allies with Abanasinia: Ergoth negotiates with Abanasania for trade, the emperor also grants the legion of steel to act as mediators in disputes between the people and the government. The emperor hopes this will create better cooperation between Ergoth and other nations. AC-0478: Heart of the Irda found: Maldred visits the Bardic college on Schallsea island where he receives a vision of the Heart of the Irda from Mishakel instructing him to travel the Irda tree and recover the stone. Maldred is able to retrieve the stone from the woods and returns to Kernen where Golgren awaits him. Although they now have the stone they are not sure of the ritual needed. AC-0482: Legion Compound in North Keep: With support from the Abanasanian coalition the Legion of Steel builds the great fortress North Keep along the northern shore of the nation. AC-0489: Dalamar leads conclave: Jenna, the leader of the conclave dies from old age, Dalamar assumes control of the conclave. Surprisingly very few black robes are present for the decision. Banla of Hillfal assumes control over the red robes. AC-0492: Mohrlex slain: The draconians move to slay the great dragon Mohrlex. Governor Kang believes this will help broker peace between Teyr and Nordmaar, he is right. The nations share the treasure from the dragon’s horde after it is slain. After seeing Mohrlex slain and wishing to avoid a similar fate, the green dragon Lorrinar brokers a non-agression pact with Nordmaar and Teyr. AC-0498: Sahket jungle cleared: The draconians of Teyr and the horsemen of Nordmaar systematically remove all goblin tribes from the Sahket jungle, clear out the ogres that remain in the Astivar mountains and chase the lizardfolk from the great moor. AC-0502: High thane disappears: After a cave-in kills his son and numerous requests that an expedition be sent to scout Thorbardin, Tarn Bellowgranite finally relents. Tarn assembles a task force of one hundred dwarves to scout the tunnels used by the red dragonarmy during the war of the lance to determine the situation inside Thorbardin. Tarn leads the force himself leaving (gotta find the name in Dark Thane) in charge. AC-0504: Minotaur wall constructed: Ambeon finally completes its great wall and stations Minotaur warrior at various outposts along its borders. AC-0506: Ogres become Abaqua: After thirty years Golgren and Maldred finally complete the puzzle needed to enact the ritual to restore the ogres to their former beauty. The ritual restores over ninety percent of all ogres on Ansalon to their previous form, with only those with a strong will who resist or those beyond the range remaining the brutes known to the world. Golgren also uses records of ancient magic to enforce his armies and to create a newfound sense of nationalism amongst the renamed Abaqua race. Using what records he can find Golgren attempts to change the cultural and architectural look of the Abaqua race trying to bring them more in line with that of their ancestors. AC-0513: Minotaur change capitals: The Emperor moves the capital of the Minotaur nation from Lacynos to Sargasanti and launches a renewed invasion against the Khur. Remembering the forces brought to bear from General Dogah before the minotaur assault and destroy the town of Pashin to ensure nobody comes from behind. The minotaur reach the city of Ak-Khurman and find it deserted. As they move from Ak-Khurman to Delphon however they are attacked numerous times by hit and run attacks by the Khur. When the Minotaur finally reach Delphon, they are easily defeated by the city and the outlying attackers who just attack and then fade into the desert. AC-0522: Kender raids increase: After the Goblins move troops away from the Solamman south border and reinforce the border with Hylo, the kinder increase their raids in the Sikket’hul. AC-0525: Blodecairn Attacks Khur: Golgren seeking to prove his changes to the Abaqua nation moves to attack the Khur again. He attacks Kortal and razes Alek-Khan to the ground opening up a corridor between his two forces. He then marches on Delphon and again razes the city to the ground, but not before they can evacuate the city. Golgren moves his forces back to Kortal but along he is continuously attacked by hit and hit assaults by the Khur, he arrives with less than half of his original invasion force. AC-0540: Dark Knights invade Nordmaar: The knights of Neraka move to annex the nation of Nordmaar. At first the horseman are hard pressed until unexpected allies arrive from the tiny nation of Teyr. The draconians with their allies in the legion of Steel and Banmla of Hillfal the leader of the red robes, move to assist the Nordmen. The Knights of Neraka caught by complete surprise at the aid the Draconians have been able to call upon and are sent packing, unfortunately Banla is killed in the fighting, Lady Caralyssa of Castle Crimson assumes the leadership of the red robes. Nordmaar agree to grant all land directly east from the city of Teyr south of the city to the draconian nation. The draconians look into options for the best way to prevent or halt such an invasion should it ever happen again and decide to build a wall from Hangman harbor to the Astivar mountains. AC-0543: Draconians build wall: The draconians complete construction on their great wall. AC-0544: Gods realign themselves: Shinare finally makes the move to join the Gods of light, unfortunately this also drives Sirrion insane as he believes that she is joining the gods of light to be with Kiri-Jolith. Sirrion retreats inside himself and random flash-fires appear all across Krynn and rage out of control for short periods until they burn themselves out. Sirrion finally reappears newly reformed as the dark goddess Furiyale, deity of fire and betrayal. AC-0545: War College built in Palanthas: As part of a program to raise revenue for the nation a college in built in Palanthas to teach the basics of military warfare. Ground combat including infantry, the use of the pike and archery are all taught here. While the knighthood is charged with leading the defense of the nation having a well trained army is essential as well. The different provinces sponsor tuition for prospective students. The training is open to all others but there is a strict screening process to weed out potential spies and dark knights. AC-0550: War College built in High Clerist Tower: A second war college in built in the High Clerist, unlike the first war college this school is for the training of artillery and siege tactics only. AC-0555: War College built in Solanthus: A third war college in built in the great city of Solanthus that is dedicated to teaching cavalry tactics. AC-0560: War College built in Sanction: A fourth War college is built in Sanction to teach naval warfare and blockade tactics. AC-0561: Neraka joins with Ogres: Golgren meets with the leader of the dark knights in Taman Busuk Lord Garl Nemedi to attack the Solamnics in Sanction. Golgren is concerned with the knights of Solamnia attempting to reinforce their position there. AC-0562: Solamnics evicted from Sanction: In a blinding and swift attack by the combined forces of Abaqua and the Dark knights assault the port city and take the knights completely by surprise. The knights are caught off-guard by the Abaqua who at first they mistake for the tarmac brutes despite the fact that the Abaqua were armor and are apparently capable of using magic. Very few knights are able to escape the attack. AC-0565: War College built in Caergoth: Trying to recover from the loss of the war college in Sanction, Solamnia builds it naval warfare college in Caergoth. AC-0570: War college built in Dargaard Keep: With the help of the white robes, the knights destroyed portions of the Spiritborne, a faction of the dark knights, and routed the rest and so returned the land of Nightlund to Solamnia. They restored its former name of Knightlund, and declared Kalaman the provincial capital. In an attempt to remove the taint of Lord Soth the knights restore Dargaard Keep and build a war college there to train young Kingfishers and Clerists in arcane and clerical magic. AC-0588: Goblins retaliate: After decades of kinder raids, and useless requests to the emperor the goblins decide to send the kinder a message. Sikket’hul besieges Gobwatch and after chasing the Kender from the outpost they burn it to the ground. The goblins attempting to be merciful let any kinder who wants, to leave with their lives. From this pint on the Goblin destroy any kender patrol who crosses the border. AC-0600: Blodecairn builds Grand Palace: Golgren builds a grand palace in Kortal and declares it the capital of the Blodecairn nation. AC-0602: Knighthood conquers the desolation: The knights of Darkhaven are able to gain complete control over all of the desolation. AC-0604: Tarmak establish foothold: The tarmac launch an assault on the hot sands of the plains of dust and are able to establish a beachhead. The inhabitants of the land however maintain surveillance of the brutes and raid the stores and supplies occasionally to keep the tarmac from being able to concentrate an attack force large enough to move across the desert. AC-0608: Elves attempt to restore Qualinost: The elves in an attempt to restore something of what they have lost decide to try and bring Qualinost up from the bottom of the lake of death. Gilthas realizes he needs to know what kind of condition the city is in and therefore sends a group of elvin wizards to seek out the sea elves in a plea for help. He secretly hopes that he can also form an alliance with them and possibly reunite all the elvin people. Miraculously the sea elves were already considering sending a delegation to the lands elves for just this very purpose and the crack in the ocean flow has again ruptured. The elves agree to help each other. The crack is investigated and soon resolved, but it is determined that to try and bring up Qualinost at this would be foolish. The city just been down there for too long and would crumble at the effort. It is decided that the elves will attempt to reinforce the buildings of the city magic and raise the city when it is stronger. AC-0618: Elven Assassins sighted in woods: The elves are able to infiltrate Kirath and Wildrunner volunteers to keep an eye on the minotaur nation and to report back information on their operations and positions. AC-0620: Ambeon attacks Khur: The minotaur make another attack on the khur only to find that their grand campaign is fruitless as the inhabitants have all retreated into the desert and cannot be found except when the Khur make hit and run attacks against the minotaur. The Abaqua however keep a close watch on the borders and ferociously attack minotaur intruders. As the minotaur have never encountered the Abaqua before they mistake them for Tarmak brutes and in retaliation attack the beachhead that the tarmac established in the plains of dust. AC-0637: Sea elves populate Qualinost: Using magic the lake of death is cleansed of all undead and pollutants in the water. Sea elves take up residence in some of the buildings and begin the restructuring process in preparation for the raising of the city. The elves know that it may be centuries before they can fully restore the city but they are a patient people. AC-0675: Hylo eliminates goblins: After numerous attempts by Ergoth to use the goblin situation with Hylo as an excuse to try and annex Hylo, the kender decide to solve the problem themselves. For the time ever in the history the kender form a surprisingly well equipped and capable army and invade the southern areas of Northern Ergoth. Over the course of three years the kender systematically seek out and find every single hiding place of the goblins and eliminate them. As a final act by the kender nation they send a representative to Daltigoth asking the emperor if Ergoth wants to become a province of Hylo. AC-0679: Ambeon attack Dimernesti: The minotaur still reeling from their failed attempts to reach the rest of Ansalon decide to sail through the Southern Courrain and try to create another beachhead in Nordmaar. The Dimernesti however have other ideas and raid the shops of the minotaur fleet hindering their efforts. The minotaur decide they must eliminate the sea elves from the Courrain in order to continue their conquests. Using magic the minotaur take many months preparing for the attack creating magic items that allow for the breathing and greater movement in the water. The sea elves are unprepared for an attack by the minotaurs as they are air-breathers and were never expected to retaliate. The city is reduced to rubble and the elves flee to seek aid from Dargonost and the land elves. The minotaur however are unable to hold the city of course but they have a renewed sense of destiny now that they have found an enemy that stands and fights back. AC-0684: Elves assault Ambeon: Attack the assault on Dimernost the elves decide to try and retake the silvanesti from the minotaur. The elven army sets sail and decides to try and land in Mem-thon and move from there. The landing is a bloodbath. The minotaur have been waiting for this very moment knowing that the elves would attempt an assault, they are surprised the elves have banded together with the sea elves as the minotaur believed the elves to arrogant to seek allies for the attack. Despite the combined effort of the elves however the assault is a dismal failure. AC-0721: Ergoth builds War Institute: Ergoth builds an institution, similar to the war colleges of Solamnia, but this facility is a massive fortress just outside Daltigoth that teaches all many of martial tactics from ground combat, to arcane and divine magic. AC-0828: Cinder slain: Cinder, whether from boredom or realizing that his life may be coming to a close, attacks numerous outposts along the draconian wall. The draconians mount an assault and retaliate slaying the great dragon. AC-0879: Pyrothraxus dies: The gnomes of Mount Nevermind are freed from the rule of Pyrothraxus, of course he died of old age and therough no effort of the gnomes themselves. AC-0961: Lorrinar slain: The great green dragon Lorrinar is slain by his mate Eiolut after her eggs hatch. AC-0984: Josepeh uth Matar: A young Skull knight named Joseph uth Matar rises up through the ranks of the knighthood. Surprisingly he is cleric of one of the gods. (NOT GONNA TELL YOU WHO BECAUSE THAT IS A DISCOVERY OF THE CAMPAIGN.) Joseph has been instilled with a highly developed sense of honor. He sees it as his mission to unite all the scattered elements of the dark knights and continue the conquest of Ansalon. AC-0985: Gnomes perfect cannons: Using the design from Solamnia’s early attempts at making bombards the gnomes finally perfect the making bombards that are easier to move around and maintain. The gnomes begin work on building ships capable of carrying the bombards to different shores. AC-0986: Alliance brokered with Mt. Nevermind: Ergoth and Solamnia both broker an alliance with Mt. Nevermind for the new bombards. AC-0987: Shipyards built on Enstar & Nostar: Ergoth begins construction on shipyards in Enstar and Nostar. Ships built here will used to transport the elves and their allis in the attempt to retake the silvanesti lands. AC-0988: Reports of Dark Knights: Reports reach back to Solamnia that a strong force has been finding and uniting the different factions of the dark knights. AC-0989: Neraka allies with Blodecairn: Joseph uth Matar brokers an alliance with Blodecairn for the coming invasion of Ansalon. AC-0991: Dark Knights conquer Khur: Using dark magic the dark knights are finally able to conquer the land of Khur. Dark knights move through to link up in Neraka. AC-0990: Solamnia brokers alliance with Hylo: Solamnia negotiates with the kinder nation of Hylo for scouts to investigate the activities of the Dark Knighthood. AC-0992: Eiolut slain: Eiolut attacks Teyr seeking more ground for her offspring to move into. Teyr retaliates by slaying the dragon and then moving into the woods of Lahue to track down and kill her offspring. They are still at least three dragons still in the woods. Lewat, Polut, and Sollun (all LE male young green mature adult). AC-0993: The Great Betrayal: Dark knights move through Estwilde into Solamnia with the Lily Knights sacking Kalaman, the Skull knights attacking Dargaard Keep and the Thorn Knights assaulting the Tower of of Knightlund. Both Tanesmah, leader of the white robes, and Lady Caralyssa leader of the red robes are slain in these battles. (This begins the campaign.) |
#3darthsylverJun 01, 2007 23:16:16 | The Gods of Krynn The deities of Krynn never could have foreseen the consequences of their sacrifice when they sought to save the world from the desires of the god known as chaos. Having abandoned the mortals of Krynn less than a generation after their return, they have had to deal with serious consequences due to the newfound knowledge of Myticism. Many nations and people learned that they did not necessarily need the guidance and support of the gods. If this was not bad enough, it was made worse by the machinations of the one god, just when it seemed the world was prepared to accept the wisdom of a deity, any deity, she brokered in a new war on Ansalon. Since then many deities have found it increasingly difficult to attract followers, luckily due to the wisdom inspired by Goldmoon, this has not applied to those deities of light. The deities of darkness have always attracted those individuals who only followed the dark gods to increase their own power. These types of individuals have maintained that mysticism and belief in oneself is more reliable than in the support of the gods. Many followers of the dark gods are followers only because of an unfortunate turn of events, such ast those clerics of Morgion who worship him to belay the effects of a disease contracted before becoming one of his faithful, or those followers of Hiddukel who were seduced into selling their soul. While many mystics taught at the citadel of light were inspired by the edicts and traditions of the deities of light and accepted the return of the gods easily as a sign of Goldmoon’s faith. The deities of light have found it easiest to recruit followers due to these beliefs taught at the citadel. The gods of grey have had a slightly easier time in finding followers than the masters of darkness, but they do not look recruit followers to do their biding the same as other deities do. Most of their followers find their own way to the faith of neutrality due their desire to defend themselves, their loved ones, or some other cause, but have no desire to interact with others as long as they are left alone. Mishakal Bearer of Light, The Blue Lady, Skymistress (Kender), Empress (Minotaur), Healer in the Home (Kharolis\Tarsis), The Healing Hand, Ka-Mel-Sha, Ke-en (sea elves), Quenesti Pah, Queen Illumni (Elves), Light Bringer (Solamnia), Mesalax (Thorbardin), Meshal (Icewall), Mishas (Ergoth) Home Plane: The Dome of Creation Symbol: Blue Infinity Symbol Celestial Symbol: The Constellation Infinity Colors: Sky blue Alignment: Neutral Good Portfolio: Healing, mercy, the home, compassion, fertility, beauty Worshippers: Healers, midwives, herbalists, ambassadors, artists, scholars Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG Domains: Community, Good, Healing, Liberation, Protection Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff (“Merciful Strike”) Preferred Vestments: Sky blue robe or possibly tribal clothing, silver medallion of faith Mishakel is essentially the mother of all that is good. She does not recognize chaos or order when it comes to healing the wounds of the world. Her one commandant to her faithful is that they may not withhold healing to any who ask, they may ask for payment if it is possible for that person to pay and may not ask an exorbant amount. They may withhold healing from one who can pay but refuses, but from who cannot pay because they have not the means. Her priests do actively struggle against the minions of Chemosh and Morgion as they attempt to poison the world through disease and plague or to disrupt the rightful cycle of life by creating the walking dead. Clerics of Mishakel can be found anywhere, whether it is a plague ridden village, a region rife with the undead or even a small village. Duties of the Church: To become a priest of Mishakel one must serve as a healer or midwife for a period of three months demonstrating their knowledge of the healing arts. Each member of the church must make an annual trip to the Citadel of Light on the Schallsea isle in homage to Goldmoon and her efforts to return the faith of the gods during the War of the Lance and to maintain the traditions of the true gods during the age of mortals. On this trip they must render aid to any who are in need without asking for payment, even if they would normally. Kiri-Jolith Corij (Ergoth), Emperor (Minotaur), Jolith (Kharolis/Tarsis), Kijo the Blade (Thorbardin), Krijol (sea elves), Qu’an the Warrior (Uigan), Sword of Justice Home Plane: Dome of Creation Symbols: Bison’s horns, horned battle axe Celestial Symbol: The constellation Bison’s Head Colors: Brown and White Alignment: Lawful Good Portfolio: War, courage, honor, solidarity Worshippers: Fighters, Knights of Solamnia Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG Domains: Glory, Good, Law, Strength, War Favored Weapon: Longsword (“Sacred Defender”) Preferred Vestments: Gold or bronze scale mail armor with brown surcoat and a copper medallion of faith Kiri-Jolith is the righteous defender of the weak and oppressed. While he may be the god of war, he does not condone slaughter or war for its own sake. War must be taken up only when it becomes necessary and conflict cannot be resolved in any other manner. While most people believe that the priests of Kiri-Jolith are quick to jump into a fight or to suggest warfare to resolve disagreements between nations, this could not be farther from the truth. As experts on what horrors armed conflict can bring the followers of Kiri-Jolith do what they can to prevent battle and warfare. They act as mediators and negotiators between warring parties attempting to come to a peaceful resolution, but should it finally come to warfare they are more than prepared to fight for what is right. Kiri-Jolith has taken up the position of the patron of the Knights of the rose left open by his father. Duties of the Church: To become a priest of Kiri-Jolith an applicant must successfully negotiate a resolution between two conflicting parties. If a resolution can be reached through a physical trial or through champions, without death matches, this is acceptable. All priests of Kiri-Jolith and Rose Knights must be trained in the art of diplomacy and must attempt to resolve conflicts without bloodshed, and hopefully without combat. While Kiri-Jolith understands the necessary of a military retreat when necessary he frowns upon cowardice, as such his priests and knights must be the last to retreat in order to protect the others. As part of a Rose Knight’s initiation quest they must peacefully mediate a resolution between two conflicting towns or governments. All Rose Knights and priests of Kiri-Jolith must maintain their armor, weapons, and vestments in peak condition. Habbakuk Abbuku the Fisher (sea elves), the Blue Phoenix (Ergoth, Elves), the Fisher King, Skylord (Kender), Sea Lord (Minotaur) Home Plane: Dome of Creation Symbol: Blue Phoenix Celestial Symbol: The constellation Phoenix Colors: Deep blue and white Alignment: Neutral Good Portfolio: Animals, hunting, rebirth, water Worshippers: Rangers, sailors, druids, farmers Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG Domains: Animal, Good, Restoration, Travel, Water Favored Weapon: Scimitar (“Kingfisher’s Helm”) Preferred Vestments: Hoodless robes of light blue with a hooded stole of deep blue, silver medallion of faith Habbakuk is the embodiment of all animals both on land and in the sea. He seeks to ensure that animals prosper and continue to roam the land and are not brought to extinction. He is also the patron of the order of the crown and supports his brother in the efforts to protect all those who cannot defend themselves. Duties of the Church: All those who wish to become a priest of Habbakuk are taken out to a remote and isolated natural area, typically an area they had not previously been, where they are abandoned by their mentor to fend for themselves and find their way back home. All followers of Habbakuk must at some point partake on a quest with nothing but the clothes on their back and a walking stick. This journey is meant to remind the follower of the true ways of nature and ends only when the person has received a vision or sign from Habbakuk, usually following some great service or act for the betterment of nature. Even the Knights of the Crown must abide by this decree, but they embark on this quest when they are attempting entry into the ranks of the knighthood as the trip is incorporated into their initiation quest. Solinari Beacon (Minotaur), God’s Eye (Thorbardin), Ivory Disk, White-God (Kender), Mighty Hand, Solin (Ergoth) Home Plane: The Dome of Creation Symbols: White circle or Sphere Celestial Symbol: The White Moon Colors: White and silver Alignment: Lawful Good Portfolio: Good Magic, abjuration, divination, guardianship, knowledge Worshippers: Wizards of the white robes Cleric Alignments: LG Domains: Good, Knowledge, Law, Magic, Protection Favored Weapon: Dagger (“Wizard’s protector”) Preferred Vestments: White robes with a silver medallion of faith Solinari is the patron of all good magic. He actively promotes the use of magic to protect the world and its inhabitants form the minions of evil. He seeks to bring more and more wizards and sorcerers to the cause of good. In ages past he and the other gods of magic actively sought to suppress the use of primal sorcery, in today’s age the gods of magic have adjusted their views on sorcery. He supported this view as he believed it was necessary to protect the existence of magic. They now seek to teach and support the proper control and use of magic whether sorcery or wizardry and as such has re-established churches to help teach young arcanists to use their magic powers for the protection of all. Duties of the Church: All those who wish to become a cleric of Solinari must have at some point sought to learn the arcane arts and must be able to cast second level arcane spells with at least one abjuration and divination spell for each spell-level. All priests of Solinari must serve as a bodyguard for at least a year’s worth of time at some point in their life, generally the first year after becoming a fully ordained cleric. Aurora (Mina) Home Plane: The Dome of Creation Symbols: Amber sunburst Celestial Symbol: The sun Colors: Amber, Yellow, and Orange Alignment: Neutral Good Portfolio: Kingship, redemption, sun, intrigue Worshippers: Nobles, politicians, spies, information brokers, fallen heroes Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, LG Domains: Charm, Good, Nobility, Purification, Sun Favored Weapon: Heavy mace (“Beacon of Redemption”) Preferred Vestments: Yellow robes with an amber and orange sash and a silver medallion of faith Aurora is the newest of the gods in the heavens but she has steadily come to understand what it is to be a goddess. She has taken up some of the areas which were previously in Paladine’s purview such as the portfolios of sun and nobility. Aurora learned a valuable lesson in manipulating people as she had been charmed by not only Takhisis but also Chemosh, she therefore teaches her followers to use a person own desires to accomplish the churches goals. She emphasizes that those in a position to help and lead others must do so for the betterment of all and not to be used for one’s own selfish needs. The greatest lesson she bestows on her faithful is that nobility is a concept of behavior and not a divine blood-right. Duties of the Church: All those who wish to become a priest of Aurora must expose a corrupt leader whether a ruler, politician, or some other figure in a position of influence, in a community or town. Priests of Aurora must serve as an advisor to some form of government whether this is a ruler, a council or some other form of government for at least one year’s time. Followers of Aurora are responsible for bestowing light where darkness prevails, whether literally or figuratively. If a village, town or region is being oppressed by those in power then it is the priest’s responsibility to correct the situation. Shinare Balance of the scales (Minotaur), Silver Master (Thorbardin), Walking Liberty (Ergoth), Winged One (Elves), Winged Victory, The Silver Mistress Home Plane: The Dome of Creation Symbols: A Griffon’s wing Celestial Symbol: The Planet Shinare Colors: Gold, silver and brown Alignment: Lawful Good Portfolio: Wealth, commerce, travel, communication, enterprise Worshippers: Merchants, traders, dwarves, mercenaries, dwarves Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG Domains: Commerce, Good, Law, Luck, Travel Favored Weapon: Light mace (“Jeweled Delight”) Preferred Vestments: Fine robes of cloth-of-gold, a brown ermine-trimmed hood, jewelry and a gold medallion of faith Shinare is the goddess of wealth, industry and commerce. She inspires many towards hard work and persistence in their labors and endeavors. She loathes laziness and sloth as she believes those who are idle and unproductive are already slowly dying. She calls to all people to work hard and rebuild Krynn to its former glory and she actively recruits followers in order to promote industry and progress. She is also the patron deity for the Knights of the Sword who she encourages to seek out those who work hard at restoring the lost glory of Krynn. Duties of the Church: In order to become a priest of Shinare an applicant must help restore the commerce of a community through hard work and toil. Knights of the Sword must recover a lost object sacred to a community, the knighthood or another knight’s family as part of their initiation quest. Shinare’s church is charged with restoring the lines of trade and commerce throughout the world. Her followers can be found as on trade caravans, in port authorities and as advisors to various guilds. Her clerics must work to amass wealth and prestige but must use these resources for the betterment of the community. Her priests must always dress in the finest clothes they can afford this also translates over to the knighthood of the sword in that they must possess the best possible armor and weapons in order to better defend the community. Reorx The Anvil (Elian), The Forge, The Weaponmaster (Minotaur), The World Smith, Tamer of Chaos Home Plane: The Dome of Creation Symbols: A smith’s hammer, forging hammer Celestial Symbol: The planet Reorx Colors: Slate grey and red Alignment: Neutral Good Portfolio: Creation, gambling, artisans, engineering, mountains, metal, luck, pride Worshippers: Dwarves, gnomes, kender, blacksmiths, artisans Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG Domains: Earth, Fire, Forge, Good, Strength Favored Weapon: Warhammer (“Reorx’s Strength”) Preferred Vestments: Slate gray tabard over red robes and a steel medallion of faith, a gray apron and red trousers are worn when working or discussing their work. Reorx is the god of technology, metallurgy, and manufacture. He is the very hand of creation. He tamed chaos to make the world of Krynn and again captured a piece of the essence of chaos when he made the greygem. Reorx promotes the steady advancement of technology, he keep s a close eye on both the gnomes and the dwarves. He recently has taken a greater interest in humans as they have become aware of the many uses of alchemy and especially the idea of the bombard created during the raids of Ankhar the half-giant. He is dismayed that so many of his favored dwarves have withdrawn from the world and hidden in the bowels of Thorbardin again, the gnomes however have been released from the curse of the greygem and have greater control over their mental facilities. Duties of the Church: To become a priest of Reorx one must create an item of masterwork quality woprth no less than 300 steel. Every member of the Church of Reorx must complete an artifact of renown with his own two hands and must exhibit the finest workmanship possible by the priest. As part of the priest’s ordainment they must announce what type of artifact he will create which must be completed by the time that the priest reaches middle age. Members of the church are also responsible for the creation of new buildings, tools and ideas on how to improve the quality of life of their fellow mortals. Gilean The Gate of Souls, the sage, the void, the gray voyager Home Plane: The Hidden Vale Symbol: An open book Celestial Symbol: The Constellation Book of Souls Colors: Grey Alignment: Lawful Neutral Portfolio: Knowledge, balance, freedom, learning, watchfulness Worshippers: Sages, historians, teachers, bodyguards, scholars Cleric Alignments: LN, N, NE, NG, LG, LE Domains: Knowledge, Law, Liberation, Planning, Rune Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff (“The Sagestaff”) Preferred Vestments: Hooded gray robe and a silver medallion of faith Gilean is the patriarch of the neutral gods, the guardian of the book of all knowledge and true names, the Tobril. He guards all secrets written down by the high god, as directed by the high god he leads the fight to maintain the balance between good and evil. He also attempts to maintain the balance between order and chaos, but he himself is bound by these very laws and cannot act in a chaotic manner so the world is sometimes more orderly than maybe it should be. Duties of the Church: To become a priest of Gilean one must embark on a journey of no less than six months and then write an essay on the lessons they have learned on this journey and present it to a priest of Gilean. Priests of Gilean have many duties when it comes to preserving the balance of the world. They must serve the public as a historian, counselor, judge, or arbiter for at least one month each year. Ever four years they must write a thesis addressing some metaphysical or philosophical conundrum that must be presented to the organization that the priest currently resides. If pleased, Gilean magically distributes the thesis to the library of every temple of Gilean on Krynn, if displeased the priest must write it again. Priests of Gilean are also forbidden from burning any book or literary work. Zivilyn Tree of Life, Wise One (Minotaur), World Tree, the Tree of Life Home Plane: The Hidden Vale Symbols: A great green and gold tree, or a stylized tree with branches mirroring roots below Celestial Symbol: The planet Zivilyn Colors: Green, brown and gold Alignment: Neutral Portfolio: Wisdom, foresight, prophecy, enlightenment Worshippers: Philosophers, mediators, counselors, sages Cleric Alignments: CN, LN, N NG, NE Domains: Insight, Knowledge, Meditation, Oracle, Time Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff (“Cane of Enlightenment”) Preferred Vestments: Brown robes with a green hood and leggings and a ironwood medallion of faith Zivilyn is the tree from which all wisdom sprouts, he is the master of prophecy, time and insight. While he advises Gilean on matters of wisdom, he is moved by the dictates of his heart rather than by his mind. He also works closely with Chislev as his sees nature as the cradle from which all wisdom is born. He is tethered neither by good and evil or law and chaos. Duties of the Church: To become a priest of Zivilyn an applicant must spend at least a year in an enclave dedicated to Zivilyn. Like the clerics of Gilean, followers of Zivlyn act as advisors, councilors and judges for the various civilizations of Krynn. The only dictate that all priests must abide by is to act wisely in all matters and to not commit any foolish act. To ensure this, many clerics hesitate and take the time to consider all consequences before acting even when the correct action might seem simple. Chislev The Beast, Kisal the Mother of sea creatures (sea elves), Wild One (minotaur), World Mother Home Plane: The Hidden Vale Symbol: A feather of brown, yellow and green Celestial Symbol: The planet Chislev Colors: Brown, yellow, and green Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Portfolio: Nature, wilderness, beasts, the seasons Worshippers: Druids, farmers Cleric Alignments: CN, LN, N, NE, NG Domains: Air, Animal, Chaos, Earth, Plant Favored Weapon: Shortspear (“Green Protector”) Preferred Vestments: Brown robes with a green hood and leggings and a wooden medallion of faith Chislev is nature incarnate. The land and the goddess are one, so any damage or destruction brought to the earth is a pain inflicted upon the goddess. She encourages the mortals of Krynn to follow their instincts and the call of their heart or primal side. She does not want to see nature overrun the world but she does wish to see it revered and allowed to grow into something beautiful rather than used merely as a tool. Duties of the Church: To become a cleric of Chislev the supplicant must raise a wild animal from birth to the age at which it can care for itself. All clerics of Chislev must become intimately familiar with the land in which they live, and protect it from any depredations of industry, fire, or other hazards. Lunitari Luin (Ergoth), Maid of Illusion (Minotaur), Night Candle (Thorbardin), Red-Eye (Kender), Veiled Maiden Home Plane: The Hidden Vale Symbols: A Red Circle or Sphere Celestial Symbol: The Planet Lunitari Colors: Red or Magenta Alignment: Lawful Neutral Portfolio: Magic, arcane knowledge, illusion, transmutation Worshippers: Wizards of the red robe Cleric Alignments: LN Domains: Alteration, Law, Magic, Trickery, Liberation Favored Weapon: Dart (“Lunitari’s sting”) Preferred Vestments: Red robes and a silver medallion of faith Lunitari is the embodiment of magic used for neutrality and is the patron for the red robe wizards of high sorcery. She promotes the use of magic for freedom of expression, curiosity and to maintain the balance. She also promotes the theory of mystery and as such instructs her followers to ferret out any mysterious plots whether good or evil. Duties of the Church: All applicants who wish to become a cleric of Lunitari must have studied the arcane arts and must be able to cast second level arcane spells with at least one illusion and transmutation spell for each spell-level. All priests of Lunitari must at some point uncover a scheme or plot by the time they reach middle age. Majere Mantis of the Rose, Master of Mind, Matheri (Elves), Manthus (Ergoth), Nadir the dreamsender (Minotaur) Home Plane: The Hidden Vale Symbols: A single rose, copper spider or praying mantis Celestial Symbol: The constellation rose Colors: Red and copper Alignment: Lawful Neutral Portfolio: Discipline, loyalty, thought, meditation, industry Worshippers: Monks, scholars, clerks, theologians Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, LE Domains: Competition, Knowledge, Law, Meditation, Strength Favored Weapon: Unarmed strike (“Merciful Discipline”) Preferred Vestments: Red robes with copper trim and a copper medallion of faith Majere represents the divine power of discipline. He seeks to prove that with the coming of discipline then one’s goals may be accomplished without distraction of the mind. This discipline comes from the understanding of oneself and he encourages his followers to shed themselves of the desires of the heart and body, and to ignore material goods on the path to enlightenment. Duties of the Church: To become a priest of Majere, an initiate must give up all worldly wealth and possessions for a period of one year. Each year priests of Majere must hold a meditative fast for one month drinking only water, at the end of the month the priest will feel a renewed sense of peace. Every five years a priest of Majere must embark upon a journey throughout the land for a period of six months spreading the word and teachings of Majere. Branchala The Bard King, Bran (Ergoth), Song of Life, Songmaster (Goodlund), Astarin, Astra (Elves), Bardilun (Thorbardin). Home Plane: The Hidden Vale Symbols: Bard’s Harp or silver flute Celestial symbol: The constellation harp Colors: Yellow and green Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Portfolio: Bards, harmony, inspiration, passion Worshippers: Minstrels, artists, dancers, elves, kender, travelers Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, CE, N Domains: Celerity, Chaos, Charm, Luck, Passion Favored Weapon: Rapier (“Leaf Blade”) Preferred Vestments: Traveling clothes in green and yellow with a gold medallion of faith Branchala represents the divine power of inspiration and creativity. He inspires the mortal races through his gift of music. This gift however can be used to inspire greatness, love, and happiness, but his music can also be used to arouse hate, oppression, and sadness. Duties of the Church: All those who wish to become clerics of Branchala must embark upon a journey and then create a song, poem, or form of expression that speaks of their experiences on this journey, every year there after they must create a new work detailing their experiences from the year. Sargonnas Argon (Istar, Ergoth), The Firebringer (Hylo), Gonnas the Willful (Icewall), Kinis, Kinthalas (Elves), Misal-Lasim (Tarsis), Sargas (Minotaur), Sargonx the Bender (Throbardin) Home Plane: The Abyss Symbol: Stylized red condor Celestial Symbol: The constellation condor Colors: Red and black Alignment: Lawful Evil Portfolio: Vengeance, war, conquest, strength, wrath Worshippers: Minotaurs, bounty hunters, fighters, barbarians Cleric Alignments: LE, LN, NE Domains: Evil, Fire, Law, Passion, War Favored Weapon: Great axe (“Horns of Fury”) Preferred Vestments: Sleeveless hooded red tunics and black kilts with an iron medallion of faith Sargonnas is the divine power of wrath. It was he who had Hiddukel whisper into Sirrion’s ear about Shinare’s alleged affair of the heart. He urges the mortal soul to strike back at those who wronged them, whether the wrong was actually committed or not. His followers attack those who they perceive to inhibit, control, or hamper their plans. He invokes passion, wrath, and anger to provoke wars. He instructs his followers to direct their retribution to those who deserve and not to lash out blindly. Duties of the Church: To become a priest of Sargonnas the initiate must survive combat with a standing priest of the church. All followers of Sargonnas must avenge any wrong bestowed upon them by others, they may wait until the proper time, but the deed must be avenged. Hiddukel Betrayer (Minotaur), Hitax the flaw (Thorbardin), M’Fistos (Istar), The Prince of Lies, Usk-Do (Hobgoblin), Broken scales Home Plane: The Abyss Symbol: Broken merchant scales Celestial Symbol: The constellation Broken Scale Colors: Red and Bone Alignment: Chaotic Evil Portfolio: Greed, wealth, lies, thieves, secrets, intrique Worshippers: Bandits, dishonest merchants, robbers, corrupt nobles Cleric Alignments: CE, NE, CN Domains: Chaos, Charm, Evil, Treachery, Trickery Favored Weapon: Dagger (“Sting of Vengeance”) Preferred Vestments: Robes made of fine red silk with white in the sleeves and a gold medallion of faith Hiddukel is the deity of all stolen wealth, power, and prestige. If somebody has something Hiddukel can tell you of a scheme to get it for yourself. He is a cunning and conniving deal-maker trading on the greed of others. He relies on the gullibility and greed of others to accomplish his goals. Duties of the Church: To become a cleric of Hiddukel one must have either bargained for their soul or another’s soul with Hiddukel. Many followers of Hiddukel do not realize they have become clerics of Hiddukel until it is too late to do anything about it. Every follower of Hiddukel must dress in the most expensive and lavish clothes they can afford. Chemosh Aeleth (Ergoth), Chemos Jotun (Icewall), Dron of the Deep (Tarsis), Khemax (Thorbardin), Lifebane (Minotaur), Lord of Death , Orkrust (Hobgoblin), Lord of Bones, the Black Goat Home Plane: The abyss Symbol: A yellow skull Celestial Symbol: The constellation Goat’s Skull Colors: White and pale yellow Alignment: Neutral Evil Portfolio: Death, the undead, murder, false hope Worshippers: Crazed cultists, assassins, necromancers Cleric Alignments: CE, NE, LE Domains: Death, Evil, Necromancy, Trickery, Undeath Favored Weapon: Sickle (“Harvester of Souls”) Preferred Vestments: Black robe with a yellow sash, a white skull mask, and a bone medallion of faith Chemosh is the god of the dead and he represents the divine power of fatalism. He is the ruler and creator of undead. He promises immortality but grants undeath. He has no use for the living other than to charm and entice them into the ranks of the undead by his misleading promises of avoiding death. Duties of the Church: To become a priest of Chemosh the applicant must convince someone to become an undead through false promises of eternal life. All clerics of Chemosh must create new undead at least once a year. Morgion Anthrax Goatlord (Hobgoblin), Black Wind, Gormion (Tarsis), H’rar (Ergoth, Istar), Morgax the Rustlord (Thorbardin), Morgi (Icewall), Pestilence (Minotaur) Home Plane: The Abyss Symbols: A crowned hood with two red eyes Celestial Symbol: The constellation Diseased Hood Colors: Deep brown and black Alignment: Neutral Evil Portfolio: Disease, famine, poison, vermin, suffering, madness Worshippers: Crazed cultists, ratcatchers, corrupt druids Cleric Alignments: CE, NE, LE Domains: Destruction, Domination, Evil, Madness, Pestilence Favored Weapon: Heavy flail (“Disease cloud”) Preferred Vestments: loose fitting grey robes Morgion is the killing wind that destroys crops, life, and anything else in his way. His erodes life slowly and painfully allowing the person to contemplate service to him in place of a painful death. He triumphs through the slow decay of people, relationships, and civilizations. He loathes a quick death, living a healthy life, and happiness. Duties of the Church: To become a priest of Morgion one must cause the destruction of their home settlement or any settlement that has a sentimental meaning to the applicant. Priests of Morgion must destroy a village, town, or other settlement once a year through the slow use of disease, decay and rot. If the town is destroyed too quickly the priest must begin anew with a new town Zeboim Darkling Sea, Maelstrom (Minotaur), Rann (Ergoth), Zebir Jotun (Icewall), Zura the Maelstrom (sea elves), Zyr (Tarsis), the Sea Witch, the Dragon Turtle Intermediate Deity Home Plane: The Abyss Symbols: A spiked turtle shell, turtle shell pattern Celestial Symbol: The constellation Dragon Turtle Colors: Seafoam green and red Alignment: Chaotic Evil Portfolio: Oceans, storms, jealousy, spite Worshippers: Sailors, pirates, evil druids, evil sea creatures Cleric Alignments: CE, NE, CN Domains: Air, Chaos, Evil, Storm, Water Favored Weapon: Trident (“Triad”) Preferred Vestments: Easy to discard deep green or light sea green robes adorned with shreds of fishing net and pieces of shell on them and a gold or coral medallion of faith Zeboim is goddess of the storm. She controls the waters of the world as well as the storms throughout the land. She is an impulsive, capricious and cruel goddess. She encourages all to act in whatever manner they wish whenever the whim strikes them. She foments unrest, anarchy, disorder, and rebellion. Duties of the Church: To become a priest of Zeboim an applicant must complete a five mile swim. Once every month all priests of Zeboim must abandon all control in order to listen to the desires and whims of their hearts and body and then act upon them, this usually results in a night of drunken revelry and brawling, but occasionally entails other act of debasement or lust. Nuitari Black hand (Kender), Darkness (Elian), Devouring Dark, Nightreaver (Minotaur), Ungod (Thorbardin) Home Plane: Plane of Shadow Symbols: A black circle or sphere Celestial Symbol: The black moon, Nuitari Colors: Black Alignment: Lawful Evil Portfolio: Evil magic, arcane knowledge, arcane secrets, necromancy, domination Worshippers: Wizards of the Black Robes Cleric Alignments: LE, NE, LN Domains: Evil, Law, Magic, Necromancy, Tyranny Favored Weapon: Dagger (“Magic’s bite”) Preferred Vestments: Black satin cowl with a black velvet cape and a silver medallion of faith Nuitari is the deity of dark magic. He is a controlling and demanding god that brooks no disobedience. Since the death of Takhisis he has steadily assumed more and more of her tyrannical views. His followers use magic that emphasize greed, revenge, hatred, ambition, and control, in a sense impeding on domains controlled by the other evil deities. When he returned to Krynn with the other gods to discover that Wild Sorcery had been unleashed he banded with the other gods of magic to try and stamp it out. Unfortunately his followers were few and greatly outnumbered. Realizing that sorcery was here to stay he adjusted his view of it and instead of trying to remove it from the world, he now acts to control it instead. He has also steadily resumed his divine province of ambition and plans on controlling all magic of the world. Duties of the Church: All those who wish to become clerics of Nuitari must be able to cast second level spells with at least one spell of enchantment and necromancer for each spell-level. Priests of Nuitari must achieve obtain the service of another entity for at least a year by the time they reach middle age through the use of magic. Furiyale (Sirrion) The Alchemist, Firemaster, The Flowing Flame, The Wizard (Minotaur) Home Plane: The Abyss Symbols: Multicolored Flames or fire Celestial Symbol: The planet Sirrion Colors: Bright Reds and Yellows Alignment: Chaotic Evil Portfolio: Fire, destruction, hatred, rage, insanity Worshippers: Alchemists, pyromancers, pyromaniacs Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Passion Favored Weapon: Heavy Flail (“Flaming Strike”) Preferred Vestments: Flowing red and yellow robes with gold and copper flames and a copper medallion of faith. Furiyale is a god driven mad. At one time known as the god Sirrion, he inspired mortals to transform by embracing passion and creativity in order to grow and change. While Shinare, his lover and mate, became the patron deity for the order of the sword, the trickster god Hiddukel whispered into Sirrion’s ear. He convinced Sirrion that Shinare was having relations with Kiri-Jolith and despised Sirrion for his lack of control. Falling victim to the manipulations of Hiddukel the two deities had an argument that shook the heavens resulting in Shinare joining the gods of light and Sirrion being driven insane. Sirrion retreated to the plane of fire and withdrew into himself causing fires to burn out of control on Krynn. When finally emerged he had transformed himself into Furiyale, goddess of fiery rage. Where once he encouraged creativity she now promotes destruction, where once he supported love she now advocates hate. Furiyale loves nothing more than to see the burning house of a former lover, preferably with the lover inside. Duties of the Church: To become a priest of Furiyale an applicant must create a bonfire that burns for at least twenty four hours and destroys something; an object, person or place, that took over a year to create, grow or build. Once every year all priests of Furiyale must destroy through fire some item or object that took over six months to create. Deities and their domains Deities of Light Mishakel NG Domains: @Community, Good, Healing, @Liberation, Protection Kiri-Jolith LG Domains: #Glory, Good, Law, Strength, War Habbakuk NG Domains: Animal, Good, Restoration, Travel, Water Solinari LG Domains: Good, Law, Magic, Knowledge, Protection Aurora (Mina) NG Domains: Charm, Good, Nobility, #Purification, Sun Shinare LG Domains: *Commerce, Good, Law, Luck, Travel Reorx NG Domains: Earth, Fire, @Forge, Good, Strength Gods of Gray Gilean LN Domains: Knowledge, Law, @Liberation, *Planning, *Rune Zivilyn N Domains: @Insight, Knowledge, @Meditation, #Oracle, *Time Chislev CN Domains: Air, Animal, Chaos, Earth, Plant Lunitari LN Domains: Alteration, Law, @Liberation, Magic, Trickery Majere LN Domains: #Competition, Knowledge, Law, @Meditation, Strength Branchala CN Domains: #Celerity, Chaos, Luck, @Passion, Travel Masters of Darkness Hiddukel CE Domains: Chaos, *Charm, Evil, @Treachery, Trickery Sargonnas LE Domains: Evil, Fire, Law, @Passion, War Chemosh NE Domains: Death, Evil, *Necromancy, Trickery, *Undeath Morgion NE Domains: Destruction, #Domination, Evil, *Madness, @Pestilence Zeboim CE Domains: Air, Chaos, Evil, @Storm, Water Nuitari LE Domains: Evil, Law, Magic, @Necromancy, *Tyranny Furiyale (Sirrion) CE Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Fire, @Passion @ Dragonlance Campaign Setting * Holy Orders of the Stars # Complete Divine |
#4darthsylverJun 01, 2007 23:17:08 | Geography of Ansalon Abanasinia Capital: Haven Population: Humans, dwarves, centaur Government: Republic Languages: Abanasinian, Common, Dwarven Trade: Steel weapons and armor, grain, ale, woven blankets, pottery, tanned hides, handcrafted jewelry, military knowledge and training Alignment: NG, N, CG, LG Abanasinia is a nation ruled by a council of lords that represent the major city-states, the tribal barbarians of the plains, the dwarves of Klanath, who make decisions on the administration of the government. A representative from the legion of steel also sits on the council to report on the state of the nation’s defensive state and capabilities, but only has a vote during times of crisis when the military resources of the nation might come into play. Each city has its’ own council, mayor or lord that is either elected or inherited that administers to the running of the city, while each tribe is ruled by a hereditary leader as well as a circle of elders. The dwarven state is run by a set of thanes, one for each clan, with one of them elected to be high thane. City-states included are Haven, Solace, Crossing, Zaradane, and Ankatava, plains tribes include the Que-Shu, Que-Teh and the Que-Kiri. The dwarven clans represented in Klanath consist of the Hylar, Daewar, and Neidar clans. Abanasinia is protected by a coalition of troops from all representatives of the council. For instance the Dwarves send heavy infantry and crossbowmen, the tribes send light infantrymen and scouts while the city-states send light cavalrymen and pike-men, as well as other support services. Haven serves as the location for council deliberations and the elected capital as well. The legion of steel has restored the citadel of North Keep along the shore of Newsea and it serves as both headquarters and training center for the legion. The legion keeps a contingent of troops in each city to supplement the constabulary, but also teaches any citizen who wants combat training in order to better defend their homes, most members of the constabulary. The legion also allows instruction for those outside its borders but tuition is charged. The training program is sponsored by the various city-states and any citizen who has trained at the keep is considered a member of the nation’s militia and can be called to service if attacked, this has not happened since the chaos however. Ambeon Capital: Sargasanti Population: Minotaur, Elves (slaves) Government: Imperial Languages: Common, Elven, Kothian, Ogre Trade: Ships, mercenary sailors Alignment: LE When the Minotaur invaded Silvanesti and chased the elves from their ancient homeland, nobody believed that the Minotaur would be able to hold the land as long as they have. The Minotaur have since turned the woods of Silvanesti into a massive shipbuilding enterprise. They understand that to try and invade overland would tax even their high stamina and endurance. So they have been building ships as fast as possible. They almost lost their control of the forests when they invaded Khur in 428 AC and the Khur set fire to the great forest. The entire region of the Charmed Woods was reduced to black cinders and ash. When the elves saw what had happened to their precious woods, a small legion of elves, lead by members of the Cult of the Bloody Condor, conducted an assault by Griffon back upon Sargasanti in an effort to send the rest of the Minotaur back across the sea. While the assault did cripple the government of the Minotaur and slaughtered hundreds of the bull-men, the effort ultimately failed and the entire group of elves was either killed or captured in the attack. Since then the Cult of the Bloody Condor has become much more meticulous and cunning in its effort to reduce the troops of the Minotaur Empire. The assault did cause the Minotaur to construct numerous outposts and signal towers along the borders of the great forest. Traffic into and out of the forest is now strictly controlled by these outposts. A small group of wild-runners and kirath however have recently penetrated the borders of Ambeon and serve as spies and assassins for the Elven nation of Corvanesti. Blodecairn Capital: Kortal Population: Abaqua, ogres, elves, humans (civilized) Government: Imperial Languages: High ogre, ogre, dwarven, common Trade: Steel weapons and armor, gems, rare ore Alignment: LE, NE, LN Blodecairn is the kingdom of the abaqua. Shortly after the War of the Souls the ogre tyrant Golgren was able to take complete control of Blode by bringing the Ogre titans to their knees. He was able to exert control over them by controlling the flow of elves necessary to maintain their transformation. Eventually with the successful destruction of the city of Khuri-Khan he was able to unite the two ogre nations of Kern and Blode. After this he was obsessed with restoring the greatness of the High Ogres. He searched for every scrap of history, culture, and knowledge that he could find. He was eventually able to restore the ogres, or at least a majority of them, to their previous form by finding the Heart of the Irda. After the transformation many abaqua realized their intellectual capacity had been expanded and that they had control of innate magical abilities; they soon began soaking up knowledge like a sponge with water. Using their newfound magical abilities and intellect they were able to restore much of the culture and traditions of the high ogres. Since then the abaqua have exerted power over the surrounding areas and even supported the Knights of Neraka in routing the Solamnics from Sanction. The most unusual alliance brokered by Golgren was between the Abaqua nation and the dwarves of Thoradin. The ogre titans had been attempting to secure their own supply of elves by invading the foothills of Khur and assaulting the migration led by Gilthas. They arrived too late however as the elves had been mysteriously transported away. The Ogre force came across the Khur that had been pursuing the elves. While the tribes had lost the will to attack the elves, they had no trouble in routing the ogres from their land. This incident unfortunately led to Golgren authorizing raids on the Khurish people. Golgren soon entered into negotiations with Kern to unite the two ogre nations, the Kern ogres expressed concern that if Golgren could not defeat the Khur then he was not worthy to led a united ogre nation. So Golgren set out to grind the khur into the pages of history. He led an assault force against the khurish city of Khuri-Khan and was set to besiege it when the dwarves of Thoradin arrived to assist the Khur. The dwarves attempted to save the Khur from the ogre invasion, but instead caused Golgren to shift targets and come after the Dwarves instead. The Khur, still suffering from attack by the Nerakan assault and the Ogres, were in no position to assist their saviors when the Ogres besieged Thoradin. With their financial lifeline cut off the dwarves had no choice but to agree to provide steel in exchange for a peace accord. The ogres were eventually able to assault the Khur again but ultimately they failed to conquer the desert people but they did manage to raise the city of Khuri-Khan to the ground which allowed Golgren to unite Kern and Blode. The city of Kortal is the capital of Blodecairn and it is where the seat of power is maintained. Golgren was obsessed with restoring the former glory of the Ogre nation to the face of Krynn. He went as far as employing Maldred, the son of Donnag the former chieftain of Blode, to seek out the stone known as the Heart of the Irda, which had supposedly enabled the Ogre to become the Irda. After finding this stone, Golgren was eventually able to use a magical ritual to restore the ogres to their previous physical form. After this he sought out any piece of information on the High Ogre empire and was able to restore much of their lost knowledge. One of Golgren's greatest accomplishments was to have a grand palace built to house the emperor. The grace and culture of the ancient ogres has been returned to the ogre realm because of it. Blood Sea Isles Capital: None, Sea reach (Saifhum) Population: Humans (civilized), minotaur, elves (Saifhum), kyrie, elves (Karthay Isle), minotaur, kinder (Mithas, Kothas), humans, elves, (Misty Isles), humans, elves, dwarves, (Isle of Tiath) Government: None, Republic (Saifhum) Languages: Common, Dargoi, Saifhum (Saifhum), Kenderspeak, Kothian, Saifhum, (Mithas, Kothas), Common (Elian Isles) Trade: Fishing, kelp harvesting, reciovered artifacts, salt production, shipping (Saifhum), none. Alignment: N (Saifhum), LE (Isle of Tiath) The blood sea isles encompass the islands of Saifhum, Karthay, Mithas, Kothas, the Isle of Tiath and the Elian Isles. Saifhum has become the premier port for pirates offering protection for any who claim citizenship, the Minotaur isles on the other hand have declined since the invasion of Silvanesti. The Minotaur kingdom moved its capital from the city of Lacynos to Sargasanti in the year 475 AC. Since then the Minotaur isles have become havens for Minotaur marauders as well as human pirates. Strangely enough the islands have created a major attraction for Kender who explore the islands in search of what the bull-men were so interested in when they lived there. Recently members from clan Kazeganthi have begun using the islands as staging bases in order to raid ships from Ambeon. The islands have been almost completely stripped of all lumber to be used for the ship building endeavors of Ambeon. The island of Karthay is the home of the mysterious Kyrie who viciously protect its’ borders. In an unheard of offer of kindness, the Kyrie have allowed any displaced elf to take up residence on the island as long as they do not bring any disruption in their wake, should they do so the Kyrie slay the attackers as well as the elf or elves who caused the disturbance. The Elian islands are a mystery unto themselves, both islands are perpetually surrounded by a cloud of mist and they are a haven for multiple monasteries dedicated to Majere. The Black tower on the isle of Tiath in the middle of the blood sea is the current seat of power for the Order of high sorcery with Dalamar leading the conclave. This tiny island has one small village with an arcane institution. The black robes search the world for those with the potential for magic and procure them by any means. They students are trained to be the next generation of blood robes, when they receive their test should they by chance choose any order other than the black robe they are allowed to leave, but are given no assistance in reaching shore. Corvanesti Capital: Nuvainess Population: Elves Government: Monarchy (supported by a senate) Languages: Elven Trade: Fruit, leather, wine, liquor, bows and arrows, timber. Alignment: LG, LN, NG, N The elven population has experienced more change in the last age than in its entire history. After the elves were mysteriously transported from Khur to Qualinesti they mounted an assault on the bandits inhabiting their forest homeland and liberated it. The elves, still enraged over their current predicament, and paranoid over future persecutions, decided to evict the Knights of Neraka from the Kharolis region. When they moved to liberate these lands they were welcomed with open arms by the inhabitants of those lands. In their efforts to regain the ancient homeland of Silvanesti the elves negotiated with their sea-born cousins to obtain their aid. In a coordinated attack on the eastern coast of Ambeon in the year 543 AC, they attempted to retake their woods from the Minotaur. Unfortunately they were easily repulsed by the legions of the Minotaur who had advance warning of the attack due to pirate scouts in the blood sea. Since then the elves have ceased most direct attacks against Ambeon simply biding their time. With the situation of the Tarmak and the blue dragons in the plains of dust, an overland attack seems doomed to fail before it is even begun. With the number of Minotaur ships in the blood sea it is unknown when the elves might have a chance to regain their ancient homeland. In the meantime they are attempting to become adept at shipboard combat and are building an armada to rival that of the Minotaur nation. There is a fairly large group of elves who still advocate attacking the Minotaur anyway they can, even turning to evil if necessary. They are the Cult of the Bloody condor and are dedicated to Sargonnas and revenge. These elves consistently and periodically conduct guerilla attacks and raids on the Ambeon nation, and even enlist mercenaries and pirates to attack Minotaur supply ships and ports. The elves also instituted a plan to restore Qualinost but failed to bring the city out of the lake of death. The Dimernesti who helped with this plan have instead restored the city as an underwater society and continue to cooperate with their land-born cousins. Failing to regain their lost nation, the elves decided to begin a new elven legacy and built Nuvainess as the new capital of the combined elven people. They set about solidifying the elven nation, as a sign of the unification of the different elven races Gilthas changed the name of the forest from Qualinesti to Corvanesti, which means the legendary woods of the elves. Many elves have returned to their isolationist ways and fervently protect their borders against outsiders. Dragon Isles Capital: None Population: Humans, dwarves, elves Government: Unknown Languages: Draconian, common, dragon, gnomish, kalinese, kyrie Trade: None Alignment: LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN Very little is known of the dragon islands aside from the fact that no evil dragons reside on the isles. The people who live are those who have been shipwrecked upon the islands or their descendants. Each island has its own form of government ranging from a monarchy, to a republic, even a council of dragons who create the laws of the land. Very few who live here desire to leave, but those that do are free to leave at any time they wish, finding their way back however is an entirely different story. The dragons that live here use magic to prevent others from finding the islands. Duntollik Capital: None Population: Human, centaur, thanoi, goblin, tarmak Government: Republic (Duntollik) Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin, Icespeak, Kharolian, Minotaur, Ogre, Thanoi Trade: Leather products, pelts Alignment: NG, NE The plains of dust remain a blistering wasteland in the summer and frozen tundra during the winter. The tribes have had to contend with the Tarmak barbarians ever since the War of the Souls. The tarmak were finally able to establish a permanent foothold in 789 AC with their taking of Anir’s End and have now built a number of outposts along the coast. The actions of the tarmak have drawn the attention of the Minotaur of Ambeon who are very wary of any non-minotaur presence being so close. To make matters worse the plains are home to many blue dragons who do not take kindly to invaders. During the early years of the Age of Mortals, Duntollik experienced an influx of refugees fleeing from various nations, unfortunately with the stabilization of the nations to the west many descendants of these refugees have since returned less harsh environs. Duntollik does have an established government but very few subjects to govern. Ergoth Capital: Daltigoth Population: Humans, dwarves, elves, kender Government: Imperial Languages: Common, Ergot, Solamnic Trade: Copper, brass, fish, furs, grain, leather, steel tools, relics, cut stone, mitary knowledge and training, ships Alignment: LN, LG, LE, N Ergoth may be divided into two separate islands but the nation could not be more united as a people even if it were still a single continent. Since the dragon overlord Gellidus was slain in 421 AC the Ergothian people have systematically retaken the lands from the ogres and have returned the seat of governmental power to Daltigoth. The emperor has brokered peace accords and alliances with the Solamnics, Abanasinia and the Legion of Steel, as well as the Kender of Hylo, the Gnomes of Mt. Nevermind and even the Elves of Koehlasess. Emperor Gregoire Tristan is good friends with Regent Jaymes Holcolm of Palanthas and Solamnic Grand Master Wallace Proctor. In addition to being a superb swordsman he is also a cleric of Kiri-Jolith and is often seen leading his warriors personally. While he hopes to maintain peace until his children are grown he understands that a great threat is brewing in the east. The town of Hillfal continues to be of importance to the empire of Ergoth as it houses the military garrison of the northern hundred. From this location the soldiers can move to support nearly any city on the coast within a day’s time. Even though the climate of Southern Ergoth did not change after Gellidus was slain, the crystal bridge blocking Lake Morgash was destroyed by the Ergothians allowing ships to dock at Daltigoth again. Estwilde Capital: None Population: Humans (nomadic), goblins, ogres, giants, centaurs, hill dwarves, dragons Government: Tribal Languages: Common, Estwilde, Goblin, Ogre Trade: Foodstuffs, goat-derived products Alignment: NE, NG, N The land of Estwilde is a land of bogs, swamps and hills, and the inhabitants of this land have become accustomed to perpetual moisture. It is a land of bandits, goblins, giants, and ogres. There is no central government with the exception of the bandit chieftains and the tribal elders of the Lor-Tai tribesmen of Qlettar and the Lahutian cannibals of Qwalmish. The only redeeming value of the entire land is the Woods of Lahue in the north but even this forest is infested with tribes of goblins and cannibals. Some centaurs inhabit the forest as well as a few human villages. The red dragon Cinder was slain during the year 628 AC by the Draconians of Teyr and shortly thereafter Lorrinar the green negotiated with Teyr in order to prevent an attack on him as well. This peace lasted until the great dragon died in battle with his mate Eiolut, who stayed with him until her eggs hatched and then she killed him. The draconians were able to kill Eiolut and they are now in search of her hatchlings that remain in the woods. There are only three dragons that remain in the woods, Lewat, Polut, and Sollun (all LE male young green mature adult). Hylo Capital: Hylo Population: Kender, humans, gully dwarves Government: Republic Languages: Common, kenderspeak, ergot Trade: Timber, wooden carvings, professional finders and guides, ebony, flint, raw gems, spices, medicinal herbs Alignment: NG, N, CN, CN This is the only Kender nation left on the face of Ansalon. The kender have fended off numerous advances by Ergoth in the days after the war of the Souls. The last diplomatic envoy was in the year of 672 AC when the nation was threatened with invasion from the goblin tribes to the south. When the goblins invaded, Ergoth sent emissaries to Firebraid Birdhummer, Hylo’s governor, to persuade Hylo to become a province of Ergoth in exchange for military support. Firebraid’s response was a complete annihilation of the goblin tribes, it took the kender three years but Hylos’ independence was cemented for centuries to come. The city of Hylo continues to serve as the capital for the kender nation of Hylo. While Hylo has made it clear they have no wish to become a subject kingdom of Ergoth they have agreed to serve as scouts and spies in the forthcoming conflict. Icereach Capital: None Population: Humans (nomadic), thanoi, draconian, dragons Government: Tribal Languages: Common, Kharolian, Thanoi Trade: Furs, meat, blubber, ice, hooks, harpoon heads, iceboat blades Alignment: LG (Ice Folk), LE (Thanoi) Icereach continues to be harsh frozen tundra assaulted by blistering winds. It is hazardous to those who live there and is deadly environment to any unwary traveler or inhabitant. To live in Icereach one must either be born to live such an environment or very diligent in one’s protection against the cold. Only the hardiest of humans live here in addition to the numerous Thanoi, Ogre and Draconian races. This land is still the domain of Frisindia and Cryonisis the dragon overlords. There is a rumor that the lair of the fabled storm dragon lies somewhere in the lands of the icereach, but nobody who has sought it out has ever been heard from again. Kharolis Capital: Alsip Population: Humans, Elves, Dwarves Government: Republic Languages: Common, Elven, Ergot, Hand Talk (sign language), Istarian, Kharolian, Kenderspeak Trade: Beasts of burden, coinage, grain, horses, lumber, tobacco, weapons Alignment: LG, LN, NG, N, CG, CN Kharolis was transformed by Beryl during the early years of the Age of Mortals, and while it was widely believed that the land would revert to its previous condition after the overlord’s death, this is not the case. The forests created during this time have continued to thrive and now provide a major portion of the nation’s commerce. When the elves and Solamnia first liberated the land from the Dark Knights many were worried that they would simply exchange one occupying force for another. The elves and Solamnia however saw that it was better to have an ally rather than a rebellious colony. Kharolis and Tarsis were left to govern themselves and they soon joined together to remove the gangs of ogres that had allied with the thanoi. With the assistance of many Wizards out of Wayreth forest, Kharolis soon secured its borders against the thanoi and chased the ogres out. As a sign of the nation’s gratitude they allowed the orders to construct minor academies within its borders. Since then Kharolis has been a region that welcomes Wizards of High Sorcery with open arms, in fact many current wizards were born within its borders. When Corvanesti first contracted Ergoth to build them an armada it was to Kharolis that they procured the timber from. This has allowed the nation to flourish and to increase the standard of life for its citizens. Khur Capital: None Population: Humans (nomadic), goblins Government: Monarchy Languages: Dwarven, Goblin, Khur, Nerakese, Ogre Trade: Horses, leather goods, diamonds, glass work, spices, oil, artifacts Alignment: LE, LN Khur has finally become a united nation. It has been attacked from all sides, fortunately they have not all come at the same time. The nation was first attacked shortly after the elven exodus by the Knights of Neraka who attempted to take over the government by subverting the prince and bringing him to their side, this failed when he was killed by his father’s own troops. Less than five years later the ogres attempted to drive the Khur into the sea, but the ogres were attacked by the Dwarves of Thoradin. The Khur had been using the treasure squeezed out of the elves to buy weapons crafted by the dwarves. The ogres ceased their attacks on the Khur and began a siege against the dwarves cutting off their financial lifeline. The Khur tribe advocated assisting the dwarves but they could not persuade any of the other tribes help the dwarves. The Emperor did send a task force to assist Thoradin, but they were intercepted and destroyed by the ogres. The Minotaur were the next to attack, the Khur people were only able to avert annihilation by starting a massive fire along the northern border of the Ambeon forest, which raged out of control for three weeks. Once the ogres brokered a peace accord with the dwarves they made one final assault on the city of Khuri-khan, and although the ogres were driven back, the city was destroyed. The Khur tribe was wiped out almost to the last man, and the Hachakee assumed the mantle of Grand Khan. The people of Khur have since returned to their roots and become a nomadic people again. Nearly all cities have been abandoned and or demolished since the fighting ended. One of the few cities still inhabited is Ak-Khurman, but those who live here are not the Khur nomads but pirates, kender and some Minotaur who raid the Khurman and Courrain seas. The city of Delphon was destroyed during the invasion by the Minotaur and was completely reduced to rubble. There are rumors that the city is inhabited by giant snakes and tylor. Koehlasess Capital: None Population: Elves Government: Republic Languages: Elven Trade: None Alignment: LG, NG, CG The tiny nation of Koehlasess has its foundations in the exodus of the elven nations during the first years of the war of the lance, when the elves evacuated their lands. While the elves had settled the lands and they were pretty much left alone to govern themselves, the threat of invasion always hung over their head. The elves sought to rectify that situation when Ergoth came calling for assistance. They brokered for permanent rulership of the land and persuaded Ergoth to renounce all claim to the area. Since then the nation has remained isolated from the world, any elf that advocates isolationism will eventually find themselves arriving here. Malagh’valos Capital: Darkhaven Keep Population: Humans, kender, goblins, draconians, dragons, sligs Government: Dictatorship (Knights of Darkhaven) Languages: Common, Goblin, Kenderspeak, Ogre, Nerakan, Slig Trade: Raw ore, jewels, artifacts Alignment: LE, LN, CN, N, CE Malagh’valos, the land of the red goddess, is the combined lands of Balifor and Goodlund previously ruled by Malystryx. It is a sprawling wasteland ruled by the Knights of Darkhaven. It was hoped by many that the land would revert to its previous condition when Malystryx was killed during the War of the Souls but this has not happened. The Knights of Darkhaven preach that this is a sign of the power of red goddess. It is populated by numerous dragons, bandits, brigands, pirates and mercenaries. The wasteland only supports life along the coastal waters. Each town is a world unto itself, even the coastal towns have learned to be self-reliant, that is occasionally disrupted by the depredations of the knights of darkhaven. The land is ruled by the knights of Darkhaven but that has more to do with the fact that very few have ever tried to disrupt their control of the land. The kender have made several attempts to return the land to its previous condition to no avail. There are three major towns in the wasteland, two in the Balifor area and one in the Goodlund area. Port Balifor has moved nearly all of its buildings into the surrounding caves, a few buildings still reside outside the caves but these are the buildings and warehouses that run along the wharf. Flotsam has completely surrounded itself with a sturdy and high wall but it has constructed all of its buildings to look dilapidated or run-down by constructing each building, even new ones, out of many different materials and this has become the theme of the town as well as a tourist attraction. Lord Toede who is many years old (nobody really knows how he has lived this long) continues to be the mayor of the town. Some Kender still inhabit the wasteland and explore the famous Kender site of the Ruins of the tower of Losarcum which Malystryx took as her lair. Neraka Capital: Sanction Population: Humans, ogres, hobgoblins, draconians Government: Dictatorship (knights), Tribal Languages: Dwarven, Goblin, Khur, Lemish, Nerakese, Nordmaarian, Ogre, Solamnic Trade: Slaves, obsidian, lime, mercenaries, smuggled goods, llamas, wool Alignment: LE, LN, NE The knighthood achieved a consolidation of forces after they were driven from the woodlands of Kharolis by the elves magical arrival from the desert of Khur. The knighthood boarded ships and set sail from the western borders of Kharolis and coordinated with their brother knights to attack the city of Sanction. This action re-established the dark knights as a power in the Taman Busuk region. After driving the Solamnics from Sanction Sir Taylor Uth Matar became the Lord of the Night of the knighthood in the area of Taman Busuk, and the leadership of the knighthood has been passed down through the centuries from one Uth Matar to the next with very few lords of the night not being from this family line. In recent years a young knight named Joseph Uth Matar has systematically sought out and brought to ground every single faction of Dark Knights that refused to comply with the tenets of the Knighthood. Somehow he was able to convince the Thorn knight’s of Storm’s Keep and the Knights of darkhaven again join forces with him in a grand campaign to conquer all of Ansalon. He also restored a much needed focal point to the knighthood by dedicating the knighthood to one of Krynn’s dark deities. Nordmaar Capital: North Keep Population: Humans (nomadic) Government: Feudal (nomads) Languages: Estwilde, Kalinese, Nordmaarian, Solamnic, Common, Nerakese Trade: Spice, exotic plants and animals, liquors, iron, marble, carts, chariots, horses Alignment: Any The lives of the Nordmen remain largely unchanged since the time of the chaos war. After the Draconians moved into the area and established a government in Teyr, there were tensions between the two nations. However things changed when the Draconians slew the dragon Mohrlex and offered to let the Nordmen take possession of the treasure horde, King Shredler Kerian however negotiated with Governor Kang to share the treasure (in fact allowing the Draconian nation to keep the majority of the treasure) and brokered an alliance between the two nations. The draconians and the horsemen have supported each other in stopping invasion by the Knights of Neraka as well as routing the goblins from the forests of Sahket Jungle, they were even able to rout all ogres from the area as well. Since then the two nations have become steadfast allies and compatriots in maintaining their independence from other nations, governments and invasion. Solamnia Capital: Palanthas Population: Humans, dwarves Government: Imperial (Solamnia), monarchy (Kayolin) Languages: Common, Dwarven, Solamnic, Lemish Trade: Ships, timber, ale, gems, iron, steel, horses, cattle, military knowledge and training Alignment: LG, NG, CG, LN Solamnia is enjoying its greatest age since before the time of the cataclysm. It has returned the lands of Throtl, Lemish, Nightlund and Qwermish to its borders and it is a time of relative peace and harmony. The lands of Estwilde and Nordmaar continue to act as a buffer between the Solamnics and the Knights of Neraka who are pressured by the ogre nation. Solamnia is currently acting with the United Elvish government as well as Ergoth to build and crew an armada of ships to retake the Silvanesti lands from the Minotaur. The forests of Kharolis provide the wood while the shipyards of Ergoth on Enstar and Nostar build the vessels. The Knighthood is enjoying vast recruitments with some knights having two or even three squires at a time. The knighthood has built a fifth war college in Dargaard Keep with the first four being in the High Clerist Tower, Solanthus, Palanthas, and Caergoth. Here young knights receive training in squirely duties while kingfishers receive wizardly training. The white tower resides in the forest of Knightlund and continues to support the Solamnics in their efforts to keep the land free of evil. Kalaman is the capital of the province of Knightlund as well as a major sea port for the Solamnic nation. Sancrist Capital: Castle uth Wistan (Gunthar), Mt. Nevermind (gnomes) Population: Gnomes, humans (civilized) Government: Republic (gnomes), Imperial (Gunthar) Languages: Common, Gnome, Solamnic Trade: Gold, silver, platinum, gems, weapons Alignment: NG (gnomes), LG (Gunthar) Little has changed on Sancrist isle in the last 600 years. Mt. Nevermind is still the main stronghold for the gnomes of Ansalon, and they have rid themselves of the dragon overlord Pyrothraxus, granted he died of old age, some say boredom, and not through any direct effort of the gnomes but he is gone. The knights maintain the citadel at Castle Uth Wistan in Gunthar but it is no longer the seat of power for the Solamnic nation but it is the headquarters for the naval branch of the Solamnic army. The world has become more accepting of gnomish inventions since their curse was lifted, but the gnomes themselves are a very goal-oriented people, so unless someone comes to them they are not likely to share their inventions with the outside world. The Solamnic navy has always kept a close eye on the gnomes of Mt. Nevermind and they have incorporated every single incarnation of working cannons into the design of their ships. Unfortunately some of these ships have fallen into the hands of the dark knights as well as the Minotaur and they have started to make versions of the cannons themselves. The gnomes are currently working on a steel-reinforced hull for ships of the Solamnic navy. Schallsea Isle Capital: None Population: Humans, dwarves, elves Government: Tribal (nomads), theocracy (citadel of light) Languages: Common, Solamnic Trade: Foodstuffs, fish, coinage Alignment: LG, NG The island of Schallsea is not a nation but more of an organization. The island has no government but the Citadel of Light administers to any needs that the inhabitants might have. The island offers its services of healing and mysticism to any who are in need. The island enjoys the protection of both Solamnia to the north and Abanasinia and the Legion of Steel to the south, but this protection is rarely needed as the island presents no threat or aggressive action towards any government, group or race of people. The Citadel welcomes both mystics and clerics for training into its halls as well as druids, rangers, paladins and even bards. The island has added a Bardic college to its institution as well as a small survival course in combat to its curriculum, for even though one might not want to bring harm to others, sometimes others bring harm to thee. It has no facilities to train those in the arcane arts with the exception of the Bardic college, but sorcerers and wizards are both welcome to partake of the knowledge contained in the libraries. The Great Swamp Capital: None Population: Bakali, draconians, dragons, nagas, sligs Government: Tribal Languages: Draconic Trade: None Alignment: CE, CN, N The terrain once claimed by Dragon Overlord Enysablet has continued to remain a swamp despite the death of Sable after the war of the souls. It has since become a land of reptiles and draconic creatures. Black dragons, dragonspawn and even some draconians have come to live beside the reptilian races like the bakali, sligs, kobolds, giant snakes and nagas. These creatures have taken control of this stretch of land and there is no central leadership other than the leaders of the wandering clans and tribes of lizardmen. While most people are not able to tell the difference between the different racial types much less the different tribes, the swamp’s inhabitants have no such trouble. While the different groups are constantly waging war on each other, they have never been much of a threat to those outside of the swamp’s borders, should they ever band together they would present a fighting force the face of Ansalon has not seen since the first age. Teyr Capital: Teyr Population: Draconians Government: Senate Languages: Common, Nerakese, Nordmaarian Trade: Weapons, military training, gems Alignment: LG, LN, LE The Draconians of Teyr have experienced a truly vitalizing sense of life since their first stumbling steps as a nation. Many draconians criticized governor Kang’s action when he advocated the destruction of Mohrlex, but realized his genius when they became the only nation to broker a peace treaty with a dragon overlord through a position of power. Governor Kang was able to convince the horseman of Nordmaar of his desire for peace when he offered the treasure of Mohrlex to the horseman and again assisted in the defense of the nation when Neraka invaded in 540 AC, it was at this time that the nation ceded more land to the draconian nation, who became the first line of defense against invasion from the south. The draconians have built a huge wall with outposts along the southern border from Hangman’s Harbor to the Astivar Mountains. There is also a huge outpost in the Astivar Mountains allowing the wall to be watched at all times, and for messengers to be dispatched should an attack come from the south. This outpost also allows a view of the woods of Lahue and is on constant watch for Lewat, Polut, and Sollun the descendants of Lorrinar. Draconians have been seen dropping from the fortress and gliding almost the entire length of the wall. The draconians have also discovered the reason that dwarves originally settled in the region, the mountains of Astivar have a vast amount of diamonds and sapphires hidden deep within its roots. Thoradin Capital: Thoradin Population: Dwarves Government: Monarchy Languages: Common, Dwarven, High Ogre, Terran, Undercommon Trade: Minted coins, gems, weapons, dwarf spirits, wool, clothing, timber Alignment: LN, N, LE, NE The Dwarves of Thoradin are in an untenable position sharing a border with the Abaqua nation Blodecairn and the nomads of Khur. They once tried to support the Khur against an Ogre invasion and suffered greatly for it. After coming to the aid of their trading partners, the Ogres turned on the dwarven nation and were able to sustain a two year long siege, mostly by the pure will of the ogre tyrant Golgren, cutting the dwarves off from any help and breaking their trading lines. King Severus Stonehand had little choice but to capitulate to the demands of the ogre leader Golgren, which they have abided by for centuries. After the treaty was reached the dwarven nation devoted itself to protecting itself from just such an attack in the future. They have been able to expand the tunnels beneath the city and have cultivated massive underground gardens and have even acclimatized livestock for the underground kingdom. Thorbardin Capital: Thorbardin Population: Dwarves Government: Dictatorship Languages: Dwarven Trade: None Alignment: LN, LG, N, CN, LE The dwarves of Thorbardin have not been seen since the war of the souls when they evicted King Tarn Bellowgranite and shut their doors to the world. Many Hylar dwarves have advised that Tarn try and retake the underground kingdom but he knew that this would cause more bloodshed between the clans, so he decided to wait. To placate those who spoke of retaking the realm he made plans and preparations for this invasion, but many accused him of continued stalling and they were not far off. Tarn was hoping to stall the invasion until after his son was grown. To his despair his son was killed in cave-in when the dwarves were expanding the underground caverns of Pax Tharkas. Tarn led a scout mission into the tunnels leading to Thorbardin that the dragon-armies had used during the War of the Lance, he was never seen again. Occasionally a scouting team is sent to investigate the way into Thorbardin, none have ever returned. |
#5zombiegleemaxJun 02, 2007 8:23:12 | I love all of the work that you have done Darth! Bravo. :D |
#6darthsylverJun 02, 2007 17:11:05 | Thank you trey. When I finally get done I plan on submitting the whole thing to the nexus. |
#7darthsylverJun 02, 2007 17:18:22 | Races The following races are available for play for campaigns that begin at first level: Human: As described in Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook Hill Dwarf: As described in Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook Mountain Dwarf: As described in Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook Gully Dwarf: As described in Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook Kagonesti Elf: As described in Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook Qualinesti Elf: As described in Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook Silvanesti Elf: As described in Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook Tinker Gnome: As described in Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook Mad Gnome: As described in Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook Half-Elf: As described in Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook Half-Kender: As described in Dragonlance Age of Mortals sourcebook Afflicted Kender: As described in Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook True Kender: As described in Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook Minotaur: As described in Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook The following races are available for play for campaigns that begin at second level: Sea Elf: As described in Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook Half-Ogre: As described in Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook Bakali: As lizardfolk described in Monstrous Manual sourcebook The following races are available for play for campaigns that begin at third level: Irda: As described in Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook Slig: As described in Bestiary of Krynn sourcebook Phaeton: As described in Key of Destiny module Abaqua Racial Traits +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution Large: As large creatures, Abaqua receive -1 penalty on their attack rolls and Armor class due to their size, and a -4 penalty to Hide checks. Natural Armor: Abaqua have extremely tough hides, which provide them with a +2 natural armor Base land speed: 40 feet Space\Reach: Abaqua have a space of 10 feet and a reach of 10 feet Spell-like abilities: 1/day – dancing lights, detect magic, flare, ghost sound, light, and mage hand. (Save DC 10 + Cha mod) Giant: Abaqua are creatures of the giant type Low-light Vision: Abaqua can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight and similar conditions. Darkvision: Abaqua can see in the dark up to 60 feet Automatic languages: Common and High Ogre Favored class Sorcerer Level adjustment: +2 The following races are available for play for campaigns that begin at fourth level: Baaz Draconian: As described in Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook The following races are available for play for campaigns that begin at fifth level: Kapak Draconian: As described in Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook The following races are available for play for campaigns that begin at seventh level: Centaur: As described in Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook Ogre: As described in Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook I would post the stats for the other races but I don’t want to violate any copy-wright rules or anything. |
#8zombiegleemaxJun 02, 2007 20:06:11 | You might have to edit the races information Darth, when Races of Ansalon comes out. |
#9darthsylverJun 02, 2007 22:04:44 | Not gonna happen, this is my campaign and here I am the high god, hahahahahaha. Oh, wait, did I just say that out-loud? Um, I ... uh.. was just kidding. I might change things if I feel there is a good reason to. But then again, maybe not. |
#10cam_banksJun 03, 2007 7:40:57 | Is there a reason you've spelled Mishakal's name that way? ![]() Cheers, Cam |
#11zombiegleemaxJun 03, 2007 10:22:13 | Probably just a type and it isnt as big of a deal as say, having a gold dragon with a CE alignment. :D |
#12darthsylverJun 03, 2007 20:06:36 | Yeah that was just a type-o, sorry. It's been fixed. |
#13darthsylverJun 03, 2007 20:07:16 | Regional Information Ansalon is divided by the different regions throughout the land and people from these are known for the various traits and cultures of their home area. Some people are more distinguished by the individual tribe or clan that they hail from. The following section is described in order of each geographic area and the regions that are available for selection. Each region is followed by a language that all inhabitants of the region know automatically, in addition to any they receive from their racial descriptions, and is then followed by the various regional\tribal traits available for selection during character creation. For those regions that have a regional trait and tribal\clan trait the character can choose either the regional trait or the tribal\clan trait. For example the tribes of Abanasinia have the following regional traits; Plains Stalker and Tireless Runner and then each tribe has its individual tribal traits and a character from the tribe of Que-kiri can select either Plains Stalker, Tireless Runner or one of the tribal traits listed for his tribe, but not a trait listed for the Que-shu or the Que-teh. A brief description of each regional\tribal trait follows the region descriptions. During character creation each character chooses a region and gains the automatic language and a single regional or tribal\clan trait associated with that region. Abanasinia Automatic Language: Abanasinian The city-states of Abanasinia and the dwarves of Klanath are known for their merchant and craftsman skills. Many heroes have also hailed from the lands of Abanasinia, while the dwarves are skilled at sensing deceit. The plains tribes of Abanasinia are skilled hunters but are differentiated by their separate tribes, the Que-kiri are wary of outsiders and are manic warriors when provoked, the Que-shu have always been healers and respectful of their ancestors, and the Que-teh have never hesitated to trade with others for what they need and have become quite skilled at it. Abanasinia: Craftsman, Drafted, Caravan Guard, Entrepreneur, Heroe’s Luck Klanath: Craftsman, Drafted, Earthbound, Metallurgist, Nobody’s fool Tribes of Abanasinia regional traits: Plains Stalker, Tireless Runner Que-Kiri: Bloodlust, Frightening Fury, Intimidating Brute Que-Shu: Ancestral Wisdom, Healer, Seer Que-Teh: Entrepreneur, Nobody’s Fool Ambeon Automatic Language: Kothian The woods of Ambeon are controlled by the minotaur race who are known for their belief in honor and combat. The different clans of the minotaur all have their unique traits and skills they impart to their members. The clans of Athak, Genjis and Goldtyn are known for their naval prowess, while the clans of Droka, Hestos, and Morgayn are warriors who excel at the warrior arts. The minotaur have their merchants, clans Dexos, Entragath, and Zhakan as well as their diplomats and senators; clans Kalin, Nordmir, and Proul. A few clans are known for their ability at creation, clans Lagrangli and Tyklo or for their preference for scholarly dedication, clans Brog and Kalgor. While the minotaur are known for their belief in honor one clan stands above all others in terms of dedication and loyalty and that is clan Bregan. Although it is a rare study, the arcane arts also have their students as well in clan Teskos who care little for whether this knowledge is natural or learned from a book. Regional traits: Drafted, Honorable Clan traits Clan Athak: Aggressive Negotiator, Born at Sea, Deck Hand Clan Bregan: Focused, Steadfast, Stoutheart Clan Brog: Educated, Enlightened, Stoutheart Clan Dexos: Aggressive Negotiator, Entrepreneur, Nobody’s Fool Clan Droka: Frightening Fury, Sword Fighter, Veteran Clan Entragath: Aggressive Negotiator, Educated, Frightening Fury Clan Genjis: Aggressive Negotiator, Born at Sea, Deck Hand Clan Goldtyn: Born at Sea, Natural Swimmer, Sense of Direction Clan Hestos: Master Hurler, Sword Fighter, Veteran Clan Kalgor: Ancestral Wisdom, Educated, Stoutheart Clan Kalin: Aggressive Negotiator, Determined, Diplomat Clan Lagrangli: Craftsman, Educated, Stone Shaper Clan Morgayn: Bloodlust, Master Hurler, Veteran Clan Nordmir: Diplomat, Educated, Nobody’s Fool Clan Proul: Diplomat, Educated, Jaded Clan Teskos: Arcane Lore, Educated, Frightening Fury Clan Tyklo: Craftsman, Focused, Metallurgist Clan Zhakan: Diplomat, Entrepreneur, Frightening Fury Blodecairn Automatic Language: Kolshet The Abaqua have resurrected many of the traditions and culture of the lost Ogre civilization, but they are still an evil and hardy race who believe that they will someday rule over all others. The Abaqua of Blode tend to prefer to do this through cunning and manipulation, while the residents of the Kern region tend to be mighty and powerful warriors who relish the thought of battle and continue to raid the lands of Khur to keep up their combat skills. Regional traits: Arcane expertise, Thick-Skinned Blode: Arcane Lore, Drafted, Educated Kern: Bloodlust, Master Hurler, Plains Stalker Blood Sea Isles Residents of the blood sea region share only one trait, diversity. The monks of Elian follow the teachings of the deity Majere and isolate themselves from the world around them. The pirates of Saifhum are skilled sailors and are experts in the ways of the sea. The former minotaur isles of Mithas and Kothas are now havens for frightening naval warriors who sell their skills to the highest bidder. The region is also the sanctuary of the Kyrie on the island of Karthay, while the isle of Tiath is a haven for practitioners of the dark sorcerous arts. Elian Isles: Kalinese\ Determined, Focused, Enlightened, Silver-Tongued Devil, Thick-Skinned Karthay: Kalinese\ Bloodlust, Frightening Fury, Defiant Spirit, Steady Grip, Surefooted Kothas: Kothian\ Born At Sea, Deck Hand, Aggressive Negotiator, Sense of Direction, Steadfast Mithas: Kothian\ Born At Sea, Deck Hand, Frightening Fury, Natural Swimmer, Sword Fighter Saifhum: Saifhum\ Born At Sea, Deck Hand, Entrepreneur, Natural Swimmer, Sense of Direction Tiath: Saifhum\ Arcane Lore, Magical Training, Educated, Focused, Jaded Corvanesti Automatic Language: Abanasinia The last refuge of the elven people is the wood of Corvanesti, ironically it is also the place of reunified government that was once sundered by the existence of the war that first created the kingdom of Qualinesti. The elves have always venerated knowledge and skill over the art of war. Corvanesti: Arcane Lore, Drafted, Educated, Forest Huntsman, Gifted Dragon Isles Automatic Language: Kalinese The dragon isles are the refuge for many lost at sea and those the dragons of good have removed from the world. Dragon Isles: Natural Swimmer, Stoutheart, Gifted, Jaded, Linguist Duntollik Automatic Language: Kharolian Those who live in the plains of dust have become very skilled at survival in its environs. Plains of Dust: Ancestral Wisdom, Desert Scorpion, Determined, Nobody’s Fool, Thick-Skinned Ergoth Automatic Language: Ergot The Ergothian empire might be said to be the birthplace of modern human civilization. It was here that the human barbarians were pulled by force into a single empire, the kingdom of Solamnia erupted from the rebellious lands that bridled against the emperor’s rule. The empire of Ergoth has many different peoples who inhabit its borders. The Ackal province remains just as barbaric and brutal as when the empire was first founded, while Ergoth Proper upholds many chivalric ideals and the idea of education. The desert of northern ergoth can be just as harsh as the tundra and bitter lands of the southern continent. The region farthest to the south, the isles of Enstar and Nostar, cooperates with many countries in order to prepare to rid the land of evil by building ships. Regional trait: Drafted Isles of Ergoth: Educated, Born At Sea, Deck Hand, Stoutheart Ackal Province: Bloodlust, Born At Sea, Frightening Fury, Veteran Ergoth Proper: Bloodlust, Cavalryman, Educated, Veteran Sikk’et Hul: Desert Scorpion, Dirty Fighter, Forged in Fire, Linguist Solamman South: Honorable, Cavalryman, Nobody’s Fool, Piercing Gaze Eastern Wilderness: Cold-Hearted, Arctic Hunter, Educated, Magical Training Frozen Plains: Cold-Hearted, Arctic Hunter, Steady Grip, Surefooted Raging Ice: Cold-Hearted, Arctic Hunter, Honorable, Intimidating Brute Shattered Lands: Cold-Hearted, Arctic Hunter, Deck Hand, Entrepreneur Southern Woods: Cold-Hearted, Craftsman, Forest Huntsman, Sense of Direction Estwilde Automatice Language: Estwilde Estwilde has always been known for the barbarians that inhabit the mountains and the cannibals that live in the forests of Lahue. There are also savages who dwell amongst the hills, valleys, and swamps throughout the land. While all who live here can be vicious warriors this is the only trait they share. Regional trait: Frightening Fury Qlettar: Estwilde\ Frightening Fury, Mountain Man, Ancestral Wisdom, Mountaineer, Tireless Runner Shadowglades: Estwilde\ Frightening Fury, Hardy Constitution, Bloodlust, Resilient, Swamp Stalker Woods of Lahue: Estwilde\ Frightening Fury, Forest Huntsman, Resilient, Steady Grip, Thick-Skinned Hylo Automatic Laguage: Kenderspeak Hylo is the haven for the children of the world. Kenderhome: Heroe’s Luck, Lithe Grappler, Craftsman, Dirty Fighter, Gifted Icereach Automatic Language: Ice-speak This is a land of severe cold and harsh snowstorms where only the hardy and rugged or stubborn decide to live. Icereach: Cold-Hearted, Arctic Hunter, Resilient, Surefooted, Thick-Skinned Kayolin Automatic Language: Solamnic The dwarves of this region are known for their skill in crafting metal and also for their honesty and trade skill. Kayolin: Drafted, Honorable, Caravan Guard, Entrepreneur, Metallurgist Kharolis Automatic Language: Kharolian The regions of Kharolis have prospered since their deliverance at the hands of the elves and solamnics. Magic has become a respected practice since its use at ridding the land of the evil races of the thanoi and ogres. Residents excel at the arcane arts and are skilled traders and guides. Regional traits: Arcane Lore, Entrpreneur Fortune Forest: Deck Hand, Nobody’s Fool, Silver Spoon Kharolis Mountains: Craftsman, Metallurgist, Surefooted Kharolis Woods: Forest Huntsman, Magical Training, Piercing Gaze Soughshire: Deck Hand, Forest Huntsman, Jaded Khur Automatic Language: Khur The tribes of Khur have always been a nomadic people with only a short period where they attempted to live in cities. This did work for awhile until they became the target for a multitude of enemies who were able to blockade these cities hindering the Khur’s horseman tactics. In fact the very tribe that advocated living in cities was destroyed almost to a man during this time. The tribes have since returned to the deserts but still maintain their differing tribal skills. The Fin-maskar are skilled craftsmen and hunters, the Hachakee excel at mounted combat, the Mayakhur are merchants who rely more on their brute strength and intimidation rather than diplomacy. The Mikku are skilled thieves, both in combat and commerce. The Tondoon are intimidating merchants and practice the art of body modification. The Weya-lu continue to be seers and prophets who preache the wisdom of the desert. Regional trats: Born in the Saddle, Drafted Fin-maskar tribe: Craftsman, Desert Scorpion, Forged in Fire Hachakee tribe: Born in the Saddle, Cavalryman, Sword-Fighter Mayakhur tribe: Aggressive Negotiator, Dirty Fighter, Intimidating Brute Mikku tribe: Drafted, Shadow Walker, Skilled Companion, Storyteller Tondoon tribe: Aggressive Negotiator, Entrepreneur, Thick-Skinned Weya-lu tribe: Ancestral Wisdom, Honorable, Seer Koehlasses Automatic Language: Ergot The elves of Koehlasses advocate the edict of “live and let live.” They prefer to be left alone by the world and simply enjoy the beauty of nature. Koehlasess: Forest Huntsman, Plains Stalker, Craftsman, Gifted, Storyteller Malagh’valos Automatic Language: Nerakese The people of Malagh’valos have had a harsh and uncompromising life. They are constantly preyed upon by the knights of Darkhaven and have developed a cynical view of life and trust few, if any. The barbarians of the dairly plains continue to live by the traditions passed down through the generations. Inhabitants of the hollowlands and sea of cinders have adapted to their harsh environments and have learned to eke out an existence entirely their own. The residents of the desolation continue to try and trade with other nations who share their waters, even if they be ruthless and evil nations. Regional traits: Jaded, Nobody’s Fool Dairly plains: Ancestral Wisdom, Honorable, Tireless Runner Hollowlands: Desert Scorpion, Determined, Pesky Native Sea of Cinders: Forged in Fire, Iron Disposition, Resilient The Desolation: Deck Hand, Dirty Fighter, Piercing Gaze Mt. Nevermind Automatic Language: Solamnic The gnomes of Mt. Nevermind have developed and flourished since they have been released from their curse of ineptitude and truly started to discover the art of science. For the last six hundred years they have reinvented every invention ever cataloged and have removed any excessive parts and have now moved into looking at new sciences and technologies and are poised to bring the world into a new age of discovery. Its just to bad that the gnomes are so focused that the thought of sharing their knowledge with the world, never occurs to them unless to them unless their life is intruded upon by someone from the outside world. Which is a shame because they have much to share with the world. Mt. Nevermind: Craftsman, Educated, Focused, Metallurgist, Surefooted Taman Busuk Automatic Language: Nerakese The people of the Taman Busuk area are used to making a living by using their skills at bringing in those wanted by the leaders of their nation. They are skilled trackers and are used to fighting for their lives. Neraka: Drafted, Honorable, Bounty Hunter, Social Chameleon, Veteran Nordmaar Automatic Language: Nordmaarian The natives of Nordmaar excel at mounted combat and are some of the most stubborn and willful people on the face of Krynn. When every nation accepted the rulership of the dragonarmies the horsemen of Nordmaar fought back, never giving an inch. They continue this belief even today, accepting no quarter and giving no mercy to those who attempt to intrude on their existence. Strangely enough they cooperate with and are allies of the draconians of the tiny nation of Teyr who help discourage any invasion from the south. Regional Traits: Drafted, Steadfast Sahket Jungle: Bloodlust, Hardy Constitution, Steady Grip The Great Moors: Hardy Constitution, Iron Disposition, Swamp Stalker The Southern Wastes: Born in the Saddle, Cavalryman, Natural Rider Schallsea Isle The people who live on the tiny island of Schallsea enjoy a fairly peaceful and pleasant existence. The Que-nal tribe continues to follow the traditions handed down from when they dwelled on the plains of Abanasinia, while the citadel of light and the Wemitowuk people espouse harmony and fellowship among Ansalon’s races. Que-Nal Tribe: Que-Nal\ Ancestral Wisdom, Bloodlust, Defiant Spirit, Seer, Storyteller Schallsea Isle: Wemitowuk\ Arcane Lore, Enlightened , Diplomat, Healer, Silver-Tongued Devil Solamnia The nation of Solamnia is experiencing its finest age since its founding. The nation as a whole continues to act with honor and good will. The provinces of Solamnia all contribute to the nation’s cultures and traditions. The province of Palanthus continues to serve as the region from which the nation is lead. The plains of Vingaard (plains of Solamnia), Heartlund, and Gunthar continue to make accomplished riders who excel at cavalry tactics. Commerce continues to grow through the efforts of land trade from the provinces of Elkholm, Gaardlund, Qwermish, Throtl and Hinterlund as well as through the seas with the provinces Dracore, Tanith and Southlund. There are some areas that still make it difficult for those who live there such as the provinces Coastlund and the Northern Wastes. Solamnia has finally accepted the existence and usefulness of magic and the province of Knightlund teaches these skills. The people of the Lemish province are masters at tracking down outlaws and returning them for justice. Coastlund: Solamnic\ Drafted, Honorable, Hardy Constitution, Mountain Man, Swamp Stalker Dracore: Ergot, Drafted\ Honorable, Born at Sea, Deck Hand, Natural Swimmer Elkholm: Solamnic\ Drafted, Honorable, Craftsman, Plains Hunter, Steady Grip Gaardlund: Solamnic\ Drafted, Honorable, Caravan Guard, Natural Rider, Veteran Gunthar: Solamnic\ Drafted, Honorable, Cavalryman, Natural Rider, Sword-Fighter Heartlund: Solamnic\ Drafted, Honorable, Cavalryman, Entrepreneur, Silver Spoon Hinterlund: Solamnic\ Drafted, Honorable, Caravan Guard, Sense of Direction, Veteran Knightlund: Solamnic\ Drafted, Honorable, Arcane Lore, Magical Training, Stoutheart Lemish: Lemish\ Drafted, Social Chameleon, Bounty Hunter, Nobody’s Fool, Shadow Walker Northern Wastes: Solamnic\ Drafted, Honorable, Desert Scorpion, Forged in Fire, Resilient Palanthus: Solamnic\ Drafted, Honorable, Educated, Silver Spoon, Social Chameleon Qwermish: Estwilde\ Drafted, Honorable, Ancestral Wisdom, Caravan Guard, Storyteller Southlund: Solamnic\ Drafted, Honorable, Deck Hand, Entrepreneur, Silver Spoon Tanith: Solamnic\ Drafted, Honorable, Deck Hand, Desert Scorpion, Natural Swimmer Throtl: Lemish\ Drafted, Honorable, Nobody’s Fool, Social Chameleon, Veteran Vingaard: Solamnic\ Drafted, Honorable, Born in the Saddle, Cavalryman, Natural Rider Teyr Automatic Language: Nordmaarian The Draconians of Teyr are masters at combat and are vicious warriors when provoked. They are accomplished bounty hunters who care little for who they work. Teyr: Drafted, Bloodlust, Bounty Hunter, Intimidating Brute, Veteran The Great Swamp The great swamp is rampant with the races of the bakali, draconians and spawn. Beast Marsh: Bakali\ Iron Disposition, Swamp Stalker, Bloodlust, Determined, Pesky Native Blodehelm: Slig\ Iron Disposition, Swamp Stalker, Dirty Fighter, Natural Swimmer, Thick-Skinned Sable Swamp: Draconian\ Iron Disposition, Swamp Stalker, Frightening Fury, Pesky Native, Veteran Troll Swamp: Giant\ Iron Disposition, Swamp Stalker, Hardy Constitution, Intimidating Brute, Master Hurler Thoradin Automatic Language: Kolshet The dwarves of Thoradin are masters shapers and merchants. Thoradin: Drafted, Spelunker, Earthbound, Entrepreneur, Metallurgist Thorbardin Automatic Language: Undersommon The dwarves of Thorbardin have not been seen on the surface of Ansalon in almost six hundred years but they were known to be fierce warriors, master craftsmen and notoriously stubborn. Thorbardin: Drafted, Spelunker, Earthbound, Metallurgist, Steadfast Regional traits Aggressive Negotiator You made deals more through threats and brute force more than charm. +1 bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, and Sense Motive skill checks. Ancestral Wisdom You have ties to the long-dead spirit of one of your tribe’s ancestors, who whispers ancient words of Wisdom into you mind in times of need. +1 bonus on Diplomacy, Heal and Knowledge (history) checks. Arcane Expertise You have a knack for getting the most out of your innate magical abilities. You can use them more often than others of your race can. You can use your racial spell-like abilities more often than you otherwise could. Any ability that is usable once per day is now usable three times per day. Arcane Lore You were raised in a land where magic is common. Everyone in your homeland knows something about magic, and you have learned that things are sometimes not as they appear. +1 bonus on all Knowledge (arcane) and Spellcraft checks. +1 bonus on saves vs. Illusion spells or effects. Arctic Hunter You have learned to stalk prey across the snow and tundra of your homeland. +1 bonus on Hide, Move Silently, and Spot checks, this becomes +3 on the ice and snow. Bloodlust Your people are known for their love of battle, and they rarely waste time in meeting a foe blade-to-blade. You know how to make the most of a charge. +4 bonus on the attack roll made at the end of a charge instead of the normal +2. Born at Sea The sea is in your blood. You are no stranger to sea chases and blood on the decks. +1 bonus on Balance checks. You ignore any hampered movement penalties for fighting on pitching or slippery decks, and you gain a +1 dodge bonus to Armor class during any fight that takes place on a ship or boat. Born in the Saddle You have been raised in a culture that relies upon riding and shooting. You gain proficiency with the composite short-bow. +2 bonus on all Ride checks. Bounty Hunter You know how to find those who do not wish to be found +1 bonus on Bluff, Gather Information, and Intimidate. This bonus increases to +3 when pursuing a target with a bounty on their head. Caravan Guard You are skilled at leading caravans along established trade routes. +1 bonus on Handle Animal, Knowledge (geography) and Spot checks. Cavalryman You’ve spent endless hours learning how to handle a mount in a fight. You can take 10 on a ride check even if you are rushed or threatened. If either you or your mount fails a reflex save while mounted, you can attempt a ride check to succeed on the saving throw anyway. The save is successful if your Ride check result is equal to or grater than the spell’s DC. You can attempt this substitution once per round for either yourself or your mount. If both you and your mount fail a reflex save against the same effect, your ride checks applies to both your save and your mount’s save. Cold-Hearted You have adapted to the snowbound environment of the arctic reaches. +4 bonus on saving throws against cold effects. Craftsman You have been apprenticed and taught a crafts skill. +3 on skill checks with one Craft skill. (Pick one) Deck Hand You have spent endless hours learning the duties of a sailor. +1 bonus on Balance, Profession (sailor), and Use Rope checks. Defiant Spirit You possess an innate resistance to fell magic and supernatural attacks. The souls of your people are difficult to separate from their bodies. +1 bonus to Fortitude and Will saves. Against death effects, energy drain, and ability drain attacks, this bonus increases to +3. Desert Scorpion You are skilled at locating prey on the scorched earth of Krynn’s deserts. +1 bonus on Hide, Spot, and Survival checks. This bonus increases to +3 when you are in desert terrain. Determined You don’t know the meaning of the word quit. You reduce the effects of exhaustion and fatigue by one step. You cannot become exhausted. If you are exposed to an effect that would normally make you exhausted (such as the spell waves of exhaustion), you become fatigued instead. If an effect or condition (such as at the end of barbarian rage) would normally make you fatigued, that effect is negated. Diplomat You hail from a region where diplomacy is held in high regard. +1 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks. Dirty Fighter Your people are known for their dirty fighting maneuvers. +1 bonus on Initiative and Bluff checks. The bonus to Bluff increases to +4 when Bluffing in combat. Drafted Your people rely on a well-trained and well-armed militia to defend their land. You are no stranger to the use of weapons. You gain proficiency with specific weapons based on your region. You also gain weapon focus with one of the weapons from your region Abanasinia: Short Sword, Spear, Longbow Ambeon: Battleaxe, Cutlass, Heavy Crossbow Blode: Longsword, Light Mace, Light Crossbow Corvanesti: Longsword, Rapier, Longbow Ergoth (any region of Ergoth): Short Sword, Spear, Short Bow Gunthar: Longsword, Spear, Longbow Kayolin: Battleaxe, Heavy Pick, Light Crossbow Khur (any tribe of Khur): Scimitar, Spear, Short Bow Klanath: Battleaxe, Light Pick, Light Crossbow Nordmaar (any region of Nordmaar): Short Sword, Light Mace, Short Bow Solamnia (any region of Solamnia): Longsword, Spear, Longbow Neraka: Longsword, Heavy Mace, Heavy Crossbow Teyr: Short Sword, Heavy Mace, Heavy Crossbow Thoradin: Warhammer, Light Pick, Light Crossbow Thorbardin: Warhammer, Heavy Pick, Heavy Crossbow Earthbound You have a deep and abiding tie to earth and stone +2 bonus on Craft (stonemasonry) and a +2 bonus on Stonecunning checks. Educated You hail from a land where the pen is held in higher regard than the sword. In your youth, you received the benefit of formal schooling of some type. All knowledge skills are class skills for your current and future classes. +1 bonus on two knowledge skills, you must still have ranks in either of these skills in order to use them, but the bonus still exists. Enlightened The Aesthetics and Mystics of your homeland have learned to overcome the frailties of the body with the unyielding power of the mind. At 1st level, you may use your Wisdom to determine bonus hit points. For all subsequent levels, you use your constitution modifier as normal. In addition you gain +1 hit point every time you gain a level. Furthermore, if you cast divine spells, you get a +1 insight bonus to Armor Class. Entrepreneur Your culture is based on haggling and the art of the deal. +1 bonus on Appraise, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive. Focused Your people are admired for their single-minded determination and clarity of purpose. You are difficult to distract by spell or blow. +1 bonus on Will saves and +2 bonus on Concentration checks. Forest Huntsman You are one with Krynn’s forests. Few can match your woodcraft or your skill on your chosen battlefield. +1 bonus on Hide, Move Silently, and Spot checks. When you are in forest terrain, this bonus increases to +3. Forged in Fire Because you are inured to the hellish heat of your homeland, you are resistant to blasts of fire that would damage other creatures. +4 bonus on saves against heat effects. Frightening Fury You are terrible to behold in battle, and few foes have the heart to face you without quailing. When you charge, make a full attack, or cast a spell that either targets an enemy or includes an enemy in its area, you gain the frightful presence ability for that round. Each enemy within a 20-foot radius of you must succeed on a will save (DC 10 + ½ your character level + your Cha modifier) or be shaken for 1 minute. Regardless of its success or failure on the saving throw, any creature exposed to this effect is immune to your frightful presence for the next 24 hours. Gifted Your people are renowned for their skill at story and song. +1 on Perform (Oratory), Perform (Sing), and one craft skill that involves art, such as calligraphy, painting, sculpture, or weaving. In addition, if you have the bardic music ability, you may use it three additional times per day. Hardy Constitution You are acclimated to the disease ridden jungles and swamps of your native land. +2 bonus on Survival checks and Fortitude saves versus disease. Healer Your people are for their knowledge of the healing arts. +1 bonus on Heal, Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks. Heroe’s Luck Your land is known for producing heroes. Through pluck, determination and resilience, you survive when no one expects you to come through. You receive a +1 luck bonus on all saves. Honorable Your people are known for their beliefs in honor and truth. +3 bonus on Diplomacy checks. Intimidating Brute You have a knack for getting the jump on the competition and pushing other people around. While others debate, you act. +1 bonus on Initiative and +2 bonus on Intimidate skill checks. Iron Disposition Your people have become inured to many deadly substances through controlled exposure or the simple hostility of your home environment. You can shrug off poisons that would kill someone else. +4 bonus on Fortitude saves versus poison. Jaded You’ve been lied to more times than you can count. This history has made you intimately familiar with the deceit, guile, and doublespeak of others. +1 bonus on Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Sense motive checks. Linguist You have an innate talent for learning languages Your intelligence is four points higher for the purpose of determining how many bonus languages you may start with. You are not limited to the bonus languages of your region. Speak language is always a class skill for you. +1 bonus on all Decipher Script checks. Lithe Grappler You’re an expert at using weapons in a grapple. You can use a light weapon to attack your opponent in a grapple with no penalty on the attack roll. In addition you need not win a grapple check to draw a light weapon while grappling, although you still must use a move action to do so. If your base attack bonus is +6 or higher, you can make a full attack with a light weapon while grappling, provided that you already have your weapon drawn. Magical Training In your homeland, all who show some skill at the art may receive training as arcane spellcasters. Thus, many of your countrymen know something of the ways of the bard, the sorcerer or the wizard. Choose one spellcasting class, you can activate spell trigger items as if you had 1 level in the specified class. The selected class is also a favored class for you. Master Hurler You have learned how to hurl heavy weapons to deadly effect. When you make a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, you may add your strength modifier instead of your dexterity modifier to the attack roll. Metallurgist You are skilled in the art of metallurgy, creating metal alloys, both for their appearance and their properties. +1 bonus on all Craft (armorsmithing, blacksmithing, or weaponsmithing) checks. Mountain Man You know where to look in the mountains to find your prey. +1 bonus on Climb, Spot and Survival checks. This bonus increases to +3 when you kin mountainous terrain. Natural Rider You were taught to ride and to stay in the saddle before you could even walk. +1 bonus on Balance, Handle Animal and Ride checks. Natural Swimmer You take to the sea like a duck to water. +3 bonus on Swim checks. Nobody’s Fool You have an uncommon streak of skepticism and common sense, and have a knack for discerning falsehood from truth. +1 bonus on all Intimidation, Gather Information and Sense Motive checks. Pesky Native Your people thrive in places that others find almost inhospitable, and you know many of the secrets of the wilderness. +1 bonus on Fortitude saves and a +2 bonus on Survival checks. Piercing Gaze Your eyes have seen a lot, and now they show everyone that you are not to be trifled with. Even glib people stammer in your presence. +3 bonus on Intimidate. Plains Stalker You are accustomed to tracking prey across the vast plains. +1 bonus on Listen, Spot and Survival. This bonus increases to +3 when you are on the plains. Resilient Due to your extensive exposure to harsh living conditions you are more resistant to disease. +4 resistance bonus on saving throws against disease and spells or effects that produce disease. This bonus applies on saving throws to fight off ability damage from disease as well as saving throws from initial exposure to the disease. Seer You have a trace of the Sight in your blood, an unreliable gift as hard to command as a dream, which enables you to pick up echoes of the past, both wondrous and terrible. As a full-round action, you can attempt to invoke a vision of the past tied to the local area in which you are standing, or an item you are touching. You must make a Wisdom check (DC 10) to invoke a vision, and you can make no more than three attempts in a single day. A successful vision serves to augment historical knowledge, providing a +4 bonus on all Knowledge (history) and Bardic Knowledge checks for the next minute. This feat does not grant bardic knowledge if it is not already possessed. Sense of Direction You have a natural sense of direction and find it very hard to get lost. +2 bonus on Survival checks. This bonus increases to +5 when trying to avoid getting lost. Shadow Walker The shadows are your friends and your footfalls are whispers of death. You can move up to your normal speed while using the Hide or Move Silently skill at no penalty. Silver Spoon You come from a wealthy family with numerous contacts in the trading costers and craft guilds of Ansalon’s bustling cities. You can get a good deal on almost anything you buy or sell. When you sell weapons, magic items, or other adventuring goods, you get 75% of the list price instead of the usual 50%. Once per month, you can buy any single item at 75% of the offered price. You also receive an extra 300 steel to spend as you see fit during character creation. Silver Tongued Devil Prerequisite region: Your people rarely have to draw their weapons to deal with potential adversaries. There are few problems that you can’t talk your way out of. You take only a -5 penalty if you attempt a Diplomacy check as a full-round action. Skilled Companion You have been trained to serve as a jhasin (if male) or jhasina (if female) and are well versed in song, dance, the art of massage and other duties of the harem. +1 bonus on Heal, Perform (dance), and Perform (sing). Social Chameleon You know how to keep informed, ask questions, and interact with the underworld without raising suspicions. +1 bonus on Disguise, Gather Information, and Sense Motive checks. Spelunker You are knowledgeable about the secrets of the subterranean world and wise in its ways. +2 bonus on Heal and Survival checks made underground. Steadfast The stubbornness and determination of your people are legendary. You are exceptionally headstrong and difficult to sway from your course. +2 bonus on will saves. You cannot become shaken, and you ignore the effects of the shaken condition. Steady Grip Your people are at home in trees and high places. You can dare climbs that few other folk would care to try. +1 bonus on Balance and Climb checks. You do not lose your Dexterity bonus to AC while climbing, and attackers do not gain any bonuses to attack you while you are climbing. Storyteller You are well versed in the art of storytelling and the oral history of your culture. +1 bonus on all Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local) and Perform (oratory) checks. Stoutheart You are a stranger to fear. Nothing can shake your courage. +4 bonus on saves against fear, magical or otherwise. Surefooted You are used to fighting on steep slopes and treacherous surfaces. +1 bonus on Climb and Jump checks. You also ignore hampered movement penalties for ice and steep slopes. If a surface is both steep and icy, you treat it as x2 movement cost instead of x4. Swamp Stalker You are skilled at locating prey in the harsh environment of Krynn’s swamps. +1 bonus on Hide, Spot, and Survival checks. This bonus increases to +3 when you are in swamps or marshes. Sword Fighter Your people are known for their skill with a sword. You gain proficiency and Weapon Focus with one martial weapon that is a sword. Thick-Skinned You have either an inherent resistance to physical damage or you have toughened your skin through training, exercise, or causing damage to yourself. +5 hit points (wound points) Tireless Runner You are used to moving over great distances at speed. Whenever you make a double your land speed increases by 10 feet for a number of rounds equal to your constitution modifier. This benefit applies when wearing light or no armor and carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying speed for any load carried. Veteran You know what it means to fight for your life, and you understand the value of quick wits and quicker reactions when blades are bared and deadly spells are chanted. +2 bonus on Initiative and Spot checks. |
#14zombiegleemaxJun 03, 2007 23:58:18 | Darth, my boy, I am so proud of the work that you ahve done to make this campign yours.:D |
#15darthsylverJun 04, 2007 20:31:16 | Anything in particular catch your attention. |
#16darthsylverJun 05, 2007 0:12:00 | Classes All characters begin with one of the NPC classes (Adept, Aristocrat, Expert, or Warrior) as detailed in the DMG at no penalty to experience or level (basically does not count towards Character Level or Experience level) with the following change: no vitality points (hit points) are given for the class. When selecting your first level it is restricted by your selected NPC class which must be one of the two requisite classes (see table below). If it is a racial variant you must be of the required race and your selected NPC class must be one of the two requisite classes. Class skills are determined by your NPC class and your Base class, skill points are determined by adding your base skill points from your base class and your NPC class and your Intelligence modifier and then multiplying by four. Max skill rank is equal to your base class level plus your NPC class level +3. Starting money is determined by your NPC class not your base class. Adept: 2d4 x10; Aristocrat: 6d8 x10; Expert: 6d4 x10; Warrior: 3d4 x10. Characters receive a regional\tribal trait when they select what region they hail from. These regional traits are described in the regional information section. The following base classes are available in the Dragonlance games that I run: Class Requisite class 1 Requisite class 2 Sourcebook Page Barbarian Warrior Adept PHB 024 Bard Adept Aristocrat PHB 026 Beguiler Aristocrat Adept PH2 006 Cleric Aristocrat Adept PHB 030 Dragon Shaman Adept Warrior PH2 011 Druid Expert Adept PHB 033 Duskblade Warrior Adept PH2 019 Favored Soul Expert Adept CD 006 Fighter Warrior Aristocrat PHB 037 Healer Adept Aristocrat MH 008 Hexblade Adept Warrior CW 005 Knight Aristocrat Warrior PH2 024 Mariner Expert Warrior LotT 013 Marshal Warrior Aristocrat MH 011 Master Expert Aristocrat WoTL 020 Monk Warrior Expert PHB 039 Mystic Adept Expert DLCS 047 Ninja Expert Warrior CAd 005 Noble Aristocrat Expert DLCS 050 Noble (Armiger) Aristocrat Expert KOoA 033 Paladin Adept Aristocrat PHB 042 Paladin (non-spellcasting variant) Aristocrat Warrior CW 013 Paladin of freedom Adept Aristocrat UA 053 Paladin of slaughter Adept Aristocrat UA 053 Paladin of tyranny Adept Aristocrat UA 054 Ranger Warrior Expert PHB 046 Ranger (urban) Warrior Expert UA 055 Ranger (non-spellcasting variant) Warrior Expert CW 013 Rogue Expert Aristocrat PHB 049 Samurai Aristocrat Warrior CW 008 Scout Warrior Expert CAd 010 Shugenja Adept Expert CD 010 Sorcerer Adept Expert PHB 051 Spellthief Expert Adept CAd 013 Spirit Shaman Adept Warrior CD 014 Swashbuckler Warrior Aristocrat CW 011 Warlock Expert Adept CAr 005 Warmage Aristocrat Warrior CAr 010 Wizard Aristocrat Expert PHB 055 Wizard (Kingfisher) Aristocrat Expert KOoA 070 Wu Jen Expert Adept CAr 014 *Bard (Gnome) Adept Aristocrat RD 147 *Bard (Half-Elf) Adept Aristocrat RD 157 *Cleric (Dwarf) Aristocrat Adept RS 146 *Druid (Kender) Expert Adept RW 146 *Fighter (Dwarf) Warrior Aristocrat RS 146 *Fighter (Half-Elf) Warrior Aristocrat RD 157 *Paladin (Elf) Adept Aristocrat RW 155 *Ranger (Elf) Warrior Expert RW 155 *Ranger (Gnome) Warrior Expert RD 149 *Ranger (Half-Elf) Warrior Expert RD 158 *Rogue (Kender) Expert Aristocrat RW 159 *Sorcerer (Dwarf) Adept Expert RS 147 *Wizard (Elf) Aristocrat Expert RW 157 Dwarf paragon N\A N\A UA 033 Elf paragon N\A N\A UA 035 Half-Elf paragon N\A N\A UA 039 Human paragon N\A N\A UA 043 Abaqua paragon N\A N\A Centaur paragon N\A N\A Draconian paragon N\A N\A Gnome paragon N\A N\A Half-Kender paragon N\A N\A Half-Ogre paragon N\A N\A Irda paragon N\A N\A Minotaur paragon N\A N\A Ogre paragon N\A N\A Key for Sourcebook codes PHB - Player's Handbook PH2 - Player's Handbook II DLCS - Dragonlance Campaign Setting WoTL - War of the Lance LotT - Legend of the Twins KOoA - Knightly Orders of Ansalon RD - Races of Destiny RS - Races of Stone RW - Races of the Wild CAr - Complete Arcane CAd - Complete Adventurer CD - Complete Divine CW -Complete Warrior MH - Miniatures Handbook UA - Unearthed Arcana Barbarian Barbarians may hail from just about any land, except possibly Mt. Nevermind, however they typically hail from lands where civilization hold little sway. Recommended regions are: Ackal province, Koehlasses, Qwermish, Tribes of Abanasinia, Plains of Dust, Icereach, Qwalmish, Qlettar, Tribes of Khur, Kern, Dairly Plains, Hollowlands, Sea of Cinders, Clans of Ambeon, Mithas, Kothas, Saifhum, Karthay, Sahket Jungle, and The Southern Wastes Bard Many cultures have storytellers who spread the history of their people, tales of great heroes, or simple the local news, but very few have the resources to properly train those of the Bardic arts. Bards can arise from any region but the following regions are recommended: Abanasinia, Ergoth Proper, Hylo, Palanthus, Heartland, Schallsea Island, Saifhum, and the Dragon Isles. Beguiler The Beguiler is one of the most recent types of spellcaster and they excel at manipulation and deceit. Just like chaos they can sprout from any region but typically hail from the following regions: Ergoth Proper, Kharolis Forest, Sloughshire, Fortune Forest, Abanasinia, Saifhum, Mithas, Kothas, Blode, and the Desolation. Cleric Those drawn to the clerical arts may come from any region but usually hail from lands where worship of the gods is held in high regard. (The Cleric has a few special rules applid to it in my campaign, see the note below). These regions include the following: Gunthar, Ergoth, Solamnia, Koehlasses, Abanasinia, Schallsea Island, Corvanesti, Kharolis, Duntollik, the Blood Sea Isles and the Dragon Isles. Dragon Shaman The Dragon Shaman has its beginnings in the spawn creations of the great dragon overlords. The spawn had little choice but to worship and follow heir creators, those who decide to worship the traits exhibited by these dragons are those who become Dragon Shaman and typically arise in lands where dragons still hold sway or are fairly common, these regions include: The Northern Wastes, The Great Swamp, The Woods of Lahue, The Desolation, Icereach, and The Plains of Dust. Druid Druids are nature’s protectors and nurturers so they tend to hail from lands where nature is the dominant force or the people seek to coexist with nature rather than make nature serve their needs. They also come from lands where a great catastrophe to nature has occurred. Recommended regions: Corvanesti, the Plains of Dust, The Northern Wastes, Southern Ergoth, Koehlasses, The Desolation and Icereach. Duskblade The Duskblade is a fairly recent development in the pursuit of might and magic. Regions where armor and magic are common usually produce such warriors. Typical regions include: Abanasinia (not including the tribes of Abanasinia), Taman Busuk, Thoradin, and Malagh’valos (any region). Favored Soul The deities of krynn sometimes select a chosen prophet or messenger to carry out some holy quest of impart religious knowledge to the world. These followers may be selected from any region on Ansalon but typically appear in areas where the deity has few followers as opposed to regions where they have an established church, such as: Icereach, the Desolation, Blodecairn, the Clans of Ambeon, Estwilde, Nordmaar, and the Plains of Dust. Fighter Warriors come from every corner of the globe, but not all are trained fighters. Now while there are retired fighters who sometimes settle down in areas and pass on their knowledge to the locals or possibly their heirs, there are few formal training facilities throughout the land and these areas are where most fighters typically receive training: Ergoth Proper, Taman Busuk, Solamnia, Abanasinia, Corvanesti, Nordmaar, Teyr, Blodecairn, Ambeon, Khur, the Desolation, and the Blood Sea Isles. Healer The healer is a very specialized individual who trains very hard to have the knowledge of how to save a person’s life through magic, herbalogy, and the knowledge of the body. While this knowledge can be found almost anywhere there are areas where healers are more commonly known to hail from: Ababanasinia, Schallsea, and the tribes of Khur. Hexblade Hexblades combine magic and combat as easily as dwarves consume liquor. They are known for their dark arts and individuality, they typically hail from these regions: Saifhum, the Desolation, Blode, Qlettar, and Lemish. Knight People with a noble heart and a passion to help others come from any land, but few are there who can exemplify chivalry and honor. The knight class is typically where those who will go on to join the knighthoods usually begin their careers. Knights may hail from any land but certain nations have been known to turn out knights: Ergoth, Taman Busuk, Solamnia, and Malagh’valos. Mariner Those who travel the waters come from any land with a connection to water but few lands are known for there professional sailors: Ergoth, Palanthus, Southlund, Ambeon, Sahket Jungle, Kharolis Forest, Sloughshire, Fortune Forest, and Gunthar. Marshal Great leaders may arise in any land, but those who those who are knowledgeable in the art of combat and are able to become marshals. Region with formal military training centers are those region that typically produce Marshals: Ergoth Proper, Heartlund, Vingaard, Knihgtlund, Abanasinia, Taman Busuk, Teyr, Blode, Ambeon, Gunthar, and The Desolation Master Every culture has experts who create weapons, art and even structures, but very few of these are true masters in their fields. Masters hail from lands where the intellectual arts are just as highly prized as combats, if not more so: Mt. Nevermind, Palanthus, Blode, Ergoth Proper, Corvanesti, Thoradin, Thorbardin, Klanath, Kayolin, Kharolis Mountains. Monk Those who take up the monastic lifestyle have always been few and far between. Even centuries after the return of the gods following the war of the souls very few regions contain monasteries: Elian Isles, Schallsea Isle, Southern Woods and the Dragon Isles. Mystic The mystic character is typically one is has strong belief in herself and may arise from any region but usually hail from regions where the gods are held in low regard and one can only depend upon themselves. However some regions nurture just as many mystics as they do clerics. Typical regions include: Hylo, Abanasinia (including the tribes of Abanasinia), Schallsea Isle, The Plains of Dust, Teyr, Taman Busuk, and Malagh’valos. Ninja The ninja is a fairly new development in the art of espionage and theft, few even know they exist, which is of course is how they wish it. Those regions that are known to harbor and train ninjas are the following: Blode, Hylo, Teyr, and Malagh’valos. Noble Very few regions still contain royal bloodlines who maintain any sort of control over the development of their countries. Those with royal hierarchies are: Corvanesti, Gunthar, Abanasinia, Nordmaar, Thoradin, Klanath, Thorbardin, Ergoth, Ambeon, Solamnia, and Blode. Paladin Just like the Favored Soul or the Cleric, the Paladin can be called to the will of gods, for good or ill, from any land. Of course those who are more receptive to the way of the holy warrior typically hail from regions where combat skills are common and the thought of a code of honor is considered a noble calling: Ergoth, Solamnia, Gunthar, and Ambeon. Ranger Like the Barbarian and the Druid, the Ranger hails from lands where nature needs help to prevent from civilization taking over: Hylo, Corvanesti, Kharolis, Nordmaar, the Plains of Dust, Abanasinia, Koehlasses, Malagh’valos, and Estwilde. Rogue The one occupation that truly develops everywhere conceivably possible is the rogue. Even the most civilized and sociable nations have to deal with those who take up the roguish trade. Recommended region: Any. Samurai One of the traditions brought back to the light of Krynn with the restoration of the High Ogre civilization is that of the idea of the Samurai. Before they fail from grace the ogres cultivated the idea of loyalty to death, that once an oath is sworn to someone that oath must be upheld. A few other nations have adopted this doctrine but only a few: Blodecairn, Ambeon, and Teyr. Scout Many would confuse the Scout with the Ranger as they do share many of the same skills and even combat skills, but one of the major differences is that the Ranger mainly defends and the Scout seeks out and attacks. The Ranger tends to rise in nature rich areas but the scout is trained in military academies to be the front runners for massive military units and as such tends to hail from the following regions: Ergoth, Solamnia, Corvanesti, Teyr, Taman Busuk, and Malagh’valos. Shugenja The Shugenja is another tradition that was resurrected by the Abaqua nation. The Shugenja is Golgren’s answer to both the Cleric and the Mystic, as such the Shugenja comes from only region, so far: Blodecairn. Sorcerer Where once the Sorcerer was simply thought of as “renegade” there are now an accepted fact of life that event he orders tolerate, provided one does not blow up the imperial palace. Some regions however still prefer to follow the Wizardly arts rather than the Sorcerous arts so sorcerers still tend to come from those regions when the orders have sway or the government dictates their coexistance: Ergoth, Abanasinia, Icereach, Estwilde, Teyr, Taman Busuk, Khur, Blodecairn, Khur, Malagh’valos, and Saifhum. Spellthief The spellthief is the dark knighthood’s answer to the renegade hunters of the orders of high sorcery. These spellcasters are experts at getting close and neutralizing a wizard arcane power or better yet, turning it against him. As they oppose the orders they typically hail from those lands that the dark knighthood control, but there are a few regions where this knowledge has spread to: Blode, Malagh’valos, Taman Busuk, the Plains of Dust, Lemish, Abanasinia, and Saifhum Spirit Shaman Spirit Shamans are one with the spirits and usually their ancestors as well. While it is possible for one to learn the ways of the Spirit Shaman anywhere it is easier to hear the spirits in places of little development: Ackal Province, the Tribes of Abanasinia, the Tribes of Khur, the Plains of Dust, Qwalmish, Estwilde, Ice Reach and the Dairly Plains. Swashbuckler Sailors hail from lands that have a naval tradition but the swashbuckler is one with the waves. Regions that are known for harboring pirates and buccaneers and it is these areas that typically produce swashbucklers: Saifhum, Ergoth, Mithas, Kothas, Sahket Jungle, and Ambeon. Warlock Although the sorcerous arts have become fairly common place and accepted, those who traffic with demons are still considered renegades and abominations. However there are a few regions where these warlocks can walk freely: The Desolation, and the Plains of Dust. Warmage Since the acceptance of the Knighthoods kingfishers the orders have allowed wizards to fight alongside those who seek to protect and defend. The Warmage is the result of these efforts, he hails from lands where formal military training and the magical arts are taught side-by-side: Knightlund, Ergoth Proper,Abanasinia and Ambeon. Wizard The orders of high sorcery have become more accepted through the land since the time of the kingpriest and age of despair. This new attitude is due in part because of their efforts to assist the people of Kharolis rid themselves of their persecutors. Recommended regions: Kharolis, Solamnia, Ergoth, Ambeon, Corvanesti, Tiath and Saifhum. Wu Jen As the orders were distrustful of Golgren, he had to find alternates means of teaching the arcane arts to his people. As such his luck held out, he found that the ancient ogres had a knack for using elemental magic and the Wu Jen saw its reemergence to the world, or at least the Abaqua nation: Blodecairn. Class Notes Clerics have the following changes: they do not receive the spontaneous casting of heal\inflict spells, they do not prepare one extra domain spell per level, they do not select which domains are available to them, and they do not automatically have the ability to rebuke\turn undead. Clerics have all domains of their chosen deity available to them and they receive the domain powers for each domain of their chosen deity, they may spontaneously cast any spell from their deity’s list of domains by sacrificing a spell of equal or greater level. Only clerics who have the Sun domain have the ability to turn undead, and only those with the Necromancy domain have the ability to rebuke\command undead. Abaqua Paragon Alignment: Any Hit Dice: d8 Class Skills The abaqua paragon’s class skills are Climb, Craft, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (all skills, taken individually), Listen, Profession, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim. Skill Points at Each Level: 4+ Int Modifier. The Abaqua Paragon Level Attack Fort Reflex Will Special Spells per Day 1st +0 +2 +0 +0 Improved spell-like abilities +1 level of existing class 2nd +1 +3 +0 +0 Improved darkvision (+30 ft.) - 3rd +2 +3 +1 +1 Ability boost (Cha +2) +1 level of existing class Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All simple and martial weapons. Abaqua paragons are proficient with all armor and shields (including tower shields). Spells per Day: At 1st and 3rd level, the abaqua paragon gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the level. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (bonus metamagic or item creation feats, bard or assassin abilities, and so on). This essentially means that he adds the level of abaqua paragon to the level in the spellcasting class, then determines spells per day, spells known, and caster level accordingly. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before he became a abaqua paragon, he must decide to which class he adds each level of abaqua paragon. If the abaqua paragon has no levels in a spellcasting class, this feature has no effect. Improved Spell-like abilities: At 1st level, an Abaqua character gains two additional daily uses of their spell-like abilities. Improved Darkvision (Ex): At 2nd level, an Abaqua‘s darkvision range increases by 30 feet. Ability Boost (Ex): At 3rd level, the Abaqua paragon’s Charisma score increases by 2 points. Centaur Paragon Alignment: Any Hit Dice: d8 Class Skills The centaur paragon’s class skills are Listen, Move Silently, Spot, and Survival. Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier. The Centaur Paragon Level Attack Fort Reflex Will Special 1st +1 +0 +2 +2 Weapon focus, nature’s ally 2nd +2 +0 +3 +3 Natural armor increase 3rd +3 +1 +3 +3 Ability boost (Str +2) Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All simple weapons and martial proficiency in two of the following: longsword, greatsword, longbow, composite longbow, shortbow, composite shortbow . The centaur paragon gains no proficiency in any armor or shield. Weapon Focus (Ex): At 1st level, the Centaur paragon gains Weapon Focus as a bonus feat. This feat must apply to either the longsword, greatsword, longbow, composite longbow, shortbow, composite shortbow. Nature’s Ally (Ex): A character’s Centaur paragon levels stack with ranger and druid levels for purposes of determining the caster level of divine spells gained through druid and ranger levels. This increased caster level affects only the spells that the character can cast; it does not give access to higher-level spells or more spells per day. Natural Armor Increase (Ex): At 2nd level, the Centaur paragon’s natural armor bonus improves by 1. Ability Boost (Ex): At 3rd level, the Centaur paragon’s Strength score increases by 2 points. Draconian Paragon Alignment: Any Hit Dice: d12 Class Skills The draconian paragon’s class skills are Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Search, and Spot. Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int Modifier. The Draconian Paragon Level Attack Fort Reflex Will Special 1st +1 +2 +2 +2 Sorcerous blood 2nd +2 +3 +3 +3 Natural armor increase 3rd +3 +3 +3 +3 Ability boost (Con +2) Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The draconian paragon is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all armor and shields (including tower shields). Sorcerous Blood (Ex): A character’s Draconian paragon levels stack with sorcerer levels for purposes of determining the caster level of arcane spells gained through sorcerer levels. This increased caster level affects only the spells that the character can cast; it does not give access to higher-level spells or more spells per day. Natural Armor Increase (Ex): At 2nd level, the Draconian paragon’s natural armor bonus improves by 1. Ability Boost (Ex): At 3rd level, the Draconian paragon’s Constitution score increases by 2 points. Gnome Paragon Alignment: Any Hit Dice: d6 Class Skills The gnome paragon’s class skills are Appraise, Craft, Decipher Script, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Knowledge (all skills, taken individually), Open Lock, Profession, Search, Slight of Hand, Use Magic Device, and Use Rope. Skill Points at Each Level: 8 + Int Modifier. The Gnome Paragon Level Attack Fort Reflex Will Special 1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Mad scientist 2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Survival reflexes 3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Ability boost (Int +2) Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The gnome paragon is proficient with all simple weapons, light armor and shields (including tower shields). Mad Scientist (Ex): At 1st level, a Gnome paragon may add his class level as a racial bonus to the skill he chose through his guild affiliation, or on disable device and open lock skill checks (depending on the subrace of the gnome, mad or tinker). Survival Reflexes (Ex): The Gnome paragon is used to the deadly dangers of exploding chemicals, crazed inventions, and hallucination inducing fumes of his environment. The gnome paragon adds a +1 racial bonus to all saving throw checks. Ability Boost (Ex): At 3rd level, a Gnome paragon’s Intelligence score increases by 2 points. Half-Kender Alignment: Any Hit Dice: d8 Class Skills The half-kender paragon’s class skills are Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Decipher Script, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (local), Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Survival, Tumble, Use Magic Device, and Use Rope. Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int Modifier. The Half-Kender Paragon Level Attack Fort Reflex Will Special 1st +0 +0 +2 +0 Adaptive learning, divided ancestry, bonus feat 2nd +1 +0 +3 +0 Curse like a kender 3rd +2 +1 +3 +1 Ability boost (Dex +2) Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The half-kender paragon is proficient with all simple weapons and one martial weapon of their choice, light armor and light shields. Adaptive Learning (Ex): At 1st level, the Half-Kender paragon can designate any one of his Half-Kender paragon class skills as an adaptive skill. This skill is treated as a class in all respects for all classes that character has levels in, both current and future. Divided Ancestry (Ex): Unlike other racial paragons, Half-Kender paragons can take levels in more than one racial paragon class. After gaining at least one level as a Half-Kender paragon, a character can take either Human paragon levels or Kender paragon levels. Bonus Feat (Ex): At 1st level, the Half-Kender paragon gains a bonus feat. The character must still meet the feat’s prerequisite normally. Curse Like A Kender (Ex): At 2nd level, the Half-Kender paragon gains the kender taunt ability as described in the Dragonlance Campaign Setting sourcebook. Ability Boost (Ex): At 3rd level, the half-kender paragon’s Dexterity score increases by 2 points. Half-Ogre Paragon Alignment: Any Hit Dice: d10 Class Skills The half-ogre paragon’s class skills are Climb, Intimidate, Listen and Spot. Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier. The Half-Ogre Paragon Level Attack Fort Reflex Will Special 1st +0 +2 +0 +0 Divided ancestry, monstrous mien 2nd +1 +3 +0 +0 Rage 1\day 3rd +2 +3 +1 +1 Ability boost (Str +2) Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The half-ogre paragon is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and light and medium armor and all shields (including tower shields). Divided Ancestry (Ex): Unlike other racial paragons, Half-Ogre paragons can take levels in more than one racial paragon class. After gaining at least one level as a Half-Ogre paragon, a character can take either human paragon levels or Ogre paragon levels. Monstrous Mien (Ex): Half-Ogre paragons can channel innate ferocity, resulting in a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks. Rage (Ex): At 2nd level, the Half-Ogre paragon comes to understand and draw upon the natural ferocity that flows through his blood. He gains one daily use (or additional use if he already possesses the ability) of the Barbarian Rage ability as described in the player’s handbook. Ability Boost (Ex): At 3rd level, the Half-Ogre paragon’s Strength score increases by 2 points. Irda Paragon Alignment: Any Hit Dice: d8 Class Skills The irda paragon’s class skills are Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Hide, Move Silently, Sense Motive, and Spot. Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int Modifier. The Irda Paragon Level Attack Fort Reflex Will Special Spells Per Day 1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Improved spell-like abilities +1 level of existing class 2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Natural shifter - 3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Ability boost (Cha +2) +1 level of existing class Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The irda paragon is proficient with all simple weapons. The irda paragon gains no proficiency in armor or shields. Spells per Day: At 1st and 3rd level, the irda paragon gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the level. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (bonus metamagic or item creation feats, bard or assassin abilities, and so on). This essentially means that he adds the level of irda paragon to the level in the spellcasting class, then determines spells per day, spells known, and caster level accordingly. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before he became a irda paragon, he must decide to which class he adds each level of irda paragon. If the irda paragon has no levels in a spellcasting class, this feature has no effect. Improved Spell-like abilities: At 1st level, the Irda paragon gains two additional daily uses of their spell-like abilities. Natural Shifter (Ex): At 2nd level, the Irda paragon gains one additional daily use of her change shape ability. Ability Boost (Ex): At 3rd level, the Irda paragon’s Charisma score increases by 2 points. Kender Paragon Alignment: Any Hit Dice: d6 Class Skills The paragon’s class skill (and the key ability for each skill) are. Skill Points at Each Level: + Int Modifier. The Kender Paragon Level Attack Fort Reflex Will Special 1st +0 +0 +2 +0 Kender curiosity, Branchala’s blessing 2nd +1 +0 +3 +0 Infuriating scamp 3rd +2 +1 +3 +1 Ability boost (Dex +2) Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Kender paragon is proficient with all simple weapons and one martial weapon of their choice, light armor and light shields. Kender Curiosity (Ex): At 1st level, the Kender paragon’s curiosity become nigh irresistible and his racial skill bonus on Open Lock, Sleight of Hand, and Spot checks increases by 1. Branchala’s Blessing (Ex): At 1st level, the Kender paragon’s racial bonus on all saves increases by 1. Infuriating Scamp (Ex): At 2nd level, the Kender paragon has become so adept at taunting enemies that the Kender’s racial bonus on taunt check increases by 2, and the penalty imposed on the enemy increases by 1. Ability Boost (Ex): At 3rd level, a Kender paragon’s Dexterity score increases by 2 points. Minotaur Paragon Alignment: Any Hit Dice: d10 Class Skills The paragon’s class skills are Balance, Climb, Intimidate, Listen, Search, Spot, Swim and Use Rope. Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier. The Minotaur Paragon Level Attack Fort Reflex Will Special 1st +1 +0 +2 +2 Weapon focus, natural cunning 2nd +2 +0 +3 +3 Powerful charge 3rd +3 +1 +3 +3 Ability boost (Con +2) Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Minotaur paragon is proficient in all simple and martial weapons, light and medium armor and shields (except tower shields). Weapon Focus (Ex): At 1st level, the Minotaur paragon gains weapon focus as a bonus feat, This feat must apply to either the longsword, battleaxe, cutlass, greatsword, greataxe or shatang. Natural Cunning (Ex): At 1st level, the Minotaur gains the Natural Cunning ability as described in the Minotaur description in the monster manual. Powerful Charge (Ex): At 2nd level, the Minotaur paragon’s ability to inflict damage with his gore ability increases, He now inflicts 2d6 damage on a normal gore attack and 4d6 damage as part of a charge. Ability Boost (Ex): At 3rd level, the Minotaur paragon’s Constitution score increases by 2 points. Ogre Paragon Alignment: Any Hit Dice: d12 Class Skills The ogre paragon’s class skills are Climb, Intimidate, Listen and Spot. Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier. The Ogre Paragon Level Attack Fort Reflex Will Special 1st +0 +2 +0 +0 Natural armor increase, weapon focus 2nd +1 +3 +0 +0 Rage 1\day 3rd +2 +3 +1 +1 Ability boost (Str +2) Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Ogre paragon is proficient in all simple and one martial weapon (character’s choice), light and medium armor, but not shields. Natural Armor Increase (Ex): At 2nd level, an Ogre paragon’s natural armor bonus improves by 1. Weapon Focus (Ex): At 1st level, the Ogre paragon gains weapon focus as a bonus feat, This feat must apply to either the battleaxe, greatsword, greatclub, greataxe or ogre fullblade. Rage (Ex): At 2nd level, an Ogre paragon comes to understand and draw upon the natural ferocity that flows through his blood. He gains one daily use (or additional use if he already possesses the ability) of the Barbarian Rage ability as described in the player’s handbook. Ability Boost (Ex): At 3rd level, an Ogre paragon’s Strength score increases by 2 points. Prestige Classes The following prestige classes are available in the Dragonlance games that I run. Some classes are adjusted from their original printing so let me know which one you are interested in so I can let you know. Age of Mortals Citadel Mystic, Kender Nightstalker, Master Ambassador, Nomad Shaman, Rogue Knight, Solamnic Auxiliary Mage, Spellfilch, War-Mage DLCS Dragon Rider, Inquisitor, Knight of Neraka (Lily), Knight of Neraka (Skull), Knight of Neraka (Thorn), Legendary Tactician, Righteous Zealot, Steel Legionnaire Holy Orders of the Stars Alluvial Oracle of Zivilyn, Austere Devotee of Majere, Bright Warden of Paladine (adjusted for Aurora), Coinsword of Shinare, Firebrand of Sirrion, Goodfellow of Branchala, Healing Hand of Mishakel, Mighty Anvil of Reorx, Necrotheurge of Chemosh, Pagefinder of Gilean, Phoenix of Habbakuk, Plague Knight of Morgion, Righteous Cohort of Kiri-Jolith, Seawolf of Zeboim, Soulbroker of Hiddukel, Wild Fury of Chislev, Wrathful Avenger of Sargonnas Knightly Orders of Krynn Adjudicator of the Code, Blood Oath Archer, Ergothian Cavalier (from supplement), Knight of Solamnia (Crown), Knight of Solamnia (Rose), Knight of Solamnia (Sword), Knight of Solamnia (Sword-Clerist), Legion Mystic, Legion Scout, Legion Sorcerer, Legion Warrior, Vision Partisan Towers of High Sorcery Dark Dwarf Savant, Dreamshaper, Griffon Wizard, Renegade Hunter, Sea Mage, Spellbroker, Sylven Mage, Winternorn, Wizard of High Sorcery War of the Lance Assassin (Non-spellcasting variant), Chorister, Dragon Highlord, Gnomish Tinker, Handler, Minotaur Marauder Races of Destiny Battlesmith, Blade Bravo, Cragtop Archer, Deepwarden, Divine Prankster, Earth Dreamer, Outcast Champion, Scar Enforcer, Shadowcraft mage, Stonedeath Assassin Races of Stone Runesmith Races of the Wild Luckstealer, Ruathar, Skypledged, Stormtalon , Whisperknife, Wildrunner Complete Adventurer Animal Lord, Beastmaster, Bloodhound, Daggerspell Mage , Daggerspell Shaper, Dread Pirate, Dungeon Delver, Exemplar, Fochlucan Lyrist, Ghost-Faced Killer, Highland Stalker, Maester , Master of Many Forms, Nightsong Enforcer, Nightsong Infilitrator, Ollam, Shadowbane Inquisitor, Shadowbane Stalker, Spymaster, Streetfighter, Tempest, Thief-Acrobat, Vigilante, Virtuoso, Wild Plains Outrider Complete Arcane Acolyte of the Skin, Argent Savant, Blood Magus, Effigy Master, Elemental Savant, Fatespinner, Geometer, Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil, Master Transmogrifist, Mindbender, Seeker of the Song, Sublime Chord, Wild Mage Complete Divine Black Flame Zealot, Church Inquisitor, Contemplative, Divine Oracle, Sacred Fist Complete Warrior Bear Warrior, Bladesinger, Cavalier, Dark Hunter, Darkwood Stalker, Dervish, Drunken Master, Frenzied Berserker, Hulking Hurler, Hunter of the Dead, Invisible Blade, Justiciar, Kensai, Knight Protector, Master of the Unseen Hand, Master Thrower, Mindspy, Nature’s Warrior, Occult Slayer, Order of the Bow Initiate, Rage Mage, Reaping Mauler, Ronin, Spellsword, Stonelord, Tattooed Monk, War-Chanter, Warshaper DMG Arcane Archer, Arcane Trickster, Archmage, Assassin, Dwarven Defender, Hierophant, Loremaster, Mystic Theurge, Shadowdancer Frostburn Cloud Anchorite, Frost Mage, Frostrager, Knight of the Iron Glacier, Primeval, Stormsinger Miniatures Handbook Bonded Summoner, Dragon Samurai, Havoc Mage, Skullclan Hunter, Tactical Soldier, Warchief, War-Hulk Sandstorm Lord of tides, Sand Shaper, Scorpio Heritor, Walker in the Waste Stormwrack Legendary Captain, Leviathan Hunter, Scarlet Corsair, Sea Witch, Stormcaster, Wavekeeper, Some of these classes may need to be adjusted for campaign insertion, just double check with me before selecting one. If there is another Prestige class that you are interested in playing then we must discuss it. |
#17zombiegleemaxJun 05, 2007 9:28:44 | No duskblades among the elves? |
#18leowarJun 05, 2007 13:38:09 | ![]() |
#19darthsylverJun 05, 2007 22:15:10 | Originally posted by Treymordin No duskblades among the elves? I know that the Duskblade description in the PH2 says that the elves are the creators of the duskblade character. But in Krynn (or at least on Ansalon) this just does not fit, IMO. I mean the elves have always been strong supporters of the orders of magic and as such would most likely follow the restriction of no armor for spellcasters. Yes the elves have changed, alot in recent years, but completely adopting a new concept such as the Duskblade, I just don't see it. Also the Duskblade is more of a armored warrior with arcane power, and as such would most likely develop in cultures where warriors wear armor, which typically mean Solamnia (KOS), Taman Busuk and Malagh'valos (dark knights). THe elves, while they do have armored warriors, they typically exemplify the concept of light-armored swift attacking warriors. Now Solamnia has its sorcerous auxiliary in the kingfishers, but the Legion of Steel understands the concept of "might and magic" and so would be open to this idea. The dwarves of Thoradin develop the duskblade for a reason that will be revealed later (so don't ask). Now if you will notice, for most classes I say "typical" or "recomended" regions. Almost any class can arise in any region, the only classes that would have a problem developing in regions other than listed are the Shugenja and the Wu Jen. The Samurai can be a stretch for other regions but the main concept behind the Samurai is loyalty and living by a code. I did not list the Samurai for regions where these traits are typically found because most of them already have a class that exemplifies this concept, I.E. Knight of Solamnia, Ergothian Cavalier, Dark Knight, etc... But as stated the two main classes I would have a hard time seeing develop outside their listed regions are the Shugenja and the Wu Jen. But if the character background created is good enough then I would allow it, as long as it is because you want to play an interesting character and are not simply looking to make things difficult or are trying to max-out a character. Oh, and thank you leowar. |
#20zombiegleemaxJun 06, 2007 6:28:25 | Do the Oriental Classes that you do include, Darth, really have a Dragonlance or Ansalon flavor though? |
#21darthsylverJun 06, 2007 8:55:29 | Well as the campaign has not been played I cannot really say for sure. But as they are from a lost society that has been resurrected I can shape them to fit dragonlance. This is one reason why I applied them to the new society rather than one already established. I could just see trying to apply these classes to the lands of Solamnia, or even the elven land (another reason duskblades were new developments rather than old forgotten classes of a pre-established society), what outrage I would have provoked by saying that the samurai had taken the place of the knight of solamnia, ha! Many of the established flavors (classes and cultures) of Ansalon don't fit with the high ogre society because very few would be accepting of their race, so they had to develop their own flavor. The oriental classes do not lend themselves to any aprticular alignment so I could adjust them to fit the reborn ogres. Even the samurai that follows the way of bushido has more to do with loyalty to one's lore and a code rather than being a person of good works. |
#22zombiegleemaxJun 06, 2007 13:59:20 | If you read about the duskblades in PHB 2 it states it was developed by the elves. Now in Ansalon, the elves were the ones, after the dragons, that developed sorcery, IIRC, and it was because they could not control it that the 3 Cousins came and established high sorcery. I think that this is used to explain how the Silvanesti who were behind the wall were able to develop the talent for sorcery after the Gods left. |
#23darthsylverJun 06, 2007 21:57:31 | Well see here's the thing, the elves did not discover sorcery first. It was the ogres. In every story we hear about, the ogres were masters in the use of magic, they even had null-stones that prevented magic from being used when within range of the stone (Ergothian trilogy). But according to both the DLA and ToTL the ogre nation crumbles before the creation of the greygem. Now according to both, the DLA and ToTL, magic was introduced to krynn by the gods of magic (either before the all saints war, or during the all-saints war). According to the DLA the gods of magic were around before the all-saints war (page 27 DLA), they saw the all-saints war coming. They revolved about the world, GRANTING THEIR POWERS to those who would follow their ways. According to ToTL the gods of magic were around during the all-saints war (page 88 ToTL). They walked the world, in search of one mortal follower, who they took away to teach magic to. So who really brought magic to the world? Now as far as not being able to control sorcery, I say that was more from the introduction of the scion to the mix. If you take into account the fact that sorcery existed for well over 5000 years before it went unleashed by the three elves (who were GUIDED by a scion) when they trapped the dragons in the mountains, it must have been more from the influence (or perhaps the inherent chaos in the Scion due to their change by the greygem), of the scion rather than the fact that sorcery is uncontrollable. Now remember in both the DLA and ToTL the gods of magic taught the use of magic before or during the all-saints war. What I find interesting is the fact that the gods of magic taught sorcery before\during the all-saints war, and then taught wizardry after the second dragon war and made sorcery outlawed. |
#24zombiegleemaxJun 06, 2007 23:35:25 | That is true. But I would say that the newer stuff is the e stablished canon. |
#25darthsylverJun 07, 2007 7:41:16 | Well see that is the difference I suppose. If the newer stuff changes a rule, or a piece of history, to explain something that was always confusing then I go with it. If the new stuff says something only (IMO) to justify a ruling then I tend to side with the older stuff. For instance the renegade sorcerer thing. The new stuff agrees that the orders were created to help police renegades who were placing magic at risk because they used wild magic. But then they go on to say that it is impossible for a sorcerer to be alive during the time of the WoTL because the energy of the greygem would have run low by then, but there was magic before the greygem (or at least in the DLA and the ToTL), so by these sources sorcerers could still possibly be around during the WoTL. So they change when the greygem was created, they say that the greygem was created right when the gods of magic were born, which goes against previous editions. But they need this to be true in order for the theory of a limited supply of greygem sorcery. If the greygem and chaos is not the source of sorcery (rather than wizardry) then it was possible for sorcerers to be around during whatever time. Now I am not saying that they were as common place as they are now but I am saying that IMO that it was possible for sorcerers to be alive during the WoTL. They might be completely secluded from the world living a hermit like existence, but they would still be there. The big thing that got my ire rankled was saying that sorcerers could not have existed during the WoTL simply because the rules were not created until 3e. They made Ariakas a thorn knight before the knighthood was even created for crying out loud. Now don't get me wrong, I am not a big fan of the sorcerer, but changing what has been previously written to establish grounds for something new to be declared or written gets me upset. |
#26zombiegleemaxJun 08, 2007 7:37:09 | I wonder why the need to change previosly established history is felt? However, it seems to be changed only one things that the designers want changed. |
#27darthsylverJun 08, 2007 8:43:06 | Personally I prefer to try and work within preestablished sources without changing things. |
#28zombiegleemaxJun 08, 2007 9:52:36 | Exactly. Hey Darth, pick up RACES OF ANSALON on pdf. A great book that might help your races section as well as classes. |
#29darthsylverJun 08, 2007 20:33:44 | I know that it is on PDF, but I want the hardcopy book!!! |
#30zombiegleemaxJun 09, 2007 8:21:49 | Get both, I did. |
#31darthsylverJun 09, 2007 20:18:57 | Stuff I buy on soft-copy tend to get lost. I got bad luck with computers crashing. Speaking of which I need to back up these campaign files. |
#32zombiegleemaxJun 10, 2007 10:20:40 | Get to it boyo, we dont wantcha to lose any of yer hardwork, laddie. |
#33darthsylverJul 10, 2007 14:07:07 | Had to resurrect this thread for the online roleplay experiment. |
#34zombiegleemaxJul 10, 2007 16:29:24 | Now I have to re-read it, lol |
#35nightside_samuraiJul 10, 2007 16:33:06 | I just read the timeline and reviewed the relevant section for my character. It's really well presented, would I be able to borrow it for one of my future games? |
#36darthsylverJul 11, 2007 13:50:34 | Sure. |