The Lost Chronicles



Sep 01, 2007 19:00:59
So when during the War of the Lance do "The Lost Chronicles" take place? i haven't bought them yet, but i'm thinking of doing so.


Sep 01, 2007 23:22:20
Dwarven Depths takes place between Autumn Twilight and Winter Night chronicling how the HotL and the refugees get into Thorbardin.

Highlord Skies is the stories of Kititara, Laurana, and the 3 Solamnic Knights (Crownguard, Tallbow, and Donner) who aided Laurana and and the others at Icewall Keep. The story parallels the first half of of Winter Night.

Hourglass Mage will chronicle Raistlin's transition from red robe to black robe and how he came to be in the service of the Dark Queen at the Temple of Neraka. The stroy parrallels the second half of Spring Dawning.


Sep 02, 2007 22:03:32
Wait wait wait, I thought Dragons of the Highlord Skies was best put after the chapter in which Sturm, Laurana, Flint and Tasslehoff woke up after the dream in Winter Night. Am I wrong?


Sep 03, 2007 0:34:25
Dragons of Highlord Skies takes the heroes from Tarsis to Icereach and the battle with Feal-Thas. When they had the Dream I do not remember, but I think the dream takes place during dragons of Highlord Skies but I am not sure.


Sep 03, 2007 1:11:28
The first half of the book is Kitiara making sure the 3 Knights go to Tarsis and get the orb. It tells that story along with Crownguard, Donner, and Tallbow's journey to Tarsis and finding the Library.

We really dont's see Laurana, Flint, Tas, Sturm, and Elistan until the 2nd half of the book.


Sep 03, 2007 7:56:04
Valharic, you only noticed Laurana, Flint, Tas, Sturm, and Elistan in the 2nd half of the book, but what about Gilthanas??? he was also in Tarsis.


Sep 03, 2007 10:01:04
Gilthanas is in the second book.


Sep 03, 2007 14:36:18
Valharic, you only noticed Laurana, Flint, Tas, Sturm, and Elistan in the 2nd half of the book, but what about Gilthanas??? he was also in Tarsis.

Yes, I forgot him. He is in it also.


Sep 03, 2007 15:44:51
Woo, Gilthanas!

Finally, something I can talk about. You guys have been talking about game-related topics that I can't join in on. This is very nice.


Sep 04, 2007 9:57:48
Gilthanas plays an important role after the Companions meet up with the Knights in Tarsis.