Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1olddawgJul 25, 2007 14:09:13 | There was a 24 mph map posted a while back that was a work in progress based on the Tortles of the Purple Sage parts 1 and 2, but I can't seem to find the thread.
It didn't seem to make it to the Vaults, either.
Does anyone know where it (and the thread) could be found, or am I mis-remembering the existence of the thread?
OldDawg |
#2CthulhudrewJul 25, 2007 19:36:03 | Are you talking about this thread? |
#3stanlesJul 26, 2007 5:56:57 | Are you talking about this thread?
I suspect that he is, particularly RimX's message nearer to the end of the thread, pasted below
[INDENT]The Tortles of the Purple Sage included a map of the area in X9 expanded to the north. Here's a partially completed map I've been working on. The ruined city in the northeast is Bylot, the southern city is Yazak, the western city is Dravya.[/INDENT]
And the reason that that one is not on the Vaults, is that it was described here as a partially completed map. |
#4havardJul 26, 2007 13:48:29 | Wasn't there some other thread trying to reconcile the Red Steel Maps with the maps from VotPA?
Havard |
#5CthulhudrewJul 26, 2007 14:54:11 | This one? |
#6havardJul 26, 2007 16:15:05 | Yeah, thats the one 
Havard |
#7stanlesJul 26, 2007 20:03:52 | And the reason that that one is not on the Vaults, is that it was described here as a partially completed map.
although it's probably high time it turned up |
#8rimxJul 26, 2007 23:34:29 | I've been a little busy so I haven't got as much done as I would have liked. Here are the current versions.

One problem I didn't notice is the Arm of the Immortals in Dragon 200 is a several hexes further north than it should be. It wasn't until I was almost finished with the northwestern coast of Yalu bay that I noticed it. It should take long to fix the error. |
#9olddawgJul 27, 2007 13:07:50 | Thanks for pointing out the old thread, guys. My mind must surely be going.
If we were to overlay a bounding box on top of the map to indicate original source provider, where would the boxes for Dungeon #6 and Dungeon #7 be?
[I'm assuming the western shore of the Yalu is from the Red Steel Map.]
OT: But has anyone ever wondered about the fact that by width (and length by implication), the Immortals' Arm boasts the single largest mountain chain in any canon-sourced map?
-OldDawg |
#10stanlesJul 27, 2007 18:46:23 | Thanks for pointing out the old thread, guys. My mind must surely be going.
If we were to overlay a bounding box on top of the map to indicate original source provider, where would the boxes for Dungeon #6 and Dungeon #7 be?
[I'm assuming the western shore of the Yalu is from the Red Steel Map.]
OT: But has anyone ever wondered about the fact that by width (and length by implication), the Immortals' Arm boasts the single largest mountain chain in any canon-sourced map?
the western shore of the Arm of the Immortals isn't from Dungeon #6, I can answer that half of it at least.
well it is the Arm of the Immortals, it's gotta set some sort of records. |
#11rimxJul 27, 2007 19:08:43 | Rimx,
If we were to overlay a bounding box on top of the map to indicate original source provider, where would the boxes for Dungeon #6 and Dungeon #7 be?
[I'm assuming the western shore of the Yalu is from the Red Steel Map.]
The only overland map is in Dungeon #6. Dungeon #7 has a 1/4 page reprint of the map and maps of Richland and the ruins of the Dravyan cities (one map is used for all the ruins like in X6). The map covers the area from X9 and the lands on the north to the edge of the edge of the map. The western border is the start of the tan area, five hexes west of the mouth of the Yalu river and continues strait south. The tan box is where a compass was. The western shore of Yalu comes from the Savage Baronies box. |
#12rimxJul 27, 2007 21:15:58 | Here's the key for the map
Below is a general key to the regions shown on the map. The key gives only a brief description of most areas. You may flesh out individual encounter areas with your own information. To read the map, start in the lower right corner and read clockwise around the face.
Sand Beach. This sandy, rolling stretch of land extends as far inland as one can see from the shore. The sandy shore is dotted with tall grass which forms dunes. Over the crests, the dunes sprout shrubbery that forms a blanket of grass clumps and bushes all the way north to the Yazak Steppes. Sand beach strecthes from the Gulf of Hule to the Orcs Head Peninsula.
Claw Peninsula. Named after Claw inlet which lies beside it, this sandy peninsula jabs into the Western Sea. The New Hope River meets the sea here. The New Hope Lawful Brotherhood Cleric Outpost Stands at the tip of this Peninsula.
New Hope River.This navigable waterway can be sailed for at least 150 miles inland. Native Villages, overhanging branches and hostile vegetation provide adventure.
Camel Hump. This windblown bulge of camel-colored sand dunes and beach grasses presses out into the Western Sea. Dust devils skip along the beach obliterating footprints in a matter of minutes.
Twin Island Peninsula. This flat-topped sandstone finger of land points to matching islands offshore. The peninsula's 100'-tall cliffs serve as the rookeries of many sea birds. It's coastline is rocky.
Twin Islands. These look-alike islands are made of light grayish brown sandstone. They were cut off from the mainland peninsula by the ceaseless erosion of wave action. The flat, bush covered tops of the islands are surrounded by 100'-tall sandstone cliffs, dropping to rocky coast lines. (Beware of the tyrannosaurus that lives here, according to module X9.)
Dream River. This waterway is navigable for over 75 miles inland. Strange vegetation inhabits these waters, and the Lawful Brotherhood Second Chance Cleric Outpost stand beside the mouth of this river.
Western Sea. This body of salt water lies south of the Savage Coast. It connects with the Gulf of Hule, Claw Inlet, Helmet Bay, and the Choke. The deepest parts of the Western Sea are the haunts of oversized sea monsters.
Claw Inlet. This curving natural harbor connects the New Hope River with the Gulf of Hule. Each spring, thousands of small edible fish crowd this narrow inlet to lay eggs on the beach and then die.
Helmet Bay. This Body of water once appeared on maps as a flattened, double-horned helmet. The Dream river flows into the eastern horn point. A sandstone reef lies just beneath the surface of this bay. Mermaids, marine decapi, and mysterious sea creatures inhabit this bay. Aranea lairs have been found inland, and fortified snapper egg-laying grounds have been found along the coast of Helmet Bay.
The Choke. This smooth cove marks the end of Sand Beach and the beginning of the Orcs Head Peninsula. The Peaceful Lawful Brotherhood Cleric Outpost stands beside the mouth of the Choke River.
Orcs Head Peninsula. This oddly-shaped land mass, lying southwest of the Grass Plains, is a continuation of the Savage Coast.
Dark Jungle. This unexplored area is a subtropical forest with clinging vines and low-lying shrubbery. Gargantuan white apes inhabit this jungle. Daily thunderstorms drench the forest and feed rivers and streams which wind to the surrounding seas. Wildlife abounds in this region, especially along the winding banks of the Forbidden River. The River is navigable for at least 75 miles inland but is prone to flash flooding. The rain forest's coastline is muddy. PC's may mistake the Forbidden River for the Great Northway. The demolished Forbidden River Lawful Brotherhood Clerc Outpost stands beside the mouth of the Forbidden River.
Forbidden Highlands. Grass and Deciduous trees cover these rolling hills. Several of the peninsula's meandering rivers start in these highlands. The region is marked by beautiful waterfalls, where the rivers plummet 50-100' over rocky cliffs. The ruins of the Lost city of Risilvar lie in the Forbidden Highlands.
Safe Harbor Peninsula. This point of land is an extension of the muddy Dark Jungle coastline. (Module X9 mistakenly locates an tortle egg-laying ground on the tip of this peninsula. It is more likely a fortified snapper egg-laying ground.)
Safe Harbor. The calm waters of this inlet are protected by the nearby Safe Harbor Peninsula.
The Horn. The peninsula is the start of a rugged, rocky coastline much like the nearby Trident Isles.
Trident Isles. These rocky, mountainous islands resemlbe the tips of a huge underwater, three-tined spear. There is an orc village on one of these islands. The other two are uninhabited.
Trident Bay. This sheltered body of salt water lies north of Orc Head Peninsula. Its northern extreme is partially marked by the Trident Isles. Dangerous reefs lie in Trident Bay. A phanaton settlement is located inland from the southern coast of the bay.
Savage Gulf. This stormy body of water lies west of Orcs Head Peninsula and the Grass Plains. Windswept waves scar the surface of the gulf and buffet its eastern shoreline.
The Bayou. This marshy, sluggish body of water is a confusing maze of water routes which connect Shady River to Trident Bay. A Large cay-man compound is located in the heart of the Bayou.
Shady River. Large deciduous trees overhang tis multi-branched waterway. Shady River empties into The Bayou and is navigable for hundreds of miles inland. PCs may mistake Shady River for the Great Northway.
Tall Grass Coast. A narrow layer of rich, dark topsoil nourishes tall grasses along this muddy coastline. The charred ruins of the Seaveiw Lawful Brotherhood Cleric Outpost lie beside the mouth of a short river along the coast.
Empty Valley. This 150'-deep rift valley contains little soil and fresh water. There is almost no plant or animal life. Empty Valley once held the Great Northway river, but an ancient earthquake changed the river's course. A deep, rocky valley now scars the Yazak Steppes. The stone canyon walls show both water erosion and geologic upheaval. A slight trickle of fresh run-off water sometimes splashes in muddy torrents from the cliff walls during flash floods caused by distant thunderstorms. Salt water from the Savage Gulf has infiltrated the sunken valley, making the chasm navigable by large ships for hundred of miles inland.
Mud Water Cove. At the extreme north end of the Savage Gulf, the cool, muddy-brown water is shallower and less salty than in the rest of the gulf.
The Great Northway. This wide, Powerful river empties into the Mud Water Cove. It is navigable for thousands of miles inland except for a giant waterfall 240 miles from it's mouth.
Grass Plains. All the lands north of Sand Beach and east of the Savage Gulf is called the Grass Plains. The Dominant feature of the area is the Yazak Steppes, sometimes called the Dravish Steppes by the people of Hule.
Yazak Steppes.This vast, semi-arid, grass-covered plain is veined with tree-lined streams separated by rolling hills. Large herds of migrating animals move across the land, grzing with the seasons. Blooming purple sagebrush fills tje air with a pleasant aroma.
Dry Flats. Rain rarely falls on this arid wasteland. Little plant or animal life can survive here.
Bylot Hills. These hot, dry hills are covered with dense thickets of shrubs and small trees. The rugged terrain is pockmarked with caves and burrows.