Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1chahirNov 02, 2007 7:49:33 | Hey folks! I am in the process of converting A Little Knowldege, the first flipbook adventure from the original boxed set and need some help with the following things: 1) the psionicist in the caravan uses mass dominate to convince the characters to fight. How do I translate this into 3.5 without making the guy too uber! I thought of psionic dominate but no bones ![]() 2) I cannot seem to find the bloody Timiris plant stats for 3.5 in any releases. How would you stat it? Thats all for now. Thanks in advance. |
#2KamelionNov 02, 2007 11:08:05 | Hey folks! To be honest, I'd drop this element of the adventure. I never used it in either edition of the game as it seemed pretty lame to force combat on the PCs in this manner. Starting the PCs off as slaves with no gear illustrates the harsh nature of the DS setting well enough without taking away the players' ability to control their characters in the opening scene. In my experience, the characters will either fight the Jura Dai of their own accord, side with the Jura Dai against the slavers, or try to run away. Whatever they choose, you have an exciting scene on your hands, so there's no need to railroad them imho. If you are intent on using this element, give the psion a power stone or dorje or something that allows him to use the power. This gives him access to dominate without needlessly boosting his power. 2) I cannot seem to find the bloody Timiris plant stats for 3.5 in any releases. How would you stat it? We never statted it out in the monster books as it played more like a hazard than a creature. That said, tolliver made stats for it a few years back (see this thread, but be warned - it veers wildly off on a tangent about halfway through, lol...). Anyway, here are the stats that tolliver came up with: Bloody Timiris CR 4; Huge plant; HD 8d8+35 (71 hp); Init +1; Spd - ; AC 17, touch 5 ff 17; Base Atk +12; Grp +22; Atk/Full Atk - ; SA improved grab, blood drain; SQ plant traits, water lure, tremorsense; AL N; SV Fort +12, Ref +2, Will +1; Str 24, Dex 4, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 2, Cha 2. Skills & Feats: -; Toughness, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Improved Initiative. Water Lure (Ex): The center of a bloody timiris consists of a oil-coated membrane that looks and acts like water in all ways. Once a creature physically touches the membrane its nature becomes obvious, but otherwise creatures must make a Spot DC 36 to tell it’s not water. There is typically a narrow tunnel big enough for a Medium-sized creature to crawl through; once one does it has effectively entered the timiris’ space which provokes an attack of opportunity, which the timiris uses to grapple its prey. Improved Grab (Ex): A bloody timiris may attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can use its Blood Drain ability. Blood Drain (Ex): A bloody timiris can suck blood from a living victim with its thorns by making a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution damage each round. |
#3chahirNov 02, 2007 13:48:33 | Cheers Kamelion, I kinda agree that the mindebender thing in the beginning is a railroad, but how else could the PCs get out of the cell... Oh well, they're sure to think of something ![]() The bloody timiris stats are nice, and I always appreciate tangents in threads, especially those as entertaining as that one. A couple more questions: How would you stat the following: 1)caravan guards-is war4 too tough? 2)elf mooks (tribesmen outside caravan)- I want to go with war2 or rog1/war1 but am open to suggestions. The PCs probably wont fight them anyway... ![]() 3)Fanan, the psionic Jura Dai scout the PCs see (or dont) on their way to the ruined fortress. My first instinct is rgr1/seer3. 4)Jengi, his bride to be is pretty uncomplicatedly a wizard, but the level is the thing. Since the PCs will be third level, I feel she should be a wiz4 or 5. 5)T'Klik'Chik, the Thri-Kreen (like you couldnt have guessed from the name) druid. What level? Im thinking like Drd8 or 9 6)Tuga Dai seems like a wiz6 to me. Tell me why/why not Thanks again Chahir |
#4jespleyNov 02, 2007 14:57:22 | I've just run my PCs through a very heavily modified version of this adventure. I had no problems with having the PCs get out of the wagon. On the contrary, it was very taxing as a DM to keep them locked up. They took the harshness of the Dark Sun to heart and basically said to themselves, "Well, if I'm going to probably die as a slave, I might as well take some you slavers and slave caravan guards with me before I go out." They were constantly trying to get out of their bonds, to psionically charm the guards, etc. They were basically ready to make their escape attempt by the time the Jura Dai attacked so they just busted open the door when they heard the commotion. They almost starting attacking the Jura Dai in addition to the attacking the guards but cooler heads in the party prevailed. Campaign Journal: |
#5chahirNov 02, 2007 15:17:48 | Very interesting! I liked your take on the adventure so far. My only comment would be that AFAIK, the Jura Dai chief, Tuga Dai, was himself a defiler, so I dont know why he would have a problem with defiling per se. Maybe he just doesnt like anyone else defiling! I'd be very interested to hear what happens when/if the PCs take the elves on in the ruined fortress. Chahir |
#6KamelionNov 02, 2007 18:01:25 | Cheers Kamelion, The last time that I ran the adventure, the characters were passengers aboard the caravan instead of slaves (took a different approach than usual.) That made for some interesting dynamics when the attack hit. 1)caravan guards-is war4 too tough? Seeing as you are going with 3rd level characters, then War4 is probably fine. (The last time I ran the adventure, I used it as a starting adventure for 1st level characters with the 3.5 rules. In that version I used War2, so a level higher than the PCs should be OK.) 2)elf mooks (tribesmen outside caravan)- I want to go with war2 or rog1/war1 but am open to suggestions. The PCs probably wont fight them anyway... War2 is fine, I'd say. You can go for the multiclass, but if the PCs don't fight them, that extra work for yourself (with hassly rogue skill points too, heh.) 3)Fanan, the psionic Jura Dai scout the PCs see (or dont) on their way to the ruined fortress. My first instinct is rgr1/seer3. Seer would work, but Fanan has an odd mix of clairsentience and psychometabolism powers. You could go for either and give him some wild talents from the other discipline. 4)Jengi, his bride to be is pretty uncomplicatedly a wizard, but the level is the thing. Since the PCs will be third level, I feel she should be a wiz4 or 5. I don't know that she needs to be a notable challenge - she's more of a roleplaying encounter. You could leave her at level 3 and not miss much. 5)T'Klik'Chik, the Thri-Kreen (like you couldnt have guessed from the name) druid. What level? Im thinking like Drd8 or 9 Level 9 works (I used that, even for lower level PCs). It's only an issue if you decide that he will stick around and fight the elves - he might be just as inclined to get the click outta there. 6)Tuga Dai seems like a wiz6 to me. Tell me why/why not This depends very much on his spell selection. The spell selection given in the adventure is extremely poor and his hit points are also very low. If you keep him close to the 2e version, you can keep him at 8th level (I did this for my lower-level version of the adventure, and he got his butt handed to him by the PCs, who were 3rd level by the time they hit the fortress.) If you go for a more 3.5-style build, with cool spells, feats and a few more hp, then 6th might be more appropriate. It depends again on what level your PCs are by the end of the adventure and how his clan chiefs react (note that the stats for the clan chiefs in the adventure are wrong - they are listed as having spells, when they are actually 4HD fighters.) (Check this thread to see how the adventure went for my lower-level characters. They made some interesting choices ![]() |
#7chahirNov 02, 2007 18:21:04 | Thanks a lot for all your feedback Kamelion. I really want to addict the players to DS ![]() I remember having read your Warbringer campaign journals and complimenting you for their quality on another thread a while back. I shall do so again now:D By the by, would you think it necessary to stat out the clan chiefs, and if so, would you go the fighter route/ the defiler route, or multiclass? Given the general problems with Gishes, might it not be more prudent to go: A) psywar2/Ftr2 (although admittedly there is no precedent for this in the original adventure) B) duskblade4 C) good ol'wiz4 Thanks again for all the help Chahir |
#8KamelionNov 03, 2007 5:52:07 | Thanks a lot for all your feedback Kamelion. I really want to addict the players to DS Thankyou kindly, sir. I was blessed with some imaginative players ![]() By the by, would you think it necessary to stat out the clan chiefs, and if so, would you go the fighter route/ the defiler route, or multiclass? I made them Ftr4 (or War4 - can't remember). It seemed to me that their listed spells were just a copy/paste error in the original writeup - they have the exact same spell list as Tuga Dai but all their other stats are fighter stats. So I stuck with the idea that they were regular fighter types. Duskblade might be interesting, though. Psychic warrior levels mixed with Fighter levels can also make for a pretty nasty combo. If you don't go for a straight fighter build, I'd go for one of those two. Having lots of Wiz4s running about doesn't seem to fit the clan chief idea so well, imho. |
#9chahirNov 03, 2007 6:04:02 | Alright, Im in the process of statting things up. This is what I have so far: Caravan guards CR 2 (18) LE human male/female warrior 4 Init: +2 AC: 15 (+2 dex, +2 carru leather corselet, +1 light shield); touch 12, flat-footed 13 hp: 20 Fort:+6 Ref:+2 Will:+1 Speed: 30ft Melee: +5 (obsidian short sword) 1d6+1/18-20 x2 Base Atk: +4 Grapple: +6 Abilities: Str 15 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 10 Cha 8 Feats: weapon focus (short sword), teamwork, rotate lines Skills: handle animal +7, survival +3, intimidate (str variant) +10, ride +8 Possessions: obsidian short sword, carru leather corselet, light shield, 2d4 cp Hooks: 'silence, cur' 'keep mouthing off and you'll find out what pain really means' 'dont worry so much, you'll prolly die on the ziggurat anyway' Mindbender CR 5 (1) NE human female psion(telepath) 5 Init: +0 AC: 10; touch 10, flat-footed 10 hp: 16 Fort:+3 Ref:+0 Will:+7 Speed: 30ft Melee: +0 (obsidian dagger) 1d4-1/18-20 x2 Base Atk: +1 Grapple: +0 Abilities: Str 8 Dex 10 Con 12 Int 16 Wis 13 Cha 14 Power points: 32 Powers known: 1) charm (psi), daze (psi), empathy, inertial armor, mind thrust (save DC14) 2) suggestion (psi), Id insinuation, inflict pain, mass missive (DC15) 3)psionic blast, false sensory input (DC16) Feats: inquisitor, psionic meditation, psionic endowment, great fortitude, iron will Skills: concentration +11, bluff +11, diplomacy +11, gather information +11, sense motive +10, psicraft +7 Possessions: desert burnoose (prevents 3 points of nonlethal damage from heat) obsidian dagger, dorje of dominate (affects up to 4 creatures at DC 25), 3d6 cp Hooks: 'resistance is futile' 'your mind is feeble' 'disobey me again and it shall go badly with you' Jura Dai tribesmen CR 2 (300) N elf male/female rog1/war2 Init: +2 AC: 14 (+2 dex, +2 inix leather); touch 12, flat-footed 12 hp: 9 Fort:+2 Ref:+4 Will:+2 Speed: 40ft Melee: +4 (elven longblade) 1d8/18-20 x2 or +4(bone short sword) 1d6-1/19-20/x2 or +3 (club)1d6/x2 Ranged: +5 (longbow) 1d8/x3 or +3 (javelin) 1d6/x2 Base Atk: +2 Grapple: +2 Abilities: Str 10 Dex 15 Con 8 Int 12 Wis 14 Cha 12 Feats: weapon finesse (if armed with longblade/shortsword) or weapon focus (club/longbow/javelin) Skills: move silently +6 hide +6, spot +8, listen +8, search +7, bluff +5, intimidate +5, sleight of hand +6, survival +6, climb +2, handle animal (kank) +6 Possessions: weapon, inix leather tunic, waterskin, 1d8 bits Hooks: filthy Datto!' 'you sully the sands with your presence' 'the desert will boil your brains and bleach your bones' So, whaddya think. Please nitpick and correct my math! Chahir |
#10chahirNov 03, 2007 8:24:36 | Tuga Dai, Jura Dai chieftain N elf male wizard 7 Init: +3 AC: 15 (+3 dex, +2 bracers of armour); touch 12, flat-footed 13 HD: 7d4 hp: 19 Fort:+4 Ref:+4 Will:+6 Speed: 40ft Melee: +3 (steel dagger) 1d4+2/19-20 x2 or +1 (elven longblade) 1d8/18-20 x2 Ranged: +6 (masterwork longbow) 1d8/x3 Base Atk: +3 Grapple: +3 Abilities: Str 10 Dex 16 Con 11 Int 17 Wis 12 Cha 15 Skills: bluff +12, concentration +10 (+14 to avoid AoO's), knowledge (arcana) +9, spellcraft +11, knowledge(astronomy) +11, spot +5, move silently +5, hide +5, survival +5 Feats: combat casting, extra slot, great fortitude, silent spell Spells prerared (4/5/4/4/1): DC 21+spell level 0) daze, detect magic, ghost sound, ray of frost 1) magic missile x3, shield, targeting ray 2) blur, Melf's acid arrow, web, summon undead II 3) lightning bolt x1 (one used on argosy axle), steeldance, fly 4) sand spray Defiler score: 14 (using Paizo defiler system) Possessions: bracers of armor +2, spellbook (woven into cloak), steel dagger, 2 elven longblades, jewelry (torc of the chief) worth 150cp to a collector, 2d12 cp, 1d6 sp Hooks: 'leave now and take nothing with you, or we will burn you out !' 'tell your king that my people are not slaves. He shall cease enslaving the sons of Dai or all his caravans will perish in the desert In combat, Tuga Dai will first cast shield on himself, then blast away with his ray spells and help the Jura Dai archers with targeting ray. If confronted in melee, he will cast steeldance with his longblades and improvise from there on. Jura Dai mindbender NE elf male psion (kineticist) 3 Init: +3 AC: 13 (+3 dex); touch 13, flat-footed 10 HD: 3d4+3 hp:11 Fort:+2 Ref:+4 Will:+1 Speed: 40ft Melee: +1 (quarterstaff) 1d6/x3 Base Atk: +1 Grapple: +1 Abilities: Str 11 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 18 Wis 7 Cha 10 Power points: 17 Powers known: 5/2 DC 14+ power level 1) control object, skate, inertial armor, mind thrust, entangling ectoplasm 2) control air, energy missile Feats: Skills: concentration +4, psicraft +10, knowledge(nature) +10, bluff +5, intimidate +6, autohypnosis +10, profession(herbalist) +8 Possessions: quarterstaff, power stone with vigor and grease(psi) DC 11, 3d6 bits, bronze ring (10cp) Hooks: 'die, DIE!!!' 'you dare contradict mighty Tuga Dai!!!' 'crawl back to your filthy city, renk!' |
#11phoenix_mNov 03, 2007 14:59:18 | With the exception of the missing saves on the Jura Dai tribesmen, it looks good. |
#12chahirNov 04, 2007 2:12:44 | Barunus a.k.a Lyanius, Uhrnomus of Kled CR 4 LG dwarf male expert 4/fighter 2 Init: +0 AC: 16 (+4 inix hide corselet, +2 Uhr-Nomus' girdle); touch 10, flat-footed 16 hp: 22 Fort:+5 Ref:+0 Will:+6 Speed: 20ft Melee: +7 (masterwork stone-headed maul) 1d10+2/x3 Base Atk: +5 Grapple: +5 Abilities: Str 14 Dex 10 Con 6 Int 17 Wis 16 Cha 13 Feats: weapon focus (maul), skill focus (engineer), metalsmith, teamwork Skills: profession (engineer) +12, craft (weaponsmithing) +12, appraise +12, sense motive +12 (+14 with dwarves), bluff +10 (+12 with dwarves), survival +7, ride +3, knowledge (warcraft) +6, knowledge (history) +12, knowledge (tablelands) +12 Possessions: masterwork maul, inix hide corselet, Sword of Kemalok, 1d6 sp, Uhr-Nomus' girdle Hooks: 'may your focus guide you' 'well, the interesting thing about Kemalok is...' Kled Dwarves CR 2 (300) LG dwarf male/female warrior 2/dwarf paragon 1 nit: +0 AC: 12 (+2 carru leather); touch 10, flat-footed 12 hp: 28 Fort:+7 Ref:+0 Will:+1 Speed: 20ft Melee: +4 (stone-headed maul) 1d10+1/x3 Base Atk: +5 Grapple: +5 Abilities: Str 12 Dex 10 Con 16 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 8 Feats: skill focus (craft), companion Skills: craft (any) +9, survival +4, handle animal +4 Possessions: stoneheaded maul, carru leather corselet, 1d4+1 bits Hooks: 'not from round here, are ye now?' 'Tis is a good day to toil' |
#13chahirNov 04, 2007 3:30:22 | Fanan, Jura Dai scout CR 2 N elf male scout 1/psion(seer) 1 Init: +0 AC: 15 (+3 dex, +2 inix hide corselet); touch 10, flat-footed 16 hp: 10 Fort:+2 Ref:+5 Will:+4 Speed: 20ft Melee: +3 (elven longblade) 1d8/18-20 x2 Ranged: +3 (javelin) 1d6/x3 Base Atk: +0 Grapple: +0 Abilities: Str 11 Dex 17 Con 9 Int 14 Wis 17 Cha 12 Power points: 3 Powers known: 3 DC 14 1) distract, deceleration, mind thrust Feats: weapon finesse, wastelander Skills: concentration +7, listen +10, spot +10, hide +10, survival +10, move silently +8, knowledge (nature) +7, jump +5, search +8, climb +5, balance +8 Possessions: elven longblade, 4 bone tipped javelins, elven desert cloak (+2 hide checks in the wastes), 3d6cp, waterskin, inix jerky Hooks: 'ZZZZzzzzz' 'Jengi's so swell ![]() Jengi, daughter of Tuga Dai CR 3 CN elf female wizard 3 Init: +1 AC: 12 (+2 dex); touch 12, flat-footed 10 HD: 3d4 hp: 7 Fort:+1 Ref:+3 Will:+3 Speed: 40ft Melee: +1 (bone dagger) 1d4-1/19-20 x2 or +1(elven longblade)1d8/18-20 x2 Ranged: +4 (longbow) 1d8/x3 Base Atk: +1 Grapple: +1 Abilities: Str 9 Dex 14 Con 11 Int 15 Wis 10 Cha 17 Skills: spellcraft +6, concentration +8, hide +7, move silently +5, knowledge(arcana) +6 Feats: combat casting, point blank shot Spells prerared (4/3/2): DC 13+spell level 0) ghost sound, mage hand, message, daze 1) magic missile, mage armor, charm person 2) tasha's hideous laughter, magic missile Defiler score: 4 (using Paizo defiler system) Posessions: bone dagger, elven longblade, elven desert cloak (+2 to hide checks), jewelry worth 3d6cp Hooks: 'teehee, my halter just snapped' 'tell me about the city, mighty one' |
#14chahirNov 04, 2007 9:55:36 | Kollus, To-gahl and Marista, ex-slaves CR5 N human dwarf rgr1/ftr4 Init: +0 AC: 14 (+2 dex, +2 carru leather corselet); touch 12, flat-footed 12 hp: 33 40 Fort:+8 +10 Ref:+5 +4 Will:+3 Speed: 30ft 20ft Melee: +7 (obsidian shortsword) 1d6+3 18-20/x2 +7(bone waraxe) 1d10+3/x3 Base Atk: +5 Grapple: +7 Abilities: Str 14 Dex 14 12 Con 12 16 Int 10 Wis 15 Cha 10 Feats: weapon focus, weapon specialization, teamwork, wastelander, stealthy, self-sufficient Favored enemy: gith Skills: survival +11, hide +8 +7, move silently +8 +7, listen +7, spot +7, knowledge(nature) +4, heal +7, intimidate +3, ride +5 +4 Possessions: weapon, 1d4 bits, burnoose, sand lenses Hooks: 'three fourths of the water is ours. We did find the caravan, after all.' 'DO NOT mess this up...' 'our tribe welcomes all those who have laboured under the lash... perhaps you wish to join us once the trouble at Kled is resolved and we have enough water to go round' |
#15chahirNov 04, 2007 11:06:48 | Jura Dai clan chief CR 4 N elf male duskblade 4 Init: +1 AC: 19 (+2 dex, +5 kank chitin breastplate, +2 shield) touch12,flat-footed 17 HD: 4d8 hp: 25 Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+6 Speed: 40ft Melee: +6 (masterwork elven longblade) 1d8+2/18-20 x2 Base Atk: +4 Grapple: +6 Abilities: Str 15 Dex 15 Con 10 Int 16 Wis 14 Cha 12 Skills: concentration +10 (+14 vs AoOs), jump +5 (armor penalty), spellcraft +10, knowledge (arcana) +5, sense motive +3, survival +4 Feats: wastelander, combat casting, weapon focus (elven longblade) Spells known (6/6): DC 14+spell level 0) acid splash, disrupt undead, ray of frost, touch of fatigue (6/day) 1) blade of blood, cause fear, chill touch, shocking grasp, magic weapon, true strike (6/day) Arcane Attunement: dancing lights, detect magic, flare, ghost sound 6/day Defiler score: 6 Posessions: masterwork elven longblade, kank chitin breastplate, 5d6 cp Hooks: 'intruders!!!' 'you dare enter the sanctuary of the Jura Dai uninvited! It shall be the last mistake you ever make' |
#16chahirNov 05, 2007 6:52:03 | PLEASE NITPICK THE MULTIATTACKS AND SPELLS! Very rusty with TKs T'klik'chik, oasis guardian CR 12 N thri-kreen male druid 9 Init: +6 AC: 19 (+6 dex +3 natural armor); touch 16, flat footed 13 HD: 2d8+9d8+33 hp: 87 Fort:+10 Ref:+12 Will:+12 Speed: 40ft Base Atk: +6 Grapple: +8 Abilities: Str 14 Dex 22 Con 16 Int 8 Wis 16 Cha 4 Melee: claw +14 (damage 1d6+2) or bite +14 (damage d4+2) & poison (DC 14 1d6 con/paralysis) Full Atk: 4 claws +14 (damage 1d6+2) and +12 bite (damage 1d4+1) & poison Skills: balance +8, climb +4, hide +8, move silently +9, listen +5, jump +36, spot +7, survival +13, concentration +8, knowledge (nature) +8 Feats: deflect arrows (bonus), wastelander, improved natural attack, multiattack, weapon finesse Spells known (6/5/5/4/2/1) : DC 22 0) defiler scent, nurturing seeds, create element, detect poison, detect magic, know direction 1) plant renewal, endure elements, entangle, charm animal, cure light wounds 2) bulls strength, sleep, barkskin, clear water, summon swarm 3) eye of the storm, surface walking, poison, call lightning 4) elemental strike, cure serious wounds 5) conversion Posessions: none Hooks: 'krit krit...the fleshlings liver is mine' 'k'kkrt!' 'you are but a hatchling, with much to learn' |
#17KamelionNov 05, 2007 11:47:41 | Well, you don't get iterative attacks due to high BAB with natural weapons like claws, so that needs addressing. And unless you use full attack, you generally only get 1 attack per round, regardless of your BAB. Stats aside, though, I do want to say that I absolutely love your flavourful hooks. They are a real treat to read (Barunus really cracked me up!). Nice one. |
#18chahirNov 05, 2007 20:25:02 | Dammit! I knew there was something wonky about those attacks. Okay, break it down for me and show me where and how I am wrong. My understanding was that: BAB: +6/+1 +dex (weapon finesse): +12/+7 Here T'klik'chik is only attacking with one claw. He can, as a full attack action, opt to: attack with his three other limbs at -2 (multiattack)= +12/+7/+10/+10/+10 or bite =+12/+7/+12 Frankly, I dont think the PCs will end up fighting T'klik, but I am kinda interested in how his natural attacks go. Its giving me all kinds of nasty ideas about TK monk/psychic warriors ![]() Thanks about the hooks. They remind me of those computer RPGS where the NPCs keep repeating the same things no matter how many times you ask them. |
#19KamelionNov 06, 2007 5:27:54 | OK, his BAB is +8 (+2 from being a 2HD monstrous humanoid and +6 from 9 levels of druid). His basic melee attack is either claw at +14 (damage d4+2) or bite at +14 (damage d4+2 - weapon finesse applies to the bite as well, it isn't just limited to one weapon) or a weapon at whatever (+14 if it is finesse, +10 if it isn't, damage +2). He never gets iterative attacks with his claw or bite - iterative attacks due to a high BAB are for manufactured weapons only, they don't apply to natural weapons. Also, it is generally the case that multiple natural weapons of the same type are never split into primary and secondary attacks. So if you have 2 claws, both are primary attacks. For the kreen, this means that all four claws are primary attacks and have the same attack score when making a full attack. His full attack would then be 4 claws +14 (damage d4+2) and bite +12 (damage d4+1 - the bite drops to being a secondary attack when used as part of a full attack.) He could add weapons into the full attack, but if he does so, the weapon becomes primary and his claws and bite become secondary. The weapon, however, would get iterative attacks (+14/+9 if it's finesse, +10/+5 if not). So if he wields a short sword, he could have a full attack that looks like this: shortsword +14/+9 (damage d6+2), 3 claws +12 (damage d4+1), 1 bite +12 (damage d4+1). If he wants to add more weapons into that mix (or use double-ended weapons like the gythka), he can, but he should take Two Weapon Fighting or Multiweapon Fighting to offset the penalties, or it's not worthwhile. Oh, and he doesn't need really Improved Unarmed Strike, as he is never unarmed due to having natural weapons. As for thri-kreen monks and psychic warriors... nasty. I had one in my game a while back and it was a horror to behold (thri kreen fighter 2/monk 2/psychic warrior 1). Adding monk into the mix really ups the complexity, but it can be done. For the monk, one of the things that you need to remember is the the monk's unarmed attack is just that: unarmed. So it doesn't apply to natural weapons (which, in a quirk of 3e rules are never considered to be unarmed attacks - a creature with natural weapons is always armed.) So a kreen monk could use unarmed attack, but it will use the monk damage and attack progression and you'd assume that he is whacking you with his elbow or sweeping you with his big kreen abdomen or something. Claws don't enter into it. (There is, however, a rough precedence that allows a kreen monk to add his bite attack to any monk attack routine, and I've always allowed that too.) And the kreen's unarmed attacks do lethal damage if it wants. A kreen monk could make an unarmed flurry, which (as normal) applies a -2 penalty to all other attacks. If the kreen monk has monk weapons, it can use these singly, in multiple claws and/or in combination with its unarmed attacks. Also don't forget that flurries can only be made by unarmoured characters - this isn't usually an issue for kreen, but the 3e PHB does allow for armour to be made for non-humanoid characters at a higher cost, so it might arise as an issue. |
#20PennarinNov 06, 2007 14:00:01 | Since you might be answering questions, Kam... :D Could a Colossal drik take Weapon Finesse for its natural attacks? And when a creature passes from one size category to the other...MM doesn't mention if speed increases/decreases. Does it? |
#21KamelionNov 06, 2007 14:33:13 | Since you might be answering questions, Kam... :D Stalker!!! :D Could a Colossal drik take Weapon Finesse for its natural attacks? Yes it can. Natural weapons are always considered light weapons. Why it would wish to do so with a Strength of 44 and a Dex of only 13 is another matter entirely ;) And when a creature passes from one size category to the other...MM doesn't mention if speed increases/decreases. Does it? No, a creature's speed does not alter when it changes size. You can, of course, rule that it does if that takes your fancy, but there's nothing in the RAW that requires it. |
#22PennarinNov 06, 2007 15:47:01 | Yes it can. Natural weapons are always considered light weapons. Why it would wish to do so with a Strength of 44 and a Dex of only 13 is another matter entirely ;) Euh...put that down to my job. Can't think straight during the daytime, unless the word cellphone is in the thought ![]() No, a creature's speed does not alter when it changes size. You can, of course, rule that it does if that takes your fancy, but there's nothing in the RAW that requires it. Thanks. Also, PH does not mention what happens when a creature with a natural speed of more than 30 wears medium or heavy armor, as the "speed reduction" table is for characters with 30 or 20 of speed...but here I got a character with 40 of speed. Stalker!!! Who's stalking who, freak?! :D |
#23KamelionNov 06, 2007 15:59:16 | Also, PH does not mention what happens when a creature with a natural speed of more than 30 wears medium or heavy armor, as the "speed reduction" table is for characters with 30 or 20 of speed...but here I got a character with 40 of speed. Speed 40 gets reduced to speed 30 (the expanded table is on DMG page 20.) Who's stalking who, freak?! I've called the police, you know! :P |
#24chahirNov 06, 2007 17:13:50 | Thanks, y'all. All your bases are belong to us ![]() I think that A Little Knowledge has been converted to 3.5 to the best of my ability to do so. Kamelion, the helpful feedback and breakdown of the TK attacks was a big help. Cheers for dispensing gameslore so freely :D The info u provided has also made me very careful about allowing TK PCs in case they break the game. There is some serious potential for munchkinism in there! Chahir |
#25KamelionNov 06, 2007 17:41:38 | Any time ![]() |
#26PennarinNov 06, 2007 17:48:29 | I miss Kam, and always envied his knowledge, so if i could only eat his...euh I mean pick his brain, he would always be with me, in my gullet...make that heart ![]() ![]() |
#27chahirNov 07, 2007 0:27:10 | That picture freaked me out just now ![]() I was wondering, now that A Little Knowledge is done, which flipbook adventure I should try my hand at? I ask for suggestions because some of the ones I have seen were pretty dire (e.g. I DESPISE Black Flames as an unmitigated railroad despite its unbearably cool cover art, and consider Farcluun possibly the most annoying DS character ever created) and would like to see which ones you would like to see statted out or have already converted. As is, I think Ill go with Freedom and work my way from there. |
#28KamelionNov 07, 2007 2:29:22 | I miss Kam, and always envied his knowledge, so if i could only eat his...euh I mean pick his brain, he would always be with me, in my gullet...make that heart Hey! That's my brain! Don't eat that - I need that! Noooo! mmmnnnnnngggggggggggrrrrrr..... (Chahir, I did some conversion notes on Freedom a couple of the others adventures a while back - drop me an email through my profile and I'll send you what I have.) |
#29squidfur-Nov 07, 2007 20:20:23 | When running this adventure, those looking to stay true to cannon material might want to make note of Lyanius, Urhnomus (founder) of Kled from the novels and setting material. Baranus is only mentioned in this adventure, so his leadership comes into question. One option you might consider: Baranus is simply an alias of Lyanius - dwarves are known to have many names according to their achievements. |
#30chahirNov 08, 2007 2:23:01 | I agree. Considering dwarven lifespans, I fail to see how Baranus and Lyanius could be different people. |
#31KamelionNov 08, 2007 7:29:19 | I ruled that Barunus was simply extremely old and died within a few months of the PCs' visit to Kled in the adventure. Lyanius was his son, and appeared in the background during the visit, taking up his father's position after his death (not that he was much younger himself, heh heh...) |
#32phoenix_mNov 08, 2007 12:40:49 | With a fine tooth comb I've started going over you work, Here's some of the errors and questions I have found: Caravan Guard: You seem to have missed the -1 hit/damage penalty for Obsidian on the Shortsword. The Init is of by one (they should have a +2 based on Dex) Mindbender: Why is the CR labeled as being a 2? The Attribute modifiers are missing from the saves. You're shy by two Feats (human, first level, third level, Psion 1, Psion 5). What is the source on that desert burnoose, or if it's homebrew how'd you do that (I want one BTW)? Jura Dai tribesmen: CR should be 2 not 3 (Warrior counts as one less). Flat Footed AC should be 12. Tuga Dai Init should be +3 based on Dex. Missing Class Bonus Feats. I’ll get more to you as I find them. |
#33chahirNov 08, 2007 13:00:52 | Thanks, much appreciated. Caravan Guard: while the to hit was indeed off, the damage (d6+1) was correct, since +2 (str)-1=1 Mindbender: noted and corrected The desert burnoose is just a homebrew thing thought up spur of the moment, but you cant have one unless you sign on a house Resherek argosy :D Jura Dai tribesmen: the CR was 2. Flat Footed AC should be 12. Right Tuga Dai Init should be +3 based on Dex. Missing Class Bonus Feats. Yup Nice one, Phoenix_M. I cant believe I overlooked so many errors despite going over the stat blocks several times. Chahir |
#34phoenix_mNov 08, 2007 14:27:10 | The desert burnoose is just a homebrew thing thought up spur of the moment, but you cant have one unless you sign on a house Resherek argosy :D ![]() ![]() I'm sure there's a blackmarket someplace that has them, but my group is just trying to figure out the math on such a thing. A +3 is an odd number in D&D. How about this Psionic, Magic or Mundane? |
#35chahirNov 08, 2007 23:39:50 | Woops, its actually supposed to be a 2, there. Its a mundane item of exceptional manufacture. |
#36mouthymercNov 09, 2007 6:59:00 | Nice one, Phoenix_M. I cant believe I overlooked so many errors despite going over the stat blocks several times. Having done NPC stat blocks in the industry, I can tell you that no one is perfect. As much as we try to eliminate any errors, they still sneak through here or there. You've done well. I'd have have done up stats, but I prefer the Paizo race stats to the stuff. I get the feeling that most prefer the athas stuff, so I'll leave it to people with more familiarity. I did do stats for this adventure using my own homebrew stuff back when 3.0 came out, but I have no idea where they went to now. |
#37chahirNov 09, 2007 7:44:05 | Thanks for the encouragement mouthymerc! I tend to lean towards the Paizo race stats myself, with the notable exception of the Half Giant, which I find gets absolutely shafted! I did this conversion with because I dont have access to the Paizo articles at work. Would a combination of the two be balanced (Paizo stats for races except half giant)? Chahir |
#38mouthymercNov 09, 2007 10:43:01 | Thanks for the encouragement mouthymerc! No problem. I tend to lean towards the Paizo race stats myself, with the notable exception of the Half Giant, which I find gets absolutely shafted! Paizo used the half-giant from the EPH, which I prefer. Just my personal taste. |
#39chahirNov 10, 2007 7:05:37 | Really ![]() I would really love to hear the reasons why, since I have always somewhat instinctively shied away from a 1/2 giant that seems to be quite weak compared to the other racial variant introduced in Paizo. Youll routinely have muls being stronger, which I find strange. Anyway, I await your thoughts on the issue BTW I will get started on freedom just as soon as I manage to level up my WoW rogue :D Chahir |
#40mouthymercNov 10, 2007 7:56:35 | Really Well, all things being equal, muls are not any stronger than the EPH half-giant. they both have the same Strength modifier (+2), but the EPH half-giant has their trait Powerful Build. So, even if they both had a Strength of 18 (16+2), the half-giant gains a +4 to grapple checks, can lift 2x in weight, or is considered one size larger for the purpose of adverse effects when it would be advantageous for him. Can a mul have a higher Strength? Sure, but so could a half-giant. I like the fact that the EPH half-giant can be any class. The half-giant can only, effectively, be a fighter or barbarian (or gladiator, if you use that class). I find that rather narrow. While races can definately have a leaning towards another class, this one has tipped over. The hoops you would have to go through to make a half-giant wizard, sorcerer, druid or cleric are terrible. It should not be that hard. Then there is the size issue. This is a bit of a metagame issue for me, though. I dislike their size at 10-12 feet. Having to make sure that the half-giant could go most places with the rest of the party and be effective is a bit tedious. In most 10 foot corridors, he would always be crouched over and penalized. I didn't like always have to take that into account. As I said, though, that was more of a metagame issue. Just some thoughts. Sorry to derail this thread. If you want to continue, we can get a new thread, although I'm pretty sure this has been discussed before. |
#41chahirNov 10, 2007 12:51:24 | Ah soo... ![]() Thanks for your clarification, espacially on the typecasting of the 1/2 giant. While my own feeling is that the races potential carreers are pretty much dictated to a great extent by its size and strength, I do agree that a more balanced approach might be preferable in some cases. Also, as you pointed out, the size does get to be a bit of a pain (for the players rather than myself naturally) :D Chahir |
#42squidfur-Nov 10, 2007 21:19:20 | I ruled that Barunus was simply extremely old and died within a few months of the PCs' visit to Kled in the adventure. Lyanius was his son, and appeared in the background during the visit, taking up his father's position after his death (not that he was much younger himself, heh heh...) The problem with that is on p.79 of the Crimson Legion where Lyanius explains "I found Kemalok two hundred years ago." He then goes on to explain that he worked alone at first, in the excavation. Which would definately mean that he's the founder. Baranus claims the same in the adventure. |
#43KamelionNov 11, 2007 3:54:48 | The problem with that is on p.79 of the Crimson Legion where Lyanius explains "I found Kemalok two hundred years ago." He then goes on to explain that he worked alone at first, in the excavation. Which would definately mean that he's the founder. One of them is a liar! I recommend a cage-fight to settle the matter! |
#44chahirNov 11, 2007 4:54:47 | Here here. Nothing like a pair of geriatric dwarves duking it out beneath the blood red sun...:D What would be the mods for an inix bone zimmer frame! |
#45chahirNov 12, 2007 15:39:15 | Started running the adventure yesterday with following party: elan psion(egoist) 3 1/2 giant (no class levels) elf wizard 3 And boy were those caravan guards tough! ![]() Their teamwork and rotate lines feats were BRUTAL!!! Which was kinda the intention, though ![]() The high point was when confronted by the remaining 5 guards (I toned it down from 12 because the PCs were hurting) after returning to scavenge the burnt out caravan... After insulting the PCs and demandind water (which they didnt have) the guards lock shields and advance. The elf wizard moves back, defiles to empower a magic missile and rolls max damage on the leader. All remaining guards fail morale checks and rout. Two are pulverised by the half giants makeshift club as they scamper away (cleave is always good) ![]() Anyways, I had forgotten the Aarakocra, who the PCs will soon be acquainted with, so here they are: Aarakocra marauders CR 4 (2) NE aarakocra male scout 3 Init: +5 AC: 16 (+4 dex, +1 natural, +1 skirmish); touch 15 HD: 3d8 hp: 12 Fort:+2 Ref:+7 Will:+2 Speed: 20ft/60ft fly Melee: +5 (bone-tipped lance) 1d6/x2 (2d6+1d6 if aerial attack) Ranged: +6 (shortbow) 1d6/x2 (+1d6 if skirmishing) Base Atk: +2 Grapple: +3 Abilities: Str 12 Dex 19 Con 10 Int 10 Wis 13 Cha 8 Feats: uncanny dodge(bonus), flyby attack, weapon finesse Skills: hide +10 move silently +10, spot +7 (+13 in daylight), listen +7, balance +10, tumble +10, survival +7, knowledge (geography) +6 Possessions: bonetipped lance, feather talisman, short-bow, 8 flint-tipped arrows Special: aerial attack I have a feeling the PCs will not like these guys very much at all. Chahir |
#46chahirNov 13, 2007 5:46:18 | Okay, time to get cracking with Freedom! Firstly, I will note that I find the white haired dwarf on the cover very fitting, except, of course, for the fact that Athasian dwarves are supposed to be bald. A freakish throwback to less advanced times, perhaps... I also want to thank Kamelion for providing some excellent notes on the adventure converted straight from the master NPC table. I have generally beefed them up a bit and added some stuff I though cool and/or appropriate. Finally, I want to solicit opinions on the extent to which the railroad in part one to capture the PCs and have them end up in the slave pens can be remedied without fundamentally changing the adventure. With that said... PART ONE 1A: Elf Brawl Prithen and Nandlex CR 4 (2) NE male elf rogue 3/elf paragon 1 Init: +3 AC: 15 (+3 dex, +2 crodlu leather); touch 13 HD: 3d6-3 plus 1d8-1 hp:19 Fort:+0 Ref:+8 Will:+3 Speed: 40ft Base Atk: +2 Grapple: +3 Abilities: Str 13 Dex 17 Con 8 Int 12 Wis 15 Cha 11 Melee: +3 (MW bone dagger) 1d4/19-20 x2 Skills:hide +10, move silently +10, search +12, open locks +7, sleight of hand +8, tumble +10, spot +12, listen +10, bluff +8, survival +6 Feats: combat reflexes, vexing flanker posessions: 3d4 (7) bits, 2d4 (3) cp, finely woven elven burnoose, supple crodlu leather vest Hooks: 'Cur of a human woman!' 'Elven ears on a human body, we ought to cut them off' 'And thats for staining my clothes with blood, vermin' 1B: Serious Offence Slave-bodyguards of Lord Verrasi CR 5(3) LE male human dwarf Init: +1 AC: 19/17/17 (+2 dex, +4 kank chitin corselet, +2 shield); touch 12 HD: 5d12+10/+20 hp:48/58 Fort:+6/+8 Ref:+3 Will:+2 Speed: 30ft 20ft Base Atk: +5 Grapple: +8/+12 Abilities: Str 16 Dex 15 Con 15 18 Int 10 Wis 13 Cha 10 Melee: +9 (MW stone bastard sword) 1d10+4/18-20x2 +7/+7 (wrist razor)1d6+3/+1 /17-20 x2 +7/+7 (gythka)1d10+3/+1 /x2 Skills:bluff +8, sense motive +8, tumble +7, balance +6, intimidate (str variant) +8, climb +4, jump +4 Feats: armor optimisation (chitin), uncanny dodge (b), improved feint (b), 2xEWP(wrist razor & gythka), improved unarmed strike (b), weapon focus, TWF/ power attack , posessions: chitin corselet incised with arms of house Minthur, linen kilt, 2d6 (7) lead beads Hooks: 'Move, rabble!' 'Make way for Lord Verrasi, peasants!' 'What hole in the desert did you crawl out of ?' |
#47chahirNov 14, 2007 16:51:57 | On with the conversion !![]() 1C: Preservers! Mahlanda, Veiled Allliance operative CG female human wizard 3 Init: +3 AC: 15 (+3 dex, +2 crodlu leather); touch 13 HD: 3d4+3 hp:11 Fort:+2 Ref:+4 Will:+6 Speed: 30ft Base Atk: +1 Grapple: +2 Abilities: Str 13 Dex 17 Con 13 Int 17 Wis 16 Cha 14 Melee: +2 (quarterstaff) 1d6+1/x2 Skills:concentration +7, spellcraft +9, decipher script +9, knowledge (arcana) +9, knowledge (local) +8, bluff +8, literacy (Tyr) Feats: summon familiar (b), scribe scroll (b), still spell, silent spell Spells: 0) 4 detect magic, read magic, mage hand, message 1) 3 magic missile, mage amour, charm person 2) 2 alter self, levitate posessions: dress with concealed spellbook, bone earrings, copper bracelet, 2d6 (5) cp 11 bits 2 lb Hooks: 'Its been so long! How is your family?' 'I dont come here often, but Ive been told the roast inix is to die for' 'Remember that time when...' I'll Get to Mandax and his buddies Berech and Tuvaj (made the last two up :P ) later. Chahir |
#48chahirNov 15, 2007 7:39:53 | Mandax, Berech and Tuvaj, lower middling bureaucrats in Riot Control assigned to patrol the warrens for VA activity and round up slaves for Ziggurat construction LE male human templar 5 Init: +1 AC: 18 (+1, +5 agafari breastplate, +2 shield); touch 11; flat footed 17 HD: 5d8 hp: 26 Fort:+4 Ref:+2 Will:+4 Speed: 30ft Base Atk: +3 Grapple: +5 Abilities: Str 14 Dex 12 Con 11 Int 13 Wis 10 Cha 15 Melee: +6 (steel sword) 1d8+2/19-20x2 or +4 (bone dirk) 1d4+1/x2 Skills:concentration +8, bluff +10, diplomacy +12, sense motive +10, knowledge (local) +9, gather information +6 Feats: teamwork, negotiator, weapon focus (long sword) Spells: DC 12+spell level 0) 6+a: detect magic (a), defiler scent, light, read magic, resistance, guidance, detect poison 1) 7+a: bless (a), cause fear, comprehend languages, cure light wounds, cure LW, inflict LW, sanctuary, shield of faith 2) 5+a: hold person (a), bears endurance, bull's strength, zone of truth, cure MW, inflict MW Posessions: black cassock, purse (20% chance of 1d4 sp, 4d6 cp, 2d20 bits, 3d10 lead beads), sigil, steel sword, breastplate and greaves of polished agafari Hooks: 'Obeisance, reverence and respect for mighty Kalak!' 'Silence! 'You dare adress a royal official in that tone of voice?' 'Where is the preserver witch!' 'Take 'em to the pens' |