Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1chaosvirusJul 30, 2007 12:32:26 | What would you change, and what would you want added? This started as a topic in FoS, and I thought it would be interesting to see what the opinions here would be. Personally I want an up to date and well drawn world map =P. |
#2highpriestmikhalJul 30, 2007 16:16:33 | Rules for the XPH would be a start, as would later supplements for the alternative magic systems (binders, incarnum, etc.). Include actual stats and backstories for the darklords in one of the core rulebooks. |
#3kwdbladeJul 30, 2007 17:41:41 | Up to date stats on Darklords (ALLLLLL Darklords) as well as important NPCs. Also, a detailed description of EVERY domain, not just the Core ones, and perhaps a few more Gazetteers (I loved reading those). |
#4mrpiskieJul 30, 2007 18:20:13 | For the most part, I'm extremely satisfied with the status quo in Ravenloft, so I wouldn't change much. That being said, I'd disregard some of the stuff from the Ravenloft Player's Handbook that most people ignore anyway (Powers checks for gaining levels, magic levels for domains). I'd also like to see a more detailed map, and the rest of the domains fleshed out to the same level of detail as the Gazetteers presented. (But then again, who wouldn't?) |
#5highpriestmikhalJul 30, 2007 19:48:33 | More Gazetteers. I'd kind of like to know what happens to the "little scholar" when she realizes what that bracer is for--and what diabolical plans Azalin has for a survey of the demiplane. Plus more info on the Time of Unparalleled Darkness--a noncommittal description, at least! Or maybe confirmation on what will trigger Gennifer Weathermay-Foxgrove's first lycanthropic transformation (knowing Nostalia, I'd say it's lust, an emotion a proper Mordentish noble is taught to repress). Most of all, more Ravenloft in general. |
#6zombiegleemaxJul 31, 2007 7:14:18 | Keep: Keep and round out the Gazetteers, keep the Walking Dead, Shadow Fey, and Mist Creatures as "core monsters" (although after that, the roster begins to look reasonably full), keep the idea of Bloodlines, hint at (but do not neccessarily expose! Ravenloft needs a few good mysteries) the Time of Unparalleled Darkness, and keep Calibans. Add: A few more adventures (maybe no more than a handful all in all). Expand the map beyond Vechor, either by merging some of the clusters/islands/pockets with it, or by creating three or so new domains. Otherwise, new domains and lords should be added with caution: quality over quantity. More Children of the Night books, listed in order of priority: one for Fiends, one for Walking Dead, one for Vistani, one combining Ancient Dead and Liches, and one split between Hags, Shadow Fey, and Mist creatures. One book devoted to the Demiplane's religions and secret societies. More Masque of the Red Death. |
#7chaosvirusJul 31, 2007 8:01:47 | It would be interesting trying to fit all this into 2 books XD or 3 if you wanted a seperate monster manual =/. |
#8highpriestmikhalJul 31, 2007 18:19:53 | If Masque of the Red Death is re-released, please simplify and fix it. All those new and (IMO) unnecessary skills and feats, the system for getting a spell off even if the check fails (if regular D&D characters suffer for being on Impeded Magic planes, Gothic Earthlings should too) and simplify the roll as a Spellcraft check, maybe introduce options for nonlethal (spell level d4) damage for each spell instead of powers checks just for casting a spell (honestly, none of my players wanted to be spellcasters back in the day despite simpler rules for cleansing the taint). |
#9sptjanlyAug 01, 2007 15:19:47 | A book like Faiths and Pantheons for Forgotten Realms. |
#10darkorAug 02, 2007 8:47:44 | Some new stuff in the timeline! :D Don't know, maybe something about the "darkest time ever" in RL that Van Richten fortold (IIRC) And... new villains ^^ |
#11thanaelAug 02, 2007 11:26:44 | No elf-pirate Strahd, no halfling gypsies etc. It absolutely has to acknowledge the 3E developments by WW. |
#12john_w._mangrumAug 03, 2007 18:49:11 | As a note of historical trivia: A couple of years ago, shortly after Ravenloft ceased publication under Arthaus, Andrew Wyatt suggested the Kargatane create our own version of the core books, just for our own private gaming purposes. Now, obviously, we never presented this for publication; so don't think this is a "could've been" like our original concept for SotDR. At any rate, we never progressed very far, with only the monster book receiving any real work. But here's the basic outline of what a "director's cut" of the setting would look like, had the Kargatane been written a blank check and a good deal of hindsight: First off, Ravenloft would have been presented in three volumes: Lands of Mist: Ravenloft Player's Companion Introduction Chapter I: The Gothic Hero Character Concept Homeland Sidebar: Outlanders Cultural Level Religion Chapter II: Races of Ravenloft Sidebar: Outcast Rating Human Caliban Dwarf Elf Halfling Half-Elf Half-Vistani Chapter III: Character Classes [In the pipe-dream, no-limits version of this chapter, each class would have been presented in full, so you mostly wouldn't have to check the PHB (or the other books referenced) while creating a character. More realistically, this would be as published, with conversion notes, possibly in addition to optional Gothic-y substitution levels for each class. If it's just conversion notes, then might as well go whole hog and cover all the WotC core classes.] Introduction Barbarian Bard Cleric ...Sidebar: Variant: Cloistered Cleric Druid Fighter ...Sidebar: Variant: Thug Monk Paladin ...Sidebar: Paladin’s Steed Psion Ranger Rogue Samurai Scholar (adventuring Expert) Shugenja Sorcerer ...Sidebar: Familiars Spirit Shaman Swashbuckler Warlock Wizard Wu-Jen Chapter V: Skills The Hypnotism skill, new uses for existing skills, and conversion notes where necessary. Basically as published. Chapter VI: Feats New feats, conversion guidelines on existing feats. Out of the thousands of feats WotC's published, however, really only a handful would change at all in RL.) Chapter IV: Prestige Classes Some RL-specific PCs. We never worked on this chapter, so just consider it a compilation of the better published examples. Chapter VII: Equipment New equipment. Basically as published. Gunpower weapons would have been expanded on, however. Chapter VIII: Ways of the World Fear, Horror, and Madness Corrupted Magic New Spells Summoning Tables [No, we never wrote them up, so don't ask. Otherwise these chapter sections are basically as published.] Chapter IX: The Land of Mists [A player's guide to setting. Horrific secrets would be withheld, those hinted at, of course. It might also be nice to steal the Local Knowledge skill checks concept from Eberron.] History The Core ...Barovia ......[Structure presented as an example:] ......The Land ......Populace ......Language ......The Law ......Rumors & Folklore ...Blaustein ...Borca ...Darkon ...Dementlieu ...Demise ...Dominia ...Falkovnia ...Forlorn ...Ghastria ...Hazlan ...Invidia ...Kartakass ...Keening ...Lamordia ...Liffe ...Markovia ...Mordent ...Necropolis ...Nocturnal Sea ...Nova Vaasa ...Richmulot ...The Sea of Sorrows ...The Shadow Rift ...Shay-Lot ...Sithicus ...Tepest ...Valachan ...Vechor ...Verbrek Clusters ...The Amber Wastes ......Har’Akir ......Pharazia ......Sebua ...The Burning Peaks [Oh yeah; this reminds me. In the no-limits version of the book, the "current era" would have been 760 BC, but major-yet-defunct elements from 735 onward would also be included for game use.] ......Cavitius ......Tovag ...The Frozen Reaches ......Sanguinia ......Vorostokov ...The Scattered Lotus Archipelago ......I-Cath ......Rokushima Táiyoo ...Zherisia ......Paridon ......Timor ...The Shadowlands ......Avonleigh ......Nidala ......Shadowborn Manor ...The Verdurous Lands ......Saragoss ......Sri Raji ......The Wildlands Islands of Terror ...Bluetspur ...Farelle ...G’Henna ...Odiare ...The Nightmare Lands ...Souragne ...Staunton Bluffs Powers of Darkness: Ravenloft Dungeon Master's Companion [Here's where we verge wildly away from what actually got published.] Introduction Chapter I: The Hidden Ways The Mists Domains Darklords The Dark Powers Powers Checks [As a note, I think it would have been worth the considerable effort needed to finally, fully codify powers checks -- so that, in effect, all NPC darklords would finally adhere to these rules. And no, we didn't actually work on this, so don't ask.] Curse Checks Chapter II: Other Realities The Near Ethereal The Tenebrous Shroud [a.k.a. the "Near Plane of Shadow"] Sinkholes of Evil Pocket Domains ...Aggarath ...The House of Lament ...The Undercellar ...Nosos ...[As well as others] Nightmares Chapter III: The Unseen World [A DM's guide to the setting, with all its dark secrets in the fore.] The Core ...Barovia ......Darklord ......Dreadful Secrets ......[Presented as an example; would cover all the domains in Lands of Mist. "Darklord" is just a brief description and a page reference.] Clusters Islands of Terror Chapter IV: Secret Societies Pretty self-explanatory. Chapter V: Who’s Doomed [NPC entries, with full stats. The list below is obviously the no-limits version.] Gabrielle Aderre Malocchio Aderre Althea Pharaoh Anhktepot Arijani Azalin Rex Azrael Bluebeard Ivana Boritsi Crocodile Death Ivan Dilisnya Vlad Drakov Easan the Mad Ebb Ebonbane Elena Faith-hold Wilfred Godefroy Duke Gundar Gwydion Dr. Daclaud Heinfroth Tristen Hiregaard/Malken The Hive Queen Illithid God-Brain Inajira The Kargat: Lady Kazandra, plus leaders 2 and 3, whose names escape me at the moment. Kas Tara Kolyana Inza Kulchevich Loht Harkon Lukas Maeve Maligno Frantisek Markov The Midnight Slasher Dr. Victor Mordenheim Mordenheim’s Monster, Adam Morgoroth The Nightmare Court The Nightmare Man Bastion Teodorus Raines Bastion Solota Otrova Draga Salt-Biter Lady Kateri Shadowborn Sodo Lord Soth The Three Hags Alfred Timothy Nathan Timothy Tristessa Dr. Rudolph van Richten Baron Urik von Kharkov Count Strahd von Zarovich Natalia Vorishkova George Weathermay Gennifer Weathermay-Foxgrove Laurie Weathermay-Foxgrove Praesidius wassisname Vecna Chapter VI: The Arcane and Profane I think this chapter was intended to be a grab bag of new evil magic items, artifacts, prestige classes, and so forth. Don't honestly remember. Chapter VII: Dread Possibilities True history, adventure hooks, possible future events, etc. Shadows of Dread: Creatures of Ravenloft [This one's actually fairly complete.] * Template Introduction Presenting a Gothic Adventure Chapter I: Children of the Night Abomination Arcane head Avanc Basilisk, spiriteater Bat, dread ...Carrion bat ...Sentinel bat Bloodroot Bloodrose Bog hound ...Bog hound ...Moor Hound ...Great Moor Hound Broken one ...Broken one ...Shattered brethren *Broken one, Markovian ...*Greater Markovian broken one Caliban Carrion stalker Crawling ivy Death’s head tree ...Death’s head tree ...Death’s head, detached Doppelganger plant ...Doppelganger plant ...*Podling Dream spawn ...Ennui ...Gray morph ...Pale morph ...Shadow morph Dreamweaver ...Dreamweaver ...Dreamweaver swarm *Elemental, corrupted Elemental, dread ...Blood elemental ...Grave elemental ...Mist elemental ...Pyre elemental *Ermordenung Fearweed Fenhound Furies ...Alecto ...Megarea ...Tisiphone Goblinoid, dread ...Bakhna rakhna (ghostfolk) *Goblin beast ...Goblin hunting spider Goblyn Grave ooze Gremishka ...Sidebar: Creeplings, crawlers, and fidgets Grim Grim reaper Head hunter Hearth fiend Hebi-no-onna (snake woman) Horseman, Death’s ...Famine (Starvation) ...Pestilence (Sickness) ...War (Strife) ...Horseman’s steed Impersonator King’s raven (corvus regis) Kizoku Lantern jack Lashweed Maddening flea ...Maddening flea ...Maddening flea swarm Midnight cat Mist ferryman Mist horror ...Mist horror ...Pseudo-horrors ...Wandering horror Mob ...Riot (mob of humans) ...Shambling horde (mob of zombies) ...Stampede (mob of horses) Moorfolk Paka (catkin) Pickled punk Quevari Quickwood (spy tree) Ravenkin Red widow (spider queen) Silver fox (elven fox) Skin thief Stakewood tree Subdweller Treant, dread ...Sidebar: Warped treant (the MM treant, just NE) ...Wormeaten treant Troll, dread ...Bridge troll Unicorn, dread ...Sidebar: Dappled unicorn (the MM unicorn) ...Shadow unicorn Vampyre Virus, Phagian ...Combustion virus ...Crystal virus ...Petrification virus ...Phobia virus ...Psionic virus ...Shadow virus *Wildlands beast ...Wildlands ape ...Wildlands crocodile Will-o’-wisp, dread ...Will-o’-dawn ...Will-o’-deep ...Will-o’-mist ...Will-o’-sea Wolfwere ...Wolfwere ...Greater wolfwere Zombie fog ...Zombie fog ...*Fog cadaver Zweifalk Chapter II: Foes of Van Richten: Vampires [Each of the Foes of Van Richten chapters opens with a basic description of the monster subtype and specific rules -- basically a boiled-down VRG. As an additional note, I've come to the conclusion that "salient abilities" are an increasingly redundant holdover from 2E. The same effects are better achieved in 3E with templates, feats, and "variant" packages.] Introduction *Albesadow (elven vampire) *Chiang-shi (oriental vampire) *Dhampir (half-vampire) *Goatsucker (goblin vampire) *Hulzurdan (dwarven vampire) *Nonaris (gnomish vampire) *Nosferatu (daywalker vampire) ...Sidebar: Cerebral vampire *Vampire, Barovian (the MM vampire) Vampire spawn ...Albesadow spawn ...Barovian vampire spawn ...Cerebral vampire spawn ...Chiang-shi spawn ...Goatsucker spawn ...Hulzurdan spawn ...Nosferatu spawn ...Vrykolaka spawn ...Wrethfetin spawn *Vorlog *Vrykolaka (plague vampire) *Wrethfetin (halfling vampire) Chapter III: Foes of Van Richten: Ghosts Introduction Ethereal Resonance Akikage (shadow assassin) ...Ansasshia *Animator Arayashka (snow wraith) Bastellus (dream stalker) Bowlyn Corpse candle *Geist *Ghost Odem *Radiant spirit *Remnant, elemental ...Airy remnant ...Aquatic remnant ...Earthen remnant ...Fiery remnant Rushlight Shadow ...Lesser shadow Chapter IV: Foes of Van Richten: Liches Introduction *Lich, elementalist *Psilich *Vassalich Chapter V: Foes of Van Richten: Werebeasts [In the no-limits version of this chapter, each lycanthrope phenotype is presented with a monster class progression, since PCs becoming werebeasts is such a probability. Also, the list of phenotypes is nearly the no-limits version; knock off the werehyena, werejackal, werepanther, and weresnake for something closer to a published version, and the MM lycanthropes would just be a sidebar.] Introduction *Afflicted beast *Lycanthrope ...Loup-garou, lowland ...Loup-garou, mountain ...Wereape ...Werebadger ...Werebat ...Werebear ...Wereboar ...Werecrocodile ...Werehyena ...Werejackal ...Werejaguar ...Wereleopard ...Wereooze ...Werepanther ...Wererat ...Wereraven ...Wereray ...Wereshark ...Weresnake ...Weretiger ...Werewolf Vixen (Werefox) [A lycanthrope-like creature akin to the seawolf.] Lycanthrope Variants ...Degenerative lycanthrope ...Dire lycanthrope ...Naturebane lycanthrope ...Pathological lycanthrope ...Skinwalking lycanthrope ...Spiritual lycanthrope Chapter VI: Foes of Van Richten: The Created Introduction *Alchemical child ...Alchemical child ...Enlightened child Carrionette *Construct of obsession (known in 3E as the dread golem) Death engine Doom guard Figurine ...Ceramic figurine ...Crystal figurine ...Ivory figurine ...Obsidian figurine ...Porcelain figurine Golem ...Bone golem ...Doll golem ...Gargoyle golem ...Mechanical golem ...Mist golem ...Snow golem ...Zombie golem Golem, lesser ...Maggot golem ...Wax golem Living wall Scarecrow, dread Chapter VII: Foes of Van Richten: The Ancient Dead [In this take, the ancient dead are of the deathless type.] Introduction *Ancient dead (dread mummy) Crypt cat Chapter VIII: Foes of Van Richten: Fiends [Most of the rules surrounding fiends in Ravenloft would have been greatly modified.] Introduction Reality Wrinkles Power Rituals Land-Based Powers Fiendish Phylacteries Demonwracked creature ...Apeman (demonwracked lgura) ...Bloated (demonwracked dretch) ...Impling (demonwracked mane) ...Rejected ...Shapeless (demonwracked rutterkin) Devil, imp ...Assassin imp Fetch, dread Nightmare ...Dread nightmare Chapter IX: Foes of Van Richten: The Vistani [This chapter would be virtually identical to what was published; just a few tweaked rules and sample NPCs] Introduction The Vistani Powers and Weaknesses Tasques and Tribes *Darkling Human, Vistani ...Vistani tradesman (expert) ...Vistani captain (ranger) ...Vistani performer (bard) ...Vistani seer (sorcerer) Vehrteig *Vistani recluse (fatah) Chapter X: Foes of Van Richten: Witches [Hag magic would have been greatly codified as well.] Introduction Hag Magic *Bruja *Dread hag Chapter XI: Foes of Van Richten: The Walking Dead Introduction *Boneless Bony hands *Composite walking dead *Crimson bones Forlorn serpent (Aggie) *Ghoul lord Jolly roger *Lebendtod Lost soul Porcelain lady (alabaster bride) Ravyanatha Salt shadow *Scourged *Skeleton, dread ...Archer skeleton ...Pyroskeleton ...Slain skeleton *Stitched *Strahd undead ...Strahd’s skeletal steed ...Strahd skeleton ...Strahd zombie Swarm-shifter Valpurleiche (hanged man) *Zombie, dread ...Desert zombie ...Diseased zombie ...Sea zombie ...Slain zombie *Zombie lord Chapter XIII: Foes of Van Richten: The Fey Introduction Arak (shadow fey) ...Alven (carrot top, fire flit) ...Brag (whitfolk) ...Fir (tolly-knock, gremlin) ...Muryan (dancing man) ...Portune (hodge-podge) ...Powrie (shadow redcap) ...Shee (shadow faerie) ...Sith (shade) ...Teg (bogie) Baobhan sith (black sprite) Bogeyman ...Alligator Lenny ...The Bad Thing ...Monsieur Croquemitaine ...Madame Croquemitaine ...Mister Fox ...The Scissorman Boowray Changeling (kin) Drownling *Feytouched *Half-fey Jack frost *Widderrìbhinn Chapter XIV: Foes of Van Richten: Scaly Devils of the Deep Introduction Reaver Sea spawn ...Sea spawn master ...Sea spawn minion Soul kraken ...Soul kraken ...Elder soul kraken Chapter XV: Foes of Van Richten: Eldritch Horrors Introduction Backward man Cloaker, dread ...Sidebar: Outlander cloaker (the MM cloaker) ...Sidebar: Yeneskyy (forest haunt) ...Resplendent cloaker ...Shadow cloaker ...Tattered cloaker Marikith (shadow killer) ...Marikith hunter ...Marikith queen Appendix I: Animals Cow Dog ...Toy dog (suitable as a familiar) Fox Pig, domesticated Plains cat Sheep Tortoise (suitable as a familiar) Appendix II: Vermin Assassin bug, giant Beetle, skull (death’s head beetle) Fumewood termite Scarab, monstrous (Tiny through Colossal) Spider, shroud web (lsabet’s kiss) Appendix III: Grafts and Symbionts Grafts ...Bestial grafts (Markov's creations) Symbionts ...Leech, occult ......Mindsapper leech ......Witchbane leech ...*Living tattoo ......Dark man ......Father raven ......Living spear ......Silver wolf ......Violet panther ......Winged snake Appendix XIII: Monster Conversions [WotC monsters that only need a converted rule or two to fit the setting.] Astral construct, dread Doppelganger, dread Fihyr ...Fihyr ...Great fihyr Jackalwere, dread Mind flayer, vampiric *Pennaggolan *Revenant, dread Selkie, dread Shambling mound, dread (mandragora) |
#13gottenAug 04, 2007 8:04:27 | Those books would have been huge ![]() The Chapter III: The Unseen World of the DMG book will be missed! Joël |
#14gonzoronAug 06, 2007 9:00:36 | Sniff... it is a thing of beauty.... So sad that it will never be. |
#15chaosvirusAug 06, 2007 9:15:07 | It would be an amazing thing if that layout was used if they where ever to rerelease the setting. If castle raevnloft did well however, who knows it might be rereleased. In some ways I guess the novels and the rerelease of the old adventure is kinda testing the waters. Hmmm imagine art done by brom and puddnhead (what he did for the grave pact magic card was amazing). |
#16jandrem_von_zarovichAug 06, 2007 20:52:17 | As much as I love the facelift WotC gave DnD when they made 3rd Ed, I almost have to say I would be worried if they decided to rerelease Ravenloft. This is all just my opinion, as I am a self-professed detail freak but I love the simple black and white pages and feel of RL when Arthaus published it. For example, when WotC made Heroes of Horror, the book itself didnt strike me as horror themed, even though the material inside was. Everything is too spiffy and colorful, which is the complete opposite of the feel RL gives me. Even the Expedition to Castle Ravenloft book was way too "cheerful" looking in my opinion (especially Elf-Pirate Strahd. What were they thinking???). I know that as a company they want to make their product as appealing as possible to as wide an audience as possible, but the art directors seriously missed the lesson of "less is more"... Appearences aside, it would be interesting to see what kind of updates the campaign got in regards to the core story. It would be neat to see what things have changed over the years in the official timeline, as well as having RL versions of newer PC classes such as the Duskblade, Warlock (basically a walking powers check), etc. Sure, we can all justicate our games ourselves, but who knows; maybe Wizards might having an interesting perspective on such things. |
#17kwdbladeAug 07, 2007 0:51:58 | As much as I love the facelift WotC gave DnD when they made 3rd Ed, I almost have to say I would be worried if they decided to rerelease Ravenloft. This is all just my opinion, as I am a self-professed detail freak but I love the simple black and white pages and feel of RL when Arthaus published it. For example, when WotC made Heroes of Horror, the book itself didnt strike me as horror themed, even though the material inside was. Everything is too spiffy and colorful, which is the complete opposite of the feel RL gives me. Even the Expedition to Castle Ravenloft book was way too "cheerful" looking in my opinion (especially Elf-Pirate Strahd. What were they thinking???). I know that as a company they want to make their product as appealing as possible to as wide an audience as possible, but the art directors seriously missed the lesson of "less is more"... Keep in mind that EtCR was NOT actually Ravenloft, it was simply the time before it, and thus WotC doesn't really think of it as a Ravenloft adventure. They wanted to make it fun and enjoyable for current D&D fans, not die hard Gothic Horror fans. The large amount of combat alone put me off to actually placing it in Ravenloft (although I did it anyways, and well... it didn't work very well). I wonder if the rights to Ravenloft still exist to be bought. It would be interesting if a group of fans/former authors or even a company bought the rights and continued the story... |
#18humanbingAug 07, 2007 9:42:33 | It would be nice if somebody could release Masque of the Jade Dragon at last. |
#19ORC_SinisterAug 10, 2007 7:35:37 | If I was in charge of it, I'd release a special player's guide and DMG with less rules and more oozing theme of a gothic nature. |
#20highpriestmikhalAug 10, 2007 13:18:11 | If I was in charge of it, I'd release a special player's guide and DMG with less rules and more oozing theme of a gothic nature. I like it. Maybe not a PHB and DMG, but something like a Gothic Guide to Ravenloft or Forbidden Lore that details the thematic elements of the plane as a whole and the individual domains, including notable (non-darklord) NPCs, weird rules unique to each domain, more curse ideas, and ideas on how to build a "dungeon" or an adventure that fits the flavor of RL. And secret societies; I was disappointed the Kargatane, the Unholy Order of the Grave, Fraternity of Shadows, Keepers of the Feather, and others only got a sidebox in 3.x. |
#21chaosvirusSep 15, 2007 12:23:33 | I thought I would rebump this thread =) So I will rebump it with this question, if ravenloft was to be rereleased, what jobs would you have in it as core classes? I would have: Binder Cloistered Cleric Dead Necromancer |