Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1soulwalkerJun 23, 2007 22:49:25 | I need everyone's help. Like most DMs we have a job and family and time is at a premium. I am planning on a campaign in Greyhawk near Geoff during the Greyhawk wars. I would use 3.5 rules. To help I was wondering if people can give me some ideas on ready made modules that I could fit into the campaign that would have political intrigue, town battles, ruin battles, mtn battles, forrest battles, and dungeon crawls. I have a few modules that fit but I would appreciate some help. Thanks |
#2drowbattlemindJun 24, 2007 0:31:18 | gah, toughie... Near Geoff? Okay, that'd be during the GDQ 1-7 (TSR prod # 9179) Queen of the Spiders Supermodule. It somewhat expands upon the original modules that it compiles, and while the expanded opening (Chapter 1: Darkness Over Sterich) covers Geoff's southern neighbor, Sterich, it can be adapted to Geoff instead. During the Greyhawk Wars, the scheming Drow priestess, Eclavdra, used the Hill, Fire, and Frost Giants as weapons against the surface kingdoms of both Sterich and Geoff, as part of her gambit of political and religious jockeying in Erelhei-Cinlu, the Vault of the Drow. Neither human kingdom fared at all well, with Geoff being eradicated for the most part (the elven forces allied with Geoff barely managed to evacuate the capital city in time), and Sterich also all but obliterated. In the 'Now' of the present 3.0/3.5 period, Sterich has been reclaimed by Keoland, and is suffering both internal political struggles and problems with Drow. Geoff, however, is almost entirely wiped out. The lands remain under the rule of Giants and Orcs, with the Nobility in exile and the common folk outside of the capitol enslaved (or eaten). Other than GDQ, I'm in the dark as for modules for those areas, esp. since Greyhawk content during 2nd Ed. was sparse. Try Canonfire or other websites for info; while the RPGA Living Greyhawk campaigns are updated to the 'Now', I'm not sure how much help the RPGA'd be... ![]() ![]() |
#3soulwalkerJun 24, 2007 1:12:38 | Thanks for the information that is great. I was thinking of general modules that I could adapt for my campaign. |
#4max_writerJun 24, 2007 7:04:30 | I originally placed "Night's Dark Terror," an OD&D adventure, in western Geoff. I was running 2nd ed at the time but conversion wasn't too hard. It's an excellent adventure for 1st level characters. |
#5drowbattlemindJun 24, 2007 11:09:16 | Thanks for the information that is great. I was thinking of general modules that I could adapt for my campaign. Sorry I couldn't be of more help, our PC's were more situated around the Keoland and Ulek area's, so those were the supplements I kept an eye out for during Greyhawk's "Long dark night of Second Edition". :raincloud |
#6soulwalkerJun 24, 2007 14:19:37 | Would you know of any generic 3.5 modules that would do? |
#7mempterJul 03, 2007 9:01:41 | If you can get hold of a copy, the reprint they did of the 'Against the Giants' series (subtitled 'The Liberation of Geoff', circa 1999 as part of the Silver Anniversary series they were doing back then) should be right up your alley. It goes into great detail about the various settlements in Geoff and the forces that currently occupy them and includes an alternate sub-plot involving a clan of renegade cloud giants. It's 2nd Edition, of course, but the lore alone makes it invaluable for campaigns in that region. DUNGEON also did a mini-campaign arc not too long ago that was based in the city of Istivin that started in issue #117 called "Touch of the Abyss", which included a backdrop article on the city itself. Then there's issues #1 and 4 of the Living Greyhawk Gazetter that featured detailed articles on the country of Keoland. That's all I can think of right off the top of my head, hope it was some help. |
#8twicebornJul 03, 2007 23:58:06 | If generic is what you're looking for, I think Paizo's brand new modules, Hollow's Last Hope (free download from!) and Crown of the Kobold King would fit the bill really well (they are for PC levels 1 and 2, respectively). Interesting story lines, settings, and NPCs/villains, and top notch production values... quite possibly the nicest modules I've laid eyes on. You might also want to try The Crucible of Freya, from Necromancer Games, and its prelude, The Wizard's Amulet. I haven't played them myself, but I've heard good things about them. I hope that helps... |
#9drowbattlemindJul 04, 2007 17:34:18 | True, but since Freya isn't a Greyhawkian deity, you'd have to convert her to the closest equivalent. Since Freya is the Norse goddess of love, lust, etc, her equivalent would probably be Myhriss the Thrice-Kissed, Flan goddess of Love, Romance, & Beauty. |
#10twicebornJul 04, 2007 20:26:55 | The Sunless Citadel, Forge of Fury, etc., by WotC, could also easily be set in Geoff with minimal effort on the DM's part (I set them in the Gran March for my campaign, but that's another story...) |
#11johnjohnJul 07, 2007 21:41:33 | I second the "Crucible of Freya" its a great module. It also has some bonus material up at necromancer games website. I start most of my campaigns now using that module and the players never get tired of it. I just change a few things around a bit and its like new again. Another great module I enjoyed running for lvl 1-6 characters was "The lost city of barakus" also put out by necromancer games. Has a 1st ed. feel to it. Details a big city you can fit in anywhere (and I always borrow cities from modules etc so I don't have to come up with them on my own). Has some interesting encounters you can fit in anywhere set both in the city and the surrounding area. All sorts of intrigue going on in the city with nobles plotting, hidden evil temples and townsfolk going missing. All sorts of things going on before you even know theres a lost city somewhere near by with ancient magic stuff oh and a small problem with some lich being imprisoned there... There are no massed battles anywhere but the PC's stay occupied. |
#12drowbattlemindJul 13, 2007 10:05:12 | Yeah, Necromancer's stuff is great! We're getting ready to go through R1-3, Rappan Athuk! Correlating the module's background and info from the old Greyhawk Adventures hardback, we're setting it up in the Griff or Corusk mountains, near the ruins of Skrellingshald. If we pick up Slumbering Tsar, i'm not quite sure where it'd fit best on the map, but gimme time! |
#13culhwchJul 13, 2007 13:08:54 | I also like Paizo's Game Mastery modules. The few Dungeon Crawl Classics by Goodman Games (?) I've looked at are also pretty good. |
#14rob_douglasJul 14, 2007 20:26:04 | You could also use it [edit: R1-3] as a good substitute for Darkbridge Temple in the Bright Desert with minor changes. I used it for basically that purpose, but it was so big, and I only wanted it for a few sessions, so I used a few maps, and fudged a few entrances and exits. ROB |