Post/Author/DateTime | Post |
#1phoenix_mDec 26, 2007 19:09:29 | Does any have a 3.5 version of her, or willing to hint on her stats from the one box set I do not own - "Ivory Triangle" Please & Thanks... |
#2PennarinDec 26, 2007 19:18:54 | Background info would need to be fleshed out beforehand to even start stating her. Plus that wild talent of hers is quite the thing: Is it a new power, a psi-like ability? Is she a mutant, like a New Race, and it's a supernatural ability of hers? need to think about all of that, that is, if you want it done professionally and not half-assed :P |
#3phoenix_mDec 26, 2007 21:06:04 | Background info would need to be fleshed out beforehand to even start stating her. I think there's more information on her than some of the other write-ups I've seen around here ;) Plus that wild talent of hers is quite the thing: Is it a new power, a psi-like ability? Is she a mutant, like a New Race, and it's a supernatural ability of hers? Whole heartedly agree there. need to think about all of that, that is, if you want it done professionally and not half-assed :P Done at all would be nice, I can work things out from there. |
#4ZardnaarDec 26, 2007 21:19:40 | I would make her wild talent a variation of the Calm Emotions spell with a duration of 1 day per level or something like that. Some sort of Templar/Psion PrC maybe as her talent would be a 4th or 5th level power methinks. |
#5phoenix_mDec 26, 2007 22:37:34 | Here's what I know for certain: Siemhouk: Human, Female, Age:14 (in unknown year) Born in Naggaramakam, Mother was a Templar and died in child birth, Nibenay believes the mother has lived on in Siemhouk. Currently head templar of Nibenay City-State, Supposedly Dhojakt (Nibenay's son) is her body guard. She has a wild talent that prevents or stops bestial rage. Only information on statistics I could find ‘Templar 15/Psionic 4’ (or 14 sources vary) and Lawful Evil in alignment. I'm sure there is more flavor text on her and her history in other sources - I'm going off the Veiled Alliance information mostly. Siemhouk has a prevailing NPC role in The Marauders of Nibenay as some sort of guide through Naggaramakam (or something like that – I play, not GM Dark Sun). |
#6PennarinDec 27, 2007 13:42:14 | I've come up with the idea that Dhojakt's main role in Nibenay's domain is the protection of Siemhouk. His involvement with Sadira in the Pentad would have been secondary. This can be a bit of info to add to her background. As for that power, D&D rules don't allow for powers of a level higher than 1st to be used as a Hidden Talent. I would imagine its duration to be 1 day, so that Nibenay always needs to have her close at hand. |
#7phoenix_mDec 27, 2007 22:15:23 | Dhojakt as a body guard - That's where I read that, brilliant idea. Her abilities don't need to be a Hidden (or in 2ed. Wild) Talent, it could simply be written up as a unique special ability labeled as a wild talent. 1 day duration sounds about right to me as well. I feel this Abate Rage is going to be the single hardest part on her write-up. Wait a minute, Abate Rage, there's a Forgotten Realms spell by that name, need to look and see if I have that book. It's a spell aimed at dealing with the "Rage of Dragon's" disease/charm. |
#8ZardnaarDec 28, 2007 1:27:16 | Abate Dracorage is on page 112 of Dragons of Faerun. It has a duration of one day a level and could easily be converted to a Psionic Power. The spell is designed for Faeruns Dracorage but a resemble conversion to Athas should allow it to work on the Dragons rage there form the transformation but treat it as a iunique psi power Siemhouk has perhaps (or at least no one else has yet). Calm Dracorage psionic power perhaps if someone would like to stat it up or I can do it along with a Templar/Psion PrC (a dirty conversion would be to make the Mystic Theurge a Psionic Theurge or has wizo\s done that already?) |
#9PennarinDec 28, 2007 1:28:09 | A 1st-level power whose sole purpose is to increase the chances a dragon will successfully shrug off the dragon rage...would need to confer a very small bonus, since it's 1st-level. Could be augmentable, though, and thus have that bonus increase steadily the more you pump PPs in the power. Checking out the Dragon document by would provide a definition of the dragon rage and what form this bonus could thus take. I would say Dhojakt is literally a bodyguard to Siemhouk whenever she needs to be moved from one Nibenese complex to another, but otherwise I see him as head administrator to the most important and unofficial bureau in Nibenay, the Bureau of Siemhouk Protection, or BSP :D Seriously though, he would have near unlimited power and ressources to make sure that plans by curious Veiled Alliance cells, templar spies from other cities, or outright moves by internal or external forces to kidnap or kill Siemhouk are thwarted. |
#10phoenix_mDec 29, 2007 3:17:54 | Alright, read and re-read the Dragon PrC, all that I could find regarding the "Animalistic Rampage" is the last paragraph in Metamorphosis 5 – 9 The changes made at this point cause the dragon to enter a period of uncontrolled savagery known as its animalistic rampage, which lasts a number of months equal to the backlash roll from this spell, during which time the character's reason is superseded by a lust for destruction and power. Any plants (and animals in the case of dragons that have taken the athasian dragon PrC) become a source of hatred for the dragon, rivaling that of an undead creature’s hatred for the living, and are laid waste in the dragon’s unending wrath. This savage need for destruction comes from the incredible pain that wracks the dragon’s body during this stage of the metamorphosis. No longer their original race, but not quite a full dragon yet, its need to end the process nearly drives it mad. Per DM choice, the character may become an NPC during this period. There's nothing there that, in my opinion, can't be dealt with by way of a simple "Calm Emotion" with an extented duration. I'm not sure if we even need to adjust the Abate Dracorage as the mechanical effects are not compatable. BTW thanks for that Zardnaar, I looked throught my books for it, but my 'Dragon's of Faerun' is loaned out at the moment. P.S. - I'm only quoting parts of the Dragon PrC for ease of reference, if there's a problem I'll be happy to remove it from this post. |
#11PennarinDec 29, 2007 10:31:32 | AFAIK the animalistic rampage provides a save. And no, a simple calm emotions would not cut it, as the character is not filled with rage - the emotion - but is rather afflicted by a condition. |
#12ZardnaarDec 29, 2007 15:22:02 | Just trying to keep things simple and the Dracorage and rage from Draconic transformation are kinda similar in effects. Its an easy conversion of you wanted a mechanical explaniation for her power. Even on Faerun though the Abate Dracorage spell is a new one. The easiest conversion would be just to have it apply to draconic transformation, convert it to a psionic power and let Siemhouk use it. I'm a big fan of the KISS principle. Another way to let here use it is to design a series of feats. Various spells/powers can duplicate feat effects and on other worlds (Eberron and Faerun come to mind) you can get up to level 6 spells by taking feats. On Eberron for example you can take Dragonmark feats and if you take 3 of them I think you end up with the ability to cast 3 1st level spells, 2 3rd level spells and 1 6th level spell once per day (the spells are from a specific list BTW). Take the wild talent feat and design a feat tree around it which could end up giving you higher level psionic powers. As written Pennarin the calm emotions (read the spell description not the title) will calm a raging Dragon down- it just has a short duration. I have noticed that alot of the members of and a few of the hard core posters here on the Dark Sun forums tend to underestimate non epic spells. Example. A 1st level spell (Endure elements) negates the penalties from athas sun. A 2nd level spell can turn someone invisable or create a street light. A level 5 spell can raise you from the dead A level 9 spell can inflict 10d6 damage to everyone in a 10 mile radius per caster level (Apocalypse from the Sky)- even epic magic would have trouble doing that. I could see an improved version of calm emotions being 4th level and Abate Dracorage is exactly the effect Siemhouk can do. Theres a reason alot of people, complain magic is broken. I recommend a vist to the character optimisation boards , spells and magic or the classes boards every now and then. |
#13PennarinDec 29, 2007 15:36:13 | You can try to keep it simple, sure. For those wanting to have it being accurate, the power would need to work with the backlash damage of the epic spell, since that's what controls the duration of the rage. The power could allow you to sidestep the normal rules for the animalistic rampage (i.e. which lasts a number of months equal to the backlash roll from the spell), by stating that if the character having the power uses it on a dragon anytime during the casting time of the metamorphosis spell, the caster can, instead of automatically entering the animalistic rampage, try a very high DC saving throw or ability check (whatever) that would allow him to go on sidesteping the normal rules for another month, after which time the power must be manifested again with another saving throw or check, each month thus passing removing one month from the duration of the actual animalistic rampage if the dragon were to fail his save/check and enter a rampage. Bruno, you reading this? |
#14ZardnaarDec 29, 2007 16:16:44 | Well the spell effects would just suppress the Dragons rage for 1/day per level of the spell. Its kinda hard to describe without being able to reprint the spell Abate Dracorage. Personally I as a DM would have no issue adapting to for Athas as written. Just let it apply to the rage from the metamorphosis. Its more or less a direct conversion to a 4th level Psionic Power from there. As its unique to Siemhouk only she can use it perhaps she could teach another Psion it though. Siemhouk in 3.5 ed rules she could be a Templar 7/Psion3/Psionic Theurge4 which would let her use it or you could design a feat tree that lets her use a 4th level power. Dragons of Faerun is actually quite fluffy with a little bit of crunch and even if you don't like FR that book and Lost Empires of Faerun are almost worth getting for the expanded epic spells in them. Lost empires has epic spell seed Mythal in it. Mythal seed lets you put long lasting/permanent spell effects over a large area. On Darksun the wards of Saragar and Ur Draxa could be duplicated with this seed. Anyway on Faerun theres an ancient elven Mythal that effects the whole planet that drives Dragons nuts for a while. The global Mythal IIRC had an ad hoc +1000 modifier to the spells DC (they reduced it later by various means) and the save DC was in the 40's. Abate Dragonrage lets dragons function normally during that time. On Faerun the good dragons usually go to sleep, the Crystal Dragons leave Faerun for the outer planes and the evil dragons go on a flight of the dragons or somesuch and generally destroy lotsa stuff. Nice big technical terms:P Hell I could convert it in an hour or 2 if you want and make it feel Athasian without reprinting it verbatim from Dragons of Faerun. I'm kinda posting here and trying to play Mass Effect at the same time. |
#15ZardnaarDec 29, 2007 16:36:18 | Calm Dragon Telepathy Level: Psion/Wilder 4 Display: none Manifesting Time: standard action Range:Close (25 ft+5 ft/2 levels) Target: 1 Dragon Duration: 1 day/level Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Power Resistence: Yes Power Points: 7 This power calms a Dragon down that is going through the stages of Dragon metamophosis. The Dragon remains calm and can act normally for the duration of the power (maximum 20 days). As a side effect the Dragon cannot rage or frenzy if it has access to these abilities via a class feature or some other source. Special: This power is unique to Siemhouk and at the DMs discretion other beings capable of psionics may only learn of this power from Siemhouk. In any event Dragons cannot manifest or even learn this power. This version is different than the version in Dragons of Faerun which has addtional effects. I changed the manifesting time as well (DoF = 1 round). Calm Dragon was the 1st name I thought of. |
#16ZardnaarDec 29, 2007 17:22:15 | And some feat ideas. Wild Talents. Certain individuals may have access to psionic powers without actual levels in a Psionic class. All wild talents must be taken in the same discipline. Minor Wild Talent Prerequisite:None Benefit: You know a 1st level power of your choice. You also gain 1 power point. A saving throw (if applicable) against your wild talent has a DC of 10+level of power+ your Cha modifier. Your manifester level is 1 or your level in any psionic class (whichever is greater) Lesser Wild Talent Requirements: 9 ranks in any 2 skills, Minor Wild talent. Benefit: You know a 2nd or 3rd level psionic power of your choice. You gain 6 power points. A saving throw (if applicable) against your wild talent has a DC of 10+level of power+ your Cha modifier. Your manifester level rises to 6 or your level in any Psionic class (whichever is greater) Major Wild Talent Requiements:13 ranks in any 2 skills, Lesser Wild Talent Benefit: You know a 4th or 5th level psionic power of your choice. You also gain 15 power points. A saving throw (if applicable) against your wild talent has a DC of 10+level of power+ your Cha modifier. Your manifester level rises to nine or your level in any psionic class (whichever is greater). 3 feats lets you know 3 powers and gives you a total of 22 power points to power them with. SOmething like that. Perhaps the lesser one could grant an additional 1st level power known, and the greater one an addtional 2nd or 3rd level power. |
#17ruhl-than_sageDec 29, 2007 17:54:09 | I think Zardnaar got the right idea here if you are going to give stats to the power. I'm not sure why you would need to convert this power of that one, just make it do what it's supposed to do. Personally, I would reduce the duration at least a little. I might even for my own personal flavor have it be a sort of calming aura that she has as a supernatural ("Psionic") ability that begins to effect anyone who spends more then a minute in her presence. I think it would be interesting if The Shadow-King had to spend a couple of hours in her presence every day to keep his Dragon Rage at bay. Perhaps she might even sing lullabies to him, wash his feat, or brush his hair to calm him... that would just be creepy!!! :evillaugh Bottom line is, I think it is more interesting as a plot device then an explicitly spelled out power designed for common consumption. |
#18phoenix_mDec 29, 2007 19:28:50 | I'm still trying to figure out why people insist this ability in to a power manifestation. The flavor text on Siemhouk make her ability sound more like a unique 'special ability' the exception to the norm so to speak - like Hamannu is unique to the SK's, Sadira in unique to other mages, Dark Sun is a land of common exceptions. On the plus side I really like the Eberron - Dragon Mark idea, an ability/feat tree that grows with the character (Sorry, don't know a thing about Eberron). |
#19ZardnaarDec 29, 2007 19:46:17 | I'm still trying to figure out why people insist this ability in to a power manifestation. The flavor text on Siemhouk make her ability sound more like a unique 'special ability' the exception to the norm so to speak - like Hamannu is unique to the SK's, Sadira in unique to other mages, Dark Sun is a land of common exceptions. My last response a couple of posts back is a rough example of the Eberron Dragonmarked feats turned into a Psionic power. Essentially the Dragonmarked feats offer a a group of similar spells. The healing house for example offers various healing type spells (Cure lit wounds, remove disease etc) when you take the feats. example a least dragon mark will let you use Cure light wounds 1/day. Take the Lesser one and you can use Cure Serious Wounds once a day, and Cure light Wounds 2/day. Take the feat Greater Dragonmark and you can use Cure Lit Wounds 3/times a day, cure serious wounds 2/day and heal 1/day with a caster level of 9+ amount of levels in the Dragonmarked Heir prestige class. Each addtional dragonmark increases your caster level and lets you use each lesser power an additional time per day. Theres more spells you get to chose from as the above list is just one example. You can get level 6 spells at level 9 IIRC and theres 12 houses with a related spell list. The transprtation house for example get to choose movement type spells like fly and teleport as Dragonmarked spells. |
#20phoenix_mDec 30, 2007 3:27:06 | Yeah, I've seen the art for the dragon marks and figured it was some sort of expanding ability (mostly the from previews on the Wizard's site) never really knew the details though, thanks. Now I don't know the requirements for the Dragon Mark feats, please work with me here, but I think we should run with the concept: Least: Empathy? (1st level) Lesser: Calm Emotion? (? level) Greater: Calm Dragon (? level) But like I said; I don't think we should try to build this like a psionic manifestation, but rather as some form of a special ability or even a minor template/new race (think Genasi or tiefling, not tower freak) with maybe some other minor abilities designed to deal the dragon transformations (save bonus vs. dragon fear sounds good). Now FYI, I'm not wanting to build some uber-templar I just want to logically and with in current rules create an important character introduced in second edition. Now Zardnaar suggested Templar 7/Psion 3/Psionic Theurge 4 (another double progression broken PrC :nonono ![]() |
#21phoenix_mDec 30, 2007 5:46:29 | I put a this together thinking about my new race concept, it's not finished - for one I still need to figure out what to call it. "Nibenese Born", "Naggaramakam Born"... Aah... never mind that last one... Thoughts, over powered, under powered, comments, critique, heaven forbid flames - All that I ask is: Be gentle, it's my first time... ___NAME___ |
#22ZardnaarDec 30, 2007 6:28:17 | Slightly underpowered IMHO but its hard getting LA right. I would probably eliminate the minus 2 con. |
#23phoenix_mDec 30, 2007 17:50:30 | Ok going over "Estimating Level Adjustments" from Savage Species I'm rethinking the LA of this Ability Scores: by the DMG they balance +0 ECL. Size: base line +0 ECL. Speed: Base line for size +0 ECL. Bonus to saves: Not directly mentioned but does fall under the part "A single feature is not always worth a level adjustment, since characters of the standard races can often achieve the same result through (class features, magic items, or spells) In general, a special attack or special quality that a character of a standard race cannot duplicate is worth a +1 level adjustment." I'm figuring +0 ECL as it's weaker than the "Fearless" feat plus there are spells that can perform similarly. Psi-Like Abilities: Normally this is considered a +2, but for Dark Sun I'm calling it the same as Spell like Abilities and sense the way I've presented it, it does not exceed what a character could have access at the given levels +0 ECL. Natural Psionic: Not covered in Savage Species but based on the examples given in the Expanded Psionics Handbook I'm again calling this +0 ECL. Languages and Favored Class: Not Applicable. Lastly there is the “Acid Test” “Would you rather play this species, or a standard character of the same level?” For the time being I'm going to call Siemhouk a Level Adjustment +0 character. |
#24ZardnaarDec 30, 2007 19:51:50 | The problem with Savage Species is its 3.0 and they over estimated how powerful most races are. The only LA+1 race worth playing is Goliath and the only ECL+2 race I like is half vampire. done a good job with the LA on Mul, Half Giant, and reducing the Kreen from LA+2 down to +1. Your race is to good for LA+0 and slightly to weak for LA+1. |
#25cskDec 30, 2007 20:26:16 | Since there's no other character with this ability and so far as we know it only affects Nibenay, just give her: Calm Nibenay (Su): As long as Siemhouk spends at least X (hours/minutes/etc) per (day/week/month/etc) with Nibenay, he does not enter his dragon rage. If they don't spend enough time together, Nibenay enters his rage (at dawn/at dusk/immediately/etc). where X and the units are determined so as to be most useful for the campaign at hand. |
#26phoenix_mDec 30, 2007 22:21:28 | Actually what is said is: "She has the ability to allay bestial rages, and may be able to calm even those states that seize dragons as they advance toward maturity." Things to keep in mind is "may be able" and the lack of precise targets such as Nibenay or dragons. Nice try though CSK. Ok this is what I've come up with: Siemhouk (Unique-humanoid) |
#27harshDec 31, 2007 0:28:30 | This may not be received well, but I always thought of Siemhouk as a similar character to Alia, from Dune since (I believe) it was hinted at that she was wise and powerful beyond her years. That is how I have always treated her. Kind of a creepy, uber-powerful teen that no one sane would dare need have any stat interaction with. I am also assuming that the 2nd ed. material was written from the FY10 pov (or earlier), so with this character and the changes that occurred in FY10+, I have progressed her in age and ability as well. Just some thoughts. |
#28ZardnaarDec 31, 2007 2:44:57 | Siemhouk could be 24 y.o in FY 10. Alot of game material like that was set around the original boxed set. |
#29phoenix_mDec 31, 2007 6:56:55 | True, there are no date given in the "Arcane Shadows" or "Marauders of Nibenay" that I'm aware of. “The Ivory Triangle” does talk about the actions of Sadira (Defiling the Gardens) and the disappearance of Prince Dhojakt (who chased the Defiler away), but they say the Child Priest is "1 CC-year-old girl" (typo, original editing error, PDF conversion error – your guess is as good as mine right now) and if I’m remembering right those events took place around Freeyear 3 or 4. |
#30squidfur-Jan 03, 2008 16:14:20 | Beyond the Prism Pentad gives dates for all the [TSR] adventures. Freedom FY 1 Road to Urik FY2 Arcane Shadows FY 2 Asticlian Gambit FY 3 Dragon Crown FY 4 Black Flames FY 5 Merchants House of Amketch FY 5 Marauders of Nibenay FY 5 Black Spine FY 6 Forest Maker FY 7 City by the Silt Sea FY 10 The Taste of Fear (from Thri-kreen of Athas) FY 10 ...and novels The Verdant Pass FY 1 The Crimson Legion FY 2 The Amber Enchantress FY 3 The Obsidian Oracle FY 9 The Cerulean Storm FY 10 My copy of the City-State of Nibenay contains Siemhouk's age - 14 - as well as mention of Dhojakt's "recent" disappearance. So... Siemhouk would be 14 years old in FY 3. |
#31phoenix_mJan 03, 2008 17:41:13 | Knew that, unfortunatly the only thing given a date is "Marauders of Nibenay", Siemhouk is only refered to as "the Child Priest" in it. Her age is given as 14 in the Ivory Triangle, The Will and The Way, and the Veiled Alliance - but none of those have any dates given to them. On the "recent" part of Dhojakt's disappearance, missed that word reading through. So based on that we can asume an age of 14 in Free Year 3. Talk about a round and about way to determine a date... ![]() |