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#1ZardnaarJun 16, 2007 3:34:58 | I'm thinking of a DS game set after the Prism Pentad and I'm wondering how to advance the timeline. I want to introduce some new players to DS and to attract them I'm willing to make the world slightly less brutal- Preservers for example don't get killed on sight in some of the cities and Hamanu/Lalali-Puy and Nibenay quietly purge their Defilers and replace them with Royal Preservers opposed to the Veiled Alliance-ie evil Preservers. Anyway heres whats known happens after the Prism Pentad Free Year 11. The Wanderer reaches the Jagged Cliffs region Free Year 12 The Wanderer Discovers the Last SeeaRegion, The Coruscation Begins a'la Dregoth Ascending Free Year 15 Rise and Fall of a Dragon King. Heres what I'm thjinking of doing with the left over plot hooks. This is my vision of Athas FY 1000 or so. 1. Kreen Invasion. I was going to have this happen in Free Year 15-16 or so which gives the Kreen several years to scout out the area. Personally I don't like this plot hook and will probably have a bio plague form Thamsku ravage the Kreen population aborting the attack. Kreen empire collapses for a a while (1000 years?) and the survivors engage in civil war. I just wanted to postpone the invasion to a new time period. I don't know if I will use it. 2. The Deadlands. The undead can stay there for awhile although I might have them attack the Tyr region at some point. 3. Space Halflings in the Messenger. Leave them in space permanently. Quietly drop this storyline. 4. Dregoth Ascending. Dregoth fails and damages the planar conduits to Athas. They slowly heal over the next few weeks and are actually strengthened as a side effect of the power Dregoth channeled (he didn't get it anyway). I might give Dregoth a few levels in the Dragon Ascendant PrC form the Draconomicon. He abandons the Dray and seizes Raam ands searches for a way to return to life and complete the transformation to full Dragonhood. 5. Hamanu- Rise and Fall of a Dragon King. Hamanu becomes the Draogn of Urik and the ending happens more or less as depictedin the novel. However Hamanus 1000 years is all in his mind and he reappears after 1 year or so. Pavek is regent until Hamanu returns. He starts to search for a way to remove Rajaats taint and become human again (but immortal as well). 6. The Cerulean Storm. Sadira manages to tame it and uses Kalaks pyramid to syphon of the destructive Tyr Storms. Rainfall increases in the ringing mountaisn a small river flows under the elven bridge once again before emptying into the Sea of Silt near Alturak. Sadira discovers as a side effect of here transformation at the Pristine Tower she can grant Templars spells and becomes Sorceror Queen of Tyr 7. The Mindlords create new bodies for themselves and become the first Psiforged- humanlike living constructs and create more of them as the Border Guardians start to fail. 8. Andropinis escapes his imprisonment early and becomes Sorceror King of Balic again circa FY 300. Atzetuk at some point becomes a Draogn and Sorceror King and rules Draj 9. The Dragon returns but is it Borys or another previously unknown Dragon? 10. As always Rajaat wants free........... And so the campaign begins Free Year 1000 |
#2flindbarJun 17, 2007 11:54:36 | 5. Hamanu- Rise and Fall of a Dragon King. Hamanu becomes the Draogn of Urik and the ending happens more or less as depictedin the novel. However Hamanus 1000 years is all in his mind and he reappears after 1 year or so. Pavek is regent until Hamanu returns. He starts to search for a way to remove Rajaats taint and become human again (but immortal as well). I like the idea of Hamanu trying to remove the taint ![]() |
#3zombiegleemaxJun 18, 2007 20:31:19 | GR8 ideas Zaardnar, I like the RaFoaDK in FY 15 setting 1.the Kreen invasion, scouts idea and love the Bio plague hmm.. the Civil war was going on in our campaign in FY 13 so I like it. 2.the Deadlands can wait as well. 3.the space haflings idea is humorous and lame, its time to abort. 4.DA idea is intriguing, conduits altered and all. We had Dregoth Banished to Ravenloft, and at first i disliked the idea, but people are always being pulled in from Giustenal 5.Hamanu in FY 15 with those Provisos you added. 6. impressive. nice unique touch to storms and Sadira 7. Mindlords, only one remaining in our campaign. 8. andropinis still trapped but gives up his evil sorcerors ways 9. Farcluun was our choice for this but was crippled in Yaramuke, lost an eye and arm from what i recall in our gaming. 10. Always but why? more than we really know fy |
#4ZardnaarJun 18, 2007 21:11:45 | I think in the Brazen gambit it mentioned the events were 5 years after the Cerulean storm which would make it FY 15 or so. One thing I did like about the Paizo version of DS was a Sorceror King in each city aprt form Tyr. I chose 1000 years after the Prism Pentad as. 1. One way or another Andropinis is back-100 years is up or in Paizos version he escaped early. 2. Hamanu is finished being reborn or whatever happened in Rise and Fall. If you really want to use him in a post Pentad timeline you can either ignore Rise and Fall or tweak it a bit (like it seems like 1000 years to him). The Brazen Gambit and Rise and Fall were also the best of the Darksun novels which ranged from good (Lynn Abbey) average (Prism Pentad) to awful (most of the others). Its not to hard to treat Rise and Fall as canon without rewritting the setting even the end bit which some ppl have issues with.If by some miracle I got hold of the DS license and ressurected the setting I would think about having 3 eras to set the game in. Star Wars RPG manages with clasic, rise of the empire and New Jedi Order eras. 1. Classic DS. Original boxed set minus 100 years. Kalak has just started building the pyramid. 2. FY 15. The Kreen are about to invade, Dregoth seizes Raam, Sadira discovers she can grant spells. 3. FY 1000 My next game will be option 2 or 3 I haven't decided yet. Purists may hate me but I would purge the setting of a few sacred cows- time to abort so to speak. 1. Bye bye paraelemental clerics. 2. Dragons and Avangions. NPCs only. You can become one but NPC status only. Even in 2nd ed it ws recommended to run them as NPCs. 3. Eliminate the Gladiator class 4. Make it slightly easier for Preservers in any post PP setting. In my timeline you can have the Kreen invasion whenever you want and there is primary source material detailing conflict between them and Thamasku. A bio plague would probably be withen a Nature Master ability to engineer- mayb a rogue.evil one. Get eaten or unleash a plague that only gets Kreen. |