Uchrony, alternative History.



Nov 25, 2007 5:55:55
"Orcs are from Mars and elfs from Venus".

I have though about a low-level magic setting based in the History of our real world, but with some changes to doing more politically correct.

The patriarch Abraham and Sarai never existed (in this fictional world). Judaism, Christianism and Islam are totally unknown. But there is a monotheism religion, the Atonism, founded by Sinuhe, a Egiptian who made a sacred pact of Aliance with "Who exists". If a Christian player (I am it) could ask about it, the Passion of Christ isn´t mentionated because only a time in our reality is enough, and I don´t like the idea of Jesus being crucified ir one of each parallel universe, with a different Church in each one (a great headache about teology questions. Isn´t it?).

Here the pagan deities (Olimpian, Pharaonic, Asgardian and others....) are reals, but they aren´t omnipotent nor omniconscious. They are a bit like..."superheroes" from comics. In fact some deities like Atenea or Hercules are secretly monotheists.

The gunpowder is discovered, but isn´t used in great battles because deities punish this "dishonoured weapon". The electric motors is knows too, but the copyrights are too expensives, a people doesn´t like machine because in the past lots of them were "cursed" and animated to kill whole people... (like the 1986 movie "Maximum Overdrive" by Stephen King).

Mars and Venus are planest with life, but they are the land of the high fantasy creatures (dragons, dinosaurs,rocs...). Mars is a wolrd like Dark Sun setting (and a bit of Conan universe), and Venus is homeland of fays and fantasy civilations (elfs, eladrin, orcs, hobgoblings....).

And there is a multiverse, it means characters of a Earth can taking part in conflict of other parallel earths (for example, in one Earth Alexander the Great is a heroe and in other a villain, a cruel tyran). If you want you can put "visitors" from a higher tecnology civilation (like TV serie Stargate SG-1 or Stargate Atlantis). These visitors could having faiths from our real world.

The biggest dificoulty is about the background, because when I want creating characters (or places) I don´t know how namening them... I can find a lot of information about History in some books and webs like wikipedia, but anytimes isn´t enoguh. What if in my campaing Rome was defeated by the Etruscans or the Carthaginians/Phoenicians? or Xerxes I of Persia would have winned the battle of Thermopylae (the 300)?