Sewer Rats Adventure



Nov 29, 2007 11:24:29
I'm going to be starting a campaign in Dark Sun (my favorite setting that I've only read, never played) and I was thinking I'd do a under-city dungeon crawl in which the Templars get the enslaved PCs to fix some problem that might be affecting the water supply. How realistic would "sewers" be in Dark Sun? And if possible, what would be a good starting city for them? I'm only running the campaign with the material, but I've also got the boxed set Ivory Triangle that describes the city-states Gulg and Nibenay, so I might start in Nibenay. But there's no mention of any water system the city uses.

Thanks for any help.


Nov 29, 2007 11:44:19
Tyr was built over the ruins of an ancient halfling city, so it has an underground complex (called UnderTyr) that could be used like that. I think Saragar would be the only city that has an actual sewer system, perhaps New Kurn too.


Nov 29, 2007 12:09:36
This is completely unofficial, but in my game, nearly every city has at least an older city under it to some extent. The idea is that the SKs claimed the pre-existing cities as their own, so each city is hundreds if not thousands of years old.
I assumed that since Tyr had and undercity and sewer system, then so would the other major cities (that's a lot of people, and a lot of waste water--something that should never go to waste in Athas!). In (my) Nibenay the sewers are designed to drain into a crude quasi-natural refinement system and be churned back into the city water supply via the heated waters of the Reservoir. This system is run by the Nobles who run the Water Works and the Priests of the Temple of Elemental Water.
Also, my notes/designs are based loosely on a managery of real world ancient culture sewer systems including the Roman.
Hope that helps!


Nov 29, 2007 20:17:38
Like it was mentionned, no city should have sewers besides Saragar and New Kurn.

What some cities have are underground water supplies, i.e. natural lakes or reservoirs chiseled out of solid rock. In the novels, Urik has such a reservoir, and "under-people" leaving around it: disenfranchised, rejected, fringe people.

With all the concrete and stone that keeps Tyr up, there could be a reservoir system there. There was a river at one time at ground level...perhaps its now underground.


Nov 30, 2007 10:23:18
At least one of the official adventures (Dragon's Crown) has sewers under urik (granted, it's called "The Disused Sewer") so I suppose at least in Urik there -are- sewers. Whether or not they were sewers from the ancient Green Age city where Urik once stood or not is of course debatable.

I don't see Tyr having any sewers, but that's what UnderTyr is for, and who knows, the city whereupon Tyr was built might have had sewers and some might be in some manner of use still. When I first played Dark Sun our DM did run some adventures in a semi-abandoned sewer system under Tyr, partially populated by Tari (speaking of Sewer Rats, heh). The sewers were connected to a cave system which linked to parts of UnderTyr, and I'm re-using his maps in my current campaign.

It's good fun, and does not exactly break verisimilitude.


Nov 30, 2007 19:37:06
I know for sure that under Thamasku there is a sewer system grown from a life-shaped organism during the Rhulisti era.

Tyr'agi is older than Thamasku and althought I dont remember reading that it has a sewer, I assume it does. So althought the Tyrians arent using it (probably dont even know it exist) I thing it's there. It's just not use as a sewer system.
The known under tyr is not a huge "underdark". It is canon knowledge that there are a lot of under Tyr areas reachable from above and even some linked with each other but most of them are not. Simply said you cannot enter from the north in under Tyr and reach south of the under city with out returning to the surface several times. (for example)
On the other hand if one could find a way to reach the sewer system of old Tyr'agi.......


Nov 30, 2007 19:40:50
All of the City-States were major cities during the Green Age; as such they probably all had sewers at one time. And as mentioned they are all also extremely old. At least 3-4 thousand years some of them probably much older. If you want them to have undercities and or sewers then there is plenty of justification for either or both, they just wouldn't likely have much water in them. Of course most if not all of the city-states have some sort of underground reservoir as well, which is probably the only part of the undercity that sees any official use and would be well guarded (even magically warded) to protect the cities water supply.